Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 24, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 24, 1010
Established 1876
Published Every Wednesday by
Olio Year . . . .
Six Months . . .
Three Months
. 1.25
. .75'
I me social Keaim
Missionary Society
The Women's Home and Foreign
Missionary Boclety of the Presbyte
rian church met' ut the home of the
president, Mrs. F. J. Shlnn, on Ouk
street yesterday ufternoon. The fol
lowing topic, "Persia and Syriu,'
was dispensed with, while the home
topic "Huh" was ably discussed by
Miss Mabel Russell.
Outside of the l ulled States
One Year . .
Six Months
. 1.40
Display Advertisements, per column inch, each issue, 25c.
Local Readers, the line of six words, 10c.
Classified Column, lc the word, each time.
Lenal Notices, 3 1-3 cents the line, each time. j
Cards of Thanks, f 1.00.
obituaries. 2'i cents the line of six words. j
Fraternal orders and societies charging regular initiation fees and dues.j
regular rates.
Reliuious and benevolent societies will h. charged for nil advertising when j
an admission or collection is taken, at th regular advertising rate, j
Long-Culy Wedding-'
The marriage of Miss Nellie Culy
and Arthur Lo-g, both of Ashland,
took place in Grants Pass Thursday,
December 18. After the ceremony
the bride nnd groom came to Ash
land and are visiting nt the home
of the bride's father, G. C, Culy.
They will reside on n ranch near
Grants Puss.
County Farm Bureau
Holds Annual Meeting
The Tilling has a larger circulation in Ashland and its trad, territory
than all other newspapers combined.
Entered ut
the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second class mail matter.
s. s. .. O
oMMi:ut ial coli mx
;, ,. 8 'i- '$
;. a .. 4h 4- ' $ '
N'owljivcds Visit Ashland
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shirley of
Dunsmuir are stopping at the Hotel
Austin for a few days this week.
They were united in marriage at
Jacksonville Wednesday, December
17. Mr. Shirley is u prpmiueut elec
trician of Northern California, while
the bride was formerly Miss Rose
Werth. They will reside at Etna
Mills, Calif.
Dope on the Ashland auto-camp
was furnished to a special writer
who is preparing an article on Ore
mm auto-camps tor Port land papers
under the auspices of the:
Chamber ut Commerce.
Several seekers for a place to en
joyalily spend the winter have III
quired concerning rents and arcom
modatlons available.
Roosting for Ashland is 11. M.
Heath's patriotic occupation in his
spare time. He recently returned
from service in the army of occu
pation and Is winking until next
spring in Ttitffingtun, Ind., utter
which he will return to Ashland
where be ow ns a place.
More atito-canip data was supplied
the Oregon Slate Chamber of Com
merce which Is inaugurating n cam
paign for more and better auto
camps and is using Ashland as a
"good example" for other Oregon
cities to follow. From appearances
Ashland will have to get busy to
maintain that "best auto-camp on
thi! coast" reputation.
DAYTON, (). A porker bus got
1 Charlie Goleilas guessing. He res-
ISEH1 IN (By Mail.) There issued the 250-pound pig when it fell
honor among thieves. i '''' " UwV P1IK Pt his home.
One Heir PulaU o' Frankfort who N"W the shout Is eating three square
Portland signed him sell "protessional nmg
lar." sent the
.'the Frankfurter (ieneralanzeiger.
meals a day olf (ioleilas, who has
following letter to i P"ife wnat to no.
"With great surprise I read rriua.v
ill your valued sheet under the ti
tle, 'The usual burglary.' f a break-
4 ing and entering in of a dwelling in
Wolfgaiigstreet. Yuu write of casli
that apparently was stolen out of
the money chest.
"Therefore I call your allenlion to
the fact that I broke into the chest,
hut that to my great astonishment
and to the shame of the owner there
was not a red heller therein. I ask
you to publish this in order to avoid
any unjust claim against the Insiir-
iii, fa imti:itiv
,, , , i r I 1 I"1. "'i'"a mummy u ai ucu llliei-
Hespectrully, Dulak, professional , , .
vuls as would meet their convenience.
To the Subscribers to the Ashland
Pali kit ic Fund:
In May, 1918, our city and vicin
ity was canvassed for subscriptions
to what was designated as "The
Ashland Patriotic Fund," and sub
scribers were asked to make their
MELHOl'KNE. Uly Mail. 1 One
of the most unusual exhibits ever of
fered in an agricultural show will he
the 50 acre model Irrigation farm
Telephone company i- troubles nnd (() ,)e f,!lltred at the Rova Agricul
users' joys can bo read between the tlml, swMya snow ,,,,
lines of the new order of the Public Tl(J w,()le (,es(,n ,,,.,,,,,,,,1 by R.
Service Commission. They sent us w HiirVg a memher of the water
the complete line-up on new rates, Commission, will be put into exocu-0,c-
'. Hon by the government officers. The
Ill-caking into Sunset Magazine site for the farm has already been
with a story of the Ashland auto- chosen, and upon it will he shown
camp is one of our present ambitions the methods of watering crops and
and is being materially aided by trees and the practices generally
Touring Unreal! officials of the Good- adopted in irrigation districts,
rich Rubber Company. Land has been subdivided, ehan-
HARGAIXS in sawmills, many belled and graded in a manner suit
kinds of textiles In large (inutilities, "bio for horticulture and mixed
cellii-rottou (whatever that is), a fanning, embracing dairying, lu
gaiiiient press, cellu-dimming com- cerne-growing, pig and poultry rais
pounds and oilier things are offered in';- u,l(l ,no Production of vegetables
In this week's list from the Zone '''nils. Water will be measured
Hiirnliis sunidv officer of the urmv y a new registering wheelnieter.
Soliciting teams made a thorough
canvass and the total amount sub
scribed was about $20,230.
We the undersigned to whom as
a hoard of directors was entrusted
the collection and distribution of
this fund beg to report as follows:
Total subscribed $20,230.00
Total cash collected 18,849.56
Look over the list.
!. H. Kturgis, Shoshone, Idaho,
lmiuircs concerning clnces for
opening n picture show or electrical
repair and appliance shop. Was in
formed as In conditions here.
W. C. Hunter of W. C. Hunter Co.,
Ames, Iowa, was famished with gen
eral information roncc ruing city und
business condition1!. Is in "Women's
Deficit, uncollected $1,380.44
This uncollected shortage of
$1,380.44 Is accounted for as fol
lows: 1st. During the year several sub
scribers died nnd your board did not
feel that their estates should be
asked to complete the payments.
2d. In a number of instances sub
scriptions were made by young men
who, later, were called to the colors
and, of course .these subscribers
were excused from further payments.
3d. Several subscribers moved to
other localities and the hoard, as
suming that these people would he
expected to support similar activities
in their new homes, felt they should
1 be relieved of any further obligation
j to contribute to our fund bore,
j 4lh. The balance of the shortage
Is accounted for in the failure in
deliberate neglect of pome few sub
scribers to make good on their
pledges. We feel that, all sources of
The local Christmas Seal sale has Ibe shortage considered, the deficit
Special buildings will also he con
st ructed upon the site
Mr. II. L, Lttndeen, Orland, Calif.,
was, ut his request supplied with a
soil survey Bhowlng land In Bear
Creek valley north of Ashland and
'with Information concerning irriga
tion projects. v
A. R. Hower, Iduhome, Idaho, says
altitude there is too high for him.
A large and enthusiastic group of there is in the banks of Jackson1 He says, "I have a good funning out
men and women met at the publicj county at least $100,000 that the j fit here, stock and machinery and
library in Medford yesterduy for the Farm II mean is especially responsl-jwe have C34 acres of grain land and
annual meeting of the Jackson coun- ble for in Increased production. j would exchange for smaller tract of
ty Farm Bureau. j A broad constructive program was. land suitable for diversified furm-
The Commercial clubs, banks and outlined for 1920, and thore is nojing. Want good land under cultl
business mens' associations of the doubt but that the bureau will mako. vatlon and plenty of pasture,
valley had been invited to send rep-!the county close to a qunrter of ul "Is there any opportunity to rent
resentativeB and the response was million dollars In the year before; for crops?
general, there being a considerable! us. . j Is thero plenty of work and whit
number of business men present. Miss Poole, the home demonstra-j are wages?
They went away feeling that the; Hon agent, gave a report of the work j "niin a man buy on long time pay
Farm Bureau has made a good show-i done In that department. This is 'i Is and pay for farm In crops?
ing. They caught the farm Bureau' the women's und children's part ( :' "re there any state or school
spirit and can be counted on to the Farm Bureau movement am1 ;. t- s ror sale.' state terms uuu
boost for an Institution that which has meeting with enthusiastic stipp t 'ices.
made Jackson county ilcher by many j all over the county. Much of I : Mr. Ib'wer was a former neigh
thousands of dollars, and promises' work done cannot be measured in hor of 10. E. Stark who moved to
to become a very Important factor) dollars nnd centB, but the report this country in 1912 or 1913.
in the development of the county. I showed that a number of thousand Tills club furnished him with gen-
The report of the secretary treas-! dollars had been added to the erul information and answere
urer was an Interesting feature of wealth of the county through this' number of questions but told him
the' meeting.
LAWRENCEMass. William M.
Wood, president of the American
Woolen company, itrved notice on
retail business men of this city that
unless prices of commodities essen
tial to living were marked down
sharply and within a short time he
would set up a retail Btore organi
zatlon here on a large scale to sup
ply employes of the company with
groceries, provisions, fuel, clothing,
hardware and other articles.
Mr. Wood said that It was useless
to raise wages and find the effect
lost in an increasing cost of living.
"I am acting from a Christian
point of view," be said, and added
that having no wish to drive local
merchants out of business he would
give them "a reasonable time to re
adjust their prices."
The nation-wide campaign of the
agency. The most interesting phaso; that realty firms of the city and! Episcopal church, under Way the
of the report was the work along the landowners would be requested to country over since December I, rap
line of child welfare. The Homoj furnish him with Information con-j 1(jiy (B coming to its climax all along
Demonstration ngfnt brings to th" ' cernimt prices of lands, etc., as re- , tho western coast.
Oregon, for local reasons peculiar
It showed how a successfully con
ducted campaign against the digger hurl anved tn llm cnnntv In
grain and fruit somewhere between ,,omo tl,e Bi""e "'e"Benl care of quoted above.
I ctilHiren tnat tlie farmer has been .r. . noun, uien mm, n. u..
$30,000 and $50,000.
It made favorable mention of the
AKlitielliint Efri? Sneletv Mtnrteil In
Ashland, that has received state
to itself, has been a bit backward,
giving his calves and nigs for the with whom this club has been in ; but no fear Is felt that It will not
lust two years. j correspondence for some time,
The meeting declared very decld-l writes, ' Have been receiving lltera-
wholly make good.
fairly is romping
Washington now
In. The moun-
edly for the continuation of thlsituro und Information from other i tln states of the western province,
as well as the southern districts all
are reporting satisfactory progress.
work unit it wnu ihtobiI II, 'il l ho mini, se' tious of vour state as well as other
the Farm Bureau work to organize of Jacks()n cou lmlst 8lals and believe I am more infer
tile whole county for handling eggs hea(,s ,n HhBnie tQ , yoln. Ktvtlm tban any of
a simitar manner. ' allow this work to be discontinued. A the other places. I urn still Inter-! ..We congratulate ourselves on
The report Bhowed that the Bureau iurRS number volunteered to appear etr.l her.' in the garage business (wej 0ur move to Ashland this winter dur
in the last three months had sold before the county court on Decern- have Dm Ford and Fordson contract) K the recent cold weather," re
to the furiners nearly 300 tons of her 22 and tirgo them to make the .! if I can sell or trado It for prop- marked W. Y. Miller, who came here
sulphur, one car load of nitrate of appropriation necessary to continue eriy in your section I will looato with . with his fumlly from Lake county
soda, one of wheat, two of super-: this work. j you. M ould like to get into dairy- this fall to place his children In
phosphate, beside shipping 23 cms President Albeit C. Joy of Ash-' '.' "' stock-raising of some kind as; school. Mr. Miller was asked res-
of live-tock to Portland. The amount hind hud usked that, in view of Hie that is what I was raised at. I would IbwI.iv If hl wnthr wna imi n. ha1
of business Tor these three months fact that he had given his time to liave probably $5000 to invest if I ag that he was supposed to have es
totaled $81,000 with a saving to the n,B work for two years, and that he S(,I n.v i hare of the business. Could' caped from east of the Cascades,
termers of Jackson county of $!(!, tdt that ho could not give the added I K'1' " I'lace for that amount that; "We consider ourselves much bet-
00. nmnunt of time and effort that the! would ni. Hiiro mo of a tood llvine. tor- nlf km
It wik brought out that through enlarged field of work would require,! My family consists of myself, wifeWith all
he remarked further.
the snow there was no
the Increased production that could that the nominating l oinmitlee and three children, oldest 11 years." wind to pile In drifts, and the ther
result from the use of fertilizer fur- should not consider him for re-el.;c-, "e m-'Y come out to investigate , mometer did not register so low. We
tlbhed tO the farmers, nt a mice lion Mr Mnimflnlil n nrnnmrnni lllld sin-lid three or four ninnlhn lrk-i nro ilnllol.lo.l mlth lolilun ..J
unit tliey could nTford to pay, to- and extensive farmer of Butte Falls,
Ret her with the saving affected by was elected to head the work of the
poisonin:: the digger squirrels that Bureau for 1920.
ing aiound. Would he interested in think this Is a fine city in which
place on which be could start In to live."
dairying or stock-rai.dng. j
Big Community Tree
For Christmas Eve
i George Henry Young died at his
A rotary student loun fund tins home Friday, December 19, 1910, at
been inaugurated by the general the age of 74 years. The deceased
board of education of the Presby- hud been an Invalid for the past twj
terian church in the United States years and his death was not unex-
to aid deserving youths to attend pected. Funeral services will be held
college who otherwise would be de- from the Stock undertaking parlors
tiled this privilege. The Inltiul gift tomorrow, Sunday, afternoon at 2
of $20.oiin for this fund from the o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. A. Ed-
Carollne Willard estate, Auburn, N. wards of the Methodist Episcopal
expenditures Incident to and tinuvold-! . . , , ., . , i ' was announced today from Pres-, church. Mr. Young is survived by
able in each separate drive. , 1 ,bv ,,ril"' headquarters, 150 Fifth: his wife, Madam Tracy Young, the
We believe too that the plan was we"lllt"r nfl9 usbered In Christ- avenue. New York. oted pianist of this city,
satisfactory to subscribers us It en- mnst week will continue over Wednes-j A minimum of $50,000 is sought " 1 momssm
abled them to count definitely on'dav nitht In order that Hie wholo for ,llia Jin"se with 3 maximum of'
their expenditures In support of the
various war activities. Your com
mittee has received the valuable help
community, young and old. big and
little, can be present at tho coniniu-
$5nn,ooo. The rotary loan fund Is'
not part of the Presbyterian New1
F.ra increase, but antedates the!
and cheerful co-operation of so many "ity trP0 epl'cls" to 1,n ,u'1'1 ,!lP! movement. Mrs. Willard's gift being
persons and organizations that we ",lzil i nnsuuas eve. i ins win u:. arranged ror hy will in 1915. Plans
will make no attempt at detailed ,,le r"'st e""uny Cliristmas tree are being perfected to make this!
acknowledgment but we heartily
thank all for their aid in this ander
taking. Respectfully submitted,
E. V. CARTER, Chairman.
Ashland, Ore., Dec. 18, 1919.
ever held In Ashland. I tie custom fund a great asset to all worthy)
has prevailed for several years in . Presbyterian students in college orj
larger cities, particularly In the east,! graduate students,
where, no matter IMhe snow is wuistj The money Is loaned irrespective j
deep and thermometers hover , of the profession which the student I
around the zero mark, all the in-! will enter, provided he gives promise !
habitants turn out to assist In the j of Christian usefulness. The stu- j
ccteDraiton, ror tins is frequently an , dent must, however b
'MM1 -m sas m m m w mA -l V
AN K X31
mended by the session of the Pres
byterian church of which he is a
member und by the Institution which
he attends.
dy to Wear" business and was been steadily progressing In spite of ' $1,380.44, n little less than 7 per
given d it i ciiiicerning number of zero weather and slippery sidewalks. rent of the total amount subscribed,
such establishments in this city. As Mrs. Grace Engle turned in her is a good showing. For your intor
in all cases of inquiry concerning $25.00 without the aid of her com- mation we now submit an itemized
business opportunities, Mr. Hunter mittee. Mrs. Dickey und Mrs. Ever- statement of the disbursement of the
was given straight, was not ad- ton turned theirs In with a half day's t0,"l amount collected, viz: $18,
vised to plan on locating here but soliciting. Mrs. George Kramer nnd 840.5(1 us furnished by our secretu
was in eil to lonk the situation over her committee have finished. Mrs. rv- J,r- J- Shlnn.
himself if possible to come to Ash-' E. H. Bush with the aid of another Salvation Army war fund $ 440.00
land. 1 splendid committee turned In $37.00. : l'"ftid War Work fund., fi.050.00
Mr. K. E. Burn's. Madison. Neb,. Of this sum the Eelks generously Armenian Rolier fund.,
has been in correspondence with this contributed $15 and the Eastern Star s,'('0"d Red Cross drive.
club for some lime and has been fur- $5. j Y. W. C. A
nislicd all iiiforiuailon requested.1 Both tho Hawthorne nnd Junior 'Salvation Army fund .. .
He is iii the pharmacy bi iness but high school deserve special credit G. A
intends to go into some in ilness less Miss Cietchon Kramer, the' princi-
iiiifiiiiiig. Is seeking milder climate pal of the Hawthorne school, turned
than at prc.enl home. Inquires cou- 111 $40, Miss Allen's room, the
reriiini; ,i ii es of hind near Ashland, j fourth grade, selling $10.50, tho
Ashland i-Milcticc lois and choice- most sold in any room in Ashland.
l iiiMtie.. Licit ions. Has subscribed In the Junior high school, Prof. I.
to Tidiir s ami is keeping in close C. Wilson reports $28 worth of seals
touch with conditions here. sold, with Hie fourth grade room,
Mr. Carl T..I ey. 1118 Washington Miss Ualrd, teacher, selling the most
street. ItedLmK Calif., Is an auto in that school.
mechanic who would like to locate Several other chairmen of day
t ere. would lie Interested in uny committees have almost finished' T"'"' $18,849.56
kind of a job to ret started. their quotas nnd If the good people1 11 wi" ,,e ,10,p', ,hi" the total ex
Airs. W., K 11.11, Sunnyside, Wn.- of Ashland will help Just a little l,rlls08 Incurred In the adminlstra-
iiirnishe.i ceneral Information. more we will again go over the top """ "' ,,lis '"n: fund were only
The Photomohile Tourist Co. of In this worthy sale, which brings re-1 ',9 ',r'- record in which we feel a
M'-itio. are suing us a full page of Hef and happiness wherever the ,,,lp Pride.
VM.,nd publicity in their 1920 Pho- money is spent. We feel that all subscribers to this
the Christmas joys many little chil
dren enjoy.
While this Is not the case in Ash
land, the arrangement has been
planned to combine the usual cele-i
bration in the individual Sunday! GRANTS PASS, Or. Work has
schools into one great and glorious j proceeded steadily jn rocking the Pa
observance. The big tree on the j cific highway near Wolf Creek, where
Plaza will be honored this year with! the hill from the top of Stage Coach
the usual decorations that have been ' pass to the S. P. tracks atWoif
given smaller trees in the various Creek station Is well towards coniple-'
churches, ami all will unite in muk-itioii, I
i Ing this event a most Joyous one. , This insures a good road from the '
SOISSONS. France. (By Mull.)' A ,I,'cor",i"1? ,omm:ttee has been top of the hill at Glendale to Crams'
"American chickens make life a lit- s"I"cte'1 (o ,r,m tlie ""e a"(l hve it Pass for early spring traffic with the:
He gaver In France." the peasants "-"""'" exercises which ; exception or tho new grade over
here say, regarding the efforts of '""K"1 7:3n H,,"'p Christmas. Smith hill, where the contractor is
(By the United Press)
Bills Paid
By Cheek
The safe, practical and
convenient way to pay
bills Is by check.
Now is a good time to
start a checking account
with The Citizens Bank of
Ashland, and be ready for
Christmas shopping.
! Ashland Band
' W. C. T. U
So. Oregon Chautauqua. .
Pac. Coast Itescue nnd
Protective Society ....
Ashland Branch, American
Xnlioii Wide Boy Scout
Expenses, printing, etc. .,
1 , t 7 . 0 0
the American committee for Devas-i
tated France to aid the stricken peo
ple of the Aislie district.
And they meant it, too, for the!
proud clucking of hens and the lord-j
ly rrowing of roosters are the first
sounds that greet the tourist when
he visits the war-torn vllluges of the'
Aisne valley. For the American;
committee bus really carried out its'
slogan to "re-chlckenize1' France.
American dimes and quarters re
ceived here daily are going Into the;
fund to put "pep" in the poultry busl-j
uess in France. In
Broke Jail
At Glendale
a mi
iourit Hook which will be I He fourth of the series in the mBV eongrattilate themselves
ed in the hands of thousands of home nursing class will he held at " ,li,vin helped to carry out suc-ot-iiir
' The total cost to Ash- the Library Saturday afternoon ut CS",III.V one of the best movements
i is SI" for cuts to be used on .2:30 (, 'clock. .ever inaugurated In Ashland.
pat-. Incidentally we get the Ibis war-chest plan enahled us to
' u-e in our new folder which " OIL WKLLS ; pioinptly meet every demand mud..
prepared. They have prom- LOS A(iKI.KH I'ltOlll.KM "n-southern Jackson county and In
... . Ina iWl.iltc ra,. , - ..
'". iii itie nook which -" ."r-r.o. inree on wells several 01 Hie quotas Hssiened tn im
ne aviil.ihic fr inspection some ",ra'" a street, adjacent to Ely-- we were the first In the state to re
" i" ! iiiy. . si"U l'rk here, which the city pro- lmd.
Mines Department of ''"" nve i.roiigtit up a " saved the. time and labor of
in a. ii,,, . ..,, , inrejnn Knotty problem. those who would hare had to heln
I "lloitiriilaiirul f x. ''' Attorney Stephens has rule.! In the many drive, (hot m i.
I- ! ii,c
l-"i us
lob !.,.. (;;ir.. n Competitions," ,llat the city possesses only the right been required to meet the various
which 11 , ,mirn )llt,.rp,t , to une the prortjr for street pur-alls on us. It saved subscribers
any or.i.Ma',,,., considering such and ,hat the wells under the the annoyance of repeated calls from
affair. Ii i a mo-t complete forty '""t arft Private property. But he solicitors. It saved hundreds of dol-
. ..,. .. ,..., h jllui,tra. u. ,e,rea ,n ,, , , irl, of expense that would, under! supplies to towns where no stores are fectioner's
....... ... ,, f()r M owners are lo get their
hibitlons and i-niet t,,,,,, ,,. if the cily puis in
"li pet tini,, gUf.h
might easily be tu. here.
.in iiuii io a concrete ant
ufphalt pavement over the wells.
ii i isi mn s nymns ana carols Keeping two shifts eoinc on the
I will .he sung nnd atinronriato e- steam oh, net iniiini n, i
- f." b vo lien ludu-
orrises will he given. j way. Between the Josephine county
1 ; Ii ne and the town of Ilogue River,
where Contractors Schell & Calvert i
arn working several trucks carrying t
rock for surfacing, the road is now I
pretty well covered, insuring fair;
traveling during tho winter. The I
detour is belnc- iirpi! lietwenn the' t
town of Itoguo River and the new
buiilge at Rock Point, although the
i ; highway rocking is nearly complete!
j en this stretch. I
SAN FRANCISCO. -Fired bv his' Tho new bridge nt Rock Point Is'
the last three ambition to see more of the world.' practically complete, excentlnir the.'
months women wearing the French James Thompson, the only man at 'ills for approaches and Is a beauti-l
nine unitornis or the Committee for large with new interstitial glands, Jul structure.
Devastated France distributed 8461 ! has broken Jail In Oregon and de-i Contractor Albert Anderson is
chickens throughout the 100 towns parted for parts unknown. This progressing rapidly on the overhead
in their charge. In addition they word was reecived by State Parole bridge across the S. P. tracks near
have established two chicken farms Officer Whyte from the Chief of Po-,. and this slight break in the
in the Interior of France, capable of lice of Glendale, Oregon. The tel-j paving will he completed in early ,
producing 2000 chickens a month for egram stated Thompson and Eugene spring, making a solid stretch of pav-
use solely In the devastated regions. ' Loomes broke Jail without outside' Ins from Ashland to Cold Hill. j
Following the policy of the Amerl- help and lert no trace. j On the whole Pacific highway
can committee to aid and not to1 Ever since Thompson was paroled ! there is probably no more strikingly j
pauperize the people of the Aisne, the from the San Quentin prison ho has beautiful view than that suddenly:
chickens are sold at half-price, the been a sourco of anxiety to Whytc. burstim; on the tourist as he tops
present rate of sale being 10 francs. Once dull and morose he Is now like Blackweil hill, three miles south of
Money sent from America makes up a "tin lizzie with a ninety horse-1 Grants Pass. . j
the remainder of the cost price. In- power engine," according to Whyte. i Tlie P.)gue River valley spreads
cubators. more-over, are Installed In' He can not be kept "on the road."; for miles between ' the mountains,1
a number of towns down on the, Thompson broke parole shortly af-! with orchards and meadows, sur
,on, ter leaviivK San Quentin. He was ar- rounded on all sides by mountains'
Besides chickens. Americans put rested at Glendale December 13. He and lower lying hills, covered with
105 goats in the Aisne to furnish received the new glands from the I green pines and firs. Standing as
milk for war-babies 1.500 rabbits, body of a prisoner hanged nt the a sentinel, the towering cone of Mt '
as well as ducks and cows, to fur- prison. Mcl.oushlin. better known by the
nlsh food and give a business start old name of Mt. Pitt, deeply clothed
to many a French ::Tom Sawyer." ! LONDON. A swarm of bees in- in white, dominates the view.
Rolling stores on trucks carry ten-tinted trading In an Ilford con-' The scene . nn f t.'..,i..x.,J
Store. HPt'linf fin (he Crilllflellr A nna A A il .
ll neiiar;,(o ,M.., V !. .i j . . . ' " - " " "'(" uuwh ma
"" "' required "(-I., uociors present, and no cakes and sweetmeats, and defvtne hill, the riite. nf io,if.j a
- " w iivuiui nnuinuu,
We will have here
today, sure, some
small sizes in
Felt Slippers
and some"
Indian Moccasins
advertising, hall rent, speakers1! buildings habitable other tban tern- all efforts to eject them for several Central Poin( ,nA '. a
expenses and innumerable detailed Porary shelters, barrack and caves, hours. ' ually work into the picture ;
4 1 j
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