Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, February 04, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    frccWsdiiy, I'dirnary 4, 1020
In the Circuit Court of (lie Kt-iito of
. Oregon, For I he County of Jiu-k-SOIK
JackBon County, Oregon, riaintiff,
W. II. Humphrey, W. E. Patlon, Ceo.
Richardson, J. Delfouney. .1. II.
Kincaid, Mngrudcr Est., Mary A.
Mee, Mary E. Sims, Bon. Hen II, J.
II. Douning, N. ,1. Albeit, V. A.
Cowley, T. It. Hamilton, (i. N.
Heall, Ben J & Anbury Iieall, Ktiz.
Iteull, Win. T. Toomev, L. M usher.
M. S. Welch, Mm. Huron, C. J.
Dunton, W. W.. Newton, W. C. Ev
nuH, J. V. Anderson, I twin c Con
stant, Ceo. Pankey, (J. W. Rhode:!,
.lohn Griffiths, Knhler ft Patti
son, Jones ft Haflin, Anna S.
Smith, Carl KlrhardKon, J. S. ft J.
P. Lonrv, Central I'oint Creamery
Co., Mrs. W. E. Mann, H. C. Gle-i-son,
J. L. Humniei sly, Cold Hill
Dev. Co., A. E. Kellogg, Flora A.
Kelsey, A. Whlllielin Jr., Reed ft
Kellogg, P. L. Dodge. Reuben
Cain, Merrill li.tts, Charlotte K.
Acree, (leu. N. Lewis, Colver Est..
W. I). Lewis ft Don, J. A. Jones,
Mrs. E. A. Abbott, Ashpole ft Gui
geado, C. S. Painter, Pish Lake
Ditch Co., Mi Dlrch, A. Schniidling,
G. H. Aiken, Main & Winchester.
C. It. Kelsey, II. T. Wi lit worth.
Henrv Riitt, Jennie M. Crinith,
T. II. Rowe, C. E. Childs, P. L.
Dodge, I). F. Plait, guardian, ('has.
A. Lacy, James Kane, C. K. Klum,
McCullagh, ('has. Morgan, .1. .1.
Fryer, P. II. Daily, J. A. Jonas, It.
J. McQuoid, Lain Dailey, Fruit
growers Trust ft Title Co., Nana
Matney, Win. (I. Martin, lien Hay
mond, I. O. 0. F. Lodge, Craner ft
Sabln, T. IS. Kent. Catholic
Church. M. E. Church, Luke
Ryan, S. Sack, S. J. Day, N. K
FIkIrt, M. Cohiell, A. Fisher, W.
Hacker, China Gi.i, A. E. Realm's.
L. Reynolds, Reames K:',t., C. 1).
Reames, C. I). Reed Est., Mrs
Hatlie Neubcr. Mrs P. Applegato,
E. Stevens. Pert F. Hall, Robt.
Rail, Herbert Cook. John Woods,
lien Haymond, Mrs. Pen Hav
inond. II. L. While, II. II.
der ft Co.. Ed. W. Cooper, L. F.
Gardner. Henry Hoist, Wadhauis
& Co., Lula J. Perry, Wadhams ft
Co., Ore. Water H Power Co.,
Hrown & Miles, (ico. W. Daley,
Halls Est., Siskivuu Hgts. Co.. A.
A. Moody, W. E Crows, C. I. How
ard, M. M, Holme. 1). Bridlev,
Sarah lllvth Mimis, II. H. Uauru-
pi v!;k,;:L,,7., i
Harrinilon, F. k Pitcher, John
Guy Wilson, T. It. Pitcher, II I
I.aClair. H. H. Tuitle. ,i neie IS.
Deeming, C. L. flawsun,
C. Ilaz. irig, K. 11. vV.rner. Thin.
Bartholomew, Agt., Jacob Hug
ger, H. W. Rcvlnlds, A. C. Abrams.
li. F. Mulkey, I). S. Wood, John A.
Tnrney, Mary Childers, M. N.
Childs, Hall. Clara Aiken. J. J".
Miller, J. (lililsp' V, et al, Johns i
iurner, ( lias. M. Mnitli. .1. I).
mm VI ;,r a J.Vih k-
W. M. Holmes, p. J. Neff, :pn;
Isaacs. C. W. Palm, .1. Y. Allen.
J. W. Diamond, Emma A. Roche
lord. Jos. Howling, 11. O. I.o.'k
wood Etta M. Vawler, (ieo Diet
rich, A. L. Leonard. A. P. Talent,
Cora F. Wilson, I'en v I). Scot I. 0.
W. Hashfonl, E. J. Lewis. W. T.
York, Fred Carlson, Chel:Ti-n
Urns.. W, R. Dtimeiick. Francis A.
Smith, S. T. Wolverlon. L. Austin,
et al, Geo. W. Stacy, Mrs. A. Ba
con, C. W. Austin, John II. Darby.
Geo. Daniels, Win. I'lii'li, M. A.
Under, O. V. Myers. II. H. Croft.
Trail Lumber Co., A. Clemens, C.
A. Knight, et hv, M. L. Alford.
Earnest Cole. A. J. Perry, Mary
Webb. Minnie Callahan, O. F
Chelgren, I). S. Cbik, Hattie
Campbell, H. Humphrey, Mis. A
A. Root. M. E. Doucliey, H.ittie
Campbell, Francis A. Smith, J. W.
Diamond, M. B. Clover, R. F.
Booth, J. W. Diamond. L. J. .Meek
er, Jus. (!. Smith. S. M. E. Church.
1....c,nn,.n M I l.,..;I.l-.i.,, 1.' 11
King, T. E.' Merrill, D W.' Moor! 1
rr M...K 1 ,,.1, A .1.1 !
jiiiiiut" .,i''iii,iii i.'n ,,!i,i,ii. .in,..
Arthur Itiggs, Lena Weit, J. F
Hutoheason, M. E. Lewis, A. M.
Parker, E. W. Krickson, Jane
Hooker. J. W. Dressier, Alfred
Dev. Queen Anne Add , Inc.. Med-1
ford Realty Imp. Co., F. O. Bur -
gess, et al, Austin L. Hick, H. E
Gate's. It. M. Poole, Holmes' & Mr-i
Dowell. J. j. M. Slietterley Jr., N.
G. Holmes, J. B. Craig. C. E
Howell, Amanda Townsend, Ash
land Ice ft Storage Co., L. Rhodes
1st Church of Christ Scienti.-t. F.
B. Wnite, Alameda Carlton. E. H.
Wright, A. C. Caldwell. H. K
Stone, W. Pieuing, Mary Piening,
H. L. White, F. Palmer, L. Pelton
S. C. tlunter, Mary M. Edmunds.
Lone Star Mining Co., L. S. Kemp,
KHz. Smith. Hydraulic Mining Co.,
K. A. Smith, Three Pines Timber
Co., Skykes Creek Mining Co., (
W. Jones, Mary, Biownwnrt h Est..
J. E. Kirk, C. E. Collins, Phil Rob
inson, Frank II. Alters, .Veuber ft
Hartman, Mulkey & lloxie, E. B
Magruder, A. J. SL111I1, Grant
Ormo, Maggie- Lane, L. E. Han
cock, M. Jurgensen, W. W.
Wright, Harvey Ruch, M. E. War
rell, R. G. Smith, A. F. Nelson, W
H. Gross, Ea.ily .tiregyon, J. I!
Whitmire. A. Kyle, David C. Av
ery, W. D. Yant, Ilyd'aulii: Min
ing Co., Iowa Lumber & Box Co.,
Opp Consolidated Mines, J. T
Breeden, C. H. i'iercj, S. 11. Ham
ilton Heirs, T. (i. Reames, J. Bil
per Est., Mary Kehoe, M. A. Vin
cent, C. t). Vincent hst., Jesse E
Glass, Pankey ft Conley, Mar
tin Perry, Jacob Stone, J. G. Hath
away, A. W. Lewis et al, A. L. Ai-
kens, J. H. Downing, W. E. Alex
ander, A. P. Cowaill, Gold Hill
Co., F. P. Brosins. M. M. Mainu,
K. C. Gibson. Opp Consolidated
Mines, M. B. Griffin, D. M. Whet
stone, J. M. Lufland, Daniel Mil
ler, Kate Dunham, S. J. Bennison,
H. A. Jones. Wm. Haller. Coggens
Bros, T. B. Dawson. C. W. Kahler.
Fleming Mathews, Wm. I'liich, M
J. M0011 Est.. Earnest C. Cole, L.
Carter, Howard S. Dudley. V.
Cheesman, A. P. Hammond, J.
Holton, Pat Donovan, Jas. Cromh
ley, C. II. Pierce. Bert Hooker. F.
E. Carle, Hjdelhi Price, Alary P
Bachelor, A. E. Clausley, Meikle ft
Payne or T. W. Atkinson, W. R.
Taylor, MacLoan Est., T. A. Olson,
P. J. Cutter, II. R. Brown Est..
Fisher Bros., A. ft N. Fisher, Jo
gephus Wineman, H. G. Mjtbes et
lix T.W. Hill. Fred H. Cook, R. A.
Hussey, C. S. Sanderson, John
Griffiths. F. A. Kelsey. Luke Ryan.
II. A. Holmes, M. M. Maine. D. F.
Carver, T. J. MrAndrews. F. M.
Amy. G. A. Munn. Gits Miller, W.
M. Holmes, J. Lowe or Welch In
terest, J. C. Gill or F. B. Welch,
G. B. Brown, C. Pierce, A. L.
1 Mills, J. Troch, J. M. Root, Belle
j Nickell, A. Kyle, T. D. Ross, 0.(
Knox ft 0. C. Presley, Ore. ft Cal.
Dev. Co., M. C. Iddings, anil, also
all other persons and parties un
known .claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest In and to
the real estate described in the
complain herein, Defendants.
To the above-named defendants:
In. the name of tho State of Ore
gon. You and each of you are hereby no
tified that Jackson County, Oregon,
tho above nam. id plaintiff. Is the
owner and holder of the certificates
of delinquency hereinafter specified
in "Exhibit A" hereof issued and dat
ed January 17. 1920, that being the
amount then due, delinquent and un
paid tor taxes for the year 1912, to
gether with penally, interest and
costs thereon, upon that certain real
property lying and being situated in
Jackson County, Oregon, assessed
to you and each of you us the same
appears in the tax rolls for the year
1912, in said County and State, a
more particular description of said
jnnperty, those to whom the same Is
assessed, together with the amounts
due, delinquent, nnd unpaid being
found In an Itlmlzed statement there
of herein attached, made a part here
of and marker "Exhibit A." You
and each of you are hereby required
to appear In the above entitled Court
and cause within sixty days from the
date of the first publication of this
summon against you exclusive of
the date of the first publication, and
answer plaintiff's complaint and
upon your failure so to do. plaintiff
will ask for a decree of this Court
foreclosing said delinquency certifi
cate!! in the amounts nnd against the
property as st out In "Exhibit A."
Thin summons is published once
each .week for a period of six con
secutive weeks In the Ashland Tid
ings, a newsnaper of regular and
general circulation thruout Jackeon
County. Oregon, published weekly
at Ashland. Oregon, under and by
virtue of an order duly made, ren
dered and entered by Hon. F. M. Cal
kins. Circuit Judge, on January 17,
All 'proceedings and papers In this
matter may be served upon the un
dersigned, residing within Jackson
County, Oregon, at the address here
inafter given.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Medford National Rank
Building, Medfoid, Oregon.
Interest figured to March 1, 1920.
Vn w TI Ttumnhrev. Vol.
t. 8: B.e p..... Lot . MJC,. Vol.
512.10; accrued interest ''
No. w w. K. ration, vu .
9; Butte Fulls, Lot 12. hik. m,
$8.45; accrued interest, $2.82.
No 4f,05 Geo. Richardson, Vol.
1, P. 10; Butte Falls. Lot 4, Blk. 21,
$5.38; accrued interest $1.79.
No. 4008 J. Dclfouney, Vol. 1, P.
23: Central Point, Lot 14. HIK. It, & 6i Bik. 2 $5l.r,8; accrued Inter
$K.34; accrued interest $2.11. jest. $1719.
No. 4610 J. II. hincntn, vol. j,
,., ,,, w ici ft T.nt '
2- ". ! '-'"k. 14. $11.81;
accrued interest, .)..).
Nn 4011 Magruder Est., ol. 1,
P. 24: Central Point. Lot 4. Blk. 14,
li.i; nrcrjien mi, "
No. 4612 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1, P. ;
24: Central Point. Lots 8 ft 9, Blk. i
14. SIO.SH; accrued Interest, $ 3 . 6 1 . ,
No. 4613 Marv E. Sims, Vol. 1,6
P. 2t: t entral roini, 1.01 iv. nm. ;
14, $14.50; accrued interest, $4.83.1
No. 4015 Benj. Reall, Vol. 1, P.
25; Central Point, 1-3 Lots 8'2
IIIK. la, nenrueu uuciem,
No. 4iil ,1. II. uouning, vol. i,;p
T'. 20: Central Point, Lots 1 &
unc. 8, s.aa; accrued iuiciisi,
No. 4617 N. J. Albert, Vol. 1, P.
29; Central Point, Lot 8. Blk. 29,
$6.24; accrued Interest, $2.11.
No. 4618 M. A. Mee, Vol. 1, P.
31; Central Point, Blk. 35, $4.71;
accrued interest, $1.57.
No. 4619 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1.
P. 32: Central Point. Lots 3 ft 4,
Blk. 38, Lot. 8, Blk. 37, $11.79; ac-
"? M?1-
NO. 4njD I. K.
R. Hamilton, Vol.
i , it... t . n nti.
! p- fe,,,ral P,01,nt' I;'2'1 P"5'
P'9'34' "c.""p' '"'"Tv V V'p
Xo. 4621 -G. N. Beiill, Vol. 1, P.
',-f! li! n Ij0 ,s 5' 7, &
nk; 3fl. 49-32: accrued lnter-
!esl - ln-"
No. 4 622 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1.
Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 42,:,; nccrueu lmeresi. .i.u.
No. 4623 Wm. A. Cowley. Vol.
1, P. 35; Central Point, Lots 6 ft 6,!
Blk. 47, $18.17; accrued Interest
No. 4624 Benl. nnd Ashury Beall,
Vol. 1. P. 35: Central Point, Lots 5
6, 7. ft 8. Blk. 48, $92.03; accrued
interest. $30.68.
No. 4625 Benj. Bo,ai:. Vol. 1. P.
27; Central Point, Lots 5 ft 6. Blk.
54. $18.88: nccrued interest, $6.29.
No. 4626 KHz. Beall. Vol. 1. P.
37: V. Central rnint, Lot 4. Blk. 55,
$10.43: accrued interest, $3.48.
No. 4627 Wm. T. Toomey, Vol. 1,
P. 40; Central Point, Lots 1, 2, 3 ft
4. Blk. 65, $32.50; nccrued Interest,
No. 462S Wm. A. Cowley, Vnl. 1.
P. 42: Central Toint, Lots 1 ft 2,
Blk 69, $7.16; accrued interest,
No. 4629 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1.
P. 42: Central Point, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
Blk. 71. $15.18; accrued Interest,
No. 4630 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. I.
P. 43; Central Point, Lot 8. Blk. 71,
$4.99; nccrued interest $1.66.
No. 4631 L. .Mosher. Vol. 1. P.
44; Central Point. Vol. 73-425:
Amvs Cottage Add., Part Lot 14.
$4.98; nccrued interest $1.66.
No. 4632 M. S. Welch, Vol. 1,
P. -44; Amys Cottage Add., Central
Point, part des. Vol. 34-401 : Lot 14,
$4.98; nccrued interest, $1.66.
No. 4633 Mrs. Harsh, Vol. 1, P.
44: Amys Cnttace Add., Central
Point, Lot 15, $11.78; nccrued in
terest, $3 93.
No 4634 C. J. Dunton, Vol. 1.
P. 44: Ann s Cottage Add.. Central I
Point. I.ot 15, $17.90; accrued in
terest, $5.97.
No. 4635 W. W. Newton. Vol. 1.
P. 45; Amys Cottaee Add.. Central
Point. N'A of I.ot 17, $1.98; nccrued
interest. $1.66.
. No. 4636 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1.
P. 49; Constance Tract. Central
Point. Lot 4, $7.84; nccrued Inter
est. $2.61.
No. 4637 W. C, Evans. Vol. 1,
P. 49; Constance Tract, Central
Point. I.ot 5, $15.69; accrued In
terest $5 19.
No. 4638 .1. V. Anderson. Vol. 1.
P. 49; Constance Tract. Central
Point, Lot 6, $17.36; accrued In
terest, $5.78.
No. 4639 Mary A. Mee. Vol. 1.
P. 49; Constance Tract, Central
Point. Lot 9, $15.59; accrued In
terest. $5.19.
No. 4640 Isaac Constant, Vol. 1,
P. 49; Constant Tract, Central Point,
Lot 12, $15.69 ; accrued interest,
No. 4641 Geo. Pankey. Vol. 1,
P. 60; Grand View Add., Central,
Point, Lots 12 & 13, Blk. 1, $5.79;
accrued interest, 1.93.
No. 4642G. W. Rhodes, Vol. 1,
P. 60; Grand View Add., Central
Point, Lots 21 ft 22, Blk. 1, $5.26;
accrued interest, $1.76.
No. 4643 John Griffiths, Vol. 1,
P. 61; Griffiths Add., Central Point,
Lots 6, 8 & 9, Blk. 2 $15.86; ac
crued interest, $5.28.
No. 4646 Kahler & Pattlson,
Oak Park, Central Point, Lot 4,
Blk. 6; Vol. 1, P. 64; $1.64; ac
crued Interest, $0.51.
No. 4646 Jones ft Haflln, Vol. 1,
P. 65; Oak Park Add, Central Point.
Lots 1, 2, 3 ft 4, Blk. 8, $18.58; ac
crued interest, $6.19.
No. 4647 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1,
P. 65; Pattlson Add., Central Point,
Lots 1, Blk. 1. Lots 1, 2, ft 4, Blk. 2,
$10.07; accrued interest, $3.36.
No. 4648 Anna S. Smith, Vol. 1,
P. 56; Pattlson Add., Central Point,
Lot 1, Blk. 3, $6.88; accrued interest
No." 4 649 Wm. A. Cowley. Vol. 1.
P. 56; Pattlson Add.. Central Point.
Lots 2 ft 6, Blk. 3, Lots 1 ft 2, Blk.
4. Lots 1, 2 ft 3, Blk. 6, $20.33; ac
crued interest, $6.78.
No. 4650 Win. A. Cowley. Vol. 1,
P. 67; Pattlson Add., Central Point,
Lot 1, Blk. 6, $1.85; accrued in
terest, $0.62.
No. 4651 A. S. Smith, Vol. 1, P.
57; Pattlson Add., Central Point,
Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 6, $10.69; accrued
Interest, $3.56.
No. 4652 Unknown Owner, Vol.
1, P. 67; Pnttlson Add., Central
Point, beg. at E. Cor. of Lot No. 2,
Blk. 7, th. N. along SE side of Blk.
115.4 ft. to 8th St., th. SE. along the
st. 204 ft. more or less, th. N. to beg.,
$3.62; accrued Interest, $1.21.
No. 4653 Carl Richardson, Vol.
1, P. 67; Shields Add., Central Point,
Lot 7, excepting E. 15 ft., Lot 7,
Blk. 1, $7.14; accrued Interest,
No. 4654 J. S. ft J. F. Loury, Vol.
1, P. 58; Shields Tract, Central
Point, Lot 1, Blk. 3, $6.34; accrued
interest, $2.11.
No. 4055 Central Point Cream
ery Co., Vol. 1, P. 68; C. P. not
platted, 1 A. of Thos. Ross tract,
$42.78: accrued Interest, $14.26.
No. 4656 Mrs. W. E. Mann, Vol.
1, P. 69; Land des. 42-320, Sec. 3,
Twp. 37. R. 2W, $28.10; accrued in
terest, $9.37.
No. 4657 B. C. GleaEon, Vol. 1,
P. 59; C. P. not platted, land des.
104-504; land des. 99-120, $9.08;
', . ' V
1, p. 63; Gold Hill, Lot 1, Blk. 1,
JR. 67: accrued Interest. $1.89.
No. 4659 Gold Hill Dev. Co.,
Vol. 1, P. 63; Gold Hill, Lots 2, 3,
4. 5 & 6, Blk. 1, $20.27; accrued In
terest, $6.76.
No. 4660 A. E. Kellogg, Vol. 1,
P. 63: Gold Hill, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
v0. 4061 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol.
' ,. ':.'.'. '
lncU Bk. a ,38.41; accrued Inter
p8 112 80
v me. 9 r-i,i mil n i-n vl.
, p' 64. 0oM m Lotg ln,"n &
12, nik. 3, $18.14; accrued inter
3t r M
v. Pinm A Trolucv Vnl
( p '6B; no(1 j,in Vol Cr.-lS4, Lots
& 6 mk G 23.8C; accrued In-
(erPSt $795.
no.'4664 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol.
, p fi(i. fio,(1 Hin. Vol. 63-155. Lots
ft 3, Blk. 9, $9.86; accrued in-
fer)gt ,3, 28.
No. 4665 -Flora A. Kelsey. Vol. 1.
7fl. QnU Hf, s Lot 1. Blk 16
.jj0t 2, Blk. J6, $28.34; accrued In-
(grpg $9,44,
No. 4667 Gold Hill Dov. Co., Vol.
1, P. 71; Gold Hill, Lots 7 to 14,
Incl., Blk. 17, $69.43; accrued in
terest, $23.14.
No. 4668 Unknown Owner, Vol.
1. P. 71; Gold Hill, Lot 15, Blk. 17,
$9.29; accrued Interest, $3.09.
No. 4069 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol.
1. P. 72; Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 8, Incl.,
Blk. 23, $1.34; accrued Interest,
No. 4670 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol.
1, P. 73: Gold Hill, Lots 9 to 18,
incl., Blk. 23, $1.67; accrued in
terest, $0.62.
No. 4671 A. Wllhelm, Jr., Vol. 1,
P. 74; Gold Hill, Lot 13, Blk. 25,
$17.14; accrued interest, $5.71.
No. 4672 Reed ft Kollogg. Vol.
p '75. Gold Hilli jj0t 3, nn,. 2C
$4(i.82; accrued Interest, $15.60.
No 4073 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol.
j P 76; Gol(j Hill, Lot 8, Blk. 27,
$9.86: accrued Interest, $3.28
No. 4675 Gold Hill Dev. Co., Vol.
1, P. 79; Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 6, inch.
Blk. 33, $1.24; accrued interest,
j0 4
No, 4676 P. L. Dodge, Vol. 1, P.
80; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended
Add., Lot 10, Blk. 2, $3.69; ac
crued interest, $1.23.
No. 4677 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol.
1, P. 80; Deekums Amended Add.,
Gold Hill, Lots 1 to 4, incl., Blk. 3,
and Lots 9 to 12, Incl.. Blk. 3,
$31.15; accrued interest, $10.38.
No. 4678 Reuben Cain, Vol. 1.
P. 81; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended
Add., Lot 10. Blk. 6, $2.13; accrued
Interest, $0.71.
No. 4679 Merrill Beits, Vol. 1. P.
81 ; Gold Hill. Deekums Amended
Add., Lots 4, 8 ft 9, Blk. 5, $5.26;
accrued Interest, $1.75.
No. 4680 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol.
1, P. 81; Deekums Amended Add.,
Lots 3 to 7, Incl., Blk. 6, $3.65; ac
crued Interest, $1.21.
No. 4681 Charlotte P. Acree, Vol.
1, P. 131: Phoenix, Lot 6 ft part Lot
6. Blk. 16, $10.75; accrued interest,
No. 4682 Geo. N. Lewis, Vol. 1,
P. 131; Phoenix. 2-3 Lot 7. Blk. 16,
14 Lot 8, Blk. 16, $5.65; accrued In
terest, $1.88
No. 4683 Colver Est., Vol. 1, P.
134: Phoenix. Lots 1 to 4. incl., Blk
24, $7.94; accrued Interest, $2.64.
No. 4684 Colver Est.. Vol. 1. P
140; Phoenix, Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 37
$2.84; accrued interest, $0.94
No. 4686 W. D. Lewis ft Son
Vol. 1. P. 17: Central Point, Lots 11
ft 12. Blk. 4, $44.42; accrued Inter
est, $14.80.
No. 4687 Benj. Beall, Vol. 1, P.
22: Central Point, Lots 12 ft 13,
Blk. 12, $11.78; accrned Interest,
No. 4688 J. A. Jones. Vol. 2, P.
46; Eagle Point, Dalev & Emery
Add., part Lot 4, Blk. 12, Lois 6. 6,
7 ft 8, Blk. 12. part Lots 9. 10 ft
11, Blk. 12, $17.49; accrued inter
est. 5.83.
No. 4689 J. A. Jonas, Daley ft
Emery Add.. S. 3m ft. lot 12. Blk.
12. $1.10: accrued Interest, $0.36.
No. 4691 Mrs. E. A. Abbott, Vol.
2,-P. 60; Eaele Point Fryers Ai?..,
part Lot 7, $7.89; accrued interest.
No. 4692 Ashpole ft Culgeade;
Vol. 2, P. 61; Eagle Point. Hlrich'g
Add.. Lot 7, $9.60; accrued Inter
est $3.1. .
No. 4693 C. S. Painter; Vol, I
P. 64; Eagle Point, 3 A bot. of Pools
Est., $32.90; accrued intorest,!
No. 4694 Fish Lake Ditch Co.,
Vol. 2, P. 64; Eagle Point, Lot adj.
Snowv Butte Mill Proper. DR 25, p.
298, $6.88; accrued Interest, $2.29.1
No. 4695 M. Dlrch, Vol. 2, P. 65;
Jacksonville Des. DR 60-123, Part
Lot 2, Blk 2, $17.05; accrued inter
est, $5.68.
No. 4696 A. Schmldley, Vol. 2,
P. 66: Jacksonville, part of Lots 6
and 6, Blk. 3, Z9.7b; accrued inter-
est, $9.92.
No. 4697 Unknown Owner, Vol.
2, P. 67: Jacksonville, Lot 1, Blk.
..a. j ,..., ,
U, klU.Ui. UUCI UrU llllCICOl, (O.OI.
' T
No. 4699G. H. Aiken, Vol. 2, P
68; Jacksonville, E of Lot 3, Blk.
8; $37.42: accrued interest, $12.44.
No. 4700 Main ft Winchester.
Vol. 2, P. 68; Jacksonville. Des. 68
232. W. H of Lot 4, Blk. 8, $19.14;
accrued interest, $6.38.
No. 4798 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1,
P. 82; Deekum's Amended Add.,
Lots 8 and 9, Blk. 6; Lot'l,r",rt 1. Blk. 62. $3.33; accrued
Gold Hill.
1, 2 nnd 3, Blk 7, $3.65; accrued In
terest, $1.21.
No. 4799 Flora A.'Kelsey, Vol. 1,
P. 82; Deekum's Amended Add. Gold
Hill, Lots 5 to 12 Inc., Blk 7, $7.36;
accrued Interest, $2.45.
No. 4S00 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol.
1, P. 82; Gold Hill, Deekum's
Amended Add., Lots 1 to 7 Inc.,
Blk. 8, $4.16; accrued interest,
No. 4801 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1,
P. 83; Cold, Hill, Deekum's Amend
ed Add., Lots 8 to 15. Blk. 8, $6.41;
accrued Interest. $2.13.
No. 4802 Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, n T ... ,! No. 4945 E. 1 . VicKroy, 01. 1.
P. 83 and 4; Cold Hill, Deekum's, 1 4" "J-mp."' .Vnt'' ' P. 84; Jacksonville, all Blk. 57.
Amended Add.. Lots 1 to 9 Incl., I I:v!i1b i! 1 fc ..tii inif.V i 1 0-ftS ! n,""p'1 in,or(,st' J3-34-
Blk. 10, $9.92; accrued Interest, : 9"n ""' 43'46' accrued Interest. , No. 4946-Wolter ft Harrington.
$3.30. v ieor n n t , r- , vi s ' Vo1- P- 24; Tu,tle'8 2,1,1 A,l(1-
No. 4803-Flora A. Kelsey, Vol. 1,' N.nn48 "nnD,"e', I1-' Medford, Lots 34 and 35. Blk. 1,
P. 84;Gold Hill, Deekums Amended J;'0"' ,T L X ' ,12-40; accrued lnt,'r,st ,41rt'
Add.. Lots 10. 11 ft 12, Blk. 10,'4"J No. 4947-F. B. Pitcher. Vol. 4,
Lots 3 to 8, incl.. Blk. 11. $8.75; ac-; a ' 9.2. ... ... ' P. 24; Medford, Tttltle's 2nd Add.,
crued interest, $2.91. VnINo: 4p T? J?"'" n " and 38, Blk. 1, $14.31; ac-
No. 4804-Flora A. Kelsey. Vol. 1. V"1' ZA ,P, ck""n;i "P' '""f crued Interest, $4.77.
P. 85 ft 6; Gold Hill. Deekums IT ,,,",.1' $5218' 8CCrued ln,er- No. 4948 S. B. Mears. Vol. 4. P.
Amended Add.. Lot 9, Blk. 13, Lot 8, v V; A v p. vni 9 ,24: Tutlle'8 2ml A1(1 U''UA-
Blk. 14, $3.98; accrued interest, N.nfti ??,,TnJfii l 9 and 10' "lk' 2' $l7'40; BMrucd
$1.32. T.s'v' m Vn i is"2? ds"' 49; ln,,re8t' $5-80'
No. 4805 C. R. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P. f42' N: , 40' '43'4,!' ccr""l No. 4949 John Guy Wilson. Vol.
86: Gold Hill. Deekums Amended i . , ! 4, P. 24; Tuttle's 2nd Add., Medlord,
Add.. Lot 7. Blk. 14. $1.74: accrued . N"' J"9""!"- Pl. APPlWte, Vol ,,,, nlk. 2. $6.40; accrued Inter-
liiieresi. (..
. i r o
No. 4806 H. T. Wentworth, Vol.
1, P. 87; Gold Hill, Deekums Amend -
ed Add., Lots 3 ft 4, Blk. 18, $7.91; ;
accrued interest, $2.63.
No. 4808-Henry Brltt, Vol. 1. P.
91; Gold Hill, not platted, beg. 60 ft.
, not platted, beg. 60 ft.
r. of Blk 1. th. N. 209
ft.. S. 209 ft.. E. 104.5
$34.50: accrued inter-
N of NE cor. of Blk 1. th. N. 209
ft. W. 104.5
. 1 (SJ eft. :
, (iien
No. 4809-R. C. Kelsey. Vol. 1, P.
92: Cold Hill, not nlntted. 4 A. adl.
Deekums Add. on North, $9.86; ac-
crued interest. $3.28.
No. 4 810 Jennie M. Griffin. Vol,
1, P. 113; Tolo, Lots 7 ft 8. Blk. 30V, V. ' i p. n ,n.n.
(soj. !..,, (0-1 ;113 Woodvillo, Geo. R. Bulls
$224; accrued Interest. $0 ,4 , ,ft 2 p,k
No. 4811 T. H. Rowe, vol. 1, P. , ,..,
115; Tolo, Lot 13, Blk. 32, $1.35;
nccrued interest, $0.45
No. 4812 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1
P. 56; Central Point, Pattlson Add .!'"",' ," '' "l"' "' ,4'": "CM2. Blk. 2; Lots 1 to 4 Incl . Hi t. .1.
Lots 3 ft 4, Blk. 3, $7.15; accrued , ''jVnr TT-,tu , rw vi $4fU4; wenmX '""'"'"V $ ,2 .'
interest, $2.35. I 49?f,T ",7 7' S. V' N'- 4!lr,r T,l,,,' V"'' 4' 1 '
No 4813 C E Childs Vol 1 P P' 117' Woodvi,,p' T'ot ln rear of W. 26 ami 27; Tuttle's Hid Add. Med-
56; Central Point,' Pattlson ' Add ', I' Wnlpple nt; of 'and des 85-297, or(l Lots r and li. Blk 3; Lots 11
Lot 5. Blk. 3, $13.95; accrued Inl ; $ ? 4 : "TT"'''' lnt?U, $ V 8.' , ""'l nlk- 4' 22 !,0; uccluod
terest $4 65 No. 490, John Woods. Vol. 2. P. terest $7.63.
N0'4Sl'4F L Ilodee Vol 1 pl1,ll; Woodvllle. A., des. 13-14 No. 4956 II. H. Tuttle, Vol. 4, P.
79: 'Gold Hill'. Deekums Amended'"1 22'( Tw?- 4W' 3'S: 27; Tuttle's 3rd Add. .Medford, Lots
Add.. Lot 3. Blk. 2, $2.02; accrued , "T-I"' 'w' vi 7 ",ld 8' s'k' 4' ,"!IS; wcneA ""
interest $0 67 Nn. 4908 Ben Haymond. Vol. 2. terPsti $2. 29.
No 4815 B F Phtt guardian1 r-120: Hock Point. Lots 1 ft 2. Blk. No. 4959 C. L. Rawson, Vol. I.
Vol 1 P 14' Butto Pal s und l's' 1' JS r,2: i""" Interest, $2.84. ' p. 28; Walnut Park Medford, Lots
Int. N. of NJ.Vt & 1-3 Int.
No. 4817 .Tames
Kane Vol 2 P
2; Talent. Lot des. Vol
i'ol. 93-555. Blk.
Nn 4S18r V K-liim Vnl 9 P
9; Talent. Lot 1 ft 2. Blk. M., $4.74;
accrued interest $1 58
uitiui.u limn!, fl.tio.
No 4819 McCullagh Vol 2 P !
10; Talent, 60 ft. on Co. road Blk.'
S $0 10- accrued interest $6 70
"No: 4820-Chas. Morgan, ' Vol.' 2,
P 13- Talent Shidelers Add Lots 3
A4 Blk 1 1 92- accrued interest
No.' 4821-.T. .1. Pryer, Vol. 2, P.
43- Eaele Point Dalev ft Emery!
Add.. Lots 1 ft 3. Blk. 6, $3.15; ac
crued interest, $1.05.
No. 4822 P. H. Dailey, Vol. 2. P.
43; Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery
Add.. Lots 4 ft 5. Blk. 7, $36.90; ac-
crued interest Jt'tO
crio u innrisi,
No 4823 P II Dailey Vol. 2 P.!
43; Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery
Add., Lots 8 ft 9, Blk. 7, $8.90; ac
crued interest, $2.96.
N. 4824 J. A. Jonas. Vol. 1, P.
44 ft 5; Eagle Point. Daley ft Emery
Add., part of Lots 7, 8 ft 9, Blk. 9,
part Lots 1, 2. 3. 5 ft 6, Blk. 10,
$17.67; accrued Interest, $5.89.
No. 4826 J. A. Jonas, Vol. 2, P.
45: Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery
Add., Lot 1, Blk. 11. Lots 7 to 12,
Incl., Blk. 10, Lots 2 ft 3. Blk. 11,
$42.72; nccrued Interest, $14.24.
No. 4826 J. A. Jones, Vol. 2, P.
45: Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery
Add., I.ot 4. Blk. 11. S. 3114 ft. of
7 ft 8, Blk. 11, E. part of Lots 9, 10.
11 ft 12, Blk. 11, $16.49; accrued
Interest, $5.49.
No. 4827 R. J. McQuoid, Vol. 2,
P. 45; Eagle Point, Daley ft Emery
Add.. Lot 5. Blk. 11. E. of 6. part
7. Blk. 11, des. Vol. 90-358, Lot 8,
Blk. 11, $10.92; accrued Interest,
No. 4828 Lute Dailey, Vol. 3, P.
59; Medford, Cottage Home Add.,
E. Ill ft. of Lot 11, Blk. 1, $10.47;
accrued interest. $3.49.
m' joooivniiL-rowers Trust ft
Title Co Vol 4 P 5: Medford.
kivou Hgts Ext. Blk. 22. less 5
j,' hv Tnckonn Co.
stract Co 8-13-18, $37.10; accrued:
interest. $12.33.
No. 4869 Nana Matney, vol. a,
P 6- Medford. S'4 of E'4 of vacat-
ed 2nd st Blk 9, $13.99; accrued
interest $4 66
No 4870 AVm G. Martin, Vol. 3,
P 16- Medford So. 30 ft, Lot 8,
Blk. 26, $9.13; accrued Interest.
No. 4871 Ben Haymond, Vol. 3,
P. 20; Medford, Lot 11, Blk. 36,
$13.24; nccrued Interest, $4.08.
No. 48721. O. O. F. Lodge, Vol.
2. P. 107; Garner ft Sabln, Lot 3
Blk 1. AVondville, $5.44; accrued .
Intercst $1 81
No.' 4873 earner ft Sabln, A'ol. 2,
P 107: Cnrner ft Sabln Add., Wood-
viiio Ini ' lilk 3. 14.26: accrued
NE U of Nw i Sep 10 Twn 3", ' ' ' ' leresi, n.n:i. M(. 1, 13.11;
n U Vo.' ,J:,'t. Blk- 2- to 4. Blk. 3, $9.84; ac No. 4960-Herhert C. Hazelrlg, ' -
(11 r.n " ' crued Interest. $3.28. y0. 4, p. 23; Walnut Park. Med- N- r,ni I
Nn 4816 Chas T.ncv Vol 9 ' No- 4910 H. L. White, ot. I. V. f(ml j0t 17, Blk. 4, $9.75; accrued ,, r,s. Bedford, (
P. 1: Talent. 2-3 Lot 9. Blk. A.. Lot L: " "'""-.".''' ."'. . ' ' lmeresi, m.m. ... . s. fid It., i.ot
in mi, a (7 m j 1 HIK. l.b: accrued interest, : No. 49ik. H. Warner. 01. 4, .i iiPrMi et
Interest. $1.42. No 4931 C. T. Howard. A'ol. 4,
No 4874 Carner ft Sabln, Vol. 2,!p. 6 ft 7: Medford. South Park Add.,
P 108; Carner ft Sabln Add., Wood- Lots 7 to 14. Incl . Blk. 2. $17.14;
ville. Lot 11. Blk. 4, $3.78; accrued
Interest, $1.26.
No. 4 877 T. B. Kent, A'ol. 2, P.
70; Jacksonville, Lots 5. 6, 7 ft I,
Blk. 15, $10.62; accrued Interest,
$3 64.
No. 487S Catholic Church, Vol. I,
P. 72; Jacksonville, Lots 1 ft 2,
Blk. 18, $40.44; accrued Interest,
No. 4879 M. E. Church, Vol. 2,
P- 1 Jacksonville, Lots 1, 2, a.Vt
of Lot 8, Blk. .23, $50.13; accrued
interest, $16.71.
No. 4880 Luke Ryan, Vol. 2, P.
74; Jacksonville, Lot 2, Blk 26,
$10.02; accrued interest, $3.34.
No. 4881 S. Sack, Vol. 2, P. 78
Jacksonville, Lot 1, part 2, 5, and 6,
Blk. 37, $5.05; accrued Interest
No. 4882 S. J. Day, Vol. 2, P. 80;
Jacksonville, Lots 1, 2, 8 ft 4, Blk.
No. 4883 N. E. Fisher. Vol. 2. P.
82; Jacksonville, Lots 1 ft 2. Blk.i
45 (! 7R- .,., l.lo.l Or.
I "iiiHiu "'"""it
i ia (11 n. nAA...t i.. (ssl
49, $11.53: accrued Interest. $3.84.
No. 4884 M. Cohrell, Vol. 2, P.
82; Jacksonville. Lot 1, Blk. 60,
$2.74; accrued Interest, $0.91.
No. 4885 A. Fisher. Vol. 2, P. 82;
Jacksonville. Lot 2, Blk. 60, $5.45;
accrued interest. $1.81.
No. 4886 W. Hacker. Vol. 2. P.
83; Jacksonville. Lot des. 81-601,
j i T 5J f E- 140 " & W- 61 "' N- 10 U' " ,,lk- ! -30; accrued Interest.
84 part des 49-613. Blk. 61. I of R Blk 2, W. 1 5 of E. 140 ft. of $.m.
' t i,n,reBt' lS . !N. 35 ft.. Lot 6, Blk. 2, E. 15 ft. of 0. 4995 C. W. Palm. Vol. t. P.
No. 4888-A E. Reames. ol 2, w m f, of N. 35 ft. Lot 7, Blk. 2, l0; Palms 2d Add.. Medford, Lot
niJ ?5:eiaci?'n.viU8, land 'ies-. . ; E-15 ft-of w-135 of N'-35 " 3 I!k- 2. r "; "'"i "''
lilk 63. $6.98; accrued Interest ,, E 67 ft ot N 10 tt, Lot s, mu. p $,
'v'.... T ., ,rl .! 2, $9.06; accrued Interest. $3.02. ! No. 4996 .1. Y.Allen , Vol. 4. P.
No. 48 90-L Reynolds, Vol. 2. P. . No 4943Sara Blyth Meats. Vol. 1,,: Palms 2d Add.. Medford. Lot
91 Jacksonville. Ltindgrens Add.,'4i p 21; Tutthv8 Sub. Div., Lot 3, )2 & 13. Blk. 2, $2.90; accrued in
Lot 7, part Lot 8 Blk. 2, $9.41; ac- Blk 2 ?12 85; acmle(1 interest, ' trPst, $n 97.
crtn-d Interest $3.13 '$4.28. No. 4997-.I. W. Diamond, Vol. 4.
No. 4891 Reames Est., Vol. 2, P. w imi u u M;nrnil..r Cn .... ., ..,,....1 n..i.. 0.1 a. 1.1
"'' C4knSronV' " " lfloe"n,i! 'l,?!"-
' :n 13!I 4: cel inler-
, niv es s,j tin. ,i
.. ...... .,..oi, n. a. in
.'.,. ' "' "'""
; , j5 '1; v. ,
no. 1:11111 r. Mievens, vol. t. I,
inr. nrAn..tii t ni.
"J ", """" "i'"'''" 1 1"' ' '
T,',' c,.P "'J' J S' '
KC"ini nU i n i" v", , n
""isJ'nlL' n v i ,
nv4?nRP: .J.?"'1 ' uLvi,t-
!"' P- H' "a 19 dd-1 Woo.dv1l ,P;
, 9 "Cl;V . 1' a"( . Inn.d
'.' '.'..'
' ,w i.. J. iiiiiii
,'p- 74-100 In N. pt. of Blk. 1.
, v 4 q n n nh( n 1 1' vis p
1 . .J903-110- V? 2, P-
' , ',' Pi nil 9 , ' '
I'n,s,1 ,' '' l?Cl:...; ' 34'44' nc"
No. 4904 Robt. Ball, Vol. 2. P.'yol. 4,1. 25 ; Tuttle's 2nd Add. Med-
i . nrA.i.,;iiA n r..n- 4.1.1 ' ...... ..
" """
Bti; ac-
1 crued interest. $2.22.
Nn. 4905 Bert P. Ball. Vol. 2, P.
, ! T11 4; ,Wondvi,l,e: np"' "' ""l1"''''"
In',, "": 1 r'T,T.'" t ',, , : i'
1 $0.66.
1 No' 4nl' Mncrruiler f'n.,
1 V.n - J ""7 ' '" ' V .I..
"" ""' "- .
' Nn 4912 v" Conner, ol. 2,
' I,i""8 " v' ''"' ' "m'
(. rt-. o (S Kll
""-" ' '. "
No' 4913 L. P. Gardner. Vol. I.
' ,"",,v- " -
'ot - $211: nccr,,pd '" -
l,ront- n-70-
i No- 4914 Henry Hoist. Vol. 2. P.
, (.. V11n,r T nt 1 Pit- PS
i -1 . wniim I""". -"'i -' -
j 1-Bl:J?:r,r"pd 'PrpRt' ," r,0,r ,
"ls aumuiis mm. c
P. 121; Sams Valley, Lots 3. 4. 5 ft
6. Rlk. B3, $3.30; accrued interest.
No. 4916 Lula J. Perry, Vol. 2. P.
121: Sams Vnlley, Lot 7, Blk. R3,
i i"; nccruen imprest, u.nir.
ur..,n b. n vt
"" m.,
2. P. 122; Sams Valley. Lota 1, 2. 3.
' -Minn. TJ-,nL- Dn lit W III ft 1 lt 1 . . .onr?
4. 5 ft 6. Blk. B4, $5.70; accrued in- p. 45; Woodlawn Hgts. Add., Mod-
terest, $1.90. ford, Lots 24, 27 ft 28, $10.78; ac-
No. 4918 Ore. Water ft Power crnPI Interest, $3.60.
Co.. Vol. 2, P. 123; R. R. Irr. Orch. No. 4972 I). S. Wood. Vol. 4, P.
Lund. Govt. Lot No. 1. Sec. 17. Twn. i 45; Medford, Woods Add., Lot 4,
36. R. 3W, $2.87; nccrued Interest, pik. 1, Lots 1 to 4, inch, Blk. 2,'
$0.96. ! $2(1.24; accrued interest, $8.74.
No. 4919 Brown ft Miles. Vol. 2. i No. 4973 John A. Torney, Vol.
P. 41: All of Lots ft BIks. In Mnun- 4, p. 47; Medford, 531 ft. front on
tain View. $23.10; accrued Interest, ; w. 2d st., dos. 75-386, $10.47; ac-
$7.70. crued Interest, $3.49.
Nn 4950 Geo. W. Dalev. Vol. 2. j No. 4974 Mary Childers. Vol. 4,
P. 42; Dalev ft Emerv Add., Eagle p. 48; Medford. Mary Childers Lot,'
Point, Lot 4. Blk. 4, $2.79; nccrued t. C. Stlnson Lot, Gas. Gazer. 4th
Interest. $0.96. 1st.. N. W. side, 142.67 ft. front,
No. 4923 Balls Est.. Vol. 2. P. $30.60; accrued Interest, $10.20.
119: Wood"H1e 1 V, A. N. of Maine, No. 4976 M. N. Childs. Vol. 4. P.
st. W. of Wards Creek, $10.50; ac-'BO; Medford. beg. at NE. cor. DR
cni"d interest. $3.50. I 83-76, th. N. 50 ft., W. 1 60 ft.. S. 60
No. 4924 Sisklvoil lifts. Co.. Vol. ft., E. 150 ft., to beg. (Genessee st.)
4, P. 3: Medford. Siskiyou TIgts.M $31.62: accrued interest, $10.60. ,
lots 3. 4. 7, 8. 9. 10 ft 11. Blk. 6, No. 4976 Siskiyou Hgts. Co., Vol.
$29.63: nccrued Interest. $9.87. 4. P. 61; Medfoid, 9.76 A. south ft
No. 4925 A. A. Mondv. Vol. 4. P. I west of Keine Way Drive, $47.61;
3: Sisklvon Hgts., Medford. Lot 6.! accrued Interest, $15.85. !
Blk. 6. $5.69; nccrued Interest, No. 4977 Hall , Vol. 4, P.
$189. !64; Medford. Main st. E., N side,
In, 4 " -n kiskivou mris. 1 o.. voi.
. P. 4; Medford. Sisklvon Hgts.,
SIs-iLots 12. 13. 14. 15 ft 16. Blk Sis-
ac-jkivoti Hgts. Ext.. Blk. 4 ft 7, $46.34: ,
Ah-lncrriied Interest. 1R 44
No. 4927 Slskivou Hcts. Co.. Vol.
P 6: Medford, lly"
c:xr. hik. s. s.d a., i". '
A.,-13. 19V. A.. 14. 4 V, A,., 15. 3 5
A. ft 16. 6.2. A., $190.86; accrued
Interest. $63 62.
No. 4928 Sisklvon Tf?ts. Co.. Vnl.
4. P. 5 ; Medford. Siskiyou Hets.
Frt.. Blk. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1: r."'t
22. 23. 24. Lot 4. Blk. 25. $135.62
accrued Interest. $45.30.
vn. 4929 Sisklvon Hgts. Co.. A'ol.
4. P. 5 A 6: Medford. Siskiyou HcK
Ext. Lots 5 to 9. Incl . Blk! 25. Lots
4 ft 6, Rlk. 27 .$30.18; accrued In-
terest, $10.06.
N" 4930 W. E. Crews. Vnl. 4, P.I4,
6: Medford. South Psrk Add.. Lotsj2.
1 to 6. incl . HIK. Z, z. so; Hccrueci
Interest. $8.42
accrued Interest. $5.71.
No. 4932 C. I. Howard. A'ol. 4, P.
7 ft 8: Medford. South Park Add.,
Lots 15 to 18. Incl.. Blk. t. Lota ( to
9. Incl.. Blk. 4, $17.14; accrned In
terest. $5.71
No. 4933 C. I. Howard, A'ol. 4, '
P. 8 & 9; Medford, South Park Add., 84; Medford, East Hgts. Add., Lot 1,
Lots 11 to 18, iucl., Blk. 4, $17.14; Blk. 1, Lot 1, Blk. 2, $3.46; accru
accrued Interest, $5.71. !ed interest, $1.15.
, N;,4l34TCc !h V,0,1 ' t' ? Ko- 4988 H. G. Wortman, Vol. 4,
10; Medford. South Park Add., Lots p. 92. Me(Hor(,, Isn A(1(I Lot j
7 to 12, incl., Blk 6, $13.08; ac- p.,rt L()t 2 I!lk 4 jj6 90 B(.crllm,
crued Interest, $4.36. interest, $5.63.
,nN;.4J9?5TCa 'm'TOm - t' No- 4989-J. Bingham. Vol. 4, P.
10; Medford. South Park Add Lots 99; Medford. Laurelhurst Add., Lot
13 to 18, Incl., Blk. 6, $13.08; ac- 22, Blk. 9, $4.10; accrued interest,
crued Interest, $4.36. $1.33.
No. 4936 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4,
,(P. 13; Medford, South Sea Add.,
.Lots 15 to 20. incl.. Blk. 1, $a5.44;
accrued interest, J18.4S.
No. 4937 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4,
p. U; Medford. South Sea. Add..
r0ts 7 to 12. incl.. Blk. 2. Lots 1 ft
.1 i.n. (esse. n,..l l,,,. .
fi gjln, 0 (tl.u, Ul.1.1 111-11
' . -
No. 4938 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4, P.
14: Medford, South Sea. Add., Lots
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 3, $42.27;
accrued Interest, 14.09.
No. 4939 N. M. Holmes, Vol. 4.
P. 14: Medford, 1st. Ext. S. Sea.
Add., Lots 9. 11 ft 12, $28.86; ac-
crued Interest. $9.62.
Nn 4940 D. Bradley. Vol. 4, P.
lis. Mp.ifnnl Snnnvside Add. W. 15
Vol. 2, P. 120; Rock Point, Blk. 5,
,2p02. nccrued ntorPllti $0.67.
....... ... .
No. 4Hu r. 11. i-itcner. oi. 1,
P- 25; Tuttle's 2nd Add. Lot Hi,
mi, s tr. 4rt' nccrued Interest.
t - ,
No- im J- I-;,C,:,,r' Vnl- 1'
r- 2"- Tuttles 2nd Aim. Al uoru,
p- 2r: Tuttle's 2nd Adit. Medionl,
S'4 of N' 2474 I'"t f' Blt 2"
$2.82; accrued Interest. $0.94.
No. 4952 H. H. Tattle, Vol. 4, P.
' S 'A of N. Z4.74 II., I.ot it. iiik. i
Nn 4SfiX H II. 'l ull e. 01. -1. I'.
sr. Tlli,.-8 2nd Add. Medford, S'
of lot 27' 1,,0lk '2: N '-0' Lot 2'
Blk. 2; SV. of Lot 28. Lots 29. 30,
31- aM I,lk- 2' J:!fl08; "cn',,,'d '"
terest, $10.02.
Kn 4a 1 1 . ennio ti. net 11111K,
ford, I.ot 32, hik 2; ii.4u; accrued
interest. $2.10.
x,, 49541!. H. Tuttle, Vol. 4.
p s(i Tiitlle"s 3rd Add. Medlord,
Lots 9 and 10. Blk. 1; Lots 11 und
1 nnrt z' ,J"'- " '""
32; W. Walnut Park. Medlord.
i,otB 3 un, 4. Blk. 2, $21.00; accrued
I,"p,p1' .
Agt., Vol. 4, I', .ia; ilieuioril. nn-
, purK Add.. Lot 20, Blk. 2,
13.09; nccrueu inieresi, i..iu.
i , i. ,i V.. I A
no. iau .iucimi iea'!;n.
p. 37. M(,(if. Wlllikes Add.. Lots
1Z & 1:1, hik. z,; aiiiiieu m-
.terest, $10.02
I No. 4967 H. W. Reynolds, ol. 4,
p w, Wlllikes Add., Medrord, Lot
,. ,. . o s H n . ...1 I ., 1 ,1 .lo!
i, in k. o, fii.fu, un.iiii: ""i'L",;( '. t, ;t ; nieuioid, r.llieaues jimi.,
7.63. Lots 3 ft 4. Blk. 2, $7.74; nccrued
K0. 49H n. w. neynoms, hm,
4. p. 38; Medford, Willikes Add.,
g. 50 ft. Lot 6. Blk. 3, $1.14; ac-
jcrued interest, $0.38.
No. 4970 A. C. Abrains. Vol. 4,
p. 44; Woodlawn Hgts., Medford.
i.ots z, a. H. I. i. n v
,.rtrt. i ( e.a
j.i.uo; Hccriieu inieit-ni,
No. 4971 B. P. Mulkey, Vol. 4,
neg. nu 11. . 01 um-m.
nf Llndley st. ft the N. line of Mini
st., th. N. 105 ft., W. 50 ft., h. ID.)
ft., E. 50 ft. to beg., aciru-
ed Interest. $8.59. i
Nn. 4978 Clara Qikcn, oi. 4, 1.
67; Medford. rear of Elfert Lot. des.!
DR 78-608. Oakdale ave., $8.50; ac-
crued Interest. $2.83.
No. 4980 J. T Miller nl. 4, P
62; Medford, Willie St.. 60 ft. Trent
on Willie St., beg. 236.5 ft. 8. of in-
tors, of 8. lino of fc. Main M. ft
line of Willie st., th. S. 60 ft.. AV. ;
146 rt., N. b() 11.. r- 110, S p 84 & g5. Medford. Highland
accrued Interest, $5.88. park A(() Lotg j t0 7 incI Bk. s
No. 4981 J. Gillispey et nl, Vol. 4 R1k $53.53; accrued In
4. P. 64: Medford. Bensons Add., tra( nar.i
Lot 1, Blk. 3, $3.30; accrued in-
terest, $1.10.
o. i;.ni j. .....ii .
P. 64; Benson Add., Medford. Lot
Blk. 4, $12.90; accrued interest,;
iu. iiio.i M" ......... .....
4, P. 60; Medford, Riverside ave.. N.
255.42 ft. front on N. Kiversme. oes.
82-1 40, $31.65; accrued interest,
No. 4984 Chas. M. Smith. A'ol. 4.
P. 69; Medford, Riverside ave.. NE
side. 116.9 ft. front on N. Riverside.'
des. DK 87-632, $24.83; accrued in-
terest, $8 28.
No. 4986 J. D. IIard, Vol. 4, P.,
n. 499oytor Dallaire, Vol. 4,
P. 103; Medfoid. Nickell Add., des.'
S5-41. part Lot 4. Blk. 1, $3.30; ac-
cnlP, interest 11 10
No 4991 1 F Brooks Vol 4 P
. )ns.' Medford' Nickells"dd deV
gr,.. , ... , ,i.
. V 1 '"K- l' 8C-
(ilK,,! InttTest S4 40
nut lesi, fi.iu.
No. 49!I2 W. M. Holmes. Vol. 4.
P. 104; Medfoid, Nickell Add.. Lot
4. Blk. 4, $20.45; accrued Interest,
No. 49!U P. J. Neff, Vol. 4, P.
100; Medford. Oakdale Park. S Hot
Lot 2. Blk. 10, Lot 3, Blk. 10, Lots
3 ft 4. Blk. 10. SK of Lot 5. Blk.
10, $16 26; accrued" Interest. $5.42.
No. 494-Iren Isaacs. Vol. 4, V.
tin- p..i,,,s s.i 1,1,1 iaiirnr,i ii
t.ols 20. 21 ft 22, Blk. 2. $12.74;
.,,,,.,.,.,, illlt,,.piit, $4.24.
N 41198-Emma A. Rocherord,
Vol. 4. P. 112: Medford. Sunset Park
Lots 2 ft 3, Blk. 1, $5.06; accrued
intP,.psti ,,.cs.
No. 4999 Jos. Bowling, Vol. 4,
p 114. s,pdfnrlI, West.. S. BE ft. of
N. 112 ft.. N. 56 ft. of S. 193 ft.. N.
50 fl. of S. 137 ft., all In Lot 1. Blk.
s ,7.33. nrrrwA ilUPn,st, $2.44.
Nn 5000b. O. I.ockwood. Vol. 4.
P. ,; uP,lfor,i West.. land des. Dll
8:tr,r.4. less land des. DK 96-607:
part Lot s. Blk. 3, $3.63; accrued
"-" 1-21-
No. 5002 Etta M. Vauter. Vol. 3,
P 37. MPtlford. K'i of Alley. Blk.
07, $37.25; accrued Interest, $12.41.
v. 5ft03-Geo. Deltrich. Vol. 3,
n .... m.,.1,-,.,.,1 1 . . IlMf 7 . K.
' """"
v,, rt , r,()l 5, rtlk. 79
clU(,,i interest, $12.02.
79, $36.07 ; ac-
mm t 1 1 .,,., r,i Vnl 3
.mp. ,imi .1. 1.. i,,,.. , ...
p. 4 i; Medford. Barr Add., beg. 1 10
ft. X. of SV. cor. lot 2. Blk. 1. Barr
Al,,., 06 ft. E. 170 ft. S. 44 It.
A(llI 06 ft. E. 170 ft. S. 44
' ,,,,t' $17C
ll(.,.rllP( interest, $5.88.
No 5005 A. P. Talent, Vol. 3,
170 ft.. Lot 2. Blk. 1, Jli.64;
Add., R. (744)
:!' - ?3-4li; u'"m'l '"
' , ,,.,5.
X"- 5006-Cora F. Wilson. Vol.
3. P. 48: Medfoid, Beatty Add., north
.1,1 rt r ... o n u 7 w s- nccrueu
hunm s'8i)
nn'i's'. f-.".'.
N r.ons li
); Medford. Cloverdaln Add.,
, lu - ... s tnl ,: nccrued Inler-
', ' tr. s '
' fi,,. r,010 G. W. Bashford. Vol. 3,
p M,.(Horl. Cottage Add., des.
28-397. part I.ot 4. Blk. 1, $12.87;
accrued interest, $4.29.
N r,niiK. J. Lewis. Vol. 3. P.
rl7; MimUoi-.I. Cottage Add., Lots 6. 7
& 8. " 1. J8B-05; accrued luter-
,,t $2S.6S.
N r.01 2 W. T. York, Vol. 3. P.
S7; M,.(lr,,,, roll:,Re Add., part Lot
,llk- $''10; ttcrrued """1'"',,
No 501 3 I'nknown Owner. Vol.
,, 5S Ml,(ilor(li cottage Add., S.
r:! trlunguMr tract s. 01 i.ot 1.
nccrueu uiieiesi,
Fred Carlson, Vol. 3.
ottago Add.,, part
ltlk. 3, $39.17; ac-
No. 5015 Chelgren Bros., Vol. 3,
,, ,l2; Medford. Conroy and Clancy
Add., Lot 1 5.
Blk. 2, $5.34; nccrued
v. r,016 W. R. Danilicli, Vol. .1
p f,2: Medford. Conroy ft Clancy
Al , i,ot tj. nik. 2, $10. &s; accru-
... .
Cd interest,
No. 60 17 Francis A. Smith, Vol.
t p. 1,0; jiedforil, rrowetis auii.,
18. Blk. 4, $16.69; nccrued in-
tprPstf j5 r,6i
Nl, r.018 S. T. Wolverton, Vol.
. . ' 1 .. . A.I.I
nt,.PH, 5 . r, s .
No 5019 L. Austin, et nl, Vol. 3,
p. 79; Medford, Edwards Place Add.,
.0(s 6 ft 7. Blk. 2, $19.30; accrued
nte,.eHt, $6.43.
v 5921 Geo. W. Stacy, Vol. 3,
p. 71; Medford. hainnoiint Aim.,
1 . ... ,.i i..
,0( m, juk. i, uccrueu ui-
, $5.71
No 5922 Mrs. A. Bacon, A'ol. 3,
p 72; Medford. Falrmount Add.,
,nt mk. 5, $11.42; accrued in-
,,rP!lt. $3.80.
No. 5023 C. W. Austin. Vol. 3, P.
75; Medford, Eruitdale Add., Lots
20 & 21. Blk. 2, $28.61; accrued
interest. $9.53.
No. 5025 John It. Darby, Vol. 3.
p 7j. riullownys Add. to Medford,
r. 3(i'2 ft. des. 87-640. Blk. 6.
(,,, H(.crPd Interest. $3.88.
Nr(, Rn27 r;e0 Daniels, A'ol. 3.
p 7S. Medford, Gravs Add., Lot 6,
jk jf $s.jl; accrued interest,
$2 72
No R028 Wm. Clrlch. Vol. 3. P.
7S. Medford, Grays Add., Lot 7,
k j js.SS ; accrued interest,
js 9fi
No r, fl 2 9 M. A. Rader, Vol. 3,
p 70. Medford. Gravs Add., Lot 13.
nk 5, $1.37; accrued Interest,
j 45.
No. 5030 C. V. Myers. Vol. 3. P.
Medford. Highland Tark Add.,
, n, n,k , $10.95; accrued in-
tiirPsr, ;(.iii.
N(V 5031--H. H. Croft. Vol. 3. P.
Medford. Highland Park. Lot
s ,k 2, $10.47; accrued Interest.
N(, 5032 H. H. Croft. Vol. S. P.
s4. Medford, Highland Tark Add..
,t j nk j5 94; accrued In-
terest, $1.98.
. No ,rn33H. 11. Croft, Vol. 3. P.
Medford. Highland Park Add.,
,t 7 k 3 Lot 3 mk 4 5.
accrued Interest. $6.84.
No 5034 Trail Lnniher Co.. A'ol.
No.' 5035 A. Clemens. A'ol. 3. P.
sr.; Medford, Highland Park Add..
,.ot j, hik. , $40.37; accrued In-
terest. $13.45.
No. 6036 C. A. Knight et nx. A'ol.
3, 1 . ; Medford, Humphrey ft
Kiiignt Ana., Lot . hik. z, yii. 31;
aC(.r,1P(i interest. $6.43.
No 5fl37M L Alford. A'ol. S.
p S9; Medford, Imperial Add.. Lots
12 ft 13. Blk. 7. $17.88; accrued in-
terest. $5.96.
No. 6038 Earnest Cole, A'ol. S. P.
93. Medford, Kendalls Add., Lot 3.
p,ik, i
$6.72; accrued Interest,
$3 24.
No. 6039 A. J. Perry, A'ol, $. P,