Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, October 13, 1920, Image 1

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    rlS Hlitorteftl lKf,
NO. 7
i I' A number of members of the I
Older Boys to
Hold Conference
ornaments fharlocF Vnnnn Bia cross to mke
coming in demand tnares r. roung anm al roll call
M. S. Currier, who has been
"Stunt Night" was observed by 'Ashland Presbyterian church drove
the locul Presbyterian congrega
tion last evening ar their part in
the big rully week by that demon
Inatlon. The opening of the eve
ning's events took the form of a
f 1 A;livi"8 in Ashland since July, Is
' UCJt i CDf fc" certainly dolug his share in boost-
Dies in Mediordl
Miss Katherlne Ewlng, field i
representative nr th0 Vnrii, ,( J
Charles F. Young a resident of;ern lllvisi()I1 of ,he Amei.can
down to Medford last night to at
tend the popular meoting of the
Southern Oregon Presbytery which ! Southei.n Orcgon win be ned mineral waters. Mr. Currier-states past 27 years, undone of the best . attle. accompanied by Mrs. S. B
The Older Boys' Conference ior ' wmiiMor tue r vauey ,or me, Cro ft.,10s(f hea(lnuar,(M., Sfi
in session there. The address: nosoburgi Fl.i(lay Saturdav 8(, 8 ' man since coming
at that time was delivered by Her.
6AN Jl!ANP. R. Dividends
declared by the South Porto Rico
Sugar company and the Fajnrdo
Sugur company, which it was an
I big supper at 6 o'clock. This was j Walter L. Van Nuys of Portland
truly a leant, at which upwards on Religious Education.
of 150 sat tlowu and partook of! Two sessions were held today.
the most toothsome viands pro-1 The business session this forenoon
Suudiiy, Oct. 22, 23 and 24. Free
entertainment for all delegates
to Ashland, and places the credit
ou the lithla water and pure
mountain air. Much of his time
nml url nit lauilnrs la Imlllff nrO-
vlded in the homos of Rosebud "T C0'ah ,to th" -Jr.,
! people. They are alHo giving a
vlded by the good cooks of thut Included the home mission report j banquet to all conference dele-
ana an address on the New Eraigateg Saturday evening. C. II.
nounced recently in New York After the feed was over the con-1 work by Rev. Weston T. Johnson .McKnlght principal ot Roseburg
would reach 100 per cent., are not ! gregutlon assembled in the audl-of San Francisco. The afternoon dig), school, is chairman of local
" ,the only large sugar dividends that i torlum of the church, where tho session Included the report on re- j committee on arrangements and
are bolng declared this year. j evening's program was presented, j liglons education by Rev. Charles' ha9 a g00( of able men as.
TllO Santa Isabel Komii mm. This'eonsisted of "stunts" by the F. Kbeliler of Ashland: report of!' 1.1 i
. . ! , . ... . . . ...U...L .. 1 . .. . ' " - . haillMMMUl In crol Iw.l.l I..... Ullh fnnil If. II ,,f .
pany nag declared a cash dividend '"" auxiliaries or me cnurcn. auuunui scnooi worn oy me mis-. A E Yount, interstate boy's sec- " - . ""-- " - j" marine, in llie home work. Miss "I think thev are seeking som
of 100 per cent., which Is prob-jThe opening number was a song sionary, Rev. John W. Hoyt ofy for 0reK(,n ,,,, Iuilho ,,8 169 of A8lll"d '""i" water, and business enterprises, ai.,1 owned EwillB H.ess,, lhe ,.,.,,, of kiu.l of excitement to lessen th
'it.. '... i. il.r...i. il,1.,.l. . , . ' I KlieW I'llfllt IIU'HV U-liot-A I imail. I 11 II nrrlnnvl III flirt I'mIIhv mill nwinJiL. t . . . .
ayiy me nignost iJi Uleiid that wlHI"' u" unBllu J-i'ueuvur society, j Miuami, r)uu8 m commiKHion-1 arranging the program and direct- ( ' " in ot'iiig done- by Ked Cross tt'dium nf country life," ho said
Ifimu-n oit'wttna 11 1 ti(u iuiit it Ilia I ...
1- Vi hi T V , lMMr"' 1116 "ecutive secretary or LONDON' ( By Mall) English
tale, died at his home In Med-, Jackl011 colmty cll.,1)t(!. um, Mn womn
ford, Sunday a.ter a Ingedng.o. K. Bntchwe of MM nM ,me to ( thp.
llness which he bore with cher- tUe ,Mrntvft commU(e6 ()f .. AstuululillK mnnbei.8 ,
fill fortitude. ! Ashland branch nf ihn in,,,.,.- , i,... i,... .... ,.. .
l, h... 1.. .1 , , m. v - .. .1 ' "IS" uu-i:i
tic uua micill Ul IHC UH1K, W Kiel'- 1UUH5 HUM U IliUHU Ul lltlllfl IIET Vltttt A ftl,. t. ..ft .. . t i ...
,. ... . r, . . . DU,""K yesterday afteruoon. with commission pi;pus during the
Ing around the cool recesses und Greenbusli, Mich., coming to Ash-: Miss Kwim-in . ...,.v i . ,
1 , . , , . ,., , , ,, , M'8 -ing In a ery clear, con- I H20 racing season and these bets
enjoying the Invigorating breezes land in 1 89 J, where ha lived a cise snd nmsieilv u-.v iii., . i , . .,
, .. , ..... iniisieii) way, outlined the come from extraordinary sources,
from h. mountains, while drink-; year a er which he moved to, work still bels the A well known bookmaker told the
UVXT' , , , i t k Am"tk'UH He" CnW( 111 t,1,! l"t most of the larg,
Ash and gets all the credit furjss Kate Hammond, a sister 0r. rlelll, luo,udim. ,lm AmH.icall beU brM wj, -
Zm r, , nnler 8,",eS- '" J- "!1Pr f th, cit-v- troops mill , w,.n. the, have heea from those residing la
" " ' .".' "o ann,...,lcu American navy um nieri-ham nniet rnuntrv viu-,
1.- '....i.l i 'In urhlnt. ..f .1... 1 ll.'ai... in tl... .. ... 1. 1 1
ijb pam oy any siik'ar company in i umuci ui mo ajauan:-. ,i ai hioij """ Ing the conference. He has ne-
Porto Rico this year. Other Bug-j niuslcul artists of that department , the report on foreign missions, 'cured Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis, vo
ur properties uiiiy yield n return, thiillingly executed the beuutifui; Ministers and elders wero pies- cationul guidance expert and
iiiual to or in eu:)M of Hie Santa'1"111 "'Iglnal selection, "Under the"t from Douglas, Josephine, .character analyst, to appear on the
Isabel dividend, but so far they!1"" ll'i8 rie.' This was fol- Jacason, Kianiall" and Luke
.linvo not been reported as having ,uwcu laoieaux uy me ladies' jcouuues. aud ,ielp (0 aU Ae(iitlng t0 talk
been declared In the form of dlv-i ooireiy, who aseuiuied at one I with hur. Other prominent lend-
ed to go. During the three months erly in Medford.
I nurses in schools and communis They don't profess to known any.
of the weekly sewing and quilt-; 2,000 WO.MK.V WANT TO WEI) e,s are Ralph McAfee, executive
I have lived here T li.nvn lmnrm'a.1 . Funeral Kervieea warn linlil llila ti ... ... ..
, , : " llc". e uisseminanon or litera- tiling about horses form, pedi-
greatly in health." afternoon from tho late home un- ,ure ,or , ,,,, of ,,. j()rkm! ., ., l0s() hj
Mr. Currier has for many years der the auspices of the Elks, and' c health, soldier and civilian re- which the male ambler studie-
program and give j.ersonal advice " - - -" .-i " " lief work and junior lied Cross, so assidiously ,e:n less than
.. ... A ....... nd since coming to Ashland he and laid beside the body of his hoside thn si.en.n-i i,. ui,n i... ,..i,i
i..,. ..i., -1.11.1 1 1 , ! . ' ' " "
.... ,..,., .'.um., uuiu- ,n,,, i.iiiunieiui, unforseen disaster and calamity "I'sually
menis which lie is sending broud-l loung, in the Asli'and cemetery overtake a roininiiniiv
a woman ohmwes :i
horse becatisi nf tn nimin iin.i .,
' The Santa Isabel dividend Is all le". 'y busily plied TONUHIDUE. Eng.-Councillor'8e,l.etary Portuud Federation of'"", , '' '"e W0!l'1 mu,k"1 n": He 18 mniytii b' wif"' ,wo With renewed enthusiasm the woman will stake her all ,, .,
in cash, while the dividend of the; lhelr "edle and "discussed" the' Donald Clark has received near-! churches- Hil Donnelly' exocu-' Ashland." While strol-j brothers and two sisters, and executive committee will under- 'coincidence tip.'"
South Porto Rico Sugar company I """' J demerits of the con- ly 2000 replies to the letter re-iUve BecretBry, I'nlversity Y. M. C. ' '0"Kh the 1""'k lle maUy ("UCI' rp'utlves. take the annual roll call for He pointed out that, with usual
Las been declared in the form of Station. cently published from a Callfor-'A Eugene Ore und W W Oil- 1 . (luu"li,y of nr01"9 wnlch members, which takes place from feminine perversin. bis women
a stock dividend, newcommon' The Missionary Society gave a! nlan asking him to find him a' )on executive 'secretary Inter- 8 PH",ted n"d mou,1,c(1 on. The Clarence 1'rather ranch, ; Nve,nl,er 1 1 to Nmember 25. clients never put their money on
stock being issued for each share ! "Home", program. A huge map wife. Most of the letters have Btate y M c A o.ego'n-ldaho P"1"- 1,8 h "'"""'y " order; which unearthed a tremendous j T,u is t,. n( ..,, orKlHlha. 1B rHV()riu, Tl.ev don't want to
of common stock now outstand-,of America was strung up. From ; been sent on to the Callfoiulun,' u iB expectP(1 that i50 or 200 0I" ' ,ur 100 ,,ozen "f fi,r0l,m "f wu,er '",!lt l,t ,llHlr Hon, headed by the president of hear which horse has the best
jug. The 100 per cent. dlvideud'"'H V;ir'ol" "'". of the coun-.und there wero only one or two:boyB wm be U attendance' from aC01'" Ile 1,08 lll,n,e sume "me l,:,ck' "ow hua "the t'nlted States, which without ' chance of winning a race; thev
of tho Fajardo Sugar company , appeared through the ors that did not hear lheslgn!un counties south of und luclud- r Urt""lc 0I',,i,"lfi", "l,lfi "ix "ldl ",lln" running, pumping , ,,,. ril(.e 01. ln.fvr t.,ki1(; w,h
nmounts to 30 per cent. In cash "laP' Klving a brief talk of the of sincerity. :, Lune couut of the m 'n8 yuK '",rns which he water onto a pjece of ground pre-!allv ,,, em,si,,.,atn, Is ever odds. One woman client cam., to
and 70 per cent. Ir. stock. ! v'lous fields of mission work in c' i prominent features will bo the , "' S f "nd nmn'A wllh 1 ,nri"B 11 10 "Ml 1,1 "lr"" M "H" ready to help the unfortunate and him with a large sn.n of money l
Most of the sugar companies In l"at locality. The Wednesday j athletics Saturday afteruoon ""' ,mt pi"8 "nd onltt"'a 8ue'1 c;'"' l,B 1,:mI' ,,ew"r!l becoming Increasingly efficient put on a horse called "Golden
the island,' It Is believed, Will de-! t'lub-waj represented by a read- INDIAN' STYLUS SKKX . , chal.e of E A arMou pnvgl. "le"t3 u,e mud" m H)ca- found flow of water was flint tried- , promoting the public health Oul.iea," explaining "That's the
' cal director, Eugene, Ore. The
! plan is "Everybody in the game
dure dividends that will probably; lnK by. Mrs. Wllmer Poley, which! IV I'ALL N'KW DLOISHS
reach CO per cent. wa" niostartlstlcally delivered. ' ! f s- r v r '
. , j The Sunday school next por- I!y "Mnrjiu-io."
trayed the three ages of man. The (Written for t'niled Press)
ITliLlC FORI'M. .5,: primary department was first pre-
i' j sented, with the members seated son's fushlon offerings aro
Dear Fathers and Mothers: ,llieir neck- eating t read and milk ! nation salad year as far as garb a fitting close for a busy day.
NEW YORK All of the sea-iple of Roseburg In honor of the
'It!.1 viuitinu .l.i I ,., aa in
around tiny tables with bibs about , nounciug that this is to a coinlii-ia very enjoyable feature, making1
iiinm 1...II.. l.n .... I... !.'.... .. i .... 1 ,
.,.,.. , ui iu. u iu-micii piiinp, men W(,irnre. namH of t.lvorite wlll(. r minu
lithla fountain. All his orna-;wlth a three-inch pump and now 1 U , ,.arno.Htly hoped that eerv and besides, it sound- like-,. ..
The banquet Saturday eveiilng cieoue,, wuii oemg iuis me six inch pump working to rMidct f Ashland will join Ibis ev-.uaker!"
fen by the publ'o spirited peo- mi"'8 '" A8l,land' a,ui he "'8 ,hn ' VMity and still the water gains yeur. 0ne ,iilar ,, a h,..,rt , '
' ' F demand for "Ashland ornaments" '.on them. Olif timers in the valley tnat necessary. I Mr and Mrs. A. E.
Is greater than he can supply. state that there ii' e a number of I
1 t '.l- . ..... I . .... ' COrilOraiea IO OliersTA ll lllinu in 1 nil I' lliu 1- n hi ntn in. u u-ti,-u n.u. hi 11 iivnnim U'l, Oil liu tin,ua,l int.,.. i,.Ki.,l. .1..... ...ill i,
i in ...n i no'" me irauiuonai oowis. univ is concerned and h onsen urn ir- ,,,,h ti, i- ni n.,ito " ' n ' " ' -. s 10 run
n,,,b .u 1HIIV III JUU UCVUUOU .- . ituu.. HID l'.w&lt.t,l ta nvn. IJ Ul.ll lnnallll,
I cannot visit all of you und be-l,UH "uanl ere represented by aiding this fact more loudly of all so full. The morning is given
cause I wunt to tell you a few; "le a(lulls of the school. The next style trophies. ,0ver quite lurgely to regular
things we are trying to do through "f8 WHH Joutit K'"K 10 chool.: The duy of the one-color, one- church-programs. There will be
the Sunday School. We are a vast I''.of' "' f!' (i",no" wa8 "e much material blouso Is a thing of the a mass meeting for all boys of
army of volunteer teachers, work-. tri,!d ooliiiaptr, attempting to, sartorial past. Two cwlors and two the conference and the boys of
Ing without pay. or vacations, of-jcurb ,lle '''epressible youth from fabrics-' are absolutely necessary, Roseburg in the afternoon and the
ten.vely little thanks and no vis-S wllliil)Griug. throwing paper balls, and the nearer the garment is to closing session in tho evening.
came up from Oakland this week
' places In the valley that could J. V. Wright moved this week to visit for a few days with the
Marshfield Local company In-1 have an abundance of water If to bis new home at 2S:i Moun- former's niuther, M-s. it. W Hash
tain avenue, wlilcl
a short time ugo. land to make their home.
: Montague Messenger.
The Social Realm
lhlo or audible aporeclatlon. "" ",e ni'suemeanors or a Joseph s coat effect, the better.. It is expected a number of del-
We humbly try to teach your, lUB ,,!""!8 y and , Anotner high spot In blouse style egates will be in attendance at ,,iulon
children the Word of (iod, the way;6 ' " ""l- closing age i is mat any blouse that's In, must this convention from Ashland.
"of life, and to Injtill Into their. , ,":,U"!U """'y people, ue out. it can stay outside th At the convention at Medford
hearts the highest ideals and
Viltlons. Thereby we not only
. i ee. An pnrnrn nrnnirht nut . ..u,.uiu i....i.i i , r .. ...... . . n .
i laud
try as well, for the things of Chris
their uc 4l t uuihiuk ui ai me convention at Medtord n( Colorado took plact
am.i Wthered on the platform and, skirt band in one of many ways; last year this city was represent- ville Satui.lay Tbo
feel i together sang "Nearer My Cod to He-back, long s Rutsian pepium, rd by Marshall Barber, Elmer BUs'-pU) 'm mako the h
forenoon at 9 o'clock. Rev. Charles ' study the different ngeg of women. A surprise "stuiit" with Mrs.
A. Edwards of the Ashland Moth-! nml the topic for the duy was (j. (!, Eubanks in ci-arge was glv-
odist church read the ring service ' "Early Christian Women," by en. Mrs. Eubanks introduced sk
in tho presence of a company of . Mrs. Warner. Mrs. Mills had her orphan children whom shu
relatives and friends. The bride' home beautifully decorated with nought to place In homes. The
and groom were unattended. Kol-1 autumn foliage, and was assisted children provoked lonslilerulilit
lowing the ceremony ami break-1 in serving by Mrs. A. C. Joy and amusement but none were spoken
fast Mr. and Mrs. Hentlev left bv :Mrs. M. C. Reed. ' fn!
young lady, and James Simmon ; automobile f(. th(l ,.,; ,, af. Miss Kaldine. the county,.
of Colorado took place at Jackson-' tm. th(jU. ,,,., mahe! .' Kntoilaiiied Dinner tiiiests. : came In toward the last of the af-
yotlllg peo-,.. , ... ,, A.hl.nwl l li,, Mrs l K I'nvnR pnlHi'taliieil llil'l..riuu,ii im.l t.,i . . . t u- t..
Married in Jacksonville.
The marriage of Miss Linda
well known Ashland
ri m i t- . . , ' " IJie win maito ine nome in s- , .. r .i... ' i .it l; i..i.t
nnr n,rii hni t,i ,m.l enuore Drougnt out. unron. panels but never ns da eel r. ff Biiiinwo Ti.,.u p,Hv :. .... o imiis juuns im m umrai. im..uit s... uinuo Munnmim
.uu... v,..... u. bvul. , i - i w.- , , iiiiwi wnere inn trnnni is eni-i.. . .. , ... . .... ..... ... .....
nome bweet Home," liy the aged I can it be. :GlenH-ile 1 O R'eii and ll-irvsr no is an ex-service man, going at uer nointi ou uraniie sireei: mr. .irs. . M. liarxer resigned as
tlau character go Into the making! .01ce9' wlllcn cloBP'1 the m08t (le- The Avenue is showing chic. Woods.
ot the best cltliensntp. j iigatrul evenings entertulnment j models every day that exploit I
Sometimes we discover that waithls "S'-ogation has ever enjoyed.-these new fashion trends. One of: , ' .
the most novel combinations Is Li). SlMnTIV .Sif1l10
teach them about all of God's
word they ever get Often we ure
sure we pray for them more thau
you do, and we are more anxious
: that of georgette or satin with fine!
ui omul nuu lint; . .
TO HE IV APPLKfJATE leather or visca kid panels. A RSSnratmn WPPK lnB "ieeti"B of thfi 8ea!""1 Bt popular Medford girl
....... i. .... i.J ---! public library yesterday afternoon.
out with the old First company In and Mrs. Luke Jennings of Med- president, ami Mr. F. S. Engle
1917 and serving in France with ford; Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Evans nnM elected to this office, other
the 65th regiment. Hn m now of Ashlund, and Druce Montague, officers are Mrs. Waller Ilerndon,
The Monday Afternoon Cliau- 0ne f n,H ohilinr clerks in Ihe'chluf field deputy revenue col-
tauqua club held their first work- (.., jlllstot 1'irFt. Ilia bride Is a, lector, of Portland.
Monday Afternoon Club,
vco-president and Mrs. Spindler.
. Doiighuiits anil coffee were
public library yesterday afternoon. Till HSDAY R Nh. S sened by the lioMtessc,
This club is taking up the rcgu-j u sliani-Roche Mairlagn Fiircwoll Party Tht, bmM. RMl.sts ,vm. ,miy
lur Chautauqua course, which this Tne ,mi..,,o,, 0, Jlnssie Itoche Th ni,l''111 ''lll,H "( ihe Ihiptist Kinli v. Margaret .lunette Hast-
.i.. timers" remember when the dl- blouse is shirred l.,t hnri n.lStinr'.ay School association will boiyear is on Italy. J tie topic yes- ot Ashland to Jaelr M. Worshaui l,l"ul ' """' Inr.s. Frederic Krhy. Dorothy
The whirl of time so changes , leading house shows such a model
about their moral life than you '""" movement in ma in rust georgette with a front ",0 iweuiy-uiii.ii """
flf Til I I'D nt mon tU,V 1.. ... t.l.i' . . .. - . .... I VOnt..n nf 1A Pmnlir
cem to be. Perhapa this is not tue panei 01 me game colored kid. TUe '""1'"" Vl 1110
80. but us wa vaarn to se
ft,.w i b-hwiu ,.n,i BUM nn,i rect rwa(I to Cresceut City missed um which falls ovorthfl skirt. HW!
v,iHlom and purity, Lnd we wonder lhe vaIIey wf the Roue aoKether, oft ribbons of rust cch tho lull-in Alert rofd, Thursday aud Friday Dor or new memnm wero recemui 0rlobr 2. r. K. .'oIu.hom. J. P.
(nlnltt w T...I........III. 1 . ... .f ..i, . i. .t.... .... fiiln thin ehih lit H first ill pet liwi' i , i
if vou care When von think von ' " """""' " crescent ness ot. the georgette sleeves at ul u" v- -uunaii juinifu",j ;.enwuneu um curaiinij,
held at the First Baptist church j terday was "New Italy." A mini-r Medford,' took place at Yreka r Vl'8- J- t:"suu o" Morton jllxine j s, 1 1 Agnes Kmily
street, vtounesuay niiernoon iu Hl,M M,.k QIMI Smitli. Mill!
hid farewell to Mrs. H. J. Iloy.l , ,.. t,,,,,,,. ,, ,...
have done us a favor in sending! C1'f ,lirectly via the Applegate j the wrist,
your child to us for Spiritual
! valley
j state secretary, will bo present ; and it Is hoped the membership j
The vogue of garish and elab-j&,ld Kve addresses at the various, will he swelled to 20 In a few
lit M.n,A .1....- nr i I ... fci i i.... I U'OPW
teaching, we do not strike or give, " 3 HI,U v ye": orate triuimingi is still ou, but the! inumiiieni nuim j
. .. a CO. thfi U'lmlo i I'ti fftt nrin U.. , ..... . sohnal wr,tVa,a Iti t In. imtir will I
up, but welcome the more kindly "C,M' u' umi : unemai rwius g!vi;ic way to uio!"-"' 4 " ' u ' "l"
vmtin fn,. ) u,.i ..... . . . 1 i.
that this need ot theirs of spirit- '. l" K"u":a ln"ng ine.inuian, both as to design and col-1u"'u
mil growth may bo supplied. 1 ,oans Bas 80 little thai oring. Thus, the overworked ccm-
Celebi'iitos !lst Dirt Inlay.
Salniilay Wedding.
C. W. Kust and Aliss Kthel Wood,
both of Portland, were united In
marriage, Saturday afternoon at
uo is soon lu iv Asiuaii.i i , (lt,,.a(line Wenner. Charlene Kill
make her home In California. kal(, ,,, mwbftHi l)orolhv
Mrs. Boyd was presented with a, ohristlne Haight. James Chad-
Mrs. Grace Engle of Ashland Mr- B Ahlstrcm of this city;th E.li8C0I)ul teclot Re. p KJ -
,...i i i... .i ! 'he shortest distance was the cri-1 hlnatinn nf ri,inom ..,1 ai will address the conference Thurs- la today the guest of honor at a, .,.,,.., nfriilltni, Th newlv 1
vui lucai nun ut-Tii a uci tuii hi-: - - - -' im i- i - -
angle of the church, the school " Ke""" blue is giving way to the u"' "-e'"oon on cnuuren s .,
und tho home and "the child In: Vrom Juck8("rlllc "ie road led Aztec coloring of 'crimson and"and Fri,lay afternoon Dr. Cregg.
lhe midst," safeguarded and built 88 " Uoe9 l0lI"y over tne 11111 10 canury. or touches of brick. jl8 ' Ashland, will talk on the
up by all these Inlluences until. U,lch "1Rn dow" 1,18 Apple- Scroll work and conventional 8""iect, "The Hardest Problem
they shall grow into the measure ea,e Slule Cmk' "lld tlle on patters continue to he worked out,0ur 8cllo1 Faces",
of the fullness or Christ. "'" ''"l"8 U8 ,luw tniv'i- Even : in gay wools, chenille, metallc gold' Following are the county offi-
The jiublic school would feel "ow a Co"8i'"able truffle goes ! or silver threads, or beads and but-1 ce,'s who llavo charge of the com
tlio influence ot a real lively in-by ,llilt ro"te' " 'a ald, although! tons. The ordinary tin trouser!1n"couventlon: County president,
tercst in the share of the day; ' au,,, l,"",c "le UBler roads button is found upon many elub-, ureBB. sniunu; couiuy
orate three-figured blouses. Bu-1 secretary,
school In the hrillirlik nil of vniiri" "'CKer ev If longer,
chlidjen, and the Sunday school Ma,,y ,,me8' l,le Pioneers recall,
would Immeasurably profit by a!they nave n,a'10 a '"s' for the
real acquaintance with fathers and slotkarte Bt (ioll " via this
molltem i,.. well ji ll.n l.nvt nml 1 ruad- Wl,e" tl,e I'l'Hans threaten-
Kl,.lSi ' ;ed to make trouble. Grants Puss' In cherry red duvetyn and trim-l Bonar- Fuenlx
J. A. Bickerdike, Tal
gle, Irridiscent and jet beads are Hlt: "atrlct presidents, Mrs. A. J
running the gayer headings a cloBe Hamby. Medford; Mrs. (I. R. Slin
dinner party held at his home on
married couple will reside in Ash-,
Fifth street, which is to celebrate Mr Rnt ,,.,,
by the the Oskar Huher Construc
tion company 011 the Pacific high-
handsome piece of white Ivory by
the class. '
Mrs. J. P. Carson and Mrs. O.
arson servd delightful re
fieshnients. Those present wore.
Mrs. Allen Denton, Mrs. Frank
wick JlcCollister.
Aileeu Norton.
Visited . II. C.
A special nieetiii.i of Burnsiilo
his 91st birthday. Those present
Ore: Mr. and .Mrs. H. U. Adams,
T. E. Ahlslroui, N. J. Ahlstrom,
Mrs Flevene House, Louise and
George Adams und Mr. and Mrs.
T. T. Ahlstrom of Dunsmiilr.
ClndeivlLi ('lull. j
The Cinderella Curd club was
entertained at the home of Mrs.;
Reowiek Mr l.eslli. Pliillhis Mm " " x "- -' ,v;1; "'''"
Fred flasawiiy, Mrs. Jessie Inmaii,
! evening in Odd Fellows hall tn
Mrs fiiaee Sell.v. Mrs .1 K. i entertain Mrs. Con Mcllrlde. de.
way. They will make their home mpnU part men t president of Oregon.
Ill apartments In lie Caldwell and
Bolton building.
Talked on Biology.
A II. 1..... ..I
" """"" ""' ' don. Mrs. O. F. Carson, Mrs. J. P
and school patrons attended the,
y ( arson, Mins Eugennlii ( arson
meeting 01 inn rnrcni-1 eacners ,
One house Is Hhwin, gerlund. Ashland: Miss Agnes i iwiigsion on r ..lam sireei , . . ... . , , ... .
very expensive blouse developed' Du,llun Central Point; .f. A. la8t evening, with Mrs. . W. J. Wul- Rcbo()1 sutu rcliiy evening , and lis-
Two resolutions came before
If you will all come along to
Sunday school witli them, wo shall
be able to help your sons aud
daughters fur more than now, yoa!
would retoice in tbe irond thlnus!
of our (iod, also, aud altogether ll,e c"'""ie bt dy at its meet
ve could work along to larger and "lg la9t eve"'"K "n we passed,
better life The ,h'8t of tllt!30 l,e''tained to the
We Invite you to the Sunday! pavi"g ot t,IB ,tretch o( North
Schools of our community. ; M"iii street to be widened from
iue i-iaia 10 water street. The
second was a resolution declaring
1ST NATIONAL BANK ; the Intention of the council to con-
OVEK MILLION MAItK atruct the paving and curbing ou
Another milestone In the finun- Pal'k street, for which the recor
clal history of Ashland was passed der was Instructed to advertise for
on October 4th, when the depocits "1(,s-
of the First National Bank went! The water superintendent was
over the million mark, the exact! authorized last evening to pur-
sum being $1,006,107.59. jcliuse 100 water meters. These
It may be recalled that about j"! be 'utilised by irrigating con
one year ago, on September 23, sinners for next summer.
1919, the total resources of the
same bank went over a million j lU'SV BEKH HAVK
for the first time, the deposits at KOlIi SEPAKATE JOBS
that time being $760,308.14, to-1 Bees carry four things Into the
tal resources tl.005.S40.87. ! hive, says II. A. Scullcn, bee-man
On October 4th the total re- of Oregon and specialist at O. A.
sources aggregate $1,255,543.82, C: Nectar collected from flow
making an Increase for the year of ' ers and made into honey Is car-j
$250,000.95. ,. ried in the honey stomach; pol-
This increace can not be in any leu collected from flowers and
med with great p illlettes of jet I
: beads. Festoons of the beads drip ,
! from the elbows and wrists of the:
TO PAVK STREETS j georgette sleeves, nnd a banding "
; lace and Mrs. Oeo. VatSs usslst-
, Ing. Five tables played 500, with
I Mrs. J. D. McRae winning top!
. .. 1 t I ... 4 1 . .
H. J. Bovd. Mrs. Lulu Wilson,!""" ""'in- mi ne.e cuio.i.,.
Miss Bernlce Inman, Mrs. Hovh"mn r,'m" ,ne ";'ll"'"1 t'Mvn
Cochrun, Mrs. W. H. Horn, Mrs .;,lnu 1,1 '"'""""Polis. About 10
H. O. Anderson, Mrs. Alta Sl.el- '""inbers of the local corps wero
in attendance, and were much en
tertained by (lie I "port Mrs. Mc-
Miss Wlnnil'red Hpeucer. , ul '"'" '
'honor guest also Inspected tin"
Discussed Aoieinliiienls work of the corps with which she
The grouu of renubllcun women 'was much pleased, ami recom-
of irridiscent beads finish off the
blouse hem.
J 'A It hi TO PAKK
CAHAVAX PASSES , score. The hostesres then served
Tho Park to Purk highway au- light refreshments The club will
tomobile caravan whldi has been be entertained next Monday night
louring through the west for the by Mrs. W. A. Shell and Mrs. (i.
past two or three months pussed H. Johnstone.
Another novel t ri linn iner is nnr.i
row ribbons formed Into a pat- TghAsnla'ld t',is fore"uu" ,
. . , . ' v -their way south after coming into irvnv Vn ii
tern. A taupe duvetyn garnished, Medford last night from Crater; MOJIDAi H Juf.wn
with bow-knot pattern made from' lake. They were met In Med- The Girls' Friendly society gavc
olive and cherry rit bons la shown, j ford tnis morning by members B-.very a,ircessful ".Measuring Pur-1
Insets of patent leather, oil cloth,;je .""j " Ashland' 'y'" at Trinlty KP'opal churclr A pretty homo wedding occur- TheHe ,petlngs are attracting
kid and heavy leather are plentl-i owing to the short distance Ironi parish house, Friday evening. Ev-'red yesterday afternoon which ..-., iit,.,-(.t lu the city.
teued with interest to tho talk
given by Br. Torrey of the 1'ni-! wim ure holding weekly afternoon "lended the niembers on their eltl
versity of Oregon on tho Blolog- nieUtingn to discuss tho vurlousj cluiicy. She also si oke highly of
ical experiments which are being features pertaining to the national ! A"l'land and devoted much praise
i Introduced In the third and fourth ,IMI other elections met at the! 'be "city beautiful." After
grades of the schools. Dr. Tor-, ,0nie of Mrs .Louis Dodgeyeter- the business meeting a social
I rey presented other topics of "ili-i ,ay afternoon. Interesting ills- 'i"'e was enjoyed and elahorato
t terest In the schools, which were ' mssions were carried on by Mrs. 'refreshments were served. The
I greatly appreciated by his aucli-! u . Tonillnson, Mrs. N. CI. Iia" and dining room were artis
lence. ! Bates and Mrs. F. T. Wilson con- tlcally decorateil with aiitumii
; cernlng somo of the amendments leaves.
Wedding Vesteiilny. t he voted upon 'November 2.!
ful. Batik blouses abound. They
employ shades of brick, plum, wis
taria, or flame, with real patterns
rather than the intricate maze of
their lust stopping rlace and their ery member being present, hesldei united the lives of Miss Ann
necessity of getting out uf the 'several of the mothers, who acted j Payne, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs.
mountain country while the ' as patronesses. I C. T. Payne, and S im Jordan, one
(lull Elects Offii'ciN.
The Monday A'teinoon Chau
tauqua Club held its first meet
ing of the year In the library, at
, which time officers for the coip-
tlielr first season. Elephants, to
tem poles, camels, and the scarab
seem popular patterns.
For evening wear filmy slip
overs of tissues such as lace, net,
weather was good, the caravan did j
Married In Berkeley.
I In by Show
of the prominent business men of The members of the Teacup Ing year were elected as follows:
Ashland. The ceremony took club und a number of guests were President, Mrs. Win. Slyer: fii:.t
manner construed as an indica
tion of undue expansion, but is the
natural result of ei'stlng business
largely fed to the young as bee
bread, Is carried on the legs; wa
ter largely to feed the young Is
not stop long In this city. I'leui
dent Ferguson and Secretary Ful- r. Trovost received u telegram , place at the Home of the nride on entertained Tuesday afternoon at, vice president, Mis. O. Wlntei :
ler of the Chamber of Coninierce f rlday, announcing the marriage j the Boulevard, and was perform-: ,e home ot Mrs. Tom H. Simp- second vice president. Mrs. I. D.
took the guests through the parkin' his daughter, Laura, to Jack ! ed by Itev. Finch, pastor of lhe son with Mesdames J. H. Fuller, Leslie; secretary. Sirs. Italph Bil
and Introduced them to the nilu-! Renfrau, which occurred in Berk-1 Baptist church. Only the Iminedl- Jm, Miller, F. F. Whittle, II. J. lings. This is purely u study club
metallic laces, or Hlmy silks, are j erai waters there, after wliicii ! e'ey. Thursday afternoon at 5 ale relatives witnessed the cere- Carter and Miss Mellie Songer as and meets every .Monday ufter
shown. These bloiifcs are so elab-itm)y accompanied tlwm over the; o'clock. Miss Provost recently , moiiy. Both Sir. Jordan and his assistant hostesses. Fourteen lioon In the library
orately beautiful and are worn i iacf )C highway to the Siskiyous. i ,eft Ashland for Berkeley. bride aro well known lu Ashland.' babies, not one over a yeur old,, .
with such gorgeous skirts of heavy This caravan started from Den- ' , The groom is manager of the Jor- were the honor guests. These lit Ouie Wedding
brocaded satin that a seasou of: ,r in Aupust and i s for th pur-' Snipriwil Pantor. ilau Electric company, while his -tin bundles nf rhnhblnes nd A qinet wedding took place
skirts and decollete blouses rather; p09e o( dedicating an official purk : A surprise pound soclul and re- wife is an attractive young wo- daintiness were the center of at-'.Monday, October 4 at the hniif
than bona fide evening gowns Is t park motoring tour of the great 1 cePtion to the new pastor of the man of this city. The newly wed- traction. A club committee of Mrs. Frankie West on Beach
propheeled. 55!f0 hgbway ,bat na been Baptist church, was held at Talent ded couple will make their home T,-Pglicd each bnbv and took down avenue when her daughter. Slls"
The less pretentious realm of mappP(j to oop lbe Rreat western! Friday at which a number of ! In Ashland. the age. A blue ribbon was giv- (iladys and Everett Cantrall.
blousedom show: hand-made piaygr0UI,dg of the nation and to' the J0""" Peaple of the local Hap-! en to each one. Dorothy Chris- both well known young people of
models of batiste, linen, lawn, or (,nist the active support of all 1 tlst caurch attended. A lurgej College Club Met. tine Haight, who has only been so- thlt city were united in marriage,
voile plentifully adorned with! weg4rn c)tieB wjtn federal aid ompany was present and all had A most interesting session ofijotimlng on this earth for the Rev. D. J. (inlanders read th
hemstitching, drawnwotk, laco,! ,be perpetuation of this pro-i" ood ,lln0- i,n9 Women's College Club met at rugt four weeks, was awarded the marriage rites and only the inline-
tucking or medallion Inserts. It: jt. Their itinerar; covers all the' . ' ' nme of Sirs. V. V. Slllls on honor of being the "newest"; Paul diate relative, were present. Tin
is only this type of waist that ta T)Ht jonul parks of the west. i Ashlund Man Married. .East .Main street ..! t Saturday af- .Mitchell, who is nine months old young couple left on the ereniiiK-
shown in tho lighter shades of Hubert B. BenHey of Ashland i ternoon. About 50 members were. Hntl weighs 25 pounds carried off train for San Pran.-lsco wher
conditions and prosperity, in' our i carried in the honey stomach;-and
city and it tends to confirm the' Propolis collected from such
belief of thce optimists who have) sources as buds of trees and used
never lost faith in the continued to varnish the Inside of the hlvt flesh, pink, or white. Georgettes Vale Twelve tons millet to and Miss Lucile Watson of Med-1 present, many of whom were from th0 honor of being the largest ba- they will spend their honeymoon
growth and Improvement of our and stop up cracki, is carried on land satins employ only the deep- the acre taken from 20 acres near ford were united In marriage at. Medford and various points down by In age coinparlron; Reraldlne and on their return will maki
me legs. ;er and brighter colors. iters.
city and county.
jthe borne of the bride yesterday , the valley. Tee club this year wlll Wenner was voted the prettiest, their horns iu Ashland.