Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 19, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wednesday, November 10, 19)0
Established 1876
Publisbed Every Wednesday by
One Year
Six Months
Three Months
Outside of the
One Year
Six Months
Display Advertisements, per column inch, each issue, 26c.
Local Readers, the line of six words, 10c.
Classified Column, lc the word, each time.
Legal Notices, 3 1-3 cents the line, each time.
Cafds of Thanks, $1.00.
Obituaries, 2 Mi cents the line of six words.
Fraternal orders an societies charging regular initiation fees and dues
regular rates.
Religious and benevolent societies will
an admission or collection is taken, at the regular advertising rate.
The Tidings has a larger circulation in Ashland and its trade territory
than all other newspapers combined.
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second class mail matter.
(Printed on request of the local
Railroad Unions.)
What is the Plumb Plan?
k is a plan for the public owner
ship and the democracy In the con
trol of the railroads.
Wha (unendorsed it?
The two million organized railroad
employes of America; and the Amerir
can Federation v of Labor, approving
the principle'of government owner
ship, has instructed its executive
committee to co-operate with the of
fleers of the railroad International'
in their effort. It also has been en
dorsed by several farmers' organiza
tions. How does it propose to buy the
By issuing government bonds with
which to pay for the legitimate prl
vate interests in the rullroad Indus
How does It propose to operate tin
By a board of fifteen directors, fivi
named by the president, to represent
the public; five elected by the op
eratlng officers; five elected by tin
classified employes.
Does this mean government opera
No; it is operation by a board ii
which those having the responsibill
ty have also the authority
It is superior to government op
(ration because It prevents contro
by an Inefficient bureaucracy; am
Is true democracy since it gives tin
men engaged in the industry a volet
In its management.
What becomes of the surplus?
After operating expenses are paid
and fixed charges are met, Includlui
the interest on outstanding govern
ment securities, the surplus is (II
vlded equally betwen the govern
ment and the men. The employe')
portion is to be divided between tin
managerial and classified employes
the former receiving double the rati
received by the latter class. This It
not a profit, since the corporatloi
has no capital. What the men re
ceive is a dividend on efficiency.
Is this a bonus system?
No, it is giving those who lncreas
production a share of the results theii
Increased effort has produced; and
this share Is theirs for as long at
they are actually In the service, ant
is not forfeitable.
Why do operating officials reeeivi
the larger rate of dividend?
Because it serves as a greater stim
ulus to the group witn the most re
sponsibility. And since the operat
lug officials would lose dividends i
wages were Increased It acts auto
matlcally to prevent collusion be
tween labor directors and the oper
ating directors to outvote the public'!,
directors in raising wages beyond t
reasonable level. The chief argu
ment against the plan is that thr
public loses control of Its own prop
erty, and that the men In charge car
not be prevented from combining tc
pay themselves extortionate wages
This method of shading dividend!
sets up a natural barrier against
Is this the only protection for th
No, the rate-making power re
mains with the Interstate Oommerct
Commission, and if wages were
raised so high that rates had to bt
Increased, the commission could re
fuse to change them, and shipper)
might appeal to the courts for re
dress. If the operation by the di
rectors results in a deficit congres)
can revoke their charter.
Does this difference In dividend)
create hostility between officials and
No. because without harmony be
twen them neither group can earn
dividends. An official In
V -
for his own dividend is working fot
the dividend of bis subordinates, for
one cannot gain unless all gain.
Doe tbe plan assure a decrease
In rates?
It provides that when the govern
ment's share of the surplus Is 5 per
cent or more of the gross operating!
revenue, rat shall be reduced ac-j
cordlngly to absorb the amount the
government receives. For instance- j
If tbe entire surplus one year Is
$500,000,000, and this is 10 per cent
of tbe rots operating .revenue, the
ov.n.met receive. $250,000,000. ,
rates by mail
?2 .00
United States
be charged for all advertising when
And because this is 6 per cent, rates
are decreased 6 per cent. See whati space to advertisers they gain the
follows. Without new economies orj means of paying the expense of pub
new business the profits the next- Mention and at the same time give
year would be only $250,000,000, J the advertiser more benefit than he
and the employes and the govern-1 pays for. In other words it sells
ment would receive only half the; advertising to support itself and
amount of the year before. But de-imnko money for those who buy the
creased rutes mean more business; I advertising space. There its respon
und also, the reduction in dividends, sibility to individuals ends.
would stimulate the employes to im
prove their operation by applying bet
ter methods. So the tendency is to
assure constantly decreasing rates,
to add to the volume of business, and
to give the most efficient service hu
man ingenuity and devotion can pro
vide. Decreased rates mean cheaper
commodities; and so, through the ef
fectiveness of the railroads, the pur
chasing power of money is increased,
not only for the ruilrond man, but
for every wage earner and every
What does the government do with
Its share of the surplus?
It Invests It in improvements and
extensions, thus adding to the value
of the railroads without adding to
the fixed charges. It retires the out
standing bonds, thus reducing fh
'Ixed charges. Ultimately the publi
hns its railroad service at cost.
Does the government pay for all
No, the community benefited must
nay if It can; if it is nble to pay all
'he building of the extension Is oh
'Icnlory. If it only pays part, th'
overnment pays the remainder, but
inly makes the extension ns'it deem
wise. And whore the general publi
nd not a locnl community would be
benefited, the government pays the
whole bill.
How are disputes between officials
nd men adjusted?
By boards, to which the operntinp
' fficials elect five members and the
nen, five members. In case of fail
ire to reach nn adjustment, the ense
!s appealed to the directors.
Who determines the rate of
The board of directors.
Who supervises the purchase of
the roads?
A purchasing board, composed of
he Interstate Commerce Commission
nd three directors of the new gov-
rnment corporation, one director
from each group.
Who decides the value of the pri
vate Interest In the railroads?
The courts. It Is a judicial ques
Ion, and is to be answered only af-
er an examination of the charters of
'he existing companies, the laws un
ler which they are creuted, and the
nanner In which the company haF
Mved up to Its charier tmd these laws
Will the public have to pay for
watered stock?
No. The public will probably pay
'oss tbnn two-thirds of what the rail
roads claim as their value.
Are there other savings?
Yes, the public can obtain the
money to purchase the lines at 4 per
cnt, whereas the public is now
harged rates to guurantee the roads
Ity Per cent on their money. The
saving on the present capital ac-
"ount of the railroads would be
ibout $400,000,000. and on an hon
est valuation would be nearly twice
'his sum. The Plumb plan provides
for a sinking fund and every year
one of the fixed charges would be 1
ier cent of the outstanding indebt
edness, to be used in retiring the
bonds. The government also uses Its
profit in retiring bonds, so eventual
ly, probably In fifty years, the people
would own the roads debt-free. A
further saving would be in the oper
stlon of the roads as a Unified sys
tem, which permits the Interchange
of equipment, the end of wasteful
competition, and greater economy ill
buying supplies. I'nder this plan
Passenger rates of H4 cents a mile.
imi a reduction of freight rates by
40 per cent appear reasonable.
Why is It cull.-d the Plumb plan'
Because it was conceived by Glenn
E. Plumb, general counsel for the
j Organized
Railway Employe of
The Ashland Tidings now has an
exclusive field. Since the Record
plant was moved t0 Medford it leave
the Tidings plant the onlv one In
own. That leave, the paper with a
heavy responsibility. There is enough
publishing business in Ashland to
support one fairly good newspaper.
There is not enough, nor has there
ever been enough, to support two.
That is the reason the Record plant
has been moved away.
But In a city the size of Ashland
many individual and political inter
ests clash, resulting In what people
call "factions." Each faction, of
course is anxious to stand In with
flie newspaper and have it support
Its personal or political contention.
To do that would be fine for the
factlonalist but it is death to the
newspaper. The other faction is
bound to have publicity and not be
ing uble to- get it in one newspaper
it establishes another, which event
ually becomes a financial burden to
both advertisers and subscribers and
because it has but a part of the to
tal business the newspaper is not
financially able to produco a publi
cation that is a credit to the town.
There is but one logical way out.
The newspaper must reduce Its ac
tivities to purely a business basis.
There is no reason wltv it cannot be
(lolie- Tne proper, function of a
I country newspaper is to supply its
readers with all the news. That is
what they pay for and that is what
they should have. No newspaper can
live on subscriptions alone. The
price is too low for that. Therefore
newspapers have found by selling
For more than forty years before
the present owners of the Tidings
came here Ashland, every two years
had elected couhcllmen, mayor and
other city officers, members of coun
ty court, legislators. They got along
well without our dictation before we
came, and it is our opinion that
there is no danger of the town going
to the eternal bow-wows if we keep
our hands off now. At least that
is what we are going to do.
The Tidings advertising columns
will be open to any Individual with
a legitimate cause and to every po
litical faction nt the regular adver
tising rate, so long us those buying
the space assume responsibility for
II by making public their Identity.
So, go to it. Fight, if you must.
For our part we intend to keep our
hands off, print the news, reseivo
subscriptions and sell advertising
The Tidings is a corporation
Corporations huve no politics. They
are organized. Standing always for
advancement of the community we
flee. It is their province only to per
form the functions for, which they
are recognized. Standing always for
a high moful tone and the proper
advancement of the community it
will leave all the personal and po
litical spites to citizens who like Ui
indulge in factions and politics. The
Tidings advertising columns are
open to all of you. But, you must
assume responsibility for what you
say in your advertisements. You will
not be allowed to mask your iden
tity and leave this paper to uppear
to be responsible for what you are
trying to do. In other words, your
advertising relutions with this pa
per must be legitimate. Editoriul
opinions are not for sale.
This much because Ashland Is now
a one newspaper town and it is
proper that citizens be given to
know our policy under the circum
stances. Neither will this policy
prove mollycoddle. The Tidings will
always have opinions on matters that
effect the city and will stand stead
fastly and fearlessly for the upbuild
ing of the community.
We have no enemies to punish or
special friends to reward. We desire
Just, to publish a good newspaper,
one everybody will want to read.
Our greatest ambition is to help
make Ashland such a large and pros
perous city that we be required to
publish sixteen pages every day to
accommodate the business. We have
absolute faith that in the not far
distant future It will be so.
Ashland should build up a, repu
tation that would be valley wide and
extend into Klamath and Siskiyou
counties as the center for the larger
attractions that play only the larger
cities as a rule. Through the ef
forts of President Fuller the Chau
tauqua brought us Schuman Helnk
and she was surprised to be met by
such a large audienco in a commu
nity the size of Ashland. Her suc
cess here was a great advertisement
for the city.
Now an effort is under way for
another great attraction.
Band, which Is billed (or the Armory
Sunday afternoon, November 16. If
this undertaking Is a success Ash
land, (desired reputation is fairly es
tablished. To this ond, besides, en
joying attendance as a very high
cluss attraction, everybody should
patronize the effort. Let s stand be
hind those who have the courujje to
arrango such attractions.
KLAMATH FALLS Large tract of
land to be thrown open for home
stead entry.
BAKER Rich ore has been found
near here valued at $1000 pea- ton.
Portland Loggers and contractors
machinery firm buys 17 acres to
build large plant for manufacturing'
supplies for northwest,
The Social Realm
Dinner Great Success
The Wednesday Afternoon Club
gave one of their famous New Eng
land dinners yesterday at noon in
the Chautauqua Memorial hall,
which was well attended and met
the popular demand of the greater
part of the citizens of- the city. The
dinner was served cafeteria style and
out of the abundance on sale every
one was more than satisfied with the
store of good things on display. The
society netted a goodly sum from the
proceeds of the dinner.
The Teacup club of the Methodist
i-hurch held Its regular monthly
meeting at the parsonage yesterday
afternoon with a large attendance
enjoying the hospitality of the host
ess, Mrs. C. A. Edwards, and her as
sistants, Mrs. A. A. Marske, Mrs. C.
E. Pratt, Mrs. Ralph Billings, Mrs.
Homer Billings, and Mrs. John Dill.
The company was entertained with a
reading by Mrs. Dill and a piano solo
by Miss Myrtle Dougherty, after
which refreshments were served.
Class Party
The "Christian Cadets," a class of
young -boys of the Christian Sunday
school, were given a party at the
home of their teacher, Mrs. W. A.
Cooper, east of Ashland, last evening,
The young people were taken out In
automobiles and spent a delightful
time with games and various amuse
ments, after which vhe hostess, as
sisted by Mrs. Decker, served re
freshments. Those in attendance
were Earl and Lester 'Barnard, John
ny Freeman, Cecil Odden, Harold
Porter, Lester Deck, Roy, Aldo and
Russell Parr, Chester Stoakes, Ells
worth Bean, Arlle Masters and Ar
thur Cooper.
Welcoming Pally
On the evening of October 13, a
welcoming home party was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bart-
house In honor of their son Frank,
on his return home from a voyage
overseas on U. S. S. Benzonia in the
capacity of chief radio electrician. A
very enjoyable evening was spent by
tbose who attended. Light refresjjr
ments were served, which concluded
the events of the evening. Those
present were: Misses Dorothy Tinker,
Obera Morris, Mury Sergent, Maxine
Pracht, Alice Brown, Inez Reeder,
Pearl and Harriet Ruger, Grace Les
lie, Hazel Greene, Cleo Mast. Frank
Burnthouse, Francis Winter, Clyde
Gnnter, John Saunders, Walter
O'Donoughue, Leslie Herr, Ross
Small, George Ross, Irving Por
ter, Millurd Grubb.
Birthday Party
The Loyal Workers class of the
Christian church gave a party at the
home of Mrs. , Frank Gufginger
Wednesday evening In honor of the
birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Guis
Inger nnd Mrs. Wineberger. Between
26 and 30 were in attendance and
enjoyed a pleasant social time. Re
freshments were served.
Married In Portland
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brlggs received
a telegram this morning from their
son, William M. Brlggs, stating that
he was married In Portland Inst
night. He and his wife expect to
return to Ashland tomorrow. The
bride is Miss Nancy Belle Brown of
Louisville, Ky., and is a member of
;i prominent family in that city where
her father holds the office of auditor
for the telephone company. Mr.'
Brlggs is one of the rising young
men of Ashland. He is a graduate
of the Valparaiso, Ind., law school,
from which he bad completed his
course shortly before entrance of the
United States in the war. He served
us a first lieutenant at Camp Znchary
Taylor, Louisville, Ky., during the
war, where the acquaintance was
made with the young lady who Is
now his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Brlggs
will make their home in Ashland
where the former is associated with
his father in the law office of Brlggs
& Brlggs.
Financial campaign details for the
nation-wide campaign in the diocese
of Oregon were threshed out this
week at a conference held In Port
land on Wednesday, at which all the
clergy of the Episcopal church in Or
egon, headed by Bishop Sumner, and
the leaders of the campaign in every
community met with John L. Ethe-
ridge, diocesan campaign chairman
The nation-wide campaign is a
great spiritual movement now before
the Episcopal church, and It Is des
tined to fit the church for tbe new
era of work which faces it.
The campaign is not so much for
the purpose of raising a certain sum
of money, but to bring to its fullest
expression tbe full power of Episco
palians to meet the task confronting
all religious bodies in the period of
world adjustment.
The national organization execu
tive of the campaign Is Henry B. Da
vison, who donated his time during
the war as chairman of the War Coun
cil of tbe American Red Cross. While
it Is expected there will be a money
campaign during 'some part of the
nation-wide campaign, this feature
of the campaign la not emphoslzed by
nation leaders.
The Dalles will Install cluster lights
on the main business streets and
change the county poor farm Into a
county fulr grounds.
Surrounded in all directions with
world's of wood Ashlend hns pretty
nearly reached the stage of castaways
on an ocean with "water, water
everywhere and not a drop to drink."
For the pnst week only those who
were forehanded enough to lay in
their winter supply of fuel are free
from a worry as to what they are go-1 Linn, Marion, Polk and Yamhill
ing to do with winter just coming on, comities.
and very poor prospect of enough fuel! As in years past the seal salens
to supply the local demand. The to be handled In many places by the
wood yards In the city are practically j women's clubs and in several In
strlnned and local woodcutters are! stances clubs have tuken the chair-
not in any wise able so far to supply1 manshlp for entire counties. The,lia, Wash., on Armistice day by the
the demand. I booth sale in Portland for Decern-; I. w. W's, was a Bon of D, C. Hub-
Yesterday Carson & Fowler re-!ber 6 to 20 will be a prominent fea-jbard of this city. This report is in
celved two cars of slabs which theyjture of the sale, booths decorated ; correct. Mr. Hubbard has two sons
will sell with a limit of one tier to with attractive posters and penants j Hvlngne, Dayton, at Sacramento,
each customer. O. F. Carson, how-1 being placed in conspicuous places ond the other, Ralph, at Seattle. Net
ever, went north last night to look -In public buildings and presided over ther of these was the victim of tbe
after some contracts he had made! by leaders in the various clubc. i j. w. W. bullet on Armistice day.
with wood dealers some time ago and
see what the reason is that these con-
tracts have not been filled, and hur
ry up matters if possible. He hopes
that from the result of this visit Ash
land will not get short of wood, again.
All the owners of wood land who
have heretofore supplied Ashland
consumers have the same story to
tell. Plenty of wood but no cutters.
At no time within the history of the
country has the lack of wood cutters
been so great as it has 'during the
past year. This is thought due to
the extensive highway work which
baa called so many men and has paid
higher wages than that received by
cutting wood. Teams or trucks to;
haul the wood from the lots is also:
greatly lacking this year, presuma-
bly for the same reason, so many
have been employed on the highway.
If this condition keeps up much
longer the only solution appears to
declare a holiday and Ashland's pop-
ulation go to the forests en masse
and saw wood for a dny or two. Thol Shriners will visit the coast. There
swinging of an axe is splendid exer- will be a ceremonial session held in
cise, and the sawing up of logs af-j Portland November 20. The party
fords a fine occupation which allowsjwlll leave Portland the 21st and ar
retrosrection upon past, misdeeds of! rive in Grants Pass the afternoon of
one's life, as the former kaiser of the 22nd, accompanied by prominent
Germany can doubtless testify. Be-j Portland Shriners. They will also
side these motives a great satisfaction be met here by a delegation of San
could be gained In having a full wood Francisco Shriners who will accom-
vard with which to meet the coming!
The Darling studio has on ehbibi
Hon a noted picture belonging to Lew
is H. Bergold. It Is an original copper;
plate etching of Guldo Rent's famous
picture, "Ecce Homo," which has
been in the Bergold family for gen-j
erations. This reproduction Is!
claimed to have been taken from the,
nHMnnl nml fa nnfl nf the verv few of
the kind made. Mr. Berirold states
that the only other existing etching
similar to this belongs to the Mor
gan collection In New York and Is
valued at $1,500,000.
Miss Hazel Morrill of the V. of 0
at Eugene was up for the Armistice
day holiday, earning Saturday after
noon and leaving Tuesday night. She
was delighted with the hills and took
a trip up to Long's cabin where the
snow was more than an Inch deep.
As she was raised in a snow country
this looked good to her. Her nmbl
tion now is to spend her next sum
mer vacation up some of these wild
and wooly gulches where good air
and water are so easy to get. Her
people live at 109 Ohio street nnd
her mother gave her a treat of ripe
raspberries fresh from the bushes in
her garden November 11. She sure
ly will have an "earful" for her Eu
gene friends about Ashland water
and Bcenery.
The American Legion, the newly
formed organization composed of
men who saw service overseas, has
espoused the cause of the little Red
Cross Christmas seal, which Is to
be sold by the hundreds of thousands
from December 1 to 20, the pro
ceeds to'be msed in fighting the
white plague throughout this coun
try. Throughout the United States
the Legion posts are placing them
selves behind the campaign and al
ready in Oregon at least two coun
ties will handle the sale of the seals
through the Legion, namely: Des
chutes and Jefforson counties. Both
of these counties as well as Harney
county have been organized by Miss
Mary Cronen. Miss Cronen is now
devoting ber time to work among the
tuberculous soldiers of Oregon and
is combining with her duties some
organization. Her overseas experi
ence has placed her on common
ground with the service men, who
We give you Job Printing that pleases. Whether your needs be
Letter Heads, Fnvelopes, Calling Cards or Posters, your printing
will be characteristic of YOU and representative of YOUK business.
You might as well be. distinctive in your Printing It doesn't cost
any more and we will do it promptly and well
Give us an order for the first Printed thing you need use the
Immediately rallied to her assistance
in securing workers tor the seal sale.
Counties organized for the seal
sale during the past week by Floyd
E. Dorrls, field secretary of the as-1
soclation, Include Klamath, Jackson,
Josephine, Douglas, Lane and Cobs.
This week Mr. Dorris is organizing
Hillah Temnlo. Ancient Arabic Or
der of the Mystic Shrine of Ashland,;
will hold a ceremonial session In
Grants Puss Saturduy, November 22.
This event will be given in hdnor
of a visit of the Imperial potentate,
W. Freeland Kendrick, of Philadel
phia, and other members of the Im
perial council. ThlB will be the first
real ceremonial to be held since the
entrance of United States Into the
war, and will be a scene of oriental
grandeur. The sessions are exclu
sively for members of the order, but
In the afternoon will occur a big
parade of nobles, the number swelled
by the novices who will tread the
burning sands,
The visit of the Imperial potentato
to the coast I" nn event in Shrine
dom. With othtv officers of the im
perial council, lie will visit Portlund
us a preliminary to the meeting of
the national body in June of next
year, when, it Is estimated, 75,000
pany the party to that city. Grants
Pass will on that occasion enter
tain several hundred members of the
Stuart Saunders and O. F. Carson
have been In Grants Pass this week j
arranging for the coming Shrine cer-,
emoniul. plans are being made to
entertain about 200 visitors at this:
time. The Arab patrol consisting of;
" ""
All oi the Upholstered Rockers
and Davenports that we can buy
1 ..-. J Vu.Xf:
Reliable House Furnishers
16 trained men and their leader will
be a feature of the parade to be held
in the afternoon. Hillah Temple has
invested more than a thousand dol
lars in new costumes for the patrol
and the officers and these costumes
will be seen in the parade, making
a pageant of rare Oriental splendor.
A report was circulated In Ashland
today that the ex-service man, Dale
Hubbard, who was shot during tha
American Legion parade at Centra-
Children's Shoes
Must ba of gad quality.
Wt aava tkia. Strvlct
prtvts. Just ctaplaiatt
always eartfiilly staild
tri and tatltfaateriljr ad
jaitmtat made.
Th factories art all said
up to the first of the year.
However, we have a goed
line in stock ut this tints
and if you want aaythiag la
tht rocksr Una It will tt
well to stltct walla the
stock Is full.
Soait of thus iota's art
In our show windqws sail
In and att us.
Will soon havt display
Doll Carts, Smokers Sets,
Bowls, Fancy Basktts,
fj3NlAID jf M I
Jway completed by Nor. 20. iMEEmmEEEEEMi