Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 03, 1919, Image 1

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    0"n H.for!t'
NO. i:i
L F. Ferguson Heads
Commercial Club
registered w: dawi) ml MR. MERCHANT ! cm in ciiy
Vnil ciimim iiavp vnim t hi th iui . '
u a r , , who. Congressman W. C. Huwley tle- nl
K. I). Sunford or Ashland. who- , , ...... , ., ..' p UfrrKl v AC urrti AC tup r , 1
account ' Brapueu 10 '""" i mum uiw .pj iiijiiiiiji to. 1 j iiiCj I HUlllO St -ismaiio was ine scone of 11 regu-
Sr latum muvif automobile chase, on
Mr. L. F. Ferguson, Ashland mer- pilule tho kuiii of $1500 for lltera
chilli, find Hvm U'li'u W'lo uloMe1 nrou- n 1 ...I,. UuslulnpfiH luranvn mi
Went of the Ashland Commercial IMaiw tor the now literature in- of their beauty, jconomy of prodnc-j ewa tUat lhe '" Pa y''LV
Clubtt the Kenii-iinnual meeting held! elude a number of small folders deal- tiuu and consequent value, recently s 1)111 trana err.ue 0 acres of.JS
. ..... . . iha fm ft i' O ret: on and Califiirni.i r
AlMllfl.iV uvnii fr t-'uvni! -rill litiui wr ilk . .i " i .. Huliuu twl fin. o.. . utul oh timtfl tV Y?irH4 Vftrilf ....,.-. - - - , .
won a relation as an organizer (urcs. These booklet, will bo ,.-; day a month, old bul. ea.f Molls JSJlt Hy Using Ho.!, the Daily aiul Weekly Your ZZlZ Tl
and as a man who pi.ts bin things cable to answering many of the in- Ann's Poppy Mowes, No. 176160. to This Is goou t.n nigs to Asiiinnd as it , ju n .1 j n fa nipt 10 nintun- a I
across in u bit wav. The mmies received bv this club. In co- Kred McHnrgue ot Roedsport, Ore.. tmw I mo 1 radically ft Very 110.1,0 J!: AMlltml it
M 111.' streets lust Sut ui.lay night when
fit two cars joined in with (he one driv-
einl f'luh members 11111 coto'ratulnt- ,.,li,,:,ii,.,i with 11... v lm.,klnu for $500. la fair mice for 25 scrubs). water supply for tho city. During i Trillin 'I'n fritorv Mnlli in llw. (Sir ami C.nnli i-
. '. . . ...,.. 1 Mi Ih, Visit of CllllLr-("4MIlail ll:iu- 1 '
ing tlieniBclvus on selcicliiiK a iaur the new literature planned by this 1 ins can s 11am is .uenas l,buiio ui inj
...... :,. ...... ...... .... ii.- v.. 9iiji- DAennl ley to this city the mayor and city g
who has the vision necessn ry to meet dub will deal more specifically with Albany, .No. ZiMil, Itecoru u - ' ,pj
OltlCIUIH UUIUIlllllM-llU Willi 111111 111
the problems which will arise and Ashland its.df than with the vallev pounds ot butler in one year as an om.ii ,. .. ,
the vim necessary to carry out the whole. elpht year old. His sire Is Graces renurrJ to this project, and received
projects which the Hub is plali.iini; S.K. A. .Poppy. No. 164073, being a double assurance ...a. u.e conKiessnian p
for the big year which Is ahead of The bluest Himle accomplishnient grandson of St. Howes Poppy, Ed woul(1 'lo 1,11 '" M 'luw"r '
Ashland. ol the Ashland Club in farey's great cow, record 1 120 the Ashland water supply. The g
Mr. W. II. McNair of the firm of the past five nionlhs was the en- P"U..ds of butter in one year. For l"""K "f h,8 bill indlcat.-s g,i,t he jej
McNalr Urns., who has been one of 1,.,-taiiiinenl of the National Editor- this sire Mr. Sanford paid $500 when ."'"""-i ,
the wheelhorses in the Commercial Association. This entertainment a calr, to F. R. Lynn of l'errydale,' beart. jg
Club and a prtmrefsive worker in cost us $7'li.S'. Ashland, because Ore. His dam, Poppys Grace No. U
other llne of muuiciiial endemor, of the fart Unit a dinner was served 378f.l!i has an official record as a GvorKe A. Bilscop, RuperinteinliMit j
(I t o I'll
loadster In which were two buys
who had picked up the cur al M.-.I-ford
.111,1 weer niakiiiK an ultenipt
Ji to net away with it into Califonii:!
The roadster belonged to G. II. Smith,
a representative of tho (iiiodveiir
Sj Uuliher company, who had left his
3 car on lhe sheets while callinn on
y relatives in Mcdt'onl. While ther-
Gjjj be heard some one driving- away in
IK his auto, and immediately notified
Qjj the police. Word was seal up lo
jy Ashland. IhiukiiiK possibly lhe car
a was coininc this way. while liepmv
SJ Mieriff Wimer ami auolher deiiuu .
j who were in Medford lrom .lackson
Jj vllle. slarti'd up this way also.
Ti . Ill' the lim.. llw. 1.1.1 1:
term on the club's board of trustees. ile,,e of so on t.-rt :i in in er the editors, Mowes Golden Poppy No.. 12G5I0. .survey lo ascertain how many chil- gRSnSSjiSfjj lhe telephone .....' . ' .. .
one the hithway, noiiiK at the nil.'
was elected v 'ice-president. Homer lu re, swims provided and so forth, two-year-old of 601 pounds butter In f schools of Ashland, and Hie teach- ipl
Elhnrt was selected to fill out Mr. because Ashland was the only small " eir, and is in the register of era r the locul schools have I u ig) fif AdVCrtlSlnfl Mail Will Tell YOU AbOlll It
. . , i . 1 ..... ,. .. ... ....... ... . ...,.,.il ,.-, A A .t,l ..i,.a,l 1,,. Ct uliu,l t.. e...nmi'i,tn In iiiLliii, mill
rergusous six moiiius uii-eAiui-'i ciiy in tne est wnicn nan me priv- "".in, ....n ..,., ,.,.nni.... .... . ........ ,.
that has the co-operation of the
state agricultural college and the
Six new trustees elected for a one because the staKiiln of the ISO mile Mr. Sanford paid 4u() lor Melia's dren are getting no milk m their
year term were: .1. H. Fuller, man- nip by aiilomohile to Crater Lake by Laurie of Albany at It. L. Kurkhart's diet. The work is simple hut is
nger of the Southern Oreeon Cliiu- the Ashland and Medford clubs was 1 9 1 2 dispersion si'.lc, sluce which time regarded as lmiiortant in t lint it
tautiua whose success ill Its man- an undertakim.' of unparalleled im- f,1"! ,,ail dropped for 1,1m one heifer calls allention to the great fool
iigcment assures the Hub or valua- mensity to be offered In the way of six bu" calves, and soon due to Value of milk and dairy products,
tile advice and effective work; A. C. etileilainmenl to 2",0 editors, and fieshen again at 12 years of ase. A The plan is that of the Oregon Dairy
Ilriggs. manager of the Ashland finally because this club had me- rather good Interest ell 100, Mr. Council, an educational organization
Fruit and Produce association; A. arel comprehensive press sheets, Sanford considers
C. Nlninger of the While House .H,w Dial they got into the hands of
Grocery; W. F. I.oomls of Looniis every member of the party and were According to reports from Medfonr indorsement of the bureau of health,
and Nelson; .1. .1. Murphy, prominent as a precanllmi mailed to every pa- Ja-V Simmons, the man who was' the statu superintendent of schools,
rancher; and . Peiozzi of the Ash- represented. Ashland received attempting to make way with the the Oregon. Parent-Teacher associn
land Creamery. The hold-over inn- more publicity as a citv than did anv' r'or(1 car belonging to Joe McMahaii lions and the Oregon Federation of
tecs are: C. W. Wimie. H. H Gillette. t.,. citv ,1P ijneraiy of the of lhis eMy alul wn0 w'"s Iocke1 up Women's Clubs, the State Chamber
George Mlllner, F. W. Herrin and e liiors throiich f.'aiia.lfi and the Pa- 1,1 t,ie Medford Jail Thursday night, of Commerce and other crganizatiotu
Fianl: .loidaa, rivinir the club .i ci'ic Noi (Invest. Articles dealing with ma(le c"c"l'8 fr"ln that inatitu- and persons of prominence,
board or iniste..s com wised of mm ,i ..,Vin.'f Hon. When Chief of Police Timothy In Portland it was found when
of a wide variety of evpericne
proven ciiergy and ability.
"Sadie," the horse belonging to
Mrs. Susie L. Allen, which had been!
a familiar figure on the streets of
of forty miles an hour, it is claimed,
through the city. Newson Harrison
recognized the car and conimai,
fleered W. H. Albert's Paige, and
the two took up the chase Thev
followed the Podge out to the end
of Hie pavement on lhe Houlevaid.
where it is supposed the auto thives
figured they were on the wrong road,
depending on a pavement the whoh
Way through, and they therefor
ci I sicktie.-s Sunday night, lor which
no relief could he obtained, anil as
mill umn to sovei -,1 columns, appeared we,lt take the prisoner before the survey was made that there wero
it seemed that she had passed the
in of years allotted for tho llfe-
.... ... . j ... j r"ftn ..H.I..H i I ,.
In over 100 papers and were read rsecu.or nooens ue lou.m tne mn. ,.,. i-,,,,.,. ..,.-, K.,
About twenty-five members were i,v , le t a million i oole ihmn.M,. 'ia" rlown- presumably early In the getting no mils m men diet, roi- undertaking parlors al 2 o'clock mid
morning when tne Ciller nau released luw up worn, lemming me iooii vaiuo .,,,,
a number of Individuals who had of dairy products, lectures at meet- ' .
eni t ii,n ..,n,0 . " "ls Wl"' ""'I one daughter
Simmons voluntarily dono. Increased the use . ' ' ' Mrs. Ilessle Wilson.
' ' ' ' e hl. ll Mil l,M mi ni-i u lie, .
present al the Monday niclit meiitingout the I'nited Stales. Examination
mid a lively evening triveu over to ,,f tho papers on tile In the club
to reviewing the accomplishments ,.,,, wi .., ,,,. ,, been given shelter in the .Medrorn nigs ami lams oy iue teacner, nil
of the oast six months I iilannlng (,l,h,id i i.i,,...o ,,,i ,.... bastile the night before
for hig-er things lo b done in the , imhiHiv nut of that visit ' claimed to be from Klamath Falls and raised the health standard won-
jiext year, ensued. If paid for. and it would be impos- aml ls n vou,h oM7 ye,"'s'' "is home derfully. In Prinevllle in u school
Knc..ii.,piiig let tei.; from Port- ,i!,r , ,uv the vivid punch which f,,n'""l'y Medford. of 200 there are SO who are getlin,'
laud Chamber ui l nm neice ofliclaiH n,uw. eM.erienfe of the ed- 110 mllk ' What Wl" Aslll"ni1
A meeting was held at the nap-. Hi It" inilk survey? 'l lie ret unit
Charles M. Itovylaud died yester
day morning at his home at Si Uoca
Arhlan.l for the past 3 it years, is no """ "" """ " "'""" "' turned hack, pursued bv Albert ami
the lllWl lU'll Vf.:ll'u I'lte ilnp.,iu.i.l 1 ..
more. She was seize. 1 with a critl- ' Harrison.
On reaching the Plara Kllis Kvans
and Fire Cliief George Robison took
up the chase In the former's car and
Overhauled the roadster at the Eagle
Mill. The inmates of the rodg.
wereinformed Ihev were iiiiilei- m--
interment will be made in Mountain rest and quietly gave themselves up
View cemetery. Mr. Itowhind Is sur- ,i ,. i,,.i,i i,.,i, ,
land lockup. Ily this time the depu
ty sheriffs appeared upon the scene
and took the men back to Jackson
ville with him.
The boys who atieuipted to make
was 71 years of age ut the time ol
Ills demise and had been a resident
of Ashland for the past twelve years.
Funeral services will be held
Wednesday afternoon from Stock's
iters gave to their articles, the space
wniild have cost
end members of ill" new Nornril
School committee eppoiuled by that Ashland received
body were rend. The secietury re- dose to $ I nO.Oliit.
ported that Hon. IlenJ. Sheldon spent ',,i,i Truth
two hours at a lunch, on meeting of
the Portland ccnur.ittett last week in
Portland and li'ini- lit back a very op
timistic view of the Noimal situation ,,,.., ,,,, p,.rnr(.
as a result.
V. O. N. Smith reported briefly
on a Joint publicity project.
The president an. I :-ecieiaiy we e
authorized to attend to having A-di-
Next to the ". K. A. entertainment,
in results which will and have ac
crued, ranks the entertainment of
entertainment cost us $J7S.70. As
a result, beyond that of the estab
lishment of closer acquaintance and
hade' relation-.
nes men of
list church last evening among vail-will be sent by the principals to t In
oils church peoplo and plans were dairy council's educational director,
formulated to have a big community Edith Knight Hill, SH7 Broadway
Chrlstmast tree held on the streets building. Portland, who will compllo
on Christmas eve. This will be par- and publish tht-f.i.
ticipated In practically by all of tho
Sunday schools In the city and all the
and her passim;
life Is a great
.Vol only had she fi lthfully served
her mislre:''; during the :in years of N',,;W VOUK-- llon't play the niur
her ownership, hut she was originally '"'l:'' lnv'' ambitions for wealth
of flue blooded slock. "'"""t ;l hi rse and watch your way with the car wor mere youth...
She was purchased by Mrs. Allen account boom, and gave the names of Keith Draper,
from frit Tolinan. who had secured "lis '''' "lilies from a perusal ol aged It!, and lluckley Taylor, aged
lhe linim il for a race horse when she "' reason's record of Sir llartoii, 17. They had been seen around
was a colt. Sir overreached in her "l0 ''ommandey .1. K. !,. i;,1Ss Medford for the past week and had
I'riile. which unfitted her for the and the leading nioicy winner been given aid by th i count v nurse .
purtiose for which slie was desig-
of the
and Ited Cross. They were tried
ninety leading busi-
I'orlbind saw and
land represented at the meeting of s,li, Asl,,,n,.s ,ltt.irm! ,,
t'"' S Hi ruber of Com- ..,,, r(l!(y ( ) (.p ,
lueree of wnicn tnf Asuianu ciuo i
a ineinber. on December 15-16. Tie-
Ashland Club is intithd to one vol- (
in any way iiesslble. Already the
Normal Committee of the Portland
lumber of Commerce, having ten
population will be asked to turn out "bachelor girl" and an "old maid"'
and make this one of the greatest Perhaps you will say the former is
social events ever held on the streets a polite term for the latter, hut il
ol Ashland. The large tree on the doesn't work out that way In
Plaza will be secured ir the niunici- "Widow by Proxy," the new Para
pal officials consent, aptl this will be nioiiut-Artcral't photoplay starring
lighted from top to boltoin with in- Marguerite Clark, which will be seen
numerable candles and incandescent at the Vluipg theater today and to
lighls, and topped with a giganlic morrow,
Although Gloria Grey, the role
tinted, and later passed into Mrs. Al- 1,1 ' ti i rtri'ii starts the vvoml-ifnl belore the juvenile court In .lackson-
What is tho difference between ens possos-don at the age of three 'b:e"-ye ir old coh earned $ 8 9 , 2 f. 0 vllle yesterday afternoon and wen-
ing oeielie ill... as in .e, .....: ,,, .,, .,..,, .,.!.. ,.f .he ....
-t the wheels In mo
Ihe re-esiablishuieiit
star, symbolical of the occasion.
Christmas hymns and carols will be played by Miss Clark In the picture.
I- r hi' III., ttt.M,-!:,!,,! u .1,1,1 UVul-V- I. ., .. ., 1 -, t I
. . . , . . , , . . .,. , ........ ... ...... I- ti ,i ii ,i inn i i ).-,, ., II ill lll.l I 1
State fhamber plans to make this jm t0'SP1.n.j, nP ,-e esi iblishment W"K :m''"lf:p'1 f'"' "Vl'"t able age, you wouldn't think or call-' of the lives! meetings ill the (. X() S(.10(,i .,, 'shhnd' '" '"' !l llal'iv nl('L'""-? ()f u" f the ing such n dainty little woman an
history of the slate. Practically ' ' ' '' ' S ' "' " ' citizens to observe Christmas as one "i, maid"! When she masiiuci-
every commercial organization In Or
egon Is a member of the State Cham
I It! I K.ltllW :tS I'ltOTKST
Fruitgrowers in all the Northwest
states are suddenly awakening to the
fact thai tho cold storage hill recent
ly passed by lhe house contains some
leal ares Inimical lo Hie apple indus
try. Protests are being sent to Wash-
incton from Oregon. Washington ami
Idaho, and an effort will be mails
to have tho hill amended In the
senate coniniittee on ..grind! lire.
.uno ioiii'KIm family. This will he the first coin- ailed as Dolores Pennington, the sup
During the auto-camp season the ,i,,. chrisiina, i.e.. ever held In .,...i ,..i,i,,.. r .,i,n ....
lie started ,y winning (he Kentucky sent to the reform school.
fl'ii.iliHI ,erl,v. He brought in $25..
"iHI in the Preakeess t :kes. then he KOIIUYN, Kartern Poland- i P.y
won the lleluiont l I. Hall stake and Maill- The fastest ling Aineri-
tho Withers $a,0il event. He also can ill Poland is Captain Arthur G.
c.illected 'I,IMI0 In the Piuilico s. rl- Plnnkcrs. St. Paul doctor who is in
els. Sir Marlon w:is bred by Jol hrKP (1f reii, f unit that is based
K. Madden. II" m-de four starts ns mi Kobryn.
a two-year-old but failed lo show. The Kobryn field unit has widelv
I. ate last year be was iiurcbaseil hv ,im, .i.,.,.,.i n;.... ,i , .
t'( uiinander Ki ss for a reported chief constantly vibrating between
f J--'.'111". Itrest l.ilovsk i n the west and I'insk.
This year he won el eh I races, fin- on lhe easl. Hot worn these two
iMied socoipl three liaie.s ami third widely seiarateil points the Ameii-
'"''H. can physician has organized various
Man o'War. the Glenn Kiddle farm local welfare ami relief enterprises.
bur and big things are being don- " ' " Ashland.
,y this strong organization. h""n nlKh,1-v "'p '"'"""l'-
J H Fuller Maled that there was vn"'1 ,ll' n,"p ''ispensing of In for- WKST VIKftlNIA COAI, OI'Kft.
a possibility of Ashla,:d getting the a1"1 l"sliitali,y. lies the real TOItS SEFK IMMAf.KH I'ltONI
Southern Oregon Poultry Show .his reason for this undert iking. It has KTKIKKIIH
ear and was appointed to extend
an invitation to the Poultry Associ
tllon and further arriiiigemenls.
lhe Idea was considered too valuable
to permit the chance of other towns ,,, rnil,i MillP Workers have been like a glove. Nigel Iturrio. lust re- hi"
n.,.. li.,l il, Men. ' "l'.oil il. iineiiy it was II11S. ,,.l.-,, ,.. I ,n iretiera all- ke order. Ini ne.l f,.,,i u, vl,... In I, . . n...,l s Ol coal estimated to con-
. . I'Vem eceri' l,,n,.l i-.,..' llw ' . . . , . .....
tana nliin of financing commercial "" t lie coal operators in tne unionized .'iytng Corps, Is leading man
I U II l ej 1- U,l . aeCOUl III SI'IISOII s ,,n ..I' i,i.... i,iu ,,.,,l
the wool over the sharp eyes of a "if niniigu a decision or v.inuings. with $.s:l.S2.l. Then come ersonal supervision.
pair of typical .Massachusetts spin- "'i 0"IHI' X'"''iiy bi Mad llailer will, $.,il.J..o: ,-hase, Hospitals schools and orpin ge
sters, you know she is far and away 'lo""' ''' sovereignly over Spit,- ?:t::.T I : Vex; s, 27.!i:iu; and i many towns and cilies n.r to the
out of their clasK. """'iines called "No Man's i .',ak, $27.;., 5. This sextet of east and wesl have been Investigate I
by Capta!-. Plalikers. and furnislied
with vitally needed supplies. Ile-
"Widow by Proxy" is mighty good "r lh'' A,',i,' " Hpitzlwrgen Is .;i;lls w :n,s.r,2n.
rich iu coal and iron end several at-
Alleging that their contracts wilh Miss Clark' in a role that fits her lPn"', to exploit these resources
fun and in! reduces evor-rhn ruling
organizations and a serious discui-
home town, brief story of their ex-' Kanawha fields may bring damage
ItHIA, via t Ily Mail I A mer- sides helping those already existing
11 Ited Cross doctors and nurses and ill dislns. be h is been instru-
Koyal " "' "" ' are woiking irrlH and dav carina menial in getting new institutions
tain r,,nnri.00il tons to the sdunie ,,.,,, ,,,,,,, ; ........, .i,c
siou followed concerning plans for b"iiences and anything which would suits against the unions. II Is said ALEPPO
Syria. ( Hy Mail).
1 ' ' ' ed iu recent severe fighting in front "ere e really needed,
plorer who has r. ntly completed ,,,,,.,... ...,. ,,..,,., ,,,,,, . ,.,.,,.
the extemive projects h "f "" fllt""lH that the same procedure will be fol- Bi-IiikIiik lumber across the Arabian "" "'tiu' ttcdogical purvey of T, ,,. ,, .,,,,, sup. , r,.,i,.r activity thai is being siren
which lhe clul, plans for the coming """'" m-..i.i wi,,. ,ltt.P, (1S , UlP famous IJanl.ury, (iPSP1- 1)y camel caravan Is one of the
year. The club will center its activ- H,e name of the newspaper to which colm., batters' case. D. C. Kennedy, achievements for which Americans
Ities on an extensive publicity cam- tllpv "".'scribed at home. A story secretary of the Kanawha Coal Op- wi be ,on(,cst reniembered In Alep-
paign to attract tourists and bo. was Prepared, ready for setting eraton.1 association, asserted that the . Tll(1 ,lin)P1. w., llsP(, , ,
seekers; on development of the auto- "' ''" " oie nome newspa- sl,-ike , OOS,K ,e operators of the (.(:nslructlon of Armenian refiig.
tourist trade; on deyelopineiit of I"11' "f ""' tourist. The live news district $ , 00,0110 a day. iiuln.liiiK i10iii.h.
resort foundation; on ".-- ""' i'- losses in coal sales, inousautis 01 W1P1 tllo American Red Cross a 1- all right. Hut Ihey ,00k lhe papers ping within 11 lew blocks ol' the hos-
meeting the need for homes for set-
, 1. ..... 1 .. ...1
plies ill the city me I hose brought nously romoted by the American
' by the Americans and these have doctor. In several other towns as
NOMKIIOIIV l!i: All THIS been ilistribiiled lo local hospitals ' -ell as iu Kobryn he got the women
Somebody look a bunch of papers wine the largest uiiiubei of wounded to start sewing rooms where cloth
from I lie Commercial club lo star, call be cared for. , i'r: is m ule for needv school child
lues or for some such use. That's Although shells have been drop- r n.
Were it not for the unceasing 11c-
i.itm conn ruing Asniami, dollars of losses more, ho said, are rve.i ,,,. 1. f()lin(i ..,.. ,.,. from all over the I'nited Stales con- nilals for davs and the citv has been Wily and genuine interest of the St.
Hers and accommodations for lour- """ reported in tne t umn 1 tees neiu. ivjK ( tie open, Hioir houses hay- taiulng articles on the National E.I- in imminent di nger of capture, not ' aul man. people 111 this part or the
ists and resent visitors, and on tea- "'" l'"liers and as far as we can ,, jIIK (u,,n ,,.,,., ihrongh tho removal Itorlal association's vill lo Ashland a ineinber or the American force lias oiinlry say. many hundreds of child
lures to attract celebration crowds. ',V0I'.V nlle t the stories sent. mlflinisi1P,i houses and apaitnieiits of timbers by Turk soldiery for fire- Secretary Mowat begs whoever it hinted al leaving the city. n now starting to school for the
Secretary Mowafs report covering 0111 w're Printed. Over one thou- ((J. n(.wcnlllPM. During August and wood. The nearest timber source wus lo return any that haven't been Lieutenant Colonel Edward .11. 'rsl t.'.ie iu five years would be
the period from June 2:t when he took """" K "' 111 1,1 l"P September innuirers for this service was the Taurus mountains ulong the destroyed as they cannot be replaced, liyan, of Scranlun, P 1.. is here from deprived or still another year o.
the club work, to December 1. P'uniciuv eiery state 111 tne 1 nton UVP1,aP(I five H (liy. scores were Euphrates river. An expedition 1111- It.t li 11 to take chnge ol' lhe idtna- schooling.
For they have nothing
e enle.ed tho citv through "' w except me cioiuiug mane
and which gives a comprehensive """ """f's Bl "um 0111 guess me .,1(.P(i dor Captain Edward nickel of Heal- liliICK ISI.OCK AT MVHTI.E I'tilNT Hon
Id.y of the things which the club Ashland auto camp will feel the of- )(, W(llk tie. Wash., was sent to investigate. I MYUTLE I'OINT-Tliis place is lo lb" German lines under a ring of lrom American goods, in the sewim:
has accomplished in this period, fl- torts next year. To g0 ,,to details" of the linn- It arranged for the cutting of tini-:l,nve a fine new business block. A I nice. All firing by both sides stop-:''ioms started by Captain Plalikers
lows: ! Oilier Publicity Stunts dreds ot small undertakings of the her and its transportation down number of men who are stockholders I'd as bo came across the In idge, ; and the refugee garni. nls gathered
Iteport of Secretary Through lhe n. F. Goodrich Tour- club would require much time and Hie river on rafts to El Dolr, In the In the new Security bank will Jointly 'be first man to enter the city from 1,1 the I'niied Stales, ilistribiiled by
.1 2:M)er. 1. ing Bureau people at Seattle, we space. The club is here to take care desert. build a new structure 011 lhe site of bind side since the seige of the ,,is relief unit.
During this five months period all have placed auto camp and Lit bid f ny mutter which doesn't seem Convoys of camels were then en- tho present bank building. It will city by the enemy,
average of three bundled pieces of park stories In San Francisco, Se- ,e anybody else's business anil al- gaged and the lumber carried for be of concrete or hi Irk, two stories This last experience ol Ilyan is
mail per month have been mailed out. nttle. Spokane, Portland anil Taco- WHrH t rtort to make good. We have miles across the desert to Aintab, high and offices will be arranged on only one of many thrilling episodes
In August over one thousand. ma papers and magazine articles con- j one day covered the wide range Aleppo anil Marasb. Troubles arose the second floor, while the bank hi which ho has participated during
Every piece of literature mailed corning tho camp in magazines froln mipplylng figures us to ship- with the Dodouin tribes of the des- will have its quarters on the first 'bo past 10 yens, liefore the war
out is accompanied by a personal let- throughout the I'nited States. Sun- nients of every kind or fruit and her- ert, attacks being ninde upon the con- lloor. be was physician lo the American
ter. Since we have been out of dls- set Magazine Is soon to carry an rjPS, (j locating a chimney sweep, voys ami the lumber occasionally de- embassy iu Mexico City, and during
iinctively Ashland literature for Ashland camp story. Among the projects assisted by the stroyetl: Captain Ilickel then nr- JN'TKKKST IN PITCH IVIM'KTHV. 1 tril' through lhat country was cap
three months and our county litera- Several special articles have been club were aiding the Stundard Oil ranned fir a guard of 30 armed men HO.SEIll'HG According to II C l,y h"nilils' "is disappearance
tare is out of date, most of these written ror Portland papers and company In securing conditions nee- to accompany each caravan. Da,by, several Inquiries hive been
letters have been of from one to other publications. 'In view of the efMiiiry to the establishment of a Thereafter the supplies arrived reg- received by him from residents in
Ihree pages iu order lo furnish the fact that !I0 per cent of the auto wholesale station which is soon to b.i ularly. Mie tjlnber districts regarding the
Information desired. tourists are from Oregon, California built, staging a band concert hy the One hundred native carpenters ,,w p.,., an, turpentine industry.
A new letterhead has been de- or Washington, this field has re- Diego Exposition Hand, ami were rounded up by Captain ilickel which was reported in 1. recent issue
signed and will be used hereafter.' ceived most of our efforts along niany others of like nature. .and net to work reconstructing tho ,,f (he Review as being considered
It is hoped lo induce the business- these lines but it is planned to place Financial Hom.i1 ruined buildings. As a result of this ior this vicinity. A representative
men of the city to use the cut of stories of the Ashland camp in During the past five months the American energy and Ingenuity. ,,f t, Northwestern Turpentine Co..
Lilhia paik and the information on newspapers in every Htate In the expenditures totalled f 1 786.8S of scores of Armenian families have f p,,rthind. was here a few days
their business letterheads. ' I'n ion during lhe next two months ' which amount Jafto covered salarie.i, been able to reoccupy their old .,., ...i n..,.i i,,v,.siii.iiii,iii tin
Material is being gathered, pic- The Goodrich people will print a $4.15 neriodicals in reading room; homes. s.Mled ile.i ,,nrii. u-,,,,1,1 be bis stay in German b inds I ontiii-
1 .. 1 1 , 1 '"''I his medical worn witn M'lina'l
created an inl.'rn itinnal crisis. Hut
in two weeks he escaped and turned
lip safe mid snctld.
He came to the Mi I k 0 lis early In
I'll.", and had charge of a unit iu
Serbia. When lhe Aiistrn-Gertna'i
'ones invaded the Balkans be serv
il as mayor ol llelpredo tor a short
iaie; Hun was imprisoned by the
lermans for eluht weeks. During
wounded and upon his release set
out lo reorganize the Ited Cross com
mission iu the It.ilkans.
t. j, t . i s J- N s '
Farm products cost 4 7 per
cent more today than thev did
25 years ago.
Comparing averate prices to-
day with those of ISM we find
the following iliffeiences:
18! 19IS
. Wheat $ -0 $ 2. OS
- Corn 20 t 1.35
Oat H 1..15
Riilter 1. .10 .Rfl i
Eggs Oli .41,
Potatoes ft, 1. 00
Hens Ilf .2J
Roosters 02 .15
Steers J. 50 17.50 -
Hogs 3.25 15.00
(ures selected and copy written for small map showing Ashland park, $103.86 general expenses, and
a new folder descriptive of Ashland, auto camp, mineral springs, nuta-,$ 1 1 78.87 was spent In publicity Wasco. Jefferson. Des Chulei. company will furnish barrels for the
Literature toriiims, etc., on the back of their work. Income from dues was $582. Crook, Harney. Klainalli and Lake pilch and also Instruct men how it is
III co-operation with the Medford H20 road maps. from other so'tirces $1282.75. A counties form organization to bull I gathered and furnish lliem with the
Commercial Club and with the aid Hoiii.'MckeiV Krrricn most noteworthy lea lure of the highways in Central Oregon. necessary tools,
nf numerous prominent citizens of In order to care for the many new- financial renort is that hut 28 ner
various sections of the valley, the comers to Ashland a service was es-.cent of the total expenditure was for' Heniiner votes Jinn nan for urav- Jefferson Flour mill here to gel be taken ilurli g the ith of Jun- shipping apples to east and to New
pounty Court was induced to appro- tablisbed to secure furnished an. salary. t ty water system. (25'i0 additional water power.
j. i
Salem fruit union handling fire
The fimi leenih decei iilal census is carloads daily at packing plant ami
. uiiry, 1 U20. Zealand.