Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, August 11, 1920, Image 1

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    Oregon t''''-"f Ifa! 8ocl,ty.
NO. 109
Career of Villa The
' Bandit Is At An End
By Ralph Jf. Turner
(U. P. Staff Correspondent)
BAN PEDRO, Mexico--Fran-cisco
Villa bag sureudered. Af
ter years of banditry and defiance
of both the Mexican and the Uni
ted States governments, the fa
mous outlaw delivered himself
Ifto the power of the federals to
day and drowned bis sorrows In
a bottle of cognac.
The formal surrender ceremo
nies will occur later, with pomp,
but Villa actually pluced his per
son in the hands of bis former en
emies today. Ho met General
Martinez, federal commander, tin
der an old tree on a ranch five
miles from Sun Pedro. A halfj
dozen military representatives i
were present where De la Huerta
With Martiuuz, awaited Villu.
He gallpped up In his customary
dashing style, swung from his
horse and waved his band gaily
to the group of officers. I
There was u general, hundshak-j
lug aud then a buttle of cognac .
,was produced. Villa's differences
with the federal government were
speedily drowned in the fiery
Jlquof. v
, After the "reformed" bandit had (Sponsible for the execution of Fe
tnken ac e.:: swallows without! llpe Angeles, Villa's' old aid and
, a chuser lie passed the flagon on! close friend,
and it went from band to hand! Villa had sworn to kill those
and Hp to lip around the circle, j responsible for the execution. He
eventually coming back to Villa. I met Escobar face to face while
After Pancho enjoyed a second j standing with a group of officers.
Jurn at the bottle, be sent It on Its j "Angeles,"- said Villa, "was Mex
joumey again and said with a ico'j greatest general; also he was
' I'm ready now to embrace my
worst, enemies."
The quip was appreciated by
the federals who laughed loud
ly and manifested
Irlendllness for the
the utmost;
"scourge of
Chihuahua" the man who made! Matlnez tactfully changed the sub
bis name a terror to government iject and the crisis passed.
ASK 10,00(1 EACH I OR
: j
Word comes from Salem that ,
payment by. the. government of:bim in the shoulder and lodged
(10,000 each to the wives and next! in his neck, severing the spinal'
or kin of the Oreoi artillerymen, Icord and causing Instant death, j
,..... ...I.n. u,AM T2..lnl. VrnlAV n...a luklnml
,.. w. i 1 1 1 , , I
of Ash and, who were killed dur -
.. ,
at tho refent encampment, has j was struck. Elhart had a narrow
been asked of the secretary of escape, a piece of shell tearing off
war, by George A White, adju-jpart ot his hat brim and what
t&nt-general ot Oregon. Mr. nust have been a rock or falling
White said that if necessary an I piece of steel! bruiring his shoul
net of congresB would be urged j der. That many mofe were nol
to meet the case, since the men hurt is attributed to the trees
who were killed their lives i around the guns, the battery, po
lo their country as much us did'sitions being in a copBe of trees
those wh(j were killed In the war, ' in order to stimulate war condi
and had not had tho privilege options, where concealment Is nec
Jnsurunce under the war risk in-iessary.
(iiiranca act. j The fuse In the shells used
Tbe board of Inquiry which has nhoulcl "arm," that Is, become II
been sitting on tho case at Camp i able to explosion on Impact with
Lewis has not published the re- anything, after about 300 revo
sult ot their findings, but is is'lutlons of the shell, which spins
unofficially iinderrtood that the
accident was causad by a detective
General White, who was in the
neighborhood of the battery ot 155
millimeter guns at the time ot the
accident, 1s determined to push
the matter through, and is using
as precedent for bis demands, the
provisions of the risk insur
ance act.
During tho war $10,000 was
paid to the nearest of kin of men
killed or who died in the service,
either nt home or abroad. In
presenting the claim to the gov
ernment General White pointed
tout thut the men were at camp
tinder a federal order, were firing
a government cannon under fed
eral supervision and instruction
and using ammunition furnished
by the government for the pur
pose and wero In training for gov
ernment service in event of fu
ture wars.
Those who were killed by the
explosion and their nearest rel
atives affected by this request
are: Corporal Edwin O. 8cott and
Corporal Clyde R. Dlndinger, who
leave wives residing at Marsh
field, and Private Ralph R. Fra
ley, whose father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W, Faley, reside at
Copies of the request were fur
nished the Oregon delegation in
congress and If payment cannot
be made under existing laws, Mr.
White said that he would use
every posslblo endeavor to have
congress appropriate $30,000 to
cover tbe case.
No action was taken In the case
of the injured men. u was siaiea,.
a. all appeared to have recovered
fully from tneir injuries oeiore
leaving Camp Lewis
; Ralph Fraley, the Ashland boy
who was killed, was working onjoays. lonowing ner sister snip me
the gun crew of the gun located Oregon Pine, which Is already on
next to the one, manned by the'he high seas. Those two schoon
Warehfleld company, which ex-, which were purchased from
ploded. The Ashland manned gun i the shipping board as bulls and
(was about 50 yards fom the other. completed by Grant Smith ft Co.,
At the time of the accident. Fraley .are tbe only deep-sea vessels own
was occupied with duties attended In this state.
troops for years.
Villa received one of the great
est ovations of his career as be
rode back to San Pedro. A crowd
of 3000 rushed to the plaza when
the town learned he was coming,
and welcomed him with lusty
Forcing his way through the
throng and bowing right and left,
Villa was nearly overcome with
his emotions. He finally was
moved to make a very eloquent
speech, which was wildly cheered.
The main theme of bis speech was
that the people ought to forget
politics and return to work. He
said be had set a good example,
Villa was the center of a joyous
celebration during the day. He
und his men were lionized. It was
la semi-holiday. Bunds paraded
the plaza, playing the old Villa
revolutionary song, ill which Villa
is represented as boasting he will
net the whiskers of Carranza and
make himself a garment out of
One of the most drumutic epi
sodes of the day was the meeting
between' Villa and General Esco
bar, one of Carranza's leaders re-
my best friend. It was a crime to
kill him."
As he spoke he fixed his eyes
on Escobar and glared. Escobar
kept bis band on his gun. The
atmosphere w very tense, for a
moment. Nobody spoke. Then
Unit upon preparing the Ashland
gun, which had filed a few niin-
I utes before, tor further firing.
His back .was to the gun which
explode!!. A piece of shell struck!
" .
were around him at the time, but
as does a rifle bullet, due to the
rifling. The defective fuse in
this instance detonated before 111
projectile was halt way out of
the barrel setting ot the heavy
T. N. T. charge in the shell and
blowing the big gun to pieces.
Large chunks of the gun were
found several hundred yards
away. One regulnr army man who
was sitting in a Dodge car 300
yards behind the guns with heavy
timber between "bin and the gun,
was slightly wounded by a piece
which took off the cur door. On
the other hand, the man who pull
ed the lanyard on the gun und
Was the nearest mar. to It, was only
slightly stunned by the concussion
and several who were .standing
within 10 yards of the gun were
Captain Briggs, when interview
ed, this morning, stated that he
had received no official notice re
garding the steps which were be
ing taken by Adjutant-General
White on behulf of the kin of the
boys who were killed. He states,
however, that efforts by the adjutant-general
will be backed in
every possible way from here.
"Personally," Captain Briggs
said. "I regard Ralph Fraley to
have given his life to his country
just aS other boys who died in the
service during the wai gave theirs,
and believe his parents are entit
led to the same compensation that
parents of boys killed In France
PORTLAND Built of Oregon
timber, laden with a full cargo of
0regon un,Uer, and owned and
naged , PortIand
the six-
masted schooner Oregon Fir will
put to sea for Australia In a few
Musical Comedy
To Be Big Event
Seat sale for the big show "Lin
ger Longer Letty," with the popu
lar comedienne CharloUee Green
wood, opened toduy at tho Vin
iug theatre.
Mr. Of T. Bergner, who secured)'
the attraction, has Just returned
from a trip over the hills to "Let
'Em Know," and reports that
Yreka has asked to have a sec-1 ed the position as teacher of phys
tion of seats set aside for her, leal training and athletic coach
delegation also that a largo num. -
ber of the boys from Hilt are try-
Ing to get away to come. Monta-'
gue'und Hornbiook, ulso will be.
well represented.
The company curries its own
. , .... ', ,. ,,' , 1 ,,.,. i,ih'.i,.,i
orchestra and It Is safe to say that ! to a place in the Junior high schol
the only ones to lie disuppointed
will he those that don't go.
Start Work on
Link River Dam
the Link river dam, which will
control the storage ot Upper Khun -
ath lake, will start at once, uc-j her on this side of the divide which
cording to J. C. Thompson, dlvls- will mean a great deal to Ash
ion manager of the Callfornia-Or-j laud," said Geo. M. Cornwall, ed
egon Power company. A construe- itor of The Timherman, of Port
tion camp has been established j land, who made the stage trip
und a crew of 100 men will be at over the mountains from Klamath
work within a few days. John Falls to Ashland yesterduy. He aroin.a, ,f tlioiufiiled Hint In hlsnnlnlnn the erode
estimated tliiit the dam will cost
$80,000 and
next year.
will be completed
Wlille we do considerable
grumbling over th? hot weather,
some satisfaction may be afford
ed in the knowledg3 that Ashland
is the coolest spot In the valley,
according to the weather report
for July issued by the co - operat -
lve observers in the various points
in Southern Oregou. During the
month ot July the hottest weafher;
reported was on July 7, when thej
thermometer registered 97 de
grees. The coolest weathi r la the month
i occurred on the 2?nd, when the
thermometer registered 43.
bad five days with more than .01
Inch precipitation. The greatest
I.. 41 ..... u Mia VU 1 11
' ",,B " "" ,
, of the 3rd and 13th, when .12 off
! . ... ....
Following is the report made by
Co-operative Observer Louis
Date Max. Mln.
. .90
. .88
. .90
. .94
. .94
. .93
. .91
. .83
. .08
. .88
. .89
, .88
. .85
. .82
. .81
, .89
. .88
, .82
, .90
, .95
, .06
. .92
15 . ...
19 j
20.. i .
28 T. . .
29 85
30 85
SI t 89
. Temperature Mnxlmum
date 7th; minimum, 43;
Precipitation total 0.49 inches.
Greatest in 24 hours, .12; dates
S and. 13.
Number of days with .01 inch
or more precipitation, 5; clear,
25; partly cloudy, 5; cloudy, il.
Plans are under way for the pre
paration ot an exhibit from Jack
son county at the State Fair this
fall. Farmers having good grain
or alfalfa should make a collec
tion of same at this time and save
it for this occasion. We would
like to have cpeclmens ot all
kinds of well grown crops in or
der to make a representative ex
hibit at this State Fair. If farm
ers will gather exhibits at this
time and will notify the County .
Agent, we will be glad to fix themj
up and bring them to Medford anil
store them away until fair time, t
We will be especially In need of Cattlemen see that the good cat
grassesT alfalfa and grain crops. I tie bring the better price, and
Vegetables and other fruit crops i consequently wjll make more ot
can be procured later in the fall. ! an effort to have better grade In
So it you bave some good grain 1 thefuture.
save a nice bundle tor this pur- These sales will ellmlnpto spec
pose. We would like to put Jack-) ulutors, because the packers will
son county on the map by mak-(end buyers direct to these sales,
ing a good Exhibit at the State1 and consequently tbe cattlemen
Fair this fall. i will realize mora money.
Public Schools
Open Sept 6
As has ben . previously an
nounced, the public schools will
onen for the Tear of 1920-21 on
Monday, September 6. An excel-
I lent corps of teachers has been se
cured and prospects look favor-
able to an unusually good year.
4llan F. Montgomery of Hanover!
College, Madison, Ind.,"hu's accept-
1 Mr. Montgomery comes highly rec-i
otumended for this position, and
athletics are expected to occupy
a prominent place In the school
this year. Miss Hilda Ohde of
i Manning, Iowa, has been elected
made vucant by the resignation of
Miss Bee lit el.
WILL START LI MHERIXfl oXJnrdal1 Electrlc tore- U, ' col-
" ASHLAND SIRE OF DIVIDE (,,,e(1 to be 01,9 ot ,lie best loc"-
; tions Jn the city. At present a
"Completion of the
Klamath Fulls highway as far as
the Cascade, divide, will result in
1 lumbering operations iu the tim-
permit of profitable opening up of
the vast area of virgin timber
. . . .
the western slope o' the mountains
between here and the divide, und
that the timber would either be
hauled out as logs on trucks or
sawed at mills in the mountains
and hauled out to Ashland as
Trucks tfere to W.iy.
"Let me Impress r.pon the build
ers of roads In this section," be
I tne moior irucs ,s
j here to stay in the logging in -
. ....... .. . . i- .
' ousiry. ie use.n.i.eas ..u ...e
if your roads will
be minimized
unless they are constructed to
stand up under truck traffic. Mre
and more trucks me coming Into
use in the lumbering industry.
You have had ample opportunity
to observe the effect which heavy
trucking has on highways not
built for heavy trucking in Jack
sou ooiinty.
With km .ul luiu
ber pouring into Ashland audi0' Scout Dick Kinsella to the Pa-
Medford over everv load, you have
sn yonr macadam go to pieces
aiiu dtcii numo ii ,."ui ,u..,...v
broken up. You don't want to
stop the development of the Ifim-
bering industry. 1'ou must build
roads that will withstand heavy
Mr. Cornwall slates that e
found prosperity in Klamath Falls
i to be amazing and to be almost
entirely dependent nt present on
the vast timber operations un
der way in that section.
While here he obtained data on
valley logging operations and inci
dentally passed out the word of
Loeeine Congress which is to be
held at Vancouver. B. C. early
this fall. The object of the Log
ging Congress, of which Mr. f'orn-
wall rightly claims fo be "Daddy,"
ns well as secretary, Is to stand
ardize the profession of losglng
engineering. Tho congress em
braces the tate ot Oregon. Well
ington, Idaho, Callfornlu, Arizona
and the Province of Britlli Co
lumbia. At the four day session
will be discussed modern meth
ods of logging and many matters
of Interest to lumber men.
Mr. Cornwall is a regent f the
Oregon Agricultural collese and
Is particularly interested In the
building up of the schools of For
estry both there ard at other In
stitutions ot learning in the north
west. He prophecies a great fu
ture for young men who take up
the profession of logging Ingin
eers and .states that the profes
sion is fast being put on an equal
nlune with the other great en
gineering professions.
The cattlemen of the county will
hold a big meeting at the library
at Medford at 1:30 p. m., Satur
day, August 14. Tin meeting will
be devoted entirely to the general
discussion of cattle marketing.
There will be speakers from Cal
ifornia counties where they have
been holding regular cattle auc
tion sales for fat cattle. Those
sules have been very successful
In California and the experience'
of these counties wil be very val
uable at this time wheu the ques
tion of better marketing facilities
is before the cattlemen of tbe
. This auction sy.tein has many
points in its fuvor. The cattle are
all sold at borne on local weights
and grades, and also has a great
educational feature, because tbe
OeoA. Hunt & Co., who oper.
ate the three theatres at Medford
and have just established a new
one at Grants Pass, have taken an
l'tlon on tUB Ho'nes ,0l wnere
'09 Bo"d ,u!l b"mn
I located and will ?oon start the
erection of a new picture theatre.
mey nave secured tne f irst wa
itional franchise for Ashland and;
are members of the Jensen-Von ,
Herberg circuit. Mr. Hunt states
the architect Is now at work on,
the plans and construction will!
' 'be begun as soon as the plans are
The location secured lies JUst
between the buildings occupied !
by Puulserud and Barrett and the!
- ' frame building occupied by M. C.
Cluybourne's shoeshlnlng parlor,
stands on the lot.
Slips From Rail
At Medford Nat
And Is Killed
His neck broken when he struck
from the railing at the Medford
.""""-" ' """ e i'"
i Med uwhv Mfiiwi.'iv mni'iiini' nt Die'
I ' ' "
nucreu neari nosp'.iui in .tiemoio.
The boy was preparing to dive
from the railing when he slipped
and struck the walk 10 feet below.
The accident occurred Sunday and
that the boy lived until Mondav
is considered renin rkable.
Tbe boy was the son of Mrs. Ira
It. Anderson and nephew or At-
mrtiav a H Hnama nr liidrm'ii
. - ...
! He was 15 years old.
J. Kenneth Liny, Ashland boy,
has signed up with the New York
Giants und leaves Monday for
New York City. His parents here
received a wire this morning an
nouncing that the National league
hall club had taken Lilly at bis
- lown lrms.. Slnco a recent, visit
cine coast, on which mnsuia 8uwj(Jlly Mrs Homowoo(i nHlt ,uJ unlhibltiou officers the clew that led! If the present year sees a gen
Lilly perform und decided that , vei.aKe ot 50 c1lirtren under ber to seizure of a giant still and ar- eral increase of oiie-thiid the num
New ork could uro him, the Gl- ci,urBOp n,i during that time the rest of two men in Letcher countv,, ber of nutos and trucks In use in
ants have gone after the Stanford k,i,iies have bad the time of their! Kentucky. The bogs, according! 1919, it is not ' unreasonable to
star hard. While the terms of his1,,,,.. ..i.,,,:,,,, ,,:,, ,,llt .....V, ... ,,, ,.,..,., ,.,. , ,
contract have not been given out.1
it is known tbat he is to receive!
in the neighborhood of $600 a
I'nder his arrangements with
Manager Met! raw, Lilly I; to be
allowed to return to Stanford on
October 1, to go on with bis stud
ies at Stanford university, where
he is taking a postgiadunte course
In law.
The New York outfield is compos
ed of "old-timers" who are begin-
nlnk to slip and follower of the
game here-belleve that -Lilly has
a good chance of making a reg-
iilur berth on the New York team.
Lilly is at Stanford finishing
up some business affairs there.
He will play tomorrow nt Walson
ville and leave Monday for the
east. Mrs. Lilly leaves this after
noon for the south.
. SALEM It might, take a little
squeezing, but there are enough
motor vehicles In Oregon to ac
commodate at one time every man.
woman and child In the stale on
an excursion trip.
The census gives 783,285 as the
stnte's population. Approximate
ly 95,000 motor vehicles are reg
istered in Oregon, according to a
statement mado public at tho of
fice of the secretary of state. This
Is one car for about every eight
persons In Oregon.
On July 31 tho 1'egistrutiop was
94,770. A few have been added
since then. On the corresponding
d:ite for 1919 the registration was
75,044, and the whole 12 months
of last year 8.1.3,12 cam were reg
istered. If tho present ration of
gain over Inst year continues un
til tho end of the year it Is esti
mated that 105,000 motor vehic
les will be registered in Oregon'
this year. In 1918 the registra
tion wns 63,325. Tim registration
for July this year Was 6597 and
for last year it was 2198.
Fees collected last year for mo
tor vehicles and motorcycles reg
istration and for dealers and
chauffeur's licensee amounted to
$602,239. So far this year the
total Is $1,960,494.50.
PRINEVILLE The highest dum
fn the northwest and the fourth i
highest In the Inited Stutes has I
Just been finished four milen east j
of here. Ochoco dam. as th
structure Is knoJvn. is 126 feet
high, 1000 feet long, 600 feel
thick at the base, and 18 feet1
wide at the top. The, works of.
which It as a part will irrigate)
26,000 acres. '
Deer Season
Opens Sept I
Anxious nimrod9 are hereby
warped Unit the open season tor
deer begins September 1st. Accord
ing to Game Warden Pat Dally,
"woe unto him who taketh a crack
at a deer until tho time is ripe, a
set forth in the law of our sov
erelgn state. " Somehow the Idea;
that the season opened two weeks!
earlier got out and is hereby of -
flclly knocked co,d
I fJfPfgCf Tflftgn
Jfl Qd MgfflfC
The preliminary Child Welfare:
j I
j meeting at Bellevlew, Thursday,
August 5, proved of exceptional j Weaver, and her parents. The.
interest. Mh:s Pool, Miss Lancjforiuer accompanied the body toj
and Mrs. Jessio McComb (Homel Portland. !
Demonstration leader from O. A i
C.) were present aud discussed!
the different phases of the work
In band.
At thlB meeting tho official score
cr.rds were filled out in so far nsllle Pal,yo. At wlsl t11It 3 the!
possible. Seventeen children were jstntement of H. O. Anderson, of!
registered for tests and several the Ashland Reultv company this j
others are enrolled for the con-! moriiing. Early yesterday after-!
ference, August
probably 25 children that will be
In uttendiince.
The work of thi'i conference is
but the beginning In Child Wcl
turo study this center hopes to
! cccompllsh. Aftor necessary
I plans were formulated for the con-
, r,.rence, Mrs. McCenib talked
. .
i hriefly upon tlvj placo tug women
, ,,, .,,,, n, 1B V:lrm
.......... ... ... - , mm uuu inn iiiiiv in reiiru uie
Bureau and what may be' done shelter of their car. With only
If all grasp the onrortunity forthe protection ot a tree they re-wlinle-hearted
servico. (celved the worst drenching they
Miss Pool nnnoi.nced that Dr.jCVer had. According to Mr. An-
Hwedennurg, or. i.rcgg. ir.
Woods and Dr. Bunlic have kind
, comenleil to nt ,he con.
forence which will be held at the
Bellevlew school house, Friday.
August 13th. from 1 to 3 p. m.
Those having children reglste"-
timo and pleaao be iu attendance
at the hour named
Mrs. II. L. Homewood, super
visor of the children's playground,
has closed u most satisfactory
month nurture 4uW.. TUvoUKliuul
llie,.lst month practically every
... ....... ..... n , ,., ualc i . Ilc jiiuiiiuiimii nuncio. i,,iiiiinu nt.ii iifi.iini 11,1113)1111111-
charming game, ai d having de-jwere found on top of u moiintulnj tion by motor is only in its In
llglitful stories i-ctiI anil told tivund were "cutting weird capers."! fancy, anil that Ashland will sharo
them after they had become weary) A search and the discovery of the in the proportionate expansion of
with more strenuous sport. 'still followed. i the country's recreational husl-
Within the past week Mr. Home-) I i:(.ks allurement to the people" un
wood of linker has been in Ash
land and has joined his wife in
malting the lives nf the Ashlaml
youngsters one long round of Joy
During this time Mr. Homewood
accompanied a party ot hoys up
Mount Ashland, where the night
was snent in cair.n. The next i
morllin8 Ml, Homewood, with a
rnrty of 15 girls, met them nt
LoIlg.g cuUill ,, s,ient the day
pieknlcking in the mountains. The
trip was made on foot und no ac
cidents or iinpleMsant features
marred the pleasure of tbe oul-
I ing.
Yesterday Mr. aud Mrs. Home
wood chaperoned n company of
125 to Helman's baths, where a
most enjoyable day was spent. A
number of grownups ulso wore of
the party, thus affording ciiiiiikIi
protection for the little ones to
be free of any danger while In
the. wuter. Mr. Homewood is an
experienced swimmer, us well as
at home when it comes to pack
ing and trumping over the moun
tains and through tbe wfldwoods.
and his presence v illi the young
people has been an added attrac
tion to their summer's sports..
Ashland has been particularly
tuvored in securing (he services
of Mrs. Homewood us playground
j supervisor, us by her untiring
devotion to the interest of the
young people uiey mive nan a .... j
cujnyunie summer nun uiivh
entirely safe. Her term expires
the lust day of this mouth, but al
ready the little folk are clamoring
for her return nexi year.
JOVRIKES LEAD jncld type should b charged once
TO CAROlSAI,SM yeill.f and extinguishers
KOSEBt'KO Charges brought 1 Bhuld he kept iu a convenient vis
by Mrs. M. F .Swanson and datigh-j j)le place where they will not be
tcrs Mabel and Ruth ugalnst K'-' tllsturheU and where anyone can
par Shanks, a local Jituey driver, jam ti,em quickly if needed,
promise to open up a lively cru-j Barrel of wuter with palls ready
sude against "Joyriding" und pro.tor Btant use are also a valuable
miscious relations in which many .protection to many kinds of prop
youg girls of Roseburg are said toty. j tne Karago a bucket oi
participate. The Swanson girls 'ganrt Tery effective for the ex
charge Shanks with taking them j Ungulshment of oil fire .A garden
on numerous jovrides during j , wita noille and udrter llu(
which tho behavior of tho occu-,
punts of the car was far from inod-jn you BB m, (nMy prepard nnw
el. Most of the evidence glvenijon't 0IB t,ne prepare!
at the hearing hew Wednesday
night before th police committee,
of tbe city council was unprint-i
Another hearing will be held; city as the location for Ita plant' Blinll not stand much mora of it.
later when additional testimony after looking over tbe entire Pa- 'Give me good old Ashland every
will be presented. dfle coast time, say I. " W. T."
Portland Woman
Dies in Ashland,
Mrs.. Leta Weaver, daughter of;
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel, died
Saturday evening. Mrs. Weaver
bad been in delicate health for,
aome time and had come from her
home in Portland with the hope
- : ' "r"i"s uuiid, um me
rava8e" of uer Mea ""
,B,,UPU 100 ,Jr lor necui neip,
anl deatB resulte "bout 7 o'clock.
I inn ueceuoea v:as tue only,
I daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Vaupel, I
i and was well known in this city.!
Funeral services wore held yes-: was chulrnmii of the socialist stat.
I terday afternoon at. the Vaupel! convention at Oregon City July 3,
' rcsi,1,?1CB 'f 11,9 Boulevard at (when tho nominations were mail.',
(2:30 o'clock and the body was i filed the names. They are:
taken to portlund. Mrs. Weaver
Is survived by her husband, M. H.
If anyone In Ashland thinks'
there was not much rain fell yes-!
terduy,"they should have been up:
l.itn, loiuinngjuoon Mr. Anderson and his child-,
reu started on an automobile ride
up A sli hi ml cnuyou to escape the
torrid heat prevailing in tbe val
ley. After reaching Long's cabin!
thev luil-keil their cur unit Rtrntl-I
ed up Into the M.tneses of the!
forest. On accoun! of the woods!
they could not see the approach !
0f n,,, 8t0nn until It was on them
.... ...... ,
dcrsou a' veritable cloudburst
poured down upon thtilr unpro
tected heads, and they were boiu-
! bunlud with hailstones us tig as
I ,,ils. Owing to tfie hot weather
they hud taken with them no
wnips. hoping to be coled by (lie
molmtulu hzreezes. They were
sufficiently cooled by the time
I they reached home.
Drunken Hogs
Gave Still Away
- WlUTBHtlUU. Al'W. A
j of Intoxicated hogs bus given pro -
' Are you prepared to extinguish
that little blaze when it is first
j discovered? Sooner or later it
.will start and you will need ull
your resourcefulness to know what
to do quickly In order to handle
the situation. A litle forethought
und preparation may mean the dif
ference between success and de
feat between saving the house
and losing It.
By forethought, I mean atten
tion to the practices nf fire nre-
..,,.. , ,i.,, , i,- ,,, i,i.ils Hunting a new n.uie.
from getting started und by pre
paration I mean tbe study of ex
tinguishing agents, und the pro
vision of some effective kind of
fire extinguisher. Every shop,
factory and store should be pro
tected by fire extinguishers and
every home should have at least
one In condition for use.
Only by anticipating and pre
paring for things rre we able to'
successfully meet them. When an!
army goes forth to battle does It
go in a careless, shiftless man
ner to meet the enemy, or does It
go fully drilled and equipped, pre
pared to win?
Only by being fully drilled and. sif(millll.M , mor, -, ,he re
prepared can we successfully meet , .,, R pwr ce), of ho tou, ,.,
and defeat our enemy fire. Mcm ut , ,.1Bt BPI,ern, e,P(.tiolli
ire extinguisher Is the best wea
pon to fight with hut the weapon
mml be , Kood workng 0ier ,
bH bUwMvi) ulld ,t must b(J ,.,,
properly. If you have not the tne -gociaiirt partv" tho name
protection of a good fire extin-jcno8en ,lli!ht ue 'industriiil-labor"
gulsher you should have one, und i pUi-ty. As soon ns a title Is de
It must be kept properly charged elded upon the pa-tv can cull i
and ready for action. Tbe soda
W reacn tn9 are uitto nM(uy .
nat ,eeii the order of both day
PORTLAND Th Northwestern! and night since our arrival here
Knitting Mills, one ot Oragoji's ln-i.24 hours ago. and we have had
1 taut industries, decided upon this!
SALEM, Oregon Socialist party
candidates, tor presidential elec-
tors, secretary of state railway
and food commissioner and puli-
lie service commissioner for tho
western Oregon district have
beeu filed with the secretary t,l
state by officials of the socialist
nr. A siunzhtBr nf .h
For presidential electors W. K.
i Richards of Linn county 11. K.
Rump of Douglas county; W. W.
Myers of Clackamas county; John
E. Johnson of Malheur county ami
It. H. Ryan of .Marlon county.
i yur aecrct'irv of stute r t
Sears nf Polk county,
For dairy and food romissioner
F. J. Von Hehrcn of Marlou
For public service commissioner
Otto Newman of Multnomah
Motor Highway
To Be Dedicated
De,lici,ti, of nutiimal park
(o "a,'k ",0,nr l,i,:hway' 3,,t for
Ia,a s'"-
I units WIIIMI illllOHU'lllie HlUllSIII'M
nvailable Indicate a production
schedule tor 1920 ot 2,000,000
cars. Ten years ntio the annual
production ot motor passenger
curs in the I'ulled States was lifi,
000. The scenic motor highway, con
necting 11 imlioir.i! parks will he
dedicated by Stephen T. Mather,
director of nationil parks; (inn
Holms, president of the National
Park to Park Hlshway association
aud, other, In a 60-day tour
starting from Denver, August 2!i.
The ceremiinles include a meet
ing here.
At the close of If 10 there were
.uboiit 7. 500.1100 curs uud trucks
registered In the I'nited Slates,
and estimates from statistical
uulomobilH sources are that reg-
1st rut ions will soon reach 10,-
, 000,000
tioual playgrounds.
The motor vehicle has firmly
established Its position as part of
the country's trunsiortation sys
tem, and citizens of Ashland will .
enjoy the benefits which the pro
motion, of the national park to
park motor highway assures tu
this community.
Oregon's "llahy" political party.
The new
party sought In fiiq under tin)
name. "Socialist-Labor" party
but Attorney GenevUl Urown ve
toed the name and refused to glvo
the state's sanelinn to tho new
party until they had picked out
u name that is legul.
The 'reason is ti nt Oregon al
ready bus u legally constituted so
cialist party und for a new parly
to choose d conflicting tillo
i would be contrary to law.
Petitions for the new parly, con
taining 8688 signatures have been
presented to the secretary ot state
by T. F. Johns, hut were held
buck pending an opinion f nun the
I attorney itenenil. The number of
but another name must be select
ed. It was suld by Mr. Johns
that if tha name "Socialist-Labor''
should be held conflicting with
convention, nominate candidate,
certify them to tbe secretary ot
state, ami they will go upon thu
Prof. H .G. Ciilmore received
the following communication from
a friend, who is "doing" Crescent
City and the region thereof, which
may cast a glimmer of light to
tourists as to conditions In that
section of the country:
"Can this really be California
I am vainly trying to keep warm
n two winter heavyweight under-
shlrta and a winter union suit. A
jheavy fog and not very high
only about r.a hours' sunshine.