Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, October 06, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Wednesday, October fl, 19 'iff
Ahlnd Wtkty Tidings
EsUbi.b.-u 1876
THIS ri.Mu
Bert R. Greer E'"tori
0ne Yea : St!
MnthV ::'::::::::: :?5 1
. 1
ADVtRTISl.NtJK.4TES I dinner. The Native Daughters
Display Advertisements, oachj.m ful.Jlish cof(ee sugar gnd
Local Readers, the lino 10c
Classified Column, the word, each
tim- lc
Legal notices, eacn nine, me
'.J .V Ti'.'.'i.' ! i nn
Obituaries, the Hue 2c:
Fraternal orders and societies Wednesday evening In tiie Odd
charging regular Initiation fees penowa j,au whlch wag one 0j tho
t,ri.?"e;LrSA?-.,i.f...niol unique and amusing events
will be charged at the regular '
advertising rate for all adver-j
using when un admission or
collection Is taken. I
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, ;
Postoffice us second class mail
4 i i
, j. f. 4. i. si. $ q. s 4.
A democratic rival ot senator
Harding's famous front porch has
appeared. It is Governor Cox's
"side porch." Between stump
speeches lately, the governor has
spent much of his time at the ex
ecutive mansion in Columbus.
When there politicians, newspaper
men and other visitors find him on
his "side porch, which is enclos-
ed in glass. It is there that he.tlonal Guard Is planning a Ha.1
wrote most of his stump speeches, i lowe'en masquerade tali: for the
The house is the property of the evening of October 2:,. wlilch wUl
Mate of Ohio.
Those who think the automobile I
has driven the horse and buggy
out of business haven't seen Doc
tor Harding, father of the repub
lican nominee, proudly driving
down Mount Vernon Ave., in his
"rig." As a crowd was gathering
at Marion for a big speech recent
ly, Doctor Harding drove by with
a huge basket of roasting ears
sticking out of the rear end oT
tlio buggy.
Those newspaper reporters fre
quently seen moving around mys
teriously in Harding's hack yard
are not looking for n story. They
me filling their pockets with ap
ples, plums and pears from the
candidate's small buck-yard or
clinnl. Harding Himself granted
pasture rights to the newspaper-j
mwi. I
One of Hie miiin t-kinnishes of
the presldi'iitlal campiiigii thus fai
is the "lithographic bombard
ment." Whenever Governor Cox
is to speak, Harding: enthusiasts
teem to make a special effort toliome ot Mrs. 0. A. Pnulscrud on
have the senalorV. pictures in Oak street to study the political
prominent places, T here the dem-j questions bufore the coming elec
ocratic candidate is certain to see Hons. The first meeting was
them. The democrats claim that! held with Mrs. H. K. Tomllnson.
so far they have been at a dis- Yesterday both affirmative and
advantage, because of a shortage j negative sides ot several ot the
of "ammunition." Comparatively j amendments were discussed, and.
few Cox pictures have been print- u Btudy was wade ot the platforms
ed. On A recent trip to Wheeling, of the five different national par
W. Va., from Columbus by motor,, ties who ur. to appear on the bal
Harding pictures v. erc displayed ! lot. Mrs. "Louis Dodge aud Mrs.
in large numbers along the road.'D. Peroui led in the discussion,
.lust before rearhin Wheeling tin-; ----
Cox party overtook a "iepiib!i"jn 1 MONDAY'S NEWS
far." which was sen! tyring the lith
ographs along the 'way. Across
rom Cox's newspaper office in
1 my ton ure eight Harding pictures
while others appear in the state
house ut Columbus, only a short
distance from the governor's of
fice, having hoen put up by repub
licans holding state offices.
Herzog of tho Chfifigo Culis
hays Harding keep his own
tine average posted on (he front
porch. It is 3V0 the senator's I
mreet number. j
The Social Realm
Ibni'iMion 10 Tcjrlit'i- i
The patrons o? (he Talent ,
Krhr,r,l recently can a recention
to their teachers iu the M. B.
church. A tpecia) musical pio
gram was enjoyed. This was fol
lowed by short addresses by Mr.
Morris, pastor of the M. E. church.
Principal Jew-tl and Mr. Carler,
bairman of the board of direc
tors. A social hour wan then
spent in greeting iie school teach
ers. Dilicioun refreshments were
ferved in whiih e -ch look a pe
cial psrt. Si hoot is starting out
wry satisfactorily. The teacher?
arc: H. P. Jewell. Mrs. Ada
Maimai ri. Mis Andrews, Mrs.
Frii Dickev. Mi-s Lillian Hoff
man. Mrs. (,'h.nles Kins ud Mrs.
,- -
I nr.-M.-N l'rty
Mr. and Mis. O. K. De.bert, who
xpwt to leave fur Oakland the hymn in the Indian .language,
lxt of this week, were pleasant- which everyone enloyed hucc-ly.
ly surprised Sniur-iay earning by, the following oftlorrs were elect
11 party of friend who had ai- d: Pren'ilent, Mrs. Amy Mastier;
sembled at the home of Air s W. vlce-preideiit, Mrs. Cora Butter
J. McBrlde and frrr:i there went, field; teacher, Mrs. Ella Oxford:
over to the home of the Leiberts "rst istant, Mrs. Luana Dn-
fcnd escorted them back to the!
McBride dwelling on Oregon
street. The eveuln? was spent in
uluyiiig games, following which
Mrs. E. W. Hauck
rendered a
:in-in- vocal solo and encore, nc
. ...
compauied by jhiss iiuroara -ic-
Keniie.Yreka New.
Mr. and Mrs. Deibert were for-
nier well Known ASdiana rcsiuemi..
8. O. Pioneers o Meet
The Southern Oregon Pioneer
Society will meet In Jacksonville;
Thursday. October at 10 o'clock
'.. m the odd Feiiows i,nu.
entertainment will be a baskets
cream. Mrs. H. H. Sargent will
deliver an address.
Kiddles' Party
The Lady Maccabees enter
er-j 8
tallied with 8 "kiddie" pa
cvr staged by this order. The
"kids" were represented by the
members dressed as children nnd
thf fvening w:18 sp,,ut I)Uying
games dear to children's hearts.
Those who'acted the parts discov
ered to their own surprise they
had not outgrown the old-time
shorts, and all entered into the
merriment with the zest with
which they participated in the
same pastimes the "few years ago"
when they were school children.
Refreshments consisting of lea
cream cones, all-day suckers nml
such delicacies beloved by chil
dren were served during the even
ing. A large attendance was
. r
HallowoVn Bull
The First company of the Ma
be the most elaborate event ever
presented In the armory. No orm
will be admitted without a masque,
and the company if making their
announcements early to allow all
to begin preparations; for the big
Celebrated Anaivomury
Mr. and Mi-b. B. I,. Delsman cul
ch rated their fifth wedding anni
versary at their home at ,184 First
strest Tuesday evening wltli a
dinner ut which a number of their
relative sand friends were the In
vited guests. A sumptuous course
dinner was served to the follow
ing: Mr. and. Mrs. J. W. Bailey of
Talent; Mr. and Mrs. William
Craney ot South DaUota; Mr. aud
Mrs. .loph Sander ,Mr. and Mrs.
v. (J. Sander, Mrs. Clara Delsman,
E. V, Bailey, Charles Delsman,
Willimii Sander, Jr., and Joscpr
guilder, Jr.
Wednesday afternoon another
interesting meeting of a croup of
republican women met at the
LiKliiV Am! Meots.
i TIi Lu.lies' Aid nf the Presbu-
' teruin church had :i pleasant day's
gathering Friday. It was an ull
j day session and a bountiful din
ner was served at Moon. Mr. and
' Mrs. Clark were special guests.
.Mrs. Clark was fur seven yeurs a
teacher in the Sheldon ' Jackson
.school at Sitka, Alaska, and dur
ing tho dlnuer - she entertained (
bat-;1"0"" -'eui scenes 01 mu
natives aim tiie worn uone ior
them by the mission, which "was
thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs.
Clark stujted for Crater lake ln
the uftertioou, as they wanted to
see the lake before leaving for a
tour of the roust.
Entertained Dinner Guest.
Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Rose en-i
tertained relatives yesterday at
their home on Terrace street with
dinner in honor of the wedding
anniversary of their guests, Mr.
ad Mrs. Frye of Astoria, who had
been taking an automobile trip
with Mr. and .firs. Rose through
California. The guest list includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNalr,
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. McNalr and
i -ric-nnimi .anniversary. j
The Volunteers Class of the!
Baptist church celebrated their,
tilth :,nnual banquet Thursday,
S, )t- 30- the church parlors,
After a sutnptuuos feast In which
1 everyone did his liest to do justice!
to the good things provided and
muring which Mesi'.ames Denton,
Harvey and Kmiili gave some in-,
ti-rextins talks of their pioneer'
days, and Mrs. Ponton sang a
ton; nocgtd assistant, art. IJ
Elder; secretary and treasurer.
Betty' J Hawks Those present j
m '.j.. r n Hnia. Ida!
n,w Amv Mastier. Anlce Mc -
Clanahan. Lula Hewitt, Luana
'n..n u1H Wrlht. Sarah JaV.
Nancy Canine, Aulletta iiarve),
Julia Morris, Cora Butterfield,
Azlida Minor, Betty Jay Hawks.
Vesta Brown. Ida M. Smith, Jes
sica Porter, Grace C. Holme!),
Catherine Satterfield; Miss Callie
Dozler. Guests, Mrs. Emma Ken -
i- Priln Peters. Miss
Claudia Klum and Mrs. Addie Wl!-t
son from Medford.
Handkerchief Shower
Before leaving for Eugene
take up her course at the univer
l-.-,.. ,l
oltv Mtsa Ameli'i
,iv. . hnndkerchief shower bv'
a larpo number of her close
rleuds at the home ot Mrs. W. C.;naa "oor Dealla Ior l
Miss Fparza will fin-i
Ish at the university this year,
Entertained Dinner Gucwtg
Mrs. W. H. McNalr was hostess
at a dinner Monday evening at
her homo on Oak.street ut which
Mrs. B. L. Sherwln and Mrs. E.
J. Van Sant were the guests. Mr.
and Mrs. McNalr were in turn en
tertained at dinner last evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II.
K. Tomllnson.
The American l egion bnuquet
held at the Parish house last
night was a success from the
word go. "Dickey" . Dickerson
put on the spread and, say, it was
some spread, yum. yum. First
course split pea soup; second
course, salad; thlnl course, boku
fried chicken and dressing,
mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes
and gravy; fourth course, fruit
jello and whipped cream, cake
and coffee. "Billy" Brlggs sent
his plate back, but then that's
telling on "Billy." Cigars and
cigarettes were then passed
around aud Toastmaster Mills took
the floor. The boys were askei
to demonstrate their oratorical
abilities and many good "stories"
were unearthed. The American
Legion quartet, accompanied by
"Doc" Burdic on his mandolin
oh yeB, and "Vic" Mills with his
a-cor-deen furnished the (musi
cal?) end of the entertainment.
The tables' were then cleared
away and until midnight the
troops played cards, sang and
talked politics.
Entertained Friends
A party for the young people of
the Baptist church was held at
the home of Mrs. Griffith on Lib
erty street last evening by the
hostess, who Is planning on leav
ing Asliland for Klamath Falls
within the coming two weeks.
About thirty guests were present
and enjoyed a delightful time until
a late hour. Mrs. Griffith served
refreshments to her guests.
Iliithdny Party
To celebrate their birthday an
niversary which occur September
30 and October 1. MiBses Minnie
and Nellie Beaver entertained
company of their close friends at
their home 011 Iowa street last
evening. The guests were enter
tained with cards and music af-l
ter which delicious refreshments
were served.
('bins Party
Misses Laura Prescott, Georgi
ana Cllft und Frances Pratt were
hostesses at a party entertaining
members of tho freshmen and
, .. .. ,
xonhomore classes In the schools
at the Prescott home on Chest
nut street last evening. A large
company was In attendance and
ull enjoyed themselves hugely.
Mrs. R. L. Burdic and little son
ar9 jn Garfield,
this weeK.
. .
The wheat midge Is working
down into the spring-wheat region
of Washington from the Canadian
Northwest. This Insect has been
present for a number of years In
the eastern portion of the United
States, extending as far south as
West Virginia, but, as It is chief
ly Injurious to spring wheat,
which Is not largely grown in the
eastern section of the United
States, little close study has been
made of It. Now that the insect
appears' to be about to establish
itself in the spring-wheat regions
1 0f the Pacific
Northwest, tho
iimea siaies ueparimeni 01
jriculturt, through Its specialists
m toe nureau 01 r.ntomoiogy, nas
begun a systematic study of the
habits of the midge. This Insect
is a small fly closely resembling
t he Hessian fly, but living between
the glumes and the berry Instead
0f In the stalk, as the Hessian fly
does. This Insect Is said to have
caused a loss of $15,000,000 In
New York stale during the years
gS7 and 1858.
Tbe stale motor vehicle law will
be enforced from now on In ilea
ford and Jackson county. Chief of
Police Timothy and Sheriff Ter -
rill, as well as all other peace of -
ficers of the cities and villages
having received Instructions toBoo ot Halloween; rungsiey,
this effect from Sam Kozer, secre- Waterbables; Hawthorn, Wonder
taiv of state, says the Medford Book; Hawthorn, Tanglewood
1 Mll-Tribune. This law provides
that every person driving a mo -
tor vehicle must have a state mo -
tor vehicle operator's license and
produce the same for Inspection at
the leanest of anv neace officer.
Violation of this law provides tor!
; a punishment of a fine not to c-,
ceed $400, or Imprisonment not toj
j exceed one year in the county Jail'
I r both. Therefore it is up to'
every car owner or driver who has
not yet obtained his license to get
busy at once.
Mrs. Josephine Barrett, the!
aged mother of Brakeman J. K
Barrett, died at the letter's home
Factory T laflt n8ht at
about 1:30 'clock' M,a' Bam'lt
1 uul lor "1B ,ual lwo ul
Itnree wcoks sue nau ueen iaiun;
rapidly and her death was expect
ed almost any time during th-
past three or four days, Old age
combined with a number of sllgh:
strokes during the past year was sen of destitute Armeniuns are fac
the cause of her demise. ! iug the winter clothed In torn
Mrs. Barrett had been a fumll- rags with no prospect for addl
lar figure In Ashland for the past, tlonal clothing other than what
IS years, having come here to can be secured fop thorn by this
make her homo at that time. She! means. Begiji at once to prepare
wag born In New York state, but
on coming west many years ago1
with her husband she lived at
Horubrook, Yreka und other
points- in California. After the
Hater's death Mrs. Barrett made ;
her home with her in. J R Urn--
rett, her only surviving child.
Beside her son and his family
Grandma uarrett. as she wasi
affectionately called by her many j lrU8teM ot thls clty and wl" ue
friends, leaves a long list of inti-' furnlalled t0 Provide a home for
mate acquaintances to whom sheithe teachers who In the past have
had endeared herself by her loving I bad 80 much difficulty In secur
way - ; Ing rooms there.
Funeral arraneements have not Mr8' Thatcher, primary teacher,
vet been comnleted." and will be'
announced later.
Mrs. Charles Randies, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. John
son, died at an early hour this
morning at her home in Pendle
ton after a short Illness. News
. !
of Mrs. Randle's Illness had , That slogan has been laid away
reached Asliland earlier in the . with regrets by some and gladness
week and Mrs. Johnson left for to t,08, Investor.
,, . , , , . . , No longer does the owner have
Pendleton Tuesday night to beto pay tU(j tgxeg and get nothng
with her. Mr. Johnson Btarted . a return.
for that city on train 14 this
morning on receiving news of bis
daughter's death, Only telegraph
ic news has been received con
cerning the death of Mrs. Ran
dies which is very meagre, and
plans regarding the funeral have
not yet been sent to the Ashland
Mrs. Randies was formerly MIbb
Clayre Johnson, a well known and
highly esteemed ABhland young
lady. Since her ma: rlage she had
U"ed In Pendleton. The news ot
ber death Is learned ' with much
sorrow by her many Ashland
R. P. Campbell, the well known
local poet and Cbautaqua enter-
lalnaM ui a a nta nt tliA ,itt.u-
Hons at the Chamber of Commerce
forum luncheons given at the Ho-
tel Holland yesterday. That his j
talents were greatly appreciated!
by the people of that city Is shown
by the following from the Mall
A treut was certainly enjoyed
by all who attended the forum
noonday luncheon at the Holland
IG'fitnl vpRlfiritnv P P PnmnhAll.
' , , ,
1 better known as "Dick Posey" or
the "James Whltcomb Hlley" of
the Itogue River Valley, recided!
two of his poems. "Dad," and!
"Mother's Biscuits." Mr. Camp
bell gave these selections iu aj
most pleasing and commendable
. nmnnoi tirlncrlnr fill Mm tinmnn.
elements perfectly.
Following are new books Just
received at the public library:
O'Brien, White Shadows in tho
South Seas; Stoddard, Rising Tide
of Color; Sellgmnn, The Negro
Faces America; Turneau, Hy
draulic engineering; Cbarnwood,
Abraham Lincoln; Drlnkwater,
Abraham Lincoln; Browne, Na
tional Ballads; Elson, Social
Games and Group Dancing; Bu
near, Great Adventure In Panama;
Gibbons, France and Ourselves;
Gibbs, Now It Can Be Told; Kel
log, Mercier, the Fighting Car
dinal; Keynes, The Economic
1 Conse(,uellce, of Pea. Cameron,
Seven Purposes; Doyle, New Rer-
elation: O'Donnell, Menace of
j Peace; Merrick Worldling; Iba-
net, Mare Mostrum: Ibanes, Blood
and Sand; Ibanez, Shadow of the
Children's books:
Burgess, Coops; Smith, Christ
mas In Legend and Story; Kelley.
Barb Wire, dandy Cedar Posts and
Yew anchors posts in carload lot
arrived. Plows and tractor tooN
1 01
j DI all kiuufl, iie-iucr iia.iun.
New ftnd seound hand MWinr ma-
iehlnes for M, or wtf at
Tales; Lang. True Story Book;
;Lang, Crimson Fairy Book; Lang,
1 Saints and Heroes; Maeterlink,
Children's Life of the Bee; Per
! kins, Scottish Twins; Rolt-
Wheeler, Wonder of War In the
Holy Land.
The committee of relief for the
iNettr Eaat maklnB
i wlde arlve ,or clothing for the
destitute Armenian!'. The people
of Ashland are asked to do their
share, to meet this pressing need.
All those having old clothing
that can be made over or put In
'shape for wear which can be
' spared, are asked to make a bun
dl of the8e' pUt ,,16m 0n th8,r
fro"1 ,orcn laDellea
"uu" u"1 iuiuajr. iuobc
win uiea oe gaiuerea up aurin
the afternoon, packed and sent to
the committee headquarters In
The winter Is at hand and mas-
your bundle, and make a little sac-,
rlfice if necessary for the comfort,
rather than the very existence of
your fellow mortals,
Oct. 2. The C. 0.
In Dunsmuir has
Bissell home
. I been rented hv tlio hrmril nf ochmil
w111 be house-mother, and tha.
j large Uyins room wi" 09 made
las attractive as possible for the
young women.
There are 16 teachers in the
Dunsmuir schools this year.
"Cheaper to Rent than Own."
Rents are cheaper here now
than In other places and it is true
that some tenants ore still getting
use ot the property for less than
5 per cent net on the value of It,
but the tendency Is toward an In
crease up to at least 6 per cent
net on the investment, and until
that rate or better can be realized
by the investor, new building will
not occur.
I have some residence property
for sale that will bring in 8. per
cent net.
BuslnesB property that pays 10
per cent net.
An acreage tract with 5 acres
of bearing apples at one third Its
value a forced sale and someone
will make a thousand on this.
I have resold several properties
at good p roflti , ,, what v a
ntylng. There are opportunities
In my office for you
Large acreage, good range,
splendid climate, very short
feeding season, splendid
lambing location; attractive
Fir Insurance in Good
Realty Agency '
. . . ..!
Hotel ausuu imu
A'hlnlHl, Or,
Doctor Cupid
That love sometimes cures die
ase is a fact that has been callei
t tt nrtpntinn of the Dublic by
imminent Dhvsician. Love ia not
towever, the cure for all women
Vlanv a woman la nervous am
rritable, feels dragged down m
vorn out for no reason that sh
an think of.
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre
Kription gives new life and nev
itrength to weak, worn-out
run-down women. "Favorit
Prescription" makes weak womei
itrong' and sick women well. I
s now sold by all druggists in th
United States in tablcU as wel
as liquid form. ,
RosEBURO, OtfECON "I sufTerei
lomething terrible from an organi-
-w,M fnild nneenlv Rtnnrl m
TJvfeet My head and back ached
lardand I was weak and nervous
, L i . ... ; ; ,;,! ,
i UWl mrVCI riUlll III IllJ DlUi: n.l.
,. 1 j , u,i i-,.,.i
ny limbs and IfVvt ached. I was ate I
loub edwiUi constipaon. I t4Pl,
rv. Uni'a PauniMfa Pit-iMTirwn
Or. Pierce's favorite Prescription
3oldea Medical Discovery, am
Pleant Pellets. These medicine
jured me ol ait my ailments ana
ivas well and strong. " MltS. W.D
ttooKE, 144 N. Jackson Street.
! $3k
Beginning yesterday, October 1,
Jesse Winburn took over the Ho
tel Austin. All the stock and fur
nishings belonging to D. R. Con
ner, former lessee ot the building
recently purchased by Mr. Win
burn, were purchased by the lat
ter, Mr. Conner being retained as
the' present manager. It is the
intention of the management to
increase the grill ill point of ser
vice extensively, and conduct the
hoselry In an up-to-date manner.
Extensive repairs on the building
will be made later, it Is stated.
Real Estate
Homes and acreuge. Farms and
Stock Ranches.
All Kinds of Good Insurance
Ashland AgentB of Abstract Co.
Billings Agency
Established 1883.
FOR SALE 17 months old Jer
sey bull, perfect In type, and
condition. Sire's dam Is Melias
Laurie of Albany 990 lbs. but
ter In 1 yoar, excellent thorough
bred dam, of tho Cort. Meyers
strain, but not registered. .He
1s a beauty. W. J. Wallace, 66
Mountain Ave., Ashland.
8-eo wed.
FOR RENT 160 acre ranch on
Williams creek; 90 acres In cul
tivation. Inquire 1340 Ashlund
St. 1-5
In the Circuit Court of the Stute
of Oregon, for Jackson Countv.
City of Ashland, Plaintiff,
Elmer C. Reeves, Edith Reeves, O.
Mueller aud Josephine Larson,
To all of the Above Named De
You are hereby notified that
the City of Ashland Is the bolder
of Certificate of Delinquency num
bered 4149, Issued on the 6th day
of April, 1917, by the Tax Col
lector ot the County of Jackson,
State ot Oregon, for the amount
of $41.17) forty-one dollars and
17 cents, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent
for taxes for tbe year 1915, to
gether with penalty, interest and
costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you
are the owner as appears of rec
ord, situated in said County and
State, and particularly bounded
and described as follows, to-wit:
The northerly one-half of Lots
11 and 12 In Block Six of the City
of Ashland, as the same are des
ignated, numbered und described
In Map No. 83 of the City of Ash
land on file with the county re
corder, said county.
You are further notified that I
said Oity of Ashland has paid,
taxes on said premises for prior
or subsequent years, with the rate!
of Interest on said amounts usi
Year's tax, 1912; date paid, Apr.
6, 1917; tax receipt No. 14.853;
amount, $33.4;; rate of Interest.
- Year's tax, 1913; date paid, Apr.
(I, 1917; tax receipt No. 1.C45;
amount, $42.67; rule ot Interest,
Year's tax, 1914; date paid, Apr.
6, 1917; tax receipt No. 05,464;
amount, $42.70; rate of Interest,
Year's tax, 1916; date paid Feb.
9, 1918; tax receipt No. 12,645;
amount, $45.87; rate of Interest,!
Year's tax, 1917; date paid, Oct.
:), 1918; tax receipt No. 20,626;
amount, $38.38; rate of Interest,!
Year's tax, 1918, date paid, Sep.
18, 1920; tax receipt No. 23,241;,
amount, $45.30; rate of Interest,
Year's tax, 1919; date paid, Sep.
19, 1920; tax receipt No. 14,497;
amount, $23.47; rate of Interest,
Said above-named defendants as
the owner of the legal title ot
the above described property as the
aaw onA all
same appoain ui irvuiu, -n. ,
other persons and parties inter-!
ested are hereby further notified
that City of Ashland will ap-
ply to me uirciui uran m
County and State aforesaid for a
decree foreclosing the lien against
the property above described, and
mentioned In said certificate. And
you are hereby summoned to ap
pear within sixty days after the
first publication of this summons,
exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as
above shown, together with costs
and accrued Interest, and in case
of your failure to do so, a decree
will be rendered foreclosing the
lien of said taxes and costs against
the land and premises above
This summons Is published by
order of the Honorable F. M. Cal-
L tV, Stute of Oreeon for fie
kins, judge 01 tne uircun -ouni
County of Jackson and said 0.'-
der was made and dated tnis znu
day of October, 1920, and the date
of the first publication of this
summons is the 8th day of Octo
ber, 1920.
All process and pnpers in this
proceeding may be served upon
the undersigned residing within
the State of Oregon at the address
hereafter mentioned.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address, Plonker Block, Ashland,
Oregon. 6-4 Wdi
I "'r1'!8,0' an Execution and
I Orjer of Sale duly Issued out ot
and under the seal of the Circuit
tosn ior tne niaie 01
Jackjon Cou
25tn m0i ln a rert,
. .
Court for the State of Oregon, fur
.n., In nttnn
theren -,herPn Cornelia L.I
Kingsbury, as plaintiff, recovered,'
judgment against G. C. McAllls-i
1 ter. as administrator of tne estate
of D. T. McKercher, deceased. S.
1 3. McKercher and Mlldr-sn Parton,
as defendants, (or the sum of
$542.22 with Interest from June
17, 1915, and the sum of $32.16
with Interest from November 5,
1917, and the sum of $55.71 with
Interest from June 28, 1920, all
at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num, together with $75.00 attor
ney's tees and $108.35 costs and
disbursements, wlilch Judgment
wag enrolled aud docketed In said
Court September 18th, 1920.
Notice Is hereby given that, pur
suant to the terms of said execu
tion, I will on Saturday, Novem
ber 6th, 19201 at 1.0 o'clock, a. m.,
at the front door of the Court
house In the City of Jacksonville.
Jackson County, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at public auction for
cash to the highest bidder, to sat
isfy said Judgment, with the costs
of this sale, subject to redemption
as provided by law, all of the right,
title and Interest that the defend
ants. Jointly or individually, had
on December 17th, 1913 or have
since acquired, or now have In and
to the following described prop
erty, situated In Jackson County,
State of Oregon, to-wit;
Beginning at the northwest 'cor
ner of Lot 25 In Block "D" of the
Melkle and Payne Addition to the
City of Ashland, Oregon, as num
bered, designated and described
on the plat of said Addition, now
of record In the office of the
county recorder of Jackson Coun
ty, Oregon; thence south four
hundred (400) feet; thence west
one hundred and sixty eight (168)
feet; thence north four hundred
(400) feet; thence east one hun
dred and sixty eight (168) feet
to the place of beginning, except
ing alley on east side.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon,
September 25th, 1920.
Sheriff Jackson County, Oregon.
6-4-Wed Deputy.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Jackson County.
City of Ashland, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff,
William W. Wilson, Levi Wilson,
Minnie Hansen, Warner M.
Wilson, Amanda Wilsou, Gerald
Wilson, Roberta Wilson, a mi
nor, heirs of Nancy J. Wilson,
. deceased, and heirs of Merrlt
D. WilBon, deceased, and all in
terested. Defendants.
To William W. Wilson and Min
nie Hansen, the above named de
fendants. In the Name ot the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby notified that
the City of Ashland, a municipal
corporation, is the holder ot Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered
6243 Issued on the first day of
January, 1919, by the Tax Col
lector of the County of Jackson,
State of Oregon, for tbe amount
of Nineteen Dollar' and Seventy
Nine Cents, the same being the
amount then due end delinquent
for taxes for the year 1914, to
gether with penalty, Interest and
costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you
are tho owner as appears of rec
ord, situated in said County and
State, and particularly bounded
and described as follows, to-wit:
Lots 20 and 21 In -Block "S" of
the Railroad Addition to the City
ot Asliland, Oregon, as the same
are designated, numbered and de
scribed In the official plat of said
addition on file with the County
Recorder of Jackson County, Ore
gon. You are further notified that
said City of Ashlund has paid
taxes on said premises for prior
ot subsequent years, with the rate
of Interest on said amounts as
follows: .
Year's tax,- 1915; date paid,
Jan. 2, 1919; tax receipt No. 13,
482; amount, $38.78; rate of In
terest, 12 per cent.
Year's tax,- 1916; date paid,
Jan. 2, 1919; tax receipt No. 13,
362; amount, $40.53; rate of In
terest, 12 per cent.
Year's tax, 1917; dute paid, Jan.
2. 1919; tax receipt No. 21,943;
amount, $31.39; rate of interest,
12 per cent.
Year's tax, 1918: date paid, Oct.
4, 1919; ' tax receipt No. 17,546;
amount, $25.62; rate ot Interest,
12 per cent.
Said William W. Wilson and
Minnie Hansen as the part own
ers of the legal title of the above
described property as the same
appears of record, and each of the
other persons above named are
hereby further notified that
plaintiff will apply to the Circuit!
Court of the county ana tsiaie
aforesaid for a decree foreclosing
the Hen against the property above
described, and mentioned In said
certificate. . And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and
defend this action or pay the
amount due as above shown, to
gether with costs and accrued In
terest, and In case of your failure
to do so, a decree will be rendered
foreclosing the Hen of said taxes
and costs against the land and
premises above named.
This summons Is published by
order of the Honorable F. M. Cal
kins, Judge of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon tor the Coun
ty of Jackson, and said order was
made and dated this 18th day of
September, 1920, and the date of
the first publication of this sum
mons Is the 22nd day of Septem
ber, 1920. '
All process and papers in this
proceeding may be served upon
the undersigned residing within
the State of Oregon at the address
hereafter mentioned.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address. Pioneer Block, Ash
land, Oregon. 4-6t
Tttr vlrtiip nf an execution and
order of sale duly issued out of
Atirl nn.lpr tha neat of the Circuit
Court for the State of Oregon, for
Jackson County, dated September
9, 1920, In a certain suit therein,
wherein Thomas C. Jones and
Harvey E. Jones, as plaintiffs, re
covered Judgment agulnst Alfred
N. Beck,- as defendant, for the
sum Of One thousand Two Hun
dred Seventy and 69-1 on
($1270.69) Dollars and Eighteen
and 40-100 ($18.40) Dollars costs
and disbursements wnicn juag-,
a 1 1 anrf rinrkplpil
III cut wbi cuiunw
in said Court September 4th. 1920.
Notice Is hereby given that,'
pursuant to the terms of said ex
ecution, I will on Saturday, Octo
ber 23rd, 1920, at 10 o'clock a.
m., at the front door ot the Court
House In the City of Jacksonville,
Jackson County, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at public auction for
cash to the highest bidder, to sat
isfy said Judgment, with the costs
of this saje, subject to redemp
tion as provided by law, all ot the
right, title and interest that the
defendant jointly or individually,
had on January 11th, 1915, or
hare since acquired, or now have
In and to the following described
property, situated in Jackson
County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the southwest
corner of the southeast quarter
ot the northwest quarter of Sec
tion 8, Township 39 south of
Range One Fast of the Willam
ette Meridian, In Oregon; thence
running east 011 quarter section
line 28 rods; thence north 40
rodB; thence west 28 rods; thence
south 40 rods to the place of be
ginning, containing seven acres,
more or less.
Also, the north hulf of the south
half of the Bouthwest quurter of
tbe northwest quarter of Section
8 In Township 39 south of Range
One east of the Willamette Merid
ian In Oregon, containing ten
acres, more or less.
Also, the north half of the
north half of the northwest quar
ter of tho southwest quarter and
the south half of the south half
of the southwest quarter of the
northwest quurter of Section 8,
all In Township 39 south of
Range One ear.t of the Willamette
Meridian, In Oregon, containing
twenty ucres, more or less, all the
property hereinabove described
being situated In the County ot
Jackson, State of Oregon.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon,
September 11th, 1920,
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
4-4 Wed.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
executrix ot the estate of Philan
der A. Van Nice, deceased. All
persons having claims against said
estate are required to present the
same, with proper vouchers, duly
verified, to tbe undersigned, by
leaving the same with L. A. Rob
erts, the attorney for said estate,
at his office In the Citizens Bank
Building, Ashland, Oregon, before
the expiration of six months
from the date ot this notice, which
is September 22, 1920.
4-5 Wed. Executrix.
In the County Court ot the State
of Oregon for the County of
.In the matter of the estate of Ed
ward Forgle, Deceased.
Notice ia hersby given that the
undorslgned has Leen appointed
administrator of the estate ot Ed
ward Forgie, dereaseil, and all
persons having claln s against the
said estate arc required to present
the same at tho .office ot BKIGGS
& BKIGGS in the Pluneer Block.
Ashland, Oregon, within six
months from the date nf the first
publication of this notice.
Date of first publication, Sep
tember 15, 1920.
WM. M. IlltlGGS.
3-4 Administrator.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the Matter of the Estate of
Leta V. Wever, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
administrator of the estate ot Leta
V. Wever, deceased, and all per
sons having an account against
the said estate are required to
present tho same duly verified to
the undersigned at his store In
Ashland, Oregon, or to his attor
neys, BRIGGS & BRIGGS, ill the
Pioneer Block, Ashland, Oregon,
within six months from the date
of the first publication ot this no
tice. First publication September 15,
1920. C. II. VAUPEL,
3-4 Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
executor of the estate of Philip
Bonhain, deceased. All persons
having a claim against said es
tate are required to present the
same, with proper vouchers, duly
verified, to the undersigned, hi
leaving the same with L. A. Rob
erts, the attorney for said estate,
at his office in The Citizens Bank
Building, Ashland, Oregon, before
the expiration or six months from
the date ot this notice, which Is
September 8, 1920.
J. P. SAYI.E, Executor.
2-5 Wed,
Department ot the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Ore
gon, July 21, 1920.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
whose postoffice address is Pine
hurst, Oregon, did, on the let
day of June, 1920, tile ln this of
fice Sworn Statement and Appli
cation, No. 012707, to purchase
the . NW 8W14, Section 4,
Township 40S, Range 4E, Wil
lamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provisions of
the act ot June 3, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law," at such value
as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised,
$170.00, the timber estimated
130,000 board feet at $1.00 per
M., and the land $40.00; that
said applicant will offer final
proof In support of her applica
tion and sworn statement on the
8th day of October. 1920, before
F. Roy Davis,' U. 8. Commissioner,
at Medford, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to pro
test this purchase before entry,
or initiate a contest at any time
before patent issues, by filing a
corroborated affidavit in tills of
fice, alleging facts which would
defeat the entry.
108-10 Register,