Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, September 22, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Vwlncftdiiy, September 22, 1020
will have charge of "each service. I with their daughter expect to leave old-time friends were down at the E. Summer, Thomas G. Sifton, C. ' to the detriment of the "Chivvy."
Everyone Is welcome.
W. H. Gerlach and wife, of Ta-
J. VV. McCoy, cashier of the coma, Frank Barr 0' Chicago, Wal-
First National Dunk, has been ab
sent from his pout for a few days,
taking a abort vacation about
Mrs. W. J. Dougherty and
daughter Edna were guests of
Medford friends yesterday.
ter Shields of Los Angeles and
W. C. Davis of Dunsmulr are
guests at the Hotel Columbia.
L. J. Orres drove down to
Grants Pass yesterday to look af
ter his business interests there.
Ernest Hicks and family started
Calirornians registered at thclttlis m0rninR for a trip to the Jos-
Ilotel Austin today are: J. J. Con-'ephllle caves- Thpy llltend t0 bc
way, E. F. Lune, F. A. Chiiinock. Kone everal day,
San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. M.j
A. Graham, S. L. Ware, San Dl-j n. L. Smith and family have
eK- I moved Into thu Putnam apart-
, . I nienta on Vista street from the
Mrs L J Orres an,, daughter B0Uth been
Edna left this week or In.ll.nap- fop gome ,jme Tho gmlth
v Is and poln , in Iowa where, WRre former Q AMaDi
they will vlmt relatives !, m iQ bc
Ir ends for a month 11.
back again.
A. M. Beaver was down to, ..',.., .. .
iuunsig mui'l'MlK Ul UIW V.U-
lumbla hotel are Mr. and Mrs.
soon for San Jose, Calif. The
change to a lower altitude is made
for Mrs. Carpenter's health. Miss
Bessie will enter her senior year
at the Normal school In that
station and enjoyed a short visit jH. Dwyer,
with them during their stop' here. Harold F.
Among touriJts stopping at the
Hotel Austin over night were H.
G. Bolton of St. Louis, Mo.; E. .?.
Tyler of Superior, Wis.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Evans, daughter and
sister of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mrs. W. E. Sanford left yester
day on a hurried trip to San Fran-
place. Many Ashland friends re
gret to lose these splendid citizens
from our town.
Bishop Charles Edward Locke,
former pastor of a Methodist
church in Los Angeles, will pass
through Ashland tonight on his i cisco. She expect? to
way to Portland to preach tomor-; there for a few days,
row. A number of his friends will!
W. E. Beggs and wife, G. I.
Marden, I. L. Mayfleld, Frank
Fee and H. E. Patton are Seattle
people who are In Ashland today,
stopping at the Hotel Austin.
Visitors to Ashland trom Los
Grants Pass yesterday looking af
ter business affairs at the Jose
phine county capital.
Mr. and Mrs. If. M. Illll of
Grants Pass were guests at tho
Jlotol Columbia last night. '
Mrs. Laura Allen has u freak
Gravensteln nppl! tree at her
home on Palm avenue. Not con
tent with bearing Its fruit at the!
time apples are supposed to be In I
Reason, the tree has blossomed!
Out with about one-fourth of a :
crop. Apple bloHsnms in Scptem-I
ber are not a usual event even
for Ashland. I
Mr. and Mrs. I). H. dimming of.!
Hampton, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Hen-1
ry F. Roberts of Calgary, Can.;j
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Conlan of Tuc-j
son, Ariz.; Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
William Morley,
J. P. Mulhall.
F. A. Morley and
Captain O. C. Applegate and
family of Klamath Falls are Ash
land guests this week.
greet him at the station while
the train stops here. Bishop
Locke will leave shortly for Ma
nila, where he will serve as resi
dent bishop.
B. M. Watt and family, who
have been living for the past year
or two in Butte, Mont., are back
at their ranch near Phoenix. Mr.
Watt and family were Ashland
visitors today.
The Tidings is In receipt of two
handsome boxes of strawberries
ot tho Progressive Everbearing
variety from the Chamberlain
Palmer ranch southeast of Ash-
lland. These berres are of a won-
B. F. Skillman
Mrs. D. N. Davir,
called to Sparks, Nev
and Tho truck was not damaged to
1 speak of.
I 4.
who was I H. 0. Frobach, secretary of the
by the ill-j Medford Chamber of Commerce,
state en-,
Ashland visitor'
(derful sizo nnd flavor and afford
A letter of the alphabet is aja remarkable yield for this time
small affair, but It makes a deal f yeur. The Tidings force Is ea
of difference in the meaning of an peclally fond of strawberries, and
expression. When Tho Tidings fuiy Bnreciates this dainty at-
chronlcled the happenings at the tentl'on from the hands of the do
Chamber of Commerce forum ' ners.
luncheon it stated In the wrlteup
these luncheons would "now be
established during the fall and
winter." In the setting of the ar
icle the letter "t" took the place
of "w." Only the difference of
one small letter, but it conveyed
an idea that this luncheon which
was so successfully carried out
S. C. Gunter, wire chief of the
Western I'nlon In Grants Pass, Is
spending a few days here thin week
i with his family, and looking after
his interests in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Howard of
and met with such hearty favor by iMorrllli Ka . M Frank How.
of Great!
land registered at the local hotels
today are H. B Yoeom. Fiiieno- .egiDiccu lUu, i " 1 L. II. Howe, Brownsville; O. C.
local Hotels include Air. ana Airs,
J. L. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
II. Lash was a business visitor
to Ashland from Trail yesterday
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Warren,
Misses Katherlne and Marlon War
ren of Honolulu, T. H., are Ash
land guests this week, stopping
at the Hotel Austin.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of
Standish, Calif., are spending a
few days in Ashland this week.
A. B. Cornell, the well known
insurance man of Grants PaBS,
was a business visitor here yes
San Francisco guests at the ho
tels yesterday and today are W.
S. Reilly, A. Albert. W. J. Grace,
James Loveland, Albert Coulter,
C. M. Balesen and Paul Dinkft.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson en-
f'tjirlr fif Kpiittln W'nult fico
among the guests from a distance l" '' "" u ". ""lard and Frank Jackson
who are registered at the Toter ' ' '" , , ' ' , Falls, Mont.; A. M. Snyder and tertained Mr. and Mrs. A. Spence
, ,, trary these luncheons are expect-t , f.0,i . .,. . ,
Austin. j ... , ... . . son of Grennda, Calif.; are gues! aml g011 E,ion Merle, of Eagle
Pit in hn frlv'on with ft-onnnn'v fi-n,n .
t t ; from a distance who are stopping
0. H. Cole and family, former now "' i at the Hotel Columbia today,
residents of Siskiyou county who j ,, . ... 1
have been living for several years', eft th.. morn- R E,er o( ,.hoenix . pur.
In Portland, are in Ashland look- ",K fr 1 ortl"B1 Vmt w,tl, "phased the J. R. Robertson housa
ing for a location. Mr. Cole has
recently sold out his interests in
Portland and he and his family
are satisfied to get as far as Ash
land to settle.
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster were
up from their valley farm below
Mrs. Butterfield left this morn
ing for Portland to visit with a
sister for several weeks.
j Mrs. C. W. Winne le.'t last night
ion train 16 for Michigan to visit
1 for a month or so with relatives
and friends.
i Ralph and Prof. Irving E. Vln-
ing, who have been in from the
jaieni yesieruay ai-ernoon caning ,Bk(! of the Woo(I). for (he pa9t
cn friends. 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Watson andi
Mrs. Woodcock expect to leave to-)
day or so, started hack to their
summer homes th's morning.
Elwood Hedburg will leave to-!10"!!8
on Almond street. He has moved
bis family up and is already com
fortably domiciled In his new pur
Prof. I. E. Vining has come in
from the Lake of the Woods
where he has been spending the
greater portion of the summer. He
has completed a fine summer cot
tage at that resort which he will
use for a hunting and fishing
morrow morning for Oakland , molT0W m0rning for Corvallis to
where they will m:i!: their future 1
resume his studies at the State j
home. Mr. Watson who Is a mall, Agrlcu,ura coiegfl fr the corn-
clerk, has been tnmsferred from :
this division to one running out
from the Hay city.
W. J. Roberts and wife, and
Miss Audrey Roberts of Klamath
Falls are guests at the Hotel Co
lumbia this week.
Donald Fraser left yesterday for
Albany to visit for two or three
days after which he will go to Cor-!
vallls to enter O. A. C. for the
coming year. '
Portland citizens registered at'
the local hotels ar C. I. Fox, E. j
L. Gordon, C. It. Stipe, Coleman j
Nee, Jim Sloan, Edw. Parkinson,
Geo. C. Burton, and Jack Widdy.
ing year.
Aubrey B.
A little daughter has come to
gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Randies of this city. The llt-
j tie lady first saw the light of day
Phoenli September 8.
was a business visitor to Ashland
yesterday. Mr. Furry expects to
leave for the I'nirnrsity of Ore
gon al)outSpptember 23.
Messrs. Lamkiu. Bessire and
Koehler attended a men s supper
and meeting in the Presbyterian
church at Medford Wednesday
night. They met with other rep
resentative men of the Presbytery
to plan church work for the winter.
G. H.
Is expected
p. r.
has started Its
Tho B. V
fall meetings for each Sunday
evening In the Baptist church.
These meetings will be held at
7:30 o'clock and a good leader
home this evening from the
Southern Pacific hospital in San
Francisco where he has been tak-
J. F. Hunter and Fred Gaupp of
Tacoma are guests at the Hotel
'Austin today.
I y
Miss Vivian Elliott of Klamath
' Falls came over this week and
( will enter high school for the
coming year. She will make her
home with her sister, Mrs. J. V.
1 Mllle:.
Walter Barham is ill at a local
hospital with an attack ot pneu-
monia. Mr. Barham is one of the
1 Barham Brothers who are operat-
1 Ing the sawmill on the Slskiyous,
and has been laboring under mis-
j ing
treatment for feveral weeks.
Containing 1 per cent mercuric
Its Uses
Cleanser, deodorant, disinfect
ant; used In skin troubles or con
, taglous diseases of any kind.
fortune for the past six monthB.
He was seriously hurt at the mill
Miss Pauline Clift came in last,"0"16 tl1"" aSo, and had only re-
night from Green Springs moun- covered from the effects of this ac-
taln where she had finished thej clilent
first week of her school. She ex
pects to return tomorrow evening,
Makes one of the best
' Very effective in destroying
25c Cake
Pours Drug Store
Tires your patience more than to i
Burton Winne and Earl Biegel
leave tonight for 0. A. C. The
latter resumes his work there,
while the former enters college
for the first time. The boys ex
pect to be room mates this year.
A. B. Richards of San Francisco
,aud H. E. Patton of Seattle, su
perintendents of the Postal Tel
egraph company, who have been
j business visitors in Ashland with
in the past week, left for their
' respective homes Het night.
Gertrude and Walter Mlksch
went to Medford Wednesday
where they joined Mrs Walter
Fraser Brown with Leonard and
Emily, Annabel Taylor and Lloyd
Carrick for the trip to Crater
lake. They expected to hold a
Christian Endeavor meeting on
the rim of the lake. Then on re
turn stop at Klamath Falls for u
meeting and bring a delegation
over for the Ashland rally.
Rev. A. Van Nuys, field secre
tary' of the Presbyterian church
in the work of religious education,
was In Ashland Wednesday con
ferring with Rev. C. F. Koehler,
synodical chairman of that work.
His many friends will be
glad to learn he Is making a good
recovery from his present sickness.
Point at dinner yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey of
this city, left yesterday for the
Klamath Falls country to visit
their children and other relatives
in that section. Mrs. Casey took
along a whole lot o' fruit and oth
er good things for the children,
that were raised on their place
here in Ashland. They expect to
be gone two or three weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I' Hughes have
bought the house on South Pio
neer avenue owned by Mrs. Helen
Marks, a former resident of Ash
land. They expect to move into
their new purchase as soon as it
is vacated.
The Western I'nion office is get-1
ting new "trimmir.f' " on its ex
terior in the shape of a coat of(
paint, which is being applied byl
the artistic brush of Harry Hos
ier. John Bryant and family of Al
bany, with a party of friends, are
camping nt present in tho auto
park. Mr. Bryant is cashier of
the First National Pank of Albany,
and is looking for .1 house in Ash
land for his family for the wln-i
ter. He will return to his busi-l
ness In Albany as soon as he can
get his family placed.
Mrs. Burrows, mother of Prof.
I. C. Wilson, principal of the Ju
nior High school, who has been
quite 111 for the past two weeks,
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Grace and George L. Treithler, the well
Cartmill, returned home last even-1 known Medford automobile deal
ing. She was accompanied, were up today and were guests
by Mrs. Cartmill nnd baby, the! at the Chamber ot Commerce
former having entirely recovered forum luncheon In Chautauqua
her health. Pioneer hall.
Mr. and Mrs. B 0. WullHton . A. B. Richards of Sail Fruncls-
flnd Mrs Wnrpn vhn Itava hoaii : uo.l tu,wlu,.t tl.A . ... .....
t..,v,., .gp.wnnnii i wi i.,i...Uy Mign 1vtu1111a uetwiier
making an extended trip through 1 Telegraph company west of the
the North AtlJntlc states this Rockies, was an Ashland business
summer, relumed home Tuesday j visitor today. Mr. Richards was
evening after a delightful sojourn! a former pupil of C. F. Hillings of
in the east. j this city when the latter taught
; school In Missouri.
Among up-state visitors to Ash-
W. M. Barber ln purchased of
F. C. Hollbaugh of Valley View
the handsome registered Jersey
Baker and wife, Mrs. Allace Ba-cow, "Belle of the Rogues," which
ker, C. 0. Baker, Roseburg; Louis' is conceded to be the finest cow
A. I'nlverfelter, Grants Pass. 1 in tho vullev.
! '.
It is hot known yet what employ-: the last of the public bath house
ment Mr, Powell will engage in. : to close this year.
The bureau of entymology has Mrs. Leo Barker returned to
been moved this week from the her home in Hornbrook last even
former location 011 the corner of lag after visiting v ith friends In
Second and B streets td 75 Oak! Ashland for the pa.', three or four
street, the room next door to Chas. j days.
Edgington and Justice dowdy's ot-
fice. ! J. M. and F. D Wagner wer-
; ! business visitors in Grants Pass
Mrs. E. Hathaway and daughter yesterday.
Jessie left last night for Los An-
Charles E,
glneer, was au
Tourists to Ashland from a dis
tance who are registered at the
local hotels are: Mrs. H. I). Al
len and family, Jamtstown N. D. ;
F. W. Huber, St. Louis, Mo.; S. C.
North, Pocatello, Ida,
In a letter received yesterday
by V. M. Barber from his daugh-;
ter, Mrs. Earl J. Fraluy of Santa I
Maria, Calif., the latter stated Mr. 1
and Mrs. B. R. Greer and daugh-:
ters, who left here by auto Sep
tember 4 for the south, had vis
ited her in Santa Maria, and were
pulling out last Saturday morn
ing for Oxnard, a distance of 150;
or 200 miles, which they hoped
to cover that day.
Edwin Mowat leaves today for
Cdvallis to enter 0. A. C. for the1
coming year.
Miss Ruth York,
geles. They were accompanied
will go as far as Oakland. The
latter has been seriously ill this
summer, and will remain in Oak
land until she is stronger, after
which she may continue on to Los
A. E. Mnrthlam1. has como to
Ashland from San Jore to join his
wife and daughter who preceded
him here several weeks ago. Af
ter visiting with rr'ends In Ash
land and vicinity they will leave
for their home shortly.
On Savings Accounts
A Dollar Starts an Account,
LOS ANGELES, Cal. A wear-
Dr. G. 0. Jarvis has been spend
ing tho past th'ee days on a luiiit-
ied marine monster blundered into ing and fishing trip to Four .Mile
tho net of a Sua Diego fisherman t hike.
a day or two ugo. On being pulled
into the fishing smack by the as-1 Mrs. l"Hs and Mrs. V.
tonlshed captain it was found toiv- Mill spent yesterday afternoon
measure a little more than fifteen in Medford.
feet and In general configuration ! .
. . , i Ilelmuu s bath house closed (or
to resemble a shant.
.. . , . ! the season hist Sunday. This Is
Its upper jaw was surmounted.
however, by 11 clumsy looking I HmBSBBtgSSgSS&Bm
horn of solid bone. After Its A-h
!,!!, ,,i i,t tt fiit-tMi'Mxr i,t, 1,,! n ' T
prominent scientist notified the
fishing captain tha he had caught '
a female of the species "basking
shark," of which only six are
known to have beep taken during
the history of tho world's fishing B
Supply Your Kitchen With
Light ami Lasting.
Pf ovost Bros.
mm?i 11 "'i 11 n mm 1 1 'niiiflium wn
and jjj
Wynian Stewart, son of Mr
Mrs. V. A. Stewart of this city. 1 H
who recently joined the merchant 1 M
who has been marines, writes to his parents from !3
elected to teach school In Salem,
left for her duties this week.
Guests today at the Hotel Co
lumbia from Diinsmuir are: O. D.
Ilrant, Jim Harris. C. W. Mowl,
W. 0. Davis and C. Z. McCornie.
Ross Guiley of Eugene, who
tame here in July to attend the
Moody Bible Institute and visit
with relatives and friends, left
this week for his home. Mr. Guiley
is fitting himself to enter the min
istry, and will also become a sing
ing evangelist.
Miss Amelia Esparza leaves this
week for Eugene where she may
enter the University. Miss Es-
narza was teacuer or hpamsn in
the public schools of Eugene lust
year, and has been spending the (able.
mmnipr in Ashland ut the home of sick, but idiows more sinus of im-
A. C. JoV. proving each day.
' ' " I
P. Dinhal, G. M Taylor. C. R. ! c- McAllister a lue nber of
Wallen. C. C. Gall, R. G. and M. ! the city school board, has tendered
M. Mow were guests at the Hotel his resignation from that body.
Honolulu, where ho went Into port
a short time ago. He later ex
peels to make a trip to China.
Miss Ruth Godwin of Philadel
phia is expected ill Ashland today
and will be connected with the
Mrs. Alice Alpers of Los An
geles is a guest at the home of her
sister. Mrs. I). I'erczzi, on Gran
ite street. .Mrs. Alpers expects
to leave next week for Portland
to visit her sisters there.
The many friends of Mrs. .fumes
Barrett, who has been so seriously
ill at the home of her daughter
in Tacoma, will be ylad to learn
that the last news received in
Ashland from her Is more favor
Mrs. Barrel Is still very
. V
SI i
1 r r , ,y
- WRBHS-iej!.! u.
Ready to Brighten
You Ip
and CAPS
that well-dressed
New Shirts.
New Neckwear.
New Suits.
Spring Underwear.
Columbia last night.
0. W. Benedict Is spending the
week with old-time friends In
Douglas county where be was a
former resident. While Ashland
owing to the fart of his moving
to Eagle Point to live this winter.
At a meeting of the school board
Inrt night Mr. McAllister's resig
nation was accepted anil Dr. T.
E. Buchanan was elected to fill
is very dear to this estimable cit- his place,
lien, he enjoys a reunion with his!
many friends nnd acquaintances: Otto Michel, who has been vis-
in Douglas county, nnd once in so iC"g relatives in Cottage Grove
often pays them a visit. throughout tho summer, has re-
, turned to Ashland.
A. C. Jov Is shinning a cailoal
is making a satisfactory recovery. j of peuches this week to patrons in Vl'9- I,la Hansen, who has been
and Is able to be about again
Mr. and Mrs. 0 Lnughlin, who
bought the G. M. Robison resi
dence property on Lnurel street
some time ago, have come to Ash
land from Eastern Oregon and
took possession of the newly ac
quired home today.
Rev. J. W. Hovt is in Lake; Lake National forest will
Rev. J. W. Hoyt is In Lnkeview
tins week looking after affairs In
that section pertuin'ng to the Sun
day school work in Southern Ore
gon Presbytery.
Waldo Chase, Hiram H. Fra-
zer and N. Frnzer of Dunsmulr
were registered nt the Hotel Co
lumbia last evening.
A son was born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Moun
tain avenue. The young man tip
ped the beam at 11 pounds.
0, 0. Helman and wife left yes
terday for Recreation, in Klam
ath county, where they will spend
a few weeks on a hunting and
fishing trip.
The road and trail from the rim
of Crater lake to the north boun
dary of the park, six miles this
side of Diamond lake has been
finished by Superintendent Spar
row of Crater Lake National park,
thus opening up that wonderful
scenic and delightful region to the
; public, as there is a fairly good
trail to Diamond lane trom wnere at Tallowbox Mountain
i the Crater lake trail ends. How- pPaclcy had the misfortune to
ever, Supervisor Rankin of Craterta several days ago and Injure
build 3 her left arm n It wu necessary
and Mrs. W. T.
home on Avery
street for several weeks, left yes-
Fore.U Grove nnd Hillsboro. Mr. i" Kuesi 01 .ui.
Tno hoo hAoti uemlitip neiirhos to Cochran at their
these oeonle for the past seven
years and has them so educated , 'enlay on a business trip to
that they will not be contented j Orants Pass. From there she will
with any but Ashland peaches. Ow- return to her home In Brownsville.
ing to the peach crop being light
In this section Mr. Joy was unable
to fill the demunds of these people
Mrs. J. H. Hughes underwent I who have asked for a car and a
an operation in a local hospital The fruit he . sending.
....lo,.!.. ei.. .0,i,i ,n,ivi however, is exceptionally fine.
to be making a good recovery
The county observance of Arm
istice Day will be held this year,
in Ashland, and Ashland Post, No.
14. American Legion, will have!
The Beaver Realty company
made the r.ale this n ornlng of th'1
properly owned hv Ray G. John-
sou of raft, ( alir., 011 Mountali
u venue to P. J. Smith. Mr. Smith
will occupy the house for a home
us soon as it is vacated.
Alden Powell has resigned his
position as manager of the State
Lest You Forget
ip: raisin sic: iri;i:a:iE:jE:i:c;;:ii;iB ;,n " .: : '
ONE Week More of
our Big- Removal
Sale. Your chance
to Save Money.
tiiiiiiiiEiiBiiniiiEa 1
No. 7 Main St., Opposite the Plaza
Rev. Oliver, who has been fill
ing the pulpit of the Free Metho
dist church for the past year. has" , .. Exchange store, ar.d tho position
left for Albany, called there by the 1 ,uo " " ' ( ls llow ueinK ried hv E. E. Phlpps
illness of his wife. The chargeo that day. One of the import-
unt features will nr. ine uisiriiiu
tlnn nf tint Oregon state medals.
and every one entitled to one will I
receive it on Armistice day, No
vember 11.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ilartwig and
children are newcomers to Ash
land and may locate here If they
find a suitable home.
E. D. and W. M. Brlggs, who
with F. J. Shlnn and Major J. F.
Dusehbury, came home last night
from a trip to Crater lake where
county this week on Sunday school, '" "ail tnrougn tnis six miles to col)le wjtbin reach of the care
handle horses and cows covered',- . who w, he in Aglland
5"??.. Tust inand';. of the week ,0 attend the
cheap considering prices for iml-i Christian Endeavor rally to
tationi. Your cows will give from j day and Sunday, will go on to
15 percent to 35 per cent moreiSan AnHerao t0 onter the theo-
wnrCi to Diamond lake next spring at
44 ' teli latest, thus making a good
Lloyd Carrick and Miss Annabel 'road all the way between the two
milk during fly season if sprayed
logical seminary for training in
kllh Shun Flv
' New and used sewing machines! Christian service,
always for sale or rent, at Pell's, j
corner by the park. Mr. and Mrs.
lakes. Medford Mall Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Allard, for
mer well known residents of Ash
land who have for several years
past been living in Carlin, Neva
da, passed through Ashland last
evening on train No. 16 on their
Carpenter have way to Portland to make their fu-
here will be loeked after by Dis
trict Elder Glazier for the pres
ent until a regular paBtor can be
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Warring of
Portland have been stopping in
Ashland for the past day or two,
guests at the Hotel Austin.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wineland
are bjick from a two weeks' out
ing which they spent camping on
I'nion creek above Prospect. I
Mrs. A. H. Peachey has just! they had gone to show that won
returned home from a visit withder to the major. They came
her husband, who is the lookout lome by way of the Anderson place
Mrs. on Spencer creek, the outlet of
Buck lake, to inquire into the
water rights. Messrs. Briggs Btate
the Spencer creek road Is much
he best one to Crater lake and that
the stages are generally using this
road In preference to the other
Miss Myra West is back from
her vacation and has resumed her,
duties in the Plaza confectionery
after school hours.
A Chevrolet car driven by
Jacksonville man and one ot the
of a physlcisn.
Mrs. Amos Graven and children
are back from a t'ip to Portland
where they went some time ago
in their family car Mr. Graves,
who accompanied them, remained
In the city and will follow them
home later.
Y 'iTiTriir ( I
Of our service makes It
a source of satisfaction to
transact your hanking
business witn The Citi
zens Bank of Ashland.
We will he glad to show
you our facilities and re
ceive your Chechlng Ac
We Have on Hand
A Complete Linc
Enamel Ware
sold their home in Ashland andture home.
Portland guests registered at city delivery trucks came togetn-
A number of their the, city hotels today Include JJer yesterday on the Plaza greatly