Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, June 09, 1920, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Soclflr,
NO. 100
S.P. CO.
At the meeting of tlio highway
commission in Portland this week
i Tiller Trail wag a bone of con
"Be careful," in the forest pro- j
action and und fire prevention ,
week warning being issued by tbe j
fefiernl fnrpRt RArvice. ilia al.nte!
, . , ...J n !..! in i..ii.,u p wir. mi tention for a few minutes. This
Afiv.rt m ,!,. th. number of turn over the Depot hotel to the i iK 8 proposed short-cut to Crater
!, . ... ia p .mnunv onH it ..hi k 'i'ke from Douglas county. The
uies in lue luresis. .v ..... w v..-.
The Society cabaret, to be held !
under the auspices of the National 1
tbe night ot Friday, July 2, uc-i
fnidtnir In IIia latest advices.
This change is duo to the fact ed 1 People had been care,u1' a-
Eighty per cent
thuu 1100 fires within the na
tional forests of this state last
year were "man caused," and all
ot them could have been prevent-
of the more! eiated thereafter by the dining car j('overnment hus s"c,lt consider-
that many members of the com-
cording to forestry officials.
pany, including the officers, must i
offenders, while ranchers burn
; iug brush, lumbering operations,
I railroads, and incendiaries wbo
Campers wbo thoughtlessly left
go to a preliminary encampment j lueir cam" flres to BPreuu over
i n,a ...i.i.iio ,.f ihu ,, .thousands of acres were tbe chief
consequently It was thought that
July 2 would be the most appro
bate date, also as lnunv of the
inrni si,ii,,rU win i, in iwiiun.1 deliberately fired the forest were
the latter part of this month. j -ontributliiK factors, it is said.
No effort or pains are to be! Veoe who vl9it tne natlonal
.pared to make this Society cub-1 fore8tH durin ,he conl!n8 -oret
the biggest event In Ashland's !,ner ca" best ol,serve the sloai
social history. "Help Prevent Fires," which Gov-
Coming as It does, on the eve!eni0r S strongly urges
of the big three day celebration, ! ln uig I0re9t Protection and fire
it 'will be a titling beginning for i Prevention week proclamation, by
that' event. j lemembering tbe "six rules," ac-
Invitatlon lists are now oi.en I corUlng to forestry officials.
bI nil ti,n iimv .in. o,i .n.,foTliPse rules,
lionery stores In the city, fnvl-
tation lints will also bo placed ln
Enders und at the Coot Shop. Get
Issued by the
I era! forest service, are:
1. Matches. Be sure your
, : match Is out. Pincb it before you
vour name on the Invihilinn lint I lllruw ' away.
department of that road.
Mr. Wolff's health has been
poor for the last two years, the
strain of handling the immense incident to the movement
of troops under the uncer
tainties of war, was too much
for li I in , and he has been trying
to dispose of the property for some
time, but the company decided It
did not want to risk the import
ant dining station to new man
agement so it decided to take over
l lie property Itself. Tbe S. P.
company takes over all of Mr. j
Wolff's equipment and will re
model the station in many re-1
specta. j
Mr. and Mrs. Wolff will Uke
a much needed rest, remaining at
Ashland, however, where they
have their home as well as other
city property. They have had
charge of the Depot hotel for 14
years continuously and have made
money every year.
The Depot hotel was opened .13 ago, before the gap in the
money on the road, but there are
two dead ends. About $40,000
more is required to make the road
passable as a dirt road. Douglas
county offered $5000 for the cut
cfi; there is a rond district with
$3000 more and it was suggested
that the state give $16,000 or
$20,000. The argument for Til
ler Trail is that it will save 75
miles between Portland and Cra
ter lake and that the trail will
have to be used when the Canyon
section of the Pacific highway is
being paved. For this trail, $65,r
000 has already been appropriated
by the government and the state
and there remains four miles of
tew road to be located, most of
the mileage being an old .wagon
or horse path.
Commissioner Benson argued
that the trail should be completed,
I as there is a lot of money already
spent on it, and enough more
A man giving the name of
George a Miller war, picked up in
Hie local railroad yards by the
police yesterday, who is thought
to be the alleged issailaut of Mrs.
Gibson Hamilton of Reuben. Tbe
man answered the description
lufficlently to warrant his arrest
ty Chief of Police Hatcher, who
held him until tbe officers of
L'onglus couuty could come and n,e iulce aud vinegar. This deal
claim him. This they did last i represent sa quarter ot a million
evening, bringing with them the dollars.
lillle will who was a witness to Tlle Suncrest orchards consist
the assault, und the latter inline-'0' 461 acres, over 400 acres be
diutely declared the mau Was the!'"'! in orchard from six to 18 years
one who bud committed the 0,(i- This acreage Is about equal-
The Suncrest orchards, lyiug
across Bear creek from Talent,
has been purchased by Sam P.
Jones, vice-president of the Jones
Bros. & Co., canncrs and manu
facturers of loganberry juice, ap-
Tuesday evening the man ar
rived in Ashland on a freight
truiu and took a room at about
midnight. He was spotted yes
terday in the railroad yards by
Patrolmen Michel and Wertz, who
notified Chief Hatcher. When
the latter urrired on the scene the
inn n was found in a partially
ly divided between Newton apples
und pears. The pears are all ot
the best commercial varieties, with
the larger part being Bartlett and
The Improvements on the prop
erty are of the best, including a.
very large up-to-date packing and
warehouse. A lodge for men,
with reading room, hot and cold
emptied coal car belonging to the 'ater, baths, and everything for
Whittle Transfer company, and I tuelr comfort. Foreman's resl
looked suspiciously as If he Were deuce and a beautiful eight-room
trying to hide. The man had a bungalow for the owner. A splen
lot of cheap jewelry about him, I'M water system supplies all
j The first general meeting of "the'
membership of the expanded Com-1
imercial Club will be held ou!
j Thursday evening, June 10th. at;
j an hour and place to be announced
j later. Reorganization will be
; completed and the work of the
joiganl.ntion got under way at this' ' Think what's coming tomor
meeting. Reports on several pro-law!" That is what the children
jects which the club now has com-were saying about tbe Daily Vaca
mittees working on. will be made'tiou Bible school the day betor.i
and the meeting promises to be it opened. An hour before the
highly Interesting. It is import- opening the children began to aa
ant that every member plan to belsemble. In a long double line ex
present and share in deciding the eliding from the Chautauqua Pi
many Important matters which' oncer hall they waited tbe pre
will come up. Ilminary work of registration.
Organisation jover 100 were registered ou tho
A constitution and by-law will first day representing children of
be presented for ratification or' eieven denominations. While this
amendment by the membership. 1 'he first day ot school the
A report will be- made by njnogram was conducted almost
committee which is investigating ! s It will be in the remaining
the advisability of starting id.ys.
members' forum to meet weekly j During the first hour of school,
or bi-weekly. This committee IsjWitu a fine spirit the children sing
investigating forum organization. Km of the best hymns, listen to
us successfully operated elsewhere! a short habit talk, have a Bible
end will have Interesting recom- ' Irssou in a definite series of les
mendations to make. sons, learu some nature songs, aud
Constant expansion by contlnu-' calisthenic drills, breathiug exer-
should be appropriate! ftc m.k It nu the reason for ''"'"'lug. and water is piped into us 'P sonc.tallon win- ami .one woi-k.
Biioum oe appropimieii to make HI ,h .. be undertaken and a committee During the second hour of
at once as It will be necessary 2- Tobacco. Throw pipe ashes Northern California and Southern i
to present Invitations at the door.!"1"1 ciKlir or c'saretle stumps in; Oregon lines was connected. It hag I
Electric fans galore will serve' lhe lust ot ,he rad and stamp! ud but four managers in all its!
to make the already cool Armoryj01' pinch 01lt tlle fiie before leav-l history. The first was Mr. Claw-I
delightful for this big mid-sum-! then1, I)on'1 throw them into n, the next was J. A. Grass, the
mer dance. Decorations planned j tlle bru""' leaves or "eedles. i ut Hum Pracht and theu J. P.,
Include the most elaborate ideas! 3' Mttking camp. Build a j Wolff. I'nder these manage-1
in radiant color and designing, j 9ma" campfire. Build it in theimmts the Ashland eating station!
Boost now for this bg event!1 oucn' not near a ,ree or loB or bag established a repututlon far:
r.nd help the bovs pay off their ! """by brush. Scrape away the, and wide for its "good eats" an.1
club room debt, and In addition,'"'"1' from a" around It. j especially under the management j
4. Leaving camp. Never 1 or .Mr. and Mrs. Wolff it has es
leave a campfire, even for a short 1 tublished a lasting reputation,
time, without quenching it with ; The company pays a very high
water and then covering it with 'compliment to Mr. Wolff's man-j
earth. i agemeut by continuing his splen-
6. Bonfires. Never build bon- did system of handling the
files in dry weather or where ciowds, although they operate 27
time is the slightest danger of ,' Bating houses and have perfect
I heir escaping your control. Don't e(l systems for the economical
handling ot passengers generally.
have one good time for yourself.
The Social Realm
Hud High Jinks
The Boy Scouts had a rousing , make them larger than you need,
meeting at the Methodist church, 6. Fighting fires. If you find
last night, All sorts ot athletic j n fire, try to put It out. If you
Blunts that furnished great amuse- can't, get word of It to the near-
( itizeus will be glad to learu
that Mr. and Ms. Wolff will not
leave Ashland and their good
ment to all who looked on, oc- est Tinted States forest ranger! 'i"hes for the improvement of
cuired on the lawn. Then the or state fire warden at once. i Wolff's health are general,
boys were called Indoois where u j . . . i .
number of speakers amused and 1'IMIIXG IXFOK.UATIOX
Instructed them. Patriotic hymns : .'0 WKSTKRX OHKGOX
were sung, for Boy Scouts'are pa-1
serviceable. Mr. Booth replied
that the commission is already
committed to the construction of
tbe trail, but he thought it should
wait until the Pacific highway Is
taken care of first. Mr. Cecil of
the forestry service declared his
department is particularly inter
ested in completing the road as a
fire prevention, becuuse of the
large amount of timber In that
vicinity. The commission agreed
to think it over.
Iliiys Hill to IV (iruiled.
An estimate of $9000 is made
for grading Hays Hill on the
Grants Pass-Crescent City high
way. Josephine county, the state
i nd the forestry department will
each contribute one-third and tho
work will start In the fall. County
Judge Gillette was informed that
the commission will take no ac
tion on the highway between
Kirby and the California line un
til something official has been re-
tih arrest.
The man claimed he was a Una-
the orchard for spray purposes
It is understood that Jonas
Oregon Forest
As a part of a research uuder-
trlotic. The report from the
Scouts who solicited funds to car
ry on the Scout work was encour
aging, and the Scout officials wish
to thank all who contributed.
These funds will make possible too cold
the proposed hike and two weeks! Clackamas
outing nt the Lake of the Woods. South Forks): Trout biting where! 791 street accidents. As wag to
The last event of the evening branches Join main river. Take car he expected, in a majority of
was tne retresiiments consisting to Estacada; walk up river. them, 494, automobiles were in
of ice creum and doughnuts. Ask; Eagle Creek: Trout biting at 1 volved. but analysis establishes
the boys who were there If they headwaters and in tributary thut there Is no ground for a has-l-ad
a good time. streams. Reached by wagon from 1 ty conclusion that motor vehicles
This afternoon th Scouts go for, Estacada. 1 are therefore dangerous machines.
ccived from the California com-1
missioners. Rumor has It that! ,ne omce. a suspicious incident,
the. California commission has ilB he had b,," 011 th'' ro"d a11
adopted the Elk creek route, vek wbile the "WH of the a8
which makes the heaviest con- 8a,l,t llas been rin8,n through-
struction on the California end
man, and had been shipped from i Bl'08' Co- contemplate the erec
Oakland Pier to Isadora, Ore., last , ot a ulallt al Suncrest similar
Saturday to work on the railroad, i t0 ,,,0l,e ,hpy are operating in
Not liking the wages paid he liutl I Wutsonrille. Calif., Portland, Ore.,
rot taken the job, aud was al- VuKila. Wash., and Boston, Mass.
tempting to beat his way back to
Oakland. He claimed he had
shipped his baggage front Oak
land to Isudadora in charge of the
foreman of the work there, aud
that some one else had claimed it,
hence he had no linemaii's IooIr
T.ith him.
Chief Hatcher notified tho sher
iff of Douglas county, aud lust '
night a deputy aud two oilier Angeles, came tliioual, Ai,lunrt
men arrived in Ashland in an an-'and purchased a box of fine Bing
toinobile, bringing with them the berries raised by Fred Porter
little girl who was with her jtnd marketed through the Ashland
mother aud Mrs. Hamilton at the, usrociation. Day before yester
Ume of the assault. "That Is day Manager Briggs received the
the man!" the little girl exclaimed following telegram: "Wish to or
aa soon as she saw him. The mau 'tier half dozen boxes Dings If at
disclaimed all knowledge of thellbfir best. Bought cherries your
rrime, which. It was thought by! warehouse OUA VAitl nun iimvi Sut.
unlay. E. K. Millikin."
The Ashland cherry
Last year E. E. Millikin, of Lob
The commission promised to rock
HlA frra.ln nn.lh nf r'.. .
Herman Creek: Trout fishing taken by the National Safety ' before willter
sliould be good within two weeks. 'Council with a view to wiping out! ' , .
,,,,... . , ,, I . , ., , , . , . . I 0,1 receiving assurances that tin
Water high and cold now. : avoidable accidents In street traf- , t ,
. u.. !.., ..,. ,.. , county court of Coos county is
, cidents in 'some ct les. - During ,, .... , . '
mvvi 1 .tin 111 , aim .uuji-n 111 01, touis mere were
hits the
spot ewy shot. A.blaiid citiwus1 pl0B'"m 01 worK' lM wuUe1' 01
could do no heller advertising for; findil"r wa's and means of seenr
thls section than to send their1 i"K "" ",ciens,,rt '"tr supply, is
friends a small box of Ashland!10 rmciVfl il"metli"lfl attention at
'lie minus of a committee us fol
lov.s: F. C. Homes, chairman;!
( OMH'IKIX OF I!().i:i ) H. Dill, !. M. Frost, T. S. WI-'
Wearers of the fez, both rod IX WKSTKRX ORKtJOX 'cy W. K. Evortou, J. M. Wag-1
mid white, invaded Ashland Sat-1 Santium Wagon Itnad: Open, ! ne'". Kiuersou Howell, (i. O. Jar-!
is working out a plan which will school, various kinds of industrial
be presented at lhe first meeting work are hiuglit, such as making
Fuller Coming i ot P'cmi'e frames, baskets, whisk
Word has been received from 1)1001,1 holders, hammocks, bird
John H. Fuller, the new secretary, ;H0,!!. book racks, table mats,
that he will leave Redwood City,J"8ti a large variety of objects suit
Culifornia, for Ashland tomorrow abl for ,he ilifferent grades,
to undertake his new duties. j sun 10 co'" tomor-
Important Proievtn ,ow'" "',id 11,8 f-'chers as the
Several important projects will. chl'dnm Ml 1,18 building. "You
be reported upon by committees '' . 1"lou"u ,l,a U0V! a3 "1CV
which have been appointed to ""l ""on ""!lr wa'-
make investigations and recom-' ThtMe were about "9 """'y aH
mendations. The following com-1 K"ls roistered, though the girls
mlttee, known as the "Committee . bat by oulv our-
cn Committees" met with Presi
dent Ferguson to advisu him In
the selection ot these Important
committees and will act in a like
advisory capacity throughout tho
ear when important coinmitlee-i
are to be selected: V. O. N. Smith.
E. J. Kaiser, J. H. Dill, Miss Geor
gio Coffee and Homer Elhart.
Water Supply
The project which received an
overwhelming number of "voles"
in the building of the tentative
out the whole state. The offi-'
con took the man buck to Rose-J
burg with them last evening where cherries,
he will be given a hearing.
1 he school reassembles for tho
closing exercise, which includes
the salute to the flag, singing of
1 America and tbe children's bene
diction which is. "Suffer tbe lit
tle children to come unto me and
forbid them not for of such Is the
Kingdom of God."
, Ashland is the first city in Or
egou to conduct one of these
, schools, according to the stand
ards of schools in the east. There
was one school somewhat similar
iu Portland last year lasting for
two weeks. In the whole country
last year about 952 schools were
active enrolling over one hun
dred thousand children. It is
probable that as many as fifteen
schools will he conducted in Ore"
gon this year.
an automobile ride, given them
ly well-disposed citizens of the;
Siiutiiini Forest
In only 81 of the 791 accidents
that this grade will be rocked. A
demand was made to pave 150
feet between North Bend and
"! Marshfield.
Overhcwid Itildgo Awarded.
The contract for the overhead
bridge on the Pacific highway
south of Ashland was awarded to
Following is the co-operative
urday when Hillau Temple's cere-: Foster lo Castadia. ( ..soadia to ( vis- w- I'olcy, V. O. X. Smith,
jinouial was conducted here by (he: summit, closed. . No detours : DKht Itoyce, limner Billings an.)
members ot the Mystic Shrine. Should be open June 15. j w- Herrin. This committee observers' meteorological record
Members of Hillah Temple were Cottage (Jrove-Disston: Open. wi" s,al' invesligatiou luimedi-: for the month of May, 1920, at
, in attendance from far reaches , !ood. Camp grounds available. 1,1 1111,1 w,,ilu wil1 probably ; Ashland:
both north and south, us well as 0 rants Pass-Almeda: Open.!""1 be able to make compl le rec-jDute,
east as-far as Lakeview, who came ' Cood. ; ornnendalions at the first meet
community. The plan is to go ! utar Detrolt. Take Southern Pa-
North Santiam: Trout biting are the causes given as unavoid-
ns far as Gold Ray.
Tomorrow the boys play th3j
Scouts of Medford at the latter
place, a gamo of baseball.
; to some extent near Cascadia.
i Reached from Lebanon by Santi-
" ! am wagon road. Bait fishing
Murrleil in Vrcka good. Fly fishing just beginning.
Miss Dorothy Payne, daughter Fist aud Clear Lakes: Inac
Of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Payne of : cesslhle; road closed. Much
Ashland, and La Von Zundel, son snow,
of Mrs. I. E. D. Zundel of Med-. Cascade Forest
lorn, were uiiiieu in muiTiage in Willamette River-
able, while in but 20 instances
cific to Detroit. were mechanical defects found.
South Santiam: Trout biting!1' i "ade plain that negligence
of drivers in a large majority of
C. H. Natrlck for $11,030 at this
meeting of the commission.
Hens given meat, fish or milk
cases is responsible for accidental products in their diet will lav
and this applies to horse-drawn : from 39 to 66 per cent more egs lnK lne banquet members of the on
tnhlfl no ... I a r. ..... n i nn.u. nn ,.,.. .. .... ftn n. vaI.n..n.l .. t . U 1 '
... u ! m mm man tnose which have on v aru n. """" s"'"' i
iroin where the
over to revue and assist In the in-1 Grants Pass - Crescent Cily.!illK' have 8 roport on pro
itiution of 22 candidates. j Open. Rough on Oregon moim-! B,''ss to present.
The sections of the Shrine were) lain. New Hayes Hill road open, "i,ni' Concerts
held in the Armory, the first of ; and good. i A committee ou music was ap-
whlch occurred at 4:30 o'clock.' Crescent City - Port Orford : noill,,'(1 consisting ot H. G. En-
A banauet served to both lorlina : Onen. Excellent. Crpaceni aiv "' "'. chairman; Mrs. E. A.
Excellent, Crescent Citv I (l,"'s
und men, was held in the dining lo Brookings. From Brookings , 'v0'"1. ad G. H. Veo. Thin coin
room ot the Elks Temnle. where north, fair. Rough on Alevenr m",,B wi" take "P "'f matter
plates for 275 were laid. Follow-1 Hill.
Improvement work
goi ig
of securing concerts this summer. 10 , 6
tho Armory: Medford-Crater Lake: Open
cut-throats and rainbows biting
ali.HK upper Willamette to Oak
ridge. Fishing not so good on
tributaries. Train and auto from
Yreka Wednesday. The young
couple live in Medford where Mr.
Zui del is connected wUh the
Chevrolet Motor company. Mr.
pud Mrs. Zundel are well known
jimiiib oeu,,io in uie vaney am, jIcKenze Rive,.. r)olile9i red
have many friends both here and 9kjns ,, cut.throuts bitinK. Auto
Medford who extend best wishes. 1 from p;u((elie
Siskiyou I mcsr
I Rogue River: Trout and steel-
Hoys Kiitortiilncil. i heads are biting from Crants Pass
Mrs. W. A. Shell entertained .a to Almedu. Auto, wagon, and
party of young people yesterday stage from Grants Pass or Merlin
ns to automobiles, strict obserr-'food and what bugs and worms
mice of. traffic laws and regula-jthey can pick up on free rango,
Hons, regard for the rights ot recent experiments made by the
others, a due comprehension of j United States Department of As
personal responsibility, are some ! riculture show,
of the essentials to making thej The birds used In the expeii
streeta safer. It is not the anto-i ments were given conditions us
moone nui uie person in cnarge nearly like those on a normal
parade was end fair, Medford to Union Creek.
formed. This was led by the Closed, I'nlon Creek to Craler
Ashland band, followed by the National Park. No detour. I'rob-i ,n
Arab patrol in their gorgeous cos-j ably open July 1.
times, the class of novices to be Green Springs .Mountain Itoid
initiated, clad ill ghostly white : Ashland to Klamath Falls, open
attire, and carrying lighted can-falr.
dies, and the other members of Mount Hood-Harlow
the Shrine. Thig parade marched but bad, Sandy to Government
recommendations at the first j 12
meeting. The samo committee i;i
will handle other matters relating H
Auto limp aud Pink 1 lij
A committee consisting of Mrs. ji
II. T. Elmore, chairman; G. S. 18
Butler, L. Dodge, Irving Viniug.'lu
(,.,! Mrs. A. Schuerman, und Frank JO
.Ionian, win seen I lie part tne 2J 70
Goveiniuoul!('PM"l,el'cial n,lb Cim Pur 1,1 as-
lives suved and property preserved.
The efforts which peach grow
ers of this country are making
at this time of the year to forecast! The average farmer feeds very
the size of the season's crop calls little meat, fish, or animal pio
uttention to the immense value tein feed of any kind to his poul
of a fungicide developed by the I try, and consequently gels few
afternoon, complimentary to Paul. Cbinoow .almon irer , l!ni,ed states department of ag-eggs during the late full and win-
Bruce and Gordon Campbell, who' Rogue. Go by trail via Almeda rhulture. with which brown rot, j ter when eggs are selling at the
have spent the winter with her Auto from Port Orford or Brook-:one of ,lie "108t 8erlolls lnenacesj highest prices,
while attending school. About ' ,'" "le l)each industry, can be j In the experiments coniluclml
23 of the' neighborhood children! Sucker Creek: Brook trout t'"Iltolle(1- Bllt fr tis simple.jdi the government poultry fain'.
were nresent from 2 in 4. Owine hum.- ho.i ,.... i euccme remeuy me present iore-ipens or pullets on free range wen
01 11 mat is Diamame tor most ac- taim ag . noxsible. The exne.i
cidents. Careful driving means, ,,. .,... over the princinal streets before Camp. Closed.
. 1 "-. 1 . ... I .... . . ... uKlmir in Ilia Inmi'nvoinntil ttnA on
ferent conditions snd in differ-i B congreguting at the Armory 1 t amp to iiear Luke. I'roUulile '
!..'". .Snd'n d'fl where tbe w.nJoneninir June 10. ! maintenance of the aulo-can 2.1
eui yeuiB iu avuiu. an rur an 1,11s- "
sible, any error due to the vari'M
characteristics of the birds.
initiuted: 1 McKenzie Highwav: Kuge::e
Medford, George Hilton Jr., R.'to Blue River, open; fair. Closed,
F, Antlo, Elmer Kiel; Roseburg, Blue River to McKenzie Bridge.
L. M. Lehrbuch, John Flurry; I construction; McKenzie Bridge to
Klumath Fulls, Louis Bradford, summit, by snow.
E. M. Chilcote, E. L. Lamb, J. G.j Willamette Highwav: Op-in,
Bermont, George Cbastain, Cecil Eugene to Oukridge; f'lir. ''Inp-il
E. Joy; Lukeview, E. G. Fa veil: 1 snow above Oakridge.
Kiddle, B. 11. Bullwinkle; Duns-,
muir. A. L. .Inhn-ni.- Or,.,,!. Pu. 1 STATE ROXDS TO IIK SOLD
and park with particular utteu-'24 .
lion to the auto-camp Just at pros-, 25 .
ent when tbe season ig just begin-'26 .
ning to open up. Recommenda- "7
lions will be miidn by this coin- 2g
milteo as soon us formulated. ;9
Ciuuicry ' j:i) , ,
The matter of securing the op-.ji
elation of the Ashland cannery
this season is being investigated (e
to the rain wnicn intefered with Ion Holland-Kerby road and nt
tbe plans of playing in the park, mouth of stream. Auto. Grants
lltn pnPKta enlnved tl,A 1,nailntllv : PiM.CpaBnn,.i ! Cllt
... . , " - j moo v. 1 uncii, vnj mail ,,tt
casts would of necessity have to
eft the Shell home, during the af
ternoon, after which a fine lunch
eon consisting of cake, Ice cream,
by. Catches not large.
Illinois River: Brook trnul
fishing near Oregon-Callfoiiiia ra,,U the 1920 ' crP at
be made on an altogether differ-
basis. The bureau ot crop
estimates, I'nited States depart
ment of agriculture, which fore-
sandwiches, almonds and choco-l line. Go from Grants Pass Via 29,240,000 bushe,s( base1 0,1 con"
late was served.
Quiet Wedding
A quiet wedding took place last
Tukilma. Fishing will not be nt
best before July.
dltious, April 5), Etutes that its
j reporters everywhere regard the
1 fungicide us the big factor that
fed a mash of corn meal, bran, ami
middlings and a scratch inixlnr'
of wheat oats and corn. This is .1
greater variety of grains than h
used by many farmers. In addi
tion the birds had absolutely free
range on laud where bugs, green
feed, and worms were plentiful.
Other pens were given the same
ration, with 1 pound of comnier-
Geo. P. Jester It V Cullev J W SALEM Advertisements for y a commiuee consisting 01 v. : 23lb.
7th. Minimum.
Max. Mill.
. . 61 38
. . 67 31
. . 68 3.'
.. 71 32
, . 73 36
; 84 37
, . 85 4 1
. 72 43
. 64 45
, 68 32
. 72 33
. 71 45
. 72 41
. 75 3.1
. 77 3
. 8.1 37
. 80 45
. 81 40
.80 41
. 79 .17
. 70 43
. 77 31
. 68 41
. C8 41
. 60 38
. 74 28
. 80 37
. 75 35
. G9 3t
. 68 32
. 67 32
. 74 31)
mum, 85;
28; date.
Everton, R.
K. Woodson, P.
the sale of state road bonds in; N- Smith, chairman; H. G.j precipitation
DeCenault, C. N. Culy L O Cle-!tU8 ot H. 500, 000 to match 1 r.uoers, a. l. Joy, ,m. 1. Miunger, ; 1M.neK; greatest in 24 hours, 0.67:
ment, D. J. Calvert. j federal aid under 1111 act passed;"1"1 E- I blpps. illnU, xumber of days with
The lady Shrlners were enter-'11' ,he last Bl'ecial lou ot thc Honsing: Problem n, nch w mol.e precipitation. 4:
tained in the Masonic hall with ! !lslture have been prepared b : With a view lo investigating i(,, 26; partly cloudy. 5;
cards during tbe evening while "' B' Co'"lin, "etrelary of the! methods used elsewhere lo nieet-;,.1oudy 0
ii.oir i,ohHo .. , state board of control, aud will be. iS housing needs and formulul-j.
at the evening section in the Ar
Miss Ernestine Edwards, who Prevents a decline of the peach cial meat scrap added lo every H
evening at the Methodist parson-1 has been taking dental hygiene: industry similar to that from: pounds of mash.
printed in the Portland press ImI- "'K a I'M lo relieve tbe situation piogress made for the meeting.
er in the week. 111 Aslilund, the following com-1 Ih-finile Program
These are Hie last road bonds mlttee will start Investigation of The matter of building a dofi-
The consolidated band of the!"'"! can be sold by the state, ac-j"'" Ashland housing situation: J.,niti. program of work from tha
! Rogue River valley met in practice! cording to Mr. Gnodin, until lhe( " McCoy, chairman; B. It. (.reeiv tentative program as built from
'last evening preparatory to (ur.j Per cent Indebtedness limitation A- Beaver, A. L. Lamh and Ue questionniare returns by thi
!nioi,in. . f amendment annroved at Friday's! M. J. H. Fuller. niocrani of work committee in
I. . . , . .a . .. ... ... . "i.miiK 111 univ iui r uiii lu u.
age at which time Miss Minnevajm Columbia university, New Yorklnicn m-p.e Blowing nas suuereo. ine punets witnout tne iir ,hrull ti,i. 1,1. ,.,ai special election becomes effective 1 K.-port!. al Mcetiug Muich will be taken up at tho
Btlley of Ashland became thecily, hag just informed her moth-jin parts of the Middle West. scrap laid only 90 eggs apiece' ..., ,' comnOKed .,, tb, Two weeks ago the hoard of con-1 All commutes are expected to. meeting and either the tentative
. . . nt ti l, rr.. 1 1 f .. n 4 1 1L..1 . 1. I it in a lour Vaan ann fliaro 1. : k i ... 1. , nl " . . .
Dride OI AVfl VV. null Ul iniuil. I ci, CjIWIV, lliui 8ne WU8; p v m.o mnau 10 ilium rent jfw-i iifii ii"
n t r- j t , ...,... .,ii-,Ia,I i. . I 1 . 1- ifi ilnou nn autlafnfinrv fiinfrifIHo the a'A.....a ,..... ri.sL I , i-t 1
ev. c .a. ',"' .,..rini.i( I" "7 . ... j and are fast coming t the front
the cnurcil. reaa uie ring cere-1 huuiuiuk ine eiaminaiioil aur-j " wime iuuj iwbihiik niri i.i'
inony, which was witnessed only1 iug the school year. She with' reaches during the growing sea- aveiaged from 125 to 150 ep,
. i . u . - ..J H,ifn 'nllia nA..nAJ J : ivL , ain m'tlliiiiit uartmtalv Inftifinv IhAl .i.tnnn
Dy me onue s .... ..,, uc,Ki... iaS- nromlnent featuie. of the celehra
best band musicians of the valley 1101 $1,000,000 of these j have a report on progress and1 program endorsed or some actio-i
bonds, for which Ihey received a : recommendations
if possible at; taken in order to build a definite
The commit-! program ot work.
"'! ns one of the leading bands of the' ,llrle '""re than 89 cents on the, lhe first meeting. Tt
"'state Music will be one of theilc',ar- Kinc that time the bund 1 are authorized to go as far! Members are paying their dues
market is said to have recovered " Possible in their investigations! and budget subscriptions for thj
tc some extent and a bid in ex-i''Ul must have plaua formulated most part promptly and the club
cess of 90 cents on the dollar s! "gorged by the board ot lu excellent financial shape. A
expected by Mr. Ooodin. j tors or membership before pro-' ret of files for the projects on the
. reeding with action involving ex-; program ot work and committee
RHODODENDRONS BLOOM penditure of funds. I work have been established at
NEWPORT. The late bloom-1 OiImt Coniniittees liu.y ! the club and all available data M
was found by the department's' ducts or fish give ns good results! seminary here early this morning. . iug rhododendrons this yean The celebration committee aud beme collected so that commit-
The Dalles to get new 1200,000 Klamath Falls. New hot, investigators to hare Just the as meat in Increasing egg produc-i Two hundred girl students es-: makes Newport at present a ver-; several other committees art busy, tees will have material with which
. t. ativino-a hnfh hnnap In atari .Ann ! .i.l., nnnllilA. ! i . .. , . . . . . I . ... .... ....... ,.
. , ... n II , 1 . 1. .,. Ul.. C.Jwn I .fnliaoa ITvArv, h Iti tr wrlith w. 0 .... t l .. 1 .1 , . .1
JVir. anO .lirS. Itaj oailJ. iiicjvwi ..una cuwaius ubhibhcu wasj m.., miivu ..oj tt.nai nt.iti! ia nut nuufrti j
young people have many acquain- j the choice and adopted by the in- tried to control the brown-rot j mtst farms, and has to be bought j
tances in this section who extend : structors. Miss Edwards and '""Bus resulted in damage that i at a higher price than grain. It)
best wishes to them on their life a Miss Buford were requested to:maae it pronmitive. Finally a ; produces eggs, though, sevei.iii
Journey. They expect to live near, give a demonstration of hygiene simple mixture made by addingj rents a dozen cheaper than where j REDWINO, Minn., June I.
Tlent in Philadelphia June 11. i flour of sulphur to slacking lime, no meat scrap is used. Milk pro-! Fire rated the Lutheran Ladies'
I tioa
'caped In their night attire. liable garden of gorgeous color, ( and will probably have reports of to start their investigations.