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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
Wetliiisdii)', IVIiiuaiy J I, 11)20 ASHLAND WEE Kit TIDINGS PAGE bEVlX 12, $15.54; uccrtiod interest, $5.18. No. 6424 H. H. Ithoades, Vol. 1, p 48; Centrul Point. Grand View. Lots 21 and 22, lllk. 1, $5.12; ac crued Intercut, $1.70. No. 6425 V. A. Cewley, Vol. 1, p 63; Centrul Point. Pattison Add. Lot 1, Elk. 1; Lois 1. 2 and 4, Blk. 2, $17.83; accrued Interest, $534. No. 642C Anna A. Smilh, Vol. 1, P. 54; Central Point, Pattison Add. Lot 1, Plk. 3, $5.!:i; accrued inter est, $1.97. No. 6427 Mary A. Moo, Vol. 1, P. 64- Central Point. Pattison Add. Lots 3 and 4, lllk 3, $12.01; ac crued interest, $4.00. No. 6 428 Win. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, p 64; Central Point, Puttison Add. J .ills 2 and 6, lllk. 3; Lots 1 and 2, lllk. 4; l.ols 1, 2 and 5, lllk. 5, $32.91; accrued interest, $10.17. No. 6429 J. 8. ft J. F. Lawry, Vol. 1 P. 6G; Central Point. Shields Add. Lot 1, lllk. 3, ?fi.r.; accrued inter est, $2.0fi. No. 6430 W. A. Sclilliisog, Vol. 1, P. 67; Central Point. Land I)"R. 95 434, $3.51; accrued Interest, $1.18. No. 6431 Central Point Cream ery Co.. Vol. 1, P. 67; Central Point. Land Des. 5(1-501, $32. 04; accrued interest, $10.88. No. 54 33 Lucy A. Bingham, Vol. 1, P. 57; Central Point. Land lies. 99-120, $0.19; nccrued Interest, $2.00. No. 5434 Emma Freel, Vol. 1. P. 68; Central Point. N'i of Tract Dos. 64-410, $8.83; accrued Interest, $2.94. - No. 5435 1'nknown Owner, Vol. J, P. 68; Central Point. Land l)es. 1 8-247, $8.83; accrued Interest, $2.fl4. No. 5430 1'nknown Owner. vol. 1, P. 03; Jacksonville. Lot 1, lllk. 6, Jin. 13; nccrued Interest, $3.37. No. 5 4. '17 Main ft Winchester, Vol 1, P. 0: Jacksonville, des. 58 2.32', WV4 of It P'k- 8' $19-35: accrued Interest, JO.4",. No. 5438 G. H. Aiken, Vol. 1. P. 64; Jacksonville, K Lot 3, lllk. 8 $37 79; accrued interest, $12.59. 'No. 5139 T. 1). Kent, Vol. 1, P. CO; Jacksonville, Lots 6. 0, 7 & 8, lilk. 15, $10.74; accrued Interest, ;i'r'8- , , No. r,4nT. .1. Kenney, V1. , P. 07; .lac ksonville. Lots 6, fi. 7 ft 8, lllk. 17, $112.33; accrued inter est, $47.4 1. N0. r, (U Catholic Church, ol. 1, P. 07; Jacksonville, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 18, $10.88; accrued interest, $13.02. No 5412 C. Emme, Vol. 1. P. C,8; Jacksonville, Lot i 1 ft 2, lilk. 21, $3.97: accrued Interest. $1.32. No 5113 S. Humphrey, Vol. 1, P. CS- Jacksonville, W't, Lot 3, lllk. 21, NV- Lot 1, lllk. 21, $4.59; accrued latere:!, $1.53. No. 54 4 4 1'nknown Owner, Vol. J, p. 08; Jacksonville. S '4 of Lots 3 4, $2.12; accrue.! interest, $0.70. No'. 6415 Ilnmrili ft Dagshiiw, Vol 1 P 70; Jacksonville", Lot 3, lllk! 20, part Lots 4 ft 5, lllk. 20, $24.89; nccrued interest, $8.29. No. 1 4 0 J. N-irlinu. Vol. 1, P. 70; Jacksonville, des. 55-352, part Lots 10, 11 ft 12,-lilk. 20, $27.03; accrued Interest, $9.01. No. 54470. ft C. Ktnee Co., Vol. 1 P. 73; .l:icl;-onville, Lois 1, 2, 5 ft 6, lilk. 32, $32.87; accrued Inter est, '$10.95. No 5 1 IS -N. E. Fisher. Vol. 1. P 7s': Lots 1 ft 2. lllk. 49, $11.00; ac crued Interest, $3.88. N0 cnuM. Colwcll. Vol. 1, P. 78; Jacksonville, Lot 1. Tllk. 50, $2 75; nccrued interest, $0.91. No. 5450 W. H.,, Vol. 1, P. 7H- J;,c' -nnville. d-. SI-5IU. narl Lot 1, Hlk. 62, $3.30; accrual in terest,' $1.12. No 5151 Joe Stevtns. Vol. 2. P. S:'Talent. Lot des. 02-5S2. lllk. C, S3 89; nccrued interest, $2.90. No. 5462 J. J. Lane, Vol. 2. P. 3; Talent, Lot des. 87-382. Blk. C, $11 21; accrued Interest, $3.73. No 5 153 Mis. Maltha Jefferson, Vol. 2, P. 3; Talent, Lots 13 ft 14, lllk. 1), $10.90; accrued interest, $5.03. , No, 5 15 1 John Budeeon, A ol. 2, P. 14: Talent, 05 ft. of road des. 77 15 $20.33; accrued Interest, $0.77. No. r.455 John A. Kelts, Vol. 2, P. 19: Talent. 4 Lot's des. 90-70, $21 02; accrued interest, $7.00. No. 5450 L. A. Lose, Vol. 2. I. 33; Phoenix, Lot 5. fart Lot 0, lllk. 10 $13 U9; accrued interest, $4.30. No. 5457 Geo. N. Lewis Vol. 2. T 33- Phoenix. 2-3 Lot 7, lllk. 10. Lot S. lilk. 10, $0.74; nccrued in terest, ?2 24. No. 5158 Colver Est.. Vol 2 P. 37; Phoenix". Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Plk. 24 $9 50: accrued interest. $3.10. No. 5459 Colver Est., Vol. 2, P. 45; Phoenix, lots 1 ft-2. lllk. 3,, $3.15; accrued Interest, (i.iw. No 6400 T. H. F. Enule. . ol. I, I, i ml on 1st St., des. accrued interest, P. 52 26-5S $9.02 No. ; Phoenix $28. SS 54(11 S. L. Hannah, Vol. 2. P. 111; Gold Hill. L"t 1. ,1IK $5.47; accrued Interest, $1.82. . No 6402 -Gold Hill Dev. Co.. ' 2 P ill: Gold Hi'l, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 ft 6. Blk. 1, $18.27; accrued interest, $6.09. ,r . No 5403 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 2 p' IP- Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 9, Incl.,' Blk. '3, $37.00; accrued inter est. $12.33. i No 5104 Gold Hill Dev. Co., V1. 2 P 112; Gold Hill, Dots 10, 11 & 12, illk. 3, $18.90; accrued Interest, 'GNo2' 6405 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 2,P.'ll4; Gold Hill. Lois 2 ft 3. Blk. 9' $8 20: nccrued Interest, $2.73. 'No'6M9 GM Hill Dev. Co., ol. 2 p'l18; Gold Hill. Lots 7, 8 & , lllk.' 17, $23.77; accrued interest, $7 92 No.'6470-Gold Hill Dev. Co.. Vol. 2 P 119; Gold Hill. Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 14 ft 15. Blk. 17, Lots 1 to 1 8, Incl., Blk- 23, $45.02; accrued in- terest $15.20. No 5171 I. R. Wilhelin, Vol. 2. p 121; Gold Hill. Lot 13. Blk. 25, $10.50; accrued interest, $3.50. ; No 5472 Gold Hill Dev. Co., ol. 2. P. 122; Gold Hill. Lot 8. Blk. 27, $8 22; accrued interest, $2.74. w No B473 Gnl1 "ill Dev. Co., M. 2 p' 125; Gold Hill, Lois 1 to 6, Incl., Blk. 33, $0.90; accrued inter- CSNo6474 W. W. Trunx. Vol. 2, p ' j5- Gold Hill. Deekums Amended' Add.. WV, of Lot 2. Blk. 2. Wi' of Lot 11, Blk. 2, $2.82; ac crued interest. $0.94 ,.,' No. 6475-F. P. I'o'l'.o. Ud. 2. P. 125- Gold Hill. Deekums Amended Add'., Lots 3 ft 10. Hlk. 2, $4.70; accrued interest. $1.66. No 5 170 Flora A. Lelsey, Vol. 2. p Gold Hill. Deekum's Amended' Add., Lots 4 fi 8. Blk. 5. $3 80- accrued Interest. J -V ' No 6477 Fred Dodge. Vol. 2. P. 1fi- Gold Hill. Deekums AmendrH Add!, Lot 9. Illk. 5, $2.72; accrued Interest. S0.90. No. 6479 F. A. Kelsey, o. 2 P. 127: Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lots 3 to 9, incl., Blk. G, Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 7, $0.20; accrued In- No. 6636 C. D. Heed Est, Vol. 1,1 7 & 8, lllk. 1, $14.64; accrued in 'terent, $2.00. P. 86; Jacksonville, land In Sec". (Interest, $4.88. t No. 5480 Flora A. Kelsoy, Vol. 2, Twp. 37, R. 2W, dea. 19-499, 2 A., I No. 6582 Geo. E. Chamberlin, 'P. 127; Gold Hill, Deekums Amend fed Add., Lots 8, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ft. 12, Hlk. 7, $6.60; accrued inter est, $2.20. , No. 6481 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, 1 P. 128; Gold Hill Deekums Amended Add., Lots 1 to 9, lucl., Blk. 8, $5.30; nccrued Interest, $1.76. I No. 6482 Floru A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 128; Gold Hill, Deekums Amend- ed Add., Lots 10 to 15, Intl., Blk. 1 ..In in IE l.w.l r fi $5.01; accrued Interest, $1.67. I No. 5483 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 129; Gold Hill, Deekums Amend-. ed Add, Lots 1 to 9, lucl., Blk. 10, $8.90; nccrued Interest,, $2.96. j No. 5484 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 2,1 P. 129; Gold Hill, Deekums Amcnd- ed Add., Lots 10 & 11, lllk. 10, Lot ma " V " ' ' Add., des. 96-191. part Lot 4. Blk. H". 112 Blk 10 Lots 3 to 8, lucl., Blk.icrued Interest, $1.74. ! 2, $17.55; accrued interest, $5.85. No. 5640 M. E. Church, (parson- 11 $10.57; accrued Interest, $3.62.1 No. 5541 W. H. Hamilton, Vol. l.i No. 6583 National Suiety Co., age) Vol. 3, P. 129; Medford, Mor No 5 4 85 H. C. KWsey, Vol. 2, P. p. 103; Eagle Point, Daley & Emery, Vol. 3. P. 68; Medford. Cottage eys Add., Lot 4, $76.03; accrued in- 131; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lot 7, Blk. 14, $1.69; accrued interest, $0.53. No. 5180 Floru A. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 134: Cold Hill. Deekums Amend-. ed Add., Lot 8, Blk. 14, $2.95; ac- crued interest, $0.98. No. 648811. T. Wentworth, Vol. 2, P. 1.12; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Aild.. Lots 3 & 4. Blk. 18, $7.30; accrued interest, $2.43. No. 6489 L. C. Applegate, Vol. 2, p. 132; Gold Hill, Deekums Amend jed Add., Lot 11, Blk. 19, $3.19; ac crued interest, $1.06. No. 6 4 90 F. A. Kelsey, Vul. 2, P. jl31; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lots 1 & 2, Blk. -22, $2.27; ac-jcru.-d Interest, $0.75. No. 5 491 A. J. Oleson Vol. 2, 1. 135; Gold Hill, not platted, Sec. 15, Twp. 36, H. 3V, $7.76; accrued Interest, $2.5S. No. 5192 Henry Britt, Vol. 2, P. j 1 135; Cold Hill, not platted, Sec. 16, j 'i'wp. 20, It. 3V, $37.50; accrued ln Uoicit, $12.50. I No. 54 93 II. C. Kelsey, Vol. 2, P. 1135; Gold Hill, not latted, Sec. 16,' 'Twp. 30, 11. 3V, $7.76; accrued in tere.t, $2.68. No. 5191 P.ussel Swank, Vol. 2, P. 130; Gold Hill, not platted, 1 lot Sec. 10. Twp. 36, H. 3V, $2.03; : accrued interest, $0.07. I No. 5495 Hen Haymond, Vol. 2, P. 137; Hock Point, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. I. W. 32 ft. of Lot 5, Blk. 4, Lot 6, lilk. 4. E. 193 ft. Blk, 5, $10.11; accrued Interest, $3.37. No. 5190 Mrs. Il-n Haymond.Vol. 2, P. 137; Rock Point, Lots 1 & 2, lllk. 2, W. 35 ft. ot Lot 3, Blk. 3, Lot 4, lllk. 3, $10.19; accrued in terest, $3.39. ! No. 5197 Ld W. Cooper, Vol. 2, I'. 138; Suns Valley, Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 1, $8.19; accrued Interest, $2.73. No. 5198 L. F. Gardner, Vol. 2, P. 138; Sains Valley, Lot 3, Blk. 2, $1.55; accrued interest, $0.61. No 5199 Henrv Hoist, Sams Val ley, Vol. 2, P. 138; Lot 4, Blk. 2, $1.55; accrued Interest, $0.51. v 5r,m ;;. A- W. B. l'ennlston, Vol. 5, P. 14; Ashland land des. 75 419, Lots 5 & C, Blk. 29, land des. 95-450, lllk. 29, $31.59; accrued In terest, $10.53. No 5502 L. W. Moore, Vol. 5, P. 19; Summit Add.. Lois 1 & 2. Blk. 47, Ashland, $11.90; accrued inter est. $3.96. No. 5503 Jane Carroll, Vol. 6, P. 30; Helleview Add., Ashland, W. part Lot 10, $2.20; accrued interest, $0.75. No. 5504 D. T. McKercher. Vol. 5, I'. 40; Kairvlew Add., Ashland, Lots 14 to 17, incl., Blk. E, $7.10; nccrued Interest. $2.o0 No. 66415 A. C. Caldwell, Vol. b, P 52; Ashland, Hurgadine Tract, des 89-495, part Lot 12, $7.79; ac- crued interest, $2.59. s',,. 5501; F. J. Lowrey, Vol. 6, P. 55- Ashland. Highland Park, Lot 67,1 $2.00; accrued interest, $0.66 No. 5507 J. C. Smitb, vol. D, r. 5!l; Ashland, Meiklo & Payne Add., lot 13,' $5.02; nccrued interest, $1.07. Vn 5509 H. E. Stone, Vol. 5, P. 77- Ashland. Railroad Add., Lot 1, Illk-D $20 15; accrued interest, SO 71 ' No 5510 W. Peining, vol. 0, r. i, J7.41; accrued interest, i.n. terest. j.i.tia. 77- Ashland. Railroad Add., Lot 2,! No. 5561 S. Sack, Vol. 1, P. 75; 1 No. 5613 A. L. Cusick. Vol. 3, P. Blk D $22 92; accrued Interest, Jacksonville, Lot 1, Blk. 37, part;i7; Medford. Highland Park Add., $7 r,i ' 'Lot 2, Blk. 37, Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 37, Lot 3. Blk. 2, $11.48; accrued Inter- No. 5511 Marv Peining. vol. a. P. 77; Ashland, Railroad Add., Lot 3, Blk. I). $17.41; accrued Interest, $5.80. No. 5512 Jos. Lowe. Vol. 6, P. 78; Ashland, Railroad Add., Lots 33 ft 34, Blk. D, $20.15; accrued in terest. $6.71. No 5513 J. ft A. Zigler. vol. n, P 79- A'hland, Railroad-Add.. Lots 7 to 10 incl., Blk. E, $61.42; ac- crued Interest, $20.47. i No. 5514 G. W. Canning, Vol. 5, , P 79' Ashland. Railroad Add.. Lot! 11 ft 12, Illk. E, $25.67; accrued In-, terest $s55. ! No' 5517 1st Christian Church, i V,t K P 88: Ashland. Railroad Add.. Lots 9 ft 10. Blk. E, $47. on; accrued Interest, $15.89. No. 5519 Merle Liivelndy. Vol. s P 103: Ashland. Valley View Add. Lots 17 ft 18, $9.15; accrued Interest. $3,05. No. 552011. A. Antry, Vol. 5, P. 105; Ashland. Whiles Add., Lot 1, Blk. 1, $5.03; accrued Interest, $1.67. No. 5522 A. Hilttield, vol. n, r. 113; Fast Main St., Ashland, 4.4 chs. Add., Lot 4, Blk. 1, $10.95; accrued near S. P. tract, $11.91; nccrued in-1 Interest, $3.65. terest, $3.97. No. 6571 Emma T. Whitney, Vol. No 5523 A. F. Itosenstofk, Vol. ,3, P. 45; Medford, Anderson & Toft 5, P. 118: int. in Property .adj. Add., Lot 6. Blk. 3, $16.24; nccrued 92-1 62. on west on Indiana st.. Ash-j Interest, $5.41. hind. $9.43; accrued Interest, $3.14. No. 6572 Cora Wilson, Vol. 3, P. No 5524 S. C. Gunter. Vol. 5, P. 50; Medford, Barr's Add., dog 87- 120; 'Ashland. Main St., N. side, des. 363. part Lot 3. Blk. 3, $18.02; ac- 57-1 47, $28.42; accrued interest, crued interest, $6.20. $947 No. 6573 Geo. E. Chamberlin. No.' 5526 E. P. Vickroy. Vol. UVol. 3. P. 63; Medford, NE cor. of P 80: Jacksonville, all Blk. 67, Lot 1. Blk. 15. bounded on N. by Blk $10 12; accrued interest, $3.37. 1 16, SW by Central Ave., on East by No. 5527 China Gin, Vol. 1, P.lBeatty St., part of L. 1, Blk. 16, 81; Jacksonville, des. 49-515, part east of Central Ave., Lot 1, Blk. 16, Blk 61, $14.76; accrued interest, part Lot 2, Blk 16 East of Central $192 Ave., part Lot 3. Blk. 16. East of No. 5528 A. E. Reames, Vol. 1, 'central Ave., $20.75; nccrued in P 82; Jacksonville, land S. & W. of terest, $6.91. .1. A. Wilson residence, des. 49-242,1 No. 5574 A. P. Talent, Vol. 3, P. Illk 63. $7.05: accrued Interest, 1 l!.S5. No. 5530 Fred Loekley, Vol. 1,: P ,90; Jacksonville. Holman Add..! Lot 1, $4.59; accrued Interest, $1.53. No. 5531 Mrs. Nettie Thompson, Vol 1. P. 91: Jacksonville, Lewis Sub Dir., Lots 6, 7, 10 & 11. Blk. 2,j II 40- accrued interest. $1.80. No. 5532 E. Prim, Vol. 1, P. 92; Jacksonville. Lewis Sub. Dlv.. Lots 1 to 4. Inch, Blk. 3 tOC ..nniJ ' . interest. $2.98. No. 5533 Mrs. Nettie Thompson, S. 22 ft. of Lot 4, Blk. 3, $1.83; ac Vol 1. P. 92; Jacksonville, Lewis creed Interest, $0.61. Sub. Dlv.. Lots 10 A 11. Blk. 3, No. 5579 Porter ft Humphrey $2 34 - accrued interest. $0.78. j Vol. 3, P. 63; Medford, Central Sub No. 5534 Reames Est., Vol. 1, P.JDIv., Lots 1, 2. 3, 9 ft 17. Blk. 2 91: Jacksonville, house & lot des.. $36.07: accrued interest, $12.02. 4.4(15 11.34.34 : accrued Interest. No. 5580 W. D. Allen, Vol. 3. P $14. 9. No. 5535 C. L. Reames, Vol. 1.1 P. 94; Jacksonville, house & land j a iae lei tt. n....n.l Infamif I $17.10. j $5.82; accrued Interest, $1.94. No. 5637 Mrs. P. Applegate, Vol.1 Lots 6, 7 & 8, Blk. 1, $95.35; ac 1, P. 99; Jacksonville, 2 A., 8. of crue1 Interest, $31.78. Blk. 62 on 3rd St., $7.05; accrued No. 5583 W. T. York. Vol. 3, P. interest, $2.35. 65; Medford, Cottage Add., des. 87- No. 6538 W. H. Hamilton, Vol. 1,1. I'"" '-ot 11, Blk. 1, $10.95; ac P. 101; Eagle Point, Daley & Emery , crued interest, $3.06. Add.. Lots nt. 2, 8 to 6, inel., Blk. 2,1 No. 6584 W. A. Lovelace, Vol. 3, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk. 3, $19.04; ac - rrued interest, $6.34 . No. 6639 W. H, Hamllton, Vol. 1, P. 101; Eagle Point, Daley & Em ery Add., Lots 6 A 6, Blk. 3, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Blk. 4, $14.11; accrued In terest, $4.70. No. 6540 P. II. Dailcy, Vol. 1, P. 103 Eagle Point, Daley & Emery Add., Lot 6, Blk. 8, lots l, z a, Blk. 9, part Lots 7, 8 & 9, Blk. 9,. part lot 10, Blk. 9, Lot 1. Blk. 10, $26.82; accrued Interest, $8.94. i No. 6542 W. H. Hamilton, Vol. 1, p. 104; Eagle Point. Daley & Em-. !erv Add., part LotB 2 & 3, Blk. 10, $5.15; accrued Interest, $1.71. ! No. 6543 J. A. Jonas, Vol. 1, P. 103 & 104; Eagle Point, Daley & Emerv Add., part Lots 7, & all 8, ink. 9, part Lot 1 & 3, Blk. 10, Lot 2. Blk. 10, part Lot 9, Blk. 9, Lots 4, 6 & 6, Blk. 10, $25.42; accrued interest. $8.47. No. 5544 J. A. Jonas, Vol. 1, P. 104; Eagle Point, Daley & Emery Add., Lots 7 to 12, Incl., Blk. 10, Lots 1. 2 & 3, Blk. 11, $50.20; ac crued Interest, $16.73: No. 5545 J. A. Jonas, Est.. Vol. 1, P. 105; Eagle Point. Daley & Em ry Add., Lots 4 & 6, Blk. 11. E. part Lot 6, Blk. 11, S. 31H ft. Lots 7 & 8, Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 11, $30.85: accrued interest, $10.28. No. 5546 J. A. Jonas Est.. Vol. 1, P 105; Dnley & Emery Add.. Eagle; Point. Lots 4. 5. 6. 7 & 8. Blk. 12, W. part Lot 9, Blk. 12, S. 31 ft. of Lots 10, 11 & 12. Blk. 12, $18.96; iirrrtied Interest. $0.32. No. 5547 Fred S. Johnson, Vol. 1, P. 109; Eagle Point, Central Add., Lot 21, Blk. 6, $7.98; accrued in terest; $2.66. No. 6548 J. J. Butcher, ol. 1. V. U0; Eajfle Point, Central Add., Lot 26, Blk. 7, $7.98; accrued interest, $2.66. No. 6549 Harold G. Ilelwie, Vol. 1, P. 110; Eagle Point, Central Add., Lot 27, Blk. 7, $7.98; accrued in terest, $2.66. p No. 6550 II. B. Transon, Vol. 1, 110; Eagle Point, Central Add., Tj0ts 28 & 29, Blk. 7, $15.U(; ac- rnl(,,i interest, $5.02 No. 551 J. A. Green, nl. 1. iv 120; Eagle Point, Fryers Add., E. 72 ft. of Lot 6, Blk. 25, $2.79; accrued interest, $0.93. No. 5552 W. A. ft P. Smith. Vol. 1, P. 122; Eagle Point. I'lrlchs Add., Lot 15, $4.45; accrued interest, $1.48. No. 5553 Mrs. E. R. West, Vol. 1, P. 122; Eagle Point, I'lrichs Add., Lot 16, $4.44; accrued interest, $1.48. No. 5554 Carner ft Sabin, Vol. 1, P. 131; Rogue River, Carrier & Sa bin Add., Lot 11. Blk. 4, $7.86;.ac crued Interest, $2.62. No. 5555 John Owens, Vol. 1, P. 136; Rogue River, Carner ftSabln 2nd Add., 4 A. out of Lot 5. Blk. 4, $6.47; accrued interest, $2.15. No. 5556 Bert F. Ball, Vol. 1, F. 138; G. W. F. Ball's Add., Rogue River, Lots 1 to 5, Incl., Blk. 1, Lots 1. 2. 3 & 4. Blk. 3. $48.25; accrued interest, $16.08. : No. 6567 Bert F. Ball, Vol. 1, P. 137; Rogue River, O. R. Ball's Add., Lot 6. Blk. 1, $9.27; accrued inter lest. $3.09. No. 6558 Robert Ball, vol. 1, r. 137; Geo. R. Ball's Add. to Rogue River, Lots 1 to 9, incl., Blk. 2, $42.69; accrued interest. $1 4 23. No. 5559 Robert Ball. Vol. 1, P. 137: Rogue River, Geo. R. Ball's Add., Lots 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 2, $7.32; : accrued Interest, ?Z.44. No. 5560 Claspill & Wheeler, Vol. 1, P. 7; Butte Falls, Lot 2, Blk. Jo.l'j; accrued mieresi, 11.19. Nn 6662 F. Forest. Vol. 1. P. 89; I Jacksonville, Lungrens Add., Lot 1, Blk. 3, $5.81; accrued interest, $1.97. No. 5563 J. G. Coble, Vol. 3, P. 4; Medford, W of vacated 2nd St.. Blk. 9, $18.89; accrued interest, j $u.2. No. 5564 Wm. G. Martin, Vol. 3, p. 15; Medford, S. 30 ft., Lot 8, Blk. 26, $9.89; accrued interest, $3.29. No. 6565 Ben Haymond, Vol. 3, p. 19; Medford, Lot 11, Blk. 36, $14.39; accrued interest, $4.79. No. 5567 Andorson Green Co., Inc.. Vol. 3. P. 31; Medford, S. 60 ft. of W of Lot 6,' Blk. 55, $1.43; i accrued Interest, $0.47. No. 6568 A. D. Johns, Vol. 3, P., 34: Medford, Lot 12, Blk. 63, $19.95; accrued interest, $6.65 Kn KRfiO Geo. Dietrich. Vol. 3. P at- Mpflfnrd. S. 1 2 'A ft. of Lot 5, Blk. 79, Lot 4, Blk. 79, $39.78; accrued interest, $13.26. No. 6570 W. Frederickson, Vol. 3. P. 44: Medford, Anderson Toft 55; Medrord, HronacKs Koserve, i.ot des. 6-481, $17.30; accrued inter est.' $5.70. No. 6575 Maggie Drumhill, Vol. 3, P. 68; Medford. C. & D. Sub. Dlv.. Lots 1 to 8.. Blk. 2, $54.85; accrued interest, 118. 28. No. 5577 'M. L. Holbrook. Vol. 3, P. 68; Medford. C. & D. Sub. Div., Lot 7, Blk. 3, $6.99; accrued Inter-: est. $2.33. Vn R 7 8 Tsoli MIsliW Vnl 3 , ip. 68; Medford. C. ft D. Sub. Div., Ci- MoHfnrri fMnvorrfl 1 ni : 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 ft 6, Blk. 1, $41.39; crued Interest, $13.79. Vn Pprrv Rrnft Vnl 3 P 64; Medford, Cloverdala Add., LotiiP. Vol. 3, P. 65; Med ford, Cottage Add., jP. 00; Medford. Cottage Add., 45 ft lot 2nd from N. line and part ot 71-10, also part Lola 1, 2, 3, Boattv's Add.. Blk. 18. Lot 11. Blk. 1 . 45 ft. Lot 3rd from N. line and part of 71-10 & Lots 2 & 3, Blk. 18, Beatty's Add., Lots 11 ft 12, Blk. 1, $24.10 accrued interest. $8.03. vv. Kr.s.-. 1 s A f V I ,,lhnn, : . ', ., Medford.' Cottage. Home Add., ues. ab-aix, pari i,oi 12. Blk. 1, $11.48; accrued interest, $3.82. No. 5590 W. M. Holmes, Vol. 3, P. 70: Medford, Conioy & Clancy Add., Lot 7. lllk. 1, $17.03; accrued Interest, $5.67. No. 5591 It. J. Conroy, Vol. 3, P. 70; Medford, Conroy & Clancy Add., Lots 8 & 9, lilk. 1, $33.17; accrued interest, $11.05. No. 6592 It. J. Conroy, Vol. 3. I'. 71: Medford, Conroy & Clancy Ad, Lots 17 & 18. Blk. 1, Lots 10. 11, 13 & 14. Blk. 2, $61.99; accrued interest, $20.60. No. 5593 C. G. Ware. Vol. 3, P. 71; Medford, Conroy & Clancy Add.. Lot 6, Blk 2, $11.48; accrued in terest, $3.82. No. 5594 Chelgron Bros., Vol. 3, P 71; Medford. Conroy & Clancy Add.. Lat 15. Blk. 2, $10.42; ac crued interest, $3.47. No. 6595 W. R. Donnevik. Vol. 3 P. 71: Medford. Conroy & Clancy Add.. Lot 16. Blk. 2. $10.42; ac- crued interest. $.1.47. No. 6596 T. H. Cnugliey, Vol. 3 P. 72: Medford, Columbus Ave. lists., Lot 3. Blk. 1, $6.19; accrued interest. $2.06. No. 6597 S. T. Wolverton. Vol. 3. P. 80; Medford, Edmeades Add., Lots 3 ft 4, Blk. 2, $15.70; accrued Interest. $5.23. No. 5598 J. S. Offiltt. Vol. 3. P. 82: Medford. Fairmount Add., Lots 8, 9 & 10. Blk. 1, $22.05; accrued interest, $7.35. No. 5599 R. Schnller, Vol. 3, P. 83; Medford, FairnTrnint Add., Let 10. Blk. 2, $9.36; accrued interest, $3.12. No. 5001 E. H. Potter. Vol. 3. P. 83; Medford. Fairmount Add.. Lot 9. Blk. 3, $12.01; accrued Interest, $4.00. No. 5002 Mrs. M. A. Bacon. Vol. 3, P. 84; Medford. Fairmount Add.. Lot 5. Blk. 5, $11.48; accrued In terest, $3.82. No. 5603 W. IT. Burris. Vol. 3. P. 84; Medford, Fairmount Add., Lot 0. Blk. 5, $12.01; nccrued inter est. $4.00. No: 6604 R. Schnller, Vol. 3. P. S5: Medford. Fairmount Add., Lot 10, Blk. 6, $13.00; accrued interest, ... ro No. 6605 L. G. Porter. Vol. 3. P. 85; Medford. Fruitdale Add.. Lot 1. Blk. 1, $18.10; Rccrued Interest. $6.03. I No. 5006 C. W. Austin, Vol. 3. P. 87; Medford, Fruitdale Add., Lots 20 ft 21. Blk. 2, $31.59; nccrued In terest, $10.53. i No. 5008 Walter Wood, Vol. 3. P. 92; Medford, Grays Add., Lot 12,; Blk. 2, $9.89; accrued Interest, 1 1 9Q Vn'scnn M A. Ra'der. Vol. 3. P. 92: Medford. Grays Add., Lot 13,1 Blk. 2, $12.27; nccrued Interest,! 1 0!) ! No. 5610 L. M. Rundlett. Vol. 3 P. 92; Medford. Grays Add., Lot 18. mk. 2, $13.34; nccrued interest, $4.44. 1 No. 5011 Alvin Campbell, Vol. 3. P 99- AIpi rnrd i;rav Add.. I.OIS 1. 5. 8 ft 9. Blk. 3. $36 61 ; accrued in - terest, $12.20. No. 5012 O V. Myers. Vol. 3, P 90: Medford. Highland Park Add t n ml. 11 (if.. nnnftait ill. 1.01 5, jiik. s, tii...,.., ..u... est, No 601 4 A. P. Talent, Vol. 3, P. 97; Medford, Highland Park Add.. Lot 8. Blk. 3, $11.48; accrued Inter est. $3.82. No. 5015O. V. Myers. Vol. ,i. r. 97; Medford. Highland I'uru Add., Lot 7, Blk. 3, Lot 3. Blk. 4, $21.26; :rerned Interest. $7. OS. No. 6616 Trail Lumber Co., Vol. 3, P. 98; Medford, Highland Park Add.. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. ", 0, 7. Illk. 5. Lot 4, Blk. 6, $128.08; accrued In- terest. $42.89. Nn 5C.I7 A. Clements. Vol. 3 p. : 98; Medford, Highland Park Add..! Lot 1, Blk. 6, $13.76; accrued in-j terest. $14.58. No. 5618 C. I. Howard. Vol. 3, P. j 98: Medford. Howard Add., Lots 1 to 9, incl., Blk $30.28; accrued ! Mnterest. $10.09. s i Nn. 5619 C. I. Howard. Vol. 3. P. !)8 99: Medford. Howard Add., a tn 11 ft 12. HI':. 2. Lots 1 to 6, Incl, Blk. 4 $24 accrued In- terest, $8.24. No. 5020 C. I. Howard. Vol. 3, P. 99; Medford, Howard Add., Lots 7 to t2. Incl., Blk. 4. Lots 1. 2 ft 3. Blk. 6, $24.30; accrued interest, $8.10. , . N 5(i?l c. I. Howard, Vol. 3, P. 99; Medford, Howard Add., Lots 4, K fi 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 ft 12. "IK 6, $24.30; nccrued Interest. $8.10. No. 5623 M. L. Alford. Vol. 3, P. 105; Medford, Imperial Add., 1.01 11 'interest!! Blk. 8, $4.07; accrued fl.'"- . . .. , a w rest'ir 2' ",0! """VrrSerint'erfst.Vs.oT' ' No B'eA-Marr Webb, Vol. 3, P.I No. 6675-Queen Anne Add., Inc., 112?M don, Kendalls' Add., Lot! Vol. 4 P 6 7ft 8: Q e u m. 2. $.1.75; accrued Interest,; A";- Vit Wkl '3No! 6627-Minnie Callahan, Vol. j 7, $7 1.24 ; accrued interest $23 , 74 3, P. 114; Lot 1, Blk. Medford. Kendalls Ada., 8, $10.95; nccrued Inter-! est. $3.65. No. 5628 John T. Phleger, Vol 3 P 114; Medford. Kenwood Add. Lot 4, Blk. 1, $11.48; accrued In, terest, $3.82. No. 5629 Henry Humphrey, Vol 3 P 115; Medford. Kenwood Add. Lot 6, Illk. 2, $11.48; accrued In- terest $3.82. enDonald S. Clark. Vol. 3 No. 1 P 1 1 5 Meifliril Kenwood Anil Lot. 22. Blk. 2. $10.68; accrued In terest. $3.66. . No. 6632 Hattie Campbell, Vol. 3 P 116; Medford, Kenwood Add . W'4 Lot 6, Blk. 3, $4.07; accrued interest, $1.35. No. S633 E. H. Foster, Vol. 3, P. 1 1 6 ' Ma A fnrfl Kenwood Add., N. 2 ia I.,,t 12. Blk. 3. S. 137.5 ft. Lot, ac-!l3. Blk. 3, $1.8,7; accrued Interest, tl 2 No. 6634 Marion roster, voi. o, 116; Medford, henwood Add., 60 of N. 100, Lot 13, Blk. 3, $2.22; accrued Interest, $0.74. No. 6635 H. G. Whitney, Vol. 3, P. 116; Medford, Kenwood Add., S. 50 ft. of N. 150 ft. Lot 13, Blk. 3, $2.21; accrued Interest, $0.73. No. 5636 Francis A. smith, Vol. 3, P. 116; Medford, King Add., Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 1, $20.48; accrued Interest, $6.82. No. 6637 M. P. 117: Medford Lot 20, $9.10; B. Glover, Vol. 3, Laurel Park Add., accrued Interest, $3.03. No. 5638 M. H. Horton, Vol. 3 P- 117: Medford Laurel Park Add. accrued Interest Lot 21, $9.09; : $3.03. No. 5639 L. J. Meeker, Vol. 3. P. 123: Medforil Mpeker- AAA. Lot 1. Blk. 6, $13.60; accrued interest. ""i, No. 6641 Wm. S. Brown, Vol. 3, P. 133; Medford, Newton Add., Lots 0, 7 & 8, Blk. 2, $30.05; accrued interest, $10.01. No. 5642 Mary M. Forbes, Vol. 3. P. 133; Medford, Newtown Add., YV. 37 ft. Lot 18. Blk. 2, $10.69; accrued interest, $3.56. No. 5643 R. J. Conroy, Vol. 3. P. 135; Medford, Nob Hill Ald., Lot 3. Blk. 2, $10.43; accrued Interest, $3.47. No. 5644 D. W. Moor, trustee. Vol. 3, P. 135; Medford, Oak Grove Add., Lot 9, Blk. 1, $4.86; accrued interest, $1.02. No. 56451. M. Walcott, Vol. 3, P. 136; Medford. Oak Grove Sub. Div., Lot 13, Blk. 1, $10.95; accrued: interest, $3.65. No. 66461. May Walcott, Vol. 3,! P. 137; Medford, Oak Grove Sub. Dlv., Lot 2. Blk. 2, $10.95; accrued Interest, $3.65. No. 56471. May Walcott, Vol. 3, P. 137; Medford, Oak Grove Sub. Div., Medford, Lots 1 ft 12, Blk. 3, $20.22; accrued Interest. $6.74. No. 5648 X. L. Townsend. Vol. 3, P. 137; Medford, Oak Grove Sub. Div., Lots 5 ft 6, Blk. 3, $10.43; arcrued Interest, $3.47. No. 5649 W. McCardle, Vol. 3, P. 137; Medford. Oak Grove Sub. Div., Lois 5 ft 6. Blk. 5, $18.36; accrued interest, $6.12. No. 5650 Lena Welst, Vol. 3, P. 138; Medford, Olson Add., Lot 1, Blk. 2, $19.95; accrued Interest, $6.65 No. 6651 E. C. Way, Vol. 3. P. ; 139; Medford, Olsons Add., Lot 2,i No. 5700 Siskivou Heights Co.. Blk. 2, $19.42; accrued interest, Vol. 4, P. 25 & 20; Medford, Siskl $6.47. , ! vnu Hgts. Ext., Illk.s I, 7. 9, 10, 12. No. 5052 M. E. Lewis, Vol. 3, P.; 5052 M. Lewis, Vol. 3, P. 139; Medford. Olsons Add., Med ford, Lot 3, Blk. 2, $21.80; accrued interest, $7.26. No. 5053 Star L. Colvlg, Vol. 3, P. 141; Medford. Oakhurst Add., Lot 9. Blk. 1, $3.93; accrued inter est, $1.31. j No. 5654 Oakdale Tennis Club, I Vol. 3, P. 141: Medford, Oakhurst; Add.. Lots 1 ft 2. Blk. 2, $15.18; ac.-l crued interest, $5.06. j No. 5055 Geo. E. Marshall, Vol. r. Lot 7 142; Blk. Medford, Orcliad Add., 1, $5.20; accrued luter- est, $1.73. No. 5056 D. L. Colvig. Vol. 3, P. 142; Medford, Orchard Add., Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 2. $5.26; accrued Inter est, $1.75. No. 5657 H. S. Brutnble, Vol. 3, P. 142; Medford, Orchard Add., Lots 4, 7 & 8, Blk. 2, $15.18; accrued ill- terest, $5.06. I No 5658 John Grieve, et nl. Vol. 3, I'! 144; Medford, Parker Place; Add, Lots 6, 7. 8 ft 9, $32.64; nc- crued interest. $10.88. Vn Rfi59 Anna M. Parker. Vol. 3, P. 144; Medford, Parker Place Add.,: Lots 11 ft 16. $18.36; accrued in-J 'terest J6.12. Nn 6(161 Jane D. Hooker. Vol. 3. P. 146; Medford. Page Add., Lot; 8 Blk 2, $28.94; accrued interest. ' $9 84.' No.' 5662 J. W. Dressier, Vol. 3. 1 i P, 146; Medford, Pago Add., Lot mk 4. 111. 21: accrued Interest. I 7 $3.73. No. 5663 I'liknown Owner, Vol. .1. I IDU . Medford. Park Add., K. 1U - . , , mk . II. Ill Ay. JVU 11. I'M., ""v .1 $9.17; accrued interest, $3.05. No. 6664 A. P. Talent, Vol. 3, P. 48; Medford, Barr Add. to Medford, des. (R) 744, part Lot 3, Blk. 1, $3.65; accrued Interest, $1.18. No. 5665 Trail Lumber Co., Vol. 3, P. 65; Medford, Cottage Add.. N. j 50 ft. Lot des. 71 D 10, Lot 11, Blk. 1. also part of Lots 1 ft 2, Beattys Add., $11.48; accrued interest, .l.8j. No. 6666 .Ins. Bowling or W. G. Oordan, Vol. 3, P. 112; Medford. Kendall's Add.. Lot 1, Illk. 3, $4.33; nccrued Interest. $1.44. No. 5667 Ernest W. Erickson, I Vol. 3, P. 145; Medford, Page Add., ! Lot 15. Blk. 1. $11.21; accrued In- terest, $3.73. No. 6069 Alfred ivey, voi. i. r. 4; Medford, Queen Anne Add., NMi Lot 8, Blk. 1, $11.48; accrued in terest, $3.82. No. 5670 Queen Anne Add., Inc., Vol. 4, r. i; nieoioni, Add., Lois 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 13 ft 14, Blk. 1. Lot 1, Blk. 2, Lot Z. lllk. z, $99.84; accrued Interest, $33.28. No. 5071 Queen Anne Add., Inc., Vol 4, P. 5 & 6; Medford, Queen Anno Add., Lots 3, 4, 6, all in Blk. 2, E. 29 ft. Lot 6, Blk. 2. Lots 1, 2, 3! 4 ft 5, Blk. 4, $115.16; accrued Interest, $36.38. No. 6672 Queen Anne Add., Inc., Vol. 4, P. 6; Medford, Queen Anne Add.. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13 !& 14, Blk. 4, $112.98; accrued In terest. $37.66. No. 5673 Medford Realty & Imp. Co , Vol. 4, P. 6 ft 6; Medford, Queen Anno Add.. Lots 1. 2. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 & 17. Blk. 3, $83.44; accrued In terest, 27. HI. CB71 1arifnrri TlpnltV ft Imp ru. u"i" Vol. 4. P. 8; Queen Anne Add Med- 5 7.' 15, 16, Blk. 9, $72.33; accrued ' ... .. 124.11 No. 6677 E. M. Turner, vol. 4. r. 8- Medford, Queen Anne Add., Lot 9. Blk. 9, $7.62; accrued interest, $2.50. No. 6678 Queen Anne Add., Inc., Vol 4, P. 9: Queen Anne Add., Med ford, Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 9, Lots 1. 2, 3 A 11. Blk. 10, $76.33; accrued interest, $25.11. K.. KC79 Amelia M. Carey, Vol. 4 P. 9; Medford, Queen Anne Add., j Lot 9. Blk. 10, $15.19; accrued in terest, $5.06. No. 5680 F. A. Smith, Vol. 4, P. 8; Medford, Queen Anne Add., Lot 10, Blk. 10, $13.07; accrued Inter- est, 4..1. No 6681 8t. Anthony, Inc., Vol. 4 P. 9; Medford, Queen Anne Add., Loti . 10 11, Blk. 11, $31.57; i accrued InUrMt, $10.13. No. 6682 F. O. Burgess, Vol. 4, P. 10; Medford, Riverside Hub. Dlv., NWft Lot 9, Blk. 1, $6.60; accrued interest, $2.20. No. 6683 Clare M. Wood, Vol. 4, P. 10; Medford, Riverside Sub. Dlv., Lot 9. Blk. 1, $6.61; accrued interest, $2.20. No. 6684 F. C. Burgess, et al, Vol. 4, P. 10; Medford, Riverside Sub. Dlv., Lot 10, lllk. 1, $8.04; ac crued Interest, $2.68. No. 6685 Annie M. Walters, Vol. 4, P. 11; Medford, Riverside Sub. Dlv., Lot 12. lllk. 6, $12.01; accrued interest. $4.00. No. 5686 Clarence Haverty, Vol. 4, P. 13; Medford, Roanoako Add., Lot 6, Blk. 1, $20.48; accrued in terest, $6.82. No. 6687 W. D. Janes. Vol. 4, P. 13; Medford. Roanoke Add., Lot 15, Blk. 1, $19.42; accrued interest. $6.47. . No. 5688 H. M. Poole, Vol. 4, P. 14; Medford, Ross Add., Lot 2, Blk. 3, $8.84; accrued Interest, $2.91. No. 5689 F. L. Baker, Vol. 4, P. P. 15; Medford, Ross Add., Lot 3, Blk. 4, $12.81; arcrued interest, $4.27. No. 5690 W. M. Holmes, Vol. 4. P. 15; Medford, Ross Add., Lot 10, lllk. 5; $15.72; accrued interest, $5.24. 6691 J. G. Collins, Vol. 4, P. 16; Medford, Ross Add., Lot 17, Blk. 5, $15.72; accrued interest, $5.24. No. 5692 E. C. Lihhy. Vol. 4, P. 17; Medford, Ross Add.. Lot 6. Blk. 7, $11.48; accrued interest. $3 82. No. 6693 Jus. B. Craig, Vol. 4. P. 17, Medford, Ross Add., Lot 5, lllk. 8 $21.01; accrued Interest, $7.00. No. 5694 G. W. Stall. Vol. 4, P 18; Medford, Rose Park Add., Lot 6, Blk. 1, $8.84; accrued interest, $2.94. No. 6695 Blanch L. Alexander, Vol. 4, P. 20; Medford, Rose Ave. Add.. Lot 6. Blk. 3, $14.13; accrued Interest, $4.71. j No. 5096 O. R. Chaffee, Vol. 4. P. 21; Medford, Shorts Add., NE 49 ft. or Lot 2, $16.24; accrued inter est, $5.41. No. 6697 E. II. Lamport, Vol. 4, P. 21; Medford. Shorts Add., des. (R) 1980, part Lot 2, $15.98; ac crued interest, $5.32. No. 5098 A. A. Moody. Vol. 4. P. 24; Medford, Slskivou Huts., Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 6, $11. 4S; accrued in terest, $3.82. No. 5699 A. A. Moody, Vol. 4, P. 25; Medford, Siskiyou H:ts., Lots 6 to 11. incl., lllk. 6, $27.19; ac- crued Interest, $9.06. 13, 14. 15 ft 16, $324. 4S; nccrued Interest, $108.16. No. 5701 Siskivou Heights Co.. Vol. 4, P. 20 ft 27. Medford, Siski vou Hats., ext. BUi.s 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 ft 1 A. off N. end Blk. 22. and S. pt. Blk. des. 93-325. also Illk.s 23 & 24, $210.76; accrued interest, $70.25. No. 5702 Siskiyou Heights Co., Vol. 4, P. 27; Siskiyou lints. Ext., lots 1 to 9, Incl.. lllk. 25. Medford. $43.05; accrued Interest. $11.35. No. 5703 Siskiyou Heights Co., Vol. 4, P. 27; Siskiyou Huts., ext. Medford. Lois 10 ft II. lllk. 25, Lot 4, and the K". of Lot 5, lllk. 27, $14.48; accrued interest. $4.82. No. 5701 W. M. Holmes. Vol. 4, P. 34; Medford. South Sea Add... Lots 15 to 20. Incl., Blk. 1, Lots 7. 8 il, Hlk. 2, $81.83; accrued interest, $27.27. No. 5705 W. M. Holmes, Vol. 4 P. 34; Medford, South Sea Add., Lots 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 2, Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 & 10, lllk. 3, $72.30; accrued in- rtorest, $24.10." ' No. 57011 V. M. Holmes. Vol. 4, p. 35; Medford, South Sea Add., Lots 1 1 ft 12. lllk. 3. 1st Ext. South Sea Add., Lots 11 & 12, $39.20; accrued ! interest, $13.08. No. 5707 H. N. Foster, Vol. 4, P. 36; Medford, Suminitt Add. .Lot 1, lllk. 1, $9.49; accrued interest, $3.1 6. No. 5708 Medford Ke.uty & imp. Co.. Vol. 4. P. 37; Medford. Suminitt Ave., Ilgts., Lots 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 & 13. Blk. 1. $66.15; accrued In terest, $22.15. No. 6709 W. A. ft 11. L. Medley.1 Vol. 4, P. 40; Siinnvside Add. to Barr's Add., Lot 6, Blk. 3, $8.17; , accrued interest, $2.72. ! No. 6711 J. B. Dent, Vol. 4, P. 42; Medford, Sunrise Home Park (R) 527, part Lots 10 ft 11, Blk. 2,' $13.58; accrued Interest. $4.52. No. 571 1 Catherine M. Wakeman. Vol. 4, P. 42; Medford. Siitherlin Terrace, Lots 4 to 11. Incl.. $68.10;; accrued Interest. $22.70. No. 5713 Sarah Blythe Mears, Vol. 4, P. 44; Medford. Tuttles Sub. Div., Lot 3, Blk. 2, $15.97; accrued interest, $5.32. ; No. 5714 R. W. Leonard, Vol. 4,. P. 45; Medford, Tuttles 1st. Add., E. 110 ft. Lot 7. Blk. 1, des. It 133. E. 11 ft. Lot 8. lllk. 1, $25.77; nc-; crued interest, $8.59. I No. 5715 C. (). Bowers, Vol. 4, P, 45; Medford, Tuttles 1st Add., des. R 329. W 63 ft. Lots 7 ft 8. lilk. 1, $14.12: accrued Interest, $4.70. No. 6710 Maggie I'eil, Vol. 4. P. I 45; Medford. Tuttles 1st Add., Lol:35. n. ",,," 13. Blk. 1. $17.04; accrued interest, ! $5.68. No. 5717 J. O. Sample. Vol. 4. P. 40; Medford. Tuttles 2nd Add.. Lot 9. Blk. 1, $0.19; nccrued inter est, $2.06. No. 6718 J. O. Sample, vol. 4. P. 46; Medford, Lot 29, Blk. 1, terest, $3.12. Tuttles 2nd Add.. $9.30; accrued in- No. 6719 F. B. Pitcher. Vol. 4. P. 47: Medford, Tuttles 2nd Add., Lots 37 ft 38, Blk. 1, Lot 16, Blk. 2, $14.40; accrued Interest, $1.80. No. 5720 S. B. Mears, Vol. 4. P. 47; Medford. TtltlloX 2nd Add.. Lots 8, 9 ft 10. Blk. 2, $14.40; accrued interest, $4.80. No. 6721 lohn Guy Wilson, Vol. 4, P. 47; Medford, Tuttles 2nd Add., Lot 13. Blk. 2. $5.39; accrued inter est. $1.79. No. 6722 H. H. Tuttle, Vol. 4. P. 48; Medford, Tuttles 2nd Add., S. i Lot 27, Blk. 2, Lots 28 ft 30. lllk. 2, $14.91; accrued Interest, $4.97. No. 6723 O. M. Cornelius, Vol. 4. P. 48; Medford, Tuttles 2nd Add., Lot 31, Hlk. 2, $0.20; uccrued In- terest. $2.06. r.7M Kn r.72 1 ldelia Gordan, Vol. 4, P 48 ft 4; Medford, Tuttles 3rd Add., Lots 3, 4, 6. 6, 9 ft 10, Blk. 1, Lots 1. 2 ft 3. lllk. 2. $92.99; ac crued Interest, $30.99. No. 6725 ldelia Gordan. Vol. 4. P 49: Medford. Tuttles 3rd Add.. Lots 4 to 10. Incl., Blk. 2. $59.62. j . i in,, , io7 I . iv- v,.l 1 1U. o I -n n. ,.,,,. - . ... . i jo. M.llr,l Tuition 3rd Add.. , . ...i... ...... v ..:..-- , , . , a ( Lots 11 ft 12. I k. 2. Lots 1 10 o. inM Hlk 3. 162.01: accrued inter- est, $20.67. No. 5727 John Arnell, oi. 4. p. 60; Medford, Tuttles 3rd Add.. Lots 7 ft 8. Blk. 4, $17.04; accrued Interest. $5.68. No. 6728 11. C. Brown. Vol. 4, P 60; Medford, Tuttles 3rd Add., Lots 9 k 10, Blk. 4, $17.30; accrued lnUrest, $S.7. I No. 57290. M. Cornelius. Voy. 4, P .50; Medford, Tuttles 3rd Add., Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 4, $14.12; ac crued interest, $4.70. No. 5732 C. L. Rawson, Vol. 4, P. 52; Medford, Walnut Park Add., Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 4, $16.76; accrued Interest, $5.58. ' No. 6733 J. W. & Sarah Bobbins, Vol. 4, P. 52; Medford, West Add., Lot 5, Blk. 3, $17.83; accrued in- ; terest, $5.94. ! No. 5734 Delia Clement, Vol. 4, P. 55; Medford, West Walnut Park, Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 2, $38.40; accrued ! interest, $12.82. i No. 5736 R. J. Conioy, Vol. 4. P. 58; Medford, Whitman Park, Lot 17. , lllk. 2, $14.93; accrued interest, j $4.97. No. 5737 W. D. Jackson. Vol. 4, P. 58; .Medford. Whitman Park, Lot 1 21. lllk. 2, $13.60; accrued Interest, j $4.55. i No. 5738 C. It. T. Parker. Vol. 4, 1 P. 59; Medford, Wildwood Add., 'Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 1, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 3, $41.38; accrued interest. $13.79. No. 5712 Geo. Curler, Vol. 6, P. 10; Ntt'U of SE'i, Sec. 1 1, Twp. 34, It. 4W, $12.48; accrued Interest, $4.16. No. 6743 M. E. Wirkstrom. Vol. 6, P. 10; W'4 of'NE'i of NWVi. SVV of NV'4 & S'ss of NW',i of NWV4, Sec. 15, Twp. 3 1, R. 4W, $18.06; accrued interest, $0.02. No. 5744 C. E. Wiekstrom. Vol. 6. P. 10: SE'4 of NWU NWVi or SW4. Sec. 15, Twp. 3 1, R. 4W, $7.70; accrued interest, $2.58. No. 6745 L. S. Kemp. Vol. 6, P. 11.7 A. off W. S. of NW'i, des. 54-98, Sec. 20, Twp. 34. R. 4W, $6.90; accrued Interest, $2.30. No. 574f Wiekstrom Mining Co., Vol. 6, P. 12: NE'4 of NW4, Sec. 22. Twp. 34. It. 4W, $5.19; accrued interest, $1.73. No. 6751 Three Pines Timber Co., Vol. 6. P. 14; E'4 of fract'l. NW4 of SV4. K'j of fiacfl. SW'l of Stt'U. Sec. 31, Twp. 3 1, R. 4V, $S.19; accrued interest, $2.73. No. 5752 E. A. Smith. Vol. fi. 1. 14; Wi of fract'l, NWVi "f SW1,. Sec. 31. Twp. 34, R. 4W. $4.70; accrued interest, $1.58. No. 575:1 Hydraulic Mining Co., Vol. (I. P. 15; fract'l. W'-i of NW'i, Sec. 31, Twp. 3 4. It. 4VV, $18.00: accrued interest, $0.02. No. 5755 Hydraulic Mining Co., Vol. 6, P. 17; SE'i of NEH NE'i of SB '4 . Sec. 1, Twp. 35, It. 4V. $18.06; accrued interest. $0.n2. No. 5750 C. W. Jones, Vol. 0. P. 17; W'- of SE'i ft SE', of SE'i, Sec. 2, Twp. 35; It. 4V, fire patrol included, $14.19; accrued Interest, $1.73. No. 6758 Belle Nickell. Vol. 6, P. 19; NE'4 of NW4. See. HI. Twp. 35, R. 4W, $2.0 1; accrued interest, $0.88. No. 5759 Marv Rrownsworth Est., Vol. 6, P. 19;'SW', of NIV' Sec. 10, Twp. 35. It. 4W, $0.04; ac crued Interest, $2.01. No. 6701 J. K. Kirk, Vol. 6. P. 24; E1'. of NE'i of NE'i. Sec. 21, Twp. 35, It. 4W, $5.19; arcrued in terest, $1.73. No. 5702 ('. F.. Collins. Vol. 0. P. 20; uml. '-; Int. in NE'4 of NE'i, fire patrol included, Sec. 30, Twp. 35, II. IVY, $5.02; accrued interest, $L87. No. 5705 Phil Robinson, Vol. 0, P. 32; land des. 88-119, Sec. 21, Twp. 36, R. 4V, $11.53; accrued inter est', $3.84. . No. 57 0S A. llilger. Vol. fi. P. 30: ; '. int. in SW 'i of NW', ft N ' nf SW'i. Sec. 30, Twp. 36, It. 4W, $8.10; accrued interest, $2.70. 1 No. 57119 Frank II. Akers, Vol. i 0, P. 30; SE'i of SE'.i, Sec. 36, Twp. 36. It. 4W, $8.10; accrued in terest, $2.70. N r. 7 7 0 Mulkey ft Hoie, ol. 6 P. 37: W'i of SW'i of SW'i. Sec. 1, Twp. 37. It. 4V, $11.90; ac crued interest, $2.30. No. 677211. S. Bailey, Vol. 0. P. Ill; N W 1 1 of NE'i. fire patrol in cluded, Sec. 13. Twp. 37. R. 4W, $8.90; accrued Interest. $2.98. No. 5773 E. J. Davidson, Vol. 6, P 43- mining ditch and w.iier right. Sec. 30. Twp. 37. It. 4W, $1.52; ac crued interest, $0.50. No 577 1 Maggie Love, Vol. 6, P. 44; WK. of W' j, Sec. 3 I. Twp. 37, It. 4W," $35.22; accrued Interest, No. 5775 M. Jiirgensen, o. 0. P. 48; NE'i of SE'i ft E '! of NW'i of SE'i, Sec. 16, Twp. 38. R. 4W. $12.22; accrued interest. $1.07. No. 5776 L. E. Ilandcock. Vol. 0 P 48: W'.. of NW'i of SE'i ft NE'i of SW'i. Sec. 10. Twp. 38. It. 4W, $12,22; accrued interest. $1.07. No. 67S2 Sophia Ilopner. Vol. 6. r ?' SW. of SW'i, Sec. 4. i'wp. 35. It. 3W, $10.02; accrued inter- est. $3.54. No. 5783 J. P. Oden. ol. 6, 78: SW'i of NW'i, Sec. 4. Twp. S It. 3W. $5.70; accrued interesr, $1 92 No' 5784 W. G. Oden. Vol. (I. P. 77- NW'i of SE' ft 27 A. in NE'i of SW'i. Sec. 5. Twp. 35. It. 3W, $9 04; accrued Interest. $3.01. No. 5785 Emnline Oden. Vol. 6, P SW'H of NW'i. Sec. N. 1 wp. JZ.Si' v.. r.7Grt T Sisemoro. oi. o, 1. 78; SE'i of SW'i. Sec. 12. Twp. 35, R. 3W, $9.03; accrued Interest, Ncl 6791 R- G. Smith. Vol. 6. P. Hi'; N'4 of NE'i. Sec. 32. Twp. 35. R 3W. $12.34; nccrued Interest, $4.11. . No. 5793 A. F. Nelson. Vol. 6. P 83; Lot No. 1. Sec. 2. iwp. 3V $5.08; accrued interest, fl.u.i. I N'o 5795 John W. Welch, Vol. 6. ip 85- Iron Chief Mining Claim In NE'j of NW 'i . Sec. 10. Twp. 30, ill. 3W. $7.33; nccrued interest, $2 41. No. 67964 1'nknown Owner. Vol. 6. P. 85; N. 10 A. oft of Lot No. 5, ft 5 A out of NW. cor. Lot 6. See. 11, Twp. 36. R. 3W.$4 .11; accrued In terest, $1.37. ! No. 5797 J. W. Trail. Vol. 6, P. 86; 31 A. In SE'i of NK',. Sec. 15. Twp. 36. R. 3W. $12.87; accrued I interest. $4.29. I No 5798 Andrews. Vol. 6. P. 8i; 'l;Tl des. 51-318, Sec. 16, Twp. 36. R 3W, $16.34; accrued interest, i no. 5799 Ore. Water ft Power Co., Vol. 6, P. 88; gov. Lot No. 1. Sec. 17. Twp. 36, R. 3W. $4.54; ar crued Interest, $1.61. j No 5802 W. II. Cross. Vol. 6. P. !90; land des. 32-284. Sec. 21. Twp. 136. It. 3V, $5.34; accrued Interest, $1.78. Vn S803 Em Iv Oreyson Vol. . I 01 Rli nf SF.Vi of SW'i Of - . - - - SW'i. Sec. 24. Twp. .I" R. SW, Ji iin; accrued nucri. - no. dih'h j. n Whit more. ol. . P. 93: land des. 83-209. hec. .1". Twp. 36. R. SW, $13.77; accrued In terest, $1.59. No. 6807 A. Kyle. Vol. . P. 93; W4 of NEli of NEi EV4 of NWU of NEVi. Sec. 32. Twp. 36. It. 3W $1177: accrued Interest. $3.92. v linn W D. Yant. Vol. . P. $6; SE'4 of NEV, Sec. 1, Twp. 17,