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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
1 PAGE rrvfl Vcflncsduy, February 11, 1020 ASHlAXD VEEltLT TTDIXG9 summons in foreclosure cf DIllNQlENf TAX LIENS. In tlio Circuit, Court of I In- Klufe, of Oregon, I 'or Hie Count)' of Jink sun: Jackson County, Oregon, Plaintiff, va. W. It. Humphrey, W. E. Patton. Ceo. Richardson, J, Dcliouney, J. H. Kincald, Ma tinnier Kst., Miiry A Mee, Mary E. Sims, Benj. Lien II, J. II. Douning, N. .1. Albert, V. A. Cowlev, T. II. Hamilton, (S. N. Beiill, HenJ ft Asbury Doull. KHz. Hunll, Win. T. Tooiui'v, L. .Mosher. M. S. Welch, Mrs. Iliirsli, C. J. Punton, V. W. Newton, W. C. Ev ans, J. V. Anderson, Isaac Con ftant, (leo. Pankey, (J, W. Rhodes, John C 1 1 f fit lis. Kahlcr ft Pattl fon, Jones & Ilaflln, Anna S. Smith, Carl Richardson, .1. S. ft .1. F. Loury, Central Point Creamery ' Co., Mrs. W. E. Mann, II. C. Cle son, .1. L. Hammersly, Gold 11:11 Dev. Co., A. E. Kellogg, Flora A. Kelsey, A. Whilhelm Jr., Heed & Kellogg. F. L. Dodge, Heulien Cain, Merrill Hetts, Charlotte F. Aeree, Ceo. N. Lewis, Colver Est.. W. I). Lewis & Don. .1. A. JoneB, Mrs. E. A. Abbott, Ashpole ft Cui- geade, C. S. Painter, Fish Liik Ditch Co., M. Dirch, A. Schniiilllng. 0. II. Aiken, Main ft Winchester, C. It. Kelsev, II. T. Went worth. Henry Ilritt, Jennie M. Grililth, T. II. Howe, C. E. Chillis. P. L Dodge, II. F. Piatt, guardian, Chan. A. Lacy, James Kane, C. K. Klilin, McCullagh, ('has. Morgan, J. .1. Fryer, P. II. Daily, J. A. Jonas, It. J. MoQuoid, Lute Dailey, Fruit growers Trust ft. Title Co., Nana Matney, Win. fi. Martin, lien Hay- lnond, I. O. O. F. I.ndi'.e, Craner Hahln, T. H. K' n. Catholic Church, M. E. Church, Lukn Ryan, S. Sack, S. J. Day. N. K. Fisher, M. Cohrell, A. Fisher. W Hacker, China Gi.i, A E. P.eam"s. L. Reynolds, Pennies Est., ('. I). Reames, C. D. Heed Est., Mrs. Hattie Neuher, Mrs. P. Applegutn, E. Stevens, licit F. Hall. Robt. Hall, Herbert Cook. John Woods. Bon Hayninnd. Mrs. Hen Hay mond, II. L. White, (. II. M.igru der ft Co.. Ed. W. Cooper, L. F. Gardner, Henry Hoist. Wadhams & Co., l.u lu .1. Perry, Wadbnms Co., Ore. Water ft Power Co.. Drown ft Miles, Ceo. W. Daley, Halls Est., Siskiyou lists. Co., A. A. Moody, W. E Crows. C. I. How ard, M. M. Holmes, I). Hr..t!lcy. Sarah Hlyth Mens, II. II. Maun der Co., J. P. Vir-i.ruy, Welter Harrington, F. L. Pitcher. John fluv Wilson, T. li. Pitcher. II. J I.aClaii-. II. M. Tattle, J(inic; li Deeming, C. L. Haws' li, He';c-; C. Il.izelrigg. E. II. Warner, Tien. Hartholomew, A s.-t ., Jacob Hug ger, II. W. KeyloliN, A. C. Ahri.hi". H. F. Mulkey, I). S. Wood, John A. Tornev, ..Mary didders, .M. N. Chllds. Hill, Clara Aiken. J. T. Miller. J. Gillispey, et ill. Johns .V Turner, Ch-ii. M. Smith. J. I. Heaiil. II. (i. Wortmnn. .1. Iling ham. Victor Dallaire, J. I". Iiinoks. W. M. Holmes. P. J. Nuff,- lien" Isaacs, C. W. Palm, J. V. Allen. J. W. Diamond, Emm i A. Ilochu ford, Jos. Howling, P. O. Lock wood, Etta M. Vawter. Ceo. Dl 't ricb, A. L. Leonard. A. P. Talent, Cora F. Wilson, Perry D. Scott, C W. Bashford, E. J. Lewis. W. T. York, Fred Carlson, Clielgreii Ilros., W. H. Damerick, Francis A. Smith, S. T. Wolverton, L. Austin, et al, Ceo. W. Stacy. Mrs. A. Ka ron, C. W. Austin. John II. Darby, (ieo. Daniels, Win. I'lricli, M. A. Kader. O. V. Myers. II. II. Croft. Trail Lumber Co., A. Clemens, C A. Knight, et n. M. L. Alfonl. Earnest Cole. A. J. Perry, Mary Webb, Minnie Callahan, O. F. Chelgrcn, D. S. Clark, Hattie Campbell, II. Humphrey, Mrs. A A. Hoot. M. E. Doiichev. Hattie Campbell, Fn.l'cis A. Smith, J. W. Diamond, M. It. Clover, H. F. Hootli, J. W. Diamond. L. J. Meek er, tl. Smith, S. M. E. Church. Parsonage, M. L. Frickson. E. O Kins, T. E. Merrill, I) W Moor. Trustee Medford Oak Groove Add.. Arthur Ilig'?s. Lena Wei.-.t, J. F Hutcheason, M. E. Lewis, A. M. Parker, E. W. ErPkson, Jane Hooker, .1. W. Dressier, Alfred Ivev. Queen Anne Add., Inc., Med forc'i ltealty ft Imp. Co., F. O. Bur gess, et al, Austin L. Dick, H. E. Cates, R. M. Poole. Holmes ft Mc Dowell. S L. Al. Shetterley Jr., N. C. Holmes. J. H. Craig, C. E Itowell, Amanda Townsend. Ash land Ice ft Storage Co.. L. Hhoiles 1st Church of Christ Scientist, F. H Waite. Alameda Carlton. E. 1! Wright, A. C Caldwell. H. E Stone, W. Piening. Mary Piening. H. L. White. F. Palmer, L. Pelton. S. C. Cunter, Mary M. Edmunds, Lone Star Mininir Co., L. S. Kemp. Eliz. Smith. Hydraulic Mining Co.. E. A. Smith, Three Pines Timber Co., Skykes Creek Mininir Co.. C W. Jones, Miry, Hiownworth Est.. J. E. Kirk. C. E. Collins, Phil Rob inson, Frank II. Akers. Neuher ft Hartman, Mulkey ft Hoxie, E. H M.iBruder, A. J. Slaiih. (Irani Ormo, Mnfipifl Lane, L. E. Han- 'rock, M. Jun,'ensen, W. W. Wright, Harvey Huch, M. E. War rell, R. O. Smith, A. F. Nelson, W. II. Cross, Emily dresison, J. R Whltmire. A. Kyle. David C. Av ery, W. D. Yant, Hyd'aulic Min ing Co., Iowa Lumber & Hox Co . Opp Consolidated Mines, J. T. Hreeden, C. II. Pierce, S. li. Ham ilton Heirs, T. 0. Keumes, J. Ilil per Est., Mary Kelsoe, M. A. Vin cent. C. O. Vincent Est., Jesse E Class, Pankey & Conley, Mar tin Perry. Jacob Stone, J. C. Hath away, A. W. Lewis et ul, A. L. Ai kens, J. H. Downing, W. E.Alex nnder. A. P. CowMll, Cold Hill Co., F. P. Ilrosins, M. M. Maine. K C. Cibson. Opp Consolidated Mines, M. B. Criffin. I). M. Whel ptone, J. M. Lolland, Daniel Mil ler, Kate Dunham, S. .1. P.cnnison II. A. Jones, Will. Hsiller. Cojwfn:-. Hros, T. II. Dawson. C. W. Kahlr. Fleming Mathews, Wm. riricli, M J. Moon Est., Earnest C. Cole, L. Carter, Howard S. Dudley. V .Cheesman, A. V. Hammond, J. Holton, Pat Donovan, Croinb ley, C. II. Pierce, Ilert Hooker. V. E. Carle, Estella Price, Marv P Hachelor, A. E. Clausley. Meikle ft Pavne or T. W. Atkinson, W. R Taylor, MacLean Est., T. A. Olson F. J. Cutter, H. R. Rrown Est.. Fisher Hrps., A. A N. Fisher, Jo geiihus Wi'neman, H. (!. Mathes et nx., T.W. Hill. Fred H. Cook, It. A Hussey, C. S. Sanderson, John Criffitiis. F. A. KeH-ey. Luke Itvnn. U. A. Holmes, M. M. Maine. 1). F. Carver, T. J. McAndrews. F. M. Amy. G. A. Munn. Cus Miller, W. , M. Holmes, J. Lowe or Welch In terest. J. C. Kill or V. B. Welch, , O B. Brown, C. Pierce, A. L. ' Mills, J. Troch. J. M. Root, lielle i Nlckell, A. Kyle. T. D. Rosii, O. Knox C. C. Presley, Ore. & Cnl. Dev. Co., M. C. Ridings, and also all other persons and parties un known claiming any rlpht, title, estate, lien or Interest in and to tho real estate described in the complain heroin, Defendants. To the above-named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon. You and each of you are hereby no tified that Jackson County, Oregon, thu ubove named plaintiff, Is the owner and holder of the certificates of delinquency hereinafter specified in "Exhibit A" hereof issued and dat ed January 17, 190. that being the amount then due, delinquent mid un, paid for taxes for the year 1912, to gether with penalty, Interest and costs thereon, iinon that certain real property lying and being situated in Jackson County, Oregon, assessed to you and each of you as the same appears In the tax rolls for the year 1912, In said County and State, a more pellicular description of said, property, those to whom the same is assessed, together with the amounts j lue. delinquent, and unpaid being found in an itimized statement there of herein attached, made a part here of and marker "Exhibit A." You and each of you are hereby required, to appear in the above entitled Court and cause within sixty days from the date of the first publication of this summons against you exclusive of .i r tt.n f,nl.lir.:itf,in find ansv:e,r plaintiff's complaint and upon your failuie so to no. piaintni will ask for a decree of this Court foreclosing said delinquency certifi cates in the amounts and against the property as sot out In "Exhibit A." This summons is published once each week for a period of six con secutive weeks in the Ashland Tid inas, a newspaper of regular and general circulation turnout Jackson Countv, Oregon, published weekly at Ashland, Oregon, under and by virtue of an order duly made, ren dered and entered by Hon. F. M. Cal kins, Circuit Judge, on January 17. 1920. All proceedings and papers In this matter may be served upon the un dersigned, residing within Ji.ekson County, Oregon, at tho address here inafter given. C. M. ROBERTS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address Medford National Bank Building. Medfoid. Oregon. "KX III KIT A." Interest figured to March 1, 1920. y 4G01 W. II. Humphrey, Vol. 1, P. 8; Butte Falls, Lot 9, Blk. 17, $12 10; accrued Interest $4.03. No 4003 W. E. Patton, Vol. 1, P. 9; Butte Falls, Lot 12, Rlk. 18, ?8 45; accrued Interest, $2.82. ; 4(;n5Geo. Richardson, Vol. 1, P. 10; Butte Falls, Lot 4, Blk. 21, $5 28; accrued interest $1.79. N-0 4 en 8 J. Delfouney, Vol. 1, P. 2J!; Central Point. Lot 14. Rlk. 12, sen- nrcrned Interest $2.11. ' N'0' 4fjio J. II. Kincaid, Vol. 1, ! p 24- Central Point, W. 16' ft. Lot i2- Blk. 14. Lot 3. Blk. 14, $11.81; I accrued Interest, $3.93. No. 461 1 Magruder Est., vol. l, No 46G2 Cold Hill Dev. Co.. Vol P. 24: Central Point, Lot 4, Blk. 14, j p 64; nn(, Hini Lols 10i n & $11.78: accrued interest, $3.93. 12 nn 3, $18.14; accrued inter No. 4 612 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1, V. ! ps( jr 0r(. 2): Central Point, Lots 8 & 9, Blk. j No 4061 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 11. J10.R3: accrued interest,, i No. 4113 Mary E. Sims. Vol. 1, i I'. 21: Central Point. Lot 10, Blk. ,prPst 1 14. $14.50; accrued Interest, $4.83. j No 4Cfi4 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. No. 4615 Ren j. Beall. Vol. 1, P.;, f)6. (.(1 Vol. 53-155. Lots 1 25; Central Point, 1-3 Lots 8 ft , Milk. 15, $7.70; necrtieu lmereM, ,erPstf 28. I $2.67. .... No. 4665 Flora A. Kelsey. Vol. 1, No. 4616 J. II. Dounlng, Vol. 1,'p 70; f.,,,,, HMli ,y, Tj0t 1, Blk 16, j P. 26: Central Point, Lots 1 & Lot 2, Blk. 16, $28.34; accrued in- Hlk. 18, $8.95; accrued interim, 19. tir, No 4617 N. J. Albert. Vol. 1, P. 29: Central Point, Lot 8. Blk. 29, $0 34; accrued Interest, $2.11. No 4618 M. A. Mee, Vol. 1, P. ?,V, Central Point, Blk. 35, $1.71; accrued Interest, $1.57. N0 ir,19 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, P 32: Central Point, Lots 3 & 4, i Hlk. 3S. Lot. 8. Blk. 37, $11.79; ac crued Interest. $3.93. i .No. 4620 T. R. Hamilton, Vol. jl. P. 32; Central Point, Lot 2. Blk. 3!t $9.34; accrued Interest. $3.11. : No. 4621 G. N. Beall, Vol. 1, P. .12: Central Point, Lots 5, 6, 7 & Is, Blk. 39, $49.32; accrued inter- 'est. $16.4 1. I No. 4622 Wm. A. Cowley. Vol. 1. 'P. 33; Central Point, Lot 1, HIK. j $11.88; accrued interest, $3.79. No. 4 623 Wm. A. cowiey, voi. 1. P. 35; Central Point, Lots 6 & 6, Hlk. 47, $18.17; nccrued interest, $6.06. No. 4624 Benj. and Asbttry Beall, Vol 1. P. 35: Central Point, Lots 5, 6. 7, & 8. Blk. 48, $92.03; accrued interest. $30.68. No. 4625 Benj. Beail. Vol. 1. P. 37; Central Point, Lots 5 & 6. Blk. 5t. $18.88; accrued Interest. $6.29. No. 4626 Ellz. Beall. Vol. 1, P. 37; V. Central Point, Lot 4. Blk. 55, $10.43: accrued interest, $3.48. No. 4627 Wm. T. Toomey, Vol. 1, p. 40; Central Point, Lots 1, 2, 3 ft 4. Blk. 65, $32.50; accrued Interest, $10.83. No. 4628 Win. A. Cowley. Vol. 1, P. -42: Central Point, Lots 1 & 2, Rlk. 69, $7.16; accrued Interest, $2.35. . . No. 4629 Mary A. Mee. Vol. 1, P. 42; Central Point, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Hlk. 71. $15.18! accrued Interest, $5.06. No 4630 Wm. A. Cowley. Vol. 1. P. 43; Central Point. Lot 8. Blk. 71. $199; nccrued Interest $1.66. No 4631 L. Mosher. Vol. 1. P. 41; Centril Point. Vol. 73-425: Amvs Cottage Add., Part Lot 14, $4.98: No. P. 41; nccrued interest J1 66. 4022 M. S. Welch, Vol. 1, Amvs Cottage Add., Central Pnlrf, part des. Vol. 34-401 : Lot 14, accrued Interest, $1.66. 4033 Mrs. Hnrsh. Vol. 1, P. $4.98: No. 4: Amvs Cottage Add., Central Point. Lot 15, $11.78; nccrued in- ("rest. No P. 44; Point. $3 93. 403 1 C. .1. Bnnton, Vol. 1. Amvs Cottage Add.. Central Lot 15-, $17.90; nccrued in-$-..97. terest. No. 4635 W. W. Newton. Vol. 1, P 45; Amvs Cottaee Add.. Central Point. N4 of Lot 17, $4.98; accrued interest. $1.66. No. 4636 Mary A. Mee. Vol. 1. P. 49: Constance Tract. Central Point. Lot 4, $7.84; accrued Inter est. $2.61. No. 4637 W. C. Evans. Vol. 1. P. 4 9; Constance Tract. Central Point. Lot 5, $15.59; accrued In terest $5.19. No. 4638 J. V. Anderson, Vol. 1, P. 49; Constance Tract, Central Point. Lot 6, $17.36; accrued In terest. $5.7.1. No. 4639 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1. P. 49; Constance Tract, Central Point. Lot 9, $15.59; accrued In terest, $5 19. No. 4640 Isaac Constant, Vol. 1, P. 49; Constant Tract, Central Point, Lot 12, $15.69; accrued interest, 6.19. No. 4641 Geo. Pankey, Vol. 1, P. 60; Grand View Add., Central Point, Lots 12 & 13, Blk. 1, $5.79; accrued Interest, $1.93. No. 46420. W. Rhodes, Vol. 1, P. 60; Grand View Add., Central Point, Lots 21 & 22, Blk. 1, $5.26; accrued interest, $1.75. No. 4643 John Griffiths, Vol. 1, P. 61; Griffiths Add., Central Point, Lots 6, 8 & 9, Blk. 2 $15.86; ac crued interest, $5.28. No. 4646 Kahler & Pattlson, Oak Park, Central Point. Lot 4. Blk. 6; Vol. 1, P. 64; $1.64; ac crued interest, $0.61. No. 4646 Jones & Haflin, Vol. 1, P. 65; Ouk Park Add, Central Point. Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4. Blk 8, $18.58; ac cruea interest, No. 4647 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, P. 65; Pattlson Add., Centrul Point, I,ots 1, Blk. 1, Lots 1, 2, & 4, Blk. 2, $10.07; accrued Interest, $3.36. No. 4648 Anna S. Smith, Vol. 1, P, 66; Pattlson Add., Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 3, $6.88; accrued interest J2.29. No. 4649 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1. P. 66; Pattlson Add.. Central Point, Lots 2 & 6, Blk. 3, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 4, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Blk. 5, $20.33; ac crued Interest, $6.78. No. 4650 Win. A. Cowley, Vol. 1, P. 67; Pattlson Add., Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 6, $1.85; accrued In terest, $0.62. No. 4651 A. S. Smith, Vol. 1, P. 57; Pattison Add., Central Point, Lota 3 & 4, Blk. 6, $10.69; accrued interest, $3.66. No. 4652 Unknown Owner, Vol. 1, P. 57; Pattlson Add., Central Point, beg. nt E. Cor. of Lot No. 2, Blk. 7. th. N. along SE side of Blk. 115.4 ft. to 8th St., th. SE. along the st. 204 ft. more or less, th. N. to beg., $3.62; accrued Interest, $1.21. No. 4653 Carl Richardson, Vol. 1, P. 57; Shields Add.. Central Point, Lot 7, excepting E. 15 ft., Lot 7, Blk. 1, $7.14; accrued interest, $2.38. No. 4654 J. S. & J. F. Loury, Vol. 1. P. 58; Shields Tract, Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 3, $6.34; accrued interest. $2.11 No. 4655 Central Point Cream ery Co.. Vol. 1. P. 58; C. P. not platted, 1 A. of Thos. Ross tract, $42.78 : accrued Interest. $14.26 No. 4656 Mrs. W. E. Mann, Vol. 1, P. 59; Land des. 42-320, Sec. 3 Twp. 37. R. 2W, $28.10; accrued in terest, $9.37. No. 4657 B. C. Gleason, Vol. 1, P. 69; C. P. not platted, land des. 104-504 ; land des. 99-120, $9.08; accrued interest, $3.03. No. 4658 J. L. Hammersly, Vol. 1, P. 63; Cold Hill. Lot 1, Blk. 1, 15.67: accrued Interest, $1.89. No. 4659 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 63; Gold Hill, Lots 2, 3. 4, 5 & 6, Blk. 1, $20.27; accrued In terest, $6.76. No, 4660 A. E. Kellogg, Vol. 1, P. 63; Gold Hill, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 6, Blk. 2, $51.68; accrued inter est, $17.19. . No. 4601 Cold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1. P. 64: Cold Hill, Lots 1 to 9, lncl., Blk. 3, $38.41; accrued inter est M 2 80. p C5. fj0rt ni Vol. 65-184, Lots r . 6 ,)k g t'3. 8C: accrued in- 2 & 3. Blk. 9, $9.86; accrued Ill- tereiit J9.44. No. 1. P. Incl., terest 4607 Gold Hill Dev. Co.. Vol. 71; Cold Hill, Lots 7 to 14, Blk. 17, $69.43; accrued in- $23.14 No. 4668 Unknown Owner, vol. 1. P. 71; Gold Hill, Lot 15, Blk. 17, $9.29; accrued Interest, $3.09. No. 4669 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 72; Cold Hill, Lots 1 to 8, Incl., Blk. 23, $1.34; accrued Interest, $0.44. No. 4670 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 73: Gold Hill, Lots 9 to 18, Incl., Blk. 23, $1.57; accrued in terest, $0.52. No. 4671 A. Wilheim, jr., vol. 1, p 74 Gold Hill, Lot 13, Blk. 25, $17.14; accrued interest, $5.71. No. 4672 Reed & Kollope. Vol. 1, P. 75; Gold Hill, Lot 3, Blk. 26, j $46.82: accrued interest, $15.60. No. 4673 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 76; Gold Hill, Lot 8, Blk. 27, $9.86; accrued interest. $3.28. No. 4675 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol. 1, P. 79; Gold Hill, Lota 1 to 6, incl., 1 Blk. 33, $1.24; accrued .interest, J0.41. N, 4676 F. L. Dodge, Vol. 1. P. 80; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lot 10, Blk. 2, $3.69; ac crued interest, $1.23. No. 4677 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol 1, P. 80; Deekums Amended Add. Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 4. incl., Blk. 3, and Lots 9 to 12. incl., Blk. 3, 131.15 : nccrued Interest, $10.38. No. 4678 Reuben Cain. Vol. 1. P. 81; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lot 10, .Blk. 5, $2.13; nccrued Interest. $0.71. No. 4679 Merrill Beits, Vol. 1, P. 81: Gold Hill. Deekums Amended Add.. Lots 4, 8 & 9. Blk. 6, $5.26; accrued interest, $1.75. No. 4680 Flora A. Kelsey. Vol. 1. P. 81: Deekums Amended Add., Lots 3 to 7, incl., Blk. 6, $3.65; ac crued Interest, $1.21. No. 4681 Charlotte F. Acree, Vol. 1, P. 131; Phoenix, Lot 6 & part Lot 6, Blk. 16, $10.75; accrued interest, $3.58. No. 4682 Geo. N. Lewis, Vol. 1, P. 131: Phoenix, 2-3 Lot 7, Blk. 16, Vi Lot 8, Blk. 16, $5.65; accrued in terest, $1.88. K'n IfiM Cn1er Vol. 1. P. 134: Phoenix. Lots 1 to 4, Incl., BlkJstract Co., 8-13-18, $37.10; accrued 24. $7.94: accrued Interest, $2.64 No. 4684 Colver Est., Vol.. 1, P. 140: Phoenix. Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 37. $2.84; accrued Interest. $0.94. No. 4686 W. D. Lewis ft Son, Vol. 1, P. 17: Central Point, Lots 11 ft 12. Blk. 4, $44.42; accrued inter est, $14.80. No. 4687 Benj. Beall, Vol. 1, P. 22; Central Point, Lots 12 ft 13, Rlk. 12, $11.78; accrued Interest, $3.92. No. 4688 J. A. .Tones, Vol. 2, P. 46: Eagle Point. Daley ft Emery Add., part Lot 4, Blk. 12, Lots 6. 6, 7 ft 8. Hlk. 12. part Lots 9. 10 ft 11, Blk. 12, $17.49; accrued Inter est. 6.83. No. 4689 J. A. Jonas. Daley ft Emery Add.. S. Sm ft. lot II. Blk. 12. $1.10; accrued interest, $0.3. No. 4691 Mrs. E. A. Abbott. Vol. 2. P. 60; Eagle Point Fryers Ai"., part Lot 7, $7.89; accrued interest. $2.63. No. 4692 Ashpole ft Culeeade; Vol. 2. P. 61; Eagle Point. 1'lrirh's Add.. Lot 7, $9.60; accrued Inter est $3.18. , No. 4693 C. S. Painter; Vol. I P. 04; Eagle Point, 3A bot. of Pools Est., $32.90; accrued interest, 1 $10.96. No. 4 694 Fish Lake Ditch Co! Vol 2, P. 64; Eagle Point, Lot adj. Snowy Butte Mill Proper. DR 25. P. 298. $6.88; accrued Interest, $2.29. No. 4695 M. Dlrch, Vol. 2, P. 65; Jacksonville Des. DR 60-123, Part Lot 2, Blk 2, $17.05; accrued inter est, $5.68. No. 4696 A. Schmidley, Vol. 2, P. 66; Jacksonville, part of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 8, $29.76; accrued Inter est, $9.92. No. 4697 Unknown Owner, Vol. 2, P. 67; Jacksonville, Lot 1, Blk. 6,' $10.02; accrued Interest, $3.34. No. 46990. II. Aiken, Vol. 2, P. 68; Jacksonville, EV4 of Lot 3, Blk. 8: $37.42: accrued Interest, $12.44. No. 4700 Main & Winchester. Vol. 2, P. 68; Jacksonville, lies. 6- 232, W. A of Lot 4. Hlk. 8, J19.14; accrued interest, $6.35. No. 4798 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. 82; Deekum's Amended Add., Cold Hill, Lots 8 and 9. Blk. 6; Lot 1, 2 and 3. Blk 7, $3.65; accrued in terest, $1.21. No. 4799 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P 82; Deekum's Amended Add. Gold Hill. Lots 5 to 12 Inc.. Blk 7, $7.36; accrued Interest, $2.45. No. 4800 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. 82; Gold Hill, Deekum's Amonded Add., Lots 1 to 7 Inc., Blk. 8, $4.16; accrued Interest, $1.38. No. 4801 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P 83; Gold, Hill, Deekum's Amend ed Add., Lots 8 to 15, Blk. 8, $6.41; accrued interest, $2.13. v0 4802 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. 83 and 4; Gold Hill, Deekum's Amonded Add., Lots 1 to 9 incl., Blk. 10, $9.92; accrued Interest, $3.30. No. 4803 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P 84;Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lots 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 10, Lots 3 to 8. incl., Blk. 11, $8.75; ac crued Interest, $2.91. No. 4804 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. 85 & 6: Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lot 9, Blk. 13, Lot 8, Blk. 14, $3.98; accrued Interest, J1.32. No. 4805 C. R. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. 86; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended Add., Lot 7, Blk. 14, $1.74; accrued interest. $0.58. 1 No. 4806 H. T. Wentworth, Vol.! 1, P. 87; Gold Hill, Deekums Amend-! ed Add., Lots 3 & 4, Hlk. 18, $7.91; accrued interest, $2. on. No, 4 808 Henry Britt, Vol. 1, P. 91; Gold Hill, not platted, beg. 60 ft. i N. of NR. cor. of Blk 1. th. N. 209, ft. W. 104.5 ft., S. 209 ft., E. 101.5 ! ft. to beg., $34.50; accrued Inter est, $11.50. I No 4809 R. C. Kelsey, Vol. 1. P. 92; Gold Hill, not platted. 4 A. adj., Deekums Add. on North, $9.86; ac crued Interest, $3.28. No. 410 Jennie M. Criffin. Vol,. 1. P. 113; Tolo, Lots 7 A 8. Hlk. 30,; $2.24; accrued interest, $0.74. j No. 4R11 T. H. Rowe, Vol. 1, P. 115; Tolo. Lot 13. Blk. 32, $1.35; accrued Interest, $0.45. No. 4812 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1, P. 56: Central Point, Pattlson Add, Lots 3 & 4, Blk, 3, $7.15; accrued 1 interest, $2.35. No. 4813 C. E. Chllds, Vol. 1, P.! 56; Central Point. Pattison Add.,' Lot 5, Blk 3. $13.95; accrued in- terest, $4.65. No. 4M4 r. Jioilgc, voi. 1. 1 . 79: Cold Hill. Deekums Amended No. 4S14 F. L. Dodge. Vol. 1, P, Add., Lot 3, Blk. 2, $2.02; nccrued, interest, $0.67. No. 4815 B. F. Piatt, guardian. Vol. 1, P. 14; Butte Falls, unri. 1-3 Int. S. of NE.'i ft 1-3 Int. In NE.4 of NW'i, Sec. 10, Twp. 35, R. 2E, $34.50; accrued Interest, $11.60. No. 4816 Chas. A. Lacy, Vol. 2. P. 1: Talent, 2-3 Lot 9, Hlk. A.. Lot 10, Blk. A., $7.10; nccrued Interest. $2.33. No. 4817 James Kane, Vol. 2 2; Talent. Lot des. Vol. 93-556. Hlk. C, $13.08: accrued Interest. $4.36. No. 4818 C. K. Klnm. Vol. 2. P. 9; Talent. Lot 1 2. Hlk. M $4.74; accrued interest, $1.58. No. 4S19 McCiillagh. Vol. 2, P. 10; Talent, 60 ft. on Co. road Blk. S., $20.10; accrued Interest, $6.70. No. 4820 Chas. Morgan, Vol. 2, P. 13: Talent. Shidelers Add., Lots 3 & 4. Blk. 1, $12.92; nccrued interest, $4.30. No. 4821 J. ,1. Fryer, Vol. 2, P. 43; Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery, Add.. Lots 1 & 3. Blk. 6, $3.15; ac crued Interest. $1.05. No. 4822 P. II. Dailey, Vol. 2, P. In , , iTf "Wk 7 $f6 90 Add.. Lots 4 ft 6. Hlk. 7, $16. JO, ac- .. . . . n n crued Interest. $12.30. n r t x 1 1 T 1 fi T No. -' ' '' 'eJ' '"'..' 'J i.i; r.agie i mm, i"i7 ot Add.. Lots 8 ft 9, Hlk. 7, $8.90; nc crued Interest. $2.96. . . - , , . , . . n NO. 4S-'l .1. A. Mains, vi". . I 44 ft 5 : Eagle Point Daley ft Emery Add., part of Lots 7, 8 ft 9, Blk. 9, , t 1 1 S jt R Ti lt 10. Miit it " - ' $17.67; accrued Interest, $5.89. No. 4 826 .1. A. Jonas, Vol. 2, P. 45: Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery Add., Lot 1. Hlk. 11. Lots 7 to 12, lncl.. Hlk. 10, Lots 2 ft 3. Blk. 11, $42.72: accrued interest, $14.24. No. 4826 J. A. Jones, Vol. 2. P. 45; Eaglo Point. Daley ft Emory Add.. Lot 4. Blk. 11. S. 31V& ft. of 7 & 8, Blk. 11, E. part of Lots 9, 10, 11 ft 12, Hlk. 11. $16.49; accrued interest, $5.49. No. 4827 II. J. McQuoid. Vol. 2, P 45- Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery Add.. Lot 5,lllk. 11. E.4 of 6, part 7. Blk. 11, des. Vol. 90-358, Lot 8, Blk. 11, $10.92; accrued Interest, $3.64. No. 4828 Lute Dailey, Vol. 3, P. 59; Medford, Cottage Home Add., E. Ill ft. of Lot II, Blk. 1, $10.47; accrued Interest, $3.49. No. 4829 Fruitgrowers Trust ft Title Co., Vol. 4, P. 5; Medford, Sis kivou Hgts. Ext., Hlk. 22, less 5 ac res redeemed by Jackson Co., Ab-j Interest $12.33. No 4869 Nana Matney, Vol. 3, P. 6: Medford. S'4 of E of vacat ed 2nd st.. Hlk. 9, $13.99; accrued interest, $4.66. No. 4870 Wm. G. Martin, Vol. 3, P. 16; Medford, So. 30 ft. Lot 8, Hlk. 26, $9.13; nccrued Interest. $3 .04. No. 4871 Hen Haymond, Vol. 3, P. 20; Medford, Lot 11, Blk. 36, $1 3 24; accrued interest, $4.08. No. 48721. O. O. F. Lodge. Vol. 2. P. 107: earner ft Sabln, Lot 3, Blk. 1. Woodville, $5.44; accrued Interest, $1.81. No. 4873 Carner ft Sabln. Vol. 2, P. 107; Carner ft Sabln Add., Wood vllle. Lot 2. Bik. 3, $4.26; accrued Interest, $1.42. .''. : . c.i,in iri o No. 15(41 arn-r ..... .., P. 108; Carner ft Sabln Add., Wood ville. Lot 11. Blk. 4, $3.78; accrued Interest, $1.26. No. 4877 T. B. Kent, Vol. 2, P. 70: Jacksonville, Lots 6, 6, 7 ft 8, Hlk. 15, $10.62; accrued Interest, $3 64. No. 487S Catholic Cuurcn, vol. Z, P. 72; Jacksonville, Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 18, $10.44; accrued interest, f 13.48 No. 4879 M. E. Church. Vol. 2, P. 73; Jacksonville, Lots 1, 2, of Lot 8, Blk. 23, $50.13; accrued interest, $16.71. No. 4880 Luke Ryan, Vol. 2, P. 74; Jacksonville, Lot 2, Blk 26, $10.02; accrued Interest, ' $3.84. No. 4881 S. Sack, Vol. 2, P. 78; Jacksonville, Lot 1, part 2, 6. and 6. Blk. 37, $5.05; accrued Interest, $1.68. No. 4882 S. J. Day, Vol. 2, P. 80; Jacksonville, Lots 1, 2. 8 & 4. Blk. No. 4883 N. E. Fisher, Vol. 2. P. 1 82; Jacksonville. Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 43, $6.76: accrued interest. $2.25. 49, $11.63; accrued Interest, $3.84. I No. 4884 M. Cohrell. Vol. 2, P. 182; Jacksonville. Lot 1. Blk. 60, j $ 2.74 : accrued interest. $0.91. No. 4885 A. Fisher, Vol. 2, P. 82; Jacksonville. Lot 2. Blk. 60, $5.46; accrued Interest, $1.81. No. 4886 W. Hacker, Vol. 2. P. 83; Jacksonville. Lot des. 81-601, part Lot 1, Blk. 62, $3.33; accrued Interest, $1.11. No. 48S7 China Oln, Vol. 2, P. 84: part des. 49-613, Blk. 61. $14.58; accrued Interest. $4.86. No. 4888 A. E. Realties, Vol. 2, P. 85: Jacksonville, land des. 49-242, Blk. 63, $6.98; accrued interest $2.32. No. 4890 L. Revnolds, Vol. 2, P. 91 Jacksonville, Lundgrens Add., Lot 7, part Lot 8, Blk. 2, $9.41; ac- 1 1 iit-il iiiinit-i,, No. 4891 Reames Est., Vol. 2, P. 97: Jacksonville. House and Lot des. DR. 4-405. $133.44; accrued Inter est, $66.68. , ! No. 4892 C. L. Reames, Vol. 2, (P. 97: house & lot des. 4-405, Jack sonville, $43.46; nccrued Interest,; ,$14.48. I I No. 4895 C. D. Reed Est., Vol. 2, P. 100; Jacksonville, land des. 19 499. Sec. 31. Twp. 37. R. 2W., $5.76; accrued Interest, $1.92. 1 J No. 4896 Mrs. Hattie Neuher. i Vol. 2. P. 101; Jacksonville, land des. 88-381, $52.18; accrued inter-1 est. $17.36. I No. 4897 A. E. Reames. Vol. 2. P. 101; Jacksonville, land des. 49 '242, N. of Rlk. 40, $43.46; accrued interest. $14.48. j No. 4899 Mrs. P. Applegate. Vol.1 1. P. 103; Jacksonville. 2 A. S. of I Blk. 62. on 3rd St., $6.98; accrued Interest. $2.33. ! No. 4000 E. Stevens. Vol. 2, P. 105; Woodvllle, Lot on Pine st.. nnrt Lot 3. part 3, part 3. all In Blk. 1, $26.82; accrued interest. $8.94. No. 4902 Bert F. Ball. Vol. 2, P. 113: Geo. R. Ralls Add., Woodvllle. Lots 1 to 6, incl., Blk. 1. and land des. 74-1 00 111 N. pt. of Blk. 1. $29.43: nccrued Interest, $9.81. No 4903 Robt. Ball, Vol. 2. P. 113; Woodville. Ceo. R. Balls Add., Lots 1 to 9. Incl., Blk. 2. $34.44; ac crued Interest, $11.48. No. 4904 Robt. Bill, Vol. 2. P. 113: Woodville. Geo. R. Balls Add., Lots 10. 11 12. Blk. 2, $6.66; ac crued Interest. $2.22. No. 4905 Ren F. Ball. Vol. 2. P. 114; Woodville. Geo. R. Bills Add., Lots 1 to 4. Incl.. Hlk. 3. $12.42; ac crued interest. $4 1 4. No. 4906 Herbert Cook. Vol. 2. P. 117. Woodville. Lot In rear of W. B. Whipple pt. of land des. 85-297, to i nf.nMior1 Intnrdar ffl 7S "v ' 4an- John Woods. Vol. 2. P 118: Woodvllle, V4 A., des. 13-14 , s 22 T 30. u. 4W, $3.30; ap11Brt ,n,roq. , in. No 4nn8ri(ln Havmond. Vol. 2, 10n. !, rnin. T,ntq 1 . 9. Blk. 1, JSS.52: nccrued Interest, $2.84. No. 4909 Mrs. Ben Haymnnd. Vol. 2. P. 120; Rock Point. Lots 1 ft 2. Blk. 2. Lot 4. Blk. 3. $9.84: ac crued Interest. $3.28. No. 4f1 0 TT. L. White, Vol. 2. P. 120; Rock Point, W. 35 ft.. Lot 3. Hlk. 3, $1.69; accrued Interest, $0.66. I No. 4911 H. II. Mnernder ft Co., VOl 2. P. IZfl: HOCK I'OllH, W 12 11. of Lot 6. Blk. 4. Lot 6. Blk. 4, $1.63: nccrued Interest. $0.54. No. 4912 Fd W. Cooper. Vol. 2. p. 121: Sams Vallev. Lot 3 ft 4. Hlk. 1, $7.68: nccrued interest, $2.56. No. 4913 L. F. Gardner. Vol. 1. P. 121: Sams Vallev. Lot 3. Blk. B2. Lot 8. Blk. B3, $2.11: accrued In terest, $0.70. No. 49i4Henrv Hoist. Vol. 2. P. 121: Sams Valley. Lot 4. Blk. B2, $1.51; accrued Interest. $0.60. No. 4915 Wndhnms ft Co., Vol. 2. P. 121; Sams Valley, Lots 3. 4, 5 ft 6. Blk. B3, $3.30; accrued Interest, $1.10 X JA4t T ..I. T T1AH.r ITnl 9 T I Ml. I ll n J 1 H l. fill, TIM. I . Vol 2. P. 122: Sams Valley, Lois 1. 2 3 , v . 4. 5 ft 6. Blk. B4. $5.70; accrued In, terest, $1.90. No. 4918 Ore. Water ft ... , n p ... frch Co.. J; ; ,. interest. "" ' " ' 36 $0.96. No. 4919 Rrown ft Miles. Vol. 2. P. 41: All of Lots ft Blks. In Moun tain View, $23.10; accrued Interest. $7 70. No 4920 Ceo. W. Dnlev. Vol. 2. P. 42; Dnlev ft Emerv Add.. Eagle Point. Lot 4. Blk. 4, $2.79; nccrued Interest. $0.96. No 4923 Balls Est.. Vol. Z. P. un- Wnn,ivilln it! A v of Maine; f Tir nf Wnrrto Creek. $10.50: nc- cni"d Interest. $3.60. No. 4924 Sisklvott Tlgts. Co.. Vol. 4 P. 3: Medford. Siskiyou Hgts.. l ot, 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10 ft 11. Blk. 6. $29.63: nccrued interest, $9.87. No. 4925 V A. Moodv, Vol. 4. P. 3: Sisklvou Hets.. Medford. Lot 6. Rlk. 6. $5.69; accrued Interest. $1 89. No. 4926 Slsklv-on Ifits. Co . Vol. 4. P. 4: Medford. Sisklvou Hgts., Lots 12. 13, 14. 15 ft 16. Blk 6 Sis klvou Hgts. Ext., Blk. 4 ft 7, $16.31: accrued Interest $1".44. No. 4927 Sisklvou Hgts. Co.. Vol. 1 p K- Medford. Siskiyou nets. Ext Blk. 9. 4.5 A.. 10. 2 A.. A 1.1. 19V. A.. 14. 4V, A.. IS. 3 A ft 16 6 2 A. $190.86; accrued L J t i " No. 4928 Sisklvou Hets. CO.. vol. 4 P. 6: Medford, Siskiyou Hgts. Fxt.. Blk. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1 : 22. 23. 24. Lot 4. Rlk. 25. $135.62; accrued Interest. $45.30. No. 492" Sisklvou Hgts. Co.. Vol. A T K A Meilfnrd. SlskiVOII HgtS. p'v ' i nt. S in Incl . Blk. 25. Lots; 4 6 Blk 27 $30.18; accrued In- . ,6' ' ac-1121: R' Vller. Lot 7. Rlk. B3 0,i ,,., to en ' v" 4nw V. Crew,. Vol. 4. P.M. P. 64; Benson Add.. Medford. Lot 6; Medford. South Prk Add.. Lotj2. Blk. 4, $12.90; accrued Interest 1 to . Inc . H k. 2, 125. Zt: acrrueo 4 U ' i M.At,A fin,.ih Prk AAA..' Vn 1011 r T Howard, vol. V r. . , i... ....... - ---- -'... ,,, ,c. ,H Interns!. Lots 7 fo 14. incl . Wk. Z. 117.1 accrued Interest. $5.71. No. 49320. I. Howard. Vol. 4. P. 7 ft 8: Medford. South Park Add.. Lots 15 to 18. Incl.. Blk. 2. Lots to 9. Incl.. Blk. 4, $17.14; accrued In terest, $5.71. No. 49S3 C, 1. nowtrd, Vol. 4, P. 8 ft 9; Medford, South Park Add.. Lots 11 to 18, Incl., Blk. 4, $17.14; accrued Interest, $5.71. No. 4934 C. I. Howard, Vol. 4, P. 10; Medford, South Park Add., Lots 7 to 12, incl., Blk. 6, $13.08; ac- crued interest, $4.36 No. 4935 C. I. Howard, Vol. 4, P. 10- Medford, South Park Add., Lots 13 to 18. incl., Blk. 6, $13.08; ac crued interest, $4.36. No. 4936 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4, P. 13; Medford, South Sea. Add., Lots 16 to 20, incl., Blk. 1, $55.44; accrued Interest, $18.48. No. 4937 N. M. Holmes. Vol. 4, P 13; Medford, South Sea. Arid., Lots 7 to 12, lncl.. Blk. 2, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 3 $58.25; accrued interest, $19.41. No. 4938 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4, P. 14- Medford, South Sea. Add., Lots 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 & 12. Blk. 3, $42.27; accrued Interest, 14.09. No 4939 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4, P. 14; Medford, 1st. Ext. S. Sea. Add.. Lots 9. 11 & 12, $28.86; ac crued Interest, $9.62. No. 4940 D. Bradley, Vol. 4, P. 18; Medford, Sunnyside Add., W. 13 ft of E. 140 ft. & W. 61 ft. N. 10 ft. Lot 5, Blk. 2, W. 15 of E. 110 ft. of N 35 ft.. Lot 6, Blk. 2, E. 15 ft. of W. 135 ft. of N. 35 ft. Lot 7, Blk. 2, E 15 ft. of W. 135 ft. of N. 35 ft. and E. 67 ft. of N. 10 ft. Lot 8. Blk. 12, $9.06; accrued Interest. $3.02. j No. 4943 Sara Rlyth Mears, Vol 1 p 81: Tuttle's Sub. Dir.. Lot 3, n,j. 2 $12.85 accrued interest. qv No. 494 4 H. H. Magruder Co Vol. 2, P. 120; Rock Point, Blk. 5, $2.02; accrued Interest, $0.67. No. 4945 E. P. Vickroy, Vol. 2, P. 84: Jacksonville, all Blk. 67, $10.03; accrued Interest, $3.31. No. 4946 Wolter & Harrington, Vol. 4, P. 24; Tuttle's 2nd Add., Medford, Lots 34 and 35. Blk. 1, $12.40; accrued Interest $4.10. No. 494" F. B. Pitcher, Vol. 4, P 24; Medford, Tuttle's 2nd Add., Lots 37 and 38, Blk. 1, $14.31; ac crued Interest, $4.77. No. 4948 S. B. Mears, Vol. 4. P. 24; Tuttle's 2nd Add Medford, Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 2, $17.40; accrued interest, $5.80. No. 4949 John Guy Wilson, Vol. 4, P. 24; Tuttle's 2nd Add., Medford, Lot 13, Hlk. 2, $6.40; accrued inter est $2.10. . . No. P. 25 Blk. : $2.10. No. P. 25 4lf,0 T. H. Pitcher, Not. I, Tuttle's 2nd Add., Lot 16, ',, $6.40; accrued interest, 4i),r)i,H. j. LaClair, Vol. 4, Tuttle's 2nd Add. Medford, Si of N. 24.71 ft., Lot 21. HIK. z $2.82; accrued Interest. $0 94. No. 495211. II. Tattle. Vol. 4. P. 25, Tuttle's 2nd Add. Medford, SMr of lot 27, block 2; N ijof Lot 28, Blk. 2; SV. of Lot 28. Lots 29, 30, 31, all in Hlk. 2, $30.08; accrued in terest, $10.02. No. 4953 Jennie B. Denning, Vol 4, P. 25; Tullle's 2nd Add. Med ford. Lot 32, Hlk 2; $6.40; accrued Interest, $2.10. No. 495411. H. Tultle, Vol. 4. p 26. Tuttle"fl 3rd Add. Medford, Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 1: Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 2; Lots 1 to 4 incl.. Blk. 3, $48.71; accrued interest, $16.24. No 495511. II. Tuttln, Vol. 4. P. 26 and 27: Tuttle's 3rd Add. Med ford, Lots 5 and 6. Hlk 3; Lots 11 and 12. Blk. 4, $22.90; accrued in terest $7.63. No. 4956 H. H. Tnllle. Vol. 4, P. 27; Tuttle's 3rd Add. Medford. Lois 7 and 8. Hlk. 4. $H.SS; accrued in terest, $2.29. No. 4959 C. L. Rawson, Vol. 4, P 28: Walnut Park Medfoid. Lots 1 and 2. Hlk. 4, $19.79; accrued in terest, $6.59. No. 4960 Herbert C. Ilazelrlg, Vol 4 P 23: Walnut Park, Med ford, Lot 17. Hlk. 4, $9.75; accrued interest, $3.25. No. 4961 E. II. Warner, Vol. 4, P 32; W. Walnut Park, Medford, Lois 3 and 4, Blk. 2, $21.00; accrued interest, $7.00. No. 4964 Thos. Haiiholoniew, Agt., Vol. 4, P. 35; Medford. Whit man Park Add.. Lot 20, lllk. 2, $13.09; nccrued Interest, $4. .'16. No. 4966 Jacob Hugger, Vol. 4, P 37; Medford, Willikes Add., Lots 12 ft 13. Hlk. 2, $30.08; accrued In terest, $10.02. No. 496711. W. Reynolds, Vol. 4, P. 38; Willikes Add., Medford, Lot 1, Hlk. 3, $22.90; accrued Interest, $7.63. No. 496811. VV. Reynolds, Vol. 4 P 38; Medford. Willikes Add., E. 50 ft. Lot 6, Blk. 3, $1.14; ac crued Interest, $0.38. No. 4970 A. C. Abrams, Vol. 4, P 44; Woodlawn Hgts., Medford. Lois 2, 3. 6, 7. 10. 11. H 1. $23.06; accrued Interest. $7.68. No. 4971 B. F. Mulkey, Vol. 4. P. 45: Woodlawn Hgts. Add., Med ford, Lots 24. 27 ft 28, Jiu.vs; ac Power crued interest. $3.61. No. 4972 I). S. Wood, vol. , r. 45; Medford, Woods Add., Lot 4, Blk. 1, Lots 1 to 4, Incl.. Blk. 2, $26.24; accrued Interest, $8.74. No. 4973 John A. Torney. Vol. 4 P 47; Medford. 631 ft. front on W. 2d al.. des. 75-386, $10.47; ac crued Interest. $3.49. ! No. 497 1 Mary Childers, Vol. 4, P. 48; Medford, Mary Childers Lot, T C. Stlnsnn Lot, ('as. Gazer. 4th nt. N. W. side, 112.07 ft. front, $30.50; accrued itneresi, ni... No. 4975 M. N. Chihls. Vol. 4, P. SO: Medford. beg. at NE. cor. DR 83-76, th. N. 50 ft., W. Hid It., h. i ft.. E. 150 ft., to beg. (Genessee st.) $31 62: accrued interest, $10.50. No. 4976 Siskiyou Hgts. Co., Vol. 4 P. 51; Medford, 9.76 A. south ft west of Kelne Way Drive. $17.54: accrued Interest. $15.85. No. 4977 Hall . Vol. 4. P. 54; Medford. Main st. E.. N' side. beg. 50 ft. W. of Inters, of W. line nf Lindlev st. ft the N. linn of Main St.. th. N. 105 ft.. W. 50 n.. S. 105 ft., E. 50 ft. to beg.. $25.78; accru ed Interest. $8.59. No. 4978 Clara Qlkcn. Vol. 4, P. K7 Medford, rear of Klfert l.oi. lies. 12. 181DR 78-608, Oakdale arc., $8.50; ac cruen mieresi, No. 4980-J. T. Miller. Vol. 4. P. 62; Medford. Willie St.. 60 ft. front on Willie St., beg. 236.5 ft. S. or tn ters. of H. line oi k. main hi. . r.t iviiMo t .. th. S. 60 ft.. VV. u i, v r.n ft F 146 ft.. $17.65: inirf $5 88 No. 4981 J. Gillispey et al. Vol. 4 P 64: Medford, Benson Aim.,- Lot 1, Hlk. 3, $3.30; nccruea In- Vol. terest, $1.10. No 4982 J. Gillispey et al , No. 4983 Johns ft Turner, Vol. Riverside ave.. N. , r. ou; meunim 255.42 ft. front on N. Riverside, des. 82-140. $31.65 $10.51. K'n 1181 Chan M Smith. Vol. 4. P. 69: Medford, Riverside ave., NE side, 116.9 ft. front on N. Riverside, des DR 87-632, $24.83; accrued in- terest, $8 28. No. 4986 J. D. Heard, Vol. 4, P.j 84; Medford, East Hgts. Add., Lot 1, Hlk. 1. Lot 1, Blk. 2, $3.40; accru- ed Interest, $1.15. No. 4988 II. G. Wortman, Vol. 4, p. 92; Medford, Ish Add., Lot 1, )art (,ot 2, Hlk. 4. $16.90; accrued interest, $5.63. No. 4989 J. Bingham, Vol. 4, P. 99; Medford, Laurelhurst Add., Lot 22, Blk. 9, $4.10; accrued Interest, $1.33. No. 4990 Victor Dallaire, Vol. 4, P. 103; Medford. Nirkell Add., des. 85-41, part Lot 4. Blk. 1, $3.30; ac crued interest, $1.10. No. 4991 J. F. Brooks, Vol. ,4 P. 105; Medford, Nickells Add., des. 85-346. Lot 4. Blk. 1. $13.22: ac- rrUP(i tntpront. $1.40. No. 4992 W. M. Holmes, Vol. 4, P. 104; Medford, Nickell Add., Lot I. Hlk. 4, $20.45; accrued interest. $6.81. No. 4993 P. J. Neff, Vol. 4, P. 106: Medford. Oakdale Park. S Hot Lot 2, Blk. 10. Lot 3, Blk. 10, Lots 3 ft 4. Hlk. 10, S'i of Lot 5. nik. 10. $16.26; accrued Interest. $5.42. No. 4994 Irene Isaacs, Vol. 4, P. 110: Palms 2d Add., Medford, Lot 7. Hlk. 1, $3.30;. accrued interest, $1.10. No. 1995 C. W. Talni, Vol. 4, P. 110; Palms 2d Add., Medford, Lot 3 ft 4. Hlk. 2, $5.70; accrued Inter est. $1.90. No. 49 56 J. Y.Allen , Vol. 4. P. 111; Palms 2d Add.. Medford. Lot 12 ft 13, Hlk. 2, $2.90; accrued In terest, $0.9". No. 4997 J. W. Diamond, Vol. 4, P. Ill: Medford. Palms 2d Add., Lots 20, 21 ft 22. Blk. 2, $12.74; accrued interest, $4.24. No. 4-198 Emma A. Rocheford, Vol. 4. P. 112: Medford. Sunset Park Lots 2 ft 3. Hlk. 1, $5.00; accrued interest. $1.68. No, 40119 Jos. Howling, Vol. 4, P ill; Medford. West.. S. 55 ft. of N. 112 ft., N. 56 ft. of S. 193 ft., N. 56 ft. of S. 137 ft., all In Lot 1. Hlk. 3, $7.33; accrued interest, $2.44. No. 5000 H. O. Lockwood, Vol. 4, P lit; Medford West., land des. Dll 83-554. less land des. Dlt 9ii-li07; part Lot S. Hlk. 3, $3.63; accrued interest, $1.21. No 5002 Etta M. Vauter, Vol. 3, p. 37: Medford. EMi of Alley. Rlk. 67, $37.25: accrued Interest, $12.41. No 5003 (leo. Deitrich. Vol. 3. P 10; Medford. Lot 4, Blk. 79, S. 12 'i ft.. Lot 5. Hlk. 79, $36.07; ac crued interest, $12.02. No. 5001 A. L. Leonard. Vol. 3, P 44; Medford. Barr Add., beg. 110 ft N of SW. cor. lot 2. Hlk. 1. Barr Add., N. 66 ft. E. 170 ft. S. 44 ft. W. 170 ft.. Lot 2. Hlk. 1, $17.64: accrued interest, $5.8S. N. nOOa A. P. Talent, Vol. 3, P. 15- Medford. Hair Add., R. (744) pt. Lot 3. Blk. 1. $3.46: accrued in terest, $1.15. No. 5000 Cora F. Wilson. ol. 3 P 48: Medford, Beatly Add., north 40 ft. Lot 2. Blk. 17. $S.08; accrued interest. $2.69. No. 5000 Perry D. Scott. Vol. 3, P. 66; Medford. Cloverdale Add., Lots 7 K- 8, $16.SH; accrued inter est. $5.62. No. nolo G. W. H.ishford, ol. 3, P 57- Medford, Cottage Add., des. 28-:'.97. part. Lot 4. Blk. 1, $12. S7; , rued interest, $1.29. No. 5011 E. J. Lewis, Vol. 3. P. 57; Medford, Collage Add., Lois 6, 7 ft 8. Hlk. 1, $ SC.05 ; accrued inter est. $2S.H8. No. 5012 W. T. York. Vol. 3. P. 57; Medford, Cottage Add., part l.ot II. Hlk. 1, $5.10; accrued Interest, $1-70. No. 5013 Unknown Owner. ol. 3, P. 58; Medford, Collage Add., S. r,.-l ft. triangular tract S. of Lot 12, lllk. 1, $2.09; accrued Interest, $0.69. , No. 6011 Fred Carlson, Vol. 3. P 58; Medford, Cotlago Add.,, part S. 50 ft.. Lot 7. Hlk. 3, $:t!U7; ac crued Interest, $13.05. No. 51115 Chelgren Bros., Vol. 3. P 02- Medford. Conroy and Clancy Add.. Lot 15. Hlk. 2, $5.34; nccrued interest, $1.78. No. 50 1 6 W. R. Damrick, Vol. 3, P 02; Medford. Conroy ft Clancy Add.. Lot 16, Hlk. 2, $10.58; accru ed interest, $3.52. No. 5017 Francis A. Smith, Vol. 3 P (16; Medford, Crowells Add., Lot IS, Blk. 4, $16.69; accrued in terest, $5.56. No. 6018 S. T. Wolverton, Vol. 3 p 69; Medford, Emeades Add., Lols'3 ft 4, Blk. 2, $7.74; accrued Interest. $2.58. No. 5019 L. Austin, et al. Vol. .1, P 70; Medford. Edwards Place Add., Lots 6 ft 7, Blk. 2, $19.31); accrued interest, $6.43. No. 5021 Goo. W. Stacy. Vol. 3. p 71; Medford, Faliinount Add., Lot 10, Blk. 1, $17.15; nccrued in terest, $5.71. No. 5022 Mrs. A. Bacon, Vol. 3. p 72; Medford. Fairmoiint Add., Lot 5,' Blk. 6, $11.42; accrued in terest, $3.80. No. 6023 C. W. Austin. Vol. 3. P. 75- Medford. Frultdale Add., Lots 20 ft 21. Hlk. 2, $28.01; accrued interest. $9.53. No. 5025 John H. Darby, Vol. 3, P 78: Gallowavs Add. to Medford. W. 36 M, ft. des. 87-610. Hlk. 6, $11.66; accrued Interest, $3.88. No. 6027 Geo. Daniels, Vol. 3, P 78: Medford, Grays Add.. Lot 6, Hlk. 1, $8.16; accrued Interest, 72 ".No. 5028 Wm. Ulrlrh. Vol. 3, P. 78; Medford, Grays Add., Lot 7, Hlk. 1, $8.88; accrued interest, $2.96. No. 5029 M. A. Rader, Vol. 3. P. 79; Medford. Grays Add., Lot 13, Hlk. 2, $4.37; accrued Interest, $1.45. No. r.030 C. V. Myers. Vol. 3. P. 83; Medford. Highland Turk Add., Lot 8. Hlk. 1, $10.95; accrued In terest, $3.65. No 6031 II. H. Croft. Vol. 3. P. 83: Medford. Highland Tark. Lot 3. Hlk. 2. $10.47; accrued interest, $3.19. No. 6032 If H. Croft. Vol. 3. P. 84: Medford. Highland Park Add., Lot 1. Blk. 3, $5.94; accrued in terest. $1.98. No. 51133 H. H. Croft. Vol. 3. P. 84: Medford. Highland Park Adit., l.ot i, iiik. j. i.oi .i. nm. i, f.u.u.. m-ium iinr.i.-nl. No. 5034 Trail Lumber Co Vol. 3. P. 84 ft 85; Medford Highland Park Add.. Lots 1 to 7. Incl., Blk 5. Lot 4, Blk. 6 $58.53; accrued In- terest, i-j.oi. No. 5035 A. Clemens.-Vol. 3, F. 85: Medford, Highland Park Add., Lot 1. Blk. , $10.37; accrued In- terest $13.45 No. 5036 C. A. Knight et nx. Vol. 3, P. 86; Medford. Humphrey ft Knight Add., l.ot . Blk. 2. $19.31; accrued Interest, $6.43. No. 5037 M. L. Alford, Vol. J. P. 89: Medford. Imperial Add.. Lots 12 ft 13. Blk. 7, $17.88; accrued in- terest. $5.96. No. 5038 Earnest Cole. Vol. 3. P. 93; Medford. Kendalls Add.. Lot 3, Blk. 1, $6.72; accrued Interest, $2 24. No. 6039 A. J. Perry, Vol. S, P,