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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1919)
PAGE K(U R Wedinwta), December 8, 1010 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Local and Personal Tl ESUAY'S NEWS Mrs. Aglotle, supreme coinmuuaer or me mates or tne Aiaccauees. ana Wis. Riley of Baker, state commander of the same order, were in Ashland yesterday, milking an official visit to Margaret Review Lodge. A special meeting whs called of this lodge yes terday afternoon to meet Hie visitiiij officers. C. V. Carey of Corvullis is a guest of Ashland frffnils this week. t Harold Simpson returned Sunday llight to the I'liive.-sity of Oregon lit ter spending Thanksgiving here wit u his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Simp sou. Miss Dale Co.'liow c;inio home Monday after spending the Thanks giving holiday at her home in Hose burg. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. William'! of Tul- ent were in Ashland yesterday. They are arranging to start about the tenth of this u, out h foi Iowa where they will spend the winter with rel atives. Mrs. .lames (hillirallh will go to Portland this week w'.ieie she expects to spend the winter with a sister who resides in that city. Mis Kditb lleirin, a student of the 1'nivorsity of Oregon, returned to Eugene Sunday morning after spending the Tlianksulvitm holidays at her home hero. Mrs. .1. II. Withrow was an after noon shopper in Ashland from Talent eslerda.v. Miss Mabel Smith, who came hum" from Kucene where she is a student at the 1'. ., to spend Thanksgiving at her home here, has vu an attack id quinsy and is uinbl" to return to school with the other Ashland stu dents. Mrs. ('. A. Hal, son. formerly ni Astoria but who now resides ut (limits Pass, is a guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. Clifford .Jenkins. Rec. n. J. (inlanders of Henry. S P., has been .-vteml.-d a call to the pastorate vf the Conuregatiomil , church of this city, and he and his family arrived here the first of the week and have taken up their resi lience in the Congregational manse ,n the Roulevard. while Mr. (inland ers has assumed the duties as pas tor of the church. The latter preached here a short time ago anil made a veiy good Impression on the people who extend to linn and his lamilv a cordial welcome A daughter was born lo Mr and Mrs. T. D. I.einasters of High street Sunday a II el iiiTnii " Mrs. C. A. Winelrot of (irants Pass left Sunday alter stiendiuu Thanks- giving at the home of her.sister, Mrs. Clifford Jenkins. II. H. I.eaiit is m.irketinj; some fine, delicious Japanese persimmons raised on his h e pluce where he has three thrifty trees. They are about the size of' the big red plum and after well frosted are better in flavor than a juicy ripe peach. Mayor C. II. Lanikln has purchased the residence of Dr. W. E. Illake on Hush street and will take possession about the middle ot December. He i-xpects to occupy the-house himself, Another real estate deal lias been leported from the local agencies. 1111s is uie puriuase 01 titty acres of Hear creek bottom land bought by Albert Raby of Aberdeen. Wash., from Sidney T. Parks, one mile from laieui. .ir. u.iny win talie posses sion about the tnst of February. This sale was made through the C. 11. I.amkin agency as was also the sale of the Neweoine property lo I yi Alnutt. .Mr. and Airs. A. II. Johnston, the noted singing evangelists, who will help Rev. C. rial services hihv.inis 111 the spe- is conducting in the Methodist church ibis week and next,, arrived this morning end will bo at the services this evening to conduct ihe singing. These people are es- penally fine musicians and will nf- ford much i.leasine and insoi nit ion i to hear them. The Social Realm EiHeilaiiieil at Dinner Alrs Dora Young Mitertained at dinner Sunday at her home on'Cran iie street in honor of Mrs. ('. I,. Hel ton of Oakland, ('.ilif.. who is visit mg here. The dliint. gui sts e,e Mr. and Mis J. P. Sayle. Mrs. Ida .lennlnt,. Mrs. E Jennings .Mrs Geoige liobisuii, Miss liolinis Jell- Kings, Messrs Allied Me . lit! Young Payne, Cecil Hoii'c :1!Hi lu),. I ii l.l.Tboni Wedding Announcements have been 1, . ccind of the marriage of Mrs. Mum.iret Emily Tbom, a luitior wed known Ashland resident, to a Air Field of Portland. Mr. Mid AIu. Fo ld will make their home jn Portland Eugene Company formed to pro- pert for oil at lit Butte, five mile -. SCUTARI. (By Mail.) The Al banian mountaineers ere the "gun toters" of Europe. They uie not hostile to strangers, but when they ure suspicious they often shoot first and inquire utter-' wind. Anions the different tribes there ure constant feud. It Is not uncommon for one tribe to post guards In the mountain passes and prewiii other tribes and even harm - ss stunners from passing throuuli their lands. Jack Simmons of Iloston, courier, was hriimini; a shipn t of urgently needed medicines to i he dispensary at Scutari, when he had occasion to make a first hand ac(Uintance with this si de of things in Albania, lie was dining a liltlo American car over the mountain trails, his mind absorbed by the beauty of the scene. It was dusk, and the rays of Hie sel linc sun se( the mountain peaks on fire and purpled the vallevs in vivid colors. Three thousand feet below, a narrow stream wound its way t brunch the canyon. 1 Out of the darkening shadows aloni' the trail (here suddenly up-! poured several giant Albanian mouii- tilneers, with rifles almost as big. In their tigbt-fittiiK trousers and three weeks with Hi" scarlet fever Jackets of wool, felt skull caps and under the care of Dr. Hart of Med rndo leather salidats. and cartridge ford, hells slung over both shoulders, they Mrs. William Crosby was visiting were as fear-inspiring as they were in Ashland Saturday, picturesque. mocking Hie trail they The Talent Orchard comnany fin- waved In Simmons that he could mil Co imv further, bat must turn hack.' They could talk no English and Slm-i A splendid Thanksgiving .program nions could talk no Albanian. For a was given at the school house miniile the situation seemed a hit Wednesday afternoon, discouraging. j The Talent school children are en- Suddenly Simmons had an inspira- joying a few days' vacation, lion and pointed to the Red Cros Mjss ftomveldt. one of our high painted on the packing case aboard j school teachers, were suddenly af hls litle car. A flicker of under-; rlicted with rheumatism while on standing passed oer Hie faces of the duty last week and taken to the mountaineers and they began to talk home of Mrs. John Rndgeons on the excitedly among themselves. One Pacific highway where she is being of them sel off al a trot Immediately treated. and returned shorlly with Ihe head of the Irilio. Tho head man iinmedh'toly under- stood the significance of t he Red Cross on the boxes of medicines. In pnet. Ore., was a visitor In Talent a moment ho was bowing profoundly last week at the Iioiik of her aunt, and ''registering" friendship with Airs. Ed Hughes, numerous gestures, while his follow- Mrs. Holmes of Astoria and datall ers stood by respect ful'y. ter. Zola, were nlso visitors at Mrs. And when Simmons started on his Hughes'. Mrs. Holmes is n sister way next morning, after u good men! of Mrs. Hughes and a mother of Mrs. and a comfortable night nt the hut Floyd Hutchison, of the chieftain, word had been sent Mrs. C. A. Hazen has for her cues! in advance by runners to the other tribes that it was a friend of Albania who was traveling la their direction, LEAVENWORTH. Kan. A new disciplinary barracks rcbulit by pris- on labor, forms an eight million dol- l..r project for Leavenworth. Plans for it have been approved by tho v""' iiepailment ami construction is '' under way. Willi the single ex- eeption 01 ttie eeliiioiisc. every niiihi- i"K comprising the present barracks will be razed. tiroupiiig all depart monts of the institution under one roof, tho uingie building lo be erected in sections by prison labor, involves a scheme of building lo be si retched over a period "r 1111111 l,) '''K1'! ."ears. On ac- ,inllt "'' fluctuating numbers of pris- oners available, however, no accurate .estimate can hi' made of the date of completion. At present inmates of barracks number rboiit 18(H). '''' I'nited States disciplinary bar- lucks is almost an institution of C ivil War days. Some of the present 1 buildings weer erected between 1 8ii5 ; Other additions were made as required when new branches necHsitated 11 broadening out of in- stiution buildings 'n"' m'w striKture will have :i maximum rronlage of tit; 8 feet; a maximum iVeplh of .'18H feet und will be seven stories ill beiglj at the peak. Willi tne exception of steel. materials of const run Ion- concrete, stone, brick, etc., will he made with- in the barracks. Rock quarries, lime k:ins and brick plants ure easily ac- cessible, being located on tho Fort Leavenworth reservation, within a mile of the barracks. A farm colony, (tone quarry, 111a- cliine shops, clothing strops anil lac tones additions mado since estab lishment of the barracks are to be housed in the new building. Admin- islration offic-s. guard quartern, bos- pilal, store rooms, factories and ma chine shops also will find a place ""dor the same roof. Architectural plans call for a ills- t i:ti( ivo plainness. Inner courts are ,0 be so arra iged, however, so that every room will have windows 011 the utside or on a court. A sufficient po 'ion of the new building will be ere: ted to house 0:1c department, he- fore the present building used by that department is torn down. Tho I'nited States disciplinary bar rr.iks is 11 seiHirate institution from Hie federal prison located here. Maior William Illanchard. us con- stru ; nit: qiiailerniio,t..r of (lie I ar- racks is in direct (barge of the con- siriKHion worn. rreinuinaiy pians we,,, lauiirbed under the iidininistrii- ,1,,,, ,,r ('olotiel Sedgwbk E. Rice, for- i..r nmiiii laid. They are hoins t, awarded bv Major General J. It 1 Mi nresent conmoilldiillt o( Ihe ' 1 1 barracks. The dh sPinlinary barracks at fort I eavi nworth is bv far the largest of three federal military prisons. It i.utr.ii.ks the prison located 011 Gov- ernot's Island. New York, and that at Alcatraz l.taiiil. ( aliforma. Wilbur New sawmill cnltiiii: 13.. COO feet per day two miles north west. . Stanfield Odd Fellows will erect comfortable lodge building ih Talent Tidings Alias Lola Clark, who is employed In Ashland us clerk ut Perrine's dry goods store, spent Thanksgiving day at her home in Talent. ; Mrs. Hearing's daughter, -Mrs. Lulu Halm, left for her home in San Francisco the first of the week after a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clent Carey of String- town were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who recently moved In the Richardson house on Gibson ave - title. Mr. Warren Hearing left Sunday iifternon for the Redwoods at San Francisco. Calif. He expects to be rone for a year. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Crawford nre the proud parents of u fine baby boy born November 2S. Roth mother and' child are doing nicely. Clim CI u k, one of the high school, students, is confined to his home with rheumatism. i Mrs. Ralph Koozier has been con-j fined to her home the last two or ished packing their unusually largel crop of apples Monday. I Mrs. F. D. Nelherliiiid of Medford I was visiting her mother. Mrs. Cros-j by, nt Talent Sunday. i Airs. Flondv Hnlebisnn of p,.u I her sister, Mrs Jettle (VConnell of Nevada, who has been In California taking treatments for ast lima She is getting along splendidly and thinks hn u m,i!, iv ,,,.i ,.t !, a i,',.tli ' " uimi m iiu- U I ("till I III f disease which she has suffered from lor several years. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hrislow nttend- ''d the show lu Medford Thursday nu-ni. Mrs. Oorw Ziders and daughter ' armeiiia or narrisiiiirg, ore., urn here visiting her sisler, Mrs. Ell Hughes anil family. Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Ziders wei-e visiting at the home of Mrs. Frank (liiisinger in Ashland Slind ay. Mrs. Ionian, who his been an ill mate at the Sacred Heart hospital during the summer, Is home now for Ihe winter. Airs. Will Crosby and Mr. Fred Spencer were in Ashland Wednesday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Firestone, brother of Mrs. Spencer. .Mrs. C. A. Hazen and sisler were in Medford Friday. Mrs. Hazen is having some dental work done while there. Airs. Chnrles Chapman entertained nt Thanksgiving 1 inner her mother, Airs. Rhoades or Ashland. . Professor Rohlson. wife and daughter were .Medford visitors Sat- lirdiiy. Word was received last week that Mr. Kic tinrilson, formerly of Talent, died at the home of his daughter near Oakland, Calif., after a vear's suffering from cancer. His son. Gu- van, who enlisted in the navy a fewi weeks ago. got 11 tMi days" furlough and visited his father before hist, ,,,'a,h- Mr. Jay Terrill was a .Medford vis-J itor Saturday. ' ADELAIDE. South Australia ( Data shedding licbt upon many dlf- ficult ethnological and sociological questions is expected to result from the proposed scientific expedition , into the heart of Australia with the' ,u,.,,0l(e f studying the aborigines ulll rHii(,.rjiig t,Pm jud, ), aif tound necessary, T1P nbmlgine population of Aus- Iraliu is one of the few more easily 11Vailable sources for the collection of material dealing with primitive social organization and religious be liefs. South Australia, as tho central state of the commonwealth, Is to dnire the greater part of the ei- ,Pnses invtlved In the Investigation. i pr Herbert Hasedow. noted scientist,! has been elected to head the expedi-!f Iinn n,, vjn n..vp tir,,e (r.)it)Pr ag. mstanls. Thoroueh meillml U..H . thopological examinations will be n.ude of the tribes 111 the northwest- ern corner of South Australia, es- nl,.IW. I.. ll. M. ...... ' L ' .ii"miit- luiiFt-B. inn itinerary will rover an ImmeiiHe urea, streiebine from in- Oi,u.,oi.,.i 1..- - ..'...-..,111 IIU) ,er to the Fowler's Day and Wesl- em Australian border districts. Member of the exoedilbm sill also chart (be country, which geo- graphically Is not yet thoroughly known. The question of setting apart native reserve.! t lie chief of which would be in Ihe northwestern corner of South Australia will also he considered in the light of the re- suits of the investigation, which. It K expected, will last several years Two men drifted into Ashland yesterday and applied for aid from the locul home service department of the Red Cross. According to their story they had been held up by ban dits, robbed of their money and left tied up for thirty-six hours without 1 anything to eat. As these men, or at leust one of them, showed an army i discharge their story was taken in good faith and the members of the home service department gave them material aid. j However, before they could get away from Ashland they ran afoul of Chief of Police Hatcher, who hud In bis possession a description of ,two men 'wanted in Shasta county, j California, for grand larceny which responded much to the nppeariince of these men. The lattor appeared to become suspicious that the chief knew more ubout them than was healthy for their sojourn III Ashland. so they heat it of town on a Med ford bound Jitney. On arriving ut Phoenix they alight- ed from the car and purchased some clothing from their, alms received from the Red Cross, after which they walked to Medford. Here they wore Picked up by Policeman Adams on the telephoned orders of Chief Hatcher. They were brought back to Ashland and are being hold here for the Shasta county sheriff to claim them. An award of $50 Is offered for the f'pprehension of two men wanted for grand larceny. These men. one of whom was culled McDonnldson and the othor McDonald, came into Murys villo Friday morning in a Dodge car and hired a car from Dunnlng's gar age to take them to Oroville. Afler leaving Mnrysvlllo they forced tho driver to take them north. About five miles north of Redding the cur was abandoned and all trace of the men lost. Jumes L. Richardson, sheriff of Shasta county, writes lu Chief Hatch- er 111,11 ,aese me" ",0 ""loosed to ,iave be,m Kennett, Calif., Novem- 1,,r 22' wl'ere they applied for aid from the Red Cross, securing ?2 and an order for meals and lodging, which they did not use. The one presumed to be No. 1 in Ihe descrip tion forwarded had a hank book on the Bank of El Centro." Calif., ami gave the name of D. M. Churchill, showing a deposit October 28. He is slightly lame. The one supposed to be No. 2 gave the nanio of Mc- '''de and shows a discharge from the 0a,11"liun arn,y' Tlle men an'e!!fl(1 llero I,lst "lKllt 1,,1SWP1' ,neae descrip- tlo"fl g,,mcientJr' 11 13 Maimed, to "'Uiraiit retr detention until me K MJ JShnsta county sheriff arrives. TlI)l(iS CLASSIFIEDS HIT THE SPOT. Thursday night William Brings ) advertised a used typewriter for nale. Friday morning he sold It for $20.00 real cash more , than a typewriter company offered him on un exchange deal and at that gave the purchaser a fine bargain. Mr. Eriggs says the Tidings has done good work for him this year, having sold two typewrit ers and his crop 01" cherries. CURLS' ( LI B PLAN'S TOl'R VNIVERSITV OF OREOON. Ell Rone. First among the concert trips to be taken by the Girls' Glee club of the University of Oregon this jear will be the Southern Oregon tour, which will b made during tho Christmas holidays, according to an nouncenieuts inads by Helen Man ning, manager of the club. Several smaller trips will probably be taken later in the year. The club expects to make its first appearance at Cottage Grove on De cember 30. A concert will probably be given In Medford on New Year's eve. Other towns to he visited are Ashland, Klamath V ''alls, CI nt nl Pass and Rosebtirg. L. A. Coon, director, is now work ing out 11 full concert program for the club. . . DesCblltPK Fnllu Pntvpp ffiliinnni' headquarter In Reno. New. Eets 11 permit to do business In Oregon. " ....... . - Our Ladies' BOOTS ARE WORTH LOOKING AT Ajwl will give satisfac tory service. We liave a splendid I variety in Gray, Mahog- a any nd Field Moupe in o)or and equally ftylidi t in BJack Kid. J I s u , &jij!jH NEW YORK Ban Johnson has ditch. Worth $100 per acr, J 80. his head below the trenches again. Terms. With the enemies lining up here . , A big coal vein, 20 acres land, sev for the last big offensive, the Ameri- era, hundred ton9 been mined, only can league boss was expected to re- me from Coquille. Price $3009. main In his dugout. Will trade for Ashland property equal Colonel Jacob Ruppert of the VIU8' Yankees, Chas. Commslky of the A $4000 ftpartDlent U0U3e, 3 apart- Whlto Sox and Hurry Frazee of the menta rented for $45 per month net. Red Sox, the field generals who seek Nicely located, All furnished, mod- to blow Johnson off his throne were " and rd nBeSl tc' , . Price now $2500.00. gathered recently for a board meet- 0h, what ,nV69tmeut! Ing. James Dunn, fourth member of Block 3 acres, house, barn, fer tile board, and Ban's chief lienlen- , i . i. i . ..ii. . ant, was Invited to attend, hut he preferred to remain In the bomb- proof with Ban. The belligerent faction is now In Us last few days to make good Its drive and reach lis objective. Early this month the leugue meets and a new board of directors will be nam- eil. If Bun has his way not one of these throe will be given a pluce where they can cause him one wor- rled moment. And Ban may have his way at that meeting as the club , , ,. , owners appear to bo lined up five to three ill his favor. The trio of "Insurgents" has to work fast. They probably will stmt with n formal meet in? nn.I nerh.ins niako a snappy request to the na- Buys and Soils Roal Estate, tlonal commission to turn over tho Negotiates Realty Loans, . , , , ... , . Writes Rest Fire Insurance, Yankees share of Ihe world series Ren(8 ,oUBe and RancheB( coin. The third place of the 10- Boosts for Southern Oregon apparently won hv the New Yorkers III the meantime we are Inviting is being hold up by the protest ct who I,ave anything to sell to , , ,, . come In and tell us ubout It. Lots of I-rank Navin, a Johnson ally, who Gnwr , Thg offjce claims the Yanks are not entitled to At present we have buyers walt credlt for any game Carl Mays won. i lng for us to find the following, und If his contention is upheld his Tigers lf we cal s,,,'n nlaceg lMe would profit by about $00 each. ! Ht X" "on Siskiyou Although they do not relish the : boulevard, idea of lending dignity to the rlmors' Modern Bungalow close In, Binall about several White Sox plavers ill grounds, on payments, the recent series, the board discuss- Good chl!a" sl,e0" ram:" Wltn0Ut ed the wild tales that have bo-ii Siniill tract of first class orchard bobbing up about "fixed players," land. "thrown games," etc., since the close K'nall alfalfa ranch with good lm 'f tb aericM. provements. Small diversified ranch with good They may discuss it but there may improvements, be no officlul consideration if it. Small acreage close In with mod Some believe it shotid be invesitaget ed to cut out the talk, ethers iio- ueo 11 wwuiu or nil mini: nun Ul a tuidoncy to believe the stories If they were investigated by the board. STAPLES REALTY OFUCE Austin Hotel Itldg. Next Door to Ford Garage. Phono 2(1. Come In and see If I have exag gerated on the following. lb acre, 6-room house, modern; close In. Price $1700. New bungalow, large lot, fruit, nuts and berries. House is modern, cabinet kitchen, stone foundation, good basement. Sightly and clmui location. Price $2500. C-ronm (fully modern) bungalow, directed by the Commissioner of the one block from pavement ; large General Land office, under provls grounds; all kinds fruit. ions of Sec. 245a, R. S., pursuant to Prico $2000. ' VW the application of Darius N. Davis, Serial No. 011 1 88, we will Offer at Wood Cutters wanted. Will pay public sale, to the highest bidder, $2.50 per cord. but ut not less than $3.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 1 3th day A sixty-five hundred modern of December, next, at this offlc, the sightly residence large grounds close following tract ot land: NENEVi, in; house not old and one of best Sec, 26. T. 39 S., R. 2 E., W. M. built places in Southern Oregon. The saie will not be kept open, irlce $4750. Terms. but will bo declared closed when those present at the hour named Two thousand modern cottage, have ceased bidding. The person nicely located,' near East Side school making the highest bid will be re- almost new. Price $1000. Terms. , A $6500 Baulevard property, mod ern nnd a showy place. Price $5000. Terms. A $5000 city ranch, orchard and alfalfa; modern bungalow; beauti ful location. s Price $3800. 31 acres near Central Point, under Comply With the Law AND Printed Butter Wrappers ACCORDING to the luling of the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter, 1G (or 32) ounces full weight," with the name and address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily comply with this ruling this ofliee has put in afupply of the standard sizes of butler paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol lowing prices. 169 Sheets, 16 or 32 250 Sheets, 16 or 32 500 Sheets, 16 or 32 Send your orders to us by mail accompan ied bv the price of the paper and it will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the best. Let us have your order and you will not regret it. Ashland Tidings Ashland,. Oregon w 1 1 m m nn nn ran 9ff on i9B f9ft fTBn fBft rsn "on and orennra, mostly prunes sightly location. Good Btreet. p..' tornn Terma FOR RENT 4-roora cottage, plain; largt ground, nicely surrounded. $8.00 ner month. 7 room house, 4 blocks south Elks Temple: fine location splendid bouse but no Datn. 9 per monin. 7 room modern bouse, one block nff OruiiltA Rtrflet. nnvement district. Newiy decorated throughout. $15 per month. I have parties who want to come ,ere " 1 C1,n ,BUpp!y them f"''"l8nt1 house or apartment, FT KTAPLFS 1 Next D'oor' t0 ForlJ Oaraga Phone 26 STAPLES REALTY AGENCY ern buildings FOR EXCHANGE for southern Anuot tit-naT'tv 31 nrri3 tieiir Caillral poillt Mountain ranch of growing value for clean satisfactory citv residence. THIS OFFICE WILL WORK FOR VOI R INTERESTS and treat you 011 the square. I do not speculate 011 the owner's property. I work for commission only. E. T. Staples Hotel Austin Building. ninss NOTIC E FOR l'l'BLICATIOX ISOLATED TRACT I'l llLKJ LAM) KALE Department of the Interior I'. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore gon, October 29, 1919. ' NOTICE is hereby given that, as quired to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereor. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described laud are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. W. II. CANON, RaglsUr. 1st publication Nov. 5. 2nd publication Nov. 12. 3rd publication Nov. 19. 4th publication Nov. 26. 5th publication Dec. 8. USE: ounces $1.75 ounces 2.75 ounces $4.00 FVtt fT&Tt WANTED TO RENT A farm of 60 to 175 acres close to Ashland or Medford, Would prefer a place with some Block and implements, but will consider a good plnce without. Can furnlsb good refer ences. P. Beswlck, 238 N. Third street, Corvullls, Or. 74-lt-W72-lt CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jack sou. In the Mutter of the Estate of II. S. Evans, Deceased. To Samuel J. Evans, C, W. Erans, Joseph Evans, Emma J. McCum sey and Annie M. Mase, and to all other persons interested In said estate, GREETING: In the mime of tho State of Ore gon, you aro hereby cited to appour lu the above entitled court at the court room thereof In Jacksonville. Jackson county, Oregon, on the 20th day of December, 1919, at the hour ot ten o'clock A. M. of said day, then and there to show cause, If any ex ists, why an order of sale should not be Issued to W. J. Moore, adminis trator of the estate of II. S. Evans, deceased, authorizing and directing him to sell at private sale, for cash in hand, or upon such terms and con ditions as in the Judgment of the court may seem best for all parties concerned, all of the real property belonging to the estate of said de ceased, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the debts, claims, funeral expenses and expenses of ad ministration against said estate, the , said real property being more par ticularly described as follows, fo wl t: An undivided one-fourth Interest ' in and to the following described tract of land: I Commencing at an iron pin, one ' Inch by one Inch by twenty Inches long driven in the ground at the ' west corner of Block "U" In Railroad , addition to the City ot Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon, at the north j line of Main street, 435.20 feet north 'and 53.60 feet east of the southwest j corner of Donation Land Claim Num ber 42, In township 39, south of ! range 1 east of Willamette Meridian, Jackson county, Oregon; thenco , north 35 deg. 23 mln. east 177.10 feet; thence north 55 deg. 18 mln. west 57.85 feet; thence south 35 deg. 23 mln. west 174.40 feet to the north Hue of Main street; thence south 55 deg. 18 mln. east 14.15 I feet, and thence 61 deg. 45 min. east I 43.80 feet to tho place of beginning, ! containing 10,160 square feet, mora or less, and excepting and reserving therefrom that pp.rt thereof conveyed to C. C. Chappell by deed recorded In Volume 48, Records of Deeds for , Jackson county Oregon, at pugo 48 : thereof. And also subject to an ease ' ment for a drive way created by that certain agreement made by A. L. Al kens to F. (1. Swedenburg, H. O. En ders and R. P. O. E. Lodge No. 914. of Ashland, Ore., which easement extends across the rear end of said lot. Also, the wholo of the following tracts: Commencing ut a point at the northeast corner of lot 11, of the Hargadlne tract in the City of Ash laud, Oregon; thence south 293.70 feet to the southeast corner of said lot 11; thenco west 152.30 feet along the south lino of snid lot; thence northeasterly 108.70 feet parallel with West Fork street thence northwesterly 100 feet to the east line of said West Fork street and at right angles therewith; thence north easterly along the east line of West Fork street 207.70 feet to the place of beginning. Commencing nt a point 10 feet southwesterly along the east line of Hargadlne avenue from the north west corner of lot 13 of the Hur gadlne tract in the City of Ashland, Oregon; thence 94 feet southeaster ly tq the west line of West Fork street and at right angles thereto; thence southwesterly 60 feet; thence ! northwesterly 88 feet to the eist side line of Hargadlne avenue, thence oortheasterly 53 feet along the enst : side line of Hargadlne avenue to the) place ot beginning. Commencing at the Intersection of the north side line of Park street I with the easterly si le line of West (Fork street as per the recorded plat of llargadine tract in the City of Ashland, Oregon; thence north 45 , deg. east along the said easterly side line of West Fork street 207.70 feet; thence southeasterly and at right an gles with said West Fork street 100 feet; thence south 46 deg. west par allel with said Wet Fork street ; 107.20 feet to the north side line of Park street; thence west along the said north line of Park ' street 141.40 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, being a part i of lot 11, of said Hargadine tract. Commencing at a point 284.60 feet south 45 deg. west along the west side line ot West Fork street from the northeast corner of lot 13 of tho Hargadlne tract in the City of Ash land, Oregon; thence north 45 deg. west 93.80 feet to the east side line of Hargadine avenue; thence north 45 deg. east 45.60 feet along said line of avenue; thence south 45 deg. east 89 feet to the west side line of West Fork street; thence south 45 deg. west 45.30 feet to the place of' beginning. Also, lot nine (9) of block thirty six (36) of the Hot Springs addi tion to the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, as desig nated, delineated and described in and according to the duly recorded plat of said addition, filed In the of- , flee of the County Clerk of said county and state. Also, an undivided one-half inter est In and to the following described lots In Multnomah county, state of Oregon: Lots numbered eleven (11) and twelve (12) In block numbered four teen (14) In Wellington, according to the duly recorded plat of said Wellington, on file in the office of the County Clerk of said Multnomah county, Oregon. This citation Is published in the Ashland Tidings, a newspaper print ed and published In the City of Ash land. Jackson county, Oregon, and chosen and designated for that pur pose by said administrator, for four successive weeks by order of tho Honorable O. A. Gardner, Judge of the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, duly made and entered on the 18th day of November, 1919. and the date of the first publication hereof Is November 19, 1919. WITNESS the Honorable O. A. Gardner. Judge of the County Court of the Stste of Oregon, for the coun ty of Jackson, with the seal of said court affixed this 18th day of 'No vember. 1919. (Seal) CHAUNCET FLORET. County Clerk. Rr MILDRED M. NEIL, Deputy, 71-5t-Wkly.