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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
page Eicirr ASHLAVD WEEKLt TIDINGS Vi1nM.iy, IVtiiiinry id 1020 4, It. 3W, $7.41; accrued interest, ! 12 & 13, Blk. 2, $33.16 ; accrued in $2.48. iterest, $ 1 1.05. No. BS09 Ilyilraulif Mining Co.,i No. 5879 II. W. Reynolds. Vol. 4, Vol. 0, 1'. 90; S'-j of SK'4 of SE'.j P. CI; Medford, Wiilikes Add., I.ol 1, Sec. 2, Twp. 37, It. 3W, $3.90; ae- Blk. 3, $26.55; accrued interest, crued interest, $1.20. 1 $8.51. No. 58100. B. Ross et al. Vol.! No. 5880 T. P. Collins, Vol. 4. P. 6. P. OS; and. s int. K4 of NK V, of NE'., Sec. 12. Twp. 37, R. 3V,; accrued interest, f 2. 1 7. No. (Ml Iowa Lumber Box Co., Vol. 0. P. 100; N, of NWV,, Sec. 23. Twp. 37. It. 3V, $19.77; accrued interest, jO 59. No. 5M2 Trail Lumber Co., Vol. 0, P lii'i; NK', of NW'V See. 2a. Twp. 37. K. 3W. NW'. Sec. 2'i, Tup 3 7. It. 3W. $0.9U; accrued ini.K.t. J 13.03. o. 58 I I - Trail I.unilier Co.. Vol. 0. P. 1 1 1 : N's of NK1,. Sec. 27. Twp. 37. R. ::. si 1.19; acriiicii In terest. J'!. 7.1. No. 5M Opp Consolidated Mine-., Vol. ii. P. li'2; SW'4 ol NW'.,. Sec. 3 0. Twp. .17. K. 3W, SI 1.75; aecrued ii,t.'ie.-t, $4. !'l. No. 5 819 Hendricks, Vol. 11, P. 1114: lrart'1. W. of NW'i & frarlT, XV of SW . Sec. ti. I wp. 3 V 1!. 3W, $23.54; accrued inter est. $7.84. No. 5V2U-.1. T. Nrredon, Vol. (1. '. ii'4: K'i of NW', of NE'4. So-, l.i. Twp. ;:s. It. ::V. .". . 1 il ; accrued int. rest. $1.73. X.i. 5S21 C. II. K'-. of SK1,, V :;V, $12.!' I; $ 1.30. Nd. 582 1 S. I!. Pierce, Vol. 6, P. Sec. 27, Twp. 3S, I acruid interest, i Hamilton, lieirs.l Vol. ti, P. a!i; Lot No. 1. Sec. 4. Twp. ::'.). it. 3W, $1.14; accrued in terest. $0.38. No. 525- M. Cantr.ill. Vol. ti, P. 11": ' int. S'-j of XE'4, N'? of, SK'-4. S.c. !'. Twp. 3!l. It. 3W, $l:!.ti6; accrued interest, $4.55. No. 5S27 A. V. Gillette. Vol. fi,! P. 118; K.. of SHU. SW, of SK'i, j A- SK', ol SW,. Sec. 10, 33, 2W.i $17.23; accrued interest. $15.74. No. 5829 I nk iiiiwii Owner, Vol. 0. P. 122; SK', of NW'i, Sec. 11, Twp. 3 1. H. 2V, $15.51!; accrued in tor.M, $5.18. No. f. S T. (!. Keames, Vol. 0, P. 121; XW'i of XK'i ii XW4 of s ',, Sec 27. Twp. 34, It. 2V, $24.81; accrued interest, $8.27. No. 5S.I1 Amanda llilgor. Vol. (i. P. 125; X'.j of SU ',. Sec. 33, Twp. II. 1!. 2W, $21.t!(i; accrued inter- 'st. $7 No. P. 125; 34. It. 8 35 T. C. Reames. Vol. 0. N'j of NV',, Sec. 33, Twp. 2V, $2 1.00; accrued iuter- est. $7.22. No. 5v;:i Mary 12'.; SIC, ol sic; Ii; 2V. $12.05; $4.01. K-lso. Vol. 0, P , , Sec. 0. Twp. 35 accrued interest. No. 5842 C I). Vincent, K 2-3 of W' Twp. 35. It. inti'i-est, $2.20. i ot 2W, Vol. ti, XW',, $0.8"; P. 120 S.c. 10 a. rl lied No. : P. 120; S 13 M. A. Vincent, Vol. 0, Wl-3 of Wo of XIV1,, Sec. 10. int. Twp. 35. Ii. 2V, $3.50; accrued 'r t J1.1S. No. 5845 A. I'rwilile, Vol. 0, P. A. oil K. end of X',. of XK1',. 13(,; lies. 1M5.2U2, S.c. 35, Twp. 35, It. 2W. $2.20; airiiii l i i:t on-st . $0.75. Xo. 58-lli Ralph It. CnwtMll, Vol . P. Ill: NIC, of XW", of XV',. i w p. ..', it. 2U , s 1.04 ; ac- rrtn-d Hit No. 5 P. 1 12; I, 2 3 k 2 1. lest, $1.54. 17 Martin Perry, Vol. fi, n. at I i,- ', cor. hot. Sees. Hi. K. 20 ids., S. in rds.. N. 1" rds. to lieK, Sec. 30. U. 2W. $1.01; accrued W. 2'i ins., 24. 'Un. 3. interest, $1 I. .'.illie Il.nis, Vol. fi, P. 2. S.c 2S. Ti. 30. (. .'cniid interest, $2. In. No. 5M0 14 3, Lot No. :V , .; ::.i; , o 5:.n J. Hansen, Vol. 0, J'. 1 13 sic,. in', in N ' of NK ol 2:', 'Up. 30. R. 2W, a..ll..-d 851 - .1 Lot No iiiter.-t, i; Hath 1. Sec. $1.2". .way, V. No. P. 141 Twp. R. S'l.a X o. I 2W, $1.72; accrued inter 853- M. p. Ward et al, Vol. : 13 int. in SU' ', of SW ', , S-c. 32. Twp. ::.-,. It ::w. $1.50; ac- i u 1 1 iulereJt, 1.5h. Xo. 58.-,)- A. I.. Mills, Vol. 7. P. 1 ; S '-. of SW ', , See. 15. Twp. 37. it. 4K, $20.02; urn ncd inter 5 0.07. No. r,8i;.i Ciaee K. Mann, Vol. 7 i'. 30; SW, of SW,. Sec. 30. Two 30. It. $1.00. No. P. 4 0: Twp. ;; teres!, 3K, $5.00; accrued interest 802 llelbert land des. 00-5"5. 33. U 2K, $1 1.02; aia , $3.87. 5803- 11. T. Severance N &.I. It. ,30, 1', rker. Vol. 7, P. 5"; be r. of SICi of N E 1 1 . Sec. . at XE. 10, th. S.i 4a rds., W. 32 ids.. N. 45 ids., E. 32 rds. to be!;, Sec. 30, Twp. 34. R. 2E, S3. 4S; accrued interest, $1.10. No. 5S04-Albert Coffniiin. Vol. 7. P. 50; NW, of XW'i, Sec. 33. Twp. 31. It. 2K, $0.02; accrued iu teiest, $2.2". No. 5805- Kred II Cook, Vol. 4, P. 00; Medford. Wolverton Add. Sub. Jiiv., Lot 15. ink. 1, $19.15; aecrued interest. $0.28. No. f.8i;i; chas. Niching, Vol. 4. P 1"; M. .Ilonl, Riverside Sub. lliv., I.ot 12. lllk. 1, $11.75; iiccrueii in terest, $3. 01, No. f. S'-.7 Clen Kahrirk, Vol. 4. P. 144; Medfoid. K;. bricks Add., un ! coded plat. Lois 5. 0. 7. 8. 12. 14. 15 li 10, lllk, 2. $0"08; accrued in terest, $20 22 No 5S0H- Clou Kahrirk, Vol. 4.: P. 110; Medford. Kahrirks iinrwoid ile plat, Lois 3. 4. 5. 0. 7 d 8. Blk. 1. Lots 1, 2 fc 3, l:;:. 2., $02.51; uc t i noil in', rest, $20.8 t. i No, f.Mlll.las. llowlillK. Vol. 4. P. 145; Me.liord. Wist Medford Add.. S 55 ft. of N. 112 ft.. I.ot 1. P.Ik. 3. X. 50 it. of S. 103 ft.. Lot 1. Blk. 3. X 50 it. ol s. 137 ft., Lol 1. lllk. 3, $8.1 I; accrued interest, $271. , No. 5870 W. II Humphreys, Vol P it: . S 13 Medford. ilfoid. N. 50. . I.ot 1. I! Lot 1. Ii. $8 n:,; arciued In- Jrre-l No. V 14 15 ft ?1 04 fi 07. Med!, of K : William Ross. Vol. I. .rd. Wet M-dfotd. W :'. 5 ft . Lot 1. II! k. 'I interest, $n 54. M. C. Cliurr, Vol. 1. I. 141. Palms I Add., I.ot 10. Blk 1 . '! 5 8; !! 1 .. d il.lerest. ? 1 1 (1. No. f.VT:: W. M Holmes. Vol 4. P. 120; Mi -Hold, No k. 11 Add , Lol 2. Blk. 3: Lot 4. I'.lk 4, $42.02; uc-cni'-d ii.lep-t, $11,1.0. No. :. ST 4 i:i , , A. n.rnowrtth. Vol. 4, P 128; Nokeii . , i ,j , ,ie, 7j. 403 or 50 ft. Lot 4. Ii!k. 1, $3. 5s, accrued intioe-t. S.J 'i. No. 575 -.1 K. Bunk;. Vol 4. 1'. 128; Miiltotd. Nnkeil Add. des. 85-340. part Lot 4. lilk 1, $3 04; uc crued llllT'-t. 1 1 3 1 . No 5876-C II II Parl .-r. Vol 4 P. f. & 0: Medlotll, Add . Lois 4. 5 0. Is'k. ,f hot 0, llik 4. Lit $43.09; ao-tued interest, No. 5S77 W A. Lie, Wi Id wood 3. S 27 II. 7. lllk. 4 $14 30 Vol 4. P CO: Medford, Wildwood Add , Lot : mid the N. 23 ft. I.ot fi, Blk. 4 $33 96; accrued interest, $11 32. No. 5878 Jacob Hunter. Vol 4 P. (I; Medford, Willikei Add., Lois JO. 61; Medford. Willekes Add., I.ot 5.1 Blk. 3, $15.19; accrued interest, i $5.0G. ! No. 6SS1 Win. Davis. Vol. 4. P. j 04; Medford, Wolter Add., Lot 1. I Blk". 1, $12.01; accrued interest.! i$4.00. i No. 5SS2 Medford Realty Imp i Co., Vol. 4, P. 05; Medford. Wollei-t Add., I.ot I. lllk. 3, $10. Hi; ac ; crued interest, $3.38. No. 58S3 Helen St ra. belter. Vol. I 4, P. 115; .Medford. Wolter Add., Lots j 6. 7 & 8. lllk. 3, $27.88; accrued in iterest. $9.2!. I No. 5884 L. E. Wakomnn. Vol. 4. i P. ill!; Medford. Wolverlon Sub Hii. Kij. of I.ot 2, Blk. 2, $15.10; uc crued interest. $5.00. 1 No. 588013. F. Mulkey. Vol. 4. P. (18: Medford. Woodlawn Huts. Add., Lots 24, 27 & 28, $10.52; uc- j crued interest, $3.50. No. 5887 It. Schiller. Vol. 4. P. 00; Medford, Wood Add., Lot 4. lllk 1, Lot 4, Blk. 2, $8.82; accrued in lerest, $2.04. No. 5888 D. S. Wood. Vol. 4, P. Oil; Medford, Woods Add., Lots 1, 2 & 3, lllk. 2, $12.81; accrued in terest, $4.27. Xo. 5880 J. A. Torney, Vol. 4.1 V. 70; Medford. 2i.d St. West. X. side des. 02-518. 53.1 ft. $10.42; ac crued interest, $3.47. No. 6890 Thus. Bartliolemew. Vol. 4. P. 71; Medford. 4th St. Wvsl. X. side. des. 01-155, 52.8, $30.35; accrued interest. $12.11. No. 5801 Mary (Tiilders. Vol. 4, P. 71; Medford, Ith St. W south. I.ot des. 50-505, less 07-3. 80-5511, 01-88, 84-480, $10. 70; accrued in terest, $3.50. i No. 5802 Cos. Cruiser Vol. 4, P. !7. Jlh HI IV, .ot ui.ln il..u '17-ft $23.00; nrcrued interest, $7.00. No. 5803 M. X. Childs. Vol. 4. P. 73; Medford, (iennessee St.. W. side. bee. at NE. cor. 83-70. X. 50 ft., W. 100 ft., S. 50 ft., E. 100 ft. toi hen., $30.30; accrued interest. $12.12. Xo. 5804 Ceo. E. Cliainherlin. Vol. 4, P. 73: Medford. Central1 Ave., lies, at SW. cor. Lot 12. II. 1, Cottage Add., E. 38 fl., S. 53 ft.. NW. aloiK Central Ave. to lies., $2.21; accrued interest, $0.73. j Xo. 5805 Siskiyou H.uts. Co.. Vol. I. P. 74: Medford. Krone Way i Drive, part 00-308. 070 A. S. & W. , of Keene Way Iirive, $52.5"; ac ! crued interest, $17.50. j Xo. 5800 W. E. Weaver, Vol. 4. P. 75; Medford, Main St. W., So. I side, 9 ft. front on Main, E. of lad, to Oak drove Suli. Div., $0.30; ! accrued interest, $3.1 2. ! Xo. 5807- Clara Aiken, Vol: 4, P. 79; Medford, Oakdale Ave., North V. 'side, des. 78-008, $0.30; aecrued In terest, $3.12. j Xo. 5809 Chas. M. Smith. Vol. 4. ' P. 82; Medford. Riverside Ave. N . East side. des. 87-032, 1 1 0.0 ft.. $28.94; accrued interest, $0.0 1. j Xo. 5001 J. (1. Coble, Vol. 4, I'. iS0; Medford. Rerryvalo Add., Lol I in, lllk. 5, $1.50; accrued interest. , $0.52. I No. 5003 E. M. Turner. Vol. I. I I'. 02: Medford, Bunker Hill Add., il.ot 13, Blk. 1, $3.50; accrued in terest, $1.19. ! No. 5000 College Hill, Inc., Vol. i 4, P. 1"2; Lots 10, 11.12 13. Blk . 0, $ I 40; accrued interest, $1.18. No. 5H07 .1. I). Hoard, Vol. I. P. ! I"7: Medford. Eaple lltrls. Add., Lot 1. P.Ik. 1, Lot 1, Mill. 2, $3.70; ae n lied interest, $ 1.25. 50O8 II. C. Stoddard, Vol. I. IV I 12: Medford, HU'lirrol't Add., Loir' 0, 7 & 8. Blk. 5, $14.31 ; accrued in terest, $1.77. No. 5010 W. S. Crowell fi .1. (i. Coble. Vol. I. P. 120; Medfoid. Lail- relhust Add., Lots 8 ti 0, lllk. II. $I.4S; accrued interest, $1.10. Xo. 5011 W. S. Crowell K- .1. C. Coble, Vol. 4, I". 123; Medfoid, Laii relhurst Add.. Lol 22, Blk. 9, $2.09; 17,! accrued interest, $0.80. st. Xo. 5012 E. A. Klnu. Vol. 4, P. 1128; Medford. Mountain View Add.. 7,. Lot 4. lllk. 4, $3.22; accrued inter est, $1.07. Xo. 5013 Victor Dallaire, Vol. 4. IP. 128; Medford, Nickell Add., des. Kohl, Vol. 7,' 85-41. Lot 4, Blk. 1, $3.59; accrued '."5. Sim-. 20, Interest, $1.19. !; accrued in- Xo. 5014 1'nknown Owner, Vol. .7, P. 55; NV4 of N1C4. Sec. 10, Twp. R. 2E, $5.19; uccrued interest, $1.73. No. 5915 R. It. V. Canal Co., Vol. 7, P. 55 & 50; land des. 83-108, Sec. 20, Twp. 30, It. 2E. land lies. 83-400. Sec. 29. Twp. 30. It. 2E, $2.51; uc crued interest. $0.83. No. 6017 Daniel Walker, Vol. 7, P. CO; land des. 5 4-114 in KWV,, Sec. 19, Twp. 39, It. E. $1.59; uc crued interest. $0.53. No. 6919 Mac Lean Est.. Vol. 7. P. 84: land des. 93-472. Sec. 30, Twp. 33, R. IE, $1.14; accrued In terest, $0.38. No. 5020 T. A. Olson, Vol. 7, P 80; SW'i of NE4 & NW'i of SK'i, Sec. 12, Twp. 34. It. IE. $1 4 05; accrued interest. $4.08. Xo. 5022 riiknown Owner, Vol 7. P. 88; SW'i 'f SE'4. Sec. 33. Twp. 3 1. It. IK, .$5.19; accrued in terest, $1.73, No. 5023 Homer Cox. Vol. 7. P. SO; NW, of XE'' , X U of NW'H & SW'i of XW'i. Sec. 14. Twp. 35. It. IE. $24.70; accrued interest. $8.23. Xo. 5025 K. .1. Cutter. Vol. 7. P. 91; Wlj of NE 'i & E 4 of NW'i, Sec. 33. Twp. 35. It. IK. $22.80; accrued Interest, $7.02. No. 5020 It. M. Berry, Vol. 7. P. 92; I.ot in Urownsboro. See. 4. Twp 30. 11. IE, $2.04; accrued inlerest. $0,08. Xo. 60274! B. Brown. Vol. 7. in SW, of SW'i. 30. IE. $3.47; ac $1.24. P. 94: 2-3 int. Sec. 1 I. Twp. crued interest Xo. 6028 rnknown Owner. Vol 7. P. 90; E4- of NV'.i. Sec. 25. Twp. 30. R. IE, $5.19; uccrued In teiest, $1.73. No. 5020 rnknown Owner, Vol 7. P. 97; SE'i of SK'i. Sec. 33. Twp. 30. It. IE, $0.19; uccrued In terest, $2.08. No. 5030 A. & N. Fisher. Vol. 7. P. 08; Lot Xo. 1. Sec. fi, Twp. 37. It. IE. $7 76; uccrued interest.' $2.58 No. 6033 C. Pierre. Vol. 7, P. 1"2: SW, of NE'i. Sec. 30. Twp. 37. R. IK. $0.47; accrued interest. $2 15. No. r,0Kate Dunham ( lleeson I Vol. 7. P. 102: I.ot Xo 4. Sec. 3. Twp 3. R. IE. $0.33; accrued in ter.'st. $2 11. Xo. 6917V. I.. c. Moore Vol 7. P 103; lend in 6-101 ft 1 A of I for I Sec. 14. Tu. 30. It. IE. $11 77 No P. 115 : accrued interest, $3.02. 5!39 S. J Iteuiiisoti. Vol. 7 ; W'i of NW'i. S'-c. IS. Twp IK, $22.59; aicnieil interest. 3!'. It $7.63. No. 5940 H. A. Jones, Vol. 7, I' 116; land des 42-12", Sec. 20. Ti K. IE,. 12.58: UCCrUI-ll interest 68 JS4 Xo. 5041 Win. Haller, Vol. 7, P. 118, Sm. Sec. 20, Twp. 40, R. IE, $13.22; accrued interest, $14.40 No. 5044 Coggins Bros., Vol. 7 P. 120; S'.'i of NV & Lots No. & 4, Sec. IS, Twp. 41, R. IE, $52.38 uccrued interest, $17.40. No. 5045 A. W. Lewis, et ill, Vol 8. P. 1; laud des. 72-696, Sec. 1 Twp. 37. R. 2V, $0.91; uccrueid In teiost, $3. 30. No. 5048 A. L. Alkitis. Vol. 8, P 4: land des. 94-514, Sec. 5, Two 37. II. 2W, $2.30; accrued interest $'79." Xn. f.fl4!f J. F. Palmer, Vol. 8 ! P. 4; NWV, of NE'4 or I.ot No. i Sec. li, Twp. It. !W, $21.41; uc- , eiueil interest, $7.13. No. 5H51 Or. It. J. Conroy, Vol. 8. P. 7; tract out of D. L. C. 57, des, It I 1010), Sec. 12, Twp. 37, It. 2W, accrued interest, $1.83. I No. 5052 M. M. Maine. Vol. 8 ! P. 11; W'i of SWW of SE',4, Sec 17. Twp. 37. R. 2W, $9.91; uccrued interest. $3.30. No. 5053 K. C. (libson, Vol. 8 P. 12; land des. 53-318. Sec. 20 Twp. 37, R. 2W, $2.33; arciued In terest, $0.77. No. 5055 App Consolidated Mlno of X. J., Vol. 8, P. 10; NWU of N'W'i, less land des. 88-51, Sec. 31. Twp. 37, It. 2W, $100.11; accrued interest, $33.37. No. 5957 Weslev R. Sparks, Vol. 8, P. 20; NE'4 of NW'i , Sec. 5. Twp. 3S, It. 2W, $5.37; accrued In terest, $1.79. No. 5058 Belle Xiclioll, Vol. 8, P. 21; W'4 38, It. 2W, est, $0.97. No. 5059- of NW'i, Sec. G, Twp. $20.92; accrued inter- -J. Beenian, Vol. 8. P. 23 laud des. 00-330, Sec. 14, Twp. 38: R. 2W, $2.52; uccrued Interest $0.84. No. 5000 Alfred A. Baker, Vol. 8. P. 21; NW',J of NE'4 of NWy4, Sec. 17, Twp. 38. R. 2W, $2.93; ac crued interest, $0.07. No. 5001 1). M. Whetstone, Vol. 8, P. 25; SE'i of NW14, Sec. 20, Twp. 38. It. 2W, $8.08; accrued in terest, $2.80. No. 6002 M. B. Griffin, Vol. 8, P. 20; NVVU of SWy4 Sec. 22. Twp. 138, It. 2W, $10.62; accrued inter est, $3.54. ' No. 5904 Daniel Miller, Vol P. 27; SE'4 of SW'4, Sec. 24, Twp 38, R. 2W, $10.02; accrued inter est. $3.54. No. 5900 M F. Town, Vol. 8, P 28; IC-i of SW'4, Sec. 33, Twp. 38 R. 2W, $20.35; accrued interest $0.78. Xo. 590711. W. Reynolds, Vol. 4 P. 01; Medford, Willekes Add., 50 It. of Lot ti, Blk. 3, $1.34; uccrued interest, $0.44. No. 5008 .1. 0. Coble, Vol. 4, P 80; Medford, Berry vale Add., Lot 5 Blk. 1, $1.58; accrued interest $0.52. No. 6009 College Hill, Inc., Vol 4, P. 100; Medloril, College Hill Add., Lot 9, Blk. 6, $1.47; uccrued inlerest, $0.49. No. 5970 Pearl Calahnn, Vol. 8 P. 34; NE'i of SE'4 & S'i of SE'i Sec. 30. Twp. 40, R. 2W, $31.05; accrued interest, $10.05. No. 5071 O. J. Willard, Vol. 8 P. 37; E'4 of SW'i, Sec. 22, Twp 33. It. 1W, $0.02; accrued interest $2.20. No. 5974 S. S. Phelps, Vol. 8, P 11; I'racfl, SW'4 of NW", .fract'd. NW", of SW',, SE'4 of NW'4, NE", of SW'i, N'A of SEVi & SIC, of SK'i, Sec. 7, Twp. 35. R. 1W. $10.92: accrued interest, $.!. Xn. 5975 Fleming' Mathews, Vol 8. P. 45; cov. Lots No, 7 & 8, Sec. 14, Twp. 35, It. 1W, $10.05; accrued inti'vosl. $3.35. No. 5070 Win. I'lrich, Vol. 8. P, 17; NW", of SK'i, Sec. 2 2, Twp, 35, It. 1V, $10.05; accrued inler est, $3.35. No. 6977 Fleming Malliews, Vol. 8, P. 17; N U or NX. of NK", . Sec. 23. Twp. 35. It. 1W. N of NW'4 of XW'i, Sec. 24. Twp. 35. It. 1 W, $1 1.03; accrued interest, $4.87, No. 6079 Chas. Seaman, Vol. 8, P. 51 ; 1 nd des. II. 11. 85-304, Sec. 2, Twp. 30, R. 1W, $5.47; accrued in- leresl, $1.82. No. 50SO David E. Walker, Vol. 8, P. 62; land des. 100-100. Sec. 5, Twp. 30, R. 1W, $2.19; accrued in terest, $0.73. No. 50 8 3 I,. Carter, Vol. 8, P. 5fi; SK'i of NWV,, Sec. 20. Twp. 30, R. 1W, $10.02; accrued inlerest, $3.54. No. 5080 W. W. Cotrell. et al, Vol. 8. P. fi8; 2 A. des. 87-339 us nn exception, Sec. 34, Twp. 37. It. 1W, $7.51; a ccrued inlerest, $2.51. No. 5080 A. C. Shermun. Vol. 8, P. 81; pnv. I.ot No. 2, Sec. 26. Twp. 38, R. 1W, $1.47; accrued interest, $0.40. No. 5001 Chas. E. Hicks, Vol. 8, P. 80; land des. 83-537, less land 84-45, Sec. 36, Twp. 38. It. 1W, $3.30;- accrued interest, $1.12. No. 5002 A. I. Hammond, Vol. 8. 1. 80; tract of land in NE. cor. of Sec. 30, bet. Hicks & Anderson. Sec. 36. Twp. 38. R. 1 W, $1.33; ac crued interest. $0.44. No. 6004 I'liknown Owner. Vol. 8. P. 88: tract of land S. or Oulch Creek In SE'4 of SE'4. Sec. fi. Twp. 30, R. 1W, $1.60; accrued interest. $0.65. No. 6096 Shorty Hope M. M Co.. Vol. 8. P. 80: NE", of SEVi Sec. 11. Two. 30. R. 1W, SW V, of NW'i. Sec. 12, Twp. 30. It. 1W, $23.01; accrued interest. $7.68. No. 5007 .1. Holton. Vol. 8. P. 80; NW", of NW'4. Sec. 12. Twp. 39, R. 1W, $9.82; aecrued interest. $3.27. No. 6908 E. L. Cooley. Vol. 8. P. 102: Kaitle Ik'ts. Fruit Farm. Lots 13 14. $4.78; accrued inter est. $1.59. No. ooaoll. C. Stoddard. Vol. 8. P. 1H2: Facie Huts. Fruit Farm. I.ot 20. $11 77; nrrrued interest. $3.92 No 0003 C. H. Pierce. Vol. 8. P. 137: Pierce Sub. Dir.. I.ot 7. Blk. 2. $2.01; accrued interest, $0.87. Date of First publication, .lanuarv 28, 1920. 80-6t-W PRINTED SIGN CARPS We have the following signs print ed on substantial cardboard in stock sale, 2 for 25c: No Admittance. Notary Public. . Dressmaking. f ' No Smoking. ' Auto For Hire. Please Do Not Smoke. No Loafing. Tills Team For Sale. Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. No Trespassing. For S ilo or Rent. For Rent. ' For Sale. Rooms nnd Board. Post No Bills. i No Peddlers. ', No Hitching. . f Clearance Sale. Positlrely No Admittance. Any of them two for a quarter. - U ASULAND TIDINGS. YOU ARE NOT TOO LATE BIT DON'T DELAV TOO LONG. I SELL REAL ESTATE. Watch for additions and substructions. Buy now, before the Inevitable Boring rise. Best Bargains gradually slip nWay. Glad to show you. I keep the "Henry" wanned up to serve yon. Josh Billings said: The time tot n lien Is when she is ready to tel. Hotel Austin Building, next door Very handsome 9-room house, mod-' era and extremely well built, bath.l toilets, etc., sleeping porches, ma-1 pie floors, every imaginable con-; venlence; 3 large lots, abundancel of fruit, scenic location, close to center of town; really an $8000 property for $4500. 8-room house, modern In all respects, porches and outbuildings, large lot, fruit and flowers; situate on corner close to center of city, paved on both streets. Price with some furniture, $3000. -room cottage, well built but not modern appointments; large lot 80x200; 2 blocks from paved street, sightly location yet level; some fruit; good garden-land; easy terms. Forced sale price $800. Five-room cottage, bath, etc., 4 blocks from paved street, nearly half acre ground, fine garden land, cherries, almonds, apples, peaches, grapes, scenic outlook, good neigh borhood. Very easy terms. Price $1600. No. 15 5 rooms and bath, 2 stoves, 7 chairs, bedstead and organ; big basement, barn and chicken house: 2 acres fruit. Look at this. Price $2500. 6-room bungalow, cement basement; a very convenient and pretty prop erty; nicely located, lot 100x120; fruit, nuts and berries. Price $2500. I 4-room furnished cottage, fruit and flowers; very attractive location, scenic outlook; earning big inter est on price. $1600. Apartment house, large lot central- ly located. Brings in $40 to $50 per month nuf sed, when you consider the price, $2500. 6-room modern house, barn and wood shed, chicken house; range and heating stove; lot 150x140;; good soil, pretty location. Price $2300. Pretty little cottage, 6 rooms, bath, toilet, woodhouae, large porches, shade and fruit trees; close in; lot 60x100. Price $1600. I -room furnished cottage splendid location, lot 73x150, earning 10 per cent; easy terms. Price $1500. 5-room plastered house, overlooks park, newly remodeled and mod ernized, lot 67-80 ft.; rents for $15 per month. Price with easy terms, $1550. 7-room house, modern and nicely lo cated on corner; both streets paved; good sized lot, shade trees' nnd fruit; close to center town. Forced sale, ut sacrifice price, $2500. 7-room, well built and appointed house, 2 baths; buck and. front stairway; large lot, splendid gar den, flowers, fruit and shade trees; paved street; close In; Insured $1200; rental value $20; a snap at $2000. Attractive little plastered cottage, 4 rooms, new, bath, etc.; lot 35x115, on paved street; rents for $12.00; never vacant; Insured for $760; range, heater, table and chairs, re frigerator and linoleum goes with place. . Price $1260. No. 1G 5-room bungalow and chick en house; lot 60x173; fruit, nuts nnd berries; large basement; 2 blocks from center of town. PrlB $2000. No. 18 Attractive 4-room cottage, bath, etc., completely furnished; outside summer Bleeping room; lot 60x100. Price $1200. No. 19 6-room bouse, bath and store room, some furniture; lot 50x130; lots of fruit; good loca tion; northeast part of town. Price for cash $1000. This Is a big snap, as the place will rent for $15 per month. No. 20 7-room bouse, bath, toilet, sleeping porch; house attractive and in fine condition; cement cel lar; wood house and garage, chick en house, etc.; one acre ot ground, level; east front; 1 block from paved street, near Junior High school. All kinds of fruit; an ideal city ranch home and a money maker. . Price $3160. No. 21 7-room bungalow, 2 toilets, large sleeping porch, large base ment; completely and handsomely furnished; lot 50x140; fruit and flowers; beautiful yard; 2 blocks from boulevard; sightly location but level. Here Is a $6000 prop erty for $4000, or will quote price without furniture. No. 23 6-room bungalow, modern, good condition, eplendld close-In location, high class surround ings, garage, etc.; large lot 65x 142; apples, cherries, English wal nuts, grapes and berries. With the house Is a good kitchen range, kitchen linoleum, hall carpets, gar den and lawn tools and hose. Non resident offers at away below value for quick turn. Terms easy. Price $2400. No. 24 7-room house, very hand some, well built, in fine condition, modern arrangement and conven ient, good garage, barn, acre fruit and berries, close In; beauti ful outlook. Price $4000. No. 25 New 7-room house, east part of city, stone foundation, modern throughout; good barn, garage; laree lot, level; fruit and flowers. Splendid home. A snap at $2600. No. 26 6-room new modern bunga low, close to M. E. church; garage, good basement; fine snrroundings; a beauty. Price $3000. No. 27 6-room residence, plastered, bath, etc., attractive appearance on paved street; close In; lot 80x 150; shade trees, cherry trees, shrubbery and roses; attractive terms. Price $2000. No. 28 2-tory 8-room house, bath, toilet, closets, well built, good con dition, woodshed, lot 66x115; one WHERE SHALL to Ford Garage. Phone 26. block from paved street, near school and church; fruit and shade trees. Easy terms. Price $2500. Good 2-story house, splendid loca- Hon; 5 good lots, bo nrratiReu inni four lots could he Bold off for at least $900. Price for all, easy terms, $3400. No. 29 Hore Is a double header and a winner; Large house, occupied by owner; old fashioned, hut mod ern conveniences and well built; I prettiest location in town; well furnished, piano Included; 3 acres j of land, alfalfa, fruit, berries, i shade trees and flowers, most beau tiful yard, also a new furnished j bungulow bringing In big rental, on same acreage, very attractive front. With the place there are 1 p-nnd enwn n Int nf chickens. Will sell at a price that is bring ing better returns than big Inter est or will entertain trade for Ore gon or California coast property to value of $15,000. No. 30 5-room modern bungalow, lot 60x120; fruit and flowers; close In on paved street, $2800; j with furniture $3000. j No. 31 8-room bungalow, large porches, large basement, bath, toi - lets, heating plant, firo place; large grounds, fruit, shade trees and flowers; a most lovely home; closo in. Price $7500. j No. 32 Handsome and extremely, well built 7-room house, modern ' appointments; large lot; paved street; close In, $3000. No. 33 Cheap little house, fine lot,' east part of city; fine garden, fruit i and berries. Price $300. ! No. 34 4-room house, ncre of ground, on Granite street, above park; lots ot fruit trees and ber ries; good garden; a lovely sum mer home. Trice $1200. j No. 35 7-room house, bath, etc., at-1 tractive cottage, 'J Rcro fruit and garden; close in, level and nicely j surrounded; stoves go with place, also some furniture. Price $2500. No. 30 6-room plastered house, bath, etc., good foundation; located near depot, 75x142, variety of -fruit; a splendid home; very easy terms. Price $1800. No. 37 6-room modern house, barn and chicken house, shade tr.i.'s and ruit; lot 95x150; 2 blocks from paved street; close to school, j Price $2800. I No. 38 5-room house, nearly new, 2 blocks from Boulevard; level ground 60x140; fruit nnd berries; house Is plastered, has bath, etc.; Insured $1000. Rents for $15.00. Easy terms. Price $1600. j No. 39 Well built, 12-room liouso' in good repair, on paved street; I used for apartments; baths and toilets; completely furnished, two ranges; barn and shed; lot 100x! 200; fruit and flowers. Price $3500. ! No. 40 Handsome 12-room house in splendid condition; popular for: roomers; partly furnished; lot 100 X140; paved street. Price $1500.; No. 41 li-rooin modern bungalow, bath, etc.; very sightly and close in location; lot 53x250; all kinds oi iruu; puveu sircm, a uuiguiu. at $3250. No. 42 5-room plastered cottage, bath, etc., new range and heatitm stove and other furniture; lot 60x 130 in northeast purt of town, i Price $1100. g No. 43 Old fashioned but good room house on lot 100x100, fac ing pnrk; extremely fine location and attractive surroundings. The lot is worth nearlv the price asked. Price $2000. No. 44 Four room house, electric1 lights and sewer connections, near High School. Two lots, rich soil. Rents lor $10.00; a good buy even j as nn investment. Easy terms, i $700. No. 45 6-room house, bath, etc.,! store room, barn nnd garage; lot; 100x160, northeast part of town.f close in; lots of fruits, nuts, flow-1 ers and $1600. berries. good buy i at No. 46. 6-room house well ap pointed but old style, lot 100x200, on paved street, centrally located. Price $3000. No. 47 Extremely handsome modern ! bungulow, beautiful large yard! and garden; shade and fruit trees; on paved street. Price $4250. No. 48 6-room bungalow, strictly! modern; garage, fruit and flow-! ers; large lot, one block from I Boulevard. Handsomely furnished : with piano, $4000; unfurnished. $3200. I No. 49 Good 8-room houso and barn, 1 acre ground, near high school, $2500. No. 50 8-room house good finish, modern appointments, large lot, one block from paved street. $2700. No. 61 2 cottages on paved street connected w ith sewer, large lot for j each, closo In; a good speculative; buy, both or either; $800 each; small payment down. ) No. 52 6-room house on paved i street; all modern conveniences. range nnd furniture, all rooms hut one carpeted. I.ot 911x140; van ely of fruit; chicken house, etc. Price $1 250; small rash payment. No. 63 Handsome 8-room bunga low, nearly new, built In buffet, built in pantry, tiled bath, 2 toi-j lets, concrete foundation and base ment 30x46; east front porch; 46 foot garage under same; wood lift from basement; all kinds of fruit and lots ot it; beautiful lawn and flowers; almost half ncre of; ground, almost level; only 3 blocks from Boulevard, up light grade: very pretty outlook. Offered at bull value, $3500. ' No. 64 4-room bungalow, garage,; YOUR HOME chicken house and yard, lot lOllst 140, near Iron works; owner leav ing town and will sell lit thu ridic ulously low price of $750. No. 65 7-room fully modern bunga low, new and unusually well built; splendid burn, garage, chicken houses; 2 ueres; rich level land; Variety of fruit and berries, alfal fa and grain; large shade trees; lovely location, close In. Price $8500. Will take good smaller property close In us part payment. No. 50 6-rnom, plastered milage, ce ment foundation, fine condition; chicken house and yard, nearly half acre, fine location; ground level but pretty outlook, fine sur roiindlnus, ,1 blocks from Boule vard. Price $li'(). j No. 67 Three 4-room cottages, bath,; toilet, etc.; good reiitul properties, 1 close in; price of each with easy; payments, $000. No. 58 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, very fine lot, nearly level, 60x173, east front with unusually attractive view, close in; price $1500. No. 69 5-room cement bungalow, all modern and new, lot 50x100, close In, splendid renting property; easy terms; price $1500. : O- 00 6-room bouse, bath, etc.; lot 50x140, close in; lots of cher ries; good garden; terms; price, $900. No. 01 8-room modern!' equipped house of old style, acre; ground one block from pavement, nearly level ground; worlds of fruit and fine garden soil; rango in the house; good basement and gar ase; price, $4000. 1 ACREAGE, FRVIT FAUMS AND ! KA ACHES No. 200 3 acres level, lovoly loca-( tion, pretty outlook, close to cen-' ter of town; apples, prunes, peaches, berries; not much of house but habitable. This Is a money maker. Prico $2500. I i No. 201 43 acres timber and brush land mile from state normal buildings. Prico $000, or will consider a trade for town lots or anything but ranch land. No. 202 11 acres alfalfa land west of Talent, extremely rich sublrrl-. gated soil, $3000. j No. 20315 acres on paved highway near Phoenix; some pears, peaches, apples, cherries and other fruits; . beautiful shade trees on building1 site; small grove of oaks; all level ground. Price $3000. I No. 20 1 80 acres on paved high way, between Talent and Phoenix, 12 acres In alfalfa, balance grain bind; all good deep rich soil: pro duces big crops; fair buildings,1 but old-fashioned. This is a good buy at $19,000. I No. 205 20 acres. 2 miles out on paved road, modern bungalow and out buildings, ome fruit nnd a few acres alfalfa under ditch: lart'C sprinir piped tn bouse. This Is n verv prettv and profitable home. Trico $1700. I No. 200 20 acres cultivated Bear Creek bottom land, 2 miles from town; no improvements except fence. A deep rich soil productive of nnv grains or grass. Price $ 1200. No. 207 1 100 aero ranch near Ga zelle, well watered and highly improved. One of the best stock ranches on the coast. The owner has niado n handsome fortune on the place. Desires to retiro as he is too old to longer give bis at tention to the business. This ranch is offered at right price nnd is nn opportunity for some one. No 208 3-acro prize winning or home, two blocks from chard ,i pillUU HllCL, IlllllO-lll lllljiunr mnnld nntl frrnol V!l1lpttf nf frlltt street; modern Improve- nuts and berries. Has always made good money. Cheap at $5000. No. 209 17 M, acres suburban tiome, close to city of Ashland: all In Deal ing orcnara oui i n acres. Good new house, barn and pack ing bouse, $6000. No. 210 15-acre highly Improved fruit tract, good buildings. A ' money making home. Will con sider clear property in central orj southern California for exchange. My price, unincumbered, $8500. No incumbered property consid-! ered. No. 211 8 acres Irrigated garden j and variagated orchard; scenic lo-! cation, in city, house, barn, etc., J $3000. No. 212 3 ' ncre alfalfa and fruit, scenic location in city; modern bungulow; lots of fruit; a money! producer; forced sale. Price ! $3800. I No. 213 5 acres alfalfa, 6-room, bungalow, Ashland suburbs; price $2800. Will tuke clear residence j property to value of $1000 and give time on balance. ! No. 214 25 acres orchard, all kinds fruits, grapes, etc., alfalfa! mid garden, irrigated, good bulld-j Ings, sightly home, shade and nutj trees. This is superb suburban home, 8 minutes from center ot. Ashland. Price $8000. No. 215 9 acres, good house, barn, ! etc., gasoline pump nnd tank, wa-l ter in house; 4 acres apples and . other fruit; balance grain land; 3; miles from town. Price $3000. . No. 216-75 acre, rich bottom land on Bear creek, 3 miles from town; ( no buildings. The lnnd produces heavy crops of grain and alfalfa,; part in alfalfa now. Deep, rich j soil and splendid location, nil un-l der new ditch. Price $190 perj acre. ; - orchard and No. 217 42 acres, ranch, 2 miles east of city; 27 ! acres In old bearing apple, peach ' and cherry trees; good house, barn and packing house; pasture and wood land; mostly level land and a delightful homo. This is a good money making orchard homo. Price $8500. j No. 218 20 acres alfalfa and pas-, lure land. 1 mile ens of town on i Bear creek: Ideal location fori home; no buildings, but cheap ut; $2100. i No. 210 18 acres a I and berries, 3 mil Good house and property, $3800. lalfa, fruit, nuts s cast of town. I barn. A good BE ? Nu, 820 4-riiom bungalow and i ucrus trull ,,ud gardi'u and chick un yitrd; pretty locution, $1250. No. 221 200-ucre farm, neiir Jtifrer son, in Wlllatnetlii vulley; vory at tractive pluce; price $125 per ucre. Will take some good Asliluud prop erty In oxcliatige. No. 222 80 acres timber on ridge, West Ashland Creek near town. $800. No. 223 80 acres limber on hlgli way at Siskiyou, $1000. No. 224 100 acres near highway, 8 miles out, near E. U. Barron's, 16 acres cleared: well watered, loin of timber; small house, beautiful place for home; splendid fruit luntt mid desirable home site. Price $5000. No. 225 5 ucres fruit, airaUa and garden, close in, 2 ucres alfalfa; fine variety of fruit, plenty water; chicken park, large spring; good house, 6 -ton barn. Death of thu owner causes offer lit $2800. No. 220 5 acres adjoining No. 225; 2 acres fruit, balance wooded pas tn ro, all fenced; no buildings. Price $850. No. 227 0 acres near town on Ash land mine road, all farm laud, good family orchard, 4 room house, good well, till fenced, good cow place and poultry farm. Price $2100. No. 228 10 ucres splendid apple, pencil and pear orchard, just out ot city on highway and Harvard avenue; no buildings, but fenced; $2700. No. 229 10 ucres just out of town on east, 5 ucres alfalfa, balance farm land and fruit; 4 room plas tered cottage, barn, etc.; $2700. No. 230 526 ucro ranch on Ante lope creek; a good stock proposi tion, nnd about 3 million feet ot good saw timber, easy to get out; house, barn, etc. Price $10,000. No. 231 00-acre fruit, grain and dairy home, 2 miles from Ashland, everything necessary for producing gold coins; 5 acres Bartletts, per fect trees just in full bearing, 5 acres pears and Newtowns just coming into bearing; 5 acres Ilart lett and D'Anjou pears Just coming into bearing, 1 acre old bearing apple trees, 20 to 40 boxes applet from a tree; 1 acre Eiberta peaches produces over 400 boxes; 2 acres (j-year-old D'Anjou and Bartlett pears, balance ot tract In ull'alf.i and grain, producing heavy crops ' except small patch in pasture nnd good timber. Private ditch and Water right, big sanitary cement cistern reservoir supplying high prossuro water system (or house, barn and yard. Cistern filled by gravity ditch, which also irrigutes land. Good hoii:;e, barn and pack ing bouse; all the tools and ma chinery and livestock goes with the place including unusually val uable draft team. This is a guar anteed money maker and Is cheaper than "dirt cheap." $10,500. No. 232 5 acres alfalfa first class level land, just at city limits; pret ty little 5-room bungalow; pump ing plant and tank for house ami garden water system; good barn, garage, etc.; price on easy terms, $2800. No. 23321 ucres alfalfa and grain land all level, half mile from clly limits, on Pacific highway; good barn but no house; price $5000. No. 23420 acre orchard home with half ot place level alfalfa and grain land, balance Newtown bear ing trees, berries and other small fruit; good 6-room house, barn, wagon sheds, etc; just out of city; prico $8500. No. 235 32 acres best kind of ul falfu land under Talent ditch on Pacific highway, all in alfalfa and grain, but about 2 acres magnifi cent 10-year-uld Newtown Pip pins and some grapes, etc.; a very handsome and strictly modern new bungalow with water system for house and lawn fine team, 3 good cows; some fancy brood sows, two calves, chickens, range in house; all the farm and garden machinery ' and tools; price $12,000. No. 236 31 acres a little north of Central Point under ditch, good land; will hold for a few days at $70 per acre; neighbors say it Is worth $100. This. will probably go soon, several nibbles now. No. 237 15 acres 1 mile from city limits, 8 acres young orchard Just coming into hearing; fine stock and condition; 6 acres slashed and brush; will consider town proper ty in exchange, $2500. No 23811 ucre ranch under Wag ner ditch, 6 acres fine fruit, good irrigation ditch, 6 acres fine fruit, good house, barn, etc.; well and gasoline pumping plant, $3500. No. 239 17 acres grain and fruit ranch, 2 miles out; splendid house and barn, all fenced; 8 acres New- towns and Delicious; balance wheat, $4500. No. 210 3 acres apples, peaches and cherries, 1 miles out; 4-room house and barn. A pretty little home place, .$1900. No. 211 69 acres 6 miles Grants Pass, extra fine bottom or low bench soil, small house, good barn, 4 acres young pears fine condition balance grain, alfalfa, clover and pasture. A snap at $7000; will sell part at $100 per acre. KKKIIlK.VrB AM) BUSINESS LOTH n0. 4oojne of the finest building lots in Ashland, on corner; front- ago 50 feet on paved street, depth 198 feet, splendid garden land, ready to build on. Easy terms, $1750. No. 401 Corner lot 74x93, splendid location, eooil i,,rn,i;,,u block from Main street; close to school and cenler of town; easy terms. Price $500. No. 402 Beautifully located largo residence lot, fruit and shade trees, close In; magnificent $7000 resi dence adjacent; Bouth view. Worth the price, $1000. No. 403 2 lots, over 1-3 acre, pretty corner on lower Laurel street, in alfalfa, watered and fenced: a rretty building place. Price $150. No. 404 Three good business lots, good rentul property, each side, bringing In $3 per front per month. Trice for all very attractive.