ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDING9 Wednesday, March 10, 1020 PAGE TWO ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Established 187S Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND FRIVTIN'G COMPACT BERT R. GREER Editor ' l , . - a . , OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL One Year Six Months ... Three Mouths One Year .... Six Months . . Outside of the I'nited States .$2.00 . 1.25 . .75 .J2.62 . 1.4.S ated this citudel of upstanding, self- the people to insist upon its enact reilant Americanism in the heart of.ment for protection of tholr own the sage-brush desert. The WeBt rights and the welfaro of tho nation and the nation need more of such Even though a strike may never be outposts. They can be had. In the, called, the possibility of a strike spring floods of the green Snake wa-; is a constant menace which every ter sufficient to irrigate twenty-five1 business man must consider in every thousand forty-acre farms goes to undertaking and in every contract waste. This water can be stored and he may take. That uncertainty is made nvailable. Is there a greater, one of the hazards of every business better, more worth-while task in the that depends upon transportation great West than the making of Amer- for its continuance. Topeka Capital, icau homes in the desert? i ' SERVICE AXD RATES Political Announcements Political Announcements. .$15 00 Political Display Adv. the in. !35 Cash must accompany order on all political iKlvcrtising. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertisements, per column inch, each Issue, 26c. Local Readers, the line of Blx words, 10c. Classified Column, 1c the word, each time. Legal Notices, 3 1-3 cents the line, each time. Cards of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, ii cents the line of six words. Fraternal orders and societies charting regular Initiation fees and dues, retular rates. Religious and benevolent societies will be charged for all advertising wseu ull admission or collection is, ai imm muwr i.n.m-6 " The Tidings has a larger circulation in Ashland and its trade territory than all other newspapers coniDinea. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second class mall matter. ami:i:kantsh PI.ITOCRATIC TAX REFORMERS ... ! The New York Tax Reform League. One .oiintiy, on" constitution, ... . i rt (Ita fr.lllt U' i t h th tni'.5P one destiny. Haiuel Weu.ur. ayvn-u v,.. - Much 14, IW7 Due country," is a whole sermon in these two words emphasized, a they were by l lie eloquence of Web ster and understood in all their meat ot meaning by those who heard them and by those who later read them. j run8 i,ut iami aj )allj taxes would proposition to do away with all per sonal property taxes. This delightful suggestion is only another way of stating the Single Laud Tax proposition. it would be the first big step to ward leaving nothing on the tax Americanization has to do iirst with the foreign burn who come to our shores and of those native horn who need the lesson, "Oue Country." There call he no double allegiance. '1 he native horn who need an under standing of this truth are those who put the flag of sumo fallacy which, they call all ideal above the flag ot their country. In this sense their allegiance is dual. They are dream ers rather than patriots and thoi' dreams are generally Baseless fabrics. In the work of Americanization of the foreign born who come to this country to seek equality of opportu nity and liberty under the law, it is necessary first to make them know that their allegiance once given to this country they muat forego their allegiance to any other land under the sun. It is a perfectly natural thing that u man should look back to the land of hjs birth with affed tion, but the very fact that he left it lor uuuther land proves that he believed in his heart the other land was the better one. It is, therefore to this udopted land that he should uive his heart and his hand, anil when one gives these he pledges loy alty. Americanization means the Amer icanizing of the people. It is com plete only when the man or the wom an is an American with no other country in the balanc? of his affec tions. An American lives in Ameri ca and lives for Ann rica. "One Cunstitutii n." In a sense the constitution of u country is the country Itself. It forms the basis of the country's liberties. It iB the law of patriotism. The breaker ol the law is no true American. The Constitution hr.s been amended. I', is within the power of the people to amend it at any time that the proper majority of them may wish double. Why not do away with ull assessors and local tux collecting and havt nothing but the income tux? The plutocratic New York tux re formers would hp the first to cry out against the extension of their program. Is It any more rirrht to exempt all taxes on personal property than to exempt all taxes on land property? It would be more just to collect v poll-tax on ull citizens who do not appear on tho tax-rolls. Every advocate of the Single Tax will agree with the plutocratic prop osition originated in New York. CONSOLIDATION'S AM) SI'S-PENSION'S The Corning, N. Y., "Dally Journal on January 21 suspended publica tion because of increased costs. The Burhnrd, Neb., Times, a week ly, has suspended publication because ot the shortage of news-print. The Pawnee City Chief will handle the subscription list of the Buchard Times. The Columbus, Ohio, Business and Law Journal has been merged with Hie Daily Reporter because of tho high cost of print paper. The Westfield, Mass., Evening Jonurnal has suspended publication giving as one of its reasons the con dilion of the news-print market. FACTS VS. ROI.SHKV1SM Heat the Bolshevistic tendency with facts. Facts are better than political arguments. Instead of clats-conseiousness let us have industry-consciousness. Class ippeal is poison. Ours is a nation of ull the people. It Is The belief in class-interests, cluss- tho statue of liberty. A man cannot support the country without support ing the. Constitution, which is til" bulwark of the freedom of the people. "Oue Destiny." Destiny is the lot of man. It is that to which he Is appointed and in a still higher sense it is that to which he Is consecrated. The lot of man is his dally lot and in the sense of .le. tlny it is li is lot un til the end of time. The destiny of America, therefore, Is continued und prejudices, ch.s'i hatreds, is fatal. We must believe ill our govern ment, in tho American Ideu, und dis believe in the ideu that we are uuder class-rulei'ship. If these are selfish classes they must be absorbed in ull-embraciug policies of justice to all citizenship. Facts about industries presented in this paper .are Worth more than all the appeals to class hatred. One hundred facts about puyr?lls. In regulating the railroads two' facts should be kept 'ippepuust (ill that they are servants of the public; (2) that to function efficiently and; proportionate to the - public needs1 they must be well mainteined air'j economically operated. Rates should not be increase! ! without good aud sufficient reason. j If existing rates yield a reasonable net return on the investment, with a margin siU'iicient to stabilize rail-' road credit and safeguard investors so as to attract capital for belter-! " ' " meuts, extensions, improvements und fir-KlIA.VS NOTICE OF SALE OF rolling stock, theio should be no j REAL ESTATE. increasj. It they do not yield this return and essential marginal sur plus, rates should be increased. in all respects we are a treniend- 'he Matter of the Guardianship of; ously progressive people and in no J, ,, ,' . Martin Ale- . .i , i . ii van, ,iiuui; respect more so than industrially ,..,..., . ,,,.. ,,,, llv aud commercially. Our remarkable er or the County Court of Jackson growth und development can be at- Count, Oregon, made and entered trihtited largely to the fact that the J-" V 31st, 1H20,-In the matter L'tiited States- enjoys the best and " 'S ?fci cheapest railroad transportation of undersigned, will at his office, from, any country in the world. and after March lith, 1920, proceed While preserving unto ourselves ,0 8''"' "l Private sale, to tho highest he cheapest transportation consist- a,., '''"l!,,!; nit with a fair return and good ser- i subject to the c firmation or said vice let us not overlook the fact that court, the following described real Ihe quatilily and. quality of the hui--i Property situated in Jackson County. ice are far more Important as re-; " "m ZIV " i luted to our progress and prosperityl An undivided' two-sixteenths than the cost of service, for the'(2-l(i), 1-16 to each ward, interest i waste und loss to producers ami i'V and to a tract ot land containing NOTICE TO i..i.'lTOHS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Ihomus A. Lnne, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the samo, with proper vouchers, duly verified, to the undersigned, by leaving the same with my, attorney, L. A. Roberts, at his office in The Citizens Bank building. Ashland, Oregon, before the expiration of six months from the date of this notice which date is March 10, 120. Ill'TIt M. LANE. S7-I Wed. Administratrix. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Dis trict Attorney, on Republican ticket, subject to the wish ot the voters at coming primary elec tion. I believe that the laws should be honestly and fairly enforced, and it nominated und elected will see that they are so enforced. II. A. CANADAY. For District Attorney Belloving that my successful man agement of the office of District Attorney has Bhown me thor oughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson County in that capacity best, I announce my candidacy for re liomitiution on the Republican ticket at tho May primaries. O. M. ROBERTS. In the County Court ot the Stale of Oregon, for Jackson County. j School Superintendent I hereby announce mysolf a candi date for nomination for County School. Superintendent on the Republican ticket. O. W. GODWARD. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a Re publican candidate for Sheriff of Jackson County, at the May primaries. Several years' . ex perience in this line of work. Including last tix mouths of 1 ill II in the tax collection de partment, thoroughly qualifios me to administer the duties of the office in an efficient man ner. JOHN B. W I. ME II. shippers from poor Bervice or from ten acres more or less described us . 1, 1....! , - ....... . n , Inadequate service might easily I roda WPSt and -..,; rods north of equal or exceed the cost ot good ser-; the southeast comer of D. L. C. No. j vice. In other words in the final; 42 Township :m. south Range 2' analysis por service is never cheap east "f Willamette Meridian, Ore-, , , , , gon; thence oast 8! rods to corner;; and is ulwuys the dearest ill the end. thence North l!i.2,x lods to corner;1, In 1U18 under federal control 2,1.7 thence West 83 rods to corner; cents out ot every dollar of railroad thence south 1 0.2 S rods to place of revenue went for material and sup-,"K"'k: together win me appur- , , , tenances thereunto belonging, in- piies und ii. a cents went to labor. ! clmiI1E water rights: situate in These two items took 81 cents of i Jackson County, Oregon, subject to' every dollar, to say nothing of taxes, ; curtesy right of Zenas Howard, sur- I hereby announce my candidacy for re-iiominatlon for the office of Sheriff on the Republican ticket, subject to the May prim maries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entitles me to re nomiuatlon und re-olection. O, E. TERRILL. For Assessor I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for the of fice of County Assessor of Jack son County, subject to tho wish es of the voters of the Repub lican party at the primary elec tion of May 2Jst. -J. B. COLEMAN. thus leaving no reasonably safe re turn on the investment. In the interest of the public wel fare and development it is essential , ary 4th, 1920. that we recognize tho wisdom of es tablishing rates that will encourage transportation development and sus tain good service. viving husband of 1'amy Howard. Persons interested may inquire of ', O. F. Billings, Ashland, Oregon. Dated and first published Fehru- ELIMINATE STRIKE FEAR G. F. BILLINGS. Guardian of Howard McCall and 81-nt-w Martin McCall, Minors, i IX THE COCNTY COl'RT OF THE STATE OF OHEOOX, FOR THE COI NTV OF JACKSON'. Quick1 Action Cora Cure It is reported that th.0 Patrons oflln the Matter of the Estate of Sara Husbandry Ihe G runners have Anderson Burrull .Deceasitl voted unanimously in favor of the I Notice Is hereby Kiven that the un- retention of the null-strike clause S above entitled estate, has filed in In the Cummins railroad bill. The' the above entitled Court her final ac- very fact that labor unions protest j count ot the administration of said against enactment of the anti-strike: ?lateam . ,1 , provision is evidence enough that(0f March i920i at 10 0'dotk . m whenever it suits their pleasure they! in the Court room of said Court, at will strike to enforce their demands. ! the Court House in Jacksonville. The protest of the unions against the 'Oregon, as the time and place for , ,. . ii, ., . hearing objections thereto and the proMs.on should cause the rest ot uetll(.,;t,,lt hereof. , LAURA V. STEELE, "Gets-It" Stops Fain Instantly and Corn Soon Lifts Sight Off. A few drops of "CleU-It" quench corn pains like water quenches Are. Gives you immediate relief. 81-5t-w Administratrix, A I .nntnfi mnariifs What it Means iHaa A a rh eft A Kid breath, coated tongue, bnd taste iu the mouth, languor and debility, Rub Turpo, the only Turpentine Ont-it .IrXnsna. result off J V Ml ' 'M-t itn. . i i i . n.a no,. li.. '.I. it r i I ,,.i HIV M uckiiib iuo ua B'V ...c u.-.,.,mj -in, ,,1 in,- .,.,,...,. ,. i.- at once, Jn a atty 0r iwo ii is o signs that pies. tiie liver is i out of order, ! 1'itoF. Hem Hetkk says: "The liver is an organ secondary in importance only to the , heart." ' e c a n I SJli m anu fac- tiro niia,n, I within ourj " own bodies. What u relief! Try it. Turpo THI TUQPtNTINt (HMTMINT Ask for free sample. poi.Evs imro store loose that you can lift it off, roots and all, 'twlxt thumb and linger. That's the last of It, as millions have found out. It is the simple, effective and common-sense way to i be rid of corns. "Get-It." the never-falll' g, guar anteed, money-back 'corn remover, costs but a trltle at any drug store. Mt'd Ly K, Lawrence 4 Co,, Chicago, i Sold In Ashland and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by McNair Bros. unending liberty. The keeping of the continuity of freedom is In the potent than martial law, hands of the people. If they are all Shoot Bolshevistic tendencies to Americans In the high sense they will keep their trust until the end. which are as deadly as a snake's venom. 1 The liver acts as a piard over our improvements und progress are morel J' SE A blockade in the intestines piles a heavy burden uixin the liver. If VULCANIZING- V EST AVOIDS THE WOBIII.IKS This applies not on'y to the I. W shreds by handiug out the facts j lhe intcsUne. are choked or clogged production here at home, i:n. the circulation nt tne h oort Our country is not going to the ' u,comcs and th(J . uukh uuu Tue ileus won l gel us DUl it is going to take constant and un tiring effort by America's brainy about 'men und women to counteract and V'i but tn wubbly ideas finances and industries. i destroy the present era of unrest and For the normal development ol ' discontent and filially bring this na (ion to un even keel. We are not out of the woods yet but are getting our bearing. HOMES IX TIIE DESERT the western states they need to en rourare foreign capital not only, but heme investments. The whole world Is advertising to sell securities in every money center of the west and getting their seouri- tken too. In 1905 B. W. Barth was 28 year If the West is to develop Its Indus-1 old, had a wife, two babies and very tries and natural resources it mustj little cash. He could not buy land, avoid fie,,ky and w obbly legislative j so be filed a homestead claim on proportions. ; eighty desert acres near Nampa, Ida., There is our old friend, the Single hoping that water would come soon. Tax, that bobs up at e u h election Water did not come for several only to be snowed under by increas- years. Barth worked, waited and lug majorities. 'hoped. ' other homesteaders gars up There are new propositions that "ml quit. Barth stuck, grimly de go uiaui the ballot, like the 4 per cen' tertnined to reap the fruits of his interest rate and the minimum wage: labor, says the February Sunset, laws. ! He is forty-two now, in the prime There ar the programs of state of life. The other day he refused socialism advocated by the North Da-; $-1,000 ftir his fully equipped an I kota Non-Partisan League snd the' "locked farm of eighty acres. The Tripartites. two children are going to high school. Any one of the many freak prop-; will go to college. Mrs. Bsrth has ositions is enough to give a state an automobile and all labor-saving a black eye in the race for develop- devices so far invented. nitut. 4. Will this family ever lend a willing : . ' ear to the red gospel of the prufes- Lehanon Light and Water coui-;sional revolutionist? iany rebuilding its plant. Water from the Snake river cre- becomes loaded with toxic waste, and we suffer from headache, yel low -cmted tongue, tad taste in ' mouth, haus-a, or gas, acid dys Iiepsia, languor, debility, yellow skin or eyes. At such time3 one should j take cantor oil or a pleasant laxa- tive. Such a one is made of May apple, loaves of aloe and jalap, put j into rr-liy-to-use form by Doctor i Pierce, near'y fifty years ago, and ! sold for 25 cvtils by all druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I f "V"""" ,m i,:ist tlie V xrv is a,t' iu -skiiit''1 wo1 Ilia nioro miles on , n " ',. experimental stage. It which when executed kmen will give you that "BEST TIRE HAD." Bring in the Old Ones and let us make them into live new "SPARES" In these days of II. C. L. the vulcanizing works can be made a great money saver for you. Letus show you. Ashland Vulcanizing Works M. C. I.IMNdKlt & SOX, Props. Mi 34 i. ' ' J I f - Thi Is the Vaughan 4 II. P. Gasoline Dragsaw With the best Friction Clutch on the market to-day. Mr. Vaughan is the oriina'nr and maker of the first Gasoline Dragsaw, and keeps up with its Ult&t aud beet improvement. For sale by EMIL PEIL, Ashland, Oregon. hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republi can ticket for the office of Dis trict Attorney. I f elected I pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of the law. P. P. FARKELL. THE I 'OR SALE FUR SAL10 Six-room house, base ment, strictly modern. Furnace heat, Wilier, lights, fruit for family use. About one acre of ground, dandy for chickens. For lufoi mal ion inquire of T. J. I'hilpotl, 668 Holly St., or Alviu Moss, Ashland, Ore. 87-lino' FOR' SALE Rabbits, New Z la nil anil Rul'us Red Belgians, pure bred, good color, etc., 3 to f months' old, bucks and does, $2 up. Farmer, it. 1, Talent. Phone HiFII. jll GOOD BUYS 10 acres, till in bearing trull of a mixed variety, fair D-room houes, barn, packing house ami chicken houso; worth $11,500. Absent owner will take $2,100. Net returns last f-eason, $1,000 10 acres, 7 in bearing apples and cherries, 3 acres wood land; one of the show orchards of Jackson county; net returns lust season, $1,250. No build ings. 20 acres nt fine land in crops, one mile from city. Absent owner will take $2,000. 2.1 acres just outsido city limlls, 10 acres In young fruit trees Just coming into bearing, 13 acres wood land: 4-rooni gun galow, small barn. Widow, must sell. $11,000. Property Is moving. If you have any to sell call and list It, or if you want to buy come und see my many bargains, Mrs. S. L. Allen RAMI EJ-M1 l O FASH LAND A EAITHI I L WATCH MAN WITHOl'T FKAH That expresses In a few words tho Electric Burg lar Alarm System that prolecls our vault. Sure ly a desirable place for your valuables. Safe De posit Boxes for rent $2.50 per year. I II AGftoM SAVINGS j PAN! Will add 100 per cent to the np- DEPOSITS' HANDBAGS 01 Genuine Leather in a number of styles all shapes, including leathers of many fin ishes. They are all atlractivedw lined and fitted wllh mirror and coin purse. Priced $3 to $5.50. STRAP ITRSES si. no io s.t.r.i) , NEW RAO TO I'M Square and oval styles of torto shull and silver mountings. Veiy specially priced; $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. ROSTOV B.W1S ' Ijl.YOO peuranre of your properly and as ' Child's Puna's in assorted col- much to Its cash rent und selliug nrs, 75c. McNAIR BROS. Dicker son nj w TIIE I'AIN'T MA V. Ashland Fruit & Produce Association SPRAY MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies Beet Pulp and Kaola Meal For Your Dairy Cows tut - f!liiPlfi!!IT!!l!lilf"li::liT!;!1!n!'l:!llilPillIPl! r Sjl O 5 Ladies' Lace and Button, up to size 6, $4.00 and $4.50 values a Sale prico pZ.JO Ladies' Lace and Button Oxfords, sizes 21 to 4J, $3.00 and -i j $4.00 values. Sale price pl.4 Misses and Cbildrens' Lace and But- H ton Oxfords and Pumps, sizes up j to 2J, values up to $2.60. -t j Sale price 1,4 H Childrens' Pumps and Oxfords, sizes j up to 10, $1.50 and $1.75 qq H Sale price ,"0 H Each and every pair placed on sale jj are real values. Now is the time to H stock up for the coming season. H Shoes are high and are going to be jj higher. We are going to help you H cut down the high cost of shoes. 13 ft VAUPEL QUALITY STORI: a r:"rTTfMr;irf.lIii;::;ilT"lf","Miifll!' r , t(Mi r jr i : -y7T'7-T-;jJU,rT;;rlJT'rT"in:Tl -t(',,'f''T."":i;":!;;it'rTT':irTi J"tiri IJHTTT---" - 11 .lill.l!wtUu4,MW.U,l,,IIUlMI,UU.allM,lMUMl.lU.IIM..l,imMWI.II.III,lllllll.ll