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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
U'ocliiwclny, M.trili .'), 1020 ASin-AVD WEEKLY TIMVG9 page nva SUMMONS H FORECLOSURE OF i DELIi(lE,r MX LSLiVS. Ill (lie ( In nil Com! of I hi Oiee,iui, I 'oi' I he 'omit y son: Si. id- ill of Jill'll- Jackson County, (),, mi. PI ail..:.!', vs. W. If. HtiiH.!ii.y, W. K. Pi'lton. (.'" Kichai .l.-iiii, J, Det'oiiny, .1. II Kliiciiiil, .Maeiinler K."'., Maiv A. Mee. .Mary Iv Mms, L"iij. H.- 11. J II. 1 Jou ti 1 11 li. . N. .1. A!' cil, W. A Cowley, 'I'. It. II;i!.iiltol. ;. :. Ufa II, H nj Aslwrv lio.ill, Klii. Beall, Wm. T. Tuinicv, I,. !',:!:("' M. S. Wi'lcli. Mrs. Iluia-h, C. .1. Duntoit, W. V. Newton, W. C. Ev- Presloy, Ore. ft Cal. , Lot 12, $15.69; accrued interest, 1, $5.79; Knox ft, C. ( IK'V. Co., AI. C. hidings, and also nil other persons and parties un known claiming: any ri ht, title, (st..ti, lii'ii or interest in mid to tlin re il estate described In tho complain herein, Defendants. To the above-named defendants: In the name ot the State or Ore gon. Vint and each of yon are hereby no l,'.'d t'r t .lack-am County, Oregon, the aiiove named plaintiff, is the in' -tier anil holder of the certificates ii il' liiiniienev hereinafter snecified in "Exhibit A" hereof issued and tint-1 N'0- 4645 Kahler & Pattison, i'd January 17, 1920. that beine the'Oak Park. Central Point, Lot 4 14, , mi, ant then line. iMinuuont mid mi- Bll' 6; Vol. 1, P. 54; $1.54; uc- No. 4693 C. S. Painter; Vol. I P. 72: Jacksonville. Lota $5.19. , P. 64; Eaele Point, 3A hot. of Pools Illk. 18, $40.44; accrued No. 4641 Pankey, Vol. l.Est., $32.90; accrued Interest. $13 48 P. 60; Grand View Add., Central $10.96 Point, Lots 12 ft 13, Illk accrued Interest, $1.93. No. 46420. W. Rhodes, Vol. 1, P. 50; Grand View Add., Central Point, Lots 21 & 22. Blk. 1, $3.26; accrued interest, $1.75. No. 4643 John Griffiths, Vol. 1, P. 61: Griffiths Add.. Central Point. I Lots B, 8 ft 9, Plk. 2 $15.86; ac crued interest, $5.25. itns. .1. V. And slant, Ceo. pa-ik John Cj'ifiiihs, Hon, .limes ft Smith, Carl Kiel F. Lourv, Ceetr; Co., .Mrs. .1 C 1 Pi .Mai' mi, Isaac Cl.n (1. W. Itho.les, 'Met- & l'.ilti i'li'i, Anna S. 1 on. .1. S. ft J l.illt Croinioiv an P. c. etc . son, .1. I,. Ila'iiiiie. v. ii, I I Mill Dev. Co., A P.. K.dloa.', I'll" i A Kelsey. A. Whilh-lm Jr., Heed ft KeHtine, F. L. Dod-e, Heiilien Cain, .Men ill l!i My. Chaileit" I' Aeree, Co. X. lewis, Culver Est.. W. I). Lev, is ft Hon, .1. A. .Ii.nes Mrs. K. A. AM oil. Ai h id" ft Giij. paid for taxes for the year 1912, to eeiher with penally, Interest and co Is (hereon, upon that certain real .unnorty Ivine rnil heini; .situated In lurk'.nn County, Oregon, assessed lo yon ami each of you as the same ai'icirs In the lax rolls for the year 1912. in County and Slate, a aiore Particular description of said Mioper'y, there to whom ( lie same Is crued Interest, $0.51. No. 4 646 .Tones ft. Hafliu. Vol. 1 P. 65; Oak Park Add, Central Point,! Lots 1. 2, 3 & 4, Blk. 8, $18.58; ac crued interest, $6.19. j No. 4647 Wm. A. Cowlev. Vol. l.i . I' i Din coade, C. X Ditch Co., M. 11. II. Aiken. C. It. Kel.ey lleniy liriti, T. II. Ito-.vo, C. Dodfe, II. F Pi, It A. I.acv. .lam. -. K McCuIlaeli. :. . Fryer, p. it. I, ;; .1. MeOiHvil. I.n: crowors Trod ft Matn-v. Vi c . inond. I 'i. 1 1. i Sah in. T. B Church. M. F. Ryan, S. Sink. S Fish"!'. M. I '.'',: e' Hacker, Clvir: Ci. liter. Ii. A. '.... n ti lt. T. Ii-i nil- K. Clnld ti". . .1. Ii Tit' I i i Fr.h l.-k" S Ii i u i 1 1 1 i It u , Wiw 'n-ler Wi l:l .vert !i 'I Ciii'ila r. i. s. ( I 1 K. Kiiit i, ii. .1. I .I'lll.". P ", r. nit P. 65; Pattison Add., Central Point, Vol Lots 1, Blk. 1, Lots 1, 2, & 4, Blk. 2, 232 $10.07; accrued interest, $3.36. No. 4648 Anna S. Smith. Vol. 1. .H-es.-eii, lof-llier with the amounts; P. 56; Pattison Add., Central Point, ti ", :e!:iioiiei!i, mill unpaid beine' Lot 1, Blk. 3, $6.88; accrued Interest found in an iiimized statement there- $2.29. of herein attached, made a part here- No. 4649 Wm. A.. Cowley, Vol. 1, of .'.ml marker "Exhibit A." You P. 56; Pattison Add.', Central Point. No. 4694 Fish Lake Ditch Co., Vol. 2, P. 64; Eaelo Point, Lot adj. Snowy Butte Mill Proper. Dlt 25, P. 298, $6.88; accrued interest, $2.29. No. 1095 M. Dlrch, Vol. 2, P. 65; Jacksonville Des. DM 50-123, Part Lot 2, Blk 2, $17.05; uccrued inter est, $5.68. No. 4696 A. Schmidley. Vol. 2, P. 66; Jacksonville, part of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 3, $29.76; accrued inter est, $9.92. No. 4697 I'nkninvu Owner, Vol. 2, P. 07; Jacksonville, Lot 1, Blk. 6, $10.02; accrued Interest, $3.34. No. 4699 O. H. Aiken, Vol. 2. P. 68; Jacksonville, E V. ot Lot 3, Blk. 8; $.17.42; accrued interest. $1 2 44. No. 4700 Main ft Winchester. No. 4879 M. E. Church. Vol. 2, P. 73; Jacksonville, Lots 1, 2, S.Sb of Lot 8. Blk. 23, $50.13; accrued interest, $16.71. No. 4880 Luke Ryan, Vol. 2, P. 74; Jacksonville, Lot 2, Blk 26, $10.02; accrued Interest, $3.34. No. 48SI S. Sack, Vol. 2, P. 78; Jacksonville, Lot 1, part 2, 6. and 6, Blk. 37, $5.05; accrued Interest, $1.68. No. 4882 R. J. Day. Vol. 2, P. 80; Jacksonville, Lots 1. 2. 3 4, Blk. No. 488.1 N. E. Fisher, Vol. 2. P. 82; Jacksonville, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 43, $6.76: accrued interest, $2.25. 49. $11.5.1; accrued interest. $3.84 1 & 2, P. 8 & 9; Medford, South Park Add., interest, Lots 11 to IS, incl., Blk. 4, $17 H; accrued Interest, $5.71. No. 49.14 C. I. Howard, Vol. 4, P. 10; Medford, South Park Add., Lois 7 to 12, incl., Blk. 6, $1,108; ac crued interest, $4.36. No, 4915 C. I. Howard, Vol. I, P. 10; Medford, South Park Add., Lots 13 to 18. Incl., Blk. 6, $1.1.08; ac crued Interest, $4.36. No. 4936 N. M. Holmes. Vol. 4, P. 13: Medford, South Sea. Add., Lots 15 to 20. incl., Blk. 1. $55 4 1; accrued interest, $18. IS. No. 4937 N. M. Holmes. Vol. 4. P. 13; Medford, South Sea. Add., Lots 7 to 12, Incl., : 2, Blk. 3, $58.25; I 19.4 1. No. 4938 N. M. Blk. 2. Lots I & accrued interest, 2. P. 68; Jacksonville. Des. 58 W. K of Lot 1. Blk. 8, $19.14 accrued Interest, $6.38. No. 4798 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1 P. 82: Deekutn's Amended Add. " MAI , -1 i, a n s. i.'.b ' - '; No. 4938 N. M. Holmes. Vol. I, f 1 i) ' m it, A '14: Medford. South Sen. Add.. Lots $2 7 4 .accrued Interest $0.91 7, , 9 10, ,, & v, Rk. 3, (2.27; No. 488a-A. Fisher. Vol. 2, P. 8 2 : , accrue(, ,,,.,,,, u 9. ...HUM. II , 1. 01 Z. Ml K. no. C' : II" 11' II II ml each of vou are lieiehy required: to appear ill the ahove entitled Court end cause within sixty days from the dale of the fir't pnhlication of this! mnimmm ne. it! st you exclusive of Die date of the first pnhlication, and -1 1 s v ' i r pi lintiif's coa'.plaint and upon your lo il 11 . u so lo do. plaintiff: v. id a -l; for a decre of this Court ! fm i'i -1 -.:-- i t i' r-iid il.'litii;uency certifl-' ealea in tlie amounts and atrainst th" rly as set out m "I'.vhilnt A. j a : emini.ti -, is piilili'lied once. v. "( Ii for n period of fix con 11. v.. hs in the Ashland Till-; : ia".'-5:."l."l' of lee'tlar and' 1 ci:i 11 1;' t icn thrnout Jackson Lots 2 & 6. Blk. 3, Lot 4, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Blk. 5. $20.33: ac crued interest. $6.78. No. 4650 Will. A. Cowlev. Vol. 1. Cold Hill. Lots 8 1. 2 and 3. Blk 7 terest, $1,21. No. 4799 Flora A and 9. $3.65; ink. 6: Lot accrued In- Kelsey. Vol. 1 1 & 2. Blk. p. R2; Deekum's Amended Add. Cold Hill. Lots 5 to 12 Inc. Illk 7, $7.36; accrued interest, $2.45. No. 4800 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol, P. 67; Pattison Add., Central Point, : 1, p. 82: Oold Hill, plop. T! ;; mi. Cher. .1. l! (I lal Lot 1, nik. 6, $1.85; accrued in terest, $0.62. No. 4651 A. S. Smith, Vol. 1, P. 57; Pattison Add., Central Point, Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 6, $10.69; accrued interest. $3.56. No. 4 6 52 Unknown Owner, Vol. 1, P. 57; Pattison Add.. Central Point. teg. at E. Cor. of Lot No. 2. Blk. 7. th. N. alone SK side of Illk. 115.4 ft. to 8th St., th. SR. alone the st. 204 ft. more or less, th. N. to hep., Deekum's Lots 1 to 7 Inc., accrued interest. I;. 11' tlie C l;.-."i K. Slew Ull. He Ben Ha 1: 1 I . . 1 II d-r ,. CenlliT. Il'it F. 't Cool- II 1','l.t II V.'.,."'- 'tnoi'd, I. W!i . let !el..v . il t ne i :.-.- a lii"-. C lHJ'l. 1 AH P matl.'l i'"!'".'! ' 'illl.l ''. aal'i'-r on, piih!i'-hed weokly $3.62; accrued interest, $1.21 I. (ir" :on. under and l.v j No. 4653 Carl Hichardson. Vol. an older duly iirnle. ren-, 1 , p. 57 ; Shields Add., Central Point, m i I 'iy I'an Cal-: Lot 7, exceiitiiiK E. 15 ft., Lot 7, no .la. !;, on January 17. Blk. 1, $7.11; accrued Interest. $2.38. Amended Add Blk. 8. $4.16; j . 1.38. No. 4801 Flora A. Kelsev, Vol. 1, P. S3; Gold, Hill, Deekum's Amend ed Add., Lots 8 to 15. B!k. 8, $6.41 ; accrued Interest. $2.1.1. . No IS0?Flnra A. Kelsev. Vol. 1, P. 83 and 4: Oold Hill. Deekutn's i Amended Add., Lots 1 to 9 Incl., Blk. 10, $9.92; accrued interest, $.1.30. II. II. '.I. I.. F. A- Co.. I.ula .1 ild-i V.' i-'v W ! .!'i I!:. loeee.lines and papers in this 111 .y he s. rw 1 Ulioll Hie 1111 il. re idiii'.' within .1 ck'oe. ( 11 e op. at tlie address heid- fivell. ;. m r:o beuts. i'oi'i"v for Plaintiff M. l'oi'l Nation '1 B.nk I. !!.'. Mei't' Oregon. Cn, llr.e A .'. .ltd. (li Tl .V r-i w II : Co "1 MIM'.IT ,." Interest figured to March 1, 1 920. M S' . 1). 1!, 1 I li ( '. d II in Guv I. CI D ' C II i'".,";':l (--. r. II. II. I-'. .'.I To 1 11'". . Child". Heard, ham. V: W. M. l-aac'. .1. W. I'm 'I. w nod. 1 ii 11. ' Cora I V.':-, 1 a : Vol. 17, '.h H'U "I, John A ( liian;..'i Jos. i lai 1 1 I. I.' '. W1I-.1 W. l!a-l:10i.l. Vork, I'l.-.l liar . V It. I Ki.ii'h. S. T. V. I't ill. Ceo. W. con. C. W. An Geo. Dalliels. Y. 1! Kll:"llt. e! 11. -,.l C,.... hi .1 V. Mh-ii. I. K al. A I'. T IM"t l"l,t, It. de i'li'i" ,l.l,e . Iv.M)! Il'' I A. F W CI c A. C.a Boot a. er. .l.i" I'ai.- Kin:'. ' Ti'Ustei Ai tli ur Hutch" Parker, II. ...Lei Dev. II for'.! p. s--Gat. Dow ;. How M. li. II '.'er-'. il. i .. . K. '!. I. A. .1 1'. ii i in in ah !. is A Hid ill. A I la I) rl". VI. .'.. I'll.'' I't.- c. ,',, 4C01 W. H. Humphrey, 1. P. 8: Butte Falls. Lot 9, Blk "l.'.lo; accrued interest $4.03. V,, -1 o-t V. Put ton. Vol. 1. P. 9; Butte Falls. Lot 12. Illk. 18, "S la; accrued Interest. $2 82. No 4ir.-fi If ich'iril-on. Vol. I. P. in; Dune Falls. Lot 4. Blk. 21, ?,K; acrued interest $1.79. No Ki'8 J. IMfouney, Vol. 1. P. 23; Ci mral Point. Lot 14. Blk. 12. 6 3 I ; accrued Interest $2.11. - ,i;iii J, H. Kincaid, Vol. 1, I' 2 1: Central Point. W. 16V. ft. Lot :'. ink. 1 I. Lot 3. BH:. II. $11.81; ...Tiled S3. 93. N. D'1 1 Mar ruder Est.. Vol. 1, p. 2 I : Central Point, Lot 4, Illk. 14, ' f 11 TS; accrued interest, f 3 9.1. Vo !':i"- M,irv A. Mee, Vol. 1. P. 2 1; c. ntral Point, Lois 8 & 9. Blk. I t. 'l: accrued Interest, $3.61. 1. I'll 3 Marv E Sims, Vol. 1, IV i I; Central Point, Lot 10. Blk. II. $11.50; accrued interest. $4.83. y. .ti;ir,P,e,ii. Ile.-ill. Vol. 1. P. 25; Central Point. 1-3 Lots 8 & 9. Plk K,, $7 70; accrued interest. No. 4654 J. S. & J. F. Lotirv. Vol. 1. P. 5S; Shields Tract. Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 3, $6.34; accrued interest, $2.11. No. 4655 Central Point Cream ery Co., Vol. 1. P. 58; C. P. not platted, 1 A. of Thos. Ross $12.78; accrued Interest. $1126 No. 4656 Mrs. W. E. Mann. Vol. 1, P. 59; Land des. 42-320. Sec. 3. Twp. 37, R. 2W, $28.10; accrued in : terest, $9.37. No. 4657 B. C. Gleasnn, Vol. 1, I P. 59; C. P. not platted, land des. i 104-5O4; land des. 99-120, $9.08; i accrued interest. $.1.03. 1 Xo. 4658 J. !,. Hatnnierslv, Vol. ! 1. P. 63; Gold Hill, Lot 1. Illk. 1. $5 67; accrued Interest. $1.89. 4659 Gold Hill Dev. Co.. P. 6.1; Gold Hill. Lots 2. 3, 6, Blk. 1, $20.27; accrued in $6.76. 4660 A. E. Kelloce. Vol. 1, Gold Hill, Lots 1. 2, 3. 4.. 5, $51.58; accrued inter- No. Vol. 1, 4, 5 & terest. No P. 63; & 6, Blk. est, $17.19. No. 466 1 Gold Hill Dev. Co.. Vol. 1, P. 64; Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 9. Incl., Blk. 3, $18.41; accrued inter est, $12.80. No. 4662 Gold Hill Dev. Co.. Vol 1, P. 64; Gold Hill, Lots 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 3, $18.14; accrued int est, $6.05. , tot No. 4663 Flora A. Kelsey. Vol. ! terest No i . 0 r, 16 ! 6 J. II. Douiiine, Vol. 1, ; Central Point, Lots 1 & 2, IS. SS. !'.; accrued interest, o li I. W P. 29, . P. n ; M 11 I. I. I .; i-: ( a 1 r 1: w. Li'.'a la .1. 1: F. .1. ".'II Ity ot al. . B. .M 11. .1. I olliles. M. V. V,'. Ann ,v la A ust . Co. .. M. .1. allda A. 1. I V, "!-t P. I.eU,,-, F. I' k OIK Diea.ier. Alfr A I'i.. Inc. M. a. Co , i (I 11 I.. D:ik. ". Holme-i , F M I 1,. Bur- II. 1: p. 1: vo- .1; Phi land Ire A- Si.iraae Co.. L. lsl Chun !i of Chri-t .1 :eiili "I. I', li. Wait". Ai lined 1 ( .: .inn. 1:. 1; Wriiht. A. C. Call. Mil II. la Stone. W. Piiiiin:.'. Maiv Pot, in., II. I.. While. F. P, lia r. L. Peiio'i. S. C. Glial. .-, Ma.y .1. K li:iai:d L( ue Star .Minii.:: Co.. I.. S. Kemp, Kliz. Siniih. II;. 11 1 , ; ..lini.ii.' Co . K. A. Smith. '1 i.iee Piles 'I'iMiliel Co.. Skyk. s (T. ek Vie ill" Co.. C W. Joins. .1 .iy. ih r.-. uu 01a Ii Fst . .1. K. Kirk, C. k Coiliii,. IToi Pol. inson. Frank li. Alc-rs. Xeul er & Ilartman, .Mulk.y ,v llo.'.ie, iO. B MaKiuler. A. .1. Si 11b. Gran' OlTue, .la,';e I. an", L. V. Hall cock, M. .lill-.llM'M, W. W. Wri::ht. Il.irvi y i'.uch. M K. War rell. It. C. Sieiiii. A. F. Xei.i.n. W. II. Gross, Grot-o'i. .1. Ii. Whilniire. A. Kyi", David C. Av ery, W. D. Y.i lit . Hyd aiihe Min inK Co.. low. 1 Lumber ti Box Co.. (Ipp Cm, -olid I' d .Mm a .1. T. Ilreedeii, C. II 1 iera S. II. Ham illon Heirs. '". li. pennies, ,. p,;. (ier E..t.,-Mary Kehoe. a,. A. Vin cent, C. (I. Via. em iv V. Jo., .e P Glass. Pankey ti C;,nl", Mar tin Peny, .1. cob siwi.r, .1. c ll.uii away, A. W. Lev, is t al. A. L, Ai kens, .1. II. Don aiu .', W. E.Aiex- ander. A Co , I '. P. K. C. Cihs Mines, M. I stone. .1. M 1 I'. Cow; ill. G-.l 'osins, ;.i. .. (la:. I.H1..1: Critiia, J 1. '. 1 I.o'lan.l. i n;. 1 Hill Maine. . 1 ilea '.'h"l I Mil Kale 1 11: 11 'it 111. S. J, P" II. A. .lone.-. Win. 1! lie,-. C Urns. T B. Dawaoii. C. W. I Kleeiin;; M. thews. Win. fir 34 Moon K.-T.. 1 :.. iTiost Carter; HoW.ikI S. 1 II i I Cole dlev. P. W. A 1 el. n. A Cheeani'.n II. . Hon. P, lev. C. II E. G.i lie, ilarh-ior, I'a'P" or Taylor. M F. J. Cutter, Fi -lHT' III OS.. s.'phits W'inei: u.. T.W. Hill H is ey. c. Grif itl" . F. R. A. Iloln. Carver. T. Amy. G. A. M. Holmes, terest. J. C G. Ii. Brown. C. Mills, J Ti a. J I Nickell, A. Kyi", T M 1, C I iTUIlloI'd. .1. .las. Ciomh- ". B !t II. o! "i. I' ll i'i ;. -i.-v p f.i ill.-!.".'. Meikl" ti A I'.. I. Al. Al" ,1 .1: :.'.ik. inson. :.. T. A B. Prow li X. Fid II. 1 e.l I! i '-v Luke I" i V in . I) J Al" iel:ev a F. Mil! 11. Cu-, .'.'Tier. .1. I.o-.w or V.'. !"'; Gill or F. B. V,c I'..i'. A .1. 1: D. R."3. v:. i: (iK.iii i'.' I . r. .1"- P.'Tl F -I. W. No in 17 N. J. Albert. Vol. 1 'i; Central Point. Lot 8. Blk M 'M: accruwl interest, $2.1 1. No 161S M. A. Mee, Vol. 1. :: 1 ; Central Point. P.Ik. 35, $ I. !!. (! interest. 81.57. No .161 a- Wm. A. Cowlev. Vol. 1. IV ::.'; Ci.ti 1 Point. Lots .1 ft 4. ('.lit. 3s. Lot. 8. Blk 37, $1 1.79; ac crued interest. $1.93. No d; 'i'--T. It. Hamilton. Vol. I. P 32; Central Point. Lot 2. Blk. 'I'i ! 3 1 ; 'ircriied interest. $3.1 1. X.,. In'21 G. X. Beall. Vol. 1. P. 12; Central Point. Lots 5, 6. 7 ft 8. B'k. .19, $19.32; accrued inter- ,t. $16 4 1. Xo. 4622 Wm. A. Cowley. Vol. 1. Central Point. Lot 1. Blk. 42. $1138; accrued interest. $3.79. Xo. -Din -Wm. A. Cowlev, Vol. !. P. 3:'; Central Point, Lots 5 ft 6. 'dlt. 17. $18.17: accrued Interest, $6.06. Xo. 462 1 Pent, and Anbury Beall. Vol. 1. P. 35; Central Point, Lots 5, 6. 7. ft 8 Plk. -IS. $02.03; accrued interest. $10.itK. Xo. ';2a Heni. Bcai.'. Vol. 1. P. 37: Ceiunl Point. Lois 5 ft 6, Blk. 54. $18,88; ncertted Interest, $6.29 Xo. 4626 Eli. Beall, Vol. 1. P, 37: V. Central Point. Lot 4. Blk. 55, $10 11; nrcrued interest, $3.48. No. 4627 Wm. T. Toomey, Vol. 1, P. 10; Central Point, Lots 1. 2, 3 & 4. Blk. 65, $.12.50; accrued interest. $10.81. Xo. 4628 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1. P. 42; Central Point, I.nls 1 ft 2. nik. 69, $7.16; accrued Interest, $" 3 a Xo. P. 12; Rlk. $5.06. Xo. 4630 Win. A. Cowlev. Vol. I. P. Il; Central Point. Lot 8. Blk. 71, $4.99; ,'iccrued interest $1 66. Xo. ,4631 L. Mosher. Vol. 1. P. 4 1: Central Point. Vol. 73-125; Amvs Cntta-e Add.. Part Lot, 14, $1,08; nrcrued Interest $1.66. Xo. 4 6.12 M. S. Welch, Vol. 1. P 41; Amvs Coltnee Add., Central Point, part d"s. Vol. 21-101: Lot 14. 1.98; (.-cruel interest. $1.66. o. 16.13 itrs. IIui's'i. Vol. 1. P. 11: Amvs Cottaro Arid.. Central Point. Lot 15. $11.78; accrued in l,.r,.nl. $? 'II. No 4'2I C. J. Duntnn, Vol. 1, I'. 41; ii"'s Cofate dd.. Central iMin', Lot 1.1, $17.90; accrued In"t. -:.n7 Xo 4635 W. W, Newton, Vol. 1. ". I'.' Vtiyn Cottacn .H . Central Point. N't;, of Lot 17. $1.98; accrued int"ro.t. J1.66 Xo. 4616 Mirv A. Mee, Vol. 1. P. 19: Cons'et. ce Tract. Central Point. Lot 4. $7.84; accrued inter est. $2.61. i Xo. 46.37 v. C. Evans. Vol. 1. P. i'i; Ceint;.iee Tract. Central, Point, I ot 5, $ 1 5 59; accrued terest ?.-,.13. 4629 Marv A. Mee, Vol. 1, Central Point. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 71. $15.18; accrued Interest, 1, P. 65; Gold Hill Vol. G5-1S4. Lots 5 ft 6, nik. 6, $23.86; accrued iu i terest, $7.95. ' No. 4664 Gold Hill Dev. Co.. Vol. 1, P. 66; Gold Hill. Vol. 53-155. Lots 33, Blk. 9, J9.86; accrued in terest, $3.28. No. 4665 Flora A. Kelsev. Vol. 1, P. 70; Gold Hill, Lot 1. Blk 16, Lot 2, Blk. 16, $28.34; accrued in terest, $9.44. No. 4667 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 71 : Gold Hill, Lots 7 lo 14, incl., Blk. 17, $69.43; accrued In terest, $23.14. No. 4668 I'nknown Owner, Vol. 1. P. 71; Gold Hill. Lot 15, Blk. 17. $9.29; accrued interest. $3.09. Xo. 4669 Colli Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1. P. 72; Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 8, incl., Blk. 23, $1.34; accrued interest, j $0.44. j No. 4670 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 73; Gold Hill. Lots 9 to 18. inch. Blk. 23, $1.57; accrued in terest, $0.52. Xo. 4671 A. Wilhelm. Jr.. Vol. 1, P. 71; Gold Hill, Lot 13. Blk. 25, i $17.14; accrued Interest, $5.71. No. 4672 Reed ft Kellore. Vol. 1. P. 75; Gold Hill, Lot 3. Blk. 26, i $46.82: accrued interest, $15.60. Xo. 4673 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1. P. 76; Gold Hill, Lot 8. Blk. 27, $9.86; accrued interest. $3.28. No. 4675 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1. P. 79; Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 6, incl., I Blk. 33, $1.24; accrued interest, $0.41. j No, 4676 F. L. Dodee. Vol. 1, P. 80; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lot 10, Blk. 2, $3.69; ac crued interest. $1.23. No. 4677 Flora A. Kelsev, Vol. 1, P. 80; Deekums Amended Add., Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 4, incl., Blk. 3. nnd Lots 9 to 12, incl.. Blk. 3, $31.15; accrued "interest. $10 38. No. 4678 Reuben Cain. Vol. 1, P. 81: Gold Hill. Deekums Amended Add.. Lot 10, Blk. 5, $2.13; accrued interest. $0.71. No. 4679 Merrill Beits. Vol. 1. P. 81: Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lots 4. 8 ft 9, Blk, 5, $5.26; accrued Interest, $1.75. No. 4680 Flora A. Kelsev, Vol. 1, P. 81; Deekums Amended Add., Lots 3 to 7, Incl., Blk. 6, $3.65; ac crued Interest. $1.21. No. 4681 Charlotte F. Acree, Vol. 1, P. 131; Phoenix, Lot 5 ft part Lot 6, Blk. 16, $10.76; accrued interest, $3.58. No. 4682 Geo. N. Lewis, Vol. 1, P. 131; Phoenix, 2-3 Lot 7, Blk. 16, 4 Lot 8. Blk. 16, $5.65; accrued in terest, $1.88. No. '4683 Colver Est., Vol. 1, P. 134: Phoenix. Lots 1 to 4. incl., Blk. 24. $7.94: accrued interest, $2.64. No. 4684 Colver Est., Vol. 1. P. 140; Phoenix. Lots 1 & 2. Bill. 37. $2.84; accrued Interest. $0.94. Xo. 4fisoTy. D. Lewis ft Son, Vol. 1, P. 17; Central Point. Lots 11 & 12. Blk. 4, $44.42; accrued inter est. $14.80. No. 4687 Benj. Beall, Vol. 1, P. 22: Central Point, Lots 12 ft 13, Blk. 12, $11.78: accrued interest, $3.92. Xo. 4688 J. A. Jones, Vol. 2, P. 46: Earde Point. Dalev ft Emerv Add., part Lot 4, Blk. 12, Lots 5. 6, 7 ft 8. Blk. 12. part Lots 9. 10 ft II. Blk. 12. $17.49; accrued Inter- In-1 est. 5.83. I No. 4689 J. A. Jonas. Dalev ft I No. 4803 Flora A. Kelsev, Vol. 1, P. 81;Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add.. Lots -10, 11 ft 12. Blk. 10, Lots 3 to 8. Incl.. Blk. 11, $8.75; ac- i crued Interest, $2.91. No. 4804 Flora . Kelsev, Vol, 1, 1 P. 85 ft 6: Oold Hill. Deekums Amended Add.. Lot 9, Blk. 13. Lot 8, Blk. 14, $3.98: accrued interest, ' $1.32. ! No. 4 8 05 C. Tl. Kelsev. Vol. 1, P. 86: Gold Hill. Deekums Amended tract,1 Add., Lot 7. Blk. II, $1.7 4; accrued Interest. $0.58. No. 480611. T. Wentworth. Vol. 1. P. 87; Gold Hill. D."kums Amend ed Add.. Lots 3 & 4. Blk. 18; $7.91; accrued Interest, $2 61. Xo. 4808 Henry Pri't. Vol. 1. P. 91; Gold Hill, not platted, bee. 60 ft. X. of NE. cor. of Blk 1. th. N. 200 I't. W. 101.5 ft., R. 2o9 ft., E. 104 5 ft. to bee., $3 4.50; accrued inter est. $11.50. No 4 809 R. C. Kelsev, Vol. 1. P. 92: Gold Hill, not platted, 4 V atlj. Deekums Add. on North, $9.86; nc crneil interest, $3,28, Xo. 1810 Jennie M, Griffin. Vol. 1. P. 11.1; Tolo, Lots : ft s. Blk. 30, $2.21; accrued interof. $0 71. No. 481 T. II. Howe. Vol. I. P. 115; Tolo. Lot 13, IHk, 32, $1.35; accrued interest. $0 15 Xo. 4812 Mary A. Alee, Vol. 1, P. 56; Central Point, Pattison Add. Lots 3 ft 4. Blk. 3. $7, 15; uccrued interest, $2.35. No. 4813 C. R. Cliihls. Vol. 1. P. 56; Central Point. Pattison Add.. a, Blk. 3, $ 13 95; accrued in- $1.65. Xo. 4811 F. T,. Dodee, Vol. 1. P. 79; Gold Hill. D.eknnis Amended Add.. Lot 3. Blk. 2. $2.02; accruer! interest. $0.67. No. 48 1 5 B F. Pintt. euardian. Vol. 1, P. 11; Hut to FallM, nnd. 1-3 int. N.U of NE M ft 1-3 int. In NE. ' ', of XW'i;. Sec. 10. Twp. 35. icerued interest. $31.5 0; i is A. I.acv. Vol. 2. 3 Lot 9. Blk. A., Lot 1 0; nccnietl interest. 'e- Kane. Vol. 2. P. Vol. 9 3-5. a 5. Blk. d interest. $1.36. Kliim, Vol. 2. P M., $4.74: Fryer, Vol. 2. P. Daiev ft Emery Blk. 5, $3.15; ac- Vol. 2, P. ft Emery 130.90; ar- Vol. 2, P. ft Emery n. 2E. $1 1.5 0. Xo. 481 6c P. 1 : Talent. 2 10. Blk. A.. $7 $2.33. No. 4817 .lan'i 2: Talent, Lot d - C. $13.08: nccru No. 4 818 C K 19; Talent. Lot 1 A- 2. Blk accrued inlere i. '!.58. 1 No. 481 9 Mi-Cullnph. Vol. 2. P. 10; Talent, 60 fi on Co. road Blk. S., $20 10; accrued interest. $6.70. No. 1 820 Ch;v Moreen. Vol. 2, P. 13; Tah'til. Shidelers Add., Lots 3 ft 4. Blk. I, $12.92: accrued Interest, $4.30. Xo. 4 821 J .1 43: Easle Point. Add.. Lots 1 ft 3. cruurt interest. $ ! or,. No. 4822 P. II. Dailey 43: Eaele Point. Dalev Add.. Lois I ft 5. Blk. 7, eruetl interest. $!'.',30. Xo. 4 8 23 P. II Dailey, 43: Eaele Point. Dalev Add.. Lots 8 ft '. Blk. 7. $.8.90; ac crued interest. $2.96. Xo. 1821 .1. A. Jonas. Vol. 1, P. II ft 5: Facie Point. Dalev ft Emerv Add., part of Lots 7, 8 ft 9. Blk. 9, part Lots 1. 2. ".. 5 ft 6. Blk. 10, $17.67: cccraetl interest, $5.89. No. 1826 .1. A. Jonas. Vol. 2. P. 45; Eaele Point. Dalev Emerv Add.. Lot 1, Blk 11. Lots 7 to 12, inch. Blk. 10. Lots 2 ft 3. Blk. 11. $42.72: accrued interest. $11.21. Xo, 4 826 .1. A Jones. Vol. 2, P. 45: Eaele Point. Dalev ft Emery Add.. Lot 4. Bile, 1 1. S. 31 K ft. of 7 ft 8. Blk. 11. E part of Lots 9, 10. 11 ft 12, Plk. II. $16.49; accrued interest. $5.49. No. 4827 R. J. McQuoitl. Vol. 2. P. 45: Eaele Point, Daley ft- Emery Add.. Lot 5, Illk. 11. E, M "f . Part 7. Illk. 11. des. Vol. 90-358, Lot 8, Blk. 11, $10.92; accrued interest, $3.64. i Xo. 4828 Lute Dailey. Vol. 3. P.; 59; Metlforil. Collate Home Add., I E. Ill ft. of Lot 1 I. Blk. 1, $10 47; accrued Interest. $1.49. No. 4829 Fruiterowers Trust & Title Co., Vol. 4. P 5; Medford, Sis kiyou II"ts. Pvt.. Blk. 22, less 5 ac res redeemed by Jackson Co., Ab stract Co., 8-1.1-18. $37.10; accrued interest. $12.31. accrued Interest. $1.81 No. 48.86 W. Hacker, Vol. 2, P. S3; Jacksonville, Lot des. 81-501, part Lot 1. Blk. 52, $3.33; accrued interest. $1.11. No. 4887 China Gin, Vol. 2, P. SI; part des. 49-513, Blk. 61. $14.58; accrued Interest. $4.86. No. 4888 A. E. Reames, Vol. 2, P. 85; Jacksonville, land des. 49-242, Blk. 63, $6.98; accrued Intorest $2.32. . No. 4890 L. Reynolds. Vol. 2. P. 91; Jacksonville, LundKiens Add., Lot 7. part Lot 8. Blk. 2, $9.41; ac crued interest, $3.13. No. 4891 Reames Est., Vol. 2. P. 97; Jacksonville, House and Lot des. DR. 4-405. $1 33.44; accrued Inter est. $66.68. No. 4892 C. L. Reames. Vol. 2, P. 97: house ft lot des. 4-405, Jark "onville, $43.46; accrued Interest, $11 48. No. 1895 C. D. Reed Est., Vol. 2, P. 100; Jack.-onvllle. lnnd des. 19 499. Sec. 31. Twp. 37. R. 2W., $5.76; accrued interest. $1.92. No 4896 Mrs. Hattle Neuher. Vol. 2. P. mi; Jacksonville, lnnd des. 88-381, $52.18; accrued Inter est. $17.36. Xo. 4 897 A. E. Reames, Vol. 2, P 101; Jacksonville, land des. 49 212. N. or Blk. 40. $13.46; accrued interest. $11,48. No. 1899 Mrs. P. Appleeate. Vol. 2. IV 103: Jacksonville. 2 A. S. of Blk. 62. on 3rd st., $6.98; accrued interest. $2.33 No. 4900 E. Stevens. Vol. 2. P. 105; Woodvlllp. Lot on Pine st . part Lot 3. purt 3. part 3. all In Blk. 1, S26.82: accrued Interest. $8,91. Xo. 4902 Bert F. Ball. Vol. 2, P. 113: Geo R. Balls Add.. Woodville. Lots 1 to 6. Incl.. Blk. 1. and land des, 71-100 in N. pt. of Blk. 1, $.9 12; accrued Interest No, 4903 Robt. Ball 1 13; Woodville. Gen R. Lois 1 to 9. incl.. Blk 2, crne.l interest. $11.48. No 100 rtoht. Ball 113; Woodville. Geo R. Lots 10, 1 ft 12. Bllt. 2 eruetl interest. 1 1 ?i No. 4005. pert F. Ball, Vol. 2. P. Ill: Woodville. Gen It. Ralls Add.. Lots I to I. incl , Blk. 3, $ 2.42: ac crued interest. $ I 1 (. I No, 4906 Herbert Cook. Vol. 2. r. 117. Woodville. Lot In rear of W. ! B Whipple pt. of lnnd ties 85-297, $2 31; accrued interest. fO.78. No. 4007 John Woods. Vol. ?. P. 118: Woodville. tv; A., des. 13-14 in Sec, 22. Twp. 36, R. 4W. $3.30; accrued interest, $1,10. No. 4908 Ben Havmond. Vol. 2. P 120: Rock Point. Lots 1 ft 2. Blk. 1. $8.52' accrued interest. $2.84. No, 4909 Mrs. Ben Havmond. , Vol 2. P. 120; Rock Point. Lots 1 ft ! 2. Blk. 2. Lot 4. Blk. 3. $9.81; ac ; eiTieit interest. $3.28. I- Xo. 4910 H. L. While. Vol. 2. P. :12n; Rock Point. W. 35 ft.. Lot 3. j Hk. 3, $1,69; accrued Interest,: i $0.66. No 10) 1 11 II Macrudev ft Co . Vol. 2. P. 120; Rock Point. W 33 ft. of Lot 5. Blk. 4. Lot 6. Blk. 4, $1 63; accrued interest. $0.6 1. Xo 4912 Ed W. Cooper. Vol. 2. P. 121: Sams Vnllev. Lot 3 ft 4. Blk. 1. 7.68: accrued interest. $2 56. No. 4913 L. F. Gardner. Vol 1. P. 121: Sams Vnllev. Lot 3. Blk B2. Lot 8. Blk B3, $2.11: accrued in terest, $0.70, ' No. 4914 llenrv Hoist. Vol. 2. P. 121: Sams Valley, Lot 4. Blk. B2, $1 51: accrued interest. 80.50 No. 4915 Wndhnms ft Co.. Vol 2. i P. 121; Rams Valley. Lots 3. 4. 5 ft 6. Blk. B3, $3.30; accrued Interest, $110. No. 4916 T.nla .1. Perrv. Vol. 2. P. 121: Sams Valley. Lot 7. Blk. B3. $1 50; accrued Interest. $0.60. No. 4917 Wadh'inis ft Co, Vol 2. P. 122: Sams Vnllev. Lois 1. 2. 3 4. 5 ft 6. Blk. Bl. $5.70; accrued In (cost, $1 00. No. 4939 N. AI. Holmes, Vol. 4. P. 14: Medford. 1st. Ext. S. Sea. Add.. Lots 9. 11 ft 12, $28 86; ac crued interest, $9.62. No. 49 10 I). Bradley, Vol. 1. P. 18; Medford, Sunnyslde Add.. W. 15 I't. of E. 140 ft. ft W. 61 ft. N. 10 it. Lot 5, Blk. 2. W. 15 of E. 1 10 ft. of N. 35 ft., Lot 6, Blk. 2, E. 15 ft. of W. 135 ft. of X. 35 ft. Lot 7. Blk. 2, E. 15 ft. of W. 135 ft. or X .35 I't. anil E. 67 ft. of N. 10 ft. Lot 8. Blk. 2. $9.06; accrued intorest. $3.02. No. 49 11 Sara Blyth M s. Vol 4. P. 21: Tattle's Sub. Div., Lot ,1, Blk 2, $12. S5; accrued interest, $1.28. No. Vol. 2 $2.02; No. P. 81; $10,03 No. 4 94 1 H. II. Maennler Co., P. 120; Rock Point. Illk. 5. accrued interest. $0.67. 4915 E. P. Vickroy, Vol. Jarksonville, all Illk. 57. ; accrued Interest. $3 3 I. 1916 Woller ft llarriiu'toii. Vol. 4, P. 24; Medford, Lots $12.40; nrcrued No. 19 17 F. P. 2 1: Metlforil, Lots 37 and 3.8. Tattle's 2nd Add.. 31 and 35, Blk. 1, Interest $1.1 a. B. Pitcher. Vol. 1. Tattle's 2nd Ail. I,, Blk. 1, $1 1.3 1; ac crued interest. $ 1.7' Xo. .(918 S. B. Mears. Vol, I. P. 21; Tuttle's 2nd Add Medford. Lots 9 and 10. Blk. 2, $17.40; accrued interest. $5.80. No. 4919 John Guy Wilson. Vol. 4, P. 24; Tuttle's 2nd Add.. Medford. Lot 13, Blk. 2, $6.10; accrued inter est $2.10. B. Pitcher. Vol. I, 2nd Add.. Lot 16. accrued interest, 84; Medford. East Hets. Add., Lot 1 Blk. 1, Lot 1. Blk. 2, $3.46; accru ed interest, $1.15. No. 4988 II. G. Wortman, Vol. 4, P. 92: Medford, Lsh .-Add., Lot 1, part Lot 2. Blk. 4, $16.90; accrued interest. $5.63. No. 49S9 J. Bingham. Vol. 4, P. 99; Medford. Laurclhurst Add., Lot 2:!, Blk. 9, $4.10; accrued interest, $1.33. No. 4990 Victor Dallaire, Vol. 4, P. 103; Metlforil. Nickel Add., ties. S3-I1, part Lot 4, Blk. 1, $3.30: ac crued interest, $1.10. No. 4991 J. E. Brooks. Vol. ,1 P. H'5: Metlforil. Niekella Add., des 85-3 16. Lot 4. Blk. 1, $13.22; ac crued interest. $ 1. 10. Xo. too -W. M. Holme,, Vol. I, IV 10 1: Medford. Xirkell Add., Lot I. Blk. 4. $20.15; nccruetl interest. $6.81. Xo. 1991 p. J. Xcff, Vnp 4i P I 06; Meill'nitl. Oaktlale Park S Knt Lot 2. Blk. 10. Lot 3. Blk. in, I.'ot, 1 ft I IHk. 10. S i.5 of Lot 5. Blk. 10. $16.21; accrui'il interest. .15. 42. Xo. 1991 Irene Isaacs. Vol. i, P. 110; Palms M Arid., Medford. Lot " P'k. 1, $1.30; accrued interest, $1.10. Xo. 1903 C. W. Palm, Vol. 4, P. 110; Palms 2d Add., M.dl'ord, Lot 1 ft 1. Blk. 2. $5. To; accrued inter est. $1.90 Xo. 19911 J, Y.Allen . Vol. 4. P. Ill: Palms 2d Add , Medford. Lot 12 ft 1! nik. 2. $2.00; accrued n. t"".'-t. $0.97. y,, l'.'. 7 .1 W. Diamond. Vol. 1, P. Ill: Medford. Palms 2d Add., Lots 20. 21 ft 22. Blk. 2. $12.71: interest. $1.21. Xo. 19'iS - Finn, a Rorbefovil, Vol. 1. P. II": Metlfonl. SiiiH.'t Park Lot--. 2 ft 3. Blk. 1. $5.06; accrued interest, $1,68. Xo pi an-.Jos. Bowline, Vol. 4, P til: Medford. W. st.. s. 55 ft. of N I 12 ft . X. 56 ft. of S. 193 ft.. X. 56 ft of S. 137 ft . all in Lot 1. Blk. 1. $7.33; accrued interest. ?2 It. Xo. 5000 p. o Lockwood, Vol. , P. Ill: Moilfo.-d West., land des. Dlt vl-55 1, ins, ,(,. ip 06-i;O7; art Lot s. Rlk. 3. $ ! 61; accrued int. -rest. 1 2! No. 50..;'. Etl.i M. Venter. P 37: Medford. F 1 .' of All. 4'-,0 T. Tuttle's . $6.40; No P. 2-, Blk. $2 10. X. 4051 II. P. 25; Tuttle's S ii. of X. 2 17 1 $2.82; accrued Xo. 495211 $37 25; accrued interest . No. 50111 Ceo. Deitrlch. 10; M'.ll'oril. Lot I. Blk Vol. 3, v. Blk. $12.41. Vol. 3. $9 81. . Vol. 2. P. Balls Add., $34 4 1; ac- . Vol. 2. P. Balls Add.. $6.66; ac- .1. I.aClair. Vol. 4. 2nd .Add Medford, ft.. Lot 2 1. Blk. 2.. interest. $0 9 1. H. Tut 1 1.'. Vol I. IV 25. Tuttle's 2nd Add. Medlonl. S'L. of lot 27. block 2: N Col' Lot 28. Blk. 2: SC. of I.oi 2.8, Lets 20. ::o. .11, all in Blk. 2. $:10.08; accrued in terest. $10.02. Xo. 4951 Jennie B. !. 'inline. Vol. I. P. 25; Tuttle's 2nd dd. Aled rord. Lot 32. Illk 2; $6. 10; accrued interest. $2.10. No. 495 1 11. II. Tntlle. Vol. 4. P. 26, Tilllle"s 3rd Add. Metlforil. Lots 9 and 1 o. Blk. t ; Lois I I and 12. Illk. 2; Lots I to I incl., Plk. 3. $18 71 ; accrued interest, $ 1 6 2 I. Xo. 1955 -II. II. Tattle. Vol. I. IV 26 and 27; Tuttle's 3rd Add. Med ford, Lois 5 and 6. Blk 3; Lots 1 I anil 12. P.Ik. I, $22.90; accrued in terest $7.63. No. 4956 11. II, Tultle. Vol. 1, I'. 27; Tulth's 3rd Add.'ord. Lots 67 7 and 8. Blk. 4. $6.88; iiccrned in- 1 I lerest, $2.29. Xo. 1959 12 ft . Lot 5. .rn.'l interest. No. 5.1" t IV II: Meil'ord. ft X of SV, c. A. 14.. X 66 I':. W. IT" P. 28; 1 and lerest. No. Vol. I L. Raw Park Mi , $19.79; -C W 1 1 ii ut 2. Blk. I $6 59. I960 Herbert ( P. 2.1: Walnut on. Vol. I, Iford. Lots accrued in- Haelric. I'ark. Meii 5; accrued I. ?: W. nner. Vol. I. Park. Mediord. . $2 I nil ; accrued Ore Water P. 123; R. R. Irr. Orch Lot No. 1. Sec. 17. Twn $2.87: accrued Interest No. Matney, Vol. 3, 'a of E'. of varat- 9. $13.99; accrued' . G. Martin. Vol. 3, So. 30 ft, Lot 8, accrued interest. 3. 30. .No. 4ii!8 J. . Anderson. Vol. 1. Emery Add.. B. 3114 ft. lot 12 Illk. 49; Constance Tract. Central 12. $1.10: accrued Interest. 10.38. Lot 6. $17.36; accrued In-j No. 4691 Mrs. E. A. Abbott. Vol. !" 78. 2. P. 60; Eaele Point Fryers A..., 4619--Mary A. Mee, Vol. ljpart Lot 7, $7.89; accrued interest. Const. -men Tnet. Central $2.63. lot . $15.59; accrued in-j No. 4692 Ashpole ft Culeeade; ' 19. Vol. 2. P. 61: Eaele Toint. Cinch's $9.50; accrued Point. No. P. 4 9 Point, lore I. No. P. 19; 46 lo.-Tsnnc Constant, Vol. 1. 1 Add.. Lot 7, Constant Tract, Central Point, jest 13.16. 1 No. 4918 Co.. Vol. 2. Land. Govt. 36. R. 3W. ' $0.96. I Xti. 4919 Brown ft Miles. Vol. 2. P 41: All of Lots ft Blks. In Moun tain View. $23.10; accrued interest. $7 70. Xo 19 20 Geo W. Dalev. Vol. 2. P 12: Dalev ft Emerv Add.. Eaele Point. Lot 4. Blk. 4. $2.79; accrued intercut, a 06 'n 40?3 Balls Est.. Vol. 2 P. 119- Woodville Pi A. X of Maine st. W. of Wards Creek, $10 50; nc cruetl Interest. $3.60. Nn. 4024 Slskivnu H"ts Co . Vol, 1. P. 3: Medford. Slskivnu Tlets.. f ots 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10 ft 1 1. Blk. 6. $29,63: accrued interest. $9 87. : Xo. 4925 A. A. Mnodv. Vol 4. P. !3- Siskiyou Dels., Medford. Lot 6. BP' 6, $5.69; nccruetl Interest, ! ft 89, I o. 4026 Slskivnu TP-Is Co . Vol. j (. P. 4: Medford. Siskivon Hets., i I Lot- 12. 13, 11. 15 ft 16 Blk 6 Sis I k'von Hets. Ext.. Blk. 4 ft 7. $16 31: ' accrued totereif $15.4 1. ' No. 4927 Siskivon If flu. Co.. Vol. il P ; Med'ord. Siskivon Hets. I Ext. Blk. 9. 4.5 A.. 10. 2 A.. 12, 18 V. 13 IS 14 A . 1 I 4f', V, 15. 3 6 V ft 16. 6 2. A.. $190.86; accrued. Interest 63 62 Xo 4921? Siskivon Hets Co Vol '. P. 5: Meiirord. Shkivou Dels, vt.. Blk 17. 18. 1". 2" n"-t 22. 23. 24. Lot 4. Blk 25. $ 1 35.62: nccruetl interest $ 15 20. Vr, ,0i1 Slskivnu 1lft Co.. Vol. 4. P. 5 A 6; Metlforil. Siskiyou IL-ts. R:rt.. Lets 5 lo 9. Incl . Blk. 25. l ots 4 86 9 Xa n a P. 5; Medford. S'a cd 2nd st.. Illk. 9. interest. $4.66. No. 48 70 Wm P. 16; Medford, Blk. 26, $9.1.1; $3.04. No. 4S7I lieu Ilayninnd. Vol P. 20; Motlitiid. Lot .11, Blk. $13.24: accrued interest. 81.08 No. 4872 1. O. O. F. Lodee. Vol. 2. P. 107: earner & Sabiti, Lot 3. 1 4 ft 5. Blk. 27 ,$30 18: accrued ill- terest. Til". Blk. 1. Woo. Wille. $5.41; accrued Irroat. 10.0 I No. 4982 J. Glllipey et al. Vol. interest. $1.81. I No 41fl W E Crews. Vol. 4. P. 4. P. 64; Benson Add.. Medford. Lot Xo. 1871 earner ft Sahin. Vol. 2, 6; MtHlfnrd. South P"rk Add.. Lot 2. Blk. 4, $12.90; accrued Interest, P. 107: Carner ft Sabin Add., Wood- 1 to 6. incl . Blk. 2. $25.26: accrued $1.30 ford, Lot 17. Illk intorest, $1.25. 1 No. 4961- I-:. II. P. .12; W. Walnut Lois 3 and I. Illk. 2 interest, $7.00. No. 496 1 Thos. Barlholoniew, Ael., Vol. 4. I'. 35; Aledloial. Whit man Park Add.. Lot 20. Blk. 2. $13.09; accrued inletesl. $1.36. No. 4966 .lacoh llureer. Vol. I, IV 37; Aledford, Willikes Add.. Lots 12 ft 13, Blk. 2. $30 08: accrued In lerest, $10.02. X. 4067 11. W. Remolds. Vol. I. P. 38; Willikes Add.. Mod ford. Lol I. Blk. .1, $22,911; accrueil Interest, $7.63. No. 1968 II. W. Ilevnolils. Vol. 4. IV 3.8; Metlforil. Willikes Add.. E. 50 ft. Lot 6. Illk. 3, $1.11; ac crueil interest. $0.3,8. No. 4970 A. C. Ahrauis, Vol. I. P. 4 1: Woodlawn Hets.. Meilfonl. Lois 2, 3. 6, 7. 10. II. II ft 15. $23.06; accrueil interest. $7.68. No. 4 97 1- 11. F. Miilkey. Vol. 4. P. 45; Woodlawn Hets. Add.. Aled ford. Lots 21. 27 ft 28, $10.7.8; ac Power eruetl interest. $1.60. No. 4972 D. S. Wood. Vol. 4. P. 45; Meilfonl. Woods Add.. Lot I. Blk. 1, Lois 1 to 4. incl., Blk. 2. $26.24; accrued Interest . $8.74. No. 4973 John A. Torney. Vol. 4, P. 47; Meilftiid. 531 rt. front on W. 2d st.. iles. 75-386. $10.47; ac crueil interest, $3.19. No. 497 1 Alary Cliililers. Vol P. 48; .Medfonl. Marv Chiblers Lot, T. C. Slinson Lot. ('as. Gazer. 4th st., N. W. side. 112.67 ft. front. $30.50; accrued Interest. $10.20. No. 4975- M. X. Cliihls. Vol. I. P. 50; Aledford, bee. at NE cor. DI1 .83-76. til. X 50 fl.. W I 60 fi., S. 60 ft.. E. 160 ft., to bee. Kienessee si.) $31.52: accrued interest. $10,511. No. 4976 Siskivon Hels. Co.. Vol. 4, P. 51 : Aledtorii. 9.76 A. south ft west of Heine Way DriT... $17.54; accrueil Interest, $ 1 5 85. Xo. 4977 Hall . Vol 4. P. 54; Medford. Alain st. F. X. side, hoe. 60 rt. W. or Inters, of W. line iof I.lndlev st ft the N line of Alain si., III. N. 105 ft.. W. 50 ft,. S. 105 ft., E. 50 ft. to bee.. $25.78; accru eil Interest. $8 69. X. 407S Clara Qiken. Vol. 4. P. 57; Metlforil. rear of Eilert Lot. ties. DR 78-608, Oakdalo avc., $8.50; ac crueil Inlet."-!. $2 S3 No. 4980 .1. T. Miller. Vol. 1. P. 62; Metlforil, Willie si., 60 ft. front on Willie St., bee 2.16 5 fl. S. of In ters, of S. line of E. Main st. ft W. line of Willie sl.. th. S. 60 ft.. W. 146 ft.. N. 60 ft.. E. 1 16 ft., $17.65; accrueil Interest, I5.8S. No 4981 J. Gillispov et al. Vol. 4. P. 64: Metlforil. Ilensons Add.. Lot 1. Blk. 3. $3.30; accrued in- Bik 79, 536. 07; ac $ 1 2 0 2. L. Leoti'ial. Vol. 3. Ba.-r Add., bee. 1 10 '. lot 3. IHk. 1. Ban F 17" ft. S. 1 I fl. Lol -V Illk, 1. $17.64: accrued il'leri'-T. 5 88 Xo. 50U5 A. IV Talent. Vol. 3. P. la; Medford. Pur Add.. Ii. (7111 PI Lot 3. Blk. I. 3. 16: accrued iu- tere-t. $! 15. Xo. r.e06 Cora F. Wilson. Vol. 3. IV 18; Meill'oial. P.cattv Add., noilll to ft. Lot 2. Blk. 17. $8 0.8; uccrued interest. $2 69 Xo. 5009- Perrv D Scolt. Vol. 3, P. 56; Aledford. Cl.oeialale Add., lots 7 ft 8, $16.86; accrueil inter est. $5.62. Xo. 5010 G. W. Ilashford. Vol. 1, IV 57: Medford. Coltare t,l.. ties. 28-107. part Lot I. Blk. 1, $12.87; accrued interest, $ 1.29. Xo. 501 1- E. .1. Lewis. Vol. 3. P. 57: Medford, Cottaee Add., Lots 6, 7 ft .8. Blk. 1, $86.05; accrued inter est. $2S, 68. No r. 1 1 1 2 - Medford Illk. 1 $1.70. Xo, 5013 I'nknown Owner. Vol, .1. I. 58: Medford, Cottaee Add.. S. 51 It. tri : nen la r tract S of Lot 12. Blk. 1. $2.09; accrued interest, $0.69. Xo. f. 11 1 I Fred Carlson. Vol. 3. P. 58; Aledford. Cottaee Add.., part. S. a.' ft.. Lot 7. Illk. 1, $19.17: iic- interest, $13.05. 5015 Cheleren Bros.. .Meilfonl. Coniov and Lot 15. Blk. 2. $5 .11: 8. W. I! Damri.k W. T. York. Vol. 3. IV Cottaee ,Aild , part Lot $5.10; accrued interest, Vol. 3. Clancy accrue. I Vol. 3, Clancy at'cru- ville, Lot 2. lilk. 3, $4.26; accrued interest. $1.42. No. 487 1 Carn' T & Saliiii. Vol. 2. P. 108; Carner ft Sabin Add., Wood ville. Lot II. Illk. 4, $3.78; accrued interest. $1.26 No. 4877 T B. Kent, Vol. 2. P. 70; Jacksonville, Lots S, , 7 4 8, Lots 15 to 18. Incl.. Blk Blk. 15, $10.62; accrued Interest'!). rcl.. nik. 4. $17.14 lnter-i$3 64. terest. $5 71. 1 No. 4878 Catholic Church, Vol. Nu. 4933- No. 4983 Johns ft Turner. Vol. 4. P. 60; Aletlford, Riverside ave . N. 255 42 fl. fronf on N. Riverside, dH. 82-1 40, $31.55; accrued inlerest. $10.51. No. 4984 Chas. M. Smith. Vol. 4. P. 59; Meilfonl, Riverside ave.. NE 2. Lota to aide. 116.9 ft. front on N. Riverside, 0.1: Meilfonl. Kendalls Add.. Lot 3. acrrnrd In- den. DR 87-632. $2183; accrued in- Illk. 1. $4.72; accrueil Interest, i terest. $8 28 12.21. C. I. Howard, Vol. I,' No. 4986 J. D. Heard, Vol. i, P. No. 3039 A. J. Perry, Vol. 3, P. Inlerest. $8 42. I Xo 4931 C. T Howard. Vol 4. P. 6 7: Medford. South Park Add., Lots 7 to 14. Incl . B'k. 2. $17.14: nccruetl interest. IV71. I No 4932 C. I, Howard. Vol. 4. P. 7 ft 8: Medford. South Park Afld crued Xo. P. 6 2 Add.. interest. $1 No. fm I 6 IV 62: Medford. Conrov ft Add.. Lot 16. Illk. 2. $ 1 11.5,8; ed inlerest, $3.52. Xo. 5ul7 Francis . Smith. Vol. 3. P 66: Aledford. ITowells Add., Lot 18. Blk. I. $16.60; accrued in lerest. $5 56. Xo. 5a IS S. T. Woherton. Vol. 1, IV 69; Aledford. Fmeades Add.. Lois 3 ft I. Blk. 2. $7.7 1; accrued interest. $2 5.8. Xo. 5019 L. Austin, et al. Vol. 3. P. 70; Aledford. Edwards Place Add.. Lots 6 ft 7. Blk. 2, $ 19 30; uci'riie.l interest. $6.1.1. Xo. 5021 Geo. W. SI. icy. Vol. 3. P. 71: Meilfonl. Fairinount Add.. Lot 10. Blk. 1. $17.15; iiccrned in lerest. $5.71. Xo. 5022 Mrs. A. Bacon. Vol. 3, IV 72; Aledford. Fairinount Add., Lot 5. Blk. 5. $11.12: accrued in terest, $1.80. Xo. 5021-C. W. Austin, Vol. 3. IV' 75; Metlforil. l-'ruitdale Add.. Lots 20 ft 21. Illk. 2, $28.61; accrued inlerest, $9,51. No. 6025 John II. Darby. Vol. .1, P. 78: Galloways Add. lo Aledford, V 36 '.j fl. ties. 87-6 10. Blk. 6, 1, $1166; accrued Interest. $3,88. Xo. 5027 Geo Daniels. Vol. 3, IV 78; Medford. Grays Add.. Lot 6. Illk. 1, $8.16; accrueil interest, $2 72. Xo. 5028 Wm. Clrich. Vol. 3. P. 78: Aledford. Grays Add., Lot 7, Blk. 1, $8 88; nccruetl interest, $2.96. Xo. P. 79: Illk. $1.45. Xo 5020-c. V. Alvers. Vol. 3. P. 81; Medford, Hlehland Park Add., Lot 8. Blk 1. $10.05; accrued in terest. $3.65. Xo 6031 - II It Croft. Vol. 3. P. 83: Metlfonl. Ilichland Park. Lot 3. Blk. 2. $10.47; accrueil interest, $.1.49. Xo 50.321! II Croft. Vol. 3. 1'. 81; Aledford. Hiehland Turk A.M.. Lot 1. Blk. 3. $5.91; accrued in terest. $1.98. Xo 501.1 IT n Cro't. Vol. 3. P. SI; Medford. Hiehland Park dd.. Lot 7, Blk. 3. Lot 3. Blk. 4. $20.52; accrued interest. $6.84. Xo. 50.11 Trail Lumber Civ. Vol. 3. P. 8 4 ft 85; Metlfonl. Hiehland Park Add . Lots 1 to 7. incl. Blk. 5. Lot I. B'k. 6. $58.53; acrraoil in terest, $19.51. Xo 5 03 5 A, Clemens. Vol. 3. P. 85: Aledford. Hiehland Park Add., Lot 1. Blk. 6. $10.37: accrued in-, terest, $ 13 45. Xn 5036 C A. Knieht el in. Vol. 3. P. 86; Aledford. Humphrey & Knieht Add.. Lot 6. Rlk. 2. $19.31; nccriieil interest. $6 43 Xo. 50.17 Al. L. Alfnr.l. Vol. J. P. 80; Medford. Imperial Add . Lois 12 ft 13 Blk. 7, $17 88; accrued in terest. $5 96. Xo 5018 Earnest Cole. Vol. 3. P. 5 029 Al. A. Rader, Aledford. Grays Add. 2, $1.37: accrueil Vol. 3. Lot 13.' interest.