Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, January 14, 1920, Image 1

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''logon Historic! SooMty,
NO. 79
Me w Lumber Business
Starts on Siskiyous
One of the-moHt important cicala I
to the Interests of Ashland und vi
cinity has been transacted recently.
This was the purchase made by the
Durham brothers of the Dallas Box
company, of the timber on a section
of land on the Siskiyous, located on
the Pacific highway. This Umbo.
was sold by E. T. Merrill, and the
deal was negotiated through tho
Eeavor ('Unity company.
This tract is composed of upwards
of 13,000,000 feet of timber, and it
is the intention of tho Durham broth
ers to begin operations on their new
purchase at once. In fact, they have
ulrcudy purchased a mill which will
be brought here and erected on the
tract, and the manufacture of lumber
will begin as soon as tho mill Is
erected. , ,
Tho purchase of this tract will
bring to Ashlund four new families,
those of the four Durham brothers,
beside In all probability others will
follow In their footstep Already
two of these brothers are located
hero and their children are entered
in the public schools.
The new business firm Is also con
sidering the erection of a box factory,
the location of which may be made
Best Year in History
The Bellevlew Telephone com-
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 13.
"Dully quotations on Liberty Bonds
Which, at present, Show them below, gueirestlon nf fir J W Morrow, in
pany met at the 'school house for par, UllVe nothing to do with the, tional committeeman for Oregon, an
their annual meeting -with a large maturity value of the bonds and are pointed Mrs C L. Schieffelin of
number of the members present. I of no Interest to the ordinary bond-i Medford associate national commit
The report of the secretary holder," Governor John I'. Calkins-teeman in charge of the organization
snoweu mat me company s service 0r the San Francisco Federal Re
iur laiff imu ucoii eaut-uiaiu vmtiuiu ; aorvn krtik nec.a.en nern rmiiiv , r... j
at a very small cost. During the ..T. rm.ed state. .nwrnmmt l. " .. 7 """Vue to the fact that Manager A. C.j lunate In securing this property, a.
The Medford irrigation district has Bnow tormj whicll wrecke(1 may re(leem every Libei,y hond at Its ma- Thls 1 a imnortant nos'ltion and B''iKg" B'Ve" !" WouM ",py wi". "'d " t0 "entually en-
repon on me . nf thH thrfl- ilnfi owne,l hv. . f .,in ..i... . ... . ... "a,B u," " s large uieir growing Diisiness.
. . i . - - .v uuiv. v ...... p. mo nn,l un.l j rKKdn en 1 n I V U'flfl
this uiipointinent by D
The democratic national commute?
meeting at Washington. D. C, at the, . renr(.s(!n,atin of the hu,iin i,i, ,... -n...
stockholders of the Ashland Fruit building has long stood vacant and
& Produce association gathered at the lot on which it 3tands is the
the annual meeting in tho city hall only available piece of property
Saturday afternoon. One of tlia which the association can obtain tor
Di'inclual reasons for this attendance the exminslmi nf thnir nlnnt n
of the ladles' part of the democrats nrt ,h(,ir rBlil,mi, nnil humor wm' nwi..tin!! tu i. i .virmi ......
submitted Us final
year's work. This rettort shows that the conipany were kept open with interest."
several of the projects are Impructi- the evCeDton of a few days on one
reiugmzeu in t(J ofer tnem. n i,ls annual report.1 Three new directors were to be
Morrow, who th. ... ..., i.i .i... n. ,..,..... f. .t. ,
The reason for the decline In th. -........,.,. . . .... """ " ' cum...R vBar, unci
cal and must be abandoned for the line where broken wire, of the Bell price of the government securities : er valley sp rit As Jackson county 'lowe' JST'T ."'"T'' ' th
present. By reduclngUhe district to1 .,. ..,, lhB trnlllllfi ! , ,,,, ,, ,. , ..... vnl ey ""m' Jttck8n con v turned out $150,000 worth of busi-;tion of the retiring member
10,000 acres water can be received TlM) mmhen decde(, on a policy hlKher ,.eturng on ri(!kpr invPst. ,he ,Jt psZtlul ZiilTZ a"i
from the Rogue River Canal com- of impi.orement for the next few monts, have let go of large blocks 'the Wilson victory was credited
uany at a cost oi it an acre, ine, Vll. ah vr vnrbini nn n n. ti, ,i..n.. . ......
district board does not advise land; . , I I I ,Z.Z ..J "'Wy to the innuence of the .a- lar8 CPlltH fo tne n8socilltion in'
to the derision of tho members them
owners to take tins proposition nor The a88egsment uer nhone for 1920 nf n,.. fnrre. whlrh fi mu,i,o vt
i.. ..l,.nt I nrnin in Innva It1 . - .....
ioji lt Ul ul k wag nxea at 2.5U. This will be suf- ues. Mark 't vines, however, huve
ficlent to equip the first one-fourth nothing wliatuNur .to do with real
mile of line with substantial poles values.
and cross ufms. j '
The cost of service lo the members
for 1920 will amount to between
seven and eight dollars.
Carburetor and
f R
ness during the past year, which who served on the board last year,
closed the best year in the point1 of These are John II. Dill, S. A. Peters
fruit shipments und results in dol- and J. M. Wagner. The full board
now stands (is fnrmprlv wllh !!.
dies the doctor evidently thought j t9 ni9tory. j Uo (1jrect()rs hkl overj wl0 are j
... cunniy Knew now to organize. Tlle flr8t fP,lt,.e ()( tho meetinsi H. galuer am, s. j EvaH8
Dr. Morrow likes Ashland and Saturday afternoon was the ratlfi-j The manager then read his annual
comes here frequently when he gets clltion ot the ,,ui.(.has0 of the White report of the business of the asaocl
away from Portland. It will be re-i sulphur hotel, the old building ad- ntion for the past veur, which Is as
mem bored that he was in this city, (,nK the site of the Fruit & Pro- follows:
"There are a thousand men who
know u carburetor to every one who
knows a chromosome," says a spe-i
nt the ontrance of the cityTwhero It cialist of the I'nlted States Depart-
can bo easily reached by track ser
vice from their mill on the Siskiyous
spread at Hotel Austin In honor of ' rjnnaeherrle
the committees out soliciting sub- Strawberries
scriptions for tho state normal Raspberries
-13,3 40 lbs.
gphnnl fvimnnfcrn fnn incite
, i Dewberries, Lawtotis and
say a few words he boosted the nor-i Mammoth Blacks
ma! school Issue in
a clear and In- Himalayas
telligent manner that delighted the Currants .
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boles of Mis
poulu, Mont., who aro going to San
Diego, Calif., to spend the winter,
were In Ashland this week. Mr. and
Mrs. Boles had stopped in Rofleburg
on their way down the line, and
thinking that section fo much super
ior to their Montana hdino they ar
ranged to return in the spring and
locate permanently there. Yester
day while they were in Ashland May
or C. B. Lamkin ran across them, and
(luring a conversation he asked them
to take an automobile ride with hi in
around the city.
The combination of Ashland's
beauty and the muyor's hospitality
Iiroved too much for them. "This
settles it right now," Mr. Boles said.
"We are coming back to Ashland
next April to live Instead of going
to Roseburg."
ment of Agriculture in discussing
the fact that mechanics as a science
has always received a great deul
more attention than genetics as a
science. Still, to the layman, both
tho carburetor and the chromosome
are, in what used to be the nomen
clature of psychology, "mysterious
soniewhats." Tho great majority of
people could not even stagger at n
definition of either of them. A re
spectable number vould know, dim
ly, that the1 carburetor makes pos
sible the propulsive explosion in gus-
(By the United Press)
NEW YORK. Plain work and fair
play. That I s the substunce of
America's New Year resolution. Tlie Lamkin real estate agency re
Bankers, mayors and labor leaders! CM,t,y m!,de tnree 8ules that are of audience and closed by saying that
... ..... . mnnh tntanial a n rl lmnAi4ntlM t.l ha i. L -
and otner prominent citizens, asKeu ..... ........ , .... ...r.ui m.i uv mu.i no was pre-i rhi,
by the United Press for an expres- Ashland. The first of these was the pared to subscribe J25 to the fund.; May Dukes und Pie Cherries,
slnn of their new determination for residence property of M. Shaver on As that was the first piece of money1 Crates
unanimously agree that as a l alm avenue ann lowa street wnicn me normal workers had ever seen ,,u"' "uuu " ' .
. . ... . ..... wua mifMttiam! hv flnnrfro Q n.mrtnlnli frntn r)ni.(t.inil tn Knl...lf i. . i1 D0X8 . .
panacea ior industrial and political i ..--. ..........,,. , uc,n u. me sinooi piudt Tartarians Crates
ills, we all must get to work. 1 of Cottage drove, who takes posses- the audience fairly raised the roof Black Tartarians,' Boxes' . ! .'
To rid the country of undesirables; sion Immediately. off the building. , Iloyal Anns, 10s, Boxes....
fight for ratification of woman's Mrs. Emily Blair of Roseburg sold Dr. Morrow has made a world "yal Anns, 20s, Boxes ... .
suffrage; increase production, and 'lfir home on All(,a street to E. M.;wlde study of hydropathic establish-' pJJJ' 207
to stand back of the League of Na- Rse. Possession is taken immedi- ments and Is greatly Interested In l,uniberts,'20s. Boxes' '.
067 Crab Apples, Boxes
55 Crapes, Crates and Boxes .
1520 ,
61 3,733
1'ears Pounds.
537 Sugar and Seckel, 20s 3. 540
2.300 Bartletts (19,802
191 De Anjous 67,880
Moscand Cornice 17.440
Winter Nellls 39,307
Howells 9,480
' Fall Butters . 5,620
Assorted Varieties 10,400
Hons, were among the New Year res
olutions mentioned.
Following are the 1920 "programs:"
Mayor George L. Baker, Portland,
ately. the efforts to make Ashland through Black Republicans,
T. L. Yokum has sold three lots Its mineral waters us famous alomr Boxes
on Iowa and Garfield streets :o (5. tills line as the cures in other parts
S. Randolph of Cottage Grove. . of America and Europe.
oline engines, but comparatively few , . . . ,
, ' , , Oregon I would resolve that all
Know inai me enromosome maKes
Black Republicans,
Or Boxes 4.941
Fall und Winter Apple Boxes.
20 lb. Boxes ' 451
Packed Boxes, 50s 1.GG5
Boxes to Puck, 19,870, less
1.800 floor 18,070
possible the transmission of some
loyal lovers of America, In this her
frrentpflt prists fn hfstnrv. stinll stand
particular characteristic from parent to(,ethpy anJ rj(1 01lr comitrv of ,,.
iu UHhinig.
"Opportunities were plantiftil,"
says the specialist in explaining why
so many more? people have given
their best thought to mechanics
i F. H. Coff, president of the
' Cleveland Trust Co., Cleveland, O.
Bay Rum Has Them
Barking Like Dogs
Clamping the prohibitive lid on
the saloons and purveyors in various
Alexanders and Wheelers
Hales Early
Cruwfords Early
The "I'hotomobile Tourist" is the
name of a wonderfully attractive
publication issued by tho Photomo
bile Tourist association of Seattle,
. ,11..... 1, 1-
nnu is an u.ra, Kum An(, hnvj tQ make someyljn h
.u-i.."h'" " strove to make the best. If be
"Let us relegate to private life those brands of Intoxicating liquors has
who seek tn make ilesertera and brought forth some strange and
than to genetics. Yet, another ex- glB,ker8 of ll8 as a nation. We mURt amusing schemes amusing to all
planatlon may be that genetics takes 8tan(1 ba(,k of the League o Na. but the victims by which profes-
Hons." sional and amateur "con men have
Frank W. Wozencraft, 24, young- been enabled to baR,bo.ozle hundreds
est mayor in the country, Dallas, Tex. of eay marks '" purchasing even
"I want to help make Dallas the (llr'y rainwater at six or more dol
best place in America to live and a I"1"''- For instance, throe
.t.aA nAn:A ,. rlevpr "sliekprs" fl re under nrresP tn
living wage and capital a fair re- Chicago for selling John Lamorec
turn." two barrels of rainwater for $1500.
Mayor Richard J. Kinsella, Hart- He was a victim of the Ingenuous
Crawfords Late 4.587
Elbertas 15.796
Miilrs 1,031
Assorted Clings 1,127
Sulways 7.418
TftHlinmolii A I1S9
The regular January meeting of Trmnng and Straw'boiiles.
the Ashland Post of tho American Le-: Assorted Varieties 1,917
gion which was slated for this Tues-
Tomatoes. 20s. Boxes 2,999
Peppers, 10s, Boxes 180
Sacked Vegetables, assorted,
Lbs 54,053
Bunched Vegetables, assort
ed. Doz 6,514
Sweet .Cider, Gals 942
Beginning in month ot Mar.,
Bon 17,463
Or 582 '-i cases.
Total number cars Fruits nnd
Vegetables shipped 91
Total number cars Feed,'
care ot itself not in the best way,
possibly, but in some way while
mechanics always has to be taken
care of by man. The chromosome
makes its own adjustments while
the carburetor must be adjusted by
the hand of the operator.
Man had to develop mechanics. He
could lot genetics rock along. There
HuV OVOnltttr haa hoitti nnafnnnail nn.i
. , ' Assorted Fruits
til Tuesday of next week, Junuury; plllm8 ,, P.unSi C,ltB8
20. A feed and entertainment fea- and Boxes
lures are being planned for the Apricots, Crates and Boxes.
meeting and several matters of Im
portance to the ex-service men are
Shook. Spray, etc., ree'd..
Total number cars used ..
, Nectarines,
In arriving at these totals we h: v.
tnken into account all local freight
and express shipments added to our
car lot shipments.
book provides information to
automobile tourist, covering.
Ily W. II. Kmollinger
would always bo some kind of pigs for,, rnnn.., ,., ,n mv "funnel game." which relies for Its Secretary American Trotting Asso-
and calves and lambs. There would best t0 make Connectlcut and the success on the fact that what comes1 clation-
always be no kind of plow or wagon Unlted gtate8 grant rilII suffrage ,to out of . the bung may be . a true (Written for the I'nlted Press)
or well bucket, Unless he made it.iwnm f !,. . i.' 03mnlo nf the enMre mnlentn . I Tho Innln nf Ihe rnnnnir trot-
a special session of the legislature' Buffalo, 'N. Y., reports that three ting horsemen is the yearling boom,
for this purpose." . ! women and two men are in a hospital as indicated by the prices paid for
Charles S. Caldwell, president of there, the result of a murderous animals of that age 'at the annual
the Corn Exchange Bank, Philadel- swindle. A bootlegger sold them em-j "Old Glory" auctfon held in Madison
nhla. Penn. "Let na onlvn non' balmlne fluid for whisky. It was dl-l Snu.ire Garden. New York, recently.
serves, he will strive to make the prc.i,iem!) jn the old way by getting luted with vanilla extract. One ofj The "Old Glory" has been a yearly
best In that line, too. That is why , to work joon ITnt.i we . t.,,,.1, the women was unconscious for 36lflxture for nearly a Quarter of a
This book contains among other movem,ts like u'e "Better Sires i to normu production this country! hours and Is In n serious condition.! century and during that time con-
v.uouC u.o, wj be (ne jumping yround for for.j Adam Rufmigle and George Crow-i slgnments of yearlings from practi-
nild U'llV tllll. .ooi,lla mow ha pa I ... I . ' . .1 . .....
' .m -.elgners."
portapt. Man often has to be In- , 1Iar8(lon G ScoU( pre8,d-nt of the
duced to do the thing that other-' international Typographical Union,
wise will take care of Itself fairly, mrtinapolls. Ind. "I resolve to fill,
nun, u.iL ine lusuiis or wiucn can oe
meaning the average man ever is
persuaded that he must iri VP hia
main routes ot motor travel In these ve Btock thfi doser attentjon ,t de.
, Ihree states, giving roao uaia aim
reproduction sot photographs
ken from an automobile.
Jnexpressibly beautiful scenes of the
great out of doors depicted In til e j
Northwest, a number of attractive
pictures of Ashland's park and the
free auto camp. Accompanying
these views of Ashland's famous
beauty spot Is an interesting pen pic
ture ot the resort Written by "Lynn
T).Mowiit, secretary of the Ashland
Commercial club.
In the description of the auto
camp grounds in the cities of the
three states, the book states that,
"As for Oregon, no city In the North-1
west can claim a better city camping i
ground limn Af.hlund."
As only the most prominent and I
Attractive sections J)f the three states!
from a scenic standpoint are en-j
larged upon in
improved by
study and
ley, two Cincinnati pals, couldn't get cally every fnmous breeding farm In
anything else, so they drank bay the I'nlted States have pnned under
rum; they mede such a row In their the" hammer there. The prices
room that the police were called In. brought by these youngsters are con-
each unforgiving minute of the newiTbey were found crawling about the sldered indicative of the "pulse of
thoughtful year wnn Bixty 8econds' worth 0f ! floor nnd barking like dogs. J the mnrket" for trotters ns Is noth-
dlstance run." Theft of nine barrels of sacramen- lag else; so the results attained have
Mayor L. C. Hodgson, St. PnnlJtal wine was reported to the New; set the trotting fans agog ns has
York police by a wnolesale liquor nothing else in many years.
dealer. The theft was accomplished,! Last year a sensation was produc-
he said, by siphoning the wine from ed at the "Old Glory" when two
ferences, and by hard work and bis basement into an adjoining eel- batches of yearlings were auctioned
nnirit nf sprvlna mnLa Amnnin ! lui. hv mu.ina nf a TZ.fnnt nlnu Tho for fimirea never hefnre enmileri The
j i ' ' I. .1 . .. ""' for breeding purposes und she
nern.ia. npnpoftt! on.1 hnnn.. nwnai lml a ouctnl narm t frnm tho tnn-llner wn the mnflf irn ment nf
Hodgson, St. Paul,
Minn. "My resolve is that I will do
my best to help all citizens get to
gether, forget their troubles and dif-
Two features resulted In making also comes In for a shnro of com
thls past year such a good one tor nieiiilatlon for his Creditable mau
' the Fruit association. These were ngetnent of the enterprise which is.
the abundance of fruit and the good becoming an important factor in
priceB it obtained. Manager Brlggs Ashland.
ed last year by the same consign-' owner of tho famous stallion Blngen
ment, of $1312 per head, was : (2:062a) and Streeter decided to
knocked into smithereens, for the breed Santos to him. The produce
average attained was no less than was J. Malcolm Forbes.
$1700 a gain of nearly $100 per' These two hall-brothers are far
head. ! and away tho two most remarkable
The remarkable thing about trotting sires that nny one mare has
these sales nnd prices Is the fact ' ever produced. The get of Peter
that the two sires whose offspring! the Great has won over three-quar-huve
returned their breeders' such ters of a million dollars In stakes
record-breaking amounts, nre half-! and purses; while t ho get of J. Mal
brolhers. Peter the Great Is a son ! colm Forbes Includes no less than
of Pilot Medium, and J. Malcolm forty-eight that have trotted to stan
Forbes is a sou of Bingen, but both dard records (2:30 or better) as
are from the same dam, namely San- ye.nliius, which Is more than nil
tos, by Grand Sentinel, ; other sires combined lire credited
Something like thirty years ago wilh.
the late D. D. Streeter of Kalamazoo,
Mich., picked up for a comparatively ; SII1KIIM V TROOPS WITIIDRAWV
small sum a bay filly that had been ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The
bred by another resident of the same withdrawal of the American troops
town, S. A. Browne. This was San- from Siberia will be begun Immedl
tos. As she did not promise brll- ntely, Serjetnry Buker announced to-
The large oil well drill of the Trl
gonia Oil company has arrived and
the book, Ashland , ia b(,(ng n)ove,i t0 the drilling loca-
mny feel much pa.donablo pride In tion where a(,tuaI dl.jning operations
Gold Star Mothers
Ask Investigation a great
money, work harder and stick tight
er to Americanism In 1920 than ever
J. H. Puelicher, broker," Milwau
kee WlB "I hflVa nKAmt.nJ I
th Trinni,, lino ...lnflpil I" 111 noil
,. , !to work and save more
an especially favorable location for , . , ,,
i . , .t , ,, , than ever before."
-w. ...... HnvopTiAr w r
waicn ine uriuing ueveiopnieiw wuu
this company
sand shareho!
the recognition bestowed upon her. wjll start , a (ew day9. u )a gaid
Senator William S. Kenyon of Government to keep the wine in boni colts and fillies sired by J. Malcolm
Iowa. "Be it resolved by the Amer-! to bo S0,J for reliKious purposes Forbes (2:08), bred and sent to the
lean people that they will save more1 only. ring by James R Magowan. of Ml.
Recently there has been a rush In' Sterling, Ky. There were fifteen of
Army stores In Baltimore for vanil'a. them and the sold up to $5,500 each,
and lemon extracts, fair sized bot- the average for the fifteen being
ties being sold for 35 cents. Inves-!$1312 per head.
Some of the eight thousand troops
premier will be removed immediately to tho
! speed producers in the history of ships now in Siberia nnd the r?-
tigatlon turned attention to the ex-. Second only to them In money-.
this year! tracts, and the sale has been stopped.; bringing was the consignment of j
What was declared to be a "dead-, twenty-eight yearlings hy Peter the
Harding, Des ly bomb" brought to Los Angeles by, (.rent (2:0714), sent on by Laurel,
trottlug. Bred to Pilot Medium slic
produced Peter tho Great. He won
the Kentucky Futurity, the most val
uable trotting race In America, with
about $10,000 to the winner, and
then Streeter sold him lo the late
.1. Malcolm Forbes, of Boston, fori
$20,000. I
malnder will be withdrawn as thu
evacuation ot the forty thousand
Czechn Slovaks proceeds.
Some of the Americans will be ta
ken to the Philippines which was
their original station.
The I'nlted States drafted troops
are now out of Siberia, having been
Forbes was at that time nlso the replaced by enlisted men.
l nf Interest It Is said Molnes Iowa- "I resolve to keep' a special agent of the Tuscon divis- Hall Farm, Indlnnapolls, Ind. They rarauaia
oi ime.esu o)(, Bmie on anoer year ,(m o ,he Soutnern raci(iCi wh0 Bus-Jsold up to $5000, and their average !jrj"" - p
iy has more than a thou- Juf)tug War(eI( ,nterna, revenueJ pected nn attempt to wreck the Gol-;Prtce was $916. mm . JiTTJr l T TITtl $
lolcers in the valley. collector San Franclf,c0( CMt."l den State Limited ag he picked up These figures eclipsed everything g flfj Hi Mfj H 1 H Ifl 1 H 9 fl 118' P
ivm. urn.
(By the United Press)
WARHTVnTOV. Jan. 13. Charees
of an alleged "undertakers' lobby'; I shall not drink any more intoxicat-' the thing near Yuma, when pierced
behind a movement to have the bod- ti'"". Jan- iJ Ing liquors." by a bullet fired at a sate distance
jes ot American soldiers returned Sarnft" JeMnlnKs 65 year9 0,(1- who James Schermerhorn, publisher of Pave forth the aroma of whisky, thus
i paicneu 4a,&-0 paiiH
from France will today be Investigat
b,r1 hv the senate mflitarv affairs com.
Wlttee. Senator Thomas cited that , tre" at thB C(;ntral Pennsylvania
charges are made by members of
ilnce she went to work as a seam
Odd Fellows' orphanage, near Sun
of trousers the Detroit Times, Detroit, Mich. j exposing the wiles of Arizona boot-
"Let us bind up the wounds and loggers. '
wipe away the tears of war and for-) Nathan Burrow of L'niontown, Pa.,
bid further barbarity through the was ehnrL-erl hv Hanv Green with
asked the committee to Investigate. "lltcn' "A,lnt Saral1" is bolieved i ed together In
The representatives of the associa-. 10 De 'ne caa"""on "ouser menuer force."
t. 1C .. ..tln.1 oi. ... . I
the Gold Star Mothers that under- K'" ' "" pieagea gooa faith of all high pro-the theft of five hams. Barrow de-
lakers are behind the n.ovement and 8,1,8 she 1,vr W1" 8PW another. posed powers of Christendom leagu-l dared he had been listening to a
federation against phonograph playing "I've Cot the
Alcoholic Blues." and. being In sym-
tion In various parts of the country "ul"" """ """t i u. Alead, secretary ot the Mer-!pathy with the song, he fell. Asked
ore urging the return of the Amerl-1 no ,",rr wo",a" "T ""If-"'ed" " chants' Association, New York. to sing it, Barrow died, and the jury
can dead from France nnd have many pan,s' I "At the threshold of the year new freed him.
made personal appeals to the house1 Wn"n h wpnt to work am0"K tne Problems and new dangers confront Wesley Duke of JVaterlown, N. Y.,
fnrnirn relations committee for the im e "? sianeu io, Us which can be met successfully i found a chest of medicines left in
passage of a resolution directing the kep 8 rPCml- S1,e ha', men1e(1 27.-) only by well-considered and united! his uncle's ba n by a traveling veter
t.resident to take immediate action 600 paira ot tockinK8. "ae 2-10, action guarded by calm Judgment j Inary, and, discovering that one of
iilong this line.
men failed to save the pork when
fire that was being used to smoke
a shoat caused the smokehouse to
be consumed.
boys' blouses. 1,206 nightshirts,! and determination.
sewed on 50,000 buttons and made1
4.610 pairs of garters, In addition to! LONDON. Harrod's,
the patching.
the larger bottles was quite suggest
ive of an alcoholic "kick," drank
about half of the bottle's contents.
the ' huge
London department store, is build- The stuff wis patented horse linl-
Ing a branch at Liverpool at a cost! ment, and Wesley was barely snatch-
MONTA VILLA. $15,000 paid for, of $5,000,000. The firm has aled from deaths' door. "It was an
I 10-acrei tract joining Mornlngside, branch at Buenos Aires,
; hospital to be made Into park.
CORVALLIS. Three new busl-!
ness houses to be built next spring; : HARRIRBI'RG. $50,000
a bank, store building and gariE.mlll company being organized.
awful nightm ire," he says, describ
ing his sensctlons when rielerlous.
Klamath Falls Ewauna Box Co.' during whiufi he Imagined be was a
law- adds 21 acres to mill site. To have two-minute trotter pitted against a
electric band saws faat throroughbred runner.
else of the kind previously known
the best average ever before obtain
ed In "The Garden" for a consign
ment of yenrlings having been $860,
which Magowan recorded for thir-iij
teen head by J. Malcolm Forbes In I
It was a question of great Interest
with horsemen, and, especially, with1
breeders, whether at this year's nuc-'
t'on these prices would be equalled
or beaten, or whether a falling off ! i
Iu values would take place. The re
sult has been that far higher prices
have ruled than before, and new rec
ords have been set.
On the day the auction opened the
Laurel Halt yearlings, by Peter the.jl
Great, were offered. There were'i
thirty-one of them, or three more!!
than last year, yet such was the de
mand for them that they averaged
$1154 each, or over $200 more per.f
head than a year ago.
The Magowan lot was sold on the h
second day. It-numbered twelve, all,
as before, by I. Malcolm Forbes, and
and when the last one had been
By Using Both the aily awl Weekly Your Menace
Goes Into Practically Every Home i:: As-hland's
Trade Territory Both in the City and Country.
And Advertising Man Will Tell You About It
knocked down, the record establish-, afggj