Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, September 29, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    3. j 'Asmmmatci
Wednesday, BoplomW 2f, 1020
end visitors at Ashland, stopping
at tho Hotel Austin.
P. H. Tooker . end wife, Mrs.
Ifiizel Lewis, Alfred Tucker and
wife, A. W. Claxon, wife and two
Merle Houison left this morning
for (Irani. Pan. t0 ,llUo B perm.- cl Dr A, z; Crayne 0f
..est portion with th. Collins Ln Praneis(;o were over Suuday
ulu i.uni"i wmi wnom no uu-t
been working for a few weekj.
Mrs. Hohlson expects to Join her
guests at the Hotel Austin.
Mrs. J. M. Mansfield and grand
son, Karl Layman of Grants Puss,
cume over Saturday to spend n
few days with friends in Ashland.
Fred Schuermun left Saturday
for Eugene to resume his second
year's work at the University of
liuslmnil within a week and will
live In (1 rants .Puss,
I. K. Fox of St. Louis, Mo
was registered at. the Hotel Aus
tin as a week end guest.
Fred P. Schneider, a former
resident of Ashland, who has heeu 0l'eB-
living for the past two or three i .
years in Washington, writes he! Among fallfornb tourists stop-
and his wife are now In Los Ail-!1'1'"' ut ,he mM Colum,,la are
geles, where they were called uy!L- A- (',llllc,'s "d - p- Kinney
the serious Illness of MJ of Santa Cruz; C. H. Dayton and
Schneider's father, Cliristlun : wlfe of Lm AnSelt9: Joe Iley
Schneider, nml i,. lI,.,i Holds of Hilts.
tho winter 'there. They made the
ll-ill frimi Pnrllmw! l I ..a A ..
, i riven last nigiu iruiu whhiuiiu
'where they had lieen spending
and Mrs. D. R.
Conner ar-
geles on the I'ont "President,
and state they had a lovely trip.
A. A.
Mrs. K. J. Van Suit entertained i tormel"8 ,ulher- Mr- Conner' Sr"
n company of friends at luncheon seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs.
several weeks ut the home of the
Conner drove up yesterday from
Redding and state the roads are
Saturday in honor of Mrs. Buy L.(
Sherwln, whoso coining nuirriaEui
was recently announced. The guest."1 B0(1 ,'in'li" ovel' tl,e un-
llst Included Mrs. Van Sunt's and' lalI,s-
Mrs. Sherwin's close neighbors.
Mrs. Orville fiu'nes and little, to(,1,y
Dr. S. A. Dim ford and wife left
for McMinnville, Ore.,
where they will attend the an-
nuul conference of the Methodist
D. L. Harris, who rooms, in the
Pell block. Is reported quite sick.
Mrs. Otto West of Hornbrook
was a visitor in Ashland Saturday
while on her way home from
Portland where she had accom
panied Iter sister, who was return
ing to her homo in New York af
ter paying u visit to relatives In
koii of Portland are visiting at the
home of the former's mother, Mrs.
Clark, in this city.
George W. Plnnesar of Watson
ville, Calif., Is in Ashland, called
here by the death of the lute G.
W. Grow.
I J. A. Maddox of Klamath Falls!
Was a week end Client in Ashland.
Miss Viola Provost spent the
week end at her homo on Oak
street from Medford where she. west.
Is a student at the St. Mary's!
..... Earl Hosier captured a prize
Academy this year. '
A Juick yesterday while out In the
. Mrs. Hay Murphy has been ' mountains near the Lamb mine.
spending the past week in Salem j The animal was so large he could
vlfillng with friends.
Guests registered at the Hotel
Columbia over Sunday from'
Portland were John McStory and
J. W. Porter. Other guests were
J. W. Peck of Seattle mid Erie
Uerg. '
Mrs. Dennlson of lloseburg is
a guest ut the home of Mr. und
Mrs. J. .1. Murphy on the Iloule-
vard this week. I
a a ; fur as Keno when a downpour of
L., M. Corglil end W. H. Van! ruin drove them back, so they
Orsdall of Pendleton were week' made the trip by train yesterday.
not carry it home alone, and had
to come In for help to bring in his
Mr. and Mrs. W. Drift of Sacra
ment to are among the tourists
stopping at the Hotel Austin.
Mr. und Mrs. J. K. Enders of
Klumuth Falls came in last even
ing to visit for a few days. They
started over the mountains in their
car last Thursday but only got as
W. A. Shell has purchased a
new Ford car with all the late
equipments from the Harrison
Brothers. Yesterday Mr. Shell
tried out his new cur by taking
his family on .a trip to Gold Ray
Mrs. Sprague of Medford Was
an Ashlund visitor Saturday.
Mm. Kittle Huntsberry, who
had been spending u week visiting
friends in Dunsmuir, returned
home lust night.
Mrs. L. E. Wudsworth of Grants
Pass spent Saturday with friends
in Ashlund.
Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg has re
lumed home from Portland and
Washington points where she had
been visiting with relatives. She
was accompunied as far as Salem
by Mrs. Margaret Shaver, who
had been her uouue guest for
Borne time.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Adams
will arrive early in the week from
Yukima, Wash., to make their
home in Ashland. They will oc
cupy the residence ut the corner
of Fifth and Main streets. Mrs.
Adams will be remembered as.
Miss Stella Owens, who formerly j
lived here, a sister of Mrs. H. W.i
Andrews. !
The, annual meeting of the!
First Spiritual society of South-1
em Oregon will bo held In the
Temple ot Truth on Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock, September
29, 1920. F. W. Moore, presl-!
Since the recapture of Fred
Bowler, alius Fred Black, who
broke jail t Jacksonville a short
time ago, it has been learned he
deserted from the 9th company,
San Francisco, while stationed at
Fort Barry, Calif.
An elderly man by the name
of Whittock, who lives east ot'j
Ashland, was knocked down this;
morning while attempting to start
his car on North Main street. The
car struck him, but did not run
over him.' Mr. Whittock wub car
ried Into Foley's drug store and
a physician called. He was bad
ly bruised, but the extent of his
injuries are not ynt learned.
The home of Tcny Franco on
the Boulevard was entered last
night and a purse containing a
sum of money und some South
ern Pacific checks was taken.
According, to repcrts from Med
ford 3681 signatures had been
obtained at the close of tho cam
paign to got the question of mov
ing the county seat to Medford
on the ballot next November. It
Is reported that the county elec
tion board had thrown out some
thing like 800 signatures on the
ground that many voters who had
signed had not registered. A
fight is expected to come up on
the interpretation of the law over
the term "qualified voters," as
many of the unregistered voters
who signed the petition, it is)
claimed, were sworn In at the elec-j
tion booth, although they were'
not registered. These, It Is said,
claim they are qualified voters.
Miss Ruth Danford went to Ku
gene yesterday where she Is a stu
dent in the State University.
Rev. S. P. Chaney, pastor of M.
E. church ut Klamath Falls, is in
Ashland en route to McMinnville
to Methodist conference.
Mrs. Lizzie Hanscom and .Miss
Alice Abbott left Wednesday
by train for Gold Mill from
where they will go by stage to
Sams Valley to the home
of Stowe Abbott.
Mrs. Frank Denlmui and daugh
ter Mattie of Talent visited rela
tives in Ashland Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. O. L. Brown of Klamath
Falls came over on the auto stage
Wednesday and will visit friends
In Ashland und Medford for a lew
Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Crockett, Mrs.
Everton, Mrs. Flanagan and Miss
Anna Ererton were guests In Ash
land and vicinity this week from
Grants Pass.
Porl land guests registered ut
the Hotel Austin today ure Free
nand Northrup, E. It. Sumi'ier
ville, Fred Conson, Leo. I. Fisher,
E. G. Jones, W. C. Davis. A. W.
Young, Mrs. F. S. Drennlng and
John A. Wolfe.
Airs. Joe Muhan, who has been
an inmate ot the Cottage hospital
on Morton street for some time,
has returned to her home.
C. W. Benedict came home the
tore purl of th's week after making
un enjoyable visit airiong former
friends In Douglas county.
Mrs. Will Hedricl: of Drain, who
has been a recent guest at the
home of her uncle, G. W. Benedict,
on Mountain avenue, has returned
to her home nnd expects to move
with her family to Ashland
to spend the winter. She has se
cured apartments cn North Main
street. Acrompanylng Mrs. Hed
rick will be her mother, Mrs. Sar
ah Boots, who visited Ashland last
winter, and who enjoyed this city
so much she Is anxious to return
here again,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neil and
family have moved into the Rob
erts house ou Laurel street where
they will make their home this
Guests ut the Hotel Columbia
are Carl Weltner of Tecnor, Calif.;
E. F. Alkins; J. M. Lloyd of Rose
burg; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schmltt
of Gazelle; H. L. Morse of Leonu;
William Nichols and H. J. Kan
thal. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Loosley and
daughter are over from Fort
Klamath this week, guests of Mr.
Loosley's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Loosley, at their home on
Oak street.
D. M. Fraynor and son of Notch
Hill, B. ('., ure iu Ashlund this
week, stopping at the Hotel Aus
tin. W. A. RfK'kfellow of Seattlo has
been looking after business and
visiting friends in Ashland for the
past two or three days.
Among Ashland people in Med
ford within the past day or so ure
D. H. Jackson, Hubert Wilson und
Jerry Hogun.
J. C. Gibson unit wife have
come to Ashland from Yonculla
to live. They arrived hero last
evening, and will settle in their
new home on Ilelman street about
the first of next week.
C. II. Watrous, Mrs. W. K. Mc
Nutt and Mrs. A. L. Watrous are
guests this week at the Hotel Co
lumbia from Livingston, Mont.
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen ot
Portland arrived in Ashjund yes
terday after spending their vaca
tion In California, and are guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Smith. Mr. Allen is a brother of
Mrs. Smith.
Miss Sue DeBoest left on train
No. 14 for her home In Salem af
ter spending a month or so us the
guest of A. Livingston und fam
ily. George N. Gray, son of C. A.
Gray, has gone to Corvullis to en
ter the Oregon Agricultural college.
Miss Mildred Sargent left last
night for Portland where she .will
make her future home.
The residence p-opcrty belong
ing to D. Eismauu ou Fourth
street iu Bourne's addition has
been purchased by Mue Burdlc, of
Ashland. The Burdics will make
their home on the property.
; Grunts Puss Courier.
! '
j Mrs. Hardy Cash of Montague,
! who bus been visiting her mother Rusehiirg, stopped off In
; Ashlund yesterday while on her
I I. n I ..ll..,l ..I..
nu.y uuillt, HUH wn:ivil uu iii'tiiw?
Arguments were heard in the
j supreme court ut Hiilem iu the ap
! peul ot Lurk Evans, who was con-
t ided n circuit court lust spring
j for the Jitney kldiiupliig robbery
! of W. G. White of Grants Pass,
und whs sentenced to 15 years'
I imprisonment. It will be some
I time yet before the court gives
out the decision. District Attor
I ney Roberts represents the state
land Gus Newbury the defendant.
I Evans has been iu the county jail
since his trial pending the su
I preine court's decNion.
j Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Storm,' who
j have been living in the house on
! South Pioneer street which has
recently been purchased by Mrs.
J H. Hughes, will move in a few
days to 12 Beach avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Getchell
of Caribou, Me., are tourists stop
ping ut the Hotel Austin this
Guests ut the Hotel Austin this!
week ure Mrs. Elizabeth Dunning
of Portland and sister-in-law,
Mrs. Anna Stuhblns of Los An
geles. .Mrs. Dunning, who is 70
tour Southern California by mo
tor. The tourists write from Tia
Juana, Mexico, and state they had
a fine trip down. That Is some
country, they say, with heat, sand
and gambling predominating.!
Monte Carlo Is running wide openj
they state, and there is more
money In sight there than In the!
United States. I
Ceorge Souza and R. E. Fra-!
sier were over from Colestiu last!
evening on business. . 1
L. Potter und Lee Potter of
Portland, und .1. E. Wilson of
Kent were registered at the Hotel
Columbia last night.
Mabel Weeden. clerk ill the
Ashland confectionery, bus re
signed her position to take place
tomorrow. She evpects to leave
lor Klumuth Falls Tuesday to
spend the winter 'here with her
Mrs. Caroline Scliueriniiii went
down to Gold Hill this morning
ou a short visit.
Grizzly peak is white with snow
on Its summit today. This is the
first snow of the season on the
eastern nioiiutains
Tho Sun Francisco Examiner
of Tuesday contain': a fine picture
of Miss Carolu E. Kuss of Oak
land, who is at present the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Mills of
this oily. The engagement of Miss
Kuss to Russell Cordell. brother
of .Mrs. .Mills, was recently announced.
Frank Elliott died last night at
the home of his daughter, Min.
Boyd Robison, near Talent. Ar
rangements for the funeral will
be announced later.
On Savings Accounts
A Dollar Starts an Account
GlaSS and
Wall Paper
Best Goods and Rest Prices.
Get Our Prices.
years of age, is driving her own
car on this trip und is intending
i to go through to I.os Angeles as
soon us the weather clears up. She
lis an expert motorist and states
she wants to make :i coiist to const
trip some time In the future.
Owing to a death In the family
j of one of the members of the B.
I Y. P. l, the social planned to take
i place in the Baptist church this
levelling has been postponed until
j Friday evening of next week.
j .lames T. Jenkins, Sr., nnd J. T.
Jenkins, Jr., are registered at the
I Hotel Austin.
Word wus received this morn
ing by The Tidings office from
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose, who
with Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Frye of
Astoria, left a short time ugn to
Best Peanut Butter, 5 lbs. for' Vl.iM)
(Bring your own pail.)
Crackers and Cookies, 2(lc package; 6 for Mill
Swans Down Cake and Pastry Flour 40
Catsup, 2 bottles for 55c; per dozen H.l.l
Shaker Salt, 3 boxes for
Matches, dozen boxes I5
All other goods in proportion.
Gravensteln Apples, box 2.00
Fixtures for sale.
Hurry, for we have but u few days lunger.
No. 7 Main St., Opposite the Plaza
The War Is Over and War Prices Must Go!
Effective at once, Ford Cars, TrucKs and Tractors will be sold, F. 0.
B. Detroit, at the following' prices:
Ford Touring, without sfarler - - - - $440
Ford Touring, with starter - - - - $510
Ford Runabout, without starter - - - $395
Ford Runabout, with starter - - - - $465
Ford Chassis, without starter - - - - $360
Ford Coupe, with starter, SS$$$Z-M roun-d' $745
Ford Sedan, with starter, 1S!SSkM around' $795
Ford Truck, pneumatic tires all around, without starter, $545
Fordson Tractor .- - - $790
The Ford Motor Company maKes this reduction in the face, of the fact that they have on
hand immediate orders for 146,065 Cars and Tractors.
The Company will suffer a temporary loss while using up the material bought at high prices. They are willing to make
the sacrifice in order to bring business bacK to a going' condition as quicKIy as possible, and maintain the momentum of
the buying' power of the country. Henry Ford says the war is over and it is time war prices were over. There is no sense
or wisdom in trying to maintain an artificial standard of value. For the best interests of all, it is time a real, practical
effort was made to bring the business of the country and the life of the country down to regular pre-war standard.
Ford and Fordson Dealers