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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
PAGE EIGHT ASHXAXD WEEKLY TIDIXG3 MYiliiesilaj', March 3, 1020 l . i r I ; li. P 1 . p Add It. 5W. $7.44; accrued interest $2. IS. No. 5 S 0 0 Ilvdraulir Mining Co., Vol. 6. P. !'i; S'' . of SR',4 ol SEV Sec. 2, Twp. 37. li. 3V, J.I. HO; ac irmi i!:tT-st. J1.3i. No. f'M'1 ('. H KiKs el ill. Vol. r. P. !S; und. '.. till. E'a of XE'4 c nip. . sin. i: Twp. sr. k. :iv. J0.51 : ioi'Mii.l ii.iore-t. J:1. 17. No. 5MI lo'.'-a 1 .11 in lo r A Hot Co . Vol. (i. 1'. 1 .in: N c. in' NW, . Twp. :i7, .1 il ll'irs!. ; 5,s 12 1'": XIC, i 11. :iV, No. . 1'. Lumber f NW, NW',. $ 10. (m; Co., Vol. Svr. 25. Sit. 2(i. accrued i'wp. 37. li. 3W. i'i n it. svv. rest. I. !..!. No. 5.8 1 I - T i! Lumber Co. of XK'.,, See Vol. o. I' Twp I'i; N'1: 7. it 3W M 1.1!'; rueil lii- "3. llpp (',., il Mines. HU: SVi, of NW'.. Sn ;. II. ;:V. $14.75; accrued Tup. No 10 -H. Her. cti. WL, , of SV ' .1. T Hi o; Nll'i, i;. .;v. lridf Vol. li. I; :r. ol XU'i, - I . ST. li, WO. accrued inte.- ! . N W i i; :!V. $7.8 I. i.'k.. eden. Vol. if N E 1 1 . Si 5.1 !); acerti ;l--C II Pi Vol. . Twi I i ii i il. P 3S, esl, ll . f I II Ham, toll. In 1. Sec li erued irs. 4. in- P. ol 1 ii;i; :. : I ot No. $1.11: M. li' li S;L. ol !'. Twp. P-d iiiici . V. ( Vol. i; it. : N E ' i 3 i , e:t. 5 IW. 1.55. lie. Vol. II. sw, of .si:',. i'i'. 1". 33. 2W, lest. $15.7 1. .ii Owner. Vol. NW',. See. 11, .5'i; aiiiued iii- W' 1 inn ilKlle 'I. It. 2W". II It ''.. Vol. li. NW', ot . It. 2W. ;' s . 2 7 . P. 12 1 ." V. ' i . ? I .M : N.i. ' P. 12 5; :; I it .st. $7 No P 125: 3 1. It. NW ol X I .' ' i Twp. illt.'l'i'Sl rued - Vmaml.i I'.iLi ol SW . See. ;21.'iii; a (Mil Vol. . 3. Twp. I inter- - T of li. Ill 8W't. Vol. li. I I, Twp. d inter X ' 2W See. I'l l III e-1. 87.2 No. 5 I..:, si; i: 2W. $4.01. No. 5 V.d. 'I. N W 1 , . M. i y K. Iso. Vol. II. i. Twp. illlei e ol Si: i, i 1 '. I lll'l (I. V i I: ('111 . Est P. 12 E 2-3 of w Twp. 35, It. 11 !ei,,-t. .-; j , : ti . X p. 1 1 li ", 8 I w A. Vine. en. Vol. li. W'-. ol NW',. Sec W. $:l.5ii; accrued I wp. e-t . li. No 5 8 I "' . lli'Willle, Vol. li. P., A oil E. ' ml ol N'j "l NE',. 1.3-2 02. See. 35. i'wp. 35. It ' 23 ; ai'.-rued lliei-esl . $'1.75. .8 k, - i; ,1; ii it. i ,.eiii. Vol. : I I ; NE', ol N W ', of NW V, . Twp !!'l. It. 2V. $ lil I : ar-' nt. -i esl .$151. ; 58 17- -.Mai l in Perry, Vol. II, lev. at the eor. hoi. Sees. No. P. P 112 at the 1 E. 20 N. I'i r K. 2W. 2 I, t!l. E. 2H ids.. S. I" Ills , id-, . N. I'i ids. In hi".:. See. 2 1. Tv. illli'les No. 14 3; I i Li; I ; accrued i t. $li a 81!'-- ol X.I I. Millie I la vis. Vol. li, P. 2, See. 28. Twp. 3li. It. 2W.. ?.i.:i X. 5 8 P. 113; ' SE'i. So S3.H2, an P. III. I. accrued inteiest, $2. In. -S. .1. Hansen, Vol. li. int. in X 's of XE', ol 2''. Tw n. 3ii, It. 2 W. i tl i i, t . i s t , $1.20. .1. (i. Hathaway. Vol. il, No. I. Sec. 32. Twp. ircrued inten it. ! I si. ,1. I Ward el al. Vol. of S W 1 , . $ l.5n; ac- 8 i . 1-3 iiil ill SW ', 2. Twp, 25. li. 2W. li'ele.l 81511. 5,85 I . I.. Mills. Vol. 7. i.' Twp. d interi P. .t sV ' IE. No : P. 3'i; ::' It, $1 !"'.. No. P. I'i: Tl;, 3 tele-1. No. 5 Pi.rker K. Mann. Vol. 7 ' , . Sec 5'i. Twp accrued interest ,if sw Hell., d.-S It I i-hl, Vol. 7 5. See 2" ; l ued hi lelld ' 1 (1 2 ll Sri -ratie i, lie: Sec. '. - .1. It. . at NE. III. th. S. Vol. 7. P. ..i of NE', . cor. o I SI! ', 15 ids rds. to S3 18 ; Xo. P 5" Twp. : 2 i ds . N. 15 ids.. E. 32 ice. 3. Twp. 3 I. It. 2E d lilt. -ir-1. H l'i. Albert Cullman. Vol. 7 , of NW',. S.t. 33, 2K. $'ii!2. accrued in- ice; 11 X w . K. 5- End Cook. Voi. I. ie.,oi Add. Lot r 1. I 0.1 5; is, Nn hi;.: itier-olr :' 1 1 75, ai Vol. 4. in. Hi.. rueil in- E in iek. Vol. 4. .1. P., In ks Add . ilii 7. 8, 12, 1 I. ; an rued in- n. k. Vol. I. l.s liiir'Tord- 8. Hill. 1, $02.5 1; ac- in:. Vol. I. st Medford t Li 15 iV 1. P.. I al'l'i I."ls it: i i i'i .l.i- I Medlonl. 5 It of N 5 'I It. of 1 15 W. s 112 S 1 Add . ." I'.lk 2. 1. Il k. It,. Lot 1. !'3 It., Lot 37 ft.. Lot d iiitciot. X ..'. It '81 I ; Iilk 71. Hat I . . H k o.lino Med! 3. N. s. Vol id, N llleil il:- No. 7. P. Twp. teie-i. N.. I 15 d. W la. I 1. P.ik 1 5 I Vol X". I 1 1 Iii, Tw' P. 1. Li t P.i: let, I ; i 1 1". - i A 1 e.l ' ,! I I: Ml" r p., . a i . X'.e d I. P !." !l I.' l. $ : . : r N'.. Vol Twp -I No. : 1 2 8 : ,-:; M. ('..I I I . d-s 1 1 : a( I li t,. rue e-t ' 1 H V.d. I 7, . . ir.inl w,;.i . la $11 (.f Let $ 13 i.C: No : C,(i: .Me tnl th I.'. I I '.ii ol 1 ..87 A I.. P ,,".. Lot ... ...t I I i .' : l . Lot : p.k t N $33 ("i; a ". ,,.-.! Xo. 3'7 - Ja' '. tl; .Mf'Uuid, I I 12 & 13. Rlk. 2, $33. M: accrued in terest, $1! .00. ! 0. 587!' II. V. U. viiolils. Vol. I. P. 61; .Medford, Willikes Add., Lot 1, ' Hlk. 3. $ 2 fi . f f ; accrued interest, $8.51. No. fiSSfl T P. Collins. Vol. 1. P. Ifil; Modlord. Willekes Aii.l.. Lot ! lllk. ;i, j 15.19; accrued interest I $5.00. I No. C-S 1 Wm Divis. ol. 4. P. ;(14; Medford. Woller Add.. Lol 1. I Hlk. 1. $12 el ; accrued imere-t. ; $4. on. i No. 5S82 Medlonl Re .lie ,. Imp Co., Vol. 4. P. 115; M"dloid. Woll.-. Add., Lot 1. lllk. ;:. Jl'Mii; ac crued interest. ! Nil. 5S VI Helen SI IM.-liel TO!-, 1 4, P. (15: Meilionl. Woller dd.. 0, 7 & S. Itlk. :i, $27.88; iieenie , Iciest, $9.29. I No. 58M L. E. Wakeiir.ii. Vi Vol lit. I ' P. liii; Medlonl. Woherlou Snli In . EL. of Lot 2. lllk. 2, $15.19; ;'" , erued interest. $5. Oil. No. 5 )i 8 IS II. P. Mnlkev. Vol. I ! P. OS: Medford, Woodlawu llcts. Add.. Lois 2 1, 27 .t 2S erued interest, S3. 50. No. r. S ST It. Kchitlc (19; Medlonl. Wood Add I ".. , Vol. Lol I ael'l'llo I. P. Li I; ,1 in- 1. Lot Iciest, No. I. I'.lk. 2. JS.s 2.!t I. iSss- I) S. Wi 'ihovd. Woods mI. Vol. 4. Add.. I. o's I ae.-ilied (Ill; .'.I. lli It $ I 2 s teresi, $1.27. No. 5SMI--.1. A. T.'lllev, Vol. P. 70; Medlonl West. x. s des. li'M.l s. 5 3 1 'i. $! . el ued interest, $3.17. o. 5 vim Tho-i. Haul Vol. 4. P. 71 ; Medlonl. Uli I X. side. des. !'l-r,5. 52.8. accrued itHei'esl. $ 1 2 II. rleinc', , We No. 5. s 't 1 Ma ry 'hililr. Vol. I. , --out 1 1 . P. 71 Lot d !'1-SS. ten-it. Meil'ord. 1th Si. W s 5''-.", 1. i7- 8 1-18!', $1 ' $'I.5H. 7" nied in- No. 5 71: till ! $2310; 5 8'' 2-- Cos. Cr. r Vol. I. P St. West, accrued i No. 5SH3-M, P. 73: Medfovd. side. bee. at NE 11., W. Hi n It . S. be.'., $3H 30; $12.12. No. 58" l (;. Vol. 4. P. 73: Ave., bee. at SW Cottage Add . E. NW. aloitu Cent N. (i Vol " St.. 7'i. X. I'i" li inlri 5 n ft . i' ac i ii'-d "i . E. Ch ! It I if I I ii. Medlonl. I eor. Lot 12 3.8 li . S. 'e'ltr'l I! 1. '.'! ft . I.e.;.. I'd $2.21; I'lTi'in No. 58!I5 : in' '''"-' kivou II dfoid. .. Vol Win .' W. I. P. I H ive, of Ki erued No. P. 7 5 side, 7 I : Mr pail ins. !i 7 li Way Hiive. iiil.'iest. $17.50. 58'Hi- W. E. We, ; M"iioid. Main il It. from on Ma Ml'. Vol I. W. of - .id j. to Oak (irove Siii in rued iuteiei. S3 12 No. 5S'l7--(i:'l"i Ail: 79; Medford, Oakdale ' side, des 78-li'is, $!l.3i lerest. $3.12. Div. Vol: .. Nor I. P li W d ii No. 58!i!i .... ('has. M P. 82; Medlonl. Itiv Easl side. (I"-'.. 87-1 $28.0 1; accrued into S'liilll Vol l side V 12. Il'i II. . I illlnesl. $11 li I. (i. Gobi". Vol. I, P llerryvale Add., I.o' 5li; aeeriled illlere-1. No. 5 mil . I S'i; Mnliord. 1". lllk. 5. $1 $11.52. No. 511113 E. M. Turner. Vol. I. P. 02: Medlonl. Hunker Hill Add.. Lol 13. lllk. 1, $3.5!' ; accrued i", terest, $ 1.1(1. No. r.liiiil-Coll'i:e Hill. Inc.. Vol 4, P. 102; Lots 10. II. 12. 13. lllk i II, $ L IU: accr 1 inteiest . $ 1 18 No. 5'ni7-.I. II Hi",'!, Vol. I. P. 1 7 : Medlonl. Eaele Huts. Add . Lot I, I'.lk. 1. Lot 1. lllk. 2, $3. 7'i; ac crued interest, $1.25. 5'iiiS - H. C. Stoddaiil. Vol. I. IV 112; Meilfoid. Ili'lieroli Add., I.ii li. 7 8. lllk. 5, $14 3 1; accrued in lerest. $1.77. No. 5HHI--W. S. (iowell a ,, c. Cold.'. Vol. 4, P. 120; Medford, lellnisl Add.. Lois 8 & !i. lllk. .;. $ I 18; accrued interest, I pi. No. 5(11 I W. S. lii.wi II .1. li Colde. Vol. I. P. 12".; Veilliod I. ill lelluirst Add.. Lol 22. Hlk. !i. $.: ai'l'l'lleil illlerei, $1' S'i. No. 5(112 E V. Kin '. Vol I. P. Add. illler- , 12S: Mrdl'ord. .Mount iiil View Lol I. lllk. 4, $3.22; accrued est. $1.07. Xo; 5CI 3- Victor II.. 11 lire. Vol. I. I P. 128; Medt'oril. Nick. 41 A.M.. do-85-11. Lot I. P.Ik. 1, 53.5H ; ai erued interest. $1.1(1. X" Mi I I liiknown Owner. Vol 7. P 55; X U of NE', . See. I'i. T-v. 3i'.. li. 2E. "$5.1(i; accrued inleiro $1.73. i No. 5(115- It li V. C'n i Co., Vol. 7. P. 55 5 li; laud ips. 8" Ins. See. 2". Twp. 3ii, It. 2E land d ,-s s . tn'o Sec. 2!'. Twp. 3'i. It. 2E. ?2 .51; : CI lied illteresl. $11.83. No. 5!'l 7 Haiiicl Walker. Vol. 7 P. ii!': land (lev 5 1-11 I in SW, . See. I (i. Twp. 3(1. li. 2E. $ 1 .5'i ; III' ! erued interest. $n.5:i. Xo. 5IIIII- Mac Icaii E, t . Vol 7. P. SI; land lies, (rl-17:!. See, 20. Twp. 33. It IE, $1.11: accrued ill teresl. $0.38. No. 5(i20 T. A. Olson. V.d 7. P 80: SW', of NE', Ai NW', of SE'i, Sec. 12. Twp. 3 1. It" IE. $ I I (' : accrued interest. $ I lis. No. 5'i23 liiknown Owner, Vol. 7. P. 88: SW'., of SE',. S.t 3 :. Twp. 3 1. It. IE, $5.1 :i; in erued in terest. $1,73. No. 5. 0 2 3- Homer Coy, Vol. 7. P 80; NW tj of NE '. . N '.. of NW ', SW '! of NW', . Sec 1 I. Twp. 35. It IE. $21 No 5 filed illtele . .1. Culler d NE', - t. $8 Vol E'.. P !H; NW', . $22.80; No 5 02: Lot 3'i. It W ol 'C 33. Twp. 35. rrueil interest. $ li IE 7 ii 2 . Vol. 7. P . I. 'I w; li- It. M. Peltv. I Hi ow nslioro. Si est . IK. $2.(1 1: iii'criied interest. $" us. Xo. 5(12711 P. CI: 3-3 Int. Sec. 1 1 . 3'W II. ct ifd inter, st . Itiown. Vol. 7. S W ' , of SW ', . IE. $3.17; a" '. I . 5o2s liiknown Owner, Vol (iii; KU of NW',. Sec. 25. :i'i. It IE. $5.1!'. accr, led in J 1.73. " ''20 - liiknown (iwnec i! 07; SP', of SE',. S.c 3 3. Hi. It IE. $'i 1C : accrued in- ?2 I'd. P, ed ior 5 ''3' I A Lot No N lis . Vol. I'w o. : I. Sec. (I I E. No 7'i I l''d llll." 'est . ' i.'t: -C. lirl.e. Vol. i, i NE', , s. c. ::,;. J'i.17; aiciued im ; SW, it i !:. Tw P ''3 t - Kale I'llllll'.'.l I It'-' P 1"3; Lot No. I. S. v It IE. $0 35: ac. no -t. $2 11. No 37 W L. A- ('. M , 3; I .lid des li I'M (t 1 Scv It Twp. 50. I! a. (Tiled ltile'r.-l. $3 !. ' I'i- S I p. i ni, ,n. , W U cf NW , . Sc I s. Vol of IE. I 7 1 I 3 ' H IK. $22. 'Tiled 111',' ' 1" II A .line al des. 42-12,'. S". IK. $258, arrru. Vol ,1 ii, 'crest. I No. Sdll-Win. Ilaller, Vol. 7, P. IIS. SE',. See. 2". Twp. 40, R. IE, $ 13 22; accrued interest, $14.40. No. 5!i 1 1 Coguins Pros., Vol. 7, P. 120; N'.j of NW'4 & Lots No.' 3 Ar 4. See. IS. Twp. 41. K. IK. $52. 38; nee i ii No. X. P. Twp. lere t No. d interest. $ IT.lli. i 111 5 . W I : haul lie: 7. II. 2V, ? . 3.3. Lewis, et nl, Vol. i. 7 2-5 '.Mi, Sec. 1, !. i'l ; accrueld in- Aikins. Vol. 8, P. 1 I. See. 5, Twp. ncenied interest, 51'IS-A. I. nd des, H 15 I; li. 2W. 79. .1. ! Palmer, Vol. P. I MV, o inteiest. N E i. i or Lot .No. 11. 2V, $21.41; 7.13. No. 5!'.M 111'. It. .1. Conrov, Vol. S. P. 7: liai't i. lit of I). L. C. 57. des. 1! i LUiil. S.e. 12, Twii. .'17, It. 2V. y. ; ;i-erur, inteiest. $1.83. No 5 '.-..'--.M. M. .Maine. Vol. 8. P. II: " ol SW', of SE'i, See. 17. Twp. :17. It. 2W, .il.!U; necriled illteresl, $3.30. No. ii!":. 3- K. C. flibson, Vol. 8, P. 12: land des. 53-318. See. 20, Twp. 27. It. 2V, $2.33; aeciui (I ill- Test, No. f N. so. '55 - App Consolidated Mill" , Vol. 8. P. Hi; XW'i of ess land des. 8S-51, Sec, 31.1 . It. 2W, $100.1 1; accrued NW - We X E ' i t. 2W l.y It. Sparks, Vol. of XW1,. Sec. 5, $5.37; accrued in- - I! lie Nirholl. Vol. 8, of NW 'i , Sec. li. $20 !2; i.cei ued -.1. Hoomaii, Vol. ; ii"i -:t :! ft. See. I 1. Twp. it.ter- ,8. P. '' 5 !' de: w. Twp. iiiitiiimI interest, 'i'i l: red A. of XE l.iker. Vol. of NW'Vi. XW ' , 'I , iii n ,", ' , I 3S. It. 2W, $2.!3 -1. $'' 11. 51 Whetstone Vol 0. NW'.;. See. ?S.CS; accrued :',v, 8!l. M. II of SW $Iu.il2 Griffin. Vol. 8, i . Sec. 22, Twp. accrued inter- .Miller. Vol. S. i . See, 2 I. Twp. accrued inler- NW', 1,51. i - iinuiei SE', of sw I'W, $10.02; 5 I. , M. . . of SW', . ?2U .35; Tuivii, Vol. 8, Sec. 33, Twp. accrued illicit n. 7 8 No p. 'il II. of 7- II. W leillord, 'i. Hlk. $1114. . Iteviiolds, Vol. Willekes Add., , 1 ni !!, $1.31: l.ccrue int I . 5 0 lis edi'.ld. I. $1 .1. (1. perr 5S; Guide. Vol. 4. I '.a'" Add.. Lol .' icerued inieres No. . P. .ilHi'l- 1 mi ; Lol ! Co!le.-',e Hill. Inc Vol. .Medlonl, Collece Hill lllk. li. $1.1"; accrued i $u.4(l. i7'i- Pearl Cal ihall. Vol. 8. i'i, of SE'., K S''; of SE'',. P. 3 1; N r 3(1. Twp. in. It. 2W, $31.(15; '. Tiled ilill lrsl. $10,115. ,, r.'i7l O .1. Willanl. Vol. 8. . 37; EL. of SW'', . Sec. 22, Twp. I. It. 1W. Sli.liL'; accrued interest, $2.20. No 507 I S. S I I : fract i. SW i , NW", of SW',. NE ' i nf SW ' , . N 1'h'dps. Vol. 8. P. of NW V, . I'ract'd. SE'i f XW'', of SE'', & SEP, of SE', 1 '.!' 2 : No :,'' 8, P. 15 I I. Tw p. S'i'. 7, Twp. 35. It. 1W, erued interest, $0.04. ' 5- I'l i' tit i tt Mathews, Vol. gov. Lots No. 7 H 8, Sec. 3. P. 1W, $10.05; accrued No '7!i- Win lirich. i . Sec. Vol. 8, P. Twp. inler- X W ' ', II. IW, if SE'i $ I u.115 accrued e t. $3. 35. No. 5077--Fleiiiins Mathews, Vol. 8. P. 17;. N ' j ol' X i . of NE ', . Sec. 23, Tup. 35, 11. IW. NU of XW'j of NW',. See. 2 1, Twp. 35. It. IW, 1 I 33: I'ceriieil interest, $ 1.87. No. .3!i7!i - ('has. Seaman, Vol. 8. P. 51:1 ml I), li. 85-3'il. Sec. 2, '!''.' ;!. 30. ,'. IW. $5.17; accrii"d in- i'"n;: 8. P. Twp. ' telVd. I No. - David tld des Walker. Vol. s I "U-1 lie. Sec. 5, $2.10; accrued in- 1 w "8" L. Carter. Vol. S. P. 50; i NW ', . Sec. 20. Twp. 30. It. " '12.; accrued interest, $3.51. 5 i.sii W. W. t'otrell. et al, P. '18; A, lies. 87-33(1 as an ei. !-". 3 1. Twp. 37. !t. IW. a ccrneil Interest, $2.51. I'S'i- -A. C Sherman. Vol. 8. o' . 1 ot No. 2, Sec. 20, Twp. I W. $1,17: accrued interest, SE 1 W Vol. No P si : ' 2S. I! $u 10. X" P si; 8 I - I 5 , 5 'ii I ('has. E. Hicks. Vol. 8. ; land des. S3-537. less land Sec. 3'i, Twp. 38. K. IW. acerued interest. $1.12. 5'i"3 A. P. Hammond. Vol. S'i : trad of land in NE. cor. '. 3.1. bet. Hicks & Anderson, 'I. Twp, 3S. It. IW. $1.33; ac ini. Me-t. $n. I I. No. P. rillel No. 5!'!i I liiknow n Owner, Vol. P. SS- tract of I 'tnl S. of (Illicit :'!( in SE'i "f SE ', . Sec. 0, Twp. . R. IW, $liiii; accrued inlerest. No 5IIOI1--Shorty Hope M. M. Co . Vol s. p. so: NE'i of SKM. Sec. 1 , Twp 3(1, It. 1 W. SW ',; of NW',. S-c. 12. Twp. 30. It. IW. $23 I : acci ued interest, $7.08. N.i 5007 ... Hollon, Vol. 8. P. 8C; NW', ii'' NW',. Sec. 12. Twp. 3C. It. 1 W. $0 82; accrued illteresl. $3 27. No P. 10 2 Lots ! iOOS - K !.. Cool, v. Vol. 8, Lucie Ili'ls. l-'ruit Kane. I I, $ 1.78; accrued inler il.5'1. No linilil II C. Sloilda'd, Vol. 8. . 1 'I" : E n'.le lL'ls, Fruit Farm. I ot o. $1177; acciieil Interest. $'l.;i'2 No (111.13 C. II Pieice. Vol. 8. P. 37: Pierce Sub. Div . Lot 7. Plk. 2 2 3 I : ac, nod interest. $0.87. ' "I East ion. .1 uiunr v 28. l''2'i. 80-lil-W pi:iiti si;v cAttnss w. have the following signs print on substantial cardboard in stock sale. 2 for 25c: No Admittance. Xotjry Public. I); es.-m.iliinu'. Xo Smoking. Auto Por Hire. Ple.oe Do Not Smoke. Xo Loafing. This Team For Pal. lieu ('keeping Looms Kor Rent. Xo Tr- .-passing. Vor Sale or Itent. I'or Kent. Por Sale, ltO"ins nnd Hoard. Post Xo Hills. No Peddlers. Xo Hitching. Clearance Side. Po.itircly No Admittance. Any of them two for a quarter. VOU ARE NOT TOO LATE BIT 1M1.VT DELAY TOO LONG. I SELL LEAL ESTATE. AVatili for iiildillons nnil HUbstractions, If iij' now, befoiD tlii) Inevitable Bpi InK iIm. Hcst Bitrgains K''"lu,lllJ' "P "Hiiy. Glad to tihoiv you. I kifp llio "Ili-nry" warmed up to servo you. Josli Hillings said: Tile lime to set u lien Is wlien sbe is ready to net. Hotel AuBtin Building, next door to Ford Garage, l'hon 26. Very bundsome 9-roora house, mod ern and extremely well built, bath, toilets, etc., sleeping porches, ma ple floors, every imaginable con venience; 3 large lots, abundance of fruit, scenic location, close to center of town; really an $8000 property for $4500. 8-room house, modern In all respects, porches and oiiiutitiuings, large j lot, fruit and flowers; situate on corner close to center of city, j paved on both streets. Price with some furniture, $3000. I 5-room cottage, well built but not ; modern appointments; large lot; 80x200; 2 blocks from paved street, sightly location yet level; some fruit; good garden land; easy terms. Forced sale price $800. Five-room cottage, bath, etc., 4 blocks from paved street, nearly half acre ground, fine garden land, cherries, almonds, apples, peaches, grapes, scenic outlook, good neigh borhood. Very easy terms. Price $1500. No. 15 5 rooms and bath, 2 stoves, 7 chairs, bedstead nnd organ; big basement, barn and chicken house; 2 acres fruit. Look at this. Price j $2500. B-room bungalow, cement basement; ! a very convenient and pretty prop ! oily; nicely located, lot 100x120; fruit, nuts and berries. Price , $2500. ' i 4-room furnished cottage, fruit and j flowers; very attractive location, scenic outlook; paining big inter i est on price. $1500. Apartment house, large lot central ly located. Brings In $40 to $50 per month nut sen, when you I consider the price, $2000. 5-room modern house, barn und wood shed, chicken bouse; range and healing stove; lot 150x1 40; good soil, pretty location, Price $2300. Pretty little cottage, 5 rooms, bath, toilet, woodhouse, large porches, shade and fruit trees; close in; lot 50X100. Price $1000. , - I 5-room furnished cottage Bplendid location, lot 73x150, earning 10 per cent; easy terms. Price $1500. 5-room plastered house, overlooks park, newly remodeled and mod ernized, lot 67-80 ft.; rents for $15 per month. Price with easy terms, $1560. 7-room house, modern and nicely lo cated on corner; both streets paved; good sized lot, shnde trees iind fruit; close to center town. Forced sale, at sacrifice price, $2500. 7-room, well built and appointed house, 2 baths; back and front stairway; large lot, splendid gar den, flowers, fruit and shade trees; paved street; close in; insured $1200; rental value $20; a snap at $2000. Attractive little plastered cottage, 4 rooms, new, bath, etc.; lot 35x115, on pared street; rents for $12.00; never vacant: Insured for $750; range, heater, table and chairs, ro fviuerator and linoleum &oes with place. Price $1250. j No. 10 5-room bungalow and chick en house; lot 50x173; fruit, nuts and berries; large basement; 2 blocks from center of town. Price $2000. No. IS Attractive 4-room cottage, bath, etc., eomjiletely furnished; outside slimmer sleeping room; lot 00x100. Price $1200. No. 1!) 0-room house, bath ard store room, some furniture; lot 60x130; lots of fruit; good loca tion; northeast part of town. Price for cash $1000. This Is a big snap, as tha place will rent for $15 per month. j No. 20 7-room house, bath, toilet,! sleeping porch; house attractive; and In fine condition; cement cel lar; wood house nnd garage, chick en house, etc.; one acre of ground, level; east front; 1 block from paved street, near Junior High school. All kinds of fruit; an Ideal city ranch home and a money maker. Price $3150. No. 21 7-room bungalow, 2 toilers, largo sleeping porch, large base ment; completely and handsomely furnished; lot 50x140; fruit nnd flowers; beautiful yard; 2 blocks from boulevard; sightly locution but level. Here Is a $6000 prop erty for $4000, or will quote price without furniture. No. 23 5-room bungalow, modern, good condition, splendid close-In location, high class surround ings, garage, etc.; large lot 65x 142; apples, cherries, English wal-j lints, irriiiipu nnd hnrrlen With ! No. the bouse is a good kitchen range, kitchen linoleum, hall carpets, gar den and lawn tools and hose. Non resident offers at' away below value for quick turn. Terms easy. Price $2400. No. 2 4 7-room houee, very hand-i some, well built. In fine condition, modern arrangement snd eonven- lent, good garage, barn, i acre: fruit and berries, close in; beauti ful outlook. Price $4000. No. 25 New 7-room house, east part of city, stone foundation, modern throughout; good barn, garage;; large lot. level; fruit snd flowers.: Splendid home. A snap at $2600. j N'o. 20 G-room new modern bunga-; low. close to M. E. church; garage,, good basement; fine surroundings; j a bpauty. Price $3000. j No. 27 6-room residence, plastered. bath, etc., attractive appearance, on paved street; close In; lot 80x 150; shade trees, cherry trees,; shrubbery and ro?es; attractive terms. Price $2000. i No. 2S 2-story 8-room house, bath, toilet, closets, well built, good con WHERE SHALL block from paved street, near school and church; fruit and shade trees. Easy terms. Price $2500. Good 2-story house, Bplendid locu tion; 5 good lots, so arranged that tour lots could bo sold off for at least $1100. Price for all, easy terms, $3400, ; No 2!) Here Is u double header and a winner: Large bouse, occupied by owner; old fashioned, but mod ern conveniences and well built; prettiest location in town; well furnished, piano Included; 3 actus of land, alfalfa," fruit, berries, sbado trees and flowers, most beau tiful yard, also a new furnished, bungalow bringing in big rental,' on same acreage, very attractive front. Willi the place there are 4 good cows, a lot ot chickens. Will sell nt a price that is bring ing better returns than big inter est or will entertain trade for Ore gon or California coast property to value of $15,000. No. 30 5-fPom modern bungalow, lot 50x120; fruit nnd flowers; close in on paved street, $2800; with furniture $3000. Xo. 31 S-ronm bungalow, lame porches, large basement, bath, toi lets, heating plant, fire place; large grounds, fruit, simile trees and flowers; a most lovely home; close in. Price $7500. No. 32 Handsome and extremely woll built 7-room house, .modern appointments; la rue lot; paved street; close in, $3000. No. 33 Cheap little house, fine lot. east part of cily; fine garden, fruit and berries. Price $300. 34 4-room bouse, ticre of ground, on (iranite street, above park; lots of fruit trees nnd ber ries: good garden; a lovely sum mer home. Price $1200. No, 35 7-room house, bath, etc., at tractive cottage, '-I acre fruit and garden; close in, level and nicely surrounded; stoves go with ph ce, ulso some furniture. Price $2500. n;0. 30 ll-room plastered house, located hath. etc.. uotid foundation near depot, 75x142 variety of very easy fruit; a splendid home; terms. Price $1 800. No. 37 C-room modern house, barn and chicken house, shade tie 'S and fruit; lot 05x1 50; 2 blocks from paved street; close to school. Price $2800, No. 38 5-room house, nearly new, 2 blocks from Doulevard; level ground 60x140; fruit and berries; house is plastered, has bath, etc.; insured $1000. Rents for $15.00, Easy terms. Price $1000. No. 39 Well built, 12-room house in good reiiair, on paved street; used for apartments; baths and toilets; completely furnished, two ranges; barn and shed; lot lOOx 200; fruit and 'flowers. Prico $3500. No. 40 Handsome 12-room house in splendid condition; popular .or roomers; partly furnished; lot 100 X140; paved street. Price $I50J. No. 41 li-room modern bum-alow, bath, etc.; very sightly and close In location; lot 53x250; all kinds of fruit; paved street. A bargain at $3250. Xo. 42 5-room plastered collaee, bath, etc., new range nnd he.itinc stove and other furniture; lot 50 130 in northeast part of town. Prico $1100. Xo. 43 Old fashioned but nood 0 room house on lot. louxino, lac ing park; extremely fine location ' and attractive surroundings. The lot is worth nearly the price asked, j Price $2000. No. 44 Four room house, electric lights and sewer connections, near j High School. Two lots, rich soil. Rents for $10.00; a pood buy even I as an investment. Kasv terms. $700. No. 45 li-rootn bouse, bath, etc., store Ynnm, ham and garage; lot 100x100, northeast part of town, close in; lots of fruits, nuts, flow ers anil berries. A good buv at $1000. No. 4 0. li-room bouse well ap pointed but old style, lot 1 ouxL'U'i, on paved street, centrally located. Price $3000. No. 47 Extremely handsome iiiiiil.'.n bungalow, beautiful larce yaid and garden; shade and fruit tVees: on paved street. Price $4250. No. 4 8 li-rootn "bungalow, strictly modern; garage, fruit ami flow ei; large lot, one block from Iloiilevard. Handsomely furnished with piano, $1000; unfurnished. $3200. Ill Lood 8-room house mi l barn, 1 acre ground, near high school, $2500. No. 5(i 8-room bouse good finish, modern appointments, lar.'.T lo'. one block from paved street. $3700. No. 51 2 cottages on paved street connected with sewer, large lot I'm each, close in; a good soecnlati ' buy. bolh or either; $si'0 each; small payment down. No. 62 il-iooin house on paved street; all modern comenieii. es, range and furniture, all rooms but one cupeled. Lot ft ( i x 1 10; vari ety of fruit; chicken bouse, etc. Price $125ii; small cash payment. N'o. 53 Handsome 8-room bunga low, nearly new. built in lniftel, built in pantry, tiled bath. 2 toi lets, concrete foundation and base ment 3(..4I; cist front porch: 4 0 foot garage under some: wood lift from basement; all kinds nl fruit and lots of it; beautiful lawn nun flowers; almost half acie of ground, almost level; only 3 blocks from lloulevaid. up liuht grail.-: very pretty outlook. Oil', red at half alue, $3500. No YOUR HOME chicken lionsn and yard, lot 100x.No. 220 4-room bliliRalow and 2 110, near iron works; owner leav- acros fruit und garden mid chick- inn town and will sell at the ridic ulously low price of $750. No. 55 7-rouni fully modern bunga low, new and unusually well built; splendid barn, carafe, chicken bouses; 2'i acres; rich level laud; variety of liuit and berries, nlliil (u and urain; liirne shade trees; lovely lin it ion, closo in. Price $s5o'o. Will Like Mood smaller properly (dose ill as part payment. No. 5 0 ll-rooiii plastered collage, ce ment found, il ion, fine condition; chicken house and yard, nearly hall' acre, lino location; ground level but prei ly (unlock, fine r.ur roiinilinas, 3 blocks from lioule vard. Price $ 1000. . Xo. 57 'liiieo 1-rooin collages, bath, 1 1 ii let , etc.; good rental properties, close In: price of each Willi easy payments, $000. j Xo. 58 5-rooiu bungalow, strictly modern, very fine lol, nearly level, 50x 1 73, east front with unusually attractive view, close In; juice $1500. Xo. 5!' 5-room cement bungalow, all modern end new, lot 50x1 00, close in, splendid renting property; easy terms; juice $1500. No. lid ll-rooin house, balh, etc.; lot 5 1 1 1 1 ) , close in; lots of idior ries: good garden; lnrinS; prico, $1)00. Xo. Ill S -room ino(l"iuly equipped house of old style, acre; ground one block from pavement, nearly level L'i'oiiud; worlds of fruit nnd fine gard'ii soil; range in the bouse; good basement and p ur ate; price, S tOfJII. ACIiMAGi:, IT!! IT FARMS AM) ICAXCIll S No. 200 3 acres level, lovely loca tion, jii'etty outlook, closo to cen ter ot town; apples, prunes, poaches, berries; not much of bouse but habitable. This is a in y maker. Price $2500. Xo. 201 13 acres limber and brush land ; mile flom stale normal buildings. Price $H00, or will consider a trade lor town lots or anything but ranch land. No. 202 1 1 acres allilfa land west of Talent, oxtri'iiiolv rich subirri pated soil, $3i'00. No. 203 - 1 5 acres on paved hiuhwny near Phoenix; some pears, peaches, up lis. cherries and oilier fruits; beautiful shade trees on building site: small crow (r oaks; all level ground. Price $3,000. No. 2" 180 acres on paved bii-'h-wcy. b'lwren Talent and Phoenix, 1 2 acres In nir.'ll'a, balance grain Pud; all '-ood (! en rich soil: liro-din-'S big "rops; f dr buildings, bill old-fashioned. This is a good buv at $10,li(i0. Xo. 205- 20 acres. 2 miles out on paved road, modern bun:. alow nnd out buildings, some fruit and a few acres alfalfa under ditch; lan e spring piped to house. This is a verv preltv nnd profitable home. Price $ 1700. No. 2i'i'i 20 acres cultivate! Dear Creel; bottom land, 2 miles from town; no improvements except fence, A deep rich soil productive of imv I'.rains or grass. Price $ 1 2 CO. No. 2071 100 acre ranch near (lu 7clle, well watered and hiuhly improved. One of the best stork ranches on the coast. The owner has niado a handsome fortune on the place. Desires to retire as he is too old to longer give his at tention to the business. This ranch is offered at rinht price and is an opportunity for some one. No. 208 3-acre prize winning or chi.rd home, two blocks from pined street; modern improve ments nnd great variety of fruit, nuts nnd berries. Has always mode good money. Cheap at $5000. Xo. 209 17 ', 4 acres suburban home, close to city of Ashland; all. In bearing orchard but 2 acres, flood new bouse, barn and pack Ins house, $0000. No. 210 15-acre highly improved fruit, tract, good buildings. A money making home. Will con sider clear property in central or southern California for exchange. My prico, unincumbered, $8500. No incumbered property consid ered. No. 2118 and va riai cation, in $30 DO. ucres irrigated garden iited orchard; scenic lo cily, house, barn, etc., No. 212 3'i acre alfalfa and fruit, scenic location in city; modern; biiii'.'alow; lol h of fruit; a money producer; forced sale. Price $3800. No. 213 5 acres alfalfa, 5-room bunga'ow, Ashland suburbs; price $2800. Will take clear residence property to value of $1000 and give time on balance. No. 214 25 acres orchard, all kinds fruits, grapes, etc., alfalfa und gulden, irrigated, good build ings, sightly home, shade and nut trees. This is superb suburban home. 8 minutes from renter of Ashland. Price $8000. No. 215 9 acres, good house, barn, etc., gasoline pump and tank, wa ter in bouse; 4 acies apples and other fruit; balance grain land; 3 miles from town. Price $3000. No. 21(1 75 acres rich bottom land on Hear creek, 3 miles from town; io buildings. The land produces heavy crops of grain and alfalfa, part ill alfalfa now. Deep, rich soil and splendid location, all tin dor new acre. ditch. Price $190 per No. 217 42 acres, orchard and ranch. 2 miles oast of city; 27 acres in old hearing apple, peach and cherry trees; good house, barn and packing bouse; pasture and wood land; mostly level land and a No dclightlul home. This is a good money making orchard home. Price $8500. No. 21 s 20 io i Hire land. 1 l P.. r creek ; i If; 1 1 f;i and pas t of town on location for but cheap at nile i-,,1 h'ni.': no loiilditi $2 1 'Ml. 2 1 01 s .,( r s allall i. liuit. nit's iinl'-i c... t of town, and barn. A goo 1 and l,;ri"S. .1 (lood bouse BE ? en yard; pretty locution, $1250. No. 221 200-ucre farm, near Jeffer son, in Willamette valley; very at tractive place; price $125 per acre. Will take noma gooil Aahlund prop erty In exchange. No. 222 80 ucres timber on ridge, West Ashland Creek near town, $800. No. 223 80 acres- timber on high way at Siskiyou, $1 000. No. 24 1 00 acres near highway. 8 miles out, near E. H. Harron's, 15 acres cleared; well watered, loin of timber; sin ill house, beuulilul place for home; splendid fruit land and desirable home site. Price $5000. No. 2255 acres fruit, alfalfa and garden, close In. 2 acres alfalfa; fine variety of fruit, plenty water; chicken park, large spring; good house, 5-ton barn. Death of the owner causes offer at $2800, No. 22G 5 acres adjoining No. 225; 2 acres fruit, balance wooded jius ture, all fenced; no buildings. Price $850. No. 227 li ucres near town on Ash land mine road, all farm laud, good family orchard, 4 room house, good well, all fenced, good cow place and poultry farm. Price $2100, No. 228 10 acres splendid uppln, e u li nnil pear orchard. Just out of cily on highway und Harvurd avenue; no buildings, but fenced; $2700. No. 220 1 0 acres Just out of town on east, 5 acies alfalfa, balance farm land anil fruit; 4 room plas ter, d cottage, barn, etc.; $2700. No. 230 520 acre ranch on Ante lope, creek; a good stock proposi tion, and about 3 million feet of good saw timber, e ,sy to get out; house, barn, etc. Price $10,000. No. 23 1 00-ai'ri! fruit, grain and dairy borne, 2 miles from Ashland, everything necessary for luoducing gold coins; 5 acres llaiiletls, jier I'ect trees jusl in lull bearing. 5 acres pears and Newtowns just coining Into hearing; 5 ucres bi! and D'Anjiiii pears just coniin'; into bearing, 1 acre old bearing nppl'. trt'rs, 20 to 111 boxes apples from a tree; I acre Liberia peaches produces ir..'!' loo boxes; 2 acres li year-old D'Anjoli and llartlelt p.'.ns, l, lance of tract ill alfalfa and train, producing heavy crops e' eept small patch in pasture and god timber. Private ililch and waier right, big sanitary cement cislern reservoir supplying lush pressure water system for house, barn and yard. Cistern filled by Kiavily ditch, which also irrigates land, (lood house, barn and pack in : house; all the tools nnd ma chinery ami livestock goes with the pi ie including unusually val uable draft teem. This is a guar anteed money maker and is cheaper than "dirt cheai." $ 1 0,500. No. 233 5 acres allalfa, first (diss level land, just at city limits; pret ty little 5-rooni hiiuciilow; piimp iiia plant and tank lor bouse and garden water system; good barn, garage, etc.; juice on easy terms, $2sij0. No. 233 2 1 acres altalla and grain land all level, half mile from cily limits, on Pacific highway; good barn but no house: price $50110. Xo, 23 1 20 acie diehard home Willi half of place level alfalfa and grain land, balanie Newtown bear ing trees, berries anil other small fruit; good 0-rooin house, barn. Wii'.'on sheds, etc; just out of city; price $8500, No. 255 32 acres best kind of al falfa land under Talent ditch on Pacific highway, nil in alfalfa and grain, but about 2 acres magnifi cent 10-year-old Newtown Piji jiins and some grapes, etc.; a very handsome and strict ly modern ne rningnlow with water system for house and lawn fine team, 3 good cows; some fancy brood sows, two capes, chickens, range in house; all the farm and giird-n machinery und tools; prico $1 2,000. x'o. 230 31 acres a little north of Central Point under ditch, good land; will' hold for a few days nt $70 per acre; neighbors say it is worth $100. This will probably go soon, several nibbles now. No. 237 1 5 acres 1 mile from city limits. 8 acres young orchard just coining Into bearing; fine stock and'eondition; (I acres slashed and brush; will consider town proper ty in exchange, $2500. No. 2381 1 acre ranch under Wag ner ditch, fi acres fine fruit, good irrigation ditch, (1 acres fine fruit, good house, barn, etc.; well und gasoline pumping pi. ml, $35110. No. 23(1 17 Vi acres grain and fruit ranch, 2 miles out; splendid house and barn, all fenced; 8 acres New towns and Delicious; balance wheat, $ 1500. No. 210 3 acres apples, peaches and cherries, 1 'i miles out; 4-rooni bouse anil barn. A prelly Utile homo jilace, '$11100. No. 2 11 0(1 acres 5 miles (Irants Pass, extra fine bottom or low bench soil, small house, good barn, 4 acres young jieurs fine condition balance grain, alfalfa, clover and pasture. A snap at $7000; will . sell part at $100 per acre. Kl'iSI DKNCE AM) MSINESS LOTS No. 4 00 One of the finest building Iiil k ill Ashland, on corner; front age 50 feet on paved street, depth 108 feet, splendid garden land, ready to build on. Easy terms, $1750. No. 101 Corner lot 74x93, splendid location, good stirrouniliiigs. one block from Main s'reet; close to school und center of town; easy terms. Price $500. 402 Ileautiftilly located largo residence lot, fruit and shade trees, closo in; magnificent $7000 resi dence adjacent; south view. Worth the price, $1000. No. 4U3 2 lots, over 1-3 acre, pretty corner on lower Laurel streit. in alfalfa, watered and fenced; a pretty building place. Price $150. No. 404 Three good business lots, good rental property, each side, bringing in $3 per front per month. AuJ , Li $0. ASHLAND TIDINGS. dition, woodshed, lot 50x115; one No. 54 4-room bungalow, garage. property, $35, "i Price for all very attractive.