Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, September 08, 1920, Image 1

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't0a '"torlcI Boet.t,
NO. 2
I i II i mum I II II ill ii ii i ii in I II it II in ii
M L. III. II- HI h WhUhM hWH
I tents, there hud risen a barrier
- PARIS, Sept. . Eight hundred 'ot fire; u deud-llne formed of! CA.MP DICK ROMNSON, Ky
Russian children, coming from Hte long battle fronts of the op- Sept. 7.
Vladivostok, via San Francisco i posed Soviet and Czecho armies. I meandering Kentucky river
and the Panama canal, ou their .Mouths passed. Winter arrived. ty-flve candidates for positions on ' I e
emits. Head Coach "I'ncle Char
lie" Moran will not arrive until
Here on the banks of the September 15, date of the 'closing
for- i of his engagement as National
i R ue umpire.
, Ashland has been stirred to the; that of Monday would occur. Thei Before his arrival Chief Am-1 Wallace L. Kibbee.
Utmost today by the reports of fire risk was considered so great biOBe had discovered evidences ofj A two-story frame business
the fearful fire in Klamath Fallri by the insurance rompaules that a fire and rushed to the scene of block with apartments on second
early Monday morning In which rates were practically prohibitive,! the fire with the engine without j floor and a store on the first
between 30 and 40 peoplo are be-land little insurance, was carried j waiting for more assistance. By floor.
Ileved to have perished, nine bod- on any of the buildings. the time the chief arrived the f 1 re A rooming house owned by Mrs.
ies having already been recovered Suspicion is widespread in bad made tremendous headway! E. Hcldrlch.
and It being estimated that at Klamath Falls that the holocaust j and guests were rushing from the! The Heidrich res'dence.
least 25 moro are still in the ru-iwltli Its tragic loss of human life' hotel doors and windows. Many The residence of E. L. Cope-
tt'UV tl limit 1.. Tin .......... .1 I 1 1 1 ,. U 1 V- i, .1 a . .... . . .
win shortly arrive in France. The were exhauHteil. Hunger and i squad todav onened a lO-dnv ' f-Jinninir i., n.
.... ' ,"'" 111) III II j! IICTrtl II III V .
children were separated from theli j spreading war honors confront- training season In preparation for "Red" Roberts, "Red" Weaver
families during the early Russlauied the wanderers The Omsk the drive thev hone will result In "tufiv" vi,it,J- t.-.. u..1.i.i..
disorders. Over two veai-H iico Knr' L.nveiiimiiit miini into lu.lnir. In- ihn u'tinilmr ..r a.....i I..-: 1 ' . '
.-.-.--.,-. - - . .. . .-,,,.-, ,-uiem-i -iiisii .Miirpnv, Hill James, Sill
tllA nu f Finn.. mnnll.B Ihnu I. ...... I ....... t . 1 .f I 1. - ......... 1 .. i . ...... I. ,. .. i.
.......... .......tun iiiit. on mis ii in iii ma juuiiidta iiiiMuiiii 1101101-s I ly .Montgomery, "IVp" Ford Ren
been cared for by the American I people appealed to this power for! At tho outset it was made plaiu Creagor. Norri's Armstrong.' Mill
Red Cross in Siberia. ! aid. and the Omsk regime passed! the Colonels are "layiir ror liar-! Illei ins and Ha nip Taner. Others
The American relief orgnniza- tho appeal along to tho American vard." For on October 23 the ' are expected to anive daily until
tion has undertaken their repajRetl Cross Commission in Siberia, j little college that last year canieithe camp's enrollment has' reach
trhition. Officers of. the Red; Croup after group was taken j "out of the sticks" and won na-'p( probably 65 or 70.
Cross in France are now making j over by the American Red Cross., tional gridiron recognition by j Three hundred and ten stu
arrangemients for the establish- which established colonies In rolling up a score of 4:12 nniiil .loin., h,v ..i,.,,.i iio.i r.,..
men! nf a nainn wI.q.. 1. .. .1.11 ' 11'.... ...... UIl. 11... II. . l. t Ii i ... : ... i u ... ...
"""'' "ii'i-im. "in I"" .M.i..i uKUNisi i ior ineir oppoents, will ; coinmodations at Centre for till
ureu win De received and cared line swayed eastward and the so- mnko a pilgrimage to Cambridge. 1 full.
...i iiiiiiuk meir siay in r rance, viet lorces capuireii lown auer; the first meet he of tout nil tnleni innio.l nut ti...
Ins. I wus due to an Incendiary.
Anxiety is expressed for the fate Hotel Filled
of them jumping from the second i land.
of several Ashland people who are
known to havo been In Klamath
All tho deaths occurred in the
hotel building, which was filled
Falls at the time of the fire, and throughout its thirty-three rooms
from whom no word lias yet been! and five apartments with guests
received. One of these is Fletcher j who had crowded Into the city for
Spencer, residing near Talent, who: Labor Day today,
was to have been In Klamath! Trapped In a room on the third
Falls on Monday, and who Is. floor of the blazing structure, Mrs.
feared 'by bis wife to havo been in
(be burned hotel.
Two Ashland women, Mrs. 1311
ilerback, and daughter, Leone
and third stories.
Fall Into Building
The Argravo rooming house.
The fire is one of a series of. de-
Three men appeared In third i structive conflagrations that havejured children, which takes them
story windows at the same time; struck Klamath Falls in recent over two seas, acros 20,00(1 miles
Last year the school which
nio mm iiictuiib in inuuiait iiiieni turned out the "pravin team
town. With less than twenty-1 from this section and the East, j boasted no more th'in 202 men In
four hours' headway, the flrht Centre men have" their bends set : It u.,i,.m i.,i,.i i ,i
The Journey of these eight hun- group was evacuated, then the j to beat the big eastern university, ! ucatioa!
pending their return to their
rents in Russia.
r.nd gesticulated for assistance years. Loss of life marked near-ii i.mti ami water, writes the last
and then were seen to tal into ly all of them,
the Interior of the blazing build-'
next an dibe next, until all werejand if "praying and playing" Willi Danville, site of the college, will
James Polder,
sleeping on the
Mary Campora threw her three , third floor, was awakened by the :
days' old baby from the window i heat and commotion. Wrapping'
into a blanket heli' by firemen ! himself in blankets, he rushed to
and volunteers hunched against a back stairway, flopping for a
ii, .
$ S rt . ' 4
lui oi uuiiger. ; lurn the trick, tliey re going to accompany the t::n enmasse. Av-
Tbree trains of especially pray and play hard they avow. ! rangeineiits have alieadv been
chapter in a history of wandering I equipped box cars with a guard "Chief" Myers, athletic director made for a special train to leave
and adventure that can hurdly j of American doughboys, lrans- 0f the Colonels, "Uo" McMilliii, Danville October 21, following a
be matched In the whole record ! ported the precious cargo phenonienal captain and all-Anier-' day In Roston for practice on the
of world upheaval during the last j Vladivostok, a journey lasting j CHn qimrterliaek, and Charley i National league b iseball grounds,
six years. : several weeks, through a country i McDowell, assistant field marshal. I there Tim ..-..! II it frin will liit
, , When the revolution moved to-1 stripped hare of provisions. In-jwere first on the groiiud when the) made by way of Niagara Falls. It
C, Ash-i ward its height in the Creat White! geuuity was taxed to the utmost ; Camp opened. In addition there j is estimated 5110 persons from
; Empire, many fathers and mothers during the course of the trip, Injure but three members of last i Danville. Levineton and Louisville
and two dozen re- will make the trip with the team.
land, Ore.
havo already been identified tho building in a withering blasi few moments on his way to seci IHLDERIJACK, MISS LEONA, j i-etrograu looked at their aM obtulning supplies, avoiding dls-j year's team
among the fire vlct'ins. The Ril-! of heat. whether Miss Margaret Hanley, 1 aged 18, daughter of Mrs. U. u:i- umieueu cn.iuien, consio- ease aim pmuihik niner uouuie.
derbacks lived ou a ranch in the The baby wrapped in blankets in tho room across the hall from derback. rrKU "1,UIe possionmes, gaineieci
Soda Springs section and went to ! dropped through the heat and him, had escaped. Her room was; HANLEY, MISK MARGARET,
aged about 40, chambermaid.
peanut vendor, Klamath Falls.
body is in th
Klamath Falls for tho Labor Day smoke, struck the stretched blan- In flames.
celebration. They were unable ket, bounced up a little way, ruinj.
to obtain u room a'iy where except dropped again into tlm safety of! The blazo sprung from a pil'
in the Houston hotel, where the; the impromptu lif" net and wasl of rubbish beneath a back stair
lire started, and were among the I carried away unnurt.
flrBt victims to he recovered. (Irani j Mother .lumps
nilderhack, the husband and. Then the mother jumped,
father,' has not been located and; She was bruised unci cut, but
may also be anion'; the dead. ! her baby was safe. She will liv.
Telephone calls to Klamath : physicians say.
Falls today failed to elicit mid I-, Other guests leaped from the
tional Information, the town be- windows. Many c raped without
lug so much stirred up over the harm to the street. Nearly 100. ignited the Houston opera house; HIUWG, MARY,
terrible holocaust that it is prac-! persons are believed to have been and a frame business block. He-1 burned.
tically Impossible to sift the true in the hotel. j fore it was checked it had burned CAMPORA, MRP
story from tho hundreds of con-' Alarm Delayed the following: McCHARLES, H
flirting rumors which are floating! As near as can be learned the Houston hotel, owned by Z. cJcuttt.
about. fire was first seen by an employe 1 HarriB. Paisley, Ore, operated by
way in the Houston hotel, accord
ing to reports, and straightway
went mad.
It ate into the framo fabric of
the hotel us If it had been tinder. !
It is estimated tiOOO were sent
them into groups of 20, 50 and i eastward from PltiograU during1
100, with nurses and teachers, the revolution. All trace of hun-j
and sent them away to the peace- dreds of then', has been lost. The
fill, rich acres of Siberia "for 8 00 young exiles who will shortly
SHADWICK Initials and ad-1 lew months; until the trouble had reach Fiance are among the for-
dress undetermined. i blown over." Munate few who live to tell the i
Unidentified 17-year-old glii Time came to return home. Itutjtiile of the "Children's Calvary"
from Medford. i between the children and their pa-1 in Russia. I
Three unidentified men. ! : I
Mine Earth to Mayor Fires
Make Cement Police Force
Plays Cop
seizing the whole building in Its HIGOIN'S, THOMAS, leg broken,
red grip almost or. the instant, buck Injured and seriously bruised.
Leaping the street, the flames: OTHERS IN H RED
Marine Corps
Fast Growing
Somewhat Mixed
But Was MIThere
WASHINGTON. Recruiting! A woman living In the village
for the marine corps is rapidly in- j of Mill'ord, N. Y.. who lost her
creasing and is expected to reach j husband by death, sent the fol-
the highest peace-time point for lowing rmmnunic:i!lm to an Ol-
HEPPNER, Sept. 7. White al-
kali earth found in a deposit ati
Morgan is being mined and ship-
ped in carload lots to a big con-,
striiction company operating in j
western Oregon for use In road;
paving. This newly discovered
material is mixed with cement and
applied as a top dressing on hard-
surface work. When properly set;
The entire set of buildings ol the city street department who' Mrs. W. R. Haines
Imrifi.'d were veritable: fire traps, ! rushed to the Hall hotel to tele-i Houston opera house, owned by j
with the exception of tlie resi-j phone in the fire :il: rm. He could iJ V. Houston.
midsukmer recruiting this month. , sego county newspaper: "Aid Ed-
MORSE. WILLI M, burns and j Before the war 500 men a month itor: I desire to thank the friends
; CUtS.
i Calif., face and hands burned.
deuces, and it has been feared for; tint get a telephone connection so; Pioneer Prlntery, in Opera Sixteen other todies are he
years that just suc a tragedy us he raced toward the fire station. i house building, run by Jonks andlieved to be in the ruins.
which position he filled faithfully ties and citizenship of our govern- they have ever been before.
OF 187.1 OF THE j mid well. Later he was interested meat,;
ANIILAM) ACADEMY In the mercantile business for ticket.
At the reunion of the old Ash-; ""' yea's, and his muny patrons I asking.
land academy classmates which always received a square deal And last, but by no means least,
was held at the Hotel Austin last, from hiui, with a smile and a comes our old friend and school-
Monday evening in honor ol cherry word thrown in. Ho is ; mate, our guest of honor on this j
Judge Felix Ewing of Ventura,, "w retired ou a competency from occasion, F. W. Ev.'ing, whom we
Calif., while tho latter was visit- active uusiness me. out Doosting are so pleased to meet once again.
nut voting the democratic In closing, may I hope that
This Is all the credit I am , while we will probrbly not meet
j In this life again, yet may we meet
In a life to come, where we will
know euch other as we are known.
for Cox and Roosevelt.
Ing in this city, R. P. Neil, one
of the members of the class, gave G. S. Butler's lite has been a
the following sketch of the lives; varied and most successful busi
of the seven surviving members ness life. Heas extensively in
of the class who were in school terested in real estate and live
do years ago: j stock, to the extent of many thou
I huve been ashed to prepare sands of dollars. Still later he
a brief sketch of the lives of the was In the mercantile business,
few remaining members of the As a matter of fact, if there is
class of 1875, iib organized in the, any line of legitimate business
old Ashland Academy, 45 years 'bat he has not successfully tack
ngo. As my memory serves me led, the writer does not know what
at this time, that class consisted 't is. He has served Jackson
of about 30 students. The rav-! county us county commissioner,
Ishes of time in the past 45 years,! one or two 'eln'B. BI11 was called
have reduced by death about five-, the Watch Dog of Jsckson county's
sixths of this number, leaving but funds. Ho hus also served a,s
six or eight of the class members j mayor and other official capaci
at this lime. The immediate per- ties, in the administrative affairs
gunnel of this class, living today"' the city pf Ashland, with cred
ure, as far as my knowledge goes,, it to himself and Ashland's citi
C. I!. Wiitson, E. J. Farlow, O. S. Ue"s. Although possessed of a
Duller, C. II. Gillette, F. W. Ew-; large share of this world's goods,
ing. H. P. Neil and Mrs. G. F.''e loe more hard work yet than
Hillings, all of whom are pructi-J ' other man in town,
rally of the same ago. In pre-i C. II. Gillette is probably the
! Doubtless with his professional
brethren und his home neighbors
he is known as Judge Ewing, but
to those of us who knew him iu ;
the olden time, he is just plain
Felix. We hesitate when attempt-!
ing the sketching of his life. Dur
ing these 45 years there seems In
Prisoner Makes
Escape From Jail
was considered a fair average for and neighbors most heartily, in
the smallest of the til roo branches; this manner for the united aid and
it becomes hurt! as marble and
'entirely Impervious to moisture.
American Legion
of the service, and
indications are that
figures will easily
The marine corps
the present co-operation during the Illness
the August and dentil of my i.ite liiishiind, who
double that escaped from me bv the hand ol'j
death on Friday l.-t while eating,1 JI"'" Simpson, who ts treas
is now re-l breakfast. To lh friendt and all' ot American Legion, and
cruited to about 60 per cent of itsj v. ho contributed sr willingly to-
authorized strength of 27,400, and uard making the last moments!
A prisoner In the county juil at
Jacksonville by the name of
Rlack, arrested two weeks ago for
fltpillinir n Phavrnlot mii nnpiineil
a business and professional way, . . .' ,
. " Saturday night by the simple pro-
IU llll'O LUIII? IU Jl III lldt.ll I II g UUl , , lit ...
. , . . : cess of locking his jailor in the
success. Positions of honor and, , , . , ...
ucu iiimisu uy u clever ruse, nil
alarm was given, the Jailor liber
ated, hilt hilt rtlnrlf u-iia ftpeillj
That he has met and measured up ... . , . . ..
, without hat or coat. This oc-
to the requirement of these nu-!, , ,. , ,
iiimu nuuui a UI.UIIIV.
trust have come to him in rapid!
succession, one after another. !
merous responsible positions, goes
without saying. In fact, when
we recull the fact that he ever
stood at the head of his class In
school, we are not surprised at his
success, because it wus no child's
play to outclass some nf his fel
low students. I
After leaving school, he taught:
The jailor went to see if the
prisoners were all in bed, as is his
nightly custom. They said they
were. Rlack was hiding under a
tuhlp, and with one leap landed
in the corridor. He slammed and
locked the door, and his keeper
was a prisoner. Rlack left without
his hat or coat. In about five
like most treasurers, "holds the
sack," both practically and pruc-
at the present rate of progress, and funeral of my hiisliand a sue-; 'i1""' "
will reach the maximum number cess I desire to vemcmher most 1 1,1 meeting of the Legion
within a few months. While the kindlv. hoping these lew lines will . ,lbolt the financial status of the
passing of the pay and bonus bills find then, enjoying the same organization. He said that they
have had a stimulating effect on blessing. I have also a g I milch' '
enlistments, recruiting officers be
lieve that the educational advan
tages now offered to marines are
leading large numbers to enlist.
American Gets
Free of Banditjury of Women
Rule for Bride
j of li I Is to take cttre of.
I Ways and means of securing
plants his footsteps on Ihc sear"" m""l -'-'".-,i
mini, tin. utnrm:' also ,,:iuets, smokers, minstrel show?,
black and white slmtn very low."
ALLIANCE. Ohio, Sept. 7.
Froui tho depth of personal expe
lience, Mayor W. C. Westover, Al
liance, advises executives to learn
the jobs of their suhordiates.
"Vim iiul-i.i. Liii.u u'ltun vmi'll
have to fill 'ein," he said.
Westover knows whereof hi
. japeakb, for he recently had oeentf-
I ion to drop his entire police de
jpiirtmeut and filled one of tho va
cancies himself. The policemen
! demanded certain raises in par
yjlf (ji li' ud changes in working conditions
..nun uiu ui.i.. ur iitTiui-u were in
compatible Willi the welfare of the
So he told the force to quit if
il i.-.,i..,l I.. Ii .t;.l .....i il... ..:..
was policeless. Nothing d:iunt'd
the mayor called h's safety direc
tor and several firemen, provided
clubs snil other traps of a police
man and patrolled I he city. Wesl
over walkud a beat for two days
ing new police force.
cow and roan gelding horse S tagaiii use ini Measurers, , reB,8rt nlmsp!f , ,
i. ill 1 r.. 1 I '
vn.nw nlil u-liii'li I will mill I'lieuli ! 'e.v llisni.iu
'God moves in a n ysturlous way
his wonders to perforin. He
(By United Press)
MEXICO CITY. Sept. 7. W.
A. Gardner, the American, who
was kidnaped by Zabora, escaped
from the bandit yesterday, fol-
nn no ii need. Zaimiru is said to
have escaped with o"'' twenty
scnooi ior a nuniner oi years, read-, minutes all Jacksonville was
Ing law at the same time. After; llWllkei all(, a noB!,e from ... gher.
paring tho sketch of the above oungest living member ot this successfully practicing law fori iffa office in ptirsilit with Slioriff
named individuals, any omissions class and is recognized as a clean, some time, he was elected prose,-1 Terrill in the lead.
for the defendant in an eviction
It is the first lime a woman
Jury has ever passed on a legal
case in Ohio, and one ot the few
and so ou until one hapless
young man mentioned the fact
that a big dance had not been
staged in Ashland for some time.
That seomed to be about all that
was necessary to be said at that
'time. The instigator was given
j t he thankless job of putting tho
j a ffii ir across.
At the present time he und his
I assistants are working feverishly
, to make the "hall." as they call II,
'a success. If what they say is
Is, the dame
party. The
2000 Students
at U. This Year
AKRON, Ohio Statu history
was mailt) in the little drab Mu-
lowing a fight between the forces nicipiil court room of Judge A. F.
... . ..... . ... fVV.,11 lv win-II n lllrv llf
oi mo inner ami go.ei mii-iu - . true, and it usually
. ......... l,.- .-. .mi., i-nl ill-null il Vm-ilii'l
troops, me loreign ounu u.uii.v ... , "r(,PUi,,r'
I Armory wil be decorated so as to: versily from otlie
, relieve tho bare, warlike aspect ofjt'"11-
the Interior. Herb Alton! and Judging from requests already
'his crucifiers of the Doldrums! received for admission to the rni-
Eugene, Sept. .'. Approximately
325 new students have been ac
cepted for enrollment in the Uni
versity of Oregon up to Septem
ber 1. according to Carleton Spen
cer, registrar, while the creden
tials of approximately 2.1 have
been refused. A largo number
of those accepted for the com
ing year are coming to the I'ul-
coast luslitu-
or mis-statements of a minor char
acter should be charitably over
looked, as so hastily a prepared
sketch, prompted from memory
only, covering a period of 45
years, would naturally be faulty in
gome particulars.
In sketching the past life of C,
clear cut man of strain. He re- cming attorney tor jioiioc county, Nothing has been heard from
cently finished his fourth year as I California. After serving in this! the fugitive so fur as can be
recorder of this citv, aud his work capacity for a number of years In! learned,
in that capacity was conceded : said county, he removed further j
by experts to be first class in! south
There are 150 tnrloads of se
lect cauteloupes .at cannot be
bought In the market today, wait
ing 10 ne piCKca on inn auunr nu-i
women juries that has ever been
impaneled in the country.
Tho decision of the jury saved
a newly wedded couple from be
ing evicted from their home. At-
will furnish the music.
versity. Mr. Spencer estimates tlu
total registration for tho rouiiiu
year at 2000 students. Many
more requests for admission nr.)
expected during I lie coming
month, as new students are unx-
every respect. In business af
fairs as well us In private life, his
word is considered to be good as
B. Watson, I will say that iuinie-tbe best bond obtainable. He is
Still practicing his chosen pro-i
tesslou with such success' the!
electorate of his district elevated
him to the honorable position of1
iitely after finishing bis educa-; treasurer and an elder in the First Superior Judge tor a term of six
Harding Quits
Front Porch
CHICAGO. extravagance In
sin land. These canteloupes Willi lorneys tor tne planum sum ine , th working class Is on the wane 0u to avoid the annual rush dur
be a total loss because the in- were, satisfied with the verdict , u,id feeling of caution rules all ing regisiiatlon days. All ere
creased freight rates have made anil would not appeal. I business transactlcns because it dentials must be examined be-
shipment east unprofitable, and I is felt that drops In prices nre in-1 (ore new students are admitted
the plans now are to feed them SAN' HRl'NO, Calif., Sept. 7. .evltable according to the monthly 0 t, I'niversity.
to hogs in the county and plow Mildred Lee, aged 11, was shot , statement of the federal reserve
tion In the old Ashland Academy, Presbyterian church of this city,
he chose as a profession for aUerving in these capacities faith
life work, that of the law, hav-jh"y and well.
Ing served many years as prose-; 'Mrs. O. F. Hilling", nee Frances
cuting attorney in different parts Myer, the only lady member of
of this state, with credit to him-.this class living, that we can re-
II, a ran. n I n In ir ,n,oa iinilor fill' fpr.lUllll killed here lOllllJ' Willie I'll
! ttllzer. Only one-third of the crop route to school,
has been marketed. It brought! ' Nelson, a carpenter, ac
years. During this time he tried
many important cases In Los An-;
geles and other large cities of Cal-
an average of $800 a car.
-Deserting his front
Tiring of the
fussed of the murder, when sur
rounded In a shack by an angry
mob, shot himself in the head and trades catering to noniilnr desire?!
in i died enroule to a hospilal. jund needs, regardless of prices.
Trouble between Nelson mid the
The buying public, the state-1 E,iSene. Sept. 7. Avard Fair
nieut said, is checking the extrav-( banks, noted sculptor and world
aganre which havo muds "bonan-j wide exhibitor, has been added to
zas, Hitherto for Industries and; the staff of the School of Archi
tecture and Allied Arts at the
University of Oregon, as professor
Rig Prohibition Kail) !
porch at Marion. Senator Ilard-i Next Thursday evening
Caution rules in business aciilntiire
i.-nUous life oil ,,., ,,, ,.;,. i,.- .,..,;., ii, , r'ii ..i, i ,l ;,!,, in f,,i' ! E Ill's mot her is believed to he t he i ie seventh district." Mm nfui-l P,i.,,.... r i. ...i... i...-
,i. "I uiiiii Uliim ll. n milium. bni.i.i, iiuuiiiiii.'.i . ............ -. . i,... .m.i i auilil.ri.n IIUS CAIIIII-
the bench, at the expiration of his i i ,.j:.. i ,i i ,.i .n i'.,ii,i ! motive lor the crime. He is said , nii-nl sulil k:. t ,.. ....... ,
, . ,, ,...,i ii i . . . ... ... iiiiu in nlil' iiiiik .unit", .nil' ..." itu-iji CBiiicni u. me i iiii.. - - nrw mil mm 111 Hill 11 noted Ullll-
self and to his cor.stit uency a d ,11. has spent her lite up to Unofficial term a. judge, he chose ,,, t , ot. wj, deliver 1(llIr(,s, have threatened revenge since ,, the NatioIU, A
while he has grown older on es ., in Ashland Her chief to enter the banking business,: fensive iu the northwest, with a served as captain In the army, hav- .Mrs. Lee testified against him In. KoAI. HIX V1U!.. ,of , Ne the rest of r he Is .11 a o cup , ion has been In the rear-since which time be ha, been ac:,pocoll ut , ,, Btate fllirjlng been one of four otticen , . lawsuit recently. SALEM Recau se of recent ; of M ((f rhicaRo
foe In litigation, that the best at- ing of a model family, and the lively engaged In said business. , , !,, . ,! ! complaints that non-resident tour- . ...... , ,., ' .
. I., .1,1. .liorict hesitate to unkeeii of an Ide.l hnm. ti.i. ..n.i "" "" ,, ,, .. ...... , .... . .-.......... ri-suion oi scuip-
In a legal way he has been a con- greatest God-given privilege and nla's most important banks.
tributory cause to more divorce honor that coiner to a woman,
case, than any other man in Jack- God hies, our mothers.
don county.
speech ut the Minnesota state fair Ing been one of four officers in.'
tomorrow. ilhe entire army who was assigned
large Stockholder: Alllmunl. Il. .,. ,;,.. Ilni:i I In m,,,,. Ir In mun III I ho lll'llllinlioil i
........ o,., .ma u.b .,.. ... n n . - . i
sneech at the Twin CltlBS Is his'of natriotism. As the organizerl-
and national president o( the: resented ,u the insurant wing o. .ara oi roa.i s.gns. ami a ,,,, ,e Salo1 d(,, ArtljteJ Fra
-The anthracite coal miners rep
: Ists had ben subjected to unnec-!
issary delay in Oregon, due to a
r.nlv si'l iiililress it is evnerted
! VeliX- ""l"y d thi"KH hav'! that naming will he called on to
iiui i.iiit; iu int) ifsi 111 us, mil we ,,,,,1,., ..,,..(
ii. r. iien, me nexi siiDjeci ot.are not jealous of your success,
rear platform
negie Art Institute at Pittsburgh,
largest student civic movement in;'"" " , - " ri"-..."s "i- , Parill 1Ih (, the pupi of
the United States, be traveled tor i voted to coalinue their "Miration " , egonian iu which C. C. Bradley of Krawr wuI)tor of ..The End o(
many years from coast to coast 'riM. ; Portland quoted a number of Cal-,(.le TraM .. one ,)f he maerple.
-peaking in 350 colleges and mil-' the second time in a week , ifornians as saying they would not.,,, ie San Krallcic0 Ejpo,,,ion
In considering the past life of ,11118 sketch, has failed In many, and are hoping that business re
E. J. Farlow, suffice it to say that many things, yet he claims credit verse, may never knock at your 1 GENERALLY FAIR IS
it has been a qiuet. upright, unfor doing something that no other door. We are glad to have you' FORECAST FOR WKF.h
assuming business me. in nis Mir.....K maie memner oi mis with us. Felix, mrf when you go The weather bureau has prom-1 Chautauqua building.
eariy nie ne uusm mum... ."it.,"-' .ilra, .uc - iitnte, may we an leei inai our ised generally fair weather for tlw
in having been elected county Ing of two husky boys to manhood, friendship ties are Just a little! Pacific coast statee during this
superintendent of this coontyiwho are sharing the responsible, closer and a little stronger thao;week, with moderate temperature.
VersitieS 'luey Hen en uuiit: uil I l esiin ii
u... i.i.. ti,.,,.,! o.-ui,iii iii ' Wilson, the coal operators and tin
return to this state. C.overnor OI-
cult has sent a letter to the state
in 1915, and of Ing-ilbert of Paris,
a member of the Legion of Honor
recognized officers of their union j highway commission urging that ,) a frr.jt fartor j frPnoh art.
jthat they will not return to work, some immediate action be taken
Klamath Fall to have
store and office building.
new, until given higher wages and im
proved working conditions.
to remedy the altered untatisfac- ECHO New bakery
tory conditions. nearly completed.