Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, July 28, 1920, Image 1

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    Or"0 H(orl, ....
NO. 107
TO MNew Wardett
Rogue mouth
Deputy Pish Warden F. A. Mo
Daniel of Oak Crove, Clackamas
county, arrived here last week to
attend to law enforcement on the
river, acting under instructions
Grants Pass Has
Population Loss
ticles of incorporation of the Peli
can theater corporation have been
filed with the county clerk by H.
W. Poole, O. D. Burke, C. J. Fer- lrom the lte flsh commission
Little comment is heard in the;
guBon and O. D. Williams. The
capitalization is $100,000.
Mr. Poole, manager of the Lib-
Mr. McDaniel has been a warden
in the game department for some
time and has the reputation of
The population of Grants Phsh
was given out by the census bu
reau at Washington yesterday as
3151; a decrease of 728 which local railroad yards on the wage
makes a loss of 18.7 per cent since i increase granted to railroad work
1910. The result is about what ers and which affected practically
was expected, according to the 'every branch of employes. The
Grants Pass Courier, some setting i general attitude seems to be to
the figure higher and some lower sit tight and await further devel-
iu the p re-ret urn guesses. The! opmeuts.
Little Local
Comment on
Wagencrease FiniKrl IN MIS
crty theater, was not in town tojoeln8 a fair an fearless official.
give details of the company's i
plans, and the others were un- 1,1 harmony with local fishermen,
nut expects strict observance of
the "dead line" law. He will bo
here until the first of November
and says it is reported that the
commission has under consider
ation a plan whereby a warden Is
to be stationed here the entire
year. This course should have
1en adopted long ago and most
local people hope to sej it put in
effect, as It would do away with
a good portion of the annual
squabbling. Gold Beach Reporter.
gambling flourishes in the peol
roims of this city, it wai charged
by William F. Kay, secretary ot
the local labor council; by Rev.
F. C. Trimble, pastor of the Chris
tian church, and other citizens
I Roads to North
I Qonnvtoi ftnnA
The Pacific highway to the
north is in excellent condition, say
tourists coming from Portland.
The Smith hill is smooth and firm
and no trouble is experienced In
making the grade. From the Le
laud turuoff the road is either
paved or macadumized for a long
easy. Between. Grants Pass and
Butler To
Go To Pen!
William Butler, convicted sev-
eral weeks ago of the killing ot
MacDonald Stewart, is to be com
mitted to thu staid penitentiary,
offorts for securing a further re
prieve having failed. Sheriff Tor-
rin received u telegram from Gov
MEDFORD Business amount
ini, to more than $1,000,000 will
he done by the local plant of thei
Oregon Growers' Co-operative as-
making the traveling cn olcoU ye8lerduy gtatiuB that ! soeiation this year, according to
urants rass paper goes on to sayj iocai raairoau employes, on me appeilrill5 before ,ne ci C01lllclI i Gold Hill detours are still neces-
tnai since me census was taken, wnoie, seem less naeiy to proiwi , , b h . ..-,,,,, 'sary on account of Olivine but the
a reprieve under which Butler has
Manager Leminon, who is in
had his rfeedom for the past thir-! l"u,,!e 01 lua a880Clat'011 K11"
He has expressed a desire to work folmer residents have been re-j the amount of the wage Increase! dDan(,e Mr TrmW6 I (letour roU(, ,., of th colllMlll,l ! 'hat the Medford section alone
to the state penitentiary. The for- v m 8I"" ""'
willing to discuss them. It was
(aid, however, that the corpora
tion would go ahead with the new
theater building on Main street,
excavation for which isjpractical
ly complete. Previous mention of
this structure wuh mude in these
Winning Essay of
Girls' Conference
The following article was one
of those written and submitted
by the members of the Girls' Con
ference held last week, and won
first prize in the conference con
tent. Ed.
My Exporirnce at the (fills'
"Oh vs. I've been washing,"
answered Nellie to her friend's in
quiry. "But ern't you tired?" asked
her friend. "Your clothes line
Is so full it looks as If you hadn't
turning from the shipyards and! granted them, which averages
other industrial plants which had: about halt of what was asked,
could bring four witnesses to tes- mer is 1,1 rine shape.
tify that they had been "trimmed"! S"Utb ut Asl"',ml 11,6 construe- mel. ,-eprieve was Kranted by the! frl,lt for """"'he''''-
taken them away during the war; than they are the contended fact'. their ,n Uw ol the ovei,lea(1 cl.08sillK w lZIrZ
and many newcomers hud arrived i that two or three of the classes of !
so that the 1910 figure would woikmen, who have been uotorl-
i games.
the Southern Pufific railroad ls! taken to Salem,
C. I. Lewis .organization man-
of the association,
because nf "s" ci:uiou, wno lias
detoliiring tourists by the Boule- .,n..iknn. ,heen here in the valley for several
prtbably about represent the pres-; ously underpaid, will not receive! i,AIWJK STORAGE WAREHOUSE varil route which Is Just as short f,,w.r i"..,....i. i.i.,L ... ...Jt's In connection with the estub-
t.MKlit Or 300 FAMILIES, and better ut the far end than is !...
H. C. Chamberlain, truck driver,
was crushed to death by his truck
about noon Saturday. The acci
dent occurred about fire miles up
Anderson creek from Talent.
Chamberlain had unloaded and
started up a road which be bad
not been over before. Colng up
a hill where the road was washed
out in the wagon tracks, leaving
ent population, if not underrate1 encugh under the new scale.
it. Houses are almost unobtnin-, "The switchmen, brldgeworkers
able in the Pass. and one or two other clases of
The Courier does not think there! Southern Pacific employes, never
Is any chance of a recount being , have received fair compensation
atked. ' ill proportion to that received, by
i seme of the other classes of work-
MAV START MEDFORD. I men," said one well known loco-
EAGLE POINT SECTION' motive engineer who makes his
CRATER ROAD IN FALL home here, "and under the sched-
TWO HOUSES DESTROYED the old county road between the
I A fire resulting in $100,000
uanmge destroyed the Eads ware
house, two residences, and a uiim
bei ot small buildings and dam
aged another residence and other
Ownis and the Homes place.
but will not be granted.
Butler is sentenced to
The puthfiiullnic trio for the from one to fli'teu vti
uuuoings in aieatoru at mld-uight j lonrcst auto scenic highway in the
last night. Furniture and effects! world, sponsored bv the National
lishmg of a nulfonn grade ami
A petition for pardon was ,ark' P!,,ima,M "'at the growers'
signed by many Southern Oregon 1 ""odatl" " " business of
citizens and sent to the governor i ,000,000 in
the state this year.
belonging to 300 persons was i Park srvie mwi i,r,u,,,,ru,i i,v n,
Provided the government agrees! ,lla ut lais8li grunted do not re- stored in the big warehouse. The National l'ark-to-1'aik Highway
to co-operate, construction workceive nearly what they should.", 0Es uncovered by Insurance is not I association, is being made by A L
on the Eagle Point link of theiHe called attontion to the nature, possible to determine as yet. Iwestgard, Held representative" of
Crater Lake highway will begin ;ot the work in which these menj Thought Spontaneous !thc American Automobile ussocl
early this fall, according to thej etse and the fact that their Jobs! The fire Is thought to have been ! ulion.
Jackson Co.
Farm News
slate highway commission. Plans
for the project have been com
pleted by the commission's eugiu-ee'-ing
department, and will be
submitted to the government for
upproval in the immediate future.
The link extends from Medford
require effort, skill and training: 8tarted from spontaneous combiis-
In a like measure to that of higher t,on, The Eads warehouse is a
puid employes.
j large frame building located on
The wonder highway. 4,500
miles in length, traverses nine
states, Including Oregon, Wash-
a high center, the differential; via Eagle Point to Trail, near
casing stuck on the high center. I which it crosses the Rogue river,
Bunk and Junk
washed for three months,
girls laughed guyly.
" B. ",, the bmkes and left the gears lulwlil he of
H, repneu rteiie, uui i uciieiwi . .
lou see
1 do feel rather weary,
I have been thinking about the
wonderful time I had at the Girls' I
Conference In Ashland and trying!
to tell mother everything that
Jiaipened all ut once."
"First It was the joyful, homey,
. evening In camp, but before I
could finish telling her this, 1
would Just have to stop and tell
her what wonderful women Ash-
Forgot Hiakes. and the plans contemplate the
Chamberlain neglected to set I construction as u post road. It
macadam construc-
He Jacked up one of thejtlon. The total cost is estimated
hear wheels and started to Jackim approximately $800,000, to-
up the other. When the ditfer-ward which sum it is intended the
ental casing was freed, the truck government shall contribute 50
rolled back on too of htm and j per cent, and the state and JacK-
, dragged him about 125 feet downgou county 25 per cent each.
The Pacific and Eastern railroad
Benin rir street anu was burned : ington and California, mid con
la the ground. Two nearby lesl-jnects the principal national parks
deuces were totally destroyed, the I oi the west. This boulevard, per
roof burned off a third and sev- manent Improvement of which is
eral outbuildings destroyed. j to be asked of congress, will be
ExoltiiiK officially opened hv federal and
digest of Jackson County
Bureau News):
Mrs. R. B. Thompson, au auto
mobile tourist, drove her Ford
car into a car belonging to James
Yokuiu on second meet last Fri
day, smashing a fender and doing
other dumage. The Yokuiu car
was parked at the side of the i Sllli"!! ut this tiui..
stieet. Mrs. Thom.ison promised I "
to come hack in about 40 minutes! State 1!)20 season lias been the
and pay for the damage after Mr. worst for blight. Advise taking
Yokuiu hail taken the car to a gar-;ci'e of blight now irstead of wait
age ami ascertained the amount j until after picking.
which would cover the repairs.
Advises woolgrowers ugainst
As the story books would put It,
is to be sold at public auction at ","le umai mum umnais, incr.iuing Miepnen " huh iiusscu auu our iie-
iiiiu i i.i ines which siuh uuuiireuH i. .uuiuer, Director genera of na- "oiino mil not return. air. Yo-
Spray for codling moth by first
of August. Arsenate of lead.
Farmers asked to make eoller-
the hill, smashing him into a pile
of dirt and rocks and killing him.
The deceased resided on Moun
tain avenue in this city He was
titi years and four months of age.
He. leaves a wife. Funeral ar-
V.twt hnnntorl nt luwt twit Ashland i . . . '
- - iiangements have not Deen mauei Jll(lge Gardner, and William H.
alone either, for really Margaret,, . . .. . . d J., J
( r-...,,.. - uuio, a .'icuiuui utiunci, auu c.
J.V. Carter, an Ashland banker,
who represented the commercial
organizations of their two towns.
I The original survey led from
Roulii Is Changed
Eagle Point was not included
in the original government sur
vey, the commission revising It to
Include this town and adjacent
territory at the request ot County
its ilcnut in ,l pi! In ill at 2 n. m..
AiiEust 21 Barealn hunt take10'" fen lllt0 the air and illumlnut- tional parks, and other, who wlll'k'tm carried his tale of woe to'
notice. Whoever ID is that is run- "''1 ,lle "ky s0 tllllt " cou,1 be 8ee"!Htai t from Denver, August 25. j '? chief of police ui.d' a telephone Hon of grain and alfalfa and save
ning the auction ought to get Doc' 101 miles' The terrific heat made 1 1 he tour will tako uboitt (10 days. ! inesHiigc to the Giants police held i for exhibit from lhi county which
Caldwell to go down and start the (,avi"s "ealby buildings difficult j Mr. Westgard in his puthfind-i ''' and Mrs. Thoinps-on there. Mrs. j w'" he prepared .'or State Fair
At the last auction ale ueroic woik was uu mat pre- nig trip, will visit the following! """"I"1"" 1,1 ""' denied that she '' .mhii.v county agent.
venieu lurtner loss. , towns: Portland, July 22: Sa-1 fan Into the Ashland cur but
Mayor Lamkln pulled off in Ash-
jmsa tarauu is iub (lu,lglter8 from New York.
ludy to live wlth-yoa ever saw j -
not counting our own mothers. GOVERNMENT TO SELL
"And then it wis the exciting j CANNED STl'I-'l-
land, the same being of a lo't 01 Kl T H DAY OF
(ttiitist s tools, too genial doc had
'em all stirred up, the climax be
ing reached when in the excite-
.., . ki.u:.,.. ....I....... r.
llul Ul .UU.B j.K,HU , Hj,,,,,,!,,, wu8 tue to,)ic o( the
larmer paiu tor a wicaeu
lorn, Albany and Eugene, July 23; I llnally owned up to the charge. Preserve egs ill water glass so
j Rorehurg, July 24; Grants Pass,! Jlr. Thompson assured Chief: lulion while eggs are cheap. Ask
J July 25; Medford. July 2li; Cra-j Hatcher by telephone that he! Coiiitty Agent for Instiuctions.
1.IMAM.1 ll.Nhlter Xutioiml Park, July 27.iw"uld drive back to Ashland but
Through rive Republics on j,llui Medford and Ashland .July 28. unner tile clriuinstiinces the Ash
interesting lecture flplivpreil bv
looking pair of forceps. Presum-: Dl. 0 WUitfleU1 Ray at chuutau.
ably he is using them to pulliqlla ye8te,.day BfterB00B. Dr. Klly
slumps in lanu clearing opera-
Farm Bureau women are estah-
Europe has for years held Anier-; laf-d chief wiib loathe to have the linhing Child Welfare centers.
ican pleasure seekers in a sort of i I'liity come up alone. Grants Pass!
wondrous awe of the inspiialiou, people who knew the Thompsons! nlil,s Helen Cowgill. assistant
that envelopes the Alns. This effered to stand good for theliiilute club leader, will work In
WASHINGTON, July 2. In air
!..... I.l.r1. .n,l nf I
cl,UH lu Wl"uai l"w H,BU w" w Included
living, tne war (leparunent soon
.i. .-J r . f... . . j , iu w muio ui !
j.u'n. Aim x uium iiv. .u,h--v '"iwurill oi camieu lucais uji mc
market at prices below even pre
Iwar quotations, said an announce
j ment today from the office of the
division of sales.
i The meatB, which will he of-
bui prises, such us getting up
early and following a bear trail
tip the canyon before breakfast
and having picnic lunches in the
mention the beautiful music and
instructing lectures which we
hourd at Chautauqua. And while
I am talking of Instruction I must
hot pass over the hour we spent
at the Ice plant and flour mill. It I fered for domestic consumption
wan enjoyable as well as instruct-' exclusively, are stored in every
Jve . ' lection of the country and will
"Just think, Margaret, I nearly bo disposed of through wholesale
learned to swim. We went to thej and retail stores from one end ot
Nat. Wednesday and to HelmanV the country to the i ther. The di
Thursday. I hated to go home vision of Bales also announced
so badly. I was having such a that It had enlisted in this work
lovely time. But the very best j the services of 60,000 postmas
Jiart comes last. Of course I can Iters, 6000 bankers and the may
nol begin to tell you everything ore of every city and town.
I learned, but hero are a few of Included in the ' meats are
them; I learned that there Is only! car-ned corned beef, corned beef
one real way to be a Christian and 'hash, roast beef and bacon.
lions. Doc accommodatingly sup
plied the technical names for each
article that was put up, some run
ting into dozens of syllables. His
i Honor the Mavor out un one bottle
approximately seven n, u.,lff ,. . . lw . . ,.
, miles more of scenery. Because; wag Doc spewed out a name that
I test agaiust a revision of the
route, and it has led some to fear
I the government might not co
i operate.
' The reasons for making the re
! virion were that it would lesson
, the construction coast approxi-
, mutely $200,000, and
sounded like borne kind of a fancy
mixed drink and the bidding ran
high until somebody sin el led of
the bottle and found it was castor
Joe Knowles, who sneaked out
into the woods near Grants Pass
the new; , ,b d nature dictated before
route serve considerable of a set-n, ator ,i ,.- i ..n
tlement in the northern part of;lnc an(l pent a couple of
most graphically portrayed life inlpark-to-purk highway encircles a ' appearance here and they madei Juckson county July 27 to SO in-
panoramic rasr rational urea, j Rood their woi'J", droTe-Ttp-irmi1-111''- lMrUI.iN-t,?lM,t..
linking mountain peaks with val-ilaid for the damuge. - P- and Phoenix at 8 p. m. on
leys and cities, rivalling in grand-1 ''"l-v 29,h-
nil the scenic resorts of Europe.' n,U' 'K-'KI K. V. HOAR
Hie county Court, in con-! The Home Demonstration oi-
tuat strange, unknown neighbor
country of ours South America,
where he spent many years, pene
trating wildernesses where the
of white man had never trod be
fore. His early years were spent
iu the various countries of South
America as a missionary amoiiK : .layr ., f
I Tilt
! junction with the State Highway tiio is exhibiting an iceless refrig-
ay. are destined to Income the .Commission, are planuiug to put eralor anil invites Inspection. It
Tho national parks of the west
connected with a continuous high
the savage races of Indians, while
his later years were devoted to re
search work, for which he has re
ceived many honors and much rec
ognition from tho various govern
that all the little things which
seem so big and hard to do, come
tinder this one And when we
look at them in the right light
Iind trust God to carry us through
they are merely little troubles
that we could not live without.
"I also learned that It pays to
be a Christian, and when I heard
good Christian women speak and
knew that they talked from their
cwn experience I was convinced,
end decided right then that I was
going to grow up like them.
' Margaret, I shall never forget
that wonderful week and all that
It has meant to me."
Margaret, who had been listen-'
Ing In breathless sllmce, ex
' Every dealer, from the larg
est wholesaler to the smallest re
tailer, will be given an opportu-j
nlty to muke purchases at prices
considerably belov prevailing
market figures," said the an
nouncement. ' The canned meats are the best
the American packers could pre
pare. Their quality is the high
est . They were packed undler
government supervision and the
war department is standing back
of every can sent from any army
supply depot."
the county. The highway depart
ment Is of the opinion that the
government will agree to co-operate
With the view of reducing the
construction cost of original gov
ernment survey from Trail to
Prospect has also been revised by
the highway commission. The
revised survey follows closely
along the present road. While the
scenery along this road is mag
nificent from Trail to the Cas
cades gorge, the road from there
on leaves the river, and very little
of the stream can be seen from
there to Prospect. Prior to the
construction of the link the en
gineering department intends
again to examine the route and
if It develops any of the pictur
esque scenery is sacrificed, the
route will be changed bo as to In
clude It. It is planned to build
the link following the completion
of the Eagle Point project.
Grading on the link between
That "there are many men 0f Pioapect and the park boundary,
. . n .1 !..,. AO ... J I .... 1
Oh Nellie it must have nmny minds, and ways of travel-;" """' "i " ";, i now un
been perfectly grand. I am sur
mised to hear you talk that way,
but I know you mean every word
of it. And I am going to go next
year, if I have to get down on my
knees and beg permission of my
TO rents.."
Both girls were very happy and
escb returned to their homes and
went at their work with a new
Jigor. '
mcnths battling with the ele'
merits and mosquitos, is opening
a "University of the Woods" up
near Astoria. The boys who spent
tho winter of 1917 up in that re
gion say students at the Univer
sity are apt to get their ardor
dampened us it only rains fifteen
months out of the year down
there. The natives attire them
selves the year round in rubber
boots and slickers. Possibly Joe
figures thut if his students don't
wear boots, they won't get them
full of water. About the only
thing which is more uncomfortable
thin boots full of water on a
person Is government Issue wool
underwear. The underwear is so
constructed as to keep the wearer
warm, however, he receiving
enough eexrclse scratching him
self to keep his blood circulating.
But speaking of Astoria climate;
when it isn't raining, and most
of the time when it is, the wind
Is blowing ut a velocity ot around
a hundred and ten miles un hour.
The Astoriaus chain anchors onto
al! the wooden sidewalks so that
after a blow they can row out into
MiMlfnrd carried off the honors
While Dr. Ray depicted 1 in the junior tennis events at the
In glowing terms the wealth of I.ithia Park tennis tournament
thtse countries, he also told of thei which was completed Tuesdav at-
disadvantages which offset the de-1 teriioon. In these events tlieyj
sirnbllity of these iands. Ills lee-; wore winners in the girls' singles. iou the grading, both ou the con- Farm Bureau expects to brins
turo was much out of the ordi-; mixed doubles, boys' doubles andjlr'ts let tu A. Giebish and to the i ill carload of vetch seed and urgeri
nary and was one of the most lu-l junior singles. Ashland has thu ! portion from Keane creek to farmers to order now.
teiestiug features of this Chun-j girlB' doubles in the Junior events, within three and a half miles of
tauqua assembly. and all the free-for-all events. jthe Klamath county line which
The musical feature, both yes- Following are tho 1020 chnni-hx county is grading. The last
lOiday afternoon and evenini waslplons ot Lithla Park sports, tho il iee and a half miles Is not un-
000 worth of gravel on the can be home made.
(,'reeuspriug mountain road, gnul-
ing of which is now well under! Advises canning without sugar
way. Gravelling the new Kluin-j rather than not canning ut all.
ath Falls road, which winds over .
the mountains on a six per cent! Miss Lassie Lane of O. A. C. it
glade, will make a highway whlrh! hero assisting In Home Demon
will bring Klamath Falls over an stialion work, particularly in oi
hour closer to Ashland. gi'iiizing Child Wei f urn Work .
Good progress is being made
presented by the Parnells, Instru-J first of which took place during
mentalists, soloists and Unperson-1 the Fourth of July celebration,
ators, whose entertainments were 'and the latter during the tennis
among the most attractive in the! toiirniiment of the present week:
course. Both these gifted people j 100-Yard Dash Girls Jose-
wcre very gracious in their re- phine Burner; boy. Archer Hoy I.
ing, many kinds," was visibly man-j uer Progress, and will be com
itested on the treets at noon yes-lifted by fall. The government
te.tlay, when a tourist party stop-,'"'" cu-ui-iaiui8 m ui the Columbia and locate them
ped for gas. j grading on a 60-50 basis, and lt,bp(ol.e ,hey f,01t out ,0 .,
They were tarevlihg In a hand-' Planned also that the two shall i .
spouse ot the applause given them,
and delighted the audience with
their various musics! numbers and
Judge Fred G. Balo, in the lec
ture, "The Fourth Line of De-
Plllow Fight John Storm.
Juvenile Tennis.
John Henry Elmore and John
Edwards, double champions.
Junior Tennis.
Girls' Singles Juiinlta Griffin.
lie, contract and no contracts will
be let for It this year under the
dei ision of the state highway
commission against letting fur
ther contracts this year.," given iu tho evening, was .Medford, champion,
one of the strong speakers of the Girls' Doubles Thelina Reesou
week. Judge Bale wus formerly! anil Mildred Beeson, Ashland,
public prosecutor In the juvenile! Mixed Doubles Terrence Tal
court of Columbus, Ohio. Out of 'ent and Juaiiltu Griffin, Medford.
his observations and experience in ! Boys' Doubles Wendell Sprlggs
'oi ling with delinquent and incor
rigible children he has woven an
unil David Wilcox, Medford.
Junior Singles Wen dell
Interesting narrative, giving an In-1 Sprlggs, Medford, champion.
Two more Oregon towns are
heard from in a dispatch received hearse, since It would be needed
from Washington today. Albany j in their business. The bedding
find Corvallis both show Increases) and cooking outfit was packed iu
over the 1910 census although i tho hearse. The hour being early
struction. It is hoped that the
pioject may be macadamized next
some gray hearse, and two cun- co-operate in the macadam con
ning little dogs peeped over the
shoulder of the driver, whose
young wife stated they had ship
ped their furniture to Los Angeles
and that her husband was the
third generation to be In the un
dertaking business. It seemed the
sensible thing to travel in the
neither city showed the Increase
predicted by their optimistic citi
zens. Albany la reported to have a
population of 4840; a gain of 565.
Corvallis has 5752; an increase
Ci 1200.
and the couple in a hurry to get
to their new home they did not
make camp In the park, but after
a plunge in the sulphur pool hit
the highway south.
Paving on the highway between
the county line and Rogue River
will be completed soon, according
to J. L. Calvert, who with S. S.
Schell has the contract for the sec
tion between the line and Gold
Hill, says the Grants Pass Cou
rier. The paving Is going along
fast now, and the crew Is averag-
A fellow was going over to
Crescent City In his automobile.
He picked up a lunatic and two
Chinamen. While he was stop
ping at a little crek to get some
water for the radiator the luna
tl: set fire to the gas tank. All
that came down was a nut
two washers.
Leep stuff.
sliiht to problems connected with
child life in the larger cities. His
i story dealt with amusing unit pa
thetic scenes which found their
way Into the routine of court life.
This afternoon the Maori Sing
ers of New Zealand, with a lecture
The time has come when
must part.
Fiw for All.
Mixed Doubles Dwight Oregg.
Violet Wood, Ashland, champions.
Men's Doubles S. A. Kobineti
and J. D. Beeson, Ashland, cluini
I ions.
Men's Singles.!. I). Heeson.
by Leila Blomfield, a nutive of Arhlund, champion.
New Zealand, on "New Zealand,! Ihe result of this tournament
the South Seu Utopia," were pre- will be kept iu a record book for
sented. This evening Senator future reference
Geo. E. Chamberlain will have Following are all the entries for
the first hour of the program, at-, the tennis toiirnument, which fin
SALEM, Ore., July 23. Gov
ernor Olcott has received u large
number of letters from promiuenl
residents of southern Oregon
asking that W. E. Butler, now un
de.r penitentiary sentence for the
hilling ot McDonald Stewart In
Jackson county a year ago, be ex
tended executive clemency. Ou
June 25 Governor Olcott issued
an executive order staying execu
tion of Butler's sentence for a
period of 30 days.
Whether Butler will appear per-
The three heili of F. C. Holi
baugh of Talent lead in hutterfut
in this mouth's testings with
uu uverago of 40 30 pounds ol'
hutterfut and 0:10 rounds of milk.
Win. Hohnert. It. L. Hay and J. It.
MeCracken's herds also averaged
high. Three hundred fifteen cows
were tested during the month.
The average pounds of milk per
cow was 681). (!; average pounds
bulterfat per cow 31.11. Average
cost of feed per cow. 31c.
Considering organizing u
club for the boys iu the fall.
The county agents of Jackson
and Josephine comities are plan
ning a farm study tour to cover
both counties sometime during tho
month of August.
Ilibln Sehiml
Wilcox, with mother nail
sonully before the governor In slvter are enjoying the Bible
euest ot a pardon hud not been I classes, among others from Cen
determined here today. Ho is , Point. They drive tho di
now residing at Medford aud ul-Manre of 24 miles night and morn
leges In his petition for clemency lug.
thut he was compelled to kill If all the valley reople had the
Stewart In self-defeuse.
tcr which the Maori Singers in
their native costumes, will give
a concert.
Mr. Julia Ann Uetz. wife of
John Uetz, died at her home In
this city Monday. She was a na
bbed Tuesday ufternon:
Dwight W. Gregg. Frederick
Koehlcr, J. D. Beeson, II. M. El
lis, Paul Koehler, S. A. Itobiiiett.
Tlielma Beeson, Glen Hill, Vio
let Wood, John Henry Elmore,
John Edward, Frederick Johnson.
! SALEM The state highwav
crmmissiou wus upheld by the su
preme court in an opinion by Jus
lice llennet iu the uctlou of S. H.
r.oikhill against the commission
and Douglas county, appellants,
in which the plaintiff sought to
enjoin the locution of the Pacific
liigliwuy according to the route
fixed by the commission from Myr-
weeks. The mile between the fin-
ASTORIA A six-side logging
camp is planned by the Saddle
Tortland. Keel ot the largest j Mountain Logging company, now
vessel ever built in Oregon will ; operating a two-side camp in its
be laid in a few days by the North-1 big tract of timber on the Lewis
west Bridge and Iron company. I Clark railroad. Two other corn-
Vessel will be 12,000 ton oil tank- panies are also logging along the! the Increased output will allow
er. Seven oi tnese craiia are ioiuiu.uir iu. me worn 10 proceed at a mucn land, raising
,ll In n 1 11 A....- fl '
i.i.,,,,..,,,..,.,,,. ,E,r (wo ,lave uken ,() nartill? ,,.,
Ir. about two miles left on the, ,u tne m()e and gllcking back.
stretch to Rogue River, but this!r,Jo8t have , use erea8e to keep
w!!l be done within a couple of it .iibH Th. mrf
i ne young fellows wno nave live oregonian. Having been born : Ceoim Johnson rhurU Tiimn
been wearing those long-haired in Marion county. She was 60; Lvle Sams. Josephine Barber Mil-! t reeK to (.anyonville Iu Doug-
years, 11 months and 28 days of died Beeson, Banks, Ash-!
age. The funeral services will be, ui:d; David Wilcox. Wendell
spirit of Cutu! Point, our Biblit
Inrtitute would be an assured suc-ces-s.
The pastor and family are
camped here for the month. Quito
a group were up yesterday. Mora
are coming.
The morning classes are but one
hour each, 9:30 and !:30, so that
and leave time in afternon and
morning for regular work. Those
who were present Monday felt
I; is easy to slip away for the hour
they were at a feast. Bring your
Bible studies in the Word.
pompadours for the last year or
I las county.
The supreme
court reverses
held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30spriggs, Mabel Frobach. TrreiiclJulB8 nll,Pwoml 01 lne lowr Asnian.l s Soiitliem Pacific pay.
from the family residence at 177, Talent. Jiianita Griffin Warren ; cc'urt ,or I)uuKla county. It wasjroll will be appreciably increased
Morton street. ! Hamlin. Verl Bates. Medford-'cU"neti by the plaintiff that the: by the rail labor board award
larific highway had been desig- granted at Chicago last wek. Prur
nated according to i route touch- tkally every local employe ot the'
at Kiddle, and h sought to, Southern Pacific' is affected.
i a very highbrow appearance. Less
ished portion at the line and the !iail.Kreas0 more eIbow ,,.
completed part further up will be' ,,, get ., a,ong furlher ia
dene about Monday. Two plants' (n4 WUrld
have been thrown together and
SALEM New plant of the Oi
egon Pulp and Paper companr,
Everett Faber, Central Point.
be built. of this road, and a third U; faster rate.
Riddle. State highwav com-,1"
under construction here, expected mission votes 115 000 for ini-'have the route fixed to include: The S. P. company estimates the
to be in operation In about two piovement Tiller Trail road. ; thl town. The opinion gives the payroll of the entire Southern Pa-
Good Samaritan hospital. Port- i months. Will be one of most mod-; ; coin mission authority to use Its ciflc system will be increased by
$300,000 for iiewifrn paper manufacturing plants; Marshfietd. Burned Smltn! discretion in filing local road approximately 117.500,000 an-
I In the country.
Shingle mill will be rebuilt.