Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 26, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 72
A San Francisco paper , recently
published an Illustrated article by
Professor Albert F. Porta, a noted
sunspot forecaster In which he says I toclmiual book , Dut th,, 80rt
The American Library association
bus shipped two thousand scientific
and technical books to the stati li
brary to be used especially for ex
Borvlcs men of Oregon. Theso are
printed lists with notes about the
value of these various scientific and
technical books. The library Is ready
to send lists to uny individual or
chupter of the American Legion.
These chaptlr libraries need not noc-
essarily consist of scientific and
that owing to a strange grouping of . lltenUure ls especially appreciat
Ix mighty planets, such as has notje(1 ag th(jy are intere!jting and rath(r
been seen in a score of centuries, the
T'nlted States next December will be
. too expensive to be collected by the
ordinary locul public library. The
aweut uy me mosi terriiic weawier gervlceg of tn8 ubrul.y are free to
cataclysm experienced since human any ,n(liviuuai or Kroup of individuals
history .began. i in Oregon.
It will bo caused by the hugest, " '
The council at their regular meet-jpiygygijgir
ing Tuesday nignt iook up ine mi-ru
ter of the city budget, and passed
i., .1.- I irr
on ordinance mimnm i i jjo
1920. The total levy win ne ts.i c
103.00; in
mills, and will amount altogether to
I47.S08.34. Following is the budget : j.
r, .i, n fnr all For general purposes $1 1.021.28 j'J
uruiii.f i uao wn iuo
Shrlnedom of Southern Oregon! For cemetery purposes . .
which ls comprised In Hlllah Temple ; For1 Interest and bond. . . .
of Ashland, and all of the Nobles! For sewer purposes
belonging to this order with their; For street purposes
wives belonging to the White" Shrine For fire department
were in the city Saturday attending, For park purposes . . . .
the great ceremonial in honor of the For paving and sidewalk
!! ft,. Tn,,,or!ui PntnntiitH. W' Hens and interest
Freeland Kendrick of . Philadelphia,
19,201 VVLLnLl A VVtLL A5 lilt, DAILY IIUINU
207.95 IS
4.418.9) B
4.055.00 p
4.392.92 p
340.4S ifi!
gunspot on record a sunspot that1
will be visible to the naked eye. I
Since men first began to make rec-!
' ords of events, no sunspot has been '
large enough to be soon without the
aid of Instruments. This one will be. '
. The suuupot will appear Decem
ber 17, 1919, and will be a vast!
wound in the side pf the sun. It will :
be a gigantic explosion of flaming
who with bis party, wus official vis
itor at the event. Grunts Pass was
turned over to the Shrlners for the
day, and the ceremonial observance,
lusted from early In the afternoon;
when the brilliant street parade was
staged until the last fezed member,
James Gulbralth, a well known
resident of Ashland, died Sunday
morning, November 23, at 8:30
o'clock, following a long and painful tired but claiming to have hud
illness. Mr. Gulbruith had been ail
ing for some time and finally under
went a critical operation in the hope
of receiving benefit, but his trouble
was too deep seated for medical and
surgical skill to avail for long. The
gases, leaping hundreds of thousands' nal been a real(limt ot Aah-
of miles out Into space. It will have' ,um, m. m(my yeurB aud wag cl09B,y
a crater large enough to engulf the' ll(I3U(.u(e(, wjlh dt.veloment. For
earth, much as Vesuvius might en-; lh(J tnre(J yoa,B he hil8 8orv(1 U8
gulf a foctball. i,i, u,ii,oriiif"nilent. mid the beauty
laud charm of that scenic point of
i Ashland has been largely due to his
cure and skillful nttentlon. Funeral
I services were held this, Monday, af
; tornoon from the Dodge undertaking
Such a sunspot will be rich enough
in electro-magnetic energy to fling
the atmosphere of our planet Into n
disturbance without precedent or
parallel. There will be hurricanes,
lightning, colossal rnlns. It will he
weeks before the earth will regain
Its normal weather conditions. There
will also be gigantic lava eruptions,
parlors, conducted by Rev. E. A. Ed
wards, pastor of tbo Methodist Epis
copal church, anil interment wus
made in tho Ashland cemetery. Mr.
great earinquaaos, to say noimui o. , (,..,,, , .urvivpa hy ni wlfe aI1,i
floods and fearful cold. j 0 Gnlbraitb of Talent.
Professor Porta gives as his rea-i
sons for making this portentous
prophecy that the planets In their
orbits swing in great ellipses around
For library . , 3.145.23 jj
For publicity 701.82 jj
Of this $47,305.34, $19.2(11.26 Is I,
for redemption of bonds and In
terest. The estimates furnished by the dif
ferent departments, including nark jj
and library, come to over Jtiooo
the1 more than- ls allowed to he levied
nnnnwAlner til lfltV Oft ttlflt ttlO fniin.
time of his life, stole quietly into .......
Ashland In the . gray dawn of the " '
el,till. n.n-n lowei imsniuiu
Ashland was represented on the ' " the expense, necessary for the g
various comuilttes as follows: Pro-'com'n "!Rr' - ,
gram committee W. Hal McNalr, E.
D. Driggs. Music committee O. F. j Miss Kathryn Miller, who recent
Carson, W. F. Loomls, C. F. Shep-;)y returned from Hawaii, is having
herd. Stunts committee Thos. HV splendid success teaching the Pilot
Simpson, Otto Winter, H. C. Stock Rock school, and Is enjoying a lot
A. G. Livingston, Judd Miller, D. H. : of Interesting experiences in connec
Jackson. Banquet committee Stu-( tion with her pedagogic duties. In
art Saunders, M. F. Cyester. C. C.' stead of holding herself aloof and
Wisenberger. Glad hand committee attempting to play the role of a so-
E. V. Carter, O. W. Dunn, C. W.jclety girl from the city she enters
Nlms, E. D. Brlggs. P. K. Hammond, ; Into the life of the community and
F.. O. Swedenburg, H. Mattern. Dec-i takes an active part in the work end
oration committee F. H. Johnson.' play of that region, helping herd
C. H. Voghte, C. C. Wisenberger.' sheep and catch coyotes like the
Lecturer E. V. Carter. The Arab; of the Golden West.
By Using Both the Daily, and Weekly Your Message
Goe.8 Into I'laotieally Evory Home i:; Ashland's
Trade Territory Both in tho City and Country.
I And Advertising Man Will Tell You About It
Phoenix Is on the tip-toe of ex-; I'OIXTY KAKM HI'KKAl'
peclution over oil prospects and the TRACTOR SCHOOL
hope that the Tlrst test well of thitj
Trlgoniu Oil and (!as company will The Jackson County Farm Bureau
The Pacific Northwest Motorikt,
, published In Seattle in the interests
t of Washington State Good Koads as
sociation, has in a recent publica
tion a page devoted to Ashland's
free outo-canip. A number of views
of scenes from the camp 'are shown,
together with the following wiiteuii
of this noted resort, under the cap
tion, "Have You a Motorist Campsite
in Your Town?"
"Ashland, Ore., has the 'original'
automobile camp. This attractive
free camping place for motorists
who camp by the way. is located in
the heart of sixty-acre Uthla park.
It was the first municipal auto-camp
established on the Pacific coast and
has won a coast-wide reputation in
the best nuto-camp between Canada
and Mexico.
"The Ashland Commercial club
people tell us that an average of be
ll tween forty and fifty cars hove
camped nightly there during this
summer. The, city regards the camp
as bringing in n sizeable direct finan
cial return and a much larger return
ns a publicity feature.
"Among the features of the auto
camp are: A gas kitchenette with
separate gas phi to and locker for
be sunk in Fern's valley across from in co-operation with the tractor deal
it,at tun ,n luiifl Ipnunil hv the eis nf Jtti'kHnn rountv an rl tractor
newlv organized company. Accord-'experts from the Oregon Agricultural e"r? 'l;m",,1' (tnis ls ,hfi olll-v
ing to a statement made by one of; rolloge, is going to conduct a tractor
.'the representative citizens of Phoe- school and demonstration In Medford.
With one coy
the sun. They are linked to the sun
and to each other, by chains of electro-magnetic
energy whose compell
ing forces counteract eucb other and i
hold each planet iu Its regular path.
Whenever two planets wheel into
The local post of the American Le
gion is steadily growing.
Three new parties have recently
patrol consisted of C. A. Mulone, J.jote scalp In her belt Miss Miller is
J. Buchter, O. F. Carson, M. F. Cyes- planning to add a mountain lion to
ter. F. It. Davis. L. B. Huskins, H. j her trophies of the chase.
Duell, Wm. Johnson, I). H. Jackson,; Each morning this plucky lady
A. E. Kinney. T. B. Lumsden, W. H. wades through a mile and a half of
McNuir, J. J. McNalr, C. W. NiniB, F. j mud to the schoolhouse. clad in rub
of Ashland s parks which is not free.
charge of 25 cents dally heins
nix their hopes that oil will be found i November 12. 13 and 14. Two days!"""'- '" """" UHe Kim : ,mn"
in that vicinity are based on the re-; November 12 and 1.1 will be devoted;""'" w,,h "",s of r"p i,s P1'""
port of a geologist and oil export! to school work, and all phases of ' '"'"'tant parts of the -rounds; beau
from California to the effect that tractor operation will be thoroughly ,iful lll,""i!"if"1. hundreds of llhN
near that point everv feature of ge-' discussed by experts. The school fon,,B lcl 1,1 " V the foli
ologieal formation indicates thej will begin at 9 o'clock in it)e 'ightmg the park at nighU fine
.... ... . or nkme water from nrlii. n,i il...
r.t L.V.U. tw.jilu .f (III U'ltliltt ItwM'ltlll U t.ltfl 1VIII IW.tlllllllu tlll.,1 A '
made application for membership, j Newmon,
Harvey G. Carnmck, who served with
the 63rd Engineers, and also the
1st Transportation Corps; Fay F.
Potter, who served with the G.lrrt t..
composed of Mrs. W.
Mrs. F. O. Swedenburg, Mrs,
I). ! ber boots and the garments which
villi them, changing to
T. H. Simpson, and F.
The Indies' committee from I generally go
of the While Shrine was skirts and putent leuthers before
Hal McNair, j school begins. Sufficient funds were
E. D. ! obtained from a dance at Green
such position thut they pull together I
on the sun oil ber in conjunction;
on tho same siili of the sun, or in
opposition with the sun between!
them their united pull causes the;
A. C: and Milton Silsby Nichols, who! Brlges, Mrs. O. Winter, Mrs. C. H. ! Springs hall to buy an oil stove und
a reasonable !( ti from the stir- o'clock In the afternoon. This school
face. I will be held In the liniou Stable
A well defined anticline, the repos-; building on South Hiversicle.
; itory of oil! clearly appears at thej A registration fee of $1.00 for
j surface and ill which are found oil each person taking this work (luring
! shales and sands, according to this the two days will be charged. This
recently moved to Asnumn irom r.. ...... ... ..... .. u - n ,.,,,. , .....afrine1 farm bureau and will be used
.' ." .. . i . ...... .expert. This anticline, upon unaly-
Vaupel, Mrs. T. H. Simpson, Mrs. enough supplies to give the school, . ... . .. , ...
money will be turned over to
city system; shade everywhere! Ash
laud creek, a sizeable mountain
stream which runs through th
camp; u Jitney service to the sul
phur haths and plunge pools; the
best sanitary arrangements, and a
! I rond Information uud hospitality ser-
nt once.
uu. gases tu V.UU tu . uuu . B,reil(,y join(,a are urRed t0
'into space in ine wnirnng volcano we
call a sunspot. These sunspots in i
turn cause storms in the atmosphere;
of our earth doubtless ou other!
planets as well. Two planets united
are enough to cause a small sunspot
and a small storm. Three cause a
larger one four muko a very great
storm Indeed.
Cnntro, Calif., and who served In the; Milan snuncicrs, .virs
9th regimenl. 3rd division of the! Mrs. E. V. Carter.
murine corps.
All ex-service men who have not
H. C. Spurr, children a hot lunch every day for
'the balance of the term, something
A large number of novices were ; very much appreciated by both pu
led into the myteries of Shrinedoni pil und parents.
and asphalt, the usual co-products of : advertising and other matters neres
oil. This nil indication extends for sary fnr the successful operation of
a long distance nn the other side of this school. The main
vice maintained by the Ashland Coin-
do so
Prof. F. C. Reimer, who sailed for
; China about four monthB ago, writes
ias follows concerning his work In
the Flowery Kingdom
"Huve Just returned from
at the evening session. Those from
Ashland were Albert McCann. Frank
Hanna, Verni V. Mills and John Fuller.
it a test well should strike a pool curiosity seekers and muke It possl
A series of decisions issued by the 0f ,,n ns country will see a tre
mendous advance In prosperity.
Director of the Bureau of War Risk
Insurance with the approval of the
; Secretory of the Treasury provides
Oregon's state (lower, the Oregon
The ten-yeur lease ou the present; ... ,,nnMlit,,,H ,..!itate-! crane, has been getting in bad. Only
Asniauo postomce Duuoing nnci
two , equipment expircB nevt March. Post-i
ment of lapsed or cunceled Insur-; recently It has been learned that un-;
ance dor artificial conditions il acts as the
merclnl club.
"Tho auto-camp Is so attractive
that fit 1 1 V two thil'iU ..f thn
reason for ,, " 1
ins most or wnom intended to stay
only one or two days, remain as Ions
ble for those who are renllv Inter-: " '"" ,K mM "e
oct.,,1 I., i,..,.u f k,i ,i ... 1 oomiiiK rfers for scores of
henefii nf this school.
It will pay every man owning a
tractor to he present for the two
days at this school. So If possible
nriMllpn vnill wnrk nfirt hn nruuont
. . . t . cni.... T v;J.I.. ' '.I
weeks' trip In tho mountains east ouilb lumieum oiauir, u. n.,..uC. , The provBjon s Tronsiiry Decision host of the black stem rust of , i , v'M,lnesdav November 12
r p.ltinir This was the hardest trln1 was In Ashland Friday and posted
xn A1 ..11....,:.. 1fl ....itliij rmni I In I rim lu flint h:m ni'flVr.fl Mil flimtlMir- ..i A
t.,f TWmW 17 1010 nn. " . . . .... ...!''"' "' """ " "'B """"' " ' ihhum plowing lieiiil.MKl ruuoil
, . . f.,bon null was lltinUt as UOllCeS in me lODOV OI ine UUUIU HICK ... . ...,ii..i..,i fln In mini uiw rinMU In I if. ..
....... .... ......... UillU Ul UIBUUUIR" IUI irillBinirmrii, , .... ... r.."."" r - H
less than seven planets, will pull
jointly on the sun. These will In-
cludo all the mightiest planets,:
those with the most powerful pull, j
Six ot them Mercury, Mars, Venus,
be held on Friday lit thn avla-
fleld In South Alert ford. This
side trips, such ns Mount Ashland.
I.nke of the Woods. Marble Caves of
Oregon, many fine fishing streams
end lakes, good hunting nnd dozens
of valley nnd mountain drives with
in three days' drive of the auto
; ramp.
"Crater Inko may be reached from
Ashland hy any nf three routes
uncomfortable and unpleasant as ! soliciting proposals for a lease, tho. nnvment of only two months- east mid middle west. Now the of- ,1.,,,
could be imnslned. being made en- saio proposals to oe sunmmeu i prertfjum9 on tne umount of Insur-i lice or ceival investigations, V. S. s frw, t(, veryhod.v mid ten or ff-i In,0URn "'P'"0 ' ul "n "R""
tirely on donkeys, riding on a bard the postoffice inspector at Roseburg, Rncfj tQ be mt,,, ,.e retained. ' flepartment of ngrlculliiie. Is going; (f, tl.a(.torH ne operation on Rlver' vr ,,m Rrl,"-rs r""1
mat saddle. A native Interpreter was uregmi on oi umuie .i.i;ii, 1 That decision is liberalized, how- to co-operale with the plant pathnl-: (hnt ,.1V
Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will
in the greatest "league of planets
by a new provision thut men:ogy department of the O. A. C. ox-
Mo Klamath Lake tn Crater Lake and
tho new Dead Indian roadway past
ianen along ami not a uim mnu ever,
.n mi the entire Irln. Each night1 The offerings are asked for both;,,, . ,. ,..., .,nrmilinn in nerlment station in establishing al i. 1....1.. ... iLuke of the Woods, Pelican hay and
be in conjunction; grouped together ; . i,i ,..m nut vet rnm-i'five and ten-year periods and cuil I ............ u 1.. ii,a iu,. 1 t,.,i.ti,.i.rv iiti.i rirpiin iri'iiim iiiii'ilfiii ' , l ... ... ..... ... ti oner K la mat h I.n k e to Crater Lake. "
, ...m .W...J...... ... -. jieiiiMuie vy hutiuij- i..i..i..n .ne . ...... r, tning. vt e are not worrying a nil,
,.iio,t in oinon in n rtiriv silnklne. 1 for the furnishing of rent, heat
vermin-infested Chinese inn. On ac- light, water, closets, urinals, vuult.
count of the cholera epidemic It was and all necessary furniture and
necessary to boil all water for cook-, equipment for the proper conduct of
ing purposes and to sterilize every-! said office at a stated price per en
tiling possible. The bread we took! num. There will be needed In this
along became coverel with a green instance not less than 2500 square
mold, which had to be pared off and 'eel of floor space aud good day
the remainder of the loaf toasted be- light. The notice says further lo
roro being eaten. Stereo cubes audition not too far from business cen
Postum helped most. e'Bhty rods of rall-
"All the time we were In the midst ; road depots are points for general
of snualor, misery and disease. In , consideration.
a,. ,ii. mnt nf the iieonlo W'mk proposals and specifications
monster electrical disturbance as it; . g aly of ,tl0 may be seen at the postoffice and
leaps Into activity on what, to us, j ... .... or,inll u sample form ot lease may also be
ever known in the annuls of astron
omy. They will he massed in the
narrow limit of but I'O degrees on
the same side of the sun! Directly
opposite, coming into opposition with
this gigantic league, will be the huge
planet ot Uranus. The magnetic
currents between I'ninus and the
six planets will pierce the sun like
a mighty spear. Our earth is out
side the league, at an angle of near
ly 90 degrees in perfect position to
receive almost the full force ot the
We are not worrying 11
months' premiums lyjlhout making; where nil kinds or native and Intro-.( ,n m0ney. We are not wor-J
a statement ns to health al any time duced grape and barberry may he ryiuK wh(.(hl,,. wt, gH (()r 0,.'
within three calendar months iol- grown and studied. The purpose is : 1 iiuumiiiilH of dollars. The thing'
lowing the monlh of discharge. to find out which species wlll carryl ,,m wft Hr hupn), ahou, (8 that of-,
After the three months following j the rust, under what conditions, how: KU,liZlt,m iH H0 complete, und that'
the date of discharge have elapsed, a; the plants grow and behave, und; j, s gl.,)Wnl, in tntonnit v und force.l
statement from the applicant to the! their botanical classification. The: d 1(H )t H ( l0 be ,n
effect that he is lu as good health j federal department will be represent-, ,n(! Bnnrl ()f mim,,,."
as at the date of discharge or at thej oil by O. U. Hoerner, former student; Thj(1 WU3 0M(J nf ,h( cmmentl) ot
expiration of the grace period, which j body president of the college, und;,ie Rj(;h I?(,y Wlll,er T Sumner
ever is the latter dale, will bo re-jll. station by 11. P. Harss, head of UlriUK tho N!lt011.Wdo Conference
Will be the eastern horizon nf the
sun's disc.
This means, according to Protes
tor Porta, that we shall get the
full strength of the storm when the
sunspot Is at its worst, before the
exploding gases have hud time to die
down. Such a close grouping of
planets has never been recorded be-1
fore. The whole solar system will
be strangely out of balance.
What will be the outcome Profes
sor Porta claims he Is unable to state
beyond the fact that the storms,
eruptions and earthquakes will be tre
mendous in their strength and scope.
skins, smallpox pitted faces, children , cn mere, uiagrams or me rooms
covered with crusts of dirt filth, ! ""! "''ould be submitted showing
filth everywhere. In one place I J dimensions, windows, etc. The right
thought I detected seventeen differ-j " reserved to reject any or all pro
ent slinks. Worst of all Was- the Posuls.
whose, ' 1 vice 18 months or more, and who are trlbution of the medals In this state.
The members of the local company DBrren trom reinstatement The records especially desired are
of the National Guard are to receive, , . ,..1 ,, i... ,i .,,.ni,.o run.
full equipment, including clothing. I u""el lue """"" " '"" , " :, ' "'
quired, together with a written ap
plication for reinstatement and I he
tends of two months premiums on
the plant pulhology department.
hound feet of the little girls,
ever-recurring cries of agony soon !
The slato librarian Is counting on
the amount of insurance ho wishes the co-operation of the American
to reinstate. Legion 10 complete ine wregou wai (1 Mh p, s() (m(f M , hayB h(m
In order to give all former service lccords. At present la.uuii ihiiiiks
men whose Insurance bus lapsed or lure on file and more will be sent to
been cunceled, a fair chance to re-uuy post of the American Legion, as
Instate their Insurance, Including the librarian is anxious to complete
men who have been out of the ser-lthis record 'by the lime of the dls-
The force of the Citizens Bank Is
increased this morning hy the ailill
tion of S. A. Peters. Jr., to the work
ing staff. Mr. Peters was formerly
an employe of the bunk, having re
signed his position in September.
1918, to accept a place with the Can
adian Bank of Commerce in Port
laud. He advanced rapidly in their em
ploy, and In June, 1917, resigned
the position of savings teller in order
to nccompuny the First Company
11 C A In Fnrt HtnYpns Wlill.i ul
spiring and Interesting dnys coming; ,., , . ,.,., ,
the rank of Sergeant Major, Junior
grnde, which office ho held until up
pointed army field clerk. This lat-
of the Oregon Diocese Id Portland.
Bishop Suiiiuer continued'
"It has been one of the most in-
I........ ..!.ir..n.r 1v Lilni.
uui-timu iiiwiuiiv i.iiiii.iai. ..ij ...... - . . ,.,. tw m no r
prefer was stricken with that dread hverconta. packs. In short, full mod-! blanket ruling is made which ullows pings and the fullest possible ac
disease, cholera, but prompt treat-iern equipment. nil ex-service men to reinstate their counts in connection with these will
ment prevented the attack from be- i expected that the local com- lnsurRnPe betpre December 81, 1019,1 be appreciated,
coming serious. A native doctor sup- 07 the Certain payad the .fine j Provided that each applicant Is in asl I'nit division an
plemented my dosing ny sucKing equipment which they are to be Is- good neaun as ai oate 01 tnscnarge
pins into the suffering boy, to let out I sued. , or ut expiration of the grace period,
the supposedly bad blood. Some very Already the company have re- wncnever g (he llller ,nt(!i Bnd g0
d oiguiiizalion his
tories are being collected by the
state library. This will bo valuable
nnd interesting for years to come.
Ashland had an attempted hold
up last evenin, when Leslie
Hubbard, a Southern Pacific em
ploye, was stdpped by two men 011
Fourth street, one of whom present
ed a revolver before his face and
demanded him to bold up his handj.
quick action on the part of Hubbard
. put the thngs to rout before they
had time to search his pockets. Hub
bard, who Is a nephew of Mrs. J. W.
Hatcher, wife of the chief of the city
police, had been calling at his aunt's
house on Gresham street, and had
left at about 8:30 for bis boarding
place at the Depot hotel. Going
down Fourth street he saw two men
standing under the large cottonwood
tree on the west cfde of the stroet.
obstructing inn wais. niiDoarui
Mlir.ri ,. nli nmdnl nf nlffl.tV mm lim . . ... .... .. ... . ,
vuluublo material was found, so tieKj;:'r"',")" stuteB In his application. Of course ; The lilirary Is collecting tne ouirmi
Colt automatic pistols. ; ft is necessary that he tender Ihejwar photographs published by the
trip wus highly successful,
of the hardships."
sI"l;Colt automatic piatr
It is required that, every man be two months' premiums on the full
present Monday night, as siies of ,ml0Ut of Insurance he wishes to
.l.,kl.. .lll t.n l.ban an that Ola
R. L. Chumbe.s, charged with hav-;upproprjate orieT may be 8ent , reinstate.
Ing broken in'o u warehouse at Horn- Any man not attending drill Mon- Service men who reinstate their
brook ''containing liquor and with I day night will have to take chances Insurance by payment of all back
vi,i .fia tan M. nf whiskevio" the fit of his new wool uniform, ' premiums prior to July 25. 1919.
..H....n .w.uu ..... - . , narhana nnl hnvn nv. i ..... : .
'" i" "" " I when the decision requiring puymenl 1 mini purposes.
. . ., u, of only two months' premiums went '
C. A. Sawyer, a former well known . . ' . .' ,. ..,M,.,...U Vi.-hh
. j iai . into eirect. unon wr iron anni cai on r..-ii.
neiiieiieRii 10 serve an mumc. u;i;;" resident of ABhland, died at nis nome ...
government, especially those Hint
would bo interesting lo western men.
It has Just received 139 photorraphs
of the 91st division ami will be
pleased to loan these tn libraries and
posts of the American Legion for ex-
last June, was found guilty of burg-1
In ry by a jury lust week and was;
connected with it; a feast of good
things ns well as a very happy day
of happy fellnwshlp.
"I want you to know lunv repre
sentative it has been. We have not
had a Diocesan convention since I
have been your bishop nearly so com
prehensive and representative ns this
conference today.
"We have been discussing tho
Nation-Wide Campaign organizations,
lis aims, and how best we can curry
(hem out. This meeting tonight is
more or less inspirational, aud
therefore, Just briefly goes Into the
organization of the diocese. I took
Hie organization and showed il to
the general convention. I showed!
il to the presiding bishop of the
church uud he said: 'Splendid! I
wish every diocese had done this
work.' The president of the board
of bishops remarked: 'I consider it
Hie best stale nrgiiuizntinn that bus
been set up so far.' I showed it to
others, and they said we have a
November It.
1 ill ruirfiew, ivaiistts, rtyiciiiuci w. ., ... .j,,,,.,,. ,..,.
F. Lodge at Yreka Tha deceaied hnd been an invalid for " ' t"0( j ' 1 " ; ' " "
taken that after- of pal.alysis. He is ,j"rt the paym8,,t of f,,tu"" ",0,ni' i """"",K at ' '1"
hv Sheriff Calkins.!. . '! .h,ih- ' """". er a policy , Manzsiii.i. street, after an
term In San tjuentin penitentiary at FairTl(!w Kansas,
by Judge James
Saturday. Un was
noon to prison by Sheriff Calkins. . vlve( hy hlf) wif gnn BjX children
Chambers was a conspicuous charac- artim gawver of Ashland; Mrs,
ter around Ashland lust summer; ciV(te Brlggs of Oakland, Calif.;
where he posed as a famous cowboy Mrg j p Goeller of Klamath Falls
rider. lin( three sons in the east. Dr. Saw
yer, who has been east during the
to the Bureau may have any preml-1 Mrs Anna Maria Weisenhiirger, .l(.mli( (.,1iza,11
died this
ime at I SI)
Illness ex-
liud lapsed for six months, a man re-j lending over many years. N.j deti
InstHlxrt and nald six months itreml-; tiile arraiiKenienls for the funeral
urns instead of two. he may secure ihuve been made. Th
ter position took him to Seattle where
he remained In tho army headquar
ters until he resigned a short time
ago to accept a position with the
California-Oregon Power company.
When seen by a reporter this
morning Mr. Peters suld: "I am very
glad to get back to Ashlund nnd to
once more be on the stuff of the Cit
izens Bank. Ashland has always
seemed like home lo me nnd I am
convinced that there is no bettor place
on earth to live. I was surprised
to find that the business of the bunk
had increased so much during mv
libscnce. but very glad that it tins
I fnr It affords me the opportunity for
which I have been seeking."
"We are mighty glad to be able
to offer H. A. a place acceptable to
him." said Mr. Smith, cashier of the
bank, this morning. "He muile genii ,
when he was with us before; he made
good In Portland .and he made good
in the army. We are very happy to
have him back."
KOSKIU'Ki; That heur have been; Road district No. 1 will meet st
body will be unusually plentiful in the nioiin-ithe Delleview sihool nnuse Friday.
lains of Douglas county this year, is November 28. for the purpose of
The steady Increase In population ! past three months, visited her far-
stepped out on the lawn to get past; In Ashlund is not only filling up all (her while she was absent, and had
the men when one pulled out a re-j Possible houses and residences but;ieft him shortly before the end came.
volver and shoved It In his face with is causing a very material increase
Jhe demand that he hold up his hands, j in the business of the Ashland post
Quick as a flash Hubbard caught office and the city carriers are get-
the gun and held onto it, while call-j ting In their full eight hours itch
lm for help. A
rushed from the Potter
pri.Hit fnr four nintlfhn' nreniimnH. ;uliiiinpH tn Nevada City, Calif., fnr,
The provisions for reinstatement; burial, but funeral services will be Judged from the experience of ("has. I levying a special tax on all taxable
do not protect a man until he acta-! hold here before leaving. Beside her Berkley and H. B. two well property within this district. The
ally reinstates. If he waits he may1 husband Mrs. Weisenhiirger Is sur-l known ranchers of the North I'mp-jaiwrlal tax is no. to exceed ten mills
not be in as good health as he was 'vived hv two children, u daughter.1 0",.. ..bout 10 miles from this city, j and will be used specifically for
at tbe time ot discharge and conse-'Mrs. He'inricl. Ileidenrich of Medfor.LThi, men reported recently that with highway improvement work within
1 the Killing ni iinoiiier nun near ihsi inai territory. A use meeting tn
I week they nnw hud a record of 14 behalf of district No. 2 will be held
So far none of th"
Do' Astoria Moro than 30 acres in
I Clatsop county to be set to logan
1 berries and strawberries this cnni-
Tl'FHDAY'S XKWM 1 quently he may not be able to re-1 nnd a son. Lester,
c. a- a it Hnli nne nf the cure reinstatement. j
prominent residents of Ashland, died "on't put off reinstatement.
number of meniday. The postmaster Is... frequently! this morning at his home on North no .
i...,unan' a hann .laiirarinit nar- Main street, after an exienoen tn-:
11,1.11...... r, ........ , 1, ..... .,,.J Th. 11.11. rnmnlulna nf lurk nf 1 ine Spring.
house across the street and when tbe , eels in order that the mail be cleared : ness. ino neian. .. - " - - " ;
oiiuiHi aim ii" j !.,:. in runnml arrangements at the ra way spur facilities fos local in-
lered in the darkness. No trace' Was sent by the . department and slve notice will be given later. to secure sun.,. unit ready
could be found of them as It was too made Its appearance on the streets; , n,..i,,., i. HALFM Murray Wade, cartoon-, Albany putting on campaign for pens of operation in this depart
for Hubbard to see to Identify j Saturday to assist in expediting the ST. ?ZTX Ore.on Mon.b.y. .ncrea,d fru.t acreage for cannery. ;,., was decreased.
hem plater. jaeuvery of parcel!. 1
for thn season, ho fur none or 111", at the county hospital in the stter-
sklus huve been brought to this city.inoon nf the same day at 2 o'clock
'although there are said to be several for the same purpose,
excellent ones which have served to
render the Interior of their homes! Salem Receipts corporation de
truly typical of huntsmen as well as part ment for year ending July I,
most picturesque.
1919. were i23.17 8l compared to
1 197.601.47 for previous year. Ex-