Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, October 06, 1920, Image 1

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    x Ortgon Historical loeKtf,
NO. (5
Places Blame for
Shortage of Cars
. seven months through the Port
! Equallznttoa of interchange is' hind Interchange. -
the only solulhm ot frelghf car! "The Pacific system has moved
shortugo in Oregon, according to' Into Oregon from March' 1 to date
G. F. Richardson, siinci'liitendent ' 1G.704 enmtv cars in an attempt
a 10 h
Crater Lake
Lodge Closes
II. A. Presby and Oust Johnson,
, who have been among the assist-
Will UNI
01 transportation, Southern Pa
cific compuy, who says, in tills
matter of concern to local shippers:
to fulfill its obligation to ship-
lerg in that state.
Edwards Comes
Again to Ashland
Ashland Methodists will be re
joiced to learn that Iter. C. A, Ed
wards will'ugain be pastor of the
local church, according to the ap
pointments of ministers made by
uisuup niiepuru ui me recent ses- "'., oi u. .u. ... , city ,agt , n, h .. , ,cn.e,, ,.0, .Mayor ol Uol.K, ,- , home, his wife ereeted him will,
I slon of the annual conference helJ, cendiary attempts, the detectives , Port,Hni,. . ... J ' . " lmmn ,,lm,on his 54th day, ha, broken all a sainted , ,m ,.,i , n ....
In McMlunville. Mr. Edward, ha.K of the Fire Prevention Bureau be- ei.yone hag eft ,lth theCr..i. . T1ZT T L .! ,n8t'"K reCnU Whila 0,1 ",1er him out of the hou I,
reecivca several flattering invltu- ueve tney nave one oi me ring-' exceutlon ot a few who staved to . .7.: . , j L , smite in the Brixton jail infirn
Hnni In nlliar i.lmu 1... l l I lemlcru In a wlrtesniead rnnanlracy . . ... . . .. ,. iunu la nam iu iiuvh ueen mime:
" - -- . . j ,ilKe care oi the park-to-park :
On Hunger Strike
a II 1 3 at the Crater Lake In, I pa Hnr
In the arrest of Pete McFntyre. Ilg th, pMt eMbll( were , he. , J LONDON, Oct. 5-Terrence Mac One night, returning late to hi ;
a wuicmiiaii ui v,ainp io. o iui ."-oi,y lagt , nt whie . . wnv i ' " , " ' ' , ewmey, i.oru .Mayor of Cork, now, home,
cendiary attempts, the detectives , Portlan, Thpv my ... "', on his 54.1, day, has broken all
rm- was after midnight and- order of
"The reason for car shortage on, move empties Into Oregon to the
Southern Pacific lines In Oregon is I oxtont necessary to make up tbe!
plain. Foi many -1110111118 past 'deficit caused by the failure of j
there has been a heavy movement Northern litres to equalize the in
of commodities, especially lumber,! terchange at Portland, the fact re
fiom Oregon to eastern points I mains that owing" to physical ehar
louted through Portland. Many of j acteristicg of the line reaching Into
Oregon from California a single i
track line having a 3.2 per cent
grade over- the Siskiyou inoun-i
tuins enough cars cannot bo!
moved through the Ashland gate
way -in a given length.ot time to
accomplish the above result.
Therefore as long as failure on
b iu ovu.r. .... . . ........ .. . ...... ...... .... nit;.' uy me worio conieronce nn mim ..... ...... ... .
Even though it be considered 10 lne mnwt solicitations ot nu; " u-iru, .. uusuk- oh -.... party( who wi g0 up tomorro ,,,,. ' 'w"'"umle,A lz- The Ioiib-. that any one out after cmfev
..nii,lA 1, n ..n v. , .....! 1 lftCtat DH'O tlift 1nnt'l Vila Mlliiunn.i .... w. viu uviu ivvviuii, aol F-iat n .nnn...l I .
i nt n it r1 !n at ... ...
.. . . ' lni,t ertken by Sued, un Ital- did not escane the- nenaltv.
,)eoplo he.e he ma,ie it evi-i Coast, says the Montague Messen- When thBV .r. , , , ,"' nom ncn
that Southern Pacific lines should ' ' . I , , hen they left the lake yesterday ; Robert H. Gardlne
dent to his bishop that he
would like to be returned to AsU-
.u..uiuK uu arrest uy urit- British .authorities in Cork aro
;e0l on lecoru nereiofore was must be arrested. This Irishman
""""i". Liicits WdH hii I cnua ni Xf..: i ,...., accu eo ol . i snow on the ground with more , Episcopal church ,oke o i as " , T 3'm" Ncw' Tlle '"nr authorities then
14 unsuccessful attempts to de-; ,,,. Tno frg Bnow hud - . "ka VorH, beBiBnlnii Kor. . 1 890. ami . BMrche.1 him and found In his
" iiumiir rni'iv-f va rtnt.o ...
iiocnni mo summonses, wnica no:
Few changes are made
Immediate vicinity of the southern
district. Dr. S A nnnfnrrt win fleers say McEntvre has admitted ; ti, .i. .. ,
... .. . . cou,,; ,:iBro( up. 111 lit 8 urn nhiirnlma
oisiii.i ub uininti ouiciuiiuiiueui, u " " M..Mv. b -( fuss (jourier
in thin troy by tire the great plant of the' 6ltJM.,.( h,. " : " , , "", llle 11,081 mipo.f.nt gathering
ou.herni Weed Lumber company. The ot-! oT threj Ind a h ,! Tn l CMllM "nCe "le SCl"9m
....... ...i' " u,ut reet oeioro between the Eastern and West-
the cars moving !n this manner
are thoso- that have previously
been hauled into Oregon from Cal
ifornia and from its far south as
i "In order to maintain the sup
ply of cars in Oregon it is plain
that the lines taking the loaded
J. R. Sassnett is returned to Med-
ford, Joseph Knolls to Grants
Pass, and S. J. Cheney to Klam
ath Falls. C. O. Morris, who filled
ting any 'of the series of firesj
which caused the Weed Lumber, SHASTA DIVISION'
company thousands of dollars, of'
damage, although they we're dis-j
lasting forty-five days.
After reaching his fortieth day only stated where the Sinn Fein
ot fasting, it was believed Mac-, court wus to moet, but at what
8winey's vitality would wane1 time. They held the Irishman
nntrkh' linrvitiaa It tu ,,..,1. ......I i. .i . ...
! .. , .,.., ,i ,., uiiuojuuni iiii'hr tuirs, men released nun.
he determined ut tii Imfimti.tir f t... i ,.. . .... .
Mr I'm Ktu. i ' 11 111 "ie:uu ;nie, mey rani-
MKX'WIX O. S. ().!i, .i I.. ',. ., ' , t"B 'i"'B,f Hke to reach tlm ed the Sinn Fein court and ai-
..ww .... i.i.uiv.ii.a Liiiuimuiiui I'ecord of .le
between the'Etistern and West-
a thousand years'
agu. ' ' .
Men of forty centuries," said
the pulpit at Talent and Wagner covered iu time to prevent them In the late issue of the Southern
Creek, goes to Yoncalla and Elk getting beyond control.
i world that confess Jesus Christ as
lesiis. Elijah and Moses' rested MacSwinev and the other
In their forty-day fasts. This do-, members of the judicial body of
Head, while the former charges i
. I the Ron nf nnil.mnlia mnn nvi.axt I
Pacific Bulletin are the lists otl , , . ' I termination to winMhat goal is be- the Irish "republic." Then thrv
The Fire Prevention Bureau Is'employes named for distinguished! ,.T, . " , lioved by many to have sustain- returned the summonses by mail
u u.. ulacB-e(I tn(J ,,.,, ni .lml hpl , () iriahn,,,,.
cars out through Portland should j the part of other lines to equalize
return an equal number of cars,
cither loaded or empty," from day
interchange continues there is
bound to be a continuous car
to day in other words, they i shortage in Oregon despite every
Should equalize the interchange, i effort of the Southern Pacific
Becuuse of their failure to do so ( lines south of Ashland to maln
,ve have IobI 4090 cars in the past . tain the supply.
will be filled by V. W. Phelps. Thel investigating the fire that destroy- service order, who In the ordinary I
latter will also supply Cold Hill. ed the Pacific Glass Works In San j course of the day's affairs, by
The charges of Jacksonville and Francisco, causing Jl, 000, 000 loss, some special act of alertness or
Applegato aVe to be supplied, as' , During the months of June and j enterprise, contributed to the sue-
also is Central Point.
slon of the differences between
I them, but in the earnest deslro 1
jto understand and appreciate each
keep him alive.
, July 12 attempts were made to'cesstul operation of the railroad ' ""T t0 ab'u,do" the 81)1,11 r out niany have lost sight of th-'w
The annual conference will hu I destroy (he lumber plant at Weed in a manner that warranted roc
Ashland high school won its'
held next year at Forest drove, j and the timber.
Ball tor McEn
The number of districts In thej'ye ' fixed at 55000.
state wan cut to three, through thei Sheriff Calkins, In spite, of Mc-
n . f .... n VnK'l'a'a raf.iu.,1 t. lUoiluu hlo a
.. . Ul II1UOI Ul IUH CURfUB, iu uiouim. Ilia
I.NTKHKST IX I'AKK district with the southern district rest beyond admitting he is a mem-:
TO PARK COXVE.'TIOXjand ,istril)Ution of tne remainder I r ot the I. W. W. has hopes of
' jto tho Portland district. Hence-obtaining a confession.
MUIM"ml,n u" 1,10 ,u,llu Ul forth there will bene Eugeene dls-:
first football game of the Beasonthe National Park-to-Park high-! . . .
last Saturday from Klamath Falls way, Including Ashland, and west-'
high school team, the final score em cities generally, have a direct j.;rHT
bolng 16 to C. Due to Its being: commercial interest iu the proper;
the first game, each team bad their I representation, through delegates, j
uouoies in noiuuig loiue nun, Ai at tue iorincoiuing convention or. Equalization oi the Import and the Harrison Brothers
Hiiiaj f.w.lKr.11 ..I....- ....i.... .......1....1 ' .1... V.. .!.... ..I ....!. I . .
..u,. "uuumi ""'"' ui6u- export freight rates, placing Pa-; city, will commence
"Many Tlmiikx."
How Ho Whs Anvsled. . I The letter fell into the hands of
As the length of the fast draws the wife, who saw a nolo attached
ith "many thanks." She turned
treason wliv the lonl iiinvnr u-n. a ntm. in m. i..;ui, t....i.ii v..i
hv. k. .! .1 ' ..Mi"""""" u.-
OKnitlon from their respective su-! . ... cnun iu conliiK'il to prison in the rirsi unteers ami denounced her hus-
perintendents. Following Is thei ' i that visihlu unity of Chris-, pldCC, The following Is said io i,e band as a traitor. The court
list from the Shasta division,! ..V"' V evi(,eno; the real story ot how MacSwiney ! found him guillv and sentence I
many of whom live in Ashland or! " .". , TT """ rM: I hlra to bo e.x.,-utod for treason tin,
are well known here: ., ' , A '()1'mei' soldier In the British next day. Hut the following dav
controversy. The minds of all
H. D. Brown, engine foreman; ' . . e' , army who was employed in a Ford "rode him out" of Ireland be-
5. Colvig, brnkeman, and F. J. ! , '' .' , ' h"e fl,ctol'y ' f"'' D-eland, had quar-: cause they were not sure ot his
Porter, conductor, all of Klamatlil 9"'6 , tl forward reIe)l wllh wfe She brol!lll suu (, wa8 ncver (() f
' 11 lift ntlMTl til If till TiUl-'lfrl rli ti ut t ii I
Falls For their excellent services1 ' ' 't "Sainst him in the Sinn Fein (urn to Ireland
i in extinguishing firo In baggage
HEIGHT FOR FORD GARAGE car and removing mail from car WILL CALL E J PERT
iv.iir, r.yi .n.i.i.i; ' num on mo noucis coi nor, wincn iiKeiy wouia have been de-
which was recently purchased byitroyed had fire gotten bevonnd
on penalty of
court, charging him with cruelty, death.
drunkenness and failure to pay th.i; But one, wonders after all if it
rout Thu (.,,. e.nt l.l.i. .1 A' : t..J e it . i. .... i. ...... .
TO 'IKW CAX'OX -".. v r(-..i in,,. .uiTrii uui iiik ituin oi ioe irisa wn..'
' ' ' ; summonses, all signed by Terence' that MacSwiney Is now near death.
MacSwiney. The Irishman put , since she chased her husband nut
these summonses iu his pocket 1 of his house after Hie curte.v
Plans and discussions on the1
and the j control.
Monday i It. L. Wardle. colwlnelni" S 11 water nmixllii.i ,,,;.i,' , I .. ,... I
mat would have ilono credit to wuy association, in Honver, Nov. ciric coast ,, a competitive! morning with A. 1.. Lamb super- Stanley, engineer; J. H. Moelk, C. er part of the meeting ot the city 1,11(1 f("'KHt "1)0"1 the'"-
poHt-seusoii players :ll-13, in which Hie National : ua98 wllh Atlantic and Gulf porta. I Intendent ot construction. Mean-; 0. Johnson and M. J. Love, brake-1 council at Its adlouined sessurti'
Ashland outplayea the Falls'I'uiks Service and tho American nils betu accomplished and an-jwhile H. A. Stearns, who has men, allot Hornbrook For val-' last night. No tiino will bo wast- AEROPLANE REPORTER
team In all phases of the game and , Autuinobilo association will also uounceiuei.t of the new tariff has' been occupying the- building, vWill uablo services rendered in moving'ed in arranging for the Increase' W VERY LATEST
should have run up a much larger, participate. This assertion, u.ade'ibc(m muue by the traffic men of move his slock Into the Plnwij company property to a safe place of the water supply and the citv BALTIMORE, Mil. The ,"Aer-
score. one touchdown, worked by members of the official party tlie western railroads. A copy of meat market, which he recently !lt time ot fire. officials will start proceedings In,- oplane reporter" Is here. He i
on a very clever forward pass, was dedicating the 5,590 mile Contln- lhe new tariffs has been received ; purchased. Nick Polantis. section foreman mediately, and carry matters on ' member of the staff of tho B.i
The last weekly summary of
crop conditions Iu Oregon to bo
Daltl-' issued this season by tho weather
not counted on account of a pen-juoiis scenic wonder way, Is sub- by Manager Hudson of the PorM The basement of the building -For discovering track out of. towards 'the erection of a reser- nmro Evening Sun and he flies a I I'l''U says:
n Muiitlalod by I acific coast states una traffic bureau i is large, and a reinforced concrete j line while off duly and out walk-: voir up Ashland canyon as far lubiphmo,' recently purchased by that !
in- uuii3 nun it f-.'iviw unc uu uu : nuivu uiw ttiiiiiii.41 n nil luuiiai
When railroad rates were in-j foundation in the basement wilhjii.g and tho interest uud prompt will be possible this fall.
nujr i...u..bii mm nuinn n.Uuii , , c reused last August there was a arches to permit the use of that action disnlave.l to th evient ,f FoIIowIhl' tli mi-L-ti,,,, ,,,,,,1
to give the cowa their moneyV Automobile tourists bring un great differential between the i portion under the new sidewalk ! cnilliiir hi. wife In .. ,ii,ti,. J.v Kuilneor v ii v:,ik..,. n,,.. ' air lenorler" is Lieutenant Wll-i lainfall was heavy
The weal her was generallv
paper, as a regular part of Its ' cloudy, with frequent rain. Over
newgatherlng fqitlpineut. The .a considerable part of the slate tile
The teinperu-
wonn, uotn reams Eiiowing piemy .uteiago teturn eacu oi a a nay charges for import aud export will be built to carry the new ic flag trains and himself proceed-, expert engineer be secured to go ' 'l ipton. lormer I'nlted tnie was geuerully raiher low. but
of pep and fight. Tho Ashland to merchants, hotelmen and ills-, freight originating east of the North Main street frontage wall, ing in the opposite direction. over the territory ot the canyon 1 y aviator, who shot cloudy weather prevented tho oe-
team Is made up of new material,; trihutors of gaB and oil in com-'Rocky mountains an dthroughout ! and the same concrete arch foun-J Otto Beck, operator, Mt. Heb-' where a new reservoir will be lu- down seven Gorman planes and currence of frost except la sum.!
and of the kind of stuff that will lnunities visited In their cross-: (he big producing area of the Mis-;datlon will- also carry the newt on For lhe excellent service per-,cated so that the public may be' one boche balloon on the French : central and eastern localities,
keep Ashland school, us Jt alw:.yS country. travels. There . are mi8Sis8i,, valley in favor of At-, sidewalk which will be partly of lornied in making repairs to phone' satisfied that the"Lesiiin(! safest ''Billing front. He wait also cap-' Heavy snow fell in tho hlgh.-r
has been, to the front in football. 7.459,607 automobiles Iu use in j Jantic and Gulf ports. The result,1 prism glasB to light the basement, i and telegraph wires put out of 'location will he chosen, the conn- tared and held prisoner for a time niouiitalns. Roadi were muddy
Klaniutlr Falls, getting their, in the United States, according to, Wtt8 tl,at much of the freight) The small portion ot the new commission by lightning, thereby 'cil authorized the city engineer' by the Germans. Threshing was stopped by th..
choice, took tho south goal, tlio ; available statistics, averaging one ( wliicli should have been routed j building to face East Main street lessening delay to both trains and ; to call an expert engineer and Tim Evening Sun purchased the 'ruin. ""'I tlicre Is still some wheat
Ashland team kicking. Ashlandcar'to each fourteen persons. through Pacific ports for export; will be solid plate glass. The telegraph business. consult with him In tho matter plane to test out It- practicability 'iit. Considerable injury was
soon recovered on a fumble an.L Ben Blow, manager of the good to tne 0rent wag dipped to At- main entrance will be close to thai Geo. Walker, signal maintainor,: will be atlen,i, , t once., for quickly covering Important . done to thi.i wheat and to some
kicked goal from place, making roads bureau of the California iantic Guif mrU und thence i comer on the North Main street' Sisson For the splendid service it was slated, so the engineers ' "vents at points in Maryland that is in the shock. Seeding of
three points. On the next klckofr State Automobile association, de- through the Panama canal. Theside, joining which will be 20 1 rendered at time fire was com-'can look over the canvou this fall. '' neighboring states not easily winter wheat on so ier fallow
Ashland receiver! and oil a fine, clares that 510,000.000 a year is ; difference in these rates ranged , feet ot plate glass display win- municated to our telegraph line,: The feasibility ot piping the accessible by train, boat or auto- land has proceeded satisfactorily
end run of 30 yunls made the first spent in California by automobile j from m2 a ton on automobiles; dows, the glass of which will bohe having climbed several poles' mountain and affixing spravs m ' mnl.ile. and also Mr taking uiius- east ot the Cascades and some
touchdown of the tame. Failing tourists from other states, aver-;,0 $1.84 a ton o iron and steel. 6& feet high, uniform with the with a bottle of water, the onlvj order to form ,ce iu the winter "'' Pictures. plowing and seeding have been
to kick goal, the score at the end eging $20 a day for a party of When the new tariff eauallzesi nlate elass In the new Ford Cnr-mun. i, .i v.ii0i,i In in, r,.,MH the :. .,,,ni i,,,.! Lieutenant Tinton on Senlember: done iu western counties. Th.'
of the first quarter was 8 to 0 In three or four persons. The Unit- the rates on import and exportfage.
favor of Ashland.
Klamath Falls came back strong
and was able on a fake end run
fire, preventing a complete failure been advocated by a number of fl,'w thirty-five miles out to sea will Is amply moist in most locali-
ed btates government, prior to the freight routed through Pacific i North of the Main street parti- ' of lines In vicinity of fire. i citizens, and in o-der to experi "If Hie Delaware coast iu an effort , lies, and in some places is too w-t
inception of the high-price period, ports with the rates in such freight j tion wall, between tho salesroom, W. A. Thaxton, section foreman,-ment on this proposition the wa- Photograph the submarine S-K,; to be worked. Cutting of corn for
made an estimate based on three! ,0,,ted through Eastern and I and the alley driveway, the ores- Sims For close lusuectlon of 'ter superintendent and citv en- but the sunken craft was between ' ensilage Is well under way.
to put over a touchdown. They persons in a. ear, allowing $12 a Southern ports, they are still some-j ent floor of the grocery ware- passing train, resulting In dlscov-1 gineer were given Instructions to T.5 and 70 miles cut and Tipton ' The continued wet weather ha-;
failed to kick goal and this made day as a fuir average expense. Ite- what In excess of the old freight
the score 9 to C at the end of the vision to conform to present day rates. But since they are equal
second quarter. costs would make this ut least $u ;ized, Pacific Coast ports will re
Early in the third quarter Ash- a day for ench perron. ceive 'their- share of the business
land received one of the Falls for-
house will be dropped to the side- ery ot brakebeam dragging under procure sufficient pipes and 111111 Positive Instructions not to go delayed picking of all H int uud
walk level, with a street entrance ' car in train, promptly notifying' sprays to try out the project this "lole "' 2 "illes out, becuuse! I'"" caused serious damage to the
wide enough for an automobile tocrew und assisting In effecting re-1 winter. It is contended by many ; of Inability of an airplane to l'ine crop in the Willamette val
enter. and at the rear will be an nalrs. ! that this proceed ure will creatlv "land" on water. ' I ley. In southern counties the loss
Greater accessibility in reach-: The new tariffs are belne nub-i exit into the allev .'iivBw;iV of lhe .T n wiw n ami n rni-nl.,..n-1 increase lhe water snooty nt: Aerial photographs of all sec- has not been great, though dry-
ward passes and made the second ing tho twelve natlomll parks Hi lishod by the railroads and an-'Ford Garage for automobiles. ! B. B. Balis, conductor; W. H. Mc-jniuch less expense than an addl- ' Baltimore have been la-j "K bus been retarded. Pickin.:
touchdown for Ashland. Kicking nine western states is one motive nouncenient soon will be ' made ' This large room next to the drive- Cann, engineer; F. F. Early,: tional reservoir and dam, and It ' ' the piano ami printed I11 will be ,enerul with tho
goal this time made tho score at for defining the National Park-to-j when they will go Into effect
the end or tno ttnru quarter m to ; Fork highway, bringing increased, .
fl In favor of Ash!: nil. The last ; automobile pleasure travel, and MH'THERX PACIFIC
quarter each team had its ups and later on industrial and agricul-, It. R. Nl'.NSKT Gl'LF
downs, but neither was able to tural development. Tourists now ROl'TK RKOI'EXKI)
put the ball over.
have the choice ot going the After being embargoed since
Perhaps-where Ashland showed northern route, through Wyoming, I last Murch, due to labor trouble
Its greatest strength was in thei Montana, mid Idaho to reach the Ion the New York piers, the South-
Becond and fourth quarters. Kliim-j Pacific coast tier of states, and ern Pacific Steamship company
nth Falls, by a peculiar result ol'j returning through Arizona , and: Morgan Line, has re-established
fumbles, had eight downs to put New Mexico to Colorado, thel regular sailing every Tuesday,
the ball over and had less than; starting point, or reversing the! Thursday and Saturday, from
ten yards to go on the first but was ' order of travel. New York to Galveston, with cor-
unable to put it over until the' i responding regular sailings in op-
eigntn aown. ino same mini;, n.,..m Br,mM. I posite direction. TMs means that
jthe Southern Pacific Railroad
company bus re-established its
happened in the last quarter but: "SMALI.FSTS"
this time the Ashland team threw ' Smallest total world series re
the Fulls team for a loss fro.ncelpts. New York-Philadelphia) Sun(iet Gult nnute between tllui()j) SWINDLE IS
their one yaru line. i""1" "a, mB gllmes ,U8i., pH(,jrc Coa8t ,,
1 .Ac
ei, i ,.!
urnuuai u. ni.u
In the photogravure section of the. coming of fair weather.
Sunday Sun. Among other pho- Haying was delayed by rain.
tographs made was one of a train some hay was injured and snimi
IJI1ERTY BONDS wreck and another of the battle- clover seed was spoiled. Pnstur-
I ship fleet in the Annapolis harbor., "H" K generally pood nnd stock
Secretary Fuller ot the Coin-! One of the Important uses for ' gaining,
merclal club hus received from the which the plane Is Intended is the, Potato digging is well under
on the i w".v where the soil is not too wet.
way will house two or even three j brakeman, all of Redding For1 will be tried out thoroughly,
automobiles and will be used b." the splendid assistance rendered1 "
the Mnrnhv olnctrln ohnn fnr thei 111 roi-ollinir on r In liiiln null u.-lu I. ' DOX'T TRADK YOl'lt
main battery and Ignition room, ly reducing deluy to that and fol
" An alley driveway, 17 feet wide, lowing trains, such service being
will be paved to the Ford Gar-i given without solicitation,
age main entrance and will be' Carl Hiltv. fireman. Mott For
connected with the Houck build-! voluntarily offerina-his services to' secl'etll,'r tllBt ''enau'T -of the covering of news events
ing by a glassed roof or arcade, I take engine which was tied up! l,,,ite1 States, the following com- Eastern shore of Maryland. TheSoie potatoes have begun a se
making the connection of the under the hours of service uct to i municution in regard to tho pine- geographical location of Baltimore' "'"I growth since the rain begun,
whole front from East Main street terminal, notwithstanding the fact tice of pxcIiuiikIiik Liberty Bonds in relation to points on the East- '"' there is a little complaint of
tothe railroad buildings of unl- that ho was deadheading to nn., for merchandise: 'ern shore make the gathering i Potatoes rotting in the ground,
form style of construction and other point account sickness. I "It bas been brought to my nt-: of news there by staff writers ' licking is comjilete except in
finish. The front finish will be I A. J. Russell, agent; C. L. Lew-j 0,1 t,l"t "umber of mer- slow because of the tiino required u iew locuiuies. mqh gnruon eg-
. ni,t i i .i, n I... II la --.I v r n :i, ..,!.,.. :rnanis Hiring milt - tie country to reach any of the towns hv or- eiaoies are main re. i omaioes are
" a ..r... l, ... lull. I 117. HID ...... in t. t.. ..iluaiiidui , nu C- - i - '
the Atlantic
that traffic can
housemen-, Dorris For protecting lare ofroring to take Liberty Loan dinary means of travel. With the Tnfrly plentifu Unit need mure
company property from building bonds at par, or even In some cases plane In operation, practically sunshine. 'Kale is making good
on tire adjacent to same. Ht " l"'0"1'"1". i" exchange for! every place on the Eastern shoro, ffowth.
merchandise. While I have no: by flying time is within an hour,
WORKED IX EXGLAVD . o. W. Long, conductor, Mott-
For interest disputed at time of j (lolll,t thllt these merchants are ac-i or so of Haltimore.
Smallest Individual share to;llow be bnmued in both directions! LONDON.--The old" swindle of !Coneestion on road at which time '"ated by patriotic motives, I am
FORESTRY MOXEY i willnll,6 Payers. Red, Sox of 1918
i received $1,102.61 each
A check for $121,623.51, repre-
on pre-war schedule. passing currency notes of the iie secured the services of firw- ui'e that they hav failed to con-J
The return of this rail-niwl-, Confederate- states of America : , ...i... j...n k.... i.i..islder the effect which the accent-
Smallest Individual share to: .i.. ..." m-k ... 1 ." --"". ., ,.,
1 """" " " " """- nam to nutssengor engine, which - " -
! l(,ul,. nlnvAra Pi I I 1 Qnc ' I .ml.. Hi inunnciiM,i!i ri.Kllli tviiii:ii
seutlng one-fourth of all the ren-l '"",ub Payers, uuus in lUd re-itic Beiibourd and the Pacificiland for years Is flourishing again. tjed u ,,der the hours of uno" 1,10 i'uution
ceived $49,50 each.
Smallest total world series at-
Northwost means a groat saving Reports of the victimization "' service uct, to terminal, thereby' We are making the strongest ef-
tals collected from forest reserves
. . . . . m. . : I , oiiiiiutiMr liilu. .up oi nr. ..... ..... .. . ... . .
in tne state nas just neeu receneu i - - in time to tne snipping puoiic, as , suopKeepers at pons nave ouea relieving congestion and lessen-
by the secreluryof state's office! """"--. .iitahu-ueiroii series j traffic does not have to pass reaching the American embassy ing (leay (0 tra,fjc.
from the federal treasury depart-:0' 1!)08, games, 62,232. through the congested terminals , here in increasing numbers ro- w c s,,n,nnll pnffinP(,r For
an t...T.a ...o u..-. u.t gci . icn,
. 4. s, .. 4. s. Tl, t'vUii ',,' f tiainiiiK
HOME WORLD SERIES i i t'""ll",rt raspberries Is said to bo
"GRKATEKTS" ' "le ""9t liy sl,;l"1, u big Millt-
nomuli county grower, reports the
Furni Ilureau News. This motlio I
J l 4 .$ .
Greatest total world series re
fort to hiive thesa uovemmeiil ceims. Clnclunatl-Chios series ! ' lr..rtuce from one-half to oil.
bonds purchased for perinanent of 1919, eight games, $722,41 1. '"" """'e' nay8 Mr- Sl"lU''
ment for annortionnient umoiig I
tho counties that contain forest Zme- Ht Nav" Detroit, fifth
reserves. ;game of Chicago-Detroit series,
This money Is due the state un-! 8'210-
der the act of congress of 1908,,
which requires its use for t,lio ben-1
efit ot the public schools and the
locating a cracked wheel under
investment by the neople at large, , Greatest receipts for ono, the
to be paid for out of the past or , Clncluiiatl-Clilcago series of 1919,'
All embargoes against the Mor-j A ticket seller at one of the big tender of engine which wus In hiai future savings ot those who buy $101,768.
gun line at ;ew iorn irom tne L,oiiaon railway stations gave .a charge; very obscure dufect In rim
interior nnve neon raised nn less nwiss waiter 11 English pounds n; wnee
! than carload business and carriers for a $50 Confederate note ha'
"I'll have the pavement all laid
promptly Issue permits on car-; became suspicious before the wai
louds. The permit requirement . ter had. gone far and had him de-
public roads of the counties In !(,., tne Callforina line to Ash- '" -co,"ec'i'm witb Morgan line; tallied. The police were iu u ill-
them. Purchases thus made not Greut'est Individual share to
only result in providing funds for winning players, "2 Reds of the
C. J. Murcar, yardman; J.. L. . 8 ""e f-''eruuiei. out ,,i series receive,, ,u.zu,.,, ,e millllht,Vl) present onjuyn
Burroughs, carman; C. W. Ilutler. 1 ihpy nlsn tt,,ct a """"'rvat each. delightful evening with card i. lav
Cinderella ( luh
The Cinderella r.OO club hel l
its first meeting o' the season at
the home of Mrs. L. Hllty on
Gresham street last evening, and
car inspector, Gerber For valua-
labor and material.
Greatest individual share of
ing after their summer vacation.
ble service rendered iu exting-i "wll('n ,,,ft hnn'1' utP p"- loin V. 24 White Sox of -At ,hp lllpl.,inl, ,11Ft nght pla;
which the reserve is located. The(ilind this year," predicted Oskarl'"1 800,1 he a thing of the past, lemma as they could not clixtin-! ulsliliiR fire discovered In a car,, clanged for merchandise, It de- I lie 1919 series
reserves contributing to this year s Hulier, contractor, who Is In town and all traffic will be moving guish the note from good Ameri-Igucb aBsistanra materially reduc- ,f,uls ''w Primary oliject or their I'fi.3b
received ii,-
disbursement and tlie ainounts de- ,or a few days- Mr- Huber bas. without deluy.
... . . ine last section on t e soutnern
rived from each reserve are as of ,he pMfc hjghway Hn
follows: ,1s paving over the SiBklvou humn '-OOD SEED TO
'can money and Unelly had to ap-
peal to the American embassy.
, The Swiss said be obtained the
$1416.60; Crater, and Is working down into the val
119 144 Kit- nmichiites. J2370.20: ;ley toward Ashland. There are
.T ' Oil 4. L. .l itn .1.1
$6074.31; Klamath, j " r",," .k. I' the one that I, vigorous,
.... ........ j0 . , ,,.ui... . ii .. , o in:
GET GOOD ntOP note froi an American but de-
The good potato hill for seed ;clined to say how much the trans-
has i action cost him. The police be
ing damage to car and contents.
were made to hold the club In the
' loiriftll hntWA nn Kuinml al,.u.r
sale, It discourages thrift and in- Greatest total world series at-, . ., . ..
: mci; .nuiiutty 1IIKI1I. Ul WHICH nine
i 'rr " , .. . ' . ,iem..nce,.ew io-tio.ton wrw y,riont f M(.mb,M ,
HM'tJH KILLED V. Y In addition to this, such bonds ot 1912, eight games, 261.901. , will b(( hoxt. B(,f(,re
CALCIl'M ARSENATE w ''en taken in exchange for mer- irealest attendance for oue Jonrnni! Mn nMi,- s,.rved deli-
- , i.ii"iuuBr muni it. in.ini i:,.t-M n- mii.', hi niuves neiu, iiosion.
Slugs can b controlled by Use inimediately sold In the open mar- fifth game of Brool lyn-Boston se.i
cious refreshments.
$30.01; Malheur, $9239. 3b; Mi-;an uninterrupted stretch of hard-!"0 lie'l,e 'n t0P or tuber, and i lieved his story that he had acted, of a poisoned bait made of 1 part ket. This naturally tends to de- ries, 42,620.
$6239.74: Ocliocho, surface pavement from the Cal-,has a good number of fair slzediin good faith with the ticket sel-'ralcium arsenate to 16 parts press the market price of the'
$5857.75; Oregon, J8388.32: San-j Ifornfa line to Gold Hill. At pres- potatoes smooth and true to type, lief
ent Mr. Huber is hustling to get
as much accomplished as possi-
chopped lettuce or other surcu- bonds.
C. K. Rally and Social
The Christian Endeavor Sori-
I.ONDOX, Eng. Women of th cty of tho Presbyterian church
$5700.82; Suislaw, $2813.36; be before the snow begins to fly. i amining the tubers at harvest tim" In waves, cropping up every few ing the plants to be protected with the country, upon a more care- their own clothes. Some of them in the church parlors last evening.
Umatilla, $4390.34; Umpqua, , Recently he had to shut down his the grower can gef the very bes1 years but that at present It is be- bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50, In con- fill consideration of this subject, have never handled a needle he- A fine program of entertninmeii!
$4775.78; Wallowa. $10,385.46; Plant because a forest fire in the seed his crop holds. This will Ing perpetuated on a larger scale' nection with the bait, will Insure will discontinue their erforts to fore. Schools are being esUb- was provided by the committee in
ft'enaba,, $2323.96; Whitman, JJJ be p,,, Varrying "his et 00d "P of markefa-.and more successfully than here- excellent control, says A. L. Lov- sell merchandise and take Liber- lished where the elite may learu charge and a large company wai
(29,813.22. : power line. The Oregoalan , tie potatoes next year. tofore. ' ott, entomologist at O. A. C. ty bouds in payment." to make elaborate creations. in attendance.
1 ' I