Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, October 27, 1920, Image 1

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, j
-A -
Thirty Ashland men sat down
in lloneer hall last
night to partake of a dinner fur-1
tllslied l (ha I....llnl A., I f .1,,,
mcHiuuiBi uuuicii. Aiier tne qui-: to 8.42 per cent. It is expiuineu
ner tho purpose, of tho gathering that this rate is by no means un
Was developed In brief addresses : reasonable wheu compared with
by a number, of thuso gathered 1 no interest churged to both Bel
around the board. glum and Switzerland in tne're-
' V. O. N. Smith was Ihe presid-Ceut loans mado by America.
Ing officer and stated that it was! The French newspapers, say
the plan and purpose to start aitho American nation, as repre
campalgu lu Juckson county to or- 8ellted by its government and con
ganlzo and establish a county Y.jgICss, hus shown itself to be far
M. C. A.
Prof. G. A. Briscoe, M. C. Reed,
TlAV W 1? Il.,n I ,. tit. Tlllflu. n(
. V , , r, !ueB" '"uo ,ur "l ", So favorably did Mr. Lee im
llood River, C. D. Lamkin, Rev. .eBt on the state loans advanced i ,, , ., . ...
Sit w t.K.,i , m... u . : " " . , (, iPrew congress that through the
i. ti . . iiuips ui ju.u.iv, ..uiiii j
jllllliiigs, John Rigg and John Rudd I
ot I'ortiunu, state secretary iorj
county Y. M. C. A. work. These I
'men all heartily endorsed the
plan and Messrs. Butler and Rudd
went more carefully Into the de -
tailed plans and explained the 1
.working of a county "Y."
It was decided that teams should!
sta--L at 10 o'clock Tuesday for a
canvass to raise the money to In-
' ..
stall a
fnntilv yAf.rAlnrv tin !
. .. . i. ...i...i
lllllOlllll ttllllOrilUUKIl IU ilBUlUUU
heing S2000 consequently at
tbnt hour ten teams of two men I
each started to make the campaign '
a similar campaign being atari-1
cd in Medford at the same time.,
At noon the entire committee of
twenty met to dine at Pioneer!
Hull and co.npa.-3 results. C. B.i
. , . , . ,
Lamkin renor ed for h s team;
J477 50 and O V Carson renort-
er $432.60. a total of $910.00. I
A telephone to Medford brought1
.. . .... . . .......
i lie iniormation 'inat aieiitoro uau :
onlv $30 their total
1,a,.(an li. ittf
..,., to.n i. h'!v..r,l line. The Grants Pass team
... 'i ...-.. ..,
lui inciiivitl in iiiii.u in i sci luu.. .
for Ashland, the Ashland amount ' covered on a blocked punt. The
f a fine start for the first day.tsecond punt was more successful!
t.ios who 'subscribed nn to! and Ashland received on tho 60-!
noon are: C. B. Lamkin, J. E.lyard line, tfien started to make
Fuller, J. W. Mllner, M. C. Reed.! good yardage. Through to much
G. W. Gregg, Eugenia L. Atkinson, ; mass play the Ashland team lost
Ernest A. Wood, M. D., John H. on down under the shadow of the
Rudd, Charles A. Edwards, D. M. ! visitors' goal. On a fumble which
linnver, M. I)., W. E. Buchanan, j followed. Brower, Ashland's end,
Thus. Hill, W. M. Barber, Mrs. H. ! recovered and ran over for the
J. Vnn Fossen. W. H. Day, F. F.i first touch down. Cochron kh k--VVhlttle,
C. H. Vunpel, Frank J. d goal. Bcore 7 to 0.- In the
Sblnn. William O. Dickerson, J. remainder of the quarter. Bn a
P. Dodge, H. J. Enders. Jr.. F. H. Ueries of line bucks and short end
Walker, II. L. Ilurdic, J. A. Lock-'runs, the ball was put across again,
hart. Hazel Powell, Webster (The score at the end of the quar
iwt T H Fuller. Brines & ' ter was 1 4 to 0. "The second quar-
Hrlggs. B. O. Walrttein. B. Wal-
Hteiu. Mr. and Mrs. Weren, Homer
,r tu...-. t n r,:.i.. n v
n. ftiimri. w. mm,
mond.F. 11. Johnson, C. F. Koeh-
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Hear, Jno. A.
Leslio, J. J. McNair. O. F. Carson,
Billings Agency, Sam McNair, A.
A. Murske. J. E. Angwln, B. E.
Finch, H. O. Andicws, L. J. Or
res, A. M. Beaver, Carl Darling
jind E. T. Staples.
Tomorrow's Tidings will contain i"il started -to open up on some
the additions to this list. ; 'nnB end runs and a few passes.
... As a result the Grants Pass torn
hXFAK THIEVES Roll I was nt a 1088 , 0 know what to do.
IRWIN POOL "ROOM 'Two more touchdowns were made
The' pool room belonging to this third quarter, making a to
Dohbin Irwin was broken into last "'' count fit 34 to 0. In the last
night and a considerable sum of 'luarter some changes were made
money taken,-besides several val-jl" AHhland lineup, bufit did
tiabel articles. Entrance was made ' ""t weaken. "Two more times this
by prying up the bar over the,1"31 quarter the ball was carried
hack door. The screen was also! over, making the final score Of
torn from a back window and
the sash raised. Au old spring!
. ' . .. . .. .. , 1
was found nt tne nacK noor auu ,
i, i.. n.,n,i thi. iii-ei-ie,!
lmr over the double doors. Inside 1
tho thieves took their time i0
nnke their selection of their
der. The cash drawers were op -
ened and between. 40 and $50
In change-was' taken. The money
box in tho vlctrola was broken !
open and the contents taken, $30
or $40 worth of valuable knives
are gone, as well as a lot of choice.
cigars are missing.
. .-I.. ii, i ivivr-nvuu i v..onlh-, R Ai,1.j ,,. their aid. thousands of labor-sav-
Tho intevnntlnnal Anil-Alcohol un "Oiemner b, Ashland plays .
The inteinatlonai Anii-Aicoiioi nS d-viccs and conveniences were
Congress, recent y assembled n 'B re" Pamn w" irnnn ass
,U"B ' . ' ... ( firanif! Pasi mil (hev nr Installed in country homes, there
Wash ngton bv. tha ca 1 of the 81 "ranis i ass, inn tney are ex-
" 6 ' . ' ncctinir a hard came nrls by lessening the house-wife's work
government of the United Stutes pecting a nam game, iirants
hu " , , , , ... Pass will have lime anrt nl.n the1 "'x' increasing her efficiency,
and held under the auspices of the1 1 a39 wl" na,e ume an" 1,1,0 tne,
... . j PYnerinin nf nnnihor i.n.,, in comfort, and enjoyment of life,
denartment of state, marked a i experience oi anotner game tn
definite step forward in the cam-j
'-..! f i,i.,ni,iKKinn wi.ii.ii :
is now being carried on by thelthe Ashland team will go Medford' Barrln8 tho trouble created by
inhibition forces of the United"1 while on "Turkey" day, the Med-. 'the. there
... . , i...
a..eS .....j
oi tne oilier cuuun ico icpicnoincu.
In the Congress the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union of
the United States v?as represented j
by the national president. Miss n..r,in,i Mr.. Pita A '
Boole, vice president at large, and j
candidate for United States sen
ator from New York on the pro
hibition ticket; Mrs. Margaret
Wunns, national treasurer; Mrs.
Frances P. Parks, nntional cor
responding secretary; Mrs. Eliza
beth Preston Anderson,, of Fargo,
North Dakota, national recording
necretary, and many of the state
presidents and women of official
PARIS, Oct. 21 TUo French
press, commenting on the $100,
000,000 loan which has Just, been
I made by u syndicate of American
banker ot France, endeavors to
ircas8urB 11,8 ener:u fuu,,c wn,cni0f religion and patriotism. Six
has been somewhat alarmed at the nravtnnm M ,.,,,,.
'rate of interest. Taking Into ac
count all charges and premiums,
., , .....
llBy llKllle lIle lulvlm lo """"' I
more generous than the American I
bankers, as no demand has yet
. A a 9 l..tnn.
o p rauce oy ine nueu niiiinn
during the war.
. .
Ashland high school ran up i
good score of 48 to 0 against
Grants Pass In Saturday's gome.
iThou.h nntweiehed about tell
pounds per man the Ashland team
easily ran away from-the Pass'
.. .!
team anu put toucnuowns .over
.. . .
Willi ease. Al no time was VjruiJl -
ru., ,.,in.l r,H., .luiuna unit '
' nv....e u,....u
only three times did they make
.... ,
their first downs. The clean
physical condition of the Ashland
boys was very noticeable. Though
time was called out repeatedly. for'
the visitors, only twice did the
Ashland boys call for time. ,
. The game started with Ashland
i,ii,i, ..... t,iii tv, .iiui
kicking up' hill. The ball rolled
... . ...
over the goal line and wouiu nave
been a touch back and put lu play ,
on the 20-yard line, but' the Pasn0rPSO" and Washington gather -
I.i.lf anuiva trluA in nnrrl'l
it out and was downed on the ten
ii.i.i, - " i..,
... eomnelled (o nunt and re-'
- . -
ter was much the same as the lat- j ' .
ter part of the first. Grants Pass.!
beinc tniablo to advance the ball, i'" IUL'J' 1
bad to kick, then Ashland in old
fashioned line plunging carried It
for the third touchdown. At the
end of the half the score stood
20 toD. .
Both teams came back strong
in tho second half, but Ashland
had the ball the most of the time
; 46 to 0.
Tl" Ashland team played good,
fle:in Imrrl fimtlinll neiiini(. thnlr
heavier opponents, ihe
fB"t,,;l 11 knowledge and lad to
! .1... ..,. tn l.u kfllla In,.
nlun-!Ashlaml teanl 18 'n" B0(1
neeAa R0'8 Pod h"ld l,ructiie '"
,"",ke ft thn ,)est to represent!
! Ashland, Lack ot experiei o,
u"1"-part Kept tne score irom run
ning higher. The team is not a
"one man" team and the takin
ot one "lan doe not wp'lk(!11
the team. Iu th) last quarter
' three new men had been put":! '"n,(! is alln ot enrT'hm, a leading' Fifth Avenue
the lineup and the' team was go
ing as fast as ever
blllI(! "P their team accordingly.
Then on the 13th of November
I, . . ...
i(PBm fnr (li fi,l ffnm i .!,.'"
mm iD.m win rnaar ilia la i onn
-- ,
land-. I
Honey bees are doing their best
to relievo tho teacher ul.o.-tngej
at O. A. C. under the direction of Throughout the Far West the
H. A. Scullen, formerly- federal motor camper is the object of lov
bee specialist for the northwest. Ing solicltado. Towns vie with
The work is given for the benefit , one another in their offers of hon
of students who want to. learn how pltality.
to handle bees so had that they! It Is good to own and ride In a
are willing to tako a chance at limousine, but for Mie open road
too r'ose an acquaintance. The give us the open car. tho open sky
.bees are especially effective in and the open air. November Sun-
dismissing classes.
Honor Given to
Rev. Jason Lee
"Rev. Jasoii Lee, father of
American Oregon." Scott.
It ts 80 years ago since Rev. Ja
son Lee piloted the Lausanne into
th(j Columbu rlver wlth a carK0
-- -
ed the Kocky mountains and set-
tied In the Willamette valley noar
"cu ' "? ""'"'
suiem. First, lie came as a mis-
slonary. The second time he came)
as a
colonizer to make Oregon
. .... .
When be returned to the
States in March of 1S.18, he carried
a netltlnn In rnneresn siirned bv
a pennon to congicss signeu o
22 Americans and 9 French Can
adians. This petition was pre
sented to the senate January 28,
1839. This was the first attempt
ever made to make Oregon Amer
. secret service fund he received
$5000 to assist him In making up
his reinforcement company.
Crowds thronged to lienr this hn ,,,. ,., Mrs Elifm
.... .... . , .,Jed tne ll0U01 guest- Mrs- -u"",
pioneer missionary from beyond
the Rocky mountains, also to see
the converted Indian who accom-'
Panlc1 hlm- At Alt0n' IU - llC
,1Pxt lluy the AUon TelcgraI)h Bal1:
"f'.lll.priu nf tlm West! Will von
tamelv consent that Oreiron. one;,..,, ., . .... r n.i
' "in loveliest regions that na-,
,,lr eVPr "Stowed .upon man.
tl,M Itnnnmn u iinni-di 1 .niln(iV
" -" " -'
111 1118 01 ''"b"1""- 11 wre" i
(F noes from us, the honor of the:
Lm,r" ol""
never, never will we yield
To,I"y s e '! 0 ' 1 9 1 in
"r M
oi itev. jason i-ee was uiiveneu
In llta .i.nltnl lillil.llnir In SillpmJ
a.wl 1, la(linrliu( fwim
for the occasion. B 1 8 n 0 p,
Shepard presented the painting.!
aI Oovemot Oicott received
' the name of the state. Tho
i t -1 ..111 l. ..1 1 l.n,tn J (l,a
"" u
sPer chair in the house of
representatives and will match the
picture of John McLoitghliii, be
hind the speaker's chair In the
senate chamber; thus honoring
the two men who had po much to
do with making Oregon Ameri
can. Rev. Dr. S. A. Danford, district
superintendent of the Southern
District, .juxl hpv. cnanes a. r.u-
wards left last evening to
participate in this important event.
A week ag Mr. Edwards gave a
series of pictures on the screen,
showing the early days of Ore-
. ,'; V;"'''V,';;
siu u. ...uv ni,inla,
kind found in too many homes, is
being put on in dHtorent parts of
the, State of Washington by the
Washlnglon State College exteu -
QIUU UI3J1U1 UUClll ill. II 11IU I 11 1 IUU
States department of agriculture.!
The attendance wherever the ex-
1.IK1 1..... l...nn l...A I...... 1.. tl,l
U1U1I. JlUb I"-' 11 llV.'ll II. IB UI.ill II. '.11.3
hundreds, 4 both men und women
finding miiih of Interest
Ajihing the "ladv, killers,
a io.
found the washboard, the 'sad
....... .., me m...j "awful hanging" hems are, ctiurcn, in a winy manner exieinie.i
Iron,, the fiiib brush, the water ; g0W1S Bui'j9 anil eveu nls cordial welcome to Dr. Danford,
pall, liie short handled dust I,a"'coats In Besses the effect Is of-! to which the latter responded. Mr.
the nv and a number of imple
mer.l.i with which ninny women
are obliged, to do their work.
To offset the "lady, killers" was
(mother exhibit of ways add means
oi lightening worl: in tho Home.
111 this .were included 'kitchen.. .,.... ... ro
IU.,... ..' .. n lu., ...,.
' ' " ' ''''r
nvstenis, tireless cookers, fruit and,
vegetable driers, oil stoves, port
rile gas makers and hynraulic
rams. Several manufacturers
showed light and power plants
suitable for farm homes at the'
una exhibit. Small conveniences!
i listing anywhere, from 5 to 2;
cents were also displayed. Getting;
more conveniences for doing work
homo demonstration agent. Last
year, through their advice and by
mmlii nf Ufa an u'ltnltv .loll irli I fill i
w ...u ..u..n.
that of the auto hobo careen-
,. .
HiK ilia uiw.ainu uuiinu iiiii.uiiii liie
mountains, valleys and deserts of
the West during the warm days
and cool nights of the long, rain
less season.
Best of all he h sore of a hearty
There are many better under-;
staudiug voters In AuhlauiKiluce
hearing the addres? given by Mrs.j
Edson, the member of the repub-,
llcan national committee wlm'
spoke at the Chautaunua Pioneer
hall yesterday afternoon, and con-;
sequently better citizens, espeei-i
allv nmong tho women voters tu
, , , ,
,,,.kiiu ,,,, v linnm in
... o .....
be a vital question since suffra,e
has awakened their. deeper inter-.
notu I,b V.ldfin liimrnsseil Iimi-
, ' '. . ... --ni
-- y
,.. ..,,,. ai. i il0
P ,
uu ner lima niiu wnij
K,i a(vtii o( thA h,.-irt of (ho niics-
wWch j la cx.)lainiI1? ,0
jthe public and gave a plain, eon.j
t !.. ..r ,1... ,.l.. I twilitl-
cse eM,u..u.m u. ...
i.ol nu 111 V DtllilMll t(l
. ' .
Prvinn to tlm. nubile addie:;s
:ir ::: ,:z : , ,,
, ,,, f renuhlican women1
a company of lepul.litan wonu.i i
LTaShunron P I)
gave a most entertaining de c
tion of her break as ,ng
Harding family at their home m
Marlon, Ohio, which she desCril) -
. ctl a!) a pain American lainny,
''serving just tho sort of a breiik-
' . . .. ou.
i iiisi any oi us wue.ui. nno .
luuuneu ut ,um. u, iv. ...,.
,rf w M p..i,,v r,A m,...' rnuis
,Jod),e The ,aUr gave a toa.t
. ... ,
to K. V. carter, ropunucan canm-
1e to for representative to the Uv-
lgatlI1.e. Ab it happened. Mr. Car-
ter was taking his luncheon In
the Austin dining 'room at tin-
time, and proved that the old ad-
nge, "Listeners never hear any
rood of themselves," was not true,
... . .....
rue Asniann cannniaie was m-n
. .... . ,
hesiegea by tno guests to responu.
, which Ue by toastng the can -
di(lacy Hf R n. gtanfield, for
l llite,i sutes Senator.
J he luncneoil colisunieil coilbm-
erable time, and it was close to 3
o'clock when tho public address!
was given in Chautauqua Plon" r
hall. The room was filled, how
ever, with an enthusiastic auil:
ence, who listened attentively to
the address givii by Mrs. Edson.
Mrs. N. G. Bates and Mrs. J. Hem v
Provost led in singing some of I he
new campaign songs, which miulo
a great hit with the Ashland is-
,illbllcim boosters
THAT AWFl'L HANG ; been returned to the bead of that hosts at a 'delightful hunting par-; Hunt lined autumn foliage and
ON THE FALL GOWNS ! flock for another year, and to Dr. I (y t their large ranch yesterday. - berries. Delicious refreshments Nurccssrid Social.
Jl'KT A FASHION FREAK and Mrs. S. A. Danford, district, A company of their rricmU were 1 were served, at which .Mrs. E. V.j T1, w- T- '' s0('ii'1 1,1 Mr
. By "Jlurjorie." ; superintendent, and wife, at the iMr Ilvlted gue-li, and while the ' Carter and Mrs. A. E. Kinney j Jlllson's proved a decided success.
(Written for United Press) 'church parlors last evening. The men spent the dav roaming over poured. A pleasing gift had been M- t'""' Slmgerlaiid led deo
NEW YORK Oct. 18 Milady : event was an Informal gathering ' the vai,t acres o( the rain h, hunt- selocted by these friends or Mrs. j tiomtls, followed by Mrs. Lowe,
of fashion is not on the level. At'of the members of the congrega-' ing for quail and grouse, the la- Sberwin us u token of reiuein-! Beport of state convention was
lnmi lmr clniliea me not. for as
the season advances the tendency
.... ...,,,! i ,.,.. ninm
I III lUfl-aiUl'IIICao IO ll.u,,. mw.u
Nor Is this 'up - agaln -
j uowll.aBaiu" ,UVen-ent confined
, tjj (h(j gkrt homs (hl( w()u(, be'a piano solo by Miss Bernico Yeo.jNuir. Mrs. and Mrs. 11. K. Tomlin -
". ...... i,J fnllowed bv tho reading of an , son. Mr. and Mrs. ). A. l'aulserud.
j IIITSI;! I IIC14 U. Hlf I II. ... llln...,...".
l' nnotuff nU'Cll'
The craze
WS ......fttiio .........
for irregular, spasmodic lines is
shown in draperies, panellings, the
j way a button snap fastens, irregu-
Iar length In sleeves or shoulder
traps, and. graduated bandings
and applied trimmings.
" " . ' .. .
ten shown bv a bead or yarn fringe!
that is set higher upon the body
iof the gown on one side than theland church. He was followed byjtern. Mr. and Airs. Simpson, Mr
j other, and thus makes the skirt Dr. G. W. Gregg, who welcomed and Mrs. E. Pell. Mr. anil Mrs. .1
length an inch or so longer onitiie pastor aim no- who hi iuo.m. wuKiier, .nr. an i .ma. mmi-i
. . n p,.,,,,ro,,
lieiil iiiiiaiiiiiKa, 1110 ,
nonular novelty ot the season,
i fringe material, as bead fringes
are too aptito ho caught by the
shoo and broken. Fringe iB not
often seen upon coats, but an ir
regulnr hem line K given either
by the natural cut of the garment
or by having the buttons set an
inch or so above the correspond
ing buttonholes.
Panellings ao very useful in
giving a broken skirt silhouette,
house shows a street gown fash-
Innnil ..f rlcl, l.nlttn LTPfill dllVO -
tyn. The basque front Is puck
ered about a white satin vestue,
Mrs' Sarah Alice McCune. wife
of J. N. McCune, died at 6 o'clock
,his morning at the age of Bl
yedrs. Mrs. McCune had been in1
fairly good health until yesterday,
when, she was taken sick and'
death resulted ufter an Illness of
. . ... ...
,DW iinnrn i iih
nr,r resident of'last evening In honor ot their son:
Tillamook, but had lived In Ash -
i.,.j..ivr. Ki,a i .ifr.I
Tired by her husband, one son, j Portland. A delightful evening was work, which is being placed b The Methodist congregation will '""
Carl McCune of th city nnd a lent with, games and various, fore the public by the librarians hold a reception In the church to- ih Hoi ie on 8. corn! street yes fr
daughter living In California. No form, of amusement nd refresh-! today nnd will he there for about morrow evening In honor of Hey. day "to"""
funeral arrangement, have been ments were served Mr. Moore, , week. This I. handsome ex- Charles A. Edwards, the pastor " L.-M Sherw of . Ashland,
announced yet, as word is being! Jr.. expect, to leave for Portland ,hit of all manner of fine needle- who ha. been returned to this "V nrL .f Crln Pas. A
awaited from relative from a dl.- tomorrow evening. - , work and other handicraft display.1 charge for another year, and hi. R- D"f" "r 'B' J
Mrs. J. F. Meikle of Berkeley Is'
a guest of old-time friends in Ash
land this week. Mrs. Meikle wa.
a former well known resident of
this citv. and her nresence here
I. always hailed with delight by j
her many acquaintances.
sMshland Boy Has
leading Part in
College Play
v..,t i,.,. ,.. .......i hur
that Clarence K. Hedburg, son
() Mr an(l Mvg 'j. I Hed'burg
' "' . n '
, . ... ... ,,.
ilia nuiiuai I""? fci.irii uj inn 1
,,,., , , ... ,,.
:imsa aim ua itr, me i itrury ;
-;Ciub t 0 A c j,,, , , tUe
tlle or
Ten new niembera were added
tlln "M.isli mill HiiL-eer" (his
" i
Hall the ten beliii! picked from
.. ..,,. rt.i.i .i,rt 1
tried out, Elwood being foremost!
among these ten
u wl bB mmhenA 01ell
ns he u kown ,lerei;
.took the part of the Toreador In,
' K V A8l,lanrt ,,,R":the local I'resbyterlan church, was
: scuooi in 191D, ine play ueing one
r ,h m,st
X 1 erh"M' 1,1 '""i
Ung n AahlaU(1 mi , proudly
c'"'m home of one of j Iml(lox waH form rIV a member oi'
- )f the C0"r. Koehler'a church in Browns-
j3CKS0n LO. HciS
, SSfifi fitltnmnhllPS
Automobile registrations In Ore-
- .... .
su, accunmiK io uie report im-
1 i, c ., .-
muiou uj .mill n. uui-i. oruciaij
I of stnte. dm-lnir the neilnrl nf .Inn-:
; - " . -
; uary 1 to September 20, 1920, to-
. . .. m . .
mi a,:is. lotai nunioer or mo-
torcycles registered are .'1,439;
chauffeurs, 3,0.10; dealers. 750:
and operators, .1 27,987.. The up-
proximate fees received for li-
censes came to $2,057,211.
Jackson county has tho sixth
highest number of automobiles
... .... ....... nruo M-..:..i
in me Mine, munm "Cmintv Y. M. C. A, work, was a
. ,. . ., .
couuiy mis u.i nioion:ycies, t""
, chauffeurs, 24 deulers. 4,738 op -
orators, and received $G,S87 in
fees. Multnomah county leads
wuu At,v&n uuioinonnes. .oariou
has 6.505, I'lnatilla 4,052. Lnnei
4,408 and Clackamas 4,178.
The Social Realm
Reception to Pastor.
Tlie Methodist congregation ex-; ) Auxiliary 'hall Ibis evening. 1 uasion. A committee with Mrs.Mat- her of relatives ot the young pen
tended a royal welcome to their , tern as chairman helped receive pie. Iloth these young people are
pastor and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.j Hunting Party. tho guests and assisted In tho dec-' well kuown in Ashland" and the
Charles A. Edwards, who have' jr,., and Mrs. Elmo Xoll were-orations which consisted of bril- surrounding districts.
tion and their friends, and the ut-
most good wll and Joyous liar-
monv nrovaiieu inrouKuoiii me
1 entire evening. A short progrum'uer was served the gwrsts. whoied In a happy uianner while Ihe
j of entertainment was opened with
original poem by It P. Campbell,
which put the audience in groat,
good humor. Mrs. Harry Harrl-;
son also plaved and Mrs. Miriam!
Gregg gave a delightful Irish mon
ologue. G. F. Billings, one of the
pioneer members of the Ashland
' ,.. . . w.i...-l
Billings lllPI1 welcomed Mr. undjTue guests were
Mrs. Edwards back to the Ash-
uam(, nf the Sundav school, and I
' n Wilson welcomed them In the
name of the Epworth League. Rev.
Christian churcn, representing tne
Ashland Ministerial association,
extended the gjad hand of fellow
ship again to Mr. Edwards. The1
latter responded feeflngly to the
eracinus hnsnitnllt" and cordial
welconie'extended to him and his'wero dinner guests Thursday at
family, and pledged his devotion the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Os-
to the Ashland church during the
coming year. A period of sorial
j Intercourse followed, during which,
'the women of the church served,
delicious refreshments.
l '
' Entoit.-tliicrt Dinner Oucsts
m.. .'... n n i .,,
iTiajin ft 1 1 ii iii i a. v., i. iviijumi
en(e.-tlne,l i itiniiPi- lut nvenlne
' Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fuller and.
Mr. and Mm. D. II. Barneburg at
their home on Nor,,, M stret.
, Party for Son.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moore en
tertained a party of the Belle-
I (.... .,n. n.Anl. ,.1 II, alt- linmn
. . .i.ii.ij. i,., ,,t ..i ,,,
i Harry, who is spending his vaca-
Hon with his oareuts there from
B. Y. P. V. Social.
The young people of the Bap-'
list church held a delightful so-!
ciaj and entertainment in the Bap-1
tlst church parlors last evening. ;
Games and music were the diver-,
.Ions, and refreshmmt. were eW-
ed. A company of young people
44.4i $
V. O. N. Siulth.'vlce chairman
ol the temporary organization of,
the Y. M. C. A. for Jackson
'county, making arrange -
nieuta today for a banquet and
meeting to beheld Monday eve-;
nine- nf next week. Thin hanauat
. -
.ni i.. .1.1.. i. u..i.i ... .....
win uiuuuimj uo iieiu Hi wiiuiiuiu -
,i,.qua Pioneer hall and will be the
Initial meet Inir ami nfflrlnllv ilea
i........i ... ,i. i.tri.i. rtt n..,...a
. . . . .. n it
Further announcement will be
, .
m w
.... , ' ,1
I he Alissen Niver have moved
., , . ......
ti,8 woek from iho imlt hse at
Factory street to the Tozer
homo at "1 Laurel street.
Uev (. p Koehler, pastor of
,,.... ... ,,.,,.,.. , ,....
, unti'ii iw ..i:ii iti ii .nniciiiaj iu
omo .t the fen,i of
Ernest Victor jia.ldox which took;
. , ,, ,. ,..
Will LlndseT. accompanied by
his young nephew, came up yes -
..u f.'....n ,:.. ......
nin ... inn niu n.i:i.iiiiih mu nn.
, ,, ,. ,, ,,!
undsey expects to remain here
about a monlh looking after busl -
lYll i l-
Y. M. C. A,
Minute men will be
given an opportunity on ' Sunday
e-.nriilnir tn ii'-esHiil (tin lilnm. for
Count Y. M. C. A work in the
local churches. Five minute
speeches will be the rule.
John It iidd. state secretary for
, visitor iu Ashland today and stat
;,,d that fifW11 C0,,t,.H' Wl., nwidruily have a large class for Inl- niieil in ('ilifo"nia for itiim-
ty wo,.k-.
l). M. i.owo was :i visitor lit the
Chamber of Commerce room yes -
fioin the Talent Baptist church approaching ninrrlago to John (lard of sheet to Ernest
were also inattenilance. Henry Parry of .Minneapolis Js Lowell of Talent took place yes-
MON DAY'S N KM S one ot the coining social events, terday al'lernoon at the Metho-
Auviiary Club Mruts. Mrs. F. (1. Swedei.burg opened (list parsonage, Rov. Charles A.
I The Ladies' Auxiliary Club will her beautiful newly established Edwards reading the ling cere
hold Its regular business meeting home on the Boulevard for the oc- -ninny in the presence ot a num-
,ii(.s were charmingly enlertain-
.. . .
ed by Mrs. Neil in Her beau..
honie. a su nniuous cnicaeu ( u-
i -- . -
- were: Mr
and Mrs. W. II. Mc -
j Mrs. N. G. Bates und son, Hugh,
llridgo I'artv. '
Mrs. F. Wagner end Mrs. A. C.
Klnney were hostesses at a de-
lighten evening pai.y Saturday
evening. Bridge vas played, ai -
i o
ter which nanny reiresumenis
; were served. J. M. Wagner and
Mrs. Slierwin were pri.o wi is.
Mr. and Mrs
A. C. Brlggs, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Mat
Mr. and Mrs
A. ('. Kinney, Mr
and Mrs. F. I). Wagner, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Leeds, Me-alaiues ll.'I,.
and K. l. Met lure.
Dinner I'm IV.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sanderson
laud children, of Pelaluma, Calif.,
und Mis. Eva Gehoff of P irtland.
I .
kar on Morton street.
Lunch eon.
A luncheon was given at the
Hotel Austin by Mrs. McClure,
Friday noon. Alter luncheon was
served, tlm ladies aiijouiin
.i smIIm of rooms and silent the nf-l
ternoou III playing auction bridge.
The guests were: Mrs. E. V. Car-;
ter, Mrs. W. B. Curry. Mrs. H.
Matter,,, Mrs. E. .,, Mrs. TV I,
Hain.llOlKl, MI'S. A. K. Mllliey. Airs, wen nnown I'itiiii .11.11 'i - ii-
F. I) Wagner Mrs. J. Jl. ot this city, and while his 1'ornla. which took place in Red
nnd Mrs B I. Sberwin. bride Is a stranger to the people California, a few rays ago.
. f Ashland, his manv friends will The young couple will make thai
Tii.l-lllll Kvhllljt llllt
- - - - r
The Arts and Crafts Society of
Portland lias sent .0 inn pmnn. n
brary a free exhibition of Midi
land will be ot great Interest to all. .
.The public Is Invited to come Hid j
Inspect this exhibit.
AnemiMin Party.
A very delightful afternoon par-;
ty was riven yesterday In honor
'of Mrs. Bay Ladd Sherwln, whose
' terday with some tsplehdid speci-
jlr.e8 0f tliree varieties of field'
corn.- Proper selection ot seed Is
one of the most vital factors in
raising this crop. j
R. I-Ellis, tho Applogate ranch-'
, er. accompanied by a lady friend.
! was a guest at the home of 0. R.
Hose yesterday.
The alx-niouths'-nld child of Mr.
...j M n K n.,.1., v i n n
ana jus. I. fc,, DaUu of Nob I i .
- "" "'" " "
cholera infantum, after a short
ItlLAIIUM. t. 1 I .1 II Mlllll I'll I M inr IIIM
" "ul i-"H'-iu.
but will probably take place
some 1 1 1 1 1 o tomorrow.
Sim Morris left yesterday for''10"" bodies were found about 20
tUo wilds ot Eastern Oregon, .
where ho will spend 10 days comb-
Ing Klamath and Lake comities
on tho trail of the mule der. This
' " "al outing for .Mr. Moi-
r s am t he snldmn fulU In rotni-n .
- -
Mr. and Mrs. A. H
Hays were!
' atu.iding
.'''1',1'.''t0 'J' 'i',''.
I Maddux was an old-time friend
"f Mr. and Mrs. Hays.
! The Sullivan family of Granite
i street are preparing to leave the
first of next wtek fur Dxiiard.
Calif., to make tln'ir future home. Southern Oregon.
The team winning the chain
A Hln n 1 1 lillinhiM- ill' the Ash- ..i 1.1.. ..r .... .i. .!.....:. ...m
l,.,,. ... ,.....,.... " ..
I,,.,.. . iii nii.i ...nn.. . iuiiuiic
Association resnonueci io llio can lo cmtest with other district win
of the officers to attend a iueei-;nin(; ,,,. f(lr t)l 8late ch.lm.
" ' ' ' ' '' '
It.n- ..I II... .ll. 1...M 1,.ul ..1..1.I
inose present, ninvever, uisrus-'
,pv"ral Important matters, but
postponed action until more nere
present. ! clerk-carrier examination, to be
; held nn November 13. 1920, for
Tim Neighbors of Woodcraft Ihe purpose of establishing :Tn el
are engaged in a lively member- Iglble register from which selec-
ship campaign at present. They
tlatlon, which will take place,
j shortly. The order is also prarlic-
ing inr uie oisitii t i-uiin'iiiiuii,
which will take place in Ashland
! next spring-
braiice for tlm many happy occu -
.'. . .. , -
ion. ... wmci, t ,s compan, n.
usimuiih-u, iiuu nun un n-ui-
! refreshments were being served
.by Mrs. Emil Pell, while Miss
I L.vdia McCall told of the charm -
ing little love plot surrounding;
the principal of the occasion. The
Ruest list Included Ihe following -
! Mrs. II. S. Sanford. Mrs. H. Mat -
tern, Mrs. Emil Pell. Mrs. G. 3-
Bn.ler. Mrs. A. E. Kinney. Mrs.
'C. W. Nlms. Mrs. J. 8. Parson.
M i; (! Kuhiink. Mih. C. II.:
1 I'lerce, sirs. m. .viuiit, jus. i.ean
Calilwell, Mrs. Eugenia Atkinson.
Mrs. F. 0. McWilllams. Mrs. Em
ma Coffee, Mrs. (i. W. I.ooidey,
Mrs. W. II. Mownt. Mrs. G. M.
Grainger, Mrs. T. H. Simpson, Mrs.
A. If. Prarhl, Miss Lydla McCall,
Mrs. F. 1). Wauner. Mrs. J. M.
s E .1 VanSant Mrs
Wagner, Air
Ella II. Mills, Mrs. W
II I ceils
ll' , .i l u.:'.
Mrs. .1. II. Turner. Four oilier
guests whose presence was also
honored by the event were Mrs.
It L. llui-din anil Mrs. P. II. Whit
ney of Grants Pass and Mrs. K. L.
IcCluiW and Mrs. P
-,."( i0..i next week with her
Man-hit in IIMKcrsiii'iii.
Th.. .n, ..r w. () rilck-r-
ion, yroinliient b,,ln7 "
this city, and Miss Mary i.niespv
of Knoxville. Tel.l... took place at ,
iu mime oi u'
llakerfleld, Calif., last evening.-
The newly wedded collide are ex-
peeled to arrive in Ashland this
evening, where they w,t. inaKe
, home Mr 1 c 0,0,, s he
give her a warm welcome and
hearty good wishes
Itinili.i, . Clrittinmii.
ramlly, also to Dr. s. A. nanrora.; """ ."
district superintendent, and wife.well many clo-.e friends of tlm
All member, of the church and
frio..H. nf 1., -nnnro-minn m-
Specially Strangers, are Invited to'
1 attend this social event
Married Yesterday.
The marriage of Miss Ruth Stan-
Two Men Drown
In Rogue River.
Aaron Payne, 40 years old. ami
his nephew, Jclmnle Payne, .IS
years old, both of Sams valley,
were drowned In Rogue River Sun
day evening when the boat In
which they were flailing capsized.
The bodies were recovered yester-
d movnll
... ...
The uceiilent occurred at thrf
mouth of Rmn rreplc nn flnvn.1
river near Snraeiie Reiml'a i.lace.
A party searched the river dur-
Ing.tho night without success, but
iihout 9 o'clock Monday morning
tpet apart only a ehort distance
fr0" where they vent down.' It
' supposed the boat In which
"y were rowing on the river
Miss Knpp is busy instructing
pupils In debate si ml arranging for
"Touts for the teums that will
- eprese-u Ashland High school in
a tSitj."!t,tf ..l'.r VsTJ-c-.
. ' 7 , "
ber are offering themselves for
: the preliminary work. From this
"" "."V f expected
that capable lenm, will represent
the Red anil While in the contest
for the district champions of
1 ""v "'"""l
o Migeno some time in tne spring
... - . . .
. P'oiisnip ot uenaie.
The I'nited States civil service
commission announces a postofflce
Hons may he made to fill vacan-
cies as they may occur in the vosi-
tion of clerk and carrier, postof-
lice service. Ashland, Oregon; al-
n.v f i,i i"-i niinuiii. rm iin-
ther information apply to Donald
. S, nicer at the local postofflce.
"J -.mi.
l i-d If P Mn.Viliinia ri.rmprll' nf
, -
1 oi.
A fine talk followed this by
Koeiuei, on tne (.niiore.s
1 alm " enterprise in which
.""" ' " "
"'' " ."-..-i ". "
j ci"' to make this a reality. Every
: man and woman who loves chlld-
""" "
V'ill wish to give ,on,e.!lttl one
, tho rlKht start in l.fe and that Is
nai una larm noma pro iu
W. C. T. I .
The W. C. T. V. meeting for
.Monday, November 1st, at 2:1111
p. m., will ho at Mrs. Leavltt's.
1 10 Chestnut st ret. Mrs. 1). Perozzi
will present tne anieminienis io oi-
liclnl ballot, for .November 2ml
Light re
" ui,.,....
Tlieatro Parly.
The Sunday school class of Mls
J''1" Thatcher enjoyed a theatre
I""')' at the Mnlcg Wednesday
eienlng. The event wa in honor
oi .l ss .iiiuuie nuiuvHii. nu n-
Parents for Southern Oregon. Fit-
teen were in attenduilce, and after
..... ..i i... ........ ..tin. ..
r- ' '
cou.ect.oner, an., wen.
served ice cream.
DndMin-Tumer Wetlilinij.
Miss Evelyn Turner of Ibis city
' "J" h ' ' N
.' "",
Is mployed.
Trlnlly Guild Party.
The ladles of Trinity Guild g.ivu
nonor guesis. ...uiies. c,i.
and various other form of enter-
talument helped pass a pleasant
atternoon, during wnicn airs. uu
, Jacob, gave two pleasing Toenl
selection., accompanied by Mr., i.
S. Parson at the piano.