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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
ASlCLASt) WEEKLY TIDtNOS Wednesday, Starch 3, 1020 pack rom I LOCAL AND PERSONAL jan::::::::i:at:::n:t:::mt:a!ana:o TirTKSOAVS NEWS i Mrs. Clark bush expects to leuvi Saturday tor Long to join her husband who preceded her there ome time ago. i j 0. E. Sams, who recently sold out his grocery buslners In Ashland, bus' entered the employ of the Norton Motor company as a salesman. ( ... j Miss l'earl KastertinB, clerk in the' Steams Self Service Store is out to lay on ucrount of illness. ; ... 1 Mr. niul Mrs. D. It. Conner of the Hot.- Austin drove to Yreka, Calif.,! ye ii il.iy to spend the (lay. j ... I Mrs. .1. li. Winier ami lirother, Er nest phlelte, were Ashland visitors I rom .Medford yesterday. I'rof. Johnson of the soils depart ment of O. A. f , has come to Jack Fun county and will take charge of the soils experiments at the South ern Oregon Experimental Station at Talent. This will relieve I'rof. ltei mer from that occupation, so he can dccoie all his time to fruit experi ments. ... Mr. i...d Mrs. Howard Ilarrett are having their house in Talent done over in the interior preparatory to occupying it soon. This is situated on the lame farm recently purchased, by Mr narrett in that district, and! is one of the handsomest niul most substantial residences in that sec tion. ... Mrs. Cut fee died yesterday after-r noon at her homo on II street after a Ioiik illness. Kuneral arrange- ! nients hae not yet been made on account of wailing to communicate j with relatives from a (Usance. . . . j- Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Foster of I,os i Angeles, who have been touring the east, are stopping in Ashland this!, week and may remain here for some, time. They were former residents j. of this city and own property here. William Merriman of Oakh ml, one of the head freight official.! of the Southern Pacific company, was an Ashland visitor Sunday when he called on relatives and friends he fore proceeding to Medford to visa with relilhes there. Mr. Merriman is a member of one of the pioneer families In the Hague River valley, and is a brother of Mrs. A. L. liar- New Zanc Grey Book 'The Man i the Forest' A man's man. adventure, (loil's country anil the woman. Every one who likes to read Zane Will add 100 per cent to the ap Crey's writings will want to read ! I'"-'"''"'"' "f .vo"r Property and as much to its cash rent mid selling Dallas to have a cannery. Oil Savings Accounts Wo Interest A Dollar Starts an Aecouut STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. . PR Ml GOOD BUYS 10 acres, all in bearing fruit of a mixed variety, fair 5-room houes, barn, packing house and chicken house; worth $3,500. Absent owner will take $2,100. Net returns last season, $1,000 10 acres, 7 ill bearing apples and cherries, 3 acres wood land; one of the show orchards of Jackson county; net returns last season, $1,2,10. No build ings. 20 acres of fine 1: xl in crops, one mile from city. Vbent owner will take $2,0C0. 23 acres just out -id city limits, 10 acres in young fruit trees just coming into hearing, 13 acres wood land: 4-room gun galow, small barn. Widow, must sell. S3.IHI0. Property is moving. If you have any to sell call and list it, or if you want to buy come and see my many bar;ains Mrs. S. L Allen this hook. value. Poleys Druc Store Dickerson I'OI.KV .V I I.MI.MiT, Diimgisls. THE I'AIXT MAX. Milk m s We expect delivery ot our tirst F0 RDS0N T RACT0RS i Within a very short while in ample time for spring plowing. We are prepared to sell F0RDS0NS on liberal terms ot payment. Also we shall carry a complete stock ot l ordson parts SERVICE will be our first and last consideration. HARRISON BROS. feYour f -1 VK vj t 11 r We IValine Till I II II 1 "The Ci-ncker for You." tS, III A-liland 1 1 Milk tit 15c per can. $1.70 per iloz. $0.40 per case. WE DELIVER Our goods are in easy reach and prices are the lowest. You do your own choosing. Join the crowds and trade at Steam's Self Service Store 7 NORTH MAIN STREET --- Ashland Fruit & Produce Association SPRAY MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies Beet Pulp and Kaola Meal For Your Dairy Cows i row i if I J JU) r P -s ! -,4. -SfretrU te'fl .ffe-fcjOe 1 g ---- --- ' THE NKW'KST A XI) HKST Hats and Caps IX TOWX A New Slilimeiil of WOOI, DRESS IM.X'IS THK HKAV- IKK KIM) MUX'S SrUIXG SOX Jl'ST AKKIVIOI) NEW I'NDEHWKAR XEW NECK WEAK MITCHELL'S IOIt MEN'S WEAK BY THE POSTOl liCE Asliland Slate Exchange .1. II. Cooke 11. 1 O. E. Xo. !Ui4 II. O. KikUtk tt Son. E. W. Flack us. II. 1'. Holmes 1'laza .Market. ('. I.. I.oomig Hose llrolbeis Sli'ains Self Sei-vire Store White House Crocery Aliiill & Moodv PEIL'S Corner lly Hie I'lirk I'sed se ion mai bines from JO. 00 up, will sew as food as new ones. .New White machines always on hand. A ln-h carload just ill. Iiandy snay iumis. Cedar posts at l.'ic. I'- nciiiK ut least 1 He per rod cheaper than elsewhere. EMU. I'l ll. HANDBAGS 01 Genuine Leather In a im inltt-r of styles- all shapes, i ii 1 ml j it leathers of manv tin-i-hf-K. '1 hey are all attractnedw lined and fined with mirror and fiiin purse. Triced Vl to J5.fiU. STKAI" I'l USES XI.,-,0 In g.'L.Ml NEW II.K; Tol'H S(llaie and oial styles of t(o1o shell and silver mountings. 'ery Kpeiially juiced, SI ad, IJ.uO and J2.50. IU1I l!A(.S (.'.no Child's J'lile m usstoled (oi lers, 7 '.c. McNAIR BROS. Start MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GET THE BEST ARE you Koing to buy a new car this spring? Then you owe it to yourself to make ymr dollar get the best. You cannot, under any circumstances n fiord to buy a new car before first trying out a.demonstration of the Matchless Mail) ohm SaSSSi Money cost", v;ilue fur value, the Maibohm so far excels other cars that, once understanding its specifications, demonstrating its power and examining its graceful linos and substantial finish, the balance of good judgment is bound to turn the scale of decision to the Maibohm. WOMAN'S 'MODLRN UNDERGARMENT ( You can obtain Futurist, exqui sitely made and soft'fitting for under'the-corsct wear, in a wide range of materials. These dainty garments combine comfort and vogue. See Futurist on display in our Knit Underwear Department m m WlMZZIMi SI'EED! peaceful IdlinK- it makes a fellow s l,od tinitla to look at a tar like this and feel that it bcliins U him unleashed it will roar nose to nose with an express train; cbei ked it will elide nloiiK composedly behind a mule team: u spiiiied car, ravenous to de vour the miles; a gentle (UHitliimt 4 sir mild a a kitten to own such u car Is to upplaud a new drama of uiolormi;. Come in and let us give you a demonstration. $1,725 delivered to you. Skilled Mechanics at your service. Tires and Accessories. E. N. NORTON MOTOR CO. Exclusive Jackson County Agents 347 EAST MAIN ST, ASHLAND, OREGON New Coats And Suits For Spring Are Here. New Waists Are Here. Voiles Georgettes and Crepe de Chine IN STOCK NOW Are five styles of Futurist Suits and one style Nainsook Vest. ASK TO SEE THEM. Fitrite Petticoats For Spring Are Here. New Skirts Are Here, Wool Plaids And Sport Silks iif Willi wiiyi'w iiiiiiiHiii'iii'PPiPiiiiiw A 0 1 Vi " J I f - -f V ' Thi is the Vaughan 4 II. P. Gasoline Dragsaw With the hest Friction Clutch on the market to-day. Mr. Vaughan ia the originator and maker of the tirst Gasoline Dragsaw, and keeps up with ita latest and best improvements. For sale by EMIL PEIL, Ashland, Oregon,