Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 19, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Wednesday, Xovcritbor 19, 1010
Miss Lydla McCall of the local
poBtofflce force U back again after
a vacation of a few weeks spent in
Southern California.
W. O. Dickerson Is home from
Portland where he had been spend
ing the past week on business.
Mrs. Florence Lee, the new county
health nurse, was In Ashland Satur
day making the acquaintance of this
section of her work, and opening u
class In home nursing.
Lewis H. Bergold, wbo came here
with his son from near Roseburg to
look 'up a location In this vicinity,
Is temporarily domiciled on Seventh
street where he expects to be Joined
by bis family in a week tr two.
Miss Mabel Russell Is In Ashland
from her homestead near Montague,
and is spending a few days with ber
mother and sister at their home on
North Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Wills of Portland,
close friends of the Misses Emery,
passed through Ashland last evening
on their way to California. They
were met by the Emery , family at
the station where they enjoyed a
pleasant visit during the stopping of
the train here.
Mrs. J. L. Creeks is down from
Blsklyou spending a few days In
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and
two sons of Dunsmuir are guests at
the home of Mrs. L. E. Reader
on Gresbam street.
A. B. Murray of Dunsmuir hap
old a house on Nob Hill street to
J. S. Jordan, the deal going through
the Beaver Realty company. Mr.
Jordan's brother will occupy the
new purchase.
L. E. Newton, wbo has been over
from Yreka for several days left yes
terday afternoon to make the trip
back home. He started out by au
tomobile despite the fact that he
expected to encounter some pretty
deep snow on the mountains.
Mrs. E. K. Hall of Liberty street
has gone to Southern California for
a lengthy visit witb friends and rel
C. A. Swander, secretary of the
tate mission work of the Christian
church, will speak In the local Chris
tiun church Wednesdiiy evening.
Misses Alta Furmer and Hazel
Bmlth, wbo have been visiting rein
tives and friends In Ashland for the
past fortnight, have returned to San
'Miss Mary Grace Sober, who has
been confined to the Sanitarium for
several days with an attack of pleu
risy, is convalescing.
Mrs. Luke of Talent was an Ash
land visitor on Saturday.
Miss Helen Walker, who came
down from her school to spend the
week-end with her parents, will not
go back until after the celebratioi.
at Medford of Armistice Day.
Bernlce Muller, who has been
Quite ill at ber home on Fourth
street for several days, is much im
proved today and on the road to re
covery. Ashland Post, No, 14, American
Legion, has received Us first woman
member. This is Miss Josephine
Saunders, who served" in the recon
struction hospitals in France dur
In gthe war and who returned home
a few months ago. Miss Saunders
enrolled with Ashland Post yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dean and
daughter,' Mrs. Arthur Denison of
Grants Pass are Ashland visitors
this week.
Mrs. 8. T. Songer nd Mrs. John
Murphy are home from Grants Pass
where they had been visiting with
friends for a few days.
' '
A ten pound boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. William Landlnghom of
Santa Rosa, Calif., October IS, ac
cording to news that has reached
Ashland. The Landlnghams were
former well known residents of this
Miss Mary E. Young, Ashland's
only missionary to the foreign field,
is to sail for Seoul, Korea, on De
cember 9.
Clark Bush, assistant cashier of
the First National Bank, left last
night for Portland as a representa
tive of Ashland In connection with
the nation-wide campp.lgn meeting
of the Episcopal church which Is be
ing held in that city this week.
Miss Vina Detwiler, a prominent
8unday school worker from Spokane.
Wash., Is in Ashland and will re
main here for some time engaged
In work along that line.
Through the real estate office of
Mrs. Susie L. Allen the residence be
longing to Judge Calkins on Laurel
treet, was sold this week. Mrs. Wil
liam Denton was the purchaser.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore left
Saturday morning for Portland -where
they will sojourn for a time with a
view to locating somewhere in that
vicinity. They made the trip by
automobile and have written back
that they had a fine trip with good
roads to Canyonvllle, but from Cot
tage Grove to Eugene they struck a
perfect sea of mud.
Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Barrett
were among the Ashlund visitors to
Medford yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. C. B. Lamkln is home from
Spokane, Wash., where she attended
a convention of the Young Women'3
Christian association in session there.
She also stopped In Portland andj
visited with her sister for a week.
Mrs. Susan Halley Is back from an
extended visit with relatives and
friends In Sacramento and Trinity
county, California.
Monday night the Southern Pa
cific released the one lone car of coal
In the Shasta division that had been
held In the local yard by the freight
congestion. This car was sent to
Its destination at Marsbfield.
Miss Sidney Helman was a recent
visitor at the home of friends In
Gold Hill.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Helen
Klrby, whose tragic death took place
Monduy morning, was held this af
ternoon, with funeral services at
Stock's undertaking parlors at 1
o'clock. Interment was made at
Wagner creek. The deceased was
24 years of age, and was the daugh
ter of Samuel Pennlston of this city.
Mrs. E. J. Van Bant left this morn
inir for Sacramento where they will
visit for a week before proceeding
to Los Angeles to spend the winter.
Professor and Mrs. Henry George
Ollmore were dinner guests of Mrs.
Charles E. Hockett on Sunday.
Ashland was not particularly not
ed for Its patriotic decorations yes
terday. Few if any flags were un
furled with the exception of the
large one of the Hotel Austin. The
White House grAery displayed a very
attractive window, consisting of
stacked arms with a picture of "The
Greatest Mother On Earth," In the
background and an old army sword
lying before It. Orres tailor shop
also had a fine display of war tro
phies. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Allen and baby
are in Ashlund from Reclamation,
Ore., visiting the former's mother,
Mm I.nura Allen. Mr. Allen has
been In the employ of the govern
ment at Reclamation. He has com
pleted his work there and Is await
ing further orders.
Mrs. Oeorgie Davis has returned
from Portland and Is a guest of Mrs.
F. S. Foltx at her home on B street.
Mrs. J. E. Thomas Is recovering
nicely from the serious operation she
underwent a short time ago.
Mrs. J. H. Turner went to San
Francisco last evening to spend a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Veghte of San
ta Monica, Calif., are in Ashland
and will remain here for several
The services of the Installation
of Rev. C. F. Koehler as pastor of
iha viral PrAahvterian church will
take place Tuesday evening, Novem
ber 25. More detailed announce
ment later. p
Hood River apple pack estimated
to be worth $5,000,000.
v .
Portland has a new factory for.
making silk shirts and shirtwaists
The Women's Relief Corps club met
last Monday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Jennie Hammond on East
Main street. A large attendance was
present and spent a very enjoyable
afternoon .with their fancy work, af
ter which refreshments were served.
Paul Gulley, an engineer of this
city, Is seriously 111 with an attack
of pneumonia,
The park attaches are taking out
a number of trees In the central;
park near the children's playground
that were beglnlng to die and ln
time would be considered dangerous. '
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel came!
back yesterday morning from an ex-:
tended 'trip into California. They
went as tar south as Los Angeles.
Professor Davidson, Jan violinist;
of Seattle, will play with the Laun-i
spach orchestra Friday night at the
Natatorluhi. He plays the real jai.
Be sure and hear him.
Mrs. C. A. Edwards, Mrs. Dnnford,
Mrs. Carrie Pratt and Mrs. O. Billings
took the morning train for Roseburg
where the district convention of the
Foreign Home Missionary society is
In session.
Morris Jones of Medford was a
guest this week of bis cousin, Mrs.
Tom Hill.
O. W. Cornell, a Southern Pacific
employe, who recently underwent an
operation in $ San Francisco hos
pital. Is" In Ashland visiting a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. D. Yarbrough on Scenic Drive. He
expects to be able to resume his work
at Weed In a few days.
James Galbraltb, the park super
intendent, who has been an Inmate
of a hospital In this city, where he
underwent operation several days
ago, Is In a serious condition at pres
ent. He was reported no better this
Mr. and Mrs. Oscur Butler and lit- W. J. Dean, one of the ploii Inent yx. and m,s. Reuel Sherman are
tie son of Portland stopped over in residents of Wagner creek, ws s aiuliome from Outline county, Califor
thls city laBt evening on their way, Ashlund visitor yesterday after loon., nla, where they been making mi
to I-os Angeles, Calif., where Mr.; . extended visit with the former's pa-
Butler will visit with his futhor,i W. H. Smith Is quite 111 at his rents. j ,
whom he has not seen for 12 years. i home on East Main street. y
The Butlers, who are In the fuelj j Mr. and Mrs. Xute Otterbein, Klum-
business In Portland, were much liii"i ran W. Davis, s member-ot Ash-! at h Falls, visited with the hitter's
pressed with Ashland, and expressed) inmi'8 0i( Fjrst company, who en- mother, Mrs. A. L. Harvey, today.
the intention of looking further Utto teied military service in li17. Is In' stopping over on their way to Port
the business possibilities here, with
a view to locating.
Ashland visiting nt'tho lioifte of his land, where they expect to spend the
uncle, D. N. Davis, from Klamath , winter.
county where he has been employed
Nims & Saunders have purchased, the logging camps of due of the, 0np ot t!l(1 s,Vitrhmen In the local
the "Stone" building and lot ad-i ,nls In that section. Mr. "Davis was Southern Pacific railroad yards did
Joining their store building ot Mrs.8e,,t out from Fort Steven during the 8tllllt recen,v ,,,. nms ,'lim we
Eliza J. Mclnetlre. , , war .ureet to Germany, where he p , the Carn'Bl hPr0 ,,,.,, cl.lss
" " served in the U. S. army for live
The Sunday morning choir at the' months.
first Methodist church was composed
of thirteen men, yet that fatal num
ber did not prevent Rev. Edwards
from delivering his usual fine sermon.
An old lady at the station awaiting
t lie arrival of a p-issenger train lont
Francisco to spend a few weeks with
her son, Eugene Hogue.
Attorney W. M. Brings left Tues
day evening for Portland where ho
will spend the week.
Mrs. Mary Dunn left yesterday,
accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
E. J. Van Sant, for points in Cali
fornia where she will spend several
months this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison
of Talent were In Ashland yesterday,
called here to attend the funeral of
the late Mrs. George Klrby.
Mrs. F. J. Toft of Spraks, Ner., is
In Ashland, a guest of Mrs. C. O.
Frank Whitney of Portland is
spending a few days In Ashland at
the home of his mother, Mrs. P. B.
Whitney, on Pine street.
. .
The commltee of the city council
which has had charge of erecting
a shelter for the elks in the park
have bad the structure completed In
the upper end of the park. A snug
barn has been built in which to keep
feed for the animals, with a roofed
enclosure containing stalls where
the elks can stand out of the wet
and be fed.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C Cormack, son
Gilbert and daughter Marguerite of
Portland have come to Ashland to
locate for the winter. The son is af
flicted with asthma and they will try
the mountain air for beneficial re
sults. McCormack Is one ot the lead
ing Ice merchants of East Portland.
I her healings and wandered out
Helen Walker Is quite HI at her among the tracks, rsefore she was
home on Liberty street, but expects aware a switch engine approached
to be uhle to resume her school duties uncomfortably near, the arrival of
In a few days. j which confused the woman so that
j she was stranded practically at its
Mrs. Sophia Shetler or Klumiith niorcy. TCrowds of bystanders on
Falls, a sister-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. the platform shouted to the aged
FRIDAY'S NFWS i W' " Is a K"'!,t ut their woman, which only tended to Increase
Miss Mabel Smith, a student ut horn, on East Main at rat. i her confusion, when the switchman
the University of Oregon, ha, writ- ' ' : nding on the engnm reached out
ten to friends In Ashland that she' C PlHgh. wife and dattgh- from his seat, caught the bewildered
with a number of other Ashland ,er h". com. up from th. Texas woman by her shulders and set he,
young people of the college will be oil fiell 10 "eml w""ei' Ah" ", h"' ,ut of ll'",!!or' 1,ni1 V"
home to spend the Thanksgiving
A fine community gathering was
held in the Talent school house last
evening which was largely attended
by the people of that vicinity. The
affair was planned and arranged by
Wolborn Beesun, one of the repre
sentative citizens of that district, and
the entire community were invited
as his guests. A number of Ashland
people also were present, and some
of tfle teachers of the cltv schools
assisted in the entertainment with
musical numbers. After a short ad
dress by Mr. Beeson ice cream and
cake were served the assemblage.
The affair was given by Mr. Beeson
to promote a general food will and
social commingling of citizens.
r ititth
1 I i&CN91Wi
holidays. Those mentioned by Miss
Smith who will be home are beside
herself, Misses Edith Herrln, Fern
Murphy and Messrs. Harold Simpson
and Fred Schuerman.
O. Winter came home Wednesday
gained his place, all during the
. ' passing of the engine. This was
D. R. Conner of the Hotel Austin only one of many of the little acts of
has purchased a fine new Ford 1 1 mo- heroism enacted in the lives of rail
sine with a modern "conimenc.r" ut- road men and regard by them ns a
tachment. matter of course not worth mention-
Word has been received In Ash-
night from San Francisco and other fund that Jesse Carpenter, the young The local railroad yards Is In a
California cities where he had been son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carpenter, badly congested state at this time,
making a business trip during the formerly of this city, is with the army Kuch day sees anywhere from 2 r 0 to
past week.. of occupation in Germany, and will 300 curs in the rcl. anil the yard
he stationed there for three years, men are kept on the jump trying
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Porter have He is with the military police lit to render order out the chaos that
tnken the Bolt house on the Boule- Coblenz. News of this young man reigns there with the advent of more
vard which will be their future home, arrived here through J. M. Heath, freight. Mr. Kelluin, the division
' a member of the First division, who trainmaster, has been in Ashland for
Albert Sherard received word this recently urrivpd In the United Stutes. the past two or three days trying to
week of the death of his father, . wol.k ou, snmo ,.(.Pa.(, r()I.
James Sherard, which occurred at Mrs. W. R. Parsliall of Montague, gestion, and the only outlook so far
his home In South Dakota. The de- Calif., was called here this week by is the promise o. several mine en
ceased was 74 years of ugt und was the serious Illness of her rather, W. gines which are to be sent up to re
well known In Ashlund. H. Smith. lieve the work in thojshhnd yai'd.i.l
It will put you
ahead instead
of behind.
i -i
V iff :' .
As It Is As It Seems
The Road In New Overland 4 on
Three-Point Cantilever Springs
YOU expect a bad road to ride as it looks. It did,
until the introduction of the Overland 4
Overland 4 does not change the road, but it does
change the manner in which you can ride on it. It
gives you comfort instead of dis-comfort. It gives
you a smooth, sailing sensation instead of bouncing
and swaying.
The Diagonal attachment of Three-Point Canti
lever Springsat the ends of a 1 30-inch Springbase gives
long wheelbase road steadiness. letUverland
4 retains all the advantages lightness, econ
omy,andcaseofhandling,of 100-inch wheelbase.
y :
This means an altogether new standard of riding
comfort, a noteworthy reduction in the wear and tear
which lessens the efficiency of a car. The new springs
give longer life to every part and thus minimize up
keep and replacement costs.
Tires wear longer because cushioned against
hammering blows. Light weight means marked econ
omy in gas, oil and running expense.
Overland 4's equipment is complete from Auto
Lite Starting and Lighting to Demountable Rims.
Come in and see this remarkable car. Ask for
booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $845; Roadster, $845;
Coupe, $1325; Sedan, $1375. Prices f. o. b. Toledo.
idofncfT" Wheelbase
B. E. Murcy, Prop.
EastMaln and Third St,
Tel. ir5