Oriioa Historical Bootftr, . Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1920 NO. 104 INSTRUCTORS FOR ORGANIZECONTEST LOCAL BALL TEAM CROWD LARGER BILLY SUNDAY MAY AIV10S N1NINGER TABLET FOR DEAD fIREWORKS WERE ....... . i ii linn Ilium Tlllt mm, I rmm r- I 1 o mm ... . . . ....... I I mtm sit i mam, m m ihan lai mm. iu ashjuii: h rami heroes unveiled fine ARRIVING With the children'! contests, The Aslilaud baseball team came DISPLAY It is estimated that a larger; A recent communication from' Anion Niniuger litis just closedl Impressive services mucked the! i-hlun.r. n.,..-,in oii.,.,ti.. whlcil made up a lurge pan oi j uiioiibii wmi colors tiyiug, una. j crown visneu asiiiuiiu yesiemu, . i,r. n line, regional super-; n (leal Willi tun .sinner and Minesl unveiling of the bronze tablet in ended last night in a blaze of the entertainment in the park dur-j mopped up on Yreka ill the final than last year. Notwithstanding : iuiendent of ihe Moody Bible' Garage of Medford, whereby he I the park placed there bv the lIi rv in tin. m.i,-foi,i .ii'.i,i.,v Aa time for the opening of the Bummer School draws near, final plans are being completed and ample provision is being made fori the accommodation of the stii-l dents. Miss Edith Lindsay of I Corvallis, a recent graduute of the Oregon Agricultural College, has arrived in the city to take charge of the physical education for women and girls. Private lessons in piano, voice and violin and class lessons In ' theoretical subjects as well as chorus rehearsals will be held In the Auxiliary room on the second floor of the same building. For the use of the department of phys ical education the Armory has been secured while the Natator lums of the city will be utilized for the instrutclon In swimming. Should there be sufficient demand for classes in conversational ! in g the three days of the celebra tion, becoming such a drawing card, a Lithiu Park Championship was formed with yesterday's con tests in the 100 yards dashes for boys and girls under 16. This number in the contests afforded much sport and interest, and re sulted iu Josephine Barber becom ing the 1920 champion for girls, and Archer Hoyt the boys' chum- raine, Monday, July 5. The game; (lie fact that the round-up, which , School, intimates that there is nittil.es over the controlling interest Saturday was well attended mid j was such a drawing card for theistrong possibility fcr an evening's' it: their garage and also t tie ugen many brilliant and flashy plays! l ast four years, was eliminated i.M-etliig in connection with the ey lor Ktiidehaker and Muck trucks were pulled off. Rube Foster wusjthis year, the people from all the sessions of the school hi Ashlnud. j in southern Oregon, on the mound for Ashland and 'country round took the time ofi I I Mr. Niniuger will hold his resi- pitched a fine game and should to celebrate anyway, and were hew ;I-DAY CELEBRATION have won, but fate was unkind to1 iu force for the last day of toe; ivmii-.k hummi nun wil( ,,.,,( , Know that Ash Rube and as the result he lost a celebration, and many came the' FIREWORKS Disi'l.t V I i;l, as WPu lls southern Oregon very close and exciting game. The game Sunday was u thriller, with lots of hits, runs and errors, pion. John Storm won the pillow j mostly of the latter variety. 'Hob fight championship. It was de- tn-tt, the right-hander who start clded yesterday that this featurecd the game for Ashland, was of the sports will be an annual j handicapped with a sore arm and event, and a record will be estab lished to keep track of the winners. lobt control in the latter pan of first day and remained through: Asnianii s inree-oay rourtn oi , n.(iiins Mr .Niniuger as a resident the entire celebration. Chief of. July celebration will conclude to-,,,,! Ashland business man. Police Hatcher estimated lie night with n grand display of fire- , parked upwards of 1000 more i works iu l.itliiu park. SI M.Y SERVICES cars yesterday than he did thi Saturday night the visitors were ; WERE IMPRESSIVE Fourth last year. The upper park nit' rtained at dunces at the Hun-, ai riot ism commingled with su during the fireworks display was. r.-ilnw. Armory and Natutorium. j , ,.,,, s(.rvicos formed the leading a solid mass of people, whilo the The folks (lanced until iulilninlil : )1s, ,.Vi)11,.,.s o( tlt( nation's natal ex-Ambassador Gerard as adver tised for Sunday afternoon, and who wan to make a patriotic ad- j.iencn anu bpan.sn, a competent dl.ess thig atternoon ls explained Monday's game showed the real! of Motor West, arrived in Ash j:ruiBHsur can ue hkcuiuu uu n inu tile third inning. He retired In driven everywhere within reach of j Saturday mglit at the Aroinry anil ,.,y y,,st,M(iay, Wu, a lirse t.u. favor of Judd Pernoll, former De- that Bectlon were parked with cars hcj.au dancing again thero at mid- K n-m, t itm gathered nt the Cliiui trolt pitcher. The Ashland team as thick us tliey could get room, "inht Sunday night. Dances will tiiuouu auditorium to listen to the i mi each cur colituined anywhere lie given at these places again t-, ;i, ,.(,t it- sermon delivered by so gets credit for a win, us Per- from four to eight people. night. ; jjb,01, y u shepurd ol the I'ort- noll showed his old for mund held, 1110 sports in the park Satur- th(, s(M.Vi,.(,s in t, Yrcka at his mercy. As to the re-j PARK ATTRACTIONS ! afternoon l''' roiwtly for the ..veiling given by the Bible Instl- tults, Ashland came through vie-j OBTAIN TOlKISTSi liille folks and were mm h appro- tute evangelists. This part of tor. R. L. Lee, circulation manager, Haled by them. ; ,.0,..lltj(lll w.,s in ,.larKp t COl'IiOX'T RELEASE was. ahead when Robinett retired,! AMItAUUllMklt --...I! .. .. ...i.. .... i.. i Ihe non-arrival in Ashland of American Legion in honor of the of fireworks which were witnessed service men who went out from by thousands of people in the park. Ashland and vicinity to the world In this display the Hitts Fire wur, never to return in this life. works company of Seattle, whiclt Bishop W. O. Shepurd of Port-! has put on the fireworks in Ash- dihce in Ashland anil everybody land area gave the patriotic ad-! land for several vears. was at Its dress and conducted the unveiling i best, and the pyrotechnics were em-monies. j beautiful and spectacular. An The address was given from Ihe . immense crowd gathered at the hand stand in the piesenco of a , upper park during the fireworks large audience, who took time! which started ut ai out 9 o'clock from the gaieties of the day to lis-!nd lasted over an hour. ten to the inspiring and patriotic j utterances delivered most elo-! WHY NOT HE WINDOW queiltly by this gifted man. Bishop! CLEAVER OR WAITER? Shepard did not speak long, hut his address was one that his hear-' NKW YOHK.-r-Window clean ers would long remember. ''n "nd wip's 'M'o ranked high Following the address the cer-'"b"VB ,lle ordinary grade of wage emonies were next carried on at j "rnrs when testimony was giv Ihe huge huuliler. where in death- ,he t,'i,1 of Hi"y Wpiss. less bronze Ihe names of llioso f U"1 B,'d with kw'l'K gamhlini; who had made the supreme sac-i llol!se' 11,1,1 ,wo o( lllon' llai1 '" rilice are engraved ou tublet i ' " I'okPi- khiiio tlipn. and embedded. Those whose lives!"" Wednesday night. Hn the following telegrams from ron nt ih Aahlaiwl l.nva ThevHund yesterday and will stay over aim nemi eie iiae(i niiring , i..,i .....i ...... .... ,-t i .,i,i i i,v iiiruin uuii.. i,., i u,0 . ih..t.. gau pranclgC0 Saturday evening: went in to win, and win thev did. the Oth and 6th, working In the Hie three days and were well at V. mese woui.i ne most prow- R 0reeri Aiihall(1. Hall games between Ashland (ho minislerial association of Ash-j were given to their country were: Uoteclives. in describing the rble courses and well worth the time spent. Inquiries are already coming in I The score was 11-2 in Ashland's ' interests of his publication. Mr. tended. Convention adjourned in dead-favor. Durham, a former Clncin lock to 8 p. m. Gerard forces nati pitcher, had the Yreka boys jwll! not permit him to leave un-;0n his hip. from start to finish. Pad Hill deserves a greut deal of credit for his work behind the to the director regarding the ad-:lpss fnal vote , tlk(,n by 9.30 vantages offered by the Summer I Thp collvenlloll mav 1)allo, ali School and much interest Is being !nj(;ht or a(ljourn UIltll MoI1(lav. , he, e(, materialIv to , shown. Until further notice heud-!,u , . , ,. ,,. ,.,,, ' .... , , , Ouarters of the school will be lo- wj ,ry tQ arrange for 0erard practically .all the clergymen of Ihe city. At the morning service special rated in the Commercial Club! to leave Sunday. Do you want bere registration will be received hjm ,a(er ,f conventloll ,lolua over on Tuesday and Wednesday of this j Moll(lay. EMORY E. SMITH, week. It Is very Important that, ... ...... wlr.,, an,wer. Lee and daughter Jill and Misf The exercises Sunday were most Heutrice Johnson, sister ot Mrs. iy oi a reugioiis-pairiouc cnarac- mils(. waH rurnislied by a double Lee, are members of the party anil ter. At II a. in. Hisliop W. O. (inrtet ami congrecalinual sing oil unite In singing the praises of Shepurd, hisliop of tlie Oregon , in,, ,v p(ir L A , A Ashland. -rtu, delivered a sermon in tlie'V(rv i,auijfui s0, ..T, i,or(t Ia "Your park," said Mr. I.ee, "Is ('hautauqua building which was ' Mv sheiiherd," was rendered bv the home boys over as winners. "ie n"st beautiful we have visit-; attended by a large congregation. Andrew Walker, while the minis- led on the Coast. When we ar- I-ithia park was filled day. lers assisted in the preliminary ... ....n... . f , . ... . .. . ..... I, ...,,,..A... ....... .t I.. I-:.... .I...I.. iu.1 Yl .1 1 ii. A i-.inr.ni i lived we lounu it pretty wei. m ,.i.n- umuv mtu services. ;OR(iEOl"S SCENE' r.iowded and no wonder. Seems lunch there and "making a day" WX shepuri! was One of the handsomest features; that you have furnished everj' 1,1 ' During the nlti-rnonu the ljs (jsl.o,ns(, n,, inonghl tol Fn.nk Jordiin 1 of the celebrat on was the H a-, eonce vn li h enliven ence for the "aim piayeii a concert wnicn was .i.i,,,i ,i,., .,t.,i r uu ejpecuns to iane com ses ,. yes mugt have (m ns s0()n as',valiltt paBMnt given in the Chau-1 tourist and camper and combined much enjoyed by the large audi- fclioiild register during the days, ,, .,..... ,.. ,ii.,im on...i,.v I , I .Fll ' CII1 Wit tO U.C-I. ret aside for this purposo. I OXTESTS MCCH JOY TO THE CHILDREN Karl D. Ileeson, Walter tt. Davis. ! ,!i"1"'s "''lv,,' " re of win- Arthnr M. Decker, Algie V. ,low '' r4 aml "ait.-rs. assert- Loomis, Arthur Ray Morgan, Or- j d t,1lft "' considerable lie H. Powers, Horatio S. Sau- "l,l0Un' ot ",ol"'v bel",',, tl'"'"-" ford, Herbert day Spencer, Phil- T1'" rilt'ndii nt s attorney adinit. ip R. Trefrem, Forrest 0. Wolcott. j lei1 "thousands of dollars passed .lames Merle Fountain, Willis jin ,lle name." but maintained 111 lllnes, Archibald Smith, Clement,1'"101"" of cash ll0t Provide M. Summers. Jr., and Walter A.'""" "n,r,''ry element" to con Philllps. Ivlf- After these names were called.! When Ihe magistrate discharged ! as the flair veiling Ihe l.nhlet iv,i-, weiss, .ssisiaii! Iiistrict Atlor- I his best, i removed, tais a bomb was shot, the were blown by "r- """i"". "loseiuioi , n- ' l.iu I l.-e,lllvtt "il II ti-iilA,. wl lappiness, ; uulurliug high ltauo.ua auditorium Saturday even-! with its beautiful location makes ence. air an: ""- .-,,1 , ., f. which he insisted is the inaliena-1 American flag. The baud struck'"1 ,,0KM' 1,11(1 P:,1 l(,s0 -l,lln. ' hie right of every one. "AH pen- into the "Star Spangled Runner."! l,'llt 10 b,! '"her, light away." A second wire from Mr. Smith1 ing, in which were featured up- it simply Ideal. ; '""" '"e rem nig na oi .,, , i,,, iipv." Hisliop Sliep-, v.l.icli concluded the ceremonies. 'stated that the convention hadlwuids of 100 characters. This was "And then too, one meets with the celebration, and people from a.(l (;,,,., ..hlll .,n ,.lt(i ami ,v i adjourned until today, und that 'a pantomime of the charming old r,uch u splendid cordial reception ' nlHde began arriving early in . Ii u li I be." He enliirged upon 1 "INFERNAL LETTER" Mr. Gerard would visit Ashland j legend, "Hiawatha's Wooing,", In re. Every one you meet has n the morning. They came by trains ,n(l ,,,.Snns fIM. happiness which' NEW REVENUE METHOD This celebration, perhups more! "I10" Adjournment or alter a brlel portrayed by Longfellow, and read j wnile and a friendly word muko i.nd auto, ami by 10 o'clock the i,ongs to all nutikiud, as alii MACCII CHUNK, Pa. Charg- than the most has been one of ,rll ,0 Lo" AI"!,'lel, o.v Mrs. Ruy McAdams, undei-a fellow feel right nt home. We smeis weie pacheu nun an eagei in u, ,,.,,11, nis was ., ,,,1. 1 ei! with placing an "Infernal let-: unalloyed Joy to the children, fori Bishop W. O. Shepard, bishop: direction of the latter and assist- really intended going right on up:wd waiting to witness the grand ,.,.,. uu.iiigh which it 1 i who ' ter" iu the malls, (ieorge Turpack they have been given a place ull1 of 1,18 OpK0ll area, who was eu by Frances Montgomery, who state, but this is tco good a city . parade v.uicn was aiieiiisen 10 1(,.M.( ,,n ,llt. ;imiioriuiu bet-) 11 miner, was arrested by postal .SWITCHES M.I NCR AT ! SEA; (illtl, DEPORTED 1 NEW YORK. Exercise of I woman's right to change her ! mind resulted ill Miss Nell Duller j I'eiug ordered hack to England, I1111-band less, alter she had crossed their own on the program of scheduled to make a short patri-i staged all the dances. The curtain to pass up tiil'I ill ll:.e. ,,.. !tl.r heiplilwn-s :m,l ' iiiklierlol-u mill helil in ilpfitnlt nt sports. Saturday afternoon a,olic atlaress at Chautauqua tem-jwab raised on the forest home of The feature of the trip is to oh- I hough the parade was nearly i.ter chrisiiniis. i $5000 bail fixed by the t'nited long series of contests were giv-Ple 'sterduy and officiate at theIiawalha, represented by Dr. Mox- tain first hand touring nnd camp 111 ll"111' l'l,' 111 starting it made owing to the non-arrival of ex-' Slates Commissioner, rn In the park by children under, unveiling of the memorial tublet :on, und his old mother, Nokomis. lng advice for the readers of Motor "i' i attractiveness for the delay' Ambassador Oerurd l!!hnp Sliep-j Turpack placed a letter In Ihe Jli years of age, and any and all 1,1 LRhia park, postponed his part j with IndUm girls of Hiawatha's; West and us the trip is being made ( when it finally passed through ll"' aid very graciousl i nnsenied to! malls directed to a former mine were allowed to enter. AH' sorts' of Program and kindly con-j people, iLiiciie Perozzi find A u-1 from a genuine clcnwk uiito-.' principal streets of (lie fit v. The ,t. 1 ,-, :i I ti over tor .Monday and de-' foreman, against whom he nursed of sports were pulled off under se"lel to remain over until today ; dry Roberts). They consult ubout ; standpoint the party will derive paiaiie was ieu n me nne V1M his imlrimir iitlilrss 11 n-!a grudge, containing u qunntity i)i:o, ioiionen uj me 1.. n. iv. nun iiiving Hie uu vol I i ii of the bronze of dynamite. A higli power per W. H. C. iu autos. Then came H .,,,., jn ,onor ol' II, e soldier dead ; i.;,slon cap wus arranged so that company, National (iuard, who in MP pllk ,hs :t t( tii 1. so any impact would detonate the the direction of John Becson and talle Mr Uerara'8 place. The!thc proper choice of a wife for. much of the 100 per cent Inspir afforded great delight to the par-' unveiling; of the memorial was also Hiuwutha, and old Nokoiuis, rep-jtion, as one night finds them fur tlclpants as well as to the specta-! l'oitponed until this afternoon. resented by Jennie Dowd, dis-jin the mountains and another 11 tors An Inatslenl .lemnn.l from the 1 "r suades her noble son from choa-1 canyon or vale and again under muiclied luliy equipped i and men (l lug u stranger maiden, but the! desert stars. h number of handsome finals. ' vj children thut a series of sports be put on Sunday afternoon caused Mi Beeson to relent, and ull af TO SAW LOCKl'P OPEN' former remembers the charms of I Minnehaha, the lovely daughter CL'RWENSVILLE, Pa. With of the undent arrow maker, "In teruoon able crowd of the young- !,lle local clliet of Plice out 0li'a llld of the Dktahs." et celebrutors were ut the purk town' considerable difficulty was The next scene depicted the taking part in the races and coll ' "lneed in landing two sus- gorgeous picture of the village tests. Owing to the greut inter-: ioious characters in the lockup, i: ml the home of the old arrow est tuken in these contests Mr. The president of council sawl maker (W. D. MacAdams), who The parade was about half an I h:r- i '-;i on tin e ;"''' ial ser s look place yesterday after. the Atlantic to wed. She had set sail from Halifax to marry a Canadian army officer lie hud met during Hie war. hut a three-day courtship of Captain l'ul Miller, of the, British army, u fellow-passenger, resulted iu her switching her choice of husbands i rehire reaching port. Hut Halifax immigration officials said "no." I hi. . . ii explosive. Postal officials suid.i ,, . ' ....... j i l,al' her passage, or she must sail alter an examination of the de-! vice, that the churge was suffl- YREKA. That Siskiyou conii-l hour passing a given point and . ,,,, ,,VMII!;,.:j.,,-,. . ;,.,.s lasi'ci.ut to demolish the local post ly may face a famine or teachers was repeatedly cheered as differ-1 ,.vf.j,,K ,,,.,, ,.sjni'iiiy enjoyable. : oflice. during the comiiiE thrill is the fe u-, o'lt attractive floats went by. . i . I consisted principally of the A postoflico clerk iu stumpiug expressed by tlie county board ofj The afternoon program was held ,, ,,ai, .nging )y t). trained : the letter with a metal stamp education, according to Mrs. Kaiejin the park and consisted of pu- rw w,,., utTompaiiied lhe uihsed the percussion cap by a E. Horn, secretarv of that boiiv. ' triolic address by Hisliop Shepard, . ... , .., ,,, ,, i,. ,,!,.,- 'n, 1,1. '.-: tim of un inch Kunorlit nn Teachers already enrolled nu:n- I ineiling of the memorial tablet!,,,, r,H.u.;lll, ,., in ,hl. ,.-, explosives assert that it Is tt uivh- !,"eci"1 ,,0'ml ot '"lU'ry decided bei 58, while the districts total; i memory of the Ashland sl-, ...vgatinnal singing, and was an teiy why the letter was not . "'at If she was not to be admitted i lo v.tiuuua, sue was nut to ue u(i- So she sailed on lo New York, with Captain Miller hastening here by rail. Vainly he pleaded l at Ellis Island for her release, at least a temporary release, to en able him to marry her. Hut a puUnn ma,i mil biroer nil!llll! "Ie" an1 'hought that they' with his daughter Minnehaha more elaborate program of events !hould be lockc(1 up' He learne(1 (Molly Clary), are seated before f 4. In some of these six or ser-idiei boys who gave their lives i . itIii-t ittii to causing all to lift;i!oded during the handling and which are being nut on this af-!"1"1 ,lie cllief of I,olice- 1,1 iact. I their wigwam. The arrival of Hi-'en teachers ure employed, thoughjlhe world war, sports, etc. n) t ,t-i i- voices iu song. M. II. di-tribution of the mails. l.n .t.nln rnMfl .., A. nr n.u,, ln .1... .1... n ; i.. .1.. ..:... 1..., 1 At (l-llll lliic in n ;, iii-iin.l .. .... . temoon n,JUI,J u.i uui ui mn"H nnuuia uiiuks ivy iu uie tillage in ine niajoiii.v nut one lb necti- " " KCVIIOHIS, me speaKer, 41 111 Hot lire - wmi tlie lockup Keys. Charles u he asks for the hand of ed, but so far there ure not. display oi lircwnri.K 111 i.nm.i hjs ai, .,.,. ith a long sermon,' liSHINfi INFORMATION j McClure was drafted, and arrest-j the lovely Laughing Water, enough instructors to place one Park is advertised to lie given. ; ),, gao an inspiiiitional talk es-! FOR WESTERN OREOOXj mltted to the Vnited States. J'ARM POINTERS THAT POINT Farm Bureau, O. A. C: Jose phine county farmers ure organiz ing to buy and sell cooperatively. ed the two negroes and hustled1 (lathered about their them to the lockup. It was locked. , wain home wero the wig-! in eacli school. ' hn large crowds that Have other Oilier counties iu the state have: Hired the city the three days liae 1'ftcij very orderlv the police re-! port. Everyone seemed to have hud a good time during the cob - A hacksaw was then brought I members of the household, the alroudy expressed their fear that They will buy, store, manufacture, ' Into play, the two locks wereiyoung arrow maker (Mr. Judkins), they will see a shortage of tew li- fclilD and sell farm products aud'611M'e(I all(l "'hen the door: and Minnehaha's friends, (Dor- eis this year and probably until etipplieB, among other activities, j clienert 'ho prisoners walked in.;Gthy and Helen Tinker and Mrs. salaries of instructors are m-j bratlou and the hotels, rooming Jlembership is open only to mem- 'The hardware store being closed,! Harrison.) creased throughout the stale. j houses and rest a ure nls look good ters of the county farm hureuu,!" wag necessary to rout the clerk j After the betrothal the old ar-j ri'r' of the large crowds iu the and the fee is 5 per member. 0l of bed so that new locks be se-; row inuker, summons the Spirits Smi,h lliver '" have a iiewjwuy of sleeping accommodations Home Demonstration, O. A. C.:culea to fllsteI h ,,0r of the 0f the Woods to celebrate the! ba,lk- ! und furnishing meals. Pressure cooker sand cauuers are1 lockup. festival of joy in honor of the nmong the greatest time aud fuel ! j marriage ot his daughter, Mill- nehaha. This wag beautifully enacted by pantomime by the children who were gorgeously) At the July 1 meeting of tlm comity court at Jacksonville uu i order was made fixing the maxi- 11111111 capacity load of any vehicle passing over any paved highway Ihe only certain thing about' North Santium River: front ; ,.,.. ,.,,,... ,,.., riMiVa Turkish situation is that the bil.ng well near Detroit, Hulls,! ot ho ()f llie" vehicle, ut l'ei iiilly filling lo the occasion. Saiilinm Koitst North San tin in River: S'.illan will ever i-main loyal tn and Idanha. Fish taking fly in! 10. 100 pounds, and that no loads Him side he thinks strongest. striams and lakes. Via Southern ' sl)1 pas8 (,ve. ,m pav,d j,,,. savers in the home. It takes only! SS minutes to process peas in can ning in a good ennner, whereas it CAT TAKES COYOTES FOB HER OWN FAMILY Pacific. Every millionaire in the conn-' Pieitenbiish Creek: try agrees that high prices are:niiches reported near in used by the excess profits tax. Via Southern Pacific. South Sa li t in in River ways wherein the weight on any (iood .l(,,, j.n.i t,xi,,,p, i;oo pounds to Detroit. )u Ilt. t f (j,.,, 011 ally vehicle. I . . . , . I i ne action oi ine court was tu- (iood . 1 1 T-, . r i Ken in view ot snapped at iJnseo as Democrats Select Leadei Trlm r,,M ''yot lv Kiiiiger Station. Also on Moose .,,. i,., u ken iu view of the fact that some highways of the by cooked food sales to send two of their number to the two weeks takes full three hours in the open! COTTONWOOD FALLS, Kun. j robed to represent the various hot water bath. A tough old '" "" I features in the festival. The rooster will cook tender underl tamily ot kilten"' a cat wllich beiyoung planters appear to till the pressure in 30 minutes. An en-:'0"8 t0 tl,e M' B,ent fumily ofi ground, and were surprised by tire meal may be cooked In a sin-jSouth Fork ha8 a,,on,e1 two the storm clouds, who following Lie cooker In about one-third the 0'8 PuPP'es- the north wind, swept over the Cnf.l u.anV0 non it.l.oi, U' T ' . . . . lima ll nVe In conk It n nnen ' -- nn nuu . " fields of corn. Tlie vouner braves. I Vessels. BUtKDee ann warier, wuo caed , chagerg of the stormj' Club Work, O. A. C. The Kent . 1,va near t,le Brent farm' fo",1(1 1 clouds, dispelled the storm spir- W Cookery Club of Sherman county, tl,e den of n coote m ,ne l"ttr's ,tst Tnen came the hapy Spirjt f of five girls made enough money , "" of Light, who brought as an ot-k small cuyota puppies. lieu fe. . fo Mnnflhnhn' hnnnlneoc shewn at the Brent farmhouse 1C healltifu, rowers of th e woods, i- sefslon of club workers, O. A. C.!D " '"".the Violels, Wild Roses and Dai- summer school. They made their) IiUle co-votes und iMr Isles, who hade farewell to Minne-C-wn food products. l01'8 ,or two of the'"- ! Lalia. ns an Indian brave sang Bacteriology, O. A. C: Canned I The Ii,tle coyotes were P,acedlfor them his love song. The chll even .llehtlv discolored orlamo"B tne kit,ens helonging o !(lren ,hese features were dressed off normal appearance should not thc old family cat and' after a, to Represent their characters, and be tasted, as a very little toxin oare,ul KnUn' aud a tew ! In their graceful manner carried of this bacteria will cause serious j lne old cat began "o'hering themlout tfte scelle a dpplrted Too illness or even death. Hpatillg ; the same as her own kittens. murh cre(lit canno, bfl giT(, , parts of the contents of the can to' ow ,l,e cat ' f"m'ly of k""'n9 those who participated In the pa a boiling point will destroy the i aml ,ne lwo do",ed foyot pu? "a''. those who trained the chil bacteria, so that the product con'". a'e, nea,ly l" ",on,,h8 oU idrcn and the women of Ashland ,e fed safely to poultry. ana a" IlV8 t0gether hH""ily aI,dwho spent much time and skill in Poultry, O. A. C: The Oregon mwar t0 ,,e maklng ihe mosl ot making the costumes andar pen of five college barred rocks' lire' The coyo,e8 a, gettinl; ranging the scenes. leads the 95 pen, ot heavy layers mUfh bigger ,,lan ,1,e kl,,ens '"",! in the Western Washington con- a,e "layf"1 and ''""ivous. In; OWNER MAY RRCKIYR test Their record for seven ! ,he rough-and-tumble tussles they. SI IT CASE FOR ASKING months ending June 1 was 83l!are fontlnulljr staging the coy- SEATTLE. Wash.-Tbere Is a .-. Si more than the runners"" ",0 ,"B K". "1 le n-iuii case reposing in (lie Lost anil j lens are more active, so it is about an even match as yet. While Found department of the munici pal railway company here. I f lm..Jm.. 1 ! i" IS! Canyon Creeks. Suniium wagon road via Lebanon. Clear Lake: Luke trout biting I county have been badly damaged by heavily loaded trucks, aud u the slate goes 50-50 with thi conuly Iu the maintenance of v eil, but road is poor. Sautiam i pilVcd l uals lH Slate nil.Uw.iy wagon roud via Cascndla Hanger : roniIlll!lsu demanded that load I be limited lo the i bove anioiinl. : Fish Lake: Luke trout biting; The Hhprilf is sivpll nllt,r,y well, but road Is pood. Santiuni ,0 8,1(, tha, ,le provisions of tho wagon road via Cascudla Rauger ; 0rclr are complied with. 'station. ! I'miMiiiit Foiwt covditiov of koads Churps Creek: Fishing best on IX WESTERN OltEtiON ncord here. Motor and rail via; Sautiam Wagon Road: Open, Cottage drove. jCascadia to Seven Mile Hill'cah- I Layng Creek: Trout fishin , in; good. Seven Mile Hill t.i 1 ood above Itujuda. Auto, rail. Fish Lake, inaccessible tor auto.;. ami trail via Cottage Crove and Should be open July 4. , Kii.uida. McKensie Highway: Open, j Row River: Fishing at its best, j Eugene to Alder Springs. Eugen -('ollage firove to Disstou. Trout, lo Mine River, good. Iilue River Anto and rail viu Cottage f,'rove.!to Alder Springs, passuble. Al Cu scade Forest : del Springs to Windy Point, Willamette River: Bedsides closed, anil dollies caught easily along Willamette Highway: Eugene upper river to Itigdon Hanger to Rigdon Ranger Station, open, station. .Motor from Eugene. I Eugene to Oakridge, good. Oak. .McKeiuie River: Dollies, red-1 ridge to Rigdon, fair. Rigdon to sides and eastern brooks biling summit, closed permanently, lo Alder Springs. Good catches. 1 Cottage firove-Disston - l.und Mctor from Eugene. paik: Open. Cottage firove to Siskiyou Forest ' tour miles above Dlsstou, good. T Rogue River: Fishing not verv I.nndpark from here, rough, good. ! Crescent City -Port Orford 1 Open. Brookings to Crescent SALEM. John Hill Of Clatsop, City, excellent. Brookings to Port his "dry plank" county and W. E. Stacy, recently Orford, poor. .1. iiruce k renter, i.rougnt nere irom lalltorntu, es- 0 rants Ps-Oecent Chicago. .Mrs. Weir Troy, com- 111., an with First pictures from the Denio-i inllleewoman nr Alaska anil .mis. siMie; .o. a. ,i. r.ruie isremer. nrntigni nere irom Luniorniu, es- Grants Psss-Crecent Citv: The case contains something ! cratic convention at San Francis-j Robert ,. Owen, wife of Senator vice chairman of ti e Democratic caped from the stale hospital for Open. Good except over Oregon that is very rare and valuablelco. showing the leaders who stall Owen from Oklahoma; Nn. :!, National Connnltlee, who called Insane Thursday uight. Both , Mountain. Government should make Its j "lc coyotes can easily wallop the contracts subject to the cost ofi killens in a straight out fight; living and other causes over;el 11,6 wtter, when on the defen- but company officials believe the ed the ball rolling. No. 1 is "I Si'inuel Compels, veteran prc.-i -tlie convent inn to order, and No. men were received ut the iustitu-l which It has no control. B've- wi" CuTl "P on their backsjowner will not call for his or! Norman K. -Muck of New Yoik;!nent of American Federation of . Bryan's douhl n the left) tinn In April. The men bad been1 Scappoose Contract awarded , and keep the coyote puppies at bay! her property. No. 2 is a group of the three wo-! Labor, as he went before the plal- vim is Isadore Dockweller, na-' loom mates and the hospital offi-' for addition to First National Eugene. Population has in- by the rapid kicks of hind legs and' For the suit case, which wus left I men leaders the new element in 'form committee asking a specific lionul committeeman from Culi-jduls believe they ire on their wsy' Bank. Large modern vault and creased 17.6 per cent. The pop-: the scratching of their sharp! on a street car. contains a full! major party affairs, left to right labor plank; No. 4, the newest fornia shaking hands with Ar- lo Portland, where Hill is known safety deposit boxes to be in- elation now is 10,593. I claws. jquurt of ripe old Scotch whiskey.! they are Mrs. George Bass of, picture of William Jennings tliut Mullen of Nebraska. to have friends. stalled. 1