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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
WViliiOMlaj', Miivi-li .1, 1020 ASHLAND Wfefcfct TIDINGS 12, $15.51; nrcrnnd Interest, $5. IS. ,N'o. 6424 H. J I. Lkoadoa, Vol. 1, P. 48; Central Point. Crund View. Lots 21 mid 22, ink. 1,'$5.12; ac crued interest, $1.70. No. 5125 W. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, r. 53; Central Point, Pattisoil Art. I. Lot 1, 111k. 1 ; Lot ! 1, 2 iiml 4, Hlk. 2, $17.83; nrtuuod InteriM, $5.94. No. 5420 Anna A. Kmilh, Vol. 1, P. 51; Central l'oint, Patllson Add. Lot 1, Hlk. :i, $5.93; accrued inter cst, $1.!I7. No. 5427 Mary A. Mco, Vol. 1, P. 54; Central l'oint, Patllson Add. Lots 3 and 4, 1111; 3, $12.01; ac crued intcro.-t, $1.00. No. 512'' Win. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, T. 54; Central l'oint, I'ulll-oii Add. Lots 2 ond 0. Hlk. 3; Lois 1 and 2, !lk. 4; Lots 1. 2 mid 5. Hlk. 5, $32. 91; accrued Interest, $10.97. No. 5120.!. S. .1. F. I.awry, Vol. 1, r. 50; Central l'oint, Shields Add. Lot 1, Hlk. 3, 0.11 ; accrued Inter est, $2.00. Xo. f,420 W. A. Frhllnsng. Vol. 1, T. 57; Central l'oint. Land lies. 95 434, $3.51; accrued interest, $1.18. No. 5431 -Ceiitr.'l l'oint Cream pry Co., Vol. 1. 1'. 57: Central Point. Land lies. 60-50 1, $32.li4; accrued interest. $10.88. No. 5433 Lucy A. Bin'tVim, Vol. 1, P. 57; Central Point. Laud Ins. 9:1-120, $0.19; necrii'd inton-sl, $2.00. No. 543 i Emma Free, Vol. 1, P. 58; Central Point. of Tract In s. 54-440, $S.S2; accrued inlerest, 2.94." No. 5135 1'iiknov. n Owner, Vol. 1 P 58: Central Point. Land lies. 18-217, $8.83 ; accrued interest, I $2 94. No.' 5420 Fiiknown Owner. Vol. 1, P. 03; Jacksonville. Lot 1. Hlk. 0, $10.13; aeeiued i nl iTf-t. J3.27. No. 5437 Main ft Winchester,; Vol 1. P. 04: Jacksonville, lies. 58-' 232', W,. of Lot 4. ISlk. S, $19.35: j accrued interest, $0.-5. 1 X. r,1:iRf. H. Aiken, Vol. 1. P.. f,4; Jacksonville, F. '' Let 3, Hlk. 8, $37.79; accrued Inlerest. $12.59. No. 5139 T. H. Kent, Vol. 1. P. 00; Jacksonville. Lots 5, 0, 7 ft 8, ink. 15, $10.71: accrued inten d, $3 58. , ,' No. 5110 -T. .T. Kennev. ol. 1. Pv07: Jacksonville. Lois 5, 0. 7 ft. 8.' Hlk. 17, $1 12.33; ecrued inler est, $47.11. X. r,.ll Calliolie CliUTCll, Aid. 1, P. C7; Jacksonville, Lots 1 ft 2, Hlk.' IS, ? 10.88; sicerni d Interest, $13.02. No 54 12 C. Kruno, Vol. 1. P. OS; Jacksonville. Lot '- 1 ft Hlk. 21, $3.97: accrued inlerest. $1.32. No 5 1 13 S Hue.i'l.rey, Vol. 1 , P. OS- Jacksonville. W'l Let 3, Hlk. 21, N'. Lot I. Hlk. 21, $1.59; accrued Inlerest. ? 1.5.1. No 51 1 I l'nknov Ow!;er, ti. j, I'. OS: .Ink -on', ill". K'ii f Lois 3 ft 4 $" 1"' awrii'' 1 Interest. $fL70. No! 5 115 11 'Mi ill ft Ihi'shnw. Vol 1 P 70; .I'.ek i ir. ille. Lot 3, Hlk'. 20, part I.oN 4 ft 5, Hlk. 20, M accrued (i,.'v.-it, T .-'. "v V. 1 N ! ':!!". Vol 1, P. 70; Jacksonville. !. 55-352 Lo5 10, 11 ft 12. 111k. 20, $: accrued Inlept. .''1. No. 5447--C .'J C. Stare Co part 7.03; , Vol. 1 T 1- .lack ' nville, J.01S 1 ft 0, lllk. 22, $32. Si est, $10.95. No. 5 11- V. V. '' 78; Lots 1 ft 2. Hlk. Clied iB'mtwt, ?3.8. No. 5 1 19 M. Col 78; .Lick-eiiville, L arcril"d Inter- vl cr. V'.I 1 49, $11.00; . P. ac- e!I. Vol. 1. P. ,t 1. Hlk. 50, J" 75: accrued in' ."I $0 91. Vol. 1, P. i-: M. !' Xo. 5150 W II t'ot 1.' Hi!. 52, :'0; accrued m- tere-d, 1.12. Kn r, j- ij Fi -v n:-.'ol. 2 S; Talent, I.ol des. 02-52. Hlk JS 89- accril'il inlerc-t, $2.90. No. 5152- .1. .1. Lane. Vol. 2. P Talent. Lot des. S7-282. HH: C, r $11 21 accrie -d iiil'-n-'-t. $3.73. No r,i:,;iM,j. Manila .lelierson. Vol. 2,' P. 3: nt. Lois 13 ft 1 I, Hlk. II, $10.90; aciiued interest, $5.05. No. 5(31 Jolin IMdccnii. Vol. 2, T. 14: Talent. 05 ft. of road de; 77 15 '$"0 33- accrued interest, $0.77. No. 5-155 John A. Kelts. Vol. 2. J 19: Talent. 4 l.ols d" 90-70, fl n2' accrued Inlerest, $7.00. "No. 5 150 L. A. Lose, Vol. 2, I . J3; Plioenix, Lot 5, part Lot 0, lllk. 10. $13.09: accrued interest. $1.30. Kn n-157 Ceo. N. Lewis. Vol. 2. T 33- Plioetiir. 2-3 Lot 7, Blk. 10. 14 Lot 8. Hlk. 10, $0.7 4; accrued in- '"'n'o1' B58-r..lvrr K:-t.. Vol 2 P. 37; Plioeni:, Lois 1. 2. 3 ft 4, lllk. 24 $9 5u; accrued inlere.t, $3.10. No.' '5459 ("nlver V.A., Vol. 2, r. ii I'linniiiv. Lots 1 ft 2. lllk. 3i, $3.1 E neerued interest. $1,05. 540(1 T. II. 1'. KiUle, Vol. 2. I'hocniv. land on 1st st.. des. $28. SS; aeeiued inlerest, No. r. 52 20-58 $9 0 'jXo' 5101 R. L. Hannah, Vol. 2, p. Ill; Cold Mill. Lid 1. Hlk. 1, $5.47; accrued inleivr.t, S1.S2. No 5 102 --Cold Mill Hev. Co.. o'. 2 P 111: fluid Hill. Lets 2. 3, 4, 5 ft 0. Blk. 1, $18.27; accrued interest, $0.09. No, 5402 Cold Hill Dev. Co., il. 2 P 112; Cold Hill. Lots 1 to 9, liicl ,' Hlk. 3, $57.00; accrued inter est, $12.33. No r, 101 Cold Hill Bev. Co.. ol. 2, P. 112: field Hill. Lots 10, 11 ft 12, ilik. 3, $18.90; neerued interest, jc'39 j,, , 4 ceroid Hill Bev. Co., Vol. 2, P.'lM; Oold Hill. Lots 2 ft 3, Blk. 9' JS 20; accrued, $2.73. 'K()' r,4i;9 fluid Hill Lev. Co., Vol. 2 P.' 118; Cold Hill, Lots 7, 8 & 9, Il'k.17, $23.77; accrued interest, $7 92. Xo 5470 Cold Hill Pev. Co., Vol. p 'll9; Cold Hill. Lots 10, 11,12, 13 14 ft 15. Blk. 17. Lots 1 to 18, incl., Blk. 23. $45.02; accrued In terest, $15.20. Xo 5471 .1. It- Vv'lllielm. ol. 2. P. 121: Cold Hill, Lot 13. Blk. 25. $10 50: neerued interest, $3.50. No 5472 Cold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 2. P. 122; Cold Hill, Lot 8. Blk. 27. $8 22; accrued Inlerest, $2.74. j- K47:i Cold Hill Dev. Co., A'ol. 2, P. 125; Cold Hill, Lots 1 to 0, liicl..' Hlk. 33, $0.9(i; accrued Inter est. '$0.30. No. 5 171 W. V. Truax, Vol. 2. p 15; Colli Hill. neektlins Amended Add.. V'5 of Lot 2. Hlk. 2, VM'. of Lot 11. Hlk. 2, $2.82; ac crued lnlere-1. $0 91. No. 5475 F P. Ilod'e. Vol. 2. P J"i- Cold Hill, n-'kums Amended Add'.. Lots 3 ft 10. Hlk. 2, $4.70; accrued iniero-l. $1.50. No 5 170 Flora A. Kel ev. Vol. 2, j jjc; Cold Hill, Deekuin's Amemfed' Add.. Lois 4 ft 8. Blk. 5, $3 80; fl'rn;.. il tel-e-t. $1 28. No. 54 77 Fred rn-di'e. Vol. 2. P. 120- Cold Hill, lieeku'us Amended Add., Lot 9, Blk. 5, $2.72; accrued Interest, $0.90. 547i)F. A. Kelsey. Vol. 2. P. 127; Cold Hill. Deekums Amended Add'., Lots 3 to 9, incl., Hlk. 6, Lots 1 ft 2, Hlk. 7, $0.20; nccruca In-! 'terest, $2.00. 1 j No. 5 4 80 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, ' P. 127; Clold Hill, Ueokutns Amond-i ed Add., Lota 3, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 j ft 12, Hlk. 7, $0.60; accruod inter est, .$2.20. j , No. 5 181 Finni A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 128; (Jold Hill I'cekuma Amended Add., Lots 1 to 9. Incl., Blk. 8,' $5.3(1; neerued interest, $1.76. , i No. 5482 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 128; Cold Hill, Ileekums Amend-' jed Add., Lots 10 to 15, incl., 111k. 8, 1 $5.01 ; nceniecl interest, $1.67. ( No. 54 83 Flora A. Kelaey, Vol. 2, P. 129; Cold Hill, Ileekums Amend ed Add, Lots 1 to 9, Incl., Hlk. 10, $8.90; accrued Interest, $2.90. No. 54 8 1 Flora A. Kelaey, Vol. 2, P. 129; Cold Hill, Ueekums Amend ed Add.. Lois 10 ft. 11, lllk. 10, Lot 112, lllk. 10, Lots 3 to 8, incl., Blk. II. $10.57; accrued interest, $3.52. No. 5185-It. C. Kelaey, Vol. 2, P. 131; Cold Hill, Deekiims Amended Add., Lot 7, lllk. 14, $1.59; accrued Inlerest, $0.53. No. 5 ISO Flora A. Kelsny, Vol. 2, P. 134; Colli Hill, LeekuniH Amend ed Add., Lot 8, Hlk. 14, $2.95; ac crued interest, $0.98. No. 64 88 II. T. Wentworth, Vol. 2, P. 132; Cold Hill, Deekunm ne niled Add.. Lois 3 ft 4. Hlk. 18, $7.30; accrued interest, $2.43. No. 5 4 89 L. C. Applegute, Vol. 2, P. 132; Cold Hill, DeekuinH Amend-V-d Add., Lot 11, Hlk. 19, $3.19; ac crued interest. $1.00. No. 5190 F. A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. ;13I; Colli Hill, Peekunis Amended 'Add., Lots 1 & 2, Hlk. 22, $2.27; uc crind Interest, $0.75. No. 5 191 A. J. Oleson Vol. 2, P. 135; Cold Hill, not platted. Sec. 15, Twp. 20, It. 3W, $7.70; accrued interest, $2.5S. No. 5192 Henry Brltt, Vol. 2, P. 135; Cold Hill, not platted, Sec. 15, 'Tv,. 30, It. 3V, $37.50; uccrued in-loic.-.l, $12,511. I No. 5 193 It. 0. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 'l35; Colli Hill, not platted, Sec. 10, ' 'ivp. ::;. It. :iV, $7.70; accrued in ti tt, $2.58. No. 5 19 1 llussel Swank, Vol. 2, P. i: lot Si e. :. !!!'!! Cold Hill, not platted, 1 ;. Twp. 30. K. 5V, $2.o: fi l:7 No. P. 13 I. V. Blk. 5 195 lien Haymond, Vol. 2, ; Ito.di Point, Lots 1 & 2, Hlk. 32 It. of Lot 5. Blk. 4, Lot C, I, K. 193 ft. Blk. 5, $10.11; accrued interest, $3.37 No. 5 I'tO- Mrs. Il"ii llavmonil.Vol. 2, P. 137; Hack Point, Lota 1 & 2, Blk. 2, V. 35 ft. of Lot 3, Hlk. 3, Lot 4, lllk. 3, $10.19; accrued In terest, $3.39. No. 54 97 Ed V. Cooper, Vol. 2, P. I3S;, Hams Valley, l.ols 3 & 1. Blk. 1, $8.19; accrued Interest, $2.73. No. 5-198 L. F. Gardner, Vol. 2, P. 138; Sams Valley, Lot 3, Blk. 2, $1.55; aeeiucl interest, $0.51. No. 5499 Henry Hoist, Sams Val lev, Vol. 2, P. 138; Lot 4, Blk. 2, $1.55; aeeru'-sl interest, $0.51. No. 55iil s. ft V. II. I'eiiniston, Vol. 5, P. 14; AsliLmd land des. 75 419, Lots 5 ft 0, Blk. 29, land des. 55-150, Blk. 29, $31.59; accrued In terest, $10.53. No. 5502 L, W. Moore, Vol. 5, P. Ti; Summit Add.. Lots 1 ft 2. Hlk. 47, Ashland, $11.90; accrued Inter est, $3.90. No. 5503 Jane Carroll, Vol. 5, P. 20; Belleview Add., Ashland, V. part Lot 10, $2.20; accrued interest, $0.75. No. 550 4 D. T. McKercher, Vol. 5. P. 40; Fairview Add., Ashland, Lots 14 to 17, incl., Hlk. E, $7J10; accrued interest, $2.30. No. 5505 A. C. Caldwell, Vol. 6, P. 52; Ashland, Hamndino Tract, des. 8aT4 95, part Lot 12, $7.79; ac crued interest, $2.59. No 55 no F. .1. Low rev, ol. 5, P. 53; Ashland, Highland Park, Lot 07,1 $2.00; accrued interest, $0.00. No. 5507 J. C. Smith, Vol. 5, P. ; Ashland, Meikle ft Tayne Add., Lot 13, $5.02; accrued interest, $1.07. Xo. r,r,09 H. E. Rlone. Vol. 5, P. 77: Ashland, Railroad Add., Lot 1. Bllr. II, $20.15; accrued interest, $0.71. No. 5510 W. PeiniiiR, Vol. 5, P. 77: Ai hland. Ilailrond Add., Lot 2",' Blk. 11, $22.92; accrued Interest,' $7.04. No. 5511 'l.i rv Peiniiii. Vol. 5. P. 77: Ashland, Railroad Add., Lot 3, Blk. D, $17.41; accrued Interest, $5. so; No. 5 512 Jos. Lowe, Vol. 5, P., 78; Ashland, Railroad Add., Lota 33' ft 31, Blk. D, $20.15; accrued in terest, $0.71. No. 5513 .1. ft A. Zielor. Vol. 5, p. 79; Ashland, Railroad Add.. Lot9 7 to 10, inch, Blk. E, $01.42; ac crued interest. $20.47. No. 55140. V. Cnnninc, Vol. 5, P. 79: Ashland, Railroad Add.. Lot 11 ft 12. Hlk. E, $25.07; accrued in tercut, $8.55. No. 5517 1st Christian Church,' Vol. 5. P. 88; Ashland. Railroad Add.. Lots 9 ft 10. Hlk. R, $17.08; accrued interest. $1 5.S9. No. 551 9 Merle Lavelidy. Vol.; 5. P. 103; Ashland. Valley View Add., Lots 17 ft 18, $9.15; accrued Interest. $3.05. '. No. 5520 II. A. Antry. Vol. 6. P. 105; Ashland. Whites Add., Lot 1, Blk. 1, $5.03; accrued interest, $1.07. No. 5522 A. Durfield, Vol. 5, V. 113; East Main St., Ashland, 4.4 chs. near S. 1. tract, $11.91; accrued in-, terest. $3.97. No. 5523 A. F. Rosenstoek, Vol. 5. P. 118; Hint, in Property adj. 92-1 02, on west en Indiana St.. Ash land, $9.43; accrued Interest, $3.14. No. 5524 S. C. flnnter. Vol. fi. P. 120; Ashland, Main St., N. side, des. 57-1 47, $28.42; accrued interest. $9.47. No. 5520 E. P. Viekroy, Vol. 1, P. 80; Jacksonville, all Blk. 67, $10.12; accrued Interest, $3.37. No. 5527 China Oin. Vol. 1. P. 81; Jacksonville, des. 49-515. part Blk. 01, $14.70; accrued interest, $1.52. Kn 5528 A. E. Reanies, Vol. 1, P. 82; Jacksonville, land S. ft W. of J. A. Wilson residence, des. 49-242, Blk. 05, $7.03; accrued Interest. $2.55. No 55 30 Fred T.nckley, Vol. 1. P ,90; Jacksonville, Holmnn Add.. Lot 1, $4.59; accrued Interest, $1.63. No. 5531 Mrs. Nettie Thompson, Vol. 1. P. 91: Jacksonville, Lewis Rub. Dir., Lots 0, 7. 10 & 11. Blk. 2, $5 49: if criied Interes. $1.80. No. 553? E. Prim. Vol. 1. P. 92; Jacksonville. Lewis Sub. Hiv.. Lots 1 to 4. Incl.. lllk. 3, $3.90; neerued Iu1eri..-t, $2.98. No. 5533 Mrs. Nettie Thompeon. Vol. 1. P. 92; Jacksonville, Lewis Sub. Div., Lots 10 ft 11. Blk. 3, $2 34; neerued interT"'t. $0.78. No. 5534 Berimes Est., Vol. 1. P. 91: Jacksonville, house ft lot dM. 4-405. $134.91; neerued Interest, $11 98. No. 5535 C. L. Peames, Vol. 1. P. 94: Jacksonville, house ft land des. 4-405, $51.32; accrued Intereit, $17.10. Xo. 6536 C. D. Heed Est, Vol. 1,' P. 96; Jacksonville, land In Sac 31, Twp. 37, R. 2W, des. 19-499, 2 A., $5.82; uccrued Interest, $1.94. I No. 5537 Mrs. P. Applegate, Vol. I 1, P, 99; Jacksonville, 2 A S. of Blk. 02 on 3rd St., $7.05; accrued Interest, $2.35. No. 5538 W. H. Hamilton, Vol. 1,: P. 101; Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery Add., Lots pt. 2, 3 to 6, incl., Blk. 2, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk. 3, $19.04; ac-; crued Interest, $0.34. j Xo. 5539 W. H. Hamilton, Vol. 1. P. 101; Eagle Point, Daley & Em ery Add., Lota 5 ft 6, Blk. 3, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Blk. 4, $14.11; accrued in terest, $4.70. ! No. 5540 P. H. Dailey, Vol. 1, P. 103; Eagle Point, Dnlev ft Emery Add., Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 7, $5.22; ac crued interest, $1.74. No. 5541 W. II. Hamilton, Vol. 1, P. 103; Eagle Point, Daley & Emory Add., Lot 6, Blk. 8, Lots 1, 2 ft 3, Blk. 9, part Lots 7, 8 & 9, Blk. 9, part lot 10, Blk. 9, Lot 1. Blk. 10, $20.82 ; accrued Interest, $8.94. No. 5542 W. IT. Hamilton, Vol. 1, P. 104; Eaglo Tolnt, Daley ft Em ery Add., part Lots 2 ft 3, Hlk. 10, $5.15; neerued Interest, $1.71. No. 5543 J. A. Jonas. Vol. 1, P. 103 & 104; Eagle Point, Haley ft Emery Add., part Lota 7, & all 8, Blk. 9, part Lot 1 ft 3. Hlk. 10, Lot 2, Blk. 10, part Lot 9. Blk. 9, Lots 4, 5 ft 0, Blk. 10, $25.42; accrued interest, $8.47. No. 5544 J. A. Jonas. Vol. 1, P. 101; Eagle Point, Daley & Emery Add., Lots 7 to 12, incl., Blk. 10, Lots 1, 2 ft 3, Blk. 11, $50.20; ac crued interest, $10.73. No. 5545 .1. A. Jonas, Est., Vol. 1, P. 105; Eagle Point. Daley ft Em-i ery Add., Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 11, E. part Lot 0. Blk. 11, S. 31V. ft. Lots 7 ft 8, Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12. Blk. 11,: $30.85; accrued $10.28. j No. 5540 J. A. Jonas Est., Vol. 1, P. 105; Dalev ft Emery Add.. Eagle Point, Lots 4, 5, 0, 7 ft 8, Blk. 12, W. part Lot 9, Blk. 12, S. 31 ft. of Lots 10, 11 ft 12, Blk. 12, $18.90; accrued interest, $0.32, No. 5547 Fred S. Johnson, Vol. 1, P. 109; Eagle Point, Central Add., Lot 21. Bik. 6, $7.58; uccrued in terest, $2.00. No. 5548 J. J. Butcher, Vol. 1. P. 110; Eagle Point, Central Add., Lot 20, Blk. 7, $7.98; accrued Interest, $2.00. No. 5549 Harold 0. Helwle, Vol. 1, P. 110; Eagle Point, Central Add., Lot 27, Blk. 7, $7.38; accrued in terest, $2.00, No. 5550 H. R. Transon, Vol. 1, P. 110; Eaglo Point, Central Add., Lots 28 ft 29, Blk. 7, $15.00; ac crued interest. $5.02. No. 551 J. A. flreen. Vol. 1, P 120; Eac'le Point. Fryers'Add., E. 72 ft. of Lot 0, Blk. 25, $2.79; accrued interest, $0.93. No. 5552 W. A. ft P. Smith. Vol. 1. P. 122; Eagle Point, I'lrlchs Add.. Lot 15, $4.45; accrued interest. $1.48. No. 5553 Mrs. E. R. West, Vol. 1, P. 122; Eagle Point, Flrirhs Add., Lot 16, $4.44; accrued interest, $1.48. Xn. 5554 Carner ft Rubin, Vol. 1, P. 131; Rogue River, Carner ft Sa bin Add., Lot 11, Blk. 4, $7.80; ac crued Interest, $2.02. No. 5555 John Owens, Vol. 1, P. 130; Rogue River, Carner ftRahin 2nd Add., 4 A. out of Lot 5. Blk. 4, $0.47; accrued intrest, $2.15. No. 5550 Bert F. Ball. Vol. 1, V. 138; G. W. F. Ball's Add., Rogue River, Lots 1 to 5, Incl., Blk. 1, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk. 3, $48.25; accrued interest, $10.08. No. 5557 Bert F. Ball. Vol. 1. P. 137; Rogue River. O. R. Ball's Add., Lot 6, Rlk. 1, $9.27; accrued inter est. $3.09. No. 5558 Robert Ball, Vol. 1, P. 137; Ceo. R. Ball's Add. to Rogue River. Lots 1 to 9, Incl., Blk. 2, $42.09: accrued interest. $11.23. No. 5559 Robert Ball, Vol. 1, P. 137; Rogue River, Ceo. R. Ball'a Add., Lota 10, 11 ft 12, Blk. 2, $7.32; accrued interest, $2.44. No. 5500 ciaspill ft Wheeler, Vol. 1, T. 7; Butte Falls, Lot 2, Blk. 10, $7.41; accrued interest, $2.47. No. 5501 S. Sack, Vol. 1, P. 75; Jacksonville, Lot 1, Blk.' 37, part Lot 2, Bik. 37. Lota 5 ft 6, Blk. 37, $5.19; accrued interest, $1.73. i Xo. 5502 F. Forest, Vol. 1, P. 89: j Jacksonville Lungrens Add., Lot 1, Blk. 3, $5.81; accrued interest, $197. No. 5503 J. G. Coble, Vol. 3, P.. 4: Medford, W'4 ot vacated 2nd St., Blk. 9, $18.89; accrued Interest,; $0.29. No 5504 Wm. G. Martin, Vol. 3, P. 15: Medford, S. 30 ft.. Lot 8, Blk. 20, $9.89; accrued interest,: $3.29. ! No. 5505 Ben Haymond, Vol. 3,: P. 19; Medford, Lot 11, Blk. 36, i $14.39; accrued interest, $4.79. I No. 5507 Anderson Green Co.J Inc., Vol. 3, P. 31; Medford, fi. 00 ft. of W'i of Lot 6, Blk. 55, $1.43; j accrued interest, $0.47. No. 5508 A. D. Johns, Vol. 3, P. 34; Medford, Lot 12, Blk. 03,; $19.95; accrued interest, $0.05. No. 5509 Geo. Dietrich, Vol. 3,! P. 43; Medford, S. 12 ft. of Lot 5, Blk. 79, Lot 4, Blk. 79, $39.78; accrued Interest, $13.20. No. 5570 W. Frederickson. Vol 3, P. 44: Medford, Anderson Toft j Add., Lot 4, Blk. 1, $10.95; accrued interest, $3.05. j No. 5571 Emma T. Whitney. Vol.1 3, P. 45; Medford. Anderson ft Till! Add., Lot 0, Rlk. 3, $10.24; accrued Interest, $5.41. : No. 5572 Cora Wilson, Vol. 3. P.; 50; Medford, Burr's Add., des 87-j 303. part Lot 3. Blk. 3, $18.02; ac-! criied Interest, $6.20. I No. 5573 Ceo. E. Chaniherlin. Vol. 3, P. 53; Medford, NE cor. of Lot 1. Blk. 15, bounded on N. by Hlk. 10, SW by Central Ave., on East by Beatty St., part of L. 1. Blk. 10. east of Central Ave., Lot 1. Blk. 10. part Lot 2, Blk 16 East or Central Ave., part Lot 3, Blk. 10, East of; Central Ave., $20.75; accrued In terest, $0.91. No. 5574 A. P. Talent. Vol. 3, 1'. j 55; Medford. Brobaeks Reserve. Lot! des. 6-481, $17.30; accrued Inter ! est. $5.70. " j No. 5575 Maggie Drunihill, Vol. ' 3, P. 58; Medford, C. ft D. Rub. I)iv.. Lots 1 to 8. Blk. 2, $54.85; accrued j inter-est. $18.28. ) No. bit 1 1 II. I.. MoiorooK. oi. ,i, P. 58; Medford. C. ft D. Sub. Div., Lot 7. Blk. 3, $0.99; neerued Inter est. $2.33. No. 5578 Lewis Mishler. Vol. 3. P. 58; Medford. C. ft . Sub. Div.. S. 22 ft. of Lot 4. Blk. 3, $1.83; ae- criied interest, $0.61. No. 5579 Porter ft Humphrey,! Vol. 3. P. 63; Medlord. Centnl Sub. j Div.. Lots 1, 2. 3. 9 ft 17. Blk. 2.1 $36.07: accrued interest. $12.02. I No. 6580 W. D. Allen. Vol. 3. P. j 64: Medford. Cloverdale Add . Iitsi 1, 2. 3, 4. 6 ft 6. Blk. 1, $41.39; ac crued Interest, $13.79. No. 6581 Perry Scott, Vol. 3. P. 64; Medford, Cloverdalo Add., Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 1, $14.64; accrued In terest, $4.88. No. 5582 Geo. E. Chaniherlin, Vol. 3, P. 05; Medford, Cottage Add., LotB , 7 & 8, Blk. 1, $95.35; ac crued Interest, $31.78. No. 5583 W. T. York, Vol. 3, V. 05; .Medford, Cottage Add., des. 87 1, part Lot 11, Blk. 1, $10.95; ac crued Interest, $3.65. No. 5584 W. A. Lovelace, Vol. 3, P. 00: Medford. Cottage Add., 45 It lot 2nd from N. line and part of. 71-10. also nart Lots 1, 2, 3, Beatty'a Add., Blk. 18, Lot 11. Blk. 1, 45 ft. Lot 3rd from N. line and part of 71-10 ft Lots 2 ft 3, Blk. 18. Bentty's Add., Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 1, $24.10; accrued interest, $8.03. No. 5585 J. F. ft M. E. Latham, Vol. 3. P. 00; Medford. Cottage Add., des. 90-191, part Lot 4. Blk. 2, $17.55; accrued Interest, $5.85. No. 5583 National Suiety Co., Vol 3. P. 08: Medford, Cottagi Hoi'ue Add., des.' 96-607, part Lot 12, lllk. 1, $11.48; uccrued Interest, $3.82. .Vo. 5590 W. M. Holmes, Vol. 3. P. 70: Medford, Conioy ft Clancy Add.. Lot 7. Blk. 1, $17.03; accrued interest, $5.07. No. 5591 H. J. Conroy. Vol. 3, P. 70; Medford. Conroy ft Clancy Add., Lots 8 ft 9, Blk. 1, $33.17; accrued interest. $11.05. No. 5592 R. J. Conroy, Vol. 3. P. 71: Medford. Conroy ft Clancy Add.. Lots 17 ft 18, Blk. 1. Lots 10,' II, 13 ft 11, Blk. 2, $01.99; accrued interest. $30.00. No. 5593 ('. G. Ware. Vol. 3. P. 71; Medford, Conroy ft Clancy Add.. Lot 0, Blk. 2. $11.48; accrued in lerest. $3.82. No. 5591 Chelgren Bios.. Vol. 3, P 71; Medford. Conroy ft Chmcv Add.. Lat 15, Blk. 2, $10.42; ac crued interest, $3.47. Xo. ,0595 W. R. Donnevik. Vol. 3 P 71: Medford. Conroy ft Clancy Add.. Lot 10, Blk. 2, $10.42; ac crued Interest. $3.47. X,, r,r,!H; ). Cailuhey, Vol. 3. P. 72: Medford, Columbus Ave Huts., Lot 3. Blk. 1, $0.19; accrued inlerest. $2.00. Xo. 5597 S. T. Wolverton, Vol. 3, P. 80; Medford, Kdmeades Add., Lots 3 ft 4. lllk. 2, $15.7"; -nccmed interest, $5.23. X n598 J. R. Offutl. Vol. 3. 1". 82: .Medford, Fali'inount Add., Lots 8. 9 ft 10. Blk. 1, $22.05; accrued inlerest, $7.35. No. 6599 H. Rchuller. Vol. 3. P. 83; Medford. Falrmount Add.. Lot 10. Blk. 2, $9.30; accrued interest, S312. No. 5001 E. H. Potter. Vol S3; Medford. Fairmount Add., Lot 9. Blk. 3, $12.01; accrued Interest, $1.00. Xo, 5002 Mrs. M. A. Baron, Vol. 3. P. 81: Medford. Fairmount Add., Lot 5. Blk. 5, $11.18; accrued in terest. $3.S2. No. 6003 .W. II. Burris. Vol. 3, P. SI; Medford, Fairmount Add.. Lot 0. Blk. 5, $12.01; accrued Inter est. $1.00. Xo: 5004 R. Rchuller. Vol. 3. P. 85; Medford. Fairmounl Add.. Lot 10, Blk. 0, $13.00; accrued interest. $4 53 No. 5005 L. G. Porter. Vol. 3. P. 85; Medford. Fruitdale Add.. Lot 1. Hlk. 1, $18.10; accrued interest, $0.03. Xo. 5000 C. W. Austin. Vol. 3. P. S7: Medford. Fruitdale Add.. Lots accrued in- 20 ft 21. Hlk. 2, $31.59 terest. $10.55. Xo. 500S Walter Wood, Vol. 3, P. 92; Medford. Grays Add., Lot 12. Blk. 2, $9.89; accrued interest, $3.29. No. 600 9 M. A. Rader. Vol. 3. P. 92: Medford. Grays Add., Lot 13. Blk. 2, $12.27; accrued interest. $4.09. Xo. 5010 L. M. Rnndlett. Vol. 3. P. 92: Medford. Cn vs Add.. Lot 18. Blk. 2, $13.34; accrued Interest. $4.41. Xo. 5011 Alvin Campbell, Vol. 3. P. 92: Bedford, Gravs Add., Lots 4. 5. 8 ft 9, Blk. 5, $30.01; accrued in terest, $12.20. No 5012 O. V. Mvers. Vol. 3. P. 90: Medford, Hiiihlaiid Park Add., Lot 8, Blk. 1. $10. 95; accrued In terest, $3.05. No. 501.3 A. L. Cuslrk, Vol. 3. P. 97: Medford. Highland Park Add., Lot 3. Blk. 2, $11.48; accrued inter est. $3.82. Xo. 5011 A. P. T.ilent, Vol. 3. I 97; Medford. Itirlilind Park AUK.. Lot 8. Blk. 3, $!1.4S: accrued inter est. $3.82. No. 5013 O. V. Myers. Vol. 3, P. 97; Medford. Highland Talk Add., Lot 7. Blk. 3, Lot 3. Blk. 4. $21.20; accrued Interest. $7.08. No. 5010 Trail Lumber Co.. Vol. 3, P, 98; Medford. Highland Park Add.. Lots 1. 2. 3, I. 5. 0. 7. Blk. 5. Lot 4, Blk. 0. $I2S.08; accrued in- leresi, t:.ft;i. Xo 6017 A. Clenu nts, Vol. 3. P. 98; Medford. Ilighlind Park Add., Lot 1, Hlk. 0. $13.70; accrued In terest, $11.68. No. 5018 C. I. Howard. Vol. 3, P. 98: Medford. Howard Add., Lots 1 to 9. Incl., Blk. 2. $30.28; accrued interest. $10 09. No. 6019 C I. Howard. Vol. 3. P. 98 ft- 99; Medford. Howard Add., Lots 10, 11. ft 12. Hlk. 2, Lots 1 to 0, incl. Blk. 4. $2 1.73; accrued In terest, $8 21. No. 5020 C. 1 Howard. Vol. 3, P. 99; Medford, Howard Add., Lots 7 to 12. Incl.. Blk. 4. Lots 1, i s . Hlk. 6, $21.30; accrued interest. $8.10. No. 5021 C. T. Howard. Vol. 3. P. 99- Medford. Hir.vaid Add., Lots 4. 5. 0, 7, 8. 9, 10. II & 12. Blk. 6, $24.30; accrued inlerest, $8.10. No. 5023 M. L. Alford, Vol. 3, P. 105; 'Medrord. Imperial Add., Lot 17, Blk. 8, $4.07; accrued Interest, $1.36. Xo. 5024 Medford Lumber Co , tti 1 I' 111- Medford. Kendalls n ia. ,.H Add.. Lot 7. Blk interest, $3.10. . r.t; M-irv Wefd). Vol. 3. P. 112: Medford. Kendall Add., Lot 14. Blk. 3, $11.75: accrued interest, i n i No. 5027 Minnie Callahan, Vol. 3, P. Ill: Medrord. Kendalls Add., Lot 1. Blk. 8, $10.95; accrued Inter est. $3.05. . , No. 6028 John T. rhleger, ol. 3 P 114: Medlord. Kenwood Add., Lot 4, Hlk. 1. $1118; accrued In terest, $3.82. No. 6029 Henry Humphrey. oI. 3 P 115: Medford. henwoon Aim.. Lot 0. Hlk. 2, $11.48; accrued In terest. $3.82. 5Jo. 5031- Donald S. Clark. ol. 3, 3, P. 115: Medford. Kenwood Add.. Lot. 22, IHk. 2, $10.08; accrued In terest, $3 60. No. 5032 H itti" Campbell, ol. 3 P 116: Medford. Kenwood Aim . V i ' i,f '. Hlk. 3. $4.07; accrued interest. $1.35. No. 503.1 E. It Foster. Vol. 3. P. 116; Medford. Kenwood Add., N. hu r 19 ink 3. S. 137.5 ft. Lot 13. "lllk. 3, $1.87: accrued Interest, . i 4. F. ; Menroro, wihtu No 6634-Marlon Foster, Vol. 3,' Lot. 9. 10 "! P. 116; Medford, Kenwood Add., l.ncerued lnUrt, I10.ll. 60 of N. 100, Lot-13, Blii. 3, $2.22; accrued Interest, $0.74. No. 6635 H. G. Whitney. Vol. 3, P. 116; Medford, Kenwood Add., S. 50 ft. of N. 150 ft. Lot 13, Blk. 3, $2.21; accrued interest, $0.73. No. 6636 Francis A. smith, Vol. 3. P. 116: Medford. King Add.. Lots 7 ft 8, Blk. 1, $20.48; accrued interest, $6.82. No. 5637 M. B. Glover, Vol. 3, D 11? lnlfa I nnrnl Pfl rlr Allll. Lot 20, $9.10; accrued Interest.; No. 5085 Annie M. waiters, ol 14, P. 11; Medrord, Riverside Sub. II. Horton. Vol. 3.;pV., Lot 12, Blk. 5, $12.01; accrued Laurel Park Add., , interest, $4.00. accrued interest,! 0. 5080 Clarence Haverty, Vol. H-UJ. No. 6038 M. P. 117; Medford, Lot 21, $9.09; 13.03. No. 5639 L. J. Meeker, Vol. 3, P. 123; Medford. Meekers Add., Lot 1,: terest, $0.82. Hlk. 5, $13.00; accrued Interest,! No. 5087 W. D. Janes. Vol. 4, P $4.53. jl3; Medford, Roanoke Add., Lot 15 No. 5040 M. E. Church, (parson-; Hlk. 1. $19.42; uccrued interest anel Vol. 3. P. 129: Medford. Mor- evs Add" Lot 4. J76.03: accrued in - terest, $25.34 No. 564 1 Win. S. Brown, Vol. 3,;. $8.84: accrued Interest, $2.91. P. 133: Medford. Newton Add., Lots 0. 7 ft 8. Blk. 2. $30.05: accrued interest, $10.01. 4. $12.81: accrued interest, $1.27. No. 5642 Mary M. Forbes, Vol.; No. 6090 W. M. Holmes. Vol. 4, 3, P. 133; Medford, Newtown Add , p. if,; Medford. Ross Add., Lot W. 37 ft. Lot 18, Rlk. 2, $10.69; : m. itlk. 5; $15.72; accrued inlerest. accrued interest, $3.56. $5.24. No. 5643 R. J. Conroy, Vol. 3. 5091 J. C. Collins, Vol. 4, P. 10: P. 135; Medford. Nob Hill Add., Lot MhiIioiiI, Ross Add., Lot 17. Blk. 5. 3, Blk. 2, $10.43; accrued Interest, j $ 15.72; accrued interest, $5.21. $3.47. i No. 5092 E. C. Libby. Vol. 4. P. No. 5044 D. W. Moor, trustee, n; Medford. Ross Add., Lot 0. Hlk. Vol. 3, P. 135: Medford, Oak Grove' 7, $11.48; accrued interest. $3.82. Add.. Lot 9, Blk. 1, $4.80; accrued 0. 5093 Jas. B. c'rnig. Vol. I. P. inlerest. $1.02. ! 17. Medford. Ross Add.. Lot 5, lllk No 56451. M. Walcott. Vol. 3, P. 130; Medford, Oak Grove Sub. Div., Lot 13, Blk. 1, $10.95; accrued interest, $3.05. No. 50401. May Walcott, Vol. 3, P. 137: Medford, flak Grove Sub. Div., Lot 2, Blk. 2, $10.95; uccrued interest, $3.05. No. 50471. May Walcott, Vol. 3, P. 137; Medford, Oak Grove Sub., Div., Medford, Lots 1 ft 12. Blk. 3.( $20.22; accrued interest, $0.74. i No. 5048 N. L. Town-end. Vol. 3, P. 137; Medford, Oak drove Sub. Uiv.. Lots 5 ft 0, Blk. 3, $10.43; accrued Interest, $8.47. No. 0049 W. McCardle, Vol. 3. P. 137; Medford. Oak Grove Sub. Div.. Lots 5 ft 0, Blk. 5, $18.30; uccrued interest, $6.12. No. 6050 Lena Welst. Vol. 3, P. 138; Medford, Olson Add., Lot 1. Blk. 2, $19.95; accrued interest, $6.05. No. 5051 E. C. Way, Vol. 3, P. 139; Medford, Olsons Add., Lot 2. Blk. 2, $19.42; accrued Interest, $0.4 No. 5052 M. E. Lewis, Vol. 3, P. 1.39; Medford, Olsons Add., Med ford, Lot 3, Blk. 2, $21.80; accrued interest. $7.20. No. 5053 Star L. Colvig. Vol. 3, P. 141: Medrord. Oak hurst Add., Lot 9. Blk. 1, $3.93; accrued inter est. $1.31. No. 5054 Oakdale Tennis Club. Vol. 3. P. 141: Medford, Oakhurst Add.. Lots 1 ft 2. Blk $15.18: ac- crued interest. $3.00. No. 5055 Geo. K. 3, P. 142; Medford, Lot 7. Hlk. 1. $5.20; Marshall. Vol. Orchad Add.. accrued inter- est, $1.73. No. 6050 D. L. Colvig , Vol. 3, P. 142; Medford, 1 ft 2, Hlk. 2, Orchard Add.. Lots $5.20; accrued inter - est, $1.7 Kn r,or,7 II S. Bramble. Vol. 3. P- H2; Medford, Orchard Add., Lots 4. 7 ft 8. Blk. 2, Jlli. 18; accrueti 111- terest, $5.00. No. 5068 John Grieve, et al, Vol. 3 P. 144; Medford, Parker Place Add.. Lots 0, 7, 8 ft 9, $32.04; ac crued Interest, $10.88. No. 5059 Anna M. Parker, Vol. 3, P. 141; Medford, Parker Place Add.. Lots II ft 15, $18.30; accrued in terest, $0.12. No. 5001 lane B. Hooker, Vol. 3. P. 140; Medford, Page Add., Lot 8. Blk. 2, $28.94; accrued Interest. $9.04. No. 5002 I. W. Dressier, Vol. 3. P. 140; Medford. Page Add., Lot 7, Hlk. 4, $11.21; accrued Interest. $3 73. No. 5003 I'nknowu Owner, Vol. 3. P. 150; Medford, Park Add., E. 10 ft. of N. 300 ft. part Lot 4. Blk. 4, $9 17; neerued interest, $3.05. No. 5004 A. P. Talent, Vol. 3, P. 48; Medford, Burr Add. to Medford. des. (R) 744, part Lot 3, Blk. 1, i r.c. ,i(riipil Interest. $1.18. No. 5605 Trail Lumber Co.. vol. 1 P (!!; Mmtfnrd. Cottace Add.. N. 50 ft. Lot des. 71 D 10, Lot 11, Hlk. 1. niso pun 01 1.0m 1 . a 11 it- nri-riipd Interest. $3.82. , . . .. I , 1 o II,.,, I t I U No 6000 Jas. Howling or W. G. 1 Gordon Vol 3 P. 112; Medford.; xi ii. 4,1,1 I.ol 1 nik. 3. $1. 33: ii.rii0il Inlprpst. $1.44. lie 11 li. . n ........ ..... No. 5007 Ernest W. Erickson Vol. 3, P. 145; Medford, Page Add. Lot 15, Blk. 1, $11.21; accrued in ; terest, $3.7.1. n... IM 4lf.nrl Ivov Vol. 4. I . i. M,,,ir.,r,i riiu.i.n Annn Adit.. N Lot 8, Blk. 1, $11.48; accrued in terest, $3.82. Xo. 5070 Queen Anne Add., Inc., Vol 4 P. 4; Medford, Queen Anne Add'.. LotH 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 13 & 14, nib 1 i ni i ink 2. Lot 2. Blk. 2, $99.84: neerued Interest, $33.28. No. 507 1 Queen Anne Add., Inc.i Vol 4, P. 6 ft 6; Medford, Queen j A..,.o Ailil Lots 3. 4. 5. all in Blk. 2, E. 29 ft. Lot 6, Blk. 2, Lots 1, 2, i a' , r ink 4. $116.16: accrued interest. $36.38. i No 6072 Queen Anne Add., Inc. Vol 4. P. 6; Medford, Queen Anne Add.. Lots 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13! terest, J.I. 12. ft 14 Blk. 4, $112.98; accrued In-; No. 5719 F. H. Pitcher. ol 4 terest' $37 66 ' ! 7: Medrord. Tullles 2nd Add. No '5073 Medford Realty ft Inip iLots 37 ft 38, Blk. 1, Lot 10. Blk. 2 Co Vol 4 P. 5 ft 6; Medford. Queen ; $14.40; accrued Interest, $1.80. ' . . . . . . a e o n in it i v.. r.?'lil S 11 lears Vo . 4. P HA if Blk 3. $83:4 4; ae'e'rued InT: Medford. Tut.les 2nd Add., Lo.s.lL . " ... . leresi, ti.oi. . Vr. r,B74 Me, rorrt lien iv r mi . ; Co., Vol. 4, P. 6: Medford. Queen Annn Add.. Lot 18. lllk 3, $15.19: i accrued Interest, $5.06 rjr A .. Ihua Artrt tni Vol 4 P 7 7 A 8; Queen 'Anne, I .' .'..ji ' i ... ice. i nik 4Jp lo -i o 6 t. in;.k:! 7 $71 24' accrued Interest. $23. 74. 'No 5676 Queen Anne Add.. Inc.! Vol 4 P 8; Queen Anne Add.. Med-j ford Lot' 12. Blk. 7, Lots 1. 2. 3, 4.! r. 7 ir. Ifi It k. 8. HZ. .1.1 arcriieu Interest. $24.11. ! No. 6077 E. M. Turner, ol. 4. P. if. M.wtroril Oueen Anne Add., Lot 1 9,' lllk, 9, $7.62; accrued Interest. 12.50.' ' ,, . I t- rt"0 f.tnan A ntiA A fill . TnC I Vol 4 P. : Queen Anne Add , Med-j !...; 17 k 18 lllk. 9. Lots l.i i2, 3 i ll. Blk. 10, $75.33; accrued .interest. $25.11. No. 6679 Amelia M. Carey, ol. 4 P 9; Medford. Queen Anne Add Lot 9. Blk. 10, $16.19; accrued in terest, $6.0. No. 6680 P". A. Smith. Vol. 4. P. 9- Medford. Queen Anne Add.. Lot 10. Blk. 10, $13.07; accrued inter est. $4.35. No. 6681 St. Antnony. inc., o No. 5082 F. O. Burgess, Vol. 4,' P. 10; Medford, Riverside Sub. Div., NWV4 Lot 9, Blk. 1, $6.60; accrued interest, $2.20. No. 5083 Clare M. Wood, Vol. 4,' P. 10; Medford, Rivorside Sub. Div.,, SE M Lot 9. Blk. 1, $0.01; accrued : 'interest, $2.20. N0. 6084 F. C. Burgess, el al, Vol. 4, P. 10; Medford, Riverside Sub. Div., Lot 10. Blk. 1, $8.04; ae- .....1 I .. I ....not 1 ll Q 14, P. 13; Medford, Roanoake Add.. i Lot 0. Hlk. 1. $20.48; accrued in- $6.47. No j i No 508S R. M. Poole. Vol. 4. 1 14: Medford. Ross Add.. Lot 2. lllk. v0. 5089 F. L. Baker, Vol. 4 P , 1 5 : Medford. Ross Add., Lot ,1, lllk. $21.01: accrued interest. $7. an. No. 6094 G. W. Stull. Vol. 4. P. 18; Medford, Bose Park Add., Lot 0, Blk. 1, $8.84; uccrued interest, $2.94. No. 6095 Blanch L. Alexander. Vol. 4, P. 20; Medford, Rose Ave. Add., Lot 5, Hlk. 3, $11.13; accrued interest, $4.71. No. 5090 (). R. Chaffee, Vol. I. p ft 21; Medford, Shorts Add., NK V of Lot 2, $10.21; accrued inter- est. $5.41. No. 5097 E. II. Lampert. Vol. I. P. 21: Medford. Shorts Add., des, (R) 1980. part Lot 2, $15. 9S; ac crued inlerest, $5.32. No. 50118 A. A. Moody. Vol. I. P. 24; Medford, Siskiyou Huts., Lots 3 ft 4, Hlk. 0, $11.18; accrued in terest, $3.82. No. 5099 A. A. Moody, Vol. 4, P. 25; Medford. Siskiyou Huts., Lois '6 to 11, Incl., Blk. 0, $27.19; ac crued interest, $9.00. No. 5700 Siskiyou Heights Co., Vol. 4, P. 25 ft 20; Medl'ord. Slski ' vou Huls. Ext., Illk.s 4. 7. 9, 10, 12. 13, 14. 15 ft 10, $324.48; accrued Interest, $108.10. No. 6701 Siskiyou Heights Co.. Vol. 4. P. 20 ft 27, .Medford, Siskl ! vou llgts., ext. Hlk.s 17. IS. 19. 2U. 21 ft I A. off N. end lllk. 22. and S. pt. Hlk. des. .93-325, also Illk.s 23 ft 24, $210.70; uccrued Interest. $70.25. No. 5702 Siskivoli Height! Vol 4. P. 27: t-Tskivoii llgts. Ext.. lots 1 to 9. incl., lllk. 25, Medford. $43.05; accrued inlerest. $11.35. No. 5703 Siskiyou Heights Co.. Vol. 4. P. 27; Siskiyou llnls.. Ml ! Medford, Lois 10 ft II. Hlk. 25, Lot 4, and the K 1 of Lot 5, lllk. 27. $14.48: accrued Interest. $1.82. : No. 5704 W. M. Holmes. Vol. 4, P. 34: Medford, South Sea Add... Lots 15 to 20. incl. Hlk. 1, Lots 7 accrued inter, & 9. Blk. 2. $81.83 No 0705 W. M. Holmes. Vol. 1 P. 34; Medford. Stint h Sea Add.. I.ol 10. 11 & 12, lllk. 2, Lots 1, 2. 7. S 9 ft 10. Blk. 3, $72.30; accrued in terest, $24.10. No. 5700 W. M. Holmes. Vol. 4 P. 35; Medford. South Se II ft 12. Blk. 3. 1st I'M Add,. Lois South Sea Add., Lots II ft 12, $39.20; accrued interest, $13.08. No. 5707 It. N. Foster, Vol. I, P. 30; Medford, Snmmill Add .I.ol "1. Hlk. 1, $9.19; accrued inlerest. $3.10. No. 5708 Co., Vol. 4. Ave., llgts. ft 13. lllk -Meill'ord Realty ft Imp. P. 37: Medford, Summit! Lots I. 2, 5, 7, 9. 10, 12 I. $00.15; accrued in- terest. $22.1 No. 5709 W. A. ft It. L. Medley. Vol. 4, P. 40; Sulilivside Add. to Burr's Add., Lot 0. ink. 3, $8.17; accrued Interest, $2.72. No. 6711 .1. B. Dent. Vol. I, P. 42; Medford, Sunrise Home Park I R) 527, part Lois 10 ft II. Blk. 2, $13.58; accrued interest, $1 62. No. 5711 Catherine M. Wakeman. 1-n M I' J ' Mllrlllllll P.III lll'lllll ..... - t Terrace. Lots 4 to ll. incl.. $08.10; accrued Interest, $22.70. No. 6713 Sarah Hlylhe Mears, Vol. 4. P. 44: Medford. Tullles Sub. I Div., l.ot :i, HIK. z, la.a,; un-iucn interest, $5.32. ' No. 6714 R. W. Leonard. Vol. 4, j P. 45; Medford, Tullles 1st. Add., K. 110 ft. l.ot 7. Blk. 1. des. R 133. .. , R. 11 ft. Lot 8. I k. 1. .'!!. I " i cruel merest, ss.lili No. 6715 C. O. Powers, Vol. 4. P. 45; Medrord. Tullles 1st Add., des. R 329, W 03 ft. Lots 7 ft 8. lllk. 1. $14.12; .accrued Inlerest. $4.70. No. 67 1 0- Maggie i'eil. Vol. 4, P. 45; Medford, Tullles 1st Add., Lot 13, Blk. I. $17.01; aeeiued interest, $5.68. Kn r,7 1 7 J. O. Sample. Vol. I. P. 46; Medford. Tullles 2nd Add.. Lot 9, Hlk. I. $0.19; i rued Inter est, $2.00. No. 6718 J. P. 40; Medlord Lot 29, lllk. I, O. Sample, Vol. 4. Tullles 2nd Add.. $9.30; accrued in- n 10. Blk. 2. $ 14.411 acerueu ...... mien-si, t.n. No 5721 John Guy Wilson, Vol. 0 '4, P. 47; Medford, Tullles 2nd Add ! Lot 13, Blk. 2, $5.39 ; uccr I Intel nut I I i '.t 4. ' 5. No. 5722-11. II. Tu.tle. Vol 48- Medford. Tullles 2nd Add ..oi 27. m. .,., y 2. $14.91; accrued interest. $1.9,. No. 5723-0. M. Cornelius. ,.l. 4 P. 48; Medford, Tullles 2nd Add. Lot 31. Hlk. 2, $6.20; accrued in mini, .... No. I"), l,l..lln C. it'll ill Vlll 4. P. 48 ft 49; Medlord. Tul'.le- 3rd A.t.t.. t.i,ls 3. 4. 6. li. 9 ft 10. Hlk. 1, Lots 1. 2 ft 3, Hlk. 2, $92.99; ac crued Interest, $30.99. Kn f, 7 r, Idelia llordaii, Vol. 4. P. 49; Lot 4 Medford. Tullles 3rd Add . to 10. Incl.. Blk. 2, $59.02. accrued Inlerest. $19.8 Kn KT26 A. Conro Fiern, ol. 4. P 49; Medford. Tilttles 3rd Add.. Lota 11 ft 12. Blk. 2. Lots 1 to 6. Incl., Hlk 3, $02.01; accrued Inter est. J20.B7. v C7--7 Inhn Arnell. Vol. 4. P. 50: -Medford. Tullles 3rd Add., Lota 7 ft 8. Blk. 4, $17.04; accrued interest. $5.68. No. 6728 II. C. Brown. Vol. 4. P. 50; Medford. Tuttles 3rd Add., Lots t k 10. Blk. 4, $17.30; accrued Intirut, $5.7$. No. 57290. M. Cornelius, Voy. 4, P .50: Medford, Tuttle- 3rd Add.', Lots 11 ft 12, Blk. 4, $14.12; ac crued interest, $4.70. No. 5732 C. L. Raw-ton, Vol. 4, P. 52; Medford, Walnut Park Add., Lots 1 ft 2. Blk. 4. $10.70: accrued inlerest, $5.58. No. 5733 J. W. ft Sarah B&hbins, Vol. 4, P. 52; Medford, West Add., Lot 5, Hlk. 3, $17. S3; accrued in terest, $5.94. No. 573 1 Delia Clement, Vol. 4, P. 55; Medford. West Walnut Park, Lots 3 ft 4, Blk. 2, $38.40; accrued interest, $12.82. No. 5730 it. J. Conroy, Vol. 4, P. 5s; Medford. Whitman Park. Lot 17, lllk. 2, $11.93; accrued interest, $1.97. No. 5737 -W. D. Jackson, Vol. 4, P. 58: Medford, Whitman Park, Lot 21. Hlk. 2, $13.00; accrued interest, $1.55. No. 5738 f?. II. T. Parker. Vol. 4, P. 59; Medford. Wildwood Add., Lots 1 ft 2. Hlk. 1. Lois 1 ft 2, lllk. 3. $41.38; accrued inlerest. $13.79. No. 57 12 (leo. Carter. Vol. 0, P. 10; XW (J of SE'i, Sec. 14, Twp, 34, It. 4W, $12. IS; accrued inlerest, $1.10. No. 5743 M. E. Wiekslrom, Vol. 0, I'. 10: IV. of N F. 'a of N'W'.i, Ktt'i', of NV, A S'i; of XV'4 of NW'J, Sec. 15. Twp. 3 1. R. 4W, $18.00; accrued interest. $0.02. No. 5711 C. K. Wiekslrom. Vol. 0. P.. 10; SF'', of NVV'j ft NW'4 of SW '( . Sec. 15, Twp. 3 1. H. 4W, $7.70; accrued Interest, $2.58. No. 5745 L. S. Kemp. Vol. 0. P. 1 1.7 A. oil' W. S. of NV H , des. 5 1 lis. Sec. 20. Twp. 51. It. 4W, $0,911; accrued interest, $2.30. No. 57 If-Wicks! rom Minim; Co., Vol. 0, P. 12; NF.1.1 of NW'i, Sec. 22, Twp. 34. It. 4V, $5.19; accrued inlerest. $ 1.73. No. 575 1- Three Pines Timber Co., Vol. 0. I'. 14; F'-j of IractT. NU'U of SW1,, E';. of I'raciT, SW '1 ol' RW'i. Sec 31. Twp. 31. It. 4W, $S.19; accrued interest, $2.73. No. 5752 K. A. Smith. Vol. ti. P. II sw',. $ 1.70; No. Vol. 0, W1-. of I'raciT. NWi4 of See. ':i I. Twp. 3 1, R. 4V, iccrueil interest, $1.5 ,753 llvdraiilic Mining Co., P. 15; I rail 'I. W1,. of NW1,. Si 31. Twp. 31. It. IW, $18.00; aecl ill I jilt st. $0.u2. llvdraiilic Milling Co., No. 5 Vol. 0. NF. of P. 17; SF. , of Nl'1, ft SK1.. Sec. 1. T.vp. 25, It. IW. $18. nil: accrued interest. $0.u2. No. 5750 C. W. Jones. Vol. 0, I'. 17; W's of SF', ft S K ' 1 of SF',. Sec. 2. Twp. 35 ; It. I W. I'iie patrol included, $14.19; accrued interest. $1,73. No. 5758 Belle Niek.dl, Vol. 0, I. 19; NE', - NW1,. Sec. in. Twp. 35, It. 4V, $2.0 1; accrued inlerest, $n.SS. No. 5759 M.irv Hvownswiirlli Est., Vol. 0. P. 19;'SW', or NW1,, Sec. 10, Twp. 3.5. It. IW, $0.ol; ac crued inlerest. $3.01. No. 5701 .1. H. Kirk. Vol. 0. P. 21; EL. ol' NE1, of NK1,. Sec. 2 I, Twp. 35. It. IW, $3.19; accrued in terest. $1.73. No. 5 7 0 2 C. E. Collin -. Vol. 0, P. 20; unil. L. jut. in NE1, ol NE1,, lire patrol included. Sec. 30. Twp. 35, It. -IW, $5.02; accrued interest. $1.S7. No. P. 32; 30, It. est. $1 No. : '.. int. SW1!. $8.10; No. 0. P. 57 0 5 land 4 W 84. 7 0S- -Phil Robinson, Vol. 0. des. 88-09, Sec. 2 I . Twp. , $11.53; accrued inler- . Bilger. Vol. 0. P. 3 0: in SW'1, of NW'i, ft N'L. f Sec. 50, Twp. 50. It. I W, accrued interest. $2.70. 5709- Frank II. Akers. Vol. 10; SF 1 1 of SE1,. See. 50, Twp. 0. R. IW. $8.10; accrued 111- terest. $2.70. No. 5770 Mulkey ft Hoxb. Vol. 0. P. 37: W'i ol' SW 1 , ol M ',. Sec. 1. Twp. 37. It. IW, $0.90; ac crued interest, $2.30. No. 5772- 11. S. Bailey, Vol. H. P. Ill; NW'1, ol' NE1,. fir" I'alrol in cluded. Sec. 13. Twp. 37. It. 4V, $S.90; eriruod interest. $2.98. No. 5773- E. J Davidson, Vol. 0. I' 13- mining ditch ami w Mer right. Sec. 30. Twp. 37. It. -IW. $1.52; ac crued illleresl. $0.50. No 5774 Maggie Love. Vol. 0. P. II; W1-. or W'i, Sec. 51. Twp. 37. R. IW," $15.22; accrued inlerest, $11.74.' No. 5775 M. .lureensen, Vol. 0. V 48; NF'l ot SF Li ft E'i of NW'i', nr SF1!. See. 10. Twp. 38. It. IW, $12.22; uccrued interest. $1.07. v., r-7,:. 1. F. Ilallilcock. Vol. of NW', of SF1, & Sec. 10. Twp. 38. It. II. I . t . .,. , . 1 .um7 NK1, of SW '-4 .... ,.).,. ..... ,,,,, interest. 51 11.. No 57S2- Sophia llopner, Vol. 0, ! 70; SW'i of SW',. Sec. 4. Twp. 35, II. 3W, $10.02; accrued inter est'. $3.6 4. N 5783 J. P. Oden. Vol. 0, P. 70; SW'4 of NW'4. Sec 4. Twp. 35. It. .'IW, $5.70; accrued inlerest, $1 92 Nl," fi7S4-W. G. Oden, Vol. . P. 77; N W L, of SUM ft 27 A. ill NE", of SW'4. Sec. 5. Twp. 35. li. 3W, $9.04; accrued interest. $3.01. No 5785 Einaline Oden, Vol. 0. i. V-'- WW', of NW'i. Sec. S. Twp. 35. R. 3W. $8.07; accrued inlerest, 3 89. No. 67S0-.I. Sisemore. Vol. 0, 1 . 78- SE'i of SW R. 3W, $9.03; , Sec. I 2. Twp. 35, accrued Interest. $3.01. No. 579 1 R. fl Siuilh, Vol. 0, P , Twp. 35 illleresl. 81 ; N'L. of NE', It 3W. $12.31; . Sec. 32 accrued $4.1 1. Xo. f.793 A. F. Nelson. Vol. 0. P. S3; l.ot No. 1. Sec 2. Twp. 30. R. 3V $5 OS; accrued inlerest. $1.09. No. 6795 John W. Welch. Vol. 0. I 85; Don Chief Mining Claim 111 vi.' i : of NW'i. Sec. 10, Twp. 30, 3W. $ 3 3; accrued Interest, Xo. 5790 Teknown Owner. oi. P. 85; N. 10 A. off of Lot No. 5. ft mil n f NW cor. Lot 6. Sec. 1 1. Tu'-n ic. It SW $4 .11: accrued In terest, $ 1 37. No. 5797 .1. W. Prnll. Vol. 6. P. 80; 31 A. In SK'l of NF.'i. Sec. 15. Twp. 36. R, 3W. $12.8.; accruer. It.ti.i'iwt S 129. Vn r,798 Andrews, Vol. . 6. P. 87: 1ml ilcs 51-348. Sec. 10. Twp. 36, R 3W. $16.34; uccrued interest, $3.44. vv, r.799 Ore. Water ft Power Co., Vol. 6. 1. sm: gov. i.m No. i, 54; ac- Sec. 17. Twp. 30. R. IW, H crued interest. $1.51. No 6802 W. II. Cross. Vol. 0. P. 00- land des. 32-281. Sec. 21. Twp. 36. R. 3W, $5.34; accrued interest, $ 1 7 8 Xo 5803 Emllv Creyson. Vol. 0. P 91; S'i of SK'i of SW'i of SW'i, Sec. 2 4. Twp. 30. R. 3W, $1 96- accn .'d Interest, $0 .65. Xo 5805 J. R. Wliitmoie. Vol. 6. r. ni- I.mrl lies S3-20:i. M'C. Two. 36. R. SW. TS.(.; accrue,, ,,. terest. ! &. cai7l K'vle. Vol. 6. P. 93: wVof NF.'4 of NEVi ft F. H of NW'i of NE'i. Sec 32. Twp. 36. R. 3W $11 77: accrued Interest. $3.92. No. 6808 W. I). Yant. Vol. 6. P. 96; SEU of NEVi. Sec. 1, Twp. 17,