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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1919)
PAfiK TW O Wednesday, December 3, 1010 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS EilabliBlie.i 1876 rubli9heil Every Wednesduy by THE ASHLAND PRINTING COMPANY BEBT R. GREER Edilc-r i ' ' ' - OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 unamjiiiimutajtwaiajtantmiuuuiu The Social Realm UU!Uii:HIUUlUlU!!Hllll!nWjllllllllgCa Civic Club Elects Officers The annual meeting of the Civic club was held yesterday and the la dles who attended felt well repaid by the splendid lecture Riven by. Mrs. M. K. Coldney. Mia. Golduey has i Family Dinner ! Mrs. Walter Herndon gave a fam- j ily dinner at her home on Beach street Thanksgiving day, at which the members of the Herndon, Beaver and Yockey families who ure In Ashland at the present time were lu attend ance. Entertained Thanksgiving Mrs. E. E. Gull entertained at her Sl'HSCRIPTION RATES BY MAlIj experience there and exniuiteu One Year J2.00: many curios from that country. The Six Months '. i,j5 . election of officers resulted in the rri... m...,i, 7 f, election of Mrs. Otto Winter, vlce- A 111 W ITIUIItllO .....I........................ - 'president; Mrs. Mury Willshlrc, sec- spent 33 years In the Argentina and home lu the Belloview district she talked interestingly upon her Thanksgiving duy Mrs. Lulu Vnn fliit-iilH iif the I'nltei Mtiili'H One Year Six Months l ii ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertisements, per column inch, euch issue, 25c. Local Headers, the line of six words, 10c. Classified Column, lc the word, each time. Legal Notices, 3 1-3 cents (he line, each time. Cards of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2 "4 cents the line of six words. Fraternal orders and societies charging regular Initiation foes and dues, regular rates. Religious and benevolent societies will be charged for all advertising when an admission or collection is taken, at the regular advertising rate. and Mrr. C. B. Bantu, treas urer. The election or president was : held over until next meeting. The i report .of the treasurer and secre itary was read and ordered pub- Wegan and daughter. Miss Nellie Perry, Mrs. E. J. Robeits, Mrs. James Beagle and son, all of Ashlaud. Social Supper The members of the Xuzarene con gregation keld their annual chicken supper lu .Memorial hall Thursday evening. Upwards of sixty people "The whole church today stands In Jeopardy. "It has become a trite saying that civilization Is imperiled; that revo lution and chaos are Imminent. "At this very time the church shows her vitality. Hence the na tion-wide campaign of the Episcopal church, which Is using all the ma chinery of recent drives but its ob jective is not money, but souls." This Js the message Rev. F. S Fleming, rector of the Church of the Atonement of Chicago, one of the most Important parishes of Amerlci. has brought to the Pacific coast dur ing his speaking tour of the past week. "Can It be possible that when every enterprise of man is being forced to a new vantage ground the church can remain at a standstill?" he asked. "In this great nation-wide cam- llshed in the dally paper. Delicious -were present and enjoyed the social; palgn, which will culminate lu Amer- refreshments were served and ulUt.utei.tulnmeiit. went home delighted and confident that I his was a very successful meeting. SATURDAY'S NEWS MisKOlli inns Meet The following friends and for- The Tidings has a larger circulation in than all other newspapers combined. . Ashland and Its trade territory ( 'Rr neighbors in Missouri were eu- tertained at Thanksgiving dinner at ! the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Bu Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, PostoHlce bb second class i mail matter. cmllulli 543 jowu street. Thursday: - - " ' "'Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Whillock and CAN YOC BEAT IT? , under State Highway f'""lsslon tllll,ilv, Mr. andMis. Alphon Whillock control, are as follows, divided be- Clml.,es M all(, Mr8. Ev. initiating treak lw ,llP I"0" tweeu the principal sections of M,8g Mamie Hom ot Med ,,,. to vole on is a popular pastime Western Oregon: ! fm.d Mj8B A,mu I!oa3 nf li9 city in Oregon and a prize is now pro- Southern Oregon $5.04 1,670 Willamette Valley .. 5.060,41.4 Thanksgiving Guests Mrs. George Robisou entertained a company at dinner at her home on Laurel street Thanksgiving at cii liner. Those who sat down to the tuble vere Mr. and Mrs. Merlo Rob iseii, Miss Ooldle Booler, Mrs. O. B. Turner and daughter Alice, and Mr. and Mrs. Robisou. posed by asking the voters to amend the conslilution and reduce Ihe le tal rale of intercut to 4 per cent on open accounts and 5 per contract obligations. fi cent on Teachers Entertained! Northwest Oregon .. 3,565,304 , Mi. H Ellmrt emm.. In the Southern Oregon countres n (.(ml)any ()f r,.lentllB at tne. are included Jackson, Josephine, Car- m ,til(.h Bh.eet ,Wednegday ry, Coos and Douglas. In the North- The hitler were minctnul- . 11 1... Ilia lift tv , rt. 1: . li,l,.,ln,l That wonill lie west wickoii colon.,- . ,y ((ia(,hers f Ue cty scnools ttml rower (if he could get me ii....e. 1 . ( imsop, l omnium aim iiiiuhiook. but who would loin it? Oregon -piie Willamette Valley is charged i-Minot set the Interest rate ot theinith everything expended in or con world by merely passing 11 law. net- t,acted for Lane, Linn. Kenton, ther can the state compel a man to Marion. Clackamas. Polk, Yamhill loan money ir he does not wish. jml Washington counlies. Included Oregonlans would not loan money M ,? Valley total aie Lane county cont racts outside of the Valley. Kiddle Party The Phllothespian society Wednes day night held a pafty and Initiation of new members at the home of Mary f Moore. All came In the garb of chil dren, and many dignified seniors church itself, temporarily forgot their dignity und I campaign we are mobilizing our re lived in a second childhpod. All day, sources In men, In prayer, In service; ica December 7, with an every-meni-her canvass, the church comes face to face with the Issues confronting it. As a result of the campaign, we are able to say: 'The church is ready.' "When the war came America re solved Itself into two parties Amer icans und hyphenates. The church is now on a war basis. "We have to come into the open and fight. We have to 'come through with the goods.' It's war, but it's the battle of Jesus Christ. "There is but one Influence today that can "save the church and save civilization. That Inlluenco Is the In this nation-wide auckena, untinul cookies, curls, hull bocks, teddy bears and dolls were prevalent, and served as a reminder of former days. The assemblage we are organizing the church. We shall have the church on a war basis. "The objective of the campaign ia to reach the last man in the church played "Loudon Bridge," "Farmer aml Ilave-ilim ,,,-ove his faith Ms In the Dell," "Blind Man's Buff," and: tailh n chriali witn uu Ulat he Is in their own state at these rates mill it is self-evident that no one vise would be fool enough to do so. Iloinehuildeis, merchants and Ilk highway funds would be used up al most entirely in completing Ihe Co- (itisliies would be absolutely cut off j Hmbiu highway between Portland from borrowing money Tor who lim) nl01,, 0- (jle river. The would loan on private account Willi foregoing compilation shows how idlej j.tleudant risks when they could m ti,ese fea, Were. More ln()ney has 1 gone to Southern Oregon than to a pleasant evening was spent play ing games until a late hour, after which tho hostess served refresh-father childish gumes. Arter a i"-all(j uu that be has. Therefore, the meats. ! ting and original initiation, the par-whole climlmjgn resolves Itself Into I ty adjourned, to put tholr dolls to bod.j R cnuHI,ge to the last member of Dinner Party 'und all expressed the opinion thutithe cnureu to prove up his position Mr. and- Mrs. A. C. Nlnlnger on-ihey had enjoyed a flue time. aa a christian tertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. F - I Mr Vlemtnir li.-m heea it i-nied the Much tear was expressed that state (.,., A1)b()U um, M.g Hulen anJ Ai)hlalia wus vlstfi( Saturday at-j ,8t dynamic speaker in the Ameil- son Billy ut their home on Thanks-rternnon by the members of the drill' can Episcopal church loday. lie lias giving. government bonds, municipal and y.tate bonds or sound corporation and foreign bonds netting much highei rate of Interest and many of them tax free? Only the rich could do business in Oregon under Mich a law nnd bank" would be forced out of business. won.R vol "i The (jhamplon freak bill .proposed in Oregon is the one fixing leca rate of Interest lit 4 per cent and f per cent. We might Just as well pass a mens- Jiteam or Brigands of Abd-l'hl-Atef 1 jll(lt concluded a speaking tour over j Temple, D. O. K. K. of Portland, whoj Orogon und Idaho, following a hard Wednesday Wedding -with their band were In Medfordjtrip over South Carolina. He Is a The wedding ot Miss Myrtle John-1 Saturday, installing Fuhat Burkan ; notable figure In church circles und son of this city' nnd John Fisher oij Teniplo, Dramatic Order of Knights' m3 been greeted with immense .Roseburg took place at the Methodist t of Korhassan. The drill team, about! crowds at all of his Oregon meetings. parsonage Wednosday evening. Rev. 05 in all, with their band, were gor-j Mr. Fleming termed the war a C. A. Edwards read the service inf.ceously nttlred lu showy Oriental J treat foreign mission and said that the presence of only the necessary , .costumes and made a fine showing. I the man who did not Relieve in fgr O.N 1'INANCIAL BLACKLIST j witnesses. The bride is the daugh-f 'They paraded the streets and at-()gIl missions insulted his own flag. Oregon citizens will have to use tor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi Johnson of f tempted u drill on the Plaza, but a "Foreign missions mean that every pomesiic Science department Conducted ky Mrs. Belle De Gtv fionesir Science JtJrecior Sfiirry Flour Ch. any oilier section part of the slate. of the western 'Aood judgment at the coming elec- Ashland und is a winsome und pop lion to steer the old ship of stute.ulnr girl with a large circle or friends, clear of Ihe shoals which are threat- They will remain in Ashland tor the i ning in tho shape or proposed freak ; p!eH0t until they have their plans Ingislnlinii. . arranged fur their future home. The old single tax measure is again ' hard shower striking them in the midst of their exercises put a stop to the public demonstration. The D. churchman must be as willing to car ry his liberty and Christianity to the end of the earth as I'ncle Sam Some Good Ways to Cook Eggs SCALLOPED EOtiS until mixture thickens. Care must Two-hard-bolled eggs, two cups! be taken not to cook a minute too white sauce! one cup chopped cold long or the' sauce will curdle, meat, half a cup ot buttered breud SPANISH OMELET crumbs. Chop eggs finely. Sprinkle Melt two tablespoons shortening bottom of a buttered baking dish in a heated frying pun. CooJrone with crumbs, cover with hulf the onion. Add one small can of toma-. eggs, eggs with sauce and sauce with to suuee, or a cup of strained toma meat; repeat. Cover with remain- to, six olives, stoned and choppod, lag crumbs. Place In oven and bake and one green pepper sliced. Placn until crumbs are brown. Hum Is the over a slow fire and simmer until on- best meat to use for this dish. Veal ions und peppers are cooked. Four or fish may be used. around the plain omelet. CODDLKD EtJU slllltKKII OR IIAKKD EfiG Butter a ramekin or custard cup. ; rjlop eg(5 H buttered ramekin or Break an egg carefully and slip Into CUHtard cup. Cook in a pan of water the ramekin. Tlace in a pan of lu tne oven. Ramekins may be boiling water and cook until tho ijlle(j witb seasoned buttered crumbs white Is firm. . HIUi eKg covered with the crumbs. POACHED KtiUH WITH VOOKHl) E(JGH SAIVE ItEAKNAlSE j Cover tha eggs wUh boiling wa- Poach tour eggs, arrange in serv- ter, cover" the pan and set It part way lug dish; coer eggs with Beurnalse back on the range where the wuter sauce. , will keep ut a temperature from 160 Saiico llearnnlsi' Beat yolks ot to 180 degrees F., but will not boil, three eggs slightly, add throe table-j In five or ten minutes the eggs will spoons olive oil, two tablespoons hot 1 be done. Or, they can be put into water, half tablespoon vinegar, halt cold water and removed from the teaspoon salt nnd a few grains of fije when the water comes to tho cayenne. Cook oer boiling wuter boiling point. miosis assoilallon. Spurred by u after which the notification contln- definlto know h ike that the number lies ns follows: of deaths annually is more (him 150,- "The parents or mlstrosRes are re- 000 the national association and Its quested to see thut the above-men- 1 000 itli'ill ttt-il organizations, of tinned girls are kept from Intercourse which the Oregon Tuberculosis asso- with enemy troops. All loyal sub ciation is one. will spend t. 500,000 Jects of the Irish republic are also during 1110 in an effort to check requested to shun public houses the disease through :iu inti'iisive ed- which entertain members of the en ucational and preventive campaign, emy army until such time as they Oregon's budget is fi 1.260 and so make reparation by a complete keenly alive are the people of the change of conduct." state to the fact that Oregon has a ; real tuberculosis problem, that prac- Kugeue Fruit .growers now sell tically every county in the state Is al- apple pulp refuse for $60 a ton that ready organized and ready to begin was formerly hauled away as rub work December 1 ill a three weeks blsh of no value, intensive campaign for the sulo ot Christmas seals, 00 per cent of the Mc.Minville Milk at tho cniulena proceeds will be used to fight Ihe Cry Is now worth $4.25 a hundred. whlto plague rlutit here In Oregon, 1 11 a 0110 of the policies of the national association being to see that 'be money is directly applied to the ben efit of the ronimuiiityiii which it is raised. O. K. K.'s are the amusing feature wa3 ready to carry his flag to the of the Knights of Pythias, und Fuhat ; same peoples," said be. Happy Surprise Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Merrill Treinl the happy lecipents of a big, fat wn.j Temple Is the only one between Port land and Sacramento. A large mem bership wus enrolled. en llw ballot and a new proposition lo reduce the legal rate of Interest to four anil live per cent. This bit lire fixing the legal price of wheat : t(,r ,.,,. would make It ubso-lfed turkey this week which amve'l at 50 cents, bogs. 8 cents and wool ; ,(v jmwsjble to borrow moncv lb cents, ine mn 1 "" "' in Oregon for who would loan It to nf Biggs, Calif., for their Thanksgiv-il Academy at West Point may take that wheat, hogs and v.001 mouiu ". individuals at this rate when they 1 h,K dinner. In order to share theirfl the preliminary tests at convenient shipped uie i.a.e "-.' toiiKI invest In sale government, state i ,.ood fortune with their friends MrJ places in Jackson County on Decern wonu prices .... municipal securities drawing ; and Mrs. Merrill invited ii a circle-, her 12 and 13, it opplicutlons for same thing will happen to money i' j firenler wlih no risk in-1 0f their acquaintances Thursday and.fl questions are made to County School ny any man 01 iaie sum u voiveil. r, all enjoyed a real Thanksgiving din-fl Superintendent C. W. Ager, Jack sni.iii.i ..e .men a measure woum put me-1 i,r. sonville, on or before December 6 Savings accounts drawing 3 per gon on the financial blacklist of' . rbo examination offered will cent and 4 percent interest would 1 the world and the small borrower1 Kaniilv Dinner 'cover the siihloctn of alirebra. eeoni be a thing of the past, the majority coulil never get a dollar. i Mr. and Mrs. Jumew Barrett audi ctry, English, and history, both of of banks would close and the old shoe j Oregon has voted down radical1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kincaid served; the United States and general. In and storking would be the hiding place or what little ready cash was left here. No mortgages would be renewed, notes would be called III and the man who found it necessary to borrow money would be in a bad ! fix, for who would loan at these I a big invasion of American visitors Klmer Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs. Howards Salem, Oregon. rates any re than they would sell next spring.. It Is stated that not. Barrett, R. P. Campbell and familvjl wueal at 60 cents, hogs ut S cents or less man .i...i,....u passages uavo ai- and Henry Williamson. ,1 With impressive ceremonies con- wool at 15 cents when the world, ready been Hooked to England. The "Our men went overseas, not for personal aggrandizement, hut be cause they were engaged In a great mission for humanity. Our mission is one o feducation, of care for the sick, of relief for suffering humuiiity, that through these ways we may lell the story of the Master." measures for years and It will have a lminy course dinner at the tormer'sS addition to these the applicant may lo do so once more. j home Thursday at 1:30 which wiir select six remaining units from a one or tne enjoyanie TiianKSgmngj. long list. Detuiled information re- nihil r AMhiiK .i.s I events. Those In attendance werep gnrdlng the scope of the examination fcXI'MIKK IX KI HOPEi Mr. and Mrs. Fa J. Sbinn, Mr. JmdB etc. may he obtained from the Sup- I.OMION hngluntl is looking for Mrs. James Barrett. Mr. and Mrs.. orintendent of Public Instruction at The man who attempted to make way with the Foul ol Joe McMahan last night is a sadder bill wiser in dividual today, as he reposes In the Medforil 'bastlle ruminating upon the way of the transgressor and nursing the many and serious bruises he re ceived from the hands of the Irate owner of the stolen car. As McMahan came out of the Vining theater last evening he saw the tuiliights of his car disappearing down the hill toward the Plaza. Mc Mahan caught sight of J. F. Mur phy with his car standing just above him nnd hastily called the latter's at tention to the receding cur and asked HUSH (.IIU.S I OKHIDIiKN THE COMPANY OF lilllTISH SOLDIEKS. The Irish Republican army has of ficially forbidden Irish girls to be seen in the company ut British sol diers. A girl who was recently guil ty or what the Sinn Fein leaders con sider 1111" unpatriotic "scandal" had her hair cuit off. This is the nti noiinced penally for such offenses. A proclamation signed by "The Com- ! petent Military Authorities" has been posted, which reads as follows: "Whereas certain girls, wauling in self-respect, l.avo damned them selves by keeping company with the army of occupation, It is deemed proper by competent authority, both , to sufuguard morality and to stop . bad examples, to publish the names or these culprit!;, and also to warn them that after the publication of this proclamation thoso persist . in tlie above mentioned scandalous, un patriotic company-keeping, rendor themselves liable to the punishment of being branded by having their CITIZENS AN IV X1 O FASH LAND. Save Now for Life's Comforts! The saving habit, if formed now may keep you in comfort tht rest of your life. Consider Its vulue. Start now with TIIK (ITIZKNS I1A.NK OF ASHLAXD price as much highei Would you? 1 steamship companies are making ev-l '.'ry effort to be ready for the uutici-j ducted by clergymen from various ,m to fn0w. This Mr. Murphy did j ha,r c,,t nff-" ThaiiksKiviiiK Dinner Party " points In the Southern Oregon Pres-: UIi (i,.PW up ( t,e McMahan car on Mr. and Mvs. C. P. tlood enter-' bvtery. Hev. C. F. Koehler wnB In-.,.,,, pi...... when the driver of the POLITICAL IIANKINO l"llei1 , u"b- "ml 1,10 "' I tained with a twelve o'clock dinner at. stalled us pastor ot the local Presby-, Iatter saw he was being pursued and Bunking is a business where Tacts 'Oniething like 100 liners may be 1 their home on Bush street Thursday-! terian church last evening. Dr. J. K. immediately put on all speed and a and tiguies should govern instead I'"K-'K,'d in bringing Americans . The dining room was beautifully dec-i ; Baillle or Phoenix preached the in- J I11(jrl.y cbnse started which held out of politics and personal ambition. " ','"ss- (," American who controls orated In'giwu and red with a table' stallatlon sermon, Rev. A. H. Gum-, UIltu' Medford was reached. The iv.'cnt failure or the Scandi-j s,'vlil1 M botels ill New York city, cortorplece of roses and mistletoe.! mons, or Jacksonville, gave the . ..j;uw )ie will attempt to ditch the niivian bank al U. igo, X. D Is a . is '"'re' '"oking over London and The guest list Included Mr. and Mrs. charge to the pastor, Rev. L. Myron , car Murphy said, nnd sure good example of political banking.;"1" Iu.r,!er I'.ovir.cinl cities for sult-;j. a Robisou of Talent. Mrs. R. W.S Boozer or Medforil the charge to the , Pmigh the pursued drove Into a side This institution with a reported , " 1,1,1 iu'H "I""1 ""i''1' 1,1,11,1 botels Stafford und son Willard or Coqullle.l people and Rev. J. H. Doran or Ash-j ilreeii ,,uled"the throttle wide open capita! of jr.o.fuio and a surplus of "" American lilies. i .,., um) Mra. j, j, Arnohl, Mrs. Lot-) hind made the installation prayer. I ui,d Jumped, presumably thinking $10,000 was Investigated and closed- ' " tie Hash and daughter Eva, Mr. andi visiting clergymen from the other! tout (he pursuers would turn their by the stale banking board. Its " igium iiij.n.iu. 1 m,. g. A. Arnold and daughters At-r churches In ihe city were present to , attention to the wrecked car. Bui Four names are then mentioned 1 Act cm SAVINGS rrovn deposits liabilities were about JTaO.OOO. ' !- eiicq. one 01 1110 r lemisli ,,b Edith. North Dakota has five supreme 'owns which suffered most from the ; , Judges, the majority or whom owe aim i.eimiin occupation, lias tlie Kntertalncd Fi-lornl positions to the Xon-l'iirlisan ciiampion ion pump, it is Misa Illuuche Hicks had as their league so by a straight party de cision ot 3 to 2. tjie supreme court has derided the bank is nut Insolvent. The racts and iigures remain.; aier plant. 1 ne pumping; however, that a little bank domliiat-j ""'"on Is now a mass of ruins und! Kk Mn't ed by a political organization bad'sl,"lls ll:'VH ploughed through the The members of the Elk Ladies loaned the activities or that organize-,s'"s lino the water mains in j(rd club will meet at the Elks club the sole source ot water supply for i Thanksgiving guests at dinner Mrs. morethan liuno refugen residents or j Snelluig, Judge C. B. Watson, and! tlM' ti,y- , 'sob-, c. W. Watson, Thursday even-5 llAr.,.. tl... ...... 11. .. . 1 ."...I.: IM.T 11 i-i ir. 11, iu a ii,jr : 'I I extend the hand or fellowship and : in t,s iie had not reckoned on Mc t welcome to the newly Installed pastor.) Mahun. Almost at the same time Rev. Koehler bus served for the past ; McMahan nlso jumped from the car herl year us stated supply of the Presby- in wi,irh he wns ridinir and took af- tion three quarters of a million dol- s,"'s or places. The old system can. rooms next Tuosduy atternxjon atl welfare of the church and Its people, 1 which he turned him over to the l.,r never lie repaired. In the outskirts ih,.ir ,.dhI.. f..,.r.,i..t,. n.unnr a -.. .....Di,i .im-n nut . - reiiaired. In the outskirts ,eir regular fortnlehtly meeting. This is political bunking and not M1" were once about 200 1 which will also be the hist one ot business banking and all the cuurt, n'pllH Tl"'.v. too. are gone. 1 the ycor. All women entitled to at- liedsions In the world cannot change T1,e fll's refunees who cumi back tend aro invited and may bring' their the tig 11 res. last suinmer to live among tlm ruins, fancy wcuk or play cards as they Xew fangled systems for Invad- found that there wus no water to be desire. 'Mrs. Frank Dean and Mrs. ing the private banking Industry with had except from 11 muddy little ditch. Will Tnxlge will be the hostesii4.s pi.liti'-al banking schemes will un-'''t'lirely unfit for use. Refugees a . deimiue national and private credit. I'1 coming in spite or theabsence' Kvenlng ard Party The Elks Ladies' club Is planning ;ets mo 0 nn eveniim card jnirly to take place in the Elks Club rooms Tuesday evening, December 9. A program Ut W.lter II u-l,il .MiFPvin. w I SHAKE OK 'ller to the refugees lht an Amerl MONKV 'can officer round Hint the residents of the town wcer using .the water (From Oregon i.ter.) from Ihe ditch. Investigation : will be presented nnd bridge and 500 Miiiiiiein uregon most ass 11 redly "noweu tiiut 01 tlie few wells left un-i will le played. All members and lias' not been neglected- by the Slate destroyed, unl.v one could be nsr : their husbands wilt be invited to- al Highway Cotiiniisi-ion in its appnr- A large pump was obtained one' tend. tionment "of huh way funds. Cunt- of the giant pumps ue. by the Brit-1 f ing money expended and contracts ish army for keeping the Flanders TluuikstiYhig Dinner awarded. Southern Oregon is g.-tlius trecn dry. With a Ilttleincenious; Mrs. John H. Fuller entertained at r.early 20 per rent more than the adaptation. It w.u connected with the i dluner at her home In North Main whole Willamette Valley. This fact 1 ne good well. Xnw from dawn until ' street Thursday evening. A large may surprise some of the Southern dark a line of pei.ple. pall in hand, company ut down to a bounteous Oregon people who have felt sk.-pti- passes down toe debris-scattered Thanksgiving dinner, at which were ral leM that great s.-ciion of the' str.-els lo the only pump in town present: Mr. iuid Mm. II. T. Ebnore state would not receive a squai deal, "nd its handle creaks Incessantly as and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Highway eMud:ture and cu-ib ( draw their daily water Ful'ier. J. E. Fuller. Mrs. O. JH. Way i uej up and IncarcerHted them In the United States wlllbe tha eroatmu trscts, from state and rederl money supply. nd. Miss Ii,Ttou. . it he city lockup. . In the history of the Xational Tuber- terlnn church in this city, following! ter the auto thief. After chasing him the resignation of Rer. H. A. Cama-; roun(i the back streets for a time, ban. After a year's service as supplv ,le fiuiy caught up to him, nn.l a unanimous call was given him bywnen Murphy appeared on the scene the congregation to fill the pulpit. McMahan was holding the auto ban Mr. and Mrs. Koehler and their fam- ,it un,or bis arm und was giving Ily haVe made many rrlends dur!ngjnjm a piotittful reminder not to at- thelr' year of devoted .gprvice to the teniut to steal his car again, after AH of the Upholstered Rockers and Davenports thai we ean buy in 1919 and the new relationship starts out Medford police. most propitiously. on looking after the abandoned cur ' it was found that it had struck a Two boboes were caught this; t)anki killing the engino nnd stopping morning at the camp this side of Hel-; ( at once with no damige done. The man's baths after picking np the milk man ave bis name as Siinms and ap- bottl on the porch om S. PennistonV pulBj t be a stranger tp Ashland. house on Helman street. At an early I hour this morning Mr. Pennistcn's The Jackson County Public Health daughter, Mrs. Mary Broker, saw two! association of which Mrs. D. Perozzl men coming down the street, one of. and Mrs. S. B. McNair of Ashland whom had a loaf ot bread under his are president and secretary respec rra. -Thinking that they might call tlvely have taken up the responsibil at her home for a handout, Mrs. Bro-j ity of the 1919 Red Cross Christmas ked walked to the window to look' Seal sale for Jackson county, with after them and arrived In time to se.i Mrs. Perozzi acting as chairman for one ot the men scooping np two of the sale campaign. This organiza her milk bottles which had been left tion hns been fomulatlng plans and on the steps. She Immediately sum- arranging the campaign which opens nioned the police and Geo. M. Rnbi- December 1, and during the follow-' son took np the chase. The men Ing three weeks, np to Christmas were overhauled and Identified by day a drive on the sales of the little Mr. Broker as the ones who bad Red Cross seals will be waged ac utolen her milk. They had drank it, tively in the county, however, and had thrown away the The 1919 Red Cross. Christmas bottles. Mr. Roblson brought the Seal sale in Oregon and throughout hp Tie factories art all sold up te tha first of the year. However, wa have a gaod line in stock at tkis time .and if you want aaythinc In the rocktr line it will be well to sslact while the stock Is full. Some ef these goeds are in our show windows call In and see us. Will soon have on display Doll Carts, Smokers Sets, Bowls, Finer Baskets. 7. P. DODGE & SONS Reliable House Furnishers UNDERTAKERS 1 SMI lJl, W-rmrf 'in i.i m.