rio HlitorleU -MM9. Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIV ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1920 NO. 5 LOCAL AND PERSONAL TUESDAY'S NEWS Paul Goodwin, who wag injured hint week when the taxi in which ha wag riding run into a lumber truck on the highway at Phoenix, is now out of danger, accord Ins to reports It was feared for a time be bad suvtulued a frac tured skull. Callforniang stopping at tile Ho tel Austin are A. Anderson, J. Q. Renfrew, J. II. Blunford and wire of San Francisco; William Bur- l.ett and wife of Stockton; L.I Eleason, Los Angeles. 0. Winter and Prank Dickey have gone down to Kiddle to spend a. few days hunting out from that . section. They will bo the guest of Mr. Aiken, a former resident of Ashland, while thero. Mrs. Lester Swlnk of Butte Falls was a week end visitor In Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Pote' and I.elah Pote were Ashland visitors from Eugene this week, stopping at tbe Hotel Austin. George Stannard left Saturday evening for Los Angeles where he will enter the University of Sopthern California. He expects to take up the study of dentistry. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCracken and son of the Valley View dis trict 'are In Salem this week at tending tbe state fair. Guests from a distance regis tered at the HoteJ Columbia are John Foster, wife and son of Dick inson, N. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Rog ers of Loleta, Calif.; M. L. Mor ton of Hennessey, Okla.; H. M. Randolph and wife of Sacramento, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Leavitt left yesterday In their car for Portland ' to attend the Women's Christian Temperance Union convention in Hession there this week, and visit their son Alward. On their re turn they will stop at Salem for the state fair. Miss Mabel Smitli left Saturday' nfgbt for Eugene to resume her fonrso at the university. J. A. Lockhart, who recently purchased the Dornn property on the Boulevard, is making many improvements lo his home. He bus torn down the old barn that has been a landmark in tbat vi cinity for manysyeurs, and will erect a fine modern garage hi its place. He will also make several needed improvements to the resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 0. Hunter of Roschurg are Ashland guests this Tveek, stopping at tbe Hotel Colum bia. Dr. II. Tl. Moore who bus been away on a month's vacation at points' In Curry county, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winter, who hn"Ve been guests at the home of the former's brother, O. Winter, on the Boulevard, have left for their home In Chicago after spend ing the summer in the west. Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Skeen of Montague, former Ashland resi dents, are visiting friends here for a few days this week. ' B. Eaton of Klamath Fulls and F. Marlon Wilkes of Klamath Agency were over night guests at the Hotel Columbia. Mlsg Daisy Cllne has come to Ashland from Sacramento and will spend the winter with her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Wardle of Third street while she attends school ljere. i I vjrs. Lou Reader Is moving from her home on Gresham street which she has occupied for so many years, to her house on Fourth vnnd East Main streets. Eastern tourists in Ashland stopping at the Hotel Austin to day are Frank Carey of Middle- town, N. Y.; D. Russell of Denver, Colo.; M. E. Chaffee of Parsons, Kans.; E. Lanford, wife and three children, Cleveland, Ohio. J. J. Murphy and sons, who had been attending the round-up at Pendleton, are home. Messrs. Murphy stopped off In Salem for the opening of the state fair and state the Ford demonstration of farm implement! hown on the 'tract adjoining the fair grounds is one of the finest things they saw while there. t J. Schaunnessey, who nas Deen employed in Ashland for some time, left last night for Portland to locate. C. E. Donnelly, day traffic chiei of the W. U. Telegraph com pany In San Francisco, arrived in Ashlund yesterday and will spend his vacation here. Mrs. Donnel ly had come here several weeks ago and is vlBltln; her mother, Mrs. E. E. Giddinga. C. W. Winter and wife of Spok ane and C. J. Smith of Eugene are guests at the Hotel Austin. Briggg. Dr. Crandall received word from Dr. Sawyer this morn ing that Lois wag still living but unconscious. Two lumbar punc tures were mude but as yet tbe case bag not been diagnosed. The best brain specialists o( San Fran cIbco are consulting with six other doctors on the cage and every means known Is being used to gave her. Miss, Fern Murphy expects to Nellie 0. Miller of Granta PaBseav) tlll evenlllJt ,or ,,, Unlver. was an Ashland visitor today, A son wag born to Engineer and Mrg. J. F. Jarvlg In tbe Duns mulr hospital Sunday, September 20. Mlsg Hlrschburger of' Dunsmuir is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franco on the Boulevard this week. Mrs. W. C. Debley and Mrs. L. J. Miksche of Medford were up yes terduy spending the day In Ash Mrs. Pearl Dodge returned' October Ui from Pendleton a duy or two ago where she had been visiting her sister, and stopped here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. John son, before leaving last night for ber home in Berkeley. . L. J. Orreg and Donald Wells drove to Yreka and buck Sunday In the Orres car. They state the roads are in excellent condition over the mountains after the rain. W. R. Williams is driving a new Overland automobile - which be purchased from the Overland Ma rcy company. John Flnneran and Bill McMil lan left the last of the week for Eugene to enter the university for the coming year. A. E. Jordan and wife drove down to Grants Pass today. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have recently come here from Virginia and are; so enthusiastic over this country sity of Oregon at Eugene to re sume ber college course for the coming year. C. L. Dean of Jacksonville, Flu., and H. C. Ewult of Chicago, III., are among the tourists from a distance stopping at the Hotel Austin. Saturday, October 3, will see the. opening of the football sea son in Ashlund, when the high school eleven will play the team from Klumatu Falls on the high Bcbool grounds. A return eamel at Klamath Falls is scheduled for The funeral of the late J. S. Bliss, who died Tueuduy evening at his home on H:,r risen street, wag held from the Nazarene church yesterday afternoon. In terment was made in Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Henry Grimes of Medford and Mrs. O. L. Brown of Klam ath Falls were in Ashland yester day afternoon. They came up to meet Mrs. Brown's little son, Ba sil, who came lit from Klamath Falls on the auto stage. The Billings reulstate agency reports the sale of the Marks White house on South Pioneer avenue to J. M. Hrghs and wife. Also the bungalow of Dr. G. 0. Jurvis on Wlmer street to H. B. Plummer and wife, newcomers here from Colorado George P. Henderson of Sacra mento and George M. Taylor of will qtart a series of meetings ex tending over ten days or two weeks at Central Point. Mr. Cochran will spend a few daya here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cochran, before joining them. Mrs. Cochran and their youngest daughter , will come to Ashland today. Mr. Cochran expects to go to Central Point tomorrow morn ing when the serviceg will start. 4 Tbe newly remodeled residence of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jacobs on B street was sold yesterday through the Staples Real Estate company to Mrs. Clara Taylor of Klamath county. .. During tbe past three days 1.10 Inches of rain he fallen in Ash lund up to this morning. This will be of inestimable benefit to the pastures and farm land In this vicinity. . C. W. Sharpe of Camas valley, son-in-law of Chief of Poliec J. W. and Mrs. Hatcher, was up yes terday making a brief visit at the latter's home. . Ben Zernstein, who formerly conducted the Bon Ton bakery on Fourth street, hag purchased a bakery in Gerber and has gone there to take possession. He has sold his residence property on East Main street to Mrs. P. N. Butcher. J. H. Turner has purchased the Walter Beebe residence on the Boulevard, and expects to occupy It by October 1. TO FIX MORE ! vwm PASTOK ASKED TO I DIAMOND LAKE MAY BE RETURN' 4TH YEARj PLACED IX CRATER PARK Yesterday wag a great day In ROSEBURG, Ore. Diamond the local Methodist church, the! lake, oue of the famous beauty close of the greatest year in the history of the church. The fourth quarterly conference took placo Saturday night, at which all the business of the church and The state highway commission, I auxiliaries was finished, and the through its chairman, S. Benson, I f-ostor and members close the Will Gathar Old Clothes for Needy nnt ' L. n 11. . V , i , "u"7e"' B. II. .Jones, field secretary for may be Included In tbe boundaries tne Near Eas)t , of Crater Lake park If the bill ,and ,a9t , M now being prepared by the Na-iarranglnR for tlle anml;( ,,, tlonal Parks association passe :clotues 0 o(h herif cougress, accordi&e to word re- . ,v v., . j , r. , - to the children and destitute peo- celved yesterday afternoon by W. , ... ...,. . bus announced that at a meeting year with the assurance that this F. Ramsdell, forest Bupervisor of ,. , . , . . , i,, viiii,., vi i i .v ..... it Is expected that October 2nd being held today In the court-Inns been by all odds the most the Umpqua reserve The Parltsi will be tbe date a olnted fo huuse the commission will adver-i prosperous and successful year, fl- association was defeated in I'3 ! gatlxei-in 'of n'o'clotliln' ' tlse for bids for the paving of the1 nanclnlly and spiritually, this or-'first attempt to secure control of- Tne B0ysContsCwill "the Oswego-Oregon Cltv section nr thn' icunizutloit hux ever known, ninmond lake nil in th ovum tii' . . ' R'' Pr "' Pacific highway, extending fromj Reports read at tbe conference; lake should be set aside as a park , tue scoutmasters "Ct " "' Hie Mutnomah county line to tke'show that the total receipts of the . It will mean a great logs for Ever' citizen "oun" r ill west end of tbe sunspension bridge1 church are over $7000. An in-j Douglas county. Thousands ' shoulde Tn'nT'once'to'look int i across the Willamette river at Or- creaso of 7ti has been made to tte tourists have been attracted to.,, , . . '" egon City. ! membership within the year, J this section by this scenic won-i ..fron" thence v'9 Thia gection of the Pacific hlgh- while yesterduy morning 27 pro-ider and Its withdrawal from the meut a,.Ke or "mall thiMs "'It way at the present time is In a! mot long were made In the Sunday j Douglas domain would meau com-!.,, ' ' , , , ' i , ,. , . , . , ' . , . ., ! , ,, , all wearable, and t'p them in coin- deplorable condition and untl the school. The happiest of relations i inerclul loss. ,, . .. . ., , ..... ., . iv. .., . . I,act bundlesfor contribution to middle of last week was practl-, exist between the pastor and his i In the event the boundaries of tnls t j cully closed to traffic because the1 members, which was shown mate-1 the Crater Lake pari; are extend-i n ' v . . .v . , , . . , I . ,, . ,, , ., , ,i ... i Over one hundred thousand recent rains turned the road into! nally when Rev. C. A. Edwnrdsied to Include I) aniond ake, t he , ,,.,, , ,., i , , ....... . children are now in the shelter ol u quagmire filled with ruts, some was given an unanimous Invlta- restrictions now u force aroinn ,. . . ., K. , . , . . . , ,, . . ..... . . , , ... "'e orphanages of the Near East of which were two feet deep. tion to return to that charge at Crater lake wou d be extended to ,, , , .. . .s..n ....... . , Relief, and thousands more an'. a salary of $5000 a year und the! the other natural wonder nearbv. !.,, , , . , , ,, :. , (Waiting to be received, besides I nn rnniin . . A nliai.u. ...... .1.1 l.n ....... ..... uw..un... , ,v v.. nine ..... ur .i.tiuu 11.1 pan- ,.. .. . i , -,,,,-' ' . . . F , the men and women who are des- Hev. Edwards has been the paa-sage through the paik, regardless' (itu(e of ciotun! tor of the Methodist church of this of whether a person stopped at. v, , , ,, ... No clothing will be unwelcome, city for the past three years, and the luke or not. Visitors would , ,. , ., u.rr . i um U1UH' WIM- The Social Realm Xewly Weds Visit during that time he has bad the Howard Jeter and bride arrived hsiui; a uourisuing fiom Sacramento this morning rowth amo"g ,lis membership, on train No. 14, to visit Mr. Jeter's, wlth a aiKU' lncre!,"e ,ne I,r08 ...other, Mrs. S. R Jeter. They 1 1)ei'"r ' He is not were recently married and wm only remarkably popular with his spend about a week in Ashland jcw" l'rislilonu, s, but he und" his l,Bfnr rBtnrnl- hnmo wlfo " l'vC 'greatly dl- deared themselves with the entire not be allowed to cany guns and special restriction made for campers. would be i come it will be. The young people's societies of the churches of the stato have un- KI.MOHK AM) IUK,1!. ;""',;'ken ",e "f" ',,ak f rai- AITOINTKI) I.IITTFX VVTN money to pay the transpor- II. T. Elmore and Ileecher Dan-""" '1 "larges on me ciotlilns from Oregon to Constantinople, lllrtluluy Party Mrs. George Hrookniiller en- Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and family ' ftrtained a party of young people nt hJnrfnllr Vah urn trtinat nf Ash- at her home on Liberty street Sat- . ., ... . iv....: Mr. Edwards leaves (his even una tins weeK ana are stopping one ... ..u..o. ... ....i. ... .strict utteiitlnn 1 . .. . . . . ' hlir for Ihft lillllll'tl rim .M'onen nf B,lu'1 "linmoil at the Hotel Columbia. jcaugnter Lorraine B eie e un n rti.-, IIlUlt,llf5 otfol,p lu bellnlf ot a a uay anniversary. :x nine scnoor . ...... . II ll.l Ilia oll.pon. ululma nf Mo Fred Hamlin, who sustained Bjtriends were present and spent a1 Ifracture of the skull bv falling' delightful afternoon with eames, cllu,Tn tllB citlzens.of Ash- from the window of a barn at his after which light refreshments I "s wo" tnat ,,c wi" rotllrn and are entering into the with earnestness mid enUiiisiasiii. Let Ashland do itself Justice in ford have received their appoint ments as First and Second lieu- city, and the most cordial rela-i len"in, respeciiveiy. .i i . ..... .1 H. T. Klinoie. I lie new First lieu- iMjnn exisi neineen .nr. r.uwnius. . , , .. , , and family and their wide circle ; ton.nt of First Company, has been - n,s8 - of,,.e.. I with the organization since it was' '.v "lore tllun '"'!' thought but oi acqu.iini.inci s. '.i.i..i. .ni nr. i ... started in February, 11119. Jlis;"""-" """" ul,u """" to his work und ! r'1"'11 multitudes nf little people. they are taking advmtage of everyj DunBmuir are among californiami opportunity to take a trip abroad; In their car. They came home from Dunsmuir last night, The Beaver Realty company made the sale this week ot the Spiudler house at 842 Rlaine street to G. W. Miller, a new comer to Ashland. The new own ers will take possession as soon as the present occupant vacates. They also report the sale of the George F. Euston house on Hel man street to G. H. Ketcbum, tbe present occupant. Troy and Ivan Phlpps have gone to Eugene to enter the Uni versity for their second year's course. Mrs. E. L. Peck and duughter, .Mrs. L. K. Wood and son Emile, of Newport, have come to Ashland with a view to locating here. Mr. and Mrg. Fred Brookiniller motored to Granta, Pass Sunday In their new Chevrolet car tbev recently purchased. Rev. J. W. Hoyt, Sunduy school missionary for tbe Southern Ore gon Presbytery, came home last evening from an extended sojourn In Lake und Klamath counties looking after his work In that section. Mr. Hoyt drove over by the Green Springs mountain road, and states the roads are in remark ably fine condition considering tbe rain that has fallen on them. registered at the Hotel Columbia this week. Mr. und Mrg. M. A. Stevens and child of Seattle are registered at the Hotel Austin Other Seattle guests are (). W. Gier and E. C. Dierchnnan. G. F. Billings made a business trip to the Cow Creek valley yes terday. While there he called on C. W. Root, who with his wife is spending several weeks In that section. According to Mr. Bill ings, Mr. Knot is looking well and states he Is much Improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan camo in yesterday from Crater a used a suspension of work and activities have closed down for tbe season. Mr. Burt states four inches of snow fell yesterday and It was still snowin? when he left the mountain. , The Staples agency negotiated the sule of the Worthing residence lake where they hud been spend- and a half ucre of land on Ash ing a few days th's week. They' land street yesterday to a new- were unfortunate to be caught In! comer from Klumath county, who home some weeks ago, wag out were served. on the streets today, somewhat shaky from his long confinement, in the hospital but considering' himBelf lucky "to be alive, pastor of the local church go with him SATURDAY'S NEWS Tea Cm. Club I HOHOES (iKA WARM The teacun club will meet Tues-i RECEPTION- IX CITY idav. October 6. Instead of next! A man who fulled to heed the , . .. , i iv. u : Tuesday. A strong committee va.nui uiaiis Biwiiiuig al ilia nit- tel Austin are W. E. Weightman.i bee" aI'poi,,led and they a,e J. H. Hardiiiv. Jerrv W. Stanley' I)'1,nn'nB a unique entertainment. and Y. Johnson of San Francisco, I Watcn tne Pa,er fpr ,1,e """'""H and N. J. Hetherlngton of Log ment- Tne ",eem,s wl" De nem AngeleB at the hospitable home of Mrs. T. i H. Simpson, on North Muin street, E. C. Burt came in yesterday ! and will be In charge of Mrs. from the Dead Indian country,! Jonn Fuller, assisted by Mes- where he had been employed onUlames Judd Miller. F. F. Whittle the road grade this Bummer. A heavy stowstorm on the mountain compaiiy were the cause uf his promotion. Lieutenant El more's promotion !'as been very rapid, haring enlisted us a private in February, 1919, und having been promoted first to corporal, then sergeant, then First sergeant and then to First lieutenant. Beecher Danford, the appointee warning to stop given by Night to the office of Second lieutenant, Policeman Webster Wertz, re-1 First Company, is an ardent work ceived a shot in the arm while :.t-!er. He was a member of the old H. J. Carter and Miss Molly Son- ger. Announcement Luncheon Mrs. Buy Ladd Sherman of Oak tempting to make a getaway at an early hour yesterday morning. Ac cording to a report from Siskiyou, a trainman was held up on the mountain by a party ot hoboes, A(iKl PIONEER LAID TO REST The funeral ot the late Georgn Washington Grow, whose, death occurred at his home on Emigrant creek lust Thursday, was held yes terday afternoon from the Stock undertaking parlors, with Rev. C. A. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist rhiuvli conducting the services, lluriul was made in the Kingsbury cemetery. J, M. Wagner, Butler Walker, C. C. Walker, Dr. Caldwell, (!. W. Bar ron and Oscar I.owe, old-time friends und neighbors, bom the casket to its lust resting place. Mr. Grow was born September 11, 1845, in Pennsylvania. Hi First Company, and has had ser vice in France. The boys are all! very enthusiastic over his appoint-1 ment. Colonel White, thr adjutant gen- ox. i pi,Uf ..p ir....l.AH . Ami nt nnirnn wrnta hntli lleil-i '. , , .. came west lu 18uS und soon afier notified to make a search for theU very eucouragli, sltet tmii robbers.. The chief started at, staling that he had noticed the lr; Cullfornta. Comin about midnight for the scene of , good work, and felt personally L the holdup, with an assistant, lee.v- pleased over the appointments 1 ins word for Mrht IMIiceman Sergeant Er Ic tt eren. another j 3,Jt(lp(1 0 u u)Ilu. WeilZ 10 WatCll out lor SUSPICIOUS; suniu-uy ill ui vuniimiij, nun l- street was at home at a luncheon i characters on the street. Some' pointed ns First sergeant to sue to her oldest und most intimate) time later Mr. Wertz came acrossiceed Lieutenant Elmore, who fnr- frlends Friday afternoon, nt which u party of hoboes, and ordered merly held that position. time she announced her np-llhem to stop. Instead of obeying' The First Company is now get- . i t t nt- T..l. 41. n .. r: tt.,. ttiio- ii hnn1 vaiv Vnnliliv Ttirtnil proacning marmmo .o ..... ;u. m.-. imv o ". - "I daughter of whom, Marv M. Pin- Henry Parry of Minneapolis, when the policeman shot, after recruits were taken In last week I stead on Emigrant creek In No vember, 1 87U. The deceased is survived by his wife und ten of tlie eleven chil dren born to th's union, one. Minn. will make home. this possession bis The body of the late Frank El liott, who died at Talent yoster- W. C. Butler will leave today for Roseburg where he will enter the Soldier's home to spend the winter. . E. D. Brlggs returned home last night from Oakland where he bad been called by the critical illness of his little granddaughter. Mr. Brlggs states the child Ig still in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Carpen ter, who sold their home recently on Liberty street with the inten tion of moving to California, have decided they canont leave Ash land, and are going to their ranch on the Boulevard to live. Miss Edith Herrln ig among the Ashland young people to return to ber studies in the University, of Oregon at Eugene John Kernan of Portland was an Ashland visitor yesterday, the guest of D. M. Spencer. Mr. Ker nan will be remembered by all .the members of the old Ashland First company ag "Old Honest John." SATURDAY'S NEWS Mrg. W. E. Newcomb, who has been the guest of (fiends in Ash land for several weekg, will leave today for her home In Redding, Calif. Dr. Bertha Sawyer, was called to Oakland, Calif., in the early the big blizzard that struck that section, and had a strenuous time getting out. By the time fliey were ready to leave the snow had piled u n three feet on the level in the park, and was still snowing, "ay- wl" "hipped to Crescent It was necessary for the govern- ultjr Mny morn'ng for burial, ment team to pull the auto stage! Brief ,u"eral services will be held oufover the mountain, Mr. Jor- in tlie stock undertaking parlors don stated, and this broke the Sunday afternoon at about 4 road so he could follow after, but 0 c OCK be drove through snow for IS miles through the timber before they struck bare ground. Ac cording to Mr. Jordan the roads were pretty slippery through the timber and made automobillng anything but a pleasure trip. Mr. Jackson, who has lately come here from North Dakota, has purchased the Carey place and acre of ground on Almond street from the present owner, Mr. Clark, through the Staples agen cy. Work has commenced on the remodeling of the Stephenson building on East Main street op posite the city hall, which has been leased by the Pruitt-Myer Auto mobile company of Medford. As soon as completed an up to date salesroom will be opened. Two cars collided at thelnter sectinn of Fourth and B streets last night but ne injuries result ed from the accident. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Banks and two children, Jamie and William, of Canton, Ohio, have arrived in Ash land and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Misch on the Mr. and Mrs. S. Patterson and duughter Rose left this morning by auto for Mudlson, Calif., to visit their daughter and sister, Mrs. Oscar Fansteel. They expect to remain away from Ashland a month or so. Misses Grace Chamberlain and Elizabeth Palmer left yesterday on an extended sojourn into Cal ifornia. Thoy are making the trip by wotor, and will go first to Pacific. Grove, thence various points along the coast, and will be away upwards of six month?. During their absence their home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Shuler, newcomers to Ashland. Twenty-six guests sat them. Tlie shot hit one man In i and many more are in line for en- Tlie splendid training . . . . , vnn.. ... .. i..rn..i..n .. i nnnt. . Ilul uOWn 10 a iwo course iiuuuruii, u.i: nun, liiiiii-iiii;-, u mikiil wi-.hii ..n...v.... , .. n 8t 4 o'clock. Tlie tublo decora- wound, tie was t:'.kon to a local una nuvaiuuges inui an ennsi-i tlons were in yellow and white. I hospital whero his wound was ment In the company offers is children surviving are as fol- Assisting Mrs. Sherwin were Mrs. J. M. Wagner and Mrs. E. J. Van Sant. Teachers' Reception Regardless of the stormy weath er about 125 patrons of the pub lic schools accepted the Invitation Issued by the Parent-Teachers' dressed. It Is staled thut his in- very nppcaling. Jury amounts to very little. I' W. II. Grow, Mrs. Aiiiii.t Williams, Miss Millie Grow, Geo. P. Grow, H. S. Grow, Ashland. SKY LINE HIGHWAY Mrs. Lydla Hopkins Soda Springs; IS. P. Grow, Medford; W. It. .. ni-ni.. nba..ufui.i n..iip . r.... HAW MILL CLOSES 1AM ATOHS O.N JOIt -..., ...... SEASON'S WORK EUGENE The forest reserve. Xe,,le Uornian. Perry, Ida., and ' The Tuffs sawmill which start- leconiiulsunce party that started ! E; A- G,ow- Portland. There are ed operation last February on the work in July at Crater hike to map,"'8" grandchildren surviving. Dean Indian mountain closed the out a route for the proposed sky- X(IT,(,K 0,, SH(,-...(...S KUV season's work this week. This I line highway ulong the summit of I ' ' J 1 ' HOLDUP MEN ROUND OVKR TO COURT teachers in the city schools j 000 feet of pine lumber, which eu (Jlisltlluu ciifts. in uine county, -order of Sale duly Issued out of allow the latter to becomelwus tuken by truck to Medford ' und only a few miles from the Mc-, and under the seal of tlio Circuit minted with the parents of ' for shipment. A big crew men j Kenzie river highway, according ! Court for tlie pupils under their charge. Ajwere employed there during the; to N. K Mucduff. supervisor of 5tb. 1920, In a rerfhin action circles last evening to greet the! mill has cut upwards of 2, 000,-j the Cascade mountains, nas reacn-; Uy ExeclUon ,,. new teachers In the city schools! 000 feet of pine lumber, which ed Obsidluu cliffs. In Lane county, Order of Sale duly Issued out of and acquuii the Dunils short program whs presented at past summer, eurnlng a payroll tho toscuile national rarest, wuo, therein, wherein Cornelia I., which Mrs. J. B, Hunell mid of from $50,000 to $(10,000. This' bus Just returned from a teu days' ! Kingsbury, as plaintiff, recovered daughters sang to the accompa- sawmill has about three years' op-! trip through the forest. "aTrLK nlment of ukuleles; Miss I)owlratlon there. The energies of. Members of the purty have sent uj , MrKerrhor, deceased, S. pleased the audience with a de-the company now will be devot-word to Mr. Macduff thut from s McKercheV and Mildren Part'on. lightful reading, followed by a 1 ed to getting the lumber off from I Diamond lake to tbe old military as defendants, for the sum of .h.rminr nc selection bv Missthe mountain while the weather! road over the summit by way ot iieifsi m ju ue Berna Hnight. The rest of the evening was devoted to getting acquainted, and the company ad journed with a more cordiul rela tion existing among teachers and patrons. At the hearing held at Taylor's office in Medford Saturday af ternoon three men, Clarenee Mc- Dade, Herman McGlcwn and David Bearkg, were bound over to the grand Jul to await trial for hold ing up a freight train on the Southern Pacific a short time ugo, According to tho confession Mc- Dade is said to have made, he and McGIown gtole' two suitcases Boulevard, while enroute to Losifrom Oakland, Calif. They then Angeles to spend the winter. Mr. iCamelown and held up and robbed Peter Is a brother of Mrg. Miksch, Earl Cochran, one of the sing- a west bound freight train at Stolnman. In the alleged confes sion McDade implicated Bearks, ing evangelists from the Moody! an S. P. brakeman, and two oth Blble Institute of Lo? Angeles who'ers, for whom tbe county officials helped conduct the evening ser-jare looking. McDade and Mc vlces of the Fourth of July cele-j Clown were caught ut Hornbrook tratlon, came In yesterday with and taken to the county Jail, bis oldest daughter from the I Bearks was arrested at Dunsmuir. north where his company had beenj McDade's home Is supposed to be FRIDAY'S XKWt) Thimble Party As a compliment to Mrs. W. E. Newcomb of Redding, who has been visiting friends in Ashlund for several weeks, Mrs. Louis Dodge, assisted by Mrs. Harry K. Tomlinsdn, entertained a party of friends at her home yesterday af ternoon. Twelve of Mrs. New comb's close friends gathered at Mrs. Dodge's home and spent an enjoyable time with needle work. The hostesses served re the close of the af ternoon, tbe predominating fea ture of which was a "Lake of the Woods Sundae," and was hugely enjoyed by those partaking of this dainty decoction made from the product for which that resort is famous. holds good. the Willumelte pass u very eusy 'grade1 has been found ami Mr. Muc- duff says that from his own per ,17. 1915. and the sum of $:i2.1i with interest from November 5. 1917. und the sum of $55.71 with interest from June 28, 192(1, all CAN'T HANDLE A Mi STUDENTS., sonal observations l.e knows there at the rate of 8 per rent per an- More applications for udniis-lls an easy route from that point nu".'' w t i l.a.OO utlor- ... ... i ...... , J. .. .. , v. . ney's fees und $108.35 costs and sion to the School of Medicine of to the McKenzle river hiKhwuy. ,shiiremontii. which judgment the University of Oregon have been received than cun be admit ted, according to administration officials of the University. Appll- Norlh of the McKenzle liighwuy ;, enrolled and docketed in said the sky-lino highway will of ne-: Court September 18th, 1920. cesslty be compelled to extend to N,,,i . h""'ly 'VI, Por tion. I will on Saturday, ovem- lower lovols owinsr to the vast moons nave neen received ironiiiava liens on tne senium aim ior her tun. i!i3ii( at in o clock, a. m.. fcraduates of pre-medical depart- several mlleg west of it In eastern at the front, door of the Cotirt inents of well-known custom in-i l.nno and Llnn'and western Des- house In the City of Jacksonville. . . 1 . ., ,,, Jackson Counlv, Oregon, offer for stitutlons as well as those of thoj chutes Counties. It would be prac; hui w, H( I)HHj(, HUCton f(). ocust. A waiting lint for the 1921- tically an Impossibility to build , C118, to n,e highest bidder, to sat 1922 year has nlready been j through the lava beds, says Mr. isfy suld Judgment, with the cost s formed and is well filled. Owing ; Macduff. of this sain, subject to redemption to the lack of facl.i.les for hand-j The party, which Is headed by Xst theZu!: ling a large number of students M. A. Johnson, engineer in the. ants, Jointly or individually, had at the medical school, only a lim-j lorest service, and F. W. Cleutor, on December 17th. 1913 or have Ited number are admitted each landscape engineer, expected to since acquired, or now have In and year reach Mount Hood before the win- " the following described prop- ' , ,. lerty, situated in Jiickson Countv, ter storms set In, said Mr. Mac- state of Oregon, to-wit: WHISTLES H HILK HE duff, hut he says that, Judging! Beginning at the northwest cor- IS HANGING HIMSELF rom tnB progress thej have madnjner of Lot 25 in Block "D" of the WEBSTER, Mass. Whistling! (nUl far t s doubtful If they w'!Melkle and Payne Addition to the Cieeriiy. Stanisluw Osinsky 2,; t tnat far lhl, m, j edXld3 "CXi years old. put a noose around hl on tne ,,,, of M A,,iiti0n, m)W neck, fastened the other end to PITTSBURGH. Pa. Legally 0f record in the office of the a gag pipe, kicked out a box which dead and cremated, according to county recorder of Jackson Conn- he was standing on and strangled the records of the Allegheny V- "r7"' 'T. "ou,n . . . ,i . , ,., - v. ihundred (400) feet; thence west Oslnsky returned from work und morgue, his wife waiting for his on(J hlindrt(l, un(, aixiy tifM (HS, ate a hearty meal with his pa- ashes, Samuel hcolt,' aged (eet; thence north four hundred rents. He was chatty and smil-1 years, supposed to bare been (400) feet; thence east one nun- Slsklyon Teacher Wnls Ashlund friends of Miss Jane M.' Gilchrist, teacher of the pub lic aphnnl. at Rllflvnii i v a rnrplv- ing the announcement of her mar- lug. He told his mother he wouldj murdered last July and big body I ?! ".l1" '"'! hlriripn nn a tnwhnat. relumed a . . ' ... ; Ing alley on east giue. rlage to Archie J. Craig, one of chop some wood in the cellar. Glenn Rhodes, a mail clerk, has part of this week to the bedside conducting an evangelistic tour in Bates City, Mo., and he claims come up from Oakland and will of little Lois Maurice Brlggs,: through Washington and Canada.! to be a locomotive fireman. Mc be employed In the service out niece of Dr. Sawyer, and grand-! The rest of the company came In Clown gives hlg residence as Po Irom Ashland for a time. I daughter of Attorney E. D.lcars at far as Grants Pass, and.teau, Okla. , the telegraph operators at Siski you. This marriage took place September 4, but announcements of' tbe bappy event were not is sued until this week. She heard her son whistling few days ago. and tbe fact was re-: Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon. and thought be was piling up ported to the coroner's office. September 25th. 120. wood. Instead be was arranging j When the other body wag found, hi noose. No cause for tbe was Identified br Mrs. Soott, icide wag known. I who arranged tor Its cremation. C. E. TERRILL. Sheriff Jackson County. Oregon. Br FLORA THOMPSON. ,5-4-Wed Deputy,