Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, February 04, 1920, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical aooli,
NO. 82
prize essay contest
The boys unci girls of Ashlund are
I invited lo compete In the Prize Essuy
' Contest of the War Department for
national, statu and local prizes. A
chalice to win fume, money und a
j trip to Washington, the capital of
SALEM, Ore. How the funds ar-- 'our couutlT
being distributL-a among Oregon1 Cuptain Arthur H. Dolg, U. S.
counties in the building of roads Is army, is in town this week In the
l)(Kr TH.ll.VKl) TO SMI (Kil.K
Ingenious Mexicans working In
conjunction with confederates on the
Texas itido of the Rio Grande, taught
a dog to Binuggle whisky, or tequila,
and were very successful until the
To relieve any confusion that may! border guard became weary of at-1 a good representation of Ashland
exist in the minds of former service! tempting to capture the dog and ; women met at the library yesterduy
men on account of the speclul pro- shot him while he wus swimming with Miss Florence Pool, the county
vision of lapsed war term insurance I the river. 'home demonstrator, who came here
Tn nnnniinrinff mv cnniliiliii-v fnr
me repuoncan nominaiion tor tin;
office of secretary of state at the
coming primaries, I do so with the,
feeling that I am amply qualified. A mass meeting has been called
I am a native of Oregon, heing in Medford Wednesday, February 4
born at Ashland September 25. ISHii. hy County Agriculturist Cute to rc
I have had a qualifying business ex-; port on the result of the big freeze
stiown in a compilation of ligures uy u' uiu r iwiiuniueiii am. wnicn auuionzeu ruiiisuueiiieui upi mm iu. ..uh iepunure (0 confer with the women of this perience and at the present time am in December, and consider methods
tho Btate highway commlsHion, com- the recruiting for the new army. j to December 31, 191!), regardless of, from Mexico wus marked by a flash city with a view to locating a three- county clerk of Josephine county, of orchard treatment to eradicate the
paring the opplication of highway1 which is now being remodeled and! date of discharge, announcement is' of lightB on the Mexican side, an- day clothing school. About 25 were! having been elected to that office effects therefrom.
funds to Eastern mid Western Ore- "t on a peace time basis. He will
gon counties. The D.illos Is used as ''8 followed shortly by active recruit
tho dividing point between the east- "K Parties, who are at present work
cm and the western part of the slate. '"g 1" northern and eastern Oregon.
A recapitulation of tables show-in,; T1" War I'Iartment 111 order to
made by Director R. 0. Chomeley- swered by a flash on the American present at the call of Miss Pool and
for four successive terms.
Professor J. C. Ueed of the United
Jones of the Bureau of War Risk In-j sido. j enthusiastically received her ideas of
surunco that the provisions for re- For weeks border guards t,ried to giving a course of Instructions on
lnstatement of lapsed or canceled , lasso or capture him with some sewing and the making of garments
Insurance, within 18 months from! liquor strapped on his back, being 1 at home. Arrangements were made
mate minis expemte.i in me several, r""- ioiic ui ui i imuuj u.ue oi umcuarge, upon payment ui( luum .u nm au uucuuer ui ; at mis meeting whereby a scries of: est attention in order that we may to Mr. Cate, the results of the freez-)
counties In the years 1914 to II 1 S, States the benefits to be derived from ; only two months' premiums on the; the law. After all efforts failed, the lessons will be given Monday. Tues-! not overlook anything thrvt would varied so In different "localities'that
inclusive, and work under contract " enlistment in the new army with, amount of insurance to be reinstated,! animal was killed while swimming day and Wednesday, April 6, 6 and help toward the state's develop- no uniform method of troitm,.,it r',n
provided the insured Is In ns good tie Hlo Grande. During his busy 7. These lessons will be given in , ment. i now be given, nor ran there be any
health as at the date of discharge or, lifo tho dog made from 12 to 15 the Temple' of Truth, and will occu- I am a believer In a bigger and a accurate rro'n fn.-e.-.w n.n
date funds expended In 1911, 1915 which can be entered into by students; expiration of a grace period which- trips a night from Mexico lo the py probably two hours In the fore- greater Oregon, and In the use of growing- season has heon i,,.,i..r w ,v
and 1916 Eastern Oregon, $59,-! 01 a"v school, not a college or uni-jever is the later date, and so states , United States -and each timo carried ' noon of each day and three in the i Oregon products and feel that every for some time.
008.05; Western Oregon, $502,- versity. ine title of the essay,; in his application, still hold good. a gallon or more oi liquor. I afternoon. Miss Pool will be assist- effort In that direction should be en
for 1919 and 1920, Including slate system of vocational training, are
lind federal aid, follows: ! having a competitive essuy contest
Oregon has probably as many nut- States department of agriculture will
ural resources as any state in the attend the meeting after ho has in-
Union, and as a citizen and official, specied the ordi irds and will niuk.i
I feel that they should have our earn- his report of the effects. According
707.2"; total, $561, 715., '12. ; What Are the Benefits of an En-
Stato funds expended in 1917 mid Hutment l the United States Army?"
1918 Eastern Oregon, $379,171. 37; Tho prizes: 1st, national prize,
The provision that discharged ser-i
vice men are permitted to reinstate!
ed by a specialist who will give prac- couraged. As
According to Mr. Cate tho damago
a member of the to the fruit in the vallev is not near-
Following Is the proposed constl- tical lessons on sewing. All these Hoard of Control would do all in my ly as great as was at first feared In
at any time within three calendar tutionul amendment prepared by the lessons and instructions are free and i power toward that end. ! the hill sections he states there h-.s
Western Oregon, $2,122,039.11; to-, for the three best essays in the Unit- Hiontha following the month of di3-' ciiickuiuua Fishermen's union to be j anyone wishing any Information on' I am an advocato of good roads been very little damage, and the val-
tal, $2,821,210.48. ' ed States, a trip to Washington, ac
Under contract for state funds, ! companied by a parent or guardian,
charge by merely paying the two submitted to the voters at the regular garment making can attend. A
months' premiums, without makinr; election in November: ' number of llellevlew end Nell Creek
1919 and 1920 K.iMern Oregon, expenses paid; a gold, silver or bronze ; a formal application or a statement "The license fees for hunting or residents were ut the meeting yes
$3,380,510.29; Weslern Oregon, , medal suitably engrav-e.l pinned on to hoalth is also still In force. I shooting game birds or game ani- terday and promise nn interest In
und feel that a constructive road ley areas are not hit u; badly as was
building plan is not only a benefit to at first predicted,
tho rural communities, but that it
would also be beneficial to tho fu-i
ture welfare of our state.
I am a thorough believer in irri
gation and think that the farmers
Word comes from down tho val
ley, that there is no material damage
to the fruit in that section. Accord
ing lo the Grants Pass Courier. FV
of this state should have consistent ; D Ejs 0f 'Rogue River slated
Farmers probably will not be ablBi1""""1""1 nl"cra I"1"'""-, that as usual the scare about the
$ 1 1,390,914.14; total, $14,783,- you by Secretary of War Baker, nndj The provisions for reinstatement j mals for a resldont of the state shall tho school when It takes place,
430.43. "for your school, a silver cup, which1''" nt protect a man until he nc-!ue for each county wherein the!
Under contract for government ou will carry back and present to tually reinstates. If he waits he license is taken," according to tliei SCARCE FIUMERS ARK
post road funds, 1919 and 1 920 it. 2nd, state prizes: Medals, cups'y not be In as good health as he amendment, "und $5 for each lion-; ADVISEi) TO ORDER EARLY
Eastern Oregon, $ 1 ,590, 033. 30; and cash, which will have to be un-' 'as at the time of discharge and resident of the state for each license. I ftm,,P1',mii,,,hi .iiiik..M.
Western Oregon, $.89 1.9IIU. 48; total, nounced later as they are donated by ; consequently may not be able to se-(110 license fees for taking or fish-' t0 Bmll. lime to me,t (hplr agrcllJ & to Irrigation as well as other i r,.()st takint, a lho fnit is 1IlHfh
$2,485,599.78. your own citizens of this state, untrue , j ing for game fish shall be $ 1 for each 1 tul.n, ,,,, ,hev wail aboll, or(1(1. matters affecting them, as they are W(),.so ,hau lval ,, W()Ui(1 Wiir.
Under contract for government at present the list has not been com-1 Don t put off reinstatement. Ho It county wherein the license is taken ,Ilg i( ultll lliey ,. mi(, t(J ., I 0118 of the main factors and stand-1 ,..,(, jr. Eisman states that the
forest road funds, 1919 and 1920 , pleled. ,lrd, local prizes. And;"". out for a re8i,ient of the state and it. rmler oM conditions, companies! ' lM (l0V(,l0"""im of any state. ,,rspects for a full crop of fruit are
Eastern Oregon, $397,835; West- here is where every student can make! $5 for each non-resident. 'supplying agricultural lime recog-l ,fePI119 ,0 me that there should excellent, according to his investiga-
ern Oregon, $110,713.81; total, a killing. So far the following en-! The funeral of Miss Ethel Hale,' "No license relating to game fish, ,lize( s),.jn(, an( ate 8Hmmel. a8 the! be a 'Hfferent national policy in the ,inllSi an, lat ho jonhu that th(!
$718,D78.S4. tei prising and public spirited citi-, the well known Athland young lady j game birds or game animals shall en- two i,.j0(8 0( demand, and farmers! m""er r torl protection in ordr damago In other districts is as seri-
Tolal funds, state and government, zens und firms have come forward who died at Santa Clara, Calif., Jan- title the holder to fish or hunt or nave ordinarily ordered their lime at Ur V"8t folos,s 1)0 ,10t devas- UU3 as (r!lt reports had indicated
aim Eastern Oregon, to make this a real worth while con-, uary zs, was conducted from the pursue or take llsn or game outside t)lf, tjme th(,v wished to apply it in miring th-
C5, 284, 98 1,59; Western Oregon, test: j Methodist church of that city Tues- tho county wherein issued. All H- order to save time und work l.v' in. past nml aa "n ofliPer of the state'
Mrs. Cora Alice McCoy, wife of
Viiul V,l!,nil rt-,nlr n'.li till HO ' t u v it ft nvri it, Tiiii,irv 97 Tlia ,at. : .ntno taniilriiil ttniluf t Iw, n,,,,..,) ...... II Will tin Whl.t.T P:i II tn Iti-inir 11,1'
" ... .... ... eluding nauling from the railroad; . , n , J. McCoy, section foreman of the
Mr. u. i ero.zi, cash, ?a.uu. rices were conducted by Kev. JS. Jl. act shall be issued by the county station and applying to the land jn:""""1-
Mr. O. T. Ilergner, tickets for the Smith, the pastor, and the choir ren- clerk of the county wherein the samo1 nll nm..,ti r,ion ni.auo 1 ,f elp'',p'l to the offico lo which I
Vining theater, 40.
dered several beautiful and appro- shall be used.
ditions, says the I'nited States De-I
aspire, I will give it my personal at
tention and conduct it on a business
'VYif f'itiyenu ll,,nl.' nf Auliliitwl ' nrhitn eelfftintia tt Smith anilo "All nffippra ..r r1otinti,.a rnn,iirn,l . ......
. ..w . .... - w ............. w.uuw..u, ..... u,,...u ul,u..u .... ....... . .,1,,u mrm pit, nr AFI'ttlt llli'O ma mn.
cash, $10.00. I touchingly on the good Christian life to enforce the .aws for any of the nfactureis me no innrpr' ii tn n,i basls to tlin llts, "f 111 V ability.
H. (!. Enders & Sons, merchandise, - of the deceased. i purposes named in this section, in-! just their business to this practice i
'5.00. The burial was in the Santa Clara eluding the regulations of hunting owine tn n hIuiHul-o nf luhnr in thni,.
Southern Pacific railroad at Mistle
toe, died at her homo Saturday ufter
a short illness duo to pneumonia,
following an attack of influenza. Her
death was followed Sunday morn il",
hy tho death of her four-year-old
son, who was also a victim of the
Mr. Ceo. A. llriscoe, superintend-; cemetery, und the grave was covered or fishing or the conservation of com-; owl, ,)lan,s aml transportation diffi-! ''ONIx'. Sir Oliver Lodge ; salm) disease. The husband Is sen-
cut of public schoois, is going to with a large and beautiful collection merclal or game fish or animals or' culttes, last-minute deliveries
Itold the Royal Society of Arts re-'ousv m at ,,,-esent, as is also Mrs.
$12,702,02 1.40;
Total fund.1', state and government,
1914 to 1920 Eastern Oregon, ,$3,
713,101.01; Western Oregon, $15,
0 )7,370.8 1; total, $21,370,534,85.
State loans to counties. 1919 and
1920 Ki'steru Oregon, none; V.'est
ern Oregon, $C12,i)l 1.55; total,
(',, i. f,,. u 1 fl Q .....1 flflrt . !,. .. ............ 1.. A..I. ' ,.F ft.,..l Tt. ..11 : . l ft- - - ...l.l . t. . . , .
vu,.... nil,, ,.,. in"""'- me n.-,i. tuiiirn in mo nou-Ui imim inuuico. j no luiiuniiig umus, cjtrjii cnciuis ur eunsiauies longer he made with certainty. i1111) men were capanie 01 ji,;('oy's mother, Mrs Wood who
Eastern Oregon, $1,458,1 1 7.15: land schools, and in the manlier pre- members of her Sunday school class elected by the peoplu and the duly. p01. tlese reasons tiie Department! harnessing all the atomic energy in wi,h her ,nsband,' had come from
Western Oregon, $100,093.54; total, scribed by the Secretary of War,, acted as pallbearers:' Misses Eula appointed deputies of such sheriffs, 0f Agriculture urges that spring " H,m'" Ili'e'! "f ''balk, or any oilier ctago Grove to assist in caring for
$ 1,804,512.04. which is as follows: Cleason, Laura Fernish, Frieda Hoff-ishall be appointed by the county court needs be anticipated and that orders' '"alter of a similar size, they would A st i'ifk'n familv.
On April 19 next, a board of Judges; man, Lois Pickering, Opal Grimmer or the commissioners' court of the for nllie be pa(.ed at once. Dealers1 llllV0 enough power to raise Hlil.OOO circumstances snrroundin-
Franklin O'Alii'r, national com- consisting of Secietary of War Baker, and Elizabeth Pickering. i county wherein sucn officer or dep-!and manufacturers should have ad-1,on" tu " ''eight of :! 000 feet. 1 tlis family aro particularly pitifuL
niander of the American Legion, from General Peyton C. March and General ! Miss Hale was the daughter of uty is required to work. vunce Information us to farmers'! 1 11 tH tllB l'i'iil, be said, they When Mr. McCoy was Liken ill he
national headquarters at Indiuiiapo-, John J. Pershing, will announce to' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hale of this city, j 'The county ci.k Monthly shall! needs so 'hat orders enn be combined , "ut nucceeded In making u' was removed to a car near his heme
lis, has issued the following slate- l"e awaiting juvenile world ' tha She had lived here for the past eigh't send to the secretary of state 25 per alld car space used to the best ad-' of ""'t Power but they were on tho' W,L,re ,so was provldod for his
ment regarding tho i.ttitmle of the names of three boys or girls who on years and was a well known and pop- cent of all fees collected from 11-! vantage. Delay in ordering may re-! verso of loillR th(' wireless' care ,y n,fl ,aii,oad company. After
American Legion toward organized February 20, wrote the best essays, ular member of the Ashland high.' censes relating to game fish, game I suit In failure to obtain the lime telephone was the first step In that rs. McCoy and Mrs. Wood were
labor: ; the imnounced subject. ! school. In November she left with birds und game animals and 75 per j until too lat'e. ; direction. There the panicles given sir,.ki. ti. ag,.i father was left 'to
"The attitude of the American Le- Then on May 5, 1920, these three her parents for Santa Clara to spend cent of ull fees collected for licenses; jt jfi, moreover, the desire of the1 0,7 h' " electrically healed to tako fare of them,' ns well as look
gion towards organized labor is ex- boys or girls, accompanied by parent the winter and while there was relating to commercial fish. The ! Railroad Administration that the' whiteness were employed to break ,,,,,. th(, H1!Vt,a children of tho fam
uetly the same as its attitude toward or guardian (railroad fares and all stricken with pneumonia, and after a . license fees retained by the county I season for delivery of lime, whlclrhus' ""' ''imlit- 'So Bensitive itnd prompt Vi ,), youngest of whom was ono
all groups of American citizens who expenso.1 paid) will travel to Wash- Bhort illness passed away at the age clerk shall be used to defray the ex-j heretofore been from March to May,!weie th" Policies to respond to the m',mt, 0ld.
are interested in a siiuaio deal for iugton to receive tho medals from of 19 years. Surviving her are her penses of enforcing the laws and the ,e extended td Include the period i' el("e,rical stimulus that one could Saturday tho Ashland Red Cross
nil in tlie maintenance of law and the secretary of war. They will re- parents and the following brothers provisions of this section applying from January to Muv In order to! Ht'"(l wnn,s ut lhu ,,1,n ()t :l0 " "'tu-. aa notified of the condition of the
. .. ... .... .......... .. ..:i l l n'n nln.n. ftf. T 1, 1. , ., ... ' I..,., l... .1. ..
order and the protection or tiie in- " 6"'". outer mm uiuum nun moicn.. mi j. u. muis ui me same to inai nrancn respectively, relieve, ns far as possible, the exist- "le "w " "" '"'-1 family, and Mrs. S. H. MeNair and
ititutious handed down to us by our medal. , Lamar, Colo.; Mrs. i is. Clary of; from which rcccied. ig car shortage.
r.,,i. ...... Tn Miltlitinn. three lienntifnl cilvar! Aulihind: Fmniett Hale nntl fliiretipp "Of tl, li.,l.,i,n ,.iitnir,n,l it l
"The purpose of tho American Le- cups, suitably engraved will be glv- V. Hale of Dunsmuir; Glenn D. Halo portion of all may be used by the!
gion is two-fold service to our com- en tho winners as prizes for the. and Ruth Mary Hale oi Santa Clara, county lor the propagation or distri
rades and service to our country. schools they attend. j A large number of sorrowing friends bution therein of commercial fish,
"Cnder the head of 'service to our There is no age limit und the little; in Ashland mourn her demise. i game birds and game animals and!
comrades' we will exe. t all of our in- girl out here in the West has the
fluence and all of our strength to E:in'e chance of winning a prize as
tho end that the ex-service man, es- has the school boy of the far East,
pecially tho disabled man and his de- Essays will be written in the class
pendents and the dependents of those rooms on Friday, February 20 from
any remainder must be turned ovur
The pitiful story of Armenia and ! to the secretary of state at least
her plucky fight for independence; once a year.
j was graphically told to an Ashlund' "The propagation of commercial
audience yesterday afternoon in the fish shall be paid for out of money
who paid the supreme sacrifice, shall "otes if desired. No essay will be; Elks' Temple by Mrs. O. F. Lamson derived from licenses relating to
receive that Jubt und fair treatment more than 400 words In length. Es- 0f Seattle, a native of that unfortu-' commercial fish, and game fish,
which they have reason to expcti says will be judged strictly for (l); nate country, who Is touring the game birds and game animals shall; we.e conected from 1425 families'
Whether it is because oi the In
creased cost of meat or because peo
ple's tastes have changed, the fact :
remains that Americans are eating
nary mechanical means could this be Ml.S- j,,ni(, Ctw w,.t to lhe M(1.
(Coy residence and brought back with
Aiming oiner poss sources ol t,,m , ,jny infat alu a 10-
energy, said Sir Oliver, was the ether months' old child, and these little
and he warned his auditors not to nm,a aro ,illf, ,.ared for until the
disregard It because it was as real u: fii,r i i,i m iWi,i fnr fn.
lliliwr ...... tl.: itr:.t i . '
8 ner cent less meal lh,,n ihev h "" 'egani io Ur0.
20 years ago. This Is disclosed In a "le f""''Ky """'""""K ,'1"11' "'" Kuneral services were held Sunday
recent dietary survey made hv thlthB bp"t "li,,K W,! fn"1'1 1,0 wi,h 11 ! afternoon over the remains of the
United States Department of Ag
In the survey 2000 dietary records,
was to utilize It through agriculture. yK mother and lit t lo son, conduct-
Plants had found out how to use II (M by Rev, C. A. Edwards of this
wnnoui nrst turning it into heat city, and Interment was made in
!- i j i j aivuu uiciiu j i etui WO, ill
each covering a period of seven daysj , We c""1'1 th"il" '""'-; t,,fl KinKslm.y cemetery. Mrs. Mc-
('oy was 20 years of age.
from a patriotic and liberal coun- originality, (2) expression, (3) sin-, coast n the interests of the Near ; be propagated and distributed from;and 575 institutions in 40 stntes. Six-1 0,llPr PnS!,lhl', sources of energy I .Much Interest and sympathy Is ex-
East Relief fund, the campaign for money derived from licenses relating tee mi(iomiijtea d lngny occupa-l waves. Willi! pressed hy the wunen of Ashland
tlonsand Incomes were represented, I couu, ,e( e none , ()Ver the motherless babes in Mrs.
"In serving our country we shall The principal of your school willlWnch will be made shortly. Mrs. to Biich game,
endeavor to keep alive that spirit of appoint three Judges to select one; Lamson, while a resident of Seattle,! "The salary of the fish culturist ; us werB g0 both U.))an rlmi' otl apP0""t of the vast ureas required - Mc.Vair's care, mid a number are
servloe whicu induced us all to re- essay from your school. This will keeps close touch with the refugees shall be not more than $3000 perl incHlitioR 1 ,0 forl" 's''l'v,)i's. The land so j bringing In clothing for the little
Hpond to our country's call in tho then be forwarded to Colonel Slev
time of her need even to the extent s. here at the recruiting station,
of being willing lo pay the supreme Colonel Stevens will in turn np-
tacrifice. And this wo propose doing I"1'"1 three judges to Belect the best
fi om her country who came here, and , annum and necessary expenses. The1
v .....Jcove"'" would bo of much more value, ones. MeCov's condition was renorl-
i i un a nuiiiiiitliv ml nil if in i lll'HH i i - -
has already adopted 15 young Ar-i salaries of officers appointed by; nunily records it appears that last1 rerlal",el1 ","' p Tor agriculture, ,-d this morning to be serious,
menian girls which she is educating '.county courts shall not be more than 1 vear (ne average cost of food per man ' "e l"'oft'l'1'wl ,0 f""-"'1!'''' the possi-j
' 1 1 1 1 1 " " "es ii any- . , .....j,,..,. .,.,..
age return in food
to send back as missionaries to their! $125 per mouth and neecssary ex-
by assisting in tho maintenance of oss iy from the district to be sent to ; country. This interesting sneaker penses.
n huiidred-jiercent, Americanism Washington. From these entries! made plain to her audience the rea- "Except as to waters in regard calories, 96 grams protein, 118 grams-("1'ec""
uaseu on lair play ana a square deal "U!" "")"' uimucis in ne cnoseuj sons ior Armenia's constant persecu-; 10 wnicn a joint agreement exists; fti nnd 405 grams carbohydrate
for all. ' ;the three national winners. They j tion from the unspeakable Turk, and between the state of Oregon and These figures are in fuirlv close uc-
The members of organized labor m:lv he boys or girls of any color, or! appealed to America to bring about! state of Washington, each counlycor,t wit, thn dietary at.indnniu n.-
the means whereby this country may may regulate all seasons Tor fishing1 ,inuriy UHe, in discussing such prob-
be relieved from its constant yoke or the closing of any stream or part lems of general nutrition.
of oppression and become a free and ! tjiereof and the use of fishing gears' a comparison of the fnmUiiirr.1
purchased by the BOO families with
the amounts of the same food pur-
aro patriotic American citizens and ""' "Be'
the members of the American Legion1 Will you be one of them?
nre patriotic Amniican citizens who! Tl'e winners will bo envied by mil-
have proven their patriotism and ,ions ot children. Its the chance of independent country. A good sized within ils boundaries to the exclus
their loyalty. Consequently, 011 1110; lifetime! audience greeted Mrs. Lamson, who-'on of the state. Such action of a
purposes of the American Legion both! how the local prizes are to was introduced by Mrs. D. Perozzl. j county shall bo by vote of the people
they und we are in accord. Many be awarded will be announced later Mrs. H. T. Elmore sang, accom
of our most loyal members are meni-,"1 these columns. Watch for them, panied by Mrs. H. O. Enders, Jr.
hers of organized labor, and it is our I Captain Doig spoke to the student
hope that we may be able to con- """''y ot the high school this afternoon , jiany a gjri wno can . k , ,,
vince every ex-service man who is a an1 wil1 make a short talk tonight 1 cioll9 fUdge "heavenly" devil's food
and Welsh rarebit which will melt
in your mouth can not make a loaf
of bread that would tempt any but
the starving. The clubs for girls or
ganized by the United Stutes Depart
ment ot Agriculture and the state
colleges emphasize bread making.
Club girls are taught not only bow
to make a loaf pleasing to the pal
ate and the eye but muuy of them are
member 0 forganlzed labor that our at the Vining theater on the The
purposes are the same as loyal 'citi- New Arpiy and Its Vocational Train
ens and that every ex-service man '"S-
la organized labor will join the'
American Legion. All ex-service men j Consolidation on February 1 of
who are members of organized labor; the Southern Pacific lines north and
have proven their loyalty and their1 south of Ashland. Ore., under the
patriotism to the country and now! jurisdiction of Federal Manager' W.
appreciate their responsibilities as r. scott is announced bv the United
citizens, and we therefore hope it states Railroad Administration. This
will not be long before they all arc cliango restores the o-gaiiization of
tctive members of the American Le-! the railroad's Pacific system as it
fcion- : existed before fodoral control, and
A largo percentage of the members is in preparation for the return to
of Ashland Post, are affiliated with ' private ownership on March 1.
some iraues union, aim me uimosi .since the lines were taken over by
01 goou win prevails between the the government, the portion north
j-ost aim tue various unions in thls:0f Ashland to Portland has been on
community. orated by Federal Manager J. P.
j O'Brien in the northwestern region,
FOOD 8.1 1. K land the lines south of Ogden and
Saturday, February 7, lho Pres-! El Paso by Federal Manager W. R.
byterian Ladies' Aid Society will hold Scott in the central western region.
a food sale in the T. H. Simpson ; Federal Manager Scott announces
hardware store; beginning at 10:30 the appointfment of H. A. Hinshaw
a. m. J as assistant to the federal munager
i with headquarters at Portland. Hin-
Gold Hill cement plant will re- shaw was formerly general freight
ume operations this month. agent at that point.
French women may be forced Into
of such county upon initiative peti
tion at regular' or speclul eloctions
caueu ny me county court of such, about 8 per cent, and the amount
"The duties required of the secre
tary of slate as to slate legislation
by initiative shall he performed as
to this legislation by the county
clerk; the duties required by the gov
ernor shall be performed by the
county Judge und tho duties perform
ed by the attorney -general shall be
performed by the district attorney
for such county."
This amendment was regarded un
taught to teach others and how to! fuvrably by tho Fish and Came
judge their own and others' bread clu,m "f Jackson and Josephine
by a standard score card.
Bread club girls compete with each
other at local county and state fairs.
They also often enter the open
counties at their meeting in Med
foid this week.
HOP ,1,1V U'.ia AR ttnnla itrlth n . .
value of 3225! 'T s """" '" """charmers of India change their vic
tims every year, letting loose the
snakes they have hadjor exactly 11
vein, to tho vorv dav. and nmcuro
wearing a nun-like uniform in Hip 0I1(1 , tilka tllir ,,,iiros. The
future, If plans announced by lead-! superstilli, , the ran.ily is to the
Ing ladles' tailors of Paris nm-ffw, lat ,heiP pmVtf. over ,,.
terlulize. The plans nre a part of v(llm, Hllak(,)( bwom(.s imirtl.(.tllal
the government's efforts lo reduce exaf,v onn
the cost of living. Th(,y fUe ug 1M.0()f ,he fa(,, that a
Following the successful attempts : V(.llt,.somo ,,.,, ,,ake.chariner
of the government to influence the ,, IllUM11p,e(, t0 kp,,p B piirtifl.
men's tailors to produce uniform, 1 ,ar,y fill0 .ci,,,,,,, beyond tho spec-reudy-made
blue, black ami gray. ri,,d tilll0
suits, for 25 apiece, it is now planned ; The rt,suU wa ,,,. , ,.,
to create tailor-made garments forjdid frnm ,he creature's bite. This
women, using a few simple models ,,,,.! belief could be easily explained
which will reduce prices materially, j hy ,e fa,,t ,hat knowhlg ,, ,p.
The goveniinent, und especially the; .., -.,,. hor ,,,
chased by 400 families about 20 years
ago shows that the amount of meat
in the Amorican diet has decreased
of grain products about 11 per cent.
People are euting more milk, butter,
and cheese than they were two de
cudes ago, for the amount of dairy
lirflfllicls cnnunmoH him,.aA,l
!,. c ., , I ministry of marine, now possesses
unout 6 ner rent. Knur mr pom mnm '
vegetables and 8 per tent more fruit
is being eaten now.
Some individual food habits un
doubtedly need to be corrected, but
Judging by these studies, it seems
fulr to conclude that the average
diet seems to be adequate.
huge storks of cloth. Tho plan Is
to uso this material in making skirts' NAN,)S '"'' T"K KKASIIOKK
Announcement is made Saturday
that effective February 1, with the
transfer of the Southern Pacific Or-
ORECO.V CITY. Work on foun- egon lines to the jurisdiction of Fed-
classes at fairs and compete with the dation of new mill of Crown Wlllam-! eral Manager W. R. Scott, federal
older women. A Jones county etto Paper company being rushed, j representation will be established at
(Mississippi) club girl did so lust Oror 200 additional men will be em-' Portland. All space formerly occu
full, and her bread won $16 and a ployed on construction and other' pied in the Yeon building will be
barrel of flour. She won the first; work which the company contem-l re-occupied as Southern Pacific hoad
prize on bread, a barrel of flour; : plates, will add $25,000 a month to; quarters as soon as present sub
first, $5 In cash, on biscuit; $10! payroll of Oregon City and Ticin- tenants can remove to other Quarters.
PORTLAND. Lumber prices will At certuiu points along our sea
soar to unprecedented levels during coasts "vocal sands" are found in
the winter and spring, according to patches, exhibiting a phenomenon
lumber company officials hore. De-tbut has never been very satlsfac
mnnd for Douglas fir and other . torily explained. The beach at Man
woods from this section by eastern j Chester, N. II., Is famous for them,
building aiid manufacturing Indus- These sands, when dry, yield a pe
tries will reach an enormous volume culiar sound if struck by a foot, or
during next year. leven when struck by the hand. At
j the same time a tingling sensation Is
OLYMPIA $88,600 contract let; felt by the fingers or by bare toes,
for grading of 28 miles of Central' The sound resembles the distant
sweepstakes, and $1 for second prize, ity.
on muffins,
I SPOKANE Clearing house banks
PORTLAND. Palmollve- company 1 for first week of 1920 show $15.-
to rebuild factory destroyed by fir9 641.511 compared with $8,618,980
at coit of $780,000. I last year,
Announcement is also made that
effective February 1 H. A. Hinshaw
is appointed assistant to federal
manager with headquarters at Port
land, in addition to hli duties as
central freight agent.
Washington highway between Cou
ncil and Lind, and contract for 8 M
miles of Inland Empire highway be
tween Delaney and Dodge . lot for
barking of a dog, and it may some-
times be heard at a distance of 100
The most remarkable "singing
sands" are found on the Island of
Kauai, In the Hawaiian group. By
clapping them between the hands a
YAKIMA During last year Libby
McNeill k Libby cannery put up faint hooting noise is produced. But
7495 tons of fruit for which they the hootlike sounds are greatly In
pald growers $297,400. $170,000! tenslfied by putting a quantity In 4
paid workers In plant bag and slamming It about.
I -