Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, January 28, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Wednesday, January 2S, 1020
Ill; Medford, Kendalls Add.. Lot 7.
Illk. 2, $10.00; accrued interest,
Xo. 50 10 Miry Wobh, Vol. 3, P.
95; Medford. Kendall Add., Lot H,
Rlk. 3, $10.71; accrued interest,
Xo. 5041 Minnie Callahan, Vol.
3, P. 96: AleJtord. Kendall Add.,
Lot 1, Hlk. 8, $10.00; accrued in
terest, $3.57.
No. 604 2 O. P. Chelgren. Vol. 3.
P. 98: Medford. Kenwood Add., Lot
21. Illk. 2, $5.23; accrued interest,
No. 50 13 D. S. Clark. Vol. 3, P.
!'S: .Medford. Kenwood Add.. Lot 22.
Illk 2, $11.!1; accrued interest,
S3, (i 7.
No. 504 I Tlnttie Campbell, Vol.
3, P. OS: Medford, Kenwood Add.,
Lot 12. F!lk. 3. N. 12 'i ft., $1.S9;
accrued interest. $0,46.
No. 50 15 H. Humphrey. Vol. 3,
P. OS; Medford, Kenwood Add., S.
r.o fl. of X. 150 ft.. Lot 13. Hlk. 3,
$2. OS; accrued interest, $0.69.
Xo. 50 16 Mrs. A A. Hoot, Vol.
3. P. OS; Medford, Kenvnol Add..!
S. ."0 fl. of X. 2H0 ft., Lot 13, Illk. 3,
$2 10; c crued intere-l, $0.70.
No 50 (7 M. E. Douchoy. Vol. 3.
P. 99;
Mi'dford. Kenwood Add.. S.
5 0 It.
3. P.
'" -V- ", V ' '."
accrued "Merest. $ .l. .
; V ,' '
Ii9; Medlord. Kenwood Add..
' "r,I1,k- 3 ' i;2: 14: Vshland. Coolidce Add.. I.Ik. It,
'"v"" n'!'.""v ' ? o v , "''''"" "'"' '-65.
a' ,? ,7 r:'T'cV nilh. ol.: xo. 51 01-Aln,o,fa Carlton. Vol.
j o'! iuM'" A'l,, B. P. 15: Ashland. SumroitI Add., Lot
, 8. ink 1. $21. 1M,; accrued ,n-;7, ,. 4S. m.rnl,,(, llll(M.ost.
terest. $ i .32. $0 46
"' l,UZ'm' Y"1' No.' 5102-1.:. II. WrMit. Vol. 5.
P 09; Medford I aur- Park Lot 6,:,, 2, A,, , fielloviow T,,,(.,.
$.,,2; accrued tn.eres . $2.24 , , . , ,
No. 5 0 . 1 M . II. fllover. Vol. 3, ' . jn rn
P .0: Medford. Laurel Park Lot 5y(MA. r. r;ildwo, Vol. 5.
v r ""irl ,'m p- Ashland, des. 89-195, llagar-
t ,an Vt' 77 , , ! Tract, part Lot 12. $6.61; e-
,, ;1M,""",', U'" ' 'l''1'0' crued Interest. $2.20.
JVnr.,;' '" "'"S,',?V.8"- i No. 5113-11. E. Stone. Ashland.
.Ml. n-ia.i .1, . Iliauionu, Ol. a,
P. led; Medford. Laurel Park. Lots
23 24, $12.09; accrued interest,
Xo. 505 4 L.
J. Me,.ker. Vol. 3. P.
1".".; Medford, Meekers Add.. Lot 1,
Illk. 5, $12.39; accrued Interest,
No. 5055 .las. G. Smith. Vol. 3,
P. 108: Medford. Medford Huts.
Add., Lot 1. Hlk. 7, $19.56; accrued
Interest, $6.52.
5056 S. M. E. Church, parsonage.
Vol. 3. P. 110: Moreys Add.. Lot 4,
$08.84: accrued interest, $22.94.
No. 5057 M. L. Erickson, Vol. 3.
P. 111; Medford, Mountain View
Add.. Lot 3. Blk. 4, $2.43; accrued
interest, $0.81.
No. 5058 E. O. King. Vol. 3. P.
Ill, Medford, Mountain View Add.,
Lot 4. Hlk. 4, $2.43; accrued inter
est. $0.81.
Xo. 5 OHO T. E. Merril, Vol. 3,
P. 115; Medford, Newton Add., Lots
6. 7 & 8. Hlk. 2, $28.17; accrued
Interest. $9.39.
No. 5062- 1). V. Moor, trustee.
Vol. 3. P. 117: Medford. Oak Grove
Add., Lot 9. Illk. 1, $1.52; accrued
.interest. $1.50.
No. 50ii:i Arthur Itipcs, Vol. 3,
P. IIS; Medford. Oak Grove Suli.
l)iv' Lots 5 & 6. Illk. 3, $11.39;
accrued interest, $.'1.79.
Xo. 506 1 Lena Welst, Vol. 3, P.
121; Medford. Olson Add., Lot 1,
Hlk. 2, $18.13; accrued interest,
No. 5005 .1. F. Hutchinson. Vol.
1, P. 121 ; Medford, Olson Add.. Lot
2. Hlk. 2. $17.65; accrued interest,
No. 5066 M. E. Lewis. Vol. 3, P.
121; Medford. Olson Add., Lot 3,
Hlk. 2, $19.79; accrued interest,
Xo. 5067 A.
P. 125: Medford,
Lot 10, $8.21;
Xo. 5 06 8 13.
M. Parker. Vol. 3
Parker Place Add.
accrued interest
W. Erlckson, Vol
3, P. 126; Page
Add., Lot 15. Hlk
1. $10.26: Vented Interest, $3.42
Xo. 5069 Jane Hooker. Vol. 3
P. 126; Medford, Pace Add.. Lot X
Hlk. 2, $29.13; accrued interest
Xo. 5070 .1. W,
P. 137; Medford.
7. Hlk. 4, $10.26;
$3 42.
, Dressier. Vol. 3.
Pace Add., Lot
accrued Interest,
No. 5073 Alfred Ivey. Vol. 3, 1
P. 136; Medford, Queen Anne Add , I
N. of Lot 9. Rlk. 1, $21.96; nc-j
crued interest. $7.32.
N. 5074 Alfred Ivey, Vol. 3. P.
136: Medford, Oueen Anne Add., i
N. K of Lot 8. Hlk. 1. $10,47; ac-
crued Interest. $3, 19.
No 6075 Oueen Anne Add.. Inc.,
Vol. 3. P. 116; Medford. Queen
Anne Add . Lids 1 to 5. Inel., Illk.
I. lads 13. 11. Hlk. 1.' Lids 1 & 2,
Hlk. 2, $90,31; accrued interest,
No. 5u7fi-n!ioon Anne Add.. Inc.,
Vol. 3. P. 136 & 137: Queen Anne
Add.. Lois 3. 1. 5. & E. 29 fl. of Lot
0. Illk. 2. Lots 3. 4. 6 & 7. Hlk. 3.
$7a 73: accrued interest. 23.57.
No. 5077 Medford Really & Imp.
Co. Vol. 3. P. 137; Queen Anne
Add.. Medford. Lots I. 2, 5, 8, 9, 10,
II. 11. Hlk 3. $6 1.77; accrued in
terest. $21 59.
No 507S Medford Really & Imp.
Co.. Vol 3. P 137; Medford. Oueen
Anne Add . Lois 17 & 18. Hlk. 3,
$21.58: accrued interest. $8.19.
No. 5079 Queen Anne Add.. Ine.,
Vol, 3. P. 13 7; Medford. Queen
Anne Add . Lois 12. 13, 15 16.
Illk. 3. Lots 1. 2. 3 4. Illk. 4,
$M' 17: a'crued interest, $29.72.
N'n. fiOSO Queen Anne Add.. Inc .
Vol. 3. P. 137 b 38; Medford. Oueen
Anne Add.. Lois 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11,
12. Hlk. 4. $'.1.32: accrued inter
est. $30.44.
No. 5U81 Queen Anne Add.. Inc.,
Vol. 3. P ris 3'i; Medford. Queen
Anne Add.. Lois 13. 14. 15. 16 & 17,
H!k. 4. Lota 1. 2 k 3. Hlk. 7. $70.76;
a'-ciaed inicre-t. $23 5S.
No. f.ai2- Qeeen Anne Add.. Inc..
Vol. 3. P 13'.; Medford. Q .,e
. Add., Lots 4, 5, 6. 1 1 i- 1 2. Illk. 7:
lots 1. 2 3. 10k 9, $51.98; ar
fraeil interest. $!.
No. r.M1i.ii n,e ,, nc
Vol. 3. P. 13'. tn; Medfor.l. Queen
Anne Add.. Inc. 4 5 7 9 15
16. 17 Id. Ilik. 9, $.17 10; accrued
llllere.t. $22 38.
No r.'iHl--Queen Anne Add Inc
Vol 3. P 1 1(1 41: Vedfold, Queen
Anne Add.. Lots 9 & In in, r,
Lots 9. 10 K- 11. Hlk. 11. $5 2 12; ac-
(TllOfi $17 17.
NO r.l'V,.- J". f I'U ;.; et .1
Vol. 3. p 1 tl : Me,if.,i. Khorsldn
Hull Iliv.. .,! 1 ii. i 7, t t ; nr.
crued lull r,..-i. 4 k
No 50- : i-., 1,. I,irk. Vol 3
P. 143; M.-d'erd. l'o-,,:ike Add
Lot ft, H'k 1. $18 r,fi; rUe,i j.
terest. $0 8 7.
No. r,evv ri e. f; .-. . vt j p
141: Vedfold. fee 1 .
15. Hlk. 1. $I5 2:; a'iriied interest
Xo. r,0Ki ft M Pool.- Vol, 3 P
115; M'd'..rd o-k Add , Lot 2
Hlk. 3, $28 23. j.eru,., j,,iei.-i
Xo. SO1.'!- Hellr.e, M' t'lin. II
Vol. 3, V. 140; M ijfoid, Rons Add,
Lot 16. Hlk. 5, $14.30; accrued in
terest, $4.76.
No. 5091
Vol. 3, P .1
Lot 6. Illk.
.T. I.. M. Shettcrley. Jr.,
f; Aledford, Ross Add.,
r, JIU.Jli; accrued in-
terest, $3.49.
v,. saii9 v r. ir,,lnifst Vol
P.'l47; Medford, Boss Add., Lot
f 2.10
' No.
i $2.98.
S. $6.31;
accrued interest
COM .1. B. Craig, Vol. 3, P.
Med ton), Ross Add., Lot 5,
8, $8.96; accrued interest,
5094 ('. E. Howell, Vol. 3.
; Medrord, Rosa Add., Lot 7,
8, $3.03; accrued interest.:
P. 117
Blk. i
; $ i.2i.
Vol. 3
5095 Amanda Tow n sen d .
P. 151; Medford, Short's
Add.. 49 ft. on Pine St., part Lot 2,
$13. 8J: accrued interest, $4.00.
No. 5096 Ashland Ice Storage
Co., Vol. 5. P. 1; Ashland. lads des.
50-118, tract In rear of Lots 8 ft Sit,
Lot 9. Hlk. 1, $5.77; accrued inter
est, $1.92.
No. 5097 L.
4: Ashland, 103
84-515. part lot
accrued interest.
No. 5098 1st
Rhodes, Vol. 5, P.
fl. on 1st avo., des
1. Illk. 9, $34.42;
Cliurcii of Christ
Scientist. Vol. 5.. P. 4; Ashlnud.
,, ft2.2S3. part Lot 1. Illk
"-;ls; itemed interest. $1.79.
v r.niiiiw n ic,u v.,i r. t
Vol. 5, P. 72; R. R. Add., Lot 1. Blk.
D, $22.85; accrued interest. $7.61.
No. 5114 W. Piening, Vol. 6. P.
72; Ashland, H. R. Add., Lot 2, Blk.
I), $13.09: accrued Interest, $1.36.
No. 5115 Marv Piening f Vol. 5,
P. 72; Ashland. It. It. Add., Lot 3,
Blk. D. $15.54; accrued interest.
No. 5118 H. L. White. Vol. 5, P.
98; Ashland, Whiles Add., Lot 1,
Hlk..l, $4.58; accrued Interest.
No. 5119 F. Palmer, Vol. 5. P.
99. Ashland, Whiles Add., Lot 45,
Illk. 2, $4.58;. ' uccrued interest,
No. 5120-L. Pellon. Vol. 5. P.
101: Ashland. 1st. st., part oT vacat
ed 1st St., $3.33; accrued interest,
No. 5122 S. C. Gunter. Vol. 5,
P. 116: Ashland, Main St., des. 57
117. $15.55; accrued interest, $5.18.
No. 5121 Marv M. Edmunds, VoU
5, P. 120; Ashland, 160 ft. front at
cor. Milan St., des. 66-206, Mountain
Ave., west side, $31.90; accrued in
terest, $11.63.
No 5127 Lone Star Mining Co.,
Vol. 6. P. 6; SE'', of NW", XI? H
of SWV,. Sec. 15, Twp. 34, R. 4W,
$7.04: accrued interest. $2.3 1.
No. 5128 L. S. Kemp, Vol. 6. P."
7: 7 A. of W. side of NW'4, des.
54-98, Sec. 20, Twp. 31, It. 4V,
$6.28; accrued interest, $2.09.
No. 6 1 30 KHz. Smith. Vol. 6. P.
9: NWV, of NW", & E'(. of SW1,
or NK'i, mi or w'v., or sw-i
.SE'i of SW",, Sec. n. Twp. ll. It.
4W. $37.78; accrued Interest. $a 26.
No. 5132 Hvdraulic Milling Co.,
Vol. 6, P. 9; frae'l. W'i of NW'4,
Sec. 31, Twp. 34. II. 4W, $16.26;
accrued Interest, $5.42.
No. 5133 K. A. Smith. Vol. 6. P.
9; W": or fraef. NW'i of SW'J.
Sec. 31, Twp. 34. It. 4W. $1.36; ac
crued interest. 1.45.
No. 5134 Three Pines Timber
Co., Vol. 6, P. 9; E'l, of I'rac'l NW",
of SWli, EU or frae'l SW", of
SW", , Sec. 31, Twp. 31. It. 4W.
$7.13; accrued Interest, $2.17.
No. 6136 Skvkes Creek Minincs
Co.. Vol. 6. P. II; SE", of NK';.
NK'.i of SK'.i. Sec. 1. Two. 35. It.
1W. $16.26; acer I interest. $5.42.
C. W. Jones. Vol. 6, P. 12; W U of
SE",, SE'i or SE", . Sec. 2, Twp.
35. It: 4W, $10.50; accrued interest.
$3.60. -
No. 5138 Marv Hrownwortli Est..
Vol. 6, P. 13; SW", or NW'i, Sec.
10, Twp. 35, It. 4W, $5.51; accrued
interest. $1.83.
No. 5140 .1. E. Kirk. Vol 6. P
17; E '' of NE", of NE'i. Sec. 24,
Twp. 35, R. 41V, $5.06; accrued In
terest, $1.68.
No. 5111 C. E. Collins. Vol. fi.
I P. 18: NR'4 of NK'i (und. 14 int.)!
Sec. 36. Twp. 35, 4W, $5.06; accrued
Interest. $1.68.
I No. 5113 Phil Robinson. Vol. 6,
P. 24; dand des. 88-1 09, Sec. 21, ;
Twp. 36. II. IW, $3.54; rued In
terest. $1.18. ;
No. 5145 Frank 11 Akers. Vol j
6. P. 27; SE'', of SE",, Sec. 36. j
Twp. 36. R. 4W, $6.28; accrued ili-i
terest, $2.09. j
No. 5116 N'euber ft Itartm.m, ;
Vol 0. P. 27; SW'i of NW ' i , N "; I
(of SW'i. und. int., Sec. 36, Twp !
36. R. 4W, $1.54: accrued interest j
'$151.. I
No. 6147 Mulkev ft Hoxle. Vol.:
6, P. 27; W'4 of SWV, SW'i , I
Sec. 1, Twp. 37. It. 4 V., $4.74; ac-,
crued Interest.-$ 1 .68. I
No. .61 4 8 E. 11. Marruder. Vol.;
6. P. 28; E'j of Frae'l NE'i, Sec. 2.
Twp. 37. It. 4 W.. $16.26; uccrued
Interest. $5.42.
No. 5149 A. J.
31; Si(, of SW'4
Sec. 2. Twp. 37. It.
Staub. Vol. 6. P
, SWV, of SEli.
4 W $17.70; ac-
crued Interest, $5.90
No. 5150 A. .1. Straub. Vol
32; NW'i ol NW'i. Sec. 29.
6. P.
37. It. 4 W..$4.10; accrued interest
No 6152 Grant Orme. Vol. 6. P.
33; NEV, or SW'i ; Sec. 32. Twp. 37.
It 4 V $6.90; accrued Interest.
$2 30.
No. 5153 Maecle Lane. Vol. 6.
P. 33; VL, of W'i.Sec. 34. Twp. 37.
It. 4 W.. $26.50; accrued interest.
$8 83.
No. 6154 L. E. Hancock. Vol. 6.
P. 36: W'U, of NW", of SE'i.E'i
of SW'i. Sec. 16. Two. 3 8. It. 4 W.,
$10 69: accrued interest. $3 56.
No 51 55 M. Jurcensen. Vol. 0.
P 36; NE i; of SE'i nnd EH of
NW'i of SE'i. Sec. 16. Twp. 3 8. It.
4 W.. $10 H; Bccrued interest. $3 56.
No. 5156 W W. Wricbt. Vol. 6.
P. 41; Land lies. fS-382 iMinloi'
Claim) Si-c 4. Twp. 39. R. 4W..
$1 86: uccrued Interest. $0 62.
No. 6157 Harvev Iturh. Vol. 6. P.
2: 2 A. in NE'i of SE'i. Sec. 7.
Twp. 3t. It 4 W $1.57; accrued In
terest, $0 6 2.
No 5163-M E. Warrell. Vol 6.
P ": 16 A. hot. of H. P. Hon. Sec.
25. T.,. 35. It 3 W.. $18 85; ac
crued liiter.:. $ 28.
No r,ir,:,n (i. smiih. Vol. 6. p.
NL. of NE'i :
3 W, Jio. 56;
Sec. 32: Twp. 35,
accrued interest.
No 616S A F
62; Lot No. 1,
Sec. 2,
Vol. . P.
Tup. 36.
R. 3 W., $4.80; accrued interest,
No. 5171 Unknown Owner, Vol.
6. P. 64; 5 A. out of NV cor. Lot 0,
Sec. 11, Twp. 36, It. 3 W., $1.89; ac
crued interest, $0.63.
! No. 5172 AV. II. Gross, Vol. 6. P.
4,'p": Land lies 32-284, Sec 21, Twp.
:,1u- " " hcci ucu imeieai,
I 14.
No. 5173 Eniilv Gregsou, Vol. 6,
P. 69; SVs of SEli of SW4 of
SWd, Sec. 24, Twp. 36, R. 3 W.,
$1.94; accrued interest. $0.64.
No. 5175 .1. R. Whit mire, Vol. 6,
P. 7.0: Land Des. ,83-209, Sec. 30,
Twp. 36. II. 3 V $12.10; accrued
interest, $.4.03. I
No. 517(1 A. Kvln. E K of Lot 2
Vol.' 6. P. 71; Sec. 33, Twp. 36, R,
3V. $5.38: accrued interest, $1.79.135, R. 1 V., $2.66; accrued interest,
No. 5177 Havid C. Avery, Vol. 6, $0.88.
P. 71; NWli of NE'4, See. 34, Twp No. 5263 Ernest Cole. Vol. 6, P.
36. it. :iW, $7.14; accrued interest, ! 44 ; Land Des. 72-620, Sec. 2, Twp.
$2.38. j 36, R. 1W., $3.49; accrued Inter-
No. 5178 W. D. Vant, Vol. 6, P.iest, $1.16.
72; SIC'i of NWli, Sec. 1, Twp. .37,1 No. 5268 I,. Carter, Vol. 8, P. 48;
R. 3V
$5.89; accrued interest.
j No. 5179 Hydraulic Mining Co.,
I Vol. 6, P. 72; K',4 of SRi or SEli,
Sec. 2, Twp. 37. It. 3W, $3.40; uc
! crued Interest, $1.13.
No. 5180 Iowa Lumber & Box
j('o.. Vol. 6, P. 76; K of NWli,
Sec. 23, Twp. 37. It. 3W, $10.26;
S accrued interest, $5.42.
it No. 5181.. Iowa Lumber & Box!
I Co., Vol. 6, P. 76; NE'i of NWli ( "8; Land Des. 77-445 in SE'4 Sec. 19,
Sec. 25. Twp. 37, R. 3W, $7.30; ac- Twp. 38, It. 1W, $5.19; accrued In
erued interest, $2.43. terest, $1.73.
I No. 6183 Iowa Lumber & Box! No. 5281 A. P. Hammond, Vol.
I Co., Vol. 6. P. 77; NWVi, Sec. 26, 8, P. 77; tract of land in NE cor.
'Twp. 37, K. 3W, Nlf of NE M , Sec. of Sec. 36 between Hicks and An
27. Twp, 37, It. 3W, $34.82, ac- dorson, Sec. 36, Twp. 38, R. 1 W
I crued interest. $11.60
I No. 5185 Opp Consolidated Mines,
I Vol. 6, P. 78; SW'4 of NW'4, Sec.
1 36, Twp. 37. It. 3W, $13.
1 Interest, $1.41.
No. 5190 J. T. Hreeden, Vol. 0,
P. 80; KV. of NE'4 of NE'i, Sec.
! 10. Twp. 38, It. 3W, $5.06; accrued
I interest, $1.68.
J No. 5192 (1. II. Pierce, Vol. 6, P.
J 81; Wli of SW'4, Sec. 26, Twp. 38,
jit. SW, $7.30; accrued interest,
No. 5193 C. II. Pierce, Vol. 6, P.
82; EKj of SE'4, Sec. 27, Twp. 38,
I 11. 3W, $7.30; nccrued interest,
No. 5196 S. B. Hamilton, heirs,
Vol. 6, P. 84; Lot No. 1, Sec. 4, Twp.
39, R. 3W, $1.19; accrued interest,
No. 5200 1'nknown Owner, Vol.
6, P. 96; SE'i of NW'4, Sec. 11
Twp . 34 ,11 2W, $12.90; accrued in -
terest, $4.30.
No. 52
P. 99,
NW'i of
It. 2W,
I T. G. lleames. Vol. 6,
NW'4 of NE'4 and
SW'4, Sec. 27, Twp. 34,
$20.10; .accrued interest,
No. 5205
P. 100; N'A
-T. G. Reames, Vol. 6,
of NWli, Sec. 33, Twp.
34. It. 2W, $14.98; accrued interest
No. 5206 J. Bilger Est., Vol. 6
P. 100; NW of SW'i, Sec. 33, Twp.
34. It. 2W, $14.98; accrued interest,
$4.99. I No. 5301 Unknown Owner, Vol.
No. 5207 Mary Kelsoe. Vol. G, P.7, P. 82; Nl of NE'4, Sec. 19, Twp.
102; SE'4 of SKVi, Sec. 6, Twp. 35,136, It. 2E, $1.10; accrued Interest,
It. 2W, $8.9(1; accrued interest, ; $1.36.
$2.98. I No. 5301 Aleikle & Payne or T.
Xo. 5208 M. A. Vincent, Vol. fi, I W. Atkinson, Vol. 7, P. 95; und.
P. 101; Wl-3 ol WVj of NWU, Soc.lint. in SI of SW'4 of NE'4, NE'i
16, Twp . 35. R. 2W, $2.82; accrued'of SW'4 of NW'4 of SE'4, Sec. 34,
Interest, $0.94. ;Twp. 38. R. 2E, $6.31; accrued I11-
No. 5209 C. O . Vincent, Est., Vol. terest, $2.10.
6. P. 101; E2-3 of WV. of NW'4-J No. 5305 W. R. Tavlor, Vol. 7,
See. 16. Twp. 35. It. 2W, $5.03; ac-i P. 96; land in SW'4. des. 37-346,
crued interest, $1.68. less 63-605, O, R. 14-10-17-18 &
No. 5215 Pankey & Couley, Vol.1 70-186, Sec. 7, Twp. 39. R. 2E.
6, P. 113; land des. 1 02-156. Sec. 20,
Twp. 36, R. 2W, $1S.82; accrued in
' fered, $6.27.
No. 6216 Martin Perry, Vol. 6. P.
114; beg. at '4 cor. bet. See. 23 &
,2 I. E. 20 rds. S. 40 rds. V. 20 rds.
N. 10 rds to beg., Sec. 21. Twp. 36,
It. 2W, $3.65; accrued Interest,
No. 6217 Jacob Stone. Vol. 6, P.
,115; Lot Xo. 2, Sec. 28, Twp. 36. R.
2W. $6 07; accrued Interest, $2.22.
No. 6218 .1. G. Hathaway. Vol. 6,
P. 110: Lot No. 1, Sec. 3 2. Twp. 36,
It. 2W, $1.57; accrued interest,
j No. 5219 A. W. Lewis, el al, Vol.
j 6. P. 119; land des, 72-596, Sec. 1,
I Twp. 37, R. 2V, $6.31; accrued In
terest, $2.11.
I No. 5222 A. I.. Aikens, Vol. 0. P.
H22; land des. 91-614. Sec. 5, Twp.
j.17. R. 2W, $2.27; accrued Interest,
No. 522 1 J. If. Downing. Vol. 6,
P. 12 1; S ''. of S 'l.of NW'i of SE'i,
j Sec. 8, Twp. 37. R. 2W, $3.62; uc
crued interest. $ 1 .20.
No. 5225 W. E. Alexander. Vol.
6. P. 126: Tract of land ties. 63-374,
Sec. 13. Twp. 37. R. 2W, $3.22; ac
crued interest, $1.07.
No. 6226 A. P. Cowglll. Vol. 0.
P. 126: tract des. 89-435, Sec. 13,
Twp. 37. It. 2V
terest, $1.07.
$3.22; accrued
No. 6227 Gold Hill Co., Vol. 6,
P. l'9; tract or land. Sec. 16, Twp.
36. It. 3W, $1.12; accrued interest,
No. 6228 F. P. Hrosins, Vol. 6,
P. 129; part or F. A. Kelsev land,
des. 62-174, Sec. 16, 36. It. 3W,
$1 26; accrued interest. $1.42
No. 5229 M. M. Maine, Vol. 6,
P. 129; W'. of SW'i of SE'4, Sec.
17. Twp. 37. R. 2W, $6.02; accrued
in'evesl, $2.00.
No. 5230 If. C. Gibson, Vol. 6.
P. 130; land des. 53-318, Sec. 20,
Twp. 37. It. 2W, $1.70; nccrued In
terest, $0.56.
No. 623 1 Opp Consolidate Mines,
Vol. 6. P. 135; NW'i of NW'4, less
li nd d. s. 88-61. Sec. 31. Twp. 37, 1
It. 2W, $10.82: accrued interest. I
3 00. I
.--.I-, ,,. iniiiiii, .01, v, ,
P. Ml: NW", or SWli, Sec. 22,
Twn. .'18. It. 2V, $8.58; accrued in-'crued Interest. $13.60.
torot. $2 86. ! No. 5326 F. A. Kelsey, Vol. 1, P.
No. 5237- 1). M. Whetstone. Vol.! 89; Gold Hill, Deekums Amended
6. P. 113: SEU ol NW'i, Sec. 20.! Add Lots 1 & 2. Hlk. 22, $2.60;
Twp. 3S. R. 2W, $7.81; accrued ill-j accrued Interest, $0.86.
terest. $2 CO. No. 5327 Luke Ryan, Vol. 2, P.
No. r2:PR J. M. Loriand, Vol. 6. 71; Jacksonville, S14 of Lots 7, Blk.
P 111: SE'i of SE'i. Sec. 22. Twp '17. Lot 8. Blk. 17. $43.46: accrued
' It
' $2 86.
2W, $8 58; accrued interest, i
i No. 5210 Daniel Miller. Vol. 6.1
5210 Daniel Miller. Vol. 6
SE'i of SW'i, Sec. 24.' Twp
P. 14.-.; SE'i of SW'i. Sec. 24. Twn. !
38. R. 2 V $8 58; accrued interest.
$2H6. I
' No 624 1 Kate Dunham. Vol. 8.163. 1 ft. on W 2nd St.. Blk. 63,
P. 1; Lot Xo. 1, Sec. 3. Twp. 38, R. $53.28; accrued Interest. $17.79.
1 E, $t 48; accrued Interest. $1.49. No. 5330 D. F. Carver. Vol. 3. P. '
: No. 6215 S. J. Ilennlson. Vol. 8,' 50; Medford. Brobacks Reserve, des. i
P. 17: IVU of NW'i. Sec. IS, Twp. 93-459, $42.61; accrued Interest,:
39. II 1 E.. $19.33; accrued Inter- $ 1 4 17. I
est. $6 44. ( No. 5331 T. 3. McAndrews. Vol.!
X 621611. A. Jones. Vol. 8, P. 3, P. 50; Medford, Bnrant Add., Lot!
18: land lie 42-420; Sec. 20. Twp.;6. Illk. 1, $3.62; accrued Interest.
39. R. 1 E.. $2.31; accrued interest, $1.17. I
" "8. i No. 5332 F. M. Amy. Vol. 3. P.I
Xo. 62)7 V.'m. Haller. Vol. 8. P. 1 61 ; Medford. Clorerdale Add., Lot1
22: SE", Sec. 20. Twn. 40. R. 1 E..IS, Hlk. 1. $18.84; accrued Interest,'
$26 fin; accrued lntere-t. $8 83. $6 28. j
Xo. 5249 Coccoii, Pros.. Vol 8.; No. 5333 O. A. Munn. Vol. 3, P.'
p. ?.-.: NE'i of NW'i and Lots 1, t, 58: Medrord. Cottage Add., part Lot
and, 3. Sec. 18, Twp. 41. R. 1 E.. 4, Hlk. 2, $15.97; accrued interest,'
$l45: accrue,! Interest. $13 48. $5.32.
No. 6253 T. H Dawson. Vol. 8.' No. 6334 f!u Miller. Vol. 3, P.!
P. 3; l,m x. j; inf. (n Ditch. Sec. 102: Medford, Lumsdens Add., Lot
2. Twp. 34. R. 1 W., $5.51; accrued 1.1. Hlk. 2, $12.87; accrued Inte-est,
Interest, $1.83. -$4.29, .
No. 5256 C. W. Kahler, Vol.' 8, P
35; Lot No. 2, Sec. 31, Twp. 34, R.
1 W., $6.90; accrued Interest, $2.30.
No. 5257 Fleming Mathews, Vol.
8, P. 38; Gov. Lots 7 and 8, See. 14,
Twp. 36, R. 1W $8.94; accrued
interest, $2.98.
No. 5259 Win. Ulrlch, Vol. 8, P.
40; NW'i of SEli, Sec. 22, Twp. 35,
1 W., $7.94; accrued interest, $2.64.
No. 6260 Fleming J. Mathews,
Vol. 8, P. 40; NVfe of N of NE
Sec. 23, Twp. 36, R. 1 W $7.94; ac
crued interest, $2.64.
No. 6261 Fleming J. Mathews,
Vol. 8, P. 40; N of NWli of NW14,
Sec. 24; Twp. 35, R. 1 W $4.42; ac
crued Interest, $1.47.
No. 5262 M. J. Moon Est., Vol
j 8, P. 41; Lot No. 4, Sec. 29, Twp.
, SE of NWli Sec. 26, Twp. 36, R.
1 W., $8.58; uccrued interest, $2.86.
No. 5271 Howard S. Dudley, Vol. Sec. 2, Twp. 36, R. 2E, $4.74; uc
8, P. 51; SEV4of SE14 Sec. 4, Twp. .crued Interest, $1.68.
37, R. 1 W., $14.98, accrued interest,! xo. 5345 J. M-. Root. Vol. 8, I'.
$4. HI. 48; SE'4 of RE'4. Sec. 27, Twp. 36,
No. 5275 U. Cheesman, Vol. 8, 1 R. 1V,- $5.51; accrued Interest,
P. 61; Lund out or Harrell Tract, : $1.83.
Sec 7, Twp. 38, 11. 1 W $27.78; ac-i No. 5348 Belle Nickell, Vol. 6,
crued interest, $9.26. ! P. 139; W'. of NW'4, Sec. 0. Twp.
No. 5278 H. Cheesman, Vol. 8, P
$1.27; accrued Interest, $0.42. Sec. 12, Twp. 37. It. 3W, $6.30; ac
tio. 5283 Unknown Owner, Vol. j crued Interest, $2.10.
8, P. 79; Land South of Gulch, Creek No. 5353 T. G. Reames or Bank
in RE'4 of SE'4 Sec. 6, Twp. 39, R.
il W., $1.60; accrued interest, $0.!3.
No. 5284 J. Holton, Vol. 8, P.'RW',, Sec. 25, Twp. 37. It. 3W,
81; NW'4 of NW'4 Sec. 12, Twp. 39,! $3.01; accrued interest, $1.00.
R. 1 W $8.32; accrued interest,) No. 53550. Knox & C. C. Pres
$2.77. j ley, 10 A. off W. side of NE', of
No. 6286 Pat Donovan, Vol. 8,SWM, des. 90-543, Vol. 6, P. 41,
P. 86; NW'4 Sec. 20, Twp. 40, R 1 $1.46; accrued interest. $0.48.
W.. $39.02; accrued interest, $13.00. No. 5360 Ore. & Calif. Dev. Co.,
No. 5289 Jas. Crombley, Vol. 8, Rogue River A'alley Oreh. Co., N. 5
P. 98; Eagle Hgts. Fruit Farms, Lot A. of Lot 15. Blk. C. Vol. 8. P. 141:
tl,; accrued interest, $4.30.
No. 5291 C. H. Pierce, Vol. 8, P.
128; Pierce Sub. Div., Lot 7, Blk. 2,
$2.31; accrued interest, $0.77.
No. 6292 Bert Hooker, Vol. 8,
P. 131; Re-Sub. of Perry's Sub. Dlv
Lots 15 & 16, $9.22; accrued in
terest, $3.07.
No. 5293 F. E. Gnrle, Vol. 8, P.
! 142 ; R. R. Valley Oreh. Tract. Lot .SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF
: 7. Blk. F., $3.78; accrued interest,,
No. 5296 Estella PriceVol.
7, P.
E' of NW', Sec. 32, Twp. 39,
R. 4E, $22.02; accrued Interest,
No. 5298 Mary P. Bachelor, Vol.
I 7. P. 46; NW'4, Sec. 8, Twp. 38
.it,. w.m; accrued interest, $5.71.
XT conn A T ni. l tr.. I m
accrued Interest, $5.
-A. E. Clausley, Vol.
iu. tjouu n. tu. vifiuHiuy, vim. t,
P. 72: Lot No. 3 & NE'4 of SWli.1
Sec. 18, Twp. 34, It. 2E,
crued Interest, $9.26.
$27.78; ac.
$12.58; accrued Interest, $4.16
No. 5307 MacLean East., Vol. 7,
jP. 118; land des. Vol. 32-021,
,$1.12; accrued interest, $0.37.
! No. 5308 T. A. Olson. Vol. 7. P.
j 121; SW'4 of NE'4, NW'4 of SE'4,
jSec. 12, Twp. 34, R. IE, $8.68;
accrued Interest, $2.86.
No. 5310 Unknown Owner, SW'i
or SE'i, Vol. 7. P. 123: Sec. 33.
jTwp. 34. R. IE, $5.06; accrued in-;
1 terest, $1.68.
! No. 5311 Unknown Owner, Vol.!
7. P. 128; SW ", of SW'4, Sec. 27.1
Twp. 35. It. IE, $5.38; accrued In-;
terest, $1.79.
No. 5312 F. J. Cutter, Vol. 7. P.!
129; Wlj. of NE'i & Elf. of NWli.!
Sec. 33, Twp. 35, R. IE, $22.40; ac
crued Interest, $7.46.
No. 5313 H. R. Brown Est., Vol.
7, P. 130; land In SW4, W. of Lake
creek. Sec. 3, Twp. 36, R. IE, $4.50;
accrued interest, $1.50.
No. 6311 Fisher Bros., Vol. 7. P.
137; SE'4 of SE'4, Sec. 33, Twp. 36.
II. IE, $5.22; accrued interest,
No. 5315 A. & N. Fisher. Vol. 7.
P. 138: Lot No. 1, Sec. 6k Twp. 37,
It. IE, $4.10; accrued interest,
No. 6316 Josepluts Wineman,
Vol. 7. P. 139; E14 of E, Sec. 8,
In-jTwp. 37, R. IE, $13.70; accrued In
terest, $4.56.
No. 5318 II. O. Mathes, et ux,
Vol. 7, P. 141; SE'4 of SE'4, Sec.
36, Twp. 37, It, IE, $3.11; accrued
I interest, $1.03.
j No. 5319 T. W. Hill, Vol. 5, P.
,57; Ashland, Miners Add., Lots
;3. 4 & 5, $30.90; accrued interest,
! $10.30.
No. 5322 Fred H. Cook, Vol. 4,!
P. 42; Medford. Wolverton Sub. Dir., I
Lot 15. Hlk. 1, $17.41; accrued in-!
terest, $5.80.
No. 5323 R. A. Hussev, Vol. 4,'
P. 112; Sunset Park, Medford, Lots!
5 & 6. Blk. 3, $5.06; accrued In-j
terest, $1.68.
No. 5324 C. S. Sanderson, Vol. 1.1
P. 49; Central Point, Constant!
Tract, part Lot
interest. $5.94.
15, $17.84; accrued
No. 5325 lIohn"firirriths. Vol. 1,
I - , ui, i uiura, l'onii, urinous Alio.,
Lots 2. 3. 4 & 5. Blk. 1. $40.51: ac-
interest, $14.48.
Ni. 5328 It. A. Holmes. Vol. 3.
P. 34; Medford, Lot 2. Blk
$5.88: accrued interest. 11.96.
No 5329 M. M. Maine, Vol. 3
34' MeilfniH Int. 7 8 A Htlr
No. 6335 W..M. Holmes, Vol. 4,
P. 103; Medford, Nickell Add., Lot
2, Blk. 3, $15.94; accrued interest,
No. 5336 J. Lowe or Welch In
terest, Vol. 5, P. 63; und. 1-3 Int.
Ovorlook Add., Lot II., $10.50; uc
crued interest, $3.50.
No. 6337 J. C. Gill or F. B.
Welch, Vol. 6, P. 63; Ashland, Over
look Add., und. Vj int. Lot J., $7.94;
accruod Interest, $2.64.
No. 6339 O. B. Brown, Vol. 7, P.
133; und. 2-3 Int. in SW'4 of SW14,
Sec. 14, Twp. 30, H. IE, $3.46; ac
crued interest, $1.15.
No. 6340 Unknown Owner, Vol.
7, P. 136; E'i of NW4, Sec. 25,
Twp. 30, R. IE, $4.74; accrued ln-
I terest, $1.58
No. 5341 C. Pierce, Vol. 7, P. 31;
SW '4 of NE4, Sec. 36, Twp. 37, R.
IE. $10.90; accrued Interest, $3.63.
No. 5342 A. L. Mills, Vol. 7, P.
2: Si(. or SWli. Sec. 15, Twp. 37, R.
4E. $16.26; uccrued Interest, $5.42.
No. 5343 J. A. Troch, Vol. 7, P.
79; K of E, of REVi of SV4.
: W'. of WU of SW", of SW1', .
38, R. 2W, $9.46; accrued interest,
No. 5351 A. Kvle. Vol. 6, P. 70;
W14 of-NEH of NE'i, EM, of NE'4
of NE'4, Sec. 32, Twp. 36, R. 3W,
$9.86; accrued interest, $3.28.
No. 5352 T. D. Ross. Vol. 0, P
74; und. Int. in E", of NE'i.
I of Jacksonville, or Jackson Co. Hank,
i Vol. 6. P. 76: S. 13 A. of SE'4 of
I $4.28; accrued interest, $1.42.
I No. 5361 M. C. Hidings, Vol. 8,
P. 142; Rogue River Vallev Or
chard Co., part Lot 2, Blk. P., $2.34;
accrued interest, $0.78.
Date of First publication, Jannarv
j 28, 1920. 80-Ot-W
In the Circuit Court or the Slate of
Oregon, For (lie Count)' of Jack
son :
! Jackson County
Oregon, Plain! iff,
V. A. Cowlev,
Carl nicWnn
h. smith, Unknown Owner, O. S.
Sanderson, John Griffith, O. Ock
erinan, Colver, V. Free, Patter
son & Kahler, Kahler & Pattisoii,
S. E. McCarvell, Jones & llollen,
J. F. Brown, W. II. Ilumplirev, W.
E .Patton, G. W. Richardson, II. F.
Piatt, guardian, Ben Anna Ileall,
J. Dellainey, J. H. Kincaid, Mary
A. Mee, Mary E. Sims, Henj. Ileili,
Martha Marry, Marie Albert, ('has.
E.Liinl, S. A . Pattisoii, II. Riley,
R. F. Angle, J. A. Mann, Win. T.
Toomey, Sarah A. Clark, Rachel
M. Whiteside. W. II. Everliard.
Jos. .Martin, August Puhl, F. ().
Cochran, J. Isaac, It. II. lthoad"s,
Anna A. Smith, J. S. & .1. F. La wry.
W. A. Si.hlinsog, Central Point
Creamery Co., Land Des., Lucy A.
Bingham, Emma Freel. .Alain
Winchester, G. II. Aiken, T. II.
Kent, T. J. Kenney, Catholic
Church, C. Eiuine, S. Humphrey,
Ilanna & Ilugshaw, J.
C. Stage Co., X. E.
Colwell, W. Hacker, Joe Stevens.
J. J.L.ine, Mrs. Martha Jefferson.
John Dudgeon. John A. Kelts. L.
A. Hose, Geo.' N. Lewis, Cop'or
Est., T. II. F. Englo, S. L. Hannah.
Gold Hill Dev. Co.. .1. It. Wilhelm,
V. W. Truax, F. W. Dodge, Flora
A. Kelsey, Fred Dodge, F. A. Kel
sey, It. tl. Kelsey, H. T. W'ont
wortli, L. C. Apidegiue, J. Oleson,
Henry Hrilf, Russell Swank, Hen
Haymond, Mrs. Hen Hayniond, Ed.
W. Cooper, L. F. Gardiier, Henrv
Hoist, S. & W. H. Penniston, I,
W. Moore, Jane Carroll, D. T. Mc
Koreher, A. (1. Caldwell, F. J.
Lowry, J. C. Smith, II. E. Slone,
W. Piening, Marv Piening, Jos.
Lowe, J. & A. Zigler, G. W. Can
ning, 1st. Christian Chinch. Merl
Lovelady, II. A. Anlry, A. Huffield.
A. F. liosenstork, S. C. Gunter, E.
P. Vickroy, China Gin
Reames, Fred Lorkley.Mrs.
Thompson, E. Prim, Reames Est
C. L. Reames, C. D. Reed Est..
Mfs. P. Applegate, V. H. Hamil
ton, P. H. Dailey, J. A. Jonas,
Fred S. Johnson, J. J. Butcher,
Harold O. Helwig, II. II. Tronson,
J. A. Green, W. A. & P. Smith,
Mrs. E. R. West, Camer & Sabin.
John Owens. Bert F. Ball, Robert
Ball. Glnspill & Wheeler.S. Sack,
F. Forest, J. G, Coble, Win. li
Martin, Ben Haymond. Anderson
Green Co., Inc., A. P. Johns. Geo.
Dietrich, W. Frederickson. Emma
T. Whitney, Cora Wilson, Geo. E.
Chnmberlln. A. P. Talent. Mag
gie Drumhlll, M. L. Holbrook.
Lewis Mishler, Porter & Humph
rey, W. D. Allen, Perry Scott, Geo
E. Chamberlin. W.T.' York, W.A.'
Lovelace, J. F. & M. E. Latham,
Des., National Surety Co , W. H.
Holmes, R. J. Conroy! C. G. Ware,
Chelgren Bros., W. R. Donnevik.
T. II. Cnughey, S. T. Wolverton.
J. S. Offut, R. Schuller, E. II. Pot
ter, Mrs. ' M. A. Bacon. W. II.
Biirris. It. Schuller. L. G. Purler.
C. W. Austin. Walter Wood. M. A.
Ruder. L. M. 'Rundlett, Alvin
Cumpbell. O. V. Myers, A. L. Cu
siek, A. P. Talent. Trail Lumber
Co., A. Clements.C. I. Howard, M.
L. Alford. Medford Lumber Co.,
Mary Webb. Minnie Cnllohan.
John T. Phelger, Henry Humph
rey, Donald S. Clark, Ilattie
Campbell, E. H. Foster, Marion
Foster, II. C" Whitney, Francis A
Smith. M B. Glover. M. H. Hartan.. No. 5364 A. S. Smith, Vol. 1. P.
U J. Aleeker. M. E. Church (par- 55: Central Point. Pattison Add.,
sonnge Addt.l, Wm. S. BrowTi, Lots 3 ft 4. Blk. 6, $7.78; accrued
Marv At. Forbes, It. J. Conrov, 1)
W. Moor.Trustee. I. Al. Walcott, N.
L. Townsond, W. AlcCardle. Lena
Weist. E. C. Way, M. E. Lewis.
Star L. Colvig, Oakdale T"nnis
Club, Geo. E. Marshall. 1). L. Col
vig, H. S. Bramble, John Grieve
et al, Anna Al. Parker. J ine D
Hooker. J. W. Dressier, A. P. Tal
ent, Trail Lumber Co., Jas. Bowl
ine or W. (!. (lorden. Ernest W.
Erickson, Alfred Ivey. Queen Anne
Add.. Inc.. Aledford Realty & Imp
Co., E. Al. Turner. Amelia Al.
Carey, F. A. Smith. SI. Anthonv.
Inc.. F. O. Burge. Clara Al
Wood, Annie M. Walters. Clar
ence Haverty, W. D. Jane-i. R.A1.
Poole, F. L. Bker, W. AL Kolms.
J. C. Collins, E. C. Lihlry, Jus. fl.
Craig, (i. W. Stull, Blanche L. Al
exander, O. R. Chaffee, E. H. Lnm
port, A. A. Moody, K. N, Foster,
W. A. &, 11. L. Medley, Sunuyside
Add., J. H. Dent, Cathnrien M.
Wukeman, Sarah Hlythe Menrs, R.
W. Leonard, (J. O. Powers, Mugglu
Piel, J. O. Sample, F. B. Pitcher.;
.',. MM,.,., II I-l Tntila ,
v' ,, . m e.: 7' r
Conro Fiero, John A i noil, II. C.
Brown, C L. Hawson.J. W: ti
Sarah Bobbins, Delia Clemont, W.
D. Jackson, C. II. H. Parker, Geo
Curler, M. E. Wlckslroin, C
Wiukstroni, L. S. Kemp, Wick
ntroiii Mining Co., Three Pines
Timber Co., E.A . Smith, Hydrau
lic Mining Co., C. W. Jones, Belle
Nickell, Mary Brow nswoi til Est.,
.1. E. Kirk, 0. E. Collins, Phil Rob
inson, A. Bilger, Frank H. Akers,
Mill key & lioxie, II. S. Bailey, E.
J. Davidson, Maggie Love, M. Jur
genseu, L. E. Ilandcock, Sophia
llopner, .1. P. Oden, W. O. Oden,
Enialine Oden, J. Sisemore, It. (1.
Smith, A. K. Nelson, John W.
Welch, Unknown Owner, J. W.
Prall, Andrews, Ore. Water &
Power Co., W. II. Gross, Emily
Greyson, J. R. Wlillemore, A.
Kyle, W. I). Yant, Hydraulic Mill
ing Co., C. H. Ross, et al. Iowa
Lumber & Box Co., Trail Lumber
Co., Opp Consolidated .Mines, K.
Hendricks, .1. T. Hreeden. C. II.
Pierce, S. B. Hamillon Heirs, M.
Canlrall, A. V. Gillette, T. (I.
Reames, Amanda llllcer, Mary
Kelso, C. O. Vincent Est., M. A.
Vincent, A. Dewilde, Ralph It.
Cow-gill, Martin Perry, .Mille Da
vis, S. J. Hansen, J. G. Il.ilhawav,
M. P. Ward, et al., A. L. Mills,
Grace K. Mann, Delbert Fehl, II
T. .Severance & .1. It. Parker, Al
bert Coffinan, Fred II. Cook, Chas
Nichol is. Glen Kubrick. Jas. How
ling, W. II. lliimplinv, William
Ross. M. G. Glover, W. II. Holmes,
Klsa A. Chenowerlh. J. F. Brooks,
C. II. II. Parker, W. A. Lee, Jacob
lliieger, II. W. Reynolds, T. P.
Collins, Wm. Davis, Medford
Realty & Imp. Co., Helen Stras
berer, L. E. Wakeinan, B. K.
Mulkoy, R. Schiller, 1). S. Wood,
J. A. Torney. Thos. Bartholomew,
Mary Chihlers. Cos. Grader, M. N.
Chillis. Geo. E. Cliainbeilin, Siski
you JjKts. Co.. W. E. Weaver,
(.'lain Aiken, ('has. M. Smith, J.
G. Gobli, E. M. Turner, College
Hill, Inc., .1. I). Heard. II. C. Slod
daid, W. S. Crow. II .1. (I. Coble.
E. A. King, Victor Dallaire, II. II.
V. Canal Co., Daniel Walker, Mac
Lean Est., T. A. Olson, Homer
Cox, F. .1. Culler. II. .M. Berry, (1.
H. Brown, A. N. Fisher, C.
Pierce, Kate Dunham (Heeson),
W. L. & C. Moore, S. .1. Heunison,
Ii. A. Jones.- Will. Haller, Cog
gins llros., A. W. Lewis, et al., A.
L. Aikins. J. F. Palmer, Dr. It. .1.
Couroy, M. M. Maine, K. C. (Jib
son, A i p Consolidated Mine of N. J.
Less Land lies., Wesley R. Spaiks.
.1. Ilcemnn, Alfred A. Baker. 1). Al.
Whetstone, M. B. Griffin, Daniel
Miller, M. F. Town. H. W. Rey
nolds, J. G. Coble, Pearl Caleb. in,
O. J. Willu rd. S. S. Phelps, Flem
ing Mathews. Win. 1'lrich, ('has.
Seaman, David E. Walker, L. Car
ter, W. W. Cot roll et ul, A. O.
Sherman, '('has. E. Hicks, A. P.
Hammond. Shorty Mope M. Al.
Co.. .1. Ilolton. E. L. Cooley, II. (1.
Stoddard, C. II. Pierce, and also
- all oilier persons and parties un
known claiming any in lit. title
estate, li.-n and interest, in and to
Ho. Real Estalo described in the
complaint herein, Defendants:
To Hie above named doleiidants:
In the name of the Slate of Ore
gon. Yon and each of you are hereby
notified .that Jackson County, Ore
gon, the above named plaintiff, is
the owner and holder of Hie certifi
cates of dolimiuoncv hereinafter
Narling, O. B,eCjricd ill "Exhibit A" hereof is
Fislier, Al. sued and daled January 17, 1920,
that being the amount then due, tle
liiKHient and unpaid for taxes for
the year 1913, touelher with penally,
interest and costs thereon, upon
that certain real properly lying nnd
being silitalcd in .larl;son County.
Oreton, assessed to you and each of
you as tin- same appears in the tax
rolls for tbn year 1913, in said
County and State, a more particular
description of said property, those
to whom the same is assessed, to
gether witli Ihe amounts due, delin
iii"iil. ami unpaid being found in
an iliniized statement thereof herein
attached, made a part hereof and
marked "Exhibit A." You and each
of you are hereby rc'i Hired to appear
in the above entitled Court and cause
within sixty days from the date of
Iho first publication of this 'sum
mons against you exclusive of the
A- ; dale of tho first publication, and an
Nettie BW,,r iuintift's complaint and upon;
your failure so to do, plaintiff will ;
ask for a decree of this Court fore-j
closing said delinquency certifl-l
cates in the amounts and against :
the. iironerlv as set out in "Exhibit!
This Summons is published I once:
. , "' " "' "', "';: "
secutive weeks in the
aSlliailll ll"-1T
ings, a newspaper or regular and
general circulation inruoiii jucumiii ;
County, Oregon, published weekly j
at Asiiland, Oregon, under and by,
virtue ol an order duly made, ren-.
dered and entered by Hon. F. M. Cal
kins, Circuit Judge, on January 17,j
Al proceedings and papers In this
matter may be served upon the un-
riersiened, residing within Jackson
Oregon, at the address here-
inarter given.
Attorney tor Plaintiff.
Address, Medford National Bank
Building, Medford, Oregon.
Interest figured to March 1,
! No. 5362 Carl Richardson, Vol.
!,. P. 55; Central Point. Shields Add.,
W. 35 ft. of Lot 7, Blk. 1, $5.53; ac
crued interest. $1.84.
! No. 5363 W. A. Cowley. Vol. 1,
P. 55; Central Point, Pattison Add..,
Lot 1, Hlk. 6; $3.02; accrued In-
terest, $1.00.
Interest. $2.59.
No. 5365 Unknown Owner, Vol.
1, P. 55: Central Point, big. at E
cor. Lot 2. Hlk. 7, th. W. along S
side of Illk., 115.4 fl. of 8th st
SE. along St., 204 ft. more or less,
th. N. to beg.. Blk. 7, Pattison Add.,
$3.55; accrued interest, $1.18.
No. 5366 C. S. Sanderson, Vol. 1,
P. 47: Central Point. Constant Tract,
part Lot 15, $17.43; accrued inter
est. $3.81. ,
No. 516S John Griffith. Vol. 1.
P. 49: Central Point. Griffith Add..
Lots 2, 3. 6. 6 ft 7, Blk. 1, 8. 9 and 1.
Illk. 2. $75.39; accrued interest,
No. 6369 John Griffith, Vol. 1,
P. 50; Central Point, Griffiths Add.,
Lot 2, Blk. 2, Lots 4, 3, 6 & 6, Blk
2, $37.40; uccrued interest, $12.46.
No. 6370 0. Ockerman, Vol. 1,
P. 50; Central Point, Griffiths Add.,
Lot 7, Blk. 2, $5.13; uccrued inter'
ost, $1.71.
No. 5371 Colver V. Frees, Vol.
4 ii c n . ....1 Tfnliit fti.l Pu t-lr
v.u.. . . . ...
ilnlerest, $1.71
No. 5372 Patterson Kahler,
Vol. 1, P. 50 & 51; Central Point,
Oak Park Add.. Lots 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10, 11 & 12, Hlk. 2, $30.70; accrued
I interest, i
Ko. u.ii:t Minier raiiison, voi.
1, P. 61; Central Point, Oak Park
Add.. Lots 13. 14, 15 & 16, Blk. 2,
Lots 1. 2, 3, 4 & 5, Blk. 3, $28.11;
accrued Interest, $9.37.
No. 6274 Kahler & Pattlson, Vol.
1. P. 61 & 62; Central Point, Oak
Park Add.. Lots li, 7, 8, 9, & 10, Blk.
3. Lot 6, Blk. 4, Lots 8, 9 & 10, Blk.
5, $38.70; accrued Interest, $12.90.
No. 6375 Kahler & Pattlson, Vol.
1, P. 52: Central Point, Oak Park
Lots 11 & 42, Blk. 5, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
4 M,, -Blk. 6, Lots 1 2, Hlk. 7,
$25.73; accrued Interest, $8.57.
; No. 5376 S. E. McCarvell, Vol. ,
1, P. 52; Central Point, Oak Park
'Add., Lot 3, Illk. 5, $5.13; accrued
interest, $1.71.
j No. 5377 Kahler ft Pattlson, Vol.
II, P. 52; Central Point, Oak Park
Add., Lots 3, 4, 5 ft 6. Hlk. 7, $14.67;
nccrued Interest, $4.89.
! No. 5378 Jones ft Heflen. Cen
tral Point, Vol. 1, P. 53; Oak Park
Add., Lots 1 ft 2, Blk. 8, $8.83; ac
crued Interest, $2.94.
I No. 5381 1. F. Brown, Vol. 1, P.
'5; Unite Falls, Lot 7 & 8, Illk. 13,
$14.66; accrued Interest, $4.88.-
No. 5382 J. F: Brown. Vol. 1. P.
8; Butte Falls, Lot 6, Blk. 17, $8.41;
nccrued Interest, $2.80.
No. 5383 W. H. Humphrey, Vol.
1, P.
8; Butte Falls, Lot 9, Blk. 17,
; accrued Interest, $2.80.
No. 5385 W. E. Patton, Vol. 1,
P. 9; Butte Falls, Lot 12, Hlk. 18,
$5.91; nccrued Interest, $1.97.
No. 5386 G. W. Richardson, Vol.
1, I'. 10; Butte Falls, Lot 4, Blk. 21,
, $3.40; accrued Interest, $1.13.
j No. 5.387 F. B. Piatt, guardian,
Vol. 6, P. 13; Rutte Falls, not plat
ted, 1-3 int. In NE'4 of NW'4, 1-3
lint. In N'2 of NE'4, $35.94; accrued
Interest. $1 1.98.
No. 5388 Wm. A. Cowlev, Vol. 1,
P. 15; Central Point, S. 112 ft. Lot
16, Hlk. 2, $8.18; accrued Interest,
: No. 5389 Wm. A. Cowley, Vol. 1,
P. 15; Central Point. S. 112 ft. of
Lots 12. 13, 14 ft 15, Illk. 2, $7.90;
accrued interest, $2.63.
No. 5390 Ben & Ann Beall, Vol.
1. P. 21 ; Central Point, Lot 12, Blk.
12, $6.19; accrued interest. $2.06.
No 5391 J. Delfamev, Vol. 1, P.
21 ; Central Point, Lots 13 ft 14,
Illk. 12, $11.48; accrued Interest,
No. 5392 .1. II. Kincaid, Vol. 1,
P. 22: Central Point. W. 16 '4 ft. Lot
2, Illk. 14, ull Lot 3, Illk. 14, $8.04;
accrued interest, $2.68.
No. 5393 Unknown Owner, Vol.
I. P. 22; Central Point, Lot 4, Illk.
14. $10.34; accrued interest, $3.44.
No. u394 Mary A. Mee, Vol. 1,
I. 23; Central Point, Lots 8 & 9,
Blk. 14, $17.82; accrued interest,
No 5395 Marv E. Simms. Vol. 1.
P. 23; Central Point, Lot 10, Blk.
II. $9.36; accrued Interest. $3.12.
No. 5396 Henj. Beall, Vol. 1. P.
23; Central Point. 1-3 ol Lot 8. Blk.
15. $4.33; accrued interest, $1.44.
No. 5397 Mertha Murrv, Vol. 1,
P. 23; Central Point. 1-3 or Lot 9,
Blk. 15, $1.68; accrued Interest,
No. 5398 Marie Albert, Vol. 1,
LP. 28; Central Point, Blk. 29, $5.14;
accrued .interest. $1.71.
No. 5399 Marv A. Mee. Vol. 1,
P. 30; Central Point, Hlk. 35, $3.55;
accrued Interest, $1.18.
No. 5400 W. A. Cowlev. Vol. 1,
P. 30; Central Point, Lot 8,1ilk. 37,
Lots 3 ft 4, Illk. 38, $19.92; accrued
interest, $6.64.
No. 5401 S. A. Pattlson, Vol. 1,
P. 30: Central Point, Lots 7 & 8,
Hlk. 38, $16.77; accrued interest,
No. 5402 E. Lunt, Vol. 1,
P. 31; Central Point. Lot 2, Illk. 39,
$7.50; accrued Interest, $2.60.
No. 5403 Win. A. Cowley, Vol. 1,
P. 32; Central Point, Lot 1, Blk. 42,
I $22.06; accrued interest, $7.35.
No. 6404 S. A. Pattlson, Vol. 1,
I P. 32: Central Point, Lot 3. Blk. 42,
$41.91; accrued interest, $13.97.
No. 5405 II. Riley, Vol. 1. P. 33;
I Central Point. Lot 1, Blk. 47,
$16.37: accrued Interest, $5.16.
No. 5 406 It. F. Angle, Vol. 1, P.
33; Central Point, Lots 5. 6, 7 ft 8.
j Rlk. 48, $71.97; accrued Interest,
No. 5407 J. A. Mann, Vol. 1, P.
;34; Central Point, Lot 5, Blk. 63,
j$7.10; accniPil Interest. $2.36.
No. 5408 Henj. Beall, Vol. 1, P.
'35; Central Point, Lots 5 ft 6. Blk.
64, $18.36, accrued interest, $6.12.
No. 540911. T. Angle. Vol. 1. P.
35; Central Point. Lot 4. Hlk. 65.
1(UR. npcrup(
No. 5410 Wm, T. Toon.ev. Vol. 1.
00. r,l,l !.!. T-.. on.
,i. v., it, ii, it, mi, j,ia J
4, Blk. 65, $31.31; accrued Inter
:est. $10.43.
I No. 5411 Wm. A. Cowlev, Vol. 1,
IP. 39: Central Point, Lots 1 & 2.
Blk. 69, $13.87: accrued interest.
'e R4 10 Ctc-il, A 1
LP' ":01T",l,r"1 Lot B Blk.
69: .2B accrued interest, $2 41
! N'. "13-Mnry A. Mm. Vol 1
' i. ul8,J;
ii".. ix, -i.Dj. accrued interest.
No. 5414 Wm. A. Cowlev, Vol. 1,
P. 40; Central Point, Lot 8, Blk. 71,
9.37; accrued interest, $3.12.
No. 5415 Rachel Al. Whiteside,
Vol. 1. P. 43; Central Point. Amy
Harbnuch Add., Lots 4, 6, 6, 7. 8
ft 9. Hlk. 2, $22.05; nccrued inter
est. $7.35.
No. 54 IT W. H. Everhard, Cen
tral Point, Constant Tract: 44.5 ft.
Des. 4)9-570. Part Let 2, Vol. 1. P.
47. $2.49; accrued interest. $0.83.
No. 5417 Jos. Alartin, Vol. 1, P.
47; Central Toint, Lot 60, Des. 99-
: zao. Part Lot 2. Constant Tract,
j$2 49; nccrued interest. $0.83.
I No. 5418 W. H. Everhard. Vol. 1,
P. 47: Central Point. Constant Tract.
E. 200 ft. Des. 95-213 less 98-481.
P.-rt Lot 2, $9.01; accrued Interest,
I No, 5419 Alary Alee. Vol. 1. P.
,47; Central Point, Constant Tract.
Lot 4, $15.54, accrued interest. $5.18.
No. 5420 August Puhl. Vol. 1, P.
47; Central Point. Constant Tract.
Lot 5, $15.54; accrued Interest,
No. 6421 F. Ci Cochran. Vol. 1.
P. 47; Central Point. Constant
Tract. Lot 7, $33.70, accrued Inter
est. $11.23.
No. 6 422 Alary A. Mee. Vol. 1. P.
47; Central Point. CcnBtant Tract.
Lot 9, $15.54; accrued interest,
No. 542.1 J. Isaac, Vol. 1, P. 47;
Central Point, Constant Tract. Lot