Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, September 22, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Wednesday, September 22, 1020
Ashland Weekly Tidings
Established 1876
Published Every Wednesday by
Bert R. Greer Editor
One Vear $2.00
Six Months 1-25
Three Months 76
carrying away seven wounded but
leaving twelve dead on the field.
Riel's victory caused the Indians
to join the insurrection. But it
also sounded his own death knell.
The settlers rose in defense of
their homes, troops hurried from
the east and the rebellion was
crushed. Riel was hanged at Re
gina. Speaking like a voice from the
grave. Corporal Davidson swears
In his affidavit that the first shot
came from one oi mers nau
breeds crouching in the wolf
wI11q,ws and whistled past his
head. "Until Major Croiier gave
the order," he says, "no shot was
Inch . . . ........ .... . . . we flred by ai,y of oU1, par,y-"
Local Readers, the line 10c
The weather-beaten old affida-
Foruier Ashlnnders Murry
Miss Nellie Ross received to
day the announcement of the mar
riage of Miss Laura K. McCor-
mlck of Tabor, la., to Howard E.
Ewer of Portland, which took
It. tlta lattai tiitv QantamliaT
Cards of' Thanks $1.0o'sP'to wind and weather, It is still 14. Mr. and Mrs. Ewer will re-
Obituaries, the line . . . . 2 Vsc quite legible. If, as is supposed, I side In Portland. Both the prill-
Fraternal orders and societies; u was 08t at priilcB Albert, It bad! cipals of this event are well
luursiiig resumr luiiiaiiuii , . , ., h ,. , j l , Asl,lanil. Tim ernom
Classified Column, the word, eachjvtt was sworn to before Stephen
tln lc: Brewster, a notary public at
Legal Notices, each time, thep r. .... ,n n
other teachers, together with the
school directors and their wives,
at a picnic supper held In the park
last evening. The company gath
ered after school hours and spent
a delightful period with games,
when tbey put away their official
dignity and played football with
is much enthusiasm and energy
as the youth under their Instruc
tion during the day. This helped
work up a good appetite for the 'pair. t
wonderful BDread laid out on the Mr. and Mrs,
tables in the picnic grounds, which
was hugely enjoyed by the guests
happy pair In holy
united the
The bride wore a gown of
white satin handsomely embroid
ered and carried a boquet of
beautiful "Ophelia" roses.
At the close of the ceremony
Mrs. McQee gave a vocal solo,
"My Wish," following which con
gratulations and good wishes
were showered upon the happy
rind lnp4 rpfrulnr rntpd
Religiops and benevolent societies low" Journeylugs ended at Re
will be charged at the regular gina.
advertising rate for all adver-
tisiug when an admission or! ENGINEERS STUDY
collection is taken. , K LA MKT II WATERS
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon,! YREKA, Calif. State Engineer
rostoffice as second class mail j McClure, State Water Commls-
"'""t'r- Isioner Charles Lee, P. Adams, ag-
TURX IX HANDS Iricultural adviser to the state en-
FOR EXCHANGE1 Kneer- 11,1(1 Mr- Newell, manager
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. of Klamath project, are on the
18. Holders of Temporary Llb-J8'ound ,0 inspect the Klamath
timid. in klumutll nnnntv Iitwl
erty Bonds of the first, second
and third Liberty Loans are fail
ing to take advantage of the op
portunity to exchange their hold
ings for permanent bonds bear
ing coupons to maturity, accord
ing to John U. Calkins, governor
of the Federal Reserve bank of
Sun Francisco, in n letter sent to
all banks, bankers and trust com
panies of the Twelfth Feedral
Reserve district. Interest on these
temporary bonds cannot be col
lected beyond the number of cou
pons attached to then) and it is of
vital importance to those who
bought first, second and third Lib
erty Loan bonds to turn them In
lor permanent securities.
The relatively small amount of
temporary coupon bonds of the
first, second and third Liberty
loans presented for exchange, in
dicates that a large number ofervo''-
bond holders are not aware that
temporary bonds of the above is
sues may, at this time, be ex
changed for permanent coupon
bonds bearing coupons to maturity.
Governor Calkins said In his
letter: "ThiB bank, as fiscal'
agent of the United States, is now!
was a former prominent young
business man here for a number
of years, while his bride taught
mathematics In the Senior high
school for three years, leaving
Ashland for Portland three years
the proposed 120,000-acro Shasta
Valley project in Siskiyou county,
California, with a view to deter
mine the division of waters of the
upper Klamath watershed, be
tween the two projects.
A tentative agreement has been
reached between representatives
of the Siskiyou' project and the
Klamath American Legion post
that the Shasta valley project
shall have all the water remain
ing after the several Klamath
irrigation projects are provided
Both parties agreo to join in
urging a government appropria
tion for immediate building of the
Kink river dam, recently aban
doned by the California-Oregon
Power company, which makes the
upper Klamath lako a storage res-
Waterniclon Feed
The Epworth League of the M.
E. church participated in a wa
termelon feed held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Weren last
Friday evening. The merry
Leaguers wore taken up in cars1 men and Maxlne Rose, Mattle Tur-
Porter left that
afternoon on a short honeymoon
trip. On their return they will
make their home at the farm of
the groom near Roseburg.
The groom Is a highly respect
ed young farmer and an overseas
veteran. The bride whose home
was In Talent where her father
Is pastor of the Methodist Episco
pal church, is an accomplished
musician, and a graduate of the
Ashland high school.
Among those present were: Rev,
and Mrs. C. O. Morris, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Brown. Mr. and Mrs,
I. C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M
C. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bick-
erdlke, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wells,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bowman, Mr.
and Mrs. George Currier, Mr. and
Mrs. Ditsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Cad
Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hold
ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hold-
ridge, Mrs. W. D. Holdrldge, Mr,
and Mrs. Leonard Oorthuys, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Stratton, Mrs. W,
Vogell, Mr and Mrs. D. O. Hur
ley, Ralph Bowman, Misses Car
son, who have been
guests from New York.
Home Wedding
The marriage of James D. My
ers to Miss Ruth V. Rouse took
place yesterday ufternoon at 1
o'clock at the home of E. M. Ter
ry on First street. About 18
friends ' and, relatives witnessed
the pretty ring cereiriony per
formed by .Rev. D. J. Glllanders
of the Congregational church.
and entertained by means of
games and singing. After which
they adjourned to the lawn where
the "big feed" of luscious melons
from Scott's field near Talent,
awaited them. About thirty were
present, and, needless to say, all
had an enjoyable evening.
The Social Realm
Pioneer Reunion
The Pioneers of Jackson coun
ty will hold their annual reunion
ut Jacksonville the first Thurs
day In October, and will bo In the
form of a basket picnic. Mrs. H.
II. Sargent of Jacksonville will be
the speaker of the day.
Birthday Party
On last Wednesday evening
prepared to make prompt and full
delivery of first, second and third
Liberty loan permanent coupon
bonds for temporary coupon bonds
Individual temporary bond
holders of the first, second and
third Liberty loan bonds are re-
Mrs. Lizize Will and Mrs. R. C,
Goodman entertained, at a birth
day party. The event was In hon
or of Mrs. Will and Mr. Good
man, whose birthdays occur close
ly together. A huge birthday
cake adorned the table. As Mr.
Goodman remarked when the can-
quested to turn their securities lle3 were burning, "Some candle
in to any local bark, which will
handle the exchange operations
through the Federal Reserve bank.
rather than to mail their bonds! ever. Music was enjoyed by all.
directly to the Federal Reserve lhose present were Mr. and Mrs.
power." Some delicious home
grown melons from the Gyger
farm on Neil creek were the best
ItEGINA, Sask. Sept. 17.
Soaked by the rilns, buried bo-
nea tli the snows and blown about1
the prairies by the winds of thirty
five years, u document which set
tles a point tliut'history leaves In
Frank Crowson, Ima, Max and
Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Callahan
and son Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Crowson and daughter Clarice,
Mrs. Lizzie Will and Clara, Mr.
and Mrs. Goodman and Misses
Edith Dodge and Mildred Gyger.
Surprised Their Friend
A number of intimate friends
of Mrs. Green of 145 Granite
doubt has Just been found nearitrP"t surprised her nt her home
Regina. last evening In honor of her
It Is an affidavit sworn to by : birthday celebration. About ten
Corporal Hugh J. A. Davidson -if ladles gathered at Mrs. Green's
the Royal Northwest mounted po-lhoine, greatly to the lady's sur
lice and affirms that tho first shotl,ris. "" spent a most enjoyable
of LouiB Kiel's second rebellion evening together until about 11
in 1S85 was fired by his halfbreed o'clock. Ice cream, cake, fruit uud
followers. Some writers have con-l l,u,s were served.
Sunday Kcltool Class Party
That delightful class of young
women known as Mrs. Wicks' Bi
ble class, were entertained in a
charming way Thursday evening
in the parlors of the Presbyterian
church, Mrs. Will Moor and Miss
Nellie Ross being hostesses. Most
of the class members were pres
ent and a goodly number of the
new school teachers. Ice cream,
cake and coffee topped off the
pleasant evening's entertainment.
Observe Constitution Day
Mount Ashland Chapter of tho
Daughters of the American Rev
olution met at the Llthia foun
tain in the park yesterday after
noon in the first stated meeting
of the HOUBon. As that was the
aniversary of the legal adoption
of the constitution of the United
States, a program was give.n In
observance of the event. Mrs.
Littlechlld read a paper on the
forming of the constitution and its
adoption, while Miss Grace H.
Chamberlain gave a talk on the
literary productions during tho
revolutionary period. The elec
tion of Mrs. J. P. Dodge as esc
ond vice-regent was effected, as
the first vice-regent. Miss Cham
berlain, expects to be absent for
the winter. Light refreshments
were served. The Chapter will
hold regular meetings every al
ternate month, the next stated
meeting being the third Friday in
November. Other meetings may
be held, however, at the call of
the regent.
ner, Valeta Burnette, Edith and
Ethel Hazen, Frances Morris and
the following out of town guests:
Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Fuller, Mrs. H. J. Van Fossen,
Mrs. Allen McGee, Mr. and Mrs. C.
N. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Red
Ifer, Miss Violet Woods; Med
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Fred
Grubor; Roseburg Roy Porter,
Miss Lena Porter and Miss Nora
OeIebarteI Rlrthday
Mrs. W. E. Buchanan entertain
ed in honor of her daughter Lova
at her home recently, the occasion
being the young lndy's 12th birth
day. A company of her school
friends were present and spent an
enjoyable evening with games and
music, after which the hostess
served light refreshment. The
friends who assisted Miss Lova to
make the event a happy one were
Pearl Wardle, Evelyn Taylor, Dea
na Spencer, Eleanor Hoyt, Alma
Hayes, Alta Yokum and Delphlne
By "Mnrjorie"
(Written for the U. P.)
NEW YORK. Summer fur
sales are still waxing hot in this
little city, and instead of furs be
ing placed In storage they are ta
ken home for immediate wear.
Although the full-length wraps
and dolmans of Hudson seal,
squirrel, or kolinsky are not much
In evidence, some touch of fur is
seen upon almost every garment
worn upon The Avenue. .
Short little coatees or .capes in
seal, Bquirrel or fitch are worn
extensively over suits and street
wool dresses and the popular lit
tle choker of last fall's running
Is back In full force. Fitch, mole,
squirrel, or stone marten seems
the favored fur for these tiny neck
chokers. HeadB and talis are
used, and sometimes a bow of airy
tulle or majlne. The chokers are
worn fastened In the back or side-front.
The higher-priced fabric coats
are so lavishly trimmed with furs
that they often resemble a fur
coat trimmed with cloth. Deep
bunds of beaver, nutria, mole,
skunk or squirrel finish the skirt
of the coat, form deep cuffs, and
the nose-high choker collur, which,
when unfastened drapes about the
shoulders as a shawl collar.
Suits use the narrow bandings
a bit more, although collars of
solid fur are also very good. Fur
seems to harmonize with the goods
Medford; J. E. Hodgdon, Hol
land; William Hoteling, -Grants
Pass, Zeb Hyde, Murphy; E. H.
Janney, Medford; John Kelly,
Wolf Creek; J. M. Kerby, Talent;
Frank B. Kester, Olene; J. F.
Kirker, Grants Pass; J. H. Lacy,
Talent; Roy Lathron, Grants Pass;
J. P. Martin, Grants Pass; George
W. McCullum, Wllderville; F. R
Nell, Eagle Point; John S. Orth.
Medford; J. W. Turvey, Williams.
E. R. Tycer, Holland; Thos. T
Tycer, Eagle Point; G. II. Yea
Mrs. James Barrett died yester
day afternoon at about 3 o'clock
in Tacoma, where she bad gone
sevoral weeks ago to make a visit
at the home of her daughter, Mrs,
L. C. Ashby. She had been in
poor health since early summer
and took this trip In the hope of
recuperating. While there she
suffered a ner.e collapse and had
been iu a critical condition for
the past two or three weeks. Mr.
Barrett was summoned to the bed
side of his wife about two weeks
ago, and has remained as ber con
stunt attendant ever since.
Mrs. Barrett had been a resl
dent of Ashland for the past 14
years and during that period had
given her time extensively to
church and civic work, beside tak
lug n great interest in the sick
and unfortunate of her neighbor
hood. She was a devoted mother
and home muker, and her death
falls with a keen blow to the en
tire community. She Is survived
by her husband, lames Barrett,
und four children, Mrs. McClean
of Seattle; Mrs. Ashby of Tacoma
Mrs. Elmer Klncald and Howard
Barrett of Ashland.
Up to the present writing no
details of the funeral have been
made, Tho members of the fam
ily living here are expecting fur
ther communication from Mr.
Barrett in regard to his arrival
rather than contrast. Thus, a pe-j with the body.
can brown duvetyn uses nutria j .
fur of almost a like shade, a taupe' SILENT PRAYER
veldyne uses gray squirrel or
mole, and the dull blues are equal
OAKLAND, Calif. Silent pray
ly beautiful with a brown, black, i er for the 1600 gold star men who
or taupe tur.
Fur seems to work its festive
art upon every realm of fashion
this year. It is made into cords
and girdles for the straight street
dresses. Little plaques of it cut
went overseas with the 91st divis
ion and never returned will be
given at a reunion of the divis
ion members here on Sunday, Sep
tember 26.
Three chaplains of the division,
oval, octagon, or square are set Rev. Jeremiah Galvln of the 3G3rd
upon dress goods at certain inter- infantry, Rev. George B. Las-
vals. Dress sleeves and necks are combe of the 347th Field Artillery
often edged with it, and afternoon and Rev. Stephen S. Brown of the
und evening silk gowns employ 348th Field Artillery will par-
it extensively for very elaborate ticipate In the services.
touches. Marabou in all shades Governors of all the western
Jan. 2, 1919; tax receipt No. 13,
482; amount, $38.78; rate of In
terest, 12 per cent.
Year's tax, ' 1916; date paid,
Jan. 2, 1919; tax receipt No. 13,
362; amount, $40.'i3; rate of In
terest, 12 per cent.
Year's tax, 1917; date paid, Jan.
2, 1919; tax receipt No. 21,943;
amount, $31.39; rate of Interest,
12 per cent.
Year's tax, 1918: date paid, Oct.
4, 1919; tax receipt No. 17,646;
amount, $25.62; rate of interest,
12 per cent.
Said William W. Wilson and
Minnie Hansen as the part own
ers of the legal title of the above
described property as the same
appears of record, and each of the
other persons above named are
herebv further notified that
nlalntiff will annly to the Circuit
Court of the County and State
aforesaid for a decree foreclosing
the lien against the property aDove
described, and mentioned In said
certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and
defend this action or pay the
amount due as above shown, to
gether with costs and nccrued in
terest, and In caBe of your fullure
to do so, a decree will be rendered
foreclosing tho lien of snld taxes
and costs against tho land and
premises above named.
This summons Is published by
order of the Honorable F. M. Cal
kins. Judgo of the Circuit Court of
the Stute of Oregon for the Coiin-
... n Innlrunn .nil ufll1 nrilef WUB
V, Ul U.,Lou, .... ,..... -. - , p . f',,,,,.1 ,,f l,o Qtnll
mat e and dated this ism uuy oi , , ,. . "
Sentember. 1920, and the dale of reK 'r the County of
the first publication of this Bum- , ,,
mens Is the 22nd day of Septem- I" the Matter of the Es ale of
ber, 1920. . 'f tt v; Whvp!-' ,
All process and papers In this I '
nrocecding may be served upon unuersigne.i nas neon appointed
he undersigned residing within aim nistrator or tne esta n o i.eta
he State of Oregon at the address V. Waver, deceased, and nil per
hereafter mentioned. "1H 1,a,vlnK "n '!fco,,llt K"t
WM M IJjlItiij H, I "" fnui im u. u i ri( uti en iu
Atlnrnov fnr Plaintiff.! I"""'" K1"'le '"'ly veruiea to
Address, Pioneer Block, Ash
Nob Hill street, and the westerly
side line of Almond street in the
Nob Hill addition to the City of
Ashland, Oregon; thence In a
southerly direction along the west
erly line of Almond street 70
feet to the point of beginning of
the land herein conveyed; thence
running south 24 deg. 18 mill,
went along said Almond street 6
feet to stake for corner; thence
westerly to a point which is south
58 deg. 40 min. west GO feet from
the place of beginning; thence
north 58 deg. 40 min. east 60 feet
to the place of beginning, were
sold at private sale for cash In
It is therefore ordered that tho
next of kin of said wards and
all persons Interested in said es
tate, be, and they ure hereby di
rected to appear before thiB court
at the court-room thereof In Jack
sonville, Jackson county, Oregon,
on the 16th day of October, 1920,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M.
of said day, to then and there
show cause. If any they have, why
a licence should not Ihbiio for tho
sale of said real property, and it
Is ordered thut a copy of this or
der be published for three suc
cessive weeks in the Ashland Tid
ings, a newspaper of general circu
lation in said Jackson county.
Dated this 14th day of Septem
ber, 1920.
3-3 Wed. County Judge.
land, Oregon.
Birthday Party
Miss Genevieve Swedenburg.
oldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F. ! of the rainbow flecks evening ; states which sent men to form the
tended that the whites precipitat
ed the conflict that drenched west
ern Canada in blood.
The first buttle of the war
fought at I Mir If I.ilc. a village
near the North Sask. ri.ei
Ex-Sorvlce Men Dine.
Meredith Beaver entertained a
numher of bin close friends with
Klivtod Ofifcer a dinner Thursday evening nt his
The Ladies' Aid Society of the home on Iowa street. Five boys
G. Swedenburg, celebrated the
13th anniversary of her birthday
yesterday by entertaining thir
teen of her young schoolmates at
her home on the Boulevard after
school hours. A delightful time
was spent playing games In the
spacious rooms of the Swedenburg
borne and in the grounds, and the
company was further entertain
ed with delightful guitar and
ukulele music, after which a two
course luncheon was served In the
dining room. The table was beau
tifully decorated with pink and
white, In the midst of which stood
the beautiful birthday cake with
the requisite number of lighted
caudles. The young people left
many tokens of esteem with their
best wishes to their hostess.
Married In Jacksonville
Harry Vincent of Medford and
Miss Delia Young of Ashland were
united in marriage yesterday in
Jacksonville, a justice of the peace
reading the marriage service. The
young couple will make their
home in San Diego.
gownB.. This is vrry popular in division at its training ground,
black upon gay hues. Camp Lewis, Tacoma, have been
Hats are either entirely of fur, invited to be in attendance at the
or fur-trimmed. The Russian fur reunion.
turban Is shown In seal, beaver, j Over 20,000 veterans from all
nutria, or raccoon. These turbans j parts of the west are expected to
are large and turn-like, topped i attend. The reunion will be held
with a large button covered by the Jon the second anniversary of the
material and often dangle some opening of the battle of the Ar-
wlth tho host, all ex-service men
in France and students at O. A.
Methodist church held Us regular
1 monthly meeting in the church
yesterday afternoon. A businosh j C. or Hie U. of O., sat down to a
at the northern limit of the land--'session took place at the opening sumptuous repast which was
which were Kfi by Canada to tin; of the meeting at which officers greatly enlivened by reminiscences
Hudson's Hay company in 1 870 lor the coming year wero elected, of the past and plans for the fu
and are now being closed out to." follows: President, Mrs. Mills; ! ture. The guest list included Mor
farm settlers, .Major Croier in' vice presidents, Mrs. Van Fossenjrlll Throne, Verne Blue, Elwood
command of eighty settlers and and Mrs. Edwards; secretary, Hedberg, Oscar Silver and Harold
Northwest mounted police fell In' Mrs. Marske; treasurer, Mrs. Simpson.
near the little settlement with a Splndler. A number of strangers
greatly superior force of rebels. were present at this meeting, and
While a pai'i-y wub being held be-1 much attention was given towards
tween the leaders, firing began - making them feel at home with
The fight lasted ui. hour. The the former members of the socl-half-breeds
fled on their horses. 'cty. A delightful afternoon was
- 1 1 Bpent, at which refreshments were
served. Plans were also discussed
regurdiug the coming year's work.
GlaSS and
Wall Paper
Bent Good and Iteat Prim.
Ot Our Prices.
Hnrves lull.
Nothing but the most extrava
gant of praise follows the Har
vest ball given by the First Com
pany, O. N. G., in the Armory
last night. The rooms were com
fortably tilled with merrymakers,
all of whom were In the mood to
have a good time, and the leading
features were such that made life
"down on the farm'
dream of joy. Milk
uarteai nanus were muca in ev'-ject Love"
dence, while the decorations were t iiia
Pretty Wedding
One ot the prettiest weddings
that has taken place In Talent in
many years was that of Miss Ruth
Morris, daughter o' Rev. and Mrs.
C. G. Morris, and Manie Alvln
Porter of Roseburg, which oc
curred at noon Wednesday, Sep
tember 15, 1920, at the First
Methodist church in Talent, the
Rev. Morris, father of the bride,
performing the beautiful ring cer
emony ot the Methodist Episcopal
Dinner Party
A delightful dinner was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. French on Scenic Drive last
Saturday evening, the occasion be
ing their wedding anniversary.
The affair was arranged by Mrs.
Ralph French and Miss Esther
Troutmun, and was a surprise to
the host and hostess. The table
was laid for nine.
.Many Ehjny Picnic.
Upwards of 150 members of the
Masonic lodge and the various
adxiliarles accepted the Invitation
IsBUed by Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lowe
to attend the barbecue at their
home yesterday afternoon. Huge
tables were set out of doors and
at about 1 o'clock the company
gathered around the board and
enjoyed the sumptuous feast pre
pared for them. Short addresses
were made by prominent Masons
fur tassel.
Fabric hats of velvet, duvetyn,
silk or satin, flaunt fur appliques
and plaques or bandings. Some of
tbem have "ear rings' of gayly
covered fur.
The realm ot accessories is very
fur-like. Purses and bags show
a touch of it in handles or trim
mings. There are canes with lit
tle animal beads, and beady eyes
blink from umbrella tops. Vanity
cases and dance bags use either a
tiny furry foot, bead, or tall some
place about them, and even even
ing combs are topped with a furry
banding, while fans ot marlhou
are supplanting the feather fan.
gonne, in which the division re
ceived its baptism rf fire.
By virtue of an execution and
order of salo duly Issued out of
and under the seal of the Circuit
Court for the State of Oregon, for
Jackson County, d-.ted September
1920, in a certain suit therein.
wherein Thomas C. Jones and
Harvey E. Jones, as plaintiffs, re
covered judgment against Alfred
N. Beck, as defendant, for the
sum of One thousand Two Hun
dred Seventy and 69-100
($1270.69) Dollars and Eighteen
and 40-100 ($18.40) Dollars costs
nd disbursements which judg
ment was enrolled und docketed
in said Court September 4th, 1920.
Notice Is hereby . given that,
pursuant to the terms of said ex
ecution, I will on Saturday, Octo
ber 23rd, 1920, at 10 o'clock a.
m., nt the front door of the Court
House in the City o' Jacksonville,
Jackson County, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at public auction for
the undersigned at his store In
Ashland. Oregon, or to his attor
neys, BRIGGH & PIIIGGS, In the
Pioneer Block, Ashland. Oregon,
within six mouths from the date
of the first publication of this no
tice. First publication September 15,
1920. C. II. VAl'l'EL,
3-4 Ailmlulstrutor.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the estate of Ed
ward Forgie, Deceased.
Notice is her-by given that the
undersigned has teen appointed
administrator of the estate of Ed
ward Forgie, deceased, and all
persons having clalir.s against tho
said estate are required to present
the same at tho office of BKIGGS
& HKICCS in the Pioneer Block,
Ashland, Oregon, within six
months from the date of tho first
cash to the highest bidder, to sat-i',u!'ll,;",io" ,of . ""V-
iBfy said judgment, with the costs'
of this sale, subject to redemp
tion as provided bv law, all of the
right, title. and interest that the
defendant Jointly or individually,
had on Junuury 11th, 1915, or
have since acquired, or now have
in and to the following described
property, situated in
Date of first publication, Sep
tember 15, 1!I110.
3-4 Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Jackson ' undersigned has been appointed
Real Estate
Homes and acreage. Farms and
Stock Ranches.
All Kinds of Good Insurance
County Clerk Florey is using a
new plan to get all the voters reg
istered for tho fall election, which
Is thought to be a great improve
ment over the old plan, accord
ing to the Medford Mail Tribune,
and to this end Is having a house
to house canvass mude In the
towns and cities of the county by
Mrs. Prue Piatt and Mrs. Lydla
Howell of Medford and Mrs. D.
Perozzi and Mr. W. H. Goudy of
Ashland. Each Is to be paid 10
cents for every voter registered
and pay their own expenses. How
ever, one can register under the
old plan If he choses and the old
registration places will be maintained.
Ashland Agents of Abstract Co.
Billings Agency
Established 1883.
County, Stute of Oregon, to-wlt: executor ol the estate ot Philip
Beginning at the southwest Bonham. deceased. All persoin
corner of the southeast quarter ' naMiig a claim against said es
of the northwest quarter of Sec-i,nt'5 ale required to present the
tlon 8, Township 39 south 0f , wnn proper voiieners, (liny
BnnirB Ono East of the Wlllnni- verified, to the undersigned, bj
ette Meridian, In Oregon; thence leaving the same with L. A. Rob-
running east on ouartcr section 1 erls. ile attorney lor said estate,
line 28 rods: thence north 40i' his office in Tin- Citizens Hank
rods; thence west 28 rods; thence! Building. Ashland. Oregon, before
FOR RENT 1G0 acre ranch on
Williams creek; 90 acres in cul
tivation. Inquire 1340 Ashland
St. 1.5.
and Eastern Ktur msmluri nnj
church in the presence of a largo: ,. ,.
........ . during the afternoon all manner
of enjoyable stunts were pulled
off by the visitors. All were loud
company of invited guests,
The church was handsomely
decorated with cet'ar, laurel and
mueses of asters and petunias.
Preceding the entrance ot Ihel
oue lone i.-i.ia -u ink ti r,,n. n..A '
maids andMr, Allen McGee sang "O Per-i
In their praise of Mr. and Mrs.
I Lowe as boats.
Dine at Rogue Elk.
A large automobile party con-
Mendellsohn bridal '!8tln of Mr and Mr- Em .
in keeping with the season. Thi marcUi played by Mri H j. VanjMr- Uli APPleM'e. Mlsi Lydla
was one of the most delightful KoMelli the brde and groom McCall. Mrs. H. A. Harrison, Mr.
event, ever staged by these hosts, j lered lho church tended by Miss and Mrs- N'- H- HartlMn. Mr. and
who are pastinuste-. in the art of r,on Dvl. of Oakland, Ore., asMr- C- H- Plerce- Mr- J- O.
entertaining. niaid of honor, and Roy Porter j Plerce and ,on Alhert' Mis Rtl
of Roseburg. brother of the " U n"en VY',g"er' aroT
.- n r.n. .
Kroom. best man. Then fol. """ "uu8 yruay ana
mnnv whlrh I
in honor of Mrs. J. H. Pierce and
Entit-taJiM-d Teacher
school faculty
Members of tho Seulor high-. ... ., . sDent the dav. Th occaslnB ..
tuwru iua Nuuri crremuur uica - ' "
DlrtUltlfl 111! ' l L.... I r t TT n, .
Trial Jurors for the Medford
term ot the United States dis
trict court were selected Tues
day before Federal Judge Charles
Wolverton at Portland. The fol-Inu-lnar
iurors are to annear Tues-
,..,,. ... i amount then due and delinquent
day. October 5. at 10 a. m., at the J
Jn the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Jackson Countv.
City of Ashland, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff,
William W. Wilson. Levi Wilson,
Minnie Hansen, Warner M.
Wilson, Amanda Wilson, Gerald
Wilson, Roberta Wilson, a mi
nor, heirs of Nancy J. Wilson,
deceased, and heirs of Merrlt
D. Wilson, deceased, and all in
terested, Derendants.
To William W. Wilson and Min
nie Hansen, the above named de
fendants. -
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon:" You are hereby notified that
the City of Ashland, a municipal,
corporation, is the holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered
6243 Issued on the first day of
January, 1919, by the Tax Col
lector of the County of Jackson,
State of Oregon, for the amount
of Nineteen Dollars and Seventy-
Nine Cents, the same being the
south 40 rods to the place of be
ginning, containing seven acres,
more or less.
Also, the north half of the south
half of the southwest quarter of
the northwest quarter of Section
8 in Township 39 south of Range
One east of the Willamette Merid
ian in Oregon, containing ten
acres, more or less.
Also, the north half ot the
north half of the northwest quar
ter of the southwest quarter and
the south half of the south half
tho expiration or six months from
the (late of this notice, which Is
September 8, 1920.
J. P. SAYLE, Executor.
2-5 Wed.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has l:een appointed
executor of the estate of John 11.
Bogue, deceased, by tho County
Court of Jackson -"ounty, Oregon,
and has qualified. Ail persons
of the southwest quarter of the having claims ugainst said estate
northwest quarter of Section 8, 1 a' "ouneu io present sumo hi my
nil in Township 39 south o( 0,tice 1,1 Ashland, Oregon, Willi
Range One east of the Willamette ' PrPer vouchers and duly veri
Meridlan, In Oregon, containing! fle(1- witlll months from the
twenty acres, more or less, all the!fll8t publication hereof, which is
property hereinabove described oel" "'u r 18 ,'''; -. .
being situated in the County of
Jackson, State of Oregon.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon,
September 11th, 1920.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
4-4 Wed.
federal building in Medford:
Albert Anderson, Grants Pass;
A. A. Bellman, Klamath Falls;
A. S. Bennett, Malln; W. T. Bost
wick, Ashland; Samuel L. Breck,
Leland; J. F. Brown, Eagle
Point; F. F. Bybee, Medford; J.
L. Calvert, Grants Pass; James
Campbell, Medford: C. F. Card
well. Grants Pass; L. W. Carson,
Murphy; W. C. Chapman, Cen
tral Point; W. P. Counta, Grants
Past; George W. A. P. Cramer,
Grants Pass; George W. Deane
gether with penalty, interest and
costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which Vou
are the owner as appears of rec
ord, situated in said County and
State, and particularly bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt:
I nt. 20 and 51 In Rlnck "S" of
the Railroad Addition to the Citylmond street a distance of 70 feet
ot Ashland, Oregon, as the samel thence south 68 deg. 40 min. west
are designated, numbered and de- parallel to Nob Hill street 125
scribed in the official plat of said i feet; thence northwesterly paral-
addltion on file with the County
Recorder of Jackson County, Ore-
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of
In the matter of the Guardianship
of the Persons and Estates of
This matter coming on to be
heard at this time upon the pe
tition of H. L. Waters, the for
eign guardian of the persons and
estates of Lee Truett WaterB and
Elsie Elizabeth Waters, minors,
which guardianship Is under the
jurisdicton of the Probate Court of
Polk county, Arkansas, of which
county said minors are residents,
as fully appears by duly authen
ticated transcript of the appoint
ment of such guardian on file in
this court; and it appearing from
such petition that It is necessary
and that it will be beneficial to
said wards if all their right, title
and interest in and to the follow
ing described real property, to
wlt: Beginning at the intersection
of the southerly side line of Nob
Hill street and the westerly line of
Almond street in the Nob Hill ad
dition to the City o' Ashland, Or
egon, thence in a southerly direc
tion along the westerly line of Al-
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
executor of the estate of Mary M.
Shepherd, deceased, AH persons
having claims against said estuts
are required to present the same,
with proper vouchers, duly veri
fied, to the undersigned, by leav
ing the same with my attorney, L.
A. Roberts, at his office In tho
Citizens' Bank Building, Ashland,
Oregon, before the expiration of
six months from the date of this
notice, which date is August 25,
1920. G. II. YEO,
lll-5t Executor.
012707 '
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Ore
gon, July 21, 1920.
NOTICE Is hereby given Hint
whose postofflce address Is Pine-
hurst, Oregon, did, on the 1st
day of June, 1920, file in this of
fice Sworn Statement and Appli
cation, No. 012707, to purchase
the NW4 SW, Section 4,
Township 40S, Range 4E, Wil
lamette Meridian, nnd the timber
thereon, under the. provisions ot
the act of June 3, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law," at such value
as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised,
$170.00, the timber estimated
130,000 board feet at $1.00 per
M., and the land $40.00; that
said applicant will offer final
proof in support of her applica
tion and sworn statement on the
8th day of October. 1920, before
F. Roy Davis, U. S. Commissioner.
lei to Almond street 70 feet to I at Medford, Oregon,
street; thence north 68 deg. 40 j Any person is at liberty to pro-
gon. min. east a -instance oi lib leet test this purcnase before entry.
You are further notified that to the place of beginning, being 'or Initiate a contest at any time
said City of Ashland has paid i lot 10 and a strip of land 10 feet i before patent issues, by filine a
Three Pines; T. Y. Dean, Grants' taxes on said premises for prior wide orr the northwesterly side! corroborated affidavit in this of
n ... u v niu VAi-iin- j a 1 or subsequent years, with the rate of lot In the Nob Hill addition fice, alleging facts which would
lass, n. e.. uaie, meriin. j. f merM QD araounU a, to the City of Ashland, Oregon. defeat the entry.
Garner, Granta Pass; George C.lfollowg. Also, beginning at the intersec- W. H. CANON,
Garrett, Gold Hill; D. R. Hill. ' Tear's tax, 1915; date paid, I tlon of the southerly fide line of 1 108-10 Register,