Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, October 20, 1920, Image 1

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    ?! Rlitorleat ltft.
NO. 8
Ashland Loses
By Score of 3-0
In oue ot the fastest guinea ot
tho season, Ashland high scnool
tootball team lost to Kluniuth
Falls, by u score ot 3 to 0. The
Tho original plu.n for the or-
j - WORK PROGRESSES Vote to Increase
work, was in the city today, con-!
NEW YOHK. Prohibition of' LEAGUE MEMBERS i John H. Hudd, interstate sec-
whiskey, wines anil beer has had Two members of the "Flying retary for County Y. M. C. A
ganistitlon and administration of ' little or no effect on the prnvu-j Squadron" of the State Taxpayers'
the Smith-Hughes act, adopted In'leuce of gambling throughout the; League ,who are touring the coun-
1 1917, has been revised for all thai United States, according to reports, try in the Interests of the various man of tho local committee res-i.., vo(e
' ... .. t ... -,..'.- I . I. . 1'..l,.,.l T I... A ........... n,..,.A 1 A.'n.... Ilia VAI. Iinnu h n fim thn ant .... r.. A.. I.
Nni i n-11 iiirnng hc inu h ni inn n uih; L in a icu iuo vim'.-u I icti uy uu- uinaouicB lu vunic tciuio wo w.
kick from pluco was made In last Lf Oregon. At present E. E. El- lice authorities In eighleeucities. j ers at the general election Novem-
StT 'rshlftean, Marled '"" 0f S'"H' ,Ue 8,"t0 ,? t0 "'", b"'
with the determlie.lioii t,i nut i),e ! tor. He has two assistants whether there was a decrease or and addressed a called meeting or
ball over and the Kalis team could I Prank Shepherd of the Oregon Increase of gambling such as the voters ut the Vinlftg theatre gress of the Jackson county work.l
not stop them. In a few plays j Agricultural College Is supervis- racetrack betting, poker playing,; in the
City School Tax
Considerable building and Im
provement to property Is going
Jackson Y.M.C.A.
At tho ePimnl 1nftlnii In I on In .U.I.J ...t.i.i. .....
forring with 0. H. Billings chair-!,, ......, i.i,u uus greauy j. (;. iinn, chairman of the
lionslble for the set up for Ash- , . , , . , ., . ,-" ' -"'" Kiinuuuon commutee, is in re
ad's part In tho J-.rk.on con, !tv ' 10 .lm''''eaHe the 6 1,er'of "l,in, w""" '""" f "'- IM of a wire from A. E. Austin,
Y M O A cnu,ltoent tax, the measures carried 177 dent, are having remodeling and chairman ot the Marlon County Y
'wiien'asked regarding the pro- ,0 95', "V" ,0 b" l""oveml't ,lu"e l" C A., which has just closed II,
iviieu asaiu. ri-fc.iruiug me pro- . . . lamest aehoot votes their nrmmrt ..11 ....1...- - .
: ' ' uiai years worn most auccess-
ever cast here. Both measures ers and carpenters will bo kept ully:
afternoon. Through the, Mr. Rudd said: "Splendid inter-! rceive(, ructiciUIy the salll0 vole.; busy from
ot Manager O. T. Bsrg-: est la being shown. Teaterduy the; ,
uti until uiliituo rri. .f. ...
the ball had been advanced from 1 0r' of trades-and Industries, and 1 crap shooting and the like nine j courtesy of Manager O. T. Berg-: est Is being shown. Yesterday the j ' 'gets In A
the twentyyard line to the twenty ! M, B()rtn DaviB 0? Corvallls lsicitles showed oplnfons that there Iter a tree moving picture show j Jledford Chamber Of Commerce , , , , i ,'.., m0,,B. , num'ro,,s 'Oreelings and congrattilatloiH
on the other end ot the field. But Jaor of nome ocollomics. Mr.i thepe WM B decrease, while nineland enle.tainment preceded theguve the work 1U endorsement. I ,M,M ,L"m ieU1 fhTr " f , . '",m V' " C' A' C"""
the Ashland team started.too lale , , hRR chur(!o'ald gaming hart increased since i speeches, which were called at 2 1 At the close of Its Forum session !""'y for ,l,e Nl,,l""al LeuB"0 0 T , ' , ' ' "" .A,-i,,'u h- Mnhlc.l. You ar.
and time beiuft called saved tho; . .'.... ' lt ..,.! .,. .., ...... I-i.i, ..- ,.. .,n., , ,.i. i Wuiuon voters, was in Ashland . "nd street, which is being paint-, stalling an enterprise which will
game for the Falls.
The game was a real one. Real
football, free from personal In
juries, but hard fought from start
to finish. The officials were on
the Job and kept the game going
all the time. The Ashland boys
8,nd coach arrived home Saturday
evening. It if, pnnslble another
game will be arranged with Klam
ath Falls the .10th of October on
the Ashland field. Each team
new has oue game to their credit.
This coming Saturday the Ash
laud team will meet the team from
Grants Pass. Thd Pass team was
defeated ou their field last Satur
day by Medford In a rather slow
game by 6 to 0. Klamath Falls
will also meet the Medford team
on the Medford field.
The Ashland team is fast fixing
up the weak placer and are ex-
boys u 11. 1
'of-the entire vocational education In neurly every city, however, of voters was present and heanliie his check for $100 for t ho i
of the State of Oregon. Tho state, officials said shocting dice wa with interest the merits and de- county work. This Is the third
! !.. I..... M -...1.11,. . n,.UA 1 t I ,u,.Uo tl,,i tr.,i!,aii(. n, an a II I'AO ul'nlln nf tlifa eixjl t ,tr.. A, I, I.-..
DU,W""". uu" T. " " r. . : . V . ,cf a convention which Mrs. C. B. remodeled. Mrs. I.
1 lion is ine execuine umcer. (ji'inj 01 KuinuiirH wuii puiier, ; cA,in.-nncu m.i.uiun iu iio u,ii-jft mumicticw biiiibl-i tiuiuua 01
The whole law Is administered bookmaklng and baseb.dl pools Ions of the speaker. 1 this amount a few days ago While
updn an agreement betweim the following In order. ' John II. Fuller, secretary of the; 110 advance subscrfpllons have
several states and federal boardj. Following is a digest of the re Ashland Chamber ot Commerce, been turned in here at Ashlnnd,
of education' at Washington. The; plies from the police, and local au-1 Introduced the Bpevkers, the first .Mr. Billings has the mutter well
l. .1 .I ..l..t-u U 4Un..ttl it U'lii.nt u.aa, IP f ! 1 1 1, n,l,t ,. a ' it, l,u,i,l nA u.lll ...... . ..
,n .a ,r. Vmv YOWTf i j-i Tuiiii ,,, ..prominent business man of- Port-! )mnco the memhem of . cnm. I I'"',pa of the Oregon branch ofj " on Ninth Maiu This high sclmol boy,. Through their
tain conditions. When these con-, creased hero within the last oarJ land, who presented first the dl-i niittee.
unions, wuicn are noi inuexiuie i once aim mailt ciuii cu men nave i dcwiu. aiu-:iuiiiciik, nm.H minuiiun iukiii um men 01 . n, t .
.., ,... , .,... !, nn:,M fi.,lv , ,l,.,.Ml. d:Mrln ,n,,tv ,,n hetore the conrnience, It was im- ' '" "" "uviug ex- results not only In their
uin iiitTt uiit dunlin umtj' ill hid iiihhu iuuiu iiuuiiviii lunin iiiiu mr 1 , . muv in i.i,ii- ..... i i ... . , , .
. , ... . .. a.1 nn. M nr n . .
yesieruay caning on soino ot tne ru- mor. vr. uron propeny in mean much to vour
! heads ot women s clubs and other! J jseacn sireet, wntcn tne lat- young men. We are very enthusi-
promiuent women in the interests, 'r recently purchased Is being astic over the work and wish von
Smith is full success."
Simmons of Portland has called iO having her house on East Main One of liio outstanding features
be held In Portland, October 19 . Btreet extensively done over, which of the Marion l ountv work th
; ami 20, at which vomeli from nil . when completed will make u fine past year according to report
jovor tho slate are urged to be residence. Tho sau.e may be said which' were made in recent con
Ipresent and help formulate tho of ,no residence of Mr Anna Zlg- Terences lieiv, is the work amoiu
the National League of Voters. i nome win ne a line mtititloii to "Hi Y" clubs, tlicse bovs hat,i
Owing to the short tlmo elapsing I section of the city. Mrs brought about some reinarkabl
state may come under one of thejnumber of ap.sts has bceu 4'out.,n how f,o legislature will, u at Sa.em te hear reports '-"Z " U, """ "
activities of the Smith-Hughes per cent greater than heretofore. 'e operated should tho short ses-! t the first year's work and to lay j . . . ' v,i Hhi, n. u-m, ,i . .
law. ' Crap., poker, lotteries and book-Mons measure be adopted. He pians for tho year ahead. This' hokov'1 UovM t0 n tione nd b ' " T'" ",e'"i"R ""' J"Ck"
The different schools, which I makiu have ae,red to be the also talked on the 5 per cent ln-i statement made a few months .. ; Thu " f Women Voters U ',e m?,'","". 1,1 "''-Mob- 80 county comnnttee, E. II. A,l-
, , ... - , - " , ... , . UU V lliai I1IIVH MIIT llt'MII riinmipi u.u.... ..t T..l..... i.t I. .v. i...
18 HOI 11 WOIIKI11S pur I y Or a SOP-. ' inn-Ill, rnillK UUIIPKIIH
may be established under tho favorite forms of g iniing. Moat ol t"'' rate bill, ho classes
Smith-Hughes law are: (1) ag-lthe police raids have been in the a Hlle of H'" "10S- vicious meus-
riculturul education, (2) trade former tenderloin district, where . ure "--ver brmight before the vot-
and Industrial education, (3) also there have been
part time school (4) teacher, raids ou bootleggers.
I... M E! l..ll,..i.
" r. rj. tiiumur. k uuilHer oi ' i ....!.. i..,., ...
Silverton represents well the sen- arato P'"IciI part v. It hopes to e u ,.,...,a, :,.ui,on ,,, ine of Central l'oi, and Joseph W.
T ' I '" " .", accomplish its purpose first, by ,,,s " "f Angell of IMiocnlx were added to U In. MIHl U1U1I1HII II1IIV infi UlH-'lSr llu rnillltV V 1 l i n-nid
' nsirnim pPlin uhi,l, n.rrfinrl'i u... ;.., ..i.,..l. i ' . ' i 1 liumiui needs; second, by the dl-i Sol"H lHding is also goinn ou.
tlit nmmty orKaiiization oommlttoe.
'.iinin., .,,i ir.u;.,nn, miM ruinMif Thultl iio a iwm o h s on u on. Mi a mfiasuift w 'IU wnrk Hm ..rU hv dm M,inn i""t;iiu ui us n w ii nw'iiii)ern " m..mi. fi i j in .inr.nnr. .iviiihmk
pectlng to win from the Ontntt., vocational decrease iu gambl!,.? in Chicago, 'i" to tho stat. should it be County Y. M. C. A. under "the di- who re wrM " v"l1i " al- f "' '. e" house belong- KmT XVOUTH. Texas.-Joe
rass team by a good score. In ' .. , ...,.,.,..,..,.,... r... ai t,l. ' ' ,i , m,. u-..i... .. ready existing political parties. It 10 J"1'11 I"''1' I" I"'"'!? erected T,H,, 13 0, llllu.,lull ,.e.,.
the last two seasons the only
games loi-fc by the Ashland teams
were the games with Grants Pass.
This game will be a good one,
cduca-tiou nhins tho courses of according to Chief of Police Gar- adopted. rectlon ot Mr. Walter, our countv
study which must bo administer-' rltv. There have been practical-' The next speaker was J. F. Lang- secretary. When I take into con- not partisan. It will not support '"' "'" '' here, owes his life to quick think-
ed locally by a teacher who meets ly no complaints of poker playing'"", associate editor of the Port-1 delation- the' actual results "r "- "Htlonal candidates r, ''e ulho heen recently built, 11B au,i "kerosene."
the provisions of tho requirements1 or bookniakiug. but "African golf j lalllf Jourual, who 'talked on the achieved, I feel that we have re-1 mitlllal T" l'" riom."' ,"' Iih . t oil Struck by a huge rattlesnake.
,ii... market comm as on I. exulain iie.l hmh n. incliir l a,..l i.,iu,.ui " ousiiuiuoii, uw, .Minimal " ute iioy mane a nce-llne for a coal
miller the spigot, turned on the
McMlXNVILLK 50,00n can- oi. T, ,11,1UP ,-letiy 0(r80,
nery couiideted here. , ,,(lV.rlM , tllH tevtlWli funR.
lkn r.vlUMt V.rv,. ...1 r ni..nt(n 'm-dttol tratnaa liir t,..ii
figuring from the dope of the , . . , .,,.,. th hlfi, , , League of Women Voters urges :,hn "onleuiiil, and at the home ol ,,ink lin,i i,rHtinu: his rinht
two teaniB. .. 1 front. Mich u measure has brought to 'work were don., th.. hh.i nt .l. ovc,'' ,vom" 10 u'"."1 " enrol- 1 l"'8""- - leg which contained the wound.
... ..... . . . . . ... . ,.y.,r . ..... . , ... . ' r..llf.i. niii nn.l nvnrnuUoi' a. hi. . i led Voter but :i a il 11 organization 11 1
AMKRK'A'S TX BILL win aisiriDUte 10 any siaie a cer- i.amuung o .... cnr. rt nsu a bh-iii inaiiv
KXCEEIW B BM, LION'S 'a'n ' of money, which sum here Is on the decline, said Super- l'i'on that this bill will be one people iu Marion county did not hIih" bn wilb "ml ""lipori
' WASHINGTON Oct. 14 Amer-wlll be increased from year' to! intendent of Police Mills, ,v ho ; (,f vi,ul interest to nil agricultural see how any good work could be "" party "
' ' ' .... . . ! ... ... i ... , . .. , , in mi nf i l.n atii In .. ., A In ,.,1. InU .1 1.1 1. ...... 1 .. mi ' "
lea's tax bill for the fiscal year ! yoar a maximum sum is reacn-i wus inciineu 10 e-eoii uie conoi- ".-. .. ... "mm uuae wuuuui a unnuuig. uiey
ending June 30 amounted to 5,- eil J930- TMi appropriation ; tion to greater police vigilance H'cr expression at the polls should are convinced. I believe you will
408,075,468, approximately a bll-'ntade by the federal government ' rather than to an actual falling,'"' Invoruble. lie, too
lion and a liai; dollars more than must be nnatched by an equal eft of the "sport." Shooling craps ; fiiiicTlov " ' "A gerret,-y not tied down with
wa paid into tlie federal tfeas-!i'oullt fK0'" the state. The whole leads in popularity. Arrests have I " , . h building can do great deal of
ury in the previous twelve months. "' " "oney then Is divided by been few. j "J" 'rk anil bring about some most
Final figures for the year were the t"te board o? vocational ed- 150STON There is a "slight in-! 1 11 "U0l-""y 'ester- tratifylng results ii a county. Two
contained In the rreliminary re-' ucallou among the different kinds i crease" In gnmbMnp here, police : "y ut ilH election held for the ,un(i,C(i counties aro in opera-
. . ... i, . ... ... nf aMinnlu Dint nuiv hp wtii lil i alipil ' sav. Poker anil crnr, aiinpnr tn
poll oi ine commissioner ui " ' . " . . " . ' . i.for $450,000. to construct a res.
The Social Realm
Newly Weils Klltertaincil.
. , . ...... .j,,,. ...... . ., lijitiii,.. llll'lHl OT ItlOill.
ill Oreuon: 'Marlon. Unintillii and
crvoir on Emigrant creek east of Yumhuli fourteell , California. I
Ashland and put In the east side:((e, 8UrB that yeal. ,,., now
ful work.'
tern'al revenue, which has been 1 under the law Into a certain ia- be running a neck and neck race
made public. It shefws that from'tlo for each cchool to the whole. '' for popularity. While there have
.. ..... . 'In lliitt wav nnlv a cprtnin mini-1 Tint hepn mnri lli:i n iln7iin nidln
income ana proin nixes ine gov. , - - , , 1,1.1. wM1 -limni, ,1.0 ir 1 ture home in Portland utter vis- 01 evenings 1
.eminent received approximately ber of each kind of schools can ; raids in a year, police assert they j J io "1'" , h u 1 etHet" ! Jl'CkSn " C0,,",yi ing h 1, on ale Mr.. J. McKan ,
ihr fmiriii ,,r -,11 itr rvPniiP In , bo established in each state. have encountered more gambling' T'mon B"tem " t"'" district , rooventtoll rpyiow a m, M . '"'" 11 "" .. .
iiib in immi ihern w an in- When the state beard has reach-; this year than formerly.
crease of $1,365,000,000 over tlio ed the, limit of Its appropriation'. CLEVELAND
llscil year of 1919. receipts forlor anv "ort. or s01'0"'. then no j fever has hit the old and young,
he two years being: 1920, $3,-!otller ot that kind can be estab-lthe strong and the weak, police
967 701 flrO- 1919, $2,000,000. jllrhed till adequate funds are se-jsay. "Everybody;" is indulging,
' From multifarious sources oflrllre'l. At present It Is the pol- jthey said, and the net result in
"miscellaneous" taxation the levy1 Icy ' tho state board to establish , Cleveland is there is u "tremen
l.roduced $1,450, 374,000, an In-0"" of eac'i kill(I to a county Atidous" increase In gaming here,
crease over the previous year of!PBselrt Medford has vocational i Police have been busy arresting
.agriculture and Ashland home ero-l proiessionai gamblers, hut tam-
j liy "affairs" have for the most
t tin , A 1 1 A nlifi
. "in the first full -ear of the pro-1 nomlrs
'hlbition era there was a net re-' Ashland liar, applied for a teach- j rart been unmolested.
iluction of $34.1,000,000 iu taxes j er of agriculture under the Smith-) DKTP.OIT Rambling is on the
Hughes act, hut will have to watt increase nere. I'otice declare most
The : rote yesterday resulted ' 71
The gambling!'0.3 1,1 fuvor bf ,,0'"'inB the dis-j
The district will at once place
the bonds on sale, after which
work on the construction of the
reservoir and ditch will be push
ed as rapidly as possible. This
now ditch will put water on 8,-
500 acre of land 'in the Talent
nn ilistillerl and fermented liquors, ' "Ks acr, uin win nave 10 wan , case nere. ronce oeciare most ,,,, ,,, ,v ,,, ,
'the report 'shows. From distilled ; "H the state board can see its, arrests In the last year have been j92f ft8 boVi) am, r,a jn
spirits the government received; X '"r " the scll- j rn'"' mhlevs. , N(),.tllcrn anJ-Western ,tutM
$97,907,000 in thlait fiscal year,' In the year 1919 and 20 the SAN FUA.V'ISCO-Gambling,,,,,,, ,n the clu(3 whlch a).p
.while the taxes from the same : f"l government's approprla-1 has increased "heavily" here in Bnnol.viae(j b , r,lKe(1 sttes
Vourcein 1919 were $365,211:000. tion for vocational schools In Ore- , tho past twelve months, PH . DPpa,.tnlent of Agriculture and the
Taxes ou rermentcd liquors ' for ! Kn wu H0'81 3-. "ne " ! l"r. Chinese lot-!gta, The large enroll-
, Uni.trr nllnt.. Kw U i,.na nl 1, i.......
the last fiscal year aggregated ..".. nirapnt these clubs romisffl tliatl. ' ...
I. .,.,,!: n,.A 1 1.., ii, fiui 1 gon, making ft total for vocational been the subjects ot most fre-l .. ,..1.. . . L worn, eic, 10 1.
f 1 l,tfiiu,uiM, tin. 1 1... .in ..v... - ouuii, jjunaiuiy umuie lllc iicai ceil- . , ... ..
year of 1919, $1 17.S33.O0O. .education In Oregon of $81,625.36. quently raided ' parties." : gug take the. exodus ,, thBj " '
1 ler. Dolly;, Jail')' P.ilis. Alar-'. Miss flertrude Cox was the honor
garet Cliurrhniitu, .Mildred Moss, guest, in the event ot her leaving
Dorothy Nininc.ei', Lorraine Spars Aslila.nd shortly, for Klamath
and Kwlyn Spencer. Falls to make her home. A pleas-
lint evening was scent with fancy
1 Cinderella I I11I1. work ajid games. uTter which Miss
I Tho Cinderella (Muh met last Anderson served refreshments.
Mrs H. W. Ilach entertained evening at ine nome 01 sir. anil 1 nose present at me event worn
last evening Iu honor of her sou Mis. W. A. Shell on (iianlte street. Misses Nina mid Ilawl Emery,
Kverett McClelland and his bride, " pleasant evening wa.i Kulh Osmiin, Estello Jones, Tillle.
! who left this morning for their fu-,l,nent Ilyi"B S'l". At the end Anderson, Cert rude Cox, Mrs.
. ot the evenings entertainment. Deer, Mrs. Leslie and Miss Olson.
came out with
street for u few ibivs A rniiiiuniv "'BK score. Airs. Miien was us- iiiine-10-iie ikiiioi- tiiiesi.
of their Intimate frii nils composed ' hl"ted In entertaining by Mrs. G.i The Eastern Star Einhroiderv
1... nt n..,i ,i..ii..i,iri H. Johnstone, and fine refresh-: club at its ro'Milnr iii'v'tiuir ves-
HICAITH VURK ' 6ucal imv, inm a .1. iih'i 1 11
' ' ' M4KFS It FI'OHT1 venlle was spent with games, f. ; meats were served. The club will terday afternoon Mive a s :ial
'ter which refreshments were'serv- H "1B R",'8ls "f Mr. and Mrs. A. ; entertainment In t':0 Masonic hull
Following la the report of thejed. The occasion was further;'- '''"'' ",n'r '")me 011 '"wa '" '",m"' 01 '" ' L. Sherwin,
, . ,., . "in- Uu. minvnei in,! 10 street next Monda" night. wlin expects to leave shortly for
county public heal'li nnrse up to enneneii n tne unexpei ted le-
September 30- turn of Mrs. linen's sou, Calvin' , .Minneapolis, where her marring
v r Ln. 1 uiaiI, , McClelland, who arrived - from ' MONDAY'S NEWS is a coining menl In the near fi
.-tucimil iiriuge.
done from June 12 to September Oakland Iu time lo participate In
the festivities.
Instructive visits 20.
Tuberculosis Visits 22.
Prenatal visits 17.
d'enerul cases 1-.
Infant welfure visits 1 1.
Social Circle Mi'ts. ,
The Social Circle of tho Chris-
,it,iira,l iil'.tAi. u-liii.. Min tuiulAUM
linn church held Its first meeting , , ,, , . ,
... , . 'served delicious - refreshments,
ol the season yesterday ill ternoon 1
Clinics held throughout coun- at tho homo of Mrs. (lur Jacobs' ' ' '
ou II street. After a pleasant su
ture. A eliarmiii" afternoon wa-
Mrs. E. V. Carter entertained a spent by the members at this af
'company of friends with bridge fal,'
jut her home oi the lloiilevard last ,
Saturday evening. Twelve ladles, SATURDAY'S NKWS
Insltlo Track Meet.
ty 4.
Schools Visited 4.
School visits to homes 7
. clal hour the meeting was called
to order to attend the business uf-
The .Mises Mice Drown an. I
.Mabel Troll were hostesses Thurs
day, ut the home of Miss Troll,
lo II' Kings' Daughters Class of
tin) Presbyterian Sunday school.
Visits to doctors, social service fairs of tho circle, at which tim
'the following officers were elected
: for the coming year:
Married In Bedding.
Miss Ada llorton and Louis About 20 girls wifi their teache
Jenninas were married in Bed- were present. The eutertuiiimen
,li flelnl,.... I It ill II. ll.inm lit.' lB rin Ol a .HMll llieei. 1110
President, ,,,.. ., ...... rcnrAuAntuHvA. nf ilie rnlversiiv
ine urines iiioiimt. iioiu uii're -
The transportation 'tax. which The policy of the rtate board for' WASHINGTON Proximity of colntl.y t0 ,' dty , With the aid of the Bed Cross, Mrs. Cluy Jacobs; vice president. , of Hard Knocks. Doollttle Acad
had been estimated to produce ; vocational education in Oregon at race tracks to Washington have nmy cl,ecked. club work h
Wlsefox Coliene, and olhei
'. tnnA nn.l nl,.tl,tn tn u.,IAn ll.,l f., n,,.,lt.l' 1 ..., a . M ,.j I I,.. ... ., ...
about $275,000,000 unually, " Preae' ,lme- ' t0 l,ay to the made bet .ng the clner form or,reildy digumt.(1 .vCUMure in the ., " " 1" 'TV ' , ,'. clerk Iu Enders' dry goods store "'""unions i learning, wmi
reached $307,808,000 for the lust '0CI1' ennimnnity two-thirds of gaming -Iiei.-, police said. Ceu- eyes of thousands upon thousands! , , ,, ' , ... """" rr several months, while Mr. Jen- -'"'h other In such events as the
liscal year, This included taxes : he cost f the te,cher In any ot orally speaking, however, they - 0f ,Hrm boys and girls, and made! 0lie cl"ld " ",uced a Kave the retiring president Mrs.: , , , emph)y f , standing broad grin, the platter
on freight, passenger, express, he vocational clasps. said, gambling has shown a iem satisfied with country life, hom' ,. , , . . Ma'y "" "' ' " hn"k Soi.thern Pacific company iu this ""'" ,
b ' 1 : i-.... .i.i. . ii. ijii ,i ... ... . .i Onn T. U. hatient from Annie- her lint rlinr effoiin and so end d . . ... i ri ...ri. uu,..i i.,i
i.iwl teleeraoh and the ".' i""aio aiiiiuiie, uniwu oeci cisl- in ino past for the oriranlzatinn brines new - - - . " " " " . ' c tv. J r. and Mrs. Jenn UKS will
gate placed in Sanitarium at Sa
lem. -
Visited packing houses, can-
work during tho past year while
serving at the head of Ilie circle.
Elegant refreshments were served
nery, drier. Recommendations re-! by the hostess, assisted by Mrs
transfer of oil by pipe line. Ex- 01 1116 "regon state Doara for vo-year. : intmem to the lives of its mem-
clse and special t-.xes, including '""onal education, the vocational; INDIANAPOLIS Chief Jerrylbers and enables them to make
the ' luxury tax," brought aboui , srhoola have been established Inj Kinney of the local police de-j money nf their own. While club
t ii AAA a'aa !,., im,. 'all parts of the state. Many com-: clared gaming lias increased hern ' wnrk iir.uo mi drU
One of the chief Items on this lis. I munlHfa. are upon the waiting j in the past year. Crap shooting to procure a hlgher'educatiou if ! eral"1,, "Hation. etc., made. All, Mark Smith The next meeting
vus the lax on motor cars, which I "Rt- As the fun,!, from the fed- leads all other forms of amuse-, possible-987 northern and west-i re8I,0,",e'1 v!ry wf ""fOV"' the Social Circle wll be held
.. , . , a.,., aaa n. er.'il eovernment now. moro and ment. he said. There havn hwn n Ai.ii. u. ...i no? aI.iI. iririu ",uu inipiox-iiieiu
iieiieii i ii.ouii.eeii. iuacs uu: ' i....,, UU,D ...i.. ... , o..,
jewelry, cosmetics and other so
make their home In Ashland.
have been at the homo of Mrs. 0 W. Long,
more towns will come under the few poker games raided.
! made along these Hues.
, are in urirricnltiirnt Anllpi?p this'
.iio;uu i , i. i .i.... .i I kcbi room auu exniuii lor iwo
. A.j.o., jnui -, -it uuhh lull eiuiciiin iiein;
on Second street, October 27.
cllert "luxuries" produced an- Provisions of the net. Thus, it ATLANTA -
...i... .ca aaa aaa ti,.. o.,aaIi seems mat Oregon win tuKe lis Dies," "J come 11." or Just nla n 1 awav from thn farm
lllliur ,ilU,WUW,ir'iu, , tic. r-ji-v..... ... - I Ooiltomlioi. 17 8
.... ... elace alongside of California and i crans have fiiinislieil nwiut nf ihet nfip na- a..i.i .,r ti. ininl imini., oepiouiuer n-u.
corporation lax on mo aiue ui ii' ; i ; ! - 1-1
days at county fair In Medford,
stock yielded $93,000,000.
.Washington In establishing voca-1 amusement in Atlanta, where latinn of the country, or 1.041.441
Internal revenue receipts for i ? j tii,l schools for its children
jnonths include: Idaho, $4,903,-'
564- Michiean. $283,296,024 ' ATTOBNKY ( II. SPALDIXO
JVIinnesota, $77,598,716; Montana,;
i$ 6,770,257 : North Dakota, $'!,-j Carlos Hartman Snaldlng, a well
.138.660; S,
'794; Washington. $42,107,772; ' last evening at his home on
Wisconsin, $93,516.
oming, $4,255,282.
; gambling has decreased In t le i persons, were readied the first
i period, since prohibition, said the six month of the current year
I chief Of police. Most of the "ar-i through the Juvenile club events. ' uec,aut "lotlie''"-
Six talks given before mothers.
on child welfare work.
Two layettes seem..
Cupid Olico More u Winner
The marrlago of Frank (lilhert
lllack, the second Seattle grand
son of Mr. and Mrs II. (!. Clluiore
ol this city, and Mary Lavlula
I'ryor, at Trinity ehurrh, Seattle,
'on t lie evening of October 6, was
wcfti given the wieners. A delic
ious twn-courie lunch was served
in the dining' oou and' alter a
good ' sing." the meet arjoiirned
wllh many expressions of appre
ciation lo their ho.'Uesses for the
pleasant evening
111 blue l.lllx lii ioi.
TUKSDAY'8 NEWS ... ,.. .,. '.. ., Mrs. J. M. Wanner cava de-
,on ine eeiiuiK ui iciuoi-i n, im , , "
Luncheon for Mrs. Kdx.n. , . ,.,.,. ....,,, r 11,ls,1,,i ,........ lifOi t Till I.v artistic luncheon yes-
m,u i.iiin,, p,i .. n.p...i... . y 1 terday at her home on Oak st.-eei
Mrs. Philip Fds-.n, memb-r . tVpHSH. The offiilating clergy- , nf ,,er f.-io,i, nf whom .he
ithe republican national commit-,,,, W11S ha It,,v w s mKS tw honor guests were Mrs. B. L.
for ex-!0C W10 H taking n short speak- ,M,s m1 ,la hrldegroom's old-'Sherwin, .Mrs. E. L. McCIure und
-ling tour throughout this sect inn , ,.'. .,,.,,, ,., Mls. H .'' Whitney of Crams
HIED LAST FRIDAY 1 resteea" have been negroes. When the hoys and girls put on r,Te P-""- '' lasen io ooc ois of tie stale, w.llt . gllmt 0( )h( k ()h n,i (,f h(ii()r Mni wjl
ST, PA CL- There are practical-, an exhibit It Is popular with ull."" ,A uu ru inner ol Asmami women nt u m idesinalds close friends of the plucir cards In Halloween designs.
11 660- South Dakota $6.669.-' known attorney of this citv died'" no' Sambling "Joints" In St. ages and all ages a'tend. .The work i ersonai visns ic an ine iiocmrs hoon given at lii., Hotel Aus-i ,.,,, wlb ,t0 A tlttt.. daugh- A suinptiious Isnchcon was served
, , . ... . , .. .. I : ,t. -i..L- ...i ... t... tT't.lll I IlH CdlllllV. .... ,.);.... I...- .
' raui ana gamnun? mis Kieutiy ine ciudh whb phtihh ii in i i - ' mi iiaiuj ihmu., i-inninm n - j(,p ()j H1,( rH j,)f),., nun !;.
" i " .i ji i ... lersoniu idiihib wr iipii io nil t.. m ....,... ii..,.kAI ...
Wisconsin, $93,516,256, anil Wy field street. Mr. Kpafdlnff had ( uccrt,ttBKU' J,oul8 umeroqR . tuuiy. m.n.. ...... lfi . ,o .,.., tu "l - . Jl( nWrr Rirl. .The "MVirM wa. ftr which Miction bridR.
. . . Miria n olrtt mnn, n, ..,.l.n- N 4 Vfl III! oar lnn I l.tUiefH I . l .o." .v.u...i '
been a lie for some t me. hut i "v.ii.., ,.unei - -
cnnHIMnn wa. not, cnnsirtere.l 1-1.8 and the like have "cleared, "umber of permanent club agenls . ' "cuoois ins .ec au.
nas nearly iioublen in six mniiins.
, ... .... . .... ...I'em all out." thev declared
Jtttli l liuns vium ou uniii recenuy. mr. npamiiig - i f . oi,u i ..nimtir -
. ...u: .. . i DALLAS Most nf thn frninhlini. Large numbers of farm bureaus 'n lour sclmols In county.
Kh.T ai n.nt .iir...iir.u, was ib vears oi ase. ana nan come
'A membership ot 3500 is the'? to Ashland a little over a year; her9 recently has been among ne-
, . ... . .... L.i.,1. - n. ,i,..t nt : ternohn for conmiltations and ud-
minlmlim aim of the local chao- nBn when he nurchased the lawlroesanu "OTKerg in nelgunoringr-'"" " ,
ter of the Amorican Red Cross, to office of A. H. Davis, and estab-
at 1 o'clock, anil a jolly time wn:
.spent with bright and witty sior-
this afternoon. I'liirty two sat t rlcilly musical and flinnng Ilie was played. Prize were won by
down at th'i tallies, and were nil- ,UII1,rrg Kveu was Kehle's beau- 'ri1- K- ' McCIure, Mrs. E. .
dressed briefly bv Mrs. Kdson. and ,,flll ,,vmn ..Th v.iice That c"r,,'r "'"' Mr"- H- Mattern. Those
-r, - ,. ... y I . PrvmM were: Mrs. B. L. Sherwin.
Milium. i iviiiki ...... - iirn:il iiihI or khimi i ii;ii p;ir h i- l i i..u.... xi ti
now are paying Hie salary of a" Otfice hours every Saturday af- KBlleral address at 2:30 at Pioneer W(.,,dllllr n.... .. m.t , ,..,,. (l. W,i1PV. M.s. H. S Sanford. Mrs.'
Introduced health crusudn work
oil fields. The" "amusement" has (county agent and home deinonstia- vice, etc.
be secured In the Roll Call, which ' lihed himself among the profes-!Reen I"".8 a Bmck- however, po- uon aRent
Is to be held during the tw-oweeks slonal men of this city. "C9 ,aJr-. "ce nav nelml re
Visited Aslilnnd: June 15, 26
July 8, 15, 20, August .1, 13, 21,'
September 2, 22, 29
Chautauqua hall. the occasion bv II. C. fiilmoie, the A. C. Ilriggs. Mrs. A. E. Kinney.
- -Hd-r. 's v g grand- Tn
Blrt'iday r.ii-iy. parent. At the cloie of Hie church I'eil and M'rs. H. Mattern.
Eleanor Swe.lonV.irK, yoi:ng .celebration, relatives and some 1 50 . . . .
period beginning Armistice Day.; Funeral .arrangements for the of fabulous eums said to, " m , e.VaLLDINB. It. a"? ' '"'i 7 ' T T""", i'?,, T
November 11, and ending Thauks- deceased have not been completed. I 'lave been won or lost In the ,,ut not (lev(l,, ot exrlu,,nPn( Swedenburg. cniorUined a party p,yor home on Denny and Blaine Ci
giving. November 25. This fig-i save that the body will be shipped co"'e f ' evening's sitting A E n t(fl ghM)a re. ToTA( kkOISTBATIOV of nine of her you.ii schi.o- friend- streets for refreshments, and rend
ure represents only a very slight m flnlnVn.lale. Wash, enrlv next round "pair of bones." but few,,,. . ...,.,.. .. ,ho ,,u msKIVOC fOINTt i ,ler home Sn'mday afteinoe:.. where the happy contracting far- was
oliin iiinmi IM'llghlH du.lleni-e
'iniunlifled pnlse follows the
endltlon of Bobin Hood, which
ure represents only a very slight to Coldendale. Wash., early next , "ounn pair ot pones, nut few r.,lfnrn(u reeB,v. the OP HINKIYOI' f 'Ol'NTY I " ,ler "onle 111 "a "' """ where Hie happy contracting par- wa. presented nt the Vining The-
Increase over the present member-j week for interment. He is sur-1 Brre8ts I,ave be?n ma,le- H'nlted States Department of Ag- County Clerk Nellon of 8lskl-i"'B ey1 ,,fiini! ,''' -ni"v'';,1,n ties received the unstinted con- tre last night. A packed house
ship, and greatly lers than the lo-! ,-ived by his wife, a son and a COLI'MBt'S here have ricilture Forest Service i advised, you county. Calif, has received i af her 161,1,1 ,lrl1ll'r- The hours gratuUtlons of friends before their , greeted the performance, and re
cal membership in.the Red Cross daughter. t,cen clirr'inK on 8 c:lm)ain ' lightning struck the lookout sta- the last name to be placed on the ncr rrom 3 ' '' a,", ""' ''' departure on a honeymoon to the 8ponded most enthusiastically lo
during' the war. . , against gambling in any form, (()r8 g 4 ho(? n t)e wa ,Uppiement to the great register! cvrnt wa" J "iali" " l"",v ut 4I,P CU!,t and through parts of ('alitor- the songs and scenes which were
The present membership in the According to reports gent out end as a u-sult there has lean -i ,in(1' gtuime( Jhp lookout, J. 8. of that county. With the comple- v'nln- '-"'"r te.v i. palre.l lo a. nn thelr'return to Seattle, presented by a fine cast. Manage.
Northwestern Division, composed from the Crater Lake National noticeable decrease in gaining ! McClemmens. Hrecovered Just tion of the supplement a total of thl" home on the which Is to be their future home. Bergner has been receiving mam
of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and! Park the number of tourists en-There have been several recent in ,1me ,0 ,ave (h(1 ho)ge ,, n)(, 7,759 names have been compiled. Boulevard. v:h. rn tho happiest t Is rumored Prof, (lllmore's third congratulations on securing this
Washington, Is .367.593. At theiterlng the park up to Octoher 1 arc' raids on downtown "mushroom" . own life Thirty-five lightning The August primaries carried . a j Possible period .is uncut playing, Seattle grandson, Leo 8 Black, opera, the quality of which is sel
close of the war there were 759,-'a follows: Joints, however. !(irP, were ca,Prt . ,ha, vicinity list. of 7.283 names which we're me "nl" d.nkii"3 caHed them will soon follow in his brother's Uom seen outside the large citiei.
04 enrolled.' The minimum na-' Total tourists through the 8AN ANTONIO Poker and thft nme day I added to by 470 since tha time, in to an elabo-aie luncheon t:me,ii.; footsteps. The singing, both the chorine
tional goal in tha coming Rollj west entrance 13,420 erapg lead in popularity here as ' j In 1918 the August primary car- th prominent fea.rre of wuicb, 'and solos, was particularly pleas
Call is 10,500.000 ,Total nutos 2, 771 1 "ruffneck" gambling amusements, j COTTAOE CItOVE Anotherlrled 6,975 names, and between! w perfectly gni , ous birlliday Club Minii.g. ing, while the co-nedy as oxeep
Red Cross officials, local and Total motorcycles . while dominoes flourish In thejsawmlll has been r.pened here to'that time and the fall election 770 cake with lighted candle-i. Beside Miss Tillle Anderson entertain- tionally well taken. For an all
national, are pointing out that the! Total tourists entering park 1 clubs and homes. On the whole, cut the Olson timber. It will have more names were added, making! the little hosttsq, tho.-c win cd the members of the Come When around attraction, Robiu Hood re-
Roll Call in no repect savors of at all entrances 20,607 however, there .has been a d- a dally capacity o? 20.000 feet. "a total registration In that year of 1 gathered ab iut the festive board You Can club at her home on Mor- ceived the unanimous approval of
the popular "drive." i Total autos 6,416 . crease in games ot risk, The mill is at Comstock. 7,745 names. were Dorothy Kellogg, E velyn Mil- ton street last evening at which Ashland