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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1920)
Wednesday, August 4, 1020 PACK TWO ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. by purchase or squatting, private interests encroached on It. Jn re cent years nearly all ot the sea frontage has been fenced In, cov ered with amusement places, ho tels and other buildings and bro Bert R. Greer Editor Uea up Wtn private bulkheads and docn's. The strip ot boach be tween high and low tide, legally belonging to the pubjfc, and Inal ienable, was for the most part barred fro mits owners. The beach was simply stolen, except in the small secticn retained by OFFICIAL CITY AND COIN TV PAPER. TELEPHONE U 6VBSCR1PTION RATES One Year 2 " k ' ' ,lt "y 'or Publlc bathing, and Six Months ' 1 the usurpers made everybody pay Three Months ' 5 ; ... . ADVERTISING RATES to use their beach or swim In their oceon. Display Advertisements, eacuj Now New York ,g lannlng to luck , ( 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 iM"! ' , ., ., , n spend several million dollars In Local Readers, the line ..10c " , . . . .,, i ...h ! regain ng that mile and a halt Classitted Column, the word, each i 8 ..... v. titUm ic of beach and restoring it to pub- ti N-ut'ices. each time, theiHc use. It is a fine enterprise, lii,e ".....3 l-3c;but one w hich hould never have Curds of Thanks $1.00 j teen necessary. Obituaries, the line 2c New York has only permitted, Fraternul orders and societies on a huge scale; what nearly every charging regular Initiation fees, community in America is permit- however, have the legal right to specify the sex desired in request ing certification of eligibles. Age limits! 18 to 45 years on the date o' the examination Age limits do not apply to persons entitled to preference on account of mil itary or naval service. Further Information and appli cation blank may be had by ip plylug to Donald Mv Spencer, lo cal secretary, board of civil ser vice examiners, at Ashland, Or egon, or to the Secretary, Eleventh IT. S. Civil Service district, 303 Post Office Building, Seattle, Washington. mission have decided upon grav- cording to members of the old eling a six mile portion of the, llrst company was one of the most AshlandVKlamath Falls highway and bids are asked for the work. The grading Is about one-third completed oft this highway which leaves the Pacitlo highway seven miles south of Ashland. At pres ent the road Is rough but Is pre ferred to the Hornbrook route to the Falls. The daily ' auto stages make the trip in about five hours. Dead Indian oRad , popular officers In the service as far as the men were concerned. and dues, regular rates. Religious and benevolent societies will be charged at the regular advertising rate for all adver tising when an admission pi collection is taken. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Eecond class mail matter. 6, $ .'j 4 $ 4 8 $ " $ 8 $ PI'RLIC I'OIUM. 5 4 s J S "$ Q $ 4 r FOR THE REST THINGS Editor Tidings; Ashland has a reputation for civic pride and enterprise and the spirit of "Do it for Ashland" has been manifested in many ways. Amid all the boosting and pluns for material prosperity and nd- uncement, some have dreamed frontage, or the old forest lund, of building i"lo the city's reputa- or the picturesque valley, or the tiun an ideal of moral and Intel- park space in the very heart ol leclual and spiritual advancement tht city, is gone forever. us well. Some have caught the In uplrntlon of these wonderful hills i.nil the beauty of land and sky iiiui have felt that our people too ting in some way or other. Beau ty spots that ought to be reserved for public recreation and enjoy ment, or tor publlc investment aud profit, are allowed to pass into private bunds. The property may be acquired by its private owners legitimately enough, so that no blame attaches to them, but it is none the less unfortunate for the city as a whole. Immense public fortunes are thus squandered. Municipal birthrights ur loltnge. Sometimes the city suc ceeds, as New York hopes to do, In repurchasing its patrimony, ut an almost ruinous price. Some times the loss is permanent the sea beach or lake idiore or river NEW INVENTION' DRIVES MOTORHOAT SEATTLE Alfred M. Hubbard, Seattle boy Inventor of a device, which, for want of a better name he terms an atmospheric power generator, has made good his pre diction that he would drive a mo torboat with the apparatus as fi source of power. An lS-foot boat, driven by a 25- horsepower electric motor, which obtained Its current from the Hubbard coll, is daily being driven about Portage bay on Lake Un ion. A number of experts have ridden in the bout and examined the wiring. The bout travels at a speed of tight to ten knots, silently, ex cept for the whirring of a chain belt, which connects the motor TRACTOR RIPS IT HARD BAKED SOIL Several score farmers and .or- chaidmen visited the Grover dairy ranch on Mountain avenue last Monday and Tuesday and watched the tractor demonstration stuged under the auspices of the Harrison Brothers. A field which The new, "Dead Indian" route the hot summer sun has baked to Crater Lake will become pop ular next season. It is predicted, when the grading of a 'new route lo a brick-like hardness was se lected by the tractor men as their "meat" and the manner in which with a 6 per cent maximum grade i the big disc plows drawn by the employes of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific lines. Estimates of the S. P. & 8. also covers employes of the Oregon Trunk and Oregon Electric, and tho Southern Pacific report cov ers employes of the Red electric lines. Officials Not Affected. Accounting department heads hours of eight and nine a. nil on the. day allotted to the district. All growing things will have to observe the Sabbath as irrigation is not allowed anywhere in the city on Sundays. Superintendent Hosier stutes that regulations will be stringent ly enforced and In view ot the sit uation, which is the worst in The representatives of the local must be big in soul, like the inoun-; fish and game association will tains, that our lives ought to have start for the mouth of the Rogue the beauty of our homes, that God river the morning of August 5th lias ' set us la a lurge place," and : for the purpose of making a tho- we should measure up to our sur-roug Investigation of all matters foundings. Our Chautauqua growing out of the Rogue river building is the outworking of suc'ii controversey of that locality. an ideal; our restful, beautiful At Gold Beach the representn- wilh the propellor shaft. When sold for a mess of u"u'" ""l 18 """ ' mo tor runs free ut u speed estimated ut 3600 revolutions a minute. No Wiring Revealed. To guard against the possibility ot ordinary storage baterles con cealed ubout the bout as a power source, instead of the Hubbard coil, both electric motor and coil were lifted free from their blocks, but no hidden wiring was reveal ed. The coil used as a power WILL INVESTIGATE source was 11 Inches wide and 14 FISIfr MATTERS I Inches long. According to Hub bard, teBts of the coil show a cur i int of 280 amperes and 125 park Is another outgrowth of this feeling. These same dreamers linVH a vision ot this same city, park and building, used ever for the high, good thing? of life, hence cur summer school with its music, literature, recreutlon and direc tives of the other organizations signatory to the contract, will be present, and a permanent orgnnl latlon will be perfected by elect ing permanent officers am com mittees. It Is planned that the committee ed play; hence also our good Scout I will conduct a thorough invest! t-oops, our Duily Vacation Biblci gallon, which will probably tuke School, our Summer Conferencel 10 days or more. Testimony will for girls, our Bible Institute. All; be taken unci a permanent record these the dreams of those who; kept for future use and reference want Ashland's best good. After the Investigation Is com- Ashland people, what are theyiPlcted at the mouth of JJie river, worth to you? How much of the j other hearings will be hud later at work ot this building are yod do-(Medford and other points, so that ing? Which do you think is. best for our reputation over the state, Chautauquas or Hound-up, Fourth before the legislature convenes, a full and complete and comprehen five investigation will have been of July celebrations or Bible In-, had, and a measure submitted to hi ilutis, cheap shows or summer! the legislature, which will be sup kihools which is it to he? How 'ported by the results of the iuves m ucb do you care? Which heiie-'tigutlon. fils our boys anil girls? ' Among those who will make the Shall these good tilings be per-j trip are the following: Judge E. liiunent or shall they go else where. Ashland peoplo must say and work and help push for the in earner of dreams can not do it nil. If you don't care enough to i llend or help, or boost or pay, l hey must go to some town that dees care. I m anxious for these things to succeed in Ashland. Are you? GRACE KOEIILER. HOME "DOPE." The republican and domocratle candidates for presidents ure citi zens of (he same slate and have tuken uu active part in its poli ces. Kuril luiH rim for state of fice. Harding lias been elected D. Brlggs, Louis Dodge and Harry Hosier of Ashland: Geo. Mans field, D. M. Lowe, Senator C. M. Thomas and C. M. Kldd and oth ers. Any members of the associ ation or citizens of tho county In terested in this subject is invited by the committee to go, and re quested to communicate with Geo. Mansfield, president. tolls, which, he pointed out, was equivalent to approximately 45 horsepower, or sufficient to drive an automobile. The electric motor was approxi mately 12 inches in diameter and up the Dead Indian mountain is completed. This work is about half done and when finished will eliminate several miles of steep grades. This route Is extensively used at present despite the climb, by scores of valley residents who have summer homes at Lake ot the woods and by a tew tourists. Road Conditions Grants Pass-Gold Hill: Detour on north bank of Rogue. Detour good. Gold Hill-Ashland: Paved. j stuidy little tractors ripped up the ground convinced even the most skeptical that the Fordson Is "there with the goods." The tractor plowed by using a draw pull of perhaps 2200 to 2300 pounds, ploughing to a depth of almost a foot aud rambling along at an amazing speed for such heavy work. It would take at least ten horses to plow the same piece of ground in the same length ot lime. While one tractor plowed, an- Ashland-California line: Paved jollier harrowed with a large disc two miles south of Ashland; harrow und then rolled with an Rough going over tour miles to attachment used for this purpose. pavement; puved nearly to Siski you with one or two short break; Siskiyou to summit good; summit to pavement two miles rough; last two miles paved. California Line-Yreku: Good macadam. Other Itouils Ashland - Pelican Bay - Crater Luke: Road good to within nine miles of Lake of Woods; nine A seeder, two Htyles of harrows mid other modern Implements were demonstrated, All ot these Implements can bo put In place by oho man and adjusted by him from the seat on the tractor. Mrs. Pierce und Mrs. Harrison served lemonade to the visitors ut the field, a greatly upproclated feature. The fuctory demonstrators who have not worked out limitations i years, urges that every cure be of the wage adjustment. Of fiel-j cxfi ciaed agnlnst wasting water, tls of the roads are not provided I emitting It to run onto the for In the lncreuse and employe.-: afreets, etc acting in semi-official capacity are still anxious to know whether tho rise will affect their pay en velopes. If wage scales are ndjusled to make possible distribution of back P's In August the additional check will probably be for the month of May. September and October checks will then cury the addition al sums due for June and July. Classified NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is horeby given that the undersigned hus been appointed administrator of the estate of Nan nie E. Prltchard, deceased, by the County Court of Jeckson County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre sent same at my office In Ashland, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the first publication hereof, which is July 14, 1920. . W. J. MOORE, 105-5 Administrator. LOGGER SHOT, Sl'SPECTS ARE CAPTTRED HERE A negro and a white man are S(mCK OF APPOINTMENT OF being held in tho Ashland jail! ADMINISTRATOR. awaiting the arrival ot the sheriff of Siskiyou county who believes they are the men who early this Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lias been luly ap pointed administrator of the e9- mornlng shot a logger through tute of Jennie Eccleston. also the body near Weed. known as Mm. J. Eccleston, de- A white man and nemn held in.' ceased, and that all persons huv- Exact figures on the wage in-L ,!, ,, i.u u,..llnK cluh,la "gainst uld estate are crease win ne available witliir, n; m R U0J car noa. Wee(, Tll8 A.I..I .1 ....... . . jiuviKo on me nouinern r i,i , ... ., i of the car and one ot the men , shot him, The bullet passed Pacific increase must come from San Fruncisco but totals of the other lines will be compiled I" through his body. It Is believed Portlttnd' 'he will live. Chief Hatcher was notified by That Ashland will liuve an Ep- piiono lo wutch the freight trnlnp aBu ,uia Hl w,Cutrom lhe S011th aml t()()k he BUg. at least 510 delegates will be in j rects from a train wll(. arrived attendance for a week next sum-!Bho.tly befora ,, iner was the good news brought; required to present the same, with proper vouchers, und duly veri fied, to the undersigned at his of fice in The Citizens Bunk Build ing, In Ashland, Oregon, before the expirutlon of six months from the date ot this notice, which date Is July 14, I 20. L. A. ROBERTS, 106-5-Wed. Administrator. SIMMONS mile rough stretch; fair from Lake wtre with the equipment used of Woods to within two miles Pel- j here, took it on to Klumuth Falls lean Bay; two miles rough account yesterday where their next de.m logging operations. Pelican Bay castration will be held. to Crater Lake good ,easy two- hour run. ABbland-Crater Luke (Rogue River route) : Most cars going by Bybee bridge. Good to Trail; bud stretch nine miles neur Pros pect, badly cut up; good on to within six miles of Park entrance PLAN TO DEVELOI' MEIKTRY WORKS GOLD HILL, . Ore. The . Wur Eagle Mining company ot Hert ford, a Seuttle concern recently tuken over by local people, bus let a contract to W. H. Stlckel of back from Jefferson, Oregon, ly 'o'R lU'N'RKKD . ' Rev, C. A. EdwardB yesterday. - . , ... ,,,., , I Rev. Edwards took up the mat- Four liumlml od(lfl!i0W9 ' ter of securing an Institue with iM)eccua ttom over Soutliei-n, the league officials und Asblnnd ()1.6g0Il ttUei,d,.d tho picnic and' has been granted uu Institute to; f.n,erta,,mellt given by the local I liaw from the territory between j ,,, , uthia ,)a.k BnJ at , Q I the Shasta Institute on the south 0. F. hall yesterday evening. a und the Jefferson Institute on the 6 0.cock a!nner WHg enJove(1 ,, ih ,...t n..t.- I...-.,. r .i ..... m ... iun, lunci a uii:iiesilll I III- i.t, I ti lui ui UIW esiuiu UI 11. 1. HIC- Nationally Known Speakers ,.lp,,e( ..., ..,, . mazram .,. Kercher, deceased; S. S. McKer- In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Juckson County. Cornelia L. Kingsbury, Plaintiff, vs. G. C. McAllister, as Administra tor of the Estate of I). T. Mc Kercher, Deceased; S. S. Mc Kercuer und McKercher, his wife; Mildred Pniton and G. F. Parton, her husband; Harry B. Warren und Warren , his wife, Defendants. To G. C. McAllister, as admin- A bishop of the Methodist owed the (,inm,r l.piscopul church und a number ot speakers und Instructors of na- The scene of cheh, McKercher, his wife, Mildred Parton und G. F. Purton, i"" lu,' moveu 10 uuoiei- ,er husband; Hurry B. Warren six miles fulr but narrow road (Gold Hill to burn 200,000 brick quite rutted; Parle roads excel lent. Six hour run from Medford Ashlund-Klumah Falls: Good :S inches in length. It had been i to Keen creek. Jlough to Klanv reconstructed In order to be used n,b Hue; good on to Falls. with the Hubbard coll. Following the demonstration, the young inventor declared that within a few days he expected to drive an automobile with the coll us a power unit. Cupitulists are investigating the new invention. twice. Cnx bas been elected three tines. Tiny huve never run SHERIFF TAKES Sl'SPECTS TO WJMCD Sheriff Calkins of Siskiyou county und a deputy urived this morning and took buck with tjiem three suspects in the Weed shoot ing affair of yesterday who were picked off freight trains here by FINISH PAVING BARRON SECTOR; START STEINMA.V Excellent progress is being made on the vurlous paving con tracts oil the Pacific highway In Southern Oregon and on grading contracts on various market roads. Hot Stuff Crew Moves The "hot "stuff" crew of the Oskar Huber company is moving I heir base of operations on the Siskiyou grade from the lower level, where they have completed their work to the vicinity of Stein man station. They this week "hooked up" the stretch from the old Kingsburg place to Burrons with the stretch from Barrons to Stcininaii. About three-quarters of a mile remain to be paved to Look up the Steinmuir stretch with the completed pavement which is laid as fur as Siskiyou. Close Lower Mixing Plant ' The mixing plant located where the Dead Indian road turns off will bo temporarily shut down and the plant ut tho summit opened up to supply the hot stuff for the paving on the upper levels. The highway from Siskiyou to with in two miles of the California line remains to be paved and will he completed by early fall. Tho plant at the summit will then be shut down and the valley plant reopened. The lower plant Ashland-Murhle Caves: Good by Grants Pass; fair by Applegate route. (Trail last nine miles Horses available.) the local police. A negro und two whites were picked up here and iituiiist each other, although the correspond to descriptions phoned jear Harding was elected to the1 from Weed. Sheriff Culkins will , lu exhausted the piles of mnto Bcnale Cox was defeated for gov-1 take them to Weed where theylil which quarry und sund-plt eruor by Willis. cur. be identified by tho victim of crews huve been, uccumulatiug In lUnl Harding was elected tho shooting, lieutenant governor. In 1910 hu According to the Siskiyou sher was the republican nominee foi lff two young fellows mid an old row ruor hut was defeated along , man were riding in a freight cur villi the rest o. the republican Willi the negro und the whites, ticket. In 1 ! 1 4 he was the re-' The latter held up lhe others who I ublican nominee for I'. S. senator v.ere loggers with some money. i. no was elected by a large major- One of the loggers, Pat Shelley ity, leading the ticket. for the pust year. By the time the work near the summit is fin ished there will be enough ma terial on hand to run the lower plant again and the portion be tween Owens ranch and the Kings bury place will be paved. Duo to the tact that the Talent by name, jumped from the car In! Irrigation-ditch dam will back wa an effort to escape. The robbers " over the Pacific highway near shot him through tho buck, the, the Dodge place, a new grade will ear between Taft and Roosevelt. Ohio went democratic and (.':: was elected. In 1914 Cox wo In 1912 Cox was lhe democratic nominee for governor of Ohio. The republican party split that buliet coming out of his chest. ti" established for a stretch of Nc vital orguns were struck and nbout three-quarters of a mile and he is expected to live. i it may not be possible to pave this The men captured here had some! Portion before spring. If the le nominated and was defeated money, revolvers and flashlights' father holds good Into late fall hi Willis, republican. In 1910,111 their possession and claim to ail but this stretch may be corn Co ami Willis again opposed have been working In Southern l'leted. -uch other, the state went demo- California. The negro gave his Overhead Crowtina; ri-j,tic ami Cox was elected. In name as Charley Davis, one white ' Work on the overgrade cross 1918 Cox and Willis went uguinst man as William Kasper. '"K south ot Ashland Is being -ach other for the third time. The issues were local. Cox was "wet" and Willis was "dry." Cox won bv 12,000 in a vole of neariv a million. i pushed. Tourists have been detour- Ml'RPHY HEADS CATTIEMEN. Representatives of the several stock associations of the county met at the Medford library Thurs day to take up the business of marketing cattle by the cuttlemen of this county. The first meeting wus held about two months age, when the late George Owens of Ashland was elected chairman and Miles Cantrall of Ruch, permanent secretary. Committees were ap pointed which reported Thursday. J. J. Murphy of Ashland, repre senting the Dead Indian Stock as sociation, was elected charlman to succeed Mr. Owens. Each representative reported a number of beef cattle would be offered for sale in his association tbls fall and the approximate dates they would come oft the range. This Information was put In the hands of a committee working out arrangements for the holding of an auction sale for fat stock this full. Cuttle men, as a whole, are tak ing a great interest In this pro posed method of marketing cat tle, and .the first sale, about Sep tember 1, will be watched with inlerest. It was decided to hold a big meeting of the cattle men of Med ford on Saturday, August 14, when a man from California, who has been In direct touch with the auc tion system of marketing cuttle in California, will address the meeting on this subject. This marketing system Is being devel oped through the effort of the at the mine 12 miles north of Gold Hill to be used in the con struction ot a 30-ton Scott mer cury frame on the works. The property, consisting of 36 claims, known as the Utah group of mercury mines, was pur chased by Salt Lake city men in 1915 from the original locators and later sold to the Seuttle men, who developed the property. The mine is equipped with two 12 plpe mercury furnaces with 10-ton capacity ami has been a steady producer since 1915. The present equipment has been used only on high-grade ore, run ning better than 17 per cent, with th6 completion of the Scott fur nace ore running us low as two pel cent can be reduced at a profit, with mercury selling at present prices of from $80 to $90 per flask of 75 pounds. lows hal . Where dune in anil vnr. and Warren. Iiiu wire tlm tiomil repute will come. TheAsh-;ie(, entertulnment kept the crowd "'""-e named defendants. land Institute will be one of a , merry m00(I unl, , wee In the name of the State of Or- series ot Epworth Institutes ' . hourll 0ll(, mirtlc,il lv en I eROn You ,a,e lle,el)y required to thinnifhnin th .,, ,i, partlculaily en- appear und answer the comp ulut tl ioughout the country conduct-; tel.,al.ilng feature was a mind- of the above plaintiff in the above ed on lines somewhat similar to lea(linff exuiuition by Mrs Perl entitled court, now on file with Chautauqua systems with the in- cllU8. Hoover and John M1lar(i t'ic clerk of said court, within ten structors and speakers going from o( the Meilfor(, i0(ee from -the date of service of nno m ih novt nieiiioid lodge. this summons upon you, If served one 10 ine nexi. i The Oddfellows here are plan- In Jackson county, Oregon; but Park Makes It Possible :..:.. a0.i.ep ilie .!.. .... ..,., f served In liny other county In The Ashland park made the se- lhc flfth Ti,llriiaay , September- fhe ?tat? of ,0reK". 't'''n ring of the institute i -- i"- ' twenty duys from the date of the jsurvicu oi mis summons upon you; or if personally served on you out I of the Slate of Oregon, then with l in is weeks after the date of such j service, und if served by publlca ! Hon thereof then within six weeks ! fi'intl tho iliila nt Ilia firul mil. II- Lithlu park, and It was his con-Tires your patience more than to 'cation; and you are hereby noli vlnclng statements of the superior1 ""J"'11?.. ho,rses Bnd C0WB coveretl fled that if you full to appear and advantages which Ashland has for Til I J h'aJii' .d th?innswpr "il complaint as hereby .... trick. A new barrel Just In and , reauired the nlaintiff will nnnlv conventions of all kinds that led cheap considering prices for Iml-. X 7tu, t for tl I reef Vayed tin; league officials to make Ash- tatlons. Your cows will give from , for in his complaint, to-wlt: The land an institue center. 1 25 per cent to 35 per cent more plaintiff will take Judgment Luruii Affulr i ' BaDU" " "l'ruyeu against the defendants, G. C. Mc- cur as Jt has, und will many other good things for Asblund. It was sultl of Rev. Edwards nt Jefferson that he never talked of anything thut he did not mention ABhland's PEIIS CORNER I1Y THE PARK WHAT with Shoo Fly. STAINRROOK HELD FOR GRAND Jl'RV ' H. C. Stulnbrook, who was in the transfer business here u fewjpem being Misses CHrollne Tilton Rev. Edwards says the Jeffer-J New and used sewing machines ! estat son convention is the largest and, always tor sale or rent, at Pell' best affair that has ever been j corner by the park. staged In that city. He remurkedl ' PEIL'S CORNER the fact thut Jefferson lacked any kind of park and that a park such us Ashland's would have added tieutly to the uffnlr. Clusses, lectures, recreation und eiiterrmnmptit r 1 fwh iiuv ut jar. trftiitEtfrii ferson with InstruoHve nnd enter-Sf2S3 mining leaturcs. Two hundred, delegates are in uttendunce among i Alllster, us udmllilstrator. of the e of I). T. McKercher, de- months ago was bound over to the grand Jury by Justice Taylor at Medford this morning on a charge ot obtaining money under false pretenses. He Is accused ot selling un itiilo to the George L. Treichler com pany of Medford for $950, where as the Grants Pass Banking com pany held the sales contract in his purchase of the car on which the sum of $800 was still owing. H M. Manning ot Klumuth FulW is Stainbrook's attorney. . Stulnbrook has been In Klnmnth Fulls since leaving Ashland. and Margaret Campbell of Ash land. Gave, Opening Address P.ev. Edwards gave the opening address at the Institute Wednes day. Bishop Shepherd spoke Wednesday. Dr. Voungston yes terday und Dr. Guthrie of Chicago is the main speaker for to-udy. Dr. S. A. Diinford left lust night for Jefferson to take part in the institute. BACK PAY MAY START i COMING IN AIGIST PORTLAND Oregon railroad employes will receive an annual wage Increase amounting to over $5,000,000 as a result of the de cision rendered by Jhe railroad The newly completed extension lo Lithlu Park auto camp has been thrown open to the automo bile tourists. This luldltion which doubles the capacity ot the autd camp will greatly relieve the crowded condition at the lower camp. Between forty and sixty cars have camped nightly at the Ashland camp and many have HOTEL MANX Powell St., G Terrell San Tranclscc In the heart of the business, Chopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby ,fineservice,and Homelike, restaurant will attract you. -European Plan rates "Nearest to : Everything .:; tntlP nil lieritlluO ni iha tivtrtia.1 Furm Bureau, and from the lii-i wuge adjustment l oiird at Chl- m, New Cunip Ideal The newly opened portion is terest shown hv the cattlemen lt,Cfgo last week. Estimates were' seems certain that the cattle in! made by Portland officials of the Juckson county this year will be marketed pretty much as a unit under the direction of a commit tee ,of the leading cattlemen di rectly to the packers, instead of to speculators as it has been In the pust. HAMMOND GOES TO GENERAL STAKE Colonel Creed C. Hammond, commanding officer of the 5th Or-; scales from lists just received. cgon infantry, will leave Sunday rail lines Monday. Back puy will be due employees from Muy 1 a total of three months and this sum will amount to approximately $7,270,000. Distribution of back pay will begin with the first pay day In August, local officials believe. Employes ot the virlous account ing departments of the lines are busy preparing the new wage Estimates only are possible, as for Washington for six month') the effect on various classes of duty with the general staff as a j employes has not been fully work member of a committee of 15 na-ed out. Copies of the official tlonal guard and reserve corps of-; wage readjustment were received liccrs which, with the general, Monday morning by the Portland staff, will lay opt plans and poll-officials of lines radiating from the ideally located in heavy timberj ubout one hundred yards above the old cump grounds. Two gas shelters have been installed, the grounds cleared of brush and lev eled. Numerous secluded nooks will furnish privacy for tourists who care not' for the gaze of the "common crowd." A sewer was built from the lower camp en trance up Granite street to the new park. Access is pained to the new camp from upper Granite street by means of i graveled ford across Ashland creek which lends a( picturesque and 'outdoorsy" touch. m a $1.00 UP. t , tg : ceased, S. S. McKercher and Mil dred Parton in the sum of $542.22 with interest from June 17, 1915, and the sum of $32.16 with Inter est from the Sth day of November, 1917, nnd the sum of $55.71 with Interest from the 2Mb. day of June, 1920, all at the rate or olght per cent per annum, togeth er Willi seventy-five dollars ul- torneys' fees und her costs and i disbursements of this suit. That the usual decree be madn for the sale of the premises de scribed in the compluint, accord ing to luw und the practise of this court, und the proceeds be applied in payment of the amount due the plaintiff. j. That tho defendant, Harry B. j Warren he adjudged to have no (interest In or Hen upon suid prop Jevly; Hint said defendants, G. C. McAllister, as administrator of Hie ci;iuie or I), r. McKercher uud Mildred Purton and S. S. McKer cher, und all persons claiming un der them subsequent to the execu tion of said- mortgage upon said j premises bo barred und foreclosed lot all right, tillo nnd interest in I said mortgaged premises. Pnder and by virtue of nn or der mnde by the Hon. F. M. Calk ins, a Judge of said court, dated Mho 30th day ot June, 1920, this summons Is served upon the de fendants by publication thereof for six successive weeks In tho Weekly Tidings, a weekly newspu- . , a hI..IaJ .....1 1 ... ...i. j imiiiicu turn imuiiHiieti ui ASll- iami, Oregon, and the defendants by said order are required to np pear and answer within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation hereof. riHta nf tvat niilitlm.t inn T,,l ? 1920. NELLIE DICKEY, Attorney for Plulntiff, Residing nt Ashlund, Oregon. 104-7-Wed. SIMMON'S In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Jackson. Walter C. Weaver, Plaintiff, vs. Eathel B. Weaver, Defendant. To Eathel B. Weaver, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Or egon: you are hereby notified that Walter C. Weaver, us plaintiff, has commenced a suit In-the Cir cuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, In nnd for Jackson county, tor the dissolution of the marriage contract existing between the 'above named plaintiff and defend- A woman's fondest lioK is to stay oung. She often resorts to painls lOnders and cosmetics to liilc hci ears. Sonic women pay large nuins tc o called "Beauty Doctors" in the be ief thut money will buy youth. Other.' ear girlish dresses, thinking tlicy car ool the world about their ngc. But o one is deceived. The moroyou try o hide your age, the more it shuns. There is but one thing that holds old!"', and that in pursuance of an oruer raaae nun emreu in snni tics of these units nnd co-ordinate city but calculations were based i "ECIDE ON WATER POST OFFICE EXAMINATIONS ed by the Boulevard route which I 'heir work with that of the regu-i upon news dispatches. . KM.ILATIONS fiY AI'r:ruT L'i ii-iTi.'f 1 1. i .i I1h. ntllllnrv njA. Annrnximiita nnnnnl lni.rpa.ou me city council met in an in- - - - - - - - . ... ... ...... . ,a i u kuuu n ii . . j i r . ; - y ....... u ...... m . uuuvi - ' ... ....... ., The I'uited States Civil Service1 North of Asliliuid 'he new army reorganisation act.ere estimated by lhe railroads:10"1"" mssiou yesterday to dis-'""""'- " ''' Cominisriiou announces a post of-! North of Ashland the nave-Colonel Hammond has been or- as follows: O.-W. R. & N. $2,-:cuss lne waler situation, which is " '" ge hark, and that is health. Sicklies nd weakness bring old ag early ir ife. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescnp Ion is a building-up medicine foi Anybody can get "dope" out of lice clerkurrier exainin.tion, to ment Is completed to Cold Hill anil !ered to report on detached duty; 600.000; Southern Pacific lines; Brewing serous, owing to low roubles. It keep, them looking young these votes to suit himself. i:edeemig covev island cause by F. M. Calkins, Judge ot said court, on the 3rd day of July, 1920, you aro required to appeur in said cause on or before six weeks after the first publication of this siinmmnns, which publica tion will be on the 7th day of July, 1920, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed therein, nnd for want of answer thereto, on or before said time, plaintiff will ap ply, to the court for the relief dp- munded and prayed for In said be held on August 14. 1920, for will he done in a week or ten days at ence, prepared to stay in Wash- north of Ashland, $1,440,000, and, waler " Asniana creek. The mat-y aeeping m wen. uki the purpose of establishing an el-from Grants Pass south to Rogueington at least six months for the! 8. P. R.. $1,140,000. j ter was thoroughly discussed and,oni for the frail, the delicate sat lHill reglMer from which selnr-i HUer Tho Roue Rixer-Gold Hill preliminary work, possibly lone- Half Million Monthly. ! today Wa,er Superintendent Hos-ihose who are nervous, dizzy and whe . - - - ..... ... . ., iiiuuuuu aim iinjrju itii in mh ii All of New York's famous Coney tiotii may be made to fill vacan-1 stretch will probably be completed er. His name was selected by war The monthly increase to the lines I lel' 14 getting out notices to water, ,aro backache and dragging pains j complaint, to-wit: for a decree of 1. 1 mil was once common prope--; (ies as they may occur in the po- 1 ejore the Siskiyou tection is com- j department officials from several ' will amount to about $200,000 on J U8er setting forth the Agula-1 -vorito Prescription is altogctliei j divorce from you and for such oth fr. Even after most of it passe., eition of clerk or currier, post of-!pUted and with good luck the submitted as eligible for the duty' the O.-W. R. N $120,000 on Hons which must be observed lni4getal,le and without a particle oler an(1 further reltef as to Ilia i..i.. ,;, .., ,...,..i- ,.. . i. fi... .ervir. A.hiun.i n,... ciJ ....::. ; i.. ..11..11. im. . ... h. in.n. ri ! ih. R p anil 195 Ann nn tha s i order to make the water sunnlv .ii t. . . ..i.- m i. c?urt ,nay 100m J"Bt and equlla- ...... , . i . , r j . wn . -, ,j ii , ,,,, m iuua - - . , - ft v . . .mi. , , 1 1 1 HI , U " Will UC ll ni Ll.ttli; ........ ..,uv n" vj utf.v.uw, -J I ' " - -. ' - -' - UrOIlOl. 11 IS Ml I H (W lll.B. 1 TV 11 f)p tiinf the fine ea front remained nry, $1,400 per annum. ! complete from Grants Pass to iheott. I.i.ulic. There use'', to be a board All citizens of the United Stati California line by late fall, walk ruiiH': almii.t lhe whole who meet the requirements, both Klamath Falls Road ii-nrth of il. Gate to men and women, may enter this The county court of this coun- I 1 . K , VI m IVIBI V, f,,J,VI'H 1 1 ' I - . Hammond was com-'all Oregon lines. This estimate! Tn tnhli.t nr liimiil form nt .il . Dated this Colonel Hammond was com- all Oregon lines. This estimate I me city has been divided irucaists or set for trial naclaef , 1920- manaer ol ine Oregon Coast Ar- win cover employes or inese lines i"" """- " in.mru. uuurn tlllery regiment during the early! In the state of Washington, butifor irrigation set apart. Lawns Oieao Parkway. Little by little, examination; appointing officer tr and the State Highway Com- months of the world war and ac- will not cover terminal and other niav only be irrigated betwen the if the tablets tj Pierce 3rd day of July. W. J. MOORE, lotel la Buffalo, X. V. Attorney for Plaintiff. 4'o-l office I address: Ashlai.-tT,' Oregon. !l04-7-Wed. j