fcAOE rvro ABOUND WEEKS MMNCI8 Wednesday", January 28, 1020 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING COMPANr 11ERT R. GREER. .Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 KvnsriuPTiox rates ry mail Or.e Year Six Months . . . Three Months .52.00 . 1.23 Outside of the I'nited States One Year . . Six Months .2.B2 . 1.40 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertisements, per column inch, each Issue, 25c. Local Readers, the line of six words, 10c. . Classified Column, lc the word, each time. Legal Notices. 3 1-3 cents the line, each time. Cards ot Thanks, J 100. Obituaries, 2 '4 cents the line of six words. Fraternal orders and societies charging regular Initiation fee. and dues Ro,U,n,.. anil benevolent societies will he charged for all n, when j an admission or collection Is laKen, at in. ictu... w iidings has a larger circulation In Ashland and its trade territory than all other newspapers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postnffice as second class .mail matter. . 1(..-rrcTIMT MAKE ONE W7.7.V; The following condensed report of erro will he of In- tlin terest to luenibeni ot tile Asniaii'i (inn; Commercial Club und others. The 4:?tu:mamimnaaaxawwwnn 1 The Social Realm SATURDAY'S XEWS Curd Party Mrs. J. M. Wagner und Mrs. E. L. McCluro entertained a company at cards at the homo of' the former nt 153 Oak St., yesterday. The afternoon was spent with bridge and 500. The vinnors'of favors for the former ganio were Mrs. E. V. Carter, Mrs. A. C l!iiL-ts and Mrs. A. E. Kinney, while those of the latter were Mis. Frank Dickey, Mrs. F. (I. Swedenbuig Mis. C. H. Pierce and Mrs. W. O. Currv. Refreshments were served after the games ceased. About thir Iv were ill attendance. The favors presented were the handiwork of Mrs. McCluro. , It is estimated by statisticians ; Chamber of Commerce for 'oligrrssiomil Quest ions The delegates favored giving all Club Mel The Come When You Can club niel at I ho home of Miss Nina Emery on Mechanic street last evening. The members spent the evening with their needlework and had an ejoyable time together. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The Annual Rail The second nnnm.l ball of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen will be held in the Natatorium Tuesday evening, February 21, and will be one of the leading social events of the winter, Launspuch's jazz orches tra will furnish the music. )i,.t the direct cost , u ti so nun. 000. m" the indirect cost, $151,000,000,-1 Ashland club is a member of ,h ' . . . nun nnn - Kliiie Chamber. fiufl, making a Mini oi i. , OHO. As a result of the war mainly, ,. - ...;,. ,!,.,! (hut the national l.u"ot Croat Britain is about 45 ' possible assistance in .he establish. . . , I:i .,,ith- that meat of u naval base at the mouth ol per u iii ii i he (,olllmlli.i; 8tM.,11:illl! appropriation j Wednesday afternoon pi uu.sia, . I ot (ro)n C())Kr(,sg jn )Uii,illK tliej regular program the members de- per cent, ol . . ',. Roosevelt highway; Two Hundred and j cided to take up a special course of (i (Till Ull V O i lrT H"iiv Ilungarv 90 per cent; while the Unit-! Kilty Million Jones Hill for lteclan.a e'l I Sm.cs is little more than 10 per Hon; One Hundred Million Dollars cent Hut few of these experts call floral funds per year for five years attention to the fact that If the , id Ten Million I.olla.s per year for warring nations spent all this money 'ten years for road construction; somebody got it, and tfje money is "I"'" of la.n.h ludianUeserva still in existence sowhewhere in the tion to Seattlenient Restoration, of world For Instance the billions, Weather Forecast Center at Port land. Fpent hv the rnited States were bor- Ue-t-ns .. ,' i. , i- i,,l und Itoad bond issue of Ten Million ruweu 1 1 mil I" iv - - ., , I ...ill, M llf- f fM-n Ihn uoiinrs coniiiigciii upon lncreasnm ... v,,..t...,, .... 'stale debt limitation for roads f rom ceremony taking place on Christmas 2 per cent to 1 per cent. ,,a. The groom is a well known i Defeat any proposed bill reducing, J'"""!.' business man of Ashland and legal rate of Interest In Oregon to 4 ls a member of tho firm of Harrison Bros. Vulcanizing works. The newly married young couple will make their home on Pioneer avenue, TIIIRSDAVS XEWS Missionary Mil-tins The Women's Missionary Society of t lie Presbyterian church held their regular monthly meeting nt the home of Mrs. F. J. Shinn on Oak street Beside the reading during the coming two months. A good attendance was present at tho meeting yesterday. Xewly Weds Home Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Harrison nr rived home Tuesday evening from Chic ago, where tlje former went last month on a visit. While In the east Mr. Harrison was united in marriage other evidences of debt, and then paid back to virtually the same peo ple, who loaned it in payment for la bor, food and war materials. ThlB view of the case would indicate that while the tovernment has gone heav-1 '"' ilv into debt the People who constl-! 'I"r rol'"'ll't 1,1 5 "'r ''" i i ii.o fntieil Reinstatement of UM lll pot t;. 11 tit' .11, in .. ....... States, at least havo virtually all the rinnev that the tovernment spent the war And in i"u, lu 111 1 1. ir iiii..h. iu .n.u un der like favorable conditions now ac- j corded to swamp lauds. Appointment of a committee to in- cent and limiting Interest uu- penally death for murder In first degree. Organization of cut-over land im in prlsecuting the war. turn the government Is levying ad ditional taxes on tho people who con- ftitute it to meet the lntest and principal, as it comes due, on the vestigate on proper care and ediira debts It owes the people. In brief, Hon of children inmates of slate In stitutions. , what the government owes them,! '-'" since the government has no other, (''""'ler of Commerce. ....i,.i ..V....I.I n,,.,,i, iv,.ti,,n in Miscellaneous raisn It. When one gor9 to figuring on the cost of war and the financial burdens It Imposes, ho is quite likely to get dizzy before he has determined Just' who pays the hills, In tho end. As a mutter of fart, the late war was very profitable to the people of the I'nited States iu a financial sense be cause they sold billions of dollars worth of food and supplies to for-j eign belligerents at war prices. And' ll ll'ilu i.m'1'i.uimm ilii.lv II ti m'ltfi fitlile I to tho foreign nations which were forced to buy what they lacked In this country and were in no position to dine a good bargain. One effect i.f the war was to shift the financial dominance of the world to this side of Stale Completion of Natron rut-off and Strahorii system of railroads. Daily mail servim between Hem! and Burns. The directors elected the follow ing officers: President, Charles Hall, Marsh field. Treasurer, J. 1.. Klheridgi" Port land. Secretary, tleorge Qilayle, Port-hind. W. R. ('. Visit. Tho Ashland Women's Relief Corps were the invited guests ot the Medford Corps yesterday afternoon. About, twenty went from the local Corps and spent the ntteruoon, after which a fine supper was served in the evening. The regular meeting followed at which the officers of the Medford Corps were installed. An entertainment of speaking and sing iug followed the installation cere monies. Vice-president, Portland. Vice-president, Cratits Pass. Vice-president, Dalles. Emery Olinstead, F. S. llraniwall, J. T. Itorick, Tin n ml co-operative An optimistic u.,l..ll It..... .1 I , .1 the Atlantic perhaps an hundred """ "'.oumioiii uie rears before it would naturally have' """ (,f . '-"' tin, ; i. in i h (, .inn ditiruo nf tlifl ile-i conservative policy of the State Telopim nt of the Western World. Mil DAY'S XEWS Choir Met A splendid rehears il was given last night at the .Met lioilltt church with .Mr. (!. II. Yeo us leader. About thir ty were present. Refreshments were served at the close. They will meet every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. and Dr. Ferris mid Evangelist Edicar ami wifo were r-nlertnlncd at 0 o'clock dinner by Rev.' and Mrs. Koehler of the Presbyterian nuinse yesterday. Pleasant Dance The young people ot tho Ashland high school gave an enjoyable dunce ill Memorial hull last evening to cel- TI1K WEST'S OltE.VI'EST ASSET Chamber had won Hie confidence of I "' " "w llus,"B 01 I1U! ", st incsier ot the school year and wel come iu the second. A local orches- the general public; that it was not In any way mixed in politics; that it was state wide in Its plans unci that the accomplishments of the past year had won for It the firm conviction I It Is nn organization much needed in The West's nio-t precious asset is ii,t iu ciiimei. cold and silver; it is .i . . .. i ....iii, ,.r "'" "' . f , our state, and, the continued co-op moiiiii.iiu i.uijfi, m i i" . ... .. ,1... lw,...l ..f ilu V:ll- ' 1 , . , .. In being the one organization In the levs. Far more valuable than all , . . i i , .r. In . I.. i- ll iu the ',,,'', ' ' ,, . , auestions would eventually be sub Oasis Ol illl Uie, uie r.ue-r in nil n.i- perity. The ry,1cmalic develop ment of the West's water resources has jil-t beu'iin. Imagine what the result will be when the uttermost eratlon of its members would result in being the one organi;:,J ion In the state through which nil slate wide milted, ns is now the case Iu many Instances. tni furnished delightful music and the young people tripped the light laniastie until a late hour. Is touring the state at the present time organizing .a campaign to se cure funds for the national Y. W. C. A. This meeting was called for, this purpose and an organization will soon be effected. As this was the regular time of the Parent-Teachers' meeting, a business session preceded Dean Fox's ad dress. The principal item transact ed was the accepting the resignation of Mrs. H. T. Elmore as president of the West Side circle. No one was elected to fill her place. Mrs. Cor don MacCracken, president of the East Side circle, presided. After the meeting was concluded the domestic science department of the Junior High school, conducted by Miss Ruth Vorlng, the teucher, served refreshments. Rules for Avoiding Influenza Dr. George Parrlsh, chief of the j Portland health bureau, presents the following rules for avoiding lnflucp za, the recurrence of which ls threat ening some portions of the country, which will be well for ull to heed. That Ashland has been unques- gon, within TEN days from the dat ot the service of this Summons on you, if served within Jackson county, Oregon, and if sorved on you In any other county In the stale of Oregon, then wlUiin TWENTY days from the date ot its service upon you, and if . served on you by the publication thereof, then within SIX WEEKS from the date of the' first publica tion thereof, and If you full to, np- imiir mill nimwer niilil cnninlfiint wltli- ! in the time as above specified the Iiiidy Elks Cnid Party A very delightful afternoon was spent by the ladies at the Elks club rooms yesterday ufternoon. These parties are steadily growing in pop ularity. Dainty refreshments wei'e served during the ufternoon by the hostesses, Mrs. A. C. Briggs and Mrs. Iru Shoudy. At bridge Mrs. G. V. Gillette won first prize, while- ut five hundred Mrs. A. L. Irwin was the lucky winner. The afternoons of these card par ties has been changed from Tuesday to the first and third Thursdays of each month. Eleven O'clock Club Reorganizes One of tho leading society events of the season was the opening dance of the Eleven O'clock club held last evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hush, who will soon leave for Long Beach, Calif. A most enjoy able evening was spent in dancing from 9 to 11:30 after which a light luncheon was served. Officers were elected as follows: President, D. H. Barneburg; vice presfdent, Louis Dodger secretary and treasurer, J. W. McCoy. The next dance of this series will be Mon day, February 9. The guest list Included Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Guley, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barne burg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Joy, Enill Peil, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc Coy, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNair, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Neil, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Simpson, Mr. und Mrs. II. T. El more, Mr. and Mrs. V. O. N. Smith, Mr. und Mrs. B. R. Greer, Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Johnson, Mr. und Mrs. Frank Jordan, Dr. and Mrs. O. O. Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. MucAdanis, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Moxon, Mr. und Mrs. II. K. Tomlinson, Mr. und Mrs. II. G. En ders, Jr., Mr. und Mrs. J. E. Euders, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Paulserud, Mr? and Mrs. V. V. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. .lesso Neil, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Vuupel, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tinomns. kilowatt of electrical energy has been fill-acted fiuni the mountain streams. when the Columbia, the Frazer, Hie Rogue and the Willamette, the Lew-, is und the Feather have ull be completely harnesseil, when fifty REV. and DR. FERRIS. Farewell Message Editor Tidings. Dear Sir: Kindly permit us thus publicly through tho Tidings as a medium to express our appreciation of the favors you und our many Ash land business friends have conferred upon us during our stay in this city. Our relations In this resnect m u-oli ..in a-i int. u. us sriaiiv ,..,,1 ri.il?iuv u. ,,v rrom an indications rrmle nil will; K1.(.a,y elljny,.d ...... WH wiM nf. , continue to go up in price by order think of our friends and their many of old law "Supply and Demand." i kindnesses and interest., in n,. In 1919 the P. S. ronsunic.1 417.- memlM ii,,,. ,,, i linivp,. u. v 0"0.nno barrels of oil nml w only , goodbye and God speed. Most sin rroduced 375,000,000. Wo bad to ceielv turbines und wheels are rotating ""Port the rest. where one is turning today. ! A man with an oil well Is n whole The whter unused today call pro- 'ot like n man with a good cow. one, K11ri.1l Circle Mel dure irrigated crops suflici"nt for uti ses his nil to a refinery and the The Social Circle of the Christian least three limes the present popula- other sells hi milk to 11 creain"rv. chiiii li w.,s entertained at the home tion of the Far West, and the by- As the demand for oil Inrreasen, the' or Mrs. A. Lhingstoii yesterday af product of Irrigation, eleiiric power, tefinerv offers more to get the sun-! teinoui. An unusually lame attend- plv of the producer and the same1 a lire was present and fpent an enjoy with milk nnd the creamery. able allei iiiien with contests of v i- The great demand for crude nil , l ions sorts. Mrs. Livingston was 11s- f!" caiisi i keen competition umonc ! slsted in li s coining faster lli. in inor-t of Ui f fillers to secure it nnd consequent i Peachey. f Xpert. The war has taught us to lv the price has ndvanred nbout 25 . Ibink In terms ol billions. Pieity per rent durlnc Kilt. The t-.tmo' W'FI)ESI. V'S NEWS Boon. wIh-ii 1 lie noilil 1. buying 111M1 rniid-i ion hi, prevailed In regard to! Talk on V. SI. C. A. alter ils five y-.iib' noaoiny has the railk nipply. j The iitten,,,ur,. t the Parent- Hpent ll 'f, inn uie (ilo meal The proiluits of the refineries h,vTe.i. h, -is meetiiiK , tho Junior High in.ee moie I. ii-h a il.,iii:.-r. t'-io. Pol Inrm.ml fn proportion tn (V school Tiled;, y a 1 1 iiiiun w.is not as of ti.0UK..i.i of men be n t to advance r, rrndo oil but it 1 n"1v large us Hie Importainv of the event work hariie .111K the w.tir rouini. a Auction of that the d'-Tf ffijy blo'-om un l have to. tlin (;,!, lUeNh.nxMble rn.-ri-y Ol There rrr.,, different the topper w.ie ,; e.o the orK of tv.-in IV j ,iplj- and th milk the We-t. Editori .1 in IVbrua!) firi-lylt pm.-M tnt m,n to Humet. rri--'r the nurre, nf milk supplr but cau pull rw-ry r.iilio.id Iran., operate all the faitonr-i. niill. shops, mines, light ull the r.olais and siill have a lnarg.n of s. vera I million horsepower. serving by Mrs. A. 11. There nro only about a hundred producing metal miles in Oregon nnd six of these produce 80 per cent of the total output of ull tho metal mined in the state, nnd one nf them produces 25 per cent of the total value of the metals produced. These six mines are those of tho Baker Mines company, Cornucopiu Mines com pany, Homesteud-Iron Dyke company, and the Comrerclal Mining company, all in linker county, and the Queen of Itronzo Mining company, in Jose phine county. The only placer mine in this group is the Powder River Gold Dredging company. The larger copper companies of tho Btato, which are !n Baker and Josephine counties, show some In crease in output during the year, not withstanding unfavorable conditions. The most productive county In the state in all metals is Baker, which produces nearly 80 per cent of the gold and of the total value of all metals mined. Though less ore has been produced In Oregon during the last two years than In 1917, the average value of all the metals mined and treated has Increased about 90 cents per ton. The relative rank of the counties of Oregon in the pro duction ot gold is as follows: Baker, Grant, Josephine, Jackson, Crook, Douglas, Umatilla, Clackamas, Lane, Malheur, Wallowa, Curry and W'heolor. tionably benefitted by tho great fruit crop of the past year Is demonstrat ed by tha business bundled by the American Railway Express company 1, Exercise wisely and regularly. . ulcno. During the year 1919 the t 1 ., ...iMii!,.. . . ... ..... hi I"" 1 z., r,ai wiio.esu.nu ... niiHiuess cu um eMoesa "''' iniaintiff will apply to the court for intervals. It Is not quantity, l't-, iutioimti-il to $45,000, whilo that of , ti,0 ro demanded in the guid Corn quality which counts. Don't eat us! j 91s Hmoiinted to $23,000. The j plaint, to-wlt: 1 if you were trying to win a race j tnlit handled by this company dur- T'lat the plaintiff have judgment 3. Get ull the fresh air possible , , p!tKt year was an important , Wer(m f()r th(J gum of s'xte(m Hun. item, while general improvements died Dollars with Interest thereon and advanced business in other lines 'at tho rato of eight per cent per an- On..lAn.l.n ..,! 1t.1T tn. 1 the cypress company lr",M "-'i"""""" -" both by day and by night. Fresh air is life. ' 4. Take sufficient rest. Few per sons ran get ulohg with less than eight hours sleep regularly. 5. Keep clean both insido the body 'and outside. Wash your has cans almost double the last year. Its business within "she is spoke," gether witli one hundred Blxty dol lars attorney fees nnd the costs and disbursements of this suit: That the certain deed executed by Eric Weren is not and Desederia Weren, husbund and Pro-lith hands before each meal and clean only frequently dilhcull .0 peoples, . your mouth and teeth nTler each 01 other nations, but sometimes it twcn(jr acrPg 0j anA )n Sout, meal. Insure bowel movement al is hard to Interpret the meaning of. ,,, f tln B0uthwost quarter of the least once daily. ' the idioms of various sect Ions. Thl.i northwest quarter of Section Five in There Is nothing In tho present was observed the other day in Asl.-jTow situation which should cause fear! land, when a little girl was the 0.H,on nlllI wi,irh Deed Is of record in anyone, but on tho other hand, ' forested observer of a neighbor build-- in yol.' 98, Page 108 of the Deed every sane, thinking person should iug a back porch to his lesidence. This jtecords of Jackson county, Oregon, awaken to the tact that ho has a'addilion the man called by the good land which deed was In legal effect duty to perform-a duty .0 himseir ,d Yankee name of "stoop." j aoiW secure jutUUn- and to his fellow citizen. Fear, to "Oh, mamma," the child called to gaRO nll(i gaj,j real property sold In a certain degree, does make the body! her mother. "Mr. is making manner provided, by law, and that susceptible to disease by lowering a 'bend' to his house." each of said defendants be barred vitality, but hearing the truth should 'l!" coiintv; ""-."; iivahm. reassure any reasoning, well-bul- THE G'ltvV mi n l Pf r' BANK OF ASH LAND, unced person. No one should allow himself to biv for 11)20, cost $7.10,000 stampeded. The wide spread of any; diseaso is almost always caused by the thoughtless person ot the one ' who is deliberately wicked. There fore, the most promising way to deal with the possibility ot a recurrence of influenza is to look the situation : squarely in the face. If one does, it is summed up in the word "pre paredness." ' And now is The time to prepare.' There is every reason to look hope fully on this subject, and yet we must not neglect any precautions that will tend tn protect us, should , this diseaso gain headway in Ore gon, i The right way to begin Is to take1 an inventory of yourself. Are you physically fit? Are you eating 1 lie ( proper foods, and regularly? Do you get enough sleep? , Do not wait, for the "flu," but : boat the "flu" to it! Recome a citi zen worthy ot the name, thoughtful, of yourself and your neighbor. Avoid persons suffering Iron: "colds," sore throats and coughs. Keep warmly, clothed, and seo that your living room temperature Is close to OS de grees, and that tho air is not too dry. Sleep and work in clean, fresh air. , Avoid expectorating in public places, and see that others do the same. Don't use towels or linens used by others. Cover your nose and mouth with your handkerchief when you cough or pneeze. Walk several miles a day. Keep your hand.v clean and keep them out of your j mouth. j If you havo a cough or cold, do not become a nuisance and ;i men-; ace by attending some thoalor or: 1 dance. To sum it up, tho five sim ple coinnion-sense rules given above,! if followed, will cause you to achieve; the maximum of health. 1 j-;.naii iii.i-i iiougias couniy. ., E(,,,m proper. plans 12 miles permanent pavement j Dv Order of the Hon. F. M. Calk ins, Judge of said rourt, made ana ! dated on the 17th day of January, 1920, this Summons ls served on the defendants, Annie Lassell, George iLnssell, Carl E. Weren, A. Bianchl ' nnd Freda liianchl by the publication thereof for six successive weeks !n the Weekly Tidings, a newspapor of general circulation printed and pub lished nt Ashland, In said county, and you nro hereby required to ap pear and answer in said cause within , six weeks from the date of the first : publication thereof. I Date of first publication January : 21st, 1920. J I1RK1GS AND P.RIGGS, 1 Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ashland, ! Oregon. 79-Ct W. USEFULNESS IS OUR MM It is tho .steadfast aim of The Citizens Rank of Ashland to ni -ke its ser vice cmii;.i'eli.-iuie und useful to every depositor Mid client. Experience tho satisfaction of having an account Willi us. s f Jil a fir i SAVINGS DEPOSITS! "Gce-Whk! How il Hurl Tte Fah ia My Foot ! Department of the Interior, I'nited Slates Lund Office, Itoseburg, Oregon, i Serial 050!I9 December 29, 1919. NOTICK OF M'.I.KCTIOX Notice Is hereby given that Jacob Goldberg of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, has filed Iu this office his applica tion to select, under the Art of Juno 4th, ISfi7, known ns the Forest Lieu Art, the SK'4 of Section 28, Town ship 40 South, Range 1 East, W. M. Any nnd all persons claiming ad versely the lands described, or de sf riii if to object because of the min eral character of tho land, or for any other reason, to tho disposal to -applicant, should file their affida vits of protest In this office on or before the 17th day of February, 1 920. W. II. CAN'ON', 77-r.t-W. Register. PI T.I.ICATIO.V of Jackson nn Oregon SI MMONS I OR VAN' OI VLIl 34 building time nntil they wit: wai ranted, but tho,.e present were more th;m repaid by hearing the , si'lei.diil talk delivered by Dean Elii a bet h Fox of the I'nJversity of Ore urn, who spoke in the interests of I he Yopng Woman's Christian Asso- lt l Irnpo-.-iMr for htm to Inrreniir clution. Dean Pox had been con- ' nerted with this organization over- p.r- smrrBt of i, mprly. All be nn mits totjihiig iilto.tH r'iortt-d for do to (-"t more oil Is to try and find during the war. und bad many Jl19. undiscovered fields. j Interesting experiences to relate. She In order to allow the public chap eron of dunces to be able to delin eate her position thoroughly and at the same time to not unduly restrict those who are desirous of attending dances the council passed a new dunco ordinance at its meeting last evening. The former ordinance for bade ull young people under 18 )cars of age attending public dances unless accompanied by their parents or legal guardians. In some in stances, it was stated, objections wero taken to this law, when young I Plo were present with older mem bers of the family or other relatives. According to the law the chaperon had no recourse but to send such young people home. These cases were placed before the council and another ordinance was framed In which the chaperon Is allow'! the authority of either sending home young people under 18 years of age who appear without their parents or legal guardians, or to provide or see that they have a suitable chaperon. The voting on this ordinance result ed in a tie, the mayor casting the vote allowing it lo pass. The county horticultural Inspec tors, who havo been in Ashland dur ing the past week looking over the orchards, stale that so far as the hill districts are concerned llio fruit Is safe. It was feared that the heavy; snow and unusuully cold weather that prevailed last month would put a fin-; ish to the fruit, but according to thei inspectors the orchards 011 tho hills; at least nre all to the good. While hero tho Inspectors staled; that the recent cold weather of the past few weeks has been the sulva-j tion of the fruit. Had it come offj Warm for a few days, then freezing I weather follow, they claim, the fruit! would have been killed. The snowj of December 11, while it did much ; damage to the trees by Its unusual j affected. When your Uiilncyi get slug- weight and depth, was a great pro-j gi-h and do;, you sulTer from backache, "ornp'imcs it h in my ftn, Mm-i.'nl Heaven, how my back hurts in I he morn ing!" Ils all d'ld toon over abundance of that poison called u ri .; ncid. The kid ney i are not iiIjU- to g-t ri 1 of it. .SuJi conditions you can readily overcome, nr, 1 prolong life I." taking the ad vice of Dr. Tkiw, whi' : is "keep the kidneys in good order.'' "Avoid too much meat, alcohol or In Prink plenty of pure water, preferably Lot water, before meals, and drive tl.c uric acid out of tho system by taking Anuric." This can .La obtained U almost any drug store. Send a bottle of w?.!cr to Ike cker.u t tit Dr. Pierce's Invalid' Hotel, BuITub, N. Y., and you rill receive free medical ndvico as to whether tho kidneys aro mm tection to the fruit against the cofc! snap that followed shortly after. Long-Del I Lumber Co., of Kansas City buys 70,000 acres timber in Cowlitx valley. Wash., and may build mill at Portland. A, ; Boys9 i! Hi-Tops Please Your Boy and keep bis feet dry. Our itck of Dayton Hi Tops is complete In sizes from 1JV4 to 414. sick-headache, dizry ppells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep is disturbed two or three timc3 a night, take heed, before too kite. Get Anuric (anli-uric-ncid), for it will put new life into your kidneys nnd your entire- system. Ask your nearest drug gist for it or send Dr. Tierce ten cents for trial package. I In the Circuit Court I County, Oregon. Jackson County P.ank. I Corporation, Plaintiff, 1 vs. ' David II. Palmer, alias D. II. Palmer, ; nnd if lie be deceased, the un- j known heirs of II. II. Palmer; ulso I nil other persons or parties tin- ' known claiming any right, title, Interest, lien or estate In the real ' estate described In the Complaint herein, Defendants. To. David II. Pi.ltner, nlias, D. II. Palmer, nnd If he be deceased, the unknown heirs of D. H. Palmer; nlso all oilier persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, Interest, lien or estate In the real estate do srrihed In the Complaint herein: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby required lo ap pear and answer the complaint filed 'against you In the above entitled court nnd cause, on or before six weeks from the day of the first pub lication of this Summons, thejirst publication thereof being the" 7th day of January. 1 920, and you are hereby notified that if you fall to ap pear nr answer said complaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wlt: That the plaintiff recover Judement in the ram of f.lSS.20. together with inter est thereon nt the rate cf R per cent ' per annum, payable nuarterly from : IJectJmber 18, 1919, until pnld, to gether with $a0.00, attorney's fees, I and costs nnd disbursements herein to be taxed, and for a decree of court foreclosing the certain real estate mortgage securing the debt nnd promossnry note described In plain tiff's rnmplnlnt. nnd that said mort gage and deed he foreclosed on said premises In Jackson Conntv. Oreeon, to-wlt: Lot No. 7 in Rlnck No. 4 in the Nickell Addition to Medford, Or oon: that said premises described be ordered sold in the manner pre scribed by law, and the proceeds thereof be applied: In the payment of costs and ex- FOll SALE Fine registered Hol- stein bull, 4 years old. Splendid nenses of sale; pedigree, will sell cheap or trailei jt for Durham or Hereford bull. I). 1 Jn the payment of costs nnd dl M. Deter, Siskiyou, .Ore. 119-2 hursements of suit, and attorney's ""SPIT IV I'Ql 1TY SUMMONS j 'WS n"owf'0' court; I,hlSf,.Cr.?Jn'Vf T,in nmo'"" " Pontiff on " sain note, nnd the balance. If any there be after said amounts havo been fully pa'ld, satisfied, and dis charged, be paid over unto the above gon. Otis O, Ileiman, riaintiff, - vs. ! l,esr.,cna V. ere ,. ,v:o o, ,, ,r e- (1fnmlant h f, f ren, Dereased, Clarence Lane and ;. , Inter(lat n n Minnie Lane Administrators of 1BrPh a, titIp the estate of Eric Weren, Ileceas- and lnter(lst of flpJ;ndt,' od; ingrid l ergstrom and C. L. Pnrn tnwnf fnrl ding the unknown llergstrom, husband and wife; no.r, n. n H ,,"'. Elvera Walls.en and B. O. Walls- SR, ten, husband nnd wife Eric II. .,11 n(i... . . ' c"n"'' Weren and his wife. Minta We- r! ren; Annie Lassen a.1.1 t.eorge or Mt.,tB , ,he rPn, d9(.r bpdi Lassell. husband and wife; Carl h fnrPr1no,, A , ' . v" ?D ! E. liianchl, husband and wife, heirs of the said Eric Weren, Deceased, .YiZA' f?F'f,dJ Pt ns to the riinrot redemnt.on as provided by law; and for such further anil Aiffnmi a. il. Defendants i ..i..:m .ii leuei us in mo ?ol Desederia Weren, Clarence iC.TJjr Pr0Per aml nltW' Lane, Minnie Lane, Ingrid Ilerg- ui. c.,m. i. . ,, . . , ,. Strom. C. L. P.ergstrom, Elveril Wall- A J, " 'S." " ""bll3n ,he sten, R. O. Wallsten, Erie II. Weren. X 'T' "ml bI Tir- KTO F " WereT l"" ' "-11 I.asseii, i art L. eren, A. liianchl 111 a in i.i- . M . 1 o,i p,,i.. m,i,i ... i . ' n this said court and cause iv TttP vivre tup ctatp' . of ,ne "rst Publication nv niTr nv vi, ?; 1 v. T E ","r''of ,I" 7th dav of Jannarv, Ol ORE .O.N, 'Von and each of you ,920, and the Inst publication Is the are hereby summoned nd required iSt day of February. 1920. to appear and answer the Complaint f. jj THOMAS of the plaintiff on file In the office Attorney for Plaintiff; "residence and of t ie -County Cleric of Jackson, r,!offlre: Medford, Oregon. -county, Oregon, at Jacksonville, Ore-,77.7 wed. Wkly.