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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
I Wednesday, March !t, 1020 t'AGK SIX ASntAXD WEEKLY WTOWflS f4; Medford, Kendalls Adj., Lot 7, Blk. 2, $10.00; accrued Interest, ?3.33. No. 6040 Mary Webb, Vol. 3, T. t r. - .Medford. Kendall Add.. Lot 14, nik. ii-i". No. 3. i'. Lot 1, U-1CF'.. 510.71; iicci tied Interest, 5041 Minnie Cullahan, Vol. Kendall Add:, in: ; Menuuu Rlk. 53. c: S, J 10.0(i; accrued llt- F Clu-lcren. Vol. 3, , Kenwood Add.. Lot Xo. 50 420--. ... ... i -I. niu. 2, ; accrued in'''' Clark Vol. 3, T. V- ;"' . . , 1.1,1 1 2 .Mellon.. , .......pst. :!k. :'. 97. No. . p. ,.t i: Hi:'1: ,,,1-Hattio Catiipliell. Vol. '.is: Hlk Hold, henwoo,. -. X 1 2 1 i $1-39; ,1 interest. - r, , , if, II. Humphre: 'M..if,ird Kenwood -, Vol. Add . ,,f X i:,0 ft.. Lot 13. Hik. a fi - ...1 inteiest. $0 09. :,,; Mrs. A. A. Hoot. Vol Medford. l 'liwed All'l It ,,l N" "ml It., l.oi i ... ' ' ,,-,,-,l interest. $".70 1 1 7 M. K. Doiicliey. ol. I Mellon!. Kenwood Add., S. kI X. I'i.n It.. Lot !. i"- , 1 Ul'.l lliio iS II, Hie l.-itotd. of 'Lot 1" e-t, S" '" ,'mphell. Vol. Kenwood Add . Plk. 3, $1.0;!; No. I' in'e , pi - : M Plk $0.5 I . Smith. ' oi .mil' Aild.. Lots d. 1 121.1 oi in d in- .1 V l li .inonit. oi. Hold. I.aui"l Park, l.oi ;.,.,-... i !,)..- -t. $2 2i. :,om-- Med M. H illover old. Laurel 1 , i-u, d iipere-t. . i( F. lliioth ord. l.:Mirel I rued interest. Vol. 3. ark. Lol f 2. SO. Vol. 3. ark. Lol p io: S2.S0. i . I W Hi atnoiid. ol. ... Kuril. Laurel Park. Lois P 1 a : M 23 ,' 21. $12.09; a. ?4 "':. No. r.n.-. l L. .1. Mr In",; Me, Hold. MeeliC lllk 5. $12.39: an rued interest. ker. Vol. 3. P. is Add.. Lot 1, rued interest. SI 13, X,, -Lis. C. Smilh. Vol. 3. p ' in: Medfoid. Medford HnU. a, I, I . I ct 1. Hlk. 7. $19.5(1; accrued inli-n-it. $0 52. :.n:.i; S. M. E. Cliunli. parsonage. Vol. 3. P. 110: Morevs Add.. Lot 4. $i;SI: aicrueil inlerest. $22.91. o r,a57 M. L. Krickson. Vol. 3. p n I ; Medford. Mountain View Add.. Lot 3, Hlk. 4, $2.43; uccrued interest. $0 SI. .No. 5 u 58 -K. O. Kini;. Vol. 3. V. Ill, Medford. Mountain View Add., Lot'-!, lllk. 4, $2.43; accrued inter- .-t. $ No 5H0O T. E P 115: Medford, X Merril. Vol. 2, ewlon Add.. Lots 0. 7 & 8. lllk $28.17; accrued interest. $9.39. No 5002- 11. V. Moor, trustee. Vol. 3. P. 117: Medford, Oak Grove Add., Lot 9. lllk. 1 . $ 1.52, accrued interest. $1.50. No. 5003 Arthur Rici-'s. Vol. 3, V 11S: Medford. Oak Grove Suh. Hiv.. Lots 5 & 0. lllk. 3. $11.39; accrued interest, $3.79. (l r,nr, Lena Weist, Vol. 3. P. 121; Medford. Olson Add., Lot 1, P.Ik. 2, $18.13; accrued interest, JO 04. Xn. 5 005 J. F. Hutchinson, Vol. 1, P. 121: Medford, Olson Add., Lot .2! Hlk. 2, $17.05; uccrued Inlerest, $ 5 S 8 Co." r.Oflf; M. E. Lewis. Vol. 3, I. 121; Medford. Olson Add.. Lot 3, P.Ik. 2, $19.79; accrued Interest, $0 5 9. No, 5007 A. P. 125; M1-1I ford Lot 10, $8 21: M. Parker, Vol. 3, , Parker Place Add., : accrued Interest. $2.73. No. 5 0 OR- K. V. Erlckson, Vol. 3, P. 120; Pane Add.. Lot 15. lllk. 1. $10.20: accrued Interest, $3.42. No. 5 fill 9 Jane Hooker, Vol. 3, V. 120: Medford. Patio Add., Lot 8. Plk ; !9.13; crued interest, $9.71. Xo. 5070-.1. W P. 127; Mo.Koril, 7. lllk. 4, $10.20, Dressier. Vol. 3. Pa en Add.. Lot accrued Interest, $3.4 2. N. 5073 Alfred Uov, Vol. 3, P. 130; MeiUord. Queen Anne Add., N. ''. of Lot 9. Hlk. 1, $21.90; ur crueil interest. $7.32. Xo. 507 1 Alfred Ley. Vol. 3. P. 130; Meilfonl. omen Anne Add., N. ':. of Lot S. Hlk. 1, $10.17; ac crued i'lleiest. $3 49. Xo. 5u75--Queen Anne Add., Inc.. Vol. 3. P. 130: Medford. Queen Anne Add.. Lots 1 to 5. Inr,. Blk. 1. Lots 13. 14. Hlk. 1. Lots 1 ft 2, Plk. 2, $90.2 1; accrued Interest, $30 11. No 5U70-- Ma, .en Anne Add., Inc.. Vol 3. P. 130 R- 137: Queen Anne Add . Lois 2. t, 5, E. 29 fl. of Lot 0. It'k. 2. Lots 3. 4. 0 ft 7. Hlk. 3, $7 0 7 3: accrued interest. 23 57. N'i M177- Meilfonl Really ft Imp. Co. Vol. '3. P. 137: Queen Anne Add . Me.lfoid. Lots 1. 2. 5. 8, 9. 10, 11. 14. P.Ik 2, $0 177; accrued in-1ei.-t. $21.59. Xo 5078 - Medford Realty ft Imp. Co . Vol 2. P 137: Meilfonl. Queen Anne Add . Lots 17 ft IS. Hlk 3, i '.i 58: .11.1 , inlerest. S 19. No. .r,(i79- lo,,., n A, PI , Inc., V-d. 2. p. 137; Miilfonl. Queen Add . Lois u. 13. 15 ,;. P'k I OlS :' 1 1 1 1. 2. d int. 3 ft 1. Blk. 4. n sl. $29 72. Ann Add . Ino , Veiiron, Queen . 7. R. 9. 10. 11. accrued Inler- 11 Queen ' K- 2S; 1,'. r, c i ' 1 22: Vol 2. P 1 ' Alitie Add . ' 12. lllk 4. --'. 5 2 n 1 No Vol 2 ..! I,e Plk 4 11V 1 - Oi, P 12(. (. 11 . Lots 1 ols 1, 'n Ami" Add . Inc., 2'(: Medfoid. Queen 13. 14. 15. 10 ft 17, ft 2. Hlk. 7, $70.70. $22 58. 'ii Anne Add.. Inc., If .r !. ftiio.'-n Anne 0 1 1 ft 12. Hlk. 7: ';k 9. $51 98; nc- ',. I ni l' No 5i Vol 3 1 All. L. Lois 1. (Ml 1 ts I 2 ft 1 1 lo-d illle...-' i No 6 1.1.3 Q..e..n Vol 3. p 1 :a i in Am." Add in- . Lo 1(!. 17 ft 1 ( 1: k '.. let. ie-t L'2 2. No r.i'vt (.no. n Vol 3. P 1 1 -t ft v. Anne Add . 1 ot ; '1 W1110 Add . Inc.. Me.lfonl. ijum, - 7. 9. 15. $07 10: accrued Anno d l . Inc . V.ilford Queen ft in ll'k 10. I.oi 9. 10 1 1 pik ru'd itiw.-est I7I 1. $52 12; nc No. f.'. ', 4". 11 Pur Vol 2 I'. 141: Herd. S'iO lev . l ot 1 1 1!'k 1 c rn. .I Int. -t f : ii. Xo r.d'C At-'Iu 1. Hi et al. Riverside '7 4 1: ac V Vol 3. P. 112: M-lfi Lot fi. Pit' 1, tens', tl ft. Xo. f-'-'S-. H ud. p., !1S CO; I' Cat .k Add . c'lll'-'l 111- Vol 3. P 1 I . Lot d IM.-r-t 111:'.nl p.. 15. Fllk 1. $15 20: $r. 08. ya r.f.k'' n m 1(5: M'-d'nrd P.o Lib. 3, $2123; Pools Vol 3. P ! ,A'M . Lot 2. reril.-o interest. $9 41. No. ih'.n Holrro- Vol. 3, P. HC; M.-dfurJ, M. Lowell, Ross Add., lu terest, $4.76. I No. 5091 J. L. M. Shettcrley, .lr Vol. 3, T .147; Med ford, Ross Add., Lot 6, Hlk. 7, J10.4H; accrued in terest, $3.49. No. 5092 X. (I. Holmes. Vol. 3. P. 147; Hertford, liens Add., Lot 4. Blk. 8, $6.31; accrued inteiest. $2.10. Xo. 5093 J. 147; Medford. Hlk. 8, $8.90 B. ('rule. Vol. 3, P Ross Add., Lot fi ; accrued Interest $2.9S Xo. 5094 C. E. Ro'.vcll Vol. P. 117; Med ford, lllk. S. $3.03; Ross A.M.. Lot accrued inteio: 51.21. Xo. 609."i Amanda Townsend, Vol. 3. P. 151: Medford. Short's Add.. 49 ft. on Pine si., part Lot 2, $13. M ; accrued interest, $ I. HO. Xo. 5090 Ashland lee & Storare Co., Vol. 5, P. 1; Ashland. Lois ties, r. 0-1 1 S. tract in rear of Lots 8 ft S'-j, Lot 9. lllk. 1. $5.77; accrued int ! est. $1.92. Xo. 6tl'i7 L. 4; Ashland. I "3 S 1-5 45. part lot accrued interest, . Xo. 509S 1st Scientist. Vol. 5, Rhodes. Vol. 5, P. ft. on 1st ;iv, ile-: I. lllk. 9, $311 :.' : $ I 1.17. Church of Chvi P. 4: Ashland. Lot d"s. 92-2S3. part Lot 1. P.Ik. 9. .:1S; ctiii'il hit si. $ I 79. Xo, 5099- - F. II. Wail". Vol. 5 1 I: Ashland. Cooliil'.M' Add.. H'k $iu 00: accrued interest. $3.55. P No. 5 101 Alnieda Cailloii. 5, I'. 15; Ashland. Summit t Add 7. lllk. 45; $I.:19; accrued inti $0. 10. Vol. Lot lest. .No. 5102 K. It. Wrii:hl, P. 20; Ashland. Ilelle iew Vol. Trio 1 inti purl Lot 10, $1.77: acerm esl, $0.59. Xo. 5101 A. ('. Cldwell. Vol. 5. P. 48; AsUnnd, des. 89- 1 95. Ilai'.ar dine Tract, part Lot 1 2, i (l.Ol ; ac crued interest. $2.20. Xo. 51 13 H. K. Slone, A ;lil-,ud. Vol. 5, P. 72: It. II. Add.. Lol I lllk. I), $22.85; accrued interest. $7.01. No. 5114--W. Pieniiie:, Vol. 5. P. 72; Ashland, R. R. Add.. Lot 2. lllk. II, $ 1 3.09; accrued interest Xo. 5115 Mai v l ieiiiin P. 72: Ashland. It. U. Ad. lllk. fl, $15.54; acci-m, I $ I 30. Vol. , Lot illlele $5.20. No. 51 I S H. T While. Vol 5 98; Ashland, Whiles Add., Lol P.Ik. 1, $1.58; acer I inler $1.52. No. 5119-F. Palmer. Vol. 5. 99, Ashland. Whiles Add., Lo t 45 lllk. 2, $1.58; accrued inlerest, $1.52. No. 5120- I,. Pelloll. Vol. 5, P. 101 ; Ashl 1. 1 st. si,, part of vacat id 1st si.. $3 $1.1 1. crued Inlerest. Xo. 5122- S. C. Gunler. Vol. 5. P. 110: Ashland. .Main st.. des. 57 117. $15.55; accrued interest.. $5 18 No. 5124 Mary M. Edmunds. Vol. 5. P. 120; Ashland. 100 ft. front at cor. Milan St.. des. 00-200. Mountain Ave., west side, $31.90; accrued in terest, $11.03. No. 5127 Lone Star Minim; Go., Vol. 0. p. 0; SE'i of NW'i XE'i of SW'i, Sec. 15, Twp. 3 I, R. 4W, $7.04; accrued interest. $2.2 1. No. 5128-L. S. Kemp. Vol. 0. P. 7: 7 A. of W. side of XW,, d"s 51-98, Sec. 20, Twp. 3 4. R. 4W, $0.28; accrued interest, $2.09. Xo. 5130 Eliz. Smith. Vol. 0. P 9: XW'i of XW'i K of SV ', of XE'i. E'.i of W':, of sw'i SK'i of SW'4, Sec. 30. Twp. 3 1, R. IW, $27.78: acciueil interest, S'l.i'ii No. 5 I 32 Hydraulic Minim- Co, Vol. fi, P. 9; frae'l. of XW'i.' Sec. 31. Two. 3 I. It. 1 W, $l';.2ii; accrued interest, $5.12. No. 5133 E. A. Smith. Vol. G. P. 9: WMj r fracf, XW'i of SW',. Sec. 31. Twp. 31. It. I W, $ 1.30; ac crued interest. 1.45. Xo 5134 Tliree Tines Timber Co. , Vol. P. 9; V.K of frae'l NW of SW'i. K'A of frae'l SW'i of SW'',. Sec.. .31. Twp. 3,1. It. IW. $7 13; accrued interest. $3, 17. No. 6130 Skvkes Creel; Mivines Co.. Vol. 0. P. II; SE ' I of NE ' , . NKV, or SE'i. Sec. I. Tn-n. 35. It IW. $10.30; accrued inleresl. $5.42. C. W Jones. Vol.i. P. 12; W'f. of SK'i. SE'i of SK'i, Sec 2. Twp. 35. It. IW. $10.50; accrued inlerest. $3 60. No. 5I3S- Marv P,rnvn worth Est., Vol. fi, P. 13: SW'i of NW'i. See. 10. Twp. .35. I!. 4V, $5.51; cccrued interest. $1 83. Xo. 61 Hi -I. E. Kick. Vol. II. P 17: 10 ' j of XK'( of NE'i . Sec 2 I. Twp. 35. It 4W. $5,00; accrued in terest. $1.08. Xo. 51 II- C. E. Collins, Vol. 0, P. IS: XEV, nf NE'i (und ''. inl Sec. 30. Twp. 35. 4W. $5 (111; accrued Interest. $1.08. Xo. 51 13 Phil Rohlns,, iu V P. 24: land des. 1 Om. s.s ol 0 21. Twp. terO't Xo, fi. P. 30. R. 4W. $3.5 1; aecruel in $1.18. 6115 - Frank 11 Akers. Vol 27; SE'i of SET! Sec 30. 30. It. IW. $0.28; accrued in Twp. : terest, Xo. Vol. 0. $2.09. 6110 Xeuher ft llnlinan. P. 27: SW'i of XW ', . N 1. of SW'i. mid. '. Int., See. 20, Twd 30. It. 4W. $1,5 I; acei I intere I $1 5. No. 5117 Mulkev ft Tloxic. Vol. fi. P. 27; W'4 of SW'i "f SW'i, Sec. 1. Twp. 37. It 4 W.. $4 71; ac ini. al Interest. $1 58 Xo. 51 IS - E. H. Macrniler, Vol. fi. P. 28: V.K ,.f Eiac'l XE,'l. Sec. 2. Twp. 37. It. 4 W., $16.2(1; accrued inlerest. $5.42. No. 51 I9--A. J. St.iuo. Vol. 0. P. 21; S';. of SW'i. SW'i of SK'i. S.-c. 2. Twp. 37. It. 4 W., $17.7"; sic i rui d interest, $5.90. Xo. 6 150 - A. .1 SI mill. Vol. 0. P 32: XWH of XW'i. Sec. 29. Twp. 37. It. 4 W., $1.10; accrued interest. $1.36. Xo. 5152 Crant Onne. Vol. 6. P. 23: XE'i of SW'i ; Sec. 32. Twp. 37. It 4 '., $6.90; accrued interest. $2 30. Xo. 5153 Macule Lane. Vol. fi. P 23: WU. of W'i.Sec. 3 1. Twp. ,37, It 4 V.. $26.50; accrued interest. $SS3. Xo. 515 4 L. E Hancock. Vol fi. P 20: ivu of XW'i of SE'i. XE'i of SW 'i . Sec. 1(1. Twp. 38. R 4 W.. $1U C9' accrued interest. $3 50. No 515 5 M Jurfetiseli Vol fi P 20; NE", of SE'i nod EH of v Ml 'i of SE'i. See 10. Two 3S It 1 4 W.. $10 09; accrued interest. $3 60 X.i 6150--W W. Wrii ht. Vol fi. P 41: L.-nd Pes. 68-32 iMieine Claim S.c 4. Twp 39. R. 4v . $1 SO; accrued interest. n 02. Xo 6157 H.irvev Ru. h. Vol fi. P. (2: 2 A In NE'i of SE'i . Sec 7 Twp 39. R 4 y f 1 57 ; nreriicl in- lerest. (1 52. No r,103-M. E. Warrell. Vol fi P 01: 10 A 1, nf Jj ivjtoi, Sec 25. Twn. 25. R 3 W . $18 ac crued li;'er..( 6 ;s Xo r, i n r, smith. Vol C. p fi; 'H of NE'i; See 32- -,, flr, " 3 W. J10 5C; accrued interest' . P 26. .-so A. F. Nelson. Vol I-ot No. 1, Sec Twp. 'Lot 16, Plk. 5, $14.30; accrued $4. SO; uccrued Interest, Xo. 5171 Unknown Owner, Vol. fl. P. 01; a A. out of XV cor. Lot 6, Sec. 11, Twp. 38, R. 3 W., $1.89; ac crued interest, $0.03. Xo. 5172 W. H. Gross, Vol. 0. P. (',7; Land Des. 32-2S4. Sec. 21, Twp mi. n. 3 w., $g.4: accrued Interest,! $2.14. .No. 5173 Emily GreRson. Vol. C, I'. 09; SU of KK'i of SW'i of SW'i, Sec. 24, Twi. 30. R. 3 W., $1.9 1; accrued interest. $0 (14 ' Xo. 5175 ,1. R. Whilmire, Vol. fi, P. 70; Land lies. 83-209, Sec. 30, Twp. 30. It. 3 W., $12.10; ncVrued interest. $ I 03. Xo. 5 170 A. Kyle. E'f. of Lot 2. Vol. 0. P. 71 : See. 33, Twp. 30. U. 3V. $5.38: accrued Interest, $1.79. Xo. 5177 Davlil C. Avery, Vol. G, P. 71; XW'i of XKU. Sec. 34, Twp, 10. It. 3W, $7.14; accrued Interest, S2.3S. n. 3 w. $1.60. No. 5178 W. D. Yant. Vol. 6, P.ost, $1.1G. 72: SKU of XW'i, Sec. 1, Twp. 37. It. ::V, $."i.S9; accrued interest, SI. 90. No. 5 179 Hydraulic Mining Co., Vol. 0, P. 72; S'i of SE'i of SE'i, S"c. 2, Twp. 37, It. 3W, $3.40; uc- rued interest, $1.13. Xo. 5180 lown Lumher ft- Pox ''o. Vol. fi, P. 70; N''. of XW'i. See. 23, Twp. 37. R. 3W, $10.20; Pocj 7, Twp. 3S, R. 1 W., $27.78; ac 'ecrued interest, $5.42. cmed Interest, $9.2G. ( Xo. 51Sl..lowii Lumher & Pox1 No. 5278 U. Cheesman, Vol. 8, P. ' 0., Vol. fi, P. 70; NE'J of NW',I 08; Land Des. 77-445 In RE Sec. 19, Sec. 25, Twp. 37. It. 3W, $7.30; ac- Twp. 38. R. 1W, $5.19; accrued in- or 1 interest, $2.43. terest, $1.73. Xo. 5 1 83 Iowa Lumher & Ttot No. G281 A. P. Hammond, Vol. Co., Vol. (1, P. 77: NW'i. Sec 2G, 8, P. 77; tract of land In NE crfr. Twp. 37, 11. 3V, N'i of NE'i, Sec. of Sec. 36 between Hicks and An 27. Twp. 37. H. 3W, $34.82, nc- demon, Sec. 30, Twp. 38, R. 1 W., crued inlerest, $11.00. , $1.27; nccrued interest. $0.42. No. 5185 Opp ronr-olidnted Milieu, ' No. 5283 I'nknown Owner, Vol. Vol. (1, P. 73; SWVj r NW'4, Sec. 8, P. 79; Land South of Gulch, Creek 30, Twp. 37. It. 3W, $13.25; accrued i REM of SE',4 Sec. 6, Twp. 39, R. interest. $1.11. Xo. 51911 .1. T. llreeden, Vol. 6, P. 8a; 10 1.. of N'E ii of NE', . Sec 10, 'luii. 38, It. 3VV, $5.00; accrued inter, ;. $ 1.08. Xo 5192 ('. II. Pierce, Vol. G, P. 81; '-. of SW',4, Sec. 20, Twp. 38, It. "W, $7.30; accrued inlerest, $2 4 3. No. 5 193-4!. H. Pierce, Vol. G, P. 82; IC'Vof SE'i, Sec. 27. Twp. 38. 11. 3V, $7.30; nccrued interest, $3.1 3. .No 519(1 S. 11. Hatnillon. heirs, Vol. 0. P. 84; Lot No. 1, Sec. 4, Twp. 39, It. 3W, $1.19; nccrued interest, $0 39. Xo. 5200 --I'nknown Owner, Vol. 0. P. 90; SE", of XW'i, Sec. 11, I'wp. 31, It. 2W, $12.90; accrued in- Ii si. $1.30. Xo. 52 0 4 T. G P. 99, NW'i ;;v; of sw'i, f It. ' 2W. $20.1 0; . Reames, Vol. 6, of NE'4 n ud lee. 27, Twp. 34, accrued Interest, $0.70. o. 5205 T. G. Reames, Vol. fi. P. 100; NW. of XW'i, Sec. 33, Twp. 3 1, R, 2W, $14.98; accrued interest, $4.96. No. 5200 J. Biker Est., Vol. 6, P. 100; N'i of SW'4, Sec. 33, Twp. 3 1. It. 2W, $14.98; accrued interest, $4.99. No. 5207 Mary Kelsoe, Vol. 6, P. lu2; SK'i or SE'i. Sec. 6, Twp, 35, ! It. 2W, $8.90; accrued Inlerest, $2.98. I No. 5208 M. A. Vincent. Vol. 6, P. 101; Wl-3 of WW, of NW'4, Sec. 10. Twp . 35. R. 2W, $2.S2; accrued' interest, $0.94. Xo. 6209 C. O . Vincent. Est. .Vol. fi. P. 10 1; E2-3 of WM of NW',4. Sec. 10, Twp. 35, R. 2W, $5.03; nc crued interest, $1.(18. Xo. 5215 Pnnkev ft Conlev, Vol. 0. P. 113; land des. 1 02-150, Sec. 20, Two. 30, It. 2V, $18. S2; accrued in terest, $0.27. No. 0210 Martin Perry, Vol. 6. P. 111; hoi;, at 'i cor. bet. Sec. 23 ft. 3 1, E. 20 rds. S. 40 rds. W. 20 rds. N. 40 rds to hoc, Sec. 24. Twp. 36, R. 2W, $3.65; accrued interest, $1.21. Xo. 5217 lacoh Stone. Vol. 6. P. 115; Lot Xo. 2. Sec. 28, Twp. 36, R.,Twp. 34. R 2W. $0.07: accrued interest, $2.22. Xo. 52IS--.1. (I. Halliaw.iv, Vol. 6, Xo. 53 1 1 Unknown Owner, o. P. 110: Lot Xo. 1. Sec. 32, Twp. 30, 7. P. 128: SW'4 of SW'4, Sec. 27. It. 2V, $1.57; accrued interest, Twp. 35, R. IE, $5.38; accrued In-, $0.52. iterest, $1.79. j Xo. 5219 A. VV. Lewis, et nl, Vol. No. 6312 E. ,T. Cutter, Vol. 7, P. 0. P. 119; land des. 72-596, Sec. 1. 'l2r; W',0 of NE'4 & E'fc of NWVi.i 'I'wp. 27. R. 2W, $0.34; accrued in- Sec. 33, Twp. 35. R. IE, $22.40; ac-, lerest. $2.11. crued Interest, $7.46. Xo. 5222 -A. L. Alliens. Vol. 6, P.1 No. 5313 H. R. Brown Est., Vol. 122; land des. 91-514, Sec. 5, Twp. i 7, P. 130; land In SWW, W. of Lake 37. It. 2W, $2.27; accrued Interest, ! creek, Sec. 3, Twp. 36, R. IE, $4.50; j $0.75. ! accrued interest, $1.50. I No. 5"'.' I J. It. Downim.', Vol. 6, P. 121; S'. of S '..or XW'i of SE'i, See. S, Twp. 37. It. 2W, $3.02; ac crue, interest, $1.20. Xo. 5225 W. E. Alexander, Vol. 0. P. 120; Trad of land des. 63-374, Sec. 13. Twp. 37, R. 2W, $3.22; ac crued interest, $1.07, Xo. 5220 A. P. CoWL'ill, Vol. 6, P. 12 0: tract des. 89-435, See. 13, Twp. 37. ft. 2W, $3.22; accrued in teiest, $I.U7. Xo. 6227 Cold Tlill Co., Vol. 6, P. 129; tract of land. Sec. 16. Twp. 30. It. 3V, $1.12; accrued Interest.1 $n : No .'28- F. P. Ttrosins. Vol. 6, part of V. A. Kelsey laud, 129; des. 02 17 1, Sec. 16. 30, R. 2W, $ I "0: accrued inleresl, $1.42. Xo. 6229 M. M. Maine, Vol. 6, P. 129; A V i '. of SW of SE'4. Sec 17. Timi. 37. It. 2W, $6.02; accrued ill'elest. $2.00. No. 5230 K. C. Oihion, Vol. 6. P. l:lu: land des. 53-318, See. 20, T.vp 37. R 2W. $1.70; accrued In terest, $0.50. Xo. 5 2 Vol. 0. I I. ml di F It. 2V. ? ! Oil. 11- Opp Consolidate Mines, 13a: XW'i of XW'i. less SS-61, Sec. 31. Twp. 37, $10.82; accrued interest, No P. 1 I Twp. terest. No. 0. P. 5230 M. : NW'i S. It. 2W, $2 SO. 5237 - O. 13; SE'i 11. Criffin. Vol. fi, of SW',, Sec. 22, $S.5S; accrued in- M. Whetstone. Vol. of XW'i, Sec. 20, Twp. 3S. R. 2W. $7.81; accrued In- No P. 111 28. R. $2 SO. Xo. 6". 523 8 J. M. Lofland. Vol. 6. ; SE'i of-SE',, Sec. 22. Twp. - 2W. -$8 58; accrued interest, 52 10 Ilnnlel Miller. Vol. 6, : SK'i of SW'i. See. 24. Twp. 2 W.. $8 68; accrued interest, P. 1 15 38. It. $2. SO. 52 11 Kate Dunham. Vol. 8. Lot No 1. Sec. 3. Twp. 38. R. $1 4S: arcrued Interest, $1.41. 5215 S .1. lleniiison. Vol. 8, J'1" of XW'i, Sec. 18. Twp. 1 E.. $19.33; accrued inter- 1 : E.. Xo. P 17 2 9. P esl. $0 No .-.:.; H. A. Jones, Vol. 8. P. IS; l.-inil Des. 42-420; Sec. 20. Twp. 29 R. 1 E , $2.34: arcrued interest, fa 78. No 5317 Wm. llaller. Vol. 8. P. oi 22: SK'i Sec 20, Twp. 40. R. 1 E 2(. .'.a; accrued Interest. $8.8.1. Xo. 521'" Cod-ens Bros.. Vol. 8. P 2.".: XE', of XW'i and Lots 1, 2, and 3. S.-c 18. Twp. 41, R. 1 E., $!'4r.: nccrued Interest. $13.48. Xo. 625 3 T. B. Dawson. Vol. 8 P. 21: Lot Xo. 1; Int. in Ditch. Sec 2. Twp. 3 4. R. 1 w, $5.51; accrued interest, Jl S3. No. 525G C. W. Kahler, Vol. 8, P. 35; Lot No. 2, Sec. 31, Twp. 34, R. 1 W., .$6.90; accrued Interest, $2.30. No. 6257 Flemine Mathews, Vol. 8, P. 38; Gov. Lots 7 and 8, Sec. 14. Twp. 35, R. 1W., $8.94; accrued interest, $2.98. No. 6259 Wm. Ulrlcli, Vol. 8, P. 40; NW'i of SEVt. Sec. 22, Twp. 35, 1 W., $7.94; accrued interest, J2.U4. No. 52G0 Fleming: J. Mathews, Vol. 8, P. 40; N of N Vjof NEW Sec. 23, Twp. 35, R. 1 V $7.94; ac crued Interest, $2.64. Xo. 5261 Flemine ,T. Mathews, j Vol. 8, P. 40; NH of NW'4 of NW14,1 Sec. 24: Twp. 35, R. 1 W $4.42; ac-j crued interest, $1.47. i No. 5202 M. J. Moon Est., Vol. 8. P. 41; Lot No. 4, Sec. 29, Twp. 35. R. 1 W., $2.6G; accrued Interest, $0.88. No. 52G3 Ernest Cole, Vol. G, P. 44; Land lies. 72-620, Sec. 2, Twp. 36, R. 1W $3.49; nccrued Inter- No. 62G8-L. Carter, Vol. 8, P. 48: SEi of NWtf Sec. 26, Twp. 36, R. 1 W $8.58; accrued interest, $2.86. No. 5271 Howard S. Dudley, Vol. 8. P. 61: SE Vi of SE,4 Sec. 4, Twp. 37, R. 1 W., $14.98, accrued Interest, $4.99. No. 6275 U. Cheesman. Vol. 8. P. 01; Land out of Ttarrell Tract. 1 W., $1.00; accrued Interest. $0.6 No. 5284 .T. Ilolton. Vol. 8, P. 81; NW'i of NWVi Sec. 12. Twp. 39, It. 1 W., $8.32; accrued Interest, $2.77. No. 62RG Pat Donovan, Vol. 8, P. 8(1; NW'4 Sec. 20, Twp. 40, R. 1 W.. $39.02; accrued Interest, $13.00. No. 5289 .las. Croniblev,. Vol. 8, P. 98; Eui;le Huts. Fruit Farms, Lot 27, $12.90; accrued interest, $4.30. No. 6291 C. H. Pierce, Vol. 8, P. 128; Pierce Sub. Div., Lot 7, Blk. 2, $2.31; accrued Interest, $0.77. No. 5292 Bert Hooker, Vol. 8, P. 131; He-Sub. of Perry's Sub. Div., Lois 15 & 16, $9.22; accrued in- terest, $3.07. No. 5293 F. E. Carle, Vol. 8, P. 142; R. R. Valley Orch. Tract, Lot 7, Blk. F $3.78; accrued Interest, $1.20. Xo. 5296 Estella Trice, Vol. 7, P. ' 11; E'4 of NW'4, Sec. 32, Twp. 39,' It. 4E, $22.02; accrued Interest, $7.34. No. 5298 Mary P. Bachelor, Vol. 7, P. 40; NW'4, Sec. 8, Twp. 38, R. 1 3E. $17.14; nccrued interest, $5.71. No. 5300 A. E. Clansley, Vol. 7, P. 72: Lot No. 3 ft NE'i of SW'4, Sec. 18, Twp. 24, R. 2E, $27.78; ac crued Interest, $9.26. No. 5301 Unknown Owner, Vol. 7, P. S2; N'A of NE'4, Sec. 19. Twn. : 36, II, $1.30. 2E, $4.10; accrued Interest, No. 5304 Molkle ft Tayno or T. W. Atkinson, Vol. 7, P. 95; und Vi int. in S'fc of SW'4 of NE'4. NE of SW'4 of NW'4 of SE'4, Sec. 34, Twp. 38, R. 2E, $6.31; accrued ln- terest,-$2.1 0. No. 5305 Vf, R. Taylor, Vol. 7, P. 90; land In SW'4, des. 37-346, lof.s 63-505, O. R. 14-10-17-16 & 70-1 86, Sec. 7, Twp. 39, R. 2E, $12.58; accrued interest, $4.1G. No. 5307 MacLean East., Vol. 7, P. 118; land des. Vol. 32-621, : $1.12; accrued Interest, $0.37. ! Xo. 5308 T. A. Olson, Vol. 7, P. 121; SW'4 of NE'4, NW'4 of SEV4, Sec. 12, Twp. 34, R. IE, $8.68; accrued Interest. $2.86. No. 5310 Unknown Owner, SW14 i of SE V. , Vol. 7. P. 123: Sec. 33. IE, $5.06; accrued In- lerest, $1.68 Xo. 631 I Fisher Pros., Vol. 7, P. 137; SE'i of SE'4, Sec. 33. Twp. 3G, It. IE, $5.22; accrued Inter.!, j$1.74. i No. 5315 A. ft N. Fisher, Vol. 7.! P. 138; Lot No. 1, Sec. 6, Twp. 37, R. IE, $4.10; accrued Interest, $1.30. j No. 631 6 Joseplms W'ineman. Vol. 7. P. 139; K of EM,. Sec. 8, Twp. 37, It. IE, $13.70; accrued In terest, $1.66. Xo. 5318 TI. ("!. Mnthes, et ux, Vol. 7, P. 144; SE'4 of SE'4, Sec. 3(1, Twp. 37. It. IE, $3.11; accrued interest. $1.03. Xo. 5319 T. W. Hill. Vol. 6, P. 57; Ashland, Miners Add., Lots 3. 4 ft 5, $30.90; accrued Interest, $10.30. No. 5322 Fred IL Cook, Vol. 4, P. 42; Meilfonl, Wolverton Sub. Dir., Lot 15, Hlk. 1, $17.41; uccrued In terest, $5 80. No. 5323 It. A. Hiissey, Vol. 4, P. 112; Sunset Park. Medford, Lois 5 ft , Plk. 3. $5.06; accrued In terest, $1.68. No. 6324 C. S. Sanderson, Vol. 1, P. 49: Central Point, Constant Tract, part Lot 1 S17.84: nccrued interest. $5.94. No. 6.325 Holm Crlffiths. Vol. 1, P. 51; Central Point, Griffith Add., Lots 2. 3, 4 ft 5. Rlk. 1, $40.61; ac crued interest. $13.50. No. 532(1 F. A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. 89: Cold Hill, Deekumg Amended Add.. Lots 1 ft 2. Rlk. 22. $2. GO: accrued Interest. $0.86. No. 5327 Luke Ryan, Vol. 2, P. 71; Jacksonville, SH of Lots 7. Blk. 17. Lot 8. Hlk. 17. $43.46: accrued interest, $14.48. No. 6328 R. A. Holmes, Vol. 3, p. 34; Medford, Lot 2, Blk. 61, $5 88; accrued Interest, $1.96. No. 6329 M. M. Maine, Vol. 3, 'P. 34: Medford. L..t 7. 8 ft 9. Dlk. (13. 1G ft. on W 2nd St., Blk. 63, $53.28; accrued interest, $17.79. No. 5330 D. F. Carver, Vol. 3, P. 60; Medford, Rnjhacks Reserve, des. D.1 - 459, $42.61; accrued Interest, S14.1? Xo. 5331 T. J. McAndrews, Vol.1 3. P. 50; M.dford, Brvant Add.. Loti 6. Bik. 1, $3.52; accrued interest, $1-17. I No. 633? F V Amy Vol .1 P ! - Mndrni-H,nia ah,i i-p 5. Blk. 1, $18.84; accrued Interest,! $6.28. No. 53330. A. Munn. Vol. 3. P. I 58; Medford. Cottage Add., part Lot 4. Blk. 2, $15.97; accrued interest, $5.32. I No. 5334 Gus Miller, Vol. S, P.! 102; Medford. Lumsdens Add., Lot 13. Blk. 2, $12.87; accrued interest,! $4.29. ' No. 6335 W. M. Holmes, Vol. 4, IP. 103; Medford, Nlckell Add., Lot 2, -Blk. 3, $15.94; accrued lntore.n, $5.31. 1 " No. 5336 J. Lowe or Welch In terest, Vol. 5, P. 63; und. 1-3 int.; Overlook Add., Lot H., $10.50; ac crued Interest, $3.50. i No. 5337 J. C. Gill or F. D. i Welch. Vol. 6, P. 63; Ashland, Over look Add., und. '. Int. Lot J., $7.94; accrued Interest. $2.G4. No. 5339 G. B. Brown, Vol. 7, V. i 133; und. 2-3 int. In SW'4 of SWM, I Sec. 14, Twp. 3(1. R. IE, $3.46; ac crued interest, $1.15. ' No. 5340 Unknown Owner, Vol. 7. P. 130; EW. of NW'4, Sec. 25, 'Twp. 36. R. IE, $1.74; accrued In I terest, $1.58. No. 5341 C. Piorcn, Vol. 7, P. 31 ; I'SWVl of NE'4, Sec. 36, Twp. 37, R. .IE. $10.90; accrued interest, $3.63. No. 5312 A. L. Mills, Vol. 7, P. '2; SM, of SW'i, Sec. 15, Twp. 37, R. 4E. $10.26; nccrued Interest, $5.42. No. 5313 J. A. Trocb, Vol. 7, V. 79; EM. of EM. nf SE'4 of SW'i. :V',i of W'Vi of SW'4 of SW'',. Sec. 2, Twp. 3G, R. 2E, $4.74; iic 'cruod Interest, $1.68. ; No. 5345 J. M. Root. Vol. 8, P. I 48; SE'4 of SE'4, Sec. 27, Twp. 30, R. 1W, $5.61; accrued Interest, ! $1.83. ; No. 5348 Polio Nickell, Vol. 6, P. 139; W',4 of NW'4, Sec. fi, Twp. 38, R. 2W, $9.40; accrued Inteiest, $3.15. No. 6351 A. TCvle, Vol. ff, P. 70; W'A of NE'4 of NE'4. K'A of NE'4 i of NE'4, Sec. 32, Twp. 3(1, R. 3W, $9.8G; accrued Interest, $3 28. No. 5352 T. D. Ross, Vol. fi. P. '74; und. Int. In E". of NE'4. 'Sec. 12. Twp. 37, R. 3W, $C30; ac crued Interest, $2.10. . j j No. 5353 T. G. Kennies or Rink Inf Jacksonville, or Jackson Co. Rank, ,Vol. fi, P. 76; S. 13 A. of SE'4 of SW'4, Sec. 25, Twp. 37. R. 3V, $3.01; accrued Interest, $1.00. ' No. 6355 O. Knox & C. C. Prei lley, 10 A. oTf W. side of NE'i or JSW'4, des. 90-542, Vol. fi, P. 41, $1.46; nccrued Interest, $0.48. No. 6360 Ore. & Calif. Dev. Co., RoKiie River Vnllev Orcb. Co., N. 5 A. of Lot 15, Blk. C, Vol. 8, P. Ml; $4.28; accrued Interest, $1.42. No. 5301 M. C. Iddini-f!. Vol. 8, P. 142; Roruo River Vi.p.ov (i,--ebnrd Co., part Lot 2, Hlk. F., $2.31; accrued Interest, $0.78. Date of First publicat inn, .lanuaiv 28, 1920. SU-0I-W SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX LIENS. Ill the Circuit f'ouil of Hie State 01' Ores For the County of Jack son: Jackson County Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Carl Richardson, W. A. Cowlev, A S. Smith, Unknown Owner, C. S. Sanderson, John Griffith. O. Ock ernian. Culver, V. Frees, Patler sonft Kahler, Kahler ft Pattison, S. E. McCnrvell, Jones ft llofli-n. J. F. Brown, W. 11. Ilinnphrev, W. E .Patton, (!. W. Richardson. H. F. Piatt, ciiurdian, Ren ft- Anna lioall, J. Delfamey, J. II. Kincaid, Mary A. Mee, Mary E. Kims, P.eni. Heali. Martha Murry, Marie Allied, ("has. E.Lunt, S. A . Pattison, 11. P.ilev, - R. F. Annie, J. A. Mann, Win. T. Toontey, Sarah A. Clark. Rachel M. Whiteside, W. 11. Everliard. Jos. Martin, Aucust Pule), F. O. Cochran, J, Isaac. It. H. Rhoades. Anna A. Smith, J. S. ft J F. I. awry. V. A. Schlinsoj.'. Central Point Creamery Co., Land Des., Lacy A. RiliKliain, Emma Freel, Main ft Winchester, (!. II. Aiken. T. H. Kent, T. J. Kenney. Catholic Church, C. Emine, S. Humphrey, Haiina & RuksIuiw, J. Xarliir-'.O ft C. Staire Co.. X. E. Fisher. M. Colwell. W. Hacker. Joe Stevens. J. J.Lune, Mrs. Martha Jefferson. John Budireon, John A. Kelts. L. A. Rose. Ceo. N. Lewis. Colver Est., T. If. F. Kudo. S. L. Hannah. Cold Hill Dev. Co.. .1. R. Wilhelin, W. W. Triiax. F. W. Undue. Flora A. Kidsev, Fred DimIl'o, F. A. Kel sey, R. C. Kelsey, II. T. Went wortli, L. C. Applecate, J. Oleson, Henry Ilritt, Russell Swank, Hen Haymond, Mrs. Hen Hayniond, Ed. W. Cooper, L. F. Gardner, Ilenrv Hoist, S. ft W. H. Peiiniston. I. W. Moore, Jane Carroll. D. T Mc Kerclier. A. C. Caldwell. F. J. Lowrv, .1. C. Sniilli, II. E. Slone. W. Pienim;, Mary Plenincr, Jos. Lowe, J. ft A. Zir.ler. fl. W. Can iiinir. 1st. Christian Chiircli. Merl Lovelady, II. A. Anlry. A. Dufl'ield. A. F. Rosenstock. S. C. Gunler, E. P. Vickroy, China Gin. A. E. Reames. Fred Lockley.Mrs. Nettie Thoinpsoii.E. Prim, Reimes Esl.. C. L. Reiinies, C. D. Reed Est., Mrs. P. Appleeaf,., w. II. Hamil ton, P. II. Dailey, J. A. Jonas. Fred S. Johnson, J. J. Hulclier, Harold G. Helwii;, H. H. Tronson, J. A. Green. W. A. ft P. Smith, Mrs. E. R. West. Curlier ft Sahin. John Owens. Hert F. Hall. Roliert Hall. Glaspill ft Wheeler.S. Sack, Forest. J. G. Gohle. Will. (1. Martin. Hen Hayniond. Anderson Green Co.. Inc.. A. I). Johns, Geo. Dietrich, W. Fredei iekson, Emma T. Whitnev, Cora Wilson, Gen. E. Chaniherlin. A. P. Talent. Mae Kie llrumliill, M. L. Hollirook. Lewis Mishler, Porter ft Humph rey, W. I). Allen, Perry Scott, Geo. K. Chaniherlin, W.T. York, W.A. Lovelace. J. F. ft M. V.. Lalhatn. Des., National Surety Co., W. H. Holmes, R. J. Conroy. C. G. Ware. Chek-ren Pros., W. R. Donnevik. T. II. Caiifrhev. S. T. Wolverton. J.-S. Offut, R. Schuller. E. H. Pot ter, Mrs. M. A. Bacon. V. II. Burrls. R. Schuller, L. G. Porter, C. W. Austin. Waller Wood. M. A. Rader, L. M. Rundlelt, Alvin Camphell. O. V. Myers, A. I,. Cu slck, A. P. Talent. Trail Lumher Co., A. Clements.C. I. Howard. M. L. Alford. Medford Lumher Co Mary Webb, Minnie Calbdian. enied Interest. $1.84. John T. PhelKer, Henry Humph- :0. 6303 W. A. Cowley, Vol. 1. rev, Donald S. Clark, Haiti.- p. r5; Central Point. Pattison Add., Campbell. E. H. Foster, Marion i.ot 1, Hlk. 6; $3.02; accrued in Foster. H. C. Whitney. Francis A. (orest, $1.00. Smith. M B. Glover. M. H. Hartan. 0. 53 0 4 A: S. Smith, Vol. 1. P. L. J. Meeker. M. E. Church (par- 55: Central roint. Pattison Add., sonngo Adilt.), Wm. S. lirown. Marv M. Forbes. R. J. Conroy. I). W. Moor.Trustee. I. M. V akott. X. L. Townsend.' W. McCardle. Lena Weist. E. C. Way, M. E. Lewis. Star L. fTolvie, Oakdale Tenuis Club. Geo. E. Marshall. D. L. Col vie. H. S. Briimble. John Grieve et al, Anna M. Parker. Jane D Hooker, J. W. Dressier. A. P. Tal ent, Trail Lumber Co.. Jas. Bowl ine or W. C. Gordan, Ernest W Krickson, Alfred Ivey. Queen Anne'rst. $5 81. Add., Inc. Medford Realty ft Imi Co., E. M. Turner. Amelia M. Carey, F. A. Smith. St. Anthonv. Inc., F. O. Burness. Clara M Wood. Annla M. Walters. Clar ence Havertv, W. D. Junes. R.M Poole, F. L. Baker, W. M. Holmes. J. C. Collins, E. C. LIhhy, Jaa. B. CraiK, G. W. SI nil, Blanche L. Al exander, O. H. Clmffee, E. 11. Lam port, A. A. Moody, R. N. Foster, W. A. & R. L. .Medley, Suniiyside Add., .1. H. Dent. Ciitlierien M. Wakeuian, Sarali lllyUm Alears, R. W. Leonard. V. O, Powers, MantUef Piel. .1. O. Samide. F. H. Pitcher John Guy Wilson, II. II. Tuttle, O M. Cornelius, Idella Gordan. A. t'onro Fiero, John Arnell, II. C.I No. 5372 Patterson & Kuhler, P.iovMi, ('. L. Kawson.J. W. IVol. 1, P. 50 & 51; Central Point, Sarah Pobhins, Delia Clement, W.JOak Park Add.. Lots 4, 5, 7, 8. !, 1). Jackson, C. II. ll.Parker, Geo. 10, 11 12. Hlk. 2, $30. 7G; accrued Carter. M. E. Wickslrom, C. E.H'erPst. $10.25. Wiokstroin, L. S. Kemp, Wick-! 'No. 5373 Kaliler & Paltlson. Vol. ntroiu Minim; Co.. Tliree Pines 1. P. 51; Ceqtrnl Point, Oak Park Timber Co., L'.A . Smith, ilvilrau-' Add., Lots 13, 14, 16 1f, Hlk. 2, lie Minim; Co., C. W. Jones, Belle. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4 5, Hlk. 3, $28 11; Nickell, .Mary Browusworl Ii Est., .1. 10. Kirk, C. E. Collins, Phil Rob inson, A. Hilcer, Frank 11. Akers, Muikey & lloxie, 11. S. Bailey. E. J. Davidson, MacrJo Loe, M. Jur (.'ensen, L. K. Ilandcock, Sopliia lli.cner, J. P. Oden. W. G. Oden. Kmalino Oden, ,1. Siseniore, U. G Sniilli, A. F. .Nelson. John W. Wehdi, I'nknown Owner, J. W. Prall, Andrews, On;. Water & Power Co., W. H. Gross, Emily Greyson. J. 1. Wliiteniore, A. Kyle. W. 1). Yant, Hydraulic Min itiK Co., C. B. Ross, et a I. Iowa Lumber & Box Co., Trail Lumber Co., Opp Consolidated Mines, E. Hendricks, J. Pierce, S. B. Ountr.ill. A. lteunes. Aim T. llreeden Hamilton II V. Gillette, ml. 1 llilrer C. H. Irs, M. T. G Mary M. A. Kelso. C. O. Vincent Est Vincent, A. Dewilde, Cougill, Martin Perry, vis, S. .1. Hansen, .1. G. Ralph R. Mill.) Du ll, itlnuviiy, M. P. Ward, el al A. L. Mills.1 Grace K. .Mann, llelheit Fehl, II. i T. Severance A ,1. It. Parker, Al bei'l Cotfiuaii, Fred II. Cook, ('has. Xiclioi'is. Glen l'ahrick, .Ia. Btv linu, V. II. Mumplirey. William! Ross, M. G. Glover, W. II. Holmes. Elsa A. Cheiniwerlh. ,1. F. Brooks. C. II. II. Parker, W. A. Lee. Jacob lliifi.'ei-, II. W. Reynolds. T. P, Collins, Win. iiavis. M e d f o r d Really i- Imp.. Co., Helen SI ran-, her-'er. L. K. Wakeuian, Ii, F, , Alulkey. It. Schiller, II. S. Wood. I .1. A. Tom Marv Child Chillis, Cei you llf;ls. Clara. Aiki Thos. I'arlholoiiiew, eis. Cos. Ciaier. ,M. N. 1. K. Chamheilin. Siski Co.. W. I-:. Weaver, n. ('has. M. Sniilli, .1. G. loil, I,, ! Hill. Inc., J, (lard. W. S. I. M, Turner. College Ii. Heard. II. C. Stdd Crowell A; .1. G. Coble, K. A. Kim;. Vi.-lor D.illuire, It. R. V. Canal Co., Daniel Walker. Mae I. e ill l-'st.. T. A. Olson. Homer Cox. F. .1. Cutter. It. M. Horry, (1. II. Iliown, A. ft N. Fisher, C. Pierce, Kate Dunham (Heeson), W. L. ft C. Moore. S. .1. Ileuiiisoti, II. A. Joins, Win. Ili'.ler. Coi nins Bros., A. W, Lewis, el al.. A. L. Aikins. J. F. Palmer, Dr. It. .1. Conroy. M. M. Maine, K. C. Gib sou, App Consolid ileil .Mine of X. .1. Less Land Des., Wesley R. Sparks. .1 ll.einaii, Alfred A. Hiker. 1). M. Whetstone, M. H. Griffin. Daniel .Miller. M. F. Town, II. W. Rey nolds, J. O. Col.le. pearl Calehan, O. .1. Willard, S. S. Piudps, I- lein- i II it Mathews. Wm. 1'lricli, Clias. Seaimm, David E. Walker, L. Car ter. W. W. Cot roll et al, A. C. Sherman, Chas. E. Hicks. A. P. Hammond, Shorty Hope M. ft M. Co., .1. Ilolton, E. L. Cooley, II. C. Stoddard. C. H. Pierce, and also all ot!i"r persons and parties un known olainiinu uny risdit, title ( stale, lien and inlerest, In and to the Real Estate described in the c( in,l,int herein, II, I'endants: To t!;e ahove named defendants: III the mime of I In- Stale of Oro Kon. Vou and each of you are hereby notified that Jackson County, Ore con, the above miined plaintiff, in til" owner and holder of the certifi cates of delinquency hereinafter .specified in "i'xbibit A" hereof is sued aiiH d.,ted January 17. 1 920, that lieinK the ainoiint then due, de linquent and unpaid for taxes for the year 1913, together with penalty, interest and cosls thereon, upon that certain real property lyini; and lieini; situated in Jackson County, Oreeon, assessed to you and each of Oll as me sauiu ii I a in mi i IU.IS III! lil'T j.i. J.'i.,, lit n.i.i. t i o... I li(llll tlliu Oltlie, u inoiu I'ni ill. null descriptiun of said property, those to whom tlio same Is assessed, to gether with the amounts due, delin quent, and unpaid lieinK found in an itiiiii.ed statement thereof herein attached, madn a part hereof and marked "Exhibit A." You and each' of you are hereby required to appear in the ahove enlilled Court and cause within sixty days from the date of j tlio first publication of this tm irfotis nRiiinst you eclusiie of the' date of the first publication, and all-1 swt plaintiff h complaint and upon your failure so lo do, plaintiff will ask for a decree of this Court fore-j clositiL' said delinquency certifl- cales ill Hie amounts and against the properly as set out In Exhibit A." This Summons is published once each week for a period of six con secutive weeks in Hie Ashland Tid ings, a newspaper or regular and eeneral circulation turnout Jackson Couiily, Oreuon, published weekly al Asiiland. Oreeon. under and hj virtue of an order duly made, ren dered and entered by lion. F. M. Cal kins. Circuit Jiidce, on January 17, 1920. All prnrecdinKs and papers In this matter may lie served upun the un dersi'.'tied. residing within Jackson County, Orenon', al the address here inafter (liven. 0. M. ROBERTS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Medford National Hank liuildins, Medford, OreKon. "KXIIII1IT A. Interest ficurcd to March 1, 1920. No. 5302 Carl Richardson, Vol. 1. P. 55; Central Point, Shields Add., W. 35 ft. of Lot 7. Blk. 1, $5.53; ac- j,niu 3 ft 4. Hlk. 0, $7.78; accrued interest, $2.59. No. 6305 Unknown Owner, Vol. 1. P 55; Central Point, he?, at E. cor. Let 2, lilk. 7, Hi. W. nloni; S. side or Hlk.. 115 4 ft. of 8th st.. Ih. SE aloiiL' St., 20 1 ft. more or less, th N. to lies., Plk. 7. Pattlson Add., $3 55; accrued interest, $1.18. No. 5206 C. S. Sanderson, Vol. 1, P. 17: Central Point, Constant Tract, part Lot 15, $17.43; accrued Inter- No i-:.;x John Griffith. Vol. 1. P. 49; Central Point. Griffith A.M., Lots 2. 3. 5. fi ft Blk. 1. 8. 9 and 1 Hlk. 2, $,j.2,3; accrued interest. Lot 9 "-13. ,$5.18. No. t..;09 lonn tjnrritn, Vol. 1,, Central Point, Crlffiths Add.,! P. SO; Lot 2, Plk. 2, Lota 4, 3, 6 & 6, Blk 2, $37.40; accrued Interest, $12.46. No. 6370 O. Orkerman, Vol. 1. P. 50; Central Point, Crlffiths Add., Lot 7, Blk. 2, $5.13; accrued Inter est, $1.71. eo. 6.1(1 Golver V. Frees, Vol, 1, r. tio: rentrui point, Oak Park 'Add., Lot G. Blk. Interest, $1.71. $5.13; accrued accrued interest, $9.37. No. 5374 Kahler R- Pattlson, Vol. 1. 1 51 62; Central Point, Oak Park Add., Lots 6, 7, 8. 9, & 10, Blk. 3, Lot fi. Blk. 4. Lots 8. 9 & 10, Blk. 5. $38.70; accrued Interest, $12 90. No. 5375 Kahler ft Pattlson, Vol. 1. P. 62: Central Point. Oak Park Lois 11 ft 12. Hlk. 5, Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 4M,-. Blk. 6, Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 7, $25.73; accrued Interest. $8.57. No. 5376 R. E. McCnrvell. Vol. 1, P. 52; Central Point, Oak Park Add.. Lot 3. Blk. 5, $5.13; accrued Interest, $1.71. No. 5377 Kahler ft Pattlson, Vol. 1. 1. 62: Central Point. Oak Park Add., Lots 3, 1. 6 ft 6. Blk. 7, $14. G7; arcrued Interest, $4.89. No. 6378 Jones ft Ileflen, Cen fral Point, Vol. 1, P. 53; Oak Park Add., Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 8, $8.83; ac crued Interest, $2.94. No. 5381 J. F. Brown, Vol. 1, P. 5; Hutto Falls, Lot 7 ft 8, Blk. 13, $14.00; accrued Interest, $4.88. No. 5382 J. F. Brown, Vol. 1, P. 8; Hutto Falls, Lid 6. Hlk. 17, $8.41; nccrued interest, $2.80. No. 5283 W. H. Humphrey, Vol. 1. P. 8; Butte Falls, Lot 9, Blk. 17, $8,4 I ; accrued interest, $2.80. No. P. 9; $5.91 ; 5385 W. E. Patton, Vol. 1. Butte Falls, Lot 12, Blk. 18, accrued Interest. $1.97. No 5380 G. W. Richardson. Vol. 1. P. 10; Butte Falls, Lot 4, Blk. 21, $3.40; accrued Interest, $1.13. No. 3 87 F. B. Piatt, enanlian. Vol. fi, p. 13; Butte Falls, not plat ted, 1-3 Int. In XE'i or NW'i. 1-3 int. in N"a of NE'i, $35.94; accrued interest, $11.98. No. 5388 Win. A. Cowlev, Vol. 1, P. 15; Central point, S. 112 ft. Lot Ifi. Hlk. 2. $8.18; accrued Interest, $2.72. No. 5389 Wm. A. Cowlev, Vol. 1. P. 15: Central Point. S. 1 1 2 ft. of Lots 12, 1.3, 11 ft 15, Hlk. 2, $7.90; accrued Inlerest, $2.fi3. No. 5390 Hen ft Ann Beall. Vol. 1. P. 21 ; Central Point. Lot 12, Blk. 12. $0.19; accrued interest, $2.06. No. 5.391 J. Delfamev, Vol. 1, P. 21: Central Point, Lots 13 ft 14, Hlk. 12, $11.48; accrued Interest, $3 82 No. 6392 J. H. Kincaid. Vol. 1, P. 22; Central Point, W. 10". rt. Lot 2. Blk. 14. all Lot 3. Blk. 14, $8.04; accrued interest, $2.68. No. 5393 Unknown Owner, Vol. 1. P. 22; Central Point, Lot 4, Blk. 14, $10.31; accrued inlerest, $3.44. No. 5.394 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1, P. 23; Central Point, Lots 89, Hlk. 14, $17.82; accrued Interest, $5.94. No. 5395 Marv E. Simms. Vol. 1, P. 23; Central Point. Lot 10, Blk. 14, $9.36; accrued Interest. $3.12. No. 5396 Ben). Beall. Vol. 1. P. 23; Central Point, 1-3 ot Lot 8, Hlk. 15. $4.33: nccrued interest, $1.44. Xo. 5397 Mertha Murrv, Vol. I, P. 23; Central Point, 1-3 of Lot 9, Hlk. 15, $1.08; nccrued Interest, $0.56. No. 5398 Marin Albert. Vol. 1, P. 28; Central Point, Hlk. 29, $5.14; accrued interest, $1.71. No. 5399 Marv A. Mee, Vol. 1, P. 20; r'entral Point, Bik. 35, $3.55; accrued interest, $1.18. No. 5400 W. A. Cowlev, Vol. 1, P. 30; Central Point. Lot 8, Blk. 37, Lol 3 ft 4, Hlk. 38, $19.92; nccrued Interest, $0.64. No. 5401 S. A. Pattlson, Vol. 1, P. 30; Central Point, Lots 7 ft 8. 'Blk. 38, $16.77; accrued interest, $5.59. ' No. 5402 Chas. E. Lunt. Vol. 1, p n, , Central Point. Lot 2, Blk. 39, n ' 0; accrued interest, $2.50. No. 5 403 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, P. 32; Cestral Point, Lot 1, Blk. 42, $22.0(1; nccrued Interest, $7.35. No. 5404 S. A. Pattison, Vol. 1, P. 32: Central Point, Lot 3. Hlk. 42, $41.91; accrued interest, $13.97. No. 5405 II. Riley, Vol. 1. P. 33; Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 47, $10.37; accrued Interest, $5.46. No 540(1 R. F. Ancle, Vol. 1, P. 33; Central Point, Lois 5, 6. 7 A 8, Blk. 48, $74.97; accrued Interest, $24.99. No. 5407 J. A. Mann. Vol. 1, P. 34: Central Point. Lot 5, Blk. 53, i $7.10; accrued interest, $2.36. j No. 5408 P.onJ. Beall, Vol. 1. P, '35; Central Point, Lots 5 ft 6, Blk. 54, $18.36, accrued .interest, $6.12. j No. 5409 R. T. Ancle. Vol. 1, P. 35; Central Point, Lot 4, Blk. 55, $10.15; accrued interest, $3 38. No. 5410-iWm. T. Tonmev, Vol. 1, , P. 38; Central Point, Lots 1, 2, 3 ft lllk. (15, $31.31; accrued Inter st, $10.43. ! No. BUI Win. A. Cowlev. Vol 1, P. 39; Central Point, T.!s 1 ft 2. Blk. 09, $1.3.87; accrued Interest. $4.(12. No. 5112 Sarah A. Clark. Vol 1, P. 39; Central Point. Lot 5. Blk. .;09, $7.25; accrued Interest, $2.41. No. f.ll.'l Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1. Central Point, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 71, $27. CI; accrued interest, P. 40; 4. Blk. $9.20. No. 5114 Win A. Cowlev. Vol. 1, P. 40; Central Point. Lot 8. Blk. 71, $9.37; accrued Interest. $3.12. No. 6415 Rachel Al. Whiteside, Vol. 1. P. 43; Central Point, Amv Hnrbntlch Add , Lots 4. 5. fi 7 8 ft 9. Hlk. 2, $22.05; accrued Inter est. $7.35. No. 5416 W. IT. Evrrhnrd. Cen tral Point, Constant Tract- 44 5 ft Des. 99-570. Part Let 2. Vol. 1. P. 47. $2.49; nccrued Interest, $0.83. No. 5417 Jos. Martin. Vol. 1, P. 47: Central Point, lot 50, Des. 99 290. Part Lot 2. Constant Tract, 2.49: accrued Interest, $0.83 No. 5418 W. H. Everhard. Vol. 1, P. 47: Central Point. Constant Tract. H. 200 ft. Des. 95-213 less 98-481. Prrt Lot 2, $9.01; accrued Interest, $3.00. Xo. 5419 Mary Mee. Vol. 1, '. 47: Central Toint. Ceni-f.inl Tripf Lot 4 $15.51, accrued interest. $5.18. No. 5420Aneuit Puhl. Vol. 1. P. 47: Central Point. Constant Tract. Lot 5, $15.54; accrued Interest, $5.18. No. E 4 2 1 F. O. Cochran. Vol. 1. P. 47; Central Point. Constant Tract. Lot 7, $33.70, accrued inter est. $11.23. No. 5422 Mary A. Mee. Vol. 1. P. 47: Central Point. Constant Tract. $15.54; accrued interest. No. 6423 J. Issac. Vol. 1, P. 47; Central Point. Constant Tract. Lot