7 if'' '1 IWwbtewliiy, Ootolwr fl, J020 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS FAGH TRUE LOCAL AND PERSONAL SATURDAY'S NEWS George Irwin, who has been in Salem the past week attending the - ttutt fair, returned home yeater duy morning. ' L. Davis and wife and Myrtle Fyrguion of Scuttle are lu Ash luud, guests at the Hotel Austin. George A. Culy of Koseburg In (ponding a few days in Ashland thll week loukinj after business Interest it here. Kir. and Mm, Andrew Holm ure newcomers to ' Ashland In the search of a residence. Mr. Holm Is a sufferer from asthma, and after trying out thin climate for a time they may muke this their permanent home. Ralph Bllllugs nmi family re turned home yesterday from a aeatlou spent in the Willamette Valley. Charles B. Moore, who recently sold out bis bakery in Grants Puss, was a business visitor in Ashland yesterday. t Mr. and Mrs, J. II. Fuller ure timong the Aslilalid people in Sa lem this week attending the state fair. Tom Roberts, night patrolman, s back in Ashland after fifteen (lays' vacation spent in Roseburg. He went on his job this this morning. ' The First Company, Oregon Na tional Guard, will receive Its pay checks at drill next Mon day night. All members of the Company are expected to be pres ent at this drill. I). L. Harris, who has been sick lor the past week or so, Is report ed much better and Is able to be round agaiu. Goodlett & Winters have fitted lip the store room at 93 North Main street and will open a meat market there. They opened their store for business this morning. I Portland visitors in Ashland stopping at the Hotel Austin are R. D. Williams, Joseph Rowley, A. E. Adams, Paul McCarlln and wife, F. Jacobsou and C. W. Ful Urton. Other Oregon guests are L. E. Walker of Klamath Falls and R. O. Goff of Siitherlin. Pliny Leaho cair.c over from Hilts yesterday to spend a few days with bis sister, Mrs. J. L. Heer, while he is recovering from serious burns he sustained In fighting fire oil the mountains u short time aKO. Mr. Leaho wus frightfully burned about the hands and face. g A number of properties tire either in the hands of painters or their owners are arranging to have painting done this full befor.j the winter rains Eet in. The homes ot C. F. Wert on Mau zanita street and H. B. Plumnier on Wimer street ere elready un- THE LARGKR1 KTOCK OF Paints Oils GlaSS and Wall Paper IX SOUTHERN OREGON. Best Goods nnd Best Prices. Get Our Prices. WM. 0. DICKERSON ' THE PAIXT MAN WHAT A POWER the saving habit soon be comes and puts one iu the front line of finan cial success. Use money wisely save perBistenth' deposit reg ularly with The Citizens Bank of Ashland, LjCITIZENS P BANK J kO "FASH LAN Pi lA ASSAYINGS Or O i DEPOSITS, idergolng improvement In the, shape of a coat of paint. The bungalow belonging to M. C. Reed j on Scenic Drive will reeclve a , new coat of paint and stain 'shortly.' Mr. and Mrs. Reed ex-1 pact to occupy their home next week, at which time the present j (lMMlnanta nf thftlr hnuao Mr and; i.Mrs. F. E. French, will move into'''- ond Mr"' Peter Medson of Se their own home iin South Pioneer avenue. 4 Robert Casey nnd wife, who have been over in Klamath county .. ..,i, t ....... ....V ..... iui i.aov nnn ui nu iiaiLluK wun lueir cnuuren living mere,; are buck to their home on Allison ; strevt. I Mrs. Jesse Burham was down; from Siskivou vesterdav .honi.lna , aninnir the Ashland atore among uie Asnianu stores. , a . I J. A. Meade of Aberdeen, Wush., is serving us operator In the I Western Union telegraph office. , lie assists Manager C. A. Harris, who has been playing a lone band for the past week since former I Manager Joe Cotter left. I Eastern tourists stopping at tbt i Hotel Austin arc- M. Louise I Walker and J. Moore, both from New York City. ! Members of the Klamath Falls j football team and party accom panying them, who came over yes- terduy and remained In Ashland today for the game included F. E. Peyton, Leslie Peyton, H. 0. Wort ' ley, C. S. Chastaln, Ernest Miller, i Paul Keller, P. Montgomery, R. j McCullum, Robert Goetz, Holland j Watt, Kenneth Can, Ted Mout j gomery, Avid Ady, J. Martin Ad ains, Paul Dulton, Norman Mann, 1 Forrest Cooper, Rudolph Singler, II. M. Ward and R. Milan. Califoinlans registered at the 'Hotel Austin are C. F. Asher, P. J. Stundar, H. L. Close of Duns muir; George Harris and wife of Sacramento; Irene Bowlin, i Blanche Bain and H. Mriuger of jfr. Virginia Fales, who has San Francisco; Will L. Pollock j been visitlnK in Ridgefield. Wash., of Vreka, and G. A. Eberhard offor several weeks, has returned JDorrls. to Ashland, j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wymer of F()U. automobile loads of Shri ! Sheridan, Wyo., are Ashland , ,ierB from Grants Pass came down quests, stopping at the Hotel Co- lumbia. Rev. D. J. Glllanders, who i ,n- inn..t gatlonal church for the past year, has tendered his resignation and will leave with his family next1 shopping at the Ashland stores, jweek for Ontario, Ore. Mr. Gil-' 4 landers and family have made Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraley ex many, friends during their resl-' pect to leave tomorrow for South- !dence here who regret their de- 1 part ure. The former will preach ibis farewell sefinon tomorrow at the Congregational church. Ralph French, who with his wife! Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Reed, Mr. and daughter, has been in Ash-j and Mrs. E. C. Knight and daugh land for the past month visiting, ter of "Kalispell, Mont., spent a his father, F. E. Frenlh, has re- j couple of days in Ashland while reived a commission of second 1 on their way to Lone Beach to I lieutenant in the army, and left j yesterday for Vancouver. He was ' accompanied by Mrs. French and little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dickinson, former well known Ashland dents, who have been living in 1 Portland within recent years, have; been spending the past two days in Ashland, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barneburg ; on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson are on their way place tomorrow In Salem. Mr.Bram' The exhibit is the largest to Fresno, Calif., where they ex- and Mrs. 0. H. Johnson, parents j of al"r ln the country maintained pect to live. They are making of Mrs. Randies, and her Bister, , by 8 commercial organization. Be the move by' automobile. Mrs. Pearl Dodge of Berkeley, are ,ore returning home, Mr. and Mrs. in Pendleton und will attend thejHiek" ex-,ect to v,sit sevftral of Mrs. J. V. Wright is expecting , (Unerfli, , l'o mnny other places of Interest the arrival of .her daughter, Mrs. I Alta Weinberger next week, who has been spending the past sum- dldate to file a petition for the of mer in Echo. Mrs. Weinber-. flce of park commissioner for the (.er wlll remain home this winter. ' coming election. Five commisV fsioners are to be elected this fall. Mr. end Mrs. Otto Holman of; Lincoln, Neb., are tourists who are in Ashland this week, stopping at; the Hotel Columbia. ' , I' C. B. Ogden has moved his fam-l Ily this week from Iowa street to the house nt 104 Bush street, which they will occupy for .1 home. Mrs. John H. Chastaiu of Med ford had her right arm and hand torn off Thursday. Her husband operates the Fluff Rug factory.' and the woman while In the tory alone, found the flywheel agBoed 8 touT ,)0nt buck, says belt slipping. In attempting to j tho Hornbrook correspondent to adjust the belt without shutting: tne yreka News. With the help off the power she caught her right I ot w. H. Fox, who was with him, hand In the belt and wheel, prac-!n9 tie(1 the buck to a tree and tically tearing ort tne arm neiow ' the elbow, tl is believed she will recover. ' ' Miss Maude Putnam of San Francisco arrived in Ashland yes terday and will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Supply Your Kitchen With Aluminum Ware Light and Lasting. Pf ovost Btos. HARDWARR Putnam of Hargadine street. Miss .Putnam left the Bay City some time ago and went by boat to Se attle, after which she went to Portland as the guest of her grandmother. then later on to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. C. J Hoti and ttle ar 8ueBts at ,he Hotel Aus nil. inner gueni-j iiuiii gion stale U1UI ail ex-service men !tance are J. J. Roach of Salt Lake should get their applications In as !Citv - t-'tah. nd Mlss F- BeS osoon as possiblo for the Victory ;st- Thomas, Ont., Can. i medal. Every man who saw ser- I vIca la entitled to one. whether he ., I .ll - Portland guests stopping at the Portland guests stopping at tiw I Hotel Columbia are F. C. Schmldth, H. Jessee, Marlon G. Bradley, S. It. Runey and wife. Mrs. aCtherlne Huverkamp of ... . Kansas uuy, mo., nrrivea in Asn-i , , ... .. d yesterday and will be the . guest of her sister, Mrs. S. B. Mc Nalr. Mrs. Haverkomp will prob ably remain here all winter. Tho Heaver Heultv comnunv to- day report the sale of the George A. Culy residence on -Liberty street to Addle E. Peck, who lata - lv came her from Newnork. ; 11 ' t It required much tribulution to; j reach Ashland, but C. E. Ran-j ! dull, who Btarted with eight tons! of household furniture on a truck from Albany finally reached hero, after a hard trip lasting a week.! Mr. Randall, who will locate in this city, left his former home town with the furniture of two families. It rained all the way. he claims, until he reached Ash- lanu, ami ut many places ne was stuck in the mud so long that long strings of automobiles were held up on either side, and had! to help pull him out. He was a I came home yesterday from a two happy man when he reached Ash-jweek's visit near Portland. Mr. land Thursday evening. (Van Natta returnB with the avow- ! ui that Ashland is good enough Mrs. J. B. Duncan has returned ,for Hfl Btatea lt rallled aM from a visit with relatives and th(J whUe he waB gone Anil friends in Berkeley, Sacramento! ,t. WM BUre enough ,., ne d(;. I aim oiuer poima m wiiutiut. illst evening to attend the meet ing of Hllluji Temple, M. S. A'"" . " n ' number were also here from Med- Wife' "". ,A' B' ,r0W"' . ,'' ford ,, JllckgonTile. jj,., an( Mrs. Delbert Goddard WPre over from Hilt yesterday ern California. They will stop jut San Francisco for a short visit, 'then go on south as far as Los I Angeles. 'spend the winter. The Kulispell j visitors were friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Frenc'i, former resi- 'dents of that city, and visited j with the latter while here. They istarte( thlg nlornlng for the reBl-jg0U(U 4, f, -f Word was received in Ashland today from Pendleton stating that the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Randies, whose death oc- curred there Thursday, will take'th,,t arB a nart ot tho dail' ',r- Frank Jordan Is the only can- FRIDAY'S NEWS m- and Ali-a P S Courtney and Msg E. Park of Sanla Barbara.' Calif., are tourist, registered at u0iei Austin the Hotel Austin, . - . . Mrs.' Inez Eagan " Jeffrey left last night for her home ln Hnmil-'tlng ton City, Calif., after making a visit in Ashland with her grand mother, Mrs. B. H. Hatch, on Granite street. While rounding up beef cattle fac-jone day Iaat week Albert Lichens killed him. ' J. A. Siahan, H, J. Robinson, wife and daughter and L. E. Che-1 verria are San Francisco guests: at the Hotel Austin. j J Kay Loosley, the well known weeK r 80 as nno cantpeu ... j cattle man ot Klamath county, is!the 811,0 Dark' w,,ich tin,e th busiues. visitor to Aslilund this ! decided to locate In Ashland. La- week. j t A. C. Keller is giving his houses j on Allison street a coat of paint, this fall and otherwise improving! the properties. The- residences ' thus treated are the one In which he lives and the one occupied by M E. Boslough. Thes Improve- ments add materially to the ap - pearance of that street. Mr. and Mrs. George Berkheis- er of Yreka, who are touring In Oregon, stopped off a few days that country is a hunter's para thls week to visit at the home of dise, It hunting is all he is after, Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey In Talent, as he can get all kinds of aensa yesterday afternoon Mrs. Carey tions over the rough, steep moun brought her guests up to Ashland tains, , but getting game there Is and took them through the park; another matter. Tbey saw plenty and over other scenic sections. The of deer tracks, they said, but nary guests expressed, themselves as 'a deer did they see to shoot at. much pleased wlh Ashland. I 9 9 ' 4 L. 0. Moon and wife of Cheha- Members of the American Le- "s, Mrs. M. S. Miles of Spokane I . ...... . 1 . . ..rvlee abroad or at home, , . i,,h . hnmn.' , (llB lmnl.e98on among some ex.gei.vice mm thnt tUe American!"1 h " Columbia. wlll Drovide these med- . als to Its members but such Is i not the case, as eacu man geis ui , .... i,i.. own. A number have alread) . . . . , , oeen receivea anu are a uiiuuHuiin- I niomento. j ' Walter Everton Is having his ! house on Allison street moved if,om )re8ent location ' ,n; other rl nearer ,lie ce"ler, of 1 town' Wlien the Work ls CorapIet"' Id tne reddence will be attrac- ('ely 'orated. E- E. Walford was up fromj Medford yesterday afternoon onj business Seattle guests stopping ut the. Hotel Columbia are Sam Hunter, and wife and J. R. Berkey. Mrs. J. E. Barrett arrived lusl i ! eve " f"rom H p c wher188 nl,easa"u beSns f,rid"'- 0(riic has been definitely Tixed for BUe u leacbine Mhoo ,0 uttel i ober X- 0,;ly ,lv' ca" be kl"ed j Thursday, October 7. It will be Ule funerBl ot ,he ialB Ml., j0B ephine Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Van Natta . ..., mtle d ,.k(. iwe get here, in which a Peo , missloner for the western district, -does not mind being out ln. It wns.wft9 gn AMani vUtor from Port. a regular downpour all the while " lanrt ye8ter(,av eMlng on hi8 The country is very prosperous, j rlendg ,,,, mak,ng a tom. of I h clai8' only ,ne weather Is to.. thig gectlon o the gUtc ! wet for comfort. ! Hotel Columbia guests from Portland guests at the Hot.l i rntumhlu uro C R Killiin 1111,1 ' BuesiB ai iiih smiic nuiei uie j. . . uray, crnesi rupe aim j. r.. oaa- ,lers' George Roman of Happy Cantp ls an Aslilund visitor a few days' this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Barrett: are in Ashland, called here by the death of their grandmother. Mrs. Josephine Barrett. THl'RSDAYfl NEWS An 11-pound baby daughter ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Delsman of 1149 Oak street. The little lady was horn J September 23, and Is the finest in lown' according to her i t"K"1a parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Hicks, from Ashland, were visiters on Septem . ber 25 ut the big exhibit of ! Southern ' California products 1... ..... ... ...., ... j mauuuiueu nee 10 1110 puuhl iu j ,ne Los Antseles Chamber of j 1 Commerce. They also attended the lectures and motion picture I In the Southland Californians stopping at the Hotel Austin are K. K. Edglngton of Berkeley; H. 8tr!iiger and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Orrieott, V. .Dean and M. Folk of San Fian- j c'c. . i 1 W,ll""n Carlton, who came "er, STl, bought a home on Weigntman ! street, has come to Ashland with : sireet, nus come to asihuiiu whu ; n,B nousehold effects nnd is get- locatel hl9 new non,e- Hl' I family will tollow shortly uy au- tomobile. I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barker were 1 over night visitors from Horn brook, returning home this morn ing. . Mrs. W. H. Leland. Miss II. A. Miller and George Beck of Chica go, III., are Ashland guests, stop ping at the Hotel Austin. 0. H. Cole and family of Cor nelius, and Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Cook of 8tansfieid are newcomers 1 to Ashland and have taken tne house at 102 Oak sireet. They came through here a couple of . . . j ter they went on to visit in Duns- firBt time since her Injury. She mulr and lef arrangements for a'gtlll walks on crutches. house when they returned. Mr.j Cook is the son-in-law of Mr. and) Portland guests In Ashland at Mrs. Cole, and Is an ex-service I the Hotel Austin today were A. man. He received three wounds! L. George, Thos. Butts, A. Wim by a bursting shell in the battle of Argonne and was confined to.gon guests at mis noiei are 1. n. hnepital for many months.. j Marple. and Fannie E. Virgil of ' Klamath Falls, and F. U. Lewis ! Nate - a,,d H- - """""'of Eugene. ; field are back from a several ( days' hunting trip through tha j According to Sheriff C. E. Teri 'wilds about Colestin. They state1 rill no deputy will be sent to v u.,u . among Washington tourists In Aslilund, registered ut the Hotel Columbia. Ml), I HriirO f'nttOratf rf ITlitiu am r. . . . . corge n. nullum or I'ortlnnri was ln A8"laB1 lus n'K" "topping Lake that the recent heavy fall! of snow there has alt melted j away, the weather fine and the going good clear to the lodge. This is the word from the stuge driv er running between the luke ami Medford, and he is muking trips out every day yet. The season at the lodge closes tomorrow, Oc tober 1, but the lodge wlll re main open to accommodate the na tional park-to-park touring party which Is expected there Friday or Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Redifer have started housekeeping In the Johnson apartments on North Main street after living for some time on Mountain avenue. The open season for hunting Ch-I ' ' . "u ten In any consecutive seven days 1 with not more than three female ' pheasants In any bag of ten. M. Clemens, the Rexall drug gist of Giants Pass, is In Ash land this week helping at the 1 -cent sale on at the Hexall drug store of McNuir Bros. William B. Bennett, democratic candidate for public service com- Caifu....ia are p Williams and .. ...... wlIe. or een; airs. Kate mui- , Montague; S. L. Magos and . wjfe ,ons Hpa(,1); S()I,hy Fl,er . p Eva L. Augusta of Dana; Hirant H. Frazer of Dunsinulr and II. G. Mashburn and wife ot Little Shas ta. I Attorney W. J. Moore left this morning for Lakeview to be gone several days on business matters. Larry Schade of the Reddy Jew elry store declares he never had so mucn rai sport as during ml,ot le compiet,.,!, hut whicluit recent week's hunting and fl"''-j known would he t omploto by Ing outing with C. A. English and Elmer Colvln of Portland, who came here especially for this trip, and Harry Toiulinsoti ot Aslilund, with headquarters at Chester Ktibll's cabin at Little Squaw lake. The party bagged five very fine bucks! several of which were very largo and nearly wore off their arms pulling in th,1 trout, the latter came so fast. Medford Mall Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. Johnle Lauermuu have ret,.ne,i from Oakland. Calif., and will spend the coming winter with their daughter, Mrs. L. F. Ferguson. Jack Brady and MelvLn Kaiegi are among the Ashland boys to enter the University of Oregon at Eugene this year. Superintendent G. A. Briscoe of the city schools, und Superin tendent Smith of the Medford schools go to Sulem this week to meet with the other members of the committees for the state teach- ers' association which meets Fri- daJP and Satu.duy of this week ito di"CUI", "ro)ects "l (on with tn agfl0cintloii. h. R. Thomas nnd family are going to move awav trom Aslilund thls week. Mrs. Thomas anil child will go to Sacramento for the present, while Mr. ThomnB w b(J en,pIoy,d Bt Hornbrook. B. C. Gilllland 01! Fossii is vis iting at the home of his son, W. C. Gilllland on North Main street. Mr. Gilllland may get the Fossil habit and locate in Ashland. H. A. Dillon and H. A. Coey of Clovervllle, N. Y.. and L. N. S. Klaesson of New Vork City are tourists stopping at the Hotel Aus- tjn Mrs. H. F. Pohland, who suf fered a fractured ankle several months ago while changing cars on her way home from Marshfield was dowu street today for the and O. E. Williams Other Ore-( Ashland this fall td receive the last half of the taxes. Instead a check should be sent to the slier Iff, giving him the number of the first half of the taxes paid. Mrs. Wolf, who came here yes terday from Dunsinulr to visit Mrs. T. Franco left this morning for Medford to spend a few days with her brother, who resides there. ft. Mr. and Mrs. John D. MulfieUl of Granite street are parents of a son who was born to them Sep - tember 21. County Commissioner T. H. Simpson, who with the other: county officluls, has been in Port-' lund attending the meeting nf the! state highway commission, is! nome. .mi. bimpsou sioppeu on . yur( s.ln a (h(i fij(ii( ttf In Salem yesterday to attend thewi,( (lm.ks ,lavo .llu, jt follows statefatrwhich. he states, Is won-ith(t ,)(; haH a w.(m spot )n hs derfully fine this year. The Jack-! henrt f). tti(,.rowl , , sou county erhiblt is a huge sue-: ,he lntl!1.eMl) t ,,, hn ,.. cess this year, Mr. Simpson 8a.V8, ' pm-ed n leaflet on the propagation This is under the direction of q( vM Uu(.ks w,i(i) m.iy ))e h.i(1 County Pathologist C. C. Cate, and ( fn)m he niII.Il( ,)f ni()0Rlcu the booth which emphasizes srV(,v i-,lit(Hi states Department peaches. pears and apples In Its ()f ARrlcllUl.ei ,,v v,ma who exhibit, is viewed constantly byskg 101. it large crowds every day. and Is one, MlM.n(lit lp c.lsi(.st , hall.' of the most attractive county ex-,,, W0(d llu(.( comill(, hibits at the fair. , . jj. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nicley and fam ily have gone to Council, Ida., to spend some time with relatives. i The dato for the Jackson I County Pioneers' reunion and pic- held In Jacksonville unci will be attended by n large number of Ashland people. O J. A. Ormandy of Portland, as isstant general passenger agent, and R.' E. Kelly of San Francisco, representative of the executive de partment of the Southern Puciflc company, visited Ashland yester day afternoon while making a tour of this section looking after their interests. CAMHDATKN TODAV Today Ib the last day for tllins of petitions of nomination of can didates for city offices, and un less the petitions or certificates of nomination are filed by f o'clock this evening with the City Recor der, any additional names sug gested for city .offices will hu-vo Alcorn of Slsson;'to be written in tit the election on November 2. I'p until 3 o'clock this afternoon tho following candidates had com pleted filing: C. H. Pierce, J. W. Miloer, T. J. Le.MuRler, Kmerson Howell, 0. M. Frost, F. J. ShUin and W. E. Blake, all of whom aro seeking couucllmunlc offices. Other petitions nt the City Re corder's offico, filln:' of which hail Lamkin, to succeed himself as mayor; 0. E. Eubunks for city The"CIetrac is sturdy, powerful and absolutely dependable built to give you the long-lived, trouble-free service you want. (The marvelous success of the Clctrac in 1919 caused the bulk of farmers everywhere to put their O..K. on the small 'tank-type. And now because the Clctrac is the "fashion" because a greatly increased output means a lower manufac- turingcost ivc can off cr a better Cletrac and still reduce the, price to you. Only the very best of materials are used. Every workman irt the Clctrac shops is an expert. And rigid factory inspec tions guard against mechanical imperfections. t - From radiator-cap to the tip of the drawbar, the.Cletrac is built right. Come in and look this tractor over. Sec for yourself its honest construction. Let us show you what it, will do for you on your own farm, HUBBARD BROTHERS treasurer, Gertrude Biede for city recorder and A. C. Joy and J. L. Hamer for couucilmen. There is some talk on the street.? of other candidates having peti tions out but nothing official had transpired regarding them up to; ins, but the provisions for shelter the time of going to press. need not be elaborate. For most Ashland Is to elect a complete I ducks and most climates a simple set of city officers this year, in-j three-sided shack is sufficient, eluding mayor, treasurer, city re- though extreme cold weather corder, six councils ell ulid five' find the ducks housed In a tight park commissioners. Present in-' huildlni! with a nlertv of litter oi dicationa ure that no one wants , (.mmis,!(,n j()i)s, 80 it' wm ,e up to the public to hand (them to somebody by writing in ,,,,. , now To It ISK WII.K IUVKS We Have on Hand A Complete Line OF Aluminum Utensils AND Enamel Ware SIMPSON 'S 37-39 NORTH Built to Last Black ducks need more space than either of these because they are more sensitive a- bit "wilder." Widgeon and teal need wlnte shelter, If grown In the North, to a greater extent than their cous- tho floor, p.esh Infusions of wild blood must be introduced from time to time if the birds arc to keep their , ,..,.,....,,,.., ' Wild-duck eggs are usually ' hatched under hens, though they may be hatched in an Incubator. Breeding stock of whatever specipK shou( ,,e obtuineil In the full so as to be sett'ed In its quar- tpi.a ,)e(ore the breedllls seas(llli whion rolllea rntuer early , 8Ill.illK. riie leaflet describes the care and feeding of the youiK Rt evpry 8taf,e , ther velopment from the yellow taz?. of the duckling to the gleaming Ir- idescent feathers cf the niaturo bil,,, It lg u,xtH that shouhl interest sportsmen as well a, the (,.(m, t:tl.lll(.r .... AT MAIN STREET v MEDFORD OREGON HARDWARE