Wednesday, July 7, 10120 PAHU TWO ASITLA5D WEEKLY TTOUfOS Asnldiid Weekly Tidings Established 1S76 l'lihlMicl Eiery Wednesday by TIIK ASIl!.An PRINTING CO. Ik-rt k wr7".7. WItor : was also opened to ex-service men i been moved to the head of the 'under the same conditions. The lakes, Mr. Colver said, while the total registration and filing costs. Industries in New England' are ac 'of the land raiiRes from 45 cents tually closing down now for lack la icr acre. of coal. Farmers also are unable '. to obtain cars to move the residue ii 1 1( hi. mv and corNTV r li'Kit. The Social Realm ti:i.i.i'iiiiM.: ! FRIDAY'S NEWS Quiet, WeridiiiK Improve the swimming facilities there. The owner of the spring, when he discovers the dam, will tear it out, causing the water to recede. This, he claims, is the explanation to the rise and fall of last year's wheat crop at ft of the water in Jackson spring, time when the new crop is coming' This body of water has never been to harvest. Already, he declared, known to go dry, nor has the wa- there are predictions of $25 flour j and 25-cent bread. ! COM) RAIX CAl'HK entertainment committee was to fclve everyone his money's worth and to give everyone a good time To Charles Robertson must go tlii! credit for the creative ideas of the evening's entertainment. ile labored for days before the affair. Other members of the company, H. T? Elmore, Klinur Morrison, Walker, Muckey, l'.ulirke, Wilson and Sam McNalr Air. Colver declared the roadsi OF CIIERUY LOSS !aif deserving of credit equally were unable to get coal cars to i Some growers are complaining' and several others gavo much A wedding took place in .Med- the mines, with a result that this; that a great many of their chcr-; Ii'1"' 1111(1 labor. occasion id yesterday afternoon which month's coal production is far be- hps lire turning vellow or red inwl The credit for the successful uiiiled the lives ol Miss 1 earl ow ponnal, and miners are see- starting to drop and are asking serving and dispensing -of refresh- Withrow and Maurico Barlow of nK t,ejr "families go hungry." I the cause. The cause of such incuts goes to Donald Dickerson HWMIM Kin-. Talent. The ceremony was per-, when operated separately. Mr. 1 trnnliln in iinilonhieillv .ii.vii,.ii.. J ho planned that end of the uf- . .. '"'men ny ue. casneu, pasiur oi Colver declared, even the largest i tion of some kind, Diiiine tlio Mali from start to Iiulsli. "Dirk' the MotlieJist church ol that city i railroad cannot operate profitably at his residence, nfler which the ,,( llt reasonable rates. m i;m liii Tiov u.itj:s V,...r i .ud lord .;..i,ii,s 1 . . .I.u.tbs Advet lir-emeni 30c 1 j;. i s, the liliC 10c U i . .1 I... a .Mi 1 ijy couplo returned to Talent .i,n i.liil Itl'IU l.t.'Il U UlllllUr UI UIU .1 Notice. cull lime, . 3 l-3c homo of the bride's parents. They t 'll.U T.U Ql A ritOGKAM Superintendent J. H. Puller has tion of some kind. During thel lali blooming period this sear, we hud : is tho company first cook, and considerable cold raiu and some everyone gave him credit for frost. This In itself would be sut- handling l'l 1,1111 of "o occasion liiient to produce a heavy drop, Hi under such conditions, pollina- i,';s of Thanks. . . ,tu.iii'V,'lUe l:ue. . . $ 1.00 'eft last night for Hilt where the ' completed the program for the tion would be rather poor. Wo so well. Twelve girls assisted with the si'iving, and though their work 2'ic groom lias a home already Die-2Sth session of the Southern Ore-!lSo know that the winter injury j vas very haul, worked .,1 i'l.i. i,.,l orders and societies pared, ton his brute, airs. Harlow pon Chautauqua, which he gives last December weakened some of plainingly. c.iiii; regular initiation Ices is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. j to the public today. This session:tbe spurs, and they may possibly' The boys desire to thank every ilU'.'s, regular rales. Hnirv Withrow of Talent, and Is! will hmrin rri,in l.iii- m iiiid ,., I 1. . t ...i n..D,'i..i . i. .'dm lin Ihmii auii....ii It v , . ' -n... ....., ....... ,,, uuiu uiit-iuu-u suiiiiieiuiy "-' . and lieuevoKMisocieties well known in Ashland where sho will continue through seven days. to produce heavy foliage, new Minor, who assisted in i:Vi!tinttwtu for aVaih'e'r'-;wlU 11 gradua,e of the city scm)ol3j President Fuller has succeeded in j wood growth, and ut the 'same j ';"'' ways. when an I'dmiisioii oi ot l'ie c'uss ot 1 91 1111(1 has since . getting together unusually finOj time, a heavy fruit crop. Under, As "iny requests have been iiU.n is taken. then occupied the position of sten-talent, both in speakers and eu-! such conditions, the trees will shed made for a repetition of the af- :,: i-.d at tlie Aslil.,nd, Oregon, egrapher in the Billings real es- tertuiuers of various sorts, and tho' their fruit, (lunnnosls is ulso re-; fair, il will probably lie repeated. "''" SI'C""J t'as ,'',t6 8ncy. The groom comes program will be versatile in en-1 sponsible for some of the trouble, j ' "'' 011 11 much more, extensive -1- . - from' the Wagner creek district, ' tertainment and Instruction. Fol-'Wheue ver we have seasons of'''1'''' ''i'her in September or next . . . T $, -y I'1" t present employed us lowing is the program in full for grrat fluctuation in weather con-j N,'w 've- At ""y lil1''' neaci mecnauic ai nm. i lie ue. , tle seven days: ollions, gumniosls seems to be ug- eiei vboily keep your eyes open, wishes of the entire community; First Day Friday, July Itt 'giavuted. We have had several and when It is announced be sure go with the young people througil I (Evening) 1 very drv summers. Some trees '" K''1 '01"' s'ats early. tlieir married life. ' Ouening Exercises and Announce- have died from drouth aim,,, inn! . menu. the drouth devitalized the trees.! STATU WIN'S COW'K.VTIOV ri:oi"i.i: s i out wi i.vsTiTi n: Prelude Arloine Andrews Scutti. : Wn bad ounmiallv cold wenllmp In' ('OI.OHAI)O SI'UINtl.S, Colo. One of the most enjoyable so- ,,,. v.,.,r.,m., ...n,, ,,.! .,,, , ti. Oiet-on .Wii-nlt n.-:.l r' reople ol the I.omi. cial events of the season was the , , n0 ,.... f,.,. ., , , ... .......,..,. in. n, .iw.,i .ii.ii. ingcuiu, uuuun i-uwui iu. nilliri, UIMI u long COU1 Uiyt .... .. ...... .. ... riiii-:s uiiii la.ii Mr. Kditor. J ,i;'i woiiiioriug if the leaders in The 'I mints know what is in ;ure lor r V.niev In I lii' coming days ai uiir lily oi Ashland? I iiaie reference to the Moody 1;i,j' lii.iilute iiich will hold a iiiiiiijii s session ill one of the i , ,, .,iii'i.i liiiililim s lollowilm ii ' iilai' t'lui.ui.iiKiuii in'ograui. i !.a In , i, in Wlilainl seven Wediling Dinner wedding dinner given last even ing to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Ited ifer, by Mrs. J. O. Coztil t, a sister Nuyphe. ispiiug. Such conditions always ""' llla,'B ot meeting for the l.ltli Second Day Saturday, July 17 i seem to aggravate guinmosis and .annual convention ot the Amer (Afleinoonl ! i:oikn lis Hltanku nuim mirii.u ii aii Homo Keouomics association .Mr. Iledifer's mother, of tiST. ; i.lude The Alaska Duo. Tb, r,. is verv little one can do 111 business session here this week. Lecture "Tomorrow," Carleton ' other than cut out the packets '"''s meeting falls in 1!K2 and Chamberlayne. f Kveniim). iiisiieu uy nir. iozuh anil air. i.,.i,in.i,o Ai,.oi,.. n., i.i. n n w.i u will ,..,..,( ! . , I i ...... r I ...1. i . in mtw i ttu niu-inu i 'in'. t 1 1 ii Jll urn ll A IlilMH". c II IKV " ' " ' " no .,,,.11. ...... .1.,.,, Stephens unil given a ride through 1 ,,.. ..Ti, k... c... i.i,. ,.n i .... sr.a !,..,., ..rni.,i .. i ..... .,, , ,, in. ...i .in... Kiunna iiiiu.iu iieeh -" - J " trial finest, " K. It.' Fish. in such condition that they give. 111:111 eVBl-y slat! '" tllfi ,lll'("1 1111(1 II street. After the dinner was served I the guests were taken in cars fur-i by Mrs. Grbver wer given hur fnlmitiible iiianner. The audience was so insistent- in heard at this time upon the pe tition of (!. (!. Etibanks, the guard ian of the estate of Augusta F, riit.rlctv nn Itinnmnalnnl anil it an. a rolicking Irish love tale upset )parln Irom 8llcl potittnn thttt It the gravity of the listeners foi would be beneficial to said ward the rest ot the evening. ; and to her estate if all tho lands The orchestra delighted the up-' banging thereto were sold, which leal piiperij' is put iicmui ly uc- preciative audience again with a selection, but could not respond owing to the lateness of the hour. There had been much pleisuiv manifest when it was learned lira' Mr. Mansfield, president of the Faim Hureau, would he i n -l i t. scribed as follows, to-wit The northerly half of lot 0 in block 28 as designated upon the official map of the City of Ash land, Oregon, adopted and ap proved by the City Council, No v, "iiber r, 1888. Also, lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 9, and Ills address wu awaited with! ". 1 ' ? 16; '. 19.' , , . . i zu, zi, a, i.i, a, and 2 oi iiioi k keen Interest. ,. ,; , . ,. , hlk Nor wero we disappointed, lorj 2, all In the Mathls & Bagley's Ad while hut brief, Mr. Mansfield tajicbed the salient points in the Farm Hureau Federation, made clear Its objects and reviewed the dltion to the City of Woodvllle, (now Hogue River) Jackson coun ty, Oregon. Also, beginning ut a point in the center of Wards " Creek on the work as accomplished already in i south line of the Oregon and Cul- lackson county. To anv 0110 who 1 Ifornin Railway company s rlght- I ........ ... 1AO has- not followed l. work -inc. ' y- "'"r" I"""1 ,a its small begliining, it must liave been a revelation. We urn glad Bunk Building as set forth In art agreement of record In Vol u ma 69 of Deeds on Page 665, and as contained in the Deed of the said First National Rank of Ashland to J. Syd McNalr and Susie L. Al len, of record In Volume 77 of Deeds, on Page - 2, records of Jackson county, Oregon. ALSO, subject to the conditions, rights and privileges relating to the west party wall of the prem ises herein described, as contain ej In the agreement made between J. Syd McNalr and Susie L, Allen with N. J. lteasoner, as recorded in Volume 88 of said Deed Rec ords on Page 4G8 and the Deed ot Record In Volume 87 on Page 414 thereof. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, June 22d, 1920. C. E. TERRILl,, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By FLORA THOMPSON, Deputy. 102-4t ISOTK'K OF APPOINTMENT OF KXKCITOHS AND TO I'RK. SENT CLAIMS Is! ')fl dpi? K. of the Hection cor ner common to sections 15, 16, 21 und 22; thence running south 30 deg. 15 niln. E. along the south I In the County Court In and for linn of the said railway company's! the County of Jackson, State ot right-of-way 343 feet; thence Oregon. south 59 deg. 45 min. west 181.5 In the Matter of the Estate ot feet; thence south 30 deg. 15 mill. Frunk H. Curler, Deceased. east 422.5 feet; thence south 69! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: deg. 45 mill. to announce .Mr. Mansfield has promised to come again to lielle- view and we can assure him a most cordial welcome. The last half of the urogram wuh nlacVd in Mr Moon.'. ,. ,-,.! (l('K, 4r weHl 10 1110 1(,w '-final me Last will and Testa. , , , , , . . , ,. . 1 ter murk of Rogue river; thence ment of the said Frank H. Car ole, hands and he most ably .lis ..westerly along the northerly tor. deceased, bus been iiroven In charged the trust. To such good t,,v water murk of Rogue rlrer to'Buld court before the Hon O A. use did he put his talents that the center of Wards creek ; thence j uarduer, County Judge, and the $.'1120 were added to the homo northeasterly along the center of undersigned have been appoint- ....,....,! . vaiiin iu in.- j,,m... cu us i-ActuLum uirieui, mousiiaiioii iunu, and evuryone 1 , , mnliilnlnir 6 1-5 acres. I Anv nerann IlllVlnir n flntm more or less, and situate in tho , against said estate is hereby re corporate limits of Rogue river, quired to present the same, duly in the northwest quarter of sec- verified at the office of Briggs Hon 22, in township 3, south oflUd Briggs, attorneys for said es rango 4, west of Willamette tule i the Pioneer block, in the Meridian, Jackson county, Ore- city of Ashland, said county and sniely extends her appreciative : gon. 'stale, within six months from the thanks. " Is hereby ordered inni me dute of . the first publication , . , . !next of kin of said ward, and 1111 hereof. Among the many friends fro,,, , n..-ested In the said es-, , n, ,ir, ,,nc,ln .i oulsiile present were Mr. and Mrs. , i,0. j.,id thev nre hereby ill-1 23 1920. went home happy and satisfied, refreshed in mind und body. To those who so unselfishly made tliu delightful program 11, id happy result possible llellvlew Mansfield, Mr. V. C. Cuto and Miss, reeled to appear before this court Pool. SECT OF COMMITTEE. ! I itil,i,k .n .,in..ii;.. 11.. '. nil! I10 tlio Qi'tpatiil iitiiin:il ninol . n in 1 u ntt;, iiiw uini, nifiiiitr i lie . wound with Bordeaux, and fill In iK "f U1" association held in th. thu beautiful moonlit valley of oi c niieil. an. I I In.- ,ie Uonue. Tho Invited guests has no: bin come In nrp. Mr, ami Mrs j, y. Uedlfer! ,,,i,i:i.u,,il . 1.1s Ii,,.. ,. Il.eie ., my eiiiial .11 aluo and im- and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ' i !..!:. , and interest li'i; eieiy- Freeman nnd children, Mr. W. J.i .iy to in.- loiiiing Bible Insli- Stephens and the guests of honor. ' "' Mr. und Mrs. Aubrey Redifer. 1 Thlid Buy Sunday, July IN (Morning) ' such trees the host pf care. '1 lie leai hi'is and leclnrers are 11 and women of World-wide 1 1 1 as Bible instructors, and 1 : ;.):,, il thai Ashland is to he imreil by their coming. If the 1 1 I - 1,1 1 his valley knew what .1 1 ..' ; ooil t hings mental and 11 11 11. I is awaiiin;; them In this Me lielitnte series of meetings, hall where it will lie held will 1.,.. i 111 i li ly too small to hold ' I I ,i ils. WILLIAM JOHNSON. Music Direction of Prof. Leland sl( 1HTV CABARET IS A. Coon. j (iRKAT StM'IAI, SICCESS Soloist-Mrs. H. T. Elmore. The SopjMy Vllharett llll(lel. the Sermon William Wallace Young-J ausI,k.e, ot tlie Ul coml,ully 0,e- S(l11- nn.iut A ..tiling.- ...... ...r.n.l i last night at the Armory. Tl.n .... . ... v t .,.... finin-1,,1,,,,1 1 ,lu pio-sis iJieseui. are nearly ... . .u.u.iu...... ,.s sr.-hi' uii niet. j ( AfleriKMin) I Concert Prelude Ruul Pereira TIll'RSDAT'S NKAVS I Nclglilioi-hood I'ai'ty I Mr iniormaiiy 111 a neigtiborliood , -Th Wllsic Master,' Arthur Ka- party Tuesday afternoon at lier! ,.f.i : home on Almond street in honor! (Evening) iof Mrs. Holt, who is u guest ol ' cJruntl Concert Raul Pereira and .Mrs. Patrick from Alamedu, Calif. ! i.ja string Quintet in.,. Ml:.S OF ers. Lecture "The Needs of tho Hour," Judge (!eo. I). Alden. I'iflh Day Tuesday, July "M ( He'iea, ion Day) Those present were among those who were counted among Mrs. Holt's close friends during her residence here some time ugo. A pieusani uuernoon was spent, our-1 (Evening) lug which the hostess served light, r,,.,i,i i ...... 1 ivii, 1 .,,1,. i.. .. .....'... ....x.r., I ' t..Tii . "'"S , efieshiuents. 1. K. Ca Ii of San Francisco, j v im lias been spending the past Pretty Wedding iw. or lliree years in Portland., handsomely appointed, but . laiiiiiini-, in tlie auto park this u.ft wedding took place in tho e 1.. while awaiting his wife who J Christian church last evening ut viil join him hen. by train. Mr.,s o'clock, when Miss Lala Clarice ( ,.-li arrived in Ashland Inst night, W; Iker became tlie bride of Au , mi was f.reiitly distressed overbuy Uedlfer. Rev. W. E. Beau Hi - loss oi his dog which accom-isaid the service before tho im- iniu.-d loin lu re 111 bis cur, but mediate family and relatives. Tlie Which jlllhiiei lei 1 . 1 i ! .-il In Success, "Kindling Sixth Day Wednesday, July -1 A r, .. . had bunted up the auto-iter the ceremony the weddlngj .- . , iiuiii u. i.r.ia, Mn.'h.i f,uebis assuiiioieu 111 me Home ui I in their statements that the nf : lull was the greatest social suc- cess that Ashland lias probably ! ever seen. j More than 375 guests were pres ent, and probably 200 turned away .. ,.. 1 ...... i. ......... ..,..,..,, ..,, ()p account of ,.lck ot seatlllg ca. (Aftemoon) ! parity. A remarkable feature of Popular Concert Royal Welsh ,,,, ,lff,p w, .,,, ,., . Lady Singers. ni-imiicniiv . 1 1 ani.t im, .oni;0 hl fore the event was to occur. The affair more than came up to the expectations ot everyone, and when the cntertulnment came Canada. Tlie 192L meet ini; will be held iu tlie far eastern I'niied Stales No definite placo was selected. Miss Mary Sweeney, head ot the Home Economic university of Kentucky, was elected president ior the coining year, while (he outgoing president, Miss Edna Whitehead of Merrill Palmer School for Ilomemaklng, Detroit, was made first vice-president. Other elections, were as follows: Second vice-president, Isabel Lord of Pratt institute; secretary, Len 11.1 Cooper of Battle Creek sani tarium, and fivo councilors at large. j A reorganization of tlie associ ation was agreed upon which pro vides for five regional districts in the United States and one in Canada, each presided over by a councilor. The Pacific district I present, and all cheered I Tennis Tournament, Swimming.; ,, UKai f(u. mo,e. Sports. I Junior Chautauqua In Park. i (Evening) 1 Prelude Valley Orchestra. to 11 rtnQn nl 9. ft in' tl...l ,,' ' .. ,; i Includes Oregon, Washington, Cal guests were still practically all; , i iioiiuu, lu.iuu, molilalia, i laa anil ! Nevada. Tho association decided ! ...I.A ,.... ... ..rr:i:..t.. ...i.t. ti. iu n. 'n iu iiLiiiiu.i; ..ill, lilt; The first novelty on the pro gram was a dance ' I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" ill which every ' one sang under the leadership of '"I from the machine 1 ide was gowned In white crepe ! Tb.fl. M:"l,'ic0 I,l0 I'1"yel8 lnMr. Henry Enders, Jr., assisted turn. After spend-, do chine piped with white satin' ;"ttr'0 ..."f.0" UramaUc;by the First Company quartet. American Federation of Women's clubs. Hi" 11:1 -In hunting the animal, , nd the church was beautifully j ('a h discovered this AWning decorated in white and green. Af-1 i'l the Park M i he d !:,l,l.'l there awaiting his master, jthi. groom's purents, Mr. and Mrs. I "I wouldn't low this little dog ,' K. W. Uedlfer on Seventh street,! any Mini of money," Mr. Cash win re a dinner was served. Guest.)! leiiari.eii this iiiurning. "He to tho wedding and dinner in-! 1 he ontiro program was one ot dances Interspersed with acts the superior of which has never been seen here. The "First Coinnanv Travel Lecture "Through Five ,.,,.. , ,,, ,, , Republics on Horseback," DrJ.,,. T,,nr ,,,, ',.,. C. Whitfield Ray, F. R. CI. S. j , tirsl ct of (Evening) Jlilul jU(iKillg from , conlimu.(1 .1 my life I ,st week." lie then eluded the parents und brothersi ' " , ' , ', " , "Pl'lause the audience was more ... . nnlnnan " .lllilpa TTrn.l ( Ilnlrt .. . .. ltd a thrilling holdup experi- and their families of Mr. Redifer. . . . ' ' "lu appreciative, l,.. !,.,.! ...... rv., ....... f....' ... .... .i ,. .1.. .. ii..,, v....f..- .iiu.v (,uii ins grandparents, air. anu ..- on ni.s way unwn iron, rort- , Alis. J. II. Redifer of Drain. After rTM-mu ii inunim), hiiij A,.t twn ., ....., ,,. (Afternoon) i,v ,i,,,nii. ,,r n... im..u,ii.i 1 p. rhort honeymoon Mr. nnd Mrs. Casli he was l.cdifer will lie at homo to their i:d.!,i: to 1 by an elderly man au l f, :, n,s at tho residence on . who had run tlieir car f j( ,! street which tlie groom re ihe mad, tui .iiig him to (( i tiy purchased and has fitted up. j Prelude The Maoris. Junior Chautauqua. ! (Evening) The Native Maori Singers of New I Zealand. ;"Au Evening In the South Sous." Illustrated Lecture "New Zea land, the South Sea Ptopia," Mrs. Leila Bluomfield. '.or,, i.iier winch they asked for foi a home. olin... .Mr. Cioh left Irs car, ' , hen the man held him up with, SATl'RDAY'S NEWS , pin. Tlie dog at this tiinci Dai Ison-C'oi nlsli Wedding i.ii ,.'l fiom the car and flew ut. The marriiigo of Lew A. Davi h- wi inaii. v. Iiich frightened the koii of Klamath county and Mis? PHVSM'AL THAI VEIt it:,-,- , that f-ti- rtarte.l to run. Clara Cornish of Ashland tori; CHARGE OF SPORTS il. .- i.i ii,.(t..l tie attention of yesterday at the Congr'M-j Extensive Interest Is being ' Iliii'. r.iviiig Mr. Cash tionnl parsonage, Itev. 11. J. (iil-l shown iu the courses in physical .!.:.... and he -rin k the ball-' larders, the pastor, performing odurutlon to bo given by compe- 1.; ug his bead thioURli the ceremony. The young people. 1 Uat instructors who will have , hi.-M ol .Mr. C.i l. s car. left imniediutely for Cresi ent City 1 charge of the work In the Sm- . in.iii.i.i th-m so that they where their honeymoon will be I n'T School. Due lo the uiost ., ui, i, . .. , , aii.i .Mr. ( ash spoil. ' hearty co-oporatlon of some of the ,,,, , ' j, i.Hi. y ladles of the city the enrollment a . - i .1. i. .i. i . . . . I i. I.. Pi.tL- .it- itnutlii.tlp nti.l fnllr (liitif-ilip h:iu ,", l,i ....l.,llOl.llllll.ll ....... ... , .u. ... ---n , i . :, 1 i th t point with. A paily of six girls had a jolly become so great that II will prob;j whole act was a marvel of finished ! '. -'!. nru'n. .Mr. Cash time al a picnic III the park lust t,bly be necessary to add another j tulent and grace. She tvas at- .1 I n b.ri no do'ibt they Thursday evening. The uffair was , Instructor. Mr. Charles A. King, tired ill a beautiful costume of ! : ;i t... ::.. no-parties. Tlint givin ill honor of a number ol 't a graduate of the Oregon Agricul-; corn yellow silk too intricate to ; j.ioMteil It. the pun- Uic young ladles who have Just re-1 tuial College In electrical engin-' describe. Mil at the hands of turned homo for the summer, and eering and industrial arts and who, A weird esthetic dance by Mis3 ; '.id. n:, be stated, as all enjoyed the reunion to the ut-(has also taken special work in Itowen Gale of Medford was next ( '.:: ii-n( e no one else most. Those present were Misses physical training, has been se-on the act program. MiRs dale, i l 'ii at that point. K'tith Herrin, Dorothy Curnahau, cired to take charge of the work though very young, was a picture Zelda and Alda Hecr. Isolene 1 for boys and will supervise theirjof grace in her dance, which was i M l Tii Mil. IHI lts Campbell hikI Pearl linger. games und sports besides giving; an Indian representation. ; !' il land in The lessons In swimming. This should The last act of the evening was ':. i. '..mi.!i.-niR about RAIL REMEDY M';;KSTEI ! a nact by the Masked Dancers, ... oianid to en. WASHINGTON Operation of , JAl KSOX Nl'KIXJS j v: hose names we now reveal as r " i " :i y.i lelay, i,c- Mm- railroads of the country "as ' WILL XOT (Ml DRV i Mr. Harry Silver and Miss Maxine :cl(stru, and certainly no orches-i ; tra of this section of the country or tho state for that matter, ever did better. Following tho novelty number and several dances, was a "special extra" by Mrs. Montgomery assist ed by six Medford girls. The en tire personnel of tho act were lull of grace, und certally was a credit lo the evening. They en- tr.ved tln-cn raillo r,i w,a .....1 when they finally had to sit down, ! f ""T" long upplause still followed. Miss Katlnyn Swem, of Med ford, staged the climax acl of the evening, iu an esthetic dance called the "Lady of the Moon." Misb Swem made her appearance through the face of a moon, with! beautiful lighting effects. Her i COMMIMTV MEET AT BELI.EMI'.W Friday evening, Juno 25, saw P.elleview school house comfort ably filled with expectant and anticipatory guests, knowing tin treat awaiting them. An unusually pleasir,:; program had been arranged uurt 'he bil lables covered with mysterious looking bundles and iaiUai;es whetted both curiosity and uppe lite. Air. Brown In a few well chosen remarks opened the nieeliug add announced its object; then turned it over to Hie conimiltee thai had arranged the uffair. The opening 1111111111.1' was a se lection by the Woods' orchestra a number so happily received that nnutlier charming one was given tc satisfy the enthusiastic audi ence. A III tin Iravclo;'!', toil In such delightfully friendly fashion some ol I lie in teresting experiences and happy limes Miss Katun'!! Miller en joyed In her five years' soiourn in our island possessions. A solo followed, by Miss Elea 1101 Moore, very sweetly rendered nnd heartily applauded, but she disappointed the listeners by not reappearing. Two short readings, one serious and one in lighter vein, Toiletries We are the only store iu Ash land to stock this ICYCLLSIVE, HHJII (i RADIO MERITORIOI'S LINE OF CREAMS, TALCl'MS, FACE HENRY B. CARTER. In the county judge's office, at (JEOHOE R. CARTER, the court house, In the City or y CARTER, Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore-, Executors. 1 Ron, on the Illst d::y of July, ; Wkly-1 02-4t ! 11120, at the hour of 10 o'clock; . iu. m. of said day. there and then xoTICE OF Slllmil l 'S KALE, ho show cause. If any exists, why , . . E,.1inn ,i ,1 license should not bo granted m.(1(!1, of sue du) laaued out o( to the said guardian for the sale nmJ un(er (ne Beu, of (ha circult of said real property, and it Is toul.( of ,h(J Sut(, of Q (or further ordered hat a copy of tli(, c uf Jnckson datP(l this order be published for three Jme 2M ,920 n g gut th successive weeks In tho the Ali-; wherelll mler & Thompson Co., land Tidings, a newspaper print-' a C01.p01-a'ti011i fls umjff recov. ed and of genenil circulation in!ered Jlldgmenl af!aill9t w N Jackson county, Oregon Campbell and Huttle Campbell, Done in open court this 2lJlh;ljg wjfe fl9 dl,fendanu for th9 day of June, l.u. ....... ... 11022 r,r. imrthr with POWDERS, TOILET A XI) PERFUMES. WATERS You cannot buy better. We guarantee every article. Try It at our expense, at Polcy's Drug Store FOLEY & 10 I.I I A III' DRK.tJISTS 1 i wn i- 1 $ I BgSg' Cverylhin," K ; S HOTEL MANX 1 ; a unit" us a means of relieving, A number of people in this vl- I'mcht. The dance was one of the i the present transportation diffl-1 eirity have been worried about latest society parlor dances, and 1 allies was suggested by William, a report (hut the Jackson hot drew much applause from the P.. Coher of the federal trade j spring is going dry. According , ( uests of the evening. . oinmisHlon, in an addiess before to their statement, the spring will ; Interspersed throughout the the Washington Ad club. Mr. fill for a time, after which the daices were snecial color effopia ? 'u!er predicted that a continu- waters will recede. The expla- j ami moonlight waltzes which were .-linfl f.f tli ttrwM.O .lli.,,tinn nullnn i-.f (Vla i.h.,nii, ,an,.l ........(. ..... - .......... al, UH. ......... v. ..... ,............ i.i. .iimui.i; UIIU Ulll(lie. ' 4... mean "untold sutfering and ' explained by a resident, who has 'A luge color wheel had been ur-ilt' iiidutsrikl shiitdowrs next win- lived here for a number of years, rai ged in the center of the roof ; .li r." Hundred!! of millions of i ml is well acquainted with the , of tho building and created a real- Jta : the nun mineral ilollars are tn d up now In nier-, a(.aries of tlie Jackson spring. Iy wonderful effect of respb nd- fj3 ui il, e south half (balidise in Hidetrai ki-d cars, he According to his statement the ent colon, anil livhij ftH uliiile Jn.iiaii res- said. Joung lads of the city have been Refreshment? were served at : a i 1. u 1 Jis- Only one-tenth of the needed iu the habit of damming up the practically cost to the boys. The lifjl ilTS acrii. oal for ne-;i wmier s supply has htream to th spring in order lo who aim of tho First rompanv , i :.! 1u Ii. i:. Lalighlin. he. id ( I ;;,' re:i( !,.l la l.i ilia...,. Kll 1 I....V !i. li,a.,.- 1 : 5 t.j and in- , , ii.: '.Ugil ' 1 !'. i i '.u;,i:-t .'il I!, a. IaraK will be ( .- ubj I to L'.-,..'ial entry, ; :..i ..i, A:u'ii-t 27 the reinainin' 1 IKJS Will b - I 'lllje, t lo peiierji i.'. a. ;.i t'l' inent. T.ns aie v ,.s toriii.-i ly v 'IMi,i :i mr In dians. : 3 i-eitioii ; i y.i,;? la hi! !. J.,iil'T : '-ii i:i I .' i . o. i ll :i g Powell St, atCfarrtll San f ranciscc j In the heart of the fl business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby .fine service,and Homelike restaurant Is U will attract votl. - t'J ftj European Plan rates H $i.uu up. - On Savings Accounts a V Interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. C. A.'GARDXER. County Judge. 100.00 attorney fees and $38.60 costs and disbursements, which Date of first publication June Judf,meIlt an(1 decree was 'enrolled 3. "KI"'H und docketed in said court June mil. 1920: XOTICK TO ItKDITOItS NOTICE IS HEREB GIVEN. in the County Court of the State That punmnt l0 tne terms of of Oregon for .lackson County sul(, cnl.P9 um, Kxeclltioni i wlMi In the matter of the Es ate of ()1 SBtur(hiy July 24tn i920 at Ira .1. Hoharl Deceased. 0.dock a a, le frout (ooI, Notice is hereby given that the of , courtnoUB8 in tne Cty of undersigned, hlva A. Hohart, has jucksoYille, Juckson county, Or been appointed ad,nI..istratr,x ol!(,Ron orffir for ffln(, ge At the est a e of Ira J. Hohart, de- l.Iltlli Au,.Uon to the ,i)he8t bd. ceased, by the County Court ofd , BaBf gad jlld(!ment and the- State of Oregon for Jackson j ((creei wUh C0)t, of M, ub. County, and has qualified. All J( ct , redem)Uon a8 provl(ie(1 persons having claims "Ba n" . ,y iaw. and a specific lien in favor said estate are hereby notified to of , cty f Medfol.d a agani(t present me saiiie u, "-""" , the lot in Medford, Ore- edged as by law required to the undersigned. Elva A. Hobart, at i gon, amounting to all the right, title 1212.33, and in-. Ashland Oregon, within six lerest ,, Slli,i judgment debtors nionins irom iiib liaio ueieui. :w v. rnmnl.oll ,l II,,.. I Hated and first published this 1 (.ampbcH joIlty or ndlvduay had on October 1st, 1914, or have since acquired, or now have In lillh day of June 10, 1920. ELVA A. HOBART, I 0 1 -4 1 1917, the date ot the Fred I', Fischer Mortgage, either individu ally or jointly, and all Interest, right and title that they and their successors in Interest have since acquired in and to the following Muaieaeit W.I. Janet AN ISPOMOT LETTER Bishop. Calit. "About fiv yoavi uko I suff.Jivd severely, insulted a local lioctor and lie siii, 1 would have to underpo an cpppri tion. When I said "No," ho advise. i course of treatments. . liar 3oned to think of Dr. Pierce's Mod cal Advisor, and in it I found in ;aso thoroughly deseril)od. I pb right down and wrote to Dr. Pierm 1 then tried Dr. Pierce's Favor! t Prescription took ona bottle - alt ne Dottle ot (..olden Jlcdict Discovery,' and used the 'Lotiot rahlets' and 1 have not been trotib ed since. I hueo tin. I t,,-. (In. lenlthv lim-a cineo tl,n . " i i Hue. (heretofere known as Harga "1 2 'YV-Hd ?eet Va he Pleasant Pellets' for the live ind towels for alxiut 2H years vouldn't lie without them."- Mlts 5. (i. ALiiitiGHT, Ii. K D. No. 1. Write to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Intel in Burt alo, N. Y.. if vou wan und to the following described v...,-i.. ..- c.-oii. o4il roaI Pr"!'1'"'!)'. situated In Jack NOTKE Ol- SIIMUrr'K SAl.h. connty .Oregon, to-wit : By virtue of an Execution and All that portion of Government Order of Sale duly issued out of lot Number SIX in Section Thirty and under the seal for the Circuit i two, in Township 36 south of Court for tlie State of Oregon, for Range TWO west of the W. M. in Jackson county, dated June 21st, Jackson county, Oregon, bounded 1920, In a certain suit therein, I and described as follows: BE whereln it was decreed that Fred , GINNING at the northwest corner 1'. Flsclior, one of the defendants i of the John McCay Donation Land in said suit, was decreed to have Claim In said Township and u first Lien under a certain Mort- Range; thence east on the south gnge on the real property herein- line of said Lot Rln 26 rods to the niter described, in the sum of southwest coiner of school lot: $1,598.07 together with $600.00 , thence north on the west line of attorney fees and $24.40 costs ' suld school lot 10 rods to the und disbursements, nnd wherein northwest corner thereof; thence it was further decreed that the east on the north line of the said plaintiff, John O. Rigg, has a fur-j school lot 10 rods to the north ther and second lien against said least corner thereof; thence south property for tlie sum of $199.20 on the east line of said school lot together with $75.00 attorney j 16 rods to 'the southeast corner fees, which judgment nnd decree of said school lot; thence east on was enrolled and docketed In said the south line of said Government Court on June 19th, 1920: ' I Lot Six nnd the north line of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, j county road to the southeast cor That, piirsuunt to said Decree and net- of said Lot Six; thence north Keciition, I will on July 24th, 44 rods to the northeust corner 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in., at the of said Lot Six and thence west front door of the courthouse In. on the north line of suld Lot Six the City of Jacksonville, Jackson I to the northwest corner thereof; county, Oregon, offer for sale and j and thence south on the west line sell at public auction for cash to i of said Government Lot Six to the Hie highest bidder, to satisfy saldphn?e of beginning, containing 20 Judgment and decree, with costs acres of land, more or less: ol this sale, subject to redemption ALSO, commencing at a point as provjded by law, all the right. title and interest that M. A. Mc Cniin and Gertrude L. McCiinn 100 feet north ot the southwest corner of Block No. 2, of Gallo way's Addition to the Twon (now his wife, had on December 27th, , city) of Medford, in Jackson coun ty. Oregon, and running thence north along the west line of said block 00 feet; thence at right an gles east 100 feet; thence at right angles south 60 feet; and thence at right angles west 100 feet to the described real property, situated ; place of beginning. This lot sub- in the City of Ashland, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side line of Main Street in the City of Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon, which point lies north 56 deg. 19 min. west along said street boundary 30 feet from the point of intersection of the southerly line of Main Street wita the westerly side line of First ave- ject to said City Lien. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, June 22nd, 1920. C. E. TERRILL, Sheriff ot Jackson county, Oregon. Uy FLORA THOMPSON, Deputy, 102-4C XOTICK OK in; A RING OX FIAL ACCOl'XT In the matter of the Estate of Emma H. Fuller.- Deceased. point on the northerly side line of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, an alley as described in Volume that the Executor of the above en 50 on Page 450 of the Deed Rec- titled estate has filed with the ords of Jackson county, Oregon, I Clerk of Court his Final Ac count in the matter of the ad ministration thereof, and the Hon, G. A. Gardner, Judge of the which point Ms 30 feet distant from 'Hie intersection with the northerly side line of said ullev ree confidential medical advke, oijwi,u westerly side line of First I County Court In and for the end .")D cents for the ".Mtdica Avenue; thence north 56 deg. 19; County of Jackson, State of Or Wviser. j mln. west along the norlhely side egon has designated July 17, line of said alley 56 feet; thence. l!20, at 10 o clock a. m. at the north 35 deg. 02 min. east 100 courthouse in Jacksonville, said feet to a point on the southerly j county, us the time and place for side line' of .Main Street, which: the hearing of any objections point is distant 86 feet along the thereto. southerly side line of Main Street . Any person having objection to from ils intersection with the the allowance and approval of said westerly side line of First Ave- account must present the same nue. and thence south 56 deg. 19 on or before the time designated min. east along said southerly for said hearing. JAMES E. FCLLER, Executor. Classified ( HUH: It TO SHOW I A1 SE I.i the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Guardianship, side line of Main Street 56 feet to "of the Estate of Augusta F. the place of beginning Kagley, Incompetent. ALSO, the party wall right In, Daily 247-lt This matter coming on to be. the west wall of the First National Wkly 102-31