Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, September 22, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Wednesday, September 22, 101M
Cliff Payne and Robert War
ner have gone on a hunting trip
to the wllda around Carter lake.
They expect to be gone several
David Kinath and wile, J. B.
tirldar and wife of Tillamook areiH- H- Tebault, Los Angeles; J
iniests at the Hotel Columbia tbls ! Kinch and wife, Chico.
and they are still bearing pro
fusely, and have quantities of
blossoms yet.
Californlans registered at the
Hotel Austin are Charles J. Lane
Maud M. Robinson, San Francis
co; Mrs. J. H. Haines, Miss Elea
nor Haines, W. H. Haines, 0
Williams, Oakland: W. Castator
and wife, L. Karger, Mr. and Mrs
K. K. Walters, telegraph opera
tor at the S. P. station, is upend
ing a lew days' vacation on a deer
hunt. Ho stated on leavln he
would be back when he captures!
Air, aud Mrs. J. R. Smith an
child of Corvallls are Ashland
guests this week. They are stop
ping at the Hotel Austin
Mrs. William Denton is home
jeer trom Aieurora wnere she had been
a , Ian Inmate of a hospital under-
I. T. Sparks, district freight and going an operation
lansenger ugent of the Southern
Pacific comnanv. wa a hunliiesa' Mr- "1 Joe Alnutt and
caller In Ashland from Eugene;11"16 daughter are over from
today I K'amath Falls today visiting rel
, n lives.
Dr. and Mis. P. H. Johnson!
mid children and C. C . wlnhiir. A. F. McKlntie and wife of
IM-rcame home Sunday from Cra-j nsoburg nave con-e t0 Ashland
ter lake after spending several for a vlslt and are K"es,B at the
days at that resort.
Mrs. Sullivan of Oranito street
Is home from a local hospital
Hotel Columbia.
Ed Carey, who has been coil'
ducting the Park Provision store
where she had been taking treat-j ttt tlle entrance to the free auto
merit, and is reported to be much'camp tllla Bummer Bold out
improved. j nis interest to Mrs. E. J. Elgin of
a a fjorris, who with her son will take
E. 0. McCormick. vice-president possession at once and conduct
of the Southern Piclfic company
Is expected in Ashland this even
ing. He will arrive in his private
car attached to train No. 16, and
the hitter will be left here while
Mr. McCormick visits in this vi
cinity. IJeaver & HalfhiU, salesmen for
the I'ruitt-Myers Auto company
of Metlford, sold a handsome new
Nash car yesterday to Engineer
James of this city.
P. S. Provost has gone to Yre-
ka to look after bualness interests
there for a few days.
J. C. Churchman and wife are
registered at the Hotel Colum
bia this week among the guests
from Sacramento.
L. S. Case, who a short time
ago traded his home on Church
street with Mrs. S. L. Allen for
her property on Ashland street,
has again made a trade in real
estate. This time he exchanges
with Frank Gilloon for his ranch
near Phoenix. Mr Case desires
to get back to the simple life' on
the fiirm, and makes this chance
so ho h;fs more opportunity to ex
tend his business along this line.
Klamath Falls pue.stM stopping
at the Hotel Columbia are C. I.
Winnick and wifo and James 0.
the business from that stand. It
Is their intention to fix over the
store this fall and get It In readi
ness for the summer trade of next
The fruit aud confectionery
store of Powell & Jeter on Fourth
and A streets Is undergoing ex
tensive renovating and in a day or
two will blossom out In new wall
paper and paint, which will add
much to its attractiveness
Among guests stopping at the
Hotel Columbia over night are
A. L. Schleck and wife, La Velle
Schick and Ross Fisher of Spok-
R. M. Snook of Talent was up
yesterday looking after business.
II. J. Boyd took a party of
teachers to Crater lake Saturday,
turning Sunday evening. Those
who made the trip were Miss Isa
bella Wattenberger. Miss Hilda
Ohde, MiBS Geraldlno Ruch, Mrs
Boyd and son.
Mrs. S. L. Allen yesterday com
pleted the sale of the J. B. Ware
property on Granite street to H
A. Stearns.
Mrs. Spencer of Springfield and
Mrs. Fitzgerald of Eugene are
guests of their sister, Mrs. Dora
Culleu, in Ashland t Ills week. Mrs
Fitzgerald expects to continue her
Journey to Los Angoles after
spending a few days longer in
this cHy.
0. E. Herbst has moved Into
the house he purchased on
Church street, and Is getting it
tor. The little! on(! was P'aylng
with her father and in some man
ner struck the percolator filled
with hot coffee, which fell from
tha table, the contents pouring
over the child. Her face and one
arm were frightfully burned. .
Mrs. C. W. Hovenden and Mrs. j
be held in the Presbyterian
church yard this morning met with
a hearty response trom volunteer
workers, and the pile ot wood
hauled there to be cut up and
stacked in the church basement
for winter use was finished with
dispatch. A goodly number of
men worked up a fine appetite at
L. Melsner of Etna Mills were the wood pile this forenoon.'
Ashland visitors Saturday. I
Mrs. Emmett Beeson of Talent
0. A. Meredith of Marlon, 0.;iwas an over Sunday visitor in
the voters who stayed at home on Banks case, Editor Pfelfer says
election day the 7 out of every that, three new exposition build-
10 electors of this city who calm-ings, each 30 by 70 feet, are un
ly sat back with so Important aider construction for the show.
matter to be decided, and "Let
Bud Merrlman, M. L. Lane, daugh
ter and nurse ot Minneapolis,
Minn., ure among easterners reg
istered at the Hotel Austin this
A 10-pdund son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Mulligan of Talent Saturday.
Fa ye Abrams and wife, and E,
S. Hayman of Eugene were reg
istered at the Hotel Austin Satur
day evening.
W. Dunlap was up from Cen
tral Point on business Saturday.
Miss A. Kopp, secretary ot the
Jesse Wlnburue interests, who has
been absent from Ashland on a
short vacation, has returned
Callfornians registered at the
Hotel Austin Include S. Brandum
and wife of Callahan; A. Hawks
ley, P. H. Miller of San Fran
cisco; E. II. Noack of Stockton:
0. Cionca and wife, N. J. Big-
ham and wife of Los Angeles;
Mr. and Mrs. P. P, Hanson of
Orovllle, and H. D. Oradon and
wife ot Sacramento.
Miss Helen Adair.son, daughter
E. B. AdaniBon, cashier ot the
Talent State Bank, has gone to
Corvallls to enter 0. A.C. Miss
Adamson was a graduate of Ash
land high school last spring.
Guests registered at the Hotel
Columbia are Mrs. M. Holt, Gre-
nadu, Calif.; W. P. Brocket, Los
Angeles, Calif.; D. P. Cochran,
L. C. Cameron, Je!ferson; Frank
Mrs. Hensley jpent Sunday with
ber daughter, Mrs. Will Glelm, at
the latter's home near Talent.
II. R. Jncoby made a business
trip to Med ford this afternon.
George P. Bower of Seattle
transacted business In Ashland
H. C. Galey and family are
home from Newport where they
have been spending tha past sum
mer enjoying the ocean breezes.
Lame and tired today from rid
ing horseback for the first time
In thirty years, Frnest Hicks is
back at his post In the Simpson
hardware store after taking a trip
George do It."
They, and no others are to
blame If the city falls to get ade
quate relief from the Ashland
creek dam and If there Is any
"cussing" to be done on the sub
ject they should "cuss" them
selves an ud nobodv else.
Dlebold brothers of Pennsylvania
have issued a golf challenge to
klmo boy, who passed through
here recentily on Ms way Jo his
old home on King Island, a dot
of land In Bering Straits.
Nueyak said he ras going home
to raise reindeer. He spent the
past year at Chemawa Indian
school In Oregon, .learning shoe-
making, tailoring, horse shoeing
Building, Ashland, Oregon, before
the expiration of six months
from the date of this notice, which
is September 22, 1920.
4-6 Wed. Kxecutiix.
of the grave there came the se
cret which caused the State In
dustrial Accident Commission to
award $3,391 death benefits to
the relatives of Joseph Diaz, killed
while at work with the Moore
Shipbuilding plant, March 26,
1920. The award Is made paya
ble to Mrs. Tomosa Diaz of this
While at work in the Oakland
yards Diaz foil from a plank n
distance of five feet. An autop
uy disclosed no abrasions or lac
erations and no condition in the
brain cavity that would cause
death. In the action before the
commission the defense set up
any uiaer eigui oroiuers in me; and harness-making. Attractions
country for any amount, any 0f the outside world did not up-
wnore nt nny time. Recently this , 1)eal to him, he snld, and he iil
family held its annual tourna-' tended to Bpend his life with his
ment, but as only five opponents father's reindeer herd
could be found three of the broth'
ers were automatically disquali
fied. The family gives the tour
nament each meotlng an oppo
nent from un outside) chin.
heart failure as the cause of
with his fumlly to the Josephine death. Offsetting this theory was
caves yesterday. The sights at
that wonderful natural, curiosity
were worth the exertion, Mr
Hicks states, and he is more than
pleased with their trip. The party
going to the caves consisted ot Mr
and Mrs. Hicks and daughter Er
nestine, Mrs. Bessie Wilson and
Tom Morian.
Mrs. C. M. Bomnr, postmistress
of Hilts, spent Sunday In Ashland
visiting with friends and relative.
Large numbers of Ashland clt
2ens are taking to the woods these
days In the hope of surprising the
wary deer, but comparatively few
have bo far been successful. Ow
ing to the warm weather, it is
stated, the deer are keeping to the
hith mountain peaks. Next
mouth, however, when tho snows
begin to fall on the mountains the
deer will begin to he driven lower
down, and October promises a bet
ter huting season than this
MiSBea Bessie Carpenter and
Lila DeCarlow left lust night for
Kan Jose, Calif., to enter the,
normal school there.
Mrs. Levi Stevens and daugh
ter Mildred were Rogue river vis
itor over Sunday
Guests from a distance slopping
at the Hotel Austin are G. F. Buck
and wife of Klikland, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. P. p. French of Brook
lyn, X. Y.; Hon Llpson, Vancou
ver. B. C; Mrs. Eva Sims, Set
tle, Wash.; Mr ami Mrs. 11, L.
French, Manila, P I.
(1. .',!. Grainger picked a spray
of Himalaya blackberries from
the vines at his liomn nn f:i..liu
street yesterday that w simply Cmlag here ,0 reB'(l0'
foered with berries even at thiB v. ,, ' ...
m. r. . . ulul JIrs- Galbraith were
late day. Mr. Gramgi r states they i c...,.i ,
Ron ue River.
Mrs. 11. N. Halfhill came home
today from a local hospital where
she had been an inmate for the
past week after undergoing a
slight operation. She is feeling
much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Millet ar
rived home yesterday from the
north after spending several
eeks at their old home in Fossil.
They made the trip by motor.
H. O. Frobach. secretary of the
Medford Chamber of Commerce,
was a business visitor in this city
Mrs. Winnie Fox of Sacramen
to wn called to the Talent district
this week by the serious illness
of her father, Frank Elliot.
j nicely remodeled into a comfort
able borne.
Chester MucCrocken left Satur
day for Corvallls to take up his
second year's work In the agri
cultural college.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsou of Chi
cago are guests ut the Hotel Co
lumbia today.
W. 1). Robs is serving as substi
tute telegraph operator at the S.
P. station while the various op
erators ure taking their summer
Mrs. Pearl Dodge of Berkeley
has been visiting nt the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H.
Johnson a few days this week.
She loaves this evening for Pen
dleton where she will bo the guest
lot her sister, Mrs. Charles Randle.
Mrs. Arthur Doran of San Di
ego is shipping her household
fcoods to Ashland preparatory to
have been pli-kinir blackberries
trom these hushes bIiico in June
S-room attractive home, all
but one room furnished, mod
ern conveniences. paved
street, cement walk, shade
and fruit trees and flowers;
lot 80x100.
Immediate possession and
the price is attractive, 320U;
Real Realty
Six-room house, modern,
stone foundation, newly paint
ed inside and out; newly fur
nished; almost naif acre gar
den and fruit; chicken yard
and bouse, and garage; splen
did location.
Price 13000. bait cash, bal
ance long time 6 per rent.
A Krai Kal Estate leiUer.-
Offiee, Hotel AusUb Building.
Mrs. W. J. Hchuknecht and
daughter are Ashland guests from
Sumner, Ida., this week.
The two year-old daughter of
L. W. Owen, who resides in the
Camps apartments. a badly
scalded Saturday morning by the
overturning "of a coffee percola-
Mrs. and Mrs. C C. Darling and
little sou left Saturday night for
San Francisco to Bpend a two
weeks' vacation.
The population of Ashland has
been Increased by the arrival of
a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Snodgrass of Church street
September 16, and a son to Mr.
and Mrs. Elbert Arnold of Morton
street, September 17.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Shlnn met
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and family,
former acquaintances from their
old home town of Lynden, Wash.,
today, when the latter were pass
ing through to Cillfornla. The
Juckson family are looking for a
rhango of location.
Despite the Importance of tho
matter to be voted upon not only
to the present but to the future Jardlne, director of the agricul-
of this city only about one-third tural experiment stations. Not
the fact that the deceased was a
boxer and athlete.
As there was some doubt about
heart failure, the commission or
dered the body exhumed several
months later. An anamination
revealed that the fall had caused
a fractured skull and a broken
spinal column.
$ll,(HK1,(MIO,(IOO IflD
Tha combined "Lisle Thread
National Bank," the "Old Sox
Bank" und the "Fenther-Bed-
Muttress Bank" new hold more
than $3,000,000,000 of the coun
try's cash.
This Is the estimate William H.
Hutt, uctlng governor of the Phil
adelphia Federal Reserve Bank,
makes ot tho loose cash being
carried a round in pockets anil
stowed away in various places.
Even a small proportion of this
$3,000,000,000 invested. In Liber
ty bonds would bring them back
to par, he pointed out, or if tho
money wus deposited In savings
banks it would inject new lire into
WINNIPEG, Man. A "gold
rush" to Mile 30 on tho Great
Winnipeg Water District Ruil-
Stops Medicine
Health Recovered
by Internal Baths
. Mr. A. Czarneckl, C57 Montgom
ery St., San Francisco, Cal., writes
Tyrrell's Hygenlc Instltuto of New
York as follows:
"I must admit that tho uso of
tlio J. II. I,. Cascade' has cured
chronic constipation from which
I suffered. Sinco May 12, 11H.1,
I Iuiva never ni'pn t..uu,l .
way, which had developed ulmoBtof ,mteiit medicine 'or purgative,
to the proportions of a stampede My health Is excellent In every re
aftor children of K. Gauthler, aBPe;t-"
homesteader, had found four' Over half n million bright, keen,
"nuggets" In that vicinity, has I lltelIiRet Americans have found
, ... , , 'that Internal But ling Is more es-
onded as suddenly as It began. 8eIltlal , ,. Ilna, thn oxtP1.-
Dlscovery that tho fjnd wib nul baths
made near the site of an old! Have found that used occasional
ly at night they feel lllto ditfer-
homesteador's shack that burned
In a bush fire many years ago,
and that the homesteader lost
several pieces of gold jewelry
while fleeing from the fire, cooled
tho a til or of tho bonanza seekers.
Within two days after the "nug
gets" were found, twenty-niiie
claims hint been slnked in the vicinity.
ent people the next morning. No
more of that bilious, tired, ner
vous feeling, but having by na
ture's own cleanser antiseptic,
warm water removed all the poi
sonous waste from the lower In
testine, they awake thoroughly re
freshed by normal sleep, with all
their functions acting properly,
clear headed, happy and confident,
eager and capable for tho duties
of tho day.
-.. . Why not learn morn about this
NOTICE TO CREDITORS rupifllv Blowing and natural pn.c
Notice is hereby given that theitice? The "J. II. L. Cascade" is
undersigned has been appointed, the Invention of Chas. A. Tyrrell,
executrix of the ectate of Philan-jM. D.. of New York, a specialist
der A. Van Nice, deceased. All j on Internal baths for 25 years, and
SEATTLE, Wash. One year of :e3tute ure required to present the by POI.EY'S DRl'O STORE, 17 E.
the world "outside." with its an- same, with proper vouchers, duly i Main St., who will give yon freo
MORE LANDS ARK .NEEDED tomojiiles, street curs, motion pic-1 verlfled- t0 the undersigned, by. on request an Interesting book
a .u uu i . i t ini-BM nml niwi mmbrn whnni. I leaving the same with L. A. Hob- let on the subject called ' Why
A new site with hind enough and and mode, n schools, was !.t() the attorney f()r eBlatB U,nn o TB,lliy , 0nlv B0. Em.
to make the experimental irriga
tion work of the Umatilla project
truly representative for the neur
300,000 acres of like lands In Or
egon, Is said to be a need of the
Hermlston project, by James T.
Mrs. Leonard Oorthuys and lit
tle daughter Catherine of "Hollan
dale," near Talent, were Ashland
shoppers toduy.
Messrs. J. H. McGee, P. S. En
gle, 8. A. Peters, Jr., and Louis
Dodge went out to the wilds near
the Dan Peterson homestead on
the Dead Indian road Saturday
evening after huckleberries. They
returned home last night, bringing
in with them 10 or 12 gallons of
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Klam
ath Falls are business visitors to
Ashland today.
Mrs. Kittle lluntsberry left
Saturday evening for Dunsmulr to
spend a week visiting friends
Darrell Miukler left Saturday
for Corvallls to take up his course
in the Agricultural college for
the coming year.
C. D. Arnold and wife of Port
land are guests this week at the
Hotel Austin.
of the qualified voters turned out
at the special water election held
About 25 per cent of the quali
fied voters of Ashland voted In
favor of the proposition for build
ing a dam up Ashland creek for
conservation of water, consider
ably less than n majority ot those
affected by the bonding proposal.
But as only about 6 per cent took
enough interest in the matter to
turn out and vote sgainst the pro
ject, the 25 per cent favoring it
decided that the city shall go
ahead with the proposal,
enough for Donald Nueyak, an Es-Inl h offi0B , (hfi CIpni, nank '"
only all Oregon but the entire!
west must back this and other j
worthy land reclamation projects!
If national aid Is successfully en
Tomato blosom end rot, report
ed from many districts of Oregon I
this year, is not a disease, tl is due
to Insufficient moisture, says M.
B. McKay, of the state college ex
periment Btatlon. tl may be cor
rected by proper Irrigation and
cultivation. Fruits not too badly
Building Bulletin No. 2
injured may be used after dam
ThiB, unfortunately, seems to be BKeo Part ctu away.
the usual spirit in Ashland. No
mutter how deeply the welfare of
the city may be Involved, only a
small proportion ot the peoole af
fected take enough Interest In the
matter to get out and DO SOME
THING. The balance of them
simply sit back and "Let George
do It." But thev are quick
enough to complain if things are
not done to suit them.
It has been decided, by those
of the electorate who bad the
welfare of the city enough ut
heart to DO SOMETHING that
$100,000 shall be expended for
the building of a dam up Ashland
creek and betterment of the pres
ent water supply.
While it is sincerely to be hoped
that this will prove to be well
worth the money to be expended,
that It will prove all, and even
more than has been claimed for
it. In case it should not turn out
to be the right solution ot our wa
ter problem, who is to blame?
. Not the city officials, for their
responsibility In the matter end
ed when the proposition went be
fore the voters. Not the 25 per
cent who voted favorably on the
proposal, for there can be no
doubt that they earnestly desired
what was best for all concerned
and voted for what they believed
the right thing. Certainly not the
6 per cent who-voted against the
Who then will be to blame in
The second annual hog and
dairy show of Banks, Ore., Octo
ber 21-22, has been called to the
attention of the O A. C. Exten
sion service by H. F. Pfeifer, ed
itor of the Bunks Herald. This
fulr was not included in the list
of IS fairs as first announced by
the service. In presenting .t lie
Our most notable achievment in huiliJino; tlio past week was
the splendid showing made by a Ford One Ton Truck in hauling
gravel a distance of three miles. Reforo truck started we had done
all possible with available teams with poor siiceentt, and bad already
diccovered our new FonJ Oarage could not possibly be finished this
fall by use of tems alone. Since then the Ford' Truck has done
th.i work of nearly three teams, and at one-half the coet per yard of
gravel delivered. A second Ford Truck was placed on the gravel
hauling this week, injuring completion of the work this fall.
Ford and Fordson Tractor Dealers
Ashland, Ore.
Harry Silvers left Suturdny on, case the Ashland creek plan
a business trip to Chicago, to be! proves a "bloomer"?
gone several weeks
R. E. Hodgeman, district en
gineer, was a business visitor to
Ashland Saturday trom Medford.
Mrs. J. O. Pierce and Bon Al-
bort, who have been the guests of
relatives In Ashland for the past
week, will leave today for their
home in New York. They will go
by way of Portland, then to Van
couver, Winnipeg and Chicago,
stopping at Intervals along the
Vilnr Hilt was down trom Hilt
spending Sunday with friends.
C. P. Carlson of Salem, state
inspector of mechanics on the Pa
cific highway, who has been
spending some time In Ashland
recently, left Saturday for Cra
ter lake, returning Sunday.
If such should prove the case,
the fault will reft fairly and
squarely with the 70 per cent ot
New Suitings NewCoafings
Some wonderfully pretty Suitings and Coatings, including Tricotine,
French Serge, Poiret Twill, Wool Jersey, Heather Jersey, Men's Wear
Serge, Motrico, Tinsel Velour, Chamelion Velour, Suedeglow, Drape
Polaire and Illuminated Bolivia.
You who sew or hire tailoring done will do well to select your goods
from these new cloths
See These Coats
Mr. and Mrs. W M. Toley and, Everything P MViiU. . .JOc
family made a trip down the Pa
cific highway nearly to Grants: B(-Wait, White Madia.
Pass yesterday. They report con-
Inexpensive Coats for the School Girls and
'in Women's sizes.
We have a lot of Coats $23.60, or less. Splen
did Cloth and Cotton Velours.
We have two dozen Coats at $25 to $29.75,
including a good many with fur collars, and
all kinds of better coats.
Iderabln paving finished, but
there is much work yet to be done
between Cold Hill and Granti,
Pans before the entire highway
lr completed. Tho detours are1
in pretty good shape, however. I
The "wood bee," announced by ,
Rev. C. P. Koehler yesterday to;
UO-Wtt, CWmr Olua 43J
Poley's Drug Store
"Carter's Knit Undcwcar, Please"
We'have been looking for a finer
line of Underwear for those who
desire the best for the money, and
we have found it in
Carter's Underwear
for Women
"Carttr't I gyjk li3
' W ;s
Underwear jY HF
ff H 111 i '"'
mT'A til L
r 'I U I lnnr
l-jr ' '1 'J orjoiAs
mma. u.. mt. on.
F3 ,W V fH f?
I ijiMuiiidiwaJkiiliJjU J
n ucj tacz mkm mt