Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 24, 1919, Image 1

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vol xmi
NO. 7G
Man Hit By Auto
Fatally lnured
A distressing accident occurred on
the streets last night when an au
tomobile driven ly M. K. Kuegl ran
into Clarence Prescott who was rid
ing on a bicycle. The latter was so
seriously Injured that death result
ed in an hour or so.
. The accident occurred between
5:30 and G near the junction of Kast
Main street and the Itoulevurd. Ac
cording to Mr. Kuegl, he was driving
mi the street and as he turned at
. ., . . , . , ,,
mo jui.muii on r,uru ..i.ui. n.iueu, in
bicycle suddenly crossed his path at
so close a range he did not see it
until he was fairly on the man. The
car struck Mr. Prescott and threw
lilm some distance.
Mr. Kuegl stopped Lis automobile
and assisted by several peoplo who
had gathered on the street by that
time, ho placed llio injured man in
his car and hurried him to the .San
An examination of the unfortunate
man's injuries revealed that both
holies wero broken in his left arm,
both bones broken in the lefl leg, and
he was badly injured about the head
mid chest. The latter was evident
ly the cause of his death. He tie
regained consciousness alter Deui"
taken to the hospital, anil ileiilh re
sulted within an hour or an hour and
it half.
Few people witnessed the rnualty,
hut a crowd gathered at the scene
of tho accident Immediately alter.
According to these' people Hie street
lights had not ben turned on and
that portion of the el'y was iu dark
ness. It Is supposed that .Mr. Pre.-:-cott
was riding up Kest Main street
to the Iioulevanl on liis bicycle, and
ut the Juni-lion of the latter street
and Kasl Main lie was tins-eil hv Mr.
Kuegl, who turned his car there to
go out East Main street. The latter
claimed he failed lo see the p.issiin?
bicyclist until he struck him. He im
mediately stopped his car and
hastened to tho assistance. of the un
tortuante man, and rendered him all
the help possible under
the circum-
Coroner Perl ami Pstrlrt Attorney
Roberts were notified of the accident
hist night and stated that they will
he over to hold an i mi ne ,-t lat. .
The affair was one of the most
distressing that has ever occurred in
Ashlund. Mr. Prescott was a well
known carpenter and plumber living
on B street. He was about 50 years
of age and was a highly esteemed cit
izen of Ashland. He leave a wife
and family. Funeral arraiwineillM
will he made later.
Jackson county will he re.r-nrnt-ed
at the meeting of the Slate Teacli
ers' association by seven delegates,
and quite likely by seveial others,
especially by those who are spend
ing their Christmas vacation in the
nortliorn part of the state, and will
be In the vicinity of Portland where
the meeting will be neld on Dece-n-her
29, 30 and 31.
The county nt large will lie repre
sented by Principal W. L. Croeleif
of Cold Hill, Miss Surah Van Meier
and Miss Fern B. Daily of Medl'md.
nnd County Superintendent i. W.
Ager. . These delegate. having In ;"i
rhosen at the County Teachers' Imii
tule held in Ashland last fall. The
Ashlund Teachers' association will li
represented by Miss Cretclien K rea
mer. The Medford association will
be represented b'y Misi Fern P.. Daily
mid Miss Jessie Wilson, while Plot,
William Davenport of the Medfonl
city schools will go us a d.-leeaie
of the Jackson County School M as
ters' nnd High School Teachers' as
sociation. The above delegates will attend
the meeting of the executive commit
tee composed of delegates from each
county of the state. Their duty will
lie to formulate plans for the ussoci
ntion nnd in general lo attend to the
business mailers which are usually
Incumbent upon such a body.
Mr. O. A. Walker und daughter,
Jliss Llda, wore guests al the Hole
Austin over Sunday from Los An-,
Roles. They were surprised to tliul
such fine weather here, us they stated
the weather Is very l ad at present
In the south. "You have Los Angelei
beaten all around for climate," Mr
Walker remarked. He and his
daughter walked through the purl;
this morning and were preaih
pleased with Ashland and its sur
roundings. They are on their wa.v
to look at a ranch near Eugene, nnd
were sorry they bad the trip to. make
(is they liked Ashland so well. "We
liave to look at this ranch." Mr.
Walker remarked, "because we pi ou
tsell to, but If we do not like it we
will be back to Ashl nid."
Mr. and' Mrs. Reginald D. Fi'er
and M. Weir McDonald of Medford
were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs.
Lillian Green Zundel.
SYDNEY. N. S. W A rabbit
catcher, robbing a ben-rose, i t Mud-,
pee. New South Walei. stumbled on a
14 pound nugget, sbrtrd like a M il
tese cross, ami of practically pure
AN .', y j .$ $ $ ij
$ $. $. j
Henry M. Moss, vire-presKieiii oi:8UCi, teachers last year. About 40 j
the Community Milling Co., of Port
land, address: 13 K. 39th street,
Portland. Oro., would be interested'
in prices of realty nice home places!
with fruit, garden, etc,
Noah W. (Iriftith, Woaubleau, Mo.,
. , ,. , . ,. . i i.i iiu,
(() ,.al,.oaJ glatioil, good bUiUIIIlgS,
some truil unu Denies, suituuie lor
grain,. grass and pasture.
Howard Avant, Hox 115, Hllls-
boro, New Mex., wants prices of
farming land.
Carl C. Hutches, Ilradentown, Fla.,
wants prices of land.
s. W. Cox. Miami, Fla., Interested
in farm lands.
Air (i,tt.i, Titnia 'J Pnv
"""" " " "
2.! i. Poitland.' Ore., wants Informa
t m.m regarding farm lands,
Ceone IS. Kennies wants to hear
from real estate men.
Vynppta tn
to lt..g..e valley in vicinity of
AsM. ml or Med ford next spring and
will n., ,1 twenty or more acres of;
land. Impioved or unimproved. Kx-I
peel,-, to raise pure bred Poland
Chinu h.,,s and Shorthorn cattle.
hai.iau.,,,,. AoclitoiiiM,, in l
(iur ( haiilMiHiua auditorium is go-
in .' in
he lainiius. 1 lie Johns-Man-; tl.(,, 8 i,aVng a high valuation and prayers for deliverance were answer
Dinp.niy which furnished the wne,.e ()10 pP01i0 r1m ft nal just as d by trnnsforinlng her into u mlstle-
loofiii!? for the building, is going to
use a picture ot tint auditorium in
their advertis'iig in nationally cir
culated magazines. We are having
Pictures made for them. '
m:i:p ai.ask.iv imh.wav
oi'kv 1)1 i'.1v 1vivtkr
SKWAKi), Alaska. Attempts are
to lie made to keep the 'government
railroad between Seward and An
chorage, open tii is winter.
Fnov,.-lie,u were built along the
line, last summer to keep the track
Tree of snow which last winter slid .This event promises to be one of the
, . , ..... u.- .r i
do n in such great quantities that'most attractive public affairs ever
upoi.limi was halted for several
months. :
Trains operate between tho two
points regularly during the summer,
,-M'ward and Anchorage, about 100
miles apart, are both on the "ocean
'-nd" of the railroad the ;oveiniiieiit
i: building ljetween Seward und Fair-
hanks, the metropolis of the Interior
of Alaska.
fP.v the Culted Press)
CHICAGO. The National Whole
sale Uroeers" Association has refused,
to drop its suit against the "Big
Ki'.e" packers before the Federal
T:-,"le cmn,is-inn
The grocers' general counsel said
the suit will be dropped only if the1" a weeK 01 I'yev aim uevoiion tne
p.ckcrs -ind the government nrodiice tint week of January, 1920. Tho
a 1 1- lo i s Z, t T irnfent call to prayer goes out to every be-
a in much Mateinent ot agreement, ' f '
and present conclusive evidence that llever 1,1 c lm9t throughout the na-
Hie meat packers will withdraw per- tion- Fl0m 3 to 4 p. in. every day.
nianeiitly from the grocer field.
J. Ogden Armour said the Armour
company will sell their interests in
every stockvard company and close
out the grocery business and discon-
fiiiue all unrelated lines Immediately
S. C Converse
college has started a campaign to ob-1
tain a $5on,ouo building und endow-
inent fund.
LONDON. The department com
niitlc; of the Protection of Wild report recommends the pro-
hil.i' ion
of the use of aircraft for
killing or taking wild birds. British
airmen are asking "Who's been do-
inn H7"
ip- JfMt
i ' ' "T
-Lj L 1 zl ;
There are seventy-one one-room!
schools in Jackson county. The av-j
erage monthly salary paid the teach-!
!erg these schools this year is
$81.58, this being an Increase of 234
per cent over the monthly wage paid
per cent or twenty-eight ot our rural According to Scandinavian mythol
schooU to be exact, are paying 7B,; ogy, Lokl, the god of evil, was tin
tae minimum
wage permitted by
There are also seventy-one teach-
B." .
two or more room scnoois wno re
ceive an average wae of $92.37 per,
month. The aerage monthly salary,
of our forty-three high school teach-1
ers is $112.54. The salary paid our
fifteen principals Is $151.15,
city superintendents average $250 a .
Female teachers are paid $92.13 u
i. n i- i o
This is an increase of 18.8
per cent over that paid last year.
a - . -i k..- i
The average salary paid mail teach -
, 1nn en o .
ers im fiil.QJ, or umy t, yvi turn
more than last year.
These figures seem to show con-
1 riUHiveiy tnnt one or tne mam rea-
whv a.,llv,M nt TnraX tmehm
w.,.n na , ,ho B(nh.
Iiflhment of the minimum salary law.
fnr tnB rura, teacnera were the ones
recevns tbe greatest Increase. How -
evfir , gome rllral communUle,
..., , , v ......
aiies nave always oeen a lime nign-
er than In the town schools. These
C0M(Utj011R prPV11 only ,n (l0se (,s.
K0(( str,.tjon , nie children In
the towns receive.
A handsome tree bus been hauled
to the Plaza where it will be erect-
ed and decorated for the community
ChristinuB tree Wednesday night.
given here. The novelty of a pub-
lie, out of doors tree to he particl-
pated In by all the kiddies of Ash-
land, no matter what their ages may
be, together with the joyous spirit
accompanying the glad Yuletlde will
make the community tree a happy
The various Sunday schools are
i practicing daily for the carols and
hymns which will bo sung on this
, occasion. The exercises will start
.promptly at 7:30 o'clock In order
that all the children cf the city can
be out to the exercises which will he
essentially theirs.
The churches of Ashland will unite
. ......
prayer hour. Evening program will
'Consist of devotion, music and ser-
The meetings will be held ut the
. .......
iawrene cnurch under the direction
of tlle Ashland Ministerial associa-
: Hon.
varloua pastors of churches
111 "euver me evening messages, n
depends upon you to make this the
meeting you think It should be
Secretary Ministerial Association
LONDON. Because it "is not con-
... .. , , . , '
sldered a suitable sport for women,
wrais are oruiouen to parucipaie
in boxing matches
Now men nre
objecting to taking' part in
'where women are present.
taking' part In bouts
End of a Perfect
! urn i ARjinrnniiruU ID ml)
Kissing Custom So Old No One
i Knows When It Started.
Branches With Greatest Numbsr ot
Berries Favored, as Kiss Must
! !
. ,
Be Given tor tacit Berry
sworn enemy of Haldur, the god of
light, and tried by every means in
Mu nnwer to kill him. but failed he-
0MUse ne WHg invulnerable to every-
; tmng mui chuib mu me earm, uir,
nre or water.
Lokl at last conceived the Idea that
the mistletoe, , fi ,!!,v3 "hlvh.
"JJ" Vo'n' the wood he
j,()lll lhe bll)d K,)d ot Unrk.
neH8 to ui.u 'a, uud iiuiuur fell dead
&ilot through the heart
All the Jds i ud goddesses prayed
for his resiorutiuu to lift and when,
- ..i,.,i if ,,.. j-
the prayer was grunted it was d-
I creed that the mistletoe should never-
; more imve ,M,er vu .... n.M. um., .
touelieo tne eann. nDU uie gouuess oi
:love was appointed to guard It.
i Some legends claim that the god-
, dess kissed all who iiassed under the
tan ).. if una n
.." 7il k w . I,
. .,, ...; sl, .
Iracted a kiss from each as a propltla-
lon- or tne bouKh snoulu be 'ed to
' rork harm' ,
Another nmwn , for k ss ng pr,v
lee conferred by the plant Is said to
h. t,,t . ,nTPi mi,. nreferrerl
ni(mk wf() plirsued ber n(1 her
toe brunch and placing her In a tree.
Kios For Each Berry.
The custom of "kissing beneath the
mistletoe" Is so old that no one knows
when It originated; hut when young
people are found selecting the brunches
that hiive the berries on, It Is fair to
suppose that they know a kiss must
be given for each berry plucked and
that the ceremony Is never complete
nntll every berry Is off the branch.
There wns once a common, though
mistaken, belief that the mistletoe grew
on oak trees only, but that was so fnr
from true that the Druids, who held
h nllk ,ls absolutely sacred because
oe.ievea ro represe,,,
Supreme God, deemed the mistletoe
carPf,',ny guarded It until the sixth day
wftpr the flrst new moon of each
When this time arrived, priests
robed In spotless white, surrounded
the tree and hekl so:enin I'eremonles,
B,"U"K "us vriii.e ui iu
white bulls.
After the ceremonies a priest robed
In nnnflnQ u-hita f.wponHnrl tha trt.o
and wh a go((.n klfe cu tne ms.
tMoe an(1 let lt fll, onto a wlllte
doth held by other priests,
The brunches were then formally
b'essed and divided among the people,
w'10 believed the sprays given them
W have miraculous power.
Called "All-Heal" Plant.
The common belief In the eltlcnry
....1. !,.. U .....a
' 'r "
d "a-beul but according to an Old
' certain lover searched many
days for a specimen growing on an
pak that n(, mlgM secure
rrnncilcg for the cure of his betrothed.
wno wa8 gi nt0 dth, but when
he found It he touched the sap, while
cutting the branches, and fell dead
near the tree, indicallng that the sap
moo a AanAXtr m .1 in
Another legend accounts for the
fact that the plant Is a parasite by tbe
rtory that the mistletoe, orlglnnll.w
n9 tree .1Ild tne ,.rraw on
which Christ was crucified was made '
from mistletoe wood, after which It
was act'tirseii unit eomtenineu to never
more grow as a tree but to exist as
a parasite, killing every living thing
t0,'k'1', 11 1"'""''' """ , ,
The plant thrives In America from
- southward and westward.
,, how, wno knmv , ony part
f Christmas decorations can have
little Idea of how lt overruns trees to
the extent of helug a nuisance.
Renorta from narties who were In
the Wlllamette vaiiey Indicate that
j the ,ata recora orm wrecked that.
ountry a great deal worse than!
i newspaper accounts gave an idea, and
I that the Rogue River valley fared
much better. Newspaper reports the
flrst ' thi" week ,rom Sa.lem A1"
bany and other valley towns an-
nonnced that rural deliveries out of
the various postofflces were Just be-
ng started again attera suspension
n . jvi.
,n A8hlnnd tho rllrH delivery did
not m'88 a trl thoURh on ,he ,lrRt
lr'P 1,fter the storm Pa,t of the route
; was not covered there being such a
small mail in the office.
, D.. t-.ui.
ri.i,, nnn fnnil,nll
ne iniversuy oi witjkuii tuuiunn
squad composed of 25 members ao-
rnmnnniprl hv PonchM "Shv" Hunt-
- . - ;
iiikioii, nan iieeiiiiiiiii, nun niiuii
Hayward, passed through Ashland
yesterday on a special car attached
1 , ,...., ,r. em.oui0 to Pasadena. C - .l -
' . -
Ifornla. where the varsity eleven will
meet the Harvard football team on
Year's day to decide the Inter-
collegiate championship of the I lilted
Oregon's selection by tbe Tourna
ment of Roses committee of Pasade
na, to meet the Harvard eleven is
unquestionably the biggest honor
that has ever come to an Oregon
athletic team. The Oregon team of
191G was selected to play Pennsyl
vania in a like contest and defeated
the easterners with a score of 14 to
" in Pasadena, New Years' day, 1917.
The entire West looks to the Oregon
boys to duplicate their weeess against
the husky Cambridge lads this sea
son. The selection of the Oregon team
Is a popular one with -sport critics
from one boundary of the Pacific
coast to the other. The team fin
ished in the lead of the Pacific coast
conference after a most successful
mamn ln wnich ,he rowerfi tt.
versify of Washington and O. A. C.
teams both went down to defeat at
the -hands of the Eugenites.
The Lemon vellnw team left for
Movleland early In order that the
squad could have a long time In
Whlch to practice and ge, in 1rl,n for
the big clash. The gridiron at Eu-
gene has been clothed in an eight
Inch blanket of snow for the past
week which has made it difficult for
active training and practicing to be
The eyes of the entire sporting
... ,. j . . ... ,
world of the Pn ted States w be
turned on Pasadena Now Year's day.
If Oregon can succeed In downing
the Harvard eleven it will give Ore
gon's education institutions the big
gest boost In years.
Local Bport critics who have seen
the Oregon team iu action feel that
It will give the Harvard team a but
tle royal. Harvard's big star is Ca
sey, who from his position at quar-
terback, has established an envluble
record as a pigskin artist this season out? I.aunspacb's seven-piece jazz Hon contracts for France have been
and was Walter Camp's selection for orchestra can play without lights and circularized by this office, and they
the pivot position on his all Amorl- seventeen rundles, two lanterns and slate thai they are rot employing
can eleven. He will meet good com- automobile headlight are being any labor there as yet. The super
petition, however, In Bill Steers, Or- mobilized at the Natatorium by the vising bends for such projected re
egon'B stellar quarter who wus the boys of the American Legion and construction are technical men al
unlversal selection for the Pacific tho Ashland National Guard com- ready connected with their office
Coast all star team this season, made
by every coach nnd football critic
on the coast. He was pluced on dance. Yep. Itnin or snow, It is go- kind for American soldiers in
Walter Camp's all American third '"B lo ,,H ,lie biggest, Jazziest dance France nt this time, and lhe state
team, of the your. Christmas night. Every- ment that contractors are now of
Kenneth Bnrtlett of Estacada, Ba- bo1y ls Invited. 1'crlng good pay to all ex-service men
sin Williams of Eugene, and Hollls wh" wiM Hi;l1 1 lH without founda-
Huntlngton of The Dalles, all mem- OSWEGO, N. Y. Sunday Indoor Hon. The report that the French
bers of this year's Kroun of arid-
ters were members of the fnmeim
I 1917 Oregon team which white-
washed Pennsylvania. Thoy are a
j tower of strength to this year's ag-
gregatlon In their positions of tackles
anj! halfback, respectively.
I The Harvard team boasts of a line
which will average 225 pounds and
which will far outclass Oregon In
the weight column. On the other
hand Oregon's backfield this year
is one of the best that has ever
donned the moleskins, and It Is (3
thought that they will prove superior
10 me Harvard nacKiieid. ju
The Harvard team leaves Cam
bridge today on their long trip west
ward and will arrive in Pasadena in in
time for several days' practice. The'
Oregon team will have at least eight
miys or practice in ine souinern city, tej
CORVALLIS Farmers are asked jS
to bring their faulty magnetos with !T1
them to thet ractor short course that m
follows Farmers' week at O. A. C ,
and have them repaired free of jjj
charge. The repairs will be Installed re
under the supervision of experts, jp
thus giving the farmer the double jt
advantage of renewed magnetos and iQ
ability to make their own repairs, m
The course opens January S.
wit wilt hA thA mnln nrerennlult fnr O
" 1 - "' 5
a Job at a local manufacturing plant. !U
I Officials hit on a new plan of ex- in
I amlnatlon for applicants when they
! Instituted comparison of proverbs to jE
! determine whether he has enough
mental speed to be an accountant,
December 25, being
Christinas day the
office will obseivo
Ccneral delivery, parcel post and
stamp windows open from 9 a. m. to
10 a. m. No money order business
transacted and no letters registered.
' city carriers will make a templet"
delivery assisted hv the unln irnek
Collections will be made from the
city imr boxeK " ll()li,l"v ' ""'I'lle.
RurHl CH,rior wi" ",;lke hi9 deliv-
! Monday was the heaviest day's
j business in the history of the Ash-
'land postoffire. Considering that
11,8 Parcels in the main were going to
"m,r " I"1"-8 w",e '"SI
wum uuw mu sfiuwiiiK is nit'l'tMinx'
: gter than the mere receipts them-
' '
. -nriStmaS DagS
Christmas wouldn't seem like Christ-
mu Without the lovely bags of all
i" women iieugnt in. some r
"l I1""'1 '
haf IZ? HZZ.
Ti,e swvpUg i, H f ,.k
Nil ti II hill-
cmleil with silver and has a handsome
silver mounting. The other Is a pow-
der bug of lavender satin ribbon with a
MK rl1'1""' P"" n lhe front of It.
i e petals are tinteii with water col-
,,rs', ""!k"" a ,,loss"m llmt W
real. It curries u powder puff and a
,,. ... ' ', '
Ilt,le 1,01 of compact powder und a
fmM u ,ut.a8eU ,u ,he MnM
Who gives a hang if tho lightB go
Pny 10 provide against any such In-
marring their Christmas
baseball games may 4e arranged for
Oswego this winter. It is under-
s,0d efforts hare been made to oh-
tnln "lp '''''' ' stage the
BKLVIDEItE, III. A -t, non-pound
c,"'p"fl' Bilil1 to have been the largest
pvnr '"'""""I ,IPrP. w;,f; delivered to
" K1'''Pr npre recently for the Christ-
My Using Moth the .lily nnl WVt-klv Your Mi'ssane
Goes Into Practically Kvery Ifmni' in A-hl uulV
Trade Territory lioth i n 'the City and Country.
it ooSts vki:y littlk moiik TO
And Advertlsinu Man Will Tell You About II
i i
nn m ninrnr
hU u tubtnt
Members of the Masonic lodge of
Eugene and vicinity will be given an
opportunity early In the year to takj
"1 Scottish Kite degrees from the
Ashland post- fourth to the thirty-scond, lnclusie
the following and to become available as candi
dates for the Mystic Shrine, all work
to ,,e (1'ie i" Kugene.
Tll's opportunity to advance in
Hie hither decrees of Free Masom-v
"ml ,0 become members of the Mys-
" Mirine is announce,! for February
b and 7. when P. S. Malcolm. ..v-
ereign gran.l inspector general, in
Oreon- 3:1(1 lc-'''Pe '"n. with a
"""ier of officers from Portland,
will go to Eugene and put on the
wrk ot "ie Scottish Kite. During
lioir visit in that city a class will
1,6 initiated into degrees from
fmlrth "'"1 including the 32d
(In t he evening ot Fehruaiv 7
members of the Ashland Shrine. Hil
lah Temple, with all officers, will go
to Kugene to properly initiate all
high degree Masons who are eligi
ble to the Shrine. Ilillnh Temple has
promised that Kiigeen can depend
upon the officers of the Ashland
Shrine, along with their parapher
nalia, including the hnl sands over
which every novice must tread,
to the Interests of June and the man
she has given her heart to, Harry
Hope, ( nullum Cooler, a worth
while lover); how Chow avenges the
death of his master by killing Den
Ion, and how tho scalawags go
straight Is the engrossing thenin an. I
climax of a surprising picture.
Notwithstanding the unusual and
extraordinary weather conditions,
the short days ami lhe delayed trains
the Ashland postol'l'ice h;is succeeded '
in cleaning up Ha deliveries each
day. The plans for the handling of
the incoming Christmas presents
contemplate their prompt delivery
ninl a clean-up each day.
Heginnlng this. Monday, after
noon a truck delivery will be made,
accompanied by a carrier on each
trip. This will expedite the delivery
of the vast number ot parcels that
will necessarily arrive this week.
Deliveries will he made on Christ-
mas nay ami it is planned that there
I'll.l lime elapse
ZXtZlS ""n!
.lolivu,.., ,,,,,
' iwipients.
WASHINGTON. For a month
Past, the office of the assistant to
the secretary of war, in charge of
soldier re-employnient. has been re
ceiving many letters from ex-service
men al; over the country, inquirim;
ahum reconstruction jobs In France
at large wages In some way oi
other the report has been spread
widely that there are unlimited op
portunities of this character, which
is very far from the truth.
In a bulletin, Lieutenant Colonel
Mat hew C. Smith, executlvo head ot
the Washington bureau, says:
"Firms which have reconstruc-
"There are very few Jobs of any
government wishes to hire former
soldiers from Hie I'nited States Is
also incorrect.
The number of discharged eullst-
p'1 seeking information about
j,,l's I''"irP clearly shows that
Hie ex-doughboy, now that he h is
been home for a little while, seems
quite willing to tuke another trip
overseas. However, the best oppor-
(unities are in America.
. ......