Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, April 28, 1920, Image 1

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    Cr(B Historic! Sooli'r
NO. 94
Ed Fluckus of Aahlund, who Iiuh
been employed in a garage In
foul, was quite seriously in
jured in a gasoline explosion yes
teiduy afternoon, uccordlng to re
ports coming from there. Mr.
Flnckus wag watching a workman
..1.1... II... ...1.1.1 I
nuiuo. u Biinuiiiu, .,,., wniui. ,
supposed to be empty, when the 1
iuuk exploited, u is siuieu. Air.
Flnckus received Injuries to tine!
of his arms, the muscles of which!
wire torn. From lust rcpons it
in learned ho was not injured ns
severely us was first feared.
Every Saturday at the Sparta
building, Med ford, from 10 a. m.
to 4 p. in. the Jeckson county pub
lic health nurse will be "on duty"
prepared to weigh, meusiire and
record any child under seven
years of age. Government litera
ture will be found ready for dis
tribution for any mother who may
desire it on the care of the child
under seven years of age. Young
mothers are especially Invited to
pvall themselves of this public
health center, which Is for the use
nf hiiv mother in Jackson couutv.
wlilin.ii v chirtres connected
with this service. j
"Keeping children well," is the
slogan for future health work in
the United States. Many of the
llltu-w enici ii ntuiirn an; ciiiimuj uif, j
physicians who are especially
trained in children's work to hold I
"clinics" in different small towns
throughout tho stale. Minnesota
is doing splendid work along this
Parents are advised as to the
care of the growing child and itB
dietary. The first seven years of
the child's life aro the important
years for physical growing, and
these public health centers are es
tablished in many towns in many
states. The county public health
nurse is being utilized as the
agent for helping mothers as to
the wisest methods for keeping
the little fellows well.
It Is hoped that the mothers of j
Jackson county will "line up
with the mothers in other parts
of the state of Oregon in freely
using the luiblic health center.
The rooms are attractively fur-
liished; toys will be found to in-1 the farming communities are re- i ot w,c, silver is one, are just be-!
terest tho children; a basket for; sponding. ginning to re-enlist in the local
the babies, and a measuring tablej The flying quadron, which has co,pany. Beecher Danford, Don-
for them; a platform scale foi jdad charge of these districts, re,ad rjickerson, H. G. Wolcott and i
the older children. ports each day that the outlying ' jonn o. Rjgg are other ex-service;
Tho standard weight and meas- districts are thoroughly alive and p)en wno coud nut re9j9t the call!
urement card (Dr. Emmett Holt) i that they have the welfare of of tle 0CHi company for new!
will be given to all mothers who their home 'town at heart. members. j
may wish for It, and a record will. The Neil creek district respond- The strength of lhe local com
be kept of all children, who are e( jn an especially pleasing inan- rally ,mlst be raj9ei to 100 men,
brought to the Public Health jne. all(1 etfol.t js 1)eing ma(le to
Centre. j This community says little but have aa many recruts as possible!
JACKSON COUNTY PUBLIC, is peptomist clear through in that for enlistment next Monday night.!
It is feared that a tragedy has
followed the disappearance of C.i
E. Sparks, who recently left Ash-
land for San Francisco where j
ue nau gone to .u.ute, , ,
to news which arrived in Ashland;
this morning. When Mr. SparkB.
left Ashland lie had arranged for
his wife mid son to follow him.
They left for the city last week.
and according to a letter from
Mrs. Sparks, which she had wi'it-l
ten to friends here, when they ar-!(y
rived in San Francisco they found
a letter awaiting them at a hotel
from Mr. Sparks, In which, it is
claimed, he had written that he
was only a burden to his wife:
and son, and was going to end
It all. Mrs. Sparks stated in her
letter that nothing has been heard
from her husband slpce, and she
fears he has made way with him-
Mr. Sparks came .here several
weeks ago and sturted a clean
ing establishment. He only kept
his business open a few days,
claiming that he could not get
enough work to warrant it. He
later secured employment in Mr. that desire to take advantage ofj , .
Orres' ' tailoring establishment j the provisions of the law a guar-l Accompanying Dr. E. M. Down
and the latter promised ! ant ee until September 1 equal to; ing of York, Pa., who was In Ash-
steady employment for both him
self and wife. This Mr. Sparks
rejected and left for San Francis
co, presumably thinking he could
no better in a large city. It is
feared he became discouraged
and decided to end his life.
The city council at its meeting
Tuesday night passed the electric
light ordinance, which will go into
effect as soon as it can be worked
out. In this new ordinance the.
entire service has been revised.
Some of the rates have been
raised, while others are lowered.
It will be some time before the
be entirely adjusted and
rates will
in working order.
Hood River to vote on 145.000,
bonds for city hall.
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day, April 28, 29 and 30, Ashland
will have a sewing school. Through
the efforts of the homo demon
' si ration agent, Miss Jessie Biles
i of the Agricultural college, who
i is holding a series of sewing
n Bel lea u 1 senilis
schools In Jackson county this
month, will devote three days next:
week to those who wish to take
Instructions in
sewing, j nese
in.n. 0.m k. ui.i i ik. Tom ,!
"-""" " "O .v...,.
Qf on Boul,,var(1 and !
The subject matter that will be
taken up will include some or nli
;ol the following:
1. Commercial patterns. Lec
ture. Demonstration. Altera-
tlon. Alteration of commercial ;
patterns and adapting patterns to I
irregular figures.
2. Problems in garment con-'
r . r, .
struct nn. Lecture. Demonstra -
lion. Sponging and shrinking !
wool. Cutting, fitting and bast-
i in
Tailor basting. Seam fin-j
lishe, suitable for siik and wool.! lotion of the machinery, and ex -
i i), i i.. -in, n...i n.nniipprtn to have tho factory com-
nitnuin uncu in rim unit num
i garments. Pressing silk and wool. ,
3. Finishes and decorations, about tnree weeKS. ne is suii
' Laboratory class. Hem finishes j H"B the plant on a small scale this
i Tin ailb ami urnnl Tuilnrnil rnr. i eir. owine to the difficulty In
nor. Arrowhead. Bound button-
' holes. Set-in pockets. Piping,
binding, cording, embroidery. .
Women taking this course should 1
l,rinB material, for work
D 'u- Lecture Dem-I
onstration. .Making or rrencn;
'lining and fitting up dummy fig-'
lire. Vse of dress form in home
I dressmaking. 1
5. Children's dresses. Lac-
jture. General requirements of'
children's clothing. Discussion
of patterns, materials and trim
ming. C. Care and repair of clothing
and household linens. Lecture.
Demonstration. Methods of re
pairing household linens.
7. Textiles. Lecture. Selec
tion of and home tests for mate-
I rials.
8. Removal of stains from
I clothing and other textiles. Metb-
ods of cleaning and removing
1 stains, and the materials neces
sary for the same, worg to oe
done by women attending.
One of the encouraging fea-:
Hires of the Commercial Club
urjVe Is the splendid way in which
it does things handsomely. ;
In all of the war activities Neil
creelt responded generously, be .
it for the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A.,
w SavinKS stamps or Liberty
,t ,,. develop that there are
ome , , commMIlity who are ,
lol up to ,he N(lil creek standard.
ut tile squadron failed to find
th(m for (lurlnK the tHp anions i
them not a single party approached j
re(ll9ert t0 taKe a hand in boost-
nB for Aslllami. j
i.vino-n it tinea nnme Utile diB-i
tance from Ashland, the commtini-' of terpsichore, or 3himmying Jaz
de9erves much credit for their music addicts wil have to seek'
hea,.ty reSpon9e, and when the re-; other diversion here o'nights af-j
u are jn we are ure we'ter May 1.
wjn alI take off ollr hats to Neil f
Cfepif. ' '
EUREKA. The Eureka rail-!
way, operating between Eureka 1
end Palisade, has refused the gov-1
irnment guarantee of the Stand-j
ard return for the next six months
as provided in the transportation
net, It is announced by J. E Sex-
ton, general manager of the road,
The act provides that the gov-1
eminent will pay to the roads j
the amount paid as rent under!
federal control. opath clinic, was bis wife. While ( ly. Acording to reports ironi niai nave the names ot ueorgo n.
The Eureka-Nevada railway, .the clinic was in progress Mrs. ; Hection everything is practically , Mansfield and W. E. Phlpps writ
which according to Sexton, is thel Downing was driven around Ash-! in readiness to begin running the ten in for these offices. Asitle
only short line road in the United lend In an automobile and shown ; mill, and from 30 to 40 men arej from these a full county ticket
Slates which refused the niaran-ltbe
tee will depend upon its manage
ment to earn an amount in excess
of the standard return.
Mrs. Minnie Robison and Mrs.
George Robison expect to leave
on train 16 this evening for Port
land to spend a week.
Mrs. George Baughman and lit-
Ho son are making an extended i
vlfcit with relatives in Portland j
and In different points in Wlllam-1
"te valley. Mrs. Baughman was
I left in a very weakened condition
after her severe attack of "flu"
last winter and It is hoped the
change will benefit her.
Work on Box
Factory Begun
The Ashland Lumber company
litis begun work on the erection
of an extension to their buildings
. '
on reet m wnicn iney win;'
. ...
eiuip a modern up to date Dox
fucloiy. Their plant is already
. . ....
... .. ..1. ..,,.1, ti,oi noHoii 111.
- .... .
""" "
lie aU(Uliori w 111 De necessary, a
forty-foot room will be added to
tho Iarge buiidjng already at the
'I'li'nt, in which the machinery will!
be installed.
A crew or worKmen.
. ... .
arc engaged in tearing down
portion of the lumber store house
liii thn vni-.l in nrrler m widen the
... j - -
distance oeiween me mm ami ine
stored ltTmber, so that fire dan-
r ill k Th o olnto.
l"'"e will be then enlarged at tne
1 lear.
B. L. Delsman, manar of ;l,e
Ashland Lumber company, is su-
pel vising tne Dunning ami insim -
- i
t'leted and in running order In
tecuring box lumber, but ?xpccis;
to Increase its capacity fron; yeai
to year as the business grows.
YREICA. By the decision of
Judge James F. Lodge the parents
of George Engwicht Jr., will re-,
ceive the forty-three shares otj
stock in lbs Bank ot Duusmuir
bequeathed by George Engwicht,
Sr. to their son George Engwicht
Jr., who was killed In the war with
After the death of George Eng-j
wicht Sr., who was president of ;
the Blink of Duusmuir four or five1
years ago, an envelope was found J
in his private box addressed to
George Engwicht Jr., containing ;
forty-three shares of stock. Harry
Engwicht .and John Engwicht, '
brothers of the dead banker,!
named executors in his will,
brought suit to prevent young'
Engwicht from getting the stock, .
valued at $5000.
Oscar Silver, present assistant j
secretary of the Commercial Club.j
jB lhe jatest and newe8t recruit in:
iocai COninaiH. Oregon Na-'
timla c.uuvd. The old service men
The Armorv will be onen on
Mo,ay nights at 7 o'clock where
alpiiCantB for enlistments may
i,v. ... nnnnrlnnilv tn alen nn.
K. M,,fiav .,;?i,t hie feed
wU1 be staged t whjch a prM.,
wu gnd m
llivite(i. A tasty and plentiful bill
of fure has been provided, and it
, expecled at least 100 will be
(By Unitea Pre8)
PASADENA. Tourist devotees
A drastic ordinance forbidding j
dancing or the playing of dance
music between the hours of 10 p.
m. and 8 a. ni., recently adopted
by the city commission, becomes i
effective on that date in Pasadena,
one of the country's most popular
tourist centers.
The new ordinance applies to
halls or homes within twenty-five
feet of any dwelling.
Any person playing a dance
music record within twenty-fire
feet of a dwelling during the re-
stricted hours could be arrested.
land yesterday addressing an oste-
part and various beauty spots'
of the city. She likened the park ,
t.i Smllie Heights, the prize resort
of Woodland, Calif., only that the
latter is entirely made while
land's park is natural.
Twelve inch casing to the depth
of 250 feet has been put down in
the well the Trigonia Oil company
is sinking in Fern's valley. Accord- -
Ing to reports from that section :
the drill Is going through lime
shale, and the haulings show a
heavy streak of oil, which becomes !
more pronounced the deeper the
drill goes down. Gas signs are j
also becoming more pronounced, I
It is staed.
The local company National
Guard, from present plans will
serve a double purpose, that if
military training, and that of a
young men's club, which will af
ford opportunity for clean, health
....... ,
riti uni an iifm mni n in 11 Me 111 t u 1
- -------
Inii.l onri fnl Inuali 1 11
. "
The splendid c ub room that U
coin uany is 1111111 up, unu u
I. ,l n...,nw..nlr f,n- mhlolle.
- .
( "" ' " -
I ... ,., ,1.. ..1 V.,h
, lu U'K"'""". """
; facilities, the large and comfort
"" "" room, locker rooms
i nil. niiirna mpiui H iFrnm num.
" -- - .
n!"1 certainly will give an euthu -
i "'" lu L,,H """" "'".campaign teams Sunday and start-
certainly attract new recruits.
, ...
. 7 "
"'"" . v -
I llicv una uttns iutj Hijnn.oi cAuiiii-
, - t
Armory next aionuay evening iu
conduct the examinations.
The present members consist -
) - - - -
1 men of the city are as follows;
M Brlggs, Captain.
D. Mowat, 1st Lieuten-
Henry T., 1st Ser -
! IdValf a,ni n Cniiitlv Qor.i
Wolcott, Horatio O. Mess Ser -
Silver, Oscar, Sergeant and Com -
I pany Clerk.
Spencer, Peter L., Sergeant.
Hinthorne, Bert H., Sergeant
Morrison, Elmer S., Sergeant.
Weren, Eric H., Sergeant.
Danford, Beecher, Sergeant.
Simpson, Glenn, Sergeant.
Guiley, Paul, Corporal.
Elhart, Homer, Corporal.
Rlgg, John O., Corporal.
Crowson, Lloyd P., Bugler.
Dickerson, Donald P., Cook.
Allen, William B.
Biegel, Elmer C.
Brown, Earl A.
Burnett, Alvin A.
Clary, James R.
Clary, William R.
Childreth, William I.
Conwell, Olin G.
Davies, Samuel S.
Denton, Elijah A.
Barber, Marshall G.
Dill, John II.
Dyer, Loyal H.
Elhart, Homer H.
Gray, George N.
Gregg, Dwlght W.
Guisinger, William F.
Haviland, Elza
Homes, Clarence I.
Humphreys, Malcolm M.
King, Claire.
Lacey, Lloyd S.
Lacey, John E.
Lindsay, William.
Long, Raymond W.
Mackey, Charles E.
Maness, Frank S.
Miller John M.
Miksch, Walter P.
Moor, William E.
Mowat, Edwin L.
Morris, Clarence J,
Orres, Louis J.
Osborne, Leland E.
Neely, Milton M.
Payne, Win f red C.
Peters, Arthur M.
Plaisted, George E.
Porter, Irving W.
Powell, Benjamin L.
Robertson, Charles C.
Ross, George W., Jr.
Rigg, John O.
Russill, Theodore V.
Reese, Ray.
Sankey, Frank B.
Schuerman, Steven R.
Severance, Murhm A.
Silver, Harry W.
Small, Ross M.
Smith, Theodore II.
Smith, Earl P.
Snyder, Charles C.
Stratton, Percy C.
Stump, John W.
Veale, Willard.
Walker, Donald D.
Weber, Herbert C.
Wilson, Lnwrencti M.
Young, Ctyle G.
Young, Harry I).
Operacions will begin ut the
Tufts' Timber Company's plant
in the Dead Indian district short-
there waiting good weather, wheal
work will start. A contract has
been let to a Medford firm to take
out the timber, which will be tie-'
Ash-jlivered down the valley by motor
An examination will he held in
Ashland May 8 to establish an eli-
gible register from which to make
selections to fill vacancies as they
may occur in the positions of clerk
and carrier at the Ashland poslof-1
fice. Both men and women will
be admitted to this examination.-:
Information and application;
blanks may be obtained by apply-,
ing to Donald M. Spencer at thel
local postoffice.
o. ., rrZ . -
Starting with Sunday the Bap-
list church Is making a drive,
.....,., Ute norm .nove-
' L . - .1.. v. .....
. . mi.t.. 1. . ... .. .....
u,r"1- s among an nounern ,
IiPtists, and they will attempt to;
in s unnn nnnn fur m mi
In!......... ..... . .,,:mum
' -
iniuraiiuiui puriuses ana 10 aia
. . ...
- retired ministers. The drive will
- 1 continue until May 2, when it is
cxi,ected eilormmlfl 9llm will
i.. ....i....:i i
j The iocul 01.gunize(t it9
it,i ,m the ,irivo amoiie its mem-
",0 " ': ""
,al.nB, wml llle ,.e9lms or tneir,
, ""i
, fit v:t !tu ihdV moot with iin.i success among me people oi
t lai denomination and exuect to ,
, """ uhiiuii uii riptu i":.(.a.
I mt.rt Ule ,ocul chupch quota
1 morA tilne.
iua, is no ou uie roau in re -
1 1 aim to the aid of disabled men,
i COLLEGE, Corvallis. Outbreaks;
nt ui'iiiv urm-ma nrxw nnnoni'inir In
l"ml "uuiuer in pans oi eaBl-
jern Oregon may be stamped out
by organized efforts, says A. L.
jLovett, entimologist of the 0. A. C.
experiment station.
"Barriers consisting of deep
furrows plowed across the field at
right angles to their course of,
travel will check them," said Pro
fessor Lovett. "Attach a chain
to uie enu oi a log anu urag u
siid down the length of the furrow
until a dust mulch is formed. Tho-'
worms will drop into this furrow j
and find it impossible -to navigate'
the loose sloping sides.
"Poison bait consisting of bran
50 pounds, and either calcium ar-
senate, lead arsenate, paris green
or white arsenic, one pound; salt
one pound; cheap syrup or mo-
asses, one gallon; and water to street, and is otherwise fitting up
nake a coarse, moist crumbly!,,,.,, improving it. '
nash is attractive to the worms.!
mash is attractive to the worms,
"This bait may be broadcast
.,. i.r..4j k ti,. ,...
uict nicun jutcDiuu tj
, ...,.,...
ur Biaucieu m niuuiunn ai .ife.iv,
angles to their course of travel. I
r-iupo iho hull In ih RTe.nlne.
, When broadcasting use about 151
pounds to the acre. In windrows
use two or more lines of bait twOj
inches high and a few feet apart."!
i Study Club Banquets j
j The Monday Evening Study
I .i..v. .i..i .f..i o,.l
v, i it tiuacu n ici; dih-v. iwi n -
Monday evening with a four-course
banquet at the home of Mrs. J.
! V. Miller on Hargadlne street. The
color scheme ot yellow and white
'was beautifully carried out in the
'appointments of the table. Much
I of the success of the delicious
viands was due the efforts of the
m in. ,.....c, u.. ......
Phlpps. Mrs. Denton
..j .
toastmistress and was particu
larly graceful, witty and able inj
that capacity. Tho following w. Y. Miller, who recently pur
toasts were very happily and per-: eumi a residence on East Main
tiuently responded to: The M. E. j tieet, has moved from Third
S. Club, Mrs. Dickey; farewell to;str(,et t his new homo.
Mrs Palmerlee, Mrs. Perozzl; re-1 4
spouse, Mrs. Palmerlee; Woman's! Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Day have
Sphese, Mrs. Stewart; My Year' moved here from Portland and
as President, Mrs. MacCracken. , will make Ashland their home
Following the banquet a business j again after an ubsence of thir
meeting was held at which t he i teen years. Mr. Day served for-
fnllnwinir nfficers for the ensu -
Ing year were elected: President,
;Mi'8. L. A. Stewart; first vice
president, Mrs. E. Marcy; sec
ond vice-president, Mrs. George
Yeo: secretary, Mrs. C. A. Ed-
wnrHa nonnlniinn. were nassetl
; giving a special vote of thanks,
to the president. Mrs. Gordon ,
i MacCracken. for her helpful led-
; ershin during the year, and to the
! city librarian, Miss Blanche HIckB.jl his Property is located on
for her unselfish and untiring as-
;sistance. Resolutions were also
passed voicing the sentiment of
the club along the lines of city,
state and national affairs.
. .
At a party luncheon held In I
Medford a democratic ticket was,
formally placed in the field. As i,
was too late to file candidacies'
for the two state representative1
nominations it was decided to.
has been made up.
A committee consisting of W. E.
Crews, h. C. Garnett, Mrs. Rose
Schleffelin, W. E. Phlpps and W. !
R. Campbell of Medford, and w-
!H. McNair and John H. Dili of
! Ashland was selected to name a
county ticket whirh
Wednesday, and is:
County commissioner, Dillon R.
nm of Medford.
County clerk, John O. Riggs of
County treasurer, Mrs.
County assessor, Ben
Sheriff, I. W. Berry.
Coroner, W. H. McGowan.
Miss Helen Casey, who came,
here several weeks ago from San-'
ta Monica to visit with friends, I
anA loolc alter bu'"e88 Interests,
. . madfl thfl aala nf hR. ,,,...
... .,. n. ........
property on North Pioneer avenue
,0 M and Ml., Ira Crj9p whouoya, near .or.tagiie,
wU ,ake poslie9l,on shortly and
make a number oM tgnt ad.
.... . . ...
: mtions and improvements to uie
Mrs. J. H. Gaines, a former res-
(en( Q( 'Asulandi ,' qujte m wllh
1 hAnrt trnuhl at hr hnma In Port-
..... ..... .. .Berkeley. Miss Mabel Russell, T.
mr. anu nits, .ittiiuti aiiuiu ii
Huion, S. D., and Mrs. Keggi, a
(,ter of Mrg Alfordi arrlved ,n
. .....I
Ashland last evening and win
d a dav or two witu
Mrs. Blanche Murphy. Mrs.
jAlt0l.d WM former, Mi Kthe,
, f h , wher(, ghe
WU8 en,p0yed for a number ofl1""" """. "
years in the Citizens
Word has been received here
of the marriage ot Miss Delpha
Beagle, formerly
Ashland High, to Dewey Pankey.
The young couple will make their
home at Selh, Wusb., where the
groom Is employed.
Frank H. Barnthouse, who left
here last Monday for Seattle, has
been assigned as first radio opera
tor on the S. S. Renonda, passen-
B,eamer b((Und ror AluHka,
Mrs. William Schaumloeffel and
; , ane iter of Sacramento arrived:"" i-.-.-.
in Ashland last evening and will
be guests at the home of the fot -
nier's mother, Mr. E. J. Van Sant,
011 ouk street.
j William Hintze, who recently
v.,... . i. .1..
,, i,or frnm Minneania to look
alter his
interests In
ABliland, is huvlng a new coat oii
paint put on his house on Fourth :
Five hundred men and women
working together can muke Ash -
: land a better city. Be one ot tho!
live hundred. Join the Asniano
: Commercial Club.
Jack Walker, who has been In
the employ of the Postal Telegraph
conipany in the local office, has
bttn transferred to Redding
wnere lie win worn im uie .u,i
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller of
Gold Hill came up yesterday and
will visit for several days with
Mr. and Mrs. William Myer at
their home on High street.
C. E. Abbott, who has been very
. Ml Willi un Httack of blood noison -
ing, is much improved, and his;
nv friends wi ho glad tn learn
many friends win no ginn m ie.ui
I that he is now on the road to re
. merlv as demity sheriff under
four sheriffs in
Hornbrook. and,, United States deputy mar-1
shal of Siskiyou county for twen-
ty years. ;
1 Mrs. Susie L. Allen reports
through her agency ot a
I'oi'se belonging to Mrs. Mabel
D'H'a" ''lch hi, been P",l'ed
b Mr- Mrs. W. F. Wilson.
.,,.,. i.1
V. L. Putnam's house which h;t' suggested they would pay a
is rebuilding on the upper
1 ,..i
his lot on Hargudine
sireei, is
i.-n !
eenrine comuletioil. and
. . ..
tinlshed will M a cosy ana
I M...,lltta vdu ilnnna 'I Ilia Id
" ""-"
building n. purcnaseu some
-go and moved to Us presen t Iocs-,
tlon. .bar, , It was remodeled In.Oj
modern dwelling.
HtimiM r;ivm KAITOIIV SITE '
DORRIS. Public spirited cili-! liam Reinhart. Joe and Celia Rein-1 was enjoyed,
zens of Dorris raised 11.000 by hart, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nor-, The meeting proved a very In
subscription to buy a site for alto... ! ling and profitable affair,
new box factory which is to be bringing citizens of the neighbor-
built in that town this spring by! ','' i"1" b,,t-r J
the Associated Lumber and Box The Beaver and Herndt.n fam- understanding. Community meet
,m...nv nt sinrlttnn The Hie". Virta Bradford, ings will no doubt be established
amo(lt waa lwo ,UVs, who is spending the winter at the
Un Wttl,:il0m, 0f Walter Herndon and at-
made utlt Moinlay. the ground
ng purchased from Sidney llich-j
ard son.
ii ' iw. n ihA nuiv fitninri' in run-
'ning it Is estimated that the com-!
pany will spend IS000 a month !
in n,.,ri Thin ! the second
fcM (actory for Dorri, anrt there '
1, ,ome talk of a third being built,
, .
Pl.nli mi. Gflht RtlV I
Trow- Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Snyder, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Payne fumptuoui dinner at i o'clock af
, and Mrs. George Goldes and chil- drove down to Talent Sunday and ter Ik business meeting, a.'trr
dren enjoyed a picnic at Gold Ray tinted relatives and friends In which a most eicellent program
The Social Realm
Observed 82nd Birthday
Mrs. Huseltine Hill Russell eel-
ebruted her 82nd birthday at the
llome ot Major Leouurd Russell
As Major
Boyd has very recently returned
I ,
- -
Germany, the dinner was served
in keeping and style ot his resi-
dence 111 the castle on the Klmie.
geated urum)i tlle thUiP were Ml-s.
.. . B .........
i1""""1 "' "' UI
i""' - " "';lriC,s
Hal Boyd, Miss Virginia Boyd of
Berkeley, Major lloyd and wife,
The nll.ul aelivoiy
their1, , , , ... ,, ..
: loaded tlnwii wil l cart a. Idler
nd gifts from many counties ami
states. Mrs. Russell was lu the
many humorous incidents ot IierK00 feet nm, ,hat had 10gUV()
life. Major Boyd told of the many ,
battles he had just
through, until the logs in the fire -
student at!"lace b,m"'(, 1,)W ,,PiU, H,ln,
1.... II
ta, auemi t..t inn
(The honors of the day were di-
jvided between grandmother and
.. ,
Bridge Pnity
Mrs. George Loosley entertained j
the younger set at bridge at her!
home on Oak street Monday uf !
teruoou, in honor of her tlitugh-
ter, Mrs. Kuy Lousley. Mrs. H. K.
, Toinlinson won highest score and
j consisted of a sack ot Klauiuth
' county potatoes. The consolida -
tlon prize, a bouquet of flower,
!ellt to Mrs. P. K. Hiimniniid.
.iiinmi i'iiiv
j immr mj
The "Junior High Jinx gneii
" the lilgn scnooi
'" "iibi"." -
tertainments devised by the fer-
' t'le -brains of the Junior class, for in Talent Saturday,
h. entertainment ot their superirind Mrs. Kllon Reaaojj
, lrl!' ",e sc-'1""9- 1 110 1,10"",m , niu Sunday and are living on their
j consisted ot orchestral music.
: sorgs, two short comedies, shad -
ow pictures and Individual dances,
with many clever mid uinusing
stunts presented by the young peo
ple of the class, which 'was greet
ed by the enthusiastic aplause
of a large and apnrei-ialive audi-
ellrP The house was well filled
mu weie sreatly pleased with the
p,.,,,.,.,,,,, presented,
' Embroidery Club Met
j,.H yr j Barber entertained
,le men,bers of the Upper Granite W. Itiirnett wero Ashland visitors
f;nlbroilrv club at her home, Monday.
; Thursday afternoon. The event I."- 1il'!:''".r,os,,y wnt '
v ;a9 BjV(.n In honor of Mrs. Bar -
tier's guest, Mrs. .1. M. Walker of
,, ., ull0U, 35
! . .. . !
indies speui p.enniiii, iinr,
( gpl0r wil ,hpl. ,-ulu,y work
.. ..,.. ..,...,i,
, liaiiliy ll'llfSUIliriiin ni-in a,,,.:..
hv I lie hostess " lllr- allu ""
b the hostess. , (,hapel.0Ile.on Kl.ld.iy eVPIliKl and
(iucst! oi I Party. I e"j01""e ,,,,,e WM
, ,, i ed by all.
Mrs. A. Si'hiieiiiiail and Mrs.; sheriff Terrill was in town on
S. B. McNnir were nuinehered business Saturday,
among the guests a. a party given Rev Beau of Ashland is holding
. i - rtiipriul meetings at the ( unatiuu
by Mrs. Corliss yesterday at her mw Bn, wlf nf
home near Phoenix, in honor r , Medforil have charge of the sing
hor mother, Mrs. Frost ot Seattle, nB.
who Is visiting her. About fifty. Ralph Bowman. I.loyd Lacy and
T h . .. , Miss Ruth and Elbe Hackler drove
Indies from various section, of ."jj,,,;,, SlimIi,y.
the valley were in attendance. flay paHd-son Is improving
Kmmihe Pmtv Mrs. Fred Snencer has given up
,,.. v,.,i..n :ia meat-!
)riKe(1 Wednesday evening
a , of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-,
i: n.t..i....i utrei.l slwl
""- ' , ,
found the house tun m assetuuu-u .- u vm,y pk.aHat evening
guests awaiting her to assisl in,waa m-n by all.
celebniting her birthday. Th
surprise had been carefully A community meeting was held
.e,l -n mat not all inkling of
''v-j(he ev(mt hld rK1(.hPcl Mrs. Nor-
toll Dllriug the evening Mr. Nor-'
ton suggested they would pay a
..,ie,ill tn Mrs. Norton's narents. and
,.,.M.lntr ).. hn..a and find-
- -
Ing the assembled guests, the sur-
nriaa wua mninlcte.
A most de-
. ...
lightfilt evening was speiu wun
MMM. B,(Br which fine refresh-
, TIl(J ,y
me Z HMUiU . rr ,
,;;H'lli;(I m... I
.... .,errv an(1
Robert Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
be-Jteuding school, drove up to thel
headwaters of Griffin creek yen-
terdsy and had a picnic dinner
. ... '
I ui uiiiiiik iihik utni
in the wilderness beyond the com-
ir.on run of humanity and th.
company enjoyed the balmy spring
sunshine while lunching Ina
charming nook by the creek side
Mi- anH Ir fleni-eff Rnhison
, that section.
SACRAMENTO. Northern Cal
ifornia may rival the southern
parj 0( (ne 8tate as an oil produe-
; ing center, according to (arles
i E. Schmude, an oil man of Texas,
who arrived here ufter an extend
ed trip through this sectitfn of the
slate, during which be has been
looking into its oil possibilities.
j He is willing to predict that In
five years as much and gas will
be produced here as in the dis-
a round Bakersfield and
The oil men are awakening to
i these possibilities, he said. Thero
postman was1"18 "ow twelve different coinpa-
. nies prospecting in the Sacramen-
'to valley, some of which have tho
,,U(,king 0, powpi.tu, Ci(pita, Ho
,,,, fm.Ulcl. that one c v
! Has already reached a depth ot
information that thev would en
: 4000 feet before giving up the un-
1 dertakint'
At another point, he asserted, a
deposit of several feet of solid
8,.phur had bee drilled through,
,.., ..,. ..,,.. ,,,,
j brought to light deposits of shale
and sands containing oil deposits.
Talent Tidings
Miss Constance Ames, Miss May
Heith and Miss Nellie Elkins, all
J ; " l the Talent
Miss Marim-v Afhimsmi nf Auh-
, iall( was a Talent visitor Friday,
! Mrs. Vance, who has been Willi
j dang!, Mrs Geoie Iby
Fallon Ne;
, William Wells has purchased
j Mrs. Ilei gun s place
where Mr.
bcou lives.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn and
Mr. and Mrs. H. E . Bowman
jd,.ove t0 Me,101.d Mon,iay.
rs. Oensinger of Ashland was
nia Sunday
nulch nmt Talent.
i Mrs. May Jacohson nee Quack
, , , i . ...... . ,i
enliush has a girl bom Apnl 10.
Mrs. J. H. Thatcher and daugh
ter Jessie visited Mrs. E. R. Jones
Miss Edith Hayon is very ill.
Miss Dorothy Haujihman of Med
ford siient the day .Saturday with
Miss Elizabeth Urown.
Mrs. Dudgeon was in Men ford
Saturday to consult with a phy-
Curl Foster has purchased a
home in Medl'ord end oxpects to
move there soon.
Mrs. E. It. Jones and Mrs. II.
1 .lietlllllll dill in un.y.
, jIr and Ml.a William Dunn vis-
' jtel at the home of H. E. Bowman
,,,,,,1 other friends Sunday.
Mrs. Everett Beason was tanen
,lnai,i snndav.
The eightli grade of the Talent
..... :...i n, i,ii, .rhnnl
9(;auui CIlltM iiinini
the lob of cooking for lamp mi,
2, and is back
in town. .virs.
will take her
r ; ;
Fletcher Spencer
The many friends of Mr. and
. . 11 llimn nn
.virs. B. ion ni-iiwn v......
,,, faHhioned chariavi Monday
at Valley View scnooi m.uu li
Saturday evening with about 75
In attendance A very uueirsi-
ing program was given as follows'
Violin soio. mas.u .-..a...
cal solo. Mrs. Lennox; piano solo.
.. ,. ....,... .....,! i n,..
Frances i,aiieuii. mm.u
sina Gallitin.
, . , ,n,M inik nn the
. -'.' " --
customs ami contiiiiuu.i
jn Jiipilll. Korea and China, was
delivered by Prof. Rimer, of tho
n.-ultural experiment station,
a(t,.r which refroshments were
served anti a genera, so. i.m-
regular intervals for the fu-
(Hiiiuia Mert
I At tha nieehnx of the Ohio as-
U .....
River valley.
. -
held in Medford. Saturday, the
following officer, were elected for
lhe ensuing year: President. J.
Csmbers: vice-president, Ed S.
, nue. treasurer. . .
Uecretary, Mrs. J. J. Cambers. A
lnrA rlnlpButinn lut down to a
, was rendered.