rln Historical Sodl Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, Al'RIL 7, 1920 NO. 91 SCHOOLS II OF ROOSEVELT B SI E II BY COUNTY AGENT i Acting on the suggestion of the American Defense Society three life-size portraits of The odore RoOBevelt buve been placed In the public 'schools of Ashland. .George A. Briscoe, superintend' ,cnt of schools, received the pic tures from the society with the Stipulation that proper frames be multiplied until in 1911 the coun provided. ty horticultural society dctermin- "A Roosevelt picture In every j ed to make an effort to secure the icbool in America" is the slogan ; services of Dr. J. 1'. O'Oura, than of the society In its free distribu-l working in the county for the (lo tion of pictures with Roosevelt's p:irtment of ngriculuire. The so patriotic message given to the or-ciety was successful in this and ionization the night before hiSjDr. O'Oara opened an office in .death. This activity iB a part of, jici ford in Januaiy, 1911, will: the campaign against Bolshevism the litle of county pathologist. Jackson county was tlio first In the state to secure the seririces of a full time' man qualified to give assistance to the agricultural In terests of the county and direct efforts to make agricultural pur suits more profitable. This county has been noted for many years for the extensive pear acreage it contains and for the high quality of the fruit grown. As the industry developed the menace of fruit disease and pests nrTAiip nr mi in UtlHILO Uf bLUD ! rna& n na nrn nrn at mini in mrrnun hi r dl i wum m mm m or mmr h ar m m m 1 s, ., a ,ii f alui r,.a. p. C. Smith and i ADDITIONAL LOCAL son, Louis, of La Orande, arrived $4$$&3$33$4$&$in Ashland this morning and will he, guests at the home of Mrs. Burrows and son, f'rof. I. C. Wil son, principal of the Junior high school. ! ; C. V. Loosley, who has been J in this valley for several days buying cattle, has returned to his , ranch at Fort Klamath. i Yd Tl ESDAVS NEWS Walter Watson, who was called I to I.os Angeles recently by the illness and death of his brother. I has returned to his home. USD N1LA Y James Paynes of Kalispell, Moli lalia, while on his way to Por terville, Calif, to make his home, slopped off between trains In Ashland, Sunday, and spent the day with his former friends, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. French. The warm rain of last night and early this morning lias done more to start the growth in pastures than at any other time this spring Mi f:.rv walker l. nrnr mm according to Charles I.indsey. blch is being thoroughly waged Thus began the work that C. C principles ol cilizensuip a no loy- sion ity. j A GLORIOUS KM). When it came to taking a:Pe''iod9 whicl h',ve tllke" 80 standing vote on some detail or, much time in the past. Ilio Commercial Club ex)iuisionj Budget for Ono Year, at the public meeting held last1 The budget subscriptions will night It was found impossible. ; he signed up for a one year per About two-thirds of the crowd loci. This point was discussed at was already standing. It was a ' s(Jne length, it being finally de- Rood turn-out of interested and cided that a one year lpan would j develop between the two divisions enthusiastic citizens. The vari- he more satisfactory as it would ; under their respective majors. It ous details of the club expansion Permit of raising n larger budget 1 is expected to have two or more a next year should progress nnd i Klamath Falls and will spend a i few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Butler Walker of East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. H. Ketchum returned home last evening from present warm rain Bedding, where they bad been 4 spending the past week with rel a! Ives. ultaneoualy with tho other parts of the campaign, membership teams will be built. Two majors will each select five or six cap tains, who will in turn each select five or six team-workers to each q. L. Brown of Klamath Falls team. Much rivalry is erpected t.) s)ent the week end in Ashland while cm his way home from who owns much rtork over on the Green Springs mountain. Mr. Lindsey stated that pasture Is poor at present. On account of the cold weather grass has not started any to speak of until the fcy the society, and Is (Intended to; Cate is now carrying on, succeed lmnress unon school children the'lmr years having seen the exnan .rv,v m it em. wera i"en I "e t braced all the agricultural inter- ' '" "'"'-'.uglily discussed and .new projecs justny. ests in the county. The activities " Throughout the meet-' I he amount of the budget will of the orfice being designated as ""' a S"'U f Bood-nutured and he set by the budget committee county agricultural agent work. et ei"nest co-operation prevailed after the program of work is made Mr. Cute began his work on He-1 wl,ich uur we" rr ,he sllcce8" "" Apportionment of the bncl cember 1. 1915. Since that time'0' tne """I'"'- The campaign Uet to the various projects will t. headquarters was hardly large e made ny m meinnerfiiiip alter The circumstances of Bishop Watt Hughes' death amount to a transfiguration. It was a glori ous end to a cultured material lfe full of good works and mark ed by high spiritual idealB and teaching. On the memorial anniversary Of a risen Savior, standing before the services he has rend fruit Industry of the county have , been extensive. Blight control, fraying and pruning demonstra tions, pear ripening and storage investigations conducted in co- nnonillnn with llin hm-t cut 1 11 r:i 1 a great audience, picturing '.he rtmelll f ,he 0reg0I, Agrl. occasion of triumph over .lentil. I.resentlng convincing arguments tjon worfc have be!in Rven ,ttell.; worn decided upon as follows til the resurrection aim iraiisng uration of Christ no doubt cuoting Paul, "there is a material i tody there is a spiritual body," le was transformed in an instant women's teams in the drive, Drive Week. ( Tlie intensive drive for mem bership will take place the week' commencing April l'.Hh. On Monday night of that week will j be held a civic dinner. On Tues- hardly large be made by thtj membership after ; dayj Wednesday, Thursday and enough, and did not contain the expansion campaign is con-1 Friday the teams will go out from' enough ' chairs to care for the 'eluded. 1 0 to 12 a. in., and will meet a! crowd, but nobody minded. The The budget will be raiRed from j luncheon, where the clay's results1 sjamling votes were disposed of liriiis, special nnereMs, nnieis, w ho reported. Both civic din when it was discovered that an restaurants and individuals. Tim dinner and luncheon will be almost unanimous opinion existed amount will be not less than $5,-1 "Dhk-I? treat" nl'nirs. The work on practically all or the points 000 or inoro than $7,500 In all , for the teams will be systematized brought up. Details of the plan : probability. an,i ,. as C11SJ. s ,)Ssii,ie. Mrs. Ceo. L. Moils of Portland is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. I.. Smith of the Slump appart tn cut s. Mrs. Charles J. Brady, Jr., has Portland, where he bad gone tO,PI1 fan,1(1 ,0 Philadelphia, Pa., purchase a motor truck. Mi'- by the serious illness of her fath Brown drove the truck home, and or Khe u,(t ilst nif,M fol. t. found some bad roads between fias( here and Portland. j. . i Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Xinlnger are A freight wreck up on the , fnm au ,,,, ,,. mountains yesterday aiternnon ,. . . , ... ,,,.,.,., iiii(iih I'tuinn ill .ti 1 1 i.ii ma. Everybody has heard of the Pennsylvania State constabulary. The deeds of this wonderfully disciplined body of men in deal ing with lawlessness in Individ ual cases rank with exploits of the Northwest mounled police. Heretofore they have been mount ed on horses but this is chang ing because of the modern de mand for speed. Pennsylvania has just purchased 70 (ioodyear equipped llarley-Ilaviilson motor cycles lor these constables, to use in riot duty anil to make speed in getting to the scene of crimes. After the men have been trained in their use by experts of both companies, it is expected by offi cials that tho efficiency of the force will be greatly increased. C. C. Endorses Measure For Educational Aid from the material to the spiritual kiid to the blind eyes of the ma terial world appeared to be uo more, but the eyes of faith eas ily can see tho great man vanish Into the clouds, even as his Lord Lad disappeared in his transfigu ration. Matt Hughes Is not dead. He U more alive today than ever, .with a transceudently broader .vision. Having shaken off the limitations of a material exist ence he has entered that broader life, capable of greater work and greater spiritual development. To Bishop Matt Hughes, Easter of 1920 was the greatest day in bis Useful life. The veil was raised and he was given full knowledge of that life of which he had long taught. It is altogether fitting and in perfect consonunce with the Lov ing Father thut such a man as Matt Hughes should pass from the material to the spiritual life .without the anguish of long sul ferlng. tion. At one time as many as 18 fruit inspectors were employed by the county. Vmler the plan whereby Air. Cate supervises the inspection work t lie force of in spectors has been reduced to three. In co-operation with the weath er bureau Mr. Cate's office each spring "makes available dining the frost season a service where by orchard ists are informed re garding probablo frosts and as to whether or not the teinperatitie is apt to require artificial orchard Plan of Campaign. .Membership Dues. Secretary Movvat outlined the Dues will be $12 a year, It be- campaign plans, which can be ing decided that more members skeletonized as follows: could be gained at this rate and' The program of work is to lib that those who were willing and formed by a program of work able to pay more should be given committee suggested by the com an opportunity to subscribe to th? niunily at large from the sug- ludget. ! gostions on the questionnaires! Memberships will be signed foi j which are being mailed out this! a three-year period with the pro-1 week. This will be a tentative! vision In the apnllcatlon that program which will later be pas-1 death or removal from tho city,sed upon by the membership, annuls the membership. Presi-1 The budget committee, nftcr dent Ferguson explained that of i the program of work is formed, eoure in case of serious financial will set an amount for the bud- reverses or other such unforseen delayed the north bound trains. No. 54 was upwards of two hours late in getting in to Ashlaml. and No. 10 was also n little late. $ S A. E. Powell of '.he mechanical department of The Tidings office was an over Sunday visitor with friends at Maytcn, Calif. S Should we celebrate this Fourth 1 At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Ashland Commer cial Club held Wednesday even ing, tho following rciiliition was Mrs. C. C. Cole has returned to her homo in Oakland. Calif., after a several weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James passed: II. Doran, and friends In Ash- Itcsoliilien land. She wil stop for a few In view of the verv seiijiis days' visit with relatives in Grid- crisis which confronts the high- ,,y. i or educational institutions ot Or- $ ' egon and tho inip"i.ilive ned t Tl'. .!.... 11'.. I .. I Every detail of the campaign of July, 1920? If it is decided to "" '""" has been worked out completely celebrate; if a majority of the fl'"' A"""1 w)u'r" W;IS effect ive and h multitude of methods incorporated. About Apiil liilli a prospectus will be mailed out to every pros peel, containing the complete plan of work, budget plan, and sug gestions for future policies for the club based on the most mod ern methods in Commercial Club organization. Following completion of the drive the old director? and offi cers will r,eign Ri.d a new elec- get, pro-rata it among the firms'" '"h1(I l""pr "lnHt democratic and individuals from which It 1 aimple lection methods which Iy relieve the member from his; will he raised, and form an or-'"1 "e explained in lnh later. citizens believe we. brute; the cideh'atloii will go down on the Commercial Club program of work. Everybody in Interested In seeing what the cit izenship of Ashland thinks should go on that program. It will be made public next week. hetilintr CniMinp ninth 111 most . . . , , ' incidents, the club would natural- years is a serious pest in the . Bogue River valley. In connec tion with codling moth control Mr Cute each vear maintains sev- eral cages in different sections ofiw Hh " (,i8l'"nt ",lowel1 " CPnu'1' Tc' wi" '' s"licit the valley, in each of which hun dreds of codling moths are im nrisnned and lime of emereence. is observed. By means of these a year 1,1 "(lviinc8 wliere Possible, , has already been practically com ,,,,,, , .... otherwise sem -annually or quar- pleted he is able to forecast accurately . , i obligation. ' j ganization for soliciting the bud- Dues In the past have been $12 get In-so-far us" firms are con- terly payments in advance. This ; members of the firms for discount will not be allowed here-, bershlps at the same time, after. Collections will be made A porspect list, card Indexed. President Ferguson closed the meeting Monday evening with a strong nppeal to every Aslilandei to put bis or her shoulder to the wheel,. He asked that the men and women of the city make up their minds to serve in this cans" Mrs. A. I.. Irwin entered a lo ci. 1 hospital yesterday and this J morning underwent an operation. She expects to remain in that In stitution for several days. 1 S ? Charles Abbott is confined to his bed at present wilh an at tack of rheumatism. ? While in the Itie'iie River val ley, where she was sent under the direction of (lie interstate V. M. C. A. of Oregon and Ma ho. assist ing to place young ex-service . i. '..i.i i.. 'called some time ago by the death Slioiliil enr ol her lnni 1 1 1 r. Miss Kale Chapburn of Ban-' (ion and Marvel Steels or Coquille, members or the girls' glee club' of the I'niversily ot Oregon, were guests of Miss Itowena Roberts over Saturday night while in the city. 1 Miss Mildred Million, who came liome a mouth or so ago from San Jose to recover from an attack oi l liii'luenzii, returned Saturday, night to resume her studies at the Normal. This will be completed ln.u (,, tn l'...,a 1 1, aon.-n. ll,t ...nl. 1... .. nn III.,.. 1 ...1.1 II.. !,..,, time In nimk- enolinir l" ' " " ""' "" moth sprays, and this information tiiry fl'"nl "le fre'iue"t c"ec"'' ' theu be divided into districts. Sim is made known to orelwdists, i i 1 who aro guided accordingly in j WEATHER REPORT. SCAR SI'RAV I'OR their spraying. .. . ' .1 PEARS A XI) APPLES and come to the Commercial Clu'i men In their future vocation, :iid offer their services instead of waiting to be asked. H.ECTIOXS HELD 1 CHICAGO (lit ', Prtl Inn in tr iti t lio ir-iin'-i t i i-o . : Early ill 1919 the Jackson coun- , , , , , ,1 , . . , observer meteorological record , , ty farm bureau was organized,, , : , . ., . , , , , , for the month ot March, 1920, at, 'thrnnpn the efforfq nf nleresten In the full glory of an Easter , ,. ... , Ashland: " ' farmers co-operating with County ,, , ,, ,,. morn, without hesitation or re- Date Max. Min. grot, the old garments were cast p.ece3 q( um,ertakcn ,. tf off and the spiritual body of the wag & county.wle Hqlllr. great soul put on tne white hub- poiKoning cainpai(!n. ,,., Iiaments oi uis risen i.oru. the direction or Mr. Cate a little ' KXOCKERS A.XI) KICKERS ; '"''e than thlee to"s of P""" A knocker is a man who only " ..-..... ' knows how to use a hummer to knock things down. A kicker uses not only a ham- form n l;i recommended by tbe'U. i S Biological survey. Approxi mately 1100 farmers co-operated' in distributing this poison and. about 60,000 acres were covered, j A questionnaire answered by 62: farmers Indicated ll.at the saving to crops on these 62 farms alone amounted to $7,027. IN ir COUNTY DIRECTORS mor, but a saw, a square and a level. A kicker may knock down, but he builds a better edifice than that which stood before, : It you are handy with tools, j Be a kicker. The Ashland Commercial Club jieeds lots ot good live kickers. It takes constructive kickers to do fhings. If nobody kicked against pres ent conditions we would all set tle down and progress would stop. ' Hearken to the tale of the two frogs: "Two frogs fell in a can of jcream. I "One said, 'what's the use of, under tlje direction of the Inter truggliug, we can never get out." church World Movement which "He quit kicking ana fell to thejVill run from April 25 to May 2. .bottom and drowned. j Denominational county directors i "Tho other kicked and kicked, for the denominations participat I "And kicked some more. ing in the campaign have partly ' "Until he hud churned the cream ; been appointed, as folfows: Bap- Jnto butter. ARE A D Waller Frazer Brown of Med- 9 10. . . . 11 12 114.... 15 16 17 18. . . . 19 20 21 22 23.... 24 25. . 49 43 55 5ii 57 63 05 64 53 50 59 63 CO 43 39 , 40 62 58 65 65 56 52 32 30 29 With favorable weather condi tion pears in many parts of the valley will be In the proper stage for what is known as the ' Pink Scab Spray55 about the last of this week. But most of the spray ing should be done (luring the week of April 5 to 10. Anjou and Howell pears will in all probabil- 2a;i,y be ready before the other va rieties. This spraying should be de layed as late as possible and still get the spray on before the blos som opens. The ideal stage foi j this scab spray is when the buds og in uie. n ull cluster uave &t-in i n 30 fed, so that the stems ot the rruit 3d buds are exposed, so that on can be couted with spray. 27 Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis gave so much help In pointing out tho future life wnrk'iif the young men thai a fine testinrTniial of appreciation f I 1... 11'. .1. L AI.DFItM EX ' conci'neii n ii.un-i ri.i'.'-i Brown In the name of the Ash- (Bv I'niled Press) ; M,Ml1''"1 "f ""' CHICAflO, April fJ.-Supi.le-1 American Legion. This is in the nientarv aldennanir elections to I'P "f 11 h"'""'' l""'11 ' fill ten vacancies in the cilv coun-1 which the names of members ol tho Posts aio insciiiieil, anil win be sent to Mrs. Ellis. 8 According to reports from the Trigouia oil well at Fern's valley Mm drill Is going through sot: shale at a depth f l-'O feet. So far the results are satisfactory to the company. Two fine used cars have been sold recently to Ashland citizens by LeVoll Zilinlel of Meilfi.nl. These are a Dodge to Ceorge Yates, ant! a Chevrolet to CiiVj Lawton. ! of a larger appro... liutinn. made nec essary because of. 1. Til" deceasei! buying pow er of I he dollar; 2. Tlie greatly increased op erating expeuM's; 3. Tlie very large increase In tlie number of students (150 per cent inreas" since ! ! 1 :! I ; 4. The revenue under pres ent mileage bill being practically the same as in 1913; We consider it our urgent duty to pledge tho support of the Ash- iliind Coiinnei'clal Club to tlie i adoption of the measure referred 'by the last legislature for the re lief or tlie higher educational in stitutions at tlie special election In he held .May 21, and do also ask tlie co-operation of all citizens of this community to back tho meas ure wilh a large affirmative vot". HOARD OF TRI'STEES, ASH LAND COMMERCIAL CLCII. STOCK XOT I N.I I HER RV SWEET-t 'LOVER SEED 30 31 3(1 33 27 29 c il were held here today. The election established a new record in Chicago politics. II ; was the smallest ever held. The election is called under the non-partisan election law a sup plementary election. These con-: tests are supplementary In that' Walter Frazer Brown of the Peinl.ro Orchards near Talent was nil Ashland visitor yesterday afternoon. Dr. W. K. Buchanan was a bus! those wards which did not give (,s8 Tsior , M,.,l)n this fore some candidate a majority vote at the February elections will (house their council representatives. noon. S ? this The unbelievable amount of punishment sustained by auto- It will not do any harm if the mMe th.PB n ,,,.,,, .,. 32 spray is upplied when one or two 32 of the buds are open in each clas- Dr. S. A. Danford, superintend ent of Klamath district of the M. E. church, came in from Luke vliw, Sunday, where he had been conducting evangelistic services lor tho past two or three weeks. II. E. Hills has been called to .50 ford has been appointed campaign; (; 50 director for Jackson county for the united simultaneous campaign 27 28 29; 30 31 Temperatnre- 49 56 62 57 41 -Maxim urn, 41 ,25 35 35 30 29 28 32 30 30 31 ter. date, 7, 19, 20; minimum, date, 10, 17 31. Precipitation Total, "And got a footing. "And hopped out." Mrs. George Yates Is the pur chaser of a fine new Dodge car .which she acquired yeste:d.;y. i ' Portland to Los Angeles on list ivew norm :vioeiiiei.i, i'-fncne8. Rreatost in 2i hours, .41. N. Smith, Ashland; Presbyterian j (lntBi jj J7 . New Era Movement, Rev. Chas. ' Nl'lmb'Pr r ya w, nrh I'. Koehler, Ashland. ( or mnrP of prPrll,i,ation. n: The drive plans call for a large lfl. p.(rMy cUnuW 3. organization in this county, in- ci0,uij., is Apple scab spraying will be a lit tle later than the pears, and in sections where scab was last year on either apples or pears, spe cial effort should be made to make this application at the prop er time. For pears use liquid lime and sulphur, one gallon to thirty-live gallons of water. Dry lime and n siilnhur three to four miuiids to c ( fjr, ! fifty gallons of water. To make 27 ; the spray more effective use two (,ru!!jy a)liu on Hio remains of : gallons of oil mulsicn to two bun- hB w,,. )ut dm fully Inflated 2.20 ire(1 8i11011 t"nl. (Ioodyear cord lire, perfectly For apples use liquid lime and mounted, swept on down the sulphur one to twenty. Dry lime t rtiok at teiriffic speed In the and sulphur four to five pound to fifty gallons or water. wheels are revolving at the rate of :T times a second when the car! is making Kit) miles an hour, is, Ohio by tlie serious Illness of his not appreciated by the average inou,or. He started tor the east racing fan. "1 last Thursday. A remarkable Incident ill the . recent Los Angeles race brings litis point out in a striking man ner. Art Klein was leading the field on the 183rd mile, cleaving Hie air at 10 I miles an hour. Sud denly bis right rear wheel col lapsed, the steel spokes being sheared off close to the rim. Kearine wildly, the car scrambled MOXDAVH .NEWS A telegram was received yester day staling that Matt Hughes, bishop of the Methodist confer- That sweet-clover seed screen ings are not injurious when fed to stock in proper quantities i the ........1....:.... i....i;r;...l I... .,.., ......I.. ath occurred J'"""" by tlie bureau of 11 111 111 a I industry. I'niteil Stales Department (if Ag riculture. While it is recognized I hal an 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f i ' 1 1 e en c r;i 1 state ment should not be based on a few experiments., 'he r'ailts ob tained by a limited number of tests lend to prove there is no ground for the fear entertained I by some that sweet-clover seed is poisonous. Furthermore, the ex periments indicate that sweet clover seed screenings with hay can be fed to sheep to good ad vantage though perhaps they do land and have taken possession not ioiin as desirable a grain teed i.r their new home. as bran. The experiments sug- gest that a larger use might be L. Cartner has purchased the ln.(( ((f ,h(se a,..,,,,llill,,s ns I'leish property 011 Eighth street. 1 xtm. f(MM Tlie sale was mad'! through the' , Beaver Realty company. The runeral o( the late Mrs. r.. iv. nun ...ok p.a.e. ...,. hc(, ut g p v()lm.lVf Allrii late home yesterday afternoon, 5i , , ArmorVi for ,he IIU,.MW1. with interment in Mountain View of eIe,.tlns ,.aIa tl) rm ,le ,a- Tho funeral of the late William M. Abbott, whose d Friday night, was held yesterday I rom the late homo on lllaiu street, with interment made in I lie Ashland cemeiery. Ernest Rogue and wife ot Cal ilornia are guests ol the former's sisters, Airs. Liicl ie and Miss llogue. Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Havener newcomers from Washoilgal. Wash., who have purchased the W. .1. Carpenter property on Ter race street, have come to Ash- An order has been received by the First Company, Oregon Coast artillery, that an election will be cemetery. Mrs. Elva Unhurt returned Sat- ence in Oregon, dropped dead unlay evening after holding a while preaching a sermon in 1 three weeks' evaneelistic service church in Cleveland. Ohio. Bishop ill Alaineda. Mrs. III. bait reports Hughes had been pre.icbitig every night during Holy week In that city. No further information has reached Ashland III regard to III" bishop's demise. eluding committee from each de nomination under the direction of the denomination campaign (11- L'IS DODCE. Co-Opcrative Observer. high by end of next summer I" rectors, and a citizens' committee, Ml'CII SEED CORX DAMAflED -oad slogan. m mi direction the car had been taking When it finally ranie to a slop. i. was found 1111 in 111 it. This is the first time that such a freak performance, cdinoiist rat- it particularly successful meeting. Miss 'Jessie Tatcher .has assumed the position as assistant to Dr. W. E. Buchanan, and will also con duct her work as public stenog- Mrs. Dan Walker is home from rapber In connection ut this of Klainath county, wliere she spent tire. Hie South Pacific coast, and nor mal temperature probably, is tb" weather forecast for the Pacific .' Another Interstate hydro-electric Plant beil"5 built on(paper for Oregon and Washington. qeaded by the united campaign director. A great deal of seed corn in ' western Oregon was mined by the! GO 70 PEN the winter. She will remain for the slimmer lit her home here. Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Neil are i,,,, ti, nn.i.,.,ln. i,f tires, has LoniB rrom hall rrancisro w ne re ever been witnessed during a they had been spending some coast states during the period of time. j April 5 to April 10, inclusive. . I I I LOTH. I. A .MOV ED. I ,r' nI"' K- K- '-"(.slev ot Mrs. Kittle Huntsberry was a fBv I'nlted Pp'Ss) I Montague are in Ashland, visit- week-end visitor with trienils in eanry caused by the resignation or Captain Millard W. Grubb. Captain H. A. Canady, ot th Medtord company, has been de tailed to act as Inspector of elec tion, and will be here on that date. Every member of the com pany Is ordered to attend, unless a written excuse is obtained prior to the meeting night. A permit to remain absent for several drill nights ran be obtained upon proper application, however, by those, who have occupations which Fair, except occasional rain in Prevent them from coining to drill. race. All members of the company are now equipped with the rub ber soled shoes, and these will pre vent the scarring nf the finely finished floor. The lawn at the Armory Is now in the process of being planted, and the appearance there will I heavy December freeze, and all 1 SAN FRANCISCO, April 6- j corn not thoroughly dried on? oi l The niolion of ir.ry Albeis. Rhine flotilla was moved during the night, according to a report In government circles. Defense What can the Commercial Club do for Ashland? What would you like to see done W. E. Moor, one of the local in Ashland? letter -carriers from the Ashlandj Tmic abollt your city'B future? , Protected from the low tempera-, wealthy Portland miller, .e.ilenc- Ministcr r;(.s(dPr was called Into postoftice, has moved this week; 4, : ture was rendered unfit for seed J ed to ten years imprisonment ronfBrPcP t tho chancellory to- rrom his former home on Scenic' A. D. Helms spent several days All corn should be tested before! for seditious utterances for a re- duJ. tm,iy before noon. I)rive to a house on Helman ia Grants Pass this week looking used as seed, warns the farm hearing of his case, was denied ptreet where he will be near his after business interests there. He crops department of the O. A. C. by the United States circuit couit Eatacada L..th Co start opera- BER LIN, April 6 Tlie Herman ing the former's parents, Mr. and Cold Hill. She returned to her soon be greatly improved. A Jau )iewljr acquired farm. I came home yesterday. experiment si ition. , of appeals yesterday. Hons at mill. Mrs. C, W. I.ooslev, at their home home last night. ""r "as been employed also. Who en Oak street. 1 ; '" Kt"ep the building In a proper i At the last meeting of Hillah slate ot police. O. W. Loosley will open a saw Temple, Mystic Shrine, it win de- Encampment this summer will mill on Ball mountain in the near 1 cided to hold a ceremonial in he for two weeks In July, and future, and has closed a deal with Ashland, June 5. This will take will be held at Fort Stevens, ac- tho Ashland Iron Works to con- place Just before the national con- cording to latest advices. All struct machinery for the new clave of the Mystic Shrine at young men intereited are urged plant. 1 Portland. 1 to Join the guard at once.