Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, January 21, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Wednesday, Jiinuary 21, 1020
:::::::::-:::::::::::::::::!!!!: turn runn
.Mrs. Prescott. who has heen vis-
iting relatives in Ashland for sev-
er-l ve.ks, h returned to her hom
iu Sklfin.
T. M. Brooks, n resident of lrtano.
who has been living in Ashland for
seveial months, li ft the of the
week for California to remain th
rest of the winter.
.Mis. 1!. K. Hall and children leave
for .Southern California ill a few
ri.vs to remain -during the winter,
Two deputy intern . 1 revenue col-
lei tors will be in Ashl mil from Feb-
man Hih to llth to assist citizens
in makiio; out their Income state-
m-T.ts. purine' these days deputies
Wiinhei iy mid pilrymnlp will be at
ilie city hall. About Januaiy 22 all
suns who made returns last year
will be supplied with proper blanks
lor making returns froni the oflice
of internal revenue., Portland.
Deputy Revenue Collector Wimber
ly was in Ashland yesterday on his
way to Klamath Tails, where he will
be for a week helping citizens make
out their income lax statements.
0. F, Carson has sold his fiiie resi-
liencp on Palm atenue to .1. C. Con-
who came here from Portland l'1" lo """ " Aswnn.i miring
several days ago and has been look- ""' 0"lllinK we,'k "' lesiime bee
ine ft.r a homo in this city. He will work buro
take porsessinn ill May, when he will
briii'; his family here. The sale was' Mr. mid Mrs. TIal: h Uoberison '
made by the l!eaer Pealty company. I San Francisco are making a visit
nt the home of the lormer's uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Stewart came Italph Hobertson, in this city.
in yesterday morning from the east
where they had been spending sev-
oral weeks, which included Tjsit3
with Mr. Stewart's relatives in West
Virginia. They also paid the nation
al capilol a visit and had the pleas
ure of hearing Oregon's represenla
tio, V. s. Senator George E. Cham
zerlain. speak.
Miss Helen Walker made a week ;
end Visit lo her friend, Miss Anna
French, at "her home neur Phoenix.
Arthur R. Allen, circulation mi-'
lilor of the Portland Orennninn. is
iim-u i,,,uiu i
that newspaper. j
n v t ... i .i .i .;i-.. ..,.,.,
Sunday in Medford.
Maxedon, the milk man, is branch-
ing out in the chicken business and
Is now building a large chicken
bouse at his place on B. street.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Law of Liu-
coin, Neb., armed in Ashland yester
day and are visitors at the home of
.Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Jillson. The Law
tamily are former residents of this
city, and after living in Nebraska for
some time, have concluded that Ash-
lend is tlie best ever, so they have
returned lo make their home here. ;
CIS?. lr.;n.r1. 'Pliu'll-.-
. ' .IJ llJ t, uuJ OlU 'i.'il
irW'iii-r er
L..- nA LxAJ
Vl.K AliuF.i C,K.JVAlJ-Y-
Choose Your Fall Boots Now
I-I 1 1 wn an
t-."iiciii!l v alt rat"
(ive new nninhiT
that alr.M'ly lias at
trai Ic-il much alti ntinn
ami many .s'tl-K
As t-limvn, nine ii
dies in la-ilit fr.nn
lift-! feat, a new la- h
attern willi lim ulcn
ti r vamp and Outlier
l.tnii- In- .
It h. m e
of Hiiartncs
cry fiuch
In F i 1 he r t Hrown
aii'l (In v ki'l.
VaupeFs Quality Store
Miss Maynie Jiiiison is back in Mc-
fi Gee's store filter a week's vacation.
Dan Masmarsil of Weed, Califor
uia is in the city for a day or so.
Sam Grubb of S.okane arrived
ei e yesterday to attend the funeral
f Ms sister. Hiss Amv Grubb. which
took place this afternoon. . j
jr. rl,d Mrs. J. I. Wolf expert to
eave cjiioi- tomorruw or the next
for n 0lenled trip through
Southern California. Their son Ad-
rian took their automobile down to
),?;) Iti f r several (lavs alio in ordoi i
t0 milize the fini; roads before the
rains set in, and Mr. and Mrs. Wolf
will join him by train and in-iko the
,est of the journey overland,
rs. Horace itegmer of Portland
js in Ashland, callod'here by the
sickness and death of her sister, Mis.i
Amy Grubb,
L F Ferenson and wife returned
,10me ,,,, froll, Silll VrunHM
and Oakland, where they bad been
spending the past week.
William Grubb arrived in Ashland
this ninnilng. from Marshfield to at
tend the funeral of bis sister. Mis
Amy Grubb, which took place today.
Mif ":,Uip "''';''" l HMUIillR
week's vacation in Gold Hill. .Sin
Tlie fitizens .Sank is building a
inm'h lit the hi., k of the upper
of their building on East Main street
This will provide n sleeping porch
lor the apartment occupied by Mrs.
Horace Reno, a well known Ash
l;:iid young man, who has been em-
,l"e(1 I'l the sliipyards at San Fran
,,. I
cise0 f"r tllB ''llst ix """l(!lK' '
h""10' visitilK "I" mother, Mrs. J. K.
Reno, on Gresbam street. Mr. Reno
is an ex-service liinn and returned
from France a year ago.
The funeral of. Miss Amy Grubb,
whose death occurred at an early
Iimii,. i-.ui ,,,.,,., ,,.i11
held from the i'l .-'slivterian church valuable Poland China boar which is
ithis afternoon al 2:30 o'clock-. Rev.!1"1 "cqilisition to his slock on his
C. F. Koehler officiating. A large
attendance was present to pay the;1'""1"" V,,IH " 11 llum J- J- U!ien"
final respects to the dearly beloved '"H'J-."" of Rush, Ore.
! young woman. 'Interment was made.
j in the Ashland cemetery, where rit-
ualistic services wen) held at the
grave by the daughters of Rebekah
C H. Mellin has sold bin lO-aci'-
tract two and one half miles south-'
west of Talent to Sidney T. Parks of
Talent. Possession will ho given
February 10. This deal was made
through the Lamkin agency.
eaPr.Eiipje(iPiF;pfe;ef io,irq(irai
1 1-
ftjf -. ,
- j
T 1
! LJ f
Floyd Crosslin loit last night foi
Astoria after si. ending a few weeki,
with his ii.iri nlH in Ashland.
! Mrs. Kinc.-ley and C. P. Morris,
'mother and brother of Mrs. F. E.
Hti i ll. arrived in Ashland last
'ni; lit and w.U isit at the Russell
homo for awhile.
i Andrew H ill, who has been a guest
1 al the h e of J. V. Wriyht fo the
l l..i-t two months, left last niiht foi
i hi:: home ill l'rineville.
Mrs 01,,t Kriedi ir.vald of Now
v... i. ie.i ;.. .wi,i,,,.i ..ui i.
to vi-dl al the home of hor
Vnihei, W. H. dacAdams. on Gran
ite st .vet. She was accompanied by
Mi:s .Marion Mar.Adams, daughter
nl Vr. and Mrs. MacAdams, who lias
he- u attending school in New York.
Harry- Grubb arrived in Ashland evening from I.os Angeles where
lie is employed. Ho will remain here
for a few days before leaving for
t lie north on business.
G. It. I.athrop and little son Ken
neth leave tonight lor Portland or
a short visit.
Members of the Ladles of the Mac
cabees attended the funeral of the
late Misf, Amy Grubb yesterday af
ternoon. liillie, the little son of
Mis. .lack
1 operation
Doagle, who underwent all operation
for appendicitis at u local hosp.tal
several days ago, is greatly improved
lid exnerls to lie able to be taken
lo liL. home the latter part of the
111 connection with tin preaching
at the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Ed
gar will remain this week and every
evening sing som.j of her delightful
juxpel solos. It is worth while to
hear hoi, as also the Gospel messages
of Mr. Edgar.
Stuart Saunders had business
whirh took liim to Grants Pass this
Rev. Fattier Conaly of the Catho
lic church of this city, his sister,
,iss A- f'"l,lll.v. "lhl Thomas
l.oraii left last night ior Si n Fran-
Cisco on a short visit. The latter
may remain there indefinitely.
W. L. Moore has received a very
r.iiicu in the Uelleview district. Thi
I Frank Metclian of Klamath Falls
I drove over fi out that city to Ashland
! ""s " "' ' "mouiouue. lie
j slated that the roads are in excellent
j condition and ho had no ilifficultv
in milking the trip. Mr. Metclian
is moving from Klamath Falls to
; The Warren Construction com
jpany, which has the contract for the
t Wolf Creek-Grave Creek stretch of
highway, is now resuming the laying
1JS of the paeiiii-ni upon this work j
pj'f There is about one more mile of the
four and one-half miles yet to be.
ciTi paved. It is expected that this will!
;.-iii be completed within a few davs. !
Ua ... :
c' Dr. William P. White of the Unit-;
period Presbyterian church in Albany,
jj1 , has been called to serve as director;
p ' of Hie M ly Bible Institute in itsj
t.p ! woil; on Ihu Pacific coast. Dr. White;
ja j lias many acquaintances In Ashland!
4,- laud will be renieiiiberi-d as speaking:
i'ie a short time ago.
j A large Cadilac car belong to tlie
Inlei in Imii Auto company ran into 111
dileli near Medford last night, it is
reported, mid partially overt iirued.
None of tlie passengers were hurt.
DinniT I'ai-ty
Mr. and .Mrs. I,. .1. Orres enter
t. lined a number of friends at u three
course dinner at their home on 1'alm
avenue Inst Sunday afternoon. Eight
were seated at the table at 3 o'clock
fjjj 1
S The Social Realm
S i
l which the color scheme was car
ts lied out in pink, yellow and white.
(tic lleside the host and hostess those
f(pj attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
f-f'S .Morgan, Miss Winifred Spencer, Miss
Aliis 1'rescott, Miss I .en Hart and
Miss Edna Ones.
Illi-lliday I'aH)
Elber Hush celebralrd his eleventh
birthday anniversary Sunday by en
tertaining a number of bis little
schoolmates at his home on Oak
sheet iii i lie Canies and
fine refreshments filled out the pro-1
gram of eulei tHiiiinent which was
bug -ly enjoyed by nil. Those attend
ing wme liillie Hiilen, Johnnie Hu
gi.r, i:-.eit Mi l lee, .limiuie Hei r, All
ten and Klber Hush.
Aildrrwil Study ( lull
Vesierd ,y the afternoon C. L. S
C. luld their last meeting on the
study of Mexico which , Is in the
i-.iiii-.' this year. Itev. C. A. Ed-
wauls wan invited to address the
club, and gave a veiv fine talk on
the missions ot that country.
SAI.EM !6 acre fruit tract, eight1
miles noith of here seels for $.100
bit acre.
Oregon produced 15.000,000 lb.
Mrs. C. B. Lamkin, who Is In disbursements of this suit: That the
touch with the Young Women's certain deed executed by Eric Weroit
, , and Desederla Weren, husband and
Christian Association organizers ofW,f(J Qn Jme 23r(, lgi3i mUo c,,ir.
the state, has been apprised tha ence Lne Bn Minnie Lane convey
Dean Elizabeth Fox of the University Ing twenty acres of land in South
of Oregon will speak in this city ot the southwest quarter of the
Tuesday, January 20. This address
will be delivered in the Junior High
school at 3:30 o'clock in the after-
noon instead of the usual meeting
iui Tkw nirio ti,i
of the Parent-Teachers circle. This
meeting will be of great Interest to
Ashland, particularly to the youni;
women and girls, and a good
a nee is expected
Umatilla Couny. Sixty-seven per
cent of the school children are in
school districts having but 36 per
cent of the assessed value of tho.Sj-,
county. County Superintendent
Green says present system of collect-f'a
ins: nnhonl tax in Inenuitable and
sifggests that It be put on a pupil and
teacher basis.
PORTLAND. East side
ment house sells for 25,000.
FOR SALE Fine registered Hol-
tfln lilill 4 Vflnrs nlil fulfill flirl
ltiiL'l'(P Will well rti ti m ti'inln
ior liurnam or nereioru ouii. n.
M. Deter, Siskiyou, Ore. 1 1 9-2 j
In the Circuit Court in and for the
County of Jackson, State of Ore
gon. Otis O. Helman, Plaintiff,
Desederia Weren, widow of Eric We
ren, Deceased, Clarence Lane and
Minnie Lane, Administrators of
the estate of Eric Weren, Deceas-
ed; Iugrid Bergstrom and C. L,
iiurKBirum, uuhuuiiu uuu wauj i:.
Elvera Wallsten and B. O. Walls-
ten, husband andywife; Eric H. Kb
Weren and his wife, Minta We- ps
ren; Annie Lassell and George
Lassell, husband and wife; Carl
E. Weren, A. Bianchi and Freda ip?
Kianchi, husband and wife, heirs
ot the said Eric Weren, Deceased, 31
Defendants. j jUr
To Desederia Weren, Clareivee'Sfl
Lane, Minnie Lane, Iugrid Berg
strom, C. L. Bergstrom, Elvera Wall- ij?,
sten, B. O. Wallsten, Eric H. Weren, 'jp
Minta Weren, Annie Lassell, George an
Lassell, Carl E. Weren, A. Bianchi
and Freda Bianchi, the above named
defendants: !pfil
OP' OREGON, You and each of you p
are hereby summoned and required Sp
to appear and answer the Complaint gjjj
of the plainWff on file in the office
of the County Clerk of Jackson SO
county, Oregon, at Jacksonville, Ore-
gon, within TEN days from the date LE
of the service of this Summons on gpS
you,. if served within Jackson county, brj
Oregon, and if served on you in any 5s
other county in the state of Oregon, iSg
then within TWENTY days from the ffl
date of its service upon you, and if ijfa
served on you by the publication njgj
thoreof, then within SIX WEEKS 3Qj
from the date of the first publica-1 jjj
tion thereof, and if you fail to ap-jU5.
pear and answer said complaint with-jsQ
in the time as above specified the kjfg
planum win appiy to ine court ior
the relief demanded in the said Com- s
niiiiiit in.wit ;1
That the plaintiff have judgment
t un Ae r, 1 !
iiuaiosL 111a UBLOiiuuiii, ueaeueiiu
Weren for the sum of Sixteen Hun-,
dred Dollars with Interest thereon
at the rate of eight per cent per an-
mini from September 23rd, 1917, to-
gether with one hundred sixty dol-
nllin-iiev feen mil the cnato unit
ijW Tit
northwest quarter of Section Five ill
Township thirty-nine south of Range
0lie eu8t 0f w. M. in Juckson county,
Oregon, and which Deed is of record
in Vol. 98. cage ius or ine ueen ,
Records of Jackson county, Oregon, j
WH9 n CRlll ertect I
1 M
)aily . i elcopam
A 1 Ti
During1 Bargain Period
Jan. 10 to Feb. 10, Inclusive
To New or Present Subscribers
mm Send Us Their $5.50 Now.
Jlia iicL JiVtJlicd JtjLiad JJJIil
You Will Still Have Several
Months to Wear Winter
Suits, Coats and Furs.
Do not expect to get them for less money next year. You
will p?iy more next winter.
Besides, you will find many of ours marked down now for
January Clearance.
a Mortgage given to secure said In- and Freda Blanchi by the publication
debtedness, bo foreclosed as a mort- thereof for six successive- weeks In
gage and said real property sold in the Weekly Tidings, ce newspaper of
manner provided by. law, and that I general circulation printed and pub
each of said defendants be barred ! Hshed at Ashland, In said tounty,
from any right, title, claim or interest I and you are hereby required to ap
thereln, and for such further relief pear and answer In snld cause within ,
us to the court may seem proper. six weeks from the date of the first
Liy Order of the Hon. F. M. Calk -
ins. judge ot said court, made and
dated on the 17th day ot January,
i:iu, tins Summons is serred on the
detenduntsr Annie Lassell, George
Lassell, Carl E. Weren, A. Blanchl
m roruan
ft! V-J
Can Be Secured by Mail for
One Full Yearfor
'jilt i'i""
Joil iitcllLcii'
Is Plenty !
1 publication thereof. '
Date of first publication January
21st, 1920.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ashland,
Oregon. 79-6t W.'
wool during pant year. (