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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1920)
.Wednesday, August 4, 1020 LOCAL AND PERSONAL FBIDAY'8 NEWS Jack Lilly returned yesterday from San Francisco where lie has been in the Southern Pacific hos " j)lral. 1 He has practically recov ered from injuries received in an Occident on the railroad and Bays he Ja feeling fine. Miss Pauline Mice of Pendleton uas greeted at the station yester day by Miss Gertrude Engle of thir. city. Miss Rice is returning to her hame In eastern Oregon from Berkeley, where she attend ed summer school at the Univer sity of California. , $ Jack True was In from the (iteenHpring mountain road camp yctieruay ami says me rouo crew; Up there has been making goodjn progress out nave oeen siowen down recently by heavy rock for mations they have encountered. Ruy Booth and R. W. Long of Yonrullu, Oregon, were in Ash- land last week and pirchased five i , , t. ,, Jed to spend the remainder of the Tine Ramhoullut rums from Fred eirln. t Mrs. Herman Young und son, fidney, of Grants Pass, were in Ashland, Wednesday ,... ....i. .i r..... HI 1MB UUIUlIiy UUttUlU Ul VI I Hill a I T hn Ih.o vll. imr friends In I Jhe city for the past two days Vernl Carter Is back from the Illks' convention at Salem. He flopped at Roseburg for u visit on the return trip. The county is keeping the road I fix miles this side and five miles! tim other i i'' of Prospect, sprink-1 led in order to keep down thej lieavy alkali dust which last yean made thiB Btretch the worst piece of load in tho state. The stretch (a .nrlnHe.1 ,lltv The forest fire north of Jack gonville bas burned over 600 to i TOO acres und on Wednesday lt,0f Sparks, Nev., are reported to threatened the Webster and Hop- pe parents of a baby daughter, Uns ranches and burned consid-; who arrived July 25. Mrs. Cart on tile fencing. It was under con-j mm is a daughter of Mrs, D. N. trol at latest reports. j Davis of Ashland. I Word has been received here by i v. W. Hittle and family, Em Pistrict Fish and Game Warden j lnett Sutton and family and J. E. Pally from Captain Ilergdoff, sUtej Marling were up from Gold Hill game warden, that he will for-,,,, attend the Odd Fellows picnic ward 300 Chinese pheasants here: j.e,pr(ay within the next ten days for dis-j " : tribution throughout Jackson MONDAY'S NKtis county. Mr. Dailey says that he, find Ed Walker will endeavor to; insinuate tne o.ras in sucn P'ace-, where they will be least liable to! be shot during the pheasant hunt- Jug season, and mat ir any one: wants several of the birds for his farm or ranch he can obtain them by making such request of him ftelf or Mr. Walker. Medford Mall-Tribune. The county court is starting a laige force of men to work on the road between Reese creek school house and Butte Falls. This hoad serves as an outlet for Butte Falls and Derby people and In past Win ters bus been almost Impassible. lAbout three miles of road through .1 - ...Ml l.n Hie suchjr nun,,.-, ... - cauamlzed niid lor tne remniiiner Of the distance it will be graded and put In good condition. Jack sonville Post. Fred Herrin is shipping a fine j Ramboullett ram today to Doug Ins. Wulte, Dicksonville, Oregon. rri. .,lml nt tioc Tr , jur iiiiiim.m nu.u .. T.-. ..... Jlerrln's fine band or tnorougn-, j,, w R yockey nt 105 Pine breds Is attracting much atten- 81(.et tlon from Oregon and California! a breeders. j J. S. Jordan received word this morning that his brother, Al, who ' Donald Silver has gone to Or-L, i;ea(!( out tnia way for a visit, land, Calif., to spend the remain- j reaclle,i Yellowstone Park, cler of the summer vacation, with Ham gays Al will protably reach his uncle, C. F. Silver. He will AshlamI gonie tlme this fall, but return in' time for school In Sep- ,iag no (lea of the approximate tnniber. ,at0 0 avrival for the reason that A large contingent of Ashland Elks went to Medford last night to attend the smoker held by the Medford Elks. Two lively mixes were reported. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Payne ar rive from Hlllsboro tomorrow for B visit in this city. Mrs. Payne la a sister of Mrs. Susie Allen. , Mrs. Susie Allen reports rent ing the L. M. Hand house to C. W. Snodgrass, who with D. Y. K. Henry, recently purchased the plana Barber shop from Clyde Cos tello. Mrs. Allen says four peo ple were in yesterday seeking a house to rent and two this morn ing, but that she knows of no va ant houses In the city. ' C. R. Heimroth and Ira Chaney '. the Medford Roof Painting com pany, are painting the roof of the Katatorium. The Nat roof over the dance floor has leaked con (iderably during the past year and ) addles of water on the floof glowed up the high steppers some what on rainy nights. Mr. Chaney pays "she'll stay dry as punk" when they get through with it. They recently finished painting the roof of Fred Wagner's house, jpn Granite street. 4 Sirs. D. Perroizi of Ashland, who, Oregon Power company wai a vi yf&r. recently appointed a member jjtor in the city yesterday, of the executive committee of the a a Republican State Central Com- Mr. and Mrs. Manley Brower, jnlttee, baa Juat returned from ! Missei Mlna and Vda Brower and Chicago and the east. While In Cbiago she had a conference at republican western headquarters with Mrs. Medlll McCormick, mem ber of the national committee, Mrs. Raineeks, executive secre tary of the committee, Mrs. Rob inson of New York, who made such a wonderful speech at the republican national convention, Hnd Mrs. Dobbins of the Illinois state committee. National Chair man Hayes and other party lead ers were also In Chicago. Mrs. Peroxsl secured splendid informa tion regarding the plans of the ! committee and especially the wo man's work for the coming cam pnlgn that will be valuable to the state and county committees. Medford Mall-Tribune. Helnrelch Heidenrelch, who left last Monday for California to at summer achoo at stBlltord order (0 meet requrements.for a teacher's certificate In Califor nia, found that his qualifications entitled him to a certificate with out attending the school, was cer tified by tjie State Superintend- ent at Sacratemnto and has return- I summer In this valley, after which fhr. expects to nccept n position In j California. ' A A Amer and Walker have opened 1 ft new exchange store In the build-1 'hit formerly ncminled bv Baker's1 - j confectionery on North Main : street. The new firm appeals toiou ueucu aie.iue, both consumer and producer!. Their first ad appears elsewhere 111 thla Ifiultn , Dr. S. A. Danford left today i U'or Jefferson, Oregon, where hcjjeneiuay. Wll attend the State League Institute. Epworth ' a a Mrs. H. O. Danford of Seattle, Is visiting at the home of Dr. Dan- ford on the Boulevard. Mrs. Dan- 1 ford is the wife of Dr. DanfordV L. whn nnerate, dental oil ice in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Cartmill S( hag returned ! Henry from a li-in to Portland, Salem' K,Bmttth Pallg. Thg Bu,e of fl two.acre UOme'from an extended automobile trip , , ,ro , inll,hM,u.hl ,.nH . k n(,wn as the Butte place, by Mrs. Anicel McClunahan to I. W. Sperry, new-i comer from Washington state, isj reported by the Beaver Realty company. This place sold twice in a period of five days. l:,lwniil Ktunnard Is here from .. . . . . berKeiey, waere ne aitenus me . . i i n vera tv ot norma. lor a iew . , . ' dayu visit with fronds. Mr and Mrs Jav Terrill and Mrs. F. C. Hillard of Talent and : e aUe..g Mrs 0ray Portland, spent yesterday in Lithla park. 4 Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Tomllnson , left this morning on a vacation trip. Harrison I Zelma, Flossie and ... .... . ... sn.itn are at tne uome oi mr. any : Al is touring by auto without scbeduel and without plans ex cept to have the best kind of a tinio possible. Miss Mildren Million has return ed from Sisson, where she attend ed the summer school session of the Chico Normal, held at the Slicsta mountain resort town. She will teach here this winter. a A Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle have gone to Lake of the Woods to spend a two weeks' outing. 4 Phil Rose will leave tomorrow for Pelican Bay to look after tim ber matters. The funeral of H. C. Chamber lain, who was killed in a truck accident last week, was held this: morning from the Chamberlain home on Mountain avenue. A daughter and son were visiting in New York and hurried home when word of the accident reached them und arrived Sunday. Tho body was taken to Klamath Falls for burial. The Trigonia oil well Is now , down to a depth of 680 feet. The forest fire north of Jack- scnvillo Is now practically out. C. A. Malone of the California-: Mr. Bill Hobbs of Washington, D. C, who is visiting at the Brower home, returned Saturday from an automobile trip to Crater Lake, Pelican Bay and Lake of the Woods. 0. E. Cush ,who has been em ployed as cook at the Nelda cafe, left Saturday evening for his home in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jenkins, Mr. una Mrs. S. B. McNair and Mrs. Ray Murphy have gono to Lake o? the Woods to camp for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, son, and grandchildren, returned this morn ins to their home In Oakland after a visit with Mr. Shaw's brother. Bob Shaw, at the hitter's home on Rock street, i a a Mrs. W. A. Shell Is visiting in Newport. K. W. Flackus, Fourth street grocer, has returned from a jcurn" in the hills. a I - p o. Rohrke has purchased a Mnibohm car Motorcar Co. from tho Norton 1fn Itf U Mna ami Huu T.ontiil .""' Noe of Berkeley, California, moth- er and sister of Mrs. rrank nr- gus of this city, arrived yesier- day for a visit at the Valgus home " Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel and their (laughter and son-in-law, Mr. u"l Mrs. M. H. Weaver of port-, bind, motored over to Rogue river ' Mrs. S. P. Shutt Is here from Mrg Wllliam Briggs is recover California to spend the "ininer. , .....ui. t.,om ,,,. ., geve bne is staying at me ueeiei res- Idence. 1 Mj Margaret Carter of Eugene i is Vl8iU,,B " " C!irte1' 1,1,(1 0ther relatives and friends .In this vi-' cinlty. The T. H. Simpson family autoed over to Sams Valley yesterday. . Mrs. H. J. Carter bas gone to Montesano, Washington, for a few weeks' visit with friends and rel atives. J. W. McCoy is a business visitor to Jacksonville today. !.,,. Meador of the Culver- i sity of Oregon spent Saturday at the home of his school friend. Fred , Schuerman, in this city. ! i. a Clifford Yurborough is in Ash- land this week enroute to Astoria : through New Mexico and Call-' fornia. j . 8 ,! T- Anderson and wife, ol , Berkeley, are visiting at tne nome; of Mr. Anderson's sister, Mrs. M. Wagner. Henry Enders, who drove up tojrington. Prosnect. Sunday, with a party , . . , of friends, savs there were about . 125 carloads of valley folks up,"' IBIIIU1U ""'"""ilir.d, have none to Slirata rotmit gunda R R nn li3 creaiing lnuch fl.TOrable coin-L H)(,n(, a fpw dttyg family were among the Ashland j visitors to Prospect Merle Rohison and party ore ex pected back from Crescent City, tills evening and others who are j Hoy was a teacner in tne asiuuiiu contemplating trips over to thojfbools in 1912. Coast are anxiously awaiting" his report on road conditions. O- T' Be rgner, manager of the l'Vininir Ihuniva mtiirnAfl Kunrliiv "' - "i from Portland where he has oeeii . lining up some high grade attrac tions for Ashland theatregoers. A A C. A. Shutt and family, Miss Fern Murphy and John Finneran formed a picnic party who spent last evening In the wilds of Wag ner creek, M. C. Bressler came down from Springfield last night and is look ing after his timber Interests on Wagner creek today. Mr. Bress ller was a former well known Ash land resident. Early Hosier and Sim Morris brought bacK the bacon yesterday or, rather, the steel head. Be low the Gold Ray dam they caught 17 fine trout ranging from 10 to 16 inches. ' E. D. Briggs and wife and W. M. Briggs will leave Wednesday for Gold Beach, where the former will participate in the conference in regard to Rogue River fish prob lems. D. M. Spencer and family, and Ed, Mary and Esther Spencer leave this evening for the moun tains. They expect to spend about two weeks at the Spencer place in Dead Indian and ut Lake of the Woods. Glen Simpson, John Rigg and Donald Dickerson are off in a br.nch for the wilds of the Oregon coast country. This morning thev loaned up t gallons ot precious paeoline and figure It will last, them most of the way. They go l a "Five Hundred party at tne to Crescent City and then up the home of Mrs. O. W. Long, n See rrat in Port Stevens at I ho mniilhloild street yesterday. Four tuh- of the Columbia, returning inland a a ter taking nigli nonora aim mr. Mr. and Mm. Irving Finley, Mm. iFolts the consolation prlie. Mr. J. S. Parson and H. C. Emery have' Guy Jacobs added to the enjoy relurned from a trip to Crater ( ment of the occasion with several lake. They report the Rogue river piano aolos. Tasty refreshments XSH1AHD WEEKLY TIDINGS road to be in good shapo, far bet-,erc served. The guests were: ter than last year. They return- Mrs. W. A. Landls, Mr. and Mrs. ed'by the Dead Indian route. G. H. Hedburg, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. a a ; Porter, Mr J. T. McGregor, Mes- Several Ashlanders who have , ,amcg j rj, poori ceo, Stephens, been down Medford way recently; ituv Hale, Laura Love, Guy Jac have remarked the beauty of a obs, Mark Smith, C. W. Wiune, bed of petunias on the W. E. Wil-F. Foltz, W. Bevington, J. H. Tur liams place an the Pacific high-;aer and Good. way Just this side of Talent. Thej , flower beds extend the entire WEDNESDAY'S NEWS length of the place and are gor- rjr. Geo. Klnz, chiropractor, geous with blooms. A nicely keptmho recently came here from Pen green lawn makes .the premises juieton and opened offices over one of the most attractive along: Mitchell's clothing Btore, has pur tile highway. I chased the residence on Morton A ; street at the top of Greshnm Arthur and Gertrude Trout- BlreW frQm Dr p a , BweiJeni)llrg-j fetner, Miss Edna Burns, Misa " Irene Steidl and Miss Falldlne re-: Captain Briggs of the First turned this morning from Crater, Company, Oregon Coast Artillery, hike. reports that as a result of the suc- J cess of the Cabaret entertuin- SATl'RDAY'S NEWS i liicnt recently staged by the Guard The warehouse fire at Medford' company, the company finances hah thrown' the fear of fire Into: were greatly Improved. Approxi the hearts of many in this district.! malely $250 was cleared. The et-terday a man stepped into u! company met informally Monday local fire insurance agent's office! night but did not go through n so-;and had some furniture which he! lina In a warehouse here, insured lor the period of six hours Deiore h0 would get it out to take It to Kltimath Falls. Ho said he hadjM. fc. hcurch, was in Aslilanil ibeen burnt out twice but never! ihad Insurance before as he had .... . . .... i. thought it would cost 100 niucn. ; It C()Ht hlm Mn for , lB. Isuranco here. Miss Rose Peck of Los Angeles, who was on her .way home from a two months visit In the east, f)ent u ,,ay here Ulis week at the. . 0 MilcWilllains home. ,,(.ck j8 siatei-in-law of Mrs. ,,eck ho Wlia fol.merly Miss May McWilliums. niness and is now able to sit up. Dr. Shaw, who has been nere ,ooking , ., 1)ropei.ty all( , Visiting his family, has left for' Al);eles. The fumily will fol- lew inAugust to make their home,piego They expect.,0 in Southern California, Miss Marjorle Whited, who bus been visiting friends in the. city; . . . ,,,, i LUl IIIO pni iiiuiiui. it;iv wo, e for her home in Visnlia, California.! Lillian Currier will in the near future open a millitrery shop iiij jthe, Butler building next to the Postal Telegraph office. The '00m ,,ei"S Panted, ren- evated and fixtures placed. The, "mers con,e ,ro,n url,"ls l uss: I,n1 weie ""racted to Ashland necause asiuuhu .isuuiij c"j".' summer weamer stverai uegrees cooler than the "Climate" In the valley floor W. W. Wheeler is in Grants Pass attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. J .H. Harrington roturnsd Friday from Grants Pass where they Vi3ited Mr. Har dlngton's mother, Mrs. L. M. Har- i mlnntiiie renllca of Crater A minatuie oi miei "V Asnianuers wno .- ittd the neighboring city recently.! Miss Ora Hoy of St. Paul, Minn.. is a guest of Miss Renae. M Mrs. Ira Pittman returned from he south the first of the week. The Swedenburg house on Iowa ..... ... , . r.. ifin through the Billings agency. Miss Pearl Ady of Myrtle Creek arrived last Thurslay for a visit at the home of Mrs. J. B. Cozart on B Street. Tho Cozurts and their visitor will go to Crater Luke the first of next week. One of the Intel-urban cars smushed Into a Reo truck in Med ford yesterday, but beyond a smashed wheel, no dainuge was done. L. F. Thorn, the Medford man who was sent to the state hospi tal recently for mental treatment, escaped from that institution one night several days ago and made his way to Medford by some moans, arriving there Thursday night, greatly to the alarm of his family on North Ivy street, be cause of th rents he hud made before. Mrs. Thorn sent word to the police and Night Policeman Adams and two deputy sheriffs went to the house, took Thorn Into custody and locked him up at the county jail to await the coming of attendants to take him back to Salem. " Mrs. R. E. Hanks und son Cle land of Ohio street, have gone to Portland for a week's business trip and visit. Mrs. Banks will visit brothers and s sters In Port land. A Euti'i'liiiriN nt 5(10. Mrs. W. A. Landis of Oakland. California, wan the honor guent leu were played, Mrs. C. O. Por- regular drill. Rev. M. B. Pnrananpln, state Surdity school missionary of the ionuay. e visiter, me uiui'j "d'ool while here. A A - - Mri. Charles and Will Liml- Biiv itsii yesieiuH,v iui u inu wfuns cnii.piiiR trip Into the hills. Mrs. Tumey of Medford und Mesdaines Richmond and DaViHon o," Central Point arc camping in Miss"16 1)1,1 11 to enoy ,na Ron(' things 10 the Bible school Mr. and Mrs. Finley expect to make the Crater Lake trip this week. Mrs. D. Parson will ac company them.' ! ! George" Ross Is enjoying a va cation outing in the mountains. Misses Nina and Hazel Emery und Mr. and Mrs. C E. Lane left yesterday by automobile for San gone j three or four weeks and will stop iat San Francisco, Los Angeles und other points. 4 Air. and Mrs. Dean Scott are parents of a fine haby boy wfio tir- rived Teusday. Mr an(1 Mi,s R. L. Chaney re. ' joire in the arrival of a baby son, The newcomer has been named Ad i iu n Boyd. H. R. Jucoby of the Plaza con- fuonery is a husines visitor to i jiedford today a a Dr. Canfield and wife of Drain and Mr. Canfield') father and mothed from Seattle arrived Sat urday for a visit at the Garrett home here. Mrs. Canfield was for merly Miss Bessie Garrett. On Sunday Dr. Canfield, his parents, and Mrs. Garrett left for Crater Lake. The Canflelds return ti Drain today. Miss Lucile Hayes and her fiiend, Miss Amelia Reals of Port- gim Morris is unobtrusively crowing over the Ashland fisher- , . , , , Sunday and returned with empty baskets. Sim went down below the Ray dam Sunday evening und caught four nice steelhead and WOOD. LARK FLY REPELLENT DRIVES AWAY 11JES, MOS QVITOES, AND GNATS j Why lose your temper at a cow kicking at flies? Use FLY RE PELLENT and the cows will stand still. 65c QT., $1.75 GAL. AT- ft Poley's Drug Store! FOLEY A ELIIART nnuooisxft j T TDDLS I v NEW 1 SHIPMENT of Garden Tools has innei. . Good tools are esential t good results In garden or Held. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Heme trout In the course of the evening's fishing. He used spin- tie. The completion of this stretch , Noel, also of Medford, was arrest ners for the steclhead. of pavement gives tourists a pav-ied for failing to dim his lights The rim mud around Crater Luke has been thrown open to the public, the snow having melt ed. off und tourists can now drive around the lake. Last year the road was not open until August. S Despite tin, rains of late spring and snowfall In the mountains, the snow is melting off early on the high peaks this year, and In dications are that tho creeks und river will be low In August. It. A. Hutchison, editor of the Oakland Tribune, is spending i three weeks' vacation In Ashland and vicinity. 8 J. H. McKlnzle purchased an Ourland Four from the Marcy agency last Saturday und J. J. t'ozart followed suit the first of Uhi week. A Chandler car b 'longing to the Norton Motorcar Company, which was supposedly stolen J'rom in front of the Norton garage some time Monday night, was found yesterday near Talent, A tire was punctured and the gas supply exhausted. E. N. Norton Is in (Irauts Pass Oil business today. William Kin, lull of (Irani lass paid n flying visit to Ash land yesterday to visit his grand daughter. Miss Margaret Alone Ni rtou. Mr. Uinliurt says being 0 grandpa is quite interesting. S ; Dr. Mtiude I. Ilawley is hack In her office in the First National Hank building after a three week's vacation, the first week of which was spent in the vicinity of Port land and the last two near Itocky Point on Pelican Bay. TOl.O OVEKHKAII CROSSING iimsiii:d (101,1) HILL Considerable re joicing is noted among car owners and motor truck opeerators over the completion of the 2:100 feet of pavement over the Tolo over head crossing, six miles south of this place. For several months traffic was compelled to lake a detour over very rough clay roadbed while wnitiiiK for the big earth up- On Savings Accounts a V Interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. Nature's Remedy... MRIaMelsNR Acts on the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. For Defective Elimination in Constipation, Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia. A 25c Box Will Convince You. ASK l'Olt 1'ltKE SAMI'I.I McNair Bros. Tha IRokoJUL Stori AKE YOU BAVIXO 1 FOB A HOME? There are many advan tages of having a home of your own. The soon er you begin to save for this purpose, the nearer you will be to greater happiness and success. Start fund 'or uol,,e now with The Cltln-ns Rank of Ashland. SAVINGS ION DEPOSITS 7 the -yn W BANK NS LOFASHLANDj i n II ft preaches to the overhead to oil highway from several miles, when approaching another vehicle ol Ashiiind to Gold Hill. .at night. With the exception of a compor- No Ashland autolsts have been ulively short leugth of hlghwav I pinched yet. i in both extreme ends of the coun- ty the Pacific highway is nowj Albina. First Pontoons of five paved. Freight and pussenger ; pontoon drydoek completed, sen-ice on regular schedules Is , " now successfully operated between ; A."hlaml and Grants Pass, while W. K. McCrackcn Is operating J regularly, hauling passengers be-: twtri u itoselmig and Medford. The Jordan Electric company is installing u large electric sign for the Automotive shop today. Sev eral Ashland business houses have recently had electric signs erect ed und others ure plunning to do likewise. C. V. Cute, county pathologist, has purchased the .1. D. Ilousley pear orchard, east of Medford. The property consists of 40 acre of bearing trees end is consid ered one of the choice orchards ol' Hie valley. The purchase price was $211,000. .Mr. Cute will con tinue as county agent. The county court recently np I'ointed Deputy Sheriff J, J. Mc Muhon as special traffic officer. Mr. Mc.Mahon has grabbed a cou ple of Medford truck owners for 5j!'5::t!B:f g i KfMBBNM i ilk immmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmammmmm Just Received The New Pack of Salmon also Ffesh Strained Honey From the Mountains Stearns Sell Service Store 7 Main Street Opposite the Plaza Just Arrived A Complete Line OF Aluminum Utensils AND Enamel AT SIMPSON'S 37-39 NORTH PACE TUBE set-'operating without a license. H. II. TAKE A TIP AHOl'T HOUSE PAINTING FROM' A POET The poet said: "What is so rare us a day in June? Then, it ever, come perfect days.' The perfect days of June are favorable days for painting. No Bcorching sun to blister the paint, small chance ot raiu to hinder the work. Yes, June is the best month of the year. So why not call us up nnd make a date for June? We shall be glad to ad vise you In regard to selection of colors. PAINT UP. Dickerson THE PAINT MAN Ready to Brighten You Ip Conqueror HATS and CAPS Impart feeling. that well-dressed New Spring styles. New Shirts. New Neckwear. Now Suits. Spring Underwear. MITCHELL'S VOli MEN'S WEAK UY THE POST011ICE E Si smmmmmmmmmaammmmmmMmii ,l!!lllL!'!,!i!!::S:ii:,:i:Slc;i,:i,::'!i:!::li;ilB:l Ware HARDWARE MAIN STREET