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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1919)
Oregon Historical Soolttf, Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919 VOL XLIII NO. 74 1 L IRON WORKS BUILDS GAVE BLOOD TO mmmm NEW CULTIVATOR IE E BOY'S LIFE "We are planning to get a contract' The Ashland Iron Works has com-! The transfusion of blood to Bave to start grading on tha Dead Indian 1 pleted u motor and cultivator called ! the life of Orren DiU'ird, a 19-year- MAY COIII M CHURCH OFFICIALS HOLDING REViVA ViSIT ASHLAND John L. Ktherldge, who is the pres ident of Morris Bros, of Portland and Important Business Change ra i One of the most Important changes N OF WW Sevaral of the leading churches of the community are thinking serl- I . . . .. I ... ..lav 11. a Ir.' 1 t I, a 11 .iu II W T.ii.lm. itt llrnno XT..,,. ' I.. . ...... road this winter or early spring, as the Downie Tractor r.nd cultivator! old hoy was performed at me suir ous.y cu...m...B - , '. , " " , " " Bilrs " 9'"llI'' onio- .n ,M,hw ,,r,ii. .,,. v. p. ' nr . sitl firm. This machine is! Itarium a few days ago. The young! ship of the renowned evangelist, Dr. orlal church 1 were visitors bile circles take place today. Moore, one of the Moore brother, made from the design drawn by W. F. man had undergone a serious opor-j E. J. Hulgin, in a great evangelistic at Trinity church parish house yes- Two of the best known and most r the who i. ,lPPtv invested In in. es- Downlc. manager of the Vnlled States' ation and was so weakened that his, campaign. The plan is 10 secuie me ie,..a een,..g comma ... ucnau 01 skillful mechanics in Southern Ore- 1 " ... it-. i . i nf oHhin- thu Arninrv nr thft tlio natimi wiiln niinniirn nr tha .. m.. a a i i i t. tabllshing of a good ro:id in that dls- Iron Works of Seattle, who is in n was uespuireu ui u...e.s u m. - - - " " " . " - " " 'r. rercy o( California, here comes K H Mc- .... . ... . .... Ummiv ,.f Mnnit nnntri hn i in nf used ' Chau laud ua building suita my neuieii, r.piscopai cnurcn. iney were ac- Ashcraft. hnvn tml IIV tulrmi full i i,. . trict. A good road in that country Asiininti iry.iiK o.u uie new mu- . - . - - - busier, protestor of mechanics and " cnurge a. .lie Harrison Bros. Ford astinimmv nf n, . , and Mrs. Mann a,.,l Urn Rev W. II. ,,. ...,.. ... . astionomy of the I Diversity of Or- ..... . ... . . ' .. U"B ,ne Sn, who claims this iiniwii oimi wi.c. itiiiYiiis nioiippr niernan cr nr Asiihimi ia n After people the country over hav.s begun to make their final arrange ments against the cnniinz nf ih ml world, according to the state ment Issued by a "sunspnt specialist" . . I 1.. !.! f.. A....-.,. i 1.. will open up the greatest wood tor- chine, and if satisfactory will snip m "is euia. ri u.m ui.r.i.uu rltory In the world, and all it will It Wednesday. The local foundry J F. E. Russell, a nurse at the Sani need then Is men to gat out and cut has a contract to make 100 of these tarium. very heroically gave the It. There are millions of cords of tractors to be used In orchards needed blood which was drawn from wood In the Dead Indian country," around Spokane. It has a ten her veins into those of the sick boy. Mr. Moore went on to .-tato, "enough horsepower engine and is fitted prin- Jn and Moxon performed the to last Ashland a thousand years. Af- cIpMly with Ford parts so that it Is operation, ter the wood famine this winter it practical to do all the work of a; - wniii.i mom in,., tiio lii thin small farm. As soon as this mav "KKKP i.KA." IKILW city would wako up to the fact that chine Is shipped others will undouht a good road In that district Is one edly he built us rapidly as possible. of the most crying needs of the for the meetings. most trying state. "More than that, if the people In the valley will Just get together and work for this road to be graveled it will muke the leading road to C'ra- fl.EVKLAXDKItS WAXT Cl'KK FOR fOXGKSTIOX CLEVELAND, O. Cleveland Im suffering acutely from congestion and a clinic composed of public if ficlals and traffic experts are plan-' ning relief through a system of sub- KOB lil'KAIi SCHOOLS ways, elevated lines or short tubes The clean-up work done early In through the downtown district, the year would not be complete were H. M. Ilrinkerlioff, representing a over me campaign le-re and else- , tractor operator and sepair man where they returned by unto to Med lord, leaving ; very sillll of their visit, ileasiint impres- JAi'AX Dlt.AI TS "DRV" I5II.L (Ily the I'nited Press) TOKIO. ( I!y Mail ) Sorretary Tai;o of the homo office s engaged prophecy is all bunk, and that there Is no need of worrying over tim iiiromi t and has been steadily at the auto- that have been foretold for the km, mobile game as long as there have 0f this month when a number of been automobiles. ,,. wi, C1)me ,n conjllnctio1 His thoroughness and all around 'There are always spots present competency ore known all over Jack on the sun," 1'rof. McAllister says son and Siskiyou countlei. Mr. Mor- "and although it Is true that the lis Is also a specialist on Ford work planets will b in tho sepclfied po- iiiiii 01 course win no a most valua- sitions it iu ilniihtf hi :r ......ti i,... . . , ..... i .... i... - V'... Vl, ali.aai.liin' ffi't.. la ,....L. In Hi-nrtli.r ,t H.v.ulln , ,,-..! I hi t l.t n .till ... ' u a 1 The Ashland branch of American n "oi ionoeu up oy somih means 01 - ........... ucqinsmon to Hie AslH;ind Ford or oilier disturbances could be Red CroBs held Its annual meeting .keeping things in good condition, and ing the survey and municipal offl- that will he laid before tho forth- garage. caused." at the Library, Friday evening, No-: certainly all of us agree that every cials expect to whip th data Into .coming session of the diet. The bill ,.on.y Aslieraft has a tnlendid rep- While the "sunspot specialist" doc. vember 21. The following wep; scnooi suoum do Kepi in a cieau aim wmim .m .,,iaU,i , .u,n ......... , UJ uiaiion and following about Southern not actually foretell the destruction .11.1 women un.ier t, year, ol Oregon and his reliability and me- of the world, he states that terrible iii.iiioai iiro.ioo wen Known to climatic disturbances ere due on D. first time the govern- nwil 1U)y oominenl. Mr. Ashcruft s cember 17. wh vol,.,. recent fxiierlence as an officer In noes and floods. There i S. navy has added finish ami talk of a comet hitting the earth' tho Dead Indian territory." Malta Commandery, Knights Temp lar, held their annual election of of ficers at their regular meeting la.-t i..i.i ,n,,.in.. fr ti.o ensuing lien t condition. at a special election on February Habits of pe-sonal cleanliness on l. it was believed any one or the the part of the pupils should be a three ways of relieving congestion part of the program of keeping up will ho approved. When pupil t learn to keep Officials based their confidence themselves neat and clean, they take for acceptance on the keen rivalry more interest in helping to keep between the citizens of Cleveland til) the things about them. and Detroit. This rivalry has e- The following suggestions may ltP'l for ninny years. Detroit has . L. . . . I. ..; . . ... ImnH n..ll...ln.r f,. .nn... Idi-m ,.l .,.,1.1 P It V-iimel 1 T! Mcflee and J D ne'P at luasi 10 mane uus important .t.iiniifi un bwu.v, umii m i.. in " work more uniform: iraiisti ior a long iime wiino.ii sue- oe uiiunnig u. 1. The buildings may be kept In eess ter Lake. We curried the special year: Mcsdames F. S. Engle, .vauuc tax levy at the election in road (lis- Maxey, J. Edw. Thornton, S. B. Me tric! No. 1. which means that from Nair, Frank Dickey, J. M. Wagner, r. (inn tn 7.finn will he exnended on A. If. Pracht. Walter Everton, Ira a Bchttol this road next year. Now, If the peo- Shondy, O. .Winter. Mary Whitney, pie will only pull together this conn- P. K. Hammond, W. H. McN'alr, E. try can soon have ft dandy road over V. Carter and Messrs. P. K. Ham men ago. This is the ineni ipis looked Willi lavor oil a tem- eir to year by Neinolo, a member of the diet, and an anient Christian. mond, T. H. Simpson, E. V. Carter, Mcltae. Mrs. Muxey gave a report of tho work accomplished In the canteen night. The following were chosen to department during tlu past year and short talk on home Mrs. Dickey service work. Following are the officers In servo during the ensuing year: F. D Wagner, eminent commander; W. II. McN'alr, generalissimo; P. K. Hammond, captain general; H. C. Sparr, senior warden; W. H. John son, of Jacksonville, junior warden. E. V. Carter, treasurer; W. II. Day. recorder. The Installation of these new officers will take place the third Wednesday In the month, December treasurer. Mrs. fieri. Eubanks 17, at which time an elaborate pro gram will be given in connection with tho installation ceremonies. . good condition by following even portttnity to give the laugh more closely than In the past few antomoblle city, weeks the. "Rules for Rural School The cost of carrying out any t,n Janitors," a copy of which was sent of the projects under discussion was to each school at the beginning of estimated at around $21,(inii,0.)fl. I.craiice measure, allboiigli similar the y measures nave neen int roiiuceri irom tee hnlea ti-Minlncr tn ,! .,.. .. .1 .. " w ..:iite-i " v me- u i.iottsaiit. t lltes more 1:1- cellent reputation. Many changes ble to be killed hy an automobile are taking place In the automobile than bv a comet " the rii-....,,.. .,...- Tl"' 1 "r """" Hce has ttm.,, . in the Ford line perhnp ..mer states. "Comets have 'twice is,..l the peers t. favor limiting Mla in any other, and greater than bumped Into the earth .-iihin tho i.r ke. The bill prob- ,,VP1. ,., t)le ,ietnanils of hlL'h-in'ade ceal.irv ami ..,.,., ,i Clevelanders recognize an on- ably will make an exception In case sc..vice for tho general Ford line ' to the of the lime-honored custom of drink- 1 M1, Mi'; sake at wedding eermnnnlos, M.idfor.1 broom factory has daily output of 125 dozen. charge of the Red Cross work for '"' l"K "n. iu-h iu same be posted. 1 lie leaclier will 110 the coming year: Chairman, P. K. Hammond; first chairman, Mrs. J. M. Wagner; sec ond chairman, Mrs. A. H. Pracht; secretary. Mis. J. E.lw. Thornton; rom- well to read and talk over the rules with the one in charge or the janitor work, then Bhe should Insist upon the rules being followed if It iu pos sible to do so. The janitor work WAR TORN BELGIUM -- C. F. Damon and J. M. Ross were badly hurt Tuesday afternoon by the r dark Path mandant of canteen, Mrs. Maude c'''" 18 11,0 empnums. y K),vfll w. Hulling.'.' Maxev; eivillm relief, Mr. T. H. . 2' considerable benefit to u.-niteil Press Staff Correspondent.) Simpson; home rervlee department, themselves as well as to the school, YPIIES, Belgium. (Il.v Mail.) Mrs. S. B. Mc.Vair; e.lucalional com- tlie I1""11'' "'' wel1 l)e encouraged AUh()U(,n small armies of men, most ly mittee. Mrs. Frank Dickey; finance, ,0 tilke a 10re a(,'ive I,iirt kiel'- Cerman prisoners, have b-eu work- breaking of the scaffolding on the new cabinet shop which Mr. Dumoh Is erecting on his lot on B street. Both men fell to the ground when the scaffold cn which they wore standing gave way. It was thought at first that Mr. Damon's left arm was broken, but an X-ray t. ken yesterday revealed the fact that- two small The financial condition of the Ash land branch of the American Red Cross Is shown by the following re port: Receipts Dec. 1, 11-18. Balance on hand . Salvage department Sale of merchandise ing the rooms attractive at all times. They are usually glad to assist in decorating the rooms. Certainly the room that has the appearance of a ing nearly a year, devastated Belgium looks today just as barren and war torn as when thearmibtke sent the Cerman armies hurrying back into barren jail would not likely be the (he (lili,.ince9 which they had cause of the child cleaning his feet after the play period, and If he is come. Mctlin road from i,y Harrison Bros So Immense is the reclamation task Vprcs 28 British tanks Me In one j,,g business. $ 394.4S permitted to assist in the decoration Mon ,t , not noticeable that field, called the "Tank Cemetery." , Me wn; se moie iiueiy to rememner . ..,,.,.kH,.a ....vp mil(1 iy Impres- Of many smaller villages not even for the new station system, for The sale of the R,rl Cms. ...viia the Ford trucks, for the Ford Sedan opens in Ashland today with Mrs. (I. i nil coupe, ami next year It Is ru- N. Kramer, Mrs. C. W. Clint t in, Mrs. mured t lie regular Ford agencies will A. A. Marske and Miss Milan In have the Fordson tractor. Harrison charge, and will continue for two Bros., appreciate these changing con- weeks with different ladies in (lit ions and are preparing the very charge. To carry 011 this work re best service possible ill every depart- M Hires 11 budget of JH.000 for 1920. ment. Ninety per cent of this money stays They have recently added a first in Oregon, the other 10 per cent de class oxy-acetvleiu? welding plant, frays the cost of the soils and for probably marked by a liltlo rain- dating the winter will Install the national publicity. Every person in blackened woollen cross. Tho battle m(mt up-to-date buttery charging Ashland will be given an opportuiti- .11":. is doited with these crosses plant, and at the opening of the next ' help ease the burden of the the only epitaph on some being a run- season a lathe eitial to every de- tubercular subjects in Oregon, at thu maud. Their vulcanizing plant Is 'ie time provide an attractive (loc als.) uii.lerg.iing radical changes to- oration for their Christ mas pack v.anls rapid perfect service. ages. Other Improvements to be an- nouncetl later will nearly double the At a meeting of the directors of floor space now in use at the Ash- The Citizens' Bank of Ashland held Ford garage, made necessary Tuesday, J. W. Millner was elected to steadily increas- ty trench helmet. The "body snatch ers" job is lo dig up the bodies, put I hem in sacks, loo. and bring them away for re-burial. Wrecked tanks, wagons, trucks, ammunition dumps, pill-boxes are .icatlered up lo Ihe horizon. Four hind miles down the bones in the wrist were spread apart CI 1 r fs fil.83 instead of being broken. His in- Membership dues Juries will lay him up for several p (n" masks weeks, however. Mr. Ross sustained bruises, but none of which are con sidered serious. 100.19 thl,n lf tl,e work 18 "" 1,01,6 b' the sion at all. The Christmas Seal sale begins this week and will continue until Christmas. This has been an annual event for the past 12 years. Ninety per cent of the proceeds is kept right here In Oregon to fight t lie great white plague, the other 10 per cent being used to defray the cost of the seals and for national publicity. Jackson county is well organized. In the rural districts the schools are to conduct the sale of the seals. In Ashland a group of the most promi nent women will offer the seals from booths In the local stores. The wom en In charge of the sale are Mes dnmes Maxey, E. II. Bush, Frank Dickey, Choate, Kramer, Engle, Cur ry, Whitney, W." II. McNair, J." II. Provost, J. II. Mcflee. Perozz.i, S. Mc Nair. These women are to be assist ed hy others. The booth sale will open Thurs day with Mrs. G. W. Kramer In charge at the postoffice. Every let ter nnd package sent away should have the pretty Christmas seals stamped on them carrying their mes sages of good cheer to the receiver and help to the unfortunate. 1918. Christmas roll call Refunds Entert'.inment, etc Ashland patriotic fund Sale badges . . : 1919. Membership drive icon 9.90 1. 57)0. 09 2H.S3 115.00 625.00 26.75 407.00 $1,041.04 Disbui'semeiitK Remitted to Jackson county chapter $ 993.54 Remitted to Talent 35.00 Remitted to Phoenix . ... . (10.50 Remitted to N. W. Div. A. It. C 1C4.00 Mrlse. and supplies 09.011 Canteen Dopt 700.00 Civilian Relief 403.30 Hospital Bnrvlco 210.39 Donations 200.00 Expense 158.71 teacher. 3. A pupil's desk is bis little home and he should be responsible for keeping it comfortable and neat neat enough to be seen by his neigh bors or anyone else visiting the school or who may happen to call upon him. A competition by individuals, by rows of students or by aisles may be instituted by the leaclier and pupils. Often the results of such a competi tion are very desirable. 4. The county nurse has urged in a number of schools that the pu pils form the habit of always wash ing their hands and faces before eat- tbe ruins remain, the walls having reduced to stone- I i;i: MOTHER HAS 1 ' 1IFU vstii nmTiintv ( By the I'liiterl Press) LONDON. Qiieen-Mother Alexun- fill tho vacancy on the hoard caused by the death of II. F. I'obland. Mr. Millner came to Ashland from Iowa in 1910, and has made this his huire tor tho past nine years. Ho has ta ken 1111 active part iu Hie business anil farming interests of the com- Vnre Itself, n collection of ruins, long since been has hardly been touched. The de- dust. bris has been swept from the streets. in tne oiri tiiaciiiiiceni roiests up (.p.,,1,,.,,,,,,1 ,,er 75th birthday muuity, us well as in church circles, and a lean-to-station put up near the Ihe railroad there are only occasional M,.IV limi in honor of the event and has become well known ns a site of the old. A few restaurants naked tree-stems, with 11 few leafless !,,,., worn fil.(,(1 at 1l)on , Rt ,n f t,o highest standing, and have been re-opened for tourists and branches. There is no living tree j.llnn(1. .,.,,. j,,,,,,,,,, nml t wind- of recognized enterprise ami ability. relatives of fallen soldiers visiting for miles and miles. Cerman gas tho zone. ,lit A small gauntlet of postal-card The old inferno of sound has Re sellers and curio venders rorma reg- en place lo a more terrible silence ularly outside the station a few min- n silence unbroken by living crei utes before train time Several llv- tiire. No birds, no moving things eryinen and parage owners do a fine in the grass, nothing but the uhsn business driving sight seers over the lute silence of a man-made desert, battlefields. From the nrrictilturul point of nut minus these Vim's is today as. view, Hie country is years in the fil ing lunch at noon. His request is , . 1(),a ltnre. Everv stiuarc foot must be lev- To the east, south nnd north eled nnd restored. Only here, thy $3,001.13 Bui. on hand Nov. 30, 1 919 979.91 $4,041.01 THOROLI), Out. What engineers believe is 1111 ancient Niagara Falls, which has been buried for thousands of years, has been uncovered here during the course of excavations for tile new Welland ship canal. The "skeleton" of this great pre historic cataract, according to en gineers in charge of construction, a very commendable one. In addi tion to the fact that children should learn to have their faces and hands clean before eating, to put such u thing into practice in every school would be of Inestimable value In teaching goorl health habits. . 5. The sanitation requirement for a standard school offers a well de fined unit of work which links nice ly with this program for cleanliness. Most of the Fchools are complying with the requirement. A hundred per cent record Ui this regard would be n thing to be proud of and a thing not impossible for us to attain. It is hoped that these suggestions may be useful in forming a general constructive "Keep-Clean" program in our rural schools. Signed) R. E. MORRIS, j Rural School Supvr. G. W. ACER, County Schol Supt. sor. Flags were flown on nil gov-, He is a desirable addition to the di rectorate, and Ihe banit Is to ho con gratulated upon acquiring his ser vices. At the same meeting J. P. Dodge was advanced from the position of vice-president which he has held for the past four years to that of presi dent. Mr. Dorlge has been on the visPors. There board of directors since the organi humble callers, zat ion of the hank, and his elevation eminent buildings. At Marlborough House, the queen-mother's .on.!. ill residence, there was a constant stream of distinguished Cillers de sirous of signing the visitors' book and tendering birthday congratula tions. King George and Queen Mary nnd the other members nf the royal family were early were also inanv stretches an ugly, shell-chopped life less terrain, where gangs of "body Biiatchers" (the Tommy's name for grave hunters) are still wandering. Now and then, iu some out-of-tbo way, grass-stuffed crater they still find a weather-soaked uniform, gray of khaki, with a human skeleton In side it. They gather the bones to gether in a sack and carry them back water to spiva.l to headquarteis. countryside and undertaking is infinitely more diffi cult. Any moment il.e workman may run inln an uiii'Xrlod.'d shell or hidden death trap. Every farm will have to be equip ped with a complete new drainage system. The old pipes were ripped out during the early part of the bombardment, allowing the waste out over Ihe flat collect in ilopros- whose offerings of flowers and sltnl- to the position of president comes in lar small gifts proved passports recognition of bis years of meritor Ihroiiuh the cordon of police nnd Ions service ns vice-president anil di mililary gentries. rector. The new position will not 110- Froni the day of her arrival here eessllate any rearrangement of his to marry the late King Edward In personal affairs, the office being an lSO'l, the Danish princess of whom Inactive one, and he will continue to Tennyson wrote his "Sea-Kings devote the principal part of his time Or, they find a forgotten grave, sions. Daughter From Over the Sea" est ib Ib ho.l herself In the a flections of her adopted country and is probably Ihe most revered woman In England today. and attention to the turnitiire and undertaking business, and ,to his farming Interests as heretofore. C. B, l.umkln was elected vice president to fill the vacancy In that WOOIM'llOlTlV.i jl ltOl'.X WATFR PII'KS LOS ANGELES. Calif. In t roil 11c-f Wl NT Kit IlltH HAZARD Ing wood-splitting, king of outdoor I A. O. Barber, the stale fire mar sports, successor to golf as n waist ' hIiiiI. in his recent issue of the Fire Students of the University or Or egon will unite in raising during the Christmas vacation $.'10,000 neces sary for the completion of the wom en's building. This is the largest was fully Bs wirto n,,(1 Probably had TO ('((OPERATE IX STl'DV nmount of money ever attempted to a KreatPr 'all than the present NI- op DESTRUCTIVE PESTS be raised by the university students, 8Rara Fa,,s- j OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- but they are rallying to the cause. Tlie first indications of the for-' LEGE, Corvallis A co-operative ar- The Greater Oregon committee with "ler l''iarnci came 10 jignt when rangement for Investigational work line reducer and the newest fad of the wealthy tourist. D. M. Llnnard. malinger of n string of California tourist hotels, sponsors the sport. Llnnard has inslall-1 at his hotels Marshal's Bulletin, gives many per tinent suggestions for the ronsorva- Tlme seems to have almost passed Position. Mayor Lanikln has been by from all outward appearances for exceedingly ucfivo Iu all matters or even at her present great age, Ihe public Interest since be came id queen-mother Is a strikingly boa.itl- Ashland ten years ago, and Is well fill woman, and still looks years and favorably known by a very large younger than her daughters. Of late, per cent of the people of Ashland however, she has hail to use a stick vicinity. His many friends will tion of Oregon lives and Oregon when walking and cannot take much pleased to learn of this mark of property by tho means of fire pre vention and safely first, In which lie asks the full co-operation of the slate In Santa Barbara and Pasadena just to make Oregon fireproof. Among these suggestions Is (lie following: Many winter fires are caused by a common, old-fashioned woodpile, well equipped with axes of various weights and not too sharp. Guests are welcome to chop to their exercise. Otherwise Iter health con- re-ognition of Ills steiling qualities. Unties fairly good. 1 North Bond Citizens start cam Standard Oil company building pnlgn of $1,250,000 county road large distributing plant at Vale. bonds. w..TirilcaU,'ml',s '" ,h""r ,r,m'B aa-ay to furnish all the wood they want. Leith Abbott of Ashland as chairmen women uncovered a series of ledges between the bureau of entomology ,,e,"',R' I-I'"'''l ' wWlne has selected students in all the ln ,ne Iorm 01 Rtpl"1 w'"i a total, ut Washington, D. C. and the de towns of the state who will assist (IroD ot 25 feet an(l width of 400 partment of entomology of the Ore In the organization work. The stu- u'et The rock from this point sloped ROn Agricultural college has been dents chosen from Ashland are Miss fllarldy and at a distance of about ; arranged. Investigation work is nn Fern Murphy and Meredith Beaver. 100 ,eet from the fi"d of (he ledges dor way at two points in Oregon. showed a depth ot 75 feet. Here was The federal station was organized AVIATORS ANXIOUS TO RETURN discovered what is believed to have n 1914 at Forest Grove. L. P. Lock ROSEBURG. The air service men been the main precipice over which WOod is in charge working with for who were stationed in western Ore- the rushing wcter plunged hundreds ,;,, an, cereal Insects. M. A. Yoth gon on duty with the aerial forest of feet to Its bed below. ,,,.H Is working the codling moth con- patrol during the past summer, are The surfneo of tho rock showed trol at the Medford station estnb- 'i A burning match, torch or open flame of any description should The sport Is popular. Henry Ford "'vr be employed lor Mils purpose, m was responsible for its Introduction , "'"i" 11,0 ."" " In Southern California. When he' rags and set them on fire is worse was here last winter he and his than folly; it Is lii.'eihlinrisiii. jpj son. Edsel. seldom nissed a day ''ipes are almost invariably adja- irj without an hour at the woodpile. fent to walls or partitions where At Santa Barbara it was wills- there Is an ascending current of air jej pered thai William G. McAdoo raised Br MR MFPfHAMITi 3 hand at the IS the ffl anxious to return next year to again unmistakable signs ot having been Ijshed in 1916 take up the work, according to Leo worn smooth by the action of water Since a recent visit in Oregon by Pevuney, who visited Rt Mather rushing over It for countless years. : working with the college department r(ony for at least a few weeks when Field on nis recent trip to California. there Is nothing In history that of which Prof. A. L. Lovett is in He had a talk with Lieutenant Goldu- mentions this former cataract, but r.'r W R Walton chief of tho divis- borcigh, who told of his experiences experts believe It once formed the ion of cereal and forage Insects of n,lt " to feed and spread .1 flame. Kveii if tlie flame does not start u fire ils sudden local beat may cause pipe to break and flood Ihe premises LQl with water. if Wj'ap the ( section of the S he gets a real vacation, have a tree, pipe with cotton cloth and pour hot. Jc all selected for him to demolish, water upon it (even if the bot wu- a callous on bis rlglr woodpile last winter. Native Santa Barbarans. who ex pect President Wilson to Join their I.innnrd who has ter must be obtained from a neUh- on the trans-contineril: 1 flight when chief link between Lake Erie and the bureau of entomology at Wash- brought wood-splitting to the masses bur) until Ihe Ire in tho pipe gives jiij the airplane in which he was a pas- Lake Ontario. Eight Mile Creek, a nKton. D. C, the station has been that ' the masses of tourists. way. Rags on the floor at the base jj senger crashed Into i mountain Li small stream, now flows over part of been formed with the cooperation of "Theodore Roosevelt Inspired the or or under the pipo will absorb the ijS ttjuiuuift uuiins a Buunaiuriu un.i :oinse ui i ne prenisinnc water- charge. The cooperative bureau has i,u;, innieni mi ii-i. n" n- - ipj killed the pilot, Lieutenant Wales, way, and this In turn will soon be- federal nnd state entomologists. lieved wood-chopping the best of ex- severe to yield to this treatment E He also saw Private McGinn, who was come the new ship canal. : crclse and a heap of fun us well. ' fend for a plumber. fP In the airplane wreck near Medford . . j The bureau of census is a part of Reputable plumberj always avoid p In which Lieutenant Webb was killed., Pendleton. Forty-three pieces of , the department of commerce. It was BERLIN. Marriage Is being com- running water pipes along outside p He has fully recovered from his in- new construction, ranging from established as a permanent bure;.u In mercialiied. Reports shows that wall where it is possible to do so li juries. Mr. Devaney while there houses costini? $3000 to flour mill H02. Prior to that time the census weddings there are now accompanied Property owners when building iS took a long flight in a Dellaviland, nnd Elks temple to exceed $100,000 work was done by a temporary Of- by a public marriage ball at so much should look out for this. It may j which he piloted, reaching an altl- In cost, in process of construction ganization known as the census of- per admission, plus a I'beral wedding some time save thetn money and vex- K, YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR AD IN THE WEEKLY AS WELL AS THE DAILY TIDINGS By Urinj; Itolh l!u Daily ami Weekly Your Mos."ae viot'tt Into Practically Every Hume ii: Ah land's Trade Terrii.wy Hold in tlie City and Country. IT COSTS VEKY LITTLE MOKE TO CoYEU THE COCNTHY DISTRICTS IN THE WEEKLY TELEPHONE 39 And Advertising Man Will Tell You About It P f4 ude of over 12,000 feet. here. flee. I present in cash. utioti.