Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, July 07, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    AVetlncmln-, July 7, 1020
Ming Pool, county dcmoiiat ra
tion agent, hug secured Ming Luna
of the extension nervlce, u pe-
ciulist Id child study, who will bold
mens ot apples, showing the ef-jto clear the telephone wires. It
facts of the hall. While this will i fell to the ground where it caught
not retard their development it fire. The pilot was considerably
will spoil them for commercial thnken by the fall, but so far as
purposes. According to Mr. Moore, could be learned, was not serious
hull fell for about twenty minutes' ly injured. The plane was en
during the rain, covering the tlrely consumed, It is stated.
L'round about three Inches. All.
rtlipr fruit In thai aoptlnn Iq nluai Me nnil Mrs Rlra nml ilimeh-
five group gatherings in Jackson' ,, mL ,,.... 1 .
. . . , . , Injured. The hail belt of last ; ter, formerly of Bremen, Ind., and
will be held at Bollevlew school
house, July 15, ut 2 p. m. All In
terested In the welfare of children
are cordially invited.
W. S. J. Ilogun has been up-
nlght only touched that section, I who have recently been touring
apparently, as very little felt In! in Texas, are In Ashland where
Ashland. they may locate. They came here
for the benefit of Mrs. Rice's
Bishop and Mrs. W. O. Shepard
will arrive In Ashland this eveu-j 0lituina. In the few days they for ,uwir home in Klomth
ing from Portland, and will re-ihv hn hr aha in fo.Hn '
ru.uu ..,...,.,.,.,....,. ,,man nere unt after Sunday. I mu,i, reiieved. Mr. and Mrs. Rice
the state highway commission,! pop shepard will be the speak-! were 0lI-ttmo friends of W R
with headquarters In Ashland. tr , ,i.a cbnutauaua hulldlne I v.t... .ui. .....
, ' IV'UCJf VI IUID til.
Sunday mornitiK, and will also tie-1
A daughter was born to Mr. and ver a patriollc audre98 at tuej LaW80n R Qf m
Mrs. Ralph W. French of Port- nvei,BK of tlle memorial tablet 1 come t0 Anhland this evemnK urd
land, formerly of Ashland, this lor the American Legion In th;win gpen(i the Fourth with Ills
week, according to news that ar-; afternoon. ' . mrther Mm M n
Springfield, are in Anhland visit- l.i nie by Mrs. Rose's, mother, Mrs. ASKS CITIZKN'SHII' ON" .room enough for all good enter
ing the former's parents, Mr. and fi. 0. Eubiinks, who had beenj ItOYHOO!) MKMOItlKS taiuers such as Simms, and he
Mrs. Joseph Cyr, of Granite street. 'spending the past winter with her; NEW . YORK. A claim of should be encouraged so that
.daughter iu the south. I American citizenship, based on! those who like this sort of enter-
Mrs. S. Morehouse and daugh-, $ ilohood recollections of the How- tiutinienl muv have an opportuui-
ter. Miss Caribel. have gone to .Miss Cornelius, a niece!,.,.,. , 18C4 ,, sfellP!) at ,e (.hJy , expwt (0 a(tPIld ,he show
Weed to spend the summer with of R. P. Cornelius of this city, and jCUR0 ri,.e , lg71i was submitted' uml see N'ero sashav. and shall in
Mr. Morehouse, who is employed Miss Deny Berry, both of Chirks- to EMis iH,.im immiKratiol, of. j vite ,e performers to take part
th"- ' vllle, Texas, ure guests at the Cor- f,,.!,, ln 8Upp0rt of a request in our Old Timers parade Ratar-
nr-lius home on B street this week. ,,. ,.. ot (iep0rtation for Mac! day. and put on some PtunK as
THl'R9DA"S NEWS These ladles were representatives i (!r, ,,,. R()ss f)T f Sel,lp Wash ,hpy wi ,,.(Vp oppM mtn from
Mrs. Henry Grimes and chil- from Texas to the democratic! , lloed radical agitator. I July 1 to 6. when they go to
drtii, Faith and Maria, who have convention in San Francisco, and! iiu mrived nt Kllis Island and. Grants Pass.
been visiting in Ashland, Central me paying a visit to Ashland b"-'- ws orilurcd duiiorted in Kolirmii-y.!
Point and Mcdford, left this morn- lore returning home. l919. ,, was -,,(v, .,, .March i The slorv iimi the Peine. ,.r
inml rplnnicil homo. Last Xnvo.m-1 Willi' wiw r:inliv:il,l hi. ,, t,,-
rora "''"' containing se en ,Br in iovt Angeles, Wash., he : bio shop girl sounds fishv. Who
itTugi unn.-.i in, ue uh run. Wlls unesteil again on charges ot i vei heard of an bumble shop
Mrs. H. C. Williamson went s(1,el whUe down from criminal syndicalism and sabotage! girl?
uowu 10 meiuoru mis iuichuui. w U1U lower unve around tne pai' . ei.i i tn nnn ini
spend the (lay.
lllUlKiUli, II liSI
of Garden Tools has arrived.
Good tools are esential to good
results in garden or field.
Provost Brothers
H. and C. W. Danuon, two youim
.t , ...hi..,,,!
men oi muinesoia, are in " nl, (0 ,he ,owp,. strP),, he cal.
this week looking over this see- imK,(l oygf No uue w.(r hHrlj
tion of country with a view to pos-
An axel on a hack wheel gave way. i imll,iBra,ioll officials invesll-'B1
:.llfl tho nil li:nl nn hi'iikpu Till . ... . . .... ?
- - " .gated ine case and, ins aiioiu.'y
av eflort of the driver to turn it
"l ''i'',:i":,f".;;:'1i'':i,""i .rr.wn
suj'8, "judged by his name that
iMi;tl,mil must he his homn laud
i-lid ordered him deported to thatiy
rived here last niglil. rne nine' . ,..-..-. , - .-r am, lI10 0,,. mjunes , u,,. car: onlllltl.v n0bS far as he
lady Is named Patricia Jane. 1 Leslie Heer, Raymond Ruger and jjj88 Louise Gillette, who la a, """"
.ol,,nn You"K arrlyei nonle lu8t' student In a business' college In! Th f: ... rml,anv
K: C. Hart of Medford, repre-, wight from Hilt where they areiSan Krancisco, Is expected homo ot Me(lford nas reted one of the
sentntire of the American Pro- employed in the lumber camps, tbln evening to spend the Fourth I ', in ,ho ntip hlnck on
w.,s one nroKen glass anil a lorn ,.,U)W8 wa3 pv,.,. , Scotland,
ilucts company, called on friends , una will spend the Fourth In Asli-I0f juiy holidays.
In Ashland yesterday. lsnd.
9 4 ! LeRoy Ashcraft Is in Ashland
Miss Grace Hurt of Los Altos Miss Alice Manwaring, who is front his country home for the
Calif., is in Ashland visiting with well known in Ashland where she i celebration. He is stopping with
friends. Sim will remain her has visited several times, is ex-lp,.e(- Schuemian at his home on
until the middle of next week. reeled to arrive this evening from Fj,.st 8t,eet.
a a AfiL'pleu nnil will m.'iliA nn pt-: a
11 Middlelon. a Southern Pa-iiPn,P,l viH with rnltlvM n.l ! Mrs. Pearl Dndee of neikelev! wi,h 1,18 wifo and tw0 :mm, H street
clflt employe, has rented the newjfr'ends here. Mrs. Manwaring Is will arrive this evening, and wiH'lB cnPl"K tor a few days in the
.Miss Bessie Wagner arrived in
Achlnnd Tuesday, and will snend
North Main street and will fit It B.veral we(,ks wth h(M. ,,.,,,
up for a store room for Its ware?. M. ull(, M.M , Jf Wagner, of
They epect to take possession ul ()ak strpet
Mrs. Zue Rice of Dallas. Texas,
I'. W. Harris, editor and pub- js a guest this week at the home
Usher of the Pacific Poultryman, f her brother, It. p. Cornelius,
I'M Staples, manager of
l.'f.lirtli nt' .llllv fllllir:itioil. llcitliriM
asked what effect a Wild Wesl,L
show at Medlord would have upon
our "celebration, answered, "lleu
tlicial to us. There is always
bungalow belonging to Mrs. F. L. ,un nunt of Mrs. Murray Murphy.
T'litnam on Hargadine, where he
mid his family will reside.
. i auto nark Mr Harries is from .Miss .Mae loung o iiorion,
pay a short visit to her parents, i"ul PalKi " "'lr"es 1B ...
Mr and Mrs 0 H Johnson i Seattle, and is touriug the coast Kansas, who has been teaching in
' Peter Allison of' Grants 'pass! "ns and looking up the various a,, Indian school in Arizona, is
yill spend the Fourth of July hoi-j Poultry farms.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Mackey
Mrs. E. J. Barrett has close! I Miss Agnes and Alex Brown are . Ashland
her school at Happy Camp wher i spending a few days at Crater
she had been teaching for several Lake this week.
months, und has returned home, i
a i Miss Lucile Hayes, a domestic
Mr. and Mrs. Hohert Prosser science teacher In one of tna Port-: gho jg (he Q hel. brother ! Mrs- Voxon wiu lf,av8 for Cali
returned last night to Los Altos, land schools, is spending her va- IU(, w,f(J Ml. and M Cr. 'foruia where 'she Is attending col
cation with her mother iu Ash- ; lepe.
lai d. A negro, who had been work-
ine at various noints east of Ash-
.Mrs. waner tiernuou and lime
spending a few days in Ashland,!
9 , I lie guest ot tier cousin, .Mrs. .i
Mrs. Frank M. Moxon arrived o. N. Smith. Miss Young will
WKD.XUIDAY'H XKWS Tutsday night In Ashland from a return to her home later for the
Mrs. C. A. Cotler Is" visiting in , v'" hf,r former nome ln Troy, summer.
Morley, Calif., on her vacation. ; nllv ' i-uik """
Cnllf., ufter spending a couple
oJ days in Ashland.
C. F. Carlson, mechanical in
fiuector of the state highway de- t-on Billio are back from Marsh
I.artment, is spending ten days in, Held after a visit there" for a week n,.evIew di8trct. The local po-!'1'10 on Jlma
Ashland and vicinity looking over or so.
the cam In use here. He exoect3
to remain over the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tullis of
Milford, I'tah, unived In Ashland
rwi.1- r.iiutnisim who has a flno last evening and will make an
mnrkBt r.irilPii t 449 Euclid avc- extended visit at the home of the
nue, this morning brought iu to latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.'bwift Packlng company, is taking ; B
Harlan Holmes and Hubert
I'lescott, who are representing
the zoology department of Hie
I niversity of Oregon, and are col
lecting specimens of animals and
birds from Southern Oregon, left
today for .Mount Ashland where
29, reached Ash- they will make a research of that
, .. , .. . : M.. -...I ai... 1M r
lie- was called up and took the lanu 11118 'noming. " " "". .... ,.u n
unlortuuate fellow to Jackson- "I""8 wcie OTmfr w" know., have ever been taken from South-
vjlle The man was entirely! lesuienis oi iiiih cuj, uuu mni im uirKUu, uuu iun m. "
i harmless. . I niany flien"H nere J()ln ln co"
a a i grutulutlons.
Milton Ellis, secretary of the
News of the arrival of a 91,-
. , rt I'
land, b.ftiame slightly demented P"(1 8011 " ",lu
mi ..,.i..,-,i..v wnnderPd to thoiHiiids at the home iu Sun Frun-
M. Shoudy
have been detailed to collect and
mount birds and animals, and se
nile birds' nests and eggs. They
the local grocers several boxes of J- Cambers, on Scenic Drive.
Early Rose potatoes that were
. , ,, .,, William Norris ot Hilt is over
plunted the latter part of April.
J ..llu,l v tlia Vfim-tli of .Inlv cel.
The potatoes were of large size," "
and fine looking. Mr. Gustufson
said the principal thing in culti-
and Mrs. ,.SpP,.( 0 leave shortly for Mount
vnting spuds was to give them
plenty of cultivation and not de-i
Walter Hilt, who is working
for the Fruit Growers' Supply
vacation this week which is be-lAiken lett Iast crelllllt! for ''orl Mcl.oughlin and work for several
Ing spent In San Francisco. !laml wllere ,liey w'" vislt W1 1 weeks in that section.
A A .frit nils for some time. . j
Attorney Nellie Dickey was a: George Parsons and little sou,
business visitor to Medford to-1 Miss Fern Mui-Phy 8 spending t Oakland. Calif., are visltiim1
,lay !a ftw days in Grenada, Calif., the at lhp lloma (lf Hobovt Shaw on
a a i guest of Miss Alice Vandersluis. Rn( k street.
Mrs. Louis Schwein and three I .
Mrs. F. S. Folts, official chap
The poet said: "What
is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect
The perfect days of June are
favorable days for painting.
No scorching sun to blister
the paint, small chance of rain
to hinder the work.
Yes, June is the best month
of the year. So why not call
us up snd make a date for
June? We shall ho glad to ad
vise you in regard to selection
of colors. PAINT PP.
Ready to Brighten
You Dp
and CAPS
Impa it
that well-dressed
New Spring styles.
New Shirts.
New Neckwear.
New Suits.
Spring I'liJerwear.
i:l:!lUi:;iU:.., ii.! ..liriui -l!:.:.' .iu,::::'; e:..i:.: .. i
cninnanv ut Hilt. caniHiover yes- .
. u . 1., - - - . tiffin fi r s, onu .iiss tiurnei nu-
hi Vow :,eiay,o spend a three days va.(per ,,,, evenlB for San eron for public dances, has a
" catloa aim visit wr
Miss Pool gave a demonstra A number of new Ru,de gigns the coming six weeks.
t on in salad making and salad
hr been set un 111 Main street.
i!ref sings at the home of Mrs. A. directinB- tou,.ista and traveling
R. Kincald, Tuesday, June 29. An l :ublic t(j (he v.irioug poin(s ,n
interested group of women were(hls vicljlv wuich will b ot
there and enjoyed both that and - convenience
the informal lecture on the use of i . a a
vegetables In the diet. i j!l8S u;nnle Beaver arrived ra,1 nus PW about 400;
! home this forenoon from Port
.Mrs. Katneryn an isiyKe and
daughter, Miss Ruby Van Slyke of
Old, Neb., are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis at
Mrs. Van Slyke
ill -I. .' c-f 1 1 . . n II
Francisco where they will snend Polnted deputies to assist her du
ling the Fourth of July ceienni
a a I tion. tine oi meat? ui;puties win soda springs.
Ed Hughes, who is Interested ! serve at the various places where is jj,.S- Wallis
in the oil developments in Fern's ianclng will be carried on through.; a a
Valley, was in town this morning, out the celebration, and they will John M. Scott, of Modesto, Cal.,
and stated that the well beingbc vested with the same author-1 is in Ashland for the Fourth of
sunk by the Tregonla Oil com- it5 as the city official. j.liily festivities and Chautauqua.
4 ! For years Mr. Scott has been a
feet, and is going farther each i Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel are!BI11,mer vislm. Ashland and
Miss Bessie Carpenter is j iaBd an,t wtj gnend aeveral weekai
from San Jose where she had
been attending the normal sc'iool
there through the spring session.
Dr. S. A. Danford, district su
perintendent ot the Methodic
church, will arrive iu Ashland
this evening with Mrs. Danfoid
mid two daughters from Eugene
W. H. Swank, wife and two boys, teel are being drilled each day,
of Grenada are spending the Mr. Hughes stated.
Fourth in Ashland, and are guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Cochran on Avery street.
.lay. According to Mr. Hughes the!back rrom r'lalld after attend-j hi,. ,,.jell(is ale always glad to see
farther the drilling goes the bet- j lnR ,ne Sni le convention there, him Hb is w(u acquainted here
ter oil showing. From 15 to 25last week' and visitinK with rel-L(I at Talent, where he often vis-
anves in tnat city. ijt,,(i (lanchtm-, Mis. AI. Soren.
Leo Greenwood, a
brother of;
Mrs. T. A. Franco, in in Ashhindl
Slade. who have been spending lnl8 week trom WeMl Ca,if- " F
the past week or two at Neyes j ,"'st at ,ne nom0 of 1118 sisl"r-
have re-
which Dr.
Danford recently pur-
Miwi Eleanor Greer has accent
ed a nnsilinn nn hnnkkeener for ti
the Ashland Lumber company. She
assumed her duties the fore part
who has the position as foreman iof ,tle week-
preparatory to leaving Ashland '"""'' ' "uu.u-.
eru raciuc company mere. air.
Mr and Mrs. W. T. Turner are hpnngs, m California
where the latter have been at-1 ,ack from Long Beach where they turned home.
tending the University of Oregon. I ll8Ve been spending the past win-
Thev will take un their residence J Vpv have sold their Ash-1 y,rs- GeorR9 Barker hlis 6one
i tho hm, known as the H. V. ,m rt hv enme t,J Hornbrook to join her husband,
Pohlund home on the Boulevard, Lere to remove their furniture
Miss Davis, who is spending me
permanently. ... , . . ,. summer in Ashlanl with her
a 4 uuu in i a, iuinui oah.i, i, Kr i tn i
H. E. Hoblson came up In Hornbrook.
E. Pell was called to Klamath 1 8tore duri,,K the 8UmraB'- w!'il! lhe
Falls this morning by the serious nul!lr forc, ,ake VMir vacations..
brother, I. R. Davis, will b sab-
Mrs. H. E. Hoblson came up m nornnrooK.
from Tulent last evening to spend
a week at the home of her son,
George Robison, and wife.
: ,, , ' " Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Rose of Ran-
.Miss jessie tmuiawa, ...,-., ".--- - ,a Rog8i Ca,if cffle (() Ash.,nd
last evening and will make an ex-
Mr. and Mrs. D. Perozzi have le,meu lml wllu reiuuves ... im
city. They were accompanied
Lolth Abbott has gone to Peu
rieton whore he has accepted a
position at the telegraph editor's
desk on one of tho daily papers
there for the summer.
Mrs. A. A, Marske and son Al-iin Ashland this morning from three or four days
ben are back from Porlhnd t.s Aneeles. after snending the
Where they have been visiting '?- j ,Ust year at the Bible Institute
: Illness of his brother, A. W. Peil.
gone to Chicago where the latter;
, will represent Ashland Lodge, No.'!
cen t ly. 'there. She will spend the sura
6 ! ptAr horn with her mother.
Mrs. Charles Tullis is expected a !". P- at the grand i
to arrive this evening from Mil-; jrs. h. P. Pohlnnd Is buck to lodge of that order being held i
ford, Utah, to pay nn extended Afihiand (rom Marshfield where in the Windy City. They expect
vblt to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;hhB lia(j Spent several weeks with to remain in Cbicago until about
J. J. Chambers. I ir r daughter. On her way home the .middle of July.
,! Mrs. Pohland was quite badly hurt !
Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Chaney andja she M fhBn(,.; Mr. odd Mrs. J. P. Wolf. Mr.
fnmllv of Klamath Falls ore ex-:, ... .... ...... . ,.. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller and Mrs.
ected In Ashland today, and will ' ' B J fa ' b;dl- ',,', MHtan Zundel were among the;"1" Also some good cedar
' . - 01 ner Knee8 18 80 Ba("y spiainea, j . -allrln In N nnil
remain here over Minuay, to m-, be hijd for Mme ; Asn.anu peop.e wno saw .virs. r isk j ----- - --.
tena me services rouuuticu u.. A a
Hiehop Shepnrd In the Chautnu-I jIi88 Mildred Million
lot ot new Icelesa Coolers
iu. An airplane load ot
American fencing of most every
description dropped down the
Thera are many advan
tages of having a home
ot your own. The soon
er you begin to save for
this purpose, the nearer
you will be to greater
happiness and success.
Htnrt a fund for n home
now wltU The L'itlens
Bank ot Asblaud.
!in "Miss Nelly of N'Orleans at;usea sawing fliacnines always ior
arrived the Page theater In Medford last1"'1"' or reDt. at
Here h your opportunity to insure
aguin-tt cnibarruiiiirn; crrun in spelling,
prunun-i-ttion 1111J pi'ir rltuce uf
woriii. Knnwth? mriiiiin' ':f puiiling
war tfrins. I:r .ic yuur rflicifney,
whiLh results in power an I nucceis.
I)H:H0.ARV ii an ail -know-
h. g I - ' ", " ! ' ' : Mimi
im-wi'ivr, imi'l,! Vi 1:1 -t. vmir
i, . !-. : tl .:-c by
hundreds of tliousandsof suc-
i ml iiK ii a: A un. u l In.- loi!'l ,u-r.
411(1.1100 Werili. 2T0O Pugm, AOOil It
luslrjf Inn. U.0lU ltliar;i i.hlci.l tin-irit-H.
.iu.imiu (vtitriipliical
GR.ltD PRIC, (IHl..-t liTiml)
P.lll.UU-l'.ll lli'l I'ill 'l-llKlll.
KTMIM) and INDIA PAI'lH tdillun..
HI 1 II for S. -. imni I'.it. .. 1-W-1-.
I'o.Li-t M.l, It ill ll.tltl. (111! IMH I.
G. & C. MERRf AM CO.,
Nprinjiheld, Man., (j. S. A.
Lawn Mowers
$8.00 to $18.00
High Grade
One-Half Inch
Three-Quarter Inch
W i II n a lis urnni.u rn i
I I a ,,,l ; I V, n mbnnrnin vu,p ; M n
y n C JJ -I I .irlnisticlJ, Ila., u. n. A. : 1111
y da mi V,i A Vf2WI I
UfashlandJ i ,;m OMD0nM'.Q UAPnUAQP
!5Saibfft-fcm w" wn u "niiuiin.ii.
I are yuu saving gsginn::::::::::::.::::::il?-8ri mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu
a FOR A nOMK? t
ci ua building. Mr. Cheney is pas- 10me iast evening from Sisson. , night,
tor of the Methodist church In j where she hail been attending the:
Klamath. Falls. Rummer school of the Chiro Nnr- Dr- M,B Bov,(1 ot zool-
O ! ,al in session there. ! gy department of the Pnlversity
Mr. and Mrs.. C. D. Storey are I I of Oregon stopped off yesterday
back from Long Beach where! jn vaupel'B store window is a ; between trains while on his way
they own a home and spent the ; :(.pluy of old time miner's equip-' south and visited Harlan B.
past winter, and will remain in mont. There are the percussion Fcdmes and Hubert Prescott, who
Ashland for the summer. Tlt' cap guns oxen yoke, pack snddleJare collecting specimens and tak-
Etorey family are from Jui-ksoii washing" pan, picks, etc. One, ing pictures of the animals and
county, and summer 'always pullM'0j ti,e displays Is the "gold' bear-. birds of Southern Oregon for the
Special for the Fourth
Get Your Supplies When in Ashland
Ihem back to this section. :j,lf! quartz profusely scattered university.
around in the window. This "gold' I
Mrs. Russell Alford, a sister of!pxhibu aUract8 ,,, aPnlion 0f, Mr- " Mrs. Milton Williams.
Mrs. J. J. Murphy and R. P. Nfiil r.narly every passerby. j Mrs- Em,nB Coffe and J- . Place
of this city, died in Klamatbj compose a fishing party who are
Falls Wednesday. Funeral ser-, jirs. j. n. Zwlght of lilendalei spending several days on the Ap
vlces will be held there this af j n!lg come to Ashland to try the'p'egate this week,
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Miirp':y 1 mineral waters and climate here!
m tn Klamath Falls I tnr tha hRnerli nf tier hp .lth. i John H. Orores of Ashland has
Wednesday afternoon and will re-j . I
main until after the funeral. Mrs. H. C. High and little I
4 , daughter have Just returned from
The rain that fell last night, visiting in Northern California.
Thile It was of much benefit to1 4,
irons In this vicinitv, brought with' According to reports from Cen-
it a hail storm which swept over tial Point an airplane took fire , include a dam of rock and earth,
the Belleview district and caused, there last evening and burned ttiriber headgate and main ditch,
considerable damage to the fruit, up. The aviator had started his, The cost la not given.
1. .h,. ...tinn W. L. Moore was! flight. It is stated, when the wind I
n this morning with some specif swerved the machine, and it failed M. T. Cyr, wife and family of.'
applied to State Engineer Percy
A Cupper for a permit to appro
bate .3 second foot of water
from Tyler creek, tributary to
Emigrant creek, for irrigating
ten acres. The construction will
Self Service Coffee, none better; 1 lb. pkg., 65c; 2
lb., $1.25; 5 lb 2.40
fiood bulk Coffeu, 3 lbs. for l.oo
Special price on all canned Coffee.
Borden's Milk, 7 cans, (1.00; case 6.25
Good Peas, 7 cans l.Ofl
Minnesota Sweet Corn, 3 cans 50
Best String Beans, 3 cans 50
Cottolene, small, $1.20; large 2 8".
Crlsco, 45c, 60c, $1.19 2.21
Eastern Meal, white or yellow, per sack f,u
Royal White Soap, 15 bars for 1 00
Jewell Soap, 21 bars for 1 00
Citrus or Gold Oust, per package '. 31
All kinds of trnit, lunch goods, paper plates and nap
kins. Slearns Self Service Store
7 Main Street Opposite the Plaza
iT"Tm-, - .ren.igiimwre.f ia6T,'ilrTif1;
Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cook Book
CHEER tip! ThiMv i
mi inrtlicr rr 1-011 for
worrying aliotit taMe va
riety.' 1 lie now Koya! Cook
Huok gives new suggestions
fur every meal every day.
'I lie Look is so full of sur
prises tliere will never lie
another dull meal in the
home. Here are a few sttg-g(-.iiniis
from the new
Kuyal Cook Book.
Plain Pastry
Tl.ij recipe h for one hrpe
f ie uih lop and bottom crust
C rltpj. flnur
g I, uspoiill vnlt
X 1, imimonii Kuyal JJuklnff
t nip n' twiing
tola naU-r
Ftft tngftlipr tlniir. suit and b.ik
I11K ii,imI'.-i; mill rhiult-mnit ai"l
rub 111 vry liislitly Willi Op ot
liii:.'r lllie l. it l tln
I,, tl.-r the pa.-le n ill be). All
r. ;. ivnli't vr-iy nlowly. en-iiiili
I 1 li-il.l Uiitnih tn.'i-llier (ilit lli't
V.'iil. or kn.llil llntlKli). lllMilo
In In. I v-p : roll out oi,.- iait "i'n
in, 1. 1. mill Iio.ikI uihI u:e fur
1. -if. mi i-Mit. Aft'"r pi Is IlltcJ
r..:l mil oihor iart tor top.
Rich Pastry
?rupl i!l.ltV flmif
1 . ,, ,. ion Itoyal linking
tra.-'lionli Hlllt
ii Miir',-iiniiE
iil'l mil. r
8'fl llmir. lutiinc Tinr.!i.r fin-!
rail; uaa uu-hil( aharteniuK
Absolutely Pur 9
rl rub In lightly with flnwn:
Jd water ilowly unill nr nslit
com iHin."y to roll out. Dlvitle in
hilvet; roll out one half thin;
put on in small piec half re
muininv shortening; fold upper
and lower edKea in to center;
fold tidea In to center, fold ilJ'i
to center agitin; roll out thin anil
rut on pie plate. Repeat with
othar hall for top cruat, .
Apple Pie
cups flour
l teaipoona Royal Caklnf
H teaapoon salt
'i tableapoona ahortenina;
4 applea. or I quart alked applas
3 lubltKpoon aiiKar
1 tcanpoon milk
flirt Hour, baklnr powder and
aalt; add ahorlening and rub In
Tei-jr llxhtlr; add Jut enough
cold ater to hold douith to
other. Ilutl halt out on floured
board, lina bottom ot pie plate:
All in applei. which have been
waahed. pared and cut Into thin
alirea; aprmkle with auKnr: fla
vor with cinnamon or nutmeg;
wet edxea of cruat with cold
water; roll out remainder ot pair
try; cover pi, preaainr edges
tlglitly together and bak in
modviate oven 30 minutea.
Hr tl mean e the new
"loyal Cook Hook )ut out.
Contains theae and 40 other
delightful, helpful recipe.
1- ree fir the aiking. Write
'I'ODAI to
1! tnllM MreH
"Bake with Royal and be Sure