Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, August 18, 1920, Image 1

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    OrtgOB Historical BieUtf.
vn 1 in
i . ' ; ?
Editor's Note : Avery Ash
lander, and every visitor to Ash
land who can possibly do so,
with the sights we had seen, the
j view reully "got ub," and one
rould not help thinking and ex
claiming: "The Lord Is In His
I Holy Temple let all the world
jkeep silence before Him!"
! It is useless to say much abouj
this part of the trip, for if you
snoum taue the Crater Lake trip. 80t this far you must see It all;
In order to give those who con-j we took in all we could that
template making Hie trip, und j evening, watched the sunset over
those who may no brought to ; (Ue ike, seeing the Phantom
contemplate it, an Idea of thoifjhlp with almost the last rays;
I GOLD BEACH With a view of j
The Community Chorus will pre-j presenting to the next legislature!
sent the Cantata, "The Rose ! a bill forever settling the famous)
Maiden," at the Chautauqua Au-j Rogue river fishing feud, a com-j
S xearUS. "Wer Again
Frenchman's Idea
By Henry Wood.
As an appreciation of his serv
ices us military adviser to the
A long story of absorbing In-1
terest could be related on the
trip Mr. and Mis. V. A. Freeburn:
many beauties along the route,
Mrs. Elizabeth Yockey has given
The Tidings the following
sprightly account of a trip to the
luke. It is worth reading.
Our trip to Crater Lake being
considered almost a perfect one,
without a backward step or delay
of any kind, and knowing that
many start on the trip as we did,
not knowing o funy of the places
of Interest, and not being so for
tunate as to have a driver who
"knows it all," we thought per
haps it might be Interesting to
kuow the route, stops we made
for sight-seeing, etc.
. The drive is all delightful and
wonderful to the uninitiated,
with its great virgin forests,
through which you get views of
the new roads, yet impassable;
the scintillating, glinting glimpses!
of the wondrougly beautiful i
Rogue, all with the background
of picturesque morntains, make
the trip indescribable and one
'of a lifetime.
; Our party consisted of Misses
PAIM4 I Uv Mulll .......... i nn. .ha rnmiiittou .... .... .r I.
dKorium on Thursday event.. mil. c.e.n h Bmt ...... . ' ' """" i . . . " "" irom Asnianu to Illinois and '
August under,, direction ofWd Into last March "between j ''Zrlln wh,ch ZZTZZ j mT dUg ZtZT "
Professor Leland A Coon of the the Mac.eay estate and Southern Pl.o(el)90r Tuff ; organization act of June 4. 1920, of ti ne. Z , 2 s nd N no ted v
State University at Eugene. , Oregon sportsmen's organizasions; Mientl8. ,! conm-ess,,,,,,, P,-nu n,.,. .:, ' ' ' . 3 'U.tM n bB . poatei e,ery eve""K
u.acucanv ,uuu miles. 0 Clock ut the Pli, r
: scientist and surgeon, will offic
ially present to the French Acad
writtqh the following letter to 'Mr. and
This will be th closing of the have begun hearing here,
,:TrT, T J mcorpora.ea in tne Dili are mo8t ulB,lngulBUed nienlcll bo(ly the personnel section of the gen- live points being Chicago
View Of tin fact tint t hua horni Clival.. ii (I, a DnJ ll.o . ' . r mvml),
.. . v...v..u, hivi u ina ton ' eral stair.
Summer School .of Music and Is Most of the salient provisions to, cmv nf MoiHlno i. Ililnr Tim w " ' ,m"M'l1e,llry' G,ei,t effol't h" been put
i,i, i.i l, . ... ... , . ... .. . ' p.uu., me, .,mp, ii. hi meir car. the r oh ee.' forth t m . ,...,
undertaken during tho vacation ! mlsBion of the committee Is to
season and the
eaueiueiy noiimuKo uiorouga prODe 01 ail turned In Pari. ... . .h ..!St. Alhn.. V. u.l -p,,i..
period of weather of tho last few! fishing conditions on the river investigation of the pathological! "You know what i' think
ii win no i K.eui ireui lo , aim urau a compronensive meas-!n nthu ofri. ..... vo ui.i, ......
music lovers to hear this ex
tremely tuneful music given by
this chorus of the Summer School.
The Ashland members of the I
choru area follow: Mrs. Syl
van Provost, president; Mis. J.
H. Fuller, vice president; Mrs.
H. P. Holmes, secretary; dies-
then up In the morning to watch
the sun rise from the same points,
Eagle Point being where we
thought wo got our best shore
views morning and evening, Then,
after breakfast, wo took the trail
to the water's edge, and a row
boat for Wizard Island, which
don't fail to see. We climbed lo
the rim of the crdter,' which Is
a strenuous trip, but It pays. Part
of us felt almost like giving up
the last stretch, but a 12-year-
old boy called down the cliff:
"Oh, mother, come and see a
sight you will remember all your
life," which gave he new courage
and we were amply repaid.
The view as wo climbed the
sides of the mountain island and
on the rim of the crater being
the Tery finest, the vivid, Inde-
scrlbabln coloring of the walls of
Crater lake being reflected per
fectly in .the blue waters; and
one of the strange parts of it isience Allen, Miss Jean Anderson, j seines, set nets, diver nets
that you can only walk a few feet Miss Mabel Smith. Miss Bernice trammel nets on the river.
Yeo, Miss Lillian Hilly, Miss Etta; Second That a
Professor Tutfier has Just ie-llinu' 'rom Mr. Greene's home in
III., aud fl'O.t. Ihn llinmnml " .....1 ..... 1 .
It Is -bted June 23, Beloit. Wisconsin, to visit rela- "fans" will i,fc., .... , ,L
Und other effects hpoii America's
ure covering every detail. : UMntr 8on8 ot nPr present
Composing the committee are lles4 ..
ueorge A. Monsiicm, president oi, To ,he mM ProfeBSOrj great people we are serving.
me noKue nivor in and liame T..rri.- i
I I UilltJl U
for the war department and for
the army, and, above all, for the
IHtle idea.
"The first day out we got stuck!
in a deep mud hole on the Green! WEDNESDAY'! NEWS
Springs mountain near Keen; Qul.-t llo, Wedding,
creek." Mr. Freeburg related.! At a pretty home wedding yes
"and had to be pulled out with Merday afternoon. Miss M.-,ri.
I 'team. Wo only tot to Jeimv : Doucheriv .i u.. n '-.
tin nt.tllii.wt I.I. i-!.!..l ' Ihlnlf Vml -I ! ..n.It.u.. I.. 1 1. .. .Mnb 4 1.... .1.... .. . '
Protective ssnclHnn of Me.l-1 . .. . -i . . u.c. weni iu wen gnown and
; ' report 10 me rrenca Academy of! mu.iKs ior your untiring on through Klauiath F
' " Hu jh i.iu cauirniun; juoge Medicine as follows: " j
u. B.iKgs. prtsiuent ot. me i ..j am convillced tnut totlU ,)ro. this, and witlml for the admirable
Ashland Fish and Came protevtivej hibition of alcohol In the united !l ' 1'iudence that have gov-
States will not last long aud that i ei'"pl vo" every occasion.
young people of Ashland plpdgel
ter MacCracken, librarian; Mrs. association, and Senator C. M
H. T. Elmore, Mrs. Bessie Mur- Thomas of Medford, who for sev-
phy, Mrs. A. M. C'nrk, Mrs. Eva- oral past legislative sessions bus
Wn DePIV Mm .T ft nimiMin I.-u led tlm BlUiHiman'a flcl.t I .
' " --- - "b-v .w. lor mouincatioiis.
the next president be he'demo-;"01"0 of which, as we both know
'alls. Mer-
nnriagglng lndustix In alii rill, Alturas. Cedarville. Virgin their tmih in n.
Valley, and to Winnemuea, e-j families and a few Intimate
vada, where we got on the Liu-1 friends. The ceremony took place
coin highway. ! . 3 o'clock, .n. u-lii,it rim' r'..n..t...
1 ne road signs were veiv few A. Kilw.n-.i ..f ..... m.i..i. ..
jcrat or republican will provide'1"1 t times very delicate. aud In consequence wo got off the; chinch read the ring service. Mis.
11 is proDuuib """' Keneiauoii nas ever rouii one day for 21 miles. Fie- .Margaret Doiishene f .1,..
v. unii., iia. 1. 1. ljULIllilll. vi uiuidui mil lur giiiiiH llHll uu t.. u 1 . . . lm.l n....u 1.1; ..... 1
Mrs. Perry Ashcraft. Mrs. FAU i tho Rg. river , " Ue "V". Tl" .. ".. .7. ' "U ... . We W0"M "" 40 "' played the wedding marc
Mill Mrs E h McClure Mrs I Te.s of Pact mk-." m,1,l,,nelre!'mo 01 Pro- "10 w tiepanmeni wanout seeing au inhabitant. In' After the eeronio-tv light refresl
.inn, c u. .ticuiuie, .urs. lenns or 1 a t. : hibit ug ent relv a ro hniin linnf...u as you have exerc scd In the ni on u .11.1
Bertha Denton. Mrs. N.Bates, The chief provision, of the. , tht real 8eus6 0, the ' . year, and I doubt if any ever did for 60 miles-, , ,i 11 1, Z 1 21.-
Mrs Emily Wing, Mrs. Ada Stan- reem.nt which are to be em- will authorize the 0on9llm))tlou oft any time. You were treading brush and sand, wilh 0 rain No" o s ,, w e r
nard. Mrs. Lorena McNair. Miss bodled into legisaltlon are: Might alcoholic drinks such a. wh.e! w ground . every step, and vou roads, wind.,., c , . 'Li Tl. lT
Dnnn... .ii'iti! ... ... 1 n.u .L..,.. .. ...1 - " .... u., unu, uini 11 uu w 1 ne qiioii,
rianim .laniiuuiiiH, AUKS rior-i I'nai jiiu uuo.uion 01 ail
without a change In the reflection.
It is wonderful, wonderful, won-
But I, for one. was "too full
Minnie and Nellie Beaver, Ed
C!n..nnH n..t . D..-I...I... S1..I1 . I
uu u. tor utterance" and ready to leave
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Yockey. with' t 1:S0 the 8econ(1 day tne
Mr. Boyd, the well known Jitney llope of BOme(ll,y ipeild,
....... uu mne gu.ue, Bli)onBer tim0 an(, ,ak,n ,t mQre
and beer. A law simnlv deflnlnr
and .tne degree ot alcohol above which
I the sale of such drinks is nrol.ili-
cnmnip.-einl ' it.... ...n. 1..
1 1 ucu w... ue u.. necessni'v to hp..
A. Rowland, Miss Veda Griffith, I fishhig other tha;i by book and!te the question.
Miss Susanno Homes, Miss Elea-j1'". shall be confined to the use! i expect to present this solu-
ur u.eer, .... i.. iv, van scoy-j -.eis iiav,uS H mesn oi noi : ti0n to the French Academy of
uc, messrs. u. n. 1 eo, n. -r. til
never lost your way. I know the
committee on military affair
deeply appreciates you profis
slonal services In nl! this time, and
that every member of It, In his
more, G. H. Orover, W. T. Coch
ran, H. G. Enders, P. C. Stratton,
D. D. Edwards, L. E. Stennett,
J. W. McCoy, C.
' Derfect hours literallv nn tha hunk - V, I.ickpi ui.i.
August 6 ( a. m.). our first stop:of tne Ilik , h (nei Th p .
the wheel.
was at Mdford, to do some for-1
moon was far on the wane, some
gotten shopping, then on throusl. of our , M a lnoon nt
Dn:. . ..tM ii.. n
vcin.ui i umi n.iu c.uso. 1 vleW
Sreat Bybee bridge, we saw, among
other large orchard ranches, the
Potter Palmer ranch. We passed
August G, we started for Pelican
Corliss, Mrs. Angell, Mrs. Hern,
Mrs. Frame, Mrs.
Steadmaii, Mrs. J.
Ruder, Mrs.
.ess man s incnes. : Medicl... for h.,m ... v..
Third Thate the commercial , u wouia eave in,act of the
usiiing seoson shall be from April : generous and inoffensive ,i,.i,es Major Hammond durlnir the con,
15 to September 10 of each year. I contained in good French wlnesl mi,,ee' deliberations realize that
Fourth That the fishing areai alld it wolu(l be thf. iuea, 8oIll(i()n Representative Gieei.e is not ovrv.
of the Macleay estate, which uowboth for France and America. '" the fact that in most deli
extends 36 miles up the river from) "The experiment which has been!1"" lutioiia MaJ. Hammond dls-
us mourn, snail no reduced to 12 lnade with total prohibition in PItt'mI "atlmlrablo tact umf pru
oown inn, scarcely meeting any. Much interest has been taken In
one ior days. I tills nuptial event, owing to the
"Finally we got to Ogdeu and popularity of the voting couple
struck a paved road to Salt Lake. The bride Is the o st daughter
where tho first rain iu our lour-1 of Mr. and Mrs I w i....,i.,1,-
personal and unofficial state, val-, ney struck us. Hue we camped and is a young wonr n of much ur
ues your personal friendship very! in the first free grounds. j tistic and musical talent. She is
''"y- I nines from Ashland.
Those who cam,) in contact with
America during the past six , ,B'('." nd that h's Industry wus
Fifth That in tho Rogue river months has been interesting .First "'"'I'ly untiring. So it may be
Debinger Gap,
on up Into
lay, stopping to view the famed lie Hamilton
Anna creek canyon, In which is; ton
iss Annie Hamilton, Miss atl,-j'id its tributaries stelheads shalljof ,!, ,he number of Btl.oet acci. arid that In the extract from the I and other places near Milwaukee.'
prominently associated with
f "The weather wi-s cold nioio or I church mid social i.ffairs and has
j less all the way through Nebraska.! a large circle of warm friends
Iowa and llllonls. and we were( who ertend best wishes to her aud
In several big wind, lightning and j her husband. Mr. Harrison Is on,,
thunder storms; something new or the firm of Harrison Brothers
to us; we also struck some very jot the Ford garage, and is one
muddy roads. ,r ,na advancing vonng business
we spent a mnnth wilh rui,.. .
tives on farms near Beloit. Wis.
Juanita Furry, Dorothy McClain, i themselves to work for the estab-i
Wheeler, Eunice Wheeler, Elva pogation of both commercial and!
located the beautiful "Garden nf
thq mountains, w- alighted at j ,he f!odf,.. etc Hc le onIy
Trull to try and buy a frying pan, !0,ner Btop benj? Fort Kll,nlath,
which we failed to got, but we did ror gome ,U),.eg. Engaging our
,..r,.c,..l,ra,,ht quarters, we took
...... .k 1 i
" lboat , flslli gojn tQ Harrlman.Mary Strong Angell, Mrs. Fletch- nnd Protection of both
"""1'1'eu w mi.iuies ai ,tod. anil n.h ,n(.p..Hn ,,
In the morning we took a mo
tor boat and went over Into floram. A T Pn.m t. a
architecture and furnishings o..;Klamath ,.k a8 far tt , je . ' ' , nun. naiim- -"""""""" "". I dents sac. us fa lis ,v,iii0i ..i leuer or Kenresen lit ve repiia A III ,p fiirnmr. ... ,,
Frances Barbara Kinnor.i Sixth That both the Macleay : vphiripn nt--... a nuoted above h Kmg. .nn nk. n, , '. ,
, j vi n uniiiuH ...u"i'i .7 uu ma income ue-
Margaret Sheets, Sybil Furry, j Interests and the sportsmen pledge, la8 greaty diminished. The same! Wlm" """Huients of his colleagues! rived irom milk cows, herds of 10
men of the city. On their return
homo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harrison will
reside at 138 North pioneer ave
nue. Those participating at the
wedding festivities were: Mr. and
Mrs. W. .1. lloir.hertv. Miss Mai-
i. ..... . I..1 .....j.... . ..ii I a ,..... 1. 1 1 ,. ... ........
m una ui ...uur ace, .. enis. npcii.tu.i .....u. niiin . ..i. iiiiu o. wn r m nit l-u.. ..... ....... i. i .,
R..h.. HI..I...I II f ...I... : Hull 111 OH , lt liulflha.lca tnv ...n .. . . ... S I " ',. I.,-. , , , l(l .11 IS. I .
.wD.., ,..,-. ,,,, ..U,P .u. ...o piv ,ne workman is much mora ore-: ,i,,v Journal. mo product sent to the hi .. ..,
the Rogue-Elk hotel, one of the!
most artistic buildings, in its
re. .Mrs. Newson Harrison.
cise when he has not drunk nl. Major Hammond Is one of Ash-! This struck us as a hand to mmi.h , no. , a.... . . . ..
row Caster. Josephine E. Chisholm, same fish, nnd to the conservation! coi10i Flnallv the A,B,i,.,.,. iw.. laud's natlvo rons. He was hofn ! existence. , ....; '7
I . iii . . .in.iu...,., .ni. uoeeris and .virs.
jpitals that specialize on temporary """ -"i8e'' 111 I"" "t.v ""'I has "Leaving on our homeward trip' Moeckiiiau of Medford, and Miss
inentul aberration and insanity :11"""' r '"'i'" who l,ao fol-, July 12, via St. Paul and Mlnno-I Edith Meriliuan ot Oakland.
' have seen their clientele diminish lowtHl lllM milltarv career with , apolls. we touched St. Cloud, and!
j mi an impressing manner. - This; "",tu eiosi. an is a iiroiiir,ni urionvuie we grossed into
is because delirium tremens was:"1 ',MH- J- " turner or Ashland. ; bouth Dakota, then Into North
er Fish, Ruth Short, and Fletcher
J. Fish, H. H. CoHIss, M. C. An-
M. F.
glng rafts, or boom, where we; Sheets, Hale Wheeler, John A.
saw one of our most wonderful Gammlll, John Aneel and Henry
( Today's Talk)
A man must ever bold himself'
in readiness to be played. Ho
must take with rreat grace the
the road, located as it is on the
banks of the Rogue, with its!
mountain background, and Just j 8ight8 thousands of pelicans! W. Frame
opposite the fish hatchery. I that seemed to be making a roost-j As accompanists. Miss Bernice! fact that he must at times become
.en ou 10 me ncxi nine town, iDg ,)lace of the ,og8 M our Bp.j yeQ wU, be gt he a mere pawu fjr nn k,ea ygt mav
AlcLeod, where we were again proacn m08t of tfcem flew, filling! H . J . Van Fosscn nt the organ. ue rank among the immortal
I tun mini Ill Oil In stun ntnl anoHAk .. . 1 a I
...o..,.,.......,, ... ,,. ocanu - rnrt shnnl I...I nns l I
for a frying pan, and still fail
ure at the next berg, whose name
While the management of the
imense old fellow, apparently a , summer school would like to' have
i sentinel, neio nis erounii nn nnc . ihnn,. nt ona i,nt.. p.. u..
....... . , 111 . . " " .,,ulu fcvv TUI1.CS IUI II. II.
i i.nxj iuiKuiic... II win ..ore - w. .nrt ,u '
add that we only found the much-i
, concert, it Is a bsginning and they
Left for Lake n' the Wnmls nl nui s-nh n. ,..... .r ,i..
noo.l.,1 .. .1,. .J A -,.-v., " ..a Du,,,.wn Ul U,e
n.o ..u com nn nf lh rnH m.J.
Fort Klamath, which shows there
a; entire community, to sometime
north-whiles of the world for In
Life, as in the game of chess, the
pawn often holds the key to the
winning play.
Only as you are able to link your
own noble aims and efforts with
I VerV nU.Ck trill. in nhnill Ivn liUl-a Kfth .r .1 J 1 II. a lot-tra.. n a-;...n n..A .....
is naming picturerque in a rry-jhour8i eat,B our camp(re din-all of Southern Oregon united in able to feel working within you
V . u . . . i"er 011 the 8hore of ,he 0uiet. 1 a magnificent music festival,
may he to the comfort of the in.t.p.,.,.,... ,w. ,th ,,,,, . .
I - " Dui.i-i Aiuui.K inose tailing me solo
Imer cottages; then at about 3 parts will be:
Mr. Leland A. Coon
one of the principal sources and
causes of Insanity. ,WH.I,
"However, one curious result
is that the statistics on criminal
ity during the same six months
;ah;k i ho.
ner man. (Moral. Patronize
jioiue marseis ior an necessary : ..stl.ikinlt .... ... ,MnA
articles before starting on suchjover tne .Dead indlan road:
0 trlp'- I reaching our destination at about
On we went over roads made 7 0.cIock. and aftei. a, the won.
by convicts, stopping at the Ore- (lers we had Beeni ..A8,lIandi (be
gon-California power plant, about. Beautiful," looked good to us,
iwo mnes Deiore we came to
Fish, Mrs. H. T. Elmore, Miss Lil
lian Hilty, Mrs. Van Scoyce and
Tickets are Issued for the two
evenings, Wednesday and Thurs-
the "conscious pursuit of a great
purpose," as Aristotle has so fine,
ly put It meaning that the ma
chinery of high achievement which
Nature has given to Man begins
its motion the minute that he
sights his Ideal.
With, such a feeling breeding
within one's mini and heart, who
Prospect, and here we found fine. I tho molln,alllSi ..The Gera of thc
wide sprinkled roads into Pros-'s.sklyous"
pect, stopping for dinner about!. Thc ony delay the rQad be.
"" "l a ""'" J"Ming at the, top of Dead Indian '
, ...,6 in- wliere a trusty team of draft
nuguL u woouen siruciure; men i i,Pap, p.mmn,i,ii
sitting in its quiet little nest In day, at the price of 7!c, one e-e- tin hesitate before u great chance?
nine alone Mug 50c.
I Who would not be willing to lay
down his very llfo and ask that
jit be traded in for an ideal?
i Napoleon walked through pest-
we walked back down the trail
to the beautiful, shimmering Mill
Creek falls; then on to Prospect,
Where we saw three deer in a
park, soon striking real Crater
lake driving, bud roads, dust,
a "Tin Lizzie" ou. of our path.
Of course, this is not a de
scription of our trip, only a sug-
The way to a man's heart is
through his stomach, 'tis said, i ll0U8e8 wit"ue fear. Itooserelt
Pei hups this also applies to worn-1 evaded nis 8llar(I'. while presl-
un when she is masf uliuely .es-, "' Ior 11 was distasteful to him
corted to a restaurunt de luxe.! 10 tlllnk- tnttt- " h'" uouv " 10
IjtWM PhH)'.
Marshal O. Barber was honore.l
- j Oukota. On reaching Montana : by a parly Monday evening given
iwe passed near the scene of the ,y liH neighbors and friends pre
ORKGON Custer massacre. From there we' rinn. ... i.., :.,., r... u
.went on to Billings and Living-! Maria, where ho will ettend school
Construction work on the new "'". """I south It the Yellow-' the coining vear Five of his
have not shown a corresponding l''d garage, which when coiuplet-' S,,,"B National perk, whero we : neighbors, Mistes Elbert Greer,
decrease. This is probably dued will he one of the largest anil Kl"!ll n'y two days, but saw the1 Dorothy Reed, Dorothy GeBaiier,'
to the fact that alcoholic crlmi- ''est equipped garages in I lie state . '-' l'"t lakes, Old Faithful and Flora Greene and Eva Shell, were
nals have been intoxicated foi j outside of Portland, is to start many other grand sights. hostesses at the event which was
years past and that a long period; this month. Tho work is now he- ' !olng out by West Yellowstone, held on the park lawn In f -oiit
ot time is necessary to disintoxi-j lug mapped out. A. A. Lamb will Wl Wl't Into Idaho anil started 0f the Barber residence, and n
cnte them completely. be employed as superintendent of " our last lap to Ashland. Hurui most dulightf'.il evening was en-
"Iu any event I am persuaded 'construction. . we passed through u vast no-ac-j j0)0d ,y ,,11. Those shariiiK tho
that prohibition in the United The building; will covnr the country, with the exception of junior guest in this delightful
States will be suppressed as re- entire lot on which the Ashland Moiiiitiiinhoine, 40 miles south of, event were Flora Gieene, Dorothy
gards wines and beer but main-i Hotel building now stands. The' Ul. Idaho. This is a beautiful! GeBiiuer .loseohine Ha.-hei- l'U
tained us regards the stronger al- Ashland Hotel will he practically
coholic drinks. The women who; demolished, although it may be
vote now In America will never! possible to use part of the floor,
permit the return of the stronger! North Main street from Wuter
alcoholic drinks. The results that! street to the Plaza will be widened
city in a nice rich valley. After; bm (;i,.r, Kllzahelh Schaumloet-
lliis ti.o country got worse. Th.-jfel. Kva Shell, Dorothy Reed. Alia
eastern part of Oregon is a vast Smith,, 1 son. Paul and
desert up to Bend. Frederick Koehler. Howard Carev.
"At Fort Klamath we turned; Bob Newton. Job a .l v.-cIipi-
have already been ecured during! 10 feet, Harrison Bros, and tlm 'rter hike. Wo certainly cn-iHoyt, Edwin Freeman and David
1.. ii.:.. I. ...... . ... .... 1 '
j.'.-.H mm man we did tne jldgar.
Yellowstone, for the camping Is!
this unique period of a year on : city taking over the enllre front
a population of 120,000 people 'age and moving the building tin
are so striking -that it would never; buck. The store ou the corner '"'tier, the water colder and the
be possible now to take a realy ' occupied by Steurs grocery will , nf'iery grander by fur. The road
backward step." 'be taken over by the city and nf- a biS aurprisi to us, for It
Nowadays we go to a restaurant
r.ui. ui ... .....nci Hung oiiBt0 satisfy our hunger or dance.
mignt see It tney knew they aroNow dear Everyreader, how would
on the road; aud, we know we did
fllllniim and al'Q,..rll.litu .tbAt.. I.
" ' ' ' """s i, not see everything, as our time
ue iounu in mid-summer road
building in a mountainous, tim
bered country.
We stopped at 1'i.lon Creek and
watched an Ingenious and original
Water wheel "go round," shortly
afterwards, walked a short dis
tance over rocks, to the Royal
Then, on for tho Crater, with
out seeing a parmanent habitat
for miles, only an occasional road
workers camp or sawmill settle
ment, usually located in a pic
turesque place, accessible to good
.water, making an occasional de
tour to give way to the rond-j
builders, on this great modern I
wonder of the world.
We alighted at Whiskey Creek
for a drink of the water there
in; and stopped often to view
the wonderful rocks, columns, pal
isades, pinnacles, etc., in Castle
Creek canyon,
Anna Oreek canyon,
was too limited, there is the Nat
ural Bridge, the location of which
I do not know; also "the Hole In
the Ground," of which I am also
ignorant as to description I
heard of it after reaching home.
My best wish for anyone tak
ing this trip is, that they may
have as enjoyable c time as ours,
PORTLAND To keep down the
price of gloves in spite of the
high cost of leather, the Simmons
I Glove Manufacturing company of
this city has started utilizing all
the little scraps c? leather that
were formerly thrown away. l'n
jder a new manufacturing method
I Just adopted, theco tiny scraps
you like a medium portion of res
taurant humor? Witty wordings
on this subject have scored many
a hit on the motion picture screen
in The Literary Digest "Topics of
the Day." So, we serve you here
with some dainty morsels of hu
mor that have ben selected from
newspaper columns here, there
and everywhere.
Sign in a Restaurant: Don't fun of the coffee. You. may
be old and weak yourself some
day. Macon (Go.) Telegraph.
Waiter "Beg pardon, sir, your
check does not Include the wait
er!" "I don't suppose it does. 1 sweat
didn't eat one." Baltimore News.
Sign in a Restaurant: "Our
spoons are NOT medicine to be
TAKEN after eating." London
(Eng.) Town Topics.
"Walter, are these eggs strict
ly fresh?" "I really can't say,
sir, I've only worked here about
a month." New Orleans States.
Sign In a Restaurant:
de'Hote Dinner 60 cents
be sacrificed, it would not well
serve its end.
Greatness stalks in the open!
But this big business of pawn
serving Isn't confined to the full
ness of fame. The men or women
behind their desks nnd machines,
doing the day's work well, are as
truly spending their lives to a
fine purpose pawns for the
chronicler of a passing time to
note with pride.
So let us talk to our tired bodies
and to our oft-discouraged Iieiutn,
nnd tell them to remember that
what they give out is the only
thing of permanence about them.
Be glad to give, to sere, to
to fight, to sacrifice, to
stand smilingly ready to h
Meillord Wedding
A wpilillnir nf nni.-li liiii.i-,.u, In
, , -, tor 111 '"'V0 bec off., '- -r man anythlimAsbluml lm,k ,,,. ,u M(Mlfnr(,
.nu .inn., iu hiiuw njipre- will lie convej-ted Into un office or, "ueieu ior over zuu'j
elation of the work of several ; storeroom of some kind. , !
. i . I . 1 ..n i ...
uc.auim w..u uBen Kiving u i u understood that the South-, our eunre Journey ofjw(e uf
greui amount oi ume and talent to i era Pacific will remove the wood . iuewuere uround 7000 miles we
en station at the north end of the! "'"' om' two punctures, one blow
block. jullt Kt back with three of
It- la intended lo rush the work i '"" original tires with which we
NEW YORK First Sergeant
Dan Daly, undoubtedly the best
known man In all the services wilh
the exception of fergeant York
Table ' ' Argonna fame, was placed on
Soup! the inactive list of the marinf
nrA mnrta Inti .nfl.lunln.u BnJ
...nnJ " '
sol iceuuiu iniii.-r mnnH mr -I... i .....
- A ." ' IPIULH l.t'J ... n mi.- wn IB.'
canvas gloves. i "That's not a soiled plate. That's; 11,8 Boxer rebellion and
cunngea daily. Boston Herald. I corps reserve last week. Dalv won
HrViw AlA 'nt ntit i
to heVore " Z "w 7 I lw ' ' ''r
in the
the half portion beef you order- (-apt ure of Fort Riviere in Haiti.
Ohio. Intimations. cd." Ithaca Journal. Und is sid to be the only man in
. ni .Ili.i. !.Uti 7 "1U,. havo all the services r ho holds two
several kMa..UA .. u , . in eel a 1h of honor.
. , . . . lauiaiu, uvv.a uop unui uo lUliUU
.reue.ui.s, ..u .asei. oi. gpeeches away from Marlon bob-la strange thumb-print on his In the World war his feats ol
lo the park, the first noticeable bed up again today in the face1?'"' Saskaton (Can.) Star. ! exceptional bravery won him the
Entrance to the Crater Lake MARION
reserve Is shown by sign; then we lh,,t Harding may shortly leav
stopped at the Keepers lodge to b, front porch , make
the interests of Ashland Iu con
nection with a summer school of
musio and physical education, will
be offered when Prof. Leland A.
Coon gives a recital on Wednes
day evening at the Chautauqua
building. Mr. Coon Is a talented
and versatile muslclun and his
work during thse weeks, when
he has been unsparing in time
and enthusiasm, ought to be ap
preciated by many.
Mr. Coon will bo usslstcd by
the well known violinist. W.
Carleton Janes of Medford, and
an exhibition of work done by pu
pils of Miss Edith Lindsay will
also be a port of the evening's
entertainment. This work will
be iu folk and aesthetic dancing.
It being impossible to demonstrate
out door games, swimming, etc.,
on the Chautauqua stage. This
entertainment in connection with
the chorus and concert ou Thurs
day should be patronized by every
person having at h?art the welfare
of our Chautauqua institution
beginning with the first of Sep
tember, with tho object of com
pleting the hulldiii;? by Christmas
if possible. It is expected that the
city will curry on be Improvements
on the corner at tho same time.
Will Hell I in nil, nv.
The furniture und moveable
equipment in the Ashland Hotel
will be sold the latter part of this
i month. Advertisements of the
sale will appear shortly.
Concrete Building.
The building will bo of concrete
and will be practically fireproof.
The front will be of plate glass.
Special features will he ample dis
play rooms for Fnrrison tractor:1
and Implements for use with the
tractor, display rooms for For.l
cars, stock rooms, etc.
Ladles' Knot Itooi...
left. Altogether
we nad a very tio.
.oijojuu.e irip wnn uo accidents.
Mr. Freeburj stated prices are
about the same for everything in
the east as here
and bad. according to l,..,.n,,,.
Wliere there is Irrigation there
are always good cirps. No water,
no crops.
yesterday when M'ss Estella' Da
vidson of that city beeuine the
John Wetterau of Van
couver. The rer'Miiouv was sol-
iciniilzed ut the home of Mrs. Pip
i grass in the presence of a larao
i number of relatives and friends.
Millard of the Medford
Christian church read the servire,
utter which luncheon was served
at the Shasta to about -111 tmesis
Crops are goodjThH yom(, colln, , ,
for Vancouver where they will
make their future Lome. Among
Ashland people present at the
wedding were Dr. and Mrs. F. G.
Swedenhnrg, Mrs. L. F. Ferguson.
Miss Klhel Tronl Iclher :,,nl Mrs
. v, 1KKM'IXY w P. Cornelias.
BERLIN. The death of Prince j
Helnrieh zu Schoeuaich-Carcluth. ; PORTLAND t),-i'se4 for the
known in former court circles as! employes of the industries and
Hie ' red prince," because of his! shops of the Peninsula district
democratic proclivities, has Just! will be built by the Peninsula
i-ccurred. j House Building co-pornlion, new-
Deceased earned his appellation ly incorporated nith a capiM
by the determined Hand he made! stock of J25.niiil. If this a.
"s.iii an reacuonnry legislation, is found insufficient, it will he
me timo to
a permanent Improvement
Medaille Militaire and the Croii
feature being thc steep-roofed nt nmvin... ...... ..
. ...... j ... ' ' .u. , """ and itlr llk holl
nouses oi me empiojes, ana me presidential candidate that under .H the noise rV'r-. wki. i " Cerro irom France, and the
Sign in a Restaurant: I'se less
We don't
sign showing depth of snow for,no circumstances would he make
the last few yearn. Then up a more than one speech away from
Bteep pull, over fie road, to the, .arion before October 1.
''rim" of the lake, and get our. .
first view of the wonderful Cra-i RAINIER Menefee
tr lake. closed one month lesumei opera-! where he experts to spend two or marines their most picturesque of
! Already filled to overflowing Hons. three weeks fishing and hunting, the old school soldiers.
Distinguished Service cross from
William Grass, who is employed General Pershing. His passing
in the Orres tailoring establish-; from flie active list to aceppt a
ment, is spending his vacation Imposition with a prominent bank-
sawmill 'the mountains west of Roseburg,' ing house here removes from the
especially the anti-socialist law doubled. The of the roin-
of the '80s, for which he was nam- is to relieve II.a
a .H.i.e. resi room win ne pro threatened with disciplinary mil- urtion and at the s
video for the convenience of tour, 'itury punishment. First s mem. ! effect
and those wishing to promote thei1"' boma motorists. j ber of the conservative nartv the! of the district
best in musical work by our local T'19 Mlli'y running buck of the) prince nevertheless afteu gave h'
talent. j stores facing on the Plaza will be! rot8 , ,he pr0)IrPMV(, ,nrt .! ,iv,;KR .ox,;KR.
.paved at the expense of the Ford , rlullstlc measures, und he loined Fair One "Mv. wouldn't It
C.-Morton Hadloy. who was well people. the newly formed democrat fine for fruit pickin- to hsv. lon
known In Ashland formerly, when. Much attention ill be paid to; league soon after the revolution 'anus and legs lik-s Letty!"
no used to sing in tne rnauiauqua modern vent.ia.ion rno lighting, of ' Th. prince was also' Escort-Yes; but it you didn't
choruses, stopped off today to I methods and. the big garage will ' well known for his phllHiilhropic.' have more control over them than
call on friends while on bis way to! he the last word In these respects. , and charitable works. I she's got yon sure would ruin the
San Francisco after visiting lib, Kin Shop. j orchard"
parents at Rosoburg. Mr. Hadlev It is planned to have the finest j WORK TROOPS SK.T I
had an envlablo career In warjenjiipped shop In this part of the; AGAINST CA.TI NKW YORK. l:ay Chapman,
service. He enlisted as a private, state. Heretofore much heavy- MEXICO CITY. Mez. Three j shortstop for the Cleveland
tin the army and reached the rank work has been sent to Portland thousand more troops are to be Americans, die.l eaily this morn
of captain before the close of the' and San Francisco, but the Ford sent to Lower California to press ing as a result of being hit on
war. He Is now connected with! people plan the installation of the campaign against Governor ! the head by a ball from Pitcher
an optical Concern in San Fran-j machinery and equipment to do Cantu, so the war minister an-. Mays at the Polo grounds yet.
Cisco. .all kinds ot ropalring. nounced today. .teidajr.