Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, June 30, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Wednesday, Juno 30, 1020
Ashland Weekly Tidings
Established 1876
Published Every Wednesday hy
Bert R. Greer.
. . Editor
One Year J-fl"
Six Months 1-25
Three Months "5
Display Advertisements, each
inch 30c
Local Readers, the lino 10c
Classified Column, the word, each
time 1
Legal Notices, each time, the
line 3 l"3c
Cards of Thanks. '. $100
Obituaries, the Lite 2".c
Fraternal orders nnd societies
charging regular initiation tee:
and dues, regular rates.
Religious and benewiknl societies
will he charged at the regular
advertising rate for ail adver
tising when an admission or
collection is taken.
Entered at the Ashland. Oregon,
Postoffiie as second class mail
The celebration committee have
if cured the services of Fred Siintl
fruil lor their street hanging dec
orations, and recommend him to
the business men and citizens of
the town who may have need of
iisM.sance in decoraing their fronts.
There is nothing that can be
done toward "popperizing" a com
munity better than profuse dec
orations. It at once bespeaks
loral pride and community loyal
ly. N'oljodv on a well decorated
sheet will hear any reference
made to Rip Van Winkle, Come
in,. Let's go!
The gentlemen's billiard par
lor in the Elks building has sold
out to Shoot 'Em I'p Dobbin
v. ho wW take charge on the moim
Ing of Old Timers' Hay. And
"fc'hoot 'Em I'p Dobbin" propose,;
to put on a new front and raise
the, limit.
The Averys nre negotiating a
change of management of the Nel-
da on the third of .lu'y. and it is
rumored "Fried Chicken Nellie"
will run the place ith an entirely
new st Hid front.
All of the banks will close up
lining: the Old Timers' and Min-
i i s' l,.y anil consolidate with the
Rainbow Lane Rank at the head
of Miners' Row in the l'ark, whore
I. io L Currency, the unit of value
being nun nuclei, will be sold to wlio . mi io have sport in
Mmei.-' Row
I In- 'iliueis .la? will be held at
Hie llungulow, while (ho famous
M'l.klei ,;,. b:,ml will loosen
i j MM joints. ,
.Mr. Fuller of the Connnerciul
Mi.ii is circulating the town and
reports a good start on getting
I he parade commiitee to put on
a wonderful parade the morning
of Monday, July lit li. Every cit
izen should lake a deep interest
in assisting Mr. Fuller, who Is
so untiring and enthusiastic in
this work.
Eil Riser is in Frisco, hobnob
ing witli big men from tile
Er.Ht, among them ex-Ambassador
Gerurd, and that hu will Bring a
bunch of them here in a special
car furnished by Vice-President
McCorinick of the S. P. company,
is ii 1 1 n os t assured.
A letter from our old towns
man, Harry L. .Sinclair, of Mon
tagiie, slates that lliey ure dint rib
mug our literature advertising
the, celebration free of charge
and that many Montagues ure
pi. .lining on coining over.
The Legion boys will start the
l.ig celebrnllon with n Society Cub
rret on Friday night, the 2nd, in
the Armory, where there will be
more fun to the square foot than
iii ever saw.
I. Inn Mowet with the fa
mous Impeiiul Jazz Orchestra
will keep the crowd on tip toes at
the Armory the 3rd and f.lh.
A LESSON I ROM lli..r;S.
' The tree, for one thing, keeps
its leet firmly on the ground. It
is a good fillen. It is li substan
tial citizen. The stwnger the
wind, I lie more uncertain the
louiidaliiiu. th more firmly it at
taches ,tsef to the soil, the deep
er it semis iis roots until solid
foothold is secured.
"A tree has its harshipl just
lik' an individual. Every time
thire is a strong wind and It is hack and forth, the tree Is'
t.tM ngtheiied In art, it needs
tiat bending baik and forth to
(ie.eiop ils power ot reiisU.nce
just hu we in our lives are made
iietier because of our difliriiltics
1 ml hardships. If we meet t!n ;-a
mi overcome them, we are
t' 1 onger end better in our every
lay Lies snd in our attitude to
v. ird others We are of botier
"It you plant a tree too close
f.lljora w)terp It in dll'.ily II i
oepri'ed of I's light and to us
location is licht. Sui h a tre
1 either ttunted or grows up in
h narrow sort of way. It doei
tot a wide outlook. It is
narrow m its view. The same s
rue ith vou and me. Unles?
sift get ligjit, uul"&6 we study and fruiids of the prospective bride
are educated, unlobs we IroadenJIct cream and cak-j were served
cut and see the problems of oth
ers, we are likely to be narrow
in our views."
The Social Realm
1). A. R.'s Meet
The. newly organized chapter
of the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution were entertained
at the Chamberlain-Palmer ranch
yenerday afternoon. About 20
members were In attendance.
Business of much Importance was
discussed, but it was decided toiti! October.
i.wait the coming of Mrs. Keating,
the state regent, from Portland,
who Is expected here some time
in July, before definite pluns re
garding the chapter were decided.
The hostesses served dainty re
freshments before the members
left. Two visitors, .Mrs. H. G. Oil
more of the Newport. K. I., chap
ter, and Mrs. Littlechlld of the
Fairmont, Neb., chapter, were
also present. Anyone wishing ap
plication blanks for admission to
the chapter may procure them
Irom Miss Hicks at the public li
Picnicked Lust Evening
Former residents from Linn
county, several of whom live In
.Ashland and other sections of the
valiey, met ill the park last even
ing in a picnic supper. The Med
ford contingent, who were expect
ed also, failed to arrive, but those
from Ashland spent u most de
lightful evening nnd eujoyed the
least spread before them.
Entertained at Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dougherty
ciitertuined the family of Frank
Roberts of Medford nnd Mrs.
Leach and son Glenn of Memphis,
Mo., at dinner at their home on
Oak street, Thursday evening.
Mrs. Roberts und daughter Alice,
and Mrs. Leach remained over
night, spending the day yesterday
with the Dougherty fumily.
liuusby-Morse Nuptials
A quint wedding was solemnized
at the Mothodist parsonage yes
terday ufternoon ui 3 o'clock
which united the lives of Miss Sa
lome Morse and Edward V, J.
Hrnsby, both of Berkeley, Calif.
Lev. C. A. Edwards read the ser
vice, and the brtdul couple were
attended by the bride's mother and
sitter, and Mr. und Mrs. Welborn
Pec-son of Ashland, well known
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hansby,
with Mrs. nnd Miss Morse left lust
night for Berkeley.
June Wedding
Miss Mina Carter und Emll
Kchlip, both of Ashland, were mar
lied in Medford Thursday even
ing at 6 o'clock, Rev. L. Myron
Boozer, pnstor of the Presbyterian
church of that city, officiating
Attendants to the couple were
.Miss Julia Howard and Claire
Klr.g. Mr. and Mrs. Scbllp will
make their home in Portland,
where they will go after spending
a brief honeymoon with friends
In Ashland and vicinity.
Jolinsun-Steniiett Nuptials
William B. Johnson und Miss
Fiina M. Steneutt were united in
luuriiige June 16 in tho parlors
of the Hotel Holland ut Medford
Rev. W. B. Hamilton read the
service using the ring ceremony.
The bride in the duughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stennett of this
city. She is a'telograph operator,
having held the Postal Telegraph
Cable office in Grants Pusb last
summer where she was the manu
re i and operator. Mr. Johnson
Is employed on the S. P. Ho is
one of the Ashland ex-service men
and was with the M. O. Dm. sta
tioned nt Camp Lewis. Ho Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi John
sen. Tho couple will make their
home In Ashland at 170 Mountain
avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson
are well known in Ashland and'
their many friends wish them
much happiness.
Past Matron's Club Met
Mrs. F. G. Swedenhurg was
hostess nt the monthly meeting
of the Past Matron's club of the
Eastern Star Wednesday evening
Twelve members of the club gath
ered at the Ewedenburg residence
on ho Boulevard where a most
injoynble evening was spent. A
short business session was held,
followed by a weird and "impres
sive" initiation ceremony nt
which three candidates beenme
members of the cluh. These were
Eila Mills, Miss Gertrude Engle
end Mrs. Elsie Churchman. A
-or ial period followsd the stren
uoslty of the initiation und the
i.f-w members were provided with
n ucli needed refreshments, which
were also passed to the rest of the
IlilileH-leit Showered
A number of Ashlund women
went down to Talent 1,.m night to
participate In a Bhower given In
honor of Miss Pearl Withrow,
whose contemplated marriage will
be a social feature In that vlclnl'y
in the near future. The event
was held at tbe Withrow home
and was attended by 34 intimate 'I
Miss Withrow received many beau-1 the school, thought they possibly
tlful gifts. Those from Ashland would gather about 60 children to
were Mrs. J. L. Herr, Mrs. George j begin, and had only small equlp
Robison, Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson j ment and funds such as the four
and Mrs. Clifford Payne.
Last Elks' iara I'nttj
The lust card party for the sea-
son given by the lady Elks in
the club rooms was held yester
day afternoon and enjoyed by n
largo attendance. Mrs. A. L.
Lamb was reclpent of the prize in
500, and Mrs. A. C. Briggs in.tnd no tools, few , nails and no
bridge. Mrs. J. C. Poor and Mrs. liocm, but the showing of kites.
C W. Winne were hostesses. No bird houses, hammocks and
more card parties rill be held un-
Picnic In Park
A large company of the Meth-,
odist church nnd congregation j
gathered at the park last evening.
where a picnic was held under the alike.
auspices of the uid society of the! r.ut above and bevond the man
church; celebrating the close of ,1Hi training has been the work
the season, and representing the j tlnU power of the word of God
regular monthly church night. A i
most bountiful repast was spread !
and was enjoyed by the attend-!
ft .... II 11' .11!
i narming noun- ,-.,. nK
A pretty little home "'l'l"
occurred yesterday at the home!
of Air. h. H. uaentei on nusn
street, when Mis3 Donna, the
youngest daughter, was united in
marriage to Mr. Lester Warren of
Boikeley, Calif.
The service was performed in
the presence of the immediate
relatives, Rev. C. F. Koehler, of
ficiating. At 2 o'clock, the young couple
took their places under an arch
of lry and roses, in the parlor,
and the beautiful ring ceremony
was said which made them man
and wife. The bride, who Is n
member of the class of 20, wore
her graduation dress of white and
carried white roses. She looked
vciy fair and sweet.
The groom Is also a former
graduate of Ashland high school,
r, nd is a young man of fine chur
r.clrr, holding a good position in
a bank in San Francisco.
Following the service und con
gratulations, a dainty buffet
luncheon was served after which
(he young people left for Berke
ley where they will go to house
keeping at once.
Beginning with July 1st an air
plane of the forest patrol service
will make a trip back mid forth
daily over Ashland, starting from
Medford and flying as far south
as Altiuas and Red Bluff, Calif.
According to a statement from
Medford seven planes will he sta
tioned there, but only two will be
in daily use. These will be the
one going south, and the other
will fly to Klamath Falls und vi
cinity and back, daily. No plane
will palrol north from lledlord,
It is stated, but one of the Eugene
planes will fly to Medford daily
and return.
Extensive improvements will
be made on the landing field In
Medford. it is stated. A force of
2'1 men will be stationed there,
Including officers, enlitsed men,
signal corps men and a medical
olficer. Seven hnngars will be
constructed for tho planes, and. a
wireless station instnlled. The
lauding site for the air patrol will
be the new county fair grounds
south of Medford.
T. L. Powell, whose automobile
wus stolen from Ashland early In
(he week, yesterday morning
heard from the missing machine
A man coming over from Cres
cent City yesterday morning jaw
ii cur ditched near Waldo, not fur
from Crescent City, which he
claims he recognized ns the Pow-
ell cur. On arriving here he no
tified Mr. Powell, who telephoned
to the chief of police at Crescent
City, where he learned that two
men had come into the city some
time previous with some tires to
seil An Investigation proved lliut
t lie car had been ditched at Waldo,
Hit re, presumably, u tire hud
bin at and the men could not get
further. It is conjectured they
stripped the wheels and took the
tires Into Crescent City to sell,
leaving the car by the side of the
road. The men, one of whom Is
a young boy, claiming he came
from Los Angeles, were placed
under arrest. Mr. Powell and
Deputy Sheriff Joe McMuhun left
this morning for the coast city,
the former to get his automobile
unu the latter to return with the
prisoners if they waive extradition
The Vacation Bible school closed :
yesterday with a program and ex-1
hlbltion at the Baptist church. Aj
goodly number of parents gath
ered ro witness the work und en-
Joy the splendid program present
ed by the children.
This consist-,
rd of songs, recitation of Scrip-
lure, und drills, showing the work 1
It was a revelation to all urei-
er.l that so much could be uccom-1
plithed in so short a time, and the'
eauty of It was the Joy of the chll
Idren in the work.
The committee who ventured
Sunday schools co-operating could
provide. When the enrollment
leached 225, the school had to
close its doors to others, much as
they would like to nave taken
them, and with crowded rooms
ouO few tools they cheerfully and
happily worked out the plans.
Boys worked with poor tools
things was splendid. The handi
work of the girls In weaving and
raffia was no less so. All that
j were for sale were eagerly bought
by the visitors. Even the tiny
f0ik hai work in paper folding
coloring and raffia that was
a credit to teachers and pupils
Whole Bible chapters, choice
eifes, hymns, the dully habit
talks, the great stories of the Bl
hie have made a deep und lust
Ing Impression. Love for Ood al
m,.ke foe love nf cnnnt.v
and the daily flag salute, patriotic
ongg am, eKenises llave I)lante(1
real citizenhslp in the hearts oi
the boys and girls. '
Ashland should he proud of this
school, the largest nf its kind in
the state and of the devoted men
and women who gave so freely of
their time to this work. Beside
the faculty, already mentioned, the
Misses Grace Leslie and Alice
Brown, Miss Brazee and Mrs. Cla
icy have given splendid help dally
in the primary department.
The program follows;
Hymn, "Stand Up For Jesus.'
Twenty-third Psalm, Primary.
Lord's Prayer in Song.
Hymn, "Summer Suns Are
"Hard to GetUn in the Morn
ing." Boys.
t Memory Verses Primary.
' Habit Tulk.
G rou p Son gs P rim a ry.
Recitation, Books of New Testa
ment. Flag Song.
Scripture Itccltullnti Ellen
Robin Song.
John 31:16 School.
"Love Birds" Primary.
Flag Drill.
Children's Benediction.
Honor Roll
List of those who completed
tlif Bible work and were perfect
in attendance:
Primary Audry Brown. Eve
lyn Finch, Wauda Rchwein, Fran
ces O'Neal, Lois Lyman, lone Mc
Nabb, Lucilo Reeder, John Koeh
ler, Murk Koehler, Jean Balis, El
len Franklin, Madilene Hill, Rosa
Franco, Norma Brower, Randies
Gammon, Howard Wiley, Bruce
Campbell, Edith Moore, Edna
Orres, Frances Hardy, Elizabeth
Carter, Corliss Carter.
Honorable, Mention Wilms
Hall, Bert Wright, Louise Moor,
Waller Wilcox, Donald Chiiney,
Mhljorle Ontriii, Beatrice Werth,
Ilaiel Moore, May Clury, Louise
Anderson, Lneile Hamilton.
Intermediate Charles Tiltoli,
Emily Brown, Eleanor Hoyt, Kutb
eiine Phlpps, Lotaine Brooknilller,
Florerice Wilson, Billio Wilson, Ru
mona Wise, Ruby Powell, Mary
Howard, Hazel Walters, Eliza
beth Quain, Elizabeth Stearns,
Dorothy Werlz, Russel Heschel,
Jack Montgomery, Lester Beck,
Olivo Calif.
One hundred and thirty-two did
part of the work and received
inrrit badges.
The new luw (section 19) re-
nlll,i"B "" oPW'tors' license on
H'.nu alter Jiliy 1, 1920, prohibits
any person less than 16 years of
cge from operating or driving any
motor vehicle on any public high
way in tho state. Violations ot
liny of Its provisions (section 33)
is punishable by a line not to ex
ceed 400 or by botli fine and im
prisonment. f.l ESTS ARE TO
Guests ut the Society Cuba rot
are asked and invited to bring
bouquets or extra L'ble decora
tions if they desire so to do, und
make the decorations just as el lib
erate as they desire.
The Cabaret ball-room will be
open all afternoon on Friday,
July 2, for the purpose of allow
ing guests to make their table
decorations just as elaborate
they care to have them.
The Cab. net will certainly be
a real, live, carnival, festive dance,
and undoubtedly will be the
brightest social affuir ever staged
in Ashlund.
IIII.HU 4 V Villi' l
... '
.n., ll "I
The party of San Francisco an-!
ton. obiie editors who drove north
over the Pacific highway last
Bulrk Six driven h
Claude L. McGee to obtain infor-,
million on the condition of the
highway in Oregon, has the fid-
lowing to say of
ih rnaiU In
Southern Oregon i.nd
'The Pacific n.gbway is now,""""1"
la very good condition, nil things
considered, according to McGee,
who has traveled it many times.
He says the Reddlng-Dunsmulr
stretch in Northern California,
once the worst place on the high
way, hardly even barring the old
Wolf creek hill, is now In excel
lent shape. Further south, be
tween Redding and Red Bluff,
there are a few short rough spots
a mile or so each in length whene
new construction Is in progress,
but nothing of moment.
Tiie Siskiyou mountain grade,
1 . . . ....... i. ... .
wnicn a mom u ago was '
ranch for einht of the 13 miles
on the Oregon side, due to paving
work, he says Is now much bet-
ter. Jjskar Huber has done quite
a lot of paving In the past month j 'he plant for the installation ''! riR,t un,i tite that they and their
nnd the stretches of crushed rock the pasteurizing process und ev j successors in Interest have since
waiting for the 'hot stuff baveUrylhing around the premises is'ucqulred In nnd to the following
been worn down bv traffic untilUs sanitary as Improved method.,; Jes,c,ri", re",1 AvT'rtJ- 8""u'e(!
i . j in the City of Ashlund, county of
they are passably smooth
' Between Rogue,, River station
and Grants Pass coming north
and vice versa going south, he
says the new highway grade with
its eight miles of fine new pave
ment lias been closed to travel
temporarily, pending completion
of the pavement. Cars are rout
ed over the old road, which is
good enough.
"Smith's hill (Sexton mountain)
in no obstacle at present, and
neither is Gleudale hill. Cow
Creek canyon is a combination of
old road, rough In spots, and a fine
new macadamized grade. It is
easy enough to travel and presents
no problem to the motorist.
A lot of highway work is In
progress on both sides of Rose-
burg now, says McGee, and con
sequently there is a lot of rough
going, though nothing to cause
trouble. At Stitlierlin there is a
detour, but it is short. Pass
Creek canyon is rough in places,
especially in the Yoncullu sec
tion. But from Cottage Grove
north to Eugene it's merely a
question of holding the cur down
to u safe speed, for the motorist
rau go as fust us he likes over
most of It."
The recall election of the Med
ford school board bjeld Monday
ufiernoon drew out the largest
vote ever cast in that city in 11
school election. Two members of
the hoard had resigned and their
places are filled by Mrs. Richard
Smytlie and Mrs. Milton Junes.
Oieorge A. Mansfield und Joseph
O, Grey were elected to supplant
two recalled directors. The only
member ot the old board left is
IMward Janney. This election
follows u revolt ugalnst the school
board, which has hl'Ii waged In
that city for several months past
and bus resulted in much unpleas-
nlness iiuiong the teachers, the
school hoard und pal runs. The
new board will organize in a few
days and claim they will miiko
every effort to Restore harmony
ii: the ediicutlonul system of the
eiiford schools.
J. P. Llndgren, the dementeil'i
,an who was picked . up o the
strrels of Ashland lust ween and,
"'""'"' sent to Jacksonville for sale-
keeping, attempted to commit sui
cide Monday night in the county
1.1II by cutting his throat and
Mist with a sufety razor blade.
Hr, was discovered by the jailor
removed I
in the morning and was
to n hospital In Medford.
The circumstances surrounding
ilils unfortunate man ure must
uillful. A communication from
the San Francisco chief of police
stated he had been Injured in an
automobile accident several years
ago, and a pressure on the bruin
exulting from this accident has
inu(!!d mentul disturbances nt in
tervals ever since. He wns to
have undergone an operation In
Millions for c
A.1 CH,,,
yew otomacr
Ine of the greatest American milliir
lires said to lilt physician, "A millic
lullars, Doctor, spot cash and nn gnu
ding, for a new stnmucli," iiiel 11;
Let sick man groaned and tunic I nwa
Ml his wealth could not make hi
iappy or contented, for happiness larg
y depends upon digestion. Witlio
icalth where docs happiness cnine ii
fter all the stomach plays a grc.
mrt in-everyday life. Without
lealthy stomach and good digest inn o
ilood is thin, watery ami po-ir, m
cart action ia weak, our liver decs m
Io its duty, and man is miserable n
,iappy. Prevent disease by puttin !
li house in order and str. rgtbeiiiir
u .vstem aifsinat the eerms of diwas
he sjstem against the germs .
Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids' Il .tel an
urgicl Institute, at Buffalo, X. Y '
ears tgo understood diseases mid the
revention, and he discovered certai '
oots sad herbs which were nature :
eruedies, and succeeded ill pulling tliei j
n in a furm that could be eosilv -jn I
. .... .. . ii:.... i .
limi . l. u.un ..u.o .
ablets). This he called Dr. Pierce'
lol.Ien Medical Disrovcry. This Du
overy gives no false stimulation b j
ause it contains uo alcohol or any urn j
"tic. nen u.gesu.m ...a im
imitation of such elements hi the fco ;
" required for the blood. It gin
tu "looa ine rood eiemeif tue in
u "1 tii tn co-Is
.n I lha ..r.l !.... u i.T ih '
a hospital, but ran away, and plaintiff, John O. Rigg, has a fur
made his way to Ashland, where. ther ad second lien against said
ho was found, labo.lng under the . '"..."nn0' '.J"0
, , . . , , together with $75.00 attorney
delusion that a crowd of people ifeeS) whch jUaKmr.nt nnd decree
were pursuing him. Tl'n man is! was enrolled and docketed In said
educated nnd has money, although . Court on June 19th, 1920:
i, i ......i ........ m n,. ...i,i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,
While Lindgren's condition
feiious it la thought he will re
cover from his seif-lnflicted in
juries. ,
The Ashland Milk Co. bus le
Unhilu Inutu WuA a itnul iint-i vln f m-i
-. r , "7
clime at their plant and J
Sugg, the proprietor, slates that
excellent results are being ob -
tamed Mi- Suirir Inm enPi rued ..ii. onsk mis tiiuiiBt-u,
Mr. Sugg stales thero are Hire.'!
reasons for pasteurizing milk. I
First, it inukes the milk keep I
longer; second, it kills all the ty
phoid germs, and third, it kills uil!su,i st,eet boundary 30 feet from
the tubercular germs.
The milk is heated to 142 de
grees and left ut that tempera
ture for .10 minutes, absolutely
purifying it. The old method wus
to heat the milk to 190 degrees,
which made a scorched milk and
sepu rated the cream line.
Only milk that tests four per
ctnt or better is used ut the plant.
Mr. Sugg invites the people of
Ashlund to visit the plant 11 1 uny
tune and see the pasteurizing ma
chine in operation, and the meth
od of sterilization in use.
As a coffee roasting center.
Fortland Is the second city on the
1 .
jmm m p, -
lilO QCS1 Tl Prl
SEE McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co..!'18 we 1'' tbe ttioml
inrnnx Mo In ornnnl ..twl I)-w.i t in
Highway, in Medford, for over-
i.r...... ' . t
imuieu, useu cars. :n-i 1
FOR SALE Modern cottage of
7 rooms, large lot. Price mod
erate. . Call 399 Mt. Ave.
Phone 405-Y. 100-1
FOR SALE Pigs, shoats and
hogs, lull blood Duroc. Inquire! Ses herein described, as contain-, design, together with the word
Charles Pope, Box 212, Ash-Irl in the agreement made between "ASHLAND'' immediately above
land, Ore. 2 5 4-1 1 Dly- J. Svd McNalr und Susie L. Allen the design, and the word
10.1-lt Wkly-'jwith N. J. Reusoner. as recorded ! "WATERS" immediately below
! in Volume 8S of said Deed Rec-;Sid design, and tbut said Trade
ORDER TO SHOW CAI SF. ; n.(U n! 458 lllm t,10 npp( nf Mark is to be affixed to the bot
Li the County Court of the State, np(.or(i Volume K7 011 Page 414 lies containing the Ashlund Llthlu
of Oregon, for the County '' thereof. ' Waters und the packing cases and
Jackson. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, printed matter used in connection
In the Mutter of the Guardianship; jne 2 ,i 1920. therewith, and also, to all by-
of the Estate of Augusta F.
Ilagley, Incompetent.
This matter coming on to bei
heard at this time upon the pe
tition of G. G. Eiibanks. the guard
ian of the estate of Augusta F.
Ilagley, an Incompetent, and it ap
pearing from such petition that II
would be beneficial to said ward
nnd to her estate if all the lands
belonging thereto were sold, which
real property Is particularly
r v 1 e -
scribed as follows, to-wit
The northerly half of lot 6 in
block 28 as designated upon the
official map of the City of Ash
land, Oregon, adopted and ap
proved by the City Council. No
vembcr 5, 1888.
Also, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. 9,
1 0. 11. 12. 14. 15
16, 17, 18, 19.
,.n ... nil 1 tit n.w1 Of. ..I l,l.w,l
!'' ;,"' "j ' ' V " , .
z, nil in the aiainis imgiey s nu -
dition to the City of Woodville.
o ,, ,., ,, Mathls & Buglev's Ail
rnnw Rneun River) Jackson conn-
tv Oreenn ... 1 . .. .V i, '
Also, beginning at a point in the'1 " .' V
center of Wards Creek on the ' " 1
smith line of the Oregon und Cut A ' . . , . . . .
soutn line 01 tne ougon 11111 . (, ( f As lam sal(1 COUI1ty und
ifoinia la way company's right-; ' . ' ,,.'
of-wny w-hich point Js 1014 feet
n. .j m t,. a, yi
nor common to sections 15, 16, 21
nnd 22; thence running south 30
deg. 15 min. E. along the south
line of the said railway company's
right-of-way 343 feet: thence
south 69 deg. 45 min. west 181.5
n f... thence south 30 deg. 15 min.
J "V:iVt : ,... . m.ih r,9
n;r.isi it-... ...... -
deg. 45 .11.11 wes to the low
northwesterly along the northerly" I
low water mark of Rogue river to
'?w " .,..,.. I
r.h.Verlv alo mr tie center of1
w 1 creek ti L X of !
i nV contain! n 6 -5 acres
f , ?. t H ai situate in the
Il,nnre Ihnits of Rogue rive !
T, .be northwest luade of seH
in the northwest qiiaiter oi sec
"Zo 4 wes? of Wlla
xnl 2m.
RIt is hereby ordered that the
next of kin of said ward, and ,,11
persons interested in tne sain P,V
I... u. thou nro lioi-ullV ill.
rected to appear before this court
In the coun y Judge's office. t
!. .!,,?!,,. In the Citv or
Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore-
nnn on the 31st b.y of July
1920, ut the hour of, 10 0 'clocK o. u.e .. a. u.,. ... (ergl ag admingtrat0 , j,
a. m. of said day. there and then ! Jacksonville, Jackson county Or- t , ot (!ottlieb F. Spi el de.
to show cause, if any exists, why egon offer for sale, and sell at ceafiC(,
a license should not be granted! Public Auction to he highes bid-( A ng ,
to the said guardian for the snleder, to sa isfy said judgment andjat.ninst sad os(ate re ,re(l
of said real property, and it Is , decree, with costs of sale,- sub-1 ti) )Jt ,he same du, verifled
further ordered that a copy oftK-ct to redemption as proi.ded ;t() t)0 n(lergi d Administrator
thi ni.r ho nnhlished for three!")
slp(,PRfllV0 wePK() the the Ash-'
liin(1 Ti,nRs. a newspaper print-i
erl nnd of general circulation in
Jackson county, Oregon.
,,a f jHne ,,20
Countv Judge.
Date of first nublirntion June
1 ,
" ' 1 ,
Rv virtue of an Execution and
tinier or sa e nil v ssueil out oi i
. , .......... ..
ami miner Hie seui inr i..r v,in im
Court for the State of Oregon, for:
Jackson roiinu-. dated June 2tst. '
1920. in a certain suit therein,
wherein it was decreed that Fred
...., ,,,, ,n ,,avP
.. . i '..,,- , r(.rt..i Mort-
gnfe on the rea property herein-!
alter aesenneo, in ine sum u
!,,.., . ,,!, .i,h ten., nn
ind rilshnrsenients. and wherein
bhwi ii' .......
jit was further decreed that the j
Tliflt mirflllflllt ti a-idl 1iarna ntwi
is EN(,cuton, t wM1 jul. 24,1,144 rods to the northeast corner
li' "0, at 10 o'clock n. in., at the
nt door of the courthouse in
II: City of Jacksonville, Jackson
oiiuty, Oregon, offer for sale and
sell at public auction for cash to!
,)!,, iijint ladder, to satisfy Bald j
juil-'inont and decree, with costs
- ol this sale, subject to redemption,
. 1 ilf V
as provided by law, all the right,'
title and Interest that M. A. Mc
iCnnn und (iertruda L.
his wile, had on December 27th,
11917. Hie date of the Fred P.
1 fscher Mort gage, elt her Indivldu -
l,.,... ,! ll liu,i
Jackson, State of Oregon, to-wit: Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon,
Beginning at a point on the;June 22nd, 1820.
southerly side line of Muln Street 0. E. TERRILL,
'n "IP ('"y ' Ashland, Jackson j Sheriff of Jacksou county,
1 county,
uiegon, which puun lies)
north 56 dcg. 19 min. west along!
the noiut of intersection nf the'
southerly line of Main Street with
the westerly side line of First ave
nue (heretofere known as llarga
dlne Avenue); thence south 35
(leg. 02 mln. west 100 feet to a
point on the northerly side line of ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,
an alley as described in Volume that the Executor of the above en
66 on Pago 450 ot the Deed Kec-i tilled estate has filed with the
ords of Jackson, county, Oregon, ; Clerk of Court his Final Ac
wlilch point is 30 feet distant count In the matter of the ad
from the Intersection with the I ministration thereof, and the Hon.
northerly side line of said alley! (I. A. Gardner, Judge of the'
with the westerly side line of First 1 County Court in und for the
Avenue; thence north 56 deg. 19 County of Jackson, State of Or
tii In. west along the northely sldel egon has designated July 17,
line of said alley S6 feet; thence j 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the
north 35 (leg. 02 min. east 100 1 courthouse In Jacksonville, said
feet to a point on the southerly j county, us the time and ulace for
side line of Main Street, which
I)oint is distant 8 feet ulong the j
j southerly side line of Main Street)
ifrom Its intersection with tne
1 westerly side line of First Ave -
, nue, and thence south 56 deg. 1 9
I mill, east along said southerly
;Hide iim 01 mu street 56 feet to
the place 01 neginntng.
ALSO, the party wall right in
I" IV iMIIIUIHR tin a luuii 11 '
uKree'nent of record In Volume,
9 of Deeds on Page 565. and as
1 . . ,, ,.,
contained 111 1110 uwu 01 un; mini u,..,,,, uucii
Flint National Bank of Ashlund that The Pompadour Mineral
to J. Syd McNalr and Susie L. A!-' Springs company, Is the owner of
leu, of record In Volume 77 of u Trade Mark filed for registration
Deeds, on Page 2, records of , with the Secretary of State of Or
Jackson county. Oregon. legon described as a reproduction
ALSO, subject to the conditions, of a metal cork containing a sun
rights and privileges relating to ' hurst design within a circle with
! the west narty wall of the nrem-
Sheriff of Jackson County.,
... r()U..,v ,,,. ... ,, (nr:In the t ounty ( otirt of the State
i ., i, r 1 1 . u. . (
the County of Jackson, State of
In the Mutter ot the Estate or
r. I. 1 r 1 1 .1
That the Last Will and Testa-
ment of the said Flunk II. Car
ter, deceased, has been proven in
said court before the Hon. G. A.
Gardner, County Judge, and the
undersigned havo been appoint
ed ;is executors thereof.
1 . Hlan haviiiL' n claim
. ',1,
,. .'.......i'
in 1111 u 10 1.1111 .i.c m.,c, !
;,, ()f the ' 1)lll)licatiou ,
i-...rpof. ,
Date of first publication Juno
2:1, 1 920.
I E'vannlnru '
xoxrK ov silliitlFF'S SALE.,
X virtue of aA Execution and.
order of sale duly issued out ofiatalnst said estate is required
and under the seal of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for
thi- County of Jackson, dated
Ju"e 21st, 1920, in a suit therein,
therein Butler & Thompson Co..
a corporation, as plaintiff recov-
wed judgment against W. N.
" defendants, to? the
um. together it
ijmo.OO attorney fees and JII8.60
'costs and disbursements, which i
i jiidgment and decree was enrolled '
V A. VoVn. i
That pursuant to the terms of
said Decree and Execution, I will,
on Saturday, July 24th. 1920. ut i '"""l? "V " " T", V7 ' ,
ia , ..t a,. t ,iil01 the County of Jackson, state
10 o clock a. m ut the front doorl, ,, h ,.J
th. ..,,,11,.... In tho Pltv 1,1 I
law, and a specuic nen in iavor,.,
"f the City of Medford as against ;
,hc lot '". Mertrol'd' ,,r?;
Kon- amoiinung io iii.i.t,iin
' ln" V"" "... the first publication of this notice,
erest that said Judgment debtors Date 0, irst publication Juna
, W. N. Campbell and Hattie;2nd 192o
'Campbell jointly or individually i ' E. D. BRIGGS.
I Unit n nhna IntlOllniihafA, . . . ...
" w-"j " ",9
siIlce acquired, or now have n
and to the following described
real property, situated in Jack -
son county, Oregon, to-wit:
All that portion or i.overmnent i
mi .mnufi m m sim-nuu . mnj-1
I In Tchln 5 .nnlh nf
. -. ...
Range TWO west of the W. M. in
Jackson county, Oregon, bounded
and described as follows: BE-1
t.I.VMM. at tne nortnwest rorner
01 ine jomi .mnu.v niiiiiiiiuii same io nie at ine law otilce
claim In said Township and
Range; thence east on the south
line of said Lot Six 26 rods to the
""" '"'" u... .
thenrp north on the west line of
si.ld school lot 16 rods to the
northwest corner thereof; thence
east on the north line of the said.
school lot 10 rods to the north
east' corner thereof; thence south
on the east line of said school lot
16 rods to the southeast corner
of said school lot; thence east on
the south line of said Government
Lot Six and the north line of the,
county road to the southeast cor-
llfti- of onlrt T nt filv tliansta nnnth
of said Lot Six and thence west
o'l the north line of said Lot Six
to the northwest corner thereof:
and thence south on the west line
of Haiti Government Lot Six to the
place of beginning, containing 20
acres of land, more or less;
ALSO, commencing at a point
100 feet north of the southwest
- corner of Block No. 2. of Oallo
i way's Addition to the Twon (now
'city) of Medford, In Jackson conn-
ty. Oregon, and running thence
' north along the west line of said
hlwk EH ImI' llirniM 1.1 l.l.l ...
j gles east 100 'feet; thence at right
1 angles south 60 feet; and thence
nt right angles west 100 feet to the
J''"'0 of 1e.K'""'".R- Thl9 lot ub.-
Ject to said City Lien.
In the matter of the Estate ot
Hmmn Tl Pitllni 11.....!
the hearing of any objections
Any person having objection to
: the allowance and approval of said
, account must present the same
: on or before the time designated.
! for said hearing.
Dally 247-lt
' wlly
VOTICP to Hpnpnv rrnruv
'he word "L1THIA" across suld
products 01 1 ne asiiuumi L.iuim
li ters together with packing
cases und. printing matter relating
Ashland. Oregon, June lSlh,
lf'20. llH-St
"i Oregon ior jarKsqn i.ouniy.
. . ,. , . ,
In the matter of the Estute of
Ira J. Hobart, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
! Tllt
, . " , ... , il l.'. ....
ceased, by the County Court of
tin State of Oregon for Jackson
County, und has qualified. All
persons having claims against
suld estate ure hereby notified to
present the same duly acknowl-
1 . . . '
ns "(uirei to
Elva A. Hobart, ut
iihh.nil. Oieeon within
ASIIianu, Oregon, Wltnin SIX
months from the date hereof,
"! ' Polished this
"'H' day of June 10, 1920.
pi va 1 nnnAiiT
vl'll,, 11,1 aiioi vtiipyw !.
That the Hon. G. A. Gardner.
judge of the County Court of
1 " 1
i"" "'".SO.., up-
.pointed tne unuersigneu as tho
w. Owen, deceased.
Any person having a claim
to present the same, duly verified,
'to the Executrix at the office ot
Briggs and Briggs, attorneys, in
i the Pioneer block, in the City ot
Aahland. Oregon, within six
months from the date ot the first
publication of this notice,
The first publication is June 2.
- Wed.
p ( .j. OF APHjsKTMBXT h
That the Hon. G. A. Gardner.
ll.,l,ra nf . I, .. r .. - I- . .. .1
v6".i UH..HIIIIIIICII nin un-
,,, nffi. ,,.,-. anH Br,
attorney8i in the Pioneer block in
the City of Ashland, Oregon, with
gjx monthg from tne date nf
- 4 Wed. Administrator.
j Notice is hereby given that the
lundersigned has been appointed
administrator of the estate of
iMiineruie onaiii, neeeaseu. wnn
.... lll .o.l K Ik. ..,..
ai.iiA.., uj vuuiiij
court of the State of Oregon, for
Jackson county, and has qualified.
AH persons having claims against
said estate are notified to present
of W. J. Moore in Ashland. Oi-
gon, with proper vouchers and
duly verified, within six months
....n. m. .us. iiunniauiMi ucreoi,
n - liieh is Juna 2 19?n
Administrator with Will Anneidd.
9-5 Wed.