Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, September 15, 1920, Image 1

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    Orion Historical Sty,
NO. 3
See Hope for China
In New Consortium
" ' repetition of former illumes pro-
II' Chillies Edward Hogim vented, i
(U. P. Staff Correspondent. f ' General Tsuo Kun. tuchun (mil
PEKING, Aug. 10. (By Mall.) Itry governor) of Chlliil! prov-
Another of China's Innumerable I Ince, unci hitt chief lieutenant, Cen
clvil wniB has come to a closo and 'eral Wu '-Pel-fu, one of China's
'today the most optimistic of the Ablest military men, believed the
nation's well-wishers profess to 'time wag ripe for the overthrow
Bee a possibility that the new ' of the Anfus. They marched on
four-power consortium will be able j Peking, sweeping aside the Anfu
to bring order out of chaos in outposts and preparing to besiege
I mil 'iiivp tin's
Julius Kruttschnitt, chairman
of the executive committee of the
board of directors of the South-
Judge Griffith j
Dies in Ashland
John Benjamin Griffith died There will be a mass meet-
at 12 Thursday
At a meeting of the directors
PLAX TO DAM IT fl L f 1 l
SimuTTED TO VOTERS1 Lf.lJ i- .
nea ai lo. ran
Two special electlous will be
ern Pacific railway, after a recent I Saturduy at his home at 662 Fair ; 1K Thursday evening, Sep- !of the Ashland Chamber of Com- held In the City of Ashland with-
trip over the lines guVe no hopelview street, after r.n extended III-; tember 16, In the Chautau- Amerce last evening; It was voted ( In the next two weeks for the pur-1
to the people interested In thelness. Mr. Griffith was 'former- flia building, at 8 o'clock p. -to hold a forum luncheon at noon pose of voting on propositions for
complotion of the Natron cutoff. I ly Judge of Klamath county furj lor the purposo of dis- j Thursday, September 17. In or-itho Improvement of the water
According to Mr. Kruittschnitt,! many years. Recently he and hisj cussing the water situation. 4 der to accommodate all who wish I supply.
no railroad company Is even think-1 wife came to Ashland to live, but We are anxious that all ;to attend, the secretary is arraug- This was decided at the regular
lug at the present time" of new be had been in delicate health fur J 8h"M be thoroughly posted on 3l iHK to hold this luncheon ut Chau-I session of the city ceuncil lust
construction on their lines, until 'some time. The body was shipped ' this question, and everyone Pioneer hall, Vital ques-1 evening, after a petition bud been
they find out how the railroad act to Klamath Falls this .morning;' wl" be given a chance to ex- j,tlons pertaining (o the Immediate; presented to the city fathers,
press themselves, welfare of Ashland will be dls- bearing the required number of
Griffith is survived by his wife and Everybody Is urged to nt- f.i cussed and a very lively and In-1 signatures, asking calling of a
tills stricken country.
the city.
The Anfultes, whose millturis-j Hut u siege was Unnecessary,
tic policies disrupted parliament ; General Chang To-lln, chief of
ii ml emptied the nation's treasury, I the Mukden faction,' a third par-
are out. j ty which had theretofore remained
The Chihllltes me In. ; neutral, took the field and march-
Whether thn change in admin- ed on Peking ostensibly to safe
Istration will mean any better-1 guard the person V I he president,
men! of conditions is problemiitl- Put lie let it be known that his
nil. On one thing, however, every- sympathies were with the Chihl
cne seems agreed; the consortium lites. Whereupon tho Anfuitea
Iu China's real hope. If the bnsl-! abdicated.
iess men and financiers of the! While the storms of war have-
United States, Great Britain, been hurling about his head, Pres.
'Franco und Japan see fit to fi
nance the republic, direct the ex
penditure of the funds they ad-
Ident Ilau, who cannot bo called
a strong character, has been com
pelled to sit helplessly by. He will
vanto for that purpose and stump; retain his chair as president while
out militarism at the capital there an effort Is made to unite the ta
in a good chqn'ce that It will be rlous factions In a constitutional
only u short time before China convention in Shanghai. As soon
will have a government that is as a constitution ran be agreed
functioning normally. j upon and adopted elections will
Today the nation is as a ship be called and a new parliament
without a rudder. Without a con-' formed.
stitutlon, a pnrliument or any gen-' In the meantime the secesslon
uine cohesion between the various! ists at Canton have become so
provinces this vast country pre- j thoroughly embroiled among
sents a spectacle almost as sad as themselves that It If believed like
that of Mexico. But with the ly they will welcome an opportu
overthrow of the Anfultes some'nity for compromise and particl
hope is seen that the Chihlli cab-' pation iu a general reorganlza
Inet can be held in check and a, Hon, of the government.
several children.
is going to operate in Its effect where burial will be made,
on revenues.
"The Southern Pacific compuny
is well supplied with equipment
ut tlin tii-auAnt tlmi, hill u 1 1 1 l,n ! t i
considerably better supplied when
the equipment now under construc
tion iu bruuebt into service. " aiivut
Chuirman Kruttschnitt. "Orders!
have been placed for 100 loco-!
motives, 6400 freight cars" and!
4000 refrigerator cars. Of the1
refrigerator cars' half are for t lie i
tend and be ready for the
election on Saturday of this
IAV PROCURE . 'f week, when we will vole on
CANVAS COTTAGES the Aslilund cre?k project. .
The ladies are especially $
Secretary J. H. Fuller of tue! invited to attend.
chamber or commerce mis secur- . q u iAMKIV
The Jackson County Educa
tional Exhibits and Imlustri. '.
Club Contests are to be held in
Mertford on Friday and Sutunlay.
September 17 and 18. at the Nat
Every club and every individual
at work on tho various projects
corn growing, potato growing,
gardening, poultry raising, pork
production, canning, home mak
ing, sewing, cookery, calf raising,
sheep raising should claim space
for the exhibit they have.
Experienced judges will mak.i
the Oregon Parent-Teacher's as-jis known as the Buck lake ranch 'I'" ,W'rd 016 laHt d"y' Ftom
,., , ,.,,., ,, . ... 1 , if, ,,. . . , , the exhibits which receive award j
i.viimuii, mini nriiuit) uuuiiih will; in jtiiiiiiiiiu i-wuiu,v, coin piisillg
i special election for the purpose
Jof amending the city charter in
isuch a way to allow of bonding
IX STATE FAIR the city, for a sum not exceedins
As pnrt of the year's work of i $100,000 for the purchase of what
teresting session is promised.
(1111,1) HAS PART
ed a Yosemite canvas cottage s. g. 4, $ t $ -JV : be conducted ut the state fair, uu-i 2018 acres, and on which lg sit- ,eot,OM w,u b ,!,,, '
which he has- pitched on the
grounds near the Chautuuqua Pio- 17 KXOWX DEAD
neer hull and which he Is using to
der the direction i,f the educa-1 uated Buck lake, a mountain lake,
! tional department, of which Mrs. the waters of which proponents
the car of Jackson county exhibit i
to the state fair.
IX KLAMATH FIRE Ed II, Palmer of Portland, is head, j of the charter amendment propose sAI.EM FIGHTING
.... - tn ..,. Tl,a t,n,,. It... .. ,i..L, . .'. ...
Uulon Pacific svsleni. These cars' "'"""""'"' , """" u " i no exnin.ts or tne nt rross and to pipe to .tie city. . I'dltTLlVP SCHKMI
are now under construction, part I hoUsl"g co'lion A""lun !lamath tir" ot 'st Mon- public health nurse will be cora-l After considerable discussion sM.EM.m 01,,,,. ,rt to,.t.slll,'
of them by the Pacific Car and The "'Kalow b,own duck, day morning has now reached 17.blned with the asr.ociation's, every of the petition by members of the,whal feared ,., Ut .
Foundry company, at Portland, W Btretche1 011 a 'l"mountable;W h several other bodies believed, phase of sanitation, personal by- council and the presenters there ,,,, w.d 0Wi)n , .
and others in our Sacramento tulte-,doWn f,u,ne 12x14 ,feet' "Y " " ',Ur'ed lD ,l,e ,'1'""'' giene, the care of children and the 'of, it wa .ordered that a special ; lnova, ot certllill ;,, leIml,m(1llH
..,.,..K.,.l .. .1 . J ...I .!,,.., Vnnrlun ..I I....U.. ...!,, . ..
slions. and in the shorn, of the . . i -e.e sick oeing covereu
P r,, , . ! screened and curtained with ad- recovered from the ruins of the
t "ni". iuii iA, cum jiuit y ill
I.os Angeles.
( ins Ituilt on Hnr rums
eiec.ion oe caueu. to ne Held on l0 p01..,.,n(, ,..,. hii!1 ,... ...
I niter tho supervision of Mrs. rnursuay, September 23, for the
on designs that were prepared
during the war, when it was difti
cult to obtain steel, and use the
minimum amount of steel
therefore the maximum of lumber
In construction material. The lum
ber is practically all from Oregon
mills located on the lines of the
Southern Pacific.
ijustable awnings. This cottage Houston hotel, while the body of ' Palmer, the Portland organization purpose of deciding whether or
lis supplied with n board floor -Miss Margaret Hanley, chamber-! will conduct a nurspry and kin-1 not the charter shall be amended
over which Is stretched a heavy maid in the hotel, is known to bedergurten the eugenic clinis being by insert ins a new section, to he
of Article
The new curs are being built fl0()r c,o(h Qf burlapi Wrc somewhere in the debris. Two! turned over to the Marion County ; known us section 19
on foot here for the leasing in
quarters iu the city hall here tu
either the slate hiiihway depart
ment or th?iiidustrial accident
Both of these state
Mrs. Margaret Pi swick has sold
lier 80 acre farm on Williams
creek to Jasper F. Hibbert of Ash
land. C. B. LamUin made the
Mrs. Mary Budteon of Talent
was up this afternoon shopping ln'lMVe for p(irtlan(1 , v,8t
!wiih friends for a short time.
Mrs. Louis Baker left yesterday
for Los Angeles (o make an ex
tended sojourn.
iting his grandmother, Mrs. It. D.
Apple'gute, and aunt, Mrs. E. Peil.
Mr. Pierce is a student at the Bos
ton Polytechnic school. '
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cyr came
home yesterday from 'Kelso,
Wash., wiiere they went on a few
days' business anil pleasure trip
last week.
Mr. und Mrs. G. O. Van Nutta
UUU. . ... .U-.. , licvurl . n..l..l.n.l
mi. i uiior null iiu'iiiiiio man iim.o iv -anrii.
frames fiislde allow for partitions, bodies were found yesterday in Children's bureau, with headquar-! VII, which will authorize the
affording three rooms in the ruins of the Heldriek upnrt- ters iu Salem. council to issue ii i er cent bonds, ,.,t ..ui. i..!ui,.iu
ment house, where none were be-! The officials of the bureau will1 for a sum not exceeding $100.000.! .., ..."..'
- - ie luiuim wuirn iney now orcupy
arrange lor tno exainluutiou of unu wiin ine proceeils tliererrniu
erected this cottage than he was The identified dead, in addl- children between the ages of six , to purchase laud iu township 3S,
besieged with renters, and already tlou to those listed yesterday are: months and six years, during each range 5 the Buck Jake property,
a family is comfortably domiciled Grace Hull, alHO known as Mrs. I day of the week, child speciulists ! These bonds, if authorized, will
arithin It. It is Mr. Fuller's in- Dolly Taylor, and believed to have and trained nurse:-, to he Iu charge. ' be Issued In derominutlons f
tention to try out this bungalow, come from either Medfnrd or Port- Children to lie entered in these J1000, bearing interest ut li per
clillirK mIiiiiiIiI 1m t-iiiMlni-ul tia-o . cent, imviihle HutMi.iiiiminllv ntwl
for the Southern Pa-l"? "mber ! . '"T ""T' ""'l""' Wh0WS V.ioUsly wi,h M- '"" 10 1,1 fl," I0- enlarged staffs In 'each depart
ra,,e uveiie, nielli, U.H only; me properly proposed in ue mnt ,, wltu a,lia,lo
det- , Pollock, lumber camp other obligation on the part of pur-' purchased, lies approximately 3 (w town at a trimliim. the slt-
' worker. leuta i.K (lu 1K,Vnient of a 25- miles from Ashland, out toward Hllli()ll s complicated one.
Main street. This same tractor Charles D. Sliaiirick ot Port-: cent registration fee. the Head Indian section, and the in ,)1(icr ,,ut neither department
will be used to nack in all the 'am'- j Lectures on child welfare Iu the waters of Buck lake are said to m.1Jf ,ijMnll,tt.,i ,y the move
fills ot the new building, with the Nine bodies had not been iden-'auditorium, will also be a detail bo pure mid cold. The property ltmlt bwn suggested that one il-
..... II lion n I In ot imniiulu .. r l i Vi t . . I l i... t i I
to 4000! ,n"cll,ne neav"y weigmen. 7". , i w, K urruugea uy mis group u"--i - . an . purtnient move out. of the capitol
.hod iu. ii.iii. i im-ii oi women, aid a l. iiveriiiinil In-
.-qiiipinem oruer repre. (he cwnlber of Com. iaml
sents tlie exiienaiture of more than 1 ... . ....
clfic company."
Signs of improve ment of tho
churacter that are being made to
enable better service were seen by
the inspecting purtv. On the Sis
kiyou mountains four switch
tracks, each from 3500
I feet in length, are being built that
amount to short sti etches of dou-'
hie tracking. This is the method!
in order to make way for the
forthcoming session of the law
maker. Heretofore, this temporary dis
ruption of the departments has
been u comparatively simple mat-
F. E. French has purchased ley
Tlie second iu reality the first,
B. and Hurry B. Shad- structor to direct the activities ot becuuse it will be held on Satur-
building entirely, the other de
partment making use of tlie ex-
li mil irh tin. Uttiiilau Raullv u vnnnv i l-frlf uiw! Tlwiiii-w rinlla t ,1 i.ii.i , . .1.... k....t IV ..!.... it
........... ...v. ...-.. "if I'llliiunil IIU leillillll on Hie .-"-mhiiiiii-i i i cii-viiDii, an . ,.,Wiiiiu Hum v ilmt uml li-n-
that has been adon.'ed to relieve ;thel"'own bB"'or on Pl0; 'ir8t bclieVf re vlc,illlB' vo can.pground durin, the season is ordered by the council in order , m,ul ,,t le ,,,
, neer from Mrs. Helen Marks, and been located. The Shadricks are another probability. that tlie city fathers might sub- ,, ,i,.,.,, ,,
will soon occupy the same. brothers and it was their tutheri -
.'who perished iu the fire. Butts, PLAX STATU I'AHM Itl'llHAl
P. S. Provost i? back from a ihu nih inn.,,i ..,., ,.i , i i.
I. lollir .Inn. nn Mm Bi.1.ln.. T J I " "" lumumiBBS l.a.r ueeil appollll- .m.o
. . , . ' . . ' ' (business uip to YreKa, wnere ne trom the blazing buildlug attired ed to draft constitution mid by-. months, calling for the Impvove-
pressure ut the throat of the hot
tie, to which the passes over the
mountains may be compared, and
in ft to the voters for approval or.
rejection, u plan on which they
been working for somu
ed department.
The move must be made by lle-
ci'uibur 1, and, with a divided ses
sion in prospect, would cover ;i
' '-
C. Guy Crosby, who came from
Nebrasku to locate in Aslilund, has
taken apartments n Mrs. Kiln B.
Mills' residence on tlie Boulevard
and will make his home there for
the present.
James Boyd, w ho recently drove I
in biti car to lily, to visit his son
George Boyd, has returned home.
He was uccoinpauled here by hisi
The Aslilund laundry yesterday
Installed two new machines to
its equipment. These are an ex-
I tractor und a washing muchine.
This new equipment adds mate
I rlally to the working capacity of
! the lalin.lrv
boii aniMamily, who arc guests of
the Boyd family a' their home on! Ml.s w L IiukBr an(1 chMren
North Main street this week. ,i,.i i,i,,v for i .u Anvei m
, , spend the coming winter with
Robert Fo tz is sick nt his home I,. ,
i the former s parents,
on II street with an attack of in-1 . .
Miss I.eono Leybold has re-
hachapi and the Serras,
The Oregon main line over
which the party traveled is con-
laws for the - projected Oregon ' ment of the present water supply
period of nt least six motnh.
had been during the past week. , oniy n an undershirt.
, , . i Tl18 new court 1101186 on Main; Farm Bureau, to be formed by on Ashulnd creek by erection of KLAMATH FlItF. OT
Mrs. Mildred Bowers and son, .,., h ,lon ,.,,, ..:.. A .,,,h u .,.,...,.,
.ij.i ... !.. l..,l 1 n r l , , . -v....i,cu ,iw . 1T7UI7KI11U11 Ul II1B lOlllllV II 1 1 ITU US. ' " "nnw" uhiii, ,i .i. nr. I , I.T.l l,.inr..-l Hi III
sldered in the best physical con- Raymond, w II leave son for Port- . 1 j , .1
.litinn of nv wiin..i I.. Miio n !i i i . m . n . temporary lodging house and fire J. If. Dobbin, president of the ; claimed will store sufficient water The coroner's (my which Inves-
tlon of the country.
. a course in architecture.
Dr. F. M. Moxon left today for
victims are being cared for there. Wallowa county fnrni bureau; Al-jto supply the city for a period tinted the Klamath Falls hotel
At least 180 guests were in Hip inert Hunter, president of the l'n-;of 90 days In addition to the reg- ,( lodging house tire of Labor
Houston hotel when the fire brokj ion county bureau, and W. W. ular supply now available.
" V .: ' T " " m'"Pia . . , . sun Frunelurn lout' f them were let, ; Harrah. executive member of the
ami bus nine 10 re.icn noine, oui;" " - - -- -----. Drac.icalIv ,iM,.,lt.
I day, returned a verdict that the
flammatory rheumatism, which is
keeping him confined to the house.
P. S. Provost has purchased the
three luts in front ot his home
on Meade street formerly owned
by C. II. Thomas. These lots are
a fine addition to Mr. Provost's
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lunger of
Los Molinos, Calif'., are in Ash
land and are guests at the home
of Mrs. Delia Acklln on North Pi
oneer avenue.
Major Dusenbury, stato inspec
tor of the National Guard, was in
Ashland last evening and made-
turned from Portland where she
had been spending a two weeks'
The No Tobacco League of
America will hold a big rally in
tho Chautniiqim building next
Sunday afternoon. Johnnthan
Bridges, state representative of
the league, who spoke in two of
the churches, in Ashland lust Sun
day, will be present at this rally
and wilt be one of the lending
speakers, as will other prominent
workers. The various churches
of the city expect to participate
iu this event.
A number of leading members
the quarterly inspection of First
.I...... nnn.,t A l llloff at thai
v" '" "" of the Odd Fellows lodge
Armory. lie siniut me iui-ui eoni-
Medford last night attending the
meeting held there at which A. H.
puny makes a fine showing.
W. O. Dickerson, who pur
chased the Younkera property on
Bush street a week or so ago, Is
moving this week Into his new
. Miss Pauline ('lift, one qf the
graduates of the Senior, high
school of the class of 1020, left
Monday to 'take up her duties as
teacher of the Green Springs
Afnimtniii tuitionl Qhn pxnects to
spend every week end at her home ses8'on lUere " this
In Ashland. i -h p" t" T8, f
Burnside Post am! the Women's
Mrs. Friday of Nebraska, who has, Kellel Corps respectively.
today he is a pretty lame man.
Mr. and Mrs. W.It. Courts have
purchased the dooming house be
longing to Mrs. Clara Loomis on
B street. They nre already es
tablished in their new location.
The First National Bank is
fitting up the rooms over the
Western Union Telegraph office
en the Plaza 'into housekeeping
He will Inter go to Santa Monica,
and will return October 1. Mrs.
Moxon, who bus been In San Fran
cisco, will accompi.ny Hie doctor
Walter Watson, n mall clerk who
has been working out ot Ashland
for some time, expects to be trans
ferred to a run from Oakland and
will leave for that city tlie latter
part ot the week. Mrs. Woodcock,
apartments. This new dwelling mother of Mrs. Watson, will ac
place will be occupied by R. P. I company .them.
Porter and wife.
Engineers Kiddle and
County Judge Gard-
Iiivestigatlons have been under I victiniH thereof ceine to their
Umatilla county bureau, are the! way for some time by City En-, death, by burning end that there
A relief fuud has been started committee for eastern Oregon, i Kineer F. II. Walker, and he hua evidence that the fire was
by the Central Labor Council of j George A. Man-ifleid, president, j reported to the council that an 0I incendiary origin. The Inves
Klamath Falls with a subscription: Jackson county bureau; P. O. earthen flam 60 feet In herght ' ligation showed no fault to be
of $250 and Is growing rapidly. I Powell, president Polk county bii- Jwill assure an ample supply for Ioum w it ti the alarm system or
The bodies of those not yet Iden- reau, ami O. R. Dougherty, pies- some years to come, and can be the ,mmiier in which the alarm
tlfied have been removed to tliejdent of the Clackamas county erected und all necessary changes WM turned in.
coroner's office wlere they arc' bureau, ifre the western Oregon in tho present water system caul Evidence of letters warning I If
being held for possible Identlficn- committee. The plans of organ!-'be made for the sum of (100,000, 'Houston hotel proprietors that Mo
tion by friends or relatives. 'zatloii worked up by. this commit:: which 811111 named as the lot(, WOuld be destroyed by fire
The body of the girl known ns-tec will be presented for action amount to be voted upon at the 0Il Llior day was Introduced, but
Grace Hall has not beeij recovered to a convention or officers of the siiociiif election. .later disproved by what Is con-
as yet, and there is some question various county farm bureaus. ! This election will be held fire i H((.-ed infallible testimony.
as to her real identity. A Grace
;iluys in advance of the one pro-i puui Umitenateln, who was eu-
Hall has been found working in TIMIIIOIt Sl'PI'I.V 0 i posing to amend the city charter, ! KBKP, t0 recover bodies from tlie
Medford, but the missing woman IS GOIXG FAST in order that the people may have debris, insists that poiMons of fl(-
also gave the name of Taylor and' un opportunity to express them- t,.p!, bodies have been found, bill
Alius Tl-nllllnlho. .Inrla,! '. Moilpmiltl.
this morning for Wagner Creek ner and County Conunisisonerj is said to have relatives in AI-' PoilTLAND. The timber of selves on the proposition of l-' the Jury decided that while there
where she will teach this winter, j Simeon camo over Saturday
It Is Miss Troiitlether's intention ; morning und accompanied Oskar
to make her home In Ashland and Huber on an inspection tour over
go back and forth cn.tbe jitney.
J. H. Provost and sister, Miss
Laura Provost, and A. H. Pracht
drove over to Lost Creek yesterday
to call on Miss Lena Provost, who
is teaching school in that district.
Miss Provost has seven pupils in
her school, with six grades, which
keep her fully occupied.
Jesse Winbumo, tho new owner
of the Hotel Austin, writes he is
Johnson of Portland, the state j dosing up his business in New
the stretch of Pacific highway
which the latter is buildig south
of Ashlund. They found work
progressing In a most satisfactory
munner, and according to Mr. Hu
ber, If winter hold, off, the road
will be completed this fall. They
also inspected the grading on the
grandmaster, was present. A York, preparatory to starting for Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ellis this! burned buildings.
bany. It is also thought possible the United States is being used proving Ashland creek water bup- ,K,t be that many victims thu
she may have been Dolllo Pan- and destroyed four times us fast ply, before voting on the proposal , exhiblts viewed by them do not
thorpe, who Is said to have come as new timber is gr-iwing, and saw to go farther afield for water, 'substantiate tlie claim. The body
to Klamath Fulls from this city, i timber, the most valuable and. Bonds for this proposition, If 0f Hubert Dawson, one of the vic-
A revised list o.' property losses! most needed part of the stand, . accepted, will be Issued In the ; timn of tlie fire, has been iden
places the total damage at $141, - Is being cut f(ve mid one-half sumo denominations and umler j tlfletl by his piuVnts, who live iu
000 with apparently but $5000 in: times us fust as it Is produced, the same conditions us those of! Albany, this state, and was sent
Insuiunce. according to a report of tho for- the charter amendment plan. there for burial.
It is announced froin Salem that i est service following u complete Voting places for both elections i Will Investigate
the stute fire marshal's depart-j study of the forest situiitlon of will be the same: . SALEM, Ore., Sept. 11. Upon
ment will muke u thorough Inves- .this country. ' ' In the First ward the city hall request of Deputy State Fire Mar-
Green Springs mountain, a stretch . ligation of the fire with a View to; Lumber from tlie Pacific coast will bo the voting place, while iai George Allen, acting ut the
of which is being graveled. A. j determining responsibility for the which heretofore was Bhipped only voters of the second ward will j iUNtUUce of Mayor Struble of
Glebish bus the contract for this! fearful loss of life, and whether in sinall-qiiantltles Into the South-; cast their "ballots at the Fourth Klamath Falls. H. II. I'oineroy.
work, which is showing up well. J or not proper precautions had been ' ern and Eastern markets on ac- street fire statiou. i special arson Investigator for tho
itaken in the way of fire escapes count of the cost of transports-1 Tlie two propositions each haveklll,, fjro department, has been
An 8' pound son was born to and other means of exit from the don, Is now, us a result of Hie de- many supporters end Hie forth-!,ellt (u that city to conduct an in-
oauqiiei ana open meeting was. Ashland. Ho will arrive here
held after the special session, ut sometime the latter part of the
which representatives from Tal-m0nth.
ent, Phoenix, Jacksonville and
Central Point were In attendant
C. Guy Crosby of Naper, Neb.
morning. A daughter ulso arrived
ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Derby
on Terrace street today'.
Mrs. J. L. Creeks Is over from
It I., null, .,!,., I II, l ut IimiuI in -
who has been spending a few days, her Shasta valley farm visiting enc6 ()f the K,.8t .MctlioUiHt 0()0i000 ' a, ot former timber!
in Asniunn, is so p:easeu wiin inisi wiin menus ann geiung ner ; chui'L-ti of Talent was held Thurs-
as well as those from Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glenn went;cjty De hag decided to locate here , Donald ready to enter O. A. C.
down to Gold Hill today to attend permanently, and is looking for Mrs. Creeks has been quite ill with
the annual, soldiers' reunion in L hmne maluria this summer and was an
t t ! inmate of a hospital for some
N. H. Harrison of the Ford Gar- ' time. This was brought on, she
pletion of timber resources of coining, elections will undoubtedly ligation of the f're that recent-
i these parts of 4hu country, being i be hotly contested, und will culljy destroyed the Houston hotel
TALENT ASKS FOK drawn upon heavily to supply the out a full quota of the voters nfj with a loss of 12 lives. Mr. Pom-
HKTl'H.X Oh' PASTOIt ' ,pe(ll) of tll9 Southern and East- the city. L,oy should arrive In Klamath
' Inrll utiiluH , I Eillls toduV.
The fourth quarterly confer I
land are now iiimrodiictlvo waste
day night at which the annual re-,.,.,,, ,.., .,.,. nl,.ro ....i.. ..,.,.
ports were made together with 1 ,.,,,,, , a,.8rnu. ' be building of the Link river, asIiIhihI
As long as there is opposition: During the cherry season in
Mrs. Arretta Zaun sent
been in Ashland with her sister,
Mrs. Myra McNeil, left lust night
with the latter and will spend
the winter with Mrs. McNeil at her
liome In Fullertori Calif.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Haring. who
have been guents of Mrs. Butter
field in Ashland for several weeks,
left yesterday for their home in
C. W. Allen, wiio was operated
on at a local hospital last week.
Js beginning to' pick up, and to
day Is reported much improved
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dougherty
und daughters, Edna and Marga
ret came home Saturday after a
two weeks' vacation spent at
Crescent City and tho Rogue Elk
Plans for the coming year. The!,;,,, .,,. deterioration
dam by the American Legion and L box of Lambert cherries to her
age will leave 'this evening for! states, by being homesick for Ash-
Dr. R. L. llurdic and J. II. Mc
Gee were over Sunday visitors to
hotel near'Trail. ! Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane, Miss The Staples Realty agency has
Georgie Coffee and J. F. Place sold the residence at 723 Seventh
were among the Ashland people street to Mrs. R. C Goodman. Mrs.
attending the Medford show last i Goodman purchased purely us an
night. income Investment
E. E. Phipps secured a fine The Ford Garage received this
Portland to have a conference with ! land
the Ford Motor company in that
Mrs. Myra McNeil, who has been
an Ashland visitor for several ; the roads pretty slippery after the
weeks, expects to leave this eve-1 rain yesterday.
ning for her home In Fullertou.l
meeting was presided over by the Following the completion uml "(her local Interests, the flnaiiclers bher. Dr. C. It. Engledow. al
Itev. s. A. Uanford, tho district ' stldy of tho rPI,1.t u progriun ! "CKlnB "'""rnm-wrBgoii Kaloli, X. M. After sending tliesi
superintendent, who delivered a
.l,-ir,.n l,.ta,iii ontii mi iiv will iwit -t 1 ... 11...1 i...
has been outlined to bring uboilt """' - ; i-uei n.- uu i...b u.t
a change III the sl'uatio... This f,m,lsl1 moae U,r 11,8 ,roJoct- W'W "1W ".
llHtrlct wI1I hflu ..,.,,( ,, and wM, 'iys J. c. Tliompson, division man , had Hl,m ,hB big Blngs and she
that in the Klamath
there had been a very substantial re.,,u. .... th lduinentuN of "8,'r' wn" Juat ,'Hlll,1,!, 'rom feared they would not stand trans
Lake of the Wood- They report lEalu 1,1 i1"111'"""'"!' the church. ,t , ,,r , f(lr.!8a Francisco where a conference portatlon. In reply her brother
Lake of the Wood. T"ey..ltpo"; The reports of He local cl.urc.i ' .. ... . , ! ns held to consider action fol-iWrot. back:
were very gratifying auft showed; , lowing tlie latest protests iif the' "The cherries came In splendid
that the church had had a prosper-j GET THE BEST SEED COHX legion and the resultant request condition. If they were not the
ous year under the pastorate of; Only iu the field can the best,," Secretary John Barton Payne best I cannot imasine what the
W. J. Wallace has purchased
the E. T. Merrill house on the cor
ner of Sherman r.treet and the
Boulevard and will occupy it for
his family home.
Miss Gertrude Miksch came
home the last of the week from
Forest Grove where she had been
Ibiick yesterday while hunting in morning a set ot rubber tire; attending the state Christian En-
Visiting in
Ashland this week 'the region of Mount Ashland. ! wheels, which will be attached to' deavor rally as delegate from Ash-
tbe Rev. C. G. Morris.- His re- seed enrs be selected, says W. S. of the Interior department that best would be like, for these wen
port showed a net gain In mem-1 Carpenter, extension specialist in work on the dam stop. the most delicious cherries, I ever
bershlp and the finunces well talc-! farm crops at O. A. C. Tuken; Bunkers had arranged to muke ste. We are located here on tho
en care of. i from the bin, a good ear may bea loan of $750,000 for building main line of the Santa Fe rail-
The conference unanimously re- good simply because It had more the dam and dlkini Indian lands road where we catch the fruit from
quested the church -authorities to' thau its share of room, plant fooi.l on the Upper Klamath lake, said ull over the world. .My wi(-
return "Rev. Morrfs for another moisture, and sunlight, instead Thompson, but cancelled the loan canned two pints of these cberriei
year, and It is hoped that that of more than normal production . when the legion opposition devel- so we will have them later as a
will be done. Although he has! ability. If the hes ear is taken oped. ! remembrance of you."
been here about a yt he has! from a hill of throe stalks whose. He indicated that the legion's' Dr. Engledow also asked If the
made a large number of friends! neighboring hills are also normal, ! protest was unexpected, snd taideeds of the cherr'es will produce
, M j r. piprce of Flushing, While coming in heme the horse a Fordson tractor, and the latter Jand. While on her way home she 1 1
N V and her stepson, Albert H- he was riding got tangled up withjwlll be used to haul two wagohs stopped off at Silverten and spent j Irrespective of church affiliation. ; then It is the best ear because or that the bankers bad agreed to the same kind of fruit if they are
' ' . ' I I A I . YL . '. . I .1 I .!.!. ...! I ... ' . I . .. .i..u M:ik t:.M l .. . ..- III. a............ M .. . - I. : .. V. .1 .. nntlva nliltitv mil tnnv 1, a r- II n I u.l ' hai-lr Ih. wnrV nt, I h . ihnvlflf hl..niul an.l W h tH thev
"Pierce The former is A gliesl SI couiio ui iukb, nuu iui s lime luaueu wiiu 51a ci uum uir itT-.iiic 11 7 win. .iiiss .huiji nr., iu,- minium miv u- r iiiiu uiucii..,!-- ..1.1.1 ... i.ii ............. .ua - ,,H,i,c,i, .. - --
iha hnnm nf her brother-in-law C. it was difficult to tell which was; glon of the Jackson springs to the merly of Ashland, who now re-.and he is Interested in all publlc on to produce wen mo next sen- mat ail opposing interests wereishouid ne
i Pierce while the latter is vls-j on top. Mr. Phipps fortunately ex-j new garage building on North, sides there. I activities. j son. reconciled.
spring or fall.
whether in