Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, August 11, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    page four-
Wednesday, August 11, 1034
Mrs. A. H. Daver.hlll of Valley
View has gone to Maiden Rock,
Wisconsin for a short visit with
her parents. She expects to "be
com for a month or six weeks,
Mrs. Mary Newman and daugh
ter Agnes, of Harrison, Arkan
bus, are visitors at the 0. H. John
son home in this city. Mrs. New
man is Mrs. Johnson's sister.
H. 0 Frobach, secretary of the
Medford Chamber of Commerce,
was a visitor in this city yester
day. Mr. Frobach states that the
Medford Chamber, which had 39
members at the close of the Amer
ican City Bureau campaign, now
has 408 members.
Rev. L. Myron Boozer has an
nounced that he will leave Med-
lord to take charge of Presbyter
iau work at the Oregon Agxicul-
tural college, which was offered
him. He resigned Sunday.
President Louis Hill of t tig (freat
Northern railroad was a passen
ger on Train 13 yesterday. Mrs.
Hill and son were along, the party
travelling in a private car.
In the thunderstorm at Crater
lake late last night a sea gull had
a brain storm and followed down
one of the lake buses, apparently
under the impression it was n boot
hound for the sea. It cnine as far
as the S. P. depot, settlod0down
on Hie gravel walk and started
to have a breakfast off geological
Grupo nuts. In the midst of its
meal the forest patrol airplane cir
cled over the city and started on
its tegular flight to Alturas,
whereupon the dippy gull started
in pursuit and was last seen going
cast over Iloxy Anne. Medford
Mail-Tribune. (What may have
been the same gull was noticed
flying southward orer this city
Monduy morning).
The Weeks and Duel Del Rio
warehouse at Rock Point near
Gold Hill burned to the" ground
Sunday evening about 10 o'clock
at a loss estimated at $12,000
partly covered by insurance. The
packing house had just been made
ready for packing, which was to
start Monday morning. There
was quite muddy this morning as
a result of the heavy downpour
on the watershedj
Hat blows off; driver leaves car
to run it down; forgets to set
brakes; car starts down hill to
ward Plaza; heads for City ban
plate glass windows; Harold
Bunce is on job; dashes to rapidly
moving car; steers it into fire ball
partition; no damage, thanks to
Harold. Final fade-out shows
owner of car thanking Harold
while the congress under the lin
den tree on the plaza return to
their chairs.
Mrs. E. Troutfether and daugh
ter, Gertrude, of Medford were
Sunday visitors in Ashland.
E. F. Smith and Charles King
left yesterday for the upper reach-
es of Ashland creek, where they
will sink shafts on a preliminary
prospect to seek data as to the
foundation for a dam to enlarge
Ashland's water supply.
W. H. McNalr left for Portland
last night to take In the festivities
attendant upon Portland Buyers'
week and also to attend the meet
ing of the Oregon State Pharma
ceutical association which con
venes next Tuosday.
C. J. Perrine is in Portland for
Buyers' Week attractions.
were Iwjcar loads of box shook
on band, a car load of paper and
all the usual packing equipment.
The origin of the- fire is a mys
, ,erv.
Cliff Jenkins went out to Lake
of the Woods the hat of the week
and returned with his wife Sun
day. She has ben spending a week
at the lake.
H. C. Stock was out to Lake of
the Woods, Sunday, and reports
a wet time getting in Sunday
night. He does not think the
storm hit as hard at the lake as It
did in the Dead Indian country
this side of the lake.
Earl Hosier and Sim Morris and
families went down to Rogue Riv
er Sunday, where the men folks
snagged out their usual full ba
kets of steelhead.
D. J. Butcher of Portland is
here checking out and checking
. in the accounts at the telephone
office incidental to a change In
management. R. C. Riley leaves
Boon for Eugene, hlo wife already
having preceded him, and the po
sition of manager and wire chief
will be assumed by Harold Aiken
Joe Kelley has arrived from Eu
gene and will take Mr. Aiken's
position of repairman. He Is tak
ing the house vacated by Mr. Ri
ley. Mr. Riley has made u large
number of friends in Ashland who
regret his leaviug.
Wesley Coleman was a visitor
lrom Hilt, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. F Otis of Klain
utli Kalis were Sunday visitors in
Miss Hazel Smith is taking a
few days vacation from Mctiee's
C. B. Hull and wift, of Monta
gue, spent Sunday in Ashland.
K. W. Sinclair and wife, of Hood
River, am among the tourist vis
itors spending a few days in the
Sgt. F.J.Jirak.sergeant-instruo-tor
for the Coast Artillery, Ore
gun National guard,' arrived yes
terday from B'lcm on one of his
periodical instruction trips.
John Ma'y, who recently sold
his tailor shop in the Hotel Alts
tin block, is now employed at Paal
serud and Barrett's and will make
.deliveries of suits left with him
hi the lormi-r stand, etc., from
Paulsered and Barrett's.
Mrs. W. -Veale has gone to No
rada City, California, to visit ber
parents. Willard Veale expects
to Join tfer there at.d return with
her the fore part cf Lext mouth
A number of camrers were prac
tically driven out of Ashland can
yon by tbe rain Suiniay night. The
roaa ecani -.....,s .um-n
A party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Paulserud, Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert Farlow, Messrs. Fran
cis Winter and Harrj Silver, and
Misses Pearl Ruger and Maxine
Pracht, motored out to Luke of
the Woods fur the week end. At
the lake they were the guests of
Prof. Irving Vlnlng. who they say
is a royal entertainer. They left
the lake just as it began to rain
Sunday evening and came through
a downpour in Dead Indian which
made a river oUhe road and made
it slippery going down hill.
Delbert Jones in here from
Southern California for a couple
of weeks' visit.
A -
It is usually customary to waste
about a half column telling about
a ruin such as we hud Sunday, but
us most of Ashland wag caught
out In it with straw hats and sum
mer finery on, the readers of this
sheet probably know It rained
Mrs. Josephine Poley, Misses
Minnie and Eva Poley returned
Sunday evening from Corvallis.
Misses Eva and Minnie will teach
in the local schools this year.
Rev.' C. A. Edwards, Mrs. Ed
wards and John Edwards leave
teday for Klamath Falls, Crater
lake, Pelican Bay, Lake of the
Woods and all' way points and in
tend to sleep beneath mosquito
netting for over a week.
Miss Alice Vander Sluls, former
ly of this city, will teach music In
the schools at Santa Maria, Cali
fornia, this coming term. Earl
Fraley of Ashland, Is with the
Santa Maria schools
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mackey and
son start tonight for Crater lake,
to spend a few days at that fam
ous resort.
Mrs. Morris Plymate, who has
been visiting her parents for the
past month at Huston, Idaho, re
turned Monday morning.
Miss Daryle Taylor of Lincoln,
Nebraska, is a house guest of her
cousin. Miss .Jessie Thatcher, in
Ashland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Richards of
Albauy are spending a few weeks
In Ashland. Their niece, Miss
Richards, and her friend, Miss Mc-
Court, who were here with them
for some time, have returned to
Mrs. H. C. Field Ink of Long
Beach, Calif., is spending the week
j n Ashland. Mrs. fielding owns
property on (Iranlte street, and
Is here looking after her interests.
Mr. and Mis. Louis Tllliston
were guests of the hitter's moth
er. Mrs. o. W. Allen, tne first or
the week. They had been spend
ing a couple of weeks fishing nt
the Lake of the Woods and were
on their way to tneir home at
Mr. .and Mrs. A. E. Powell of
Powell's cider" fame, left today
for an oatlng to he spent at Goose
lake. They expert to be gone
from home about two weeks.
Mrs. Lettie Burcb and Miss Corn-
stock, who have been guests of
heir uncle In this city for several
weeks, will leave tomorrow for
their home in Buthcrliu.
G. H. Latham has been enter
taining members of bis family
from Portland during the past
week. Tbe guests consisted of his
mother, Mrs. H T. Latham, his
sister, Mrs. J. H. Dobbins, and his
brother, Roy O. Latham. They
left Sunday for Los Angeles, and
after a visit in that city will stop
here again, on tbelr way borne
Mrs. Dobbins iA a former resi
dent of Ashland, ' years ago.
Prof. I. C. Wilson, principal of
Palo Alto, where he had been at
tending the summer school at
Stanford university.
Mr. and Mrs. T. V, Jnyne arriv
ed Sunday from Yakima, Wash
and are visiting Mrs. Jayne's
mother, Mrs. J. M. Mansfield. They
will continue on to Ashland, where
they expect to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs Jayne were former
residents, leaving this section
about four years ago. Grants
Pass Courier.
A party composed of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Loosley and Mr. and Mrs,
F. M. Anderson left this morning
for the coast. They are making
the trip frjm here to Crescent
City, and may continue on to Eu
reka if they find the roads in good
condition. They expect to be
gone about a week.
Mrs. A. R. Purvis, who has been
living In Washington for some
time, has returned to AsTiland,
and Is at present a guest of her
mother, Mrs. C. M. Bomar.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. F. Ferguson
were recalled to Klamath Falls
yesterday by the serious illness
of the former's brother, Charles
Ferguson. The latter lias been
in delicate health for some time,
and has been prostrated by the
death of his wife, which occurred
last week. '
A '
Mr. and Mi's. Murritt Randier,
Mrs. Roberts und Mrs. Lulu Van
Wegen spent Sunday at Beagle,
the guests of the E. K. Lucas
Miss Rose Patterson Is home
from Portland where she hud
been spending several weks this
of muddy wator, a foot dep in tbe Junior High school, returned
places. Tbe city water supply (home the first of the week from
M. H. Squires, who put on the
fireworks display In the park, left
for Portland today to pack his
furniture and move here perma
nently. Mr. Squires' knowledge
of the concession genie makes him
a valuable asset to Ashland's re
sort ambitions, and he should have
the support of sli liens along that
Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Huwken
of Madras are guests at the home
of the former's sister, Mrs. J. V.
Wright. Mr. Hawlcen is clerk of
the Warm Spring agency,' and Is
now taking his vacation.
Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg, with her
two daughters and Margaret
Dougherty, drove over to the Lake
of the Woods yesterdaV morning
to spend the day. They returned
home last night.
Mr. und Mrs. A. F. Payne have
gone to Kerby to visit with rela
tives in that vicinity for a week
or so.
H. T Elmore and family and J
E. Fuller left yesterday morning
for several days' outing to be
spent at Pelican Eay und other
points around Klamuth lake,
Mrs. Kittle Huntsberry was the
orer-Sunday guest of friends at
Gold Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllley and daugh
ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Burllngame
of Emmett, Idaho, while passing
through Ashland yesterday on
trip from California to the north,
called at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gowdy for a brief visit. Mrs.
Burllngame was an old-time friend
of the Gowdys, whom they had
not' seen for 16 years, and the
pleasure of the reunion was mu
tual. Dr. and Mrs. F. II. JuhtiHon and
J. II. Fuller wont out to the Lake
of the Woods for the week end,
returning home last evening.
Mifcs Florence Allen, who has
been attending the summer school
ut the I'uiverslty of California, Is
buck home and will rest for a few
weeks before tukiug up her du
ties In the city schools where she
will lea oil this coming winter.
O. Grandy urrived in Ashland
yesterday from Los Angeles and
la looking up a summer locntion
for himself and wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Candy are preparing to en
ter the foreign mission field In
Africa, and wish to spend a few
months' rest in Ashland. Mrs.
Candy will join her husband as
soon as he gets located.
Charles Mackey, who has been
employed at the Ashland Iron
Works, left Saturday for Port
land where be will join his par
ents and other members of his
family who proceeded bim there
several weeks ago.
A super-six Hudson belonging
to Fred Colvlg at Medford was
stolen last week and so far no
trace of it has been found.
Most of tbe big pear orchards
of the valley started picking of
Bartletts this morning.
D. Perosxl of Ashland was ap
pointed bead of tbe committee on
credentials at the Oregon State
Elks association held in Portland
last week.
Mrs. Alice WoodwaiJ, sister of
0. W. Dodson, and bis nlecs, Mrs.
Fpx snd son Woodward, wbo have
been visiting with the Dodson
family the past week left yester
day for their home at Placerville,
Calif. They are much impressed
with the beauty of Ashland.
H. C. Emery is back In the First
National Bank after a vacation
the early part of which was spent
In a trip -Is Crater lake and the
latter on a hike to Beaver Creek
with Arthur Wick. Hal says It's
quite a ways over Mount Ashland
to Reaver Creek wttb a pack on
your back.
A real estate deal of extensive
proportions was consummated last
week in which Joe Bond of Mon
tana purchased 42 acres of the
Talent Orchard company for $12,-
000, and will take possession at
once. Mr. Bond while touring
through this country, camped at
the Ashland auto park for some
time. He became soSnterested In
this section of country that he de
cided to locate near here permanently.
Jacob Nowah, of Long Beach,
with his son, Is visiting Ashland.
Mr. Nowak formerly used to live
here in 1894, and used to run the
bakery business back of- the old
mill. He found Ashland has made
a marvelous change There was
no park those days, neither were
the street macadamized, and 700
population was all the city con
tained. Mules and wagons were
the only vehicles In the streets,
with plenty of dust.
Misses Minnie and Nellie Bea
ver and Edward Ptnnard, chape
roned by Mr. and Mrs. Yockey and"
with H. J .Body as chauffeur, re
turned Saturday from what they
all claim to be the most succesful
list was composed of Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Finley, Mr. and Mrs.' John
Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Youngers, Prof,
and Mrs. H. G. Gilrr.ore, Miss Amy
Ramsey, Miss Eleanor Greer and
Tom Hudson.
ty, in which the Wa,gner, Pell, day. Mrs. Chnney wns a teacher
Kinney and Apple-gate families! In the Sunnysld- school,' and dur-
Contest Ends.
Saturday completed the mem
ber ship contest which had been
carried on vigirously between two
teams of the ' Woman'B Relief
corps, under the captaincy of Mrs.
E, D. Jennings nnd Mrs. Cliff
Payne. The laters' team secured
the most members, and according
to the terms of the contest were
to be given a treat by the losers.
In order to even up matters, how
ever, the winning side presented
and attractive musical and liter
ary program, consisting d? piano
solos by C, S. Mitchell and MJss
Bernlce Yeo, a piano duet by the
Misses Kaegl, readings by Mrs.
Jennie Brady, Mis Pygall, Mrs.
Lulu Howard and Mm. Cliff
Payne. Mrs. Spencer sang an
old-fashioned song, and the Mis
ses Harrell sang to the uccom
panlraent of ukelelea. After the
program the losing Bide served
ice cream and cake. A large corn-
many of the members of the corps
were present.
participated. A picnic dinner was
served, after which both plunge
and pool came in for a share fo
diversion at the hands of the jolly
pary. The gathering was in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Anderson
of Berkeley, Calif., who have been
visiting numerous relatives In this
Woiks-Itrlttson Wedding.
Byron G. Works and Miss Wan
du Brittson Were united in mar
riage Sunday at noon at the home
of Justice W. H. dowdy, who per
formed the ceremony In the pres
ence of the necessary witnesses.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
und Mrs. L. F. Brittson, formerly
of Ashland, but now residing at
Hugo, while the groom is a well
known young man of Talent,
trip ever made to Crater lake. Ac- where he and his bride willuike
According to a statement issu
ed by the census bureau at Wash
ington, Ashland has shrunk 737
within the past ten years. This
statement claims that Ashland's
population at tho 1920 censuB is
4283, while that of 1910 was 6020.
This same statement gives Mud
ford's population a. 5756 against
8840 in 1910.
While this shrinkage in the pop
ulation of this city is much more
than was expected, considering the
way all houses are filled, U'is dif
ficult to tell what h the exact cen
sus of the cities in this section, if
the reports are correct, making
ing the attempt to resuce her she
fell five stories to p. concrete walk
as she tried to step from a window
to a ladder,
Another victim cj tlje fire was
Miss, Edith Bogue of Gold Hill,
who was an employe of the North
western National Bank of Port
laud. Miss Bogue wus so badly
burned as she rushed through the
J flames on her way from the fifth
to the fourth story that scarcely
r,n inch of unscorched skin was
found on her body. She was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
A. Bogue of Gold Hill.
from rest hour the other day. and
rocelve the lovely box of Rings yott
expressed to mo. They urrived in
good shape and were firm and
Jury and had the loveliest flavor.
All of the patlonto have raved
about their flavor, color and size.
"When one has been in bed an
sick for so long as we patients
here, you cannot In.nglne how Wo
enjoy such cherries as you sent."
FOR SALE Or Trade 100 acres
wood land; three miles from
Ashland. Further particulars,
See A. York, Ashland R. F. D ,
Box D8-A. ioV
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed the final ac
count of his administration of tho
estate of Elmer E. Bagley, de
censed, In tho County Court of
.1 HP If unit ftnmif V s"i.i-,.n n...
That "eight dollar coal and two,,,,,, .,,,,. of 9Hl,j cour'; has des
aollar oil" will hasten the olectrl-1 Ignated September 11, 1920, nt
flcation of the Southern Pacific t,!0 hour of 10 o'clock a. in.', ut
tne courthouse in Jacksonville,
Bald county, us the time and place
line over tbe Siskiyou mountains,
Is the opinion of a prominent elec
trical engineer who wus in Ash
land Saturday. It is cluimed that
fuel costs approximate one-fourth
for hearing objections to and the
settlement or Haul ueoount.
109-5-Wed Administrator.
other places beside Ashlund lose at a present und electrification
greatly within tho past ten years. seems to he the only possible way
of the operating costs of railroads; NOTICE OF (JI'AI:DIIN"H HALF
In the matter of the sale of real
property belonging to the estato
Following are the populations
of incorporated places of over
1000 in Oregon, as announced by
the census bureau:
Tillamook county Tillamook
1930, was 1362 in 1910.
Coos coutny Ileuverhlll 1143,
was 1149; Bandou 1440, was
1803; Couuille 1012, wus 1398;
of reducing this factor.
Talk of electrification
of Augusta K. Hcgley, Incopme-
I tent.
of the! Nollce Is he-ebv l iven that nut.
Siskiyou sector of tho Southern i suuiit to a license duly given, and
raclflc has beeif beard at times !,der )f lulv '" en-
fur-many years pas,, particularly lZ
since the completion of the giant 31st day of July, 1920, I will,
plant of the Ca'lforniu-Oregonj from and lifter the 11th day of
power" company at Copco. With I s'Pfemtier( 1920. sell, nt private
the return of the railroads to prl-1 1 'LV "!. ' V." J
North vale ownership and the granting j warcMias in and o the following
Murshflold 4034, wi s 2980
Bend 3058, was 2078. of rate Increases which will give; dr scribed read property, to-wlt
Klamath countv Klamath Falls the roads some mnreln for lin- Th" northerly half of lot G In
4801, was 278.
cording to one member of the par
ty, "we didn't miss anything there
wns to be seen, going or coming,
or nt the lake."
The Social Realm
their home.
Picnic ut Helman's.
The Willing Workers' class of!
the Presbyterian Sunday school, ! ws Bfl2; Medford
. ' 1 l,l, OO ... .1..! .i A L.
Inovements, it seems likely that ; r ,,,,1 ., ",, 7 l . 1 A.h.
I land, Oregon, ndoiitcir nnd npprnv
1 ed by the City Council, November
6, 1888, or any part thereof.
I Also, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 8, 9,
I 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Hid 20 of block
1; also, lots 1, 2, and 3 of block
I 2. all In the Matlils & Hanky's Ad-
(litlou to Ijie City of Woodvllle
(now Rogue River), Juckson
county, ' Oregon.
Also, beginning ut a point In
Marion county Salem, 17, 079, the time when the Astiland-Cierber
was 1 4,904; Sllvertou 2251, was divisions will ho electrified is not
1588; Woodburn 1060, was 101S.;lur away.
Yamhill county McMiunvillei
2707, wus 2400; Newberg 2506,;
was 2260. j
SALEM At a meeting, of the
Linn county Alhr.ny 4840, was state hlghwuy commission In Port
4275; Lebanon 1805, was 1820. j land, August 24, bids will be op
Jackson county Ashland 4283, 1 ened -on $1,500,000 state lUghwuy
5756, wiibi bonds. If tliey are sold, the total
in company, with their teacher i 8840. - bonded Indebtedness of the stale ' center of wards Creek on the.
Mrs. Badger, and Mrs. Van Saut ! Ronton county Corvallis 5752,! will be Increased to $16,243,750
Pretty Home Wedding.
A charming wedding of much
interest to Ashland people was
solemnized Sunday afternoon,
when Miss Maynio Jlllson, only
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D.
Jlllson, became the bride of Carl
Verne Cary at the home of the
bride's parents, 342 Vista street
The ring service of tbe Methodist
Episcopal church was said by
Rev. Charles A. Fdwards In the
presence of the families and a few
close friends of the couple. The
bride was beautifully gowned In
white voile with veil, and carried
a bride's boquet. She was unat
tended at the altar. Little Sylvia
Storm presented a dainty appear
ance as ring bearer and Miss Tlinl-
ma Throne played the wedding mu
sic. The house was beautifully
decorated with golden glow and
ivy, with festoons of pale yellow.
Following the 'ceremony a three
course wedding dinner was sov
ed under the direct supervision
of Miss Throne and Mrs. P. 8. Pro
vost, after which the newly wed
ded couple left for a short honey
moon (o be spent at Newport.
Both young people are well known
and have a host of friends
throughout the city. The bride
has been prominent both in social
and church circles and is one of
the well known' musical young
women of Ashland. Mr. Carey
Is an ex-service man and since
his discharge from the army has
been employed in Afhland, whore
he und his bride will niake their
home on their return to this city.
The guest list at th wedding con
sisted of Mr. and Mis. JameB Lowe,
Mrs. Frank Mee, Mr. and Mrs. A.
D. Jlllson, Rsy Jillson, Miss Thel
ma Throne, Mrs. P.' S. Provost,
Miss Jean Anderson, Rev. ('. A.
Edwards and Roy Bebb.
spent yesterday at Helman's baths. I was 4552.
An hour or so wni spent In the! Deschutes county Bend 5415
forenoon swimming In the blgl-"8 o3C-
pool, at which time proper appe
tites were developed for the fine
picnic luncheon that was spread
in the grove. Fourteen girls be
longing to the class were preset' t.
HlunilKir Party
county Gresliam
1103, wus 604; Portland 258,288,
was 207,214.
Umatilla caunty Milton 1747,
was "1280; Pendleton 7387, wrs
Lake county Lakevlew 1139,
Following tho Wednesday! was 1253.
night a party of nine girls held. Union cdWy Elgin 1043, was
a slumber party nt the home of 1120; LaGrande 6913, was 4843;
J. A. Ruger on Church Btreet. Thai Union 1319, wns 1483.
party consisted of Misses Doro-I 1
thy Frulen, Gladys Hastings, Mar-' JACKSON COUNTY GIRL . '
The bonds will be in denomina
tions of $1000 each, except that
each 38th bond will be of I a 0-1
denomination. The bonds will ma
ture serlully, $37,500 October 1,
1925, and a like amount each Ap
ril 1 and October 1 until the full
nmount is paid. The rate of in
terest will be 4 per cent, pay
able semi-annually, April 1 afrd
October 1.
jorie McElvaney, Juanlita Living,
ston, Thelma Heer. Harriet and
Pearl Ruger of Ashland; Alleen
Hlckey of Dunsmulr and Dorrlne
Hunter of Redding
FanillleM Picnic
Tuesday evening this week, Hel-
mans' springs was the scene of a
Mrs. Josephine I. Chauey, the
schoolteacher who met a tragical
death In a hotel fire nt Portland
Saturday, was a cousin of Mrs. L.
A. Roberts of this city. Mrs. Rob
erts hade been the guest of Mrs.
south line of the Oregon and Cal-
I Ifoinln Railway Company's Right-
of-way, which point Is 1014 feet
,8. 29 deg. E.. of the section cor
ner common to seel ion 15, 16, 21,
nnd'22; thence running south 30
deg. 15 min. K. rlong the south
1 line of the said ruilw;.y company's
rif ht-of-way 343 feet; thence
south 50 dog. 45 min. W. 181.5
feet; thence south I!0 deg. 15 min
east 422.5 feet; thenee south'
59 deg. 45 min. W. to the
; low wnter mark of Rogue river;
t'lenco northwesterly along the
northerly low water murk of
Rogue river to the center of
Wards Creek; thence noi'thens'-
tbo center of Wards
Oscar Gustafson. who this year1 Creek to the place of beginning.
raised some particularly fine Blng!c"'Uul"lnS 6 --s fre moro ol'
i.-i i.i v 1 . n 1 less, und sltuato in the corporate
cherries on his home lot on Eu- m,s o( Ro(!,e n,ver jn ,hl,
clid avenue, sent a bcx of this prize northwest quarter of section 22,
fruit to Charlos Ray, a frlead of township 30, south of range 4,
his who Ib all In the Cottesger;v'est ot Willamette meridian,
... .uirKBon couiuy, wii-kiin.
Sanatorium at
Chaney early In the summer, and ; recipient, Mr. Ray wrote the fnl
was horrified to read of her cous-j lowing:
muiirutitt, lain.- ri.i 1 (.. ....1. it,.-.. a
To show his appreciation of the ' RHH( x nh, 1920.
fruit, which greatly gladdened the v G. O. EUBANKS,
Guardian of the Estate, of
Augusta P. Ragley, In-
delightful midsummer picnic par- In's death in tho Tidings. Satur-1 "I was surely ha.ny to wake nn ' . .i.wJmP
iEGINNIIVG with Monday, August 9th and ending Saturday, August
14th, we are placing on Sale at greatly reduced prices, our
entire stock ot low cut Pumps and Oxfords. These values
comprise what is lett ot our spring line. They m made by two
widely known manufacturers and are guaranteed of highest quality.
Study our list of prices below and you will be convinced of the ex
ceptional values we are offering to the women of Ashland and vicinity.
Farewell Party.
Marshall O. Barber left this
morning for Sunta Maria, Calif.,
where he expects to remain dur
ing the coining winter and at
tend school. He will make his
home with .Ills slBter, Mrs. E. J.
Fraley. Last evening a company
of his Intimate friends gave a lawn
party in the park In his honor.
The guest list comprised Eva1
Shell, Elbert Greer, Dorothy Reed,
Flora liween and Dorothy Ge
Entertained at Dinner
In honor of tbelr son, Chester's,
nineteenth birthday. Dr. and Mrs.
MacCracken entertained the fol
lowing young people at dinner at
their home on Hargadlne street.
Miss Mabel Smith, Miss Helen Ad
am son, Miss Wilms Chattin, Earl
Beagle, Dwlght Gregg and Ches
ter MacCracken. A delightful
evening followed, playing games
snd talking over High schol days
end the experiences of freshman
college year. Miss Chattin Is at
tending Willamette college, Miss,
Smith, and Mr. Gregg, V. ot O.J
and Miss Adamson, Mr. Beagle!
and Mr. MacCracken, O. A. C. I
Picnic for OueM.
In honor of George Hudson of 11
Hollywood, Calif., who has been
a guest ot his uncle, Tom Hudson,
for several weeks, a neighborhood
picnic dinner was served In the j
park Bundsy at 1:10. The (nestj
Reg. Price Sale Price
7 pair Brown Oxfords - $7.50 $6.75
13 " " " - - 8.50 7.00
15 " Black " - - 8.25 - 7.00
6 " Black Kid Pumps - 8.00 6.75
13. " . ; " " - - 7.00 5.50
8 " : Pat. " - - 8.00 . 6.75
10 " " - " - - 7.00 5.50
7 " White Canvas Oxlords - 7.00 6.00
17 " " " Shoes - 6.50 5.00
i-.imwimr,'iltt"r,rtHl!, J!di(?l;,"i,Ti-ii.':,-i('p.uihLj . : hitTirjtniitftttl11'1"?'!!?!'!'!1'
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